lo1 - work which analyses advertisements

Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research

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Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)Purpose:- This campaign is used to prevent people from saying No to hunting foxes so by Changing the publics attitude it means more people will feel sorry for the fox. This will then get them on board so that they tell a wider audience about how you should ban fox hunting. - The people that get involved in this campaign will Raises a lot of awareness by telling others about how foxes are killed. By doing advertisements and using this on the IFAW website it means that it hits a mainstream media audience. This means the campaign will get more members.- This creates and strengthens community ties because fox hunting would be an old tradition in some places like Warwickshire. Some people would be against the fact that activity like this happens in there area. This brings those people together so they can start talking about it and building a relationship with subjects.- This campaign shows that they are providing information about fox hunting and how it should be banned. They are trying to put as many people off the subject of fox hunting so that more people will understand the subject better and then vote for the right option. - The IFAW are using a campaign method which is trying to prevent foxes from being murdered by dogs.- This campaign is trying to change voting behavior by encouraging them to vote against foxes. This Brainwashes them into thinking that they are doing the right thing or that they know what they are doing.

Aims:What they are trying to do is to prevent foxes from slaughter. This Campaign is trying to show that foxes shouldn’t be hunted instead they should be protected. Foxes are important as they are carnivores which mean they eat berries, insects and mammals. This varied diet means that they can stop certain animals from over populating. They are trying to show the public that the Mp’s are voting on banning hare hunting and deer hunting. If these are banned then it means fox hunting can still happen to this day. The IFAW believe that people shouldn’t have a licence for killing animals such as foxes. By having a big title saying ‘Voting Made Simple’ will draw in the public into thinking it’s an easy option to say no to cruelty.

Creative Media Production 2012

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Techniques:A bold font has been used for the title on the campaign which is a very affective way of getting an audience’s attention. The first thing that you look at straight away is the big font and the simple colour white, this is important because that’s what’s going to bring you towards the campaign when looking at the advertisement. The way the title and imagery are used is very effective because it tells you what it’s about before even looking at the small text at the bottom.

The colour of the background works well with the whole theme of the campaign. The dark brown muddy colour shows what happens when a fox is killed. It’s lying there dead with no meaning to it like someone dropping something on the floor. It also fits well with the foxes fur as it’s a dark brown/ginger colour. This shows that it has an identity and they beautiful fur and body should be shown in it’s natural beauty. They have made the background very dark also which makes the poster negative and dreary.

The use of imagery on this poster is presented very well, the image of the fox in the grass is very positive, it shows a cute animal in it’s habitat. The audience would look at that straight away and feel sadness towards the animals. The surrounding grass around the animal portrays it’s natural habitat and how happy it is. Humans straight away feel that they should protect natural habitats and the animals in it, by killing those animals it means they will gradually become a small population with to much habitat for it.

The small text that is used is talking about why we should vote to keep the foxes instead of relying on the MP’s for some action. By having small text on the poster it means it really explains to the audience about what they are doing which can give them a better understanding. It’s rounds of all of the information about the poster and what it’s there for. By grabbing there attention before by using the imagery and text it means people will automatically read the text just to find out what it’s about.

The language used encourages you to make a different and it’s very positive and negative talk. For example ‘make yourself heard’ tells you that you can be the good one a join there campaign to prevent foxes from being killed. Whilst ‘don’t license cruelty. Ban hunting with dogs’ is negative as it forces you to do something, instead they should say ‘you can make a different, together lets ban hunting with dogs’ this is more positive and effective. The language they use in this poster is very formal which makes the target audience an older age.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Impact:-There has been evidence that change has happened, in 2004 the House of Commons voted that there should be a hunting ban. This ban involves stopping dogs from attacking the fox. If that occurred at any time then it would be illegal. During some hunting meetings, it is known that when the hunters find the fox, then they restrain the dogs except for two, the two dogs don’t kill the fox but they flush it out which means the hunters can shoot the fox easier. This means it’s a clear death and no other fuss.

