local outbreak control plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · local directors of public health (dsph) are...

Local Outbreak Control Plan Wandsworth Council Richmond and Wandsworth’s Director of Public Health, Shannon Katiyo Prepared by the Emergency Planning Unit, on behalf of the Public Health Team

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Page 1: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

Local Outbreak Control PlanWandsworth Council

Richmond and Wandsworth’s Director of Public Health, Shannon KatiyoPrepared by the Emergency Planning Unit, on behalf of the Public Health Team

Page 2: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

AbbreviationsAD Associate DirectorASC Adult Social CareCCG Clinical Commissioning GroupCILS Community Independent Living ServiceCQC Care Quality CommissionCTAS Contact Tracing Advisory ServiceDfE Department for EducationDHSC Department of Health and Social CareDsPH Directors of Public HealthEHO Environmental Health OfficerELFT East London Foundation TrustEPRR Emergency Planning Resilience and Response FST Field Service Teams (Public Health England)GLA Greater London AuthorityGPs General PractitionersHPT Health Protection Team (Public Health England)HSE Health and Safety ExecutiveICC Incident Control Centre

COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

IMT Incident Management TeamLAs Local AuthoritiesLCRC London Coronavirus Response CellLGfL London Grid for LearningLOCPs Local Outbreak Control PlansLRF Local Resilience ForumMTU Mobile Testing UnitNHS National Health ServiceOCT Operational Control TeamPH Public HealthPHE Public Health EnglandPPE Personal Protective EquipmentSGSS Second Generation Surveillance SystemSPoC Single Point of ContactToR Terms of ReferenceUTLA Upper Tier Local AuthorityVCS Voluntary and Community SectorWBC Wandsworth Borough Council

Page 3: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

Contents1. Introduction 22. Background 22.1 Legal and Policy Context 32.2 Key Themes 42.3 What is Contact Tracing? 53. NHS Test and Trace 63.1 How NHS Test and Trace works for someone with coronavirus symptoms 63.2 How NHS Test and Trace works for contacts 73.3 NHS Contact Tracing Service 74. How we will work with Public Health England’s London Coronavirus Response Cell (LCRC) 104.1 Management of Covid-19 outbreaks and complex settings 104.2 Incident Control Team/Outbreak Control Team: 114.3 Summarised roles by setting (LAs and LCRC) 115. Governance 125.1 Key Groups 125.2 Local Authority Contract Tracing Working Group and nominated Leads for Themed Areas 136. Key Themes 156.1. Care Home 156.2. Children’s Services Wandsworth 176.3. High risk places, locations, and communities – Community and Partnerships and Environmental Health 216.4. Local testing capacity 246.5. Contact tracing in complex settings 286.6. Data integration 306.7. Vulnerable people - Adult Social Services 326.8. Communications 337. Standard Operating Procedures 357.1. Care Homes: Standard Operating Procedures 357.2. Schools: Standard Operating Procedures 367.3. Workplace: Standard Operating Procedures 377.4. Community Clusters: Standard Operating Procedures 38

Appendix 1: Wandsworth Local Outbreak Engagement Board ToR 39Appendix 2: Track and Trace Funding Wandsworth 42


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Page 4: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

1 IntroductionThe purpose of the Wandsworth Outbreak Control Plan is to set out how we will respond to potential futureoutbreaks of COVID-19 in the borough and coordinate efforts across all stakeholders to keep residents safe. The primary audience for the plan is local decision makers, advisors, and stakeholders who may be affected by theplan but it is also available to the general public.

This plan is a collaborative effort developed locally across the council describing our interface with various tiers ofthe national NHS Test and Trace Service, and with the regional service led by Public Health England’s LondonCoronavirus Response Cell (LCRC). It also details our governance arrangements with roles and responsibilities forstakeholder engagement.

A key section of the plan outlines actions that will be taken by the local Public Health team in collaboration withother service areas to prevent further outbreaks from occurring, promote uptake of testing and participation incontact tracing, and to facilitate the management of outbreaks when they do occur.

The recent report by Public Health England on ‘The review of data on disparities in the risk and outcomes fromCOVID-19,’ has improved our understanding of the pandemic. The report highlighted disparities linked to age, sex,deprivation, region and ethnicity and the importance of continued monitoring of the infection among those most atrisk. Communication and engagement with residents and stakeholders will be key to the success of our plan.

2 BackgroundThe Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) launched the NHS Test and Trace service in May as a central partof the Government’s Covid-19 recovery strategy. The primary objectives of the Test and Trace service are to controlthe Covid-19 rate of reproduction (R), reduce the spread of infection and save lives, and in doing so help to return lifeto as normal as possible, for as many people as possible, in a way that is safe, protects our health and care systemsand releases our economy.

Achieving these objectives will require a co-ordinated effort from local and national government, the NHS, GPs,businesses and employers, voluntary organisations and other community partners, and the general public. Localplanning and response will be an essential part of the Test and Trace service, and local authorities have a central roleto play in the identification and management of infection.

On 22 May the Government requested individual Covid-19 Outbreak Plans be developed by all councils by the end ofJune. National Government funding was provided to local authorities in England to develop and action their plans toreduce the spread of the virus in their area.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Page 5: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and containoutbreaks and protect the public’s health, including producing outbreak control plans and establishing Covid-19Health Protection Boards.

Whilst the scope of this plan focuses on community and care settings it is important to acknowledge the ongoingefforts in healthcare settings to control the spread of the virus. Healthcare settings are undergoing a number of keyactivities, including; inpatient and staff testing, staff risk assessment and management of healthcare associatedCOVID-19 cases. The success of these efforts is vital to the risk and control of outbreaks within local community andcare settings.

2.1 Legal and Policy Context1

The legal context for managing outbreaks of communicable disease which present a risk to the health of the publicrequiring urgent investigation and management sits:

l With Public Health England under the Health and Social Care Act 2012

l With Directors of Public Health under the Health and Social Care Act 2012

l With Chief Environmental Health Officers under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984

l With NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups to collaborate with Directors of Public Health and Public Health Englandto take local action (e.g. testing and treating) to assist the management of outbreaks under the Health and SocialCare Act 2012

l With other responders’ specific responsibilities to respond to major incidents as part of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004

l In the context of COVID-19there is also the Coronavirus Act 2020.

This underpinning context gives local authorities(Public Health and Environmental Health)and Public Health England(PHE) the primary responsibility for the delivery and management of Public Health actions to be taken in relation tooutbreaks of communicable disease through local Health Protection Partnerships (sometimes these are called LocalHealth Resilience Partnerships) and local memoranda of understanding. These arrangements are clarified in the 2013guidance Health Protection in Local Government.

