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lotat of ll)c Novtl). TELEGRAPHIC NEWS FROM THE BI.OOMBBCRG OFFICE. Death of Gen. Brooke. WASHINGTON, March 91*t?The War De- partment received intelligence to-day that Geo Brooke had died at San Antonia, Texa*. Xwe Week* tnter front Caltfornta. Ni| YORK, March 21. The steamer Crew® City, le [l Chagtea Uth, and Kingston 18th of March, bringing San Francisco datea to the lSlh ult, andhtving on board 5817572 91 in gold dual, arrived heie to night. Since the departure of the last steamer for Panama the lrdian difficulties have beed on the increase, rather than otherwise, and mur- tier# md reports of hostilities, collisions ft.id babies have boen rife. . Efforts have been mado tn the I.egtala- tute to raise funds and Slate troops tor carry- ing on the war. One of the Governor s aids J Nvily Johnson, Esq , has been despatched bv his Excellency to the scene of disturb ances, to act oilthe part of the Slate. Au- thority has been givou to raise a force of volunteers. , Our Legislature has boon battling for a number of things, but has won few victories. Log rolling for the office of United Stales Senator, for establishing the further seat of government, for ousting each ot her out of their legislative saddles, he., have beoa Iho j chief public occpations ot our legislators. j They have fixed upon next Monday as the day to elect a Senator to ttie seat of Col. i Fremont after the 4th day of Match next, j Some believe Mr King will be elected, some Mr. Haydenfelt, while others liaye growin" faith in Mr. Fremont's success, in whose favor there lias been an undoubted reaction on the part of many. A Shipwreck. BOSTON. March 22d ?Ship Euphratus, ar- rived at Now Bedford las' evening, reports when 70 miles out, off Montauk Point, on Monday he saw a large Merchant ship with painted ports lying to, in a heavy gale. On Tuesday, the wind still continuing heavy from the northeast the ship standing north, weal, he soon become surrounded with the fragments of a wreck, and he grappled xft'ith the broad side of a ship with painted ports. He was compelled to cast it off on account of the heavy sea. The captain is of the Opinion that the ship of Monday must h .ve wont to pieces in the gale ami all on board perished. She was evidently new. The Mississippi of Yirg.nla, &c Baltimore, March 22, 94 I'. M'?The sou. thorn mail has arrived with New Oilostis dates to the ISth iut., by which wo" learn that the Mississippi river was so very high that it was deemed expedient to send out forces to strengthen the levee. The Virginia Legislature yesterday elected Col. Jo*. Johnson, of Harrison County, as Governor. A series of resolutions were presented to the lower Houso of the Virginia Legislature, yesterday, sympathising wilh South Caroli- na, but agreeing to the requirements of ihe compromise, and pledging support to the Union; also denouncing the late conduct of Vermont. They were, on motion, laid on (ho table. Cooper, who shot five men at Portsmouth, Virginia, a to .v days since, has been held to bail. Jenny l.lnd Turor ia St* I.ouis. St. Louiß, March 22.?The Swedish Night- ingale creates great excitement in this city. She will remain here longer than she at first intended. So great are the demands for tickets thai they command on an average, a premium of five dollars. Outrage in St. Imwreuce County. Olica, March 22.?A number of persons, disguised, and with a supply of tar and fea- thers prevented the officers from selling property levied on for military fines. The sale was stopped, and tho officers beaten. . DEATH OF JOULE UOKNSIDE. We regret tc announce that this venera- ble man, due of the Judge* of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, died yesterday after- noon, at 6 o'clock, at Gorrnantown, in this couuly. To the last his intellects remained clear, and when ho died, he met death with- out a murmur. A long ami useful public life, occupied by the various duties of legis- lator and of Judge, gave him great opportu- nities ol knowing the people and the inter- ests of Ihe State. In all the positions he oc- cupied, he never failed to be worthy of the trust confided to him. He died at an ad- vanced ago, fgil of yeats and full of honor. I'eace to his ashes? P cnnsylcanian of the 26 th in>t. MUKDERSR CONVICTED. ?The jury in the : case of Martin Peifcr, tried at Orwigsburg j for the murder of his wife, in Schuylkill Ha- ven, some month* ago, rendered a verdict, on Thursday, of guilty of murder in the first degree. Sentence of death was imme- diately passed upon Unit Tbe prisoner made quite a long speech to tho Court and jury, acknowledging the murder, bul alleging ibat he comtnirteJ it in a temporary fit of insanity. IST Constable Derr arretted on Saturday last, at Haas' tavern, in Montour oounty, a man named Robison, who broke Jail ir. Lock Port, N. Y., a few weeks ego. The fellow made adeeperate resistance aud embellished the countenance of Mr. Derr with some cut* illustrative of his prowess. He was lodged in jail in this place, on Saturday nigh', where he await* the requisition of tho Gov- ernor of New York? Sunbury American. Off Both branches of the legislature of thie elate have agreed to adjouru on the 15 of April. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. FLOUN AND MEAL.?The market for Flour ie lower, with light sales. GooJ brands are worth but 34 374 a 34 44. Sales extra brands at 34 50 a S4|. Fancy brand* are hold at t&4 a >64. Rye Flour ?Last sale* at S3 374. Corn meal i* held at $2 75 for Pen- no. GOAlN?Wheat?Safes of Penna. red at W a 97; prime while is selling at 8102 cent*. Rye?Sites at 68 o. Coin i* more inquired after, and yellow comma ids 60c , afloat, with sales Iroiu store at 53. Oats, las t sales al >3 cent. MARRIED. On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Justus A. Melick, in the City ol Baltimore, Mr. THEO- DORE MOTTO, to Miss SARAH E. HARTLEY, both of Baltimore. On the 22nd inst., by Ihe same, Mr. SAM- UEL BITTENBENDER, of Light treet, Bloom tp., to Miss SARAH COLEKYLAEZR, of Wilkes- barre, Luzorne Co., Pa. On the 23d inst, by tho same, Mr. JAMES D. MELIUS, of Light Street, Bloom township, to Misa HARRIER Y. BET*LE, formerly of Wilkesbarre, Luzerne Co., Pa. In Muncy Borough, on the 17th inst ~ by tbe Rev. George C. Drake, ANDREW A. STEW- ART, Esq., of Anthony tp., Lycoming county, to Mrs. HARRIET BOWMAN, daughter of Ben- jamin Drake, Esq., of Wilkeßbarre, Pa. In Wilkesbarre, on Sunday of last week, by the Rev. Mr. Strasser, Mr. SIMON 1-ONO, to Miss IETTE COONS, both of the former place. On the 13th inst.. by Lloyd Thomas, Esq., Mr. GEORGE ZIERMAN, to Miss E. KELLER, all of Franklin tp., Montour co. DIED. At Seneca Falls, N. Y., on tho 18th inst.' Mrs. G. V. Sackett, sister of Mrs. F. 11. Swa by deceased. In Danville, on the 23d inst., Xnver Egger j aged 48 years, a native of the Grand Duchy I of Bad sit in Germany, and for many years a | citizen of Danville. In Bloomsburg, OP Thursday of last week, I JOSEPH, son of Henry Zuppinger, aged 6 j gears arid 10 months. In Berwick, on Saturday of last week, ' Mrs. ANNA MARY, consort of Col. John Sny. j der, in the 67th year of her ago. In West Hemlock township, Montour 1 county, at the residence of her uncle James ' Everett, Miss ELIZABETH BEUGLER, daughter ; of Samuel and lane Brugler, aged 18 years 1 7 mouths and. 16 days. In Valley tp., Montour co., on the 15th , inst., THOMAS DAVIS, Senior, aged about 90 | year*. A NEW WEEKLY MAGAZINE* i The "North American Mlsoellui.y." ! Issued weekly, in elegant stylo, with forty- j j eight large octavo pages, or two thousand j font hundred and ninety-six a year, will be i ) delivered at the residence of each pubscri- j ber, ftv SIX AND A QUARTER CENTS A NUMBER. | THE CONTENTS?Choice Mtsccllano j I ous Selections from tna current Litera'uro of | this Country and of Europe?comprising j | Historical and other Hales, and Romances of I high literary choracter Sketches of the cele- | brated Dead or Living, Essays, Anecdotes, ; Reviews. Poetry, Criticisms, Movements of I Disti iguished Individuals, Current Events, 1 etc., will be properly edited and selected, j BY ISSUING WEEKI.Y we shall present our readers one, two uud three weeks earlier j than we could do in a motldy form with the j most interesting selections from Foreign Lit i erature brought by every steamer. ! THE "NORTH AMERICANMISCELLA- | NY" will equal in tasteful appearance any i magazine published, and the four numbers a J rnyntli, costing but 25 cents for the four, will j contain a considerably larger quantity of / reading matter than any other monthly in ! : America. | THE BEST ARTICLES WILL BE SE- LECTED Irom all of the following publrca- ; I lions, which sustain the highest character for ! Literature. Humor and W it, amoug. the IV j iio.l:oU of England, to which will ha ad- 1 | ded frequent origin Translations fsom the | j Literature of France and GermanA, all sev. | oral weeks earlier than could be presenter! j m a Monthly Publication. OUR OBJECT in issuing weekly is that | our readers may receive the choicest selec- I tions from the curreet literature at short in- j I tervals, in a form more cl-gant and better j adapted to preservation than that of a news- j paper. A. PALMER & CO., Publishers, 111 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. ' JUVENILE CONCERT. rTMIE large juvenile, singing class of 125 j -L children connected with the different j Sabbath schools ot this place, will give an ; interesting entertainment under the direction I of MR. C. KEMMERER, i in the Methodist Church, on Saturday eve- I ning, March 29th. They will all unite their sweet voices in singing upwards ot 35 Different Pieces. such as Hymns, Rounds, Solos, &c. KTDoors open at 64 o'clock, the Concert I to commence at 74. Admittance 124 cents. Tickets to bo had i ol the children or at the door. A Valuable Farm at PRIVATE SALE. A good farm of 176 acres in Mountpleas I ant towushipr, Columbia county is offered for | salo upon fair term*. It lays along Fishing- | creek jnst opposite Light Street, and contains as good land as is found along the creek. About one fourth is wood land, the remain- der cleared and in good state of cultivation. The improvements are a convenient and comfortable frame dwelling-house, a good I barn, and other outbuildings. The land is I believed to contain a valuable deposit of IRON ORE, ; and the owner only agrees to sell it, because i j ho cannot give his personal supervision to | the properly. It will be sold upon such lib- eral and desirable terms as to make it a good, profitable, and cheap home. For the terms of sate inquire of K. W. WEAVER Agent. Bloomsburg, Jan. 21, 1851.?tf Steam Iron Railing, MVRB AND GILLACUIIR, Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street, 1 PHILADELPHIA, WOULD