living word magazine july 2012

Every Nation, Family, Tribe and Language (Revelation 7:9-10). Going Deeper into God’s Word Issue 12 July 2012 Bible Studies by: Daniel Kolenda, Ken Legg, Mathew Bartlett, Edwin & Lillian Harvey & more! Living Word Magazine

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The Christian magazine for those wishing to go deeper into God's Word.


Every Nation, Family, Tribe and Language

(Revelation 7:9-10).

Going Deeper into God’s Word

Issue 12 July 2012

Bible Studies by:

Daniel Kolenda, Ken Legg, Mathew Bartlett, Edwin & Lillian Harvey & more!


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©Photos above Marafilm CoverDanilo Ascione photo Back cover Peter Saharov

In this month’s issue: 2. God’s Awesome Characteristics Lewis Armstrong (USA)

3. Rebuilding the Walls Part 5 Arfon Lloyd Thomas (UK)

5 The Departing Mandate of Jesus Christ Carl Whorley (USA)

7. The Keys to the Kingdom James W. Peeler (USA)

8. The Year of Jubilee Mathew Bartlett (UK)

9. Forward to Glory Ken Legg (Australia)

10. The Flesh: Arch-Enemy to Prayer Edwin & Lillian Harvey (USA)

11. The Prophecy of Amos Part 3 Mathew Bartlett (UK)

13. Prayer That Releases the Miraculous Daniel Kolenda (CfaN)

15. Together from Every Nation Mathew Bartlett (UK)

17. A Fountain Opened for Cleansing Mathew Bartlett (UK)

19. The Prophet of the Reformation Derek Williams (UK)

21. In Depth Study – Revelation Chapter 17 Derek Williams (UK)

©Photos Above © Joyce Geleeynse. Cover: © Kbuconi Left © from top: Stephen Coburn, Eugene Ivanov, Intoit, Photofit, Propix. Back Cover: Eugene Ivanov.


God’s Awesome Characteristics WRITE IN THE GAPS

Omnipotent (all Powerful)

Genesis 1:26-27

In What way was man made in the Image of God? ______________________________


Jeremiah 51:15

What are the three things that God did?

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

Romans 1:20

What is known since God created the world?____________________


Psalms 19:1

What shows God's glory and His handiwork?

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

Psalms 62:11

What belongs to God?


Omniscient (All Knowing)

Hebrews 4:13

How would you describe God's eyesight?


Mark 13:32

Why can't man know when Christ will return. ______________________________

Isaiah 40:28

What are the strengths of the Creator?



Romans 10:21

What does God do?



1 John 3:20

What does God know?



John 21:17

What does Jesus know?



Omnipresent ( Everywhere at Once)

Psalms 33:20-22

How is God described?



Psalms 139:7, 8-12

Why can one never get away from God?



Jeremiah 23:23-24

Explain God's capacity.



Daniel 2:19-23

How did Daniel explain God's contribution in his world? _____________________________


Psalm 68:4

What is it that man should do in relation to God? ____________________________



July Reader’s Article By Lewis Armstrong USA


As we read this chapter we soon

discover a sudden change in


There is a more pressing problem than rebuilding – an internal dissension has taken place, and thus, Nehemiah is forced to call the people together.

It seems to me that when the enemy fails in his attack on the outside he begins an assault on the inside.

The internal dissension was caused by famine, heavy taxation and exploitation. This in turn caused tension, which was difficult to resolve. The Bible tells us that the rich were commanded by God’s law to lend to their poor brothers without interest and this was being ignored.

I believe that, whenever we disregard any of God’s rules for living, we expose ourselves to trouble that eventually leads to ruination.

Scripture quite clearly reveals that the Children of Israel had a covenant with God. His commission to them was that in the year of Jubilee they were to give back all lands and buildings so as to address the balance of the economic system that God set in place. (Leviticus 25)

The cry that was heard was not against the enemy or the Ammorites or Arabs, but against their own kinship.

The first group of people were those who owned no land and were in need of food. Because of their difficult position they could not help themselves and thus they cried to Nehemiah.

The second group were those who were the landowners who had mortgaged their property in order to purchase food for their families.

The third group were those who were heavily taxed and this forced them to borrow money. In order to do this they had to use their property as collateral.

The fourth group were of course the very wealthy, who used their position to exploit their own people.

Therefore Nehemiah called a sacred Assembly.

It’s one thing to confront the enemy, but something very different to confront your friends and family. We recall how Moses learned that it was easier to dispose of an Egyptian leader than reconcile two Jewish brothers.

Nehemiah was very angry, however, this did not mean that he flared up uncontrollably. He just wanted to do what was righteous in the eyes of God. This was a Holy anger against sin. Moses showed that same anger when he broke the stone tablets. Likewise, Jesus cleared the Temple in a similar manner.

Nehemiah appealed to the Assembly by reminding them that they were called by God to be a light to the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:6). But their conduct was not a good witness to their pagan neighbours.

I wonder, do we take up the commission from Paul to shine like the stars in a wicked and depraved generation? (Philippians 2: 12-18)

Prayer: O God, open my eyes to see that when I go Your way I receive the benefits and rewards. When I go against Your way I suffer the consequences. Help me to follow the right principles the next time I feel angry. Help me to confront issues that need confronting and strengthen my resolve to deal with things in a righteous manner. Help me to forgive trespasses and ensure that my life is in line with Your Word. Amen.


NEHEMIAH chapter 5 verses 1-13

By Arfon Lloyd Thomas

Photo © Paul Prescott


Rebuilding walls do not always create problems, but they certainly reveal them. Likewise, when any Church seeks to rebuild her broken walls all sorts of problems come to the surface. A programme of restoration will perhaps test faith, but will also bring out the best in each one involved.

Therefore, let us see each problem as an opportunity for the Lord to work. Solving problems is a wonderful spiritual exercise. If we only depend upon the wisdom of the World then we will only receive what the World has to give. However, if we rely upon the wisdom of God then we shall receive all that God has.

What a wonderful and encouraging ending we find in verse 13. The nobles and officials returned the fields and houses to the people and praised God with a loud Amen! Thus, the day that began with crying and sorrow ended in spiritual rejoicing.

May we too know this same experience.

Prayer: O God, give me today a fresh vision of Your Holiness so that I truly understand what it means to revere You and live in awe of You. May that reverence show itself in all I say and do.

Gracious loving Father, give me a prayerful spirit and a heart that lifts itself to You. Deepen my dependence – my awareness and my mind in You. Amen.

Building the Walls Worldwide Pastor Arfon Lloyd Thomas is an experienced minister with the Baptist church in the UK and is willing and available to conduct short term mission trips and revival schools both in Great Britain and overseas.

If you would like to invite Pastor Arfon Lloyd Thomas to your church or conference anywhere in the world, we would be pleased to hear from you.

Contact the Bible Studies Online International office at:

[email protected]

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ACTS 1:8... But ye shall receive

power, after that the Holy Ghost is

come upon you: and ye shall be

witnesses unto me both in

Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in

Samaria, and unto the Uttermost

part of the earth.

In numerous locations of the Four

Gospels, and in the subsequent

Church Epistles of the Early Church

Apostles, our Lord left for us an all

encompassing mandate to be

carried out until His return.


power First, look at the verses preceding

Acts 1:8. In Acts 1:6-7, the disciples

are asking Jesus concerning

Eschatological articles. Perhaps they

understood it, perhaps not, but they

were asking Jesus concerning end

time prophecy. They are asking Him

about issues which will take place

thousands of years in the future. In

response, instead of going to the

then and there, Jesus concerns

Himself with the here and now.