PHE is mandated to fulfil the Secretary of State’s duty to protect the public’s health from infectious diseases, workingwith the NHS, local government and other partners. This includes providing surveillance; specialist services, such asdiagnostic and reference microbiology; investigation and management of outbreaks of infectious diseases; ensuringeffective emergency preparedness, resilience and response for health emergencies. At a local level PHE’s healthprotection teams and field services work in partnership with DsPH, playing strategic and operational leadership rolesboth in the development and implementation of outbreak control plans and in the identification and management ofoutbreaks.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

1 ADPH et.al. (2020). Public Health Leadership, Multi-AgencyCapability: Guiding Principles for Effective Management ofCOVID-19 at a local level. Available at: https://www.adph.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ Guiding-Principles-for-Making- Outbreak-Management-Work-Final.pdf

Page 6: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

The Director of Public Health has and retains primary responsibility for the health of their communities. This includesbeing assured that the arrangements to protect the health of the communities that they serve are robust and areimplemented. The primary foundation of developing and deploying local outbreak management plans is the publichealth expertise of the local Director of Public Health.

This legal context for health protection is designed to underpin the foundational leadership of the local Director ofPublic Health in a local area, working closely with other professionals and sectors.

2.2 Key Themes of the Wandsworth COVID-19 Outbreak Control Plan


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Figure 1. Key Themes of the COVID-19 Outbreak Control Plan

Page 7: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

2.3 What is Contact Tracing?

Contact tracing is one of the ways we protect the public from infectious diseases like novel coronavirus (COVID-19). If a person tests positive for novel coronavirus, we speak to them in order to identify anyone who has had closecontact during the time they were considered to be infectious, we then attempt to find these people as soon aspossible. Once we have made contact we can then give them the advice they need. If they are in groups considered tobe a higher risk, we make sure that we follow up with them on a daily basis to see how they are. If they becomeunwell we are then able to assess them quickly and take appropriate action. Presently contact tracing is carried out bythe national NHS National Contact Tracing Service and this is explained in more detail later. The figure below isadapted from a PHE resource and shows how contact tracing works.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Figure 2. What is Contact Tracing?

Page 8: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

3 NHS Test and TraceNHS Test and Trace is a National Service, and the role of the local authority is to support that service using ourdetailed knowledge of local communities and settings. The primary roles are an offer of support to vulnerableresidents who have been asked to self-isolate, and also additional support to help with the management of complexsites and situations for example schools and care homes. This is not a new role for local authority, and Public Healthteams routinely work with the Health Protection Team in PHE to support additional actions around outbreaks ofother infectious disease within these settings. In this section we explain how the NHS Test and Trace system worksfor those with coronavirus symptoms and those who are contacts, before explaining the interface between NHS Testand Trace and the local authority. The figure below explains how NHS Test and Trace works for someone withsymptoms of Coronavirus.

3.1 How NHS Test and Trace works for someone with coronavirus symptoms

Figure 3. NHS Test and Trace for someone with COVID-19


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan




Start isolating

Book a test

Share contacts

• NHS.uk/coronavirus• or call 119

via NHS Test and Trace

• you for 7 days• household for 14 days

Got coronavirus symptoms?

negativefor COVID-19

positivefor COVID-19

• Household stops isolating immediately

• You stop isolating if you feel well


If you have been in close contact with someone who test postitive

• Household stops isolating immediately• You complete 14 day isolation

• You begin new 7 day isolation• Household completes 14 day isolation

negativefor COVID-19

positivefor COVID-19

if you develop symptoms



You may be alertedby NHS Test and Trace

for 14 daysafter close contact

3 Book a test • Household isolates for 14 days


Page 9: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

3.2 How NHS Test and Trace works for contacts

For those contacted if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus

l Alert: You will be alerted by the NHS Test and Trace service if you have been in close contact with someone whohas tested positive for coronavirus. The alert will come either by text or email and you’ll need to log on to the NHSTest and Trace website, which is the easiest way for you and the service to communicate with each other – but, ifnot, a trained call handler will talk you through what you need to do. Under 18s will get a phone call and a parentor guardian will be asked to give permission for the call to continue.

l Isolate: You will be asked to begin self-isolation for up to 14 days, depending on when you last came into contactwith the person who has tested positive. It’s really important to do this even if you don’t feel unwell, because itcan take up to 14 days for the symptoms to develop. This will be crucial to avoid you unknowingly spreading thevirus to others. Your household doesn’t need to self-isolate with you, but they must take extra care to follow theguidance on social distancing and hand washing.

l Test if needed: If you develop symptoms of coronavirus, other members of your household should self-isolate athome and you will need to book a coronavirus test at nhs.uk/coronavirus or call 119 if you have no internet access.If your test is positive you must continue to stay at home for 7 days. If your test is negative, you must stillcomplete your 14-day self-isolation period because the virus may not be detectable yet.

3.3 NHS Contact Tracing Service

The National Contact Tracing Programme provides phone based and digital elements

Phone based: 18,000 (Tier 3) contact tracing call handlers supported by 3,000 (Tier 2) contact tracers carrying outphone-based contact tracing.

Tier 1 of the contact tracing service is sub-categorised into:

l Tier 1a – this is the national co-ordinating function and will lead on quality assurance, data science, guidelines andprotocols and clinical governance.

l Tier 1b - Health Protection Teams (HPT) and PHE Field Service Teams (FST) who will manage complex outbreaksand situations in conjunction with local authority Environmental Health and Public Health support


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Page 10: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

Digital based: The Contact Tracing and Advice Service (CTAS) will input and host information on lab-confirmed casesand contacts. CTAS is an invitation only system that is accessed through two routes: automatically by cases andcontacts through text message or email invitation or by the phone-based contact tracing team.

CTAS receives details of lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 via NHS Digital. Cases will be categorised into automaticfollow-up (have provided email details/can use web-based tool) or phone-based follow-up. Cases following theautomated pathway upload details of contacts into CTAS which are then followed up either automatically or by phone.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Level 3 Contact Tracing: Communication andadvice to contacts according to SOPs and scripts. Escalation of difficult issues to tier 2.

ROLESPHE Protocols, Standard Operating Procedures and script PHE central coordinating centre

Level 2 Contact Tracing: Interview cases,identify contacts, escalation of complexissues to tier 1.

Regionalised network with named LA lead and regional Director in PHE working with LA Lead and LRFs

Level 1 Contact Tracing:• Clinical governance• HPTs, Field Service, large scale events• Regionalised network, overview of regional programme and performance. Liaison and comms between national and local areas. • LAs: Shielding, food and support, enforcement, economic and workforce impact, community engagement, vulnerable groups, schools and care homes.• HPTs and Field Service working with LAs to investigate and control outbreaks.