caJl the attention of purchasers to ; their elegant assortment of Wrought ami Cast Iron Railing for CEMETERIES, BALCONIES, VERANDAS, Railing for Churches, Public and Private Buildings, Public Squares, &0., together witn all kinds of Plain and ornamental Iron work. MORE & GALLAGHER'S BOOK OF ©IBIIC&IISJAIL Containing the host selection of dosigns that has ever been issued, wilt be sent to any person who may wish to make a selection. Feb. 20, 1851-3 m SHEETS & SELTZER'S WHOLESALE wrnis & sux&mac, Wo. 939 N- Third St., (HWMSWK! (Above Callowhill,) .VjjpHg. I'IIILADBLPUM, A GENERAL ASSORTMETOF URAIVDIE*, WINKS, (ORDIAL.fi, Aud Liquors of every descriptiot: ALSO afull slock of Hyson. Imperial, Souchong, Black If Green Teas. IK. Mtr.Etz. r r. SELTZER. J. >1 ARMSTRONG Agent. Philadelphia & Reading Rail Road* DEDUCTION of Height on Merchandize, to commence March 1, 1851. RATES OF FREIGHT PER 100 LBS. Between Potttville antf Philadelphia. AHTICI.ES TRANSPORTED.?Ist Class.?Bi- luminous Coal, Rriqks, Ice, Iron Ore, Lime- stone, Pig Iron, Piaster, Slale, Tiles, 9 eta. ScßClass? Biooins, Burr Block t, Cement, Grindstones, Guano, Laths, Pitch, Railroad Iron, heavy, Rosin, Salt, Sills. Shingles, Tar, Turpentine, Timber and Lumber, 10 cts. 3rd Class.? Ale, Beer, and Porter, Ashes, Pot & Pearl, Bark, Barley, Bones at Horns, Coffee, Cotton, Whiskey, & Domestic Li auurt, Grain, lrpn Castings, rough ; Rolled, Bar or Hammeind Iron, Boiler Plates, Flat Bar Rail Road iron. Lead and Shot, Mo lasses, Potatoes, Nail* & Spikes, Salt Provi sions, Sugar. Saltpetre, and Tobacco, un- manufactured, 121 cts Flour per barrel, 25 cts. 4th Class ?Applet, Bran, Butter, Chee*e Cordage, Earthen Ware, Groceries, (except those elated) Hemp, Hurdware, and Cutlery, Hollow ware . Lard, Leather, Live Slock, Manufactures of Iron, as Machinery; Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Rags, Rus- sia Sheet Iron, Seeds, Steel, Sweet Potatoes, Tallow, Vinegar and Wire, 17 cts. | 6th Class ?Books and Stationary, Boots & Shoes, Camphine, and Spirit Oil, China, Glass snd Queensware, Cigars, Confectionery, Dry Goods, Drugs, Fresh Fish, Meat & Fruit, Fo, reigh Liquors, Hops, Spirits of Turpentino Teas, Wines and Wool 22 cts. j March 13, 1851. ASTROLOGY ?THE CELEBRATED Dr. C. IV. ROBACK, Professor of Astrology Astronomy Phrenology, anJ Geomancy, com- bined with CONJURATION, from Sweeden. office No. 71 LOCUST Stiret Philadelphia, of fers hi* services to Ihe citizens of Bloomsburg. He has been consulted by all tbe crowueJ heads of Europe, and enjoys a higher reputation at an Astrologer than Any one living. Nativities cal culated according to Geomancy?Ladies {3, Gentlemen 15, Persons at a distance can have their nativities drawn by sending the date of ihe d.iy of their birth. All letters containing tho above fee will receive immediate addition, and Nativities sent to any paitof the world written on durable piper; and he is prepared, tu make use ot hi* power by conjuration on any of the following topic's! "Courtship, advice given for the successful accomplishment of a wealthy mar riage,- he has the power to redeem such as are given to the free use of tho bottle,- anu for all 'cases of hazard, and for tbe recovery of stolen or lost property, and the purchasing of lottery tick ets. Thousands ot the above named canr have been dour in (bis city and its vicinity, and in the Cnited eittttes, to tlio full satisfaction of all. 10,. OUO Nativities oi Horoscopes have been cast du ring tho last four years while he-e. i.eders will answer every purpose, and will do as well as to call in person, and the mail is now so safe thai persons need not fear to trust money through the Post Office. Dr Kohack receives from 600 to 1000 letters monthly, and has never missed one. All letters will be religiously attended to, if prepuid. For more particulars col! at the office of the "Star of the North," and get an Astrolo. gicsl Almanac gratis. U. \V- ROB AUK, 7 Locust street ,ahove Eighth, opposite the Musical Fund Hall Philada. lie particular to mention the Post-office, coun ty and State. All communications kept reli gioa-ly secret. March 13, 1851, SEQUEL TO THE HIIKOIK.xOF A I'IIYSH'IAN. BV ALEXANDER DUMAS. The (liiecii'g Necklace, Or the Secret History of the Court of Lewis XVI. rpHIS work is tins sequel to Dumas' cele- X brated work "The Memoirs ot a Physi- cian," by Alexandar Dumas, author of "the Iron Mask," "Count of Monto Cristo," &o. Translated from the French by Thomas Wil- liams, Esq., with beautifully illustrated Cov- ers and Poitratts. Complete ir, two large octavo volumes. Price 50 cents a volume. Tli.s novel is founded on the celebrated ! incident of the diamond necklace, which Cardinal Cohan purchased, as he supposed, : lor Maria Antoinette, but which fell into the | hands of a female sharper, who personated ! 'he Queen, and so dooped the poor cardinal. | Dumas always writes with spirit The pres- , ent is belter than most novels now a-days, | and we recommend it as an agreeable com- i panion for a railroad car, or a rainy after- i noon. Published and fot sale al the cheap book store of T. B PETERSON, No. 98 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. March 13 1851. GIVE EM FITS!! Peter S. Leidy Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in these diggins. As a sample of his work m.mship, he refers you to the I)EST FITTING COAT. To be found in the town, which is quite cer tain to have come from his shop. lie regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in the busi- ness can ensure satisfaction in his work. He has also on hand an assortment of CLOTLL, C'ASSIMERES, & TRIMMINGS, At the lowost prices, from which ho will make up to order coatr, pants, or vests of any desirable style. LSHlis shop is on the North side of Main Street, a few doors above the Court-house. BlOomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! PEPSIN, lite Trut iiigesiivs Fluid, or Gastric Juice ! A great Dyspepsia Curor, prepared from lion- et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after direction of Baton Liebic, the great Physi- ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11 North Eighth Streot, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com- plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing alter Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, ;hs Gastric Juice. See Advertisement in another column. HORS^BILLS Of any size, cheaply and handsomely printed, at short notice, at this office. All orders sent by mail will be promptly attend- ed to. Bloomsburg, March 13 1851. _________ IS hereby given to all persons interested that the account of Jacob llartman trustee of Mary Ileinbach of Hemlock township Columbia County, a lunatic, has been filed in tho Offioe of the Prothonotary of said County dud will be presented to the conn for j Confirmation on the 22d day of April next. JACOB bVEPt'Y £rpf. 1 Bloomsburg, March Joih 1851 -in" WHITE'S BONNET MANIiF ACTORf, " NO. 41 SOUTH SECOND STREET, 9MD! T%JOW, conducted by Thomas While, \u25a0kson of lis late proprietor, at the Old Stand, where Dealers will at all times find a slock of Foreign and Domestic Straw, Lace, Fancy, Grape und Silk Bonnets. Panama, Palm Leaf, and every variety of Straw Hater* nd Artificial Flowers unequalled by any other for extent or beauty of manufacture, and at very low prices* having futilities for producing these goods possessed by no other estab- lishment. To the Ladies and Milliners generally, he would tender his gratcf.ukacknuw lcdgt- menta for their kind app.oval of the busi- ness system of this house, shall be wan- ing, to merit a continuance of their liber- al patronage, They will still be greeted wilh the same old familiar faces, who will st all times endeavour to execute their commissions with fidelity and promptness. March 0, 18Cl"-3m, 'PROCLAMATION. NOTICE is hereby given that the several Courts of Commom I'leas, Gen- eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court.. Court of Oyer and Terminer and (fail Delivery, in and for the County of Columbia, to commence at the Court House in Bloomsburg, on Monday the 21st day of April naxt, continue one week. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace &. Constables, in and for the county of Col- umbia, are requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem- brances, to-do those things to their sev- eral offices appertaining to be done. And all Witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any pris- oner, are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their pro- per persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just?unci not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are request- ed to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their no- tices j Gjvett uncle; mv hand at Bloomsburg the 10th day of March if the year of our J.iird one thousand eight hundred and fifty?and the Independence of tho U- niled Status of America the 741h. PETER BILLMYER. Sh'ff. (God save the Commonwealth.) Hoots and Shoes. IST Encourage your own Mechanics, and you encourage Yourselves Tho subscriber would inform his friends and the public, that he has on hand, and makes to order all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, at the following low prices : Men's fine calf or morocco boots, S4 a 4 50 do kip or cow hide, 3 35 do calf .'hoes 2 00 do cow hide 1 75 do miners', riailodj 2a2 50 Ladies' gaiters, 2 a 2 25 n Lace ooots, - loz " Thick soled slippers, lal 37 " Pump soled, 100 " .Excelsiors, 125 Boys', youths' and children's shoes fit pro- portion. He manufactures his work of the best of stock, and warrants it to wear; and he is determined to sell it as low as others can their Yankee or city work. Call and see for yourselves, tihop on Main st., next door below Hartinan's Store. WARREN RUSSELL. Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comoany, have appointed tho undersigned an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia county. The Company is in good credit,and is conducted upon sound principles. Persons insured by the Company are entitled to the rights of membership therein, are elegible as Directors of the Corporation, Ltd without any individual liabilityfor the losses or expenses of the Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extent of liability. Persons desirous of eflectiug an insurance upon property, can call upon the undorsigned, at nis Otlice in Bloomsburg. CHARLES 11. BUCKALEW. May 22, 1850. MACKAREL, T SHAD, CODFISH, I Constantly SALMON, I on hand & foi HERRINGS, SA ' E J- PORK I L' ALMER &CO. II AMSAND SI DE S, M,R JJ, E LL ' S R | ,EEL SHOULDERS, | rhdadelphia. LARD AND CHEESE, J March 6, 1851.