That is, before the kingdom can ever

be restored, there is much to be

done. First, there is a world to


Notice, that first Jesus makes global

evangelism and missions, a very

personal thing. Jesus is telling the

disciples that "you" are going to

receive. And notice that it is

personal. That being, Jesus is telling

them that "you" personally will

receive. Not someone else. "YOU"

will. This tells us that our Lord does

not place the ministry of global

missions and evangelism on the

shoulders of nameless faces on

prayer cards on a bulletin board in a

Church lobby. But that if you are a

saved, born again believer in the

person of Jesus Christ, then the

mandate of global missions and

evangelism rests squarely on

"YOUR" shoulders. Jesus Christ,

Himself, has personally selected

"YOU," to go evangelize the world.

The English word power comes from

the Greek word dunamiV/dunamis.

This has to do with a sudden and

miraculous infusion of a

supernatural ability that once was

not there. And this supernatural

power is sudden and activates this

newly infused power.

Dunamis is a Greek word which has

to do with a supernatural infusion of

power, talent and ability which was

not there before. Jesus makes clear

that it is given for a God- ordained

purpse: to equip the believer for

the work of global missions and



DYNAMIC POWER: after that the

Holy Ghost is come upon you:

The Holy Spirit REGENERATES the

sinner into a true born again

believer. He baptizes the new

convert into the Body of the Christ.

But let us not forget that He has

come to ENDUE the believer with

POWER for evangelism. It is not the

latest gimmick which we need to

make us successful in world

evangelism, but the power of the

Holy Spirit


Photo: Nant Coch © Mathew Bartlett



DYNAMIC POWER: and ye shall

be witnesses unto me

Whenever the Holy Spirit fills a

believer, that believer becomes an

active participant in the witness and

testimony of Jesus Christ. He or she

is at once an active participant in

global missions and evangelism.


RECEIVED: both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. At the time which JESUS issued the

commandment for global missions

and evangelism, Jesus and the

apostles were on the Mount of

Olives. For the Apostles, Jerusalem

would mean for them to start where

they were. The Apostles were not

to travel to another region and

begin, but to start right were they

were at the time. Start where you

are. Start right now.

Judaea would represent expanding

out to regions beyond Jerusalem. It

would mean not to limit yourself to

just the here and now, but to

expand out to other regions.

Samaritans represent the outcast of

society. Today we might think of

prisoners, street people, homeless,

chemical dependants, those in

homes and hospitals in teh same

way that the Jews thought of the

Samaritans. Samaritans are those

that perhaps society has cast off.

The English word uttermost, comes

from the Greek word eschatos. This

is the Greek word which gives us the

theological Bible doctrine of

Eschatology, which concerns Bible

prophecy and the end times. It has

to do with finality, or completion.

What Jesus is conveying, is that

believers are to not only busy

themselves with missions and

evangelism in their home area,

surrounding areas, or to societies

outcast, but to continue on until

they either run out of evangelistic

opportunities, or run out of time.

Upon considering how much is yet

left to be done globally, before the

appearing of our Lord, believers may

run out of time, (i.e at the coming of

the Lord) but they will never run out

of places that need evangelism.

Are you one of those who realises

that because Christ IS COMING

SOON there is work to be done!

Jesus wants to see His Church busy

when He comes. Not standing on

top of a mountain waiting for Him.


Some Christians today are taken up

with the study of end times events.

Whilst this is not wrong in itself, we

see from Matthew, as Jesus gives a

chronological breakdown of End

TImes events, that he emphasises in

verse 14 'And this gospel of the

kingdom shall be preached in all the

world for a witness unto all nations;

and then shall the end come'.

Christ's own priorities are plain.

Missions and evangelism come first,

then an interest in the end times.

It is my belief that the Lord Jesus

Christ is going to demonstrate His

infinite mercy and grace by

extending to mankind one last

evangelistic opportunity for the

world before the rapture of the

Church takes place. We must

embrace this moment of

opportunity now and busy ourselves

getting the Word of Salvation out

while there is still time.

As local pastors we must all be

careful to maintain a global vision of

world missions and evangelism in

our churches. For it is from them

that God will send out His children:

Some will go to their own

'Jerusalem', near the church area,

town or city. In some circles such

people are called local or 'home'

missionaries. We desperately need

to embrace these believers and

encourage their vision.

Some will go to 'Judea', by their

interest in state or national missions

- perhaps to college students or the

military, or giving out gospel tracts

and various Christian literature. As

before, embrace this and encourage

this vision also

Then there are those who go to the

'Samaritans'. These want to

volunteer at the local rescue

missions, half-way houses,

jail/prison ministries, drug adicts

etc. Let's do all we can to supply

these missionaries with all the

support and help they need.

Lastly are the international

missionaries who have received a

vision the world, a call can only

come from Christ Himself, whom we

must support in their mission.

Each and every believer sitting in

local churches each Sunday can

become a blazing torch of witness -

both at home and globally! We have

the commission - so let's get going!


In Matthew 16:19 Jesus told

Peter, I will give you the keys to

the Kingdom of Heaven; and

whatsoever you bind on earth, I

will bind in Heaven, and

whatsoever you loose on earth I

will loose in Heaven.

Peter was given the Keys to the

Kingdom of Heaven; and he used

those Keys in Acts the Second

Chapter, to open the door to the

Jews on the day of Pentecost.

And in Acts the 10th chapter He

opened the door to the Gentiles

(see Acts 10:44-48).

While Peter was preaching in the

household of Cornelius, the Holy

Ghost fell on all them that heard

the Word. Peter used the Keys to

open the door of Salvation to the


And they of the circumcision, or

those Jews that went with Peter

were astonished, because that on

the Gentiles also was poured out

the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Notice how they knew that they

had received the Holy Ghost. ‘For

they heard them speak with

tongues, and magnify God’.

Then answered Peter, can any

man forbid water that these

should not be baptized, which

have received the Holy Ghost as

well as we? And he commanded

them to be baptized in the Name

of the Lord.

In the eleventh chapter of Acts,

when Peter gets back to

Jerusalem, he was brought on

the carpet for going to

uncircumcised Gentiles.

But Peter rehearsed the story of

Acts 10. How that God had

shown him in a vision a sheet let

down from heaven with all

manner of four footed beasts,

showing him that the Gentiles

were cleansed. Acts 11:15-18. In

verse 15 Peter said, as I began to

speak, the Holy Ghost fell on

them, as on us at the beginning,

or as in Acts chapter 2. Then I

remembered the Word of the

Lord, how that he said, John

indeed Baptized with water; but

you shall be Baptized with the

Holy Ghost.

Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift, as He did unto us who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I, that I could withstand God.

When they heard these things,

they held their peace, and

glorified God, saying, then hath

God also to the Gentiles granted

repentance unto life. Peter knew

they had received the Holy Ghost

when they spoke with tongues.

Like repentance and baptism, so

receiving the Holy Ghost is an

essential part of our Christian


The Keys to the Kingdom By James W. Peeler (USA)


This June, people all over the British Isles were marking the Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth the Second. Only one other British monarch has achieved a 60 year reign and that was Queen Victoria.

All over the country, Union Jacks suddenly appeared, and there was an extra day's public holiday as tea parties and celebrations began springing up everywhere with seemingly little planning.

But the idea of a jubilee celebration is not unique to Britain, nor to its monarchy. The principle of Jubilee is found in the Bible (see Leviticus chapter 25).