LEVEL 3: Call handlers

LEVEL 2: Dedicated contacttracing staff

LEVEL 1: HPTswith LAs

Contracted external provider

Figure 4. The National Contact Tracing Programme

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COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Case contacted by Tier 2 call handler

Complexity identified (difficultoutbreak/scenario)

Passed onto Tier 1B

call handler


Contact(s)details logged

onto CTAS

Tier 2 call handlersinterview case and

identifies contact(s)

Passed onto LCRC Tier 1B Specalist

Dealt with by Tier 1B

call handler

Support needsidentified

Outbreak/difficult scenario


Local authorityresponse (EHO

and others)

Contact(s) cannotbe followed up automatically

Contact(s) canbe followed


Case advised to self-isolatefor 7 days or until symptoms

finish (if symptomatic formore than 7 days)

Contact(s) followedup by Tier 3bcall handler

Contact(s) advisedto quarantine for

14 days

Case and orcontact(s) hassupport needs

Contact(s) has nosupport needs

Case has nosupport needs

Non-app user

NHS digital electronic patient record collated and sent to CTAS

Lab confirmed case logged onto CTAS

Pillar 1 and 2 testing

Local AuthorityReferral and Support

NHS Contact Tracing Service

Figure 5. NHS Contact Tracing Service

Page 12: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

4 How we will work with Public Health England’s London CoronavirusResponse Cell (LCRC)

4.1 Management of Covid-19 outbreaks and complex settings

An agreement was set up to provide a framework for joint working between the PHE London Coronavirus ResponseCell (LCRC) and the public health teams in London Local Authorities (LAs). The framework supports collaborativemanagement of COVID-19 outbreaks, complex settings and community clusters.

The overarching joint approach to managing community clusters will be as follows:

l The local authority or LCRC will receive notification from Tier 2

l The local authority will inform the LCRC SPoC or vice versa of the notification

l The local authority will convene an Incident Management Team (IMT) or Outbreak Control Team (OCT)

l The local authority will provide support to the community

l LCRC will support the local authority in their risk assessment of and response to an identified community cluster

The overarching joint approach to managing complex settings and outbreaks will be as follows:

l LCRC will receive notification from Tier 2, undertake a risk assessment and give advice and provide information tothe setting on management of the outbreak;

l LCRC will manage cases and contacts, and provide advice on testing and infection control;

l LCRC will convene an Incident Management Team (IMT) if required;

l LCRC will inform the relevant local authority SPoC i.e. the Director of Public Health or nominated public health staff

l The local authority will follow-up and support the setting to continue to operate whilst managing the outbreak,including, if required, support with infection prevention and control measures and PPE access;

The local authority will support wider aspects of the response, such as support for any vulnerable contacts who arerequired to self-isolate.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Rationale for the joint agreement:

l To have a joint collaborative and co-ordinatedapproach to supporting London settingsincluding care homes, extra care housing andsupported housing, local hospitals, workplaces,prisons, primary care settings, schools, nurseriesand homeless hostels in managing COVID-19outbreaks, reflected in councils’ Local OutbreakControl Plans (LOCPs).

l To improve understanding and access toservices, reduce transmission, protect thevulnerable and prevent increased demand onhealthcare services

l To share outbreak information to facilitateappropriate measures

l To have a Single Point of Contact (SPoC) inLCRC and in each local authority to facilitatedata flow, communication and follow up

l To provide consistent advice to settings andlocal public health teams

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4.2 Incident Control Team/Outbreak Control Team:

Membership of the OCT will vary according to the nature or circumstances of the outbreak and the incident level. APHE HPT staff member is expected to be involved in all outbreaks. Usually an Environmental Health Officer, aconsultant public health microbiologist and a Director of Public Health will also be required. Additional members willbe expected to be involved dependent on the nature of the outbreak. In some circumstances it may be appropriatefor the OCT to consist only of PHE staff, although these may be from different parts of the organisation or from morethan one HPT3.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

3 Public Health England (2020) Communicable Disease Outbreak Management: Operational Guidance. Avalable from:https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/343723/12_8_2014_CD_Outbreak_Guidance_REandCT_2__2_.pdf


Care settings School and Early Years

Workplace Primary care Prison / custodialinstitutions

Homeless and / or hostel

Community cluster

LondonCoronavirusResponse Centreresponse

• Receive notification from Tier 2

• Gather information and undertake a risk assessment with the setting

• Provide advice and manage cases and contacts, testing and infection control

• Provide information materials to the setting

• Recommend ongoing control measures

• Convene IMT if required

• Provide information to DsPH and advice/recommendations for ongoing support

• Receive notification from Tier 2

• Support Local Authority in their riskassessment of and response to an identifiedcommunity cluster

Local Authorityresponse

• Prevention work and respond to enquiries (As per Appendix 1, 2 and 4)

• Support vulnerable contacts who are required to self-isolate

• Liaise with setting to provide ongoing advice and support for testing, communications, infection control and PPE

• Participate in IMT if convened by LCRC

• Local communications e.g. briefings for Cllrs, local press inquiries, comms with the public

• Liaise with CCG, GPs and other healthcare providers to provide ongoing healthcare support to setting

• Receive notification from Tier 2

• Convene IMT

• Provide support to community which mayinclude translated materials, support to self-isolate, advice and enforcement

• Liaise with the local CCG, GPs and otherhealthcare providers

• Local communications (e.g. Cllr briefing, localpress inquiries, comms with public)

Page 14: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

5 GovernanceThe governance arrangement involves 4 key groups reporting into Local Authority Gold or the Health and Wellbeing Boards.The key groups are set out below with a summary of the membership, purpose and accountability.

5.1 Key Groups


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Chair Membership Purpose Accountable to

Local Authority Contact Tracing Working Group

Director of Public Health Adult Social Services and Public Health Environmental Health Services Communications Children’s Services

Develop local outbreak control plans Local authorityGold

Local Outbreak Engagement Board

Leader of the Council Cabinet Member for Adult SocialCare and Health Opposition Spokesperson forAdult Social Care & Public HealthDirector of Public HealthDirector of Adult Social Servicesand Public HealthCommunicationsCommunity and Partnerships

Political and partner oversight of strategic response.

Provide political ownership and public-facing engagement andcommunication for outbreak response.

Health andWellbeing Board

Strategic Co-ordinatingGroup

Director of Public Health,Chief Inspector,Response, MetropolitanPolice Service

Multi-agency representation,including PH, NHS (incl. CCG,HUHT, ELFT, GP Confed) EPRR,ASC, CFS, and comms

Borough Resilience Forum; supports and co-ordinates with localgroups to support the delivery of outbreak plans.