-3 m, BLOOMBBI RG~A?A DE3l¥ . A HIGH SCHOOL For Young Ladies and Gentlemen- J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. A sufficient numberdf competent Assis- tants will, at all times be employed. Ihe ensuing Summer Session will com- mence on MONDAY the 14th day of April next, and will continue 16 weeks. TERMS. The Academic year consists of 44 weeks. The price of tuition per quarter is as fol- lows: For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A- rithmetic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge- ography, History of U. S. $3 25 For same, ana Algebra, Geometry, Survey- ing, Monsuration, Boook-Keeping by double entry, General History, Natural History, Phy- s'-'og)'i Philosophy, other English branches, aud Drawing. $4 50 For Latin, Greek German, & Fiench, 5 75 tyGood boarding can be obtained in pri- vate familiesat front $1 50 to $2 00 per week. RereßENCF.s.?Col. Joseph I'axton, Hon. Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael Brobst, Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., and the Citizens of Bloomsburg. ty After this Winter Session the French Language will be taught in this School. Bloomsburg, March SO, 1851. For Good Watches. jjntjf Henry Znppinger returns 8,2% L his thanks for past palro- J/f\ and invites the pub fp\ to examine his new yir l "mm assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, Glasses, and Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he offers for reasonable prices. He will also re pair clocks, watches, and musical anil opti cat instruments In a satisfactory manner, His shop ip jfl tlie njjddle room of the Ex- change blook, Headv opposite to the Court Hottso. * "" " 1 Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. mmmmm* BY virtue of a writ of levari Facias to me directed, will be exposed to public Sale, at Hie Court House in Bloomsburg, on Monday the S Ist day of April, the following .described property, to wit: ?A.'l teal certain tvyo-story frame building, situate just east of the main road leading from the U>wn of Bloomsburg to the Canal fronting lots of John Ruiswick and William G. Hurley, and joining lands of William Sloan, a few rods from the Canal, in the township of Bloom, in the County of Columbia, containing in front on an alley, separating it from lands of John. Ruiswick and William G Hurley, twenty two Jed, and in depth sixteen feet ; anj the lot or piece of ground and curtel- edge appurtenant to said building. Seized taken in execution and to bu sold as die property of M.ichaclHeiulersliot. A L S 0,, By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court house in Btnomshiirg, op Monday tho 21st day of April, the following descrihod properly, to wit :?All those two pieces ot ground situate in the Borough of Berwick, bounded and described as lollws : the one situate on the South east side of front street adjoining on alley on the one side which run? from the front street to the river bank and adjoining Abraham Miller on the South-West and an alley on the tear. The other lot East of the first described on the opposite side of the alley, which runs from front street to the tivei bank and back or East of the alley running on the rear of the first described, containing each one eighth of an acre, more or less, with a Dwelling House on the first described piece, ami a stable on the second described lot, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution and t n bo sold as the properly of Thomas Connelly. ALSO, A certain tract oftriecO of land in Beaver township Columbia County floi;. ,! *in>"g eighty nine acres more or less, thirty acres of which is cleared land, bounded by lauds of and Moats, on the south, Charles Michael on the south east, and others whereon is erected a one two story frame House, and frame Barn, and other out buildings ; also a tract of and situate in the township of Beaver coun- ty of Columbia, surveyed ou a warrant in the name of Catherine I.ongeubergcr, con- taining three hundred and sixty "bur acres, and allowance. Seized and taken in Execution and to bo sold as the property o! Charles F. Mann. A 1. SO, A certain lot or piece of land situate in Centre township, Columbia County, contain- ing four acres more or le. s, bounded by lands of Jacob Nagle 011 the west the widow Hess 011 the east, the north Branch of the Pennsyl- vania Canal on the south, and the Koad leading from BJoonisburg to Berwick, where- on is erected a two story frame dwelling House with the appurtenances. Seized ?ml taken in Execution and to be sold as the property of Lafayette Kessler. A tb 0, " A certain lot'of gr. und situato in Blooms- burg, Bloom township Columbia county, containing onofourth of a:i acre more or less bounded on the north by third street, on the east by lot of Valentine Smith, on the wost by lot of Charles Decider, and others, where- on is erected a one story frame ten-pin alley with the appurtenances. Seized and tttkeu ou Execution and to be sold as tiie property of John I.ow and Hub- ert I ewisi A i, s a, Al the court house in Ploomsburg, on Friday the 28th day of March next, al one o'clock in tho afternoon, by virtue of n writ of levari faciai all that certain messuage ten- ement ami tract of land situate in Montour township Columbia county aforesaid, bound- ed and described as follows: to wit Beginning at a past the south eastern Corner of said tract on hill of land of tho heirs of Bavlor dee'd., thence by said lands, north one half of a degree west one hundred and seventy three perches to a post, thence south eighty and one fourth degrees west one hun dredand I wenty three peiches to a small while oak, ilionee by land of widow Ritter north three fourths of a degree west sixty five perches to stone head thence lands of Bittenbendur south eighty two degrees west fifty five perches to a small rock oak, thence south one degree west four perches to a post, lhet.ee by lanjd ot Clouse, south twenty twodegreos east eighty three perches to a black oak, thence north sixty six degrees east fifty four perches to a post, thence south, twenty three degrees east fifty four perches to a post, thence south forty seven degrees east twelve and five tenth perches to a post, thence south twenty degrees east seventeen perches to a post, thence by lands of Henry Wertinan north seventy nine and one half degrees east eigh- ty three perches to a post, the place of Be- ginning : containing one hundred and sixty two acres, and eighty three perches of land more or less. Seized taken in exocutipnand to bp sold as the properly of Benjamin Haywood aim! George W. Snyder. PETER BILLMYER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, J Bloomsburg, Feb. 22, 1851. j Graud Jurors for April Term 1851. Bloom ?Thomas Ellis, John R. Mnyer, Si las E. Fowler. Briarcreek ?Cornelius Albertson, Jacob Mosteller, James Jncobj, Jacob Cope. Cer,tre ?Daniel Fowler. Cattaunssa ?C. G. Brobst, John Schtp'ck, Peter t. ampher. Fishingcreek ?Sarniol Yost. llemhck? Peter Brugler, Matthias G'irton sen. Jackson ?John Rants. Montour?Jacob Leiby. Moilison ?Jacob Cool. Mifflin ?Isaac Snyder. Maine?John Gearhart. kfountpleasant ?Jacob Goho, Orange ?Joseph Buckle. Boaringcrcek ?Philip Cool. Sunarloaf? Thomas Meudsnhall, William Cole. Traverse Jurors for April Term 1851 Bloom ?Abraham Snyder, Thomas Knorr Briarcreek ?Michael Brower, Stephen M. Gilmore sen, Hugh M'Bride, Beaver? Jacob Hoals, Caltawxisa ?George W. Haider, Wm Furry, Reuben Slambach. Centre ?Jacob Hageubuch, Siephen Hut- ton Fishingcreek ?Daniel Smith, Grstnteeod? Jacob Evans, John Barret, Yetman Eves, Alba Bangs, Joseph Robbins, John M. Parker, John Moore, Nicholas Kliidt, George Masters, George M'Ewen. Hemlock ?Thomas J. Vanderslice, William Coxe, Charles Holmes, John llartman, Syd- ney Slater. Mifflin ?John Tro-.ist, Thomas K. HeBS, Madison ?Samuel Richard. Orange? Abraham Kline, William Wesly Powman, ' Uavid Lewis, Phijip Shultz, niehard Stiles. Fiiiicv Poller, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writi" j, an(l &<J I can be found at the cheap Book store of jerrr. ii .WAnrz. Fall and Winter Goods. mss a Hussa*? <23 <s<s>a 0 HAVE just received the largest assortment of new and fashionable fall anil winter | goods to be found in Bloomsburg, and they \ offer them at the lowest prices to their tnany old patrons and new. They have a full and large variety Of , CLOTHS CA SS/MER S. SA T- TfNETS, JEANS. PLAIDS I AND STRIPES FOR mt'ir*coats, vests : and pants. French nd EngtNh Merinos, Cashmeres, Delaines, ALPACAS, PLAIDS. GINGHAMS AND PRINTS FOB LAOJES DRESSF.B , TER- KERR! WATERLOO, WOOLLEN AND LONG Si.'AWLS, M6IE- | RY AND GLOVES? LLALLU- VVARE. QUERNGWARE, GROCERIES FLSLI And Salt?Cedar ware, Hats, Lap". Coarse and line Boots and Bnolees for Men and Youths?Leather, Morocco and Uuirt Slices for Ladies, Misses and Childrens wear, and just about every thing else that can be de- sired to please taste or servo nse. Bloomsburg, Oc'., 29th 1950. S-fOA3TP. Cj£>c2><E>dLiS3® The subscriber bus just received and opened at his old stand a choice lot of new goods to which he invites die nttPntion of purchasers. He has a full and fair assort- ment of fall and winter goods consisting bf ism's <33-IXI csaua iXi a DBSS* H ARD7fAR2, Queenswrre, Cedar Ware. Fish and Sail. Huts and Caps. Coarse and Fine Roots, Gum. Morocco and Jenny Lind Styles for ladies, misses and childrens wear. Al"". Woollen, Watterloo, Bay state MiJs and >SKT L.ND Long Shawls, Cashmeres, Merinos. Delaines, Plaids'. Prints and Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Oct. 30, 1850. i\ew Goods in Light Mrect. The subscriber has just received a new assortment of goods from the city, which he offers to the buying neighborhood at the lowest prices. His stock now consists of every article usually kept in a country store, including T C2L}'csD <3153., Quccnstvare Hardware, Caps Hoots ami Shoes, Ac.) AtC- . lie can furnish Cloths. Casimeres Satinets and Jeans for men's wear; and Merinos, Al- pacas, Cashmere, Delaines, Ginghains and Prints for tho ladies. Also Shawls, Hosiery and Gloves of every variety. Here is a rare chance fir bargains to ihoso who want cheap and good goods for cash or country produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Oct. 29, 1850. FOR FALL AND WINTER The subscribers have just added to their former stock a large ane geriaral assortment of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qneenij- waro Cedarwarc, Fish, Salt, &c., caiqfully selected as to quality and priep, all of which they aie anxious to sell on the most accom rnodating terms, aud respectfully solicit a call from all those who wish to buy cheap goods' their pld customers especially. MENDENHALL & MENSCII. Bloomsbprg, Oct. 31st 1850. llcndlu K R- CaNsingfi Trail a IBSSggSi Ofßcfi ofPhila la. & Reatling K- R. to j Pltilatlclphia, Sept. 16, 1850- j Until further notice there will be hut one Pasenger Train daily, (Sunday excepted.) between Philadelphia and Pattsville at ha f paat eight o'clock, A . M., atttl stopping at the U.