local lynx issue 71 - april/may 2010


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The community newspaper for 10 North Norfolk Villages: Bale, Binham, Cockthorpe, Field Dalling, Gunthorpe, Langham, Morston, Saxlingham, Sharrington, Stiffkey


Page 1: Local Lynx Issue 71 - April/May 2010




APRIL & MAY 2010


Gunthorpe Hall 1873

Read Local Lynx on-line at: www.locallynx.co.uk

Page 2: Local Lynx Issue 71 - April/May 2010

- is a non-profit-making community newspaper, run for the benefit of ten villages.

We warmly welcome drawings, articles and letters for publication, but must reserve the right to edit or exclude items. The items published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or the village representatives.

For information about submitting items for publication, or if you want to help in any other way, please contact your village representative, through whom all village news must be submitted.

For general information please send a message to our email address:

[email protected]



CONTACT FOR ADVERTISERS For enquiries about advertising in Local Lynx,

please contact Maxine Burlingham tel: 01328-830375

email: [email protected]

Rates for advertising (pre-paid) are: One column x 62 mm (1/8 page): £72 for six issues.

Small Ads Panel on the back page: Available for individuals and businesses

providing local services. Cost: £36 for six issues.

DISTRIBUTION CONTACT For all enquiries or offers to help,

please contact: Rita White, tel: 01328 830821


WHAT’S ON in our ten villages

April 1st Thurs. Langham Mobile Library 2nd Fri. Morston Bluejacket Workshop opening 3rd Sat. Langham F.O.L. Coffee Morning 10 - 12 7th Wed. Morston Parish Council 7.30 16th Sun. Stiffkey AGM in church 6.00 17th Sat. Gunthorpe Institute AGM, evening. 3rd. Sat. Langham F.O.L. Coffee Morning 12th Mon. Langham Keep Fit’. 10.30 - 12. 13th Tues. Binham Big Quiz, 7.00 14th Wed. Langham Ladybirds 18th Sun. Stiffkey PCC AGM 19th Mon Langham Keep Fit.10.30 - 12 20th Tues. Saxlingham.APCM Old Rectory 2.00 20th Tues Binham & Hindringham Keep fit 21st Wed. Langham F.O.L. Coffee Morning 10 - 12 22nd Thurs..Binham History Group. 7.30 22nd Thurs. Binham &: Hindringham Dinner 22nd Thurs. Langham Mobile library 24th Sat. Gunthorpe 50:50 Club 24th Sat. Gunthorpe AGM of PCC 6.00 25th Sun. Gunthorpe Churchyard Clear-up 26th Mon. Langham Keep Fit 10.30 - 12 27th Tues. Binham Hall AGM & Parish Meeting 7.30

May 1st Sat. Langham F.O.L. Coffee Morning 1st Sat Morston Village Hall, Charity Book Sale 10 - 4 1st - 4th Langham Exhibition 100 – 4.30 8th Sat. Field Dalling Churchyard clear-up 10.0 - noon 10th Mon. Langham Keep Fit 1030 - 12 12th Wed. Langham Ladybirds- 13th Thurs. Gunthorpe PCC Annual Meeting at Institute 13th Thurs Langham Mobile Library 16th Sun. Binham PCC Trust Spring Lunch 17th Mon. Langham Keep Fit 10.30 - 12 19th Wed. Morston Parish Council 6.30 19th Wed. Langham F.O.L Coffee Morning 22nd Sat. Gunthorpe 50:50 Club 23rd Sun. Binham Anglia Ruskin Concert, Priory 7.30 24th Mon. Langham Keep Fit 10.30 - 12 29th Sat. Binham Priory Art of Flower arranging 29th-31st Binham Priory Flower Festival 10am - 6pm 29th-31st Binham Village Hall Book Sale 10am - 4pm 31st Mon Langham Bring & Buy;

Regulars Mondays Binham Babies & Toddlers 10 - 12 Tuesday Binham Guild of Artists 10 - 12 1st Sat. & 3rd Wed of month Langham Coffee morning


Father Michael Simison 12 Hindringham Road Gt. Walsingham Norfolk Tel: 01328 821 353

PRIEST IN RESIDENCE Father William Wells (the house behind the church)

SERVICE TIMES Mass for Sunday Vigil Mass: Saturday 6.00pm. Sunday Mass: 11.00am.


Minister: The Reverend David Greenaway 8 St. Andrew’s Close Holt. Tel: 01263 712 181

Sunday Services at 3pm. For weekday services and details of preachers and any change in times, refer to the ‘Glaven Valley Newsletter’.

DEANERY NEWS Next meeting of Deanery Synod: Thurs.17th June, 7.15pm for 7.30pm. Details of venue and speaker in next issue.

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Church Services for Bale and Stiffkey Benefice for April and May 2010 HC=Holy Communion. CFS=Church Family Service. MP=Morning Prayer. BCP=Book of Common Prayer

NB Gunthorpe Last Service in church on Easter Day, thereafter at Village Institute until further notice. Maundy Thursday (April 1st): The Lord’s Supper; a Service of Holy Communion, followed by a half hour Vigil.

Langham, 7.00pm Good Friday (April 2nd): Stations of the Cross; Morston, 10.30am and Sharrington, 2.00pm.

Easter Eve (April 3rd): Family Easter Egg Service; Binham, 4.00pm. Service of Light; Binham, 8.00pm Ascension Day (13th May): Service at 6.00pm at Langham, followed by drinks at the Rectory.

30th May: Group Service at Stiffkey at 10.30am. Regular Weekday Services

Binham: Tuesday, 6.00pm Evening Prayers, Langham: Wednesday, 10.00am Holy Communion Stiffkey: Friday, 10.00am Holy Communion

Parish 4th April Easter Day 11th April 18th April 25th April Bale 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC Field Dalling At Saxlingham 11.00am CFS At Saxlingham 11.00am MP BCP Saxlingham 11.00am HC At Field Dalling 11.00am HC At Field Dalling Gunthorpe 11.00am HC 11.00am HC Sharrington 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am MP 9.30am HC Binham 11.00am HC 11.00am HC 11.00am CFS 9.30am HC Morston 9.30am HC BCP 9.30am HC BCP Langham 9.30am HC At Stiffkey At Stiffkey 9.30am HC Stiffkey 11.00am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am CFS At Langham

Parish 2nd May 9th May 16th May 23rd May Pentecost

Bale 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC Field Dalling At Saxlingham 11.00am CFS At Saxlingham 11.00am MP BCP Saxlingham 9.30am HC At Field Dalling 11.00am HC At Field Dalling

Gunthorpe 11.00am MP 11.00am HC Sharrington 9.30am MP 9.30am HC 9.30am MP 9.30am HC Binham 11.00am HC 11.00am HC 11.00am CFS 9.30am HC Morston 9.30am HC BCP 9.30am HC BCP Langham 9.30am MP At Stiffkey At Stiffkey 9.30am HC Stiffkey At Langham 9.30am HC 9.30am CFS At Langham


My dear Friends and Parishioners,

May I thank you so much for your most warm welcome, which increases my delight in the ten villages which are my Benefice. It is a term meaning both the thing which one enjoys and that which one is committed to. I intend to enjoy and be committed to your service and your lives all my life long.

At your convenience I do wish to meet and know you all, for it is the particular charge and pleasure of the Church of England to be the Friend to all who live within the boundaries.

Our boundaries are wide and sea-girt and contain depths of kindness and acceptance which are gifts of God. It is my prayer and my intention that we may all thrive within the parish bounds set by our history, our geography and perhaps, whimsically, by the flight of birds, in the company of which is the Dove - that likeness of the Holy Spirit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who died, was buried and who rose again for our Salvation, our great flight, as at this time.

Yours very truly, Ian Whittle


To our dear friends at Gunthorpe and also the other villages - Thank you for all your love and prayers during my recent set-back in London. We were so disappointed to miss the Christmas Gunthorpe service and also Morston Carols - high points in our year.

Now on the road to recovery again thanks to family and friends' prayer and care and God's goodness, it has been suggested that I take a sabbatical which I shall do for a while.

Vivienne and I join in love and greetings to you all for the New Year and to Ian our Vicar, and thank you again for your support and encouragement.

Michael and Vivienne

AYRES & GRACES St Andrews Church, Great Ryburgh.

Sat. April 17th, 7.30 pm Concert for Lute & Voice, Stephen Miles & Peter Trent Followed by light refreshments, with a retiring

collection for the Church Restoration Appeal.

For more info contact 01328 829413.

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John Denham, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, has announced that as a result of the Local Government Review in Norfolk, Norwich is to become a single unitary authority within the existing boundaries. The rest of the County will keep the local structure as it is now.

This decision is now being challenged on lack of consultation and that it does not comply with the guidelines of the Review. To date, the whole lengthy exercise has cost huge sums of money for what is a controversial reorganisation and will have a bearing on the finances of future planning.

The Council Tax has now been set at an increase of around 2.8% for 2010/11 - this means an increase of £3.87 on Band D property.

At NN Community Partnership's Annual Conference presentations included: Wells for the Future; Affordable Housing - Victory Housing Trust; Business Forum - Tourism and Agricultural Roundtables; Coastal Planner /Coastal Pathfinder Project - emphasising the possibility of assistance for businesses affected by coastal change.

The NN Area Museums Committee discussed the merging of the NN District and Great Yarmouth Borough Area Museums' Teams, as a way of maintaining standards yet delivering savings and efficiencies. The NN museum leaflet for 2010 will be available for Easter, detailing the full programme of events for all, starting with children's art workshops - Easter Rabbits, Crafty Crabs! See: [email protected].

The Shoreline Management Plan co-ordinate by the Environment Agency is now being finalised for approval after the consultation period.

The new NNDC Staff Guide, (Compliments, Complaints & Suggestions) has been issued and training given to all. General enquiries will now be directed through a contact centre, not a switchboard, which will speed queries for customers and staff.

Your Benefits Your Rights - the Benefits Help and Advice Team is at the Cromer Office.

By now a booklet entitled ‘Dealing with your debts’ which offers advice for struggling businesses, will be available from the Economic Development Unit, either through our website or by contacting -

[email protected]. Lindsay Brettle

Contact Details

Jonathan Savory (01328 820719). e.mail:[email protected] - and - Joyce Trett (01328 710300) e.mail:[email protected] (Binham, Langham & Stiffkey) Lindsay Brettle (01263 710030) e.mail:[email protected] (Sharrington, Field Dalling,/Saxlingham & Morston). Ann.R.Green (01328 878273) e.mail:[email protected] (Gunthorpe with Bale).

FURNITURE & ART IN HOLKHAM Mark Elliott has a splendid showroom in the Ancient

House at Holkham, situated off the A148 close to the Victoria Public House. Furniture of the highest quality is displayed in different room settings on two floors. A beautiful piece of art, also for sale, is displayed in each room complementing the setting. Lionel Wilde, a landscape artist living in Binham, shows outstanding work reflecting his deep love of the surrounding country and marshlands next to the sea. Paul Catten, the Manager of the showroom, has a friendly approach to visitors and is welcoming and helpful. At the same location is Adnams wine and kitchen shop and a cafe serving delicious lunches, teas and ice creams, which can be eaten in their lovely old rose garden. All well worth a visit next time you are passing through or walking on the beach at Holkham.

