lohep self healing energy workshop 200903

LOHEP Self-Healing Energy Workshop --The Journey of Soul Discovery Dr. Dingyin Huang. M.D Omvib Health Group

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This is the description of LOHEP Core Workshop Level 0


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LOHEP Self-Healing Energy Workshop

--The Journey of Soul Discovery

Dr. Dingyin Huang. M.DOmvib Health Group

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Introduction of LOHEP Concepts LOHEP Approaches

LOHEP Techniques I Am LOHEP Happening Oneness LOHEP EFRT Meditation LOHEP Core Workshops LOHEP Structures of Triple Practices

LOHEP Protocols of Holistic Health Supports

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Introduction of LOHEP Concepts

What is LOHEP?

LOHEP Approaches

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What is LOHEP?

LOHEP= Life of Holistic Energy Practice

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LOHEP Approaches

Heart Approach / LOHEP World Oneness Movement

Energy / Elevate Energy Level of Human Beings

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LOHEP Techniques

I Am LOHEP Happening Oneness LOHEP EFRT MeditationLOHEP Core Workshops

LOHEP Structures of Triple Practices

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I Am LOHEP Happening Oneness

Part I:

An Urgent Aid to Elevate Human Beings’ Energy Level and Open Our Heart for Mankind and Earth

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I Am LOHEP Happening Oneness

Part II:

Chanting “ I Am LOHEP Happening Oneness” to Fit Purposes Mentioned Above

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I Am LOHEP Happening Oneness

Part III:

Visualization and Materialization Technique Afterwards—Effect Guarantee

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LOHEP EFRT Meditation

Step 1: Energy Dance Step 2: Gibberish Step 3: Speak-Out-ThoughtsStep 4: Thought Watch

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LOHEP Core Workshops Level 0

Deeksha: LOHEP Happening Oneness Authorization: free to spread by authorized procedures Themes: To elevate human beings' energy and help enter the

happening oneness thus  Energy Dance and Deeksha Save us from increasing disasters, artificial or natural, nowadays and

our Mother Earth Help transform and the energy status of human beings and earth to

enter 2012 Fulfill one's dreams by practical and effective steps Apply Group EFRT to deal difficult pain, misfortune and diseases or

issues related to relationships, business or personal growth

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LOHEP Core Workshops

Level 1 Deeksha: LOHEP Karma Liberation Authorization: from master to participants face to face Themes: To liberate human beings' souls from karma

LOHEP EFRT Meditation and Deeksha Deliver 14 main themes of life to deprogram mind settings

(Karma) Techniques to perform private EFRT in pairs or on one's

own Apply Group and private EFRT to deal difficult and deep


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LOHEP Core Workshops Level 2

Deeksha: LOHEP Holiness Authorization: from master to participants face to face Themes: To return and tune in one's inner BIG SELF, in Chinese

Yi-Ging, the triple structure of heaven, human and earth. LOHEP Chakra Meditation, LOHEP Dynamic Holiness Meditation and

Deeksha Invite family members to repose in position and complete family

picture Apply Dr. Dingyin Huang's Dharma bodies to help awaken one's inner

holiness Apply Group and private EFRT to enter one's past lives for deep

karma liberation and future to discover one's subconscious intention. 

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LOHEP Core Workshops Level 3 

Deeksha: LOHEP Honest Emptiness Authorization: from master to participants face to face Themes: Realize the ultimate truth of our being and immortality,

master and generate incredible energy with powerful creativity. Reverse pain to awakening energy and dissolve self to emptiness Reach total acceptance and live with spontaneity of heart and

absolute relaxation Vipassana Retreat with Cosmic Energy Structure to tune in honest

emptiness Apply Dr. Dingyin Huang's Dharma bodies to help participants


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LOHEP Core Workshops

Level 4 Deeksha: LOHEP Energy Master Authorization: from master to participants face to face Themes: Master in opening energy fields, guide energy

and heal a group of all issues, especially on Group EFRT Teach different structures of Group EFRT for different

purposes Teach different techniques of Group EFRT Apply Dr. Dingyin Huang's Dharma bodies to help healing

all pain, misfortune and diseases in groups Heal thousands and thousands people now and in the


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LOHEP Structures of Daily Triple Energy Practices