-nal places on the line of the road. /foni J of I'o.ixing Holding :?For Philadel- phia at 10 o'clock, 10 minutes, A. M., for Pottevillo at 11 o'clock, 2Qminutes, A.M., By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary Reading, Nov. 2, 1850. THOUSANDS HAVE GONF. TO CALI 'FORNIA, but the business of Coach and Wagon making will bq continued by the sub- scriber at the old stand on Market street. He will promptly attend to all orders for work irj his line of business, and is always ready, at short notice, to furnish Wagons, (."baches Carriages, Buggies. Sleds and Sleighs of r,LV Style; but always of the bet.-: materials, antl made in the most substantial m- llucr . He will give his prso'- a ) attention to the business, n.ru employ none but good work- men,. Repairing will be attended to with care, and ttoc.n ine most rea.-7onable terms.? He proposes lo servo his customers to such wq:U as will secure for him n continuance o their patronage, and from all who need arti- cles iu his line of business. He asks only a rial of his work to insure satisfaction. JONATHAN HOSTELLER. ALBANY lIITCHiMAN, A MAMMOTH WEEKLY JOURNAL. The Dutchman is published every Satur. day, and sent to subscribers at the following terms payable in advance : Ono copy 52.00 per an. I Three copies 500 " I Five " 8 Oo " Ten " 15.00 ! City stib-crlhers will be served regularly with the Dutchman at $2.00 per annum, names sent to the publication ollice, 72 Siatostreet, \u25a0klbar.y, N. Y. Any parson sending ns a chip of five, at the above terms, will be entitled to an addi- tional copy gratis, GRIFFIN & FARNSWORTH, Proprietors. HATS AND CAPS. THE subscriber respectfully infe'rms liie friends and customers, that he j us t r0 ceived from the city, a force and sL ct a ,! sortment of FASHIONABLE Hats and Caps, of DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED STYLE, which he offers for cash sales very cheap, at his old stand, On Main Street, sec- ond door South of tho <. Oil/1 I)OUS9i ®" continues to manufacture Hats tq I order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. for the Removal ttiiii rerminirjit Cure of till NERVOUS DISEASES, And of tltoMCompiling*wtiiHi no cnnneit ly HII im- laued, weakened or uiilictthhy condition of the NRKVO V. J* KY9TK Mi Thl I cauWiil end convenient i;<t llcN'i ? of the mri- ferionc (JALVA.MHM ami MA>-\ fc.TIHM, haa (S;en piuMHHd by <liiHiiignliie4|>)iyell*both in antirne L'lifted Slates, to 1 flie mutt veiueMc mitiU'**'!! diteovtry of the ??#** Dr. CHniSTIE'S GALVANIC BELT And MAGNETIC ie need with the incut pxifectw*! certain auooeee In all , casea of - GENERAL DEBILITY, ' Strengthening tho weakeuod body, giving lone to the rarloui organs, and Invigorating the entire system Al*o in FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY, DY'SP> P 81A or INDIGESTION. RHEUMATISM; ACUTE a d CHRONIC, OOUT, F.PJLKFSV. I.UMBSOfk RK ML * I NESS, NERVOUS TREMORS. PALPITATION K THE HEART, APOPLEXY, KF.U&M.OfA, TAINS in the t)fM: and CHEST. LIVER COMPLAINT. SPIN AL I COMPLAINT, and CURVATURE of the SPINE. HIP I COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEVI- ! CIENOY OF NERVOUS and PHYSIC tL ENVROY, and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaint* aiiee from one ainiple cauae namely, , A Derangement of the Nervous System. Gtf-ln NERVOI'S COMPLAINTS, Drngs and Medl- eitiea itirrtjft{-'?* disrate, for they wenkdii the vital ener- gies of th? fiready piorirated system ; while, under the life-giving, vitalizing influence of Gal- vanisrtL a- applied by ttiie beautiful and wonderful dia cover/, '.he exhausted patient and weakened sufferer te restored to Wriaor health, attc:.gth, elasticity uud vigor. The great peculiarity and excellence of Dr. Christio's Galvanic Curatives, j consist* in the fact that they arrest nud ruie di e \ee by outward application, in place of the iimul inodu of dnig- ging. and physicking the pnticnt. till exhausted Nature | sinks hopelessly unJer the infliction. | They strengthen the whole system, tonal'it the si'cu- l l.iiion ef the blood, f ornate the tecrc'idn*. uni nr*er da ' the slightest injury uu-ln- any circumstance femco their I >U;odualkJi in the United only three years since. flk.it t hn G 0,000 Persons ; tiffing nil \u25a0£**. clasaca gnd conditions, among nieh | ware a (argi* number ofIndia*, who aw peculiarly ukjact la M.rrui*. (V'tiplaunli, have tic.n | ENTIEEr-y Attn PEnMArfSrn7LY CURSD, j when all hope o' rolief hod been jdvau up. and eeerf thing else been trie '1 in vain . ' the usP 4>f the suppose enso of fl pet. *n afilieted with that bane of citilir.atlo'2, DY'SPEPfCtA, or .'?uy other f.hmiile or NM*. ous Diaonler In cuso*, atimulant* ar taken, which. by their itenou on thd iws es and muscles ->f ike stomach, off,ird temporary relief, but w ju'h leave tho patient in a lowei* state, and with kjurcd fvculties. alter the action thus excit;d has censed. Now minimie this with the efloct resulting from tho ap|dic3Uonol the (JAI^ V'ANIC UKLT. Jake a Dyspeptic ruflWer evun lb the *or?t symptoms of au attack, and simply tie the Dolt krotjnd the flpily. using the Maguetio Fluid as directed, fn a sliort period th*'insensible perspiration will net on the positive element of the belt, thereby causing a Hai- vanic cireulatkm which will pu> on to the neg-.iiive, atl thence hack again to the jMwitvv>, t|u< keeping up ft con- tinuous Ualraoic circulut(oti throughout the system Thus tho most cases of DVSTEIWIA ate PHI- MANENTLY Cl.TtEl). \ II-W U.W K IS AMIM.V SUFFICIENT TO EUADK AT*. THE Dl-vEASE OF YEA UK. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of Use most L'it<!untried Cliamtrr, From all parts of tho country could he gi\ en. sufficient to fillevery column in thi. paper ! , AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclusively rvorcs that 11 Truth i-s stranger than Fiction." CVUE O F Rheumatiam, Bronchi tig and Dyaprpala. KEV. UK. LANJDIS, A CLERGYMAN of New Jersey, of dialing ulsbttJ atiainrnents and cxallaJ repiltitloii SinxKt, NetV Jersey. July IJ. 1543 Dh. A. II Ciifti4Tts'?Dear Su : Yuii w Ndi lo know of cne what has been the result in mv own case, of tb* application of THE OAI.VANIC BELT AND NECK- LACE. My tcply is as follows : For about tjnnty yav: I had been suffering from Dyvpepai.i. Every y rar tiio syiuotome became worse, wr could I ohtdin permflrtont" relief from any couiw *>f medical treatment whatever. About fourteen years since, in roiMe<|ue>icc of frequent exposmo to tbo wcatiier, in the discharge of inv pastoral duties, I became subject t> a sYvere i hronic Itueumatism, which for y ear after yyai, cousoJ me indescribable anguish. Farther : in tuc winter of '45 and '4O, in conse- quence of preaching a great deal in my own and various other churches in this region, I was attacked by 'v he Bronchitis, whicli soon became so sovera as to reqvlire ah immediate suspension of my pastoral labors. Aty nervous system seas now thoroughly pros- tratad, and as nty Bronchitis became wi>rse, so also did my Dyipepr.ia and Rheumatic affection- thus evincing that these disorders were connected with each other ihiough the medium of the Nervous hyxtenv In tho whole phaimncoposia there seemed to be no remedial agent which could reach aud recuiterate my Ncrvoua !J> riom ; every thing tnat I had tried tor this purpose had Completely failed. At last I was led by my friends to ex- inline your inventions, and (though'with no very quiiio hopes of their efficiency,) (determined to try the 'fleet of tho application nl thf HALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This was in June. 1R46. To sir OKXar ASTOMISHMKKT, ty TWO rsre ur DrsnNis ui do.tx ; in RIOMT pats I was SINCX OMII TF.O A SLRTOI x SKRVK X o.x AcconT or TII BRONCHITIS ; AXD MV RM:CM\rtc arriCTiox HAS TIT. Tiaxtx cr.Asr.e TO TROCBLF, Such is tho wondes-- ful ailfl happy roxults of fad experiment. I have the BELT and FLUID to many who have been likewise suffering from NeurgJgic affec- tions. They hire tiled them, with, HACTV RKSCI TS, I I ain, dcai sir, vcrv respectfully yours, ROBERT W. LANDIB- DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECXLACE Is ns% 1 for nil complaints affecting the Throat or Il#l, such as Bronchitis, inflammntion of the Tbrovk Norvouo and Hick Headache, Dizziness i f tha Head, Nouralgia In the Face, Buzzing o r H<tßtlnp i" the F.a/s, DeafnoKS, which is generally Nervous, tuw .hat distressing com risuut, culled I'ic Uolorcux Paisy and Paralysis. All physicians acknowledge that these teiribl* dis- eases are caused by a deficiency b'crvaus Energy in tho affected limbs. DB. (-MRI.ITIF.'S" Oulvanic Aitides wili supply this deficient power, and u complete and euiire suro is thus odccted. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC DRACELETS tre found of vast service in CJSSS of Convulsions or Kits, Spasmodic Complaint*, and g?nei.t Xa-ruus AflVetisut of the Head and Ufipor exttemiiies Also in Pahy and Parulysis, and all diseases caased by a deficiency of powei or Nervous Energy in tho limbs or other organs of Ihi body. Tic Doloreux and Neuralgia. These dreadful and ag<niziug complaints are issi A'airly relieved by the application of tho GALVANIC Br IT, Nri-m ai k and F'LPIO- i'he licit diffuses tho Elortricitv j through tho system ? the Necklace has a local efliict, and j the Fluhi acts fluently upon tho affected nerves. In these IJiitressing srtlietions tho application NEVER FAILS. FITS AND CONVULSIONS. . These alarming and terrible complaints are ilsrnve Miieeil ..y a derangement of the Xtrves The Bat r. BIIACM.riaand I - I.PIP will cure noariy every esse, n-j matter how voung or old the patient, or how confirmed the complaint Numerous and astonishing ervuf. are iu possession of Hie proprietor. CT?- Many hundred Certificates from all parts of the -ufri r Tr t ? ,e . I,M><K ?atraordinary clursctar can .he given, II required- "Oond, Iti. of Sov m. h. ?? °~ ' L r.S\tC .IKTTCLRS, BnJ I y Ul * mml fo'tilo anJ delicto, wjtl. ! \u25a0?ty. In many c." Hie .rnaaHon Th.v c- V '" r u" 11 *""? 1 Th *> * - > "Ol to a-y of tie country. r Prices: ,? e .rftlTflnic Belt, "Puree Pnllare. I ,ne Onlvnnic Nooklacs, Two Dollars. , . Tho Qalranio Bracelcta, Ono Dollar Each. /J The Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar. M Org- The article arc accnmpaniwt b* full and ,tain air-ctiuiM. I'ainuhlaU with full porticu'Ur. may b h.il : of the authorizau Agent. 0 PARTICULAR CAUTION. 0J- fl.t rare 0/ CtuitUrftitl anj tVortkltit /ratieti.ak 19. O. MOIi.iILIEAD, M. D., 1 UKXCBAL AOKNT FOR XUK. UNITKU BTAIT.*, % r W "roadway. Raw Vurk. sale, in Bloomshirrg, Pa., by lh , I authorized agent, I by JOHN R, MOVER. authorized agents in ths principal ' .owns of the Slate.