Local AuthorityGold

Covid-19 Protection Board

(Integrated into theRichmond and WandsworthPublic Health Board)

Director of Public Health AD representatives from acrossCouncil Directorates and CCG.PHE Health Protection LeadGP Clinical Leads

Responsible for determining council’s overall management, policyand strategy and achieving strategic objectives; delivering swiftresource deployment Provide assurance that there are safe, effective and well-testedplans in place to protect the health of local population during Covid• Provide infection control expertise• Lead development and delivery of local plans• Link directly to regional PHE teams

Health andWellbeing Board

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5.2 Local Authority Contact Tracing Working Group and nominated Leads for Themed Areas

The Local Authority contact tracing working group is a multi-agency task and finish group established by the Directorof Public Health to coordinate the development of the local outbreak control plan. Members of the group haveresponsibility for individual action plans for the 7 themed areas and will provide assurance on the delivery.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Department Lead Themed Area

Environmental Health Nick Stevens (Head of Regulatory ServicesPartnership)

Deputies:Laura Aston (Environmental Health, RSP)

Robin Ramen (Environmental Health, RSP)

Contact tracing in complex settings


High risk places, locations and communities

Children’s Services Tracy Shaw (Head of Children’s Commissioning)


Adult Social Services Gill Ford (Head of Strategic Performance ASC & PH)

Vulnerable people

Community andPartnership

Melissa Watson (Voluntary Sector Partnership Manager)

High risk places, locations and communities

Public Health Dr Pui-Ling LiDeputy: Graeme Markwell

Care HomesLocal Testing Capacity

Public Health / Insightand Analytics Team

Dr Pui-Ling LiSalman Klar

Data Integration

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COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Wandsworth COVID-19 Outbreak Control Governance Arrangement

Health and Wellbeing Board Local Authority Gold

London Gold

Local OutbreakEnagement Board

Richmond and WandsworthPublic Health Board

Local Authority Contact TracingWorking Group

Strategic Coordination Group(Borough Resilience Forum)

Operational IncidentManagement Teams

Public HealthCOVID-19 Response Team

COVID-19 Protection Board**Integrated into the PH Board

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6 Key Themes The following action plans outline key responsibilities of stakeholders in response to a local outbreak and based onthe 7 themes of the Outbreak Control Plan. Consideration of the disparities in risks and outcomes for differentsettings and groups (e.g. age, gender and ethnicity) is cited in national literature4, 5, and will be a key consideration inmonitoring and delivering the plans.

6.1 Care Homes

COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan



Description Metric

1 Develop and embed multi-agency Strategic Care Home Oversight Group for Richmond andWandsworth (SCHOG)

• Terms of Reference agreed by SCHOG • Action Plan Tracker of key actions from multi-agency group

2 Set up and embed a Virtual Care Home Team. (Quality Assurance and Quality SurveillanceTeam for Care Home and Home Care oversight).

• Workplan agreed by SCHOG with performance indicators

3 Develop communication and engagement plan for outbreak prevention and control workin care homes

• Communication and engagement plan signed-off by SCHOG• Single route of communication confirmed via virtual care home team• Council Provider Support pages contain all update information or links to them

4 Develop quick reference Standard Operating Procedures for responding to outbreaks incare homes

• Standard operating procedures agreed by SCHOG


Description Metric

5 Develop and sustain Council provider support pages • Publish summary FAQ data weekly

6 Recruit Care Homes Support Co-ordinator as Single Point of Contact for care homes • Person recruited to post and key objectives and workplan agreed by end June• Officer is part of Virtual Team

7 Develop performance dashboard to monitor Infection Prevention and Control priorities • Report dashboard to SCHOG as standing agenda item

8 All CQC – registered care homes to utilise Capacity Tracker on a at least a daily basis • 100% of care homes registered on Capacity Tracker

9 Implement Whole Care Home Testing Programme • 95% care homes registered on testing portal

10 Implement Infection Prevention and Control Training programme in all care homes • 95% of care homes engaged with IPC training

4 Public Health England (2020). COVID-19 Review of disparities in risks and outcomes. Available from:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-review-of-disparities-in-risks-and-outcomes

5 Public Health England (2020). COVID-19 Understanding their impact on BAME Communities. Available from:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-understanding-the-impact-on-bame-communities

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COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

6.1 Care Homes (continued)


Description Metric

11 Monitor care homes with Covid-19 cases • % of care homes with Covid-19 cases

12 Ensure LCRC notified of Covid -19 outbreaks by care home within 24hrs • % of care home Outbreaks reported to LCRC within 24hrs

13 Identify the number of care homes recovered from Covid-19 cases • % of care homes reported as recovered from Covid-19 outbreaks

14 Identify the number of Covid-19 free care homes • % of care homes reported as Covid-19 free

15 Identify care homes experiencing financial difficulties • Number of care homes experiencing financial difficulties

16 Monitor PPE supplies and alert SCHOG to care homes registering amber and red onCapacity Tracker

• % of care homes reporting amber and red status for PPE

17 Monitor staff absence and alert SCHOG to care homes registering amber and red onCapacity Tracker

• % of care homes reporting amber and red status for staffing absence

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COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

6.2 Children’s Services Wandsworth

Recommended Action Action owner Target date Status


1 DFE guidance for schools and early years settings, including nurseries is shared with all settings with the expectationschool head teachers, Governing Boards and Early Years’ settings management teams and their staff follow the guidance,putting in place effective plans, actions, and communication channels with staff, parents, carers and children.

Heads of Servicefor Schools andHead of Early Help

May 2020 Complete

2 Updated Public Health guidance and instructions to be shared with all settings. Providers to follow guidance andinstructions with emphasis on completing risk assessments and planning to minimise risk. This should also specificallyinclude minimising risks for those children and their families, and staff in the higher risk groups, including BAME groups

Heads of ServiceSchools and Headof Early Help

May 2020 Complete

3 Schools and Early Years providers to undertake frequent risk management activities and have risk assessment andmitigation plans that are signed off by their Governing Board members and management teams, and in the case of privatenurseries/providers, by their owners and management.

Schools and EarlyYears providers

May 2020 Initial riskassessmentscompletedUpdatesongoing

4 Weekly communication and reporting systems to provide updated information to schools and early years setting, andrespond effectively and quickly to schools and Early Years questions and concerns.

Heads of ServiceSchools and Headof Early Help

May 2020 CompleteUpdatesongoing

5 Coordination of PPE deliveries for schools in the borough to support in the prevention of infection at sites and protectthose in the vulnerable cohorts.

Children’s ServicesHead ofCommissioning &Assistant Directorof Environment

May 2020 CompleteOngoingPPE accesssupport

6 Planned re-opening of other building-based Children’s Services key frontline services, following PH guidance, includingdeep cleans, fogging, and supply of prevention equipment including social distancing signage and PPE for staff.

Children’s Head ofCommissioningand CorporateWorkspaceStrategic Lead

June 2020 Currentlyunderway

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COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

6.2 Children’s Services Wandsworth (continued)

Recommended Action Action owner Target date Status

7 Restriction of movement of staff and pupils/children between groups (bubbles) must be controlled and effectivelymonitored, and risks assessed regularly.

