llicefyric stiio i - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51hj72/data/0955.pdf · 2f bfjt...

w Hlilty E I J w i 4- L 9 lit SrE G D OAt 11DjSrJA4 Ann U Ig y l Il ifC2c Pstfefe cr = Wabofegr April 12 ice = I itiHMaar a It HAM < ltm sr JIlL eiM ittt6 t1All treMJ rz w el artaucrsae = p TMS Or- P ounC sueiii 06If S6 r c Ai< ial- yWrhrY s- f I e f f at + I star Nr 1 ttitTUilCEJIiiEIt s E- rnr emits ttrret- trA t L sW IdIII4rf 4nwurrt 1 < s ttt 4t JIll i 1Iit 1IwL rsrncie = t t ait till eM- rfr At fcvu via < urf ws IGtnywr- It Irtlin tjl 1111 W 4t- t oIOkUtclh JlUOI- 1IfJ1fl t t r YW J u r 1 6t > 11M 1f a iwr 1suin M fL pryL r1 = > T AT IC TICKET i r vts2 m Y i J irri- I 4 I w 7 rA jf nr j 7 i ir ear 14- A L J ltt j 4 tf J Tr9f1- n4 f t111J tr- AP i1 1114 c < yl rrr A +U 1 ji 2 C a I z 1CII r YiTiCIr Ie rr rt 1 1 Arr- w w T iYt96Gt R- J J 0 < a i 1 l < < I 7 r t A- rL righT t t- 4r I i 1Ir 4 t- 2ft1 L- t I 1 1JfEi In I I > J J Li U21 1711 HA a t I I s 7 r V I f bt 4 11W nu til Ii i cc = = = JJl J Hie turn witiin not the et men who take it Jt in talking arc they who brim Itpings to the vrwW JJifficbitks tine to every J man whether ir buWnet or in J > 4i4 life and then it b that doing 2 counts THh MAN e It i ii the l little man who never fail Jo take an opportunity to kick fig men want to measure strength + with the big men but the little man i is always faultfinding and The town has gone to pieces and I Iam going to leave it These mcn never go It is the little that never rues above difficulties THOUGHTFUL e Mr Harper most likely antic ¬ gating that something would hap ¬ pen to Senator J C S Blackburn I during the coming year and pro ¬ vided him with a farm to be as his own during his natural life j The farm contains 160 acres and the Senator is well provided fo- TIIIs MAN WHO DRINKS Persons who regard the drink question as one of the national evils grow discouraged at times at the seeming indifference to their warnings But when the g employers refuse work to the I drinking man when the great la ¬ bor organizations withdraw their benefits from those addicted to = the habit and when the Governor of a great State declines to ap point men that arc drinkers itof must surely be evident to all that lOll temperance 8 0 is marching on At ncgie 4ffjf W 1 iJjtiIlll b > A = 44 itiJf yeas c fegaccSeg wfll ie seabsasi dlctsihiisg caaau = Hbe Itd g J sws 1Nhgrt PW is ward r aaaI- i it awr beset as if he wffl OJPC 29 C3fT waffiacwvK or cwaaee it fe i WIIIIMn far Jfe Btefbfe a hC Be dif- ewe jfc fgjc to cioxrf every tus eatty tit KOT MUCH Fars Mier Ikcpa = lYes zo rags art 311e1l I ± vlli t irsc i4i flit StaBfler Bfodb- ame ia d 2 wtsy lid SeBew II EsaCent Y I1He > resl t tae weds to saeo- f ttticasedf ieGs tier ittrs Emea- J EttaSadkj Dsaawsaa Lt- eo fig leis fTf JauTtf of 2 fear yeao bodb ace fiKgattea grad jdc esdoC c oa tsetdt Ifeow stoeus WILL > mERE > > BE AKOTHES k was emtly m both Mr iJI po iris ECMW U > de daec vfcoot tfwf t mo aid feroc fOr h sifted States Sensor aad ao r Krcc rite people bow how ifeey stated it btcoMta die drty 0dIe vpottiom algid Aek privilege as w d l to ptrt oet a caaifclbtr wise w< Mdd7dkct tfcek choice Botit i tIIcxAcMdkfaec arc forMf JRack burn and she 4N rtio is who ac the people > of thv Scaatorial CI I I uict for- I CHXGEDII II I The IttliAdff of a majority of die City Cooncil Ins undergone a j cbangea the streets for the j year f r > will not be sprinkled j unless the citizens and pay for it thcimdves taxpaycnI I t ti project coat by drixsg on the genesalj I fund daring the years past it i j tnut We bean adie po = Li i Sterling arc paying sufficient into iSse City Treasury to Continue prinking and if they are not then we would advise that salaries be cut fewer officers be used that the property of our citizens my be protected and oar permitted to go about our is without having their ey closed from dust We offer these suggestions that the Council may consider what would be the great good to our citizens many officials or less dust II oooI 1 Roberts J Young Duff