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Page 1: ll)c Novtl). mmmmm* - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025182/1851-03-27/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · lotat of ll)c Novtl). TELEGRAPHIC NEWS FROM THE BI.OOMBBCRG OFFICE

lotat of ll)c Novtl).TELEGRAPHIC NEWS


Death of Gen. Brooke.

WASHINGTON, March 91*t?The War De-

partment received intelligence to-day that

Geo Brooke had died at San Antonia, Texa*.

Xwe Week* tnter front Caltfornta.

Ni| YORK, March 21.

The steamer Crew® City, le [lChagtea Uth, and Kingston 18th of March,

bringing San Francisco datea to the lSlh ult,

andhtving on board 5817572 91 in golddual, arrived heie to night.

Since the departure of the last steamer for

Panama the lrdian difficulties have beed on

the increase, rather than otherwise, and mur-

tier# md reports of hostilities, collisions ft.idbabies have boen rife. .

Efforts have been mado tn the I.egtala-

tute to raise funds and Slate troops tor carry-

ing on the war. One of the Governor s aids

J Nvily Johnson, Esq , has been despatchedbv his Excellency to the scene of disturb

ances, to act oilthe part of the Slate. Au-

thority has been givou to raise a force of

volunteers. ,

Our Legislature has boon battling for a

number of things, but has won few victories.

Log rolling for the office of United StalesSenator, for establishing the further seat of

government, for ousting each ot her out of

their legislative saddles, he., have beoa Iho jchief public occpations ot our legislators. j

They have fixed upon next Monday as

the day to elect a Senator to ttie seat of Col. iFremont after the 4th day of Match next, jSome believe Mr King will be elected,some Mr. Haydenfelt, while others liayegrowin" faith in Mr. Fremont's success, in

whose favor there lias been an undoubtedreaction on the part of many.

A Shipwreck.

BOSTON. March 22d ?Ship Euphratus, ar-

rived at Now Bedford las' evening, reports

when 70 miles out, off Montauk Point, on

Monday he saw a large Merchant ship with

painted ports lying to, in a heavy gale. OnTuesday, the wind still continuing heavy

from the northeast the ship standing north,

weal, he soon become surrounded with thefragments of a wreck, and he grappled xft'iththe broad side of a ship with painted ports.

He was compelled to cast it off on account

of the heavy sea.The captain is of the Opinion that the ship

of Monday must h .ve wont to pieces in thegale ami all on board perished. She was

evidently new.

The Mississippi of Yirg.nla, &c

Baltimore, March 22, 94 I'. M'?The sou.thorn mail has arrived with New Oilostisdates to the ISth iut., by which wo" learnthat the Mississippi river was so very highthat it was deemed expedient to send out

forces to strengthen the levee.The Virginia Legislature yesterday elected

Col. Jo*. Johnson, of Harrison County, as

Governor.A series of resolutions were presented to

the lower Houso of the Virginia Legislature,yesterday, sympathising wilh South Caroli-na, but agreeing to the requirements of ihecompromise, and pledging support to theUnion; also denouncing the late conduct ofVermont. They were, on motion, laid on

(ho table.Cooper, who shot five men at Portsmouth,

Virginia, a to .v days since, has been held to


Jenny l.lnd Turor ia St* I.ouis.

St. Louiß, March 22.?The Swedish Night-ingale creates great excitement in this city.She will remain here longer than she at firstintended. So great are the demands fortickets thai they command on an average, a

premium of five dollars.

Outrage in St. Imwreuce County.

Olica, March 22.?A number of persons,disguised, and with a supply of tar and fea-thers prevented the officers from sellingproperty levied on for military fines. Thesale was stopped, and tho officers beaten.


We regret tc announce that this venera-ble man, due of the Judge* of the SupremeCourt of Pennsylvania, died yesterday after-noon, at 6 o'clock, at Gorrnantown, in thiscouuly. To the last his intellects remainedclear, and when ho died, he met death with-out a murmur. A long ami useful publiclife, occupied by the various duties of legis-lator and of Judge, gave him great opportu-nities ol knowing the people and the inter-ests of Ihe State. In all the positions he oc-cupied, he never failed to be worthy of thetrust confided to him. He died at an ad-vanced ago, fgil of yeats and full of honor.I'eace to his ashes? P cnnsylcanian of the26 th in>t.

MUKDERSR CONVICTED. ?The jury in the :case of Martin Peifcr, tried at Orwigsburg jfor the murder of his wife, in Schuylkill Ha-ven, some month* ago, rendered a verdict,on Thursday, of guilty of murder in the

first degree. Sentence of death was imme-

diately passed upon Unit Tbe prisonermade quite a long speech to tho Court andjury, acknowledging the murder, bul allegingibat he comtnirteJ it in a temporary fit ofinsanity.

IST Constable Derr arretted on Saturdaylast, at Haas' tavern, in Montour oounty, a

man named Robison, who broke Jail ir. LockPort, N. Y., a few weeks ego. The fellowmade adeeperate resistance aud embellishedthe countenance of Mr. Derr with some cut*

illustrative of his prowess. He was lodgedin jail in this place, on Saturday nigh',where he await* the requisition of tho Gov-ernor of New York? Sunbury American.

Off Both branches of the legislature ofthie elate have agreed to adjouru on the 15of April.


ie lower, with light sales. GooJ brands areworth but 34 374 a 34 44. Sales extrabrands at 34 50 a S4|. Fancy brand* arehold at t&4 a >64. Rye Flour ?Last sale* atS3 374. Corn meal i* held at $2 75 forPen-no.

GOAlN?Wheat?Safes of Penna. red atW a 97; prime while is selling at 8102cent*. Rye?Sites at 68 o. Coin i* moreinquired after, and yellow comma ids 60c ,afloat, with sales Iroiu store at 53. Oats, las tsales al >3 cent.


On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Justus A.Melick, in the City ol Baltimore, Mr. THEO-

DORE MOTTO, to Miss SARAH E. HARTLEY,both of Baltimore.

On the 22nd inst., by Ihe same, Mr. SAM-UEL BITTENBENDER, of Light treet, Bloomtp., to Miss SARAH COLEKYLAEZR, of Wilkes-barre, Luzorne Co., Pa.

On the 23d inst, by tho same, Mr. JAMESD. MELIUS, of Light Street, Bloom township,to Misa HARRIER Y. BET*LE, formerly ofWilkesbarre, Luzerne Co., Pa.

In Muncy Borough, on the 17th inst ~by

tbe Rev. George C. Drake, ANDREW A. STEW-ART, Esq., of Anthony tp., Lycoming county,to Mrs. HARRIET BOWMAN, daughter of Ben-jamin Drake, Esq., of Wilkeßbarre, Pa.

In Wilkesbarre, on Sunday of last week,by the Rev. Mr. Strasser, Mr. SIMON 1-ONO, toMiss IETTE COONS, both of the former place.

On the 13th inst.. by Lloyd Thomas, Esq.,Mr. GEORGE ZIERMAN, to Miss E. KELLER, allof Franklin tp., Montour co.


At Seneca Falls, N. Y., on tho 18th inst.'Mrs. G. V. Sackett, sister of Mrs. F. 11. Swaby deceased.

In Danville, on the 23d inst., Xnver Egger jaged 48 years, a native of the Grand Duchy Iof Bad sit in Germany, and for many years a |citizen of Danville.

In Bloomsburg, OP Thursday of last week, IJOSEPH, son of Henry Zuppinger, aged 6 jgears arid 10 months.

In Berwick, on Saturday of last week, 'Mrs. ANNA MARY, consort of Col. John Sny. jder, in the 67th year of her ago.

In West Hemlock township, Montour 1county, at the residence of her uncle James 'Everett, Miss ELIZABETH BEUGLER, daughter ;of Samuel and lane Brugler, aged 18 years 17 mouths and. 16 days.

In Valley tp., Montour co., on the 15th, inst., THOMAS DAVIS, Senior, aged about 90

| year*.

A NEW WEEKLY MAGAZINE*i The "North American Mlsoellui.y." !

Issued weekly, in elegant stylo, with forty- jj eight large octavo pages, or two thousand jfont hundred and ninety-six a year, will be i

) delivered at the residence of each pubscri- jber, ftv SIX AND A QUARTER CENTS ANUMBER.

| THE CONTENTS?Choice Mtsccllano jI ous Selections from tna current Litera'uro of| this Country and of Europe?comprising j| Historical and other Hales, and Romances ofI high literary choracter Sketches of the cele-| brated Dead or Living, Essays, Anecdotes,

; Reviews. Poetry, Criticisms, Movements ofI Disti iguished Individuals, Current Events,

1 etc., will be properly edited and selected,j BY ISSUING WEEKI.Y we shall presentour readers one, two uud three weeks earlier jthan we could do in a motldy form with the jmost interesting selections from Foreign Lit ierature brought by every steamer.

! THE "NORTH AMERICANMISCELLA- |NY" will equal in tasteful appearance any imagazine published, and the four numbers a Jrnyntli, costing but 25 cents for the four, will jcontain a considerably larger quantity of /reading matter than any other monthly in !

: America.| THE BEST ARTICLES WILL BE SE-LECTED Irom all of the following publrca- ;

I lions, which sustain the highest character for! Literature. Humor and W it, amoug. the IV

j iio.l:oU of England, to which will ha ad- 1| ded frequent origin Translations fsom the |

j Literature of France and GermanA, all sev.| oral weeks earlier than could be presenter!

j m a Monthly Publication.OUR OBJECT in issuing weekly is that

| our readers may receive the choicest selec-I tions from the curreet literature at short in- jI tervals, in a form more cl-gant and better jadapted to preservation than that of a news- jpaper.

A. PALMER & CO., Publishers,111 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. '

JUVENILE CONCERT.rTMIE large juvenile, singing class of 125 j-L children connected with the different jSabbath schools ot this place, will give an ;interesting entertainment under the direction Iof

MR. C. KEMMERER,i in the Methodist Church, on Saturday eve- Ining, March 29th. They will all unite theirsweet voices in singing upwards ot

35 Different Pieces.such as Hymns, Rounds, Solos, &c.

KTDoors open at 64 o'clock, the Concert Ito commence at 74.

Admittance 124 cents. Tickets to bo had iol the children or at the door.

A Valuable Farm atPRIVATE SALE.

A good farm of 176 acres in Mountpleas Iant towushipr, Columbia county is offered for |salo upon fair term*. It lays along Fishing- |creek jnst opposite Light Street, and containsas good land as is found along the creek.About one fourth is wood land, the remain-der cleared and in good state of cultivation.The improvements are a convenient andcomfortable frame dwelling-house, a good Ibarn, and other outbuildings. The land is

I believed to contain a valuable deposit ofIRON ORE,

; and the owner only agrees to sell it, because ij ho cannot give his personal supervision to

| the properly. It will be sold upon such lib-eral and desirable terms as to make it agood, profitable, and cheap home. For theterms of sate inquire of

K. W. WEAVER Agent.Bloomsburg, Jan. 21, 1851.?tf


Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street, 1PHILADELPHIA,

WOULD caJl the attention of purchasers to ;their elegant assortment of Wrought ami CastIron Railing for


VERANDAS,Railing for Churches, Public and PrivateBuildings, Public Squares, &0., together witnall kinds of Plain and ornamental Iron work.


