local content development in the nigerian oil industry-why it is not succeeding

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  • 8/12/2019 Local Content Development in the Nigerian Oil Industry-why It is Not Succeeding


    Local content development in the

    Nigerian oil and gas industry: Why it is

    not succeeding?

    CO OBI20977212

    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree

    Master of Engineering at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West


    Supervisor: Prof PW Stoker

    November, 2008

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    I want to profusely express my gratitude to AlmightyGod,who has kept me alive

    and strong throughout my stay here in South Africa. I want to also thank my

    mother, Mrs. C.I Obi and siblings Chinwe, Chinedu and Chudi for all their prayers

    and moral support.

    I want to equally appreciate the efforts of my supervisor ProfessorPWStoker for

    his comments and guidance in the course of submitting my reports; last but not

    least I want to commend Mrs. Sandra Stoker for all her administrative assistance

    through out the duration of this program.

    Finally, I humbly acknowledge all the support and cooperation of my colleagues

    here in EGTL, Secunda.

    Many thanks and may God bless you all.


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    This research focuses on human capacity development in the Nigerian oil and

    gas industry. The need for local capacity building in this industry is imperative

    because oil and gas proceeds are the major source of foreign exchange earnings

    for the country. Oil has been exploited in Nigeria for over five decades and there

    is still relatively poor local participation and hence the need for this research. The

    idea is to encourage local participation so as to promote economic growth and

    industrial development.

    This research identifies reasons for the ineffective implementation of the Nigerian

    content policy and will develop a framework that will address holistically the

    factors needed to ensure industrial growth through proper implementation and

    particular attention is paid to specific factors that enhance participation of local

    firms in the oil and gas industry.

    The experience of Norway will be used as a case study to demonstrate the

    means by which they were able to achieve domestically based industrial

    competence while exploiting their petroleum resources and also the necessary

    conditions that was in place that encouraged proper exploitation of their


    Key words: Content, develop, framework, industrial, implementation, oil,

    promote, policy, growth, gas.


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    Table of Contents Pages

    Introductionl . i Overview of Nigeria content 11

    1.2 Problem statement 13

    1.3 Aims & Objectives of the research 14

    1.4 Dissertation Outline 15

    Literature Review

    2.1 What is Local content p2.1.1 Background 19

    2.1.2 Adoption of local content policies 20

    2.2 Types of local content 21

    2.3 Case Study: South African Offset Program 22

    2.3.1 Background 22

    2.3.2 Illustration 24

    2.3.3 South African Offsets Benefits 25

    2.4 Case Study: Nigerian local content policy 29

    2.4.1 Background 29

    2.4.2 Illustration 3,0 First case study 31 Second case study 33 Third case study 35

    2.5 Case Study: Canadian local content requirements 37

    2.5.1 Background 37

    2.5.2 Newfoundland local content requirements 38

    2.5.3 Nova Scotia local content requirements 40

    216 Case Study: Korean Science, Technology & Innovation policy 44

    2.6.1 Background 44


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    2.6.2 R &D Evaluation 49

    2.7 Conclusions 51

    Proposed Framework

    3.1* Framework Development 53

    3.1.1 Primary Framework Outline 54

    3.1.2 Secondary Framework Outline 55

    3.2 Primary Framework Development 55

    3.3 Secondary Framework Development 56

    Empirical Investigation

    4.1 Norwegian local content experience 60

    4.1.1 Background 60

    4.2 Norwegian local content model 62

    4.2.1 Vision 62

    4.2.2 Government policies 64

    4.2.3 Petroleum industry development 664.3 Comparative Analysis Tool 71

    4.4 Findings 78

    4.4.1 Primary Framework 78

    4.4.2 Secondary Framework 80

    4.5 Discussions 82

    Analysis of Nigerian Situation

    5.1 Comparative analysis of proposed framework against Nigerian

    Situation 84

    5.2 Findings 91

    5.2.1 Primary framework 91

    5:2.2 Secondary framework 92


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    5.3 Discussions 93

    Conclusions / Recommendations

    6.1 Conclusions 95

    6.2 Recommendations 96

    Appendices 97

    Bibliography 102


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    List of Tables

    Table 4.3 Comparative analysis tool

    Table 5.1 Comparative analysis of the proposed framework against the

    Nigerian situation


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    List of Figures

    Fi 1.1 Flow chart of dissertation outline

    Fig 2.1 Evolution process of innovation policy

    Fig 2.2 Concept of horizontalized (trans-departmentalized) innovation


    Fig 2.3 Targets and scope of monitoring, evaluation and management



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    Glossary of Abbreviations & Terms

    ANC African National Congress

    B/D Barrels per Day

    CNL Chevron Nigeria Limited

    CNOPB Canada - Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board

    CNSOPB Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board

    DNL Daewoo Nigeria Limited

    DOD Department of Defense

    DIP Defense Industrial Participation

    DTI Department of Trade & Industry

    EGTL Escravos Gas to Liquids

    EPC Engineering, Procurement & Construction

    FPSO Floating Production Storage & Offloading

    FPO Floating Production & Offloading

    IP Industrial Participation

    nr Invitation to Tender

    JV Joint Venture

    LCM Local Content Model

    LWD Logging while Drilling

    LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

    MWD Measurement while Drilling


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    MPE Ministry of Petroleum & Energy

    MPN Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited

    MPP Master Procurement Plan

    NAICOM National Insurance Commission

    NCD Nigerian Content Division

    NDT Non Destructive Test

    NIP National Industrial Participation

    NIPP National Industrial Participation Program

    NNPC Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation

    NPD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

    OKLNG Olokola Liquefied Natural Gas

    PSA Production Sharing Agreement

    PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment

    R&D Research & Development

    SA South Africa

    SANDF South African National Defense Force

    sn Science, Technology & Innovation Policy

    TCF Trillion Cubic Feet


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    This chapter gives an overview of the Nigerian local content policy and the

    reasons the policy was developed. It also illustrates the aims and objectives of

    this research, the research outline and finally the beneficiaries' of this research.

    1.1 Overview of Nigerian Content

    The "Nigerian Content" also known as local content is a vision developed by the

    Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) which is aimed at transformingI1, -

    the oil and gas industry into being the economic engine for job creation and

    national growth. The idea is to develop in-country capacity and indigenous

    capabilities in such a way that a greater proportion of the work will be done in

    Nigeria with active participation of all sectors of the economy so as to ultimately

    position Nigeria as the hub for service delivery within the West African sub region

    and beyond.

    The oil and gas industry is the backbone of the Nigerian economy >'which

    accounts for over 90% of foreign exchange earnings for the country and being a

    capital intensive sector with needs for highly sophisticated skills has led to the

    dominance of international oil servicing contractors in this sector with little or no

    - 1 1 -

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    participation from the indigenous companies thereby adding relatively little value

    to the economy. This has been the case for nearly 5 decades since the discovery

    of oil in the country.

    The current statistics concerning oil & gas production and revenue is as follows

    (Nigeria Energy Data-statistics & analysis oil, gas electricity and coal


    Oil Revenue $36 billion dollars / annum (2007)

    - Oil Production $2.4 million barrels / day (2006)

    Proven Oil Reserves 36 billion barrels (2007)

    Proven Gas Reserves 182 trillion cubic feet (January 1, 2007)

    The Nigerian content policy was developed by the NNPC after deliberations and

    contributions from all stakeholders and key players in the industry.

