
Notes from the Life of Galileo http://www.englishworks.com.au/notes-galileo/ __________________________________________________________________ ______ Be clear about: The ideological clash between views and values: conflict often occurs when progressive views held by individuals threaten the status quo: in this case powerful social, political and religious institutions may react brutally as they seek to defend traditional and conservative views and values. Causes: What appears to be a simple clash between science and religion is more complicated: it becomes a clash between a church that is desperate to protect its power base, and a scientist who wants to empower the peasants and encourage them to take interest in and gain knowledge of a world that directly affects them. Consequences: in such cases powerful institutions work swiftly to silence individuals who threaten their power base. Often this clash leads to violent threats and personal or professional smear campaigns; this involves a high degree of pain, grief and suffering on behalf of individuals such as Galileo. In many ways, Cardinal Bellarmin and Cardinal Barberini seek to depict Galileo as arrogant because he questions the intentions of the higher Being. “We have shifted the responsibility for such occurrences as we cannot understand – life is made up of them – to a higher Being, and argued that all of them contribute to the fulfilment of certain intentions, that the whole thing is taking place according to a great plan… but now you come along and accuse this higher being of not being quite clear how the stars move, whereas you yourself are.” What are the consequences: Prophetically the Inquisitor states: “and greatness is occasionally a difficult burden for those on whom God has bestowed it”. Church: pursues a narrow-minded and arrogant course to protect its power base; ensure its dominance of the people by keeping them ignorant;. Galileo; the search for scientific truth has personal and professional consequences Virginia; becomes a (by-passer casualty) victim of Galileo’s conflict and must sacrifice her proposed marriage to Ludovico because of the position adopted by Galileo; the Inquisitor seeks to influence Virginia, hoping that she will pressurise her father. Virginia is preparing for her imminent marriage; the Inquisitor knows

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Notes from the Life of Galileohttp://www.englishworks.com.au/notes-galileo/________________________________________________________________________

Be clear about:

The ideological clashbetween views and values:conflict often occurs when progressive views held by individuals threaten the status quo: in this case powerful social, political and religious institutions may react brutally as they seek to defend traditional and conservative views and values.

Causes:What appears to be a simple clash between science and religion is more complicated: it becomes a clash between a church that is desperate to protect its power base, and a scientist who wants to empower the peasants and encourage them to take interest in and gain knowledge of a world that directly affects them.

Consequences: in such cases powerful institutions work swiftly to silence individuals who threaten their power base. Often this clash leads to violent threats and personal or professional smear campaigns; this involves a high degree of pain, grief and suffering on behalf of individuals such as Galileo.

In many ways, Cardinal Bellarmin and Cardinal Barberini seek to depict Galileo as arrogant because he questions the intentions of the higher Being. We have shifted the responsibility for such occurrences as we cannot understand life is made up of them to a higher Being, and argued that all of them contribute to the fulfilment of certain intentions, that the whole thing is taking place according to a great plan but now you come along and accuse this higher being of not being quite clear how the stars move, whereas you yourself are.

What are the consequences:

Prophetically the Inquisitor states: and greatness is occasionally a difficult burden for those on whom God has bestowed it. Church: pursues a narrow-minded and arrogant course to protect its power base; ensure its dominance of the people by keeping them ignorant;. Galileo; the search for scientific truth has personal and professional consequences Virginia; becomes a (by-passer casualty) victim of Galileos conflict and must sacrifice her proposed marriage to Ludovico because of the position adopted by Galileo; the Inquisitor seeks to influence Virginia, hoping that she will pressurise her father. Virginia is preparing for her imminent marriage; the Inquisitor knows that if the earth is more vast than one originally believes, then a cardinal might get lost in such vast distances and the Almighty might lose sight of the Pope himself so it is important to remain close to your great father whom we all esteem so highly, my dear child.

GALILEO: the scientist and his theories

Galileos theory contradicts the churchs theory about the Earth at the centre of Gods universe. He reinforces Copernicus theory that the earth is just one planet that revolves around the sun. This theory is blasphemous (goes against God) and the church makes him recant (take it back). People have been subjected to death for such theories. (Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543 placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the centre of the universe (heliocentric model). This refuted Aristotles theory. 17th century Galileo because of his improved telescopes, confirmed the theory.

The church believes that Galileos theory threatens their authority.

Mr Galileo (Ballarmin tells him), tonight the Holy Office decided that the doctrine of Copernicus, according to which the sun is motionless and at the centre of the cosmos, while the earth moves and is not at the centre of the cosmos, is foolish, absurd, heretical and contrary to our faith. I have been charged to warn you that you must abandon this view. He is entitled to his scientific views as long as they are simply a hypothesis; they must not be presented as fact. The Cardinal wishes that Galileo would wear his mask for his own protection and so that he can appear as a lamb, and a good orthodox thinker.

