logistics - rochester institute of technology

1 Animation of Articulated Figures using Genetic Programming Logistics Assignments Checkpoint 1 -- Framework Feedback for all (mycourses or mail) Except those who used Python. Checkpoint 2 -- Problem statement Will look at starting this evening Checkpoint 3 -- Genotype / Phenotype Due January 18

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Animation of Articulated Figuresusing Genetic Programming


Assignments Checkpoint 1 -- Framework

Feedback for all (mycourses or mail) Except those who used Python.

Checkpoint 2 -- Problem statement Will look at starting this evening

Checkpoint 3 -- Genotype / Phenotype Due January 18



Grad Report Will need topics first week after we return

from break (Jan 11th). That’s tonight. Dropbox in mycourses

Final exam date

Final exam date has been announced:

Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:15am - 12:15pm 70-1435


Project Presentation Approx Presentations:

Dates: Week 9: Thurs, Feb 15 Week 10: Tues, Feb 20 Finals Week: Tues, Feb 27 (2:45-4:45)

15 minutes / presentation Schedule now on Web Please send me choice of time/day

Plan for today

Our first application: Animation of Articulated Figure using

Genetic Programming.

Questions before we start


Evolutionary Algorithms An EA uses some mechanisms inspired by biological evolution:

reproduction, mutation, recombination, natural selection andsurvival of the fittest.

Candidate solutions to the optimization problem play the role ofindividuals in a population, and the cost function determines theenvironment within which the solutions "live".

Evolution of the population then takes place after the repeatedapplication of the above operators.

Evolutionary Computationprocess


Select individuals forcrossover (based onfitness function



Insert new offspringinto population

Are stopping criteriasatisfied?



Genetic Programming What is it?

Genetic programming (GP) is anautomated method for creating a workingcomputer program from a high-levelproblem statement of a problem.

Genetic programming starts from a high-level statement of “what needs to be done”and automatically creates a computerprogram to solve the problem.

Genetic Programming

In genetic programming: Problem -- involves not finding a solution,

but instead creating a program that canfind the best solution.

Phenotype (solution) is a computerprogram

Search space is the set of all possiblecomputer programs.


Genetic Programming

In Koza’s original work LISP was used as the programming

language Parse trees were used as the genotype.

Straight-forward genetic mapping Functional program --> parse tree.

Defining your problem For programs to be be evolved, must define:

Terminal Set Leaves of the parse tree Correspond to program inputs

Function Set Interior nodes of parse tree Set of functions allowable in program Should be chosen with relation to problem to be solved. Can have side effects.


Defining your problem Sufficiency and Closure

Sufficiency terminals + functions must be able to solve the

problem at hand Choose your terminal and function set wisely

Closure Functions should be able to accept as

argument any value returned by otherfunctions

Universal return type.

GPs: Crossover and Mutation

Before crossover

After crossover

crossover mutation

Before mutation

After mutation

Note that operation maintain validindividuals.


Fitness Evaluate the effectiveness of the

program to solve the problem

Two stage fitness: Run resultant program Compare to correct / desired results


Definition of animation

an·i·ma·tion (n)a motion picture made from a series ofdrawings simulating motion by means ofslight progressive changes in the drawings


Problem in animation For each object in your scene

For each frame generated Must define position / orientation of the object.

Each controllable parameter is a degreeof freedom

Degree of Freedom problem 3 objects 1 minute animation

30 frames / second 30 frames x 60 seconds = 1800 frames Must define position and orientation of each

(12 degrees of freedom/object) = 36 degreesof freedom

1800 frames x 36 dof = 64,800 values



“There is no particular mystery inanimation…it’s really very simple, andlike anything that is simple, It is aboutthe hardest thing in the world to do”

-- Bill Tytla, Disney Animator, 1937

Articulated Figures

What is an articulated figure? A set of rigid objects connected by joints Individual joints are linked together in a

parent-child hierarchy Each object has a joint at one end where

any child bones may be attached. The skeleton


Articulated Figures

Joints Motion of articulated figures are determined by

providing the angle of rotation about each joint Any joint is only permitted to rotate about the three

local axes of its parent joint. However, you may wish to limit the extent of rotation

Disallow rotation about one of the axes Provide rotational constraints to a given axis.


Degrees of freedom

Degrees of freedom Number of parameters

whose values must bedefined in order to fullyposition the articulatedfigure

44 DOF: 38 (joint angles) + 6(position and orientation)

Our problem

Problem: For each time step, determine the values

of the degrees of freedom (joint anglerotations) to achieve a “desirable”animation.

Approach: Construct a program that will determine

these joint angles, with respect to time.


Our problem “Desirable” animation

Follow the laws of physics Achieve some predefined goal Don’t overexert useless energy “Natural poses”

To achieve physically accurate motion, go tothe source!

The Source: Sir Isaac Newton 1643-1727 Discovered

(amongst otherthings) Calculus Physics of Light Physics of Motion

Busy Man


Kinematics vs. Dynamics Kinematic control

Refers to motion of object irrespective of the forcesinvolved

Dynamic control Concerned with computing the underlying forces which

are then used to produce motion.

