lolsvmj.f. journal jz xiaoe · referred...

I LO"lsVMJ.F. JOURNAL BOAfcD 07 C0K0N CCTOril. Thcbsoay Ett:n:jo fJrv 2T. 1661 pr,FMirJ M Arrr'rorg, PretdenV a,H ) tba iaewbjw -- xoep' 113. Coif6, Etioktia. Woivd rid Th redirf o h Jmrr&l of the pre- vious r:0fl d i with. A cVlm f ?23 2S In fnwnr of W. referred io 3. root Com-Bai't- P W rn Di rio. Mr. CarOb, from the F'nac&fl Ciol' rrorr1 a frm tha rf AM-r- n direo.lnf th Ea Inar to reqai"e lha 0"ntrevnr repair th Dw e!'rna vhioh do not hold water. m1 d!rr;g the Mayr o hav rer-alre- tbe old olec-rne- Vbich was ednpH. GLATMf ATX"Wtt. . Person &ud Kiug, 313, for burying piu P O Mills, 129 40, for inhoine fur-alpf- jvl. Jhn 37 67, fur mUoine fur- - Chart 0s. 2 99 work on inter-Servia- n nf cnpfc-1- K'w fl nate f2W ST frr work on Inter-- e- Ion of Campbell rhr-T- C Telfl p A VT. PWff"r. $18 76 frok on irrrs bn of Camp jell snd Franklin etr'n j ha fcV-jr- $2 for repairs to ffrert a d? r Charges Juaot. $173 , for pities er- - tlni. Alumna $371 73, iy"Btei for 0- - 4 B- -i ?M Wll'Um CroTe $3 anrt Joho Co&nell, $3. fr room root at F. B5wei $W S fr rrlnlnt? Win a- - J, m p $243 rH C fTnr jeost. 9-- 5 fur ra ( r pip in L M. Hos pi ml. ft Kan 'b W I $139 6 f--r work frm M f)"" 21 'efljfl- - 7 1?51 L. A CifiU, $12 for S'Atioairj furnished A M'nr. O nmp b- -. ?S 014 07, far 41 l!hU to ro'nr . 1811 W.b ft UveriQj, S '2 80. fjt ititlonery 1o rl'T ffl'O" J vi D lp, $194 So, on aococis of caeh rart m. Mr frmnS' ComV'ee, o f)U t d. rppwed a r6tr1uln apDrcV-- ln 'ho E'ff:ni'' anor iinruent rf tha dlfsin? nil WiMioff f O'o'f-r- on Chratnut an Brook g'w. W R G.'-iy- , eantractor, M" I'v'n, fim fi'rewt. OTstniftep, EB-e- rr D '13'- - r--p r ei a rpMition ftinr-?'- g t Ef :n"r (ippriormnt of th d'' g'rf nf1 wa l'Bg "f wU at Fmyd and I'te-tfu- - a'Tt.i, W R. Grey, coniraotcr, ubi b fl sdcp d. M . 1'V n1 f1" ni m". rpp'trtd ft resVu-tlr.- n f pnrovinflr tha Va aponrti rf ih cTftl;r. Pv ne, n1 enrhlntr of R Ea-t- e tcr, omroTor, whlo'i was ftdcp. ea Xr. TrTlnp, from mf, rrored a rflu-tln- n aporci' '? Erg tier,(ipp: r'!nmont rf th adu g, p'ing and cuvhin? cf TftmrSel Pr?i, from fheetnni to EJIn Mr Ir in- -. f'fm S'ree'- - Comniifet E1-!-r- T rrrt-f- l areaoatl n anprnng ihe Efffr's ppr cf the g ad-in- p'i ?, d cnr'Mrg f FrmirUu r: (?t, ir Cmpyi o We. a i p. ft M. Pf:tf'r, j n r0'ors. wh'rn d .ped vir. Ltnro. from 6 ComTnltie, U'-r;- c. .'d a rfl"!uaon ftppriVin fe. E''ifi'-T'- 6 aptiOTilovUjf'rit of ih- - r p.irevf the rd-H- on bn h a o Chp'nut fooi F:f eu h to Eg a a M-- f. J hn B:iSy, ccn'r5;ur( w'ft i w o l p id. Mr t:gh'burn, rrnra rrpirred a ra-o- 'u i t a''nl g Wm. Oitu'arr to er?e. by eca'ea ai Sevonh atid Broddwy, lu frunt of hi' prrprtv. r.od nndr ba cpor-vi-i- n of tha j ? E eirfr nod wb!oh a adoi-t'-- Mr Tm', f'om tht roTOniit9 on TT-rn- a nrd Grrorlpf of tbe W'oi-- n Dla-t- r er, r?p' r d e rrKo'utloca gr m'lr--- j the fili'-irD- UotJOtO', wtiivU wtre wvtrally adop t1 v t: H4 I ft HTf'f arerti, corner tf Fcorth i M gwopnT, o on Mar- ker, h 6r-v- ti fifth a d 3 xh eree-t?