local convergence of an incremental algorithm for...

Local Convergence of an Incremental Algorithm for Subspace Identification Stephen Wright University of Wisconsin-Madison IPAM, January 2013 () Subspace Identification IPAM, January 2013 1 / 38

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Local Convergence of an Incremental Algorithm forSubspace Identification

Stephen Wright

University of Wisconsin-Madison

IPAM, January 2013

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+ Laura Balzano (Michigan). (GROUSE was proposed, studied, andapplied in her Ph.D. thesis, defended at UW-Madison in 2012.)

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Identifying Subspaces from Partial Observations

Often we observe a certain phenomenon on a high-dimensional ambientspace, but the phenomenon lies on a low-dimension subspace. Moreover,our observations may not be complete: “missing data.”

Can we recover the subspace of interest?

Matrix completion, e.g. Netflix. Observe partial rows of an m × nmatrix; each row lies (roughly) in a low-d subspace of Rn.

Background/Foreground separation in video data.

Mining of spatal sensor data (traffic, temperature) with highcorrelation between locations.Structure from Motion: Observe a 3-d object from different cameraangles, noting the location of reference points on the object’s surfaceon the (2-d) photo taken at each camera angle.

Object is solid, so some reference points are occluded in each photo.Missing data!Matrix of reference point locations in 2-d images has rank three.Range subspace reveals 3-d location of reference points.

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Structure from Motion: Figures and Reconstructions

(Kennedy, Balzano, Taylor, Wright, 2012)() Subspace Identification IPAM, January 2013 4 / 38

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Euclidean Subspace Identification

Seek subspace S ⊂ Rn of known dimension d n.

Know certain components Ωt ⊂ 1, 2, . . . , n of vectors vt ∈ S ,t = 1, 2, . . . — the subvector [vt ]Ωt .

Assume that S is incoherent w.r.t. the coordinate directions.

We’ll also assume for purposes of analysis that

vt = Ust , where U is an n × d orthonormal spanning S and thecomponents of st ∈ Rd are i.i.d. normal with mean 0.

Sample set Ωt is independent for each t with |Ωt | ≥ q, for some qbetween d and n.

Observation subvectors [vt ]Ωt contain no noise.

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Full Data: Ωt ≡ 1, 2, . . . , n: SVD (or QR)

If the vectors vt are fully revealed — Ωt ≡ 1, 2, . . . , n — we obtain thesolution after d steps. An SVD

UΣV T = [v1 : v2 : · · · : vd ]

yields a spanning n × d orthonormal matrix U for S.

Our focus is on the case of |Ωt | < n, but the analysis simplifies greatly —and gives an interesting result — in the full-data case. (More in amoment.)

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Sampled Data: Batch Methods

For a fixed collection of vectors t = 1, 2, . . . ,T , use matrix completion:Seek X ∈ Rn×T such that

A(X ) = v , rank(X ) = d ,

where v is constructed from the known elements [vt ]Ωt and A is thecorresponding location map.

Need to relax for tractability, e.g. min ‖X‖∗ instead of imposingrank(X ) = d .

Ideally, the solution X will have

X = [v1 : v2 : · · · : vT ].

A spanning matrix U can be obtained by finding the SVD of X — or ofsome collection of d random vectors of the form Xs, with s random.

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Sampled Data: An Online / Incremental Algorithm

GROUSE (Grassmannian Rank-One Update Subspace Estimation).

Process the vt as a sequential stream.

Maintain an estimate Ut (orthonormal n × d) of the basis U fortarget subspace S ;

Simple update formula Ut → Ut+1 when the next (vt)Ωt is received.


Setup is similar to incremental and stochastic gradient methods inmachine learning and optimization.

Simple rank-one update formula, akin to updates in quasi-NewtonHessian and Jacobian approximations in optimization

Projection, so that all iterates Ut are n × d orthonormal.