-The Issue with having a ban of fox hunting is that there has been a lot of accidents. This is because when the hunter tries to restrain the dogs, they still end up chasing the fox which means it’s killing the fox. An example of this is the Countryside Alliance, they were hunting and they have found out that they’ve hardly killed any foxes after the ban which is a good thing.

-It is shown that the population of foxes will not have a huge impact. Hunting effects only 6% of the fox population that are killed in England and Wales every year. Pro-hunt campaigners believe that the fox population will be reduced due to famers shooting them.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Purpose:- This campaign shows that they want the public to change there attitudes and feel towards this poster. It’s trying to show that children need a home to live and by you donating, it can help towards that child in the poster.-The campaign raises awareness as it shows a sad, week child which automatically makes you want to help them and others in that situation.- This campaign provides a lot of information for the audience. By having a title and sub-title it tells the audience about what happening and it’s achieving it’s purpose by using a strong sub-title like ‘No room at the inn?’- This poster is a campaign that asks the public for social action and help, this can improve there member population and cause.- I believe this campaign will receive mainstream media because the poster will connect with everyone, there are a lot of parents around who wouldn't want to see there child look like this. By having a website and a QR code it means that people can easily connect with that campaign.- When people see this poster they will start talking about how it’s horrible that children go through that. That’s why they are building a relationship with the subjects.

Aims:The aims of this poster has a lot of factors. For example it’s trying to show that if you don’t donate money to that cause then the children will not have anywhere to stay and instead they’ll have to sleep on a floor where it’s probably cold and damp. It’s also trying to say that children should have a better childhood, by donating money they can step forward to a better quality of life. The more money they raise the more they can afford better facilities for these children. By this being just a campaign in Scotland, it’s most likely that they’ll be even more in England and Wales.Creative Media Production 2012

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Techniques:-The red text is very well done on this campaign as it highlights which words are most important for the audience. The red font shows which company it is and what you have to do to donate, as an audience I would have looked at that text first instead of the white one. The red text will lure you in and once that’s done the audience will automatically go to the white text which will tell you the information.

- The font is nice, neat and easy to read, even though it’s not a Serif font, the font is still readable and works well with the layout. The bold san serif isn’t a big font which normally wouldn’t work when having a campaign poster but by having a large image telling a story then that doesn’t matter.

- The colour scheme of the poster is very well put together. By having the boy and text in red it shows that they connect, they both having a strong meaning in the poster. The fact that the boy is showing his emotion and then the text explains it, I think works very well. The colours are very dark and mysterious which automatically makes you think that there’s something wrong with that boy. The black and red box and with the black and red jumper works really well together.

- The image used stands out from the rest, the fact that it’s a little boy wanting help makes the audience sympathise greatly with it. The black eyes shows that he’s tired and hasn’t had a good night sleep in a while, this fits well with the theme because they are trying to promote the fact that some children have to live in B&B for most of there lives. The picture of the boy really sets the tone and trying to tell the audience that you shouldn’t take things for granted but to look after others.

-The language that is used on this poster is straight to the point. It is strong and just wants to put the facts out so that it hits you straight away, by having the first line as a fact helps you to understand the cause better. They use strong words like ‘Joe Will’ and ‘Most’, which says that the children have no choice but to live in flats or B&B’s.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Impact:-Shelter England and Scotland have become more and more popular because of this they received up to £26 million. This was done in Voluntary income, this will help massively towards the workers at shelter England and Scotland so that they give expert advice. When children need help, they should always get the best quality advice that they need. The children get advice from a telephone but also the Shelter Scotland website. Statistics show that Shelter got over 430,000 people asking for advice on there website, this is known to be 37% more than last year.

- There website and helpline have been more popular every year, this means people are gradually getting the confidence to talk to Shelter Scotland and asking for help and advice. The advisors controlling the helpline answered over 11,000 calls and emails, this is also 49% more than last year. Shelter Scotland alone got more than 12,000 people receiving advice which is great as it means more and more are finding out about the campaign.