God commanded the nation of Israel that every 50th year they were to proclaim a Jubilee celebration. All debts were forgiven and all slaves set free. Everyone had a holiday - even the land had rest from being ploughed and farmed. This Old Testament Jubilee celebration was pointing ahead to the great days of Jubilee for our king Jesus. At the beginning of His ministry, Christ announced that the present time is ‘the time of the Lord's favour’ – in other words it is the time of jubilee! It is the time when our great debt of sin can be forgiven because Jesus died for our sin on the cross. It is the time for slaves of sin and Satan to be set free by the power of him who rose from the dead and is alive for ever more, with all power given to him in heaven and earth.

Whenever someone believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, their debt of sin is cancelled and they are set free from their slavery to sin and Satan. But that is not all. The whole universe will enjoy its Jubilee of Sabbath rest when Jesus comes to earth again to reign as king of kings and lord of Lords. The curse will be lifted from creation, no more thorns will grow, the lion will lie down with the lamb, as creation is restored to its original beauty and purpose.

Are you going to be joining in the celebration of that Jubilee? All those who trust the Lord as their Saviour are invited to join the celebration and reign with Christ on earth. It will be better than any tea party! If you are waiting with expectation for the coming of the Lord to inaugurate this Jubilee celebration, then pray with me, and mean the words:

Even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen.

The Year of Jubilee!

Photo: © Intoit Flag: Propix


Image: © Dana Rothstein

Probably the most common objection connected with the teaching of grace is that it just gives people a license to sin. Even Paul was “slanderously reported” as teaching this (Rom. 3:8). In Rom. 5:20 he says that the law can never deal with sin. In fact, it causes sin to abound even more (see Rom.7:5&8). The strength of sin is the law - not only does it place in our minds thoughts that were not previously there, the law also touches the point of our rebellion.

Sin will always ‘out-sin’ the law. But where sin abounds God’s grace abounds much more. You can never out-sin grace. Now that’s the sort of language legalists cannot handle. And they accused Paul of actually teaching: “Let’s sin more so that grace might abound!” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said that if a preacher has never been accused of teaching that, or something similar to it, he has probably never preached the true gospel of grace. A faithful presentation of grace will al ways lead people to conclude that you are saying that sin is OK because grace has got it covered.

In fact, Paul taught the opposite. He said that grace is the only thing that can deliver us from the power of sin. Sin will not have dominion over us because we are not under law but under grace. That’s what he meant

when he said that where sin abounds God’s grace abounds more.

But the question in the minds of many is, “But what if someone hears the message of grace and uses it as an excuse to continue in sin?” Before we look at Paul’s response to that in the second half of Romans 6, let me say two things. First, it is not only some who are under grace who choose to live in sin. There have been many examples of legalistic preachers who have secretly committed the very sins they preach against. Secondly, just because someone chooses to abuse the message of grace by using it as an excuse to live in sin, doesn’t mean we should stop preaching the gospel of grace. That's what the enemy wants, because grace is the only thing that can empower against sin!

Anyone who chooses to live in sin will experience three consequences:

Bondage (Rom.6:16)

Sin always takes us much further than we want to go. That’s the deceptive power of sin. It makes you think you are getting what you want. In fact, you lose control the moment you give yourself over to its power. Jesus said, “Whoever commits sin is a slave to sin” (Jn.8:34). Whenever a person chooses to sin he is no longer in control of what will take place.

Shame (Rom.6:21a)

Probably most of us have done shameful things in our past, which nobody knows about because we

have been too ashamed to speak of them. Thankfully God has forgiven

and forgotten those things! One of the wonderful things about our salvation is that shame is replaced with glory. We have been saved in hope of the glory of God. Then why, like a dog ret urning to its vomit, would we want to go back to those shameful things God has delivered us from? The grace of God does not take us back to shame, but forward to glory.

Death (Rom.6:21b&23)

Sin and death are inseparable. Sin kills joy, peace, dreams, relationships, ministries, etc. Let’s be clear, it is not that God brings judgment upon sin for the believer because their sin has already been judged. But, the law of sowing and reaping reminds us that there are always consequences for sin.

In contrast to sin’s fruit of slavery, shame and death the blessings of righteousness are freedom, glory and life. The Christian’s freedom does not mean that we are free to do what we want to do. That’s the bondage we are saved from! Real freedom does not exist outside of being one with Christ. It is like flying a kite. The kite’s freedom to fly is related to the string to which it is tied. The very thing that holds the kite to its owner is what keeps it i n the sky. If the string is cut the kite will crash to earth. The string, which seems to bind it, gives it the ability to fly. Our freedom is being held tightly in the grip of God’s grace. We, who once were slaves to sin, by God’s grace are now slaves of righteousness. That’s the outworking of our true identity; and that’s true freedom!

Forward To Glory By Ken Legg.

An Extract from Ken’s monthly e-zine Grace Roots (#75)


A life lived according to the flesh,

and not according to the Spirit— it is

in this that we find the origin of the

prayerlessness of which we

complain. A brother once said to

me: “That is the whole difficulty; we

wish to pray in the Spirit, and at the

same time walk after the flesh, and

this is impossible.” . . .

Adam was created to have

fellowship with God, and enjoyed it

before his Fall. After the Fall,

however, there came immediately, a

deep-seated aversion to God, and

he fled from Him. This incurable

aversion is the characteristic of the

unregenerate nature, and the chief

cause of our unwillingness to

surrender ourselves to fellowship

with God in prayer. . . .

Scripture teaches us that there are

but two conditions possible for the

Christian. One is a walk according to

the Spirit, the other a walk

according to “the flesh.” Paul writes

to the Galatians: “Are ye so foolish?

having begun in the Spirit, are ye

now made perfect by the flesh?”

(Gal. 3:3). Their service lay in fleshly

outward performances.

They did not understand that where

“the flesh” is permitted to influence

their service of God, it soon results

in open sin. . . .

There is no means of dealing with

“the flesh,” save as Christ dealt with

it, bearing it to the cross. “Our old

man is crucified with him” (Rom.

6:6), so we by faith also crucify it,

and regard and treat it daily as an

accursed thing that finds its rightful

place on the accursed cross. . . .

Would that we might understand

God’s counsels of grace for us! “The

flesh” on the cross—the Spirit in the

heart and controlling the life!

Here then we have the deep root of

evil as the cause of a prayerless life.

“The flesh” can say prayers well

enough, calling itself religious for so

doing, and thus satisfying

conscience. But “the flesh” has no

desire or strength for the prayer

that strives after an intimate

knowledge of God—that rejoices in

fellowship with Him, and that

continues to lay hold of His strength.

So, finally, it comes to this—“the

flesh” must be denied and crucified.

The Christian who is still carnal has

neither disposition nor strength to

follow after God. He rests satisfied

with the prayer of habit or custom;

but the glory, the blessedness of

secret prayer is a hidden thing to

him, till some day his eyes are

opened, and he begins to see that

“the flesh,” in its disposition to turn

away from God, is the archenemy

which makes powerful prayer

impossible for him. . . .

I had once at a conference spoken

on the subject of prayer, and made

use of strong expressions about the

enmity of “the flesh” as a cause of

prayerlessness. After the address,

the minister’s wife said that she

thought I had spoken too strongly.