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Given current estimate Ut and partial data vector [vt ]Ωt , where vt = Ust :

wt := arg minw‖[Utw − vt ]Ωt‖2


pt := Utwt ;

[rt ]Ωt := [vt − Utwt ]Ωt ; [rt ]Ωct

:= 0;

σt := ‖rt‖‖pt‖;Choose ηt > 0;

Ut+1 := Ut +

[(cosσtηt − 1)


+ sinσtηtrt‖rt‖



We focus on the (locally acceptable) choice

ηt =1



, which yields σtηt = arcsin‖rt‖‖pt‖

≈ ‖rt‖‖pt‖


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GROUSE Observations

With the particular step above, and assuming ‖rt‖ ‖pt‖, have

Ut+1wt ≈ Utwt +‖rt‖‖pt‖


wTt wt

‖wt‖= pt + rt ,

since pt = Utwt . Thus

[Ut+1wt ]Ωt ≈ [pt + rt ]Ωt = [vt ]Ωt ,

[Ut+1wt ]Ωct≈ [pt + rt ]Ωc

t= [Utwt ]Ωt ,

where the second line follows from [rt ]Ωct

= 0. Thus

On sample set Ωt , Ut+1wt matches obervations in vt ;

On other elements, the components of Ut+1wt and Utwt are similar.

Ut+1z = Utz for any z with wTt z = 0.

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GROUSE Comments

The GROUSE update is essentially a project of a step along the searchdirection rtw

Tt . Defining the inconsistency measure

E(Ut) := minwt‖[Ut ]Ωtwt − [vt ]Ωt‖2


we havedEdUt

= −2rtwTt ,

so we see that the GROUSE search direction is the negative gradient of E .

The GROUSE update has much in common with quasi-Newton updates inoptimization, in that it makes the minimal adjustment required tomatch the latest observations, while retaining a certain desiredstructure — orthonormality, in this case.

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GROUSE Local Convergence Questions

How to measure discrepancy between current estimate R(Ut) and S?

Convergence behavior is obviously random, but what can we sayabout expected rate? Linear? If so, how fast?

How does the analysis specialize to the full-data case?

For the first question, can use angles between subspaces φt,i ,i = 1, 2, . . . , d .

cosφt,i = σi (UTt U),

where σi (·) denotes the ith singular value. Define

εt :=d∑


sin2 φt,i = d −d∑


σi (UTt U)2 = d − ‖UT

t U‖2F .

We seek a bound for E [εt+1|εt ], where the expectation is taken over therandom vector st for which vt = Ust .

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Full-Data Case

Full-data case vastly simpler to analyze than the general case. Define

θt := arccos(‖pt‖/‖vt‖) is the angle between R(Ut) and S that isrevealed by the update vector vt ;Define At := UT

t U, d × d , nearly orthogonal when R(Ut) ≈ S. Wehave εt = d − ‖At‖2

F .


εt − εt+1 =sin(σtηt) sin(2θt − σtηt)

sin2 θt

(1− sTt AT

t AtATt Atst

sTt ATt Atst


The right-hand side is nonnegative for σtηt ∈ (0, 2θt), and zero ifvt ∈ R(Ut) = St or vt ⊥ St .

Our favorite choice of ηt (defined above) yields σtηt = θt , which simplifiesthe expression above vastly:

εt − εt+1 = 1− sTt ATt AtA

Tt Atst

sTt ATt Atst


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Dropping subscripts, we obtain



sTY Γ4Y T s

sTY Γ2Y T s=



where Y is orthogonal and Γ is a diagonal matrix with elements cosφt,i —the angles between the subspaces R(Ut) and S defined earlier.


Given Q ∈ Rd×d , suppose that s ∈ Rd is a random vector whosecomponents are all i.i.d. in N (0, 1). Then



sT s




Useful, but can’t quite apply it directly.

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∑s2i cos4 φi∑s2i cos2 φi


∑s2i [1− 2 sin2 φi + sin4 φi ]∑

s2i (1− sin2 φi )

≈1− 2(

∑s2i sin2 φi )/(

∑s2i )

1− (∑

s2i sin2 φi )/(

∑s2i )

=1− 2ψ

1− ψ,

where ψ := (∑

s2i sin2 φi )/(

∑s2i ). Two nice things about ψ:

E (ψ) =1



sin2 φi =1

dεt , 0 ≤ ψ ≤ max

i=1,2,...,dsin2 φi ≤ εt .


Suppose that εt ≤ ε for some ε ∈ (0, 1/3). Then

E [εt+1 | εt ] ≤(


1− 3ε

1− ε



)εt .

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Full-Data: Summary

Since the sequence εt is decreasing, by the earlier lemma, we have εt ↓ 0with probability 1 when started with ε0 ≤ ε.

Linear convergence rate is asymptotically 1− 1/d .

For d = 1, get near-convergence in one step (thankfully!)

Generally, in d steps (which is number of steps to get the exactsolution using SVD), improvement factor is

(1− 1/d)d <1


Plot some computational results for εt on a semilog plot, comparingwith the curve (1− 1/d)t . n = 10000 and d = 4, 6, 10, 20.