    Its main objectives are to

    -VPromote a framework that guarantees active participation of Nigerians in Oil

    and Gas activities without compromising standards in order to stimulate growth

    of indigenous capacity.

    -Promote Value Adding in Nigeria by utilization of local raw materials and human

    resources for manufacturing of Goods and provision of services to the Petroleum


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    -Promote steady measurable and sustainable growth of Nigerian Content".

    (NNPC, 2005-www.nnpcgroup.com)

    The policy was submitted to government to enact a bill to support its

    implementation. "The Nigerian Content Division was set up in March 2005 by the

    NNPC to work with the stake stakeholders in the industry and relevant arms of

    government to develop strategies, drive implementation and ensure compliance

    with directives being issued to the Oil companies regarding the Nigerian Content

    aspirations of the Government. A Nigerian Content Consultative Forum (NCCF)

    was also inaugurated with 8 Sectorial Working Committees covering Fabrication,

    Engineering, Manufacturing, Banking & Insurance, Shipping & Marine, Well &

    Drilling as well as Logistics services". (NNPC, 2005-www.nnpcgroup.com)

    1.2 Problem Statement

    The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), having analyzed past,

    present and possible future projects in the oil and gas industry, realized that out

    of the billions of dollars which is either spent or budgeted for projects annually, a

    small percentage is domiciled in the country (NNPC- Local content 2005-

    www.nnpcgroup.com), which is quite unfortunate since the economy is

    completely dependent on oil and gas proceeds. This goes to show that the nation

    hardly benefits from this vibrant industry.


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    Poor infrastructure, Limited technological know- how, Insufficient funding,

    inadequate government policies and a poor investment climate are some of the

    challenges inhibiting participation of the local companies in the industry.

    These challenges have restricted the participation of local players in the industry

    and thus the multinational oil firms have depended heavily on importation of

    goods and services thereby limiting development of indigenous capabilities.This

    lack of active participation of the local players in this industry has given rise to

    little or no job creation, no value adding benefits to the economy because of non

    utilization of local raw materials and non provision of services to the petroleum


    This research will develop a framework to promote active participation

    of local players in th is industry w ith the focus of the Nigerian content

    policy's objective of 70% local participation by 2010.

    1.3 Aims and objectives of the research

    The aim of this research is to investigate the improper implementation of the

    Nigerian local content policy and to develop a framework to promote proper and

    effective implementation of the policy. The Norwegian local content model will

    be used as a case study to verify the merits of the proposed framework.

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    The objectives of this study are:

    > To Identify the reasons for the ineffective implementation of the Nigerian

    content policy.

    > Develop a framework to promote proper and effective implementation of

    the policy.

    > To test the merits of the framework against the Norwegian local content


    1.4 Dissertation Outline

    This research is divided into six different chapters, the introduction, literature

    review, development of a management framework, testing the framework

    against the Norwegian and Nigerian experience, results presentation, data

    analysis and conclusion / recommendations.

    The first chapter which is the introduction presents an overview of the research

    topic, the reasons on why this research was embarked upon and the overall

    objectives of this research.

    The chapter two of this dissertation discusses the li terature review on local

    content policies in some countries and their different implementation procedures.

    Chapter three illustrates the proposed framework for an effective implementation

    of the Nigerian content policy.


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    Chapter four presents the empirical investigation carried out and the findings and

    discussions attained. It also depicts a detailed background of the Norwegian local

    content experience and the testing of the proposed framework against the

    Norwegian local content model.

    This fifth chapter demonstrates the analysis of the Nigerian situation with

    reference to the proposed framework using a comparative analysis tool and

    discussions thereafter.

    The sixth chapter accentuates the conclusions reached and recommendations

    made while carrying out this research.


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    Fig 1.1 flow chart of dissertation outline

    The literature review that will follow in the next chapter will examine the local

    content policy in general and its applicability in other countries.

    The literature review aided in identifying the need for a local content policy and

    how it is viewed and adopted in other countries. This literature is organized in a

    case study format which analyzes local content policies in both oil producing and


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    non oil producing countries and further highlights the merits of having such a

    policy if it is well implemented.


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    Chapter Two

    i 1'

    2. Literature Review


    This chapter deals with previous studies concerning the local content policy in

    Nigeria and other countries, the peculiarities in terms of challenges, government

    strategies, implementation etc. This chapter also highlights the different types of

    the policy, the expected and actual benefits that accrue to the host country and

    the perception and co-operation of the international companies who are also


    2.1 What is Local Content?

    2.1.1 Background

    "Local content policy stipulates that a fraction of an import's production process

    take place in the domestic economy" (Taylor, 2002). Another definition is that

    local content is a condition that "requires a given percentage of domestic value

    added or domestic components be embodied in a specified final product."

    (Grossman, 1981).

    The need for local content cannot be over emphasized, local content policy in

    what ever form is developed by any country with the resources natural or

    otherwise to enable the local people harness the opportunities involved in

    developing these resources. These opportunities include foreign direct

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    investment, job creation, skills acquisition, technological transfer and wealth


    Many countries with natural resources especially oil and gas have already

    developed polices to favor the development of these resources. The idea is to

    enact and enforce policies that will persuade the participating companies to

    transfer technology, create job opportunities and at the same time patronize the

    local supply industry while they are exploiting resources of the host country.

    2.1.2 Adoption of Local Content Policies

    Local content policies are usually adopted by countries that want to exploit their

    natural resources but don't have the relevant skills to do so, they often,,invite

    international companies with the required expertise to develop these resources

    while the host country creates policies to ensure active participation and

    development of the local players through technology transfers e.t.c

    Similarly, it is not just the use of natural resources that drive the need for local

    content, as long as there is something to trade for, the buyer really wants the

    commodity then the seller can dictate certain conditions for sale that might not

    necessarily be cash. (Mcewan, 2002) stated that "industrial participation is used

    to leverage economic benefits and support the development of South African

    industry by effectively utilising the instrument of government procurement.


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    The government and industry operators are the major stakeholders that need to

    agree on the requirements of the policy for its implementation.

    Government: the type of policy that any government adopts affects the way

    the policy is implemented in the country, therefore in initiating local content

    policies, the government requirements are explicitly stated and a regulatory

    agency is set up to enforce the policy. "In Australia relevant industry

    organizations are working together to facilitate participation of local industry in

    resources and energy projects. The Industrial Supplies Office (ISO) network has

    a central role in this process of matching local capability with the needs of

    industry. ISONET is a national body coordinating the network of ISO offices in

    every State and Territory of Australia and New Zealand. ISOs and ISONET are

    independently managed, non-profit organizations financially supported by

    Australian, New Zealand and State/Territory Governments." (Center for Energy


    Industry operators:Their play their own part by executing the policy of the

    host government and will strictly adhere to all the requirements.

    2.2 Types of local content policies

    Local content is also known as either offsets or industrial participation in some

    countries however the objectives of local content, offsets and industrial


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    participation are the same which is to "stimulate domestic industry while earning

    foreign exchange." (Taylor, 2002)

    In'South Africa, the industrial participation policy used in the defense industry

    has similar objectives to the local content policy. The South African industrial

    participation policy will be reviewed to perceive the similarities with the local

    content policy and other case studies will also be reviewed, the Nigerian situation

    and the Canadian experience.