The churchs theory is that the earth is the centre of the universe. The sun revolves around the earth. This means that human beings are the most important thing in Gods creation. They are central to Gods design.

Galileopursues his interest in science, because he believes that eventually the authorities will be forced to recognise the truth. He wants people to understand which is why I go on working and buying expensive books instead of paying the milkman. but his believe in mans reason is problematic.

Galileo hopes that if he continues his work quietly he will be unnoticed by the authorities. He underestimates the extent of his threat to the authorities. (Ive written a book about the mechanics of the universe, thats all. What people make of it or dont make of it isnt my business. (88)


The Inquisitor represents the views of the church authorities. They believe that if the peasants start talking about the phases of Venus they may even start to question the work of God. They may not see God as responsible for all miracles. ((92) They are annoyed that Galileo writes his theories of astronomy in the idiom of fishwives and merchants. (92) If the workers talk about these theories they may start to question Gods authority.


Ludovico explains the perspective of the landowners and farmers. They do not want the peasants talking about the change to the universe. They believe that it would disrupt their livelihood and the status quo. (normal divisions)

They could be upset if they heard that frivolous attacks on the churchs sacred doctrines were in future to go unpunished (79) Even the ballad singer, states for independent spirit spreads like foul diseases Who wouldnt like to say and do just as he pleases? (84)


Conflict often occurs when progressive views held by individuals threaten the status quo. In this case powerful social, political and religious institutions may react brutally as they seek to defend traditional and conservative views and values. They often seek to silence individuals who threaten their power base. Often this clash leads to violent threats; this involves a high degree of pain, grief and suffering on behalf of Galileo.


Someone who doesnt know the truth is just thick-headed. But someone who does know it, and calls it a lie is a crook. (Andrea quotes Galileos views.) (95)Andreas comments imply that Galileo is a fraud because he does not stick to the truth.

Faced with the threat of death, Galileo recants (confesses).

Galileo admits that I recanted because I was afraid of physical pain. (107). they showed me the instruments. He is depicted as a person who fears for the loss of his life. He is someone who values the sensuality and physical nature of life. Brecht depicts Galileo as someone who loves the simple pleasures of life and does not want to give them up. His food and wine are a constant source of pleasure to him. The Inquisitor rightly concludes that G is a man of flesh and would give in immediately (93) The Pope also describes G as a sensual person:.. he enjoys himself more than any man I have ever met. His thinking springs from sensuality. (93)

RESPONSE ** Every essay on Galileo

Galileo believes that he has shamefully compromised his principles and betrayed science.He believes that he has diminished his status in society and he no longer counts himself as a member of the world of science . I betrayed my profession (108-9) A man who does what I did cannot be tolerated in the ranks of society. As a scientist I had a unique opportunity to change things. He believes he had a unique opportunity to use his power to change the way people think. If one man had put up a fight it might have had tremendous repercussions. (109) His work could have been as important as the doctors Hippocratic oath a vow to use their knowledge exclusively for mankinds benefit (109) He believes that if scientists are brought to heel by self-interested rulers then this will cripple science. After Galileo recants, science is paralysed. It caused a setback most gratifying to the church (Andrea 103) Retrospectively, Galileo believes he should have stuck to his core values and defended his scientific principles.

Andreas response (separate point)

Galileo gives Andrea his Discorsi which contains many of his new theories that he has been doing in secret. Andrea believes that Galileo has been particularly calculating. He believes that Galileo recanted in order to continue his masterful work and exploration.

Andrea seeks to excuse Galileos decision by stating that fearing death is human. Human weaknesses dont matter to science. (107) Andrea praises Galileo and believes that he is, even in matters of ethics, centuries ahead of us. He believes that Galileo has cleverly trumped the enemy. His motto was, better stained than empty. (He has stained his name, but at least he has come up with important theories.) He repeats, you were simply backing out of a hopeless political wrangle in order to get on with the real business of science. (106) (Galileo has been able to conduct scientific studies on a modest scale under clerical supervision. (103) Andrea states that if he had given in to them, at the stake in a halo of flames the other side would have won . (106)

Impact on others: Virginia for example : Galileos theories and exploitation do have an impact upon his daughter, Virginia, and her marriage to Ludovico. The housekeeper, Mrs Sarti, chastises (criticises) Galileo and tells him that you have no right to trample all over your daughters happiness with your great feet (78)

Best parallels:

Raif Badawi individual versus state/religious dictatorship state run theology Saudi Arabia Climate change deniers are the flat earthers Blasphemy laws it is a crime to defame Mohammed/ prophet (Charlie Hebdo) Muslims in countries like Pakistan persecute many individuals from other religions on the blasphemy charge for all sorts of crimes Parallel of someone who defends principles to the death, eg. Sri Lankan Journalist Soldier stories