GET YOUR VILLAGE COVERED! Readers will have noticed that recently we have been

putting on our front covers images based on old photographs of local villages. Please note that these are not simply copied photographs. The printing process used by Century Press Ltd accepts only a restricted range of tones, so we have to put the images through a graphic process to make them printable.

We would like to use more pictures like these, so if you have any old photographs or postcards of your own villages, please lend them to us so we can use them if at all possible. They should be sent to Bob Brandt at 28 Binham Road, Langham NR 25 7AB and will be returned to you promptly.


CLEANER needed. 9 hours per week Monday - Friday. Afternoon/Evenings

Please contact Maureen Buckey for further details, 01262 740762

CLEY W.I. We invite you to join us for any meetings which

particularly interest you. We normally meet at Cley Village Hall 2.30pm. N.B. Change of programme: April 1st Leanne Thomas: ‘Sculthorpe Moor Nature Reserve’. May 6th Elizabeth Rooke: ‘Singing - Cley W.I.’s choir’. June 3rd Trevor Burlingham: ‘East Anglian Defences 1940’.

NORFOLK COAST PARTNERSHIP The Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauth includes a coastal strip from Heacham to Bacton plus outliers aroud the Sandringham area and between Sea alling and Hecham. There are 41 AINBs in England and Wales. The above partnership works to raise awareness of this special area while aiming to alance the needs of local people, businesses, tourism, transport and conservation. The 2009-13 strategy for managing our AONB is now available - www.norfolkcoastaonb.org.uk

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There’s a choice of 3, 6 or 9 mile walks. The route runs alongside the Bure Valley Railway. Last year’s 770 walkers raised an amazing £47,000.

Helen Chapman, Norfolk Fundraising Manager says ‘A wonderful opportunity for all ages and abilities to come together and help raise money for cancer patients. An enjoyable day out with the added knowledge that the money will be going to a good cause.’

They provide a variety of services - Macmillan Nurses, emotional, medical, financial and practical support.

To register simply visit www.macmillan.org.up/walk or ring 01603 724369 NORFOLK KNOWLEDGE

Are you a retired or semi-retired person looking to pass on your business and management knowledge and experience? Are you a business, charity, voluntary organisation looking for help with the challenges of business? If so, Norfolk Knowledge can help you!

Norfolk Knowledge is a new organisation, led by Norfolk County Council and Norwich Business School at the University of East Anglia and is putting the experience of retired people to good use. It also gives individuals a chance to maintain a presence in the business community and make a difference to organisations who need help.

When Matt Locke of Name in a Hat Productions needed help on the direction of his business, Norfolk Knowledge connected him with Barry Dennis, former CEO of Archant. Matt, delighted with the support, commented: “Barry gave us many good suggestions on improving our marketing and provided introductions to interesting and useful people. By raising our profile through effective marketing we hope to increase our sales from the help Barry was kind enough to provide us with.”

Norfolk Knowledge interactions are also worthwhile for the individual involved. “It was good to be involved with a young venture. and I was pleased to have given this positive input into their future direction” said Barry.

The help provided is drawn from experience rather than just qualifications; what better way to solve the present financial problems than be guided by someone who has already successfully navigated recessions?

The project is a great opportunity to remain active in the county’s business community and meet people from similar backgrounds for professional and social reasons! Our quarterly members’ functions are as much about social interaction as they are about business networking.

So, whether you are a business looking for help or a retired or semi-retired individual Norfolk Knowledge can help you, www.norfolkknowledge.com provides more details about how you can join the membership or request some support. Alternatively our admin team at Norwich Business School are always happy to discuss your requirements in more detail.

For more information about Norfolk Knowledge contact Luke Spanswick on 01603 597202 or email [email protected] or visit us at



Buildings, landscape or education projects that enhance the rural environment are being sought by CPRE Norfolk, as potential winners of this year’s CPRE Norfolk Awards. These awards are presented annually by The Campaign to Protect Rural England in Norfolk (CPRE Norfolk) to promote and encourage outstanding projects in countryside and in Norfolk’s market towns.

Originally set up in 1979 to recognise small-scale conservation projects, the CPRE Norfolk Awards scheme is now one of the longest running environmental awards schemes in the county. It has grown over time to include restoration projects, building conversions, innovative new building design, landscape management projects and environmental work in schools.

“The CPRE Norfolk Awards really help promote and encourage good projects in the countryside,” said Martin Walton, Chair of the Awards Panel. “The projects should be applauded not only for inherent value, but also because they are an example to others. We want to recognise and acknowledge the efforts of the individuals involved, for their commitment in making projects of such a high standard, and so enhancing Norfolk.”

To be considered for this year’s Awards, all applications must be received by 11th June, ’10. Application forms available from CPRE Norfolk website www.cprenorfolk.org.uk, phoning CPRE Norfolk office, 01603 761660. or emailing [email protected]

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CEDRIC’S SECOND RETIREMENT The Revd Canon Cedric Bradbury chose his 80th birthday, Sunday 14th February 2010, Saint Valentine’s Day, for his second retirement. Following a full working life beginning first as a pharmacist & then being called as a priest of the Church of England, Cedric, as a retired priest, was persuaded to look after Bale’s parishioners. As a single parish in a benefice of 9 parishes, Cedric has given very personal pastoral care to Bale & its inhabitants, conducting three Holy Communion services each month, with other occasional services as needed. Cedric is also a great lover of music, who once taught a group of us to play the hand bells, for Christmas time in church & round the village. In this musical endeavour, as with everything else, he benefitted from the wonderful, good natured, tolerant & humorous support of his wife, Joyce. Together they are a splendid team. To mark & to celebrate their great contribution of service, help & friendship to Bale, friends & parishioners gave a lunchtime party in Bale Village Hall for Cedric & Joyce. There was an excellent attendance from village residents, the Bradbury family, friends, local organists & clergy. It was a happy party thanking Cedric & Joyce for all that they have done over the years. We learned of the hardships of junior curates during the 1950s, with instructing vicars tougher than drill sergeants, conditions harder than any military basic training course & older curates showing how to be equally beastly to new ones! Fortunately, for everyone present, Cedric had survived it all, & even gave us a small twinkle of hope that he may occasionally take another service in Bale. Finally, on behalf of everyone involved, Alan Sankey, Bale’s Senior Churchwarden, gave an appreciative speech of thanks to Cedric & Joyce & wished them a happy & peaceful second retirement. The party ended appropriately with presentations of a musical system & cheque to Cedric, & a bouquet of flowers to Joyce.

John Church

BALE DIARY 28th Jan 2010 As January runs on and February approaches there are some small signs of spring, in spite of the temperatures which remain obstinately only just around freezing. The days already seem much longer and the robins started singing a spring song over a week ago. In my garden the first snowdrops are in bud.

Today the sun came out and we had blue skies, about the third day without gloom and dark grey cloud this month. As we walked away from the house, a huge pack of geese flew over, two big vee shaped skeins followed by tens of small vees, family parties. The two big skeins continued on towards the east, but the small groups turned and flew north.

Crossing the main road at the top of our lane we enter a different parish, through a little wood doubly bisected by the crossroads. Hollies have colonised the southern side, and there is a rookery in the tall oak trees looking out to the east. Hedgerow trees are in old to middle age around here, although there are some babies planted. One ancient oak won’t see too many more winters I suspect.

Along the lane a big flock of chaffinches bobs and ducks from tree to hedge and back to tree as we walk along. All the hazels have catkins now, just waiting for a spell of warm weather to open up and release their pollen. The alder tree has both catkins and last year’s tiny cones which stay on the tree all winter until their seeds are dispersed in the spring.

30th Jan 2010 Tilda the lurcher is allowed off the lead post-op now so we visit the rabbit-ridden cemetery. Rabbit footprints in the snow all over it but T is of the opinion that they are all holed up in the paddock next door, despite the “rabbit proof” fence.

The snow is beginning to melt, leaving fretted patterns across the plough. My pretty walk is about to be despoiled by electricity cables coming through from off-shore windfarms; they are in the planning permission stage at present, but the route they are looking at will bring them through the farm and out at this corner, and on the other side of Bale through an old orchard with a flint wall next to the road. Should I retreat to Spain at last or find some new walking permissions?

There’s a regular pheasant pathway along here; their footprints decorative in the snow. In the wood the replenished ponds stand out, we find fox prints along fallen tree trunks; the snow is a great give-away. There is a muntjac deer, small with coat all fluffed out and tail at attention. Once I get him to move off the dogs behave fairly badly, but T is on the lead so all is safe. In the green lane a dark rust fox appears and runs on in front, T has a great time following his scent, snorting through the snow.

In the big sheep meadow Sal plays in the snow, shoving his nose into it, eating it and leaping about, you wouldn’t think he is fourteen this year. Miss T is off on her own business, making a wide sweep.

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14th Feb 2010 Today the light was pin sharp, in a cold wind out of the north east which took your ears off, but out of it, in the shelter of woods or tall hedge, the sun warmed and the sky was brilliant with huge clouds. Under the satin blue edge of sky, the North Sea a wafer thin darker blue smudge across the horizon, all the intervening landscape in inky shadow. The blunted branches of the old oaks show no signs of spring, their dry grey bark contains the spark of life deep within, waiting for real warmth. From the top of the rise above Bulfur Grove, Bellevue tower sticks up in clear view, two miles away as the crow flies. A few clumps of snowdrops the only signs of life in the wood. We walked round the headlands and found a small herd of red deer in the open. They trotted off across the rape field, heads, knees and tails high and we didn’t see them again, much to the dogs’ disappointment. Last week we saw two roe bucks out on the fields on the other side of this wood; they bounded away like antelopes over the hedge banks, back into the tree cover. There was a woodpecker calling as we walked back up to the main road, and every morning this week a thrush has been singing from the highest trees around my garden and the neighbours’. The birds take every opportunity to make a start on their spring project, even if there are snow showers around the corner. Jane Wheeler


Chris Buchschada 25 Eileen Spooner £25 Irene Hindmarsh £ 10 John Schofield £10 Patricia Church £ 5 Leanda Buchschada £ 5 Grace Allison £ 5 Ed Croft £5

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY As spring approaches we are looking ahead. The Purcell School is due to visit North Norfolk again in July with Fulmodeston and Bale again hosting a concert each on July 17th and 18th respectively. Barney will be holding a Purcell School Soirée on July 20th. The school works with school children during the day as part of its outreach programme and offers its concerts for the cultural benefit of the host village. Keep your eyes open for future publicity. The Purcell School concerts are not to be missed. In the meantime, why not sample the delights of accompanied lute songs which are being performed by the Fulmodeston coordinator of the Purcell school visit, Stephen Miles, who will be performing with lutenist Peter Trent at St Andrew's Church, Great Ryburgh at 7.30pm on Saturday April 17th in aid of the Church Restoration Appeal. Another concert not to be missed, we are sure.