    2.3 Case Study: South African Offset Program

    2.3.1 Background

    Offsets, also officially known as Industrial Participation (IP) in South Africa

    is1a plan by the government to develop a new industrial strategy.(McEwan,

    2002). It is concerned particularly with bringing new business into the country

    with the view to accomplishing more investments, better technology and an

    improved standard of living for the South Africans.

    IP can be further divided into National Industrial Participation (NIP) and Defence

    Industrial Participation (DIP).

    DIP can be further divided into direct DIP (directly connected to the system

    being proposed), and indirect DIP (investment / orders for the defense industry

    not related to the system being proposed).


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    "NIP is administered by the Department of trade and Industry (DTI), while DIP is

    organised jointly by the Department of Defence (DoD) and Armscor". (McEwan,

    2002)South Africa IP policy insists that prospective foreign clients must demonstrate

    value-added benefits and local job creation, technology transfer, andth^'long-

    term viability of local ventures. "For all government parastatals' purchases or

    lease contracts, including goods, equipment, or services, with an imported

    content equal to or exceeding US$10 million, are subject to an Industrial

    Participation Obligation. The seller/supplier who incurs an Industrial participation

    obligation will be required to participate in the South African economy".


    The mission of the IP policy is to influence economic benefits and support the

    development of South African industry by effectively utilizing the instrument of

    government procurement to achieve the following objectives:

    "Sustainable economic growth

    Establishment of new trading partners

    Foreign investment into South Africa

    Exports of South African "value-added" goods and services

    R&D (research & development) collaboration in South Africa

    Job creation

    Human resource development


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    Technology transfer

    Economic advantages for previously disadvantaged communities".


    2.3.2 Illustration

    In theory, offsets have advantages for developing and up-and-coming

    economies. "One of the most recent, and globally high profile, deals, has been

    between Saab / BAE deal with South Africa whose government in September1999 approved a R29,9 billion arms acquisition programme for the South African

    National Defence Force (SANDF). The supplies was divided into two tranches:

    the first tranche, costing R21,3 billion, will include 3 submarines and 4 corvettes

    from Germany, 12 jet trainers from Britain, 9 light fighters from Britain and

    Sweden,and 30 light utility helicopters from Italy. The second tranche, costing

    an additional R8,6 billion will include 12 jet trainers from Britain and 19 light

    fighters from Britain and Sweden". (Brauer and Dunne, 2005)

    At the time of approving the programme, government stated that the foreign

    suppliers had made IP offers worth R104 billion which would result in the

    creation of more than 65,000 jobs over a period of 7 years (Batchelor and

    Dunne, 2000).

    "The benefits were expected to come in three forms:

    Defence -related offsets (about 20% of thetotal,or R14, 5bn).


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    Local defence firms will earn over R4 bn via direct participation in the production

    of the aircraft and ships being procured. In addition, the suppliers are

    transferring technology worth about R3 bn in royalties and license

    agreements to South African firms, and will direct other export orders to

    South African firms for more than R7 bn worth of production of defence

    contracts with third parties.

    Counter-purchase by the defence equipment suppliers of South African

    goods (about 45% orR31bn). The goods to be procured include

    automotive components, furniture, fabricated metal goods and electronic

    goods. ''

    Foreign investment in South Africa by companies associated with the

    equipment suppliers (the remaining 35% or R24 bn)". (Mcewan, 2002)

    2.3.3 SA Offset Benefits

    On June 11 2003, Some of the benefits that the offsets generated fours years

    after the defense offset was signed was highlighted by Lionel October the deputy

    director of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), who stated in Cape

    Town that "The National Industrial Participation Programme (NIPP) has already

    produced more than 6 000 jobs of the 14 000 direct jobs targeted by 2011".

    This was affirmed in his address to the trade and industry portfolio committee

    chaired by African National Congress (ANC) MP Rob Davies. The number of jobs


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    produced by the defense offset would rise to over 9 000 in the medium term as

    the companies involved went into production or expanded their production

    (October, 2003). He goes further to break down some of the ways this job

    creation has been achieved, 674 jobs were produced by offset companies

    associated with the French global aerospace electronics company Thales. Thales

    is also involved in a joint venture with Invensil and Pechinery to increase the

    production of three existing silicon smelter furnaces at Polokwane, Limpopo

    province. Two of three smelters were upgraded with Pechinery introducing

    efficient technologies and training and upgrading of furnaces thereby preventing

    the retrenchment of 390 employees and creating a further 90 jobs. The Jobs

    associated with offsets from the corvette platform building programme amount

    to 371 so far, Agusta, the Italian helicopter company, has created over 300 jobs

    through its offset operations which include the manufacture of gold export

    jewellery, 400 more jobs are to be created by the end of the year 2007. Non-

    defence offsets account for about 1400 of the jobs created of which Daimler

    Chrysler accounts for 900 of these at the Atlantis Foundries in the Western Cape.

    (Pressly, 2003)

    Armscor - the arms acquisition agency for the SA department of defence

    declared that "The offset programme related to South Africa's multibillion-rand

    arms deal has notched up R11.4 billion in returned investment since 1998, about

    R550 million more than the target set for the end of the 2007 financial year".

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    A breakdown of the achievements show that, the SA Navy's corvettes which

    carry an offset obligation of R2.9 billion by 2012, of which just less than R2

    billion must be met by 2007 have already met the target of R1.95 billion, the

    purchase of submarines with an obligation of R1.12 billion and an offset

    performance target of R746 million for 2007 has achieved R741 million.

    The sum of R11.4 billion was achieved out of the planned offsets of R15 billion

    showing an overall 105 percent performance rate up to 2007. (Pressley, 2007).

    Armscor also noted that local defence-related companies had benefited from

    about 67 percent of the R5 billion contracted DIP programme. The main

    beneficiaries were Denel Aviation, which received technology transfer to set up a

    Gripen design and development centre, and the Grintek Group, which was

    contracted for the development and manufacture of electronic subsystems.

    (Pressley, 2007).


    Armscor's 2007 financial reports points to the fact that offset has been

    successfully implemented so far but like the Independent Democrats leader

    Patricia de Lille said, the report is hard to believe except if the offsets were

    independently audited and monitored. She also noted that the offsets need only

    provide a further R3.6 billion in the next five years, taking the obligation to just

    more than R15 billion by the end of the programme which is a massive drop


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    from the region of R110 billion stated by government when the deal was struck

    nearly a decade ago. (Pressley, 2007).

    In assessing the report, it indicates that only the government actually knows and

    can monitor the current situation concerning offsets which is a set back because

    a more accurate picture would have been provided by independent sources,

    furthermore there are a lot of discrepancies between expected benefits and

    actual benefits as stated by the government, an example is the initially sated

    figure of 65,000 jobs over a period of 7 years which eventually was reported in

    2003 as 14,000 jobs by2011,there is also the matter of offset obligation of R15

    billion compared with R110 billion targeted at the onset.

    There are certainly positive effects of the offset especially in job creation and

    technological transfer which are some of the ingredients for economic growth.

    The economic benefits reaped by SA were aided by factors such as very good

    infrastructure (stable electrical power, good road network) political stability and a

    friendly investor climate.

    The political stability in SA helps to boost investors' confidence because there is

    no rampant change of policies, government is predictable and so policies are not

    made today and changed tomorrow which would be the situation if there is an

    illegal change of government which automatically creates its own policies.