Containing the host selection of dosigns thathas ever been issued, wilt be sent to anyperson who may wish to make a selection.

Feb. 20, 1851-3 mSHEETS & SELTZER'S

WHOLESALEwrnis & sux&mac,

Wo. 939 N- Third St.,(HWMSWK! (Above Callowhill,).VjjpHg. I'IIILADBLPUM,

A GENERAL ASSORTMETOFURAIVDIE*, WINKS, (ORDIAL.fi,Aud Liquors of every descriptiot:

ALSO afull slock of Hyson. Imperial,Souchong, Black If Green Teas.

IK. Mtr.Etz. r r. SELTZER.

J. >1 ARMSTRONG Agent.

Philadelphia & Reading Rail Road*

DEDUCTION of Height on Merchandize,to commence March 1, 1851.

RATES OF FREIGHT PER 100 LBS.Between Potttville antf Philadelphia.

AHTICI.ES TRANSPORTED.?Ist Class.?Bi-luminous Coal, Rriqks, Ice, Iron Ore, Lime-stone, Pig Iron, Piaster, Slale, Tiles, 9 eta.

ScßClass? Biooins, Burr Block t, Cement,Grindstones, Guano, Laths, Pitch, RailroadIron, heavy, Rosin, Salt, Sills. Shingles, Tar,Turpentine, Timber and Lumber, 10 cts.

3rd Class.? Ale, Beer, and Porter, Ashes,Pot & Pearl, Bark, Barley, Bones at Horns,Coffee, Cotton, Whiskey, & Domestic Liauurt, Grain, lrpn Castings, rough ; Rolled,Bar or Hammeind Iron, Boiler Plates, FlatBar Rail Road iron. Lead and Shot, Molasses, Potatoes, Nail* & Spikes, Salt Provisions, Sugar. Saltpetre, and Tobacco, un-manufactured, 121 cts Flour per barrel,25 cts.

4th Class ?Applet, Bran, Butter, Chee*eCordage, Earthen Ware, Groceries,(except those elated) Hemp, Hurdware, andCutlery, Hollow ware . Lard, Leather, LiveSlock, Manufactures of Iron, as Machinery;Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Rags, Rus-sia Sheet Iron, Seeds, Steel, Sweet Potatoes,Tallow, Vinegar and Wire, 17 cts.

| 6th Class ?Books and Stationary, Boots &

Shoes, Camphine, and Spirit Oil, China, Glasssnd Queensware, Cigars, Confectionery, DryGoods, Drugs, Fresh Fish, Meat & Fruit, Fo,reigh Liquors, Hops, Spirits of TurpentinoTeas, Wines and Wool 22 cts.

j March 13, 1851.


Astronomy Phrenology, anJ Geomancy, com-bined with CONJURATION, from Sweeden.office No. 71 LOCUST Stiret Philadelphia, offers hi* services to Ihe citizens of Bloomsburg.He has been consulted by all tbe crowueJ headsof Europe, and enjoys a higher reputation at anAstrologer than Any one living. Nativities calculated according to Geomancy?Ladies {3,Gentlemen 15, Persons at a distance can havetheir nativities drawn by sending the date of ihed.iy of their birth. All letters containing thoabove fee will receive immediate addition, andNativities sent to any paitof the world writtenon durable piper; and he is prepared, tu makeuse ot hi* power by conjuration on any of thefollowing topic's! "Courtship, advice given forthe successful accomplishment of a wealthy marriage,- he has the power to redeem such as aregiven to the free use of tho bottle,- anu for all'cases of hazard, and for tbe recovery of stolen orlost property, and the purchasing of lottery tickets. Thousands ot the above named canr havebeen dour in (bis city and its vicinity, and in theCnited eittttes, to tlio full satisfaction of all. 10,.OUO Nativities oi Horoscopes have been cast during tho last four years while he-e. i.ederswillanswer every purpose, and willdo as well asto call in person, and the mail is now so safethai persons need not fear to trust money throughthe Post Office. Dr Kohack receives from 600to 1000 letters monthly, and has never missedone.

Allletters willbe religiously attended to, ifprepuid. For more particulars col! at the officeof the "Star of the North," and get an Astrolo.gicsl Almanac gratis.

U. \V- ROB AUK, 7 Locust street ,ahoveEighth, opposite the Musical Fund Hall Philada.

lie particular to mention the Post-office, county and State. All communications kept religioa-ly secret. March 13, 1851,



The (liiecii'g Necklace,Or the Secret History of the Court ofLewis XVI.

rpHIS work is tins sequel to Dumas' cele-X brated work "The Memoirs ot a Physi-cian," by Alexandar Dumas, author of "theIron Mask," "Count of Monto Cristo," &o.Translated from the French by Thomas Wil-liams, Esq., with beautifully illustrated Cov-ers and Poitratts. Complete ir, two largeoctavo volumes. Price 50 cents a volume.

Tli.s novel is founded on the celebrated! incident of the diamond necklace, which

Cardinal Cohan purchased, as he supposed,: lor Maria Antoinette, but which fell into the| hands of a female sharper, who personated! 'he Queen, and so dooped the poor cardinal.| Dumas always writes with spirit The pres-, ent is belter than most novels now a-days,| and we recommend it as an agreeable com-

i panion for a railroad car, or a rainy after-i noon.

Published and fot sale al the cheap bookstore of T. B PETERSON,

No. 98 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.March 13 1851.


Peter S. LeidyCan manufacture just as neat and fashionable a suit of clothing as any other tailor inthese diggins. As a sample of his workm.mship, he refers you to the

I)EST FITTING COAT.To be found in the town, which is quite certain to have come from his shop.

lie regularly receives the latest city fashions, and from his experience in the busi-ness can ensure satisfaction in his work.

He has also on hand an assortment ofCLOTLL,


At the lowost prices, from which ho willmake up to order coatr, pants, or vests of anydesirable style.

LSHlis shop is on the North side of MainStreet, a few doors above the Court-house.

BlOomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850.

ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! PEPSIN,lite Trut iiigesiivs Fluid, or Gastric Juice ! Agreat Dyspepsia Curor, prepared from lion-et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, afterdirection of Baton Liebic, the great Physi-ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D.,No. 11 North Eighth Streot, Philadelphia,Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy forIndigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com-plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curingalter Nature's own method, by Nature's ownagent, ;hs Gastric Juice. See Advertisementin another column.

HORS^BILLSOf any size, cheaply and handsomely

printed, at short notice, at this office. Allorders sent by mail will be promptly attend-ed to.

Bloomsburg, March 13 1851._________

IS hereby given to all persons interestedthat the account of Jacob llartman trusteeof Mary Ileinbach of Hemlock townshipColumbia County, a lunatic, has been filedin tho Offioe of the Prothonotary of saidCounty dud will be presented to the conn for

j Confirmation on the 22d day of April next.JACOB bVEPt'Y £rpf.

1 Bloomsburg, March Joih 1851 -in"




T%JOW, conducted by Thomas While,\u25a0kson of lis late proprietor, at the OldStand, where Dealers will at all timesfind a slock of Foreign and DomesticStraw, Lace, Fancy, Grape und SilkBonnets. Panama, Palm Leaf, and everyvariety of Straw Hater*nd

Artificial Flowersunequalled by any other for extent orbeauty of manufacture, and at very lowprices* having futilities for producingthese goods possessed by no other estab-lishment.

To the Ladies and Milliners generally,he would tender his gratcf.ukacknuw lcdgt-menta for their kind app.oval of the busi-ness system of this house, shall be wan-ing, to merit a continuance of their liber-al patronage, They will still be greetedwilh the same old familiar faces, whowill st all times endeavour to executetheir commissions with fidelity andpromptness.

March 0, 18Cl"-3m,

'PROCLAMATION.NOTICE is hereby given that the

several Courts of Commom I'leas, Gen-eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, andOrphans' Court.. Court of Oyer andTerminer and (fail Delivery, in and forthe County of Columbia, to commence atthe Court House in Bloomsburg, onMonday the 21st day of April naxt,continue one week.

The Coroner, Justices of the Peace &.

Constables, in and for the county of Col-umbia, are requested to be then and therein their proper persons, with their rolls,records, inquisitions, and other remem-brances, to-do those things to their sev-

eral offices appertaining to be done.And all Witnesses prosecuting in behalfof the Commonwealth against any pris-oner, are also requested and commandedto be then and there attending in their pro-per persons to prosecute against him, as

shall be just?unci not to depart withoutleave at their peril. Jurors are request-ed to be punctual in their attendance, atthe time appointed agreeable to their no-tices j

Gjvett uncle; mv hand at Bloomsburg the10th day of March if the year of ourJ.iird one thousand eight hundred andfifty?and the Independence of tho U-niled Status of America the 741h.

PETER BILLMYER. Sh'ff.(God save the Commonwealth.)

Hoots and Shoes.ISTEncourage your own Mechanics, and you

encourage YourselvesTho subscriber would inform his friends

and the public, that he has on hand, andmakes to order all kinds of BOOTS ANDSHOES, at the following low prices :Men's fine calf or morocco boots, S4 a 4 50

do kip or cow hide, 3 35do calf .'hoes 2 00do cow hide 1 75do miners', riailodj 2a2 50

Ladies' gaiters, 2 a 2 25n Lace ooots,


loz" Thick soled slippers, lal 37" Pump soled, 100" .Excelsiors, 125Boys', youths' and children's shoes fit pro-

portion. He manufactures his work of thebest of stock, and warrants it to wear; andhe is determined to sell it as low as otherscan their Yankee or city work. Call andsee for yourselves, tihop on Main st., nextdoor below Hartinan's Store.


Fire Insurance.THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance

Comoany, have appointed tho undersignedan Agent, to make insurances in Columbiacounty. The Company is in good credit,andis conducted upon sound principles. Personsinsured by the Company are entitled to therights of membership therein, are elegibleas Directors of the Corporation, Ltd withoutany individual liabilityfor the losses or expensesof the Company. The amount of premiumand policy paid when insured is the extentof liability. Persons desirous of eflectiugan insurance upon property, can call uponthe undorsigned, at nis Otlice in Bloomsburg.

CHARLES 11. BUCKALEW.May 22, 1850.




SHOULDERS, | rhdadelphia.LARD AND CHEESE, JMarch 6, 1851.-3 m,


A HIGH SCHOOLFor Young Ladies and Gentlemen-

J. E. BRADLEY, Principal.A sufficient numberdf competent Assis-

tants will, at all times be employed.Ihe ensuing Summer Session will com-

mence on MONDAY the 14th day of Aprilnext, and will continue 16 weeks.