Lad ia OrooriM wbidi wit the people Oar people want Uw heM and will have DodiiMK de e They are pIe in quality saced prier the mcccpiable attgrrtabk MleMnra and quick ddirery Tb ir line embrace manTait in- CANXhl 1RiirS VEC liTAHLHS MKATSlLlc Till MUST HR1LAD out e CAKES and CURED COFFEEused e CANNOT HE SURPASS ¬ arlrlr GARDEN SEED HERE i c Full line o- fVEGETABLES i scatfor SATURDAY ee There were 500 Libraries the received gifts last year consisting 137818 volume valued at G i137 of this amount Mr Car gave 1597000 i V + fof i o IIir IAf 4 i W etrFas Ib 1 I I l I I i I y l to ixcre a A gBtSmit = I Hem pet i = pftj of glide ore meter 1for irg petW cciag ifcs yetatwit 1 Dsaik i J d SUiJIoS1SY I > 9 HMe They 9 fe LSI M 7a1 Isar swI tenila 2M to 1d0 rloece JIFI to iiotI I Hair thzade Ftoraialriags to eeaGina the Eau Boya Ksr oaLi HappyL i Eatr Guthrie Clothing Co- Uaj I I 2f Bfjt hun n r Ed William Is Retting arterial lOt rwct of his lot oa WflU Mate tUtftt preparatory to patting tip a tory bruit bnsiaeee boner j t7a tin tlutakfat to the Kentwrty Coaosi boa U > the Luisiaaa PurJ cha e ExpoeitioB for a copy ofIi Seaiaefcf at the Worlds Pair Eng leaned f f0Saaq lr rags lif large rags 51 theI carpet the better the work jPILinxwxes Operation Ends In Death At iUjsrflle Ky Weadall aiae jearoid son of the HeY 31 tbel I Banker pastor of the 3letbod l of Episcopal ennreb died after f operation for app ndieitie anJ It R c Ic I Site CltaaDfteni pmtdKsti tHjansEsafalisftwiuiJfc 1 Te nil CI ae Greacii Ctsan wig was I a1 hut wun Q 5 I c wti i dwdi ilr tiiti a T93rla H IInr f Satrxsn Bcai tfivar t of 3 ± cass off M gar dxj vfaac granxfiaag Amnmrftgr ed- tInti11 t 7FFII3 am ie t e- tlbe d i tti tlsY II eau pcat diBtiI ku- t 1dT t iis f B ttfce faesaaae aad sis p e ii l are img > dL bW eiil et n leek n G eiag fMrni at a GeP < 1x4legit am tkxt oirtpmL i liar gee Gq II ate JCHOICE i ti Weare IQ tise z sartet CoflBtnI Y I s I tSh aad Sides i 1r > RKBl PHIOB i 1 i WILL 3S PAID i p uaBIiR Ii e 2 Iu U UH UUUIUUIIUC odt = Oa atcoaat of tilt Usioe ETa gelutje firrlces ix pregr af at flee Bi iist Cilar ell sad ia order t gire their e1 lojetg za pp- aces rtBB i itr t ahead eharefc a large hsr ef iwsteess lines hare decided to cIo1e their dtors from 730 D ta SM odoefi p m daring tie ireeL cjrresegtaii7e Howard KiTTftd iJ J C HowL ltepreacc 4 a t Legiilatare from the- y Loedos dktriet was Mot sad tilled Xoadaj ia a salooa aecr bis hee IB Clq coaat BT TUiord Besge The rata qaoxnied aad Ute troobk wag themgbt to be lITer Beage drew a ptstol and Bud lie Have yaw earyet s= d rags oSeatod 38 WaL WHS iittals l cr uCIl1S1 Ia Boattyrille Ey at tbe at eo curios fer the legie dfetricta composed of Let Sreatbitt aad Magoffla John th of Breatbitt was aaa BoraiBated for the Legislature Keys Found I Call at Ibis office for five k gipsD i Bain County Levy The Balk Fiscal Court fixed county tax levy for the ensuing year atl BO OR the 100 valaation on property and appropriated on 10000 for improvements to the J county t8rDplkesI I the e e O bO 0 S o vamuels Specials o o the lieo 0d o Silk Shirt Waist Suit Patterns in o ante I popularsltades1Qtoei7 o 0II 1 0 gV f J g o 3pro o 0 u uNew Stock of Lawns in Polka Dot and d Floral Effects 1 DC 1 2i and 1 Qc d bring a 0qUI = J 0 greati dYardWide r Io I b Lace Curtains marked below l cost d o for cash I 0o v dNew Ct I I o the time It pays to looko i Ja sti Got a I silt Starting Jfy At fcidE Qooebeoeoeoeoetioovooeoeoeoe I posing aoovw I < i 1 ri I HSrshti YYsfa 2L C do < 7 > lpictnr Prainiujm- att I A URGE t VARIET HOCLDINfjS1LttJ JCST eEl ESPECIALI ¬ aeLY Mm TED TO LOOK OYER THE LATEST PATTERNS OF PiPE EROS FINE MOULD INGS FOR WHKH HAVE THE EXCLU SITE AGEXC- b The J llrlaii Sd iO I 0 I cI I 1 ttte a ied id donr al nnEdy oa Hcrw f era dwZ At Ledngtos the roof of tfce S CeDege Old Dsct = ito 7 was- Z jwcteiy bieirs off asd a fire ekiEtBej tobaeeosJ Pazis two srsottsti is of Distallisg Coa tobeeeo barn oa fti3ofE K TOSU5 At Hsle the resideoee of J H 31 l ge TCzs eoasiderabij damaged tie tad story Mrs