- ; B 8 ruVe, ccff ehou-fl- , oarawr of fourth ar d larVf-t- "rni ? tcr Hr-- r Qitio, fi'ochmse, corntr of SJ-'- n "TH ' w-- b s Geo. 3 m d . o ff eh ni, on Market, bo-tv- tt E evfu h 60fl Tweltih nlreea. Mr Brax o. rom th pcclftl OotDinlttfC, wi discharged frrtn ih oonfildeaiion cf ibe petition of Litohten & Co to reduou tbir Mr O 'T11, frfm theCoromit'e on Whrf, rpar-p- a repou'ion to ata. oi' b i f ef te wr a Nv due on tbe Finny Bullitt, hch rj e'd by the follow n;ote: Ynaft-.Pr.e- i1 nt Anmitrorg ard Me8 r Twyraan Ca dwelt, Irvine and Or; 6. pjT8 Vfpgrfi. ToTOpnH. BiX'ct, O'imth, Grinar, L ghturn, ftaald, Ka fce 8ory ai d Tuck-- -; 10 Mr. Caiu'h, from the Oon'raot Commit-TpoT'e- a o n'rqct execaei by U Hu!'e"M to prude n? pae he alley be- - lwn ChrS DUt 4nd Q AT, H'QOOtik ftod C'v ctre wbi'ili ppro'r-- The wnrkhoB' ten rt for 0'tob?r wa Tfrr d fo h om i tee on fforkhcuje, A m ' on" and Hi- - ltil. a r- -- 'iri " trm id" of AMermnn, iju fr.r b-- r tm". nn.i' M .rch 9 b. 1862 n J D. Sa'raje to OO ?ple e h-- con t ao fir aid raviDg witi bowlder attires the allpy b'wen Brtadwy and Trtrk, rnnnirg from E'ghth to 2?in h e.reeta. W if Vop-ei- , An orJinno fixing rrleo of iall-T- In 'hi tHnai m ke'B In Loul-vill- n bainflr pwd ib B ard, wae re urncd frr-- he Bonrd of AHermen amended, and pro wb referred io Committee on Pub io W"ik A roala lon 'rom fbeB "f A'drmn alW wi'ff oharN 0- - 8208 40, fr work a. CuinpVll aid B"oada. w referred to btt (J.'ml'r E H'ern Di rH. A rso ntlon frcm the Bo.rd of A' Jrman dir-- in tp Gi Ortmnany to er?ot a lamp op ir Ha if Seven li between Chestnut lid Wa'nnt wn adopted. A rpou f om be Boird of A'dermeu, dreo'irg th Street Inpior ?o widen the Ouler'a a' 8T'nih and Broad wty etre?i8, w efcrred to Street Committee, Western Dnfrio'. A reo'n'l"n f onn tbe Bard f Aldf rmen, h K -- er of the Wo:kicn-- t to pnroke flldil or a' bei and boddmff f'T'c and to repair tbe roof, wf d p'd A r, io f'Am be B 'f Me'mA, Flb.wln & c tt $3) 40, tor l?e f'jrtmnp'1 n;v . fBsee, wj reierred to I'i-B- i' O' fifTinl t A reaotn loo frm B.rd K'erep, ln i'-- H ft 3rn .pt f;.r erTio'i, wtj referred o Fiuv oe C, m-- t.e. Th nf Wa F 'oh wing, Flour w pr:e''.ed fro;n lae B.iid of , n qJ The f of I f R (rtr M rk 'rr"T Of rvm:e So 1 a.n i2. o J vnnryl, 1652, ft rr-p- a 1 frocn lie Brd :f Aldermen .d fl d. A l ?n o iJtjf nntl! Thnrday rpifrg & i, 1361, at. 7 oVl-?ctr- fid P'd, wucn, on motion, the Boird a"J . urct J