She also had to mourn over too little

desire for prayer, but she knew her

heart was sincerely set on seeking

God. I showed her what the Word

of God said about “the flesh,” and

that everything which prevents the

reception of the Spirit is nothing

else than a secret work of “the


Oh, my brethren, do not seek to find

in circumstances the explanation of

this prayerlessness over which we

mourn; seek it where God’s Word

declares it to be—in the hidden

aversion of the heart to a holy

God.—Andrew Murray.

In a garden Was a tree, Rich with

fruit, a token given; Love’s free

choice so soon abused; Still closer

fellowship refused: In a garden. —


Photo © Keeweeboy

The Flesh—

Arch-Enemy to Prayer An extract from “Kneeling we Triumph” by Edwin & Lillian Harvey

ISBN 1-932774-08-4. 128 Pages Price $6.00. Image © Margaret M. Stewart

Reproduced by kind permission of Harvey Publishers.


The Prophecy of Amos –

A Warning for Today

Extract from best- selling book.

Amos 3:1-15. The Broken Covenant.

A Broken Covenant. v1 - 3.

1. Hear this word that the LORD has spoken against you, O people of Israel, against the whole family that I brought up out of the land of Egypt:

Whilst God's message of judgment was addressed to the nation as a whole, it was to be acted upon by every individual in that nation. It is the same today: God not only wants all men to hear the gospel, He wants each one individually to heed and obey it so that they might be saved. Through Amos, God gave warning of impending judgment so that the people might have opportunity to repent. The people should have listened to God - He had the right to their hearing since He had redeemed them from slavery in Egypt. Sadly, history reveals that they did not listen, and that judgment fell.

2. You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.

Israel's privileged position brought greater responsibility. When He brought them out of the land of Egypt, God made a covenant with them by which they became His own people. He had not done this for any other nation on earth. The word "known" denotes an intimate relationship, as between a husband and wife. God had taken Israel to Himself as a husband takes a wife to himself. Israel should have been only for God, she

should have delighted herself in Him - but she had left her maker-husband to seek other gods, idols that she called her "lords". Having known the Lord, she turned away from Him - a far more serious sin than if she had never known God. Hers was not the sin of ignorance but of deliberate rebellion.

Christians are reminded of the seriousness of turning away from God after coming to know Him. (Hebrews 6: 4 - 6). It is our Christian responsibility, not to live as we like, but as He likes. Our relationship with God will not exclude us from His punishment for wrongs, as Peter reminds us, "Judgment begins at the house of God." (1 Peter 4:17).

3. Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? (NKJV™).

God had brought Israel into a covenant relationship with Himself, but the fellowship and blessings that came through that covenant were conditional on obedience. Since the nation had rebelled against God, disobeyed His commands and rejected His covenant, their fellowship with God was broken.

The Prophet Defends His Office. v4 - 8.

4. Does a lion roar in the forest, when it has no prey? Does a young lion cry out from its den, if it has caught nothing?

Just as a lion does not roar if it has no prey, so God does not speak without reason. God never wastes His words. Israel had sinned and God pronounced judgment through Amos. Israel, to its peril, had so far ignored these warnings. If they thought that God would speak without carrying out His words, they were very much mistaken.

5. Does a bird fall into a snare on the earth, when there is no trap for it? Does a snare spring up from the ground, when it has taken nothing?

Disaster does not come by chance. It is God's doing. A bird is not caught in a net unless one is set for it by a hunter. God is the hunter and Israel the bird. The Assyrian army may be thought of as the net. It was not coincidence or bad luck, but Divine judgment that would bring the Assyrian invasion. The trap will not spring in vain. The little bird will be caught and killed. Israel will have no hope of escaping the judgment to

come. History records that it came less than thirty years later.

6. Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid? Does disaster befall a city, unless the LORD has done it?

It was generally true that if a trumpet was blown in a city, the people would fear, for they knew that it signaled the approach of a hostile enemy. Yet although God had sounded the warning trumpet by the lips of His prophets, the people remained unconcerned. They took no notice whatever of God's messengers. So when the warning trumpet actually sounded, it would be too late, for it would herald the approach of the Assyrian army, unstoppable, since they were sent by God, who remains directly and completely in control of the affairs of individuals and nations.

Daniel 4:17 - "the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, Gives it to whomever He will, And sets over it the lowest of men." (NKJV™).

"Unexpectedly indeed calamity comes, and it is commonly ascribed to chance. But the prophet here reminds us that God stretches His net, in which men are caught, though they think that chance rules and observe not the hand of God. They are deceived, he says, for the bird foresees not the ensnaring prepared for him; but yet he falls not on the earth without the fowler; for nets weave not themselves by chance, but they are made by the industry of the man who catches birds. So also calamities happen not by chance, but proceed from the secret purposes of God." John Calvin (Cited by Beeley, 1969)

7. Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.

God wills to reveal Himself to men, that they may know Him. Nothing God does is ever done in a corner. In His long-suffering, God gives all men opportunity to repent of their sin. This fact is demonstrated by the way that His judgments on Israel had been announced in advance, with many prophets sent to warn them of impending disaster. God even sent the prophet Jonah out of Israel to warn the heathen city of Nineveh - a foretaste of a coming day when His mercy would embrace all men through the gospel of His Son. Today, as then, God gives men time and opportunity to act on the warnings


of future judgment given in the scripture and embrace pardon for sin through His Son Jesus Christ.

Not only unbelievers but believers who continue in their sin are first given warning before God acts to discipline and correct them. In Revelation 2:21 Christ informed the local church of His dealings with an immoral Christian woman, saying, "I gave her space to repent of her sexual immorality". This was not the space of silence, for God had spoken by His word to the individual concerned. But His warnings being unheeded, He was forced to act. As Israel had learned years before, men must heed what God does, even if they refuse to heed what He says.

8. The lion has roared; who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken; who can but prophesy?

Any man who hears the approach of a lion should consider himself responsible to warn others and avert disaster. God had spoken of impending judgment and so Amos felt compelled to speak. The apostle Paul knew the same feeling. Knowing the truth of the gospel and having experienced the grace of God who had saved him from sin, he felt constrained to speak by the love of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:14). Since God was not willing for any to perish, Paul did not withhold the message of salvation from anyone.

We must again apply this to our present time. Christians are in possession of the truth. Unless we speak, souls will perish. There is no question as to whether God would have us speak. It is not a case of "maybe we ought to do a bit of evangelism". We are compelled by both a moral obligation and a Divine commission. God described the prophet Ezekiel as a watchman. (Ezekiel 3:17). The watchman was to look out for approaching enemies so that he might give prior warning to the people. Today, Christians are all watchmen, for since we know what is to come (the glory of the redeemed and the judgment of the wicked), God will hold us responsible for making it known. (Ezekiel 33:6).

A Remnant Will be Saved. v9 - 15.

9. Proclaim to the strongholds in Ashdod, and to the strongholds in the land of Egypt, and say, "Assemble yourselves on Mount Samaria, and see what great tumults are

within it, and what oppressions are in its midst."

The picture here is of a law court. God calls two witnesses to the stand, enemies of Israel. They are to observe the violence and oppression which was taking place in the nation, so that they would understand God's punishment on His people. God was going to demonstrate His justice on Israel in the sight of all nations and we may suppose that this was meant to serve as a warning to them.

10. They do not know how to do right, says the LORD, those who store up violence and robbery in their strongholds.

God's people were so practiced in doing evil that they had forgotten how to do right. It was not that they did not know God's word; it was that they had refused to listen and hardened their hearts until they became deaf to God and enslaved by their sin. All of us, before we came to know Jesus Christ as our Savior were slaves of sin and unable to free ourselves, for only Jesus can break the power of sin in our lives. (John 8:36).