ilicogue was Jib Brotsa of ear city la this ciy taste mires stases by falHcg walk ia burnt dlstriciasd canT eyes were dusted Iwife y pike eontainlag about 30000 pHil = of tobacco Loss alflKH total Building L o J slateAT AUCTION I 0 ataoef of lai IIeaIth sdf art wife I here Jed to I I vide std sdt my hindmnit > glue on HsysriZk street at ae rti s cs tainretisEDtiESDRY f APRIL 26- e 2 braliorre and i oiIeftd bi Mt Sterling Thej are Ida llicefyriC brrotnimoas ifOUJ J pcoence aril be ofadrui tage to meYoan respectfsllj T KELLY BARNES So HBKRY Sole Mgr 38 jt I t theInterest In Local Option Election A special from Carlisle Ky t April 7 saysHThe eke the lathof this month on the local option question is growing t warm The union revival services which have been in progress I past twelve days with two sera vices a day will continue over Sun I teltgily result on tbe 15th The refusal of City Council to grant liquor last December has made a treasury and left the bal ¬ on the wrong side of over 5000 Tbe tax in the city cluding State and school now amounts to about 205p wallI I For the lat pies in I decorations see Syracuse t3 E IE them to your house upon re E L Brockway 37tf 000000000 0easaooo0o00000000000 I city cllige o 13terling Woodura SliroaL and M Mcauuaclari > General Machine Work I Aleuts For All Kinds of Machine ymen Mecbanical Electrical Supplies S gei 1 T M RICKETTS Mgr MT STERLING KY J 0000000000ooooow oO OOOOlOooo 110Lawyers Lexington Judge Parker de ¬ that the city ordinance im ¬ an annual license of 10 on yt rIi is validj J 4 4 r 4 ft r Insnruic s Real Estlte a t I5IICS IGltIJ J E Oil IEE SflS CtlPill s CEAY JlcZU Lo > Ii1T 34 3 vr Xd Xtali si s 3eej Izarra agr i 2ST Lu t1ca OC gd ttit 1 If yon JnTe an boat toss Jot gettr2rHOXETT i4ioet 5t EaIt ec dis ciSBSt W LICe or tbtir Polices yoa btpPfI ciettiej rtpcesest bYe pad iSEioca + aai brre 3dSoas care ssaHag fort ab SOLC7ELY sire frog Ices bjr Fire Tjjgyrtrrs cr Vnad Ssre HONEY asd Ir txI- beT Bsyad4f1 the Best BLgth s ia Real Esdie zed vitboot ooh mike extzazaiiea of tfcetillts Tbeyls re 0z sa1eait iiasls of Property Scsasai aythe Timber sectioa Cool ad Fisrr lands ia aay pat of tie t ed Stztes n and Ca sda Wbea tads is the Sotk west CottoJtie aMiSot 1tItIJ thCL ALIVISB with theta zad Jots will get AKBate SAVE LOAN or BORROW MOSEY nIIThey bare Mesey a=d pkaty of it to looses good giltedged collateral No orRu taP Kb Meeting of the Board Do you wzat to Loa 0 Borrow if so Press tIe Bodra theyll do the rest Unless yon PEAS BUSINESS doat noW to thesa 25 they are buy atteDdingI to tier own besiaess Car- TestTe1 TOW feoables to a Policeaa n fore1G J wagesin orRing 3ioaeyThey reTOO LONG ia BBKSCSS to nerd refer exe I + I HABKERS IRON rliiibllilri GraniteOo Kyfare forS VasesIv They are here tot 1 Guarantee the theirown sateefts a1sIi tramps Josa rt > too per cent on your work trampthen ttspou people at 4 YOtr door aaxioos ready and willing toe dealt liJ 4 J r fBllLDINBLOTS t u tFor Salet t Public Sale on tt tlwi11offut APRIL 17 m several desirable lionbantling lots on North Sycamore street opposite Holt avenue Plot rv of lots can be seen at my office 1 i siteWda1sell shove as a whole if lee forTerms A made known day of sale R Q DRAKE t I II t c 1 2 f f WHITE LEGHORNS fl t f VERXER FOGQ has for sale eggs fard from the single comb White Leg ¬ I x fnhemI5 eggs to the setting for r m i rt PekingDnCkst50 1 L i yaw j crtauxinngstorg7S Also sells < t Cyphers Incubators and brooders I j KyR 32121 sI I DG iJ J i Ii New Firm In Parist On last Wednesday J L Me r Cormickand 0 Er Lyons of this f ti i closed a deal for the Templin i Lumber Co plant at Paris Ky > ± i Y f are now in possession Mr Cormick went to Paris on yes I r terday expecting invoice to be finished Mr Lyons will bo in I 1charge are experienced in this lino ofi trade are highly esteemed worthy and Are take pleasure in I them to the people ofto Bourbon > WE rARMtRSTO AND BUILD u e FOR THEMSELVES AND EDUCATH CHILDREN 0SCIIOOLS IIIOIITSADDITION APFORDYOU a llANOSOME ¬ APRIL26TII 383 t s hl t + r