-Shelter Scotland has launched a new campaign called ‘Reclaim your fees’. This is campaign is about protecting tenants from paying to much fees from there letting agents. They have a website made that talks about how you can protect your money and how much you should pay. Someletting agents asks tenants to pay a massive amount of money for a house, it’s importantthat that doesn’t happen. They have helped 2,000 with getting there money back from tenants.

- It is known that housing costs in Scotland are on a rise. 65% of people think that therea housing crisis at the moment, whilst 61% think it’s just going to carry on getting worse. This is why Shelter Scotland is working closely with the Scottish Government so they can get some results.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Purpose:-I believe that this campaign is trying to target a local, national and global change. Cancer is a well known illness across the world so by campaigning it, it means more people will get more confidence from it. - It is definitely changing peoples attitudes towards cancer, even though its a disease I still believe people are trying there best to move forward with it and work together to get all the research they need.- The campaign raises a lot of awareness because a lot of people are interested in whether they are getting the research and if there’s any progress with it. - It’s still dominated by non-traditional groups because they have used a white middle aged man in the centre of the poster. I think this still works because people familiarise with that type on the television and posters. It would have been better if they did a group of people with different ethnic backgrounds, all smiling and together so it shows that they are fighting cancer.- It strengthens and creates community ties because 1 in 3 people can be diagnosed with cancer so more and more people have a family member that has had this. This brings people together to fight the illness.- This campaign provides information with the little paragraph below. This can help a person to get involved with the cause and donate. Donating is very important as it goes to the research which is used to find a cure for cancer.- This is a campaign used to ask for social action, it’s saying you can help and only you have the power to donate to a good cause. - The poster really infiltrates mainstream media because so many people have either heard or been through the illness. The picture on the front really brings attention to itself because it’s showing a surviving cancer patient. This will catch the mainstream audiences eye.

Aims:When people first look at this campaign they will be shocked, this is due to the fact that the man and baby are very a like. This is trying to say that you should have confidence, more and more people are surviving from cancer and you can do it as well. People might also feel sorry for the man because he looks like a father figure so if he died then it would just be that baby. The fact that the man is smiling is showing a positive side, that you don’t have to worry about the illness. At the end of it you can be pleased that it’s over and you can be with your family. Creative Media Production 2012

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Techniques:-The colour scheme for this poster is very simple, they have used gentle colours like greys, reds, and purples. All of these colours fit into the Cancer Research UK logo, by connecting all the colours it means that the poster it well organised and sophisticated. To me the grey colour symbolises the disease all around him and on his jacket, whilst the red shirt symbolises the escape from cancer and how he is becoming healthy again.

- The image really stands out on the campaign. The fact that the man and baby are on there shows that they are very similar. The technique used here is that it’s trying to tell the audience that you are equal to everyone else. Cancer doesn’t make you different it makes you stronger, you are still the same as everyone else, you don’t have to stand out. The baby shows that you can survive and be with your family. It makes the campaign poster more cute when involving a baby.

- The font is quite light and simple, this is good as it doesn’t distract you from the main image at the top. The fact that the font is grey means that it’s connected with the background colour which symbolises the cancer around the man. This is clever as the text is explaining cancer and how it effects people. By having the massive image it means people will be glued to that image until they want to know what it’s all about, that font does it justice.

- The language of this piece makes you feel really good. The fact that it says ‘I am alive because of research.’ this makes you feel good because you know that that man survived his cancer. The way it’s written is very formal which means it easy to read and talks about what your donation can do to the cause. What’s nice about this campaign is that they talk about when they were diagnosed with cancer and what happened overall, this is nice as it can connect well with a lot of the audience. This will make them happily donate. Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Impact: - By finding out different drugs and methods through research, it meant that Cancer Research UK could save millions of lives. They have found ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, because of this the survival rate for cancer patients has doubled over the past 40 years.