The people were living the life of luxury, yet their wealth had been obtained by unjust means, and through extortion and violence. As I write, the excesses of political leaders and business executives are once again in the headlines. The problem is an old one, and so is the answer - not merely social reform but a genuine repentance toward God resulting in social reform. The scripture gives a blessing for those who remember the poor, but God condemns those who are guilty of social and economic sins.

11. Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: An adversary shall surround the land, and strip you of your defense; and your strongholds shall be plundered.

Because of their sin, God would bring an enemy to invade the land and lay siege to them (this meaning is better clarified in the NKJV™, which uses the phrase "sapping of strength" - it would be a prolonged war of attrition). The Assyrian army later did plunder and destroy the fortified towns of Israel just as Amos had predicted.

12. Thus says the LORD: As the shepherd rescues from the mouth of the lion two legs, or a piece of an ear, so shall the people of Israel who live in Samaria be rescued, with the corner of a couch and part of a bed.

God promised that a remnant of the people would be spared - a remnant chosen by His grace for the continuance of the nation, because of the promises He had made. The illustration given indicates that a very small number would remain in Samaria. The Living Bible reads: The Lord says, "A shepherd tried to rescue his sheep from a lion, but it was too late; he snatched from the lion's mouth two legs and a piece of ear. So it will be when the Israelites in Samaria are finally rescued--all they will have left is half a chair and a tattered pillow". Amos 3:12 (Living).

13. Hear, and testify against the house of Jacob, says the Lord GOD, the God of hosts:

God is still figuratively speaking to the witnesses described in verse nine.

14. On the day I punish Israel for its transgressions, I will punish the altars of Bethel, and the horns of the altar shall be cut off and fall to the ground.

When God brings this calamity because of the peoples' sin, He will destroy the root of the nation's apostasy - the idolatrous altars at Bethel. By the "horns falling to the ground" we understand that God intended to completely remove the influence of pagan religion from among the people.

15. I will tear down the winter house as well as the summer house; and the houses of ivory shall perish, and the great houses shall come to an end, says the LORD.

Despite earlier warnings, the nation remained unconcerned, largely due to the fact that they were comfortable and well off financially. Their wealth had become their security and the love of riches rather the love of God ruled their hearts. It was Jesus who said that no man can serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24). Not only would Israel have to learn that it could not serve both God and the calves at Bethel but also that it could not serve God and material wealth (mammon). Nor can we.

How relevant this is for Christians today, many of whom live in comparative luxury, and yet remain lukewarm in their love for God and unconcerned about the need of a world lost in sin. Material and financial security will be swept away in the day of God's judgment. All Israel had accumulated would be lost in a short space of time. This will always be the inevitable result.


Experiencing the Gospel

“And my speech and my preaching was

not with enticing words of man’s

wisdom, but in demonstration of the

Spirit and of power:” I Cor. 2:4

Because God has already rent the

heavens through the Blood of Jesus and

given us access to all of His resources

through prayer, we can live and work

under an “Open Heaven!" Because of

this truth, the glory of God is our

inheritance as the children of God.

The word “glory” is found throughout

the Bible. It can be used in several ways.

One example that is found in Scripture

is when “glory” is used to describe

honor, wealth, and power. This would

be like a reference to the “glory” of a

king or a person held in high esteem.

The second usage of the word is to

describe God’s manifested or tangible

presence. If we carefully examine this

definition of “glory,” we will discover

that it can be used to describe personal

encounters that people have in which

God’s glorious presence moves out of

the supernatural realm into the earthly

realm. It is experienced by people using

one or more of their five natural senses:

sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.

Are we saying that God can be

experienced in this way? Yes!

Throughout the Scriptures of the Old

and New Testaments, we find examples

of times where ordinary people

experienced God in these ways.

Approximately 2 million of God’s people

saw His glory with their physical eyes by

day as a “pillar of cloud” and by night as

a “pillar of fire.” This wasn’t a mystical

or emotional spiritual experience. These

people actually SAW the “cloud” by day.

They SAW the “fire” by night. Children

who were born in the wilderness grew

up never knowing that this manifested,

visible revelation of the glory of the

Lord was something that was out of the


Moses saw and experienced this same

holy “fire” when he stood before a

burning bush in Exodus 3:1-6. God

spoke to him in this place and even told

him, “Take your sandals off your feet,

for the place where you stand is holy

ground” (Exodus 3:5 NKJV). Moses saw

the “fire” of God and experienced

something of His holiness as did Isaiah

because the Bible says, “he was afraid

to LOOK upon God” (v. 6 NKJV).

Another example of the revelation of

the glory of the Lord occurred on the

Day of Pentecost. This example involved

people physically hearing the sound of

His glory as the Holy Spirit was poured

out upon those who had gathered. Acts

2:2-3 NKJV records:

And suddenly there came a “SOUND”

[they could hear] from heaven, as of a

rushing mighty wind, and it filled the

whole house where they were sitting.

Then there APPEARED [they could see]

to them divided tongues, as of fire, and

one sat upon each of them.

The miracles of Jesus were revelations

of the glory of the Lord, because they

were heavenly invasions that impacted

people in ways that they could

experience using their natural senses.

In John 2, we find the story of the first

miracle Jesus did at a wedding in Cana

where something terribly embarrassing

for the host family had occurred…they

had run out of wine. Mary, the mother

of Jesus, came to her Son asking Him to

please do something. Jesus commanded

the servants to take six large water-

pots, each one capable of holding

between twenty to thirty gallons, and to

fill them with water. They filled them to

the brim. When the master of the feast

had tested the water, to his utter

amazement it had become the finest of

wine. This was the first miracle Jesus

performed. John recorded the account

this way, “This beginning of signs Jesus

did in Cana of Galilee, and MANIFESTED

HIS GLORY; and His disciples believed in

Him” (John 2:11 NKJV).

God’s power flowed into the earth and

six pots of water had been turned into

the finest, most exquisite wine as a

result of this heavenly intervention.

In Acts 4, we read the account of the

intercession of the early Church as they

prayed for more boldness to preach the

Gospel and see powerful

demonstrations of the Holy Spirit

through signs and wonders. The Bible

says, “And when they had prayed, the

place where they were assembled

together was SHAKEN; and they were all

filled with the Holy Spirit, and they

spoke the word of God with boldness”

(Acts 4:31 NKJV).

When these people who had already

been filled with the Holy Spirit on the

Day of Pentecost prayed for the

boldness to preach the Gospel without

Prayer that Releases the Miraculous By Daniel Kolenda

Image: © James Steidl


compromise, the glory of God filled the

place with such power that even the

physical building where they had

gathered was shaken! Heaven invaded

the house! That’s power!

In we read the measure of God’s

manifest glory was resting upon Peter in

a great way:

“And believers were increasingly added

to the Lord, multitudes of both men and

women, so that they brought the sick

out into the streets and laid them on

beds and couches, that at least THE

SHADOW OF PETER passing by might fall

on some of them. Also a multitude

gathered from the surrounding cities to

Jerusalem, bringing sick people and

those who were tormented by unclean


Acts 5:14-16 NKJV)

It is incredible to think that it is possible

to walk in such a measure of the

manifest glory of God that no sickness

or demonic power would be able to

stand in our presence any more than a

snowball can withstand the blue flame

of a welder’s torch!