BALE WINTER 2009-2010 A return to winter as it used to be - snow, wind & frost, but these produced snow bales in the fields behind the cottage, something we don’t remember seeing before. Fortunately they were described in a helpful EDP article. Apparently sharp frosts separate the top layer of snow from the one below. Then the wind rolls the top one into neat deep frozen little bales, mini versions of the hay & straw bales of summer. Our ice covered pond had one unfrozen edge by the reeds, visited by a heron who managed to catch a newt, but then seemed only to have slimy brown fronds of reed to complete his meal. Long tailed tits were luckier – they had fat balls hung up in the trees & we counted as many as 13 on the same ball. Other tits were not so lucky: one flashed down past a window on to the wood store roof pursued by a brown streak of lightning which we thought was a sparrow hawk. However footprints on the snow covered roof were those of a handsome sleek well fed stoat, who then paraded over the roof tiles. We haven’t heard the blue tits who lived under the tiles at night since then. Finally as hope for the end of winter & the hope of spring – in mid-February our visiting muntjac appeared with a companion, frivolously now called muntjacqueline. John Church

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BINHAM PAROCHIAL CHARITIES TRUST The Chequers The Parochial Charities Trust, as landlord of the Chequers public house, has recently totally rewired the premises to bring the electrics up to standard. The work was carried out by Ashtree Electrical over a period of two weeks and it is hoped that there was not too much inconvenience. Higher Education Bursary Since the bursary was set up, the Trust has been able to help a student at the College of West Anglia who is studying to be a hairdresser. There are also a few in the pipeline who have applied well ahead of choosing a University. If you know of anybody in the village who is thinking of further education and would be grateful of some financial support then please contact the chairman of the parochial charities with relevant information. Mr W. Wales, Abbey Farm, Binham, Fakenham, Norfolk. NR21 0DQ. Spring Lunch – 16th May Following the success of the Summer Lunch last year, the Village Hall Committee and the Trust will be hosting a Spring lunch on Sunday 16th May. Invitations will be sent out nearer the time to the retired residents of Binham and Cockthorpe who receive the Christmas grant. It will be a roast dinner with a few glasses of wine in a relaxed atmosphere and if anybody has transport problems then they can be picked up and delivered back home afterwards!! If you need more information please contact Alex Wales on 01328830580



In aid of various charities supported by Binham Priory Church

FRIENDS OF BINHAM PRIORY The “Friends” is up and running, an organisation

formed to support the Priory Church by helping the PCC in maintaining the building and developing the full potential of the site now the new facilities have been completed.

The inaugural meeting was held on Friday 12th March and the next event is joining with the Binham Local History Group in organising “The Big Binham Quiz” on Tuesday 13 April in the Memorial Hall, start 7.00. It may not be too late to join a team.

The “Friends” will provide help at the Priory Church over the four days Thursday to Sunday 9th to 12th September when tours and refreshments will be offered as part of the “Heritage Open Days” campaign. The Priory will feature in the national publicity for this event when over 4000 historic buildings will be opened.

The last event this year will be a visit to Ely with a guided tour of the Cathedral and historic buildings, one day in October. Details will be available nearer the date.

It has also been decided to consider raising a fund to provide subsidised transport to schools for educational visits to the Priory. Presently the cost of travel is a major factor in preventing such visits. It is hoped the offer of funding will encourage local schools to use the Priory as a teaching resource. It fits very well in various stages of the National Curriculum. Pauline Scott has produced Teaching Packs, so we are in a good position to receive school visits. More about how you can be involved in this initiative will be available shortly.

For details of Friends of Binham Priory contact David Frost 01328 830362 or e: [email protected]

THANK YOU FROM STIFFKEY Our friendly black cat with white socks went missing

before Christmas. Although used to living outdoors, she was very much part of the family and we were concerned. After 6 weeks she was spotted in Binham. We were delighted to have her back and she too seemed pleased. With hindsight we suspect she took a ride on a van-driven trailer and jumped out at Binham, then did not know her way back. Apart from a few ticks and fleas she was well and had even put on weight! It seems that several people fed her in those 6 weeks. As we have had difficulty tracing them to thank them personally, we would like to express our gratitude in the Lynx.

A Very Big Thank You from Anne and John Bell.

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aged 32 - 1854 March 2nd The weather continued as wintry as ever, when we are to sow oats I cannot guess. 6th Mr Upjohn preached 6 Galat 7.8 made a horrid parable about illegit children, infanticide ! burying stillborn children in churchyard etc. Frost breaking up. 18th A great deal of snow fell again today which will prevent any oats being sown this month. 26th I dined at Bale with John, had our wine in Uncle’s bedroom, he being there with the gout in both legs. April 10th Spent the evening with the girls at Bale very agreeably, very surprised to find my uncle downstairs. 19th Went to Bale for some plants that Mary promised me, took them to Hindringham then returned there for tea, had a collision coming home! 20th This was the last of our market dinners for the season so we dined after market and had a pleasant party, made 41/- of my wheat. May 8th Went to bolt rooks at Tom Hudson’s and dined there, very large party and very late home; we also had some sparrow shooting and quoits. 9th Called at Tom’s again this morning, found Harry Oberman, John Savory and Bolton still there - all looking very seedy! 19th Sally and I went to Bale to get some lilies of the valley from the plantation there, Sally took Mary some wood anemones. 22nd Did deal of farming in preparation for turnip sowing tomorrow. 26th Went to Briston Fair this morning, called at Bale on way home, stayed until turned out!! 30th Called again at Bale, walked round the garden and chatted with little Ems, saw the police about a sheep I’ve had stolen. 31st Felt rather seedy after Ted Middleton’s quoits party last night. June 1st Gathered some beautiful roses off one of my new standards at Hindringham and took them to the girls at Bale, stayed to tea and very late. Very pleasant.

Norah and Richard Lewis


April 22nd Annual Dinner at the Norfolk Riddle. May 20th ‘Shape Up for Summer’. Mary Taylor gives us a Keep Fit lesson. Loose, comfy clothes, please, and bring a mat or rug. We meet at 7.15 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at the Hindringham Village Hall. New members are always welcome. Just come along on the night, or ring Secretary Fiona Thompson on 830639.

BINHAM PRIORY CONCERTS, 2010 Sun. 23 May, 7.30 pm Anglia Ruskin Choir and

Orchestra Sun. 4 July, 4.00 pm “Tea Concert” Harriett Stubbs,


SUMMER SERIES Fri. 9 July, 7.30 pm Gerald Gifford and Bryan

Ellum, harpsichord and organ. “Music for two harpsichords and organ”. Bach, Handel , Mozart, Martinu, Krebs

Fri. 30 July, 7.30 pm Xeufei Yang, guitar Sun. 8 Aug. 7.30 pm Philippa Davies, flute, and

Eleanor Turner, harp. Sat. 21 Aug. 7.30 pm Susanne Heinrich, viola and

Lynda Sayce, lute & theorbo. Finger, Handel, Telemann, Marais Thur. 26 Aug.7.30 pm Trevor Pinnock, harpsichord

Bach, Couperin, Rameau, Locke, Takemitsu

Tickets for the Summer Series will be available from early June. Further details of these and other concerts will be given in the next edition of Lynx

BINHAM GUILD OF ARTISTS The group consists of anyone interested in art or craft,

beginner or otherwise. Artists with professional experience form part of the group and will gladly advise if needed.

We meet every Tuesday morning from 10 to 12 in the Village Hall. A fee of £2 per morning includes coffee and biscuits. A demonstration of painting or craftwork normally takes place on the first Tuesday of every month.

For further information, contact James Bucknill at 01328 830651

ART ALIVE AT CHURCHES The Art of Flower Arranging

As part of the Arts Alive programme (events throughout the diocese of Norwich, 29-31 May), Binham Priory will be staging a special exhibit during the Priory Flower Festival. On Saturday 29th May visitors, including children, will have the opportunity to participate in the creation of one of the arrangements, under the guidance of an experienced flower arranger. A Service of Compline will be held in the Priory at 6 o’clock on Monday, 31 May to mark the end of the event.

Geoff Scott 01328 830940

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BINHAM LOCAL HISTORY GROUP On the 28th January we were privileged to welcome

Carenza Lewis to speak to the group after our AGM. Carenza is no stranger to Binham as, in her position as a Director of Access Cambridge Archaeology and a lecturer in Archaeology at Cambridge University, she had organised and taken part in the two Mini-Digs held in the village last year. She is also well known to many of us for taking part in Time Team on television.

It was fascinating to hear about her early career when she worked for the organisation that eventually became part of English Heritage and how she was recruited from there by the Time Team.

It was as a result of their Big Dig project that the benefit of using amateurs to carry out digs under controlled conditions was recognised: this spawned the Mini-Dig project under the banner of the Higher Education Field Academy. The principal aim of the Academy is to introduce the idea of further education to the young people taking part by involving them in the basic work and disciplines of genuine projects.

The Mini-Digs carried out to date under Carenza’s leadership have been largely East Anglia based and are beginning to build up a comprehensive picture of the previous inhabitants and cultures of our region. She provided the analogy of creating computer-like ‘pixels’ from each metre square dig that will eventually provide a complete picture of the region.

As well as Binham, digs have taken place locally in Wiveton and Hindringham so the presentation was able to show a map of the density and type of finds, mainly pottery, indicating that we are treading on the ground previously occupied by Saxons, Normans, Romans and thereafter right up to the Victorians.

There was a record attendance at the meeting of over 70 people and I am sure that they did not all appear just to support the AGM! Most welcome news was that a third Mini-Dig would be held in the village later this year – has your garden been Mini-Dug yet?

PRACTICAL FIELD-WALKING An initial training session in Field Walking was held

on 13th February under the guidance of fellow member Eric Hotblack and attended by 12 volunteers. We started with an indoor session to establish just how to carry out the exercise and an indication of how to recognise what we were looking for. We were able to view a variety of previous finds and gradually able to recognise that not every ‘stone’ was actually a stone but may be part of a flint axe or pottery or tile or ??

After refreshment we made our way across the fields to an area on Eric’s farm in Field Dalling that he had kindly marked out in advance. Pairs of participants were allocated segments and walking commenced – it was a very cold day and we only lasted one and a half hours but that was sufficient to result in a number of finds which are currently being washed and identified.

It is proposed to carry out a formal field walking exercise within Binham in the near future and we would love to hear from anybody else who would like to join the team. Alan Eagle

Binham Local History Events April 22nd Thurs. 7.30pm. Anne Mason will be speaking on ‘The Historic Landscape of Thetford Forest Park.’ Refreshments. April 13th Tues. 7.30pm. The Big Quiz’. £10 per person includes cottage pie and delicious puds. Cash Bar. Both events in the Binham Village Hall. 01328 830270 3rd June. Thurs. A Guided Tour of 3 churches with Matthew Champion: Cawston, Weston Longville and Little Witchingham – all three have excellent wall paintings and Little Witchingham is a particular gem and nationally important in its own right.

BINHAM VILLAGE HALL Binham Village Hall AGM & Parish Meeting is to be held at the hall on Tuesday 27th April at 7.30pm. We hope all organisations will be present to share their interest with everybody who attends. Refreshment will be served. So please come along and find out what goes on in your village. If you are interested in becoming a Village Hall Committee Member, please contact Liz Brown, Secretary of this Committee, with your details, before the AGM on 27th April. 830519. The Babies and Toddlers Group meets in the village hall on a Monday morning between 10 and 12. They would really like some help, just to chat and make the tea. If you are interested please ring Liz Brown at 830519.