TERMS.The Academic year consists of 44 weeks.The price of tuition per quarter is as fol-

lows:For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A-

rithmetic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge-ography, History of U. S. $3 25For same, ana Algebra, Geometry, Survey-

ing, Monsuration, Boook-Keeping by doubleentry, General History, Natural History, Phy-s'-'og)'i Philosophy, other English branches,aud Drawing. $4 50For Latin, Greek German, & Fiench, 5 75

tyGood boarding can be obtained in pri-vate familiesat front $1 50 to $2 00 per week.

RereßENCF.s.?Col. Joseph I'axton, Hon.Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, MichaelBrobst, Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., andthe Citizens of Bloomsburg.

ty After this Winter Session the FrenchLanguage will be taught in this School.

Bloomsburg, March SO, 1851.

For Good Watches.jjntjf Henry Znppinger returns8,2% L his thanks for past palro-

J/f\ and invites the pubfp\ to examine his newyir l "mm assortment of

CLOCKS, WATCHES,Glasses, and

Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which heoffers for reasonable prices. He will also repair clocks, watches, and musical anil opticat instruments In a satisfactory manner,

His shop ip jfltlie njjddle room of the Ex-change blook, Headv opposite to the CourtHottso.

* """

1 Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849.

mmmmm*BY virtue of a writ of levari Facias to

me directed, will be exposed to publicSale, at Hie Court House in Bloomsburg, onMonday the S Ist day of April, the following.described property, to wit:?A.'l teal certaintvyo-story frame building, situate just east ofthe main road leading from the U>wn ofBloomsburg to the Canal fronting lots ofJohn Ruiswick and William G. Hurley, andjoining lands of William Sloan, a few rodsfrom the Canal, in the township of Bloom,in the County of Columbia, containing infront on an alley, separating it from lands ofJohn. Ruiswick and William G Hurley,twenty two Jed, and in depth sixteen feet ;anj the lot or piece of ground and curtel-edge appurtenant to said building.

Seized taken in execution and to bu soldas die property of M.ichaclHeiulersliot.

A L S 0,,By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas,

to mo directed, will be exposed to publicsale, at the Court house in Btnomshiirg, opMonday tho 21st day of April, the followingdescrihod properly, to wit :?All those twopieces ot ground situate in the Borough ofBerwick, bounded and described as lollws :the one situate on the South east side offront street adjoining on alley on the oneside which run? from the front street to theriver bank and adjoining Abraham Miller onthe South-West and an alley on the tear.

The other lot East of the first described onthe opposite side of the alley, which runsfrom front street to the tivei bank and backor East of the alley running on the rear ofthe first described, containing each oneeighth of an acre, more or less, with aDwelling House on the first described piece,ami a stable on the second described lot,with the appurtenances.

Seized and taken in execution and t n bosold as the properly of Thomas Connelly.

ALSO,A certain tract oftriecO of land in Beaver

township Columbia County floi;.,!*in>"g eightynine acres more or less, thirty acres of whichis cleared land, bounded by lauds ofand Moats, on the south, Charles Michael onthe south east, and others whereon is erecteda one two story frame House, and frameBarn, and other out buildings ; also a tract ofand situate in the township of Beaver coun-ty of Columbia, surveyed ou a warrant inthe name of Catherine I.ongeubergcr, con-taining three hundred and sixty "bur acres,and allowance.

Seized and taken in Execution and to bosold as the property o! Charles F. Mann.

A 1. SO,A certain lot or piece of land situate in

Centre township, Columbia County, contain-ing four acres more or le. s, bounded by landsof Jacob Nagle 011 the west the widow Hess011 the east, the north Branch of the Pennsyl-vania Canal on the south, and the Koadleading from BJoonisburg to Berwick, where-on is erected a two story frame dwellingHouse with the appurtenances.

Seized ?ml taken in Execution and to besold as the property of Lafayette Kessler.

A tb 0, "A certain lot'of gr. und situato in Blooms-

burg, Bloom township Columbia county,containing onofourth of a:i acre more or lessbounded on the north by third street, on theeast by lot of Valentine Smith, on the wostby lot of Charles Decider, and others, where-on is erected a one story frame ten-pin alleywith the appurtenances.

Seized and tttkeu ou Execution and to besold as tiie property of John I.ow and Hub-ert I ewisi

A i, s a,Al the court house in Ploomsburg, on

Friday the 28th day of March next, al oneo'clock in tho afternoon, by virtue of n writof levari faciai all that certain messuage ten-ement ami tract of land situate in Montourtownship Columbia county aforesaid, bound-ed and described as follows: to witBeginning at a past the south eastern Cornerof said tract on hill of land of tho heirs ofBavlor dee'd., thence by said lands, northone half of a degree west one hundred andseventy three perches to a post, thence southeighty and one fourth degrees west one hundredand I wenty three peiches to a smallwhile oak, ilionee by land of widow Ritternorth three fourths of a degree west sixtyfive perches to stone head thence landsof Bittenbendur south eighty two degreeswest fifty five perches to a small rock oak,thence south one degree west fourperches to a post, lhet.ee by lanjdotClouse, south twenty twodegreos east eightythree perches to a black oak, thence northsixty six degrees east fifty four perches to apost, thence south, twenty three degrees eastfifty four perches to a post, thence southforty seven degrees east twelve and fivetenth perches to a post, thence south twentydegrees east seventeen perches to a post,thence by lands of Henry Wertinan northseventy nine and one half degrees east eigh-ty three perches to a post, the place of Be-ginning : containing one hundred and sixtytwo acres, and eighty three perches of landmore or less.

Seized taken in exocutipnand to bp soldas the properly of Benjamin Haywood aim!George W. Snyder.


Bloomsburg, Feb. 22, 1851. j

Graud Jurors for April Term 1851.

Bloom ?Thomas Ellis, John R. Mnyer, Silas E. Fowler.

Briarcreek ?Cornelius Albertson, JacobMosteller, James Jncobj, Jacob Cope.

Cer,tre ?Daniel Fowler.Cattaunssa ?C. G. Brobst, John Schtp'ck,

Peter t. ampher.Fishingcreek ?Sarniol Yost.llemhck? Peter Brugler, Matthias G'irton

sen.Jackson ?John Rants.Montour?Jacob Leiby.Moilison ?Jacob Cool.Mifflin?Isaac Snyder.Maine?John Gearhart.kfountpleasant ?Jacob Goho,Orange ?Joseph Buckle.Boaringcrcek ?Philip Cool.Sunarloaf? Thomas Meudsnhall, William

Cole.Traverse Jurors for April Term 1851

Bloom ?Abraham Snyder, Thomas KnorrBriarcreek ?Michael Brower, Stephen M.

Gilmore sen, Hugh M'Bride,Beaver? Jacob Hoals,Caltawxisa ?George W. Haider, Wm Furry,

Reuben Slambach.Centre ?Jacob Hageubuch, Siephen Hut-

tonFishingcreek ?Daniel Smith,Grstnteeod? Jacob Evans, John Barret,

Yetman Eves, Alba Bangs, Joseph Robbins,John M. Parker, John Moore, NicholasKliidt, George Masters, George M'Ewen.

Hemlock ?Thomas J. Vanderslice, WilliamCoxe, Charles Holmes, John llartman, Syd-ney Slater.

Mifflin?John Tro-.ist, Thomas K. HeBS,Madison ?Samuel Richard.Orange? Abraham Kline, William

Wesly Powman, '

Uavid Lewis, Phijip Shultz,niehard Stiles.

Fiiiicv Poller,Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writi" j,an(l &<J

I can be found at the cheap Book store ofjerrr. ii .WAnrz.

Fall and Winter Goods.

mss a Hussa*? <23 <s<s>a 0

HAVE just received the largest assortmentof new and fashionable fall anil winter |

goods to be found in Bloomsburg, and they \offer them at the lowest prices to their tnanyold patrons and new.

They have a full and large variety Of, CLOTHS CASS/MER S. SA T-

TfNETS, JEANS. PLAIDSI AND STRIPES FORmt'ir*coats, vests : and pants. French ndEngtNh Merinos, Cashmeres, Delaines,





And Salt?Cedar ware, Hats, Lap". Coarseand line Boots and Bnolees for Men and

Youths?Leather, Morocco and Uuirt Slicesfor Ladies, Misses and Childrens wear, andjust about every thing else that can be de-sired to please taste or servo nse.

Bloomsburg, Oc'., 29th 1950.

S-fOA3TP. Cj£>c2><E>dLiS3®

The subscriber bus just received andopened at his old stand a choice lot of newgoods to which he invites die nttPntion ofpurchasers. He has a full and fair assort-ment of fall and winter goods consisting bf

ism's<33-IXI csaua iXia DBSS*

H ARD7fAR2,Queenswrre, Cedar Ware. Fish and

Sail. Huts and Caps. Coarse andFine Roots, Gum. Morocco

and Jenny Lind Stylesfor ladies, misses and

childrens wear.

Al"". Woollen, Watterloo, Baystate MiJs and >SKT L.ND Long Shawls,

Cashmeres, Merinos. Delaines, Plaids'. Printsand Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER.

Bloomsburg, Oct. 30, 1850.

i\ew Goods in Light Mrect.The subscriber has just received a new

assortment of goods from the city, which heoffers to the buying neighborhood at thelowest prices. His stock now consists ofevery article usually kept in a country store,including

T C2L}'csD <3153.,

Quccnstvare Hardware, CapsHoots ami Shoes,

Ac.) AtC- .

lie can furnish Cloths. Casimeres Satinetsand Jeans for men's wear; and Merinos, Al-pacas, Cashmere, Delaines, Ginghains andPrints for tho ladies. Also Shawls, Hosieryand Gloves of every variety. Here is arare chance fir bargains to ihoso who wantcheap and good goods for cash or countryproduce. PETER ENT.

Light Street, Oct. 29, 1850.

FOR FALL AND WINTERThe subscribers have just added to their

former stock a large ane geriaral assortmentof Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qneenij-waro Cedarwarc, Fish, Salt, &c., caiqfullyselected as to quality and priep, all of whichthey aie anxious to sell on the most accomrnodating terms, aud respectfully solicit acall from all those who wish to buy cheapgoods' their pld customers especially.

MENDENHALL & MENSCII.Bloomsbprg, Oct. 31st 1850.

llcndlu K R- CaNsingfi Traila

IBSSggSiOfßcfi ofPhila la. & Reatling K- R. to j

Pltilatlclphia, Sept. 16, 1850- jUntil further notice there will be hut one

Pasenger Train daily, (Sunday excepted.)between Philadelphia and Pattsville at ha fpaat eight o'clock, A . M., atttl stopping at theU.-nal places on the line of the road.

/foni J ofI'o.ixing Holding :?For Philadel-phia at 10 o'clock, 10 minutes, A. M., forPottevillo at 11 o'clock, 2Qminutes, A.M.,

By order of the Board of Managers.S. BRADFORD, Secretary

Reading, Nov. 2, 1850.

