lo case semester 3

Case 7 NBSS Mood Disorder #dag dig dug dueeer gak berasa dah case 7 :D General Learning Objective after completing the case, the students should be able to 1. Describe the term and definition of mood disorder 2. Describe classification of mood disorder 3. Describe epidemiology of mood disorder 4. explain the etiology of mood disorder 5. review the anatomy and physiology of limbic system 6. explain the neurotransmitter involved in mood disorder 7. explain the psychopathology and psychodinamic of mood 8. exlain the signand symptom of mood disorder 9. differential diagnosis of mood disorder 10 explain the management of mood disorder 11.explain the course and prognosis of mood disorder 12 describe the medicolegal aspects of mood disorder 13. describe the definition of personality 14. describe the classification of personality disorder 15. explain the sign and symptom (diagnostic feature) of dependent personality disorder 16. describe the epidemiology of dependentpersonality disorder 17.explain complication comorbidity and impairment of dependent personality disorder 18. explain epidemiology of dependent personality disorder 19. explain the etiology, psychodynamic of dependent personality disorder 20.Differential diagnosis of dependent personality disorder 21. explain the management of dependent personality disorder 22.expalin the course and prognosisof dependent personality disorder Learning Objective of Case 5 NBSS (Dementia) after completing the case, the student should be able to 1. explain the anatomy, histology and physiology of cerebral cortex 2. explain the concepts of cognition and memory and higher cortical cortex 3. differentiated normal age-associated, forgetfulness, mild cognitive impairment, dementia, delirium, and depression by comparing. 4. describe the definition and incidence of delirium 5. describe the etiology of delirium 6. describe the diagnostic criteria of delirium 7. describe the differential diagnosis of delirium 8. explain the principle of delirium management 9. descrlogicalibe of the course and prognosis of delirium 10. describe the definition, classification, etiology,and epidemiology of dementia. 11. describe the neurotransmitter involvement in memory process and cognition 12. describe the pathophisiology and neuropathology of dementia 13. describe the psychiatric and neurological changes of dementia. 14. describe the diagnostic criteria and tools for diagnosing dementia 15. describe the differential diagnosis of dementia 16. explain the principle management of dementia 17. explain of the course and prognosis of dementia 18. recognize the indication for dementia case referral 19. evaluate the medico-legal, BHP, PHOP, CRP aspect of the case. case 4 NBSS Parkinson Disease,

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Case 7 NBSS Mood Disorder #dag dig dug dueeer gak berasa dah case 7 :D

General Learning Objectiveafter completing the case, the students should be able to1. Describe the term and definition of mood disorder2. Describe classification of mood disorder3. Describe epidemiology of mood disorder4. explain the etiology of mood disorder5. review the anatomy and physiology of limbic system6. explain the neurotransmitter involved in mood disorder7. explain the psychopathology and psychodinamic of mood8. exlain the signand symptom of mood disorder9. differential diagnosis of mood disorder10 explain the management of mood disorder11.explain the course and prognosis of mood disorder12 describe the medicolegal aspects of mood disorder13. describe the definition of personality14. describe the classification of personality disorder15. explain the sign and symptom (diagnostic feature) of dependent personality disorder16. describe the epidemiology of dependentpersonality disorder17.explain complication comorbidity and impairment of dependent personality disorder18. explain epidemiology of dependent personality disorder19. explain the etiology, psychodynamic of dependent personality disorder20.Differential diagnosis of dependent personality disorder21. explain the management of dependent personality disorder22.expalin the course and prognosisof dependent personality disorder

Learning Objective of Case 5 NBSS (Dementia)

after completing the case, the student should be able to1. explain the anatomy, histology and physiology of cerebral cortex2. explain the concepts of cognition and memory and higher cortical cortex3. differentiated normal age-associated, forgetfulness, mild cognitive impairment, dementia, delirium, and depression by comparing.4. describe the definition and incidence of delirium5. describe the etiology of delirium6. describe the diagnostic criteria of delirium7. describe the differential diagnosis of delirium8. explain the principle of delirium management9. descrlogicalibe of the course and prognosis of delirium10. describe the definition, classification, etiology,and epidemiology of dementia.11. describe the neurotransmitter involvement in memory process and cognition12. describe the pathophisiology and neuropathology of dementia13. describe the psychiatric and neurological changes of dementia.14. describe the diagnostic criteria and tools for diagnosing dementia15. describe the differential diagnosis of dementia16. explain the principle management of dementia17. explain of the course and prognosis of dementia18. recognize the indication for dementia case referral19. evaluate the medico-legal, BHP, PHOP, CRP aspect of the case.

case 4 NBSS Parkinson Disease,

LO : at the end of the course the student will be able to describe1. Anatomy, physiology and neurotransmitter related to movement (basal ganglia and extrapyramidal system)2. definition of parkinsonism and Parkinson disease3. classification and etiology of parkinson4. pathology and etiopathogenesis of PD5.pathophisiology of PD6. clinical feature and staging of PD