Problem with dynamics: How does one determine the correct forces that

will produce “desirable motion”

Our problem revisited Problem:

For each time step, determine the forcesrequired to produce values of the degreesof freedom (joint angle rotations) toachieve a “desirable” animation.

Approach: Construct a program, based on physical

dynamics, that will determine these jointangles, with respect to time.


Genetic Programming

In genetic programming: Problem -- involves not finding a solution,

but instead creating a program that canfind the best solution.

Phenotype (solution) is a computerprogram

Search space is the set of all possiblecomputer programs.

Two approaches

[Gritz, Hahn] -- Control motion of afixed hierarchy

[Sims] -- Evolution of virtual creatures

Papers on Web site


Genetic Programming for Articulated Figure Motion

System architecture:

Genetic Programming for Articulated Figure Motion

Classic Genetic Programming Genotype: parse tree Phenotype: LISP program Ideal Joint angles determined by mutated

control programs represented as parsetrees


Genetic Programming andAnimation

Introducing Dynamics Control programs actually define “desired”

joint angle Motion is determined by physical

simulation using simple spring model todetermine torques at joints

Genetic Programming andAnimation

Function set Arithmetic functions (+, -, *, %) Conditional (ifltz -- if less than zero)

(x < 0 ) ? expr1:expr2

Trig / Mathematical functions (cos, abs,etc).


Genetic Programming andAnimation

Terminal set: Internal state variables:

Position, velocity, current joint angle, forces Allowed for coupled motion.

time Ephemeral random constant.

Genetic Programming andanimation Fitness:

Primary Goal: Get from here to there Style points:

Penalty for violating safety rules Reward for speed Penalties for inefficient behaviour Rewards for ending in neutral position. Reward for minimizing energy consumption Other subgoals.




L*xo Learns to Limbo Main Goal:

Get from start to finish in time allotted

Style Points: Bonus for getting there early Penalty for motion after getting there. Penalty for hitting head or falling over Bonus for finishing at neutral position.



Example controller program:

Genetic Programming andAnimation

Genetic Luxo -- Results.


Genetic Programming andAnimation



Taking Genetics to theExtreme

Sims (1994) Not only used GP as a means for defining

motion but also used it to evolve creaturesstructure.


Sims’ goal

Evolve virtual creatures that are suitedto obtaining a given goal in a givenenvironment.

Evolutionary Algorithm is used to defineboth: Morphology (structure) of creature Control (motion) of creature.

Genotype Directed graph. Each node represents a rigid part of the

creature. Dimensions Joint type (between this part and parent) Joint limits Recursive Limits Neurons

Each edge represents a potential link toanother part of the body.



Phenotype: “Smart” Articulated figure. -- hierarchy of

3D parts

Genetic Mapping: Use genome as guide to constructing


Creature Morphology


Creature Control

Each creature has a virtual brain: Accepts input sensor values Has access to internal neurons Produces output effector values


Internal sensors Joint angle sensors

External sensors Contact sensors -- collisions Photo-sensors -- sensitive to simulated

light source.


Internal nuerons Mini-LISP like functions associated with

each node. Take input from other nodes Ships output to other nodes Sample of Function set:

+, *, /, >, sign, min, max, abs, if, interpolate.sin, cos, log, exp, sigmoid, integrate,differentiate, smooth, oscillate-sin, oscillate-sawtooth.


Effectors controls joint forces on eachjoint Simulation is doing using dynamics. Can be connected to sensor or internal



Genetic Mapping Each morphological genotype node contains a

neuron “program” which can have sensorsand effectors as terminals.

Neurons are generated with each body part. Connections are made between adjacent

parts in the hierarchy. Creature are also given neurons not

corresponding to any body part.

Genetic Mapping




Strategies: Internal parameters of individual nodes are

modified New random node added Edges are redirected New edges are added Same mutations can take place on

“neuron” programs.



Creature motion is determined byphysical simulation. Effectors produce forces Environment contains external forces. Collision detection / response Friction, etc.


Creatures are placed in an environmentand judged on success towards a giventask: Swimming -- locomotion in a viscous force

field Walking -- land locomotion Jumping -- judged on height Following -- a light source.


Selection Survival-ratio

Constant population size maintained. Percentage of population that will survive

to next generation Offspring fill rest of slots

Minimum fitness required.



EAs and Animation

This is clearly a case where we’vecrossed the line between SolvingProblems and Simulating Evolution. Creatures, given a task, are evolved via

EAs to best perform the task. Functional control programs represented

and manipulated as parse trees Looks a lot like nature’s creatures.

Evolutionary Algorithms To use evolutionary algorithms your must:

Define your problem Define your genotype Identify your phenotype Define the genotype -> phenotype translation Define crossover and mutation operators Define fitness Determine selection criteria Set population parameters



For next time

Fitness and Selection Yet another interesting application.

Checkpoint 3: Fitness and Selection.

Have a good weekend.