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εt vs expected (1− 1/d) rate (for various d)

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εt vs expected (1− 1/d) rate (for various d)

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General Case: Preliminaries

Assume a regime in which εt is small.

Define coherence of S (w.r.t. coordinate directions) by

µ :=n




It’s in range [1, n/d ], nearer the bottom if “incoherent.”

Add a safeguard to GROUSE: Take the step only if

σi ([Ut ]TΩt

[Ut ]Ωt ) ∈[.5|Ωt |n, 1.5|Ωt |n

], i = 1, 2, . . . , d ,

i.e. the sample is big enough to capture accurately the expression of vt interms of the columns of Ut . Can show that this will happen w.p. ≥ .9 if

|Ωt | ≥ q ≥ C1(log n)2d µ log(20d), C1 ≥64


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More Preliminaries

Given current measure of the distance εt from optimality, use a result fromStewart and Sun (1990) to obtain


Suppose that n ≥ 2d. Then there is an orthogonal Vt ∈ Rd×d such that

εt ≤ ‖UVt − Ut‖2F ≤ 2εt .

Assume globally that

|Ωt | ≥ q, εt ≤1




We can then derive several useful bounds:

‖rt‖ ≤√

2εt‖st‖, ‖pt‖ ∈[






‖pt‖2≤ 32

9εt .

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Estimate for εt − εt+1

Drop subscripts on rt , wt , pt , σt , ηt . Have exactly that

εt − εt+1 = ‖UTUt+1‖2F − ‖UTUt‖2


= sin2(ση)

(‖UT r‖2

‖r‖2− ‖U



)+ sin(2ση)

(UTp)T (UT r)


≥ − sin2(ση) + sin(2ση)(UTp)T (UT r)


Our favorite choice of η yields sinση = ‖r‖/‖p‖. We can show that

(UTp)T (UT r) ≈ ‖r‖2.

Together these yield the key estimate (asymptotically exact):

εt − εt+1 ≈‖rt‖2


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The Result

Require conditions on q and the fudge factor C1:

q ≥ C1(log n)2d µ log(20d), C1 ≥64


Also need C1 large enough that the coherence in the residual between vtand current subspace estimate Ut satisfies a certain (reasonable) boundw.p. 1− δ, for some δ ∈ (0, .6). Then for

εt ≤ (8× 10−6)(.6− δ)2 q3


εt ≤1




we haveE [εt+1 | εt ] ≤

(1− (.16)(.6− δ)



)εt .

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The Result: Comments and Steps

The decrease constant it not too far from that observed in practice; we seea factor of about

1− Xq


where X is not too much less than 1.

The threshold condition on εt is quite pessimistic, however. Linearconvergence behavior is seen at much higher values.

18 pages (SIAM format) of technical analysis. We highlight the main toolsand key inequalities.

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1. Tightening of (deterministic) bound on εt − εt+1:

εt+1 ≤ εt −‖rt‖2

‖pt‖2+ 55


3/2t .

If we can find a lower bound on ‖rt‖2/‖wt‖2 as a multiple of εt , the lastterm becomes lower-order and we can get linear decrease, for small εt .


‖pt‖2≥ 16




by the GROUSE safeguard (which holds for at least 90% of the iterates).

3. Use a 2010 result below: high-probability lower bound on ‖rt‖2 interms of ‖PN(UT

t )vt‖22. The factor is close to |Ωt |/n in practice, but we

pay a price for coherence and for the 1− δ guarantee.

(Here µ(.) denote coherence measures, which are close to 1 when the rowsof the argument have similar weight, closer to n or n/d otherwise.)

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Lemma (Balzano, Recht, Nowak (2010))

Let δ > 0 be given, and suppose that

|Ωt | >8

3dµ(Ut) log




Then with probability at least 1− 3δ, we have

‖rt‖22 ≥

|Ωt |(1− ξt)− dµ(Ut)(1+βt)2


‖PN(UTt )vt‖



ξt :=


t )vt)2

|Ωt |log



), βt :=


t )vt) log




γt :=


3|Ωt |log




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4. Set δ = .1. We observe computationally that the error identified by thelatest sample — PN(UT

t )vt — is incoherent with respect to coordinatedirections. (It seems to grow like log n.) We find that the factor isbounded below by q/2 when this quantity satisifies the following:

µ(PN(UTt )vt) ≤ log n


log 10C1dµ(U) log(20d)


µ(PN(UTt )vt) ≤ (log n)2


8 log 10C1 log(20d)


That is, we have w.p. at least .7 that

‖rt‖22 ≥



t )vt‖22.