-The Drugs that they have discovered through there research is:• Taxoxifen (for breast cancer)• Vismodegib7 (for skin cancer)• p53 Cancer Protein (prevents tumours from being produced, when cancer occurs they have found that the p53 cell is not working, so they now know that the p53 is a sort of protection from cancer)

-Cancer Research UK put all there donations into 200 types of cancer, for example breast, lung and prostate cancer. This means the money goes straight to the research in the science labs, they create groundbreaking discoveries that can help tumours and children’s cancers. This is all positive work that can help produce more survivors in the future.

- This graph shows the increase in survivors after a year when getting cancer. It is shown that lung cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to treat. By donatingfurther it means they can get more facilities to try and produce drugs for that cancer. In England the most treatable cancer is the Urology, which is the urinary system.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Purpose:-This campaign challenges representations and agenda because media tells people that milk is good for you and you should always have it, whilst this campaign is telling people that you shouldn’t have it at all. This will change the way people view milk because a company is campaigning against it. - This does change peoples attitude towards milk because it is symbolised as a villain in this campaign. The public will start feeling sorry for the cows and wonder why the milk industry are abusing the cows. - It raises a lot of awareness as not many people will know much about the milk industry and what they do. By making a big statement that is angry and negative then people will start to notice it.- This is a campaign that’s very straight forward and to the point, practically ‘don’t have milk because your killing cows’ is the main message in this.- I believe this can work well in the mainstream media because there are a lot of people that talk about being ethic and fair. By having a campaign that fits well with this big subject then it will be a good campaign to talk about amongst others.

Aims:This campaign is to aim at all the public who believe in having a lot of ethics. This would also fit well with people who are vegetarian, they would back this easily as it is harm to animals. What this campaign is trying to aim at is for people to ask questions about it, why are they killing cows? Milk can’t physically be cruel? What are they trying to get out of it? These are questions that people will be asking and then that company will have the opportunity to answer and fight for there cause.Creative Media Production 2012

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Techniques:- The font used is very quirky, this is acceptable because it means that it can fit to any age group. This is what the campaign should want because children start to accept if there vegetarian or not, by reaching out to any age it means that they can collect a wider mainstream audience that can connect to a lot of people. The font is important on this campaign because it states what the problem is and then you look at the image straight after. By having the letters in the centre it means that’s the first thing that the company wants you to see, which is what happened when I first looked at it. The fact that it’s bold, white and fits well with the layout means that people can understand the meaning of the campaign before they look into detail.

- The theme and image of the campaign look likes an action film or a comedy, the use of blood that’s on the cartoons represents the killing of the cows. With that you feel you can’t take it to seriously, the expression on the women's face also looks angry but still has a comedy feel to it. I like the fact that they’ve used American cartons of milk which represents the sun. This sun shows how milk companies portray milk and how it’s a good substance but instead they are killing cows in the background. The use of blood covering mostly the sun symbol gives it away that it’s not all paradise. There is a sort of juxtaposition between the text and the image, you think that it’s first a comedy element just making fun of the fact that she’s not happy with her milk but then you realise the negativity of the text and how it’s staying you shouldn’t have milk!

- I like the way that they’ve used colours on the this campaign, especially the background as they’ve used a gradient fill effect. It was good how they used the black and then gradually the minty blue, which is more like a spotlight to represent the women. It’s clever how the black parts go behind the negative text to represent that the text is evil whilst the blue goes behind the women to show that she is innocent and just wanting the milk.