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Post on 17-Mar-2020




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Page 1: llicefyriC stiIo I - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51hj72/data/0955.pdf · 2f Bfjt hun n r Ed William Is Retting arterial lOt rwct of his lot oa WflU Mate tUtftt preparatory


Hlilty EI J w





SrE G D OAt 11DjSrJA4 Ann U Ig y

lIl ifC2c Pstfefe cr=Wabofegr April 12 ice=

I itiHMaar aIt HAM <ltm sr JIlL eiM ittt6t1All treMJrz

w el artaucrsae= p


ounC sueiii06If S6

r cAi<ial-



I ef

fat + I star Nr

1 ttitTUilCEJIiiEItsE-

rnr emits ttrret-

trAtL sW IdIII4rf 4nwurrt1 < s ttt

4t JIll i 1Iit 1IwL rsrncie =t tait till eM-rfr

At fcvu via < urf ws IGtnywr-It Irtlin tjl 1111

W 4t-t

oIOkUtclh JlUOI-1IfJ1flt t r YW J

u r 16t > 11M 1f

a iwr 1suin M fLpryLr1 =>T AT IC TICKET

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4I w 7

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Hie turn witiin not the etmen who take it Jt in talking arcthey who brim Itpings to thevrwW JJifficbitks tine to every Jman whether ir buWnet or in J> 4i4 life and then it b that doing 2counts


