lo2 - lesson 4 - initial ideas

Planning – Initial Ideas Lesson 4

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Page 1: LO2 - Lesson 4 - Initial Ideas

Planning – Initial IdeasLesson 4

Page 2: LO2 - Lesson 4 - Initial Ideas

Lesson Goals

Know the key requirements of the client brief

Understand the typical features expected on a website

Be able to create a mind map of initial ideas for the website


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Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria for this part of the unit is as follows:

LO2 – Plan the development of a multipage website

P2 Plan the development of a multi-page website:• Purpose• Target Audience• Content• Production Plan

M1 Detailed planning for the design and function of the website considering how information flows and pages link. Justify choices in relation to target audience appeal and usability. Relevant legal and ethical issues considered.


Consider visitor needs and how they will navigate the website. The info provided on a budget, launch date and timescale is realistic. Some consideration to relevant revenue potential.

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Client BriefThink about the key requirements of your chosen topic…

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Client Brief

You have been asked to create a new multipage website using one of the following overall themes: New Film New Band New Game Live Event

You may select which of the four themes above you want to base your work around but must follow certain requirements.

Understand client requirementsBe able to create a mind map


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Client Brief: Film

A new film is due to be launched later this year and the producers require a website to promote the film.

The website must include information that will encourage people to visit cinemas to watch the film when it is released and include downloadable teaser content.

The site must also include basic plot details, information on the characters and details on how to purchase any merchandise relating to the film.

Understand client requirementsBe able to create a mind map


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Client Brief: Band

A new band is due to release their debut single next month and their management company require a promotional website.

The website must include information that will generate interest about their debut release, biography pages for band members and tour dates.

A section for merchandise must also appear on the website along with the opportunity for users to download sample tracks.

Understand client requirementsBe able to create a mind map


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Client Brief: Game

A new video game from a team of indie designers is ready for release and the marketing team require a new website promoting the game.

The site must include details of the game genre, a plot summary and some basic information on the lead characters and gameplay.

The site should also include details of how to purchase merchandise and allow users to download some bonus material to generate interest.

Understand client requirementsBe able to create a mind map


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Client Brief: Event

An events management company have asked you to create a new website advertising an event due to occur this Summer.

The site has to include information about tickets, merchandise and allow users to find out more details on the schedule of the event.

There must be an opportunity for site users to download information and the site should generate interest in the event.

Understand client requirementsBe able to create a mind map


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Regardless of the theme chosen, the website must include a minimum of six pages. A typical website may include the following pages:

The target audience for the site will be 18 to 25 year olds, male & female and they should be considered while planning.

FeedbackAbout Contact

MediaMerchandise Downloads

Home Products

Understand client requirementsBe able to create a mind map


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The website must include some rich media elements such as: Audio Video Animation Rollovers

The navigation on the website must be easy to understand and there should be a form which a user can fill in their details.

There should also be at least one downloadable file on the site.

Interactivity Games Gallery Floating Ads

Understand client requirementsBe able to create a mind map


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Your Task

Create a mind map relating to the pages you may include on your website with sub-branches on the following: Page Content Information Images Rich Media

Describe your initial ideas for the website by answering: What are the client requirements? What theme have you chosen? Why did you choose this theme? What are your initial ideas?


Understand client requirementsBe able to create a mind map