login page5 evaluator extranet 6 basic system administration

GrantMaker User Guide – last updated 8/24/2010 Page 1 of 49 Introduction ........................................... 3 General Concepts ............................................................................................................ 3 Login Page ............................................ 5 Evaluator Extranet ................................ 6 My Applications.............................................................................................................. 6 Pending Applications ...................................................................................................... 6 Approved Applications ................................................................................................... 7 Application Detail ........................................................................................................... 8 Basic System Administration .............. 11 System Users................................................................................................................. 12 Queues........................................................................................................................... 14 Grants ............................................................................................................................ 15 Grant Opportunities ...................................................................................................... 16 Rating Criteria............................................................................................................... 16 Grant Applications ........................................................................................................ 19 Feedback ....................................................................................................................... 21 File Manager ................................................................................................................. 23 Bulk Application Tool .................................................................................................. 23 Advanced System Administration ....... 25 Application Field Groups.............................................................................................. 25 Application Field .......................................................................................................... 26 Application Intake Forms ............................................................................................. 31 Site Configuration ......................................................................................................... 35 Considerations for Multiple Application Form Types .................................................. 37 Reports ............................................... 40 Running Reports ........................................................................................................... 40 Report Types ................................................................................................................. 42

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Introduction ...........................................3

General Concepts ............................................................................................................ 3

Login Page............................................5

Evaluator Extranet ................................6

My Applications.............................................................................................................. 6 Pending Applications ...................................................................................................... 6 Approved Applications ................................................................................................... 7 Application Detail........................................................................................................... 8

Basic System Administration ..............11

System Users................................................................................................................. 12 Queues........................................................................................................................... 14 Grants............................................................................................................................ 15 Grant Opportunities ...................................................................................................... 16 Rating Criteria............................................................................................................... 16 Grant Applications ........................................................................................................ 19 Feedback ....................................................................................................................... 21 File Manager ................................................................................................................. 23 Bulk Application Tool .................................................................................................. 23

Advanced System Administration .......25

Application Field Groups.............................................................................................. 25 Application Field .......................................................................................................... 26 Application Intake Forms ............................................................................................. 31 Site Configuration......................................................................................................... 35 Considerations for Multiple Application Form Types.................................................. 37

Reports ...............................................40

Running Reports ........................................................................................................... 40 Report Types................................................................................................................. 42

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Letter Merges......................................43

Running a Report to Export Data.................................................................................. 43 Creating the Template................................................................................................... 43 Merging the Two........................................................................................................... 43 A Note on Merge Fields................................................................................................ 47 A Note on Microsoft Word Versions............................................................................ 47

Grant Application Filtering...................47

Support ...............................................48

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GrantMaker is a web-based application designed to streamline the grant application, review and approval process for public and private foundations and agencies. This documentation provides information on both the basic evaluator functionality, as well as the more advanced administration of grants and system users. Please note that only those users with the proper roles within the system will be able to access the administrative capabilities of the system. General Concepts

The GrantMaker system is a product, which comes ready to use “out of the box”, however there are many areas of the system which are completely customizable to your organization’s needs. It is important to go through all of the possible configurations in this user guide, to become familiar with what possibilities exist for your evaluation process. Time should be spent initially, before starting to use the system on live application data, to understand the concepts used throughout the system, so that it can be set up properly for your organization’s grants process. A good idea is to run through some sample application data in your system, to make sure that it has all the fields you wish to track, rating criteria for your evaluators, queues, memorized reports ready to be run, etc. Here are some general concepts that may help to familiarize you with the various functions of the GrantMaker system: System Users Your organization is allotted a certain number of user licenses, depending on your subscription, and these users can be set up as administrative users, evaluators, or both, depending on the roles and permissions you give them. A system user with only the permission to evaluate applications, will see the Evaluator Extranet but will not see a link the administrative area.

Evaluator Extranet The Evaluator Extranet is the area of your organization’s GrantMaker site where your reviewers will log in to, in order to review, comment and rate grant applications which are pending their review.

Grants A “grant” in the system, can be likened to a category. Some organizations have multiple grant types going on during the year, therefore they will need to categorize the applications that come in. For those with a single grant type, there may only be one single grant that is always used.

Grant Opportunities Grant opportunities can be compared to the funding cycles your foundation used to give out a particular grant. For instance, you may have a single grant but it is given out three times a year. You could create a grant opportunity for each funding cycle for the year (e.g. “2009 – Round 1”.) Grant applications belong to a grant opportunity, so you can configure the system to keep all your applications for a particular funding cycle together.

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Grant Applications Grant applications are the main object in the system, used for tracking all the information about an applicant and the application process itself. Although the grant application’s main purpose is during the application and review process, it can also be used to track the post-award process depending on the fields configured for your applications.

Grant Application Fields Although the GrantMaker product is initially set up with a number of stock fields by default, an administrator is able to edit, remove, or add fields to be used in tracking your applications. The initial set up of fields, based on your offline application form for instance, is a very important step in the configuration process. These fields can simply be the data collected in a normal application for your grants or can include fields that are for internal use, beyond the normal set of fields an applicant must fill out.

Grant Application Intake Forms Application intake forms can be generated from the system, based on the fields configured for your grant applications. An intake form is used to allow your applicants to submit an application online to a particular grant opportunity. It is possible to generate a fully functioning HTML page to be placed on your organization’s site, for your applicants to fill out. The form validates required fields, processes the form, enters an application into your GrantMaker system, and can even send an email notification to a configured email address. The fields included in the intake form are chosen at the time the form is generated. In general, the fields are a subset of the fields available to the administrator when managing grant applications. In this way, it can be considered the “front door” view into your GrantMaker system.

Grant Application Views The database of fields used to track grant application is entirely configurable by your organization. This includes the ability to configure where these fields will appear. There are a number of views of a grant application including the administrative view and evaluator extranet view, however the basic idea is that there are a set of fields for your grant applications, and it is up to an administrator to decide which of these fields of data are shown in each view. But an administrator will always see all of the possible fields for an application, when managing a grant application in the administrative interface.

Queues Depending on the size of your organization, you may have a large number of evaluators. The queues can be used to organize those users into more meaningful groups. A queue can have one or more system users. A grant application belongs to a single queue. An evaluator will only see those grant applications for the queues to which they belong. Therefore, by properly organizing your queues, you can set up your system to quickly make a grant application available for review by only the intended evaluators.

Rating Criteria Each grant opportunity has it’s own set of rating criteria which is used by evaluators to rate an application. The rating criteria can be set up with a number of themes, but in general it has a name, description and a range of possible values. Those values can be used to calculate an overall application score, depending on how you have your system configured.

Memorized Reports When running reports, you may wish to customize the report by adding a filter on the data or changing which fields will show up in the report. During the process of running a report, you

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have the option to save the report configuration, so that you can easily go back in to the reporting section and re-run that particular report. Through memorized reports, you are able to create completely custom report types for your administrators to run.

Login Page

In order to access either the Evaluator Extranet or Administrative area a user must first log in to the system. If the login page does not immediately appear upon navigating to the site, it can be reached by clicking the “Login” link in the upper right hand corner of the site. The login page asks for the username and password of the user in order to access protected content.

Figure 1

There are multiple options available to a user on the login screen. The user can click the “Remember Me” checkbox to save their username and password in a browser cookie so that they do not have to reenter their login credentials the next time they visit the site on the same machine. Please note that you should only use this option if you are accessing your GrantMaker system from your own machine, and not from a shared machine accessed by many other users.

If at any point you forget your password, you can click the “Forgot your password?” link to have it e-mailed to you. Simply enter your username and e-mail address on record, and the system will reset your password and e-mail it to you. At any time you can change your password by clicking on the “Change My Password” link, and entering your username, current password, and the new password you would like it changed to.

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Evaluator Extranet

The Evaluator Extranet is a general term used to describe the place where internal “evaluators” can access all current applications via a secure website accessible from anywhere in the world. It is there that they may view, rate and comment on applications.

My Applications

The first tab on the page containing the Evaluator Extranet is the “My Applications” tab. This contains two spotlights which will highlight those applications that are under review and either require the evaluator's action or have recently been evaluated by the logged in user. Applications, for which the evaluator has yet to submit ratings for, are listed in the left-hand spotlight. Those applications for which the user has already submitted ratings for, but are still under review by the organization are listed in the right-hand spotlight. Click on the application label to get to the application's detail page where ratings and comments can be submitted. Users will only be able to see applications which are located in a queue to which they belong.

Figure 2

Pending Applications

The second tab contains the complete list of grant applications in the system which are still pending review by the organization, and which are located in a queue to which the user belongs. This is basically a combination of the two spotlights on the previous tab, displayed in a table ordered by the “applicantname” field, which may be labeled differently depending on your organization’s needs.

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Figure 3

The filter allows an evaluator to narrow down the list based on certain criteria. This filter is dynamically generated based on settings in the administrative area. To filter by a particular field, simply choose the field from the drop down menu of filterable fields, select the

restriction to filter on, and add the value to filter on if necessary. Click the button to add the filter. You can remove filters by clicking the red next to the applied filter in the list. Optionally you can specify to include “All Criteria” or “Any Criteria” in the filter. If “All Criteria” is specified then only applications which meet all of the filter restrictions will be listed. If “Any Criteria” is selected then applications which meet any one of the filter restrictions will be listed. Therefore you can see that “All Criteria” is more restrictive than “Any Criteria”. You

must click the button to update the filter with this change. The Grant Application Filtering section has further information on using filters on grant application lists.

Approved Applications

The third tab in the Evaluator Extranet shows a complete list of all applications which have been approved by the organization. There is a brief summary of the total projects awarded and then the projects are shown in a table which is ordered by the application label. This tab can be turned off by an administrator in the “Site Configuration” section discussed later in this document. Alternatively the summary box at the top of the page can be hidden by a setting also located in the “Site Configuration” section of the admin.

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Figure 4

The filter allows an evaluator to narrow down the list based on certain criteria. This filter is dynamically generated based on settings in the administrative area. To filter by a particular field, simply choose the field from the drop down menu of filterable fields, select the

restriction to filter on, and add the value to filter on if necessary. Click the button to add the filter. You can remove filters by clicking the red next to the applied filter in the list. Optionally you can specify to include “All Criteria” or “Any Criteria” in the filter. If “All Criteria” is specified then only applications which meet all of the filter restrictions will be listed. If “Any Criteria” is selected then applications which meet any one of the filter restrictions will be listed. Therefore you can see that “All Criteria” is more restrictive than “Any Criteria”. You

must click the button to update the filter with this change. The Grant Application Filtering section has further information on using filters on grant application lists.

