local marketing magazine

The Online Marketing Guide for Small Business June 2015

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Local Marketing Magazine is designed to help business owners grow their local business using the Internet, email, mobile marketing and other technologies that arise in the future. We promise to keep strategies simple and straight forward, so that they can be implemented quickly and easily. Technology has changed the business landscape, and within these pages, business owners will discover how to take advantage of every marketing tool, resource and strategy available to them. We’ll also review tools necessary in order to keep on top of what’s working today.


  • The Online Marketing Guide for Small Business

    June 2015

  • $99Limit One Per Customer

    Contact Us Today!: Distraction Marketing 239-400-3599HTTP://VIDEO.DISTRACTIONMARKETING.COM

  • Welcome ToLocal Marketing Magazine

    Contents03 4 Simple Stepsto Protecting YourReputation Online

    08 5 ways your websiteis costing you new business

    Say Hello to Google MyBusiness - Quick Start Guide

    The 7 Best Social Media Toolsof 2014 (for Small Business)

    What You Didnt Know AboutFacebook Ads

    Coming up in this issue, youll learnthat your online reputation is moreimportant than you think.Well breakdown the misleading information anduntruths that are spreading all overthe internet.

    Websites are a fantastic way to keeployal clients; but could yours bedetracting from new business? Getrid of that old, outdated, and poorlydesigned website and upgrade tosomething that will work for you, notagainst you.

    Are you using Google to reach yourlocal market of clients? Google MyBusiness is a new tool for smallbusiness owners that gives you controlover your business in the virtual worldwithout spending a dime.

    Like it or not, social media has becomea necessary part of promoting yourbusiness. But it doesnt have to takeup all of your time. Check out our listand try one. You can increase yourengagement level, while cuttingdown the amount of time you spendon social media activities.

    Move over Adwords, Facebook Adsis the new PPC alternative. Withover 1 Billion users, you can bet yourcustomers are on Facebook. Wereveal some interesting facts aboutFacebook Ads that you probablydidnt know, and should.

    L M M I S B R O U G H T T O YO U B Y

    Welcome to our first issue of LMM, the go-to online marketing guide for small busi-ness. Were excited to share our industryexperience and expertise to help smallbusiness owners be successful online withinsider tips and advice for everything in theonline marketing world.Stop ignoring the extreme complexitiesthat come with online marketing and startmaking a difference in your business today.Whether you are new to your business oran old pro, learning a few key online mar-keting strategies can take your business tothe next level. The question is, are youready?

    To your success,Rod Miller - Ed.

    Distraction Marketing is the leading small busi-ness marketing service in the Southwest Florida.For over two years, we have helped small busi-nesses connect with more customers online.

    If you want to build your business, you need tomarket, its that simple. But you can lose thou-sands of dollars if you dont know what you aredoing. So we urge you to take action with some ofthe strategies we recommend.

    For a more hands off approach, we offer afford-able solutions and can deliver results. We hopeyou enjoy this issue of LMM and feel free to reachout to us anytime.




  • 2015