By this definition, God, in all of His

splendour, can and does move into the

natural realm of human existence

where He can actually be experienced

by people. I believe that people

everywhere long to be touched by God

in a tangible way. A lost and dying world

longs to see the Gospel, experience the

Gospel, and be touched and healed by

the power of the Gospel. They want to

do more than to just hear the Gospel

with their ears. A person who hears the

Gospel should have an experience that

needs an explanation, not just an

explanation of something that is in need

of an experience! The Gospel must be a

life-altering encounter.

An Extraordinary Calling

The Bible is full of accounts of how God

has demonstrated His glory throughout

history. Some people think that these

are only stories that have been passed

down for historical reasons and are only

intended to entertain us and teach us

allegorical lessons. They are wrong!

Others believe that these biblical stories

are examples of God’s maximum ability.

This is also wrong! These testimonies

are but a sampling of what is possible in

God. With God, the supernatural is

natural and the impossible is possible.

Christianity is intended to be a

supernatural existence from beginning

to end, and the demonstration of God’s

power should be the norm.

Someone said to me, “What is your

ministry gift?” They thought I would talk

about being an apostle, prophet, pastor,

teacher, or evangelist. Instead, I said,

“I’m an usher.” The greatest calling that

any of us can have is to usher the

presence of God into a world that so

desperately needs to experience it.

Through prayer, you have the privilege

to usher in the glory of God, bringing

Heaven to earth. Now that is an

extraordinary calling!

Miracles Today

The manifestation of God’s glory is not

just something that happened in biblical

times. Right now, because of the

prayers of God’s people, faith in His

Word, and the declaration of the

Gospel, we are seeing God’s glory

manifested all over the world every day.

Here are a couple of testimonies that

have come about as a result of prayer:

• In the city of Nsukka, where more

than 425,000 people gathered in the

final meeting, Mrs. Regina Attah came

with her three children: Umeka (12),

Chinwendu (10), and their brother

Chukwudi (7). All three children were

totally blind; Umeka for eight years,

Chinwendu for two years, and little

Chukwudi for one year. During the

prayer for the sick, all three children

received perfect sight at the same


• In Sapele I received a word of

knowledge about someone who had

been wounded by a gunshot and had

not been able to recover from it for

years. In response to that word, a lady

came to the platform to share her story.

She had been shot in the leg four years

earlier and had been partially crippled

since. That night, after prayer, she and I

danced together on the platform…she

was totally healed!

You can read eleven more faith-

inspiring testimonies, including one

from a man who was raised from the

dead in Chapter 7 of ((Your Kingdom

Come by Daniel Kolenda!))



Be Blessed,

Daniel Kolenda, Evangelist

To find out more, or to support

the work of CfaN visit their


Article reproduced with the kind

permission of Christ for all



Image: © Stephen Coburn


As athletes from almost every

nation in the world gather in

London this summer for the

world's great sporting spectacle -

the Olympic Games - this already

international city will, for a brief

time, become one of the most

cosmopolitan places on planet


The word ‘cosmopolitan’ can be

defined as 'composed of people

or elements from all parts of the



mopolitan accessed 12/06/2012).

Athletes will soon arrive in the

British capital from China, India,

Pakistan, Russia, USA, Europe,

South America, Australia, New

Zealand, Africa ... the list goes on

and on! Sporting representatives

will be joined by their political

leaders as many nations will

assemble to compete in, or

watch and celebrate, what will

surely prove to be an occasion

which shall witness some of the

greatest victories in sporting


But did you now that an even

greatest gathering of men and

women from every nation of the

world is yet to happen?

When God gave the apostle John

a vision of heaven, he described

the incredible scene in terms of

the cosmopolitan crowd which

he saw there:

After these things I

looked, and here was

an enormous crowd

that no one could

count, made up of

persons from every

nation, tribe, people,

and language,

standing before the

throne and before the

Lamb dressed in long

white robes, and with

palm branches in their

hands. They were

shouting out in a loud

voice, "Salvation

belongs to our God, to

the one seated on the

throne, and to the

Lamb!" Rev 7:9-10 (NET)

The extremely varied population

of heaven proves once and for all

that Christ's death truly was

universal in its scope. None of

earth's nations are especially

favoured by God - every

individual human being is loved

equally. Jesus died to save all

people and so whosoever wishes

to do so may come to him by

faith and receive the gift of

eternal life.

From among the many nations

and races of earth, God is

creating one single body of

people whose citizenship is in

heaven. In that sense and in that

sense only, believers are a

special, peculiar people. But

anyone is welcome to join this

group! Believe in the Lord Jesus

Christ and you will become one

of those who in the future will be

seen standing around the throne

of God in heaven, celebrating

Christ's ultimate victory over sin

and death and singing

"You are worthy to

take the scroll and to

open its seals because

you were killed, and

at the cost of your

own blood you have

purchased for God

persons from every

tribe, language,

people, and nation.

You have appointed

them as a kingdom

and priests to serve

our God, and they will

reign on the earth."

Rev 5:9-10 (NET.)


"Come now, and let us reason together," Says the Lord, "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isa 1:18)

Colors are very significant in the

Bible. The colours used by Isaiah

to describe our sins are scarlet

and crimson, the colour of shed

blood. The Bible describes our

guilt and the manner of our

cleansing in these terms, for

these colours can speak of the

guilt of blood shed, and indeed,

for the guilt of all sin, since only

blood can make an atonement

for our sinful souls. God has said

'The soul that sins shall die', and

we have all sinned, and so are

waiting in fearful expectation of

the judgment of God. God's word

says "the wrath of God remains

on" - all those who reject Jesus

Christ as Saviour.

The punishment we deserve for

our sin is eternal separation from

God in a place called hell. Jesus

said that in hell, "the worm does

not die", which means that the

pain both physical and spiritual is

unending for eternity. Jesus said

that all who did not believe in

Him would "perish" in this way.

But the above text from Isaiah

introduces us to a way for sin to

be removed. What is more, it is

the ONLY way for sin to be


Some people think their sin can

be removed if they try to be

good. They make a resolution to

give more to charity and to do

many other good deeds. But

turning over a new leaf will not

take away the sin which is

already in our hearts. Some

might decide to attend church

and become religious; but whilst

coming to church is a very good

thing, it is not that which

removes our sin. Let me explain:

Suppose a little boy falls over in a

field, lands in the mud and is

filthy dirty. What does he need to

do to be clean again? If he were

to say 'I will be a good boy from

now on', that won't make him

clean. He might say 'I will go to

church', but that will not make

him clean either. The little boy

must have a bath - he must be

washed; and so with us - the only

way to be free from the guilt of

our sin is to be washed.

This is God's way to remove our

sins: We must be washed.

(Zec 13:1) "In that

day a fountain shall

be opened for the

house of David and

for the inhabitants of

Jerusalem, for sin and

for uncleanness.

Here the prophet Zechariah

speaks of a fountain, or spring, in

which we can wash away our

sins. It was opened by the

Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ, as

he hung on the cross of Calvary.

As the blood flowed from his

body, all our sins were laid on the

Son of God, and He willingly took

the punishment we deserved.

He died in our place, and it was

his blood which has made

atonement for our souls. The

A Fountain Opened for Cleansing

By Mathew Bartlett. Image © Maxfx Opposite: Misterbeautiful


Bible announces the good news:

'the blood of Jesus Christ God's

Son cleanses us from all sin'.

In the book of Revelation, the

apostle John sees a vision of

heaven opened, and hears a

voice asking the question 'how

did these people get here'. The

answer is then given: John is told

"They have washed

their robes and made

them white in the

blood of the lamb."