Application Detail

The final tab will appear after an application link is clicked on from one of the previous three tabs. This shows the complete detail of the grant application. Depending on the current status of the application being viewed, the evaluator will be able to either submit or simply view ratings or comments for the application.

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Figure 5

Comments Current comments are displayed in a list in the “Comments” spotlight, with the most recent comment displayed first all the way down to the oldest comment on the application. Each comment in the list shows the name of the system user who submitted the comment and the date and time of that comment. If the application is currently in the status of “Pending” then the option to delete a comment that the current logged in user previously submitted will be available.

Also, if the application is currently in the status of “Pending” then the option to submit a comment will be available. In order to add a comment, type in the comment in the multi-line text box just below the “Add A Comment” title and click the “Submit Comment” button to add the comment to the list above for this application. Please note that clicking the “Submit

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Comment” button will not save any ratings that you may have filled out while typing out your comment.

By default the “Comments” box is always displayed on the detail tab, however there are configuration settings available to show or hide the box depending on whether the current logged in user has submitted ratings for the currently viewed application. The settings can be made so that it always appears, it appears only after the current user has submitted ratings for a "Pending" application, it appears always after the current user has submitted ratings for the current application regardless of the application’s status, or never. This setting can be updated in the “Site Configuration” section of the administrative area by an administrator with the proper permissions.

Ratings The first spotlight in the right-hand column will show the “Current Average Ratings” as calculated from all ratings submitted by evaluator users in the system.

The second spotlight will show the “Overall Application Score”, as calculated based on the weighting of each rating criteria available, using all ratings submitted by evaluator users in the system.

The third spotlight will show the “My Application Score”, as calculated based on the weighting of each rating criteria available, using the ratings submitted by the currently logged in evaluator.

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r s.

By default the “Current Average Ratings”,




Basic System Administration

The fourth spotlight will show the “Rating Legend” based on the default rating style for the system. This should only be used if your organization uses the same rating style across all rating criteria. This optional spotlight is turned off by default, but can be configured in the “Site Configuration” section of the administrative area by an awith the proper permissions.

The bottom-most spotlight in the right-hand column labeled “My Ratings” shows the ratings which the currently logged in user hsubmitted. If the application is currently in thestatus of “Pending” then the option to manage ratings will be available. Simply select the radio button next to the symbol in the low to high scale which reflects the value you give this application for each particular rating category. Once you are satisfied with you selection, click the “Submit Rating” button to save your ratings. Note that cthe “Submit Rating” button will not submit acomment typed into the text box in the “Comments” spotlight. If the application is currently in the status of “Approved” the usewill be able to view but not edit their rating

“Overall Application Score”, and “My Application Score” boxes are always displayed on the detail tab, however thare configuration settings available to showor hide the boxes depending on whether the current logged in user has submitted ratings for the currently viewed application. The settings can be made so that it always appears, it appears only after the currenuser has submitted ratings for a "Pending" application, it appears always after the current user has submitted ratings for the current application regardless of the applicationstatus, or never. This setting can be updated in the “Site Configuration” section of the administrative area by an administrator with the proper permissions.

A system user with administrative rights will have an “Admin” link at the bottom right of the page

er s

which will bring the user to the administrative section of the site. This is where an admin can manage the System Users, Queues, Grants, Grant Opportunities, Grant Applications, and othconfiguration items in the system. Depending on the roles given to the user, the following sectionwill be available:

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Figure 6

System Users

The system user section is where an admin can manage the information on a user, including their roles within the system, as well as their login credentials. This area also provides the ability to activate or deactivate a user, as well as emailing users their login information.

List View After clicking on the “System User” link off the main admin index, a list of all users in the system will be displayed. This list will be sorted by the user's label which is the “last name, first name” of the user. To filter the list of users, click on the "Show Filter" button, choose the data to filter by, and click the "Apply Filter" button. To remove a previously set filter, click the "Show All" button. The total number of users displayed is located above the table. If there are more than twenty users in the list, it will be separated in to pages which can be navigated with the links below the list.

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Figure 7

While viewing the list of users there are multiple options available to perform on a specific user. The “Active” column determines whether the user account is currently active, meaning the system will allow them to log in, or deactivated, meaning the system will deny the user access to the site the next time they attempt to log in. Click on the checkbox next to the user

for which you wish to toggle the Active setting. Next to each user is an button to e-mail the user's password to their current E-mail Address. Alternatively an admin can send a password e-mail to all users in the currently filtered list by clicking the button at the bottom of the list. The users will receive an individual e-mail with their username and password along with a URL for logging in to the site. Finally each user in the list has an

button next to it which brings the admin to a detail page for editing that user's information.

ueues”, and aining fields are

informational only and not used within the system functionality.

will be used in identifying a user for things like comments submitted on grant applications.


at r

Detail View The detail view of a system user allows an administrator to manage information about the user. The only required fields are "Username", "Password", and "Landing Page" are marked with a red * (star) character next to the name. The "First Name", "Last Name", “Q"User Role" fields are also important within the system. The rem

First Name/Last Name * - The "First Name" and "Last Name" fields have obvious implications, however it should be noted that this

Username/Password * - The "Username" and "Password" fields are where the logcredentials will be set for this particular user. The system will check to insure ththe username is unique amongst yousystem users. To assign this user a

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east eight (8) alphanumeric characters.


ever you may wish to have a user with administrative rights land on the admin index page.

rtain batches of users to see particular grant

t y to


contains all users and grant applications.

the ve been given permission upon logging in and

navigating to the administrative index.

Once the updates are complete

, and the "Reset" button will changes made to their original state.

password, check the "Update Password" box and enter the password twice. If the "UpPassword" box is not checked, the password will not be updated. You must enter the password twice to confirm any updates. Note that passwords must be made of at l

Landing Page * - The "Landing Page" field allows an admin to set the page for which awill land after logging in to the system. For most users this will be set to the Evaluator Extranet page, how

Queues - The "Queues" field allows an admin to place users into one or more queues. Queues are used in the system to allow ceapplications. Only users who belong to a particular queue in which a grant application is located will be able to view, rate, commenthe grant application. This acts as a waset permissions on grant applications, therefore if your organization does not require the use of separate permissions for separate grant applications and users, tyou can simply have one queue which

User Role - The "User Role" field allows an admin to give permissions to other users to access the evaluator area and administrative portion of the site to manage various items in the site. Your evaluators should at least have the role of “Evaluation of Grant Applications” however you can give any user further permissions to manage administrative items by clicking on the remaining roles. A user with permissions to the admin area will only seesections of the admin for which they ha

on a System User, you can save the changes by clicking "Apply" which does a save but remains on the user detail page, or "Done" which will save the changes while bringing you back to the list view. The "Back" button returns to the list view without saving any changes

revert any current unsaved


The queues section allows an administrator to manage the queues used to give permissions to particular grant applications in the system.

r the

list, it will be separated in to pages which can be navigated with the links below the list.

to perform o

List View After clicking on the “Queue” link off the main admin index, a list of all queues in the system will be displayed. This list will be sorted by the queue's label alphabetically. The total numbeof queues displayed is located above the table. If there are more than twenty queues in

While viewing the list of queues there are multiple options available n a specific

queue. You can remove a queue from the system by clicking the button, however you can only remove a queue if there are no users or grant applications associated with it.

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Each queue in the list has an button next to it which brings the admin to a detail page for editing that queue's information. To create a new queue click the button, this will bring you to the detail page for entering the queue information.

Detail View The detail view of a queue allows an administrator to manage information about the queue. The only required field is “Name” which is used as the label throughout the administrative area. “Description” is a place to put any internal notes about the queue, however it is not used anywhere in the system. Finally you can use the list boxes at the bottom of the page to easily move your system users in and out of the current queue. Simply use the arrows to move users back and forth between the “Available Users” and “Included Users” lists, where “Included Users” is the list of users who actually belong to the queue.

Once the updates are complete on a queue, you can save the changes by clicking "Apply" which does a save but remains on the queue detail page, or "Done" which will save the changes while bringing you back to the list view. The "Back" button returns to the list view without saving any changes, and the "Reset" button will revert any current unsaved changes made to their original state.


The grants section allows an administrator to manage the grants used to categorize your grant opportunities and grant applications in the system. This directly affects the dropdown list of grants when managing your grant opportunities.

List View After clicking on the “Grant” link off the main admin index, a list of all grants in the system will be displayed. This list will be sorted by the grant's label alphabetically. The total number of grants displayed is located above the table. If there are more than twenty grants in the list, it will be separated in to pages which can be navigated with the links below the list.

While viewing the list of grants there are multiple options available to perform on a specific

grant. You can copy a grant by clicking the button. You can remove a grant from the system by clicking the “Delete” button, however you can only remove a grant if there are no

grant opportunities associated with it. Each grant in the list has an button next to it which brings the admin to a detail page for editing that grant's information. To create a new grant click the button, this will bring you to the detail page for entering the grant information.

Detail View The detail view of a grant allows an administrator to manage information about the grant. The only required field is “Name” which is used as the label throughout the administrative area. “Description” is a place to put any internal notes about the grant, however it is not used anywhere in the system.

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Once the updates are complete on a grant, you can save the changes by clicking which does a save but remains on the grant detail page, or which will save the changes while bringing you back to the list view. The button returns to the list view without saving any changes, and the button will revert any current unsaved changes made to their original state.

Grant Opportunities

The grant opportunities section allows an administrator to manage the grant opportunities used to categorize your grant applications in the system. Grant opportunities have rating criteria which affect all of the grant applications beneath them.

List View After clicking on the “Grant Opportunity” link off the main admin index, a list of all grant opportunities in the system will be displayed. This list will be sorted by the grant opportunity's label alphabetically. The total number of grant opportunities displayed is located above the table. If there are more than twenty grant opportunities in the list, it will be separated in to pages which can be navigated with the links below the list.

While viewing the list of grant opportunities there are multiple options available to perform on a specific grant opportunity. You can copy a grant opportunity by clicking the “Copy” button. Note that copying a grant opportunity also copies all of the rating criteria set up for that opportunity, to avoid reentry. You can remove a grant opportunity from the system by clicking the “Delete” button, however you can only remove a grant opportunity if there are no grant applications associated with it. Each grant opportunity in the list has an “Edit” button next to it which brings the admin to a detail page for editing that grant opportunity's information. To create a new grant opportunity click the button, this will bring you to the detail page for entering the grant opportunity information. You may also click on the “Applications” button to manage grant applications or click on the “Rating Criteria” button to manage the rating criteria for a particular grant opportunity.