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THE CHEQUERS The Quiz and Games Nights, which have been good fun and well supported, have now finished until the autumn. Please note that there is now a Weekday Meal Deal – from Monday to Friday 6 – 7.30pm. You can have a home-made pie and chips, plus a pint or small glass of wine for £7.95. Steve and Alex and Julie look forward to seeing you.

BINHAM PANCAKE RACES St Valentine’s was another very cold day but the sun did shine and a record number of people arrived for the Pancake Races on the Village Playing Field – some perhaps lured by the idea of mulled wine and the particularly good refreshments which included pancakes. There was some very extravagant tossing going on and a lot of competitive spirit – everyone hoping to win the prize of One Cupcake. It was all in aid of the Wells Community Hospital and £230 was raised – many thanks to everyone. There were three heats for the Teams of Four which was finally won by the Eagles, followed by the Hot Scotts, and the Fantastic Flippers. The Tossers won the junior teams. Tom and Maye won the junior individuals. Maureen Frost

NSPCC COFFEE MORNING The Manor Farm Coffee Morning for the NSPCC was a great success and £435 was raised. Very many thanks to all the many people who helped and supported in so many ways. Beverley Taylor


January. £25 Sue Beer; £10 R. Newman; £5 Ann Griffith-Jones; Alex Bartram, Mr P Newson. February. £25 Alan Brown; £10 Mrs G Scott; £5 Richard Lewis,

Sheila Law, Pippa King. March. £25 Tom Walduck; £10 Rory Bartram, £5 Mrs E Marsh, Mr Pepper, Mrs J Cook.

There are numbers still available. If you would like to join please phone June Read at 01328 830106 or call at 8 Priory Crescent.

CONCERT IN MAY The community singing group ‘Sing for Joy!’ that meets on Monday evenings at Binham Memorial Hall will be giving their annual concert on May 15th. For this they join with their 3 sister groups from other parts of the county and perform the songs that they have been learning. It will be a fabulous occasion and a good opportunity to come and see how the group works if you have thought about coming to join it. The concert takes place at 7.30pm in the beautiful church at Salle, near Reepham. Tickets are £7 and the money raised will go to a local charity ‘About with Friends’, who work with young people with learning difficulties.

No news from Cockthorpe this time.

SECOND-HAND BOOK SALE Binham Village Memorial Hall 29th – 31st May 10am – 4pm. Bring some and Buy some!

Refreshments available each day. We are always in need of second-hand books. Please contact Brenda Wilde 01328 830525 or Carolyn Wright at 01328 830270. We can arrange to collect them if you would like.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT You cannot change anything about yesterday so stop

worrying about it. Peace of mind and a happy outlook on life doesn't cost a

penny and is worth more than a fortune.

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ST ANDREW’S CHURCH After months of discussing, planning, preparing application forms, complying with requirements and scheduling the work… the tree pruning and landscaping at the west end of the churchyard took place in March.

Do go there and see how open and sunny the new churchyard looks now, and how tidy.

The specialist tree work was done by David Gillett from Cawston. John Everitt (of Field Dalling) and his father carried out the groundwork and dealt with the fallen timber.

We are delighted with the result, so thank you to everyone involved, including those who have made financial donations towards this large project.

We now need to think how to plant the area, and especially how to create a Garden of Remembrance.

We will be exploring ideas at our next two churchyard clear-ups, described in a separate article, so if you are interested in the future look of the churchyard, do come along on one or both of those days

Margaret Smith, Churchwarden, 01328 830546


1. Nightingale. 2. Shellduck. 3. Great Tit (said to like eating bees). 4. Young chicken. 5. Owl (especially Tawny Owl). 6. Bullfinch. 7. Bittern (or Buttle). 8. Jackdaw. 9. Seagull. 10. Swift. 11. Heron. 12. Woodpigeon. 13. Hedge Sparrow. 14. Fieldfare. 15. Young wild duck.


ON SAT 14TH AUGUST This year the summer fete will return to Field Dalling

Hall, thanks to the very kind invitation of Doctors Ravi and Salma Sondhi.

With a lovely garden setting, and space for all the stalls, children’s activities, refreshments and games as well as excellent, easy parking, it promises to be a hugely enjoyable afternoon for all the family.

Although there are already many helpers from both villages committed to making the afternoon a great success, more help is still needed so if you think you can give some time on the day please contact Andrew Cuthbert on 01328 830367.

This is our main fund raising event and we want this year to be the best fete ever!


Fancy some light exercise on a Saturday morning, mixed in with friendly gossip, good coffee and cakes at half-time?

Then come along to one of our regular churchyard clear-up sessions, dressed for light outdoor work, either with or without your own garden tools. There are generally about ten of us, so the tasks get spread around and a lot seems to happen without it being particularly arduous.

Everyone gets to do what he or she enjoys and is good at and the result is very worthwhile: a tidy-looking churchyard for much of the year. You would be very welcome to join in, so why not give it a try?

The next two will be on Saturday 27th March and again on Saturday 8th May. We always meet at 10am and finish at noon.

If you want to know more, please contact me on 01328 830059. David Peachey

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The annual Gunthorpe Churchyard clear-up will be held on Sunday, 25th of April, from 9am onwards. All are welcome with all levels of expertise. Bring any personal tools you can, but there will be extra tools on site. Refreshments will be served (sausages, buns drinks - with vegetarian options), and weather permitting, we’ll have a bonfire. We have great fun and there are tasks of all sorts to suit everyone. Please do join us if you can.


Church tower repairs were scheduled to start on the 29th March - and by the time you read this the erection of scaffolding should be under way, with the actual work commencing after Easter. The work will be finished by the end of July, at the latest. The contractors are Lushers of Norwich, working under the supervision of the church architect Ruth Blackman of Birdsall, Swash and Blackman. The church will have to be closed and locked during this period, but Gunthorpe Village Institute and the Rector have kindly agreed that the church may have some services in the Institute instead, once the Institute refurbishment has been completed in late March. These we hope will be at 11am at least once and hopefully twice a month - including on Easter Sunday. The PCC would like to thank Dan & Ginny Worsley for their hard work in securing the funding for these works and also our thanks to the Friends of Gunthorpe Parish Church for their continuing help and support. The Annual General Meeting of the Parochial Church Council will be held in the Institute on Saturday the 24 April at 6.00pm.

AFFORDABLE HOUSING On 4th February, a miserable misty day, the NNDC Development Control Committee held a site meeting at the location proposed for the new affordable housing development, just off the Holt Road. Over thirty local residents with an interest in the decision turned out to greet them. Such site meetings are open to the public but are not occasions on which the issues are up for debate, but despite this, Henry Cordeaux, Chairman of the Committee, invited Glynn Thomas, Chairman of our Parish Council, to express the views of the community. Glynn summarised them by saying that the community was really concerned that the proposed drainage arrangements would not work; that the houses were not in character with the surrounding properties; and that the Parish Council was not at all happy with the way in which housing would be offered to families with a housing need. We do not know what impressions our visitors took away, but are grateful that they took time for a site visit. Site visits are time-consuming and generally only take place for large or controversial planning applications. This one falls into the ‘controversial’ category. So the fact that it happened shows that the Councillors are taking the matter seriously. So seriously, in fact, that the hearing for this application, which was due to be at the formal meeting of the Committee on 11th March, has been postponed – for the third time. We do not know why it has been postponed or when it will now be heard, but it rather looks as if the council’s planning officers are not confident that the Committee will approve the application. Anthony Smith, Parish Councillor

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JOHN GEORGE ABBS The funeral service of the late John George Abbs took place at St Mary’s Church Gunthorpe on Saturday 23 January, followed by burial in the churchyard. John was born at Great Ryburgh on 31 January 1921. He was the first born of John and Esther Abbs and was christened at Great Ryburgh Church. His Godfather was the Reverend Anthony Fenn who later became the Bishop of Norwich. John’s mother had come to Norfolk, from Essex, with the Fenn family. Sadly when John was 14 his Mother died, and the family was split up. His two younger brothers were taken to Essex to live with an Aunt and Grandmother, and Faith, his baby sister, whom he had helped to look after was fostered. Faith is still resident in Gunthorpe, where John was a frequent visitor until just before his death. John stayed in Great Ryburgh with his father, and in 1941 he was called into the Army and trained as a Gunner. He fought in North Africa and Italy – returning to Great Ryburgh after his active service. The outcome of his Army experience was to be devastating to his future life. In 1952 he suffered a horrific experience when during a violent thunderstorm he saw a tree struck by lightning directly outside his window just as he was closing the curtains. He was an artistic man who had suffered in war suddenly being vividly reminded of the horrors of war. He spent the next ten months in St Andrew’s Hospital, Thorpe. John worked in the gardens at Senowe Hall on leaving school and in later life in Dereham and Fakenham Maltings. In 1970 he lost his job and found himself in the Yare Clinic and Hellesdon Hospital. Finally he became a resident at “Hazeldown” in Fakenham, where he lived until two weeks before his death in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. For many years he was a member of St John’s Ambulance and the British Legion. His interests were campanology, tennis, gardening and art. He was a bell-ringer at Great Ryburgh Church for several years and taught your people to ring as well as helping others to improve their tennis. John was a gifted artists, portraits’ being his particular interest in his early life. Sadly, someone so gifted was unable to realise his full potential. Faith Bennel wishes to thank all of those in the village who sent cards and messages of sympathy. A particular thank-you goes to Marie Denholm for making the Church look so beautiful for John’s funeral.