(Rev 7:14)

The Lord Jesus Christ is described

as: (Rev 1:5) Him who loved us

and washed us from our sins in

His own blood,

(Rev 22:14) Blessed are those

who wash their robes (marginal

reading) that they may have the

right to the tree of life, and may

enter through the gates into the


In our house, some of the clothes

on washing day can be very dirty.

We have a daughter who, like all

other children, gets her clothes

covered with juice and baby

food. Sometimes there is blood

or ink on my work shirts. So my

wife applies a good stain

remover to our clothes before

putting them in the washing

machine. Sadly, the stain

remover does not always work,

and I have had to turn more than

one damaged shirt into dusting

cloths! It appears that, in spite of

what the advertisements say, no

washing powder will remove

every stain.

Of course, no soap could remove

our sin.

(Jer. 2:22) For though you wash

yourself with lye, and use much

soap, Yet your iniquity is marked

before Me," says the Lord God.

But the prophet says in Isaiah

1:16 "wash and make yourselves

clean". Thank God that the

fountain opened for cleansing

will remove EVERY SIN STAIN!

The blood of Jesus Christ is a

perfect sin and guilt remover.

Though as red as

crimson they shall be

white as snow. Sin is

completely removed

with its guilt and its


Since Christ has carried our sins

in His own body on the cross,

they have been completely

removed - so much so that the

Bible says "As far as the east is

from the west so far as he

removed our transgressions from


John the Baptist said of Jesus

Christ, "Behold lamb of God who

takes away sin of the world". And

taken them away he has!

Jesus blood is the world's

greatest stain remover! It will

wash you completely from ALL

sin. But first, you must accept,

by faith, what the Lord Jesus has

done on your behalf.

God, through Jesus' death, has

provided the fountain for you to

wash, but now you have to come

and wash. Come to the cross of

Jesus and kneel before the One

who died for you. Believe that

died to take your punishment in

your place. Believe that he rose

again from the dead on the third

day. Ask him to forgive your sin,

to cleanse and accept you. The

Bible says "Believe on the Lord

Jesus Christ and you will be


When we trust Jesus to forgive

us, our hearts are cleansed by

faith in his blood. The Bible says

we are justified (made right with

God) through faith in Jesus Christ

and that we are saved from

future punishment God's grace

(His love for undeserving


Have you ever

been to Jesus?

Come now and

wash yourselves



Have you been to

Jesus? Come now!

Wash and make

yourselves clean!

injustice, cheating or lying in their judgments (Deut. 19:17) They lived a righteous and holy life walking with God and having an inward peace (1 Pet. 1:15-16). By doing so they turned many away from sin (James 5:20).

V7. It was the duty of the priests to guard and keep the law of God and its doctrines. Paul requires that elders should do likewise (Tit. 1:9). It was the people’s responsibility to enquire and expect teaching from the priests as they are the messengers of the LORD.

False Teachers.

V8. In Malachi's day the priests had

turn aside from the way of truth and

life and fear of God. By their example

and wrong teaching they caused

many to fall into sin and spoiled the

Covenant that God had with Levi. Today

there are still those who turn from the

way and pervert the Word of God causing

many to fall into sin and heresy (1 Tim

4:1-2). Christ warned of this (Matt. 7:15)

as did Paul (Acts 20:29 -30).

V9. Because of their godless life God had made them to be despised and degraded before the people. They were showing partiality in the law by interpreting it in a

The Prophet of the Reformation

The Book of Malachi

Chapter Two A brief Bible study by Derek Williams.

Photos this page: © Photofit. Bottom Right: © Eugene Ivanov

V3. A curse was also pronounced upon the field. The seed would rot in the ground and not germinate and bring forth the harvest. Although not farmers the priests were dependent upon the tithes of the people for their food, if the people were unfaithful then the priests would suffer. The offal of the sacrificial animals was burnt outside the camp (Exod. 29:14). They had brought before the LORD maimed and blemished sacrifices they would be thrown back at them with the refuse. They will all be thrown away like dung (1 Kings 14:10). To the Laodicean church Christ said that He would cast it from Him (Rev.3:16).

V4. They will know that it is God who sent them this warning to give them an opportunity to repent. The LORD admonished them so that they would return to the Levitical command and then He would continue His covenant with the tribe of Levi (Deut. 10:8).

The Covenant with Levi.

V5. God made a covenant agreement with the tribe of Levi to give them life and peace on His part. In return they were to have a reverential awe and fear of His Name and to faithfully serve

Him (Num. 25: 12 -13) V6. When this covenant was made the priests ardently fulfilled their duties in teaching the law of God (Deut.33:10), and there was no

Unfaithful Priests threatened with punishment.

V1. The priests are particularly reproved because they were responsible for the spiritual welfare of the people. They were to mediate between God and His people, to teach and instruct in the law, and reprove sin yet they had encouraged and led the people in sin. Under the New Covenant every member of the body of Christ is part of the "royal priesthood" (1 Pet. 2:9) and are therefore responsible to Christ our High Priest (Heb. 3:1). However, those who are appointed as leaders within the Church of Christ are especially responsible for the spiritual welfare of believers (Heb. 13:17).

V2. The LORD gives the priests an opportunity to repent of their backsliding by warning them of the consequence of not doing so. This He did with the lukewarm church of Laodicea ( Rev. 3:19) and He does so with all those whom He loves (Heb. 12:6). If they did not listen and take to heart to give glory (honour) to His Name then He would send a curse upon them (Deut. 27:26) and the blessings that they had received will become a curse to them. In fact the curse had already gone forth and affected them.


Different way for rich and poor, favoring

the rich (James 2:1-4).

Unequally Yoked.

V10. Malachi turns to another offense

that both priests and people

participated in - putting away their

wives and marrying foreign women.

The prophet asks them three questions

to remind them of their relationship

with one another. They all had one

common origin, the Almighty God as

their Father (Deut. 32: 6, Jer. 31:9)

meaning that they were brothers and

sisters. God had also created them as a

nation (Isaiah 43:1. In spite of this

special relationship they were disloyal

and faithless with each other by

violating the covenant, divorcing and

taking foreign wives (Deut. 7:2-3). God

had set them apart as His peculiar

people they were to keep themselves

separate and holy (Exod. 19:6, 2 Cor. 6:


V11. By putting away their Jewish wives

they had committed an abominable

thing and desecrated the LORD's

sanctuary, (i.e. His people, "Judah had

profaned itself as the sanctuary of God"

Keil) which He loved, by marrying those

who worshiped idols (1 Cor. 3:16).

V12. This was unacceptable to God and

He would destroy every man. By uniting

themselves with the heathen they had

broken their covenant with God so He

would sever His relationship with them.


V13. Not only had they put away their

Jewish wives but they had added to

their sins by marrying foreign wives. The

tears they wept before the altar were

"crocodile tears" not those of penitent

hearts. God was not taken in by it He

knew their hearts better than they did

(Heb. 4:12). He disregarded their

offerings and did not receive them.

V14. So blinded were they by their sin

that they did not understand why God

rejected their offerings! The LORD had

witnessed the marriage vows they had

made and their treachery in divorcing

their wives who had been faithful to

them through the years. The one who

had been their companion and wife by a

covenant made before God. It is clear

that God intended marriage to be

permanently binding (Gen. 2:24, Math

19: 5 -6). Divorce was introduced under

certain circumstances because of the

hardness of heart of the people (Deut.