Detail View The detail view of a grant opportunity allows an administrator to manage information about the grant opportunity. The required fields are the “Grant” dropdown list and “Name”, which is used as the label throughout the administrative area. “Description” is a place to put any internal notes about the grant opportunity, however it is not used anywhere in the system.

Once the updates are complete on a grant opportunity, you can save the changes by clicking "Apply" which does a save but remains on the grant opportunity detail page, or "Done" which will save the changes while bringing you back to the list view. The "Back"

button returns to the list view without saving any changes, and the "Reset" button will revert any current unsaved changes made to their original state.

Rating Criteria

When evaluators are reviewing an application they may submit ratings to any number of

rating criteria managed by clicking on the button from the list view for a particular grant opportunity. Rating criteria apply to all applications for this particular grant

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opportunity in the system. Rating criteria can be added or removed at any time, however only the current list of criteria will be displayed to the evaluator to submit or view ratings.

List View

After clicking on the button from the list view of grant opportunities, a list of all current criteria for this opportunity will be displayed. This list will be sorted by the sequence of the rating criteria in the system. The total number of rating criteria in the list is displayed above the table. If there are more than twenty items in the list, it will be separated in to pages which can be navigated with the links below the list.

To create a new rating criterion click the button, this will bring you to the detail page for entering the criterion information. If there are currently rating criteria in the system you will see multiple options available to perform on a specific item. The “Copy” button allows you to make an exact copy of a given rating criterion. The “Up” and “Down” buttons to the right of each rating criterion name in the list control the sequence in which the items show up in this list as well as on the “Application Detail” tab of the Evaluator Extranet when evaluators are submitting their ratings for an application. The “Delete” button removes a criterion from the system, however a rating criterion can only be removed if there are currently no ratings submitted by users to that criterion for any grant application. Finally each rating criterion in the list has an “Edit” button next to it which brings the admin to a detail page for editing that criterion's information.

Detail View Each rating criterion has some attributes that are important throughout the system. One is the “Name” field which is required. This is the label which will be used when evaluators are submitting or viewing ratings for an application. The “Description” field is not required but is displayed as popup help-text when the rating name is hovered over in the grant application detail page. The remaining fields are all required and used to manage the style and value of ratings for this rating criterion. Depending on your system configuration you may have all or none of these options available to you. All of these settings have a default that can be left if no changes are needed, allowing you to change it on a case by case basis. If you wish to no longer see these advanced settings or to change the default values when creating a new criterion, an administrator with the proper permissions can change them in the “Site Configuration” section of the administrative area.

Rating Theme - The “Rating Theme” allows an administrator to choose between available rating theme styles in the system. They are:

Consumer Reports: (1-4) – Displayed as “Consumer Reports” images to represent the values one through four.

Numerical Scale: (1-N) – Simply displays the numeral for the values one through N, where N can have a max of ten.

Alphabetical Scale (1-N) – Displays letters of the alphabet in order starting with A, in place of numbers. The end of the scale can have a minimum of two (A,B) and a maximum of ten (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J).

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Alphabetical Scale (1-N) – Displays letters of the alphabet in reverse alphabetical order, in place of numbers. The end of the scale can have a minimum of two (B, A) and a maximum of ten (J, I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A).

Poor, Satisfactory, Good, Excellent: (1-4) – Displays the given text to represent the values one through four, respectively.

Stars: (1-4) – Displays images of stars to represent the values one through four.

No, Yes: (1-2) – Displays the given text to represent the values one through two, respectively.

No, Maybe, Yes: (1-3) – Displays the given text to represent the values one through three, respectively.

False, True: (1-2) – Displays the given text to represent the values one through two, respectively.

Disagree, Agree: (1-2) – Displays the given text to represent the values one through two, respectively.

Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree (1-5) - Displays the given text to represent the values one through five, respectively.

Offset Value - Enter an integer value as the offset for the currently chosen rating theme for this criteria item. Enter a positive number to move the range to the right and a negative number to move the range to the left by the value specified. For instance on a theme with a range of "1 to 4", you can enter "-1" to change the range to be "0 to 3" instead. Enter a value of "0" to leave the range of values to its default setting.

Multiplier Value - Enter an integer value as the multiplier for the currently chosen rating theme for this criteria item. This can be used to increase value of each possible selection in a range by multiplying all values by the integer entered here. For instance on a theme with range values of "1, 2, 3, 4" you can enter a value of "10" to change the range values to "10, 20, 30, 40" instead. Enter a value of "1" to leave the range values to their default setting.

The values for these three settings are used when calculating the “Application Score” for the applications in the system, based on ratings submitted by evaluators. By using different themes, offsets, and multipliers, you can apply different “weighting” to each criterion, therefore allowing for a score which properly reflects your organization’s evaluation of an application.

Once the updates are complete on a rating criterion, you can save the changes by clicking "Apply" which does a save but remains on the criterion detail page, or "Done" which will save

the changes while bringing you back to the list view. The "Back" button returns to the list view without saving any changes, and the "Reset" button will revert any current

unsaved changes made to their original state.

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Grant Applications

The “Grant Applications” section is found by clicking the “Applications” button from the grant opportunity list view. It allows an administrator to manage grant applications for this grant opportunity, to be reviewed by your users. Depending on your system setup, these applications may be entered automatically from your applicants via an application intake form or manually by an administrator via this section.

List View

After clicking on the button, a list of applications in the system for this grant opportunity will be displayed. This list will be sorted by the application label, alphabetically. The filter at the top of the list allows an evaluator to narrow down the list based on certain criteria. This filter is dynamically generated based on field settings in the Configuration section of the administrative area. To filter by a particular field, simply choose the field from the drop down menu of filterable fields, select the restriction to filter on, and add the value to

filter on if necessary. Click the button to add the filter. You can remove filters by clicking the red next to the applied filter in the list. Optionally you can specify to include “All Criteria” or “Any Criteria” in the filter. If “All Criteria” is specified then only applications which meet all of the filter restrictions will be listed. If “Any Criteria” is selected then applications which meet any one of the filter restrictions will be listed. Therefore you can see that “All Criteria” is more restrictive than “Any Criteria”.

You must click the button to update the filter with this change. The total number of applications is displayed above the table. If there are more than twenty applications in the list, it will be separated in to pages which can be navigated with the links below the list. The Grant Application Filtering section has further information on using filters on grant application lists.

To create a new grant application record click the button, this will bring you to the detail page for entering the application information. If there are currently applications in the system you will see multiple options available to perform on a specific application. The “Copy” button allows you to make an exact copy of a given application. Note that the comments, ratings and feedback for an application are not copied, only the actualapplication data itself. The “Delete” button obviously removes an application from the system. You may also click the “Feedback” button to send feedback communications to the applicant. The “View” button will display a“Quick View” page for the given application. Finally each application in the list has an “Edit” button next to it which brings the admi

n toinformation.


a detail page for editing that application's

Quick View The quick view of a grant application allows the administrator to see the details of a granapplication. This includes all fields for the application available to an administrator; any

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e; own of each individual evaluator’s ratings and application score given to the


comments submitted by evaluators for the application; the current average ratings for the application based on ratings submitted by evaluators, including the overall application scorand a breakd

Detail View

By clicking the button, the administrator is brought to the detail view of a granapplication, allowing an administrator to manage all of the data associated with an application. Required fields are marked with a red * character next to the name. Each organization has the ability to completely customize the fields for the grant application deshown on this view. However there are a few standard fields that will be available for all organizations. Note that even these fields may have a different label in the system, buwill always have the same function within the system



t they , therefore the actual field key is

included in parenthesis for identification purposes.

er rea. Only

users who belong to this queue will be able to access it via the evaluator area.


” tab and

which luded in. “Declined” applications do not show up in the Evaluator Extranet


one text field which is used throughout the system as the label to identify an application.

The remaining fields will fall into one of the following categories based on their data type:

nd maximum number of characters determined by configuration settings for the field.

– A multi-line text box is displayed allowing for extended content. The size is fixed.

io – A list of radio button choices will be displayed, allowing only a single choice.

pdown list of possible answers will be displayed, allowing only a single choice.

– A list of checkboxes will be displayed allowing multiple values to be checked.

multiple values by using the “Control” or “Shift” buttons on their keyboard.

User Queue (queueid) * - This is used to assign this application to a specific queue in ordto allow your users to view, rate, and comment an application in the evaluator a

Application Status (grantapplicationstatustype) * - Choose the current status of thapplication. Applications with the status of “New” will not yet appear in the Evaluator Extranet. “Pending” applications will appear on the “My Applications” and “Applications List” tabs and can be commented on or rated by evaluators who belong to the currently set queue for this application. “Approved” status moves the application to the “Grant Databasemeans that evaluators can no longer comment on or rate the application. Note that evaluators will still only see applications on the database tab which belong to a queue they are inc

Applicant Name (applicantname) * - There is

SingleLineText – A regular text box is displayed with the size a



SelectOneDropdown – A dro


SelectManyMultibox – A list box will be displayed that allows the user to choose

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Date – A text box will be displayed allowing a user to enter a properly formatted date or have the date entered by using the calendar date picker next to the text box.

WholeNumber – A regular text box will be displayed allowing the entry of a whole (integer) number. The size and maximum length of the entered value is controlled by configuration settings for the field.

DecimalNumber – A regular text box will be displayed allowing the entry of a decimal number. The size and maximum length of the entered value is controlled by configuration settings for the field.

Money – A regular text box will be displayed allowing the entry of a monetary value. This field will have special attributes when being displayed throughout the system so that it is displayed in your local currency format. The size and maximum length of the entered value is controlled by configuration settings for the field.

File – A file field will be displayed that allows the user to click “Browse..” in order to find a file on their local machine to be uploaded to the system.

Image – A file field will be displayed that allows the user to click “Browse..” in order to find an image file on their local machine to be uploaded to the system. The image will be processed by the system to insure that the dimensions and size are optimal for web display.

Table Field – A field where a table matrix is displayed, allowing an applicant to fill in rows of data as needed. For example, you may need to collect a list of team members for a proposed project and wish to allow the applicant to provide their name, phone number, and email address for a minimum of two people, with a maximum of ten. This field can accomplish that complex data in a single field, rather than using many text fields. Please contact support if you wish to have a Table Field set up for your grant application(s).

Once the updates are complete on a Grant Application, you can save the changes by clicking "Apply" which does a save but remains on the application detail page, or "Done" which will save the changes while bringing you back to the list view.

The "Back" button returns to the list view without saving any changes, and the "Reset" button will revert any current unsaved changes made to their original state.


After an application is saved, a button is available on the list view for administrative users to submit feedback to the applicant's contact e-mail address. An e-mail is built within the system, can be saved to work on later, previewed and finally sent to the contact e-mail address for the applicant.