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    Good infrastructure also encourages investors to operate in the country and aid

    the host country in attaining their national economic goals through "reduction of

    unemployment, full utilization of non- labour resources and reduction of excess

    capacity, improving the standard of living and increasing per capita income for

    the citizens, ensuring price stability of goods and services and eliminating current

    account and balance-of-payment deficits. Other economic goals include provision

    of basic amenities and protection of the environment" (Milton, 1998)

    2.4 Nigerian Local Content Policy

    2.4.1 Background

    Nigerian content is defined as "the quantum of composite value added to, or

    created in, the Nigerian economy through the deliberate utilization of Nigerian

    human and material resources and services in the exploration, development,

    exploitation, transportation and sale of Nigerian crude oil and gas resources

    resulting in the development of indigenous capabilities, and to encourage foreign

    investment and participation, without compromising quality, health, safety and

    environmental standards". (NNPC- 2005-www.nnpcgroup.com)

    The Nigerian content division was set up as a department in the NNPC to ensure

    the effective implementation of the policy in the oil & gas industry wi,tn the

    objective of45%implementation in 2006 and 70% implementation in 2010.


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    The directives given by the federal government to achieve set targets are (NNPC-

    2005-www.nnpcgroup.com):(Refer to appendix 1)

    The directives stated by the NNPC basically reads like a benefits plan which is

    similar to the Canadian-Newfoundland and Nova Scotia benefits plan,

    unfortunately there are lot of differences when the Nigerian situation is

    compared with the Canadian and the SA situation, the important differences

    include the poor infrastructural development, political stability in Nigeria, l6oking

    at infrastructure, most of the major the roads are in a deplorable state and

    electrical power generation as at 2007 was 1600 MW (mbendi, 2007) and from

    the political perspective, in May 1999, the country embraced democracy while

    prior to that, the country has been ruled by military juntas with who tried to

    implement erratic economic policies.

    2.4.2 Illustration

    Multinational companies operating in the Nigerian oil & gas industry set up local

    content departments to either contribute or pretend to contribute their quota to

    the success of the scheme.

    Some publications highlight these concerns, an article by Chika Amanze-

    Nwachuku in 2007, Nigeria: Local content-Oil firms may miss 2010 target and a

    seminar: First Insurance Roundtable in Oil, Gas and Aviation Assets organised by

    Lagos Business School in partnership with Mutual Benefits Assurance Pic.


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    "It was learnt that most of these multinationals were either considering the

    capital intensity of their businesses or the manpower ability of Nigerian

    companies to be able to do the job in accordance with international standard"

    (thisdayonline, 2007)

    "From our research as businessmen and service providers, we discovered that

    the oil and gas operators are looking at the local content policy as just one policy

    that will pipe down along the line. It is not as if they don't want to buy fully into

    the policy, but what they are looking at is the capital intensity of their business

    and the manpower ability of Nigerian companies being able to do these jobs and

    whether Nigerians have the technical know-how. So what they are doing is that,

    they are just like waiting, it is a waiting game on the part of the multinational oil

    producing companies, said a stakeholder", (thisdayonline, 2007) First Case Study

    Taking Daewoo Nigeria Limited (DNL) a subsidiary of Daewoo Engineering &

    Construction, as a case study, DNL is a Korean EPC (engineering, procurement &

    construction) contractor with substantial EPC contracts with the various oil

    producing companies operating in the country.

    In the area of human capacity development, DNL has done quite well because its

    staff strength is made up of approximately 80% Nigerians of different categories

    and job specifications and they all undergo on-the job training in different areas


  • 8/12/2019 Local Content Development in the Nigerian Oil Industry-why It is Not Succeeding


    such as welding, fabrication, quality control & project management in the course

    of executing any construction contract. As an EPC contractor, DNL develops

    human capacity in construction disciplines especially in fabrication, there arepresently five fabrication yards situated in the Niger delta area of the country

    and this has resulted in the massive training of welders and fitters (artisans) ini1' *

    those particular areas and there has also been employment and training of

    Nigerian engineers to supervise construction works and associated tests such as

    NDT (non destructive tests) on weld joints, pigging of pipe lines, Mechanical

    tests, PWHT (post weld heat treatment), welding certification procedures to

    mention a few.

    DNL has done little or nothing in the training and exposure of Nigerian engineers

    to engineering designs in the various professional disciplines, this is an important

    area of human capacity development because it is the core of the industry, these

    disciplines include, piping designs, process engineering, electrical &

    instrumentation designs & mechanical designs, this could be largely because the

    engineering design office is situated in Seoul, South Korea and has been for over

    the twenty years, DNL has been operating in Nigeria.

    DNL has also been quite frugal in the procurement of materials from Nigeria

    especially the purchase of low voltage cables, cement, bolts & nuts, valves,

    flanges and some other basic construction materials; these are all imported from


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    overseas, this has immensely undermined the manufacturing industry especially

    since DNL is one of the major oil & gas service providers in the country.

    DNL has exposed Nigerians during the construction phase of projects in Nigeria

    as far as local content is concerned but in the conceptual and design stages of

    projects executed in Nigeria, DNL has consciously not exposed Nigerians to this

    aspect of engineering since most of these engineering works are done in Seoul,

    South Korea and the office for procurement of major materials is based in

    London, UK and this has definitely impacted negatively to the policy since

    Nigerians are not being trained in the engineering and procurement aspects.

    A reason for this is partly because of the absence of infrastructure, which will

    make it a lot easier and cheaper for DNL to set up training facilities within the

    country and some of these projects requirements don't include the training of

    Nigerians abroad. Second Case Study

    Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), a subsidiary of Chevron corporation based in the

    United States Of America will also be used as a case study to show what has

    been done on local content policy so far. CNL is one of the major oil and gas

    companies operating in Nigeria and have been in involved in local capacity

    building since the inception of the local content policy. Indigenous companies like

    Relentech, Filco, Drillog, Petro Dynamics, Hexagon Petrol Services, Weafri and

    - 33 -

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    Sowsco have benefited from Chevron Nigeria joint venture contracts in drilling

    and other related activities. (Center for Energy Economics, 2001


    CNL has been investing heavily in oil and gas projects in the country in the last

    few years some of these projects include Agbami deep water (FPSO), EGTL

    (Escravos Gas To Liquids) Project, OK (Olokola) LNG and in these projects a lot

    of emphasis has also been laid on human capacity building, Nigerians have been

    trained for oil production operations, over 200 Nigerians are also being trained in

    South Africa for the EGTL project, the OK LNG is still in the design stages.

    The Agbami deep water FPSO was described as a local content promoter in the

    Nigerian Guardian Newspaper 4 th August, 2008. The offloading buoy was

    fabricated by Nigerdock Nigeria Pic in Lagos, while part of the topsides by

    Daewoo Nigeria Limited in Warri, and the suction piles and some manifolds by

    Grinakers-LTA Nigeria in Port Harcourt. A group of Nigerians were also trained in

    South Korea in the operations of the Agbami FPSO.

    CNL has also been training an average of a hundred Nigerians for its new

    operations in the industry since 2006, the service providers are also encouraged

    to employ and train Nigerians in various aspects of their operations.