Schools, EarlyYears Providers,Youth Groups, PlayGroups, andRespite providers

June 2020 Ongoing

8 Providing emergency food vouchers, and support and signposting for families facing hardship. Children’s Serviceslead linked into Hub

March 2020 Complete and ongoing

9 Providing emergency and planned support and signposting for families self-isolating. Children’s Serviceslead linked into Hub

March 2020 Completeand ongoing

10 Providing a dedicated guidance and support network for family support, children’s and young people’s settings, groups andproviders across the borough, including contracted providers of services.

Children’s Head ofCommissioning &Head of Early Years

July 2020


11 Additional staff resources to form a dedicated team providing emergency and planned responses, support and guidanceacross the borough for all providers of services, groups and support for families and children/young people (suggest 4 FTE,with one manager/coordinator post approx. PO5, and 3 FTE communication & support officers approx. PO1).

Director of PublicHealth andDirector ofChildren’s Services

July 2020

12 Schools to undertake regular capacity mapping to assess the availability of staff to cover members of staff if they areabsent.

Schools and EarlyYears Providers

March 2020 Completeand ongoing

13 Minimum staffing levels need to be continually assessed to ensure in line with the minimum staff required in order for aneducation or childcare provider to operate.

Schools and EarlyYears Providers

March 2020 Complete and ongoing

14 If minimum staffing levels are threatened, internal staff re-assignment or the acquisition of temporary staff should beconsidered, following updated risk assessments).

Schools and EarlyYears Providers

June 2020 Ongoing

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6.2 Children’s Services Wandsworth


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Recommended Action Action owner Target date Status


15 Schools and Early Years settings will remain open and staff will be expected to attend, but with regard to completed riskassessments for staff in the vulnerable groups.

Schools andproviders

June 2020 Ongoing

16 Symptomatic staff and children must not attend school or Early Years settings, and will need to self isolate, as will theirhousehold members and any pupils/children and staff they have been in close contact with. Pupils/children and staff whobecome symptomatic whilst at school or nursey must return home and self-isolate for 14 days, or until they have testednegative if earlier.

Schools andproviders

June 2020 Ongoing

17 If children become symptomatic whilst at school or nursery, or other establishments, they will be cared for separatelyfrom other children according to infection control guidance, until arrangements can be made for them to be returned totheir parent / carer.

Schools andproviders

June 2020 Ongoing

18 In the event of a school or Early Years setting closure until a deep clean has been carried out, parents and carers will beinformed and kept updated.

Schools andproviders

June 2020 Ongoing

19 The Children’s Services response leads will communicate daily with schools and Early Years settings where there has beenan outbreak of Covid -19, linking in with the Director of Public Health, and ensuring the latest PH guidance is followed.

Heads of Servicesfor Schools andHead of Early Help

June 2020 Ongoing

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6.2 Children’s Services Wandsworth (continued)


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Recommended Action Action owner Target date Status


20 Suspected cases of Covid -19 within providers’ workforce to be recorded. Providers June 2020 Ongoing

21 Suspected cases of Covid-19 within schools and Early Years setting to be recorded. Schools and EarlyYears settings

June 2020 Ongoing

22 All visitors to schools and Early Years settings to be recorded to support Track and Trace. Schools and EarlyYears settings

June 2020 Ongoing

23 All providers of group services for families and children/young people, including council contractors to record all suspectedcases and all attendees to sessions.

Providers June 2020 Ongoing

Target Groups


Early Years settings and play groups

Care providers for Looked After Children

Care Leavers including UASC

Youth groups, Youth Offending staff and Gangs workers

Children’s Services contracted providers of services

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COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Recommended Action Assigned to

1 Review the Community Hub function to identify elements that will still be required as a consequence of Track andTrace (e.g. delivery of prescriptions, food parcels etc.)

Adult Social Care / Customer services

2 Communication to voluntary organisations to highlight that new clients may be identified as a result of track andtrace which need support

Community and Partnerships Team

3 Communication to voluntary organisations about the Track and Trace programme so that they are aware of how itoperates and support its implementation

Community and Partnerships Team

4 Responsible for the Wandsworth Enterprise Hub - organising or sourcing webinars and 1:1 business advice sessions forbusinesses - many of them are centred on recovery and business advice during the current crisis.https://wandsworthenterprisehub.com/

Economic Development Office

5 Engage with businesses on recovery Economic Development Office

6 Joint site visits and liaison with Highways for interventions and measures to accommodate social distancing, queuing,and trading in the current town centre environment

Economic Development Office

7 Work with the voluntary and community sector to determine the level of additional resource and assistance tovoluntary organisations needed to respond to Track and Trace (level of resource TBC pending consultation with thevoluntary sector)

Community and Partnerships Team

8 Share national and local guidance (e.g. guidance generated from EDO) with voluntary organisations Community and Partnerships Team

9 Community and partnerships team to liaise with voluntary organisations to ensure they have the capacity to meetneeds of vulnerable groups identified

Community and Partnerships Team

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6.3 High risk places, locations, and communities - Community and Partnerships and Environmental Health


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Recommended Action Assigned to

10 Businesses to develop continuity plans Businesses

11 Information to be shared with businesses on Track and Trace Economic Development Office

12 Relevant guidelines, advice and information circulated to businesses Economic Development Office

13 Weekly zoom meetings from the Chamber of Commerce and the council for all businesses Economic Development Office

14 Update the council’s Advice to Businesses web pages https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/business-and-licensing/business-support/covid-19-support-for-businesses-and-workers/covid-19-safety-measures-guidance-for-businesses-and-employers/ and https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/business-and-licensing/business-support/covid-19-support-for-businesses-and-workers/covid-19-support-for-businesses/.

Economic Development Office

15 Open4Business newsletter circulated to businesses Economic Development Office

16 Circulated a Guidance for Safely operating your Business leaflet (attached) Economic Development Office

17 Distributed ‘5 steps poster’ to businesseshttps://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/media/6724/staying_covid_19_secure_notice.pdf

Economic Development Office

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COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

6.3 High risk places, locations, and communities - Community and Partnerships and Environmental Health (continued)

Recommended Action Assigned to

18 Encourage businesses to apply for grants from local authority EDO/Community & Partnerships team

19 My Virtual Wandsworth used to promote businesses trading during lockdown https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/my-virtual-wandsworth/

Economic Development Office

20 Pavement stickers designed for town/district centres EDO with Highways and Graphics

21 Identify specific high-risk cohorts and associated voluntary organisations for targeted communications and support Public Health / Community & Partnerships Team

22 Regular Zoom meetings held with town centre and district centre businesses to pass on information and discussconcerns

Economic Development office

23 Clapham Junction Pub Watch meeting organised with Clapham Junction BID to consider concerns and issues,attended by RSP and Police

Economic Development office

24 Zoom meetings to be held with pubs, bars and clubs on 26th June, Community Safety and Police to attend asappropriate

Economic Development Office / RSP

25 Zoom meetings to be held with restaurants, cafes and takeaways on 30th June, Community Safety and Police toattend as appropriate

Economic Development Office / RSP

26 Zoom meeting to be held with beauty parlours, nail bars and hairdressers on 1st July, Community Safety and Police toattend as appropriate

Economic Development Office / RSP

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COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

6.3 High risk places, locations, and communities - Community and Partnerships and Environmental Health(continued)

Pillar 1 Antigen testing for symptomatic andasymptomatic front-line workers,patients and care home residentsdelivered by PHE

Care Homes can request whole-home testing for all residents (irrespective of symptoms) and asymptomatic staff via theGOV UK site

Acute hospital patients and staff (including those who are asymptomatic, where indicated by clinical need) can be testedin the hospital setting.