7. diagnosis and differential diagnosis f PD8. Management of PD9. Course and prognosisof PD10 medico-legal aspect of PD

case 3 :1. anatomi, histologi, embriologi, fisiologi (cerebrum-dibahas fungsi2 lobus-, cerebellum, brainstem, meningeal layer)2. CSF (sintesis, komposisi, aliran, fungsi)3. Blood Brain Barier4. fisiologi conciusnes (Reticular Activating System-fisiologis dan patologis, ascending-descending tract)5. fisiologi CN I-XII ( pusat, jalur keluar foramen)6. corticospinal-corticobulbar tract7. vaskularisasi arteri carotid otak (circle of wilis)8. sinus-sinus otak9. stroke iskemik-haemorrhage10. inervasi + veskularisasi meninges11. komplikasi hypertensi12. intracranial pressure13. mekanisme hypertensi yang melibatkan pembuluh darah14. stroke (klasifikasi, definisi, DD, mekanisme-patpat, sign symptom, prevention primer-sekunder, komplikasi, rehabilitasi, prognosis)15. PP mannitol

case 2 :1. definisi cedera medulla spinalis dan prognosisnya2. anatomi vertebra (bagian-bagian)3. anatomi segmental spinal cord + fungsinya4. anatomi secxial section spinal cord (cervical, thorac, lumbar, sacral)5. mekanisme cedera + penyebabnya6. gambaran klinis cedera medula spinalis (complete-incomplete)7. ascending-descending tract8. fungsi spinal cord (simpatik, parasimpatik)9. fungsi sensorik-motorik pathway10. lapisan spinal cord (meninges)11. reflex arch11. spinal cord disease (insidensi, PE, definisi, kalsifikasi, management, komplikasi, patogenesis, management, brown sequard syndrom, anterior/posterior cemtral cord syndrom, anteroquard syndrom.12. histologi spinal cord13. anxiety disorder (all about, di dalam klasifikasi dibahas PTSD)14. perbedaan anxiety normal-abnormal15. perbedaan anxiety dan fear16. kriteria diagnosis PTSD17. PTSD dan acute stress18. PTSD (etiologi faktor, psikopatogenesis, psikopatologis, biological factor, management, treatment)

case 11. anatomi saraf perifer 2. anatomi spinal cord (dorsal-ventral root ganglion)3. inervasi otot2 ekstrimitas atas-bawah4. histologi saraf perifer5. neuromuscular junction6. embriologi saraf perifer7. potensial aksi saraf8. pembentukan selubung myelin9. klasifikasi serabut sraf (myelinated-unmyelinated)10. topografi sensoric distribution (dermatome, sklerotome, myotome)11. general concept of lower motor neuron (sensory, motoric, reflex)12. patologis dan disorder polyneuropathy13. hub infeksi neuropathy dengan degenarasi wallerian14. patomekanisme degenasi saraf perifer, degenasi wallerian, akson, demyelinating, demyelinating

15. patomekanisme NMJ disease16. patomekanisme periferal disease17. klasifikasi periferal disease berdasarkan lokasi18. GBS

LO Case 3 – Hypoparathyroid 1. Explain the anatomy and histology of parathyroid gland2. The structure of parathyroid hormone (PTH)3. The synthesis, regulatory mechanism and secretion of PTH4. Transport in circulation, action, and metabolism of PTH5. The biologic effect of PTH on calcium and phosphate metabolism6. The mechanism of action of PTH7. Factors contribute to calcium metabolism8. The various parathyroid disorders9. Hypoparathyroidism and hypocalcemia : the causes and pathogenesis, clinical pictures, lab findings and principles of management10. Hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia : the causes and pathogenesis, clinical pictures, lab findings and principles of management

LO Case 5 – Diabetes Mellitus Type 21. Describe anatomy and histology of pancreas gland2. Explain insulin : synthesis, secretion, action, physiologic action of insulin on carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism3. Describe the principle of carbohydrate metabolism and its relation to lipid and protein metabolism4. Differentiate gluconeogenesis from glycolysis; process and regulation of glycogenesis & glycogenolysi; and control of blood glucose5. Describe the lipid transport; disorder of lipoprotein metabolism; atherosclerosis process and principle management of disorder lipoprotein metabolism6. Explain the secretion and action of glucagon7. Know and define type 2 diabetes (TD2DM) and epidemiology of TD2DM8. Understand and explain the etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical signs of TD2DM and its chronic complications9. Explain the metabolic abnormalities in the development of TD2DM10. Explain the prevention strategies of TD2DM11. Explain the principles of the management of TD2DM12. Explain the pharmacological properties of OAD13. Explain the pathophysiology of chronic complications in TD2DM: macroangiopathy, microangiopathy and dislipidemia14. Explain and summarize the prognosis of TD2DM and its chronic complications15. Understand the definition of gestational diabetes16. Understand the effect of diabetes on intrauterine development, and effect of pregnancy on the diabetic mother, diabetes complications, and on fetus17. Define and explain the pathogenesis of gestational diabetes18. Explain the principles in management od diabetes in pregnanacy

LO Case 6 – Diabetes Mellitus Type 11. Understand the definition and pathogenesis of Type 1 DM2. Explain the pathophysiology of Type 1 DM3. Describe the clinical manifestation of patient with Type 1 DM4. Explain the principle management of patient with Type 1 DM5. Understand the influence intercurrent illness and stress hormone in Type 1 DM patient6. Understand the pathophysiology of DKA7. Understand the principle management of DKA8. Understand insulin induce hypoglycemia9. Describe the clinical manifestation and principle management of hypoglycemia10. Explain the prevention of acute complications of Type 1 DM