GUNTHORPE INSTITUTE Print deadlines mean that I am writing about what I hope will be the end of March status of the Institute at the end of February. However, if all has gone to plan, by the time you read this the refurbished Institute should be back in use, with the first function being the 50:50 Club on 27 March. Special thanks are due to “Awards for All for England” and “Norfolk Community Foundation (Grassroots)” for the grants which made this project possible. We had hoped for a third major grant, but this bid was unsuccessful, and hence the Institute Committee has had to commit the major part of our reserve funds to finish the project. We had also hoped to get a small grant from Gunthorpe Parish Council, but to our disappointment no decision has, so far, been made on this request. Fortunately careful monitoring of costs with the help of our excellent builder Andrew Hall and his team, and our surveyor John Stewart, has ensured that the project is still just within our affordable budget - although some of the smaller items have had to be set aside for when more money is available. We also need to rebuild our reserve funds as quickly as we can. The refurbished Institute should now be available for a wider range of activities, and we hope that this will encourage the return of such functions as Lawn Bowls and Line Dancing classes. We will need to make an increase in charges, which we will put to the AGM in April. To encourage what we hope will be much greater use of the hall for Gunthorpe Village functions, and for the private hire of the Hall by Gunthorpe villagers and longer-terms supporters of the village activities, we propose that for them and for Gunthorpe charities such as the Friends and PCC, these will be kept to the minimum needed to meet higher running costs, and will not be further increased to meet the additional commitment of Institute funds for the refurbishment project. For other individuals and outside organisations which are not based in the village or are not undertaking activities which are exclusive to Gunthorpe we plan an increase in charges to bring the Institute hire charges into line with other local halls. We will also be pursuing the proposal which was accepted at the last AGM to seek “Associate Members” of the Institute, with a yearly annual subscription. This will not detract from the fact that all Gunthorpe residents are entitled to come to functions and to hire the hall, but “Associates” will be offered reduced hire and Institute function charges in exchange for their annual membership. We hope that this will also encourage people who cannot attend all the functions to still provide support for what we believe, supported by the Parish Plan responses, is an Institute which remains an essential part of the Village’s social “fabric”. We plan to have an “official” opening party for the newly refurbished Institute in May. This will be open to all villagers and supporters of the Village and will be free. There will be a raffle, and we will, of course, welcome any donations to help “replenish” the Institute’s funds. John Blakeley Institute Committee Chair

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Sow seeds for bedding plants now. Fill trays with compost 2-3 days before sowing to give the compost time to warm up. Fine seed should be sown on the surface of the compost and placed in a plastic bag until germination. Do not place indirect sunlight as this may kill them. Marigolds and Nasturtiums can be sown in trays of compost or sown outside where they are to flower. You can also buy ready grown plants in cell trays in three sizes – the small ones need growing in a cold greenhouse or good garden frame – the larger plants known as garden ready can be planted straight into the garden if the danger of frost has past. Many plant catalogues sell these – I have always bought mine from “Jersey Plants Direct, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4XW (www.jerseyplantsdirect.com)”. Delivery is free. Fred Morley


Vegetable Garden Early potatoes can planted from the beginning of

April. Second early and late ones can be planted up to the end of April. Most vegetable seeds can be planted in April as well. Sow small amounts of lettuce, radish, carrots and all salad crops every 2-3 weeks to have a regular crop of young produce.

Sow tomato seeds in April – starting them on a window-sill indoors and prick out into pots as soon as they are big enough to handle. Keep pots well spaced. When plants are large enough plant in cold greenhouse in early May, but not outside until the end of May or early June. Tomatoes require plenty of sun for best results – also make sure they have plenty of water. Letting them dry out and then giving them more water may cause tomatoes to split as they take up water very fast. Keep side shoots nipped and when the plant has formed five trusses nip out the top to stop them growing too high. Tomatoes are best grown in 30-35cm (12-15 inch) pots as they dry out too quickly in grow bags unless you can water them up to three times a day on hot days.

I grow cucumbers in 30cm (12 inch) pots standing in a tray so that they can take water from the bottom. I train a long wire above the pots and hang yellow sticky traps for whitefly, greenfly and other pests. Like tomatoes you can start cucumbers on a windowsill. “Burpless Tasty Green” is a variety that can be grown outside in a sheltered position.

Cabbage and Brussels sprouts should be planted in April. Runner beans and dwarf French beans can be started in pots to plant out in May after the danger of frost has passed. You can also plant seed directly into the soil where they are to grow any time in May.

Flower Garden Pot plants that have been in the same pots for 2 years

will need re-potting in fresh compost. Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose) and African Violets are best planted in peat based compost. Cape Primrose can be divided if they have become too big for the pots. Use a sharp knife to cut between each section. They can also be grown from leaf cuttings. Take leaf cuttings from African Violets between June and August by taking leaves with about 5cm (2 inches) of stalk and plant in small pots filled with a compost and sand mix. Stand the pots in a shallow tray and water from the bottom to avoid wetting the leaves.

You can take Pelargonium (Geranium) cuttings now. Take pieces about 8-10cm (3-4 inches) long and plant into any general purpose compost. Keep moist but not wet as this cause rot.

If you have Dahlias that you have lifted and stored that have dwindled then put them in water for a day or two. You can increase your plants by dividing them with a sharp knife. Each piece with an eye will produce a new plant. Lay in compost in a tray until they start to form new leaves – they can be planted out about 10cm (4 inches) deep where they are to flower when any danger of frost is passed.

FOGPC 50/50 Club

There were no Draws at the end of January and February as the Institute was not available due to the “improvement” works. At the time of going to print it was still planned to hold three draws and the next coffee morning on 27 March if building work had finished. The full results of these draws will be published in the June/July issue of the Lynx. The new year for the 50:50 Club will start after the “bumper” May draw. We will be happy to renew your membership for the next year to May 2011 at the April and May meetings – the cost is £12.00 per year payable in advance. Any additional donations to support the work of the “Friends of Gunthorpe Parish Church” are also welcomed. I If paying by cheque these should, please, be made payable to “FOGPC”.

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The Friends of Gunthorpe Parish Church have had their first committee meeting of the year, and we are happy to report that we plan to continue with our annual events starting with the Churchyard Clear-up on Sunday 25th April, the BBQ on the Saturday night before the Fete (24th July), the Harvest Supper (date to be confirmed, but provisionally Saturday 23rd October), and the Christmas 50/50 Club Party planned for Saturday 18th December. We hope many of you will join us for these fun events and help support the maintenance of the Fabric of St. Mary’s Church. John Blakeley and Peter Everett have agreed to continue to run the 50/50 Club this year, for which we are truly grateful. The 50/50 Club generates a large portion of the Friends’ income, and is a very important part of the Friends’ calendar. Peter Everett has the website up and running and would love to have any photos (of the snow or of other village interest) or notes of Village activities and news to post on the website. Have a look, let Peter know what you think on line - www.gunthorpefriends.co.uk. Thank you so much to Peter for taking on the website task and running it!

The Friends would like to heartily to thank Dan and Ginny Worsley for all the time and effort they have put into raising the grant money for the Church Tower Repairs. They have done the most wonderful and successful job, and the work will begin in late March. We would also like to welcome Ian Whittle, the new group Vicar, and wish him well in his new home of ‘Villages’. We also wish to send best wishes to Michael and Vivienne Wilson. We hope that Michael’s recovery continues to go well, and thank them wholeheartedly for all the love and care they so generously lavish on Gunthorpe Village.

May the Spring bring us all some sun and cheer and the opportunity to get together in the seasons ahead.

The full annual newsletter will be circulated in the next few weeks, but a form for joining or renewing your Friends membership is being circulated in Gunthorpe with this copy of the Lynx – please let us have it back as soon as you can, and if you are a UK taxpayer and have not already signed up for your membership to be treated as Gift Aid can we ask you to consider doing so. If you have already completed the Gift Aid form, but any details have changed please also complete a new form as needed – see the notes on the bottom of the form.

Marie Denholm, Chair FOGPC

HOT NEWS!!! This year’s Sports and Games Quiz is now available from Pauline Tel: 01328 830696 or Jan Tel: 01328 830847. See www.langhamstreetfayre.com for latest details or telephone 01328 830 696.

WELCOME We would like to welcome the Reverend Ian Whittle who is now resident in the Rectory, Mrs Yates and Mr and Mrs Turvey to the village. Also a warm welcome to the Reverend Peter and Mrs. Hartley who have had a part time home in Langham for some years and who have now moved here permanently. We hope you will all be very happy living in Langham.

LANGHAM CAR SERVICE Schedule to June 6th. 2010 Rate 20p per mile Weekly duties beginning on a Monday:

March 29th Tel: 830 605 April 5th Tel: 830 097 April 12th Tel: 830 696* April 19th Tel: 830 056* April 26th Tel: 830 537* May 3rd Tel: 830 847 May 10th Tel: 830 537* May 17th Tel: 830 731 May 24th Tel: 830 731 May 31st Tel: 830 821 *These drivers do not go to Norwich If the driver for the week is unable to do the trip, go to the next on the list. If your appointment is cancelled, please also cancel your car service booking. The roster is also sited in the Bluebell and on the church porch and village notice boards. Please give three days notice wherever possible, except in an emergency and it would be very helpful if a booking is made as soon as an appointment is arranged or journey planned so that drivers can arrange their schedule. Please bring change In the infrequent event that no driver is available – contact the Holt Caring Society Tel: 01263 711243 giving as much notice as possible. Ann Sherriff Tel: 830 605

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No doubt we can all recall somewhere in our own lives, someone who made an impact on us in some way. Sometimes we were unaware initially but then later we came to realise that person had earned our respect, our admiration and in some cases a place in our memories. Such a person was George Milson, who had lived in our community for 28 years before returning to his native roots in Lincolnshire. During his sojourn here in Langham, George endeared himself to many people by his public spiritedness, his genuine willingness to offer help wherever and whenever he could. I was unable to attend his funeral at Boston but I was privileged to receive copies of the service sheet and the eulogy. It was when I saw the cover of the service sheet that I stood in awe as I pondered the words ‘A Celebration of the life of George William Milson D.F.C.’ All the years I had known him, I had no idea he had received such a meritorious award. Such awards were not lightly dispersed and to those who received them went much well earned respect. In all the many conversations with George, he never once mentioned that award. His memories of those days of W.W.ΙΙ were reminiscences of escapades humorous, daring and downright crazy and involved some 56 missions over Europe, the Middle East and Far East. Only once did he make any reference to his experience in a Japanese P.O.W. camp. It was typical of George that such escapades were summarily dismissed as mere facts of life. Having survived W.W.ΙΙ he then began a chapter of incidents ranging from serious injury – inflicting falls, nigh fatal asphyxiation from a faulty boiler flue to an escape from a car which burst into flames as a result of a fuel leak. It was this that earned him another title ‘The original cat with nine lives’. Clearly George had a strong survival instinct and this emanated from his sense of independence and remarkable ability to adapt. We, in this village, were the beneficiaries of his innate skills and understanding of things mechanical. His approach was logical. There was no such thing as an insurmountable problem. There was always a will and a way. If it had to be botched then so be it; the botch always worked even if it wasn’t orthodox. In all this he was always tolerant of lesser mortals, whose understanding of these things mechanical was totally non existent. It became a regular saying “George’ll fix it”. When the church clock stopped or the church mower threw another petulant tantrum there were those many nervous, apologetic phone calls to George. The phone answer was always “Milson” and then the inevitable - “Fetch it round” with Lincolnshire overtones and the miracle was performed.

His references to people or events were often prefaced with the word “yon”, a legacy from his northern origins to where he returned after 90 fulfilled years. He was a man for all seasons. Although he maintained his own independence he was nevertheless humble and generous. His family meant much to him and, in many

ways, people living near him felt part of that family too.

He had much to offer and it was offered generously. Shakespeare in his own immortal words about Julius Caesar, encapsulated the very essence of George when he wrote:

‘This was the noblest Roman (ie man) of them all, He only, in a general honest thought And common good to all, made one of them. His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him that nature might stand up And say to all the World, ’This was a man.’ Ken Bartlett

Sadly we have not had the space to put in the eulogy delivered at George’s funeral, or the tribute to him written by a colleague Dinty Moore, nor George’s own DFC citation, but if any reader would like to receive copies of these, please either email Local Lynx at the address given on p.2 or telephone 01328 830056. Eds

LANGHAM LADYBIRDS Yes, we are up and running, the programme has been organised and we are looking forward to an exciting year. So – we are calling all ladies from Langham and the surrounding villages to join us. We generally meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in Langham Parish Room. Dates for your diary: April 14th ‘Creative Chiropractic’ – Linda and Michael I’Anson May 12th ‘The Policeman’s Lot’ Part 2 – Dave Buckey If you would like more information please phone me: Maureen Dennis Tel: 01328 830 731

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BRIAN WILKINSON 7. 4. 1942 – 18. 12. 2009

As many of you are aware, Brian passed away on the 18th. December 2009. It seems as though it was only a brief time ago that Brian was fit and well, playing with our grand-children and making plans for the future.