Outbreak testing – at the point of notification, PHE will request testing of symptomatic (and sometimes asymptomatic)individuals where appropriate, in order to inform outbreak management in various settings, including care homes, prisonsand hostels.

Pillar 2 NHS Test and Trace: Mass testing foranyone who has COVID-19 symptomsvia mobile testing units and home testkits

Symptomatic residents can apply via NHS website or by telephoning 119, to either be tested at a regional testing site,mobile testing unit or receive a home testing kit.

Regional testing centres at Chessington, Gatwick, Guildford, Heathrow and Twickenham

Mobile testing units (MTU) which are deployed in various locations across London for a few days at a time.

Essential workers can be referred via the GOV UK site, or in bulk via the GOV UK site

Pillar 3 Antibody testing to detect if peoplehave had COVID-19

Currently available for front line staff

Pillar 4 Antibody surveillance to understand theproportion of the population who havealready had COVID-19

Currently available through LCRC and also in Primary care

The Government has implemented a national antibody testing programme. Testing is available for health and social careworkers as well as patients in hospital, social care and primary care settings.

Pillar 5 Building a diagnostic industry.

6 Department of Health and Social Care (2020). Coronavirus (COVID-19): scaling up testing programmes. Available from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-scaling-up-testing-programmes

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6.4 Local testing capacity

National Testing Programme6:

Testing is a key pillar of the Government's strategy to protect the NHS and save lives. The focus is on two types oftests: 'swab tests' for people with symptoms to see if they have coronavirus; and 'antibody tests', which test for thepresence of antibodies that will demonstrate whether they have had the disease. The following table sets out asummary of the testing strategy:


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

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Getting Tested

The following groups of people can ask for a test through the NHS website:

l Anyone in England and Wales who has symptoms of coronavirus, whatever their age

The following groups of people can access priority testing through GOV.UK:

l Essential workers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

l Anyone in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland over 5 years old who has symptoms of coronavirus andlives with an essential worker

l Children under 5 years old in England and Wales who have symptoms of coronavirus and live with an essentialworker (this test must be performed by a parent or guardian)

Tests for essential workers are prioritised over the tests available for the wider public through the NHS.

Arrange a test if you’re an essential worker

The self-referral test booking route is available for essential workers in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The employer-referral test booking route is available for essential workers in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

You should be able to choose between a test site appointment and a home test kit.

Employer referral

The employer referral portal allows employers to refer essential workers who are self-isolating either because they ormember(s) of their household have coronavirus symptoms, for testing.

The employer referral portal is a secure portal for employers to use to upload the full list of names and contact detailsof self-isolating essential workers.

If referred through this portal, essential workers will receive a text message with a unique invitation code to book atest for themselves (if symptomatic) or their symptomatic household member(s) at a regional testing site.

In order to obtain a login, employers of essential workers should email [email protected] with:

l organisation name

l nature of the organisation’s business


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

7 ADPH London(2020). Mobile Testing Units: Guidance for Regional Coordination Groups and the directing of Mobile TestingUnites (MTUs). Unpublished.

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l region

l names (where possible) and email addresses of the 2 users who will load essential worker contact details

Once employer details have been verified, 2 login credentials will be issued for the employer referral portal.

Whole Care Home Testing Arrangements (DPH referral route)

Care homes can now access testing for all their residents and staff. Tests are available for booking via a new digitalportal for care home testing. The portal will make it as easy as possible for care homes to arrange tests, enablingthem to register directly for delivery and collection of test kits.

Directors of Public Health will contribute to the prioritisation of tests and support the local coordination of testing, sothat the sequence of testing meets local needs. Referrals will be reviewed by the Strategic Care Home OverviewGroup and be submitted on a weekly basis. The following prioritisation criteria will be followed, as agreed inconsultation with Public Health England:

l Care homes with a new outbreak (declared after the Health Protection Team have arranged for the initial testing ofany symptomatic residents).

l COVID-19 free care homes with over 50 beds.

l Care homes referred by local authorities based on size (over 50 beds) and local knowledge.

Regional Testing Centres

The Department of Health and Social Care have set up 50 drive in testing centres across the UK.

A test can be booked by symptomatic individuals via the Government’s testing portal. The testing centres closest toRichmond and Wandsworth are Chessington World of Adventures and Twickenham Rugby Stadium.

Mobile Testing Units Deployment

Mobile Testing Unites (MTUs) are part of the Government’s national infrastructure for COVID-19 testing, with theaim of expanding the reach of testing across the UK. MTUs offer agile temporary testing capabilities that can be setup quickly to serve communities as required.

The high-level direction and supply of MTUs sits with the DHSC, with decisions around their daily deployment beingmade at a London wide level by the MTU Deployment Cell. The MTU Cell directs the movement of MTUs, but withgreater input from Directors of Public Health (DPH). While DPHs will have the power to direct MTUs in response tooutbreaks, the decision to do so will be taken together with London Covid Response Cell (LCRC), building on theexisting model and the learned experience and familiarity with the capability held by MTU Cell7.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

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The current local testing strategy provides MTUs to the borough for regular two—day visits. In addition, these aresupported by a permanent testing facility at Football Twickenham Rugby Stadium. All tests offered in the boroughsare available by booking only. If the London Coronavirus Response Cell (LCRC) or Local Authority IncidentManagement Team or Director of Public Health identifies a situation where an enhanced investigation will berequired, e.g.:

l Schools

l Universities / halls of residence

l Other educational settings

l A complex workplace

l A place of worship, place of mass gathering – once these are allowed

If the number of tests required for outbreak management cannot be met through the usual route of LCRC arrangingPHE pillar 1 tests AND the scale of the outbreak is such that a local testing site is required, a decision will be taken bythe DPH to call in a MTU for the following day. The operational process to instigate MTUs will be implementedaccording to the Mobile Unit Guidance Notes for Deployment Protocol.