It iii the llittle man who neverfail Jo take an opportunity tokick fig men want to measurestrength+ with the big men but thelittle man iis always faultfindingand The town has gone to piecesand IIam going to leave it Thesemcn never go It is the littlethat never rues above difficulties


Mr Harper most likely antic ¬

gating that something would hap ¬

pen to Senator J C S Blackburn I

during the coming year and pro ¬

vided him with a farm to beas his own during his natural lifejThe farm contains 160 acres andthe Senator is well provided fo-


Persons who regard the drinkquestion as one of the nationalevils grow discouraged at times atthe seeming indifference to theirwarnings But when the gemployers refuse work to theI drinking man when the great la ¬

bor organizations withdraw theirbenefits from those addicted to =the habit and when the Governorof a great State declines to appoint men that arc drinkers itofmust surely be evident to all that lOll




is marching on At ncgie

4ffjf W

1 iJjtiIlllb


= 44

itiJfyeas cfegaccSeg wfll ie seabsasi

dlctsihiisg caaau=Hbe Itd gJsws 1Nhgrt PW

is wardr aaaI-

i it awr beset as if he wffl OJPC 29C3fT waffiacwvK or cwaaee it fei

WIIIIMnfar Jfe Btefbfe a hC Be dif-

ewe jfcfgjc to cioxrf everytuseatty tit


Fars Mier Ikcpa= lYes zo rags art 311e1l I± vllit irsc i4i flit StaBfler Bfodb-

ameia d 2 wtsy lid SeBew

II EsaCent Y I1He>resl t tae weds to saeo-

fttticasedf ieGs tier ittrs Emea-J

EttaSadkj Dsaawsaa Lt-


fig leis

fTf JauTtf of 2 fear yeao bodb acefiKgattea grad jdc esdoCc oa tsetdt Ifeow stoeus


k was emtly m both Mr

iJI po iris ECMW U> dedaec vfcoot tfwf tmo aid feroc fOrh sifted States Sensor aad ao rKrcc rite people bow how ifeeystated it btcoMta die drty 0dIevpottiom algid Aek privilege aswd l to ptrt oet a caaifclbtr wisew<Mdd7dkct tfcek choice Botiti

tIIcxAcMdkfaec arc for Mf JRackburn and she 4Nrtio is who acthe people


of thv Scaatorial CII


uict for-

ICHXGEDIIIIIThe IttliAdff of a majority of die

City Cooncil Ins undergone a j

cbangea the streets for the j

year f r> will not be sprinkled j

unless the citizens andpay for it thcimdves taxpaycnII

t ti projectcoat by drixsg on the genesaljIfund daring the years past it i jtnutWe bean adie po = LiiSterling arc paying sufficient intoiSse City Treasury to Continueprinking and if they are notthen we would advise that salariesbe cut fewer officers be usedthat the property of our citizensmy be protected and oar

permitted to go about ouris without having their ey

closed from dust We offer thesesuggestions that the Council mayconsider what would be the great

good to our citizens manyofficials or less dust



Young DuffLad ia OrooriM wbidi wit

the people Oar people want Uw

heM and will have DodiiMK de e

They are pIe in qualitysaced prier the mcccpiableattgrrtabk MleMnra and quick

ddirery Tb ir line embrace

manTait in-



Till MUST HR1LAD out e


COFFEEused e



Full line o-



scatforSATURDAYeeThere were 500 Libraries the

received gifts last year consisting137818 volume valued at G

i137 of this amount Mr Cargave 1597000 i

V+ fof i o IIir

IAf 4 i W






yl to ixcre a AgBtSmit = I

Hem pet i = pftjof glide ore meter 1for irgpetWcciag ifcs yetatwit


Dsaik i J dSUiJIoS1SY I

> 9 HMe They 9 fe LSI M 7a1Isar swI tenila 2M to1d0 rloece JIFI to iiotII

Hairthzade Ftoraialriags to

eeaGina theEauBoya

Ksr oaLiHappyLiEatrGuthrie Clothing Co-



2f Bfjt hun nr

Ed William Is Retting arteriallOt rwct of his lot oa WflU MatetUtftt preparatory to patting tip a

tory bruit bnsiaeee boner j

t7a tin tlutakfat to the KentwrtyCoaosi boa U> the Luisiaaa PurJcha e ExpoeitioB for a copy ofIiSeaiaefcf at the Worlds Pair