24:1-4, Matt. 19:8-9)."In Malachi's day

the people had adopted a process of

easy divorce in order to satisfy their

lust" (Tatford).

V15. In the beginning after God had

made Adam He made Eve out of one of

his ribs and gave her to him as wife and

so, although individual persons, they

were of one flesh (Gen 2: 23 - 24).

Having a remnant of the Spirit - having

a part of the Spirit that made them a

living soul (Gen. 2: 7). The purpose that

God chose and separated to Himself

Israel was that they should be an holy

people to Him from which He would

bring forth His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

He warns them to take heed to their

spirit (Math. 10:28) and let none of

them deal so treacherously with their


V16.God had allowed them to divorce

their wives in certain circumstances

because of the hardness of their hearts.

It was not His Divine will, He hated it

and all the heartache it causes. They

excused themselves or tried to cover up

their actions against their wives as they

would cover their bodies with a

garment (Prov. 28:13). Again God

warns them to watch out for their souls.

Complaining against God

V17. They had wearied God with their incessant complaints. "They had departed from the law, they had no real desire for spiritual things, they defrauded God of the tithes and offerings due, and had reached the conclusion that there was no profit in doing His will" (Tatford). When God pointed these things out to them through His prophet and told them that He had loved them (Mal. 1: 2) they argued with Him. Even now they answer Him back in faked surprise "wearied Him, who us, when and where" ? They had done so by saying that evil was good in God's sight and that He delighted in them. They asked "if God was just why did He not judge the nations around them. They could see the speck in the eye of their neighbors but not the plank that was in their own (Luke 6: 41 - 42)


Wickedness Personified: The Mother of Harlots - A False Church.

1. "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,"

One of the angels who had poured out one of the seven bowls came and spoke to John. He calls him to witness the judgment of the great harlot, who, seated on many waters has an influence over them. We are told in verse 15 that the waters represent nations, peoples and tongues. The terms harlot and harlotry are used frequently in Scripture to describe those who have turn from the true God to idols whilst still making profession to worship Him (Jer. 3:6). The harlot is the personification of idolatry and perhaps represents a false "world church" that will appear in the last times as an amalgamation of all world religions in one ecclesiastical power dominating the nations.

2. "With whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication."

The rulers of the earth submit to her seductions, joining and endorsing her spiritual adultery - idolatry. All the inhabitants of the earth become so intoxicated by sharing her idolatry that they are completely taken over by it (Jer. 51:7), for idolatry involves the activity of demon spirits. 1 Cor. 10:20.

3. "So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns."

The angel carried John away in the spirit to a solitary place in the desert. Tatford says this a reference to a spiritual wilderness. He was given a sight of this false world church sitting on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns who was full of all kinds of blasphemy. This is the "beast" of chapter 13:1 who came out of the sea, a confederation of ten kingdoms. The vision denotes that the woman dominates this empire.

4. "The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication."

The harlot has gathered to herself vast amounts of this world's finery and riches and is extremely wealthy; she is dressed and adorned as the queen of harlots. She has in her hand a golden cup filled with the disgusting, immoral filth of her idolatry.


She wore her name on her forehead, just as Roman harlots wore a label with their names on their brows. This name is composed of three parts:

MYSTERY - as in occult mysticism, secret societies and devil worship that is typical of idolatry,

BABYLON THE GREAT - the source and centre of commerce, politics and religion.

MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS - she has given birth to all that is opposed to God and His Christ and fills the whole earth with her revulsions.

6. "I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement."

The woman was drunken with the blood of all those whom she had tortured and murdered, who belonged to the Lord Jesus Christ, implying that her sin was full and ready for judgment. When he saw this woman and the crimes that she had committed, John was astounded, not in admiration, but in horror.

The Meaning of the Woman and the Beast.

7. "But the angel said to me, "Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns."

Since John had not understood the vision, the angel explains what the woman and the beast she rides on represent.

8. "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of

Our In Depth Study. Revelation 17. By Derek R. Williams. Photo © Godfer

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is."

The beast is the empire of ten kingdoms, or nations, signified by the ten horns. It had been in existence once but had since ceased to be. Yet it will ascend out of the bottomless pit i.e. it will come into being again. The author's view is that this refers to the Roman Empire, which came into being in 753 BC and still existed in John's time, only being ultimately destroyed in AD 476. It was and is not.... It will be brought into being again by satanic forces but it will be utterly destroyed and they (its originators) shall be thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 19:20). All who dwell on the earth, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the world began, i.e. all the unsaved, will be astonished when they see the rise of this empire. Here the empire and the instigator of it are seen together, for the empire is synonymous with its ruler and founder Satan.

9. "Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits."

What follows requires wisdom to interpret. The seven heads of the beast are seven mountains that the woman sits on. Many accept that this is Rome, built on seven hills. Yet there are other cities that claim seven hills: Constantinople, Brussels and Jerusalem. The original Babylon was built on a plain but is referred to in Jer. 51: 25 as a destroying mountain. The seven hills on which the woman sits could possibly refer to seven powers, signifying complete power over the earth, given to her by Satan.

10, 11. "There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition."

These seven heads have a dual meaning. The first has already been made known; the second is represented as kings or empires. Five of these empires had already fallen; the sixth was still in existence in John's time, the Roman

Empire. The seventh that is to come will be the revived version of the Roman Empire that will only last a short time. The eighth is to be considered separately although it rises from the seven, for this "empire" is Anti-Christ himself, who for a time will rule the world, but who will ultimately be destroyed "without human hand".

12. "The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast."

It is to be noted at this stage that the seven heads and the ten horns are part of the same beast. Therefore, the heads and horns are interwoven with each other. The confederation of ten kingdoms has not yet come into existence - it will during the reign of Anti-Christ, an eighth empire. These ten will be given authority to rule as regents of the beast for a short time. It is quite possible that they will never have been world leaders before his time.

13. "These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast."

They will all agree to give the power and strength of their kingdoms over to the beast, in absolute devotion. He will be the dictatorial head of this confederacy, and indeed all the power of the regents will be derived from him.

14. "These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful."

These kingdoms and their rulers will, in obedience to Anti-Christ, join with him to make war against the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, at the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 19:19), where the Lamb shall conquer them, for He is the Lord of lords and King of kings, having supreme power over all things. Those at His side are the redeemed of the Lord, the chosen and faithful ones.

15. "Then he said to me, "The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues."

The waters over which the harlot sits are the masses of people from every nation over which she has power and influence.

16. "And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire."

Once having risen to power, the confederacy of ten regents will turn against the harlot who until then enjoyed a worldwide dominion and will detest her. They will strip her of all her power and authority, take her wealth, kill her priests and destroy her temples etc... In this way Satan will rid the earth of all other "religion", paving the way for the direct Satan worship enforced by the beast.

17. "For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled."

This was not their own initiative, for God put into their hearts and minds to carry out His purposes. They surrender their power and sovereignty to the beast until all the prophetic words, the intentions and purposes of God, are complete.

18. "And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth."

The harlot not only represents the idolatry and false religion of the "world church", she also represents the city which is the center of this idolatrous scheme of worship. This city, the idolatrous center of the world, will be the headquarters of the false world church and as such, for a time, will be revered and feared by the world.

Some commentators assume this to mean that Rome, the center of the Catholic religion, will be the center of all false religions, dominating, from a religious viewpoint, the whole earth.

From The Revelation of Jesus Christ by Derek Williams (paperback £6.99)


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