MTUs can be deployed with 12 hours' notice, so would be available the following day. The current process aroundrequesting support from MTU is awaiting confirmation, however all requests for support can be sent [email protected]


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

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6.5 Contact tracing in complex settings

Please see Standard Operating Procedures for Care Homes and Schools in section 7.

Roles & Responsibilities of Environmental Health

Based on Joint Agreement between the PHE London Coronavirus Response Centre and London Local Authorities forsupporting the management of COVID-19 outbreaks and complex settings

Role of Environmental Health in complex settings (Prevention & Support)

1. Working with communications to provide businesses with information on outbreak control Providing webinars oninfection control

2. Responding to requests for advice and assistance in relation to outbreak control. Assessing adequacy of riskassessments

3. Carrying out assessments for adequacy of the Risk Assessments and providing advice and assistance as required

4. Working in partnership with HSE in HSE enforced locations to ensure a consistency of approach

5. Engagement with key stakeholders to ensure outbreak control plans are up to date.

6. Supporting the communication to businesses, the Council and the local community

7. Participation in the Local Authority Contact Tracing Working Group


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

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Role of Environmental Health during outbreaks in complex settings (Investigation & Support)

1. Participation in Incident Management team and provide further support to setting following IMT

2. Support vulnerable contacts who are required to self-isolate

3. Assistance with local communications e.g. briefings for Councillors, local press, businesses, participation with

communication with the local community

4. Participation in infection control follow up/investigation/review

5. Covid-19 secure risk assessments support for affected complex settings

6. Inspection of food premises, food preparation areas and enforcement as necessary


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Report Data Description Use of data Responsibility

COVID-19 inPHE Centres- Daily reportfor LondonPHE Centre

Confirmed cases

Second Generation Surveillance System (SGSS)

SGSS includes only laboratory-confirmed casesreported to PHE. SGSS data is furtherduplicated and cleaned by the PHE ICCEpidemiology Cell that provides the finaldataset used in this report.

Briefing and scenario planningwith Gold, Health ProtectionCOVID Board, and BRF

Director ofPublic Health

LSATpostcodedata - PHE

Daily line listing of new confirmed cases inLondon.

• Age (in years)

• Patient Post Code

• Local Authority

Daily surveillance by COVID-19Response Team

Notification of LCRC andrelevant partner regarding anyemerging clusters.

COVID-19Response Team

PHE Pillar 1exceedancereport

This report provides a summary of the Pillar 1COVID-19 cases in the ten days investigationperiod. All the results reported are derived fromthe time-series of laboratory confirmed casesby specimen date for each lower tier localauthority

Briefing and scenario planningwith Gold and BRF

Director ofPublic Health

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COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Report Data Description Use of data Responsibility

Covid CareHomeTestingReport

Opened Date Case Number+CQC Registration Number / Care Home NameRegistered Places / Total Number of ResidentsNumber of Symptomatic ResidentsPercentage of Residents SymptomaticTotal Number of StaffRegion / County Council Location / StatusNumber of Tests RequestedNumber of Tests DeliveredTest Kit Type / Delivery MethodEstimated Delivery DateCollection Date 1 / Revised Collection Date 1Collection Date 2 / Revised Collection Date 2Collection Date 3 / Revised Collection Date 3

Weekly update on carehomes engagement withWhole Care Home TestingProgramme.

Fortnightly report toStrategic Care HomeOverview Group

Inclusion in Care HomesInfection prevention and Control Dashboard

IPC HealthProtectionLeads PublicHealth

Pillar 2TestingDashboardfor LocalGovernment

NHS Digital has produced Pillar 2 TestingDashboards using current data to provideanonymous counts of Covid-19 tests completed andtests which are deemed void, aggregated by UpperTier Local Authorities (UTLA) to aid in the responseto the COVID-19 pandemic (Disclosed Data).

• 7-Day Positive Pillar 2 Tests per 100K Pop• 7-Day Overall Cases (PHE - Pillar 1) per 100K Pop• Daily Tests and 7 Day Moving Avg of Total

and Positive Tests• 7-Day Pillar2 Tests, % Positive by UTLA• 7-Day 111 Triages (Telephony) per 100K Pop.• Triages Trend - Daily and 7-Day Moving Avg• 7-Day 111 Triages (Telephony)

Briefing and scenarioplanning with Gold andBRF

Director ofPublic Health

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6.7 Vulnerable people - Adult Social Service:


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Recommended Action


1 To manage the response for any vulnerable person who requires support during the period of self-isolation

2 To manage the individual data received on vulnerable people needing support, setting up systems to record thedata and provide data returns required by Government

3 To provide information and support to providers of social care services re track and trace


4 Consider additional member of staff for data management

5 Consider additional SW staff to deal with and manage the response for any vulnerable people who requiresupport during the period of self-isolation


6 Shielded people: Consider specific messaging for people who are shielded

7 Providers: Need to understand how track and trace works and potential impact on their business continuityplans, their staff and their service users


8 Systems put in place to provide support for shielded people can be used to provide support for vulnerablepeople who are required to self-isolate

9 Recording systems on Mosaic will have to be modified to capture this group and any specific data requirementsfrom Government

Target groups

10 Extra care: Sheltered housing, supported living, people receiving homecare: Providers to be prepared for anypotential outbreak. Links with WBC housing dept/RHP

11 Day-care: Consider how the service would cope with an outbreak as part of any plans to re-open daycentres

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6.8 Communications


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Recommended Action


1 Updating council Covid-19 web pages

2 Encourage engagement with local engagement board

3 Link to BRF communications strategy/plan

4 Identify who will be the local media spokesperson


5 Include a protocol for pooling limited Comms resources to form a joint communications team and maintaininga minimum presence overnight

6 Provide protocol / plans to ‘requisition’ staff from other areas with suitable skills to help with Comms (e.g. Policy Unit, Borough Comms Champions, good admin staff, neighbouring authorities)


7 Promoting Test and Track campaign resources locally https://coronavirusresources.phe.gov.uk/Test-and-Trace/resources/

8 Promoting use of face coverings and continue with Hand Hygiene measureshttps://coronavirusresources.phe.gov.uk/stay-alert-to-stay-safe-/resources/

9 Liaise with Public Health to prepare templates for messages to be completed and issued at each alert level(internal, partners, public, media), to include health and non-health messages

10 Distribute local posters/banners to publicise infectious disease messages borough-wide, with poster campaignbeing led by the PHE.