In very adverse weather conditions, thankfully most of our close family were able to be with him when he died. Since his funeral I have been able to send donations in his memory to Macmillan Cancer Support, in excess of £800 and I know that other donations were sent direct to the charity. My sincere thanks to anyone who made a donation.

Brian and I met on the school bus in 1957 and moved from London to Kent when we married in 1963. We were blessed with three wonderful sons, Martin, Philip and Neil in 1968, 1969 and 1972. Brian worked for the T.S.B. and very much enjoyed meeting and helping people but by the early 1990’s banking had changed a lot and he was enjoying it less and took early retirement in1992. Kent was becoming increasingly urbanised and we decided to move to Norfolk in 1996 along with Neil our youngest son, Martin and Philip having married.

We found a warm welcome in Langham and soon after moving here Brian noticed that help was needed in the village Post Office/shop and he began working there one day a week. Brian really enjoyed meeting the customers and chatting to them. Having got to know the villagers it was so nice to meet them when Brian took me out for walks, stopping most days for a chat or just a cheerful “hello”. Brian also became involved with the R.N.L.I. and was the Hon. Treasurer for the Holt and District Branch.

Brian was a completely selfless person who lived to help others. He was dearly loved by family and friends and will be sorely missed. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for all the help and support our neighbours and the villagers of Langham have given me during this very difficult time and I also want you to know how much my family and I have appreciated your kind letters, cards and telephone calls.

Finally, I would like to ask a favour of the ladies in the village. To enable me to carry on having my walks, if there are any of you who wouldn’t mind taking me for an occasional walk, I would very much appreciate any offers. Margaret Wilkinson Tel: 830 331


Bridget Newman has announced her retirement from the Parish Council. Received with sadness, as she has been on the Council for many years, working tirelessly for the benefit of Langham and residents. She will be sorely missed at Council meetings. Her significant contribution to the village is a testimony to her enthusiastic involvement. This creates a vacancy on the Parish Council, for which we would welcome applications. Please contact the Chairman for details. PLANNING Permission to build a Hotel and houses on the old Glassworks site can now proceed, following withdrawal of the Judicial Review. Permission granted for conversion of outbuildings to two bedrooms and a study at Manor Farm and a Leisure Building/Swimming Pool at Langham Hall. An appeal against refusal of a retrospective application to erect a fence at the old Carmel alongside Cockthorpe road has been made and the decision is expected soon. STREET LIGHTING Concerns raised by residents in St. Mary’s and The Cornfield, about the Norfolk County Council’s proposed lighting re-placement programme include increased amount of lighting, 40% more lights planned, and necessary re-positioning of most lamp-posts so that all footpaths and roadways, and presumably many house fronts, will be illuminated. A survey in these areas showed a majority against more light, resulting in 2 L.P.C. public meetings, one with N.C.C.’s Officers, plus copious correspondence with N.C.C.’s leader, requesting a lower lighting level for rural areas than for urban communities. Discussions are ongoing. N.C.C. have recently decided to switch off street lights from midnight to dawn to save money and carbon emissions – after overriding our needs and putting up 32 new lamps, 9 more than we think is needed? BOUNDARY COMMISSION Westminster has decreed that ‘Unitary Authority’ plan for all of Norfolk be scrubbed. so the District Council at Cromer will still be ‘OUR’ authority. However, Norwich City were given Unitary Authority over the City and an area around Norwich, taken away from the County Council. NCC are now going to challenge that decision. LANGHAM DOME Patrick Allen reported on the progress of the scheme to restore the Dome and create an area where its history can be depicted. To give this project local involvement, it has been decided to create the ‘Friends of the Langham Dome’. An opportunity for all to become involved in what, as and when the funds start to roll in, is a really exciting project VEHICLE SPEED Police speed checks show that speeding still occurs. We are keen to encourage safer driving through our village so are asking for volunteers to help in a ‘Speed watch’ scheme here in Langham. Everyone welcome. Contact the Chairman for details.

MOBILE LIBRARY Will visit Langham on Thursdays – April 1st, April 22nd, May13th & June 3rd

Calling each day for 20 mins at St. Mary’s 10.00am. Old Post Office - 10.25am. Swan’s Close - 10.50am. The Cornfield - 11.15am. Enquiries: Wells Library Tel: 01328 710467.

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10.00 am – 4.30 pm

Demonstrations on Sat 1st & Sun 2nd: Paintings by Bob Brandt

Calligraphy by Ken Bartlett Wine & Nibbles for Exhibitors

on Friday 30th April between 6.30 and 9.00pm

For an application for the above please contact: Pauline Bartlett 01328 830696


Left behind after the ‘Installation’ refreshments at the school in January – one white rectangular baking dish. Please ring me on Tel: 01328 830605 Ann Sherriff

PATCHWORK QUILTS Some people in Langham are hoping to start a

Quilter’s Group, possibly meeting once a month in the Parish Room, with the ability, if so desired, to meet more often in each other’s homes. We will also hope to arrange occasional talks from an experience quilter, and could have cotton materials available for working on.

Contact Helen Brandt. 01328 830056


This will be held in the churchyard or inside the church if it is raining or maybe even in the Parish Room! There will be the usual coffee morning stalls and refreshments. If anyone would like to bake a cake or bring along books, gifts and bric-a-brac, all will be gratefully received. We look forward to seeing you. If you would like to help on a stall, do get in touch. Proceeds will be for Langham Church General Fund. Please ring for further details.

Ann Sherriff Tel: 01328 830605

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PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS In the Village Hall between now and September are Wednesdays,: April 7th at 6.30pm, May 19th at 7.30pm and June 30th at 7.30pm. JW


Have you ever considered helping with the Refreshments at the Parish Room on Street Fayre Day?(31st July 2010)? It can be fun!

We do need many helping hands on the Day to prepare, serve and clear. We work in 1½ hour shifts so no-one expires from exhaustion and you have the rest of the day to help elsewhere and enjoy the Fayre.

We really do desperately need some new faces, so do think about it.

Come with a friend, come with a group, but do come – no experience necessary! If you would like to volunteer, contact Jan on 01328 830847. Thank you.


On 28th January the Friends Of Langham held another very successful quiz night. Fourteen teams attended and attempted to answer questions on such diverse subjects as codes and spies, holidays, notable days and health and medicine. After a thrilling finale involving three teams who tied for first place, prizes of wine and chocolates were awarded to the eventual winners. Thanks should be especially given to Marcel Schoenmakers with his laptop for scoring. Thanks also go to David Reville who still comes up with more and more different subjects with which to tease the audience.

And from the audience - thank you F.O.L. for a very enjoyable evening!

ANCHOR CLOSED It is with great regret that Mr Nick Handley, who was the tenant at the Anchor Pub, has ceased trading. Jim & Jane are now back running it. Jim Temple


Ned and Roberta Hamond are very excited to announce the opening of Bluejacket Workshop at Morston on Friday 2 April. The shop, housed in the larger Scaldbeck Cottage workshop built by Ned and Nick Hamond in 2002, represents a collaboration of high quality Norfolk artists, makers and antique dealers and will feature hand crafted furniture, textile work, knitwear, ceramics, pictures and antiques. The name ‘Bluejacket’ is inspired by the billyboy ketch (a round ended vessel fore and aft with a flat bottom making it ideal for shallow creeks) that traded out of Blakeney Harbour from 1867 until 1909. The Bluejacket was well know locally, but has a special meaning for us at Morston as Major Philip Hamond bought it in 1911 to convert into a houseboat for his family. It was anchored in a creek to the west of Morston Creek where it remained until finally disintegrating in 1938. Bluejacket Workshop will be open throughout the summer months from 10am – 5pm at weekends, bank holidays and at other times by appointment. For further information please ring 01263 740144 or go to www.bluejacketworkshop.co.uk. We extend a warm welcome to everyone - stop by and see what we are up to.

FRIENDS OF MORSTON CHURCH AGM will be held in the Village Hall at 6.30 pm on Saturday 3rd July. preceded by a Friends Committee Meeting at Coastguard House at 5.30 pm.)

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MORSTON BIRD QUIZ By Samphire (Answers on Page 12)

By what name are the following birds, listed here in Norfolk Dialect, better known? 1) Barley-bird? 2) Bay-duck? 3) Bee-bird? 4) Biddle? 5) Billywix? 6) Blood-ulf? 7) Bottle-bump? 8) Caddow or cadder? 9) Cob? 10) Develin? 11) Diddleton Frank (or Harnser)? 12) Dow? 3) Dunnock? 14) Felfit? 15) Flapper?


The Annual Morston Quiz run by The Committee of Friends of Morston Church was perhaps the best one yet in its seven years of existence, with a wide range of questions “with something for everyone”. Taking part were: Carolyn Miller’s Binham Barley-birds and Nick Jeffery’s Binham Ballroomers, Maureen Sturgeon’s Langham Bombers, Neil Thompson’s Morston Coastguards, Carole Bean’s Morston & Cockthorpe Cockles, Susy Harrison’s Morston Mousehunts, 6-times Champions Graham Lubbock’s Morston Pishmires, Jane Temple’s Missing the Point, Jill Tibbets’ Morston Macaroons and David Carnwath’s Morston Nattlers. Mally Bullard and Sara Wingfield organised a superb supper and Carole Ban and Susy Harrison ran a great Raffle (and the Committee would like to thank them and those who presented Raffle Prizes and all those who helped with the supper. Neil & Chenda Thompson kindly presented a Giant Wooden Spoon engraved with a Morston Dodman logo as a permanent Runners Up Prize, together with a bottle of vodka. Graham Lubbock’s Pishmires were finally toppled with victory going to David Carnwath’s Nattlers, closely followed by Jane Temple’s Missing the Point. To quote our intrepid scorers, Rob & Sally Metcalfe and Sue Smith, “all teams achieved good scores and the last eight only just failed to catch Jane’s team for 2nd Prize”. The Quiz raised £1,328.00 for Friends of Morston Church (repairs & maintenance of All Saints’ Church).


The PCC’s delicious Annual Crab (or Chicken Pie) Supper, preceded by the usual fascinating Boat Trip to the Point to see the seals and terns, will be on Saturday 12th June. The Main Course will be accompanied by a super side salad; and to follow this there will be a splendid selection of home-made puddings. Wine or beer will be available from the Bar. The Boat-Trip-&-Supper Tickets at £16 a head are available from Mary Athill (01263-740306) or from Hope Todd (01263-740118). 6.00 pm Boats start from Morston Quay. 7.15 pm: Supper in Morston Village Hall. All proceeds go to the PCC for Morston Church.