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    The basic technical training of Nigerians in CNL's operations is a good scheme,

    the goal should be to develop these individuals further to more technically

    challenging aspects such as FEED ,detailed engineering designs and technical

    and resource management. This will result to transfer of technology and a more

    holistic view of the operations in the industry. Third Case Study

    Mobil producing Nigeria Unlimited (MPN) a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation

    based in the United States of America has also bee trying to contribute its own

    quota in the local content policy, MPN recently completed a gas to liquid plant

    Known as East Area Natural Gas-to- Liquid project (NGL II) in bonny island 17

    miles from Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

    The project was completed at the cost of $ 1.3 billion dollars out of^which

    Nigerian financial institutions provided $220 million dollars as its own local

    component for the project implementation. (Nigerian Guardian Newspaper July


    In the course of executing the project, MPN employed local oil servicing firms in

    fabrication, logistics support as well as other services. The participating

    companies were also involved in construction of the Bonny River Terminal

    expansion, installation of pipelines and fabrication of components for the

    offshore complex. MPN also trained and developed local employees and


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    contractors in line with local content policy of the Federal Government. (Nigerian

    Guardian Newspaper July30th,2008-www.ngrguardiannews.com)

    MPN established a technical training center in one of its main areas of

    operations, this basically is used to train low level manpower in various

    disciplines to fill out vacancies in their operations in the country. This is similar to

    CNL's method of developing human capacity in the industry.

    i " -

    All these case studies basically show to what extent some of these oil and gas

    companies have been operating as far as local content is concerned, it is a start

    but emphasis should be also on development of the individual to the next level

    and not just limited to a particular area of operations and maintenance, there

    should be the involvement of institutions with the multinational companies so

    that the school curriculum will be adapted to suit the needs of the industry.

    Research and development is the core of every company's success, R & D

    collaboration with institutions is important for further capacity development. In

    fairness to the multinational companies their activities have also been restricted

    by the poor infrastructure and poor investment climate, these are areas where

    the government should urgently address so as to encourage industrial growth.


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    2.5 Case Study: Canadian Local Content Requirements

    2.5.1 Background

    Canada is an industrialized country with a significant oil and gas production. Oil

    and gas exploration activities mainly occur in the provinces of Alberta,

    Newfoundland and Nova Scotia though attention is shifting to Newfoundland and

    Nova Scotia because of the declining reserves in the province of Alberta.

    Canada has proven oil reserves of: (Center for Energy Economics, 2001-


    4.4 billion barrels, as of January 2002.

    Oil production average of 2.8 million barrels per day (b/d) on 2001

    60 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven natural gas reserves

    Canada currently produces about 6.3 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) of natural gas per

    year, making it the world's third largest gas producer (after the United States

    and Russia) and second largest gas exporter (after Russia). (Center for Energy

    Economics,2001- www.beg.utexas.edu).

    An offshore accord was negotiated between the Government of Canada and the

    Governments of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador and this accord

    necessitated the setting up of offshore boards in the relevant provinces.

    In the provinces of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, a joint federal and provincial

    board was set up in each of the provinces with the responsibility of ensuring that

    companies operating in the area submit documentation with information about


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    benefits for the provinces as regards employment, training and purchase of

    goods or services.

    These boards namely Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB)and Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (CNOPB) for the provinces

    of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland respectively continuously try to develop plans

    to increase local content requirements. ,"'

    2.5.2 Newfoundland Local Content Requirements

    "CNOPB is responsible for the implementation of Section 45 of the Atlantic

    Accord Implementation Acts in the Newfoundland province; which states that

    before any work or activity is authorized in the offshore area, a Canada-

    Newfoundland benefits plan must be approved by the Board.

    This generally refers to a. document depicting a plan for the employment ofI' -

    Canadians which includes members of the labour force, manufacturers,

    consultants, contractors, and service companies in the province and other parts

    of Canada. The plan should also show ways of granting a fair opportunity for

    Canadians to participate on a competitive basis in the supply of goods and

    services. However, the Board cannot exceed its authority by forcing the

    operators to enter into contracts for goods or services which are not competitive.


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    The benefits plan must contain the following specific provisions: "

    Before carrying out any work or activity in the offshore area, the proponent shall

    establish an office in the province where appropriate levels of decision-making

    are to take place.

    Individuals resident in the province shall be given first consideration for

    training and employment.

    Expenditures shall be made for research and development to be carried

    out in the province and for education and training to be provided in the


    First consideration shall be given to services provided from within the

    province and to goods manufactured in the province, where those services

    and goods are competitive in terms of fair market price, quality and

    delivery", (www.cnopb.nfnet.com)

    The Newfoundland local content requirements are obviously good because the

    desired objectives are being achieved, Newfoundland has a low incidence of

    violent crime and a comfortable population density, a rich quality of life,

    supported by an economy that is leading Canada in economic growth. In

    Newfoundland, affordable housing is available, a safe and clean environment, a

    relaxing atmosphere, world-class health and educational facilities and unlimited

    career opportunities. (Quality of Life, Government of Newfoundland and Labrado,


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    2.5.3 Nova Scotia Local Content Requirements

    "CNSOPB is responsible for the implementation of Section 45 of the Atlantic

    Accord Implementation Acts in the Nova Scotia province, a Canada - Nova ScotiaBenefits Plan must be submitted and approved before any work authorization is

    granted. This is similar to the Newfoundland benefits plan in which first

    consideration is given to residents of Nova Scotia and companies in Nova Scotia.

    A benefits plan must illustrate an assurance to provide manufacturers,

    consultants, contractors and service companies in Nova Scotia and other parts of

    Canada with a full and fair opportunity to participate on a competitive basis.

    The plan must also indicate how the operator will provide training and

    employment of Canadians and in particular members of the labour force of Nova

    Scotia and a commitment to give first consideration to services provided from

    within Nova Scotia and goods manufactured in the province where those services

    and goods are competitive in terms of fair market price, quality and delivery.

    An,office is also established in the province with the appropriate level of decision

    making and the promotion of education, training, research and development in

    the province. Operators are also required to pay royalties to the provinces."

    i1 '


    In summary the benefits plan submitted by the potential operators in the oil and

    gas Industry shall address the following statutory requirements in the provinces


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    Education & Training; Research & Development:"Promotion of education,

    training and research and development in the Province in relation to petroleum

    resources activities in the offshore area", (www.cnsopb.ns.ca)

    Establishment of Office:An office shall be established in the Province where

    appropriate levels of decision making are to take place.

    Nova Scotia and Newfoundland are highly industrialized areas with a flourishing

    economy and a high quality of life such as affordable housing, clean environmenti1'

    with a low crime rate, first-rate health and educational amenities and limitless

    career opportunities. Canadian local content requirements have contributed

    largely to the development of these provinces.

    Nova Scotia local content requirements are quite similar to Newfoundland's

    "The government of Nova Scotia created a Department of Energy on June 2002

    to serve as focal point in the development of the province's energy resources, as

    outlined in the Energy Strategy. The department is a consolidation ofthe.,Nova

    Scotia Petroleum Directorate and the energy-related activities of the Nova Scotia

    Department of Natural Resources". (Nova Scotia Energy, 2006-


    The Nova Scotia Department of Energy helps to ensure the accountable

    management of Nova Scotia's petroleum resources while maximizing the gains

    such as industrial, financial, economic, and employment benefits in exploiting


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    these resources. The department works with other stakeholders to make the

    most of the opportunities to build an outstanding energy sector in Nova Scotia.