11 Provide a holding statement for issue when the first case(s) are reported / confirmed within the borough.Ensure that messages do not cause undue panic whilst not compromising national messages

12 Ensure that initial Comms around unconfirmed cases are confined to reporting known facts, avoidingspeculation

13 Prepare for local reaction to national announcements before they are made

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6.8 Communications (continued)

In addition to the local action plan the strategy developed by the London Council’s will also be implemented.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Recommended Action


14 Provide information on where public can access pandemic materials, including information on differentiatingthe various infectious disease types (seasonal, avian, pandemic)

15 Ensure no local announcements are made prior to consultation with centre and partners

Target groups

16 Targeted messages to be developed for communities experiencing local outbreaks

17 Varied messages to be promoted in a variety of formats to reach specific communities

18 Make arrangements to brief local media editors around pandemic planning arrangements

19 Provide scripts for reception and other front-line staff e.g. switchboard

20 Target those staff remaining at work to maintain morale, contact those who are off sick regarding welfareconsiderations, and Flu Heroes returning to work

21 Promote messages produced by PHE/NHSE. In the absence of such messages prepare messages for those thathave been in contact with / close proximity to suspected or actual cases

22 Prepare and document process by which infectious disease messages to be passed on by school, nurse, PublicHealth, Education Authority when cases are identified in schools

23 Include specific arrangements for reaching those with ‘No fixed Abode’, those in closed communities such ashealth care facilities, hard to reach groups, faith and community groups and bereaved

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7 Standard Operating ProceduresThe departmental roles outlined in the action plans and standard operating procedures are supported by the council’sexisting out of hours arrangements. Should action be needed out of hours, this can be arranged via WandsworthEmergency Control who can contact the on-duty Emergency Planning Officer for liaison with relevant departmental leads.

Care Homes: Standard Operating Procedures, Roles and Responsibilities (COVID-19)


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

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Page 38: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

Schools: Standard Operating Procedures, Roles and Responsibilities (COVID-19)


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

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Page 39: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

Workplace: Standard Operating Procedures, Roles and Responsibilities (COVID-19)


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

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Page 40: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

Community Clusters: Standard Operating Procedures, Roles and Responsibilities (COVID-19)


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

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Page 41: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

Appendix 1: Wandsworth Local Outbreak Engagement Board Terms of Reference

Author: Richmond & Wandsworth Councils Emergency Planning Unit on behalf of Wandsworth Local Outbreak Engagement Board

Review Frequency: Annually

Next Review Due: June 2021

Version: Version 0.1

Version ControlThese terms of reference will be reviewed annually and updated as and when necessary.

Document CustodiansAny comments or amendments should be notified to the document custodians, details below:Shannon KatiyoDirector of Public [email protected] Telphone: 020 8734 3014Debra WesternEmergency Planning Officer [email protected] Telphone: 020 8871 5747Ali MalvernSenior Emergency Planning Assistant [email protected] Telphone: 020 8871 5737


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Version Date of Change Amendments Responsible Officer

Version 0.1 June 2021 Draft ToR Debbie Western

Page 42: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect


As part of the national response to COVID-19, a national contact tracing programme (Test, Track and Isolate) is beingestablished to enable rapid isolation of contacts of possible or confirmed COVID-19 cases and maintain low levels ofcommunity transmission.

Local Authority Directors of Public Health were tasked with developing and implementing Local Outbreak Control Planswhich determine the local response and how it works alongside the national system.

An element of the Outbreak Control Plan is the development of the Local Outbreak Engagement Board (the Board). The Board provides political ownership and public-facing engagement and communication for outbreak response; it willfacilitate co-operation and information sharing between stakeholders and will report to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Provide political ownership and public-facing engagement and communication for outbreak response.


l To improve the collective understanding of COVID-19 related issues affecting local communities and groups

l To identify key public health messages that will promote effective prevention, contact tracing, testing and outbreakcontrol across the borough

l To develop a communication and engagement plan that explains the purpose of local outbreak control plans, andpromotes testing, contact tracing and outbreak control arrangements


The Board will be a sub-group of the Wandsworth Health and Wellbeing Board and bring together representatives fromthe council and cross-party elected members:

l Leader of the Council

l Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health

l Opposition Spokesperson for Adult Social Care and Health

l Director of Public Health

l Director of Adult Social Services and Public Health

l Communications

l Community and Partnerships Officers


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Page 43: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan


The Board forms one element of the local response:

Chair Membership Purpose Accountable to

Local Authority Contact Tracing Working Group

Director of Public Health Adult Social Services and Public Health Environmental Health Services Communications Children’s Services

Develop local outbreak control plans Local authorityGold

Local Outbreak Engagement Board

Leader of the Council Cabinet Member for Adult SocialCare and Health Opposition Spokesperson forAdult Social Care and HealthDirector of Public HealthDirector of Adult Social Servicesand Public HealthCommunicationsCommunity and Partnerships

Political and partner oversight of strategic response.

Provide political ownership and public-facing engagement andcommunication for outbreak response.

Health andWellbeing Board

Strategic Co-ordinatingGroup

Director of Public Health,Chief Inspector,Response, MetropolitanPolice Service

Multi-agency representation,including PH, NHS (incl. CCG,HUHT, ELFT, GP Confed) EPRR,ASC, CFS, and comms

Borough Resilience Forum; supports and co-ordinates with localgroups to support the delivery of outbreak plans.

Local AuthorityGold

Covid-19 Protection Board

(Integrated into theRichmond and WandsworthPublic Health Board)

Director of Public Health AD representatives from acrossCouncil Directorates and CCG.PHE Health Protection LeadGP Clinical Leads

Responsible for determining council’s overall management, policyand strategy and achieving strategic objectives; delivering swiftresource deployment Provide assurance that there are safe, effective and well-testedplans in place to protect the health of local population during Covid• Provide infection control expertise• Lead development and delivery of local plans• Link directly to regional PHE teams

Health andWellbeing Board

Page 44: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

Appendix 2: Track and Trace Funding Wandsworth

Local authorities have been awarded additional funding to support the new Test and Trace service, mitigate againstand manage local outbreaks of COVID-19. This funding will support the development of the action plans and theirimplementation to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our boroughs.

Implementing the local outbreak control plan is a council wide effort and this is reflected in how the grant fundingwill be used to increase capacity to manage potential outbreaks across council directorates, with central coordinationand support from the Public Health division. The table below sets out the service areas and additional capacityrequired to support outbreak management.


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Role Number of Posts

Data handling 0.5

Health Protection 1.5

Environmental Health 1.33

Adult Social Care 0.5

Children’s Services 4

Page 45: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect


COVID 19 Local Outbreak Control Plan

Document information

Title Wandsworth Local Outbreak Control Plan

Prepared for Shannon Katiyo, Director of Public Health, Richmond and Wandsworth Councils

Prepared by Emergency Planning Unit, on behalf of the Public Health Team

Last updated June 2020, V1


Terms of Reference for Wandsworth Local Outbreak Engagement Boards

Plan approval Local Authority Gold

Page 46: Local Outbreak Control Plan - wandsworth.gov.uk · Local Directors of Public Health (DsPH) are responsible for putting in place measures to identify and contain outbreaks and protect

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