We assume that C1 is chosen large enough that these bounds are satisfiedw.p. at least 1− δ for some δ ∈ (0, .6).

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5. Defining θt as the angle between vt and the subspace R(Ut), we have

‖PN(UTt )vt‖2

‖vt‖2= sin2 θt .

6. The high-probability bound now gives two cases:

εt+1 ≤ εt − .32q

nsin2 θt + 55


3/2t , w.p. .6− δ,

εt+1 ≤ εt + 55


3/2t , otherwise.

7. Can show uisng the technical Lemma defined earlier, can show thatwhen vt = Ust with components of st i.i.d N (0, 1), then

E (sin2 θt) =1

dεt .

The Result follows by combining all these arguments.() Subspace Identification IPAM, January 2013 27 / 38

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Computations for GROUSE with Sampling

Choose U0 so that ε0 is between 1 and 4.

Stop when εt ≤ 10−6.

Calculate average convergence rate: value X such that

εN ≈ ε0

(1− X




We find that X is not too much less than 1!

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εt , for n = 500, d = 10, q = 50.

Average decrease factor ≈ 1− .79 ∗ q/(nd)() Subspace Identification IPAM, January 2013 29 / 38

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εt , for n = 500, d = 10, q = 25.

Average decrease factor ≈ 1− .57 ∗ q/(nd)() Subspace Identification IPAM, January 2013 30 / 38

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εt , for n = 500, d = 20, q = 100.

Average decrease factor ≈ 1− .82 ∗ q/(nd)() Subspace Identification IPAM, January 2013 31 / 38

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εt , for n = 5000, d = 10, q = 40.

Average decrease factor ≈ 1− .72 ∗ q/(nd)() Subspace Identification IPAM, January 2013 32 / 38

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SVD Approaches for the General Case

A naive batch SVD approach, following the successful approach for fulldata, would be to assemble all the partial [vt ]Ωt into an n × T matrix,filling out with zeros, and take the estimate UT to be the leading dsingular values.

This gives terrible results — the zeros confuse it.

An incremental version, in which we update Ut by adding the column vt(filled out with zeros), and taking the leading d singular vectors of theresulting matrix, is similarly bad.

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Incremental SVD, done right: iSVD

Given Ut and [vt ]Ωt :

Compute wt as in GROUSE:

wt := arg minw‖[Utw − vt ]Ωt‖2


Use wt to impute the unknown elements (vt)ΩCt

, and fill out vt withthese estimates:

vt :=

[[vt ]Ωt

[Ut ]Ωctwt


Append vt to Ut and take the SVD of the resulting n × (d + 1)matrix [Ut : vt ];

Define Ut+1 to be the leading d singular vectors. (Discard thesingular vector that corresponds to the smallest singular value of theaugmented matrix.)

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iSVD and GROUSE seem similar:

Both compute and use wt to extract the missing information from Ut

and [vt ]Ωt .

Both generate a sequence Ut of orthonormal estimates of S.

Both ostensibly use no information before Ut .

Neither has different confidence for different subspaces of the targetsubspace S; both maintain a “flat” approximation.

Indeed, can show that iSVD and GROUSE are identical for certain choicesof the parameter ηt .

The choice of ηt is not the same as the “optimal” choice in GROUSE, butit works farily well in practice.

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Relating iSVD and GROUSE


Suppose we have the same Ut and [vt ]Ωt at the t-th iterations of iSVDand GROUSE. Then there exists ηt > 0 in GROUSE such that the nextiterates Ut+1 of both algorithms are identical, to within an orthogonaltransformation by the d × d matrix

Wt :=




where Zt is a d × (d − 1) orthonormal matrix whose columns span N(wTt ).

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GROUSE and iSVD: Details

The precise values for which GROUSE and iSVD are identical are:

λ =1


[(‖wt‖2 + ‖rt‖2 + 1) +

√(‖wt‖2 + ‖rt‖2 + 1)2 − 4‖rt‖2

]β =


‖rt‖2‖wt‖2 + (λ− ‖rt‖2)2

α =‖rt‖(λ− ‖rt‖2)

‖rt‖2‖wt‖2 + (λ− ‖rt‖2)2

ηt =1


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