List View

After clicking on the button on a particular grant application from the grant application list view, a list of all feedback in the system for that specific application is shown. This list will be sorted by the date each feedback e-mail was created. To filter the list of feedback e-mails, click on the "Show

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Filter" button, choose the data to filter by, and click the "Apply Filter" button. To remove a previously set filter, click the "Show All" button. The total number of feedback e-mails is displayed above the table. If there are more than twenty feedback e-mails in the list, it will be separated in to pages which can be navigated with the links below the list.

To create a new feedback e-mail click the button, this will bring you to the detail page for entering the e-mail information. If there is currently feedback in the system for this application you will see multiple options available to perform on a specific feedback e-mail. The “Copy” button allows you to make an exact copy of a given e-mail and should be used

when wanting to make changes to a past e-mail before resending. The “Delete” button obviously removes a feedback e-mail record from the system. Finally each feedback e-mail in the list has an “Edit” button next to it which brings the admin to a detail page for editing that e-mail's information. Note that any e-mail that has

already been sent cannot be edited, only viewed and resent as is.

Detail View The detail view of the feedback e-mail allows the admin to build an e-mail to be sent to the applicant contact. Required fields are marked with a red * character next to the name.

From Field * - The “From Field” consists of a “From Name” and “From Address” which are pre-filled with the current admin user's name and e-mail address. If the current user does not have an e-mail address configured, the field is pre-filled with a system default address for feedback e-mails.

To Field * - The “To Field” consists of a “To Name” and “To Address” which are pre-filled with the applicant name (fieldkey: applicantname) field’s value and the contact e-mail address (fieldkey: contactemailaddress) value of the grant applicant, if available.

CC E-mail Address(es) - The “CC E-mail Address(es)” field allows for a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses which are to be CC'd on this e-mail. The field is pre-filled with a system default address for feedback e-mails.

Subject * - This is the subject of the e-mail.

Body * - This is a text only body of the feedback e-mail.

Attachment(s) - You may enter up to five files as attachments to the e-mail. The total file size allowed of all attachment files combined is 5 megabytes. See the “File Manager” section below for more information on choosing an attachment file for this field.

Once the updates are complete on a Feedback E-mail, you can save the changes by clicking "Apply" which does a save but remains on the feedback detail page, or "Done" which will

save the changes while bringing you back to the list view. The "Back" button returns to the list view without saving any changes, and the "Reset"

button will revert any current unsaved changes made to their original state. The “Preview/Send” button will bring you to a page which displays a preview of the e-mail, allowing the admin to review the e-mail before finally sending.

Preview/Send The preview page will show a view of the e-mail as it will look to the recipient(s). Click the

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button to send the e-mail, which will display a quick summary of the recipient(s) of the e-mail. Click the button to return to the detail view, allowing you to make further changes to the e-mail before sending. Once sent, the “Last Send Date” field shown on the list view is updated with the current date.

File Manager

The file manager is used as a central place for managing files used within your GrantMaker product. You can create organize your files into folders and reuse files from other areas of the site without having to upload the file each time. You can upload, delete, view files as well as create and manage folders.

1. If you wish to create a new folder, click on the “create new folder” icon in the upper right hand of the file manager window, give the folder a name and click “Ok”. You can then click on the folder in the list of files and folders to view the contents of the folder or upload new files into the folder.

2. If you have already uploaded the file to the website, skip to step #4. If not, click the "Browse" button to select a file from your local machine and click "Open".

3. You will see that the file path is inserted into the "Upload New File" field. Click "Upload Now".

4. Click on the file name link to select a file (if you just uploaded the file it will already be selected) then click "Choose". This will insert the file into the "File" field.

Bulk Application Tool

This helpful tool allows an administrator to manage the “Application Status”, “User Queue”, and “Grant Opportunity” properties for applications in the system and can be found by navigating to the main administrative page and clicking the “Bulk Application Tool” link.

List View After following the “Bulk Application Tool” link off of the main admin index, a list of all grant applications in the system from the last three months is shown. This list will be sorted by the application label and shows the grant opportunity, user queue, and

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application status for each application in the list. By default, the list is initially filtered to only show applications created in the previous three months, however the administrator can remove this restriction and optionally add further filtering by using the filter at the top of the list page. The filter allows an evaluator to narrow down the list based on certain criteria. This filter is dynamically generated based on field settings in the Configuration section of the administrative area. To filter by a particular field, simply choose the field from the drop down menu of filterable fields, select the restriction to filter on, and add the value to filter on if

necessary. Click the button to add the filter. You can remove filters by clicking the red next to the applied filter in the list. Optionally you can specify to include “All Criteria” or “Any Criteria” in the filter. If “All Criteria” is specified then only applications which meet all of the filter restrictions will be listed. If “Any Criteria” is selected then applications which meet any one of the filter restrictions will be listed. Therefore you can see that “All Criteria” is more

restrictive than “Any Criteria”. You must click the button to update the filter with this change. The total number of applications in the current list is displayed above the table. The Grant Application Filtering section has further information on using filters on grant application lists.

In order to delete multiple applications at the same time, tick the checkbox next to the application or application(s) you wish to delete. Alternatively you can click the ticked checkbox at the top left most cell to check all boxes, and the empty checkbox to remove all checked boxes. Then click the button to permanently remove the selected applications.

In order to edit the applications in the list, tick the checkbox next to the application or application(s) you wish to manage. Alternatively you can click

the ticked checkbox at the top left most cell to check all boxes, and the empty checkbox to remove all checked boxes. Once you have selected the applications you wish to manage, click the button at the top or bottom of the page.

Edit View The edit view will show a form with the possible fields to update in bulk for the selected applications. The number of applications being updated is displayed above the form. To update a particular field, tick the checkbox next to the field you wish to update. You will notice that the dropdown menu is grayed out until the checkbox next to it is ticked, indicating that the field will only be updated if the box next to it is checked. From the drop down menu, choose the value you wish to set the field to. Once you have set the field values as needed, click the “Apply” button to make the updates. The system will update all selected applications to set the selected field(s) to the chosen value(s).

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For example, if you wish to set all applications that have the status of “New” to “Pending”, you can filter the main list to show all applications where “Application Status” equals “New”. Then select all of the applications in the list by checking the box next to each, and clicking the button. Check the box next to the “Application Status” field in the edit view page, select “Pending” from the dropdown list, and finally click the “Apply” button to apply the updates to the selected applications. Using this method you can quickly update multiple applications in the system to change their status, queue assignment, or even move applications between grant opportunities.

Advanced System Administration

Along with the basic administration of the grant application database and system users, the GrantMaker system allows for some more advanced configuration. The grant application fields can be customized to meet your needs for collecting application data. Closerware Customer Care will initially set up your application fields based on a sample application form you may have provided, however you can make updates to the fields available in your database of applications at any time in order to further customize it to your specifications. Application fields can be managed individually as in other areas of the site, or all at once in order to make updates in bulk. Note that the set up of grant application fields is used across all grant applications in the system for all grant and grant opportunities. Related to the management of grant application fields is the ability to manage intake forms for you organization. Intake forms allow your organization to bring the application process online for your prospective grantees. Finally, there are also configuration items in the “Site Configuration” section of the admin, which allow an administrator to make changes to various options throughout the GrantMaker product. Application Field Groups

Grant application field groups are used throughout the system in further categorizing and labeling application fields. Although the help text for a group is only used in the administrative “edit” view of a grant application, the group heading is used in the evaluator area to group application fields, in filters to further label the fields, in intake form management while generating forms, and in reporting. This is a way to better organize the fields into meaningful sections when managing your grant applications via the administrative interface, and to maintain context while displaying the fields throughout the site.

List View After clicking on the “Application Field Group” link in the “Configuration” section of the main administrative index, a list of all current grant application field groups will be displayed. This list will be sorted by the sequence of the groups in the system. The total number of field groups in the list is displayed above the table. If there are more than twenty items in the list, it will be separated in to pages which can be navigated with the links below the list.

To create a new grant application field group click the button, this will bring you to the detail page for entering the group information. If there are currently groups in the system you will see multiple options available to perform on a specific group. The “Copy” button allows you to make an exact copy of a given group. The “Up” and “Down” buttons to the right of each group name in the list control the sequence in which the items show up in this list. The ordering of groups is reflected throughout the system, as application fields are displayed first in order of their groups, and then in their individual sequential ordering. The “Delete”

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button removes a group from the system, however a group can only be removed if there are currently no grant application fields contained within it. Finally each group in the list has an “Edit” button next to it which brings the admin to a detail page for editing that group’s information.

Detail View Each grant application field group has some attributes that are important throughout the system. One is the “Label” field which is required. This is the name that will appear as the group heading when managing applications in the admin, when displaying application detail in the Evaluator Extranet, and as the prefix to a field label when displaying the application fields in places like the filters and reporting. The “Help Text” field is not required but is displayed help-text below the group header when activated. The “Show Header Flag” is a Yes/No checkbox which indicates whether or not the “Label” of this group is shown when displaying this group. Leaving this unchecked will allow you to group fields together without giving them an overall title. This also determines if an individual fields in this group will have the group name prefixed to the label when displayed in filters and reporting. Note that the help text does not appear in the administrative view if this is unchecked.

Once the updates are complete on a grant application field group, you can save the changes by clicking "Apply" which does a save but remains on the group detail page, or "Done" which will save the changes while bringing you back to the list

view. The "Back" button returns to the list view without saving any changes, and the "Reset" button will revert any current unsaved changes made to their original state.

Application Field

Grant application field management allows you to actually manage which fields are used in your database of grant applications, along with all of the metadata surrounding that field. There are a number of fields available to customize and activate as needed, however it is recommended to take the time to set up your application fields as thoroughly as possible when you first start using the system, to avoid making changes on the fly after you have already started to enter grant applications into the system. There is nothing wrong with making changes to the fields as you go, but it may require extra work in the long run if you add an extra field or change the type of field down the road. Please note that this setup effects not only the administrative view of grant applications and what data is collected, but also the view of applications for evaluators and the available fields for application intake forms. However if you make changes to fields here, your intake forms will not automatically be updated with those changes to the fields. At the very least, you must go back and re-save an intake form and possibly regenerate the intake form html file in order to have changes reflected on the intake forms.

After clicking on the “Application Field” link in the “Configuration” section of the main administrative index, a list of all current grant application fields will be displayed. This list will be sorted first by the field grouping and then by the sequence of the fields in the system.

Grant application fields cannot be created, but there are a number of fields of every data type available to you to customize as needed. You will see multiple options available to perform on a specific field. Each grant application field has many attributes that are important

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throughout the system. Depending on the fieldkey and its system controlled attributes, certain properties on the page may be grayed out preventing changes by the administrative user.