    The main priorities of the department are to promote investment in the energy-i'1 -

    sector, provide opportunities for local companies to meet possible joint venture

    partners and participate in investment tasks overseas.

    The department's goal is also to increase business opportunities for local

    suppliers of goods and services, and identify possible areas of skill shortages so

    as to develop tactical approaches and embark on partnerships in training

    schemes and initiatives.

    The situation in Nigeria is different from the Canadian -Newfoundland /Nova

    Scotia situation, in various ways, such as, the Canadian benefits policy is

    structured in a way to give a fair opportunity to Canadians to participate

    competitively in the supply of goods and services whereas the Nigerian benefits

    plan, are directives given by government to the multinational companies to

    ensure that local companies participate in the supply of goods and services.

    Standard infrastructure notably efficient and steady power is available, good

    roads network, world class health and educational facilities are also available. In

    Nigeria, the infrastructure is very poor, these include epileptic power, poor road

    network, poor health and educational facilities. Furthermore, in Canada, there is

    a proper investment climate like a clean and safe environment , relaxing

    atmosphere e.t.c but it is different in Nigeria, the atmosphere is not safe or


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    relaxing especially for investors and this is highlighted by the recent kidnappings

    of.foreigners in the Niger Delta region.

    The Nigerian content policy does not mention research and development but this

    is stipulated in the Canadian- Newfoundland & Nova Scotia local content


    2.6 Case Stud y: K orean Science, Techn olo gy & Inn ov ati on

    Policy (STI)

    2.6.1 Background

    The essence of the Korean STI policy was to create an enabling atmosphere to

    achieve technological breakthrough which will promote global industrial

    competitiveness and economic growth for the Korean economy. The initiative

    behind the policy was to increase the quality of life and sustainable development

    A Science, Technology, and innovation Office is an organization that was set up

    by government with the responsibilities to execute the coordination of innovation

    administration policy such as science and technology policy, related industry,

    manpower / region and in addition to coordinate policies on national R&D


    The Korean Innovation policy was introduced in the late 1970s, it primarify took

    the outline of an Industrial Innovation Policy that combined Science &


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    Technology policy and industrial policy, "where science policy is the policy that

    places import ance on the appropriate distribution and efficient utiliza tion of

    resources on science, as well as contribution that science makes on socio-

    economic welfare while the technology policy is a policy that focuses on

    particular technology or industrial area".(Lee, Hwang, Baeg, Oh, 2008)

    The innovation policy framework has since evolved over time since its inception,

    these changes are due to changes in understanding of the process, role,

    technology e.t.c and these changes encompass technological, non technological,

    economical and social changes.

    These innovation policy framework changes are broken into the first generation,

    second generation and third generation innovation policy-

    First Generation Innovation Policy: the framework of this policy was

    introduced in the in the late 1970s and was in place until the 1990s, it was seen

    to be a linear process and its focus was placed on acceleration of scientific

    technological progress through fundamental research as well a$, the

    enhancement of flow of knowledge in accordance with innovation chain. The

    policy was implemented in the form ofanindustrial policy that combined science

    & technology with industrial policy. (Lee, etal.2008)

    Second Generation Innovation Policy:this policy framework was introduced

    in the 1990s to early 2000 and it measured the innovation process as feedback


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    loop between the innovation phases and emphasized complex interactive

    processes in the innovation system. It places the "focus of technology innovation

    on economic performance of the nation, expands the object of policy to all

    economic and social areas that influence and is being influenced by innovation".

    (Lee,etal. 2008)

    This framework is based on the National innovation system (NIS) and "its focal

    point lies on system and underlying structure that supports innovation, research,

    commercialization and technological application" (Lee, etal.2008)

    Third Generation Innovation Policy: This policy evolved from the second

    generation innovation policy and it started from early part of 2000 and is still in

    place till date. Its framework defines the innovation process as interactive

    processes between diverse range of policy domains related to innovation.

    "This framework aims to overcome the limitations of the framework of the

    Second Generation innovation policy and is referred to as the 'holistic innovation

    policy' in that innovation is being seen as the core of all policy domains at

    government level" (Lee, etal.2008)

    "This framework places focal point of the policy on governance and government

    capacity to handle decision Making process, integration, coordination and

    coherence of policies, and aligns the goal of innovation policy on improvement of

    quality of life including economic growth, establishment of strategy for long-term

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    2.6.2 R & D Evaluation

    Science and technology is imperative for industrial advancement of any country

    and globally there's been intense competition for science and technology

    amongst industrialized nations and R&D has been identified as the major factor

    in encouraging national competitiveness.

    The Korean government is continuously investing heavily in R & D and'as at

    2007 has spent USD 10 billion, this has resulted in the need for proper

    managementof these funds to ensure efficientand effectiveperformance. An act

    on "Performance Evaluation and Management for National R & D programs" was

    established in 2005 by the Korean government and MA Basic Plan for the

    Managementand Utilization of R&D performance" was established in 2006 and is

    being enforced by the ministry of science & technology (MOST). (Kim, Lee, Choi,

    Kim,Lee, Choi,2008)i v

    The importanceofR & D cannot be over emphasizedand equallyimportant is an

    effective, transparent monitoring and evaluation systemthat will ensure that the

    R& D objectives are met.

    "An effective performance monitoring and management system should be

    structured to bolster the domestic industrial technology innovation capabilities

    through the maximization of the utilization of industrial technology R&D

    performance" (Kim, etal.2008)

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    A model of a performance monitoring and management system is shown below













    vision |

    R&D performance monitoring and evaluation syster

    (GRIs, Research councils, Usersofoufcomes)

    RftD evaluation system J

    s, Research councils)





    R&D budget




    Existing researcf



    Analysts of

    ewstng research

    Analysis of

    technical trends

    Seminar Workshop

    Society meetings

    Writing papers




    pibt products

    Outcomes Impact

    Shortterm Medlumterm Lbngterm



    Research reports





    New products /rev


    GtattofJ'of papers





    Development of


    /new slices

    Fosteribg human



    ilnerease national


    Bolster industrial






    Create new



    External factors

    Relevant technical trends/macro economic factors /socialperception

    /Environmental factors(supportfromevaluatorandGRIsetc.)

    Fig 2.3 Targets and Scope of Monitoring, Evaluation and Management Model (Kim, et al. 2008)

    "This system involves users of outcomes in the group of participants, thereby

    emphasizing the utilization aspect of research results as mid- and long-term

    outcomes. The system monitors the utilization of these outcomes, inputs this


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    Information into the evaluation and management system, and enhances the

    utilization of outcomes by considering users of outcomes in advance from

    research institutes' R&D stage; if necessary, the system considers institutional

    support for utilizing outcomes and monitoring such utilization". (Kim, etal.2008)

    The Korean policy has been effective because the STI policy framework has

    continuously been modified to address the current needs of the nation, this is

    exemplified by the different generations of the policy, and the Koreans have also

    taken into consideration the importance of monitoring R&D which is also a part

    of the STI policy to determine if the desired needs are being met.

    The evaluation and monitoring model is designed to extract performance

    monitoring, target to be evaluated and guidelines on execution of any R & D


    2.7 Conclusion

    Many countries have some form of local content policy and all with the same

    overall objectives of attracting foreign direct investments, job creation, human

    capacity development, technology transfer and adding value to the economy.