- You look at the campaign and you feel that you’ve seen everything that’s important but then you look on the right hand side and there is two words saying ‘got ethics?’. This surprises you because it puts you on the spot whether you don’t mind cows being killed or disapprove of it. It gets you thinking which is important in an campaign. You want people talking because people might hear your conversation or write it on a social network website. Anyone can see what’s written, especially Twitter which is the best place to put your questions forward.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Impact:-The campaign for saying no to milk has got a lot of bad press from animal rights and feminist groups. The campaigns were mainly based on women by saying ‘have you got PMS?’ which was saying to the audience that the women on the campaign had hormone problems, but instead she was talking about the milk. There are different posters that have different URLS on the bottom for example www.funnyordie.com. Men was directed to look at EverythingIDoIsWrong.com, which shows the quote on one of the posters. This is trying to show that husbands are scared of there wives become of the hormones they have through PMS. This is the same for the women poster as there directed to MilkIsCruel.com which shows them a video of cows getting killed. This will make them feel sorry for the animals and then donate. It’s a shame that the poster takes away the meaning of the campaign due to it’s sexist remarks. The main part of the campaign is to prevent cruelty to cows, this is what they should show instead of changing the subject.

- Due to so much controversy of the microsite site (Board and Goodby made, creators of ‘Got Milk?’), it was known that it had to shut down because of it’s sexiest remarks. They were planning to keep the website going till august to see how much response they get but they had to shut it down early. This site was replaced by a website that talks about CD printing and Thermal Transfer Compact Disc Printing etc. Instead they have built another microsite called www.gotdiscussion.org which gives people the opportunity to talk about PMS and what the campaign is all about.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Purpose:-This campaign fits well non-traditional groups in the media, this is because this was set up by people that have grown up with a disability. There purpose is to speak out to young children will a disability saying that this campaign is trying to protect you from being bullied.- This campaign is hitting a local and national market, they are wanting change to happen in school so children will disability has the protection that they need to more forward in there education.- It changes attitudes massively because people should step back and release that they people are human too and they should be treated with respect.- It raises awareness to people and it alerts them to think about there actions and how they can prevent it.- This is a campaign to shock the public into realising that a lot of bullying happens to these people and that people should get together to stop it.- This campaign will infiltrate through mainstream media because there campaigns are strong and meaningful that people will pick it up and feel bad for it. - It will also build a relationship with subjects because this campaign is a big social issue that the public should understand, this will bring on more discussion, which is what they need!

Aims:The aim for this campaign is to reach out to children in schools, this is because schools around the country are known to have a lot of bullying inside them. To help towards protecting children, the company ENABLE went around high schools in Scotland and showed them images and texts about the issue. This meant they got big reactions which is what they wanted.

Creative Media Production 2012

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Techniques:-The tone and colour of this poster is very deep. The fact that it’s in a black and white setting is showing the emotion that should be shown when making a campaign like this. Sadness and distraught with the bullying that’s happening to children with disabilities. The fact that the man is wearing white symbolises an angel, he is shining with who he is but the dark background and words is what he has to face. The tone of the campaign is overall quite dark and scary and it’s showing that there is no where to hide but to be shown with negative words.

-The font is done well, it’s bold and black which will always stand out on a white t-shirt. The fact that it’s black fits in with the theme and it symbolises bad words by being in black. It’s a good size font which means it’s easy to read and very clear on the campaign. If this was on a billboard then it would still be easy to read. By the font being in brackets it looks like it can’t escape from anywhere, instead it will always be in the same place where someone can see it.

-The image really makes that campaign poster, this is because the expression on his face is sad, lonely and wanting help. This is the kind of look that you need when portraying a sad story. He is involved with that cause so he himself will feel emotional towards it, the seriousness on his face will really research out to people.

-The language is formal but written like a younger person would write it. The words a younger person would use would be ‘obviously’ and ‘passion’, these words are strong and will get the message across. The first and last sentence makes a big impact and by putting them in a bigger font means that the target audience can connect with it. They themselves would feel the same way to what the campaign is saying which is important.

-The layout is very simple, when you want to make a big impact like this, using a simple layout can really help to make it dramatic. The layout can be stripped back just give you the image and the writing which is all you need.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Impact:- From getting donations Enable raised £1.01 million this year.

- The money was made by The Co-operate Group Charity who raised most of the money, which was £7 million!

- Of the £7 million, £605,000 stayed in Scotland so that it could create a new launch called ‘Inspire Me’. The project is about help children with a disability to try there best and always follow there dreams. If they try there best and keep going in life, then they can achieve something good.