Active * - The “Active” column determines whether or not the field is currently available in the system. By deactivating a field, it will no longer show up to be edited in the administrative interface, will no longer show up in the evaluator area, will no longer be available to include in intake forms, and will no longer show up in reports.

Field Group * - Choose the group to which this field belongs. This grouping will be used when displaying the fields when editing grant applications via the administrative interface, when displaying the application data to evaluators, and when listing fields for filters, intake forms configuration, and reporting. Remember that the fields are always ordered by their group sequence first, and then the field sequence.

Sequence * - The sequence is used to determine the order of the fields when displayed in throughout system. Remember that the fields are always ordered by their group sequence first, and then the field sequence.

Field Key * - This is an internal property to identify each field. Certain fields are named appropriately to allow easy identification for their role in the system. The field keys and their role in the system are:

queueid – A dropdown of queues to allow the administrative user to choose which queue the application belongs to. This field cannot be deactivated.

grantapplicationstatustype – A drop down of statuses for grant applications. This field cannot be deactivated.

applicantname – A text-only field, used as the main label for an application throughout the system.

applicationimageid – An image field used to make a thumbnail image that represents this grant application. On the grant database tab of the evaluator area, this image is shown in a special location in the list of applications as the main image.

contactemailaddress – A text-only field that is used as the default “To” e-mail address when creating feedback for a grant application. This is also used as the notification field when an application intake form is set up with this field.

contactfirstname, contactlastname – Text-only fields used as the default “To” name when creating feedback for a grant application.

applicantname, requestedamount, contactcity, contactstate, contactregion – Used on the filters for the evaluator area list and grant database tabs, as well as in the administrative list of grant applications.

approvedamount – Used on the filters for the evaluator area grant database tab, as well as in the administrative list of grant applications, but not on the evaluator area list tab. Also used to calculate the total amount awarded on the grant database tab of the evaluator area.

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fieldtextxxx, applicantname, contactorganization, contactfirstname, contactlastname, contactemailaddress, contactphonenumber, contactaddress1, contactaddress2, contactcity, contactstate, contactpostalcode, contactcountry, contactregion – These are all text-only fields that allow for a single-line or multi-line text field, a single-select radio or dropdown list, or a multi-select checkbox or listbox list. The maximum size of text to store in these fields is 65k characters.

fieldmediumtextxx – These are all text-only fields that allow for a single-line or multi-line text field, a single-select radio or dropdown list, or a multi-select checkbox or listbox list. The maximum size of text to store in these fields is 16 million characters. Ideal for storing large amounts of text.

fielddatexx – These are date-only fields. Only the “Date” Field Data Type is allowed here.

fielddecimalxx, requestedamount, approvedamount – These are numerical-only fields. Only whole number integers, decimals, or monetary values are allowed to be stored in these fields.

fileidxx – These are file-only fields. Any file type can be stored in these fields.

imagexx, applicantimageid – These are image-only fields. Only image file types are allowed to be stored here.

Field Label * - This is the actual label of the field used when displayed throughout the system.

Help Text – This is displayed as pop-up help text when editing a grant application via the administrative interface.

Field Data Type * - The data type is used to determine what type of field will be displayed in order to collect data. The options here are determined by the type of data allowed, based on the field key. The possible values are:

SingleLineText – A regular text box is displayed with the size and maximum number of characters determined by configuration settings for the field.

MultiLineText – A multi-line text box is displayed allowing for extended content. The size is fixed.

SelectOneRadio – A list of radio button choices will be displayed, allowing only a single choice.

SelectOneDropdown – A dropdown list of possible answers will be displayed, allowing only a single choice.

SelectManyCheckbox – A list of checkboxes will be displayed allowing multiple values to be checked.

SelectManyMultibox – A list box will be displayed that allows the user to choose multiple values by using the “Control” or “Shift” buttons on their keyboard.

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Date – A text box will be displayed allowing a user to enter a properly formatted date or have the date entered by using the calendar date picker next to the text box.

WholeNumber – A regular text box will be displayed allowing the entry of a whole (integer) number. The size and maximum length of the entered value is controlled by configuration settings for the field.

DecimalNumber – A regular text box will be displayed allowing the entry of a decimal number. The size and maximum length of the entered value is controlled by configuration settings for the field.

Money – A regular text box will be displayed allowing the entry of a monetary value. This field will have special attributes when being displayed throughout the system so that it is displayed in your local currency format. The size and maximum length of the entered value is controlled by configuration settings for the field.

File – A file field will be displayed that allows the user to click “Browse..” in order to find a file on their local machine to be uploaded to the system.

Image – A file field will be displayed that allows the user to click “Browse..” in order to find an image file on their local machine to be uploaded to the system. The image will be processed by the system to insure that the dimensions and size are optimal for web display.

Table Field – A field where a table matrix is displayed, allowing an applicant to fill in rows of data as needed. For example, you may need to collect a list of team members for a proposed project and wish to allow the applicant to provide their name, phone number, and email address for a minimum of two people, with a maximum of ten. This field can accomplish that complex data in a single field, rather than using many text fields. Please contact support if you wish to have a Table Field set up for your grant application(s).

Required * - This is a Yes/No checkbox to determine whether or not this field should be required when editing a grant application.

Validation Type * - Choose from the drop down of possible validation restrictions in order to insure the quality of data allowed in the field value. The options are:

None – No validation needed.

Email – Validates that the data entered is a properly formatted e-mail address.

Show on Evaluator Area – Detail View * - This is a Yes/No checkbox which determines whether or not this field will be displayed in the evaluator area when viewing the detail of an application.

Show on Evaluator Area – Pending Applications View * - This is a Yes/No checkbox which determines whether or not this field will be displayed in the evaluator area when viewing the list of applications pending review.

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Show on Evaluator Area – Approved Applications View * - This is a Yes/No checkbox which determines whether or not this field will be displayed in the evaluator area when viewing the grant database list tab.

Include in filter in Admin List View * - This is a Yes/No checkbox which determines whether or not this field will be displayed in the filter for the administrative area, when managing grant applications.

Include in Filter in Evaluator Area – Pending Applications View * - This is a Yes/No checkbox which determines whether or not this field will be displayed in the filter in the evaluator area when viewing the list of applications pending review.

Include in Filter in Evaluator Area – Approved Applications View * - This is a Yes/No checkbox which determines whether or not this field will be displayed in the filter in the evaluator area when viewing the approved applications list tab.

Options – This property is used specifically for any single-select radio or drop down fields, or any multi-select checkbox or listbox fields to determine the values available in the list. Possible values must be separated by a bar “|” character. For example, the possible values for a radio button might be “Yes|No” or for a drop down of color choices “Red|Orange|Yellow|Green|Blue|Indigo|Violet”.

Field Size – For single-line text fields, numerical fields, date fields, image fields, or file fields (basically any field with a regular text box display) this determines the actual size of the text box displayed.

Max Length - For single-line text fields or numerical fields this determines the maximum characters that are allowed in the text box itself.

Once the updates are complete on a grant application field, you can save the changes by clicking "Save" which does a save but remains on the application field list page, or "Save & Return" which will save the changes while bringing you back to the main administrative index.

There is currently no ability to explicitly “preview” the application form that results from the application field configuration changes, directly from the field management page, however this can be accomplished using multiple browser windows. After you’ve made an update to the field configuration, you can open a new browser window, navigate to the GrantMaker administrative system and to the Grant Opportunity section. From there you can navigate to the Applications section and while on the list of applications for a grant opportunity, click the

button. This will display the resulting field layout, based on the field configuration. Once this is set up, you can now go back to the previous browser window, make more changes to the field configuration, save your work there, return focus to the browser window where you opened a new application and simply refresh the page (note that a message will come up asking you to resend the previous action, which you should confirm.) In this way, you can see how your updates to the field configuration will affect the layout and labeling of fields.

You may also wish to add some applications to the system as test data, set the applications to “Pending” and/or “Approved” status, so that you may preview what the applications will look like in other areas of the system, such as the Evaluator Extranet.

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Application Intake Forms

By following the “Manage Intake Forms” link off of the main administrative index, an administrator with the proper permissions can configure and build an application intake form, which can be used to allow your prospective grantees to submit applications online. The tool will allow you to choose which grant application fields to include in the online form, mark fields as required, assign to sections, change field labels and/or help text, and generate the html necessary to display the form. This html code can be placed anywhere on your organization’s site, in order to display a public form that will collect the necessary data from your applicants and subsequently save the date in your GrantMaker system as a grant application for you to manage. If necessary, Closerware can assist in hosting the intake form or we can recommend a third party company to aide in hosting the html form. Please contact support for further information on these options. List View After clicking on the “Manage Intake Forms” link, a list of intake forms in the system your organization will be displayed. To create a new intake form record click the button, this will bring you to the detail page for entering the intake form information. If there are currently intake forms in the system you will see multiple options available to perform on a specific form. Each form in the list has an “Edit Properties” button next to it which brings the admin to a detail page for editing that intake form's iAdditionally, each intake form has a “Configure Fields” button used to specify the fields included in the intake form and create the necessary HTML code for displaying the form. Tdelete an intake form configuration, click the “Delete” icon. Note that this means any existing intake form pages hosted on your site or otherwise will no longer be processed by the system.



Detail View By clicking on the “Edit Properties” link, an admin will be brought to the detail view of a grant application intake form containing the properties necessary for building a public access form. Grant Opportunity * – Choose the Grant Opportunity to which applications which result from this form will be added. Name * – This will be used as the form’s label when referenced in the administrative system and displayed in the generated form HTML page. Description – Optionally enter a short description that will be displayed on the list view of intake forms. Notification – Optionally enter one or more e-mail addresses which will receive a notification e-mail when a new application is submitted by a grant applicant from your public form. Multiple e-mail address should be separated by a comma. Return URL * – This is the full web address of the page where you would like your applicants to return to after successfully entering a new application via the form (e.g. http://www.grantmaker.com) Token * – Enter a token which will act as a method to verify that the form being submitted to the GrantMaker system is actually from your generated form and is not being spoofed.