    The differences between the successes of the countries reported in this chapter

    and Nigeria include; poor infrastructure in Nigeria which cannot support

    industrial growth, poor investors' climate which includes security and clean


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    Identifying the causes for the poor implementation of the Nigerian local content

    policy is important and the challenges will be taken into consideration while

    developing a framework for a more effective implementation. This will be

    discussed in the next chapter.


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    3. Proposed Framework


    This chapter addresses the development of a proposed framework to promote

    the effective implementation of the Nigerian content policy. This framework will

    encompass factors that are generally necessary for industrial growth and factors

    that specifically affect human capacity development in industry. ,,

    3.1 Framework Development

    A framework to promote the effective implementation of the Nigerian content

    policy will be developed. This framework will be divided into two major

    components known as the primary and secondary framework.

    The primary framework will address issues that encourage foreign direct

    investments while the secondary framework will address the more specific issues

    that relate to human capacity building in industry.


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    3.1.1 Primary Framework Outline

    The primary framework will deal with factors that encourage foreign direct

    investments (FDI) in an economy, this is basically capital inflow. FDI can be

    defined as the transfer of a package of resources including capital technology,

    i1' -

    management and marketing expertise (Ejiofor, 2002). These factors significantly

    increase the prospects of foreign investments. The factors include the following:

    > Infrastructure I Development

    > Political Stability

    > Social Economic factors (Good Investment Climate, Education,

    Transparency, e.t.c)

    > Projects Financing

    ) '

    FDI = f(I ,

    P, S, PF)


    FDI = foreign direct investment,

    I = infrastructural development

    P = political stability,

    S = social economic factors

    PF = project financing


  • 8/12/2019 Local Content Development in the Nigerian Oil Industry-why It is Not Succeeding


    3.1.2 Secondary Framework Outline

    The secondary framework will deal with developing a framework that will

    encourage local participation directly in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. The

    outline includes the following:

    > Legal Policy

    > Licensing System

    > Resource Management ,--

    > Research & Development

    > Fiscal Policy

    > Environmental Policy

    3.2 Primary Framework Development

    Infrastructural Development: "Infrastructure is the basic facilities, services,

    and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as

    transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public

    institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons" (thefreedictionary.com)

    The development of proper infrastructure is definitely necessary to facilitate

    economic growth and thus should be a starting point in Nigeria.

    Political Stability:this is important because a politically stable country creates

    a good investment climate for the flow of FDI in both the economy. The works of

    "Chete in 1998 states that specification of the determinants of FDI in Nigeria


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    produces findings that political stability is an important determinant of the inflow

    of capital in Nigeria" (Ejiofor, 2002). A politically stable country will ensure

    continuity of government policies, abiding by contractual obligations by the

    government, respect for the rule of law and this will in turn create investors'

    confidence in investing in that economy.

    Project Financing: Financial institutions in the country should be able to

    provide proper and adequate financing for large scale projects; this enables the

    host country to keep most of the funds for these projects in their economy.

    I ' -

    Social Economic Factors:"The components of socio-economic factors such as

    education, health, safety of lives and property, discipline amongst the populace,

    transparency, probity and cost effectiveness. Nigeria needs to minimize the

    adverse effects of negative socio-economic factors in order to attract foreign

    investments" (Ejiofor, 2002)

    3.3 Secondary Framework Development

    Legal Policy:Acts, provisions and regulations are enacted by the government

    to provide a legal basis for the regulation of activities in the oil and gas industry.

    This legal policy also encompasses taxation of the business by government.


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    Licensing System:Regulations are put in place by the government to guide

    the process of issuing oil prospecting licenses. Government should ensure that

    > Discretionary licensing award system should be used during the biddingfor oil licenses.

    > Award of oil licenses should be paid for by investing in human capacity


    > Tax incentives to enco urage local content development.

    > Penalties for default in participating in local content development.

    Resource Management: This should address the effective management and

    deployment of resources that accrue from the sale of the oil and gas products.

    The resources should be put in use in a way such that, the people wjU still

    benefit even after oil and gas has been depleted.

    The following should be incorporated in the resources management policy

    > Deductions ofacertain percentage from excess crude oil sales to be used

    to set up a special fund for future generations.

    > Development ofaneffective and competitive indigenous firm in the oil and

    gas industry.

    , > Development of other economic sectors.


    l l & D: This is essential for human capacity development; R & D should be

    domiciled in-country by the industry operators. R&D collaboration with the local


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  • 8/12/2019 Local Content Development in the Nigerian Oil Industry-why It is Not Succeeding


    A case study using the Norwegian local content model will be used to validate

    the proposed framework. ,,..

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    4. Empirical Investigation


    This chapter presents the empirical investigation carried out and the findings

    obtained. A background of the Norwegian local content experience will be

    detailed and a comparative analysis tool will be used to test the proposed

    framework against the Norwegian local content model.

    4.1 Norwegian local content experience

    4.1.1 Background

    "A consistent Norwegian policy for over 30 years has been to diversify from

    income generated from petroleum in order to reduce dependence on petroleum

    revenues and the ensuing risk exposure to oil and natural gas price instability."

    (Noreng, 2004)

    "Exploration for oil and gas offshore Norway started in the mid-1960s, and the

    first field came on-stream in 1971. For the last 20 years Norway has been a

    major producer of oil and gas on the world scene. Oil production stayed at

    roughly 3.0 million barrels per day in the first years of the new century.


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    However, oil production has peaked and was 2.8 million barrels a day in 2006,

    while natural gas production is increasing" (Heum, 2008).

    Initially, when oil and gas exploration started, Norway lacked the specificindustrial capabilities and competence to operate the business on its own; hence

    it was run by international oil companies and their home grown supply chains.

    "The rationale behind diversifying income from petroleum activities was that the

    petroleum industry operated on publicland,and was extracting resources-jn-the-

    ground that were in public ownership, therefore, lifting oil and gas means

    depleting a public capital base, for which compensation should be found in the

    developing of other assets so as to secure a continuity of income". (Noreng,


    Norway practices discretionary licensing, awarding licenses through bargaining

    with oil companies over multiple objectives i.e. the government-landowner can

    demand more than money, depending on the situation and bargaining power.

    The practical solution was to develop a local supply of some competitive goods

    and services required by the petroleum industry and not to demand an

    indiscriminate use of local suppliers. (Noreng, 2004)

    "Norway's has been quite successful in achieving high local content which was

    largely due to government policies,which encouraged partnerships bejtween


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    foreign and domestic companies, and made research programs mandatory.

    These ensured that technology developed in Norway would be among the best of

    its kind. Since 1970, successive governments have regarded it as essential to

    promote competition in the oil industry, while at the same time actively

    promoting the business opportunities for Norwegian industry".(Noreng, 2004)

    The oil industry generates substantial income for the Norwegian economy

    through its demand for goods and services; the petroleum business has been

    developed to an extent where it is a major factor in developing other sectors of

    the Norwegian economy.

    4.2 Norwegian Local Content Model

    4.2.1 Vision

    The vision of the Norwegian government was not just to be a major player in the

    oil industry but also to develop human capacity, develop a local supply of

    competitive goods and services necessary in the oil and gas industry and to

    increase its revenues from upstream activities in foreign petroleum provinces

    significantly in the years to come. "To put it clearly, it is only possible to

    generate industrial value added capacity that will benefit the society at large if

    the industrial competence is domestically based and internationally competitive.