- ENABLE has raised a lot of money through there own fund raising which alone made £137,000. £96,000 was given to them by legacies which are from wills etc. and £70,000 was given by grants and trusts that connect with Enable. All this money will help the staff to encourage the young people with a disability but also the facilities will boos them as well.

- ENABLE have a lot of good statistics which talk about how there campaign and charity is growing day by day:• there are 1,251 volunteer hours that are provided for anyone that needs help.• 2,492 support plans delivered for family and mentors.• 1,451 people are now employed and has Transitional support so that they can get used to working normally.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Purpose:-I believe that this campaign is for local, national and global change. Throughout the world there will be gays so it’s important to respect them and people should learn more about them.- Changing attitudes is a main purpose as people need to start knowing that if your gay it isn’t a bad thing, it’s something that is natural. - It raises awareness because you can’t hind from a big issue like this it’s important that people have there say and discuss people that are gay, they should be equal.- Campaigning is important for gays because the more they talk about it the more people will get involved and have there say on the issue.- This will create and strengthen community ties because there will be parents that have gay children or that there are local gay people that want to get together and talk about who they are. It’s important to express your feelings and not hide them.- This will hit mainstream media as there is a mass audience that has gays in such as celebrities like Gok Wan and Alan Carr etc. They would support this massively.- Also there will be a lot of discussion about this subject as it’s always ongoing. This would be building relationships with subjects.

Aims:There aim in this is to tell people not to judge gays, they are equal and should be given with respect just like ethnic and disability groups. They want the public to also realise that they are also human beings and if it’s something that is produced naturally, then it can’t be wrong. It’s important if Stonewall hit the main market because then celebrities and the public will definitely campaign with them, this will give them a lot of publicity.

Creative Media Production 2012

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Techniques:-The use of font is really affective, by putting the font in a massive size means the words are more meaningful and the message of the campaign overall is stronger. By putting the font in white is showing the nice side of it by saying people are gay, whilst the dark writing is promoting the dark side. Saying ‘Get Over It’ is very aggressive and also can fit any age group, from teens to 60’s. That kind of writing has a lot of attitude and flare to it which is what you want when you want to put your point across.

- The background colour is done well as it’s like a blood red theme. Red can mean many things when it comes to a campaign. It can show love, hate, anger, murder, passion etc. In this case the red is used for anger, this is acceptable as red, black and white are constantly used in advertisements and campaigns. By keeping it plain it means the whole thing is striped back so that the main message can get across.

- It is much better without an image on the campaign, this is because it wouldn’t fit in the first place but the fact that it would distract you away from the main words. No image could actually fit in with that, it’s better to use wording instead of taking a picture with someone who’s gay because it would represent a normal human being.

- The tone of the campaign is very positive, in some ways you just want encourage yourself to get involved with gays and to support them every step of the way, which is always good. The words are very in your face which is also a good thing because then you can’t hide away from the problem but to work with it. The text is set out very well so it covers most of the page.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Impact:- Due to the campaigns that have been run through this charity, they have accomplished something amazing. Lesbians, gay and bisexual couples in England and Wales are now allowed to be married next year. The Same Sex Couples Bill was passed through the house of lords it can not be received from the Royal Assent and then become Law. This is a big turn around that everyone has spoke about.

- Stonewall did a voting for lesbians, gays and bisexuals to see if they feel equality and protection. Even though Stonewall has worked well with the government, it still shows that people will still receive abuse from hospitals, schools and police just because they are gay. Even though these businesses should be respectful to everyone and if they are discriminating them, then it’s hard to trust anyone.

- Stonewall is working with Adidas to show of established gay artists. It will be an auction that will also run alongside artwork, and artists performing. The people that are going to the show is people like Elton John, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss and Kylie Minogue. This is very good because people that are fans of Elton John and Kate Moss etc. will look at this campaign and realise what it is doing for gays. This will raise members which is always good for a charity.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)