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Default Queue * – Choose a queue to which a completed application will be entered into by default. Default Status * – Choose the status which the new application will take on, once submitted by the applicant. Custom CSS – An advanced option that allows an admin to include custom CSS code in the HTML form page that is generated for this intake form. This will be included in the appropriate CSS styling section of the generated fpage. Header Text – An advanced option that allows an admin to include text that will be displayed below the form title but above the actual form itself. This can be used to include some intro text for the form so that the generated form HTML already includes this. HTML code is allowed in this box. Footer Text – An advanced option that allows an admin to include text that will be displayed below the form itself but above the button to submit the application form. This can be used to include some text for below the form before the applicant submits the application, so that the generated form HTML already includes this. HTML code is allowed in this box. Active – Check this box to make the form active. Only active form configurations will be able to collect applications, as the system will deny any form submissions to an intake form that has its configuration inactive. Sections – This area is used to create up to ten sections which can be used to split your application intake form fields into separate areas. These sections will be available when configuring fields for this intake form, allowing an admin to choose which section each field will belong. These are very similar to field groups used when managing the global list of application fields for the system. Each section has unique key used to identify the section which should uniquely identify the section and not contain spaces. The label is what is used as the section’s name when displayed. Help Text can be included and will be displayed below the section’s label in the generated form. The Style ID & Style Class can be the same as the Unique Key. The Style ID is used as the ID for the section’s HTML div tag to be used for advanced CSS code. The Style Class is used as the “class” property on the div tag for the section’s header. The Sequence determines the order of the sections on the form page. If you wish to remove a section for this intake form, tick the “Delete” checkbox and save the intake form configuration.

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Once your updates are completed on the intake form, click “Save” to save your work and return to the list view, otherwise click “Cancel” to cancel your work and return to the list view. Configure Fields From the Configure Intake Form Fields page, the administrator will be presented with a list of all of the available fields for a grant application form for this grant opportunity in your organization’s system. Next to each field in the list are two checkbox columns: “Include” and “Required”. The “Include” checkbox indicates that the field will be a part of the form to be generated. The “Required” checkbox determines if the field will be required for an applicant to fill out before submitting the application form. Some fields have their “Include” or “Required” fields checked by default as they should always be included because they are required in the system database for grant applications. Consult the “Application Field” section of this manual for further information on setting up the database with required fields for grant applications.

The Section column determines to which section this field will belong on the generated form. By default all fields are included in a “Top Section” which is above all other sections and does not have a label. If sections have been configured in the intake form properties area, then there will be more sections to choose from in the drop down list. In the generated HTML form, fields will be ordered first by their section (with “Top Section” first) and then by their sequence in the system. By default the “Field Label on Intake Form” and “Field Help Text on Intake Form” columns are filled in with the label and help text for the field as configured in the system, however the label and help text may be overridden and updated here. This allows an administrator to give the field a special label or particular help text just for this intake form. Once the fields to be included and required have been determined, the administrator can save the work by clicking either the “Save” button to save and continue working on the field configuration, “Save & Return” to save and return back to the intake form list, or the administrator clicks the “Save & Generate HTML” button in order to save the field configuration and generate the HTML code. A dialog box will appear allowing the administrator to save or view an HTML file containing the code for displaying and submitting the intake form. Click the “Cancel” button to return to the list view without generating code. If rather than seeing a dialog box to save the file, the form page opens up in your browser (this usually happens in Internet Explorer), you can still save the html file locally by going to either the “File” or “Page” menu, depending on your browser version, and choosing “Save Page As..” or “Save As..” The following is a useful link regarding saving web pages from the browser: How to Save a Web Page as a File The HTML file is a fully functioning web page that can be placed on any web server to be used for hosting the application intake form, and submitting the results to the GrantMaker system. Alternatively an experienced HTML developer or web designer can take the resulting

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code to place the form within a current web page by copying and pasting the necessary code for displaying the form, including the javascript references. This allows an organization to design the form to match their current website as needed. It should be noted that the contactemailaddress field (this is the field’s system id, but may be named differently depending on how your organization’s fields are configured) is a unique field when added to an intake form. If this field is found in an intake form, the form processor will send a notification to the applicant to the email address provided in the field. Therefore, if you wish to have the applicant notified that the application was received, it is important to insure that this field is in the form. Turning an Intake Form “On” or “Off” Your organization can do this in multiple ways and probably should do both. If you are hosting your online application intake form on your organization's website, the only real way to manage an intake form's appearance itself is on your site. So you would basically hide/remove/change the page that has the application form, based on the availability you desire. So when you want people to start applying, make sure they can get to the form page on your site, and when the application acceptance time is over, remove the ability to get to it. At the same time, when managing the GrantMaker side of the intake form, one of the configuration properties is "Active". The system will only accept applications, process them and add them to the configured grant opportunity, if that is checked. Otherwise it will just ignore the submission and present the applicant with a page indicating the application form is no longer accepting submissions. Transitioning an Intake Form Because the grant application intake form is configured to point to a particular grant opportunity, eventually it may need to be transitioned to a new grant opportunity. Some planning must be done to make sure that applications are being submitted to the proper grant opportunity. Organization’s that have overlapping grant opportunities or multiple grants may have some extra considerations. If you have set up an online intake form on your organization’s site, by generating HTML and placing the form in a page on your site, then you should recognize that the HTML code generated is set up to point to that particular “Intake Form” object in the GrantMaker system. This means that it has a hidden id that tells it to follow the configuration of a particular “Intake Form” object in the “Manage Intake Forms” list. It is the configuration of the “Intake Form” object which determines which grant opportunity the submitted application will be placed in. An organization that has a single grant, whose grant opportunity funding cycles do not overlap, will simply need to update the grant opportunity setting for the “Intake Form” object. In the administrative system, point the intake form to the correct grant opportunity, in order to transition the intake form. For example, if your organization has a single grant and set up four grant opportunities per year (e.g. “2009-Round 1”, “2009-Round 2”, “2009-Round 3”, “2009-Round 4”), and you just finished the “2009-Round 1” grant opportunity, you will want to update the intake form to reflect that change. That way when an applicant goes to your site to fill out the online form, it will now get stored in the correct grant opportunity. For an organization with multiple grants, with overlapping grant opportunities, you will need to create multiple grant application intake forms. For instance, if you have two grant types, each with three grant opportunities during the year, you likely will want to have at least two separate “Intake Form” objects configured in the system. Then you would want to have two actual pages on your site, one for each grant type. Even if the forms are exactly the same,

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with regard to the fields included/required, you will still need to have an intake form (and page on your site) for each grant opportunity that is currently in progress and open to applications. Once a grant opportunity funding cycle is completed and a new one is beginning, it is the same as the organization who only has a single grant and grant opportunity going on at any time. The “Intake Form” must be configured to point to the new grant opportunity, rather than the old one, so that all new submitted applications for that grant and grant opportunity are processed correctly. This, combined with turning an intake form on or off mentioned in the previous section, can be used to insure that your grant applications received from your online intake form are being received as expected, for the correct grant opportunity, and being stored correctly in the system.

Site Configuration

The detail view of a grant application intake form contains the fields necessary for building a public access form. The Site Configuration section allows an administrator with the proper permissions to manage various configuration settings which can help in configuring your GrantMaker product to your organization’s needs. The configuration items are as follows:

Notification E-mail Address – The e-mail address used to as the "From" address for notifications from the site.

E-mail Passwords Address – The e-mail address used to as the "From" address

when e-mailing user passwords.

Grant Application Feedback E-mail Address –The e-mail address used as the default "From" and "CC" address for grant application feedback within the system.

Default Rating Theme – The default rating label theme on values for rating criteria.

When managing rating criteria for a grant opportunity the theme will be set to this value by default.

Default Rating Offset – The default offset for rating criteria. When managing rating

criteria for a grant opportunity the offset will be set to this value by default.

Default Rating Multiplier – The default multiplier for rating criteria. When managing rating criteria for a grant opportunity the multiplier will be set to this value by default.

Show Rating Theme – Choose whether to display the "Rating Theme" field when

managing rating criteria. If set to false, rating criteria will use the “Default Rating Theme” and the administrator will not have the option to change it on a criterion by criterion basis.

Show Rating Offset – Choose whether to display the "Rating Offset" field when

managing rating criteria. If set to false, rating criteria will use the “Default Rating Offset” and the administrator will not have the option to change it on a criterion by criterion basis.

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Show Rating Multiplier – Choose whether to display the "Rating Multiplier" field when managing rating criteria. If set to false, rating criteria will use the “Default Rating Multiplier” and the administrator will not have the option to change it on a criterion by criterion basis.

Show Rating Legend – Choose whether to display the "Rating Legend" when

evaluators are viewing grant applications. The "Default Rating Theme" will be used as the labels.

Show Current Average Ratings – Choose from the drop down to determine if the

"Current Average Ratings" box in the Evaluator Area is displayed:

o Always o After the current user has submitted ratings for a "Pending" application

(otherwise will be shown once an application is "Approved") o Always only after the current user has submitted ratings for the current

application regardless of status o Once an application is "Approved" regardless of if the current user has

submitted ratings o Never

Show Overall Application Score – Choose from the drop down to determine if the

“Overall Application Score" box in the Evaluator Area is displayed:

o Always o After the current user has submitted ratings for a "Pending" application

(otherwise will be shown once an application is "Approved") o Always only after the current user has submitted ratings for the current

application regardless of status o Once an application is "Approved" regardless of if the current user has

submitted ratings o Never

Show My Application Score – Choose from the drop down to determine if the "My

Application Score" box in the Evaluator Area is displayed:

o Always o After the current user has submitted ratings for a "Pending" application

(otherwise will be shown once an application is "Approved") o Always only after the current user has submitted ratings for the current

application regardless of status o Once an application is "Approved" regardless of if the current user has

submitted ratings o Never

Show Comments Box – Choose from the drop down to determine if the

"Comments" box in the Evaluator Area is displayed:

o Always o After the current user has submitted ratings for a "Pending" application

(otherwise will be shown once an application is "Approved") o Always only after the current user has submitted ratings for the current

application regardless of status

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o Once an application is "Approved" regardless of if the current user has submitted ratings

o Never

Show Other Evaluators’ Comments – Choose from the drop down to determine if other evaluators’ comments are displayed:

o Always o After the current user has submitted comments for a "Pending" application

(otherwise will be shown once an application is "Approved") o Always only after the current user has submitted comments for the current

application regardless of status o Once an application is "Approved" regardless of if the current user has

submitted comments o Never

Show Approved Applications Tab – Choose whether to display the “Approved

Applications” tab in the “Evaluator Extranet”.

Show Approved Applications Summary Box – Choose whether to display the “Approved Applications” summary box in the “Approved Applications” tab in the “Evaluator Extranet”.

Once the updates are complete on a site configuration item, you can save the changes

by clicking "Apply" which does a save but remains on the item detail page, or "Done" which will save the changes while bringing you back to the list view. The

"Back" button returns to the list view without saving any changes, and the "Reset" button will revert any current unsaved changes made to their original state.