Engleaned ff0Saaq lrrags lif large rags 51theIcarpet the better the work

jPILinxwxesOperation Ends In Death

At iUjsrflle Ky Weadallaiae jearoid son of the HeY 31 tbelIBanker pastor of the 3letbod l ofEpiscopal ennreb died after foperation for app ndieitie anJIt



Site CltaaDfteni pmtdKstitHjansEsafalisftwiuiJfc1 Te nil

CI ae Greacii Ctsan wig wasI a1 hut wun Q 5

Icwti i dwdi ilrtiitia T93rla H IInr

f Satrxsn Bcai tfivart of 3 ±

cass off M gar dxj vfaacgranxfiaag Amnmrftgr ed-

tInti11t 7FFII3 am ie t e-

tlbeditti tlsYII eau pcatdiBtiI ku-


tiis f B ttfce faesaaae aad sis p eii l areimg > dL bWeiil et n

leek n Geiag fMrni at a GeP <1x4legit am tkxt oirtpmL iliar gee Gq II ate

JCHOICEiti Weare IQ tise z sartet

CoflBtnI Y

I s ItSh aad Sides i1r > RKBl PHIOB i 1



Oa atcoaat of tilt Usioe ETagelutje firrlces ix pregr af at fleeBi iist Cilar ell sad ia order tgire their e1 lojetg za pp-

acesrtBB i

itr t ahead eharefc a largehsr ef iwsteess lines hare decidedto cIo1e their dtors from 730D taSM odoefi p m daring tie ireeL

cjrresegtaii7e Howard KiTTftd

iJ J C HowL ltepreacc 4

a t Legiilatare from the-y

Loedosdktriet was Mot sad tilled

Xoadaj ia a salooa aecr bis heeIB Clq coaat BT TUiord BesgeThe rata qaoxnied aad Ute troobkwag themgbt to be lITer Beagedrew a ptstol and Bud lie

Have yaw earyet s=d ragsoSeatod

38 WaL WHSiittals l cr uCIl1S1

Ia Boattyrille Ey at tbe ateocurios fer the legie

dfetricta composed of LetSreatbitt aad Magoffla Johnth of Breatbitt was aaa

BoraiBated for the Legislature

Keys Found I

Call at Ibis office for five kgipsDiBain County Levy

The Balk Fiscal Court fixedcounty tax levy for the ensuingyear atl BO OR the 100 valaation on

property and appropriated on10000 for improvements to the J

county t8rDplkesII

thee e O bO0


o vamuels Specialso o thelieo0do Silk Shirt Waist Suit Patterns in o anteI popularsltades1Qtoei7 o0II1 0gVf J g

o 3proo 0uuNew Stock of Lawns in Polka Dot and d

Floral Effects 1 DC 1 2i and 1 Qc dbring

a 0qUI=J 0greatidYardWide rIoI

b Lace Curtains marked belowl cost d

ofor cash I0ov dNewCt I I

o the time It pays to looko iJastiGota Isilt Starting Jfy At

fcidEQooebeoeoeoeoetioovooeoeoeoe I


< i


riI HSrshti YYsfa 2LC do < 7 >

lpictnr Prainiujm-







TheJ llrlaii SdiOI 0I

cII 1 ttte a ied

id donral nnEdy oa Hcrw feradwZ

At Ledngtos the roof of tfce SCeDege Old Dsct=ito7 was-

Z jwcteiy bieirs off asd a fire ekiEtBej

tobaeeosJPazis two srsottsti is ofDistallisg Coa tobeeeo barn oafti3ofE K TOSU5 AtHsle the resideoee of J H 31 l

ge TCzs eoasiderabij damagedtie tad story Mrs ilicoguewas Jib Brotsa of ear city

la this ciy taste miresstases by falHcg walk ia burntdlstriciasd canT eyes were dustedIwifey pike eontainlag about30000 pHil = of tobacco LossalflKH total