    Thus, it is not sufficient for local industrial competence development that it is


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    domestically based. It must also (at some time) prove competitive in

    international markets" (Heum, 2008)

    INTSOK- the Norwegian Oil and Gas Partners - was established in 1997 by the

    Norwegian oil and gas industry and the Norwegian Government for this purpose

    INSTOK's objective is to work with companies throughout the industry to expand

    the business activities in the international oil and gas markets on the basis of the

    industry's leading edge experience, technology and expertise, (www.intsok.no)

    The aim of being a global player in the oil and gas industry is evident by the fact

    that today, Norway has a significant share of foreign sales, In 2005 the supply

    and service providers based in Norway had 46 per cent of their sales to

    companies operating petroleum activities in other parts of the worlc|,..than

    Norway. This share has increased from 29 per cent in 1995. (Heum, 2008).

    "International operations are broadly based among the local supply and service

    providers. In 2005 almost seven out of ten Norwegian based supply and service

    providers had at least some sales abroad; in 1995 it was four out of ten.

    In 1995 close to 60 per cent of the foreign sales of the Norwegian based supply

    and service providers was to the nearby UK sector. By 2005 the total value of\r-

    foreign sales from these companies had more than tripled in current prices. Then

    the UK sector made up for roughly 20 per cent of these sales, and sales to the


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    petroleum regions of North America, South East Asia and West Africa were of

    almost the same magnitude."(Heum,2008).

    In summary, the building of the Norwegian petroleum industry was intended for

    the benefit of the whole Norwegian society with the long term goals of:

    National Control of the industry

    To create value addedi 1

    Building and fostering a Norwegian oil community

    To create employment

    4.2.2 Government Policies

    The Norwegian government recommended a new administrative system after

    studying international experiences which was approved by the Parliament in June


    The new structure was based on the creation of different organizations with

    different functional responsibilities such as:

    A Ministry of Petroleum and Energy which was responsible for the policy-

    making, for award of licences and for ensuring that proposed field

    development plans met the Norwegian criteria.

    A Norwegian Petroleum Directorate which was responsible for technical

    control,regulatory and advisory functions.

    I-'- .


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    4.2.3 Petroleum Industry Development

    The Norwegian government decided to develop the petroleum industry using

    what they called local content generators (www.mep.dep.no)these local content

    generators include:

    -Building National oil companies

    -Developing indigenous human capital

    -Targeted R&D efforts

    -Petroleum legislation Landing of petroleum

    Contracting & procurement

    Building of National Oil companies: The founding of the Norwegian oil

    company, Statoil was an integral part of this task, as the building up of two

    other Norwegian based oil companies, Norsk Hydro (which used to be 51%

    state owned) and Saga (which was 100% privately owned). The IOCs were

    positioned in the role of technical assistants and joint teams were used to

    accelerate the Norwegian companies into fully-fledged operators because the

    agreement in Norway was that operatorship was considered necessary to

    learn the business and to be able to meet foreign IOCs as equals.i 1'-

    Developing Indigenous human capital:The oil prospecting license terms for

    the IOCs made it compulsory to transfer skills and competence to the Norwegian


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    companies. Employees from Statoil, Norsk Hydro and Saga participated initially in

    training courses and on-the-job training schemes organized by the IOCs in their

    overseas operations. The IOCs also recruited young Norwegian engineers and

    trained them in their overseas operations for a considerable period, before they

    were taken home to"Norwegianise"their organizations. (Noreng, 2004)

    Norway's petroleum policy insisted on the transfer of technology and

    collaboration in research and development, this was one of the most successfuli ' ' -

    aspects of the policy and with the aspiration to assume the leadership role in

    international petroleum development, the oil companies were compelled to

    transfer competence and to cooperate in the development of new technology.


    "In 1973, the requirement to transfer competence and to cooperate in the

    development of new technology was introduced in the third licensing round and

    a practical result was that the international oil company Mobil, as the initial

    operator at the giant Statfjord field,systematically had to train Statoil to take

    over the task. In 1979, the fourth licensing round introduced provisions for

    technology development cooperation between foreign oil companies and

    Norwegian research institutions". (Noreng, 2008)

    These cooperation agreements made the oil companies contribute funding,

    insight and expertise to develop technology in Norway.


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    these cooperation agreements were of three types namely:

    First type of cooperation agreement was called "50 % agreements": it

    required operators to conduct at least 50 % of the research and development

    needed to develop a prospect in Norway at Norwegian institutions. (Alexander's

    Oil & Gas connection-www.gasandoil.com)

    Second type of cooperation agreement: it required operators to conduct a

    specified research effort in advance of new licensing. (Alexander's Oil & Gas


    Third type of cooperation agreement involved "goodwill agreements"

    this required the oil companies to make an attempt to conduct as'much

    petroleum related research and development as possible in Norway, without any

    advance commitment as to the sum or volume of the effort. The good will

    programs were initially based on discussion with the industry but it was later

    developed to support industry needs and priorities. (Alexander's Oil & Gas


    Targeted R&D effor t

    R & D being an important aspect of any industry development was taken very

    seriously by the Norwegian authorities, they encouraged the oil companies to

    enter into R&D projects with Norwegian universities and research institutions as

    part of the local contentplan.This was granted by the oil companies because it

    was discussed during negotiations for the concessions. Furthermore, there was a


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    high tax on oil and gas extraction on the margin with 85% in the early 1980s,

    implying that most of the additional costs incurred by the oil firms in developing

    local content were really covered by the state as tax revenues and were reduced


    The Norwegian authorities always insisted that R & D and project bidding and

    execution should always take place in Norway and the ministry of industry made

    sure that a Norwegian bidder was awarded the contract if the bid submitted was

    competitive. These R&D programs meant that the Norwegian knowledge base

    with regard to offshore oil and gas was very wide and deep because of the

    inclusion of the universities and research institutes with emphasis on scientific

    research and not just developmental projects.

    Petroleum legislation

    Legislation was put in place to act as frame work for the landing of products in


    "Enforcement through the Petroleum Legislation:

    Principles laid down in the Royal Decree of 1972:

    Article 34: Landing of petroleum


    Technology gap of pipe laying closed.


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    Decisions based on commercial considerations.

    Gas could been brought ashore and processed to sales quality.

    Today: 98,5 % is exported".Oil:

    Offshore loading most economic and flexible.

    Norwegian ship owners developed the business.

    Pipelines later built to terminals on the coast.i1'

    Terminals created a domestic construction market" (ministry of petroleum and


    "Article 54: Norwegian Content:

    MPEGoods & Services Office; "watch dog" for oil companies' contracting and


    Ensure equal opportunity for Norwegian suppliers and fair treatment of

    Norwegian bidders.

    Plan for all tenders above 1 mill NOK (150.000 USD)

    Bidders list to be approved.

    Contract award: Inform of evaluation

    The Ministry collated information on coming tenders, by-annually published to

    Norwegian suppliers." (Norwegian Ministry of petroleum & energy-



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    The details above analyze the Norwegian LCM which will be used to test the

    validity of the proposed framework for the Nigerian situation. A comparative

    analysis tool will be used to carry out