Karma Liberation / Deprogramming Mind Settings of Lives

Heart & Oneness Practice / Enter and Fulfill The Flow of Heart

Cosmic Grand Will / Invite Cosmic Divine Energy to Help One’s Ultimate Growth in Soul Journey

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LOHEP Protocols of Holistic Health Supports

Toxins-Out-Energy-In ModelVibEssenceGroup or Private EFRT

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Toxins-Out-Energy-In Model

1. Reconstructing micro-circulation: TCM VibEssence, Tien Hsian Liquid(THL).

2. Colon clean program: Omvib Phyto Complex.

3. Gall bladder and liver clean program: Omvib Liver Clean Program.

4. Lymph and kidney clean program: Omvib Water Vitalizer

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Colon Fibroscopy of Dr. ShinyaThe Residual Stool


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Dirty Materials from Gall Bladder and Liver

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Dirty Materials from Gall Bladder and Liver

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Dirty Materials from Gall Bladder and Liver

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Toxins Culmination:Filter Hypothesis of Solid Tumors

Tumors are the final device to filtrate toxins

Tumors are to filtrate blood to keep toxins into tumor capsules.

Metastases are the necessity for more places / filters to filtrate blood to maintain tolerable serum profiles: PH values, electrolytes…

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Here is an hepatocellular carcinoma. Such liver cancers arise in the setting of cirrhosis. Worldwide, viral hepatitis is the most common cause, but in the U.S., chronic alcoholism is the most common cause. The neoplasm is large and bulky and has a greenish cast because it contains bile. To the right of the main mass are smaller satellite nodules.

這是一種 hepatocellular 癌。 這樣的肝癌在肝硬變的底座裡出現。 全世界,病毒 的肝炎是最普通的原因,但是在美國,慢性酒精中毒是最普通的原因。 新生物是

大和龐大的,有帶綠色的投,因為它包含膽汁。 在主要群眾的右邊是更小的衛星 小結。


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The satellite nodules of this hepatocellular carcinoma represent either intrahepatic spread of the tumor or multicentric origin of the tumor.

衛星這 hepatocellular癌的小結描述 intrahepatic 瘤或者multicentric 瘤 的起源傳播。


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TCM VibEssence Flower VibEssence Cosmic VibEssence Holistic Care VibEssence EFRT VibEssence

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EFRT:Energy Field Reposition Therapy

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Differences between EFRT and Family Constellation

Energy Field / Place energy entities on spot by seers

Any things that can be named out can be placed on spot to join the energy order and flow, and, most important of all, can be solved

Dharma sentences are used for deprogramming as a final understanding to pain, misfortune and sufferings

On the basis of Dharma sentences, Group or private EFRT both can be performed

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EFRT in Treating Death Wish / Stress

Stress manifests those fixed thought patterns or mindsets that keep us from total acceptance

Through total acceptance can you enter the essence of truth.

Stress indicates that you are fighting with shadows, and burn-outs is the severest symptom of this.

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EFRT in Treating Death Wish / Emotions

Emotions manifests those stuck emotional patterns or mindsets that keep us from total expression.

Through total expression can you enter the creativity of originality, i.e. it is the flow of heart.

Emotions indicate that you are stuck with unexpressed feelings from the past and this moment, and depression is the severer symptom of this.

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EFRT in Treating Death Wish / Spiritual (Karmic Debt)

Symptoms which are related to disease or death wish

These disease and death wishes generate from karmic debt / mindsets of life themes.

These mindsets have been inherited from one’s original family, mostly from parents.

To have a disease or a death wish to die is a way to show one’s sincerity to pay the debts.

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Symptoms: Disease and Death Wish / life themes

1. Earth journey

2. Karmic couples

3. Debt from previous lives

4. Fear of death

5. Mindsets during pregnancy

6. Stupid substitution of relatives’ pain

7. Balancing parents

8. Wrong position of parent-child relationship

9. Self punishment caused by disrespect

10. Clinging to the first love or sex

11. Intoxicated desires12. Heart-broken

relationships13. Death of relatives

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Thank You for Your Attentive Mind and Heart

Contact info:

Dr. Dingyin Huang

Email: [email protected]

Skype: dingyinhuang