Building L o J


0 ataoef of lai IIeaIthsdf art wife I here Jed to I


vide std sdt my hindmnit >

glue on HsysriZk street at aerti s cstainretisEDtiESDRY

f APRIL 26-e 2braliorre and i

oiIeftd bi Mt Sterling Thej are IdallicefyriCbrrotnimoas ifOUJJ

pcoence aril be ofadruitage tomeYoan



IttheInterest In Local Option Election

A special from Carlisle Ky tApril 7 saysHThe ekethe lathof this month on the

local option question is growing twarm The union revival serviceswhich have been in progress

Ipast twelve days with two seravices a day will continue over SunIteltgilyresult on tbe 15th The refusal of

City Council to grant liquorlast December has made a

treasury and left the bal ¬

on the wrong side of over5000 Tbe tax in the city

cluding State and school nowamounts to about 205p

wallIIFor the latpies in I

decorations see Syracuse t3EIEthem to your house upon reE L Brockway 37tf

000000000 0easaooo0o00000000000 I citycllige o13terling

Woodura SliroaL and


General Machine Work

IAleuts For All Kinds of Machine ymenMecbanical Electrical SuppliesSgei1T M RICKETTS Mgr

MT STERLING KY J0000000000ooooow oO OOOOlOooo

110LawyersLexington Judge Parker de ¬

that the city ordinance im ¬

an annual license of 10 onyt rIi is validj

J4 4

r4 ft



Real Estltea



SflS CtlPills CEAY JlcZU Lo> Ii1T34 3 vr Xd Xtali si


3eej Izarra agr i

2STLu t1ca OC gd ttit 1

If yon JnTe an boat toss Jotgettr2rHOXETT i4ioet 5t EaIt ec disciSBSt W LICe or tbtir Polices yoabtpPfIciettiej rtpcesest bYe pad iSEioca +

aai brre 3dSoas care ssaHag fort abSOLC7ELY sire frog Ices bjr FireTjjgyrtrrs cr Vnad Ssre HONEY asdIr txI-

beT Bsyad4f1 the Best BLgth sia Real Esdie zed vitboot ooh mike

extzazaiiea of tfcetillts Tbeyls re

0z sa1eait iiasls of Property ScsasaiaytheTimbersectioa

Cool ad Fisrr lands ia aay pat of tieted Stztes n and Ca sda Wbeatads is the Sotk west CottoJtieaMiSot1tItIJ thCL

ALIVISB with theta zad Jots will getAKBateSAVE LOAN or BORROW MOSEYnIIThey bare Mesey a=d pkaty of it to

looses good giltedged collateral NoorRu taP Kb Meeting of the BoardDo you wzat to Loa 0 Borrow if so

Press tIe Bodra theyll do the restUnless yon PEAS BUSINESS doatnoW to thesa 25 they are buy atteDdingI

to tier own besiaessCar- TestTe1 TOW feoables to a Policeaa nfore1GJwagesinorRing3ioaeyThey

reTOO LONG ia BBKSCSS to nerd referexe I +


IRON rliiibllilri

GraniteOoKyfareforSVasesIvThey are here tot1 Guarantee thetheirownsateeftsa1sIitrampsJosart> too per cent on your worktrampthenttspou people at 4YOtr door aaxioos ready and willing toedealt liJ4Jr


tFor SalettPublic Sale on tttlwi11offut APRIL 17m several desirablelionbantling lots on North Sycamore

street opposite Holt avenue Plotrv

of lots can be seen at my office 1 isiteWda1sell shove as a whole if lee

forTerms A

made known day of sale




2 f f


VERXER FOGQ has for sale eggs fardfrom the single comb White Leg ¬ I x

fnhemI5 eggs to the setting for r m irt

PekingDnCkst50 1 L iyaw jcrtauxinngstorg7S Also sells < t

Cyphers Incubators and brooders IjKyR32121 sII


i Ii

New Firm In ParistOn last Wednesday J L Mer

Cormickand 0 Er Lyons of this fti

iclosed a deal for the Templin iLumber Co plant at Paris Ky > ± i Yf

are now in possession MrCormick went to Paris on yes

Irterday expecting invoice to befinished Mr Lyons will bo in I1chargeare experienced in this linoofitrade are highly esteemed worthy

and Are take pleasure in Ithem to the people oftoBourbon >





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