LARN YARSELF SOME NORFOLK Two dozen of my favourite words or expressions in Norfolk dialect include: Annic - to fool about (& “skywannicking” - fooling about). Arsle - to wriggle backwards. Bandy - a hare. Barney - an argument. Bezzle - to drink greedily.Bosky - tipsy, very merry. Brangle - to dispute something, to argue. Bumble-footed - clumsy. Carney - to flatter, or wheedle or fawn upon. Churky - under-cooked (so crunchy) veg. Cooshies or cushies - sweets. Crimbling - to sneak/creep around. Crud-barrer - wheelbarrow. Cuckoo - cocoa Dauby - wet-muddy/sticky. Dingin’ - showery Dint - Didn’. Dudder - to shiver Dumduckerdummer - very faded colour or a colour mix. Duzzy - stupid. Dwile - a floorcloth or rag Ewe - owed (e.g. I ewe him £5) Fapes (or Thapes) - gooseberries. Finnicking - very fussy

YOUR BOOKS WANTED for 1st May Sale

Friends of Morston Church are collecting second-hand books of all kinds for a Grand Charity Book Sale to be held in Morston Village Hall on 1st May 2010 from 10am to 4pm. Books of all kinds and on all subjects are wanted - from holiday paperbacks to collectors' items. We have already had a large military book collection donated to help raise funds for the upkeep of All Saints’ Morston. To arrange collection of any books you have available, please call Sally Metcalfe on 07813 369145

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SAXLINGHAM CHURCH NEWS We are delighted that Ian Whittle is already immersed in his new role with us: he has taken two Holy Communion services and attended the first PCC meeting of the year. We hope that Ian will soon feel fully at home in Langham Rectory, i.e, be provided with all mod cons!

In the churchyard an attack has begun on ivy spreading over tombs and walls; certain trees are due to be pruned, brambles to be dug up, and some stretches of undergrowth to be cut back. And then there are the moles ... The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Tuesday 20th April at 2.00pm. Venue - The Old Rectory. All adult residents in the parish, whether churchgoers or not, are welcome to attend.

SCHOOL HOUSE, SAXLINGHAM The school that occupied this building from 1855 is described in the Post Office directory of 1865 as a National School. National schools were founded by the National Society for Promoting Religious Education, and provided elementary education in accordance with the teachings of the Church of England. The National Society was founded in 1811, and by 1851 there were 17,000 national schools. The "Rules and Precepts" of Brooke and Kirstead National School in Norfolk, dated 1839, give some idea of the type of establishment that would have been run in Saxlingham. These state that parents should pay two pence per week for the education of one child, and a further penny per week for any additional children. Children must "come with their hands and faces well washed, and their hair clean and neat, and never to be without pocket handkerchiefs". The schools were principally intended for the education of the children of the poorer classes, but small tradesmen and small occupiers of land could send their

sons and daughters for an additional fee. Children at Brooke and Kirstead were expected to abide by the following "precepts": 1. To behave respectfully to the mistresses, managers, and visitors and to be "lowly and reverent to all their betters," both in the school, and whenever they meet them elsewhere. 2. To be kind to their school fellows and to all other children, and to avoid all quarrelling. 3. Never to cheat any one, nor to take another person's property, even in play; and never to play for money. 4. To use no bad language. 5. Never to mock cripples, or infirm persons, nor to be rude to the old. 6. Never to be cruel to animals, nor unkind to any living creature. 7. To be dutiful and respectful to their parents and friends, endeavouring to assist them as far as they can. 8. To keep holy the Sabbath, and to behave with seriousness, attention and reverence in all places of public worship. 9. On all occasions to speak the TRUTH. 10. To come to, and go from school in an orderly manner, never to throw stones, or to loiter by the way. 11. To be quiet in the school, not to use any play things in school time, to keep their books neat and free from dog's ears, and not to climb upon the desks nor to scrawl upon or in any other way to damage the desks, forms or walls of the school-house. Judging from the inscription over what would have been the original entrance to the building, the national school at Saxlingham was founded in 1855 by "E.R.J." As the historical notes in the house note, this would have been the Rev. Sir Edward Repps Jodrell, Bart. Edward succeeded his father, Sir Richard Paul Jodrell, Bart., to his title and estates in 1861. The 1865 directory names him as the lord of the manor and chief landowner in Saxlingham. In 1861 the population of the village was 156. The census of that year includes an entry for a Sarah Jane Swann, schoolmistress, residing as a lodger at 3 Drove Road, Saxlingham, in the house of William Lee, a 56 year old agricultural labourer. Sarah had been born in March, Cambridgeshire, and at the age of just 20 was responsible for instructing the children of Saxlingham in

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reading, writing, arithmetic and the principles of the church of England. An indication of the size of the school at this time is given by that fact that there are 32 children, aged from just two to fifteen years, described in the census as "scholars". It is possible that not all of these received their schooling in the village, but most probably did. The majority of the children named were the sons and daughters of the agricultural labourers who comprised most of the householders in Victorian Saxingham. Two girls, Eliza Pointen aged 15 and her sister Ellen, 13, were the daughters of a pauper, the widow Martha Pointen. A few of the children named as scholars were from wealthier families, including the two sons and one daughter of John William Leman, farmer of 606 acres and employer of 17 men and 3 boys, and the son and daughter of James Cubitt who employed 17 men and boys on his farm. One son of John Leman, John William junior, died the year after the census was taken and his grave can be found in the church yard at Saxlingham. Most of the older school children were girls, presumably because boys above a certain age would already be out toiling away in the fields. William Midleton, a 34 year old agricultural labourer, and his wife Harriet, had seven children. Two daughters aged 10 and 4, and sons aged 6 and 3 were described as scholars. The two eldest sons, William (11) and Robert (8), were described as "ag lad" and "ag boy" respectively. By the time of the following census, in 1871, Sarah Jane Swann had left Saxlingham and was earning a living as a schoolmistress in Cottesbrook, Northamptonshire. She had evidently moved away several years earlier, as the 1865 Post Office directory names Sarah Ann Loades as the schoolmistress at Saxlingham. Sarah Ann appears again in the 1869 directory but does not appear in the 1871 census, so no further information can be found about her. Saxlingham seems not to have been able to sustain its own school for long. In 1876 the parish was united with Field Dalling as a school board district, and the children then attended the school in the neighbouring village. Simon Dixon 6 August 2009 Sources: www.workhouses.org.uk White's Directory, 1876 Post Office Directories, 1865 & 1869 Saxlingham Census returns, 1861 & 1871 www.visionofbritain.org.uk


The GOOD NEWS is that Dr John Clarke has taken over from Dr Peter as ace reported for our village. John embodies judgement, reliability, determination, and understanding with shrewdness and great good humour. He can also spell. The BAD NEWS is that Peter who embodies none of the above, has been invited to continue writing his flippant chuckle fodder. This is to try and avoid distressing his three devoted readers. The BIG NEWS is that we can all now inform the world about our splendid village. This is due to our genius gizmologist-Rob Metcalf. We have wee willy winky flying through the sky, googling gurgling twittering, tweeting and playing I-Spy: somewhere beginning with S? - Yes that’s it folks. We have been a dot on the globe since well before Doomsday. Thus- there must be a whole host of stories, anecdotes and tell tale tales which can be shot above the Earth. Have a go, all ye Sharringtonians, ancient and modern. Dr John awaits your efforts. May I give you my thanks to you all, for your varying degrees of tolerance of my wittering on. A/B aka PJG

SHARRINGTON CHURCH NEWS The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, will be giving this year’s Sharrington Lecture on 30th April. It is an enormous privilege for us that the Archbishop has chosen our village to make an important statement on the rural church. His title will be: “A Sense of Place: What is the Local Church?” and it is bound to be a most stimulating talk. As usual, the Bishop of Norwich will chair the evening. Sharrington PCC is indebted to Anne Sloman whose years of service on the Archbishop’s Council, and latterly her appointment as chair of the Church’s Buildings Council, have placed her in the unique position of being able to secure the honour of inviting Dr Williams to her local church. Ticket priority was given to local residents and those who had supported the Sharrington Lecture in the past (and hopefully the future!) so we apologise if you have not been fortunate enough to gain a place-not surprisingly all the seats were snapped up rapidly. Ticket prices have been kept at the usual £10 but there will be a retiring collection on the night in case the audience wish to contribute further to the ceiling fund before the work starts shortly afterwards.

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Peter has been Lynx representative to Sharrington since he took over from a certain Mr Brown, a former resident of Owls Nest Sharrington. This was probably about nine years ago, but as they say almost nothing in life is certain. Peter has now decided to relinquish this responsibility, reluctantly, to a slightly more IT literate fellow medic John Clarke. He has promised to not give up entirely his contribution to Lynx and will still provoke, entertain, raise concern and try and right the world both parochial and in the greater solar system through his nom de plume – Airbag. Peter fortunately, is of the old school, who still believes the pen is mightier than the sword. The hand written and printed word is far more influential and personal than the deluge of blogging from Twitter and other even more grotesque social networking sites of the World Wide Web!! Peter’s articles, printed and some unprintable, have without fail been his honest view of the world about him. He has tried, and with some success over the past nine years, to facilitate and encourage Sharringtonians to share their experiences, personal philosophy and local news worthy items with the greater world of the 10 Parishes of the Benefice, church goers and significant others. If you had forgotten Airbag’s style, this is an extract from Lynx 53 that may help remind you. We didn’t understand a word, Airbag. “I make no apology because education is education, is education - study and learn dear readers. Equal rights for Geordies and Tykes - as in gerrawayhinney. To say nothing of tittermatortes, dardledum-dues and dumpling hunters from local parlance. Let’s keep a wittering in glorious technicolour. “I was educated in Wales initially - at a public school no less. After the first term I came home and effortlessly said “’ello Da!” at which my father exploded - “All this bloody money so that you can come home speaking like a Welsh Blackface Sheep. “Further education in Scotland, at great expense, did not improve this image, nor the quest to make me a gentleman, speaking the King’s Annglish and not behaving like a hairy kneed, kilted Jock. “Well so what folks? Lang may yer lum reek, or mind the wee timorous beasties in your hair- irritating yer ken. “Yakki da and gan yam pet!!” Long may you continue in your crusades Peter, thank you. JHC


It is good to report a reversal of a depressing trend. In the past three years Sharrington has lost by emigration to other distant lands, (Bale, Fakenham and beyond), several families. The homes vacated have been sold to second home owners and one has become a holiday cottage. Jo Jordan moved to Owls Nest, Sharrington, with Lisa Boni in 2008. Not only is Sharrington their main home, they involve themselves in village social life and Jo, with Lisa’s help has now opened a new Hair Salon in Holt. Opened on 2nd March 2010, Jo is salon co-owner with Glen Burr, of Jordan Burr Salon, White Lion Street, Holt. Jo brings to Holt 17 years of experience from the award winning, Colour Salon of the Year, in the west end of London Salon of the same name. Jo has a background in hairdressing education and founded an online training site which is used in hairdressing colleges up and down the country. A problem that has now arisen for them is that their wonderful small dog Rhett (Butler), needs exercise at lunchtimes and it is becoming difficult to manage this and cope with the new Salon. Lisa and Jo are looking for a regular dog walker to help them. If anyone can offer help with this please contact Lisa by e-mail: [email protected] Thank you Jo and Lisa for choosing Sharrington for your home, we wish every success in your new business venture. JHC

SHARRINGTON LUNCH We are so delighted that our new Rector has arrived that we decided to hold a lunch in the Village Hall to welcome Rev. Ian Whittle and give him chance to meet people at a social event. A simple soup lunch was decided upon, and to show our awareness of the wider world during this season of Lent, we decided to ask for donations to Christian Aid. As villagers began to gather in the hall, delicious pans of steaming soup arrived in the kitchen, to be followed by baskets of bread rolls and bottles of the Kimmins’ home-grown apple juice. Ian was able to circulate and enjoy the company of the 25 strong band who attended, and linger over coffee and biscuits with plenty of lively chat. We also managed to raise the splendid sum of £52.15 which has been sent to Christian Aid. PEL

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ALBARACA SCHOOL, THE GAMBIA Margaret and I have managed two visits this winter and

enjoyed two weeks of excellent weather on each occasion. Why do people begin to hate us when we tell them this?