THOUSANDS HAVE GONF. TO CALI'FORNIA, but the business of Coach andWagon making will bq continued by the sub-scriber at the old stand on Market street. Hewillpromptly attend to all orders for work irjhis line of business, and is always ready, atshort notice, to furnish Wagons, (."bachesCarriages, Buggies. Sleds and Sleighs of r,LV

Style; but always of the bet.-: materials, antlmade in the most substantial m- llucr .He willgive his prso'- a) attention to the

business, n.ru employ none but good work-men,. Repairing will be attended to withcare, and ttoc.n ine most rea.-7onable terms.?He proposes loservo his customers to suchwq:U as will secure for him n continuance otheir patronage, and from all who need arti-cles iu his line of business. He asks only arial of his work to insure satisfaction.



The Dutchman is published every Satur.day, and sent to subscribers at the followingterms payable in advance :

Ono copy 52.00 per an. IThree copies 500 " IFive " 8 Oo "

Ten " 15.00 !City stib-crlhers will be served regularly withthe Dutchman at $2.00 per annum, namessent to the publication ollice, 72 Siatostreet,

\u25a0klbar.y, N. Y.Any parson sending ns a chip of five, at

the above terms, will be entitled to an addi-tional copy gratis,


HATS AND CAPS.THE subscriber respectfully infe'rms liie

friends and customers, that he jus t r0ceived from the city, a force and sLct a ,!sortment of

FASHIONABLEHats and Caps, of

DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVEDSTYLE, which he offers for cash sales verycheap, at his old stand, On Main Street, sec-ond door South of tho <. Oil/1 I)OUS9i

®" continues to manufacture Hats tq

I order as usual.THOMAS WILLITS.

Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849.

for the Removal ttiiii rerminirjit Cure of till

NERVOUS DISEASES,And of tltoM Compiling*wtiiHino cnnneit ly HII im-laued, weakened or uiilictthhy condition of the


Thl I cauWiil end convenient i;<t llcN'i ? of the mri-ferionc (JALVA.MHMami MA>-\ fc.TIHM, haa(S;en piuMHHd by <liiHiiignliie4|>)iyell*both in

antirne L'lifted Slates, to 1 flie mutt veiueMcmitiU'**'!!diteovtry of the ??#**


MAGNETICie need with the incut pxifectw*! certain auooeee In all

, casea of -

GENERAL DEBILITY,' Strengthening tho weakeuod body, giving lone to therarloui organs, and Invigorating the entire system Al*oin FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY, DY'SP> P81A or INDIGESTION. RHEUMATISM; ACUTE a dCHRONIC, OOUT, F.PJLKFSV. I.UMBSOfk RK ML *



and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaint* aiieefrom one ainiple cauae namely, ,

A Derangement of the Nervous System.Gtf-ln NERVOI'S COMPLAINTS, Drngs and Medl-

eitiea itirrtjft{-'?* disrate, for they wenkdii the vitalener-

gies of th? fiready piorirated system ; while, under thelife-giving, vitalizing influence of Gal-

vanisrtL a- applied by ttiie beautiful and wonderful diacover/, '.he exhausted patient and weakened sufferer terestored to Wriaor health, attc:.gth, elasticity uud vigor.

The great peculiarity and excellence of

Dr. Christio's Galvanic Curatives,j consist* in the fact that they arrest nud ruie di e \ee byoutward application, in place of the iimul inodu of dnig-ging. and physicking the pnticnt. tillexhausted Nature

| sinks hopelessly unJer the infliction.| They strengthen the whole system, tonal'it the si'cu-l l.iiion ef the blood, fornate the tecrc'idn*. uni nr*er da

' the slightest injury uu-ln- any circumstance femco their

I >U;odualkJi in the United only three years since.


G 0,000 Persons; tiffing nil \u25a0£**. clasaca gnd conditions, among nieh| ware a (argi* number ofIndia*, who aw peculiarly ukjact

la M.rrui*.(V'tiplaunli, have tic.n

| ENTIEEr-y Attn PEnMArfSrn7LY CURSD,j when all hope o' rolief hod been jdvau up. and eeerfthing else been trie '1 in vain .

' the usP 4>f thesuppose enso of fl pet. *n afilieted with that bane ofcitilir.atlo'2, DY'SPEPfCtA, or .'?uy other f.hmiileor NM*.ous Diaonler In cuso*, atimulant* ar taken,which. by their itenou on thd iws es and muscles ->f ikestomach, off,ird temporary relief, but w ju'h leave thopatient in a lowei* state, and with kjurcd fvculties. alterthe action thus excit;d has censed. Now minimie thiswith the efloct resulting from tho ap|dic3Uonol the (JAI^V'ANIC UKLT. Jake a Dyspeptic ruflWer evun lb the*or?t symptoms of au attack, and simply tie the Doltkrotjnd the flpily. using the Maguetio Fluid as directed,fn a sliort period th*'insensible perspiration will net onthe positive element of the belt, thereby causing a Hai-vanic cireulatkm which will pu> on to the neg-.iiive, atlthence hack again to the jMwitvv>,t|u< keeping up ft con-tinuous Ualraoic circulut(oti throughout the systemThus tho most cases of DVSTEIWIA ate PHI-MANENTLY Cl.TtEl). \ II-W U.W K IS AMIM.VSUFFICIENT TO EUADK AT*. THE Dl-vEASE OFYEA UK.

CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALSOf Use most L'it<!untried Cliamtrr,

From all parts of tho country could he gi\ en. sufficient tofillevery column in thi. paper ! ,

AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE,which conclusively rvorcs that

11 Truth i-s stranger than Fiction."CVUE O F

Rheumatiam, Bronchi tig and Dyaprpala.KEV. UK. LANJDIS, A CLERGYMAN

of New Jersey, of dialing ulsbttJ atiainrnents and cxallaJrepiltitloii

SinxKt, NetV Jersey. July IJ. 1543Dh. A. II Ciifti4Tts'?Dear Su : Yuii w Ndi loknow of

cne what has been the result in mv own case, of tb*application of THE OAI.VANIC BELT AND NECK-LACE. My tcply is as follows :

For about tjnnty yav: I had been suffering fromDyvpepai.i. Every y rar tiio syiuotome became worse,wr could I ohtdin permflrtont" relief from any couiw*>f medical treatment whatever. About fourteen yearssince, in roiMe<|ue>icc of frequent exposmo to tbowcatiier, in the discharge of inv pastoral duties, Ibecame subject t> a sYvere i hronic Itueumatism, whichfor y ear after yyai, cousoJ me indescribable anguish.Farther : in tuc winter of '45 and '4O, in conse-quence of preaching a great deal in my own andvarious other churches in this region, I was attackedby 'vhe Bronchitis, whicli soon became so sovera asto reqvlire ah immediate suspension of my pastorallabors. Aty nervous system seas now thoroughly pros-tratad, and as nty Bronchitis became wi>rse, so also didmy Dyipepr.ia and Rheumatic affection- thus evincingthat these disorders were connected with each otherihiough the medium of the Nervous hyxtenv In thowhole phaimncoposia there seemed to be no remedialagent which could reach aud recuiterate my Ncrvoua!J> riom ; every thing tnat I had tried tor this purpose hadCompletely failed. At last I was led by my friends to ex-inline your inventions, and (though'with no veryquiiio hopes of their efficiency,) (determined to try the'fleet of tho application nl thf HALVANICBELT ANDNECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This wasin June. 1R46. To sir OKXar ASTOMISHMKKT, ty TWO

rsre ur DrsnNis ui do.tx ; in RIOMT pats I was



Tiaxtx cr.Asr.e TO TROCBLF, Such is tho wondes--ful ailfl happy roxults offad experiment.

I have the BELT and FLUID to manywho have been likewise suffering from NeurgJgic affec-tions. They hire tiled them, with,HACTV RKSCI TS, I

I ain, dcai sir, vcrv respectfully yours,ROBERT W. LANDIB-


Is ns% 1 for nil complaints affecting the Throat or Il#l,such as Bronchitis, inflammntion of the Tbrovk Norvouoand Hick Headache, Dizziness i f tha Head, Nouralgia Inthe Face, Buzzing o r H<tßtlnp i" the F.a/s, DeafnoKS,which is generally Nervous, tuw .hat distressing comrisuut, culled I'ic Uolorcux

Paisy and Paralysis.All physicians acknowledge that these teiribl* dis-

eases are caused by a deficiency b'crvaus Energy in thoaffected limbs. DB. (-MRI.ITIF.'S"Oulvanic Aitides wilisupply this deficient power, and u complete and euiiresuro is thus odccted.


tre found of vast service in CJSSS of Convulsions or Kits,Spasmodic Complaint*, and g?nei.t Xa-ruus AflVetisutof the Head and Ufipor exttemiiies Also in Pahy andParulysis, and all diseases caased by a deficiency of poweior Nervous Energy in tho limbs or other organs of Ihibody.

Tic Doloreux and Neuralgia.These dreadful and ag<niziug complaints are issi

A'airly relieved by the application of tho GALVANIC Br IT,Nri-m ai k and F'LPIO- i'he licit diffuses tho Elortricitv

j through tho system ? the Necklace has a local efliict, andj the Fluhi acts fluently upon tho affected nerves. In these

IJiitressingsrtlietions tho application NEVER FAILS.

FITS AND CONVULSIONS.. These alarming and terrible complaints are ilsrnveMiieeil ..y a derangement of the Xtrves The Bat r.BIIACM.riaand I- I.PIP will cure noariy every esse, n-j

matter how voung or old the patient, or how confirmedthe complaint Numerous and astonishing ervuf. are iupossession of Hie proprietor.

CT?- Many hundred Certificates from all parts of the

-ufrir Tr t?,e .I,M><K ?atraordinary clursctar can .hegiven, IIrequired-

"Oond, Iti. of

Sov m. h. ??

°~'Lr.S\tC .IKTTCLRS, BnJ Iy Ul* mml fo'tilo anJ delicto, wjtl. !

\u25a0?ty. In many c." Hie .rnaaHon

Th.v c- V'"r u" 11 *""? 1Th*> *

- > "Ol to a-y of tie country.

r Prices:,? e .rftlTflnic Belt, "Puree Pnllare.

I ,ne Onlvnnic Nooklacs, Two Dollars. ,. Tho Qalranio Bracelcta, Ono Dollar Each. /JThe Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar. M

Org- The article arc accnmpaniwt b* full and ,tainair-ctiuiM. I'ainuhlaU with full porticu'Ur. may b h.il

: of the authorizau Agent.

0 PARTICULAR CAUTION.0J- fl.trare 0/ CtuitUrftitl anj tVortkltit /ratieti.ak

19. O. MOIi.iILIEAD, M. D.,1 UKXCBAL AOKNT FOR XUK. UNITKU BTAIT.*, %r W "roadway. Raw Vurk.

sale, in Bloomshirrg, Pa., by lh, I authorized agent,

I by JOHN R, MOVER.authorized agents in ths principal

' .owns of the Slate.