Considerations for Multiple Application Form Types

The GrantMaker system may be used for those organizations that have more than one distinct application type available for their applicants. For instance, your organization may have one application for those grant applicants applying for a “small” grant, and another separate application for those that are applying for a “large” grant. The grant types will vary from organization to organization, but the concept is the same, that you have more than one grant to be applied for and reviewed by your evaluators in your organization By utilizing some best practices, multiple application form types can be configured for your applicants to submit, your evaluators to review, and administrators to report on, with minimal overlap or confusion between application form types. Overview As mentioned in other areas of the user guide, the GrantMaker system consists of a global list of configurable application fields. Anywhere the system refers to an application, it dynamically builds the application’s field makeup based on this field configuration. Using proper field labels and field grouping, the global list of fields can be configured to represent multiple applications. An important concept to remember is that the administrative “edit” view of an application is always showing all active application fields, while other areas of the site as well as your organization’s application intake forms, may show most but likely not all of the active fields.

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Some built-in features that are key in handling multiple application types are: Field Grouping – By using smartly labeled field groups, admins and evaluators will

be able to properly identify fields that belong to particular application types. This is especially helpful in filtering and reporting, as well as generating intake forms. There is also an advanced option which allows for a field group to be associated with one or more grant types in the system, so that the fields for that group will only appear in the admin and for intake form configuration when an administrator is managing an application or intake form for a particular grant. Please contact support for more information on setting up your fields and field groups to specific grant types. By default all field groups and their associated active fields are included in all applications when managing applications in the admin system.

Intake Form Generation – Your organization’s application intake forms, where your applicants can fill out an online form to submit a grant application, are the truly what is meant by an “application form type.” While the administrative system deals with the entire set of active application fields, an intake form can be generated to utilize the entire set or a subset of those configured fields. You will only want to include those active fields in your intake form, which are specific to the application form type it will represent.

Grant & Grant Opportunities – The grant and grant opportunity are displayed along with the actual application data in the Evaluator Extranet, in order to inform the evaluator which grant this application belongs to. This is helpful in allowing the evaluator to be sure of what the application’s focus will be on, and avoid confusion between different grant application types. Each application intake form is tied to a grant opportunity which belongs to a specific grant type, therefore it is a natural way to distinguish between application form types.

Succinct Data View for Evaluators – Evaluators will only see those fields for an application that were actually filled in by an applicant. Therefore if your intake form was configured to not include a number of fields in your global active list of fields for applications, then those empty fields will not be shown. So those extra fields that were not needed for this particular application type will not be there to cause confusion for the evaluator.

Find the Overlap The first step in configuring the system to properly represent your offline, paper application form is to determine what the fields are that should be included in the online form. This involves determining the order of fields, the grouping of fields, the data type of fields, etc. If you have two separate application types (for instance, one for a “small” grant and one for “large” grant) you may end up assuming that you will need double the amount of fields. But by smartly labeling and configuring fields, you can avoid doubling up on information between application form types. For instance, if you have one application form type (for example a grant named “Small Grant”) with the following fields:

First Name Last Name Email Why would you consider yourself a good candidate for this grant?

And another application form type (for example a grant named “Large Grant”) with the following:

First Name Last Name

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Email Project Name What is the amount required for your project?

Then you can avoid doubling up on the First Name, Last Name, and Email fields, since they are the same in both application form types. Both application intake forms can use the same configured fields, so that the final field configuration as a combination of the two application form types that will be seen in the administrative views will be:

First Name Last name Email Why would you consider yourself a good candidate for this grant? Project Name What is the amount required for your project?

Field Groups In the above example, it would be confusing for an administrator to look at an application when editing the data or adding new applications, if the fields were all listed as they are. It would be hard to tell what fields belong to which application form type. By grouping the fields with a smartly labeled header, it can be more obvious which fields are important for which application form types. Again, note that for administrators editing data on submitted applications, they will see all of the active fields globally configured, regardless of the current grant opportunity or which fields actually have filled in data. In the Evaluator Extranet, when looking at the detail of application data, only the fields that are actually filled in by the applicant are shown, so it naturally will only display the proper fields for that particular grant opportunity and therefore application form type. This could be a way to use grouping to further categorize and identify the fields in the example:

Applicant Information o First Name o Last name o Email

Small Grant Application Fields o Why would you consider yourself a good candidate for this grant?

Large Grant Application Fields o Project Name o What is the amount required for your project?

These group header labels will help to identify the individual fields when viewed in lists such as the filters used throughout the system, while building reports, and while generating intake forms. They also will be displayed when admins or evaluators view the detail of a particular application. Finally, in addition to this naming technique, there are options on field groups allowing the group to only be associated with particular grants. This would mean that when an admin goes in to manage an application, they would only see the fields associated with that particular grant application type rather than all fields across all grant types. For instance, in the example above, you might make the “Small Grant Application Fields” group associated with the “Small Grant” grant type, and the “Large Grant Application Fields” group associated with the “Large Grant” grant type. The result would be that the “Large Grant Application Fields” group and its associated fields would not show up when managing an application in

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the admin that belongs to a grant opportunity in the “Small Grant” grant, and vice versa for an application in the “Large Grant” grant type and the “Small Grant Application Fields” grouping. This currently can only be configured by a Closerware representative, so please contact support for further information on this feature.


The GrantMaker system allows an administrator with the proper permissions to run a number of reports to aid in the grant application review process. These are intended as a way to get the most out of the data stored in the system when it comes time to evaluate and make decisions on the organization’s grant opportunities. Each report has a specific purpose along these lines, however if there is ever a need for further report types to assist in your organization’s review process, please do not hesitate to contact support to request a new report, or to provide feedback on existing reports.

Figure 8

Running Reports

Upon clicking the “Reports” link in the “Grants” section of the main administrative index, a list of the most recently run reports, the report types available to be run, and any memorized reports will be displayed. In order to run a specific report type, starting fresh without any

saved settings, click the button next to the report you wish to run.

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Report Settings To run a report, the settings for the report must first be configured. Depending on the report type, any or all of the following options will be available. After configuring these options, click

the button to run the report.

Filter – Click the button to add a filter on the report to narrow down the list of items displayed in the report based on particular criteria. A filter dialog box will appear at the bottom of the page allowing you to add as many filters as needed. To filter by a particular field, simply choose the field from the drop down menu of filterable fields, select the restriction to filter on, and add the value to filter on if necessary.

Click the button to add the filter. You can remove filters by clicking the red next to the applied filter in the list. Optionally you can specify to include “All Criteria” or “Any Criteria” in the filter. If “All Criteria” is specified then only applications which meet all of the filter restrictions will be listed. If “Any Criteria” is selected then applications which meet any one of the filter restrictions will be listed. Therefore you can see that “All Criteria” is more restrictive

than “Any Criteria”. You must click the button to update the filter with this change. The Grant Application Filtering section has further information on using filters on grant application lists.

Report Fields – Click the button to modify which fields are shown in the resulting report. A dialog box will appear at the bottom of the page allowing the administrator to check off which fields to include in the report and alternatively change the ordering sequence of the

fields as they are displayed in the report. Click the button after making changes to the report fields.

Certain report types allow for an administrator to include the “Application Score” field in the report output, which allows for sorting based on the total score given to a particular application based on evaluator ratings. There is also an option on the application list reports to include ratings and/or comments in the output. The “Rating Field” and “Comment Field” fields will output the ratings and/or comments data in one single large text field which will appear as a column in the output and therefore in a cell in a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel. The “Application Detail List” report allows for the “Report Table” and “Comments Table” fields which appear as subrows below the main row of application data, but is broken up in to multiple cells. Output Type * – Choose the type of file which the report will be available in for download. Memorized Reports If the default report was run with changes made to the Filter or Report Fields, then the administrator will be presented with a dialog box allowing the report to be saved for future

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use. This is helpful when a report will be run frequently with a particular set of filters on it or a certain subset of fields. The report is given a Unique Name to identify it for future use, and an optional description. Click the “save new” link to save the memorized report, and run the current report. Alternatively, if the administrator does not wish to save the report settings for future report runs, the “run once” link can be clicked to run the current report without saving it as a memorized report. Report List Once a report is run, it will appear in the list of most recently run reports. The list shows the Run Date, Report Name, User who ran the report, Status, a Download link, and finally any Notes that were included when the report was run. When a report is run, it is added to a queue for the system to process the report. The Status column will show the current state

that the report is in while being processed by the system. Click the “Refresh” button at the top of the page to easily update the list to see if the status has changed. Once a report is in the “Completed: Success” status, it will be available for download. Simply

click the link in the appropriate column and a dialog box will pop up allowing you to save or view the report. Report runs can be deleted by clicking the red button next the report record to be deleted. Note that report runs will be saved for one week, and then may be deleted automatically to clean up the system, so it is important to download and archive reports locally if needed.

Report Types

The possible reports to be run are:

Application List – Column oriented listing of Grant Applications Application Detail List – Applications with associated Rating Summary and


System User List – System User information with assigned Queues and Roles

Application Queue Assignment – Application Queues with Assigned Reviewers

Application Review Status – Applications and Assigned Reviewers with Review Status

Application Reviewer Matrix – Applications and Reviewer Scores Matrix

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Letter Merges

By using the csv reports in the GrantMaker system and a word processing application like Microsoft Word, it is possible to export data from the system on your applicants and run letter merges for any type of formatted letter or other document you need to merge data into. This means that you can set up intricately formatted documents, run a report from the system to get the applications and applicant data you require, and merge the two to create multiple copies of the document with data fields automatically filled in, rather than manually merging the data into your letter templates. This is useful for creating documents like: Acknowledgement Letters, Rejection Letters, Letters of Inquiry, Contracts, Disbursement Schedules, etc. Running a Report to Export Data

The best report for retrieving your applicants' data is the "Application List" report type. This report allows you to retrieve a list of applications in rows, with the fields of data in columns. This acts as an export of your application data. By configuring the filter and report fields, you can run a report that retrieves the specific applications you require with only the fields needed to run your letter merge. Please note that you cannot retrieve a report with any file or image fields configured in your GrantMaker database, therefore they cannot be used in a letter merge. Before we can use the report as a data source for our letter merge, we need to remove the row at the top of the report with the report title. Either using a simple text editor like Notepad, or a spreadsheet program like Excel, remove the top line (or row) of the document and save the file. Now the first row should just be the field labels for your applications. If you are going to be using Word for your letter merge, it is best to save the file as an Excel (xls) file here. Note that you can, if you wish, save the file as a csv file so that it is compatible with other word processing programs, however most Word versions do a better job deciphering the merge data as an Excel file than as a csv. Consult the Reports section above for further information on running reports.