The school is progressing extremely well, and we are most encouraged. In addition to our very supportive English trustees, we now have a group of 5 eager Gambian trustees, who are taking increasing responsibility for some of the routine management of the school. The group includes the local village chief (alkalo) and one of his wives. Between our November and February visits they supervised repairs to the school’s boundary walls, and to the floors of some of the classrooms. They also ensured that the solar panel continues to provide lighting and power.

Our most recent recruit to the teachers, Binta, has achieved 97% in one of her tests on the teacher training course at the Gambia College. We are tempted to call her Mma Makutsi. You need to have read or watched the “No.1 Ladies Detective Agency” to understand why!

We were accompanied in November by Keith and Vivien Horobin, Keith drew up a splendid plan of the school site for both sets of trustees, and Vivien gave some excellent advice to teachers to help them manage their classes. In February our daughter, son–in–law, and two grandchildren joined us. Bellie (7) and Buster(3) took part in PE and drawing classes with enthusiasm, but decided to give the school lunch a miss. We showed the Gambian children photos of a snow man that grandad had helped to make in England, and Bellie drew a picture of it on the blackboard. They were amazed!!

On both visits we met Sally Bass who is now enjoying her work as a qualified nurse at Bafrow clinic, which specialises in women’s and children’s health. Sally spends quite a lot of time working in the main clinic, but also travelling to distant rural communities to provide essential medication and injections, and offer advice on health. She hopes to visit England again soon, during her annual leave, to see her friends in Norfolk and her brother Albert, who lives in Sussex. J.A.


After seven years of all the sometimes strange CDs and DVDs I have inflicted on them, a faithful band of members still come back for more.

In January we had a Viennese Evening, and in February a selection by three anniversary composers: Chopin and Schumann, both born in 1810, and Mahler born in 1860.

If you feel like joining us please ring 01328 830044 for details of dates, time and content. It’s actually pleasantly convivial, with members contributing some lively comments and discussion about the music.

We meet afternoons in winter, and evenings in what passes for spring and autumn, and once a month, usually on the last Wednesday, when nothing much else seems to be happening in the Stiffkey Events Calendar. J. A.

CHURCH NEWS Stiffkey was well represented at the Revd. Ian

Whittle’s induction service at Langham on 16th January. It all went with a joyous spirit and we welcome Ian into our community and benefice.

On 14th February St John’s welcomed Ian to his first service and a mixed congregation of Stiffkey and Langham warmed to Ian’s first sermon and lifted the roof with joyful hymns with our guest organist Michael Allard. (Welcome too to Ian’s four-footed disciple). With John and Margaret away in the Gambia the rest of ‘the team’ made sure Ian’s first service went with a swing.

It was lovely to have Randle Fielden in our midst visiting all the way from Suffolk. A great effort.

We hope the removal of the old decrepit church sign behind the Knoll has been noted; replaced by the neat little notice board by the churchyard gate. This gives service times.

It is worth looking at our visitors book. People write (99% of the time!), really nice comments about the church. Bearing in mind how we have renovated the interior, the exterior and the sparklingly beautiful windows, perhaps we are allowed a little self-pride – even if it is one of the seven deadly sins.

Easter is on 4th April and our PCC AGM on Sunday 18th April. Meanwhile Lent is an opportunity for reflection on the deeper meaning of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Keith McDougall

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NATURE NOTES By the time you read this spring will be in the air and

we will be looking back at one of the coldest winters since 1979. What effect it will have on our wildlife remains to be seen.

In Scotland and northern England there will be heavy mortalities amongst such species as Red Deer, Mountain Hares, but a friend wrote to me to say that grouse had flown down to farmland to glean whatever food they could from around snow covered fields.

Nature may compensate for this harsh winter by successful breeding in the summer. Birds will rear multiple broods and populations could catch up again. We will see.

I wonder what the real population of Badgers is in the UK. In my lifetime it has exploded. Being nocturnal in their habits we rarely see them. But I do know they are now common in Norfolk when, in my youth, they simply did not exist in Norfolk. They are omnivorous and heavy predators of ground creatures.

Very few (relatively) Brent Geese this winter. The warden at Cley says it is because their breeding grounds (in Siberia) were infested last summer with Arctic Foxes. Why? It is a bit of a mystery.

There are two strains of Brent. The dark-bellied (our usual one in Norfolk) and the pale-bellied which breeds in Spitzbergen and Greenland. They winter in different coastal areas – dark bellied in East Anglia, the South Coast and France; the pale in Northumberland and Ireland.

As I write an over-wintering Painted Lady Butterfly is fluttering around – trying to hibernate in the house and survive till summer. I have found a cupboard and must remember to let it out when the weather is suitable.

Garden birds need feeding well into the spring. Keep at it remember to provide water and clean out the nesting boxes, (if not already in use by tits). Barn Owls are active now and early nesters. Pightle

STIFFKEY CRICKET CLUB FIXTURES Improved wicket; new nets; practice sessions; a busy

fixture list. Lots of ambition. All we need - good weather, ability and luck! If you can’t play come and watch!

Sun 16th May – Beeston (away) Sun 23rd May – Rudham (away) Sun 30th May – Marlingford (home) Fri 4th June – Burnham Thorpe (away) (20/20) Sun 6th June – Beeston (home) Sun 13th June – Burnham Thorpe (away) Sun 20th June – Saxlingham Farmers (home) (to

confirm) Sun 27th June – Blue Ball (public house), Granchester,

Cambridge (home) Thurs 1st July - Aylsham (venue to be confirmed)

(20/20) Sun 4th July - Rudham (home) Sun 11th July - Burnham Thorpe (home) Thurs 15th July - Aylsham (venue to be confirmed) Sun 18th July – A. Hunt / Saxlingham (home) Sun 1st August – Holkham (away) Sun 15th August - Holkham (home) Sun 22nd August – Marlingford (away) More to follow. New players welcome Steven Bashforth

FETING THE FETE COMMITTEE On behalf of the Church and other village institutions,

which have benefited financially from past Stiffkey Fetes, I would like to thank the members of the retiring committee for their hard work in keeping our Fete going in recent times, and providing much enjoyment as well as profit. We hope that you do not feel guilty about its current, and maybe temporary, demise.

You have done your share. It’s up to others now!

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At time of writing the last rehearsals were taking place for the Barnardo’s Charity Concert at the Royal Albert Hall on Tuesday, March 16. Langham Village School’s Years 3-6 choir have been looking forward to performing in an extravaganza of unprecedented proportions, with 1,500 children in total taking part. “Our young singers have been practising hard and seem to be really enjoying the build-up,” says Headteacher Mike Green.

The children have had to learn a broad repertoire including choral favourites, music hall chestnuts and even ABBA hits under the dedicated tutelage of Lyn Wiles, supported by Sheila Harris and Wyatt Earp. “Everyone is looking forward to a unique experience,” adds Mike Green. Parents booked a coach of their own in order to support the children and soak up the atmosphere. A professionally recorded DVD and still photographs from the evening will provide mementos to treasure.

With more daylight hours and (hopefully) kinder weather, attention turns to more outside activities – particularly sport. Parent Paula Bushell organised a cross-country team representing Langham Village School that came second in an event at Houghton Hall recently. It must run in the genes: Year 6 pupil Ellie Bushell has been selected to compete in the British biathlon championships (that’s running and swimming) at the Crystal Palace National Sports Centre – a great honour for Ellie and the school. Following another cross-country event at Holt Rugby Club, six Langham children were selected to participate in the North Norfolk finals at Taverham Hall. The school football team continues to do well, while Years 1 and 2 children attended a school cluster Dance Festival at Alderman Peel High School and Years 5 and 6 children participated in the ‘Competitive Edge’ Academy for Multi Skills, also at the High School. Other sports opportunities include inter-house tag rugby and hockey.

Watch out for more bikes on the roads around Langham from 29 March, as it is Bike to School Week. Mike Green explains: “We’re promoting healthy modes of transport, so we would like to see as many parents as possible walking, cycling or park-and-striding to school.” Therefore, if you see anyone walking down North Street, don’t offer him or her a lift.

Langham has an International School flag fluttering from its recently erected flagpole and Class 1 teacher Diana Howes is looking for a school in Norway to team up with, following existing links with schools as far afield as France, India and Japan. It all helps to enrich the children’s cultural experiences and supports the International Primary Curriculum that provides many exciting learning opportunities.

Can you make a token effort that counts? In case you can collect them but don’t have a use for them, please feel free to drop off Nestlé, Flora, Tesco and Sainsbury tokens at the school. We’re collecting. They help to top up resources at the school along with the sterling efforts of the School Friends and the 100 Club.

The School Council, made up of pupil representatives, has benefited from a Bring and Buy sale to the tune of £70 and itself raised £22 for the UNICEF-Day for Change casual clothes day. That money will help water purification projects in Mozambique. For Sport Relief the children have been invited to dress as a ‘Sports Star’ for £1 and there will be a further casual clothes day in aid of Haiti and Chile at the end of term on 1 April. Other term-end events include a Jumbo Book Swap organised by a year 6 pupil, an Easter Bonnet Parade at 2.30pm on the playground and a ‘Bake Cakes for Green Plants’ session organised by Miss Hopkins and the Eco Warriors.

Friends’ fundraising events on the horizon include a Beetle Drive on 31 March from 6pm to 7.30pm at the school, followed by an Auction of Promises on Friday, 14 May, at Binham Village Hall. Jo Holden is also putting together a Langham Cook Book (all recipes welcome). Yummy! As part of their Food Technology study, Year 5 children have been cooking with Carol Spinks and sampling their own fare. Children who take part in clubs and activities that cut into the start of lunchtime can now still have a hot school lunch, thanks to the efforts of former governor Sal Savory who identified grant money for a new plate/food warmer. Further advice about ‘5-a-day’ and the school’s ‘Healthy Lunch’ initiative is available at www.nhs.uk/change4life.

As ever, more information on all school activities is available at www.langhamvillageschool.com.

Page 28: Local Lynx Issue 71 - April/May 2010

Local Lynx is printed by Century Press Ltd, 132 High Street, Stalham, Norwich NR12 9AZ.


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