Creating the Template

The next thing you will need to do is create your template in Microsoft Word. You can take a current Word document or create a new one with the content you require and save the document. For now, fill in dummy information as a placer for where you will want to merge in actual applicant data.

Merging the Two

Once you have created your document template, we can now set up the merge fields which will act as placers for the merge data. To do this, we must set up the Word document to connect to our data. Once the documents are connected, you can use the built in wizard functionality in Word to set up fields and merge the data. This is a point in the process that is very dependent on your specific version of Word. The general steps are: 1. Find the data merge or mail merge tools (usually under the Tools menu)

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2. Set up a connection to the csv report file you have created. In most versions this is referred to as setting up a "Data Source" to the data file. 3. Move the fields from the Merge Fields now available in the Word document. 4. Run the merge (merge into a new document) The best instructions for running a letter merge in Word are in the help area in the actual Word application itself for the version you are using. Here are three examples of running the merge from Microsoft Word XP (2002), Microsoft Word 2003, and Microsoft Word for Mac 2004. Microsoft Word XP (2002) This example is starting with an already created letter document, where we will add the merge fields and run the merge:

1. With the document open, go to Tools in the top menu and click "Letters and Mailings" and then "Mail Merge Wizard..." so that a "Mail Merge" tool bar will appear to the right of the document.

2. Select the document type you are creating, in our case we select "Letters" 3. Click "Next: Starting document" at the bottom of the tool bar. 4. Choose which document you will use to create the mail merge, since we are in the

letter template we want to use we will select "Use the current document" 5. Click "Next: Select recipients" 6. Select the recipients, this is referring to our Data Source. We will select "Use an

existing list" and click the "Browse.." link under the "Use an existing list" heading. 7. In the file browser window, find the xls file created above with the application data to

be merged in. In our example, we will find the Sample_Merge_Data.xls file, highlight it and click "Ok"

a. If using xls: i. Word will pop open a dialog box to ask which worksheet in the Excel

workbook to use, select first sheet. ii. Word will pop open a dialog box to ask which records to use, you

can filter out data as needed. We will leave all records checked and click "Ok"

b. If using csv: i. Word will pop open a dialog box to ask what format the csv file data

is in, select "Windows (Default)" and click the "Ok" button. ii. Word will pop open a dialog box to ask what the "Field delimiter" and

"Record delimiter" should be set to for your Data Source document. iii. Field delimiter = , (this is the comma character) iv. Record delimiter = (enter)

8. Click "Next: Write your letter" at the bottom of the "Mail Merge" tool box 9. This is where you will add the merge fields from the Data Source you have

connected to the document. You can continue editing the document as needed, add some of the built in fields, or click "More items" in the "Write your letter" list to choose from a list of the fields (columns in the merge data file) to merge into the document.

a. Choose the spot in the document you wish to add a merge field b. Upon clicking "More items" a dialog box will open c. Make sure the "Database Fields" radio box is checked, and you will see a list

of the fields from the data file. In our sample case we can choose from Organization Name, Contact First Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Postal Code.

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d. Highlight a field and click "Insert" (alternatively you could have already set up fields in the document, and used the "Match Fields.." button to match up the fields. We will not cover that here.)

e. You can then click "Close" to close the dialogue box and move around the merge field as needed. Alternatively, you can just keep adding the fields you need, and then move them around after they are added to the document.

f. Repeat these steps for each field you wish to include from the merge data. 10. Note that this is just one method, and there are other ways to get the merge fields in

to your document. For instance, by matching fields to the document. Consult the Word documentation for further information on those methods.

11. You should now have a completed document with the merge fields set up and all formatting completed. This is reflected in the attached Sample_Letter_XP2002.doc file.

12. You can navigate through all the records that will be merged in to preview the documents that will be created. Click "Next: Complete the merge" when done

13. You can now either print the letters by clicking "Print...", or save them by clicking the "Edit individual letters..." link. The attached Sample_Letter_Merge.doc shows the results of our sample data merge.

You can also find further instructions here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word/HA010349201033.aspx Microsoft Word 2003 The instructions for Microsoft Word 2003 are very similar to those for Office XP. This example is starting with an already created letter document, where we will add the merge fields and run the merge:

1. With the document open, go to Tools in the top menu and click "Letters and Mailings" and then "Mail Merge..." so that a "Mail Merge" task pane will appear.

2. Select the document type you are creating, in our case we select "Letters" 3. Click "Next: Starting document" at the bottom of the tool bar. 4. Choose which document you will use to create the mail merge, since we are in the

letter template we want to use we will select "Use the current document" 5. Click "Next: Select recipients" 6. Select the recipients, this is referring to our Data Source. We will select "Use an

existing list" and click the "Browse.." link under the "Use an existing list" heading. 7. In the file browser window, find the xls file created above with the application data to

be merged in. In our example, we will find the Sample_Merge_Data.xls file, highlight it and click "Ok"

a. If using xls: i. Word will pop open a dialog box to ask which worksheet in the Excel

workbook to use, select first sheet. ii. Word will pop open a dialog box to ask which records to use, you

can filter out data as needed. We will leave all records checked and click "Ok"

b. If using csv: i. Word will pop open a dialog box to ask what format the csv file data

is in, select "Windows (Default)" and click the "Ok" button. ii. Word will pop open a dialog box to ask what the "Field delimiter" and

"Record delimiter" should be set to for your Data Source document. iii. Field delimiter = , (this is the comma character) iv. Record delimiter = (enter)

8. Click "Next: Write your letter" at the bottom of the "Mail Merge" tool box

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9. This is where you will add the merge fields from the Data Source you have connected to the document. You can continue editing the document as needed, add some of the built in fields, or click "More items" in the "Write your letter" list to choose from a list of the fields (columns in the merge data file) to merge into the document.

c. Choose the spot in the document you wish to add a merge field d. Upon clicking "More items" a dialog box will open e. Make sure the "Database Fields" radio box is checked, and you will see a list

of the fields from the data file. In our sample case we can choose from Organization Name, Contact First Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Postal Code.

f. Highlight a field and click "Insert" (alternatively you could have already set up fields in the document, and used the "Match Fields.." button to match up the fields. We will not cover that here.)

g. You can then click "Close" to close the dialogue box and move around the merge field as needed. Alternatively, you can just keep adding the fields you need, and then move them around after they are added to the document.

h. Repeat these steps for each field you wish to include from the merge data. 10. Note that this is just one method, and there are other ways to get the merge fields in

to your document. For instance, by matching fields to the document. Consult the Word documentation for further information on those methods.

11. You should now have a completed document with the merge fields set up and all formatting completed. This is reflected in the attached Sample_Letter_XP2002.doc file.

12. You can navigate through all the records that will be merged in to preview the documents that will be created. Click "Next: Complete the merge" when done

13. You can now either print the letters by clicking "Print...", or save them by clicking the "Edit individual letters..." link. The attached Sample_Letter_Merge.doc shows the results of our sample data merge.

You can also find further instructions here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word/HA010349201033.aspx Microsoft Word for Mac 2004 This example is starting with an already created letter document, where we will add the merge fields and run the merge:

1. With the document open, go to Tools in the top menu and click "Data Merge Manager" so that there is a check next to it. The Data Merge Manager tool box window should appear with your document.

2. In the Data Merge Manager tool box, click "Create" under the "Main Document" heading

3. Select the type of document you are creating, in our sample case it is "Form Letters" 4. Click the "Get Data" button in the "Data Source" heading 5. Choose "Open Data Source" 6. From the file browser that opens, choose the report you ran and downloaded to your

local machine containing the data you wish to merge into the document 7. You will now see the fields you included in your report, listed in the "Merge Field"

section of the Data Merge Manager. Simply drag the fields from the Data Merge Manager to your document body and place them where you'd like them to be located.

8. Click the "Merge into a new Document" to run the merge and receive a new document with the data merged in from the Data Source. There should be one copy

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of the letter for each application data row in the csv file, included in the new document created.

9. You can now save this new document and/or print it as needed. A Note on Merge Fields

The GrantMaker system allows for complete flexibility in naming fields so that your system may be set up completely different than this example, however the concepts are the same. You have data fields in your GrantMaker database for grant applications and you want them to be merged into a document to quickly make any number of individualized documents for your applicants.

A Note on Microsoft Word Versions

Instructions may vary slightly depending on the versions being used. There are also other word processing tools available which can be used for letter merges. The steps may be slightly different but the concepts are the same. If you have questions on your specific version of Microsoft Word or word processing application, please contact support so we can help you in utilizing this functionality..

Grant Application Filtering

This section provides some further detail on the special grant application filters used throughout the system. Using this filter in various areas of the site will narrow down a list of applications to only return those that match the filter criteria. This is used in the Evaluator Extranet, as well as in the administrative system while managing or reporting on applications. Depending on which area of the system the filter is located, the fields available will either be the complete list of active grant application fields, or only those configured for that particular section of the system. Fields that belong to a field group whose label is not hidden, will have the field label prefixed with the group label (e.g. “Applicant Information: First Name”.) When presented with the “Edit Filter” box, you may add one or more filters by choosing a filter criterion. The system will include all grant application records that relate to the filter. If no filters are set, all applications will be listed or returned.

a. In the ‘Add’ box, click the ‘Choose One’ drop down box to select a criteria by which you would like to filter. The filter gives you a number of options depending on the criterion selected.

i. If the criteria is text-based it will allow you to specify records whose value for a particular field:

contains does not contain equals

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does not equal starts with ends with is empty is not empty

ii. If the criterion is a date, you may specify those records whose date value is:

On or after Before

iii. If the criterion is a number (whole number, decimal number, or monetary) you

may specify those records whose value for a particular field:

equals does not equal is less than is less than or equal to is greater than is greater than or equal to is empty is not empty

b. When you have completed setting the filter elements, click the button. The filter element will now appear in the list above with a red to the right. If at any time you want to remove a filter element, just click the red .

c. You may set a “Match Option”, where you can decide to show records that match ‘All Criteria’ (the grant application would have to meet all of the selected filter criteria) or ‘Any Criteria’ (the grant application only has to meet at least one of the filter criteria). For instance if you were to have three filter elements: 1) A applicant’s last name starts with ‘A’ 2) They have an ‘Pending’ application status 3) Their create date is between 01/01/20xx and 01/31/20xx. Setting the match option to ‘All Criteria’ would add all grant applications whose last name field started with the letter ‘A’ AND was ‘Pending’ AND the create date is in January of 2010. Setting the match option to ‘Any Criteria’ would add all applications whose last name field started with the letter ‘A’ OR was ‘Pending’ OR the create date is in January of 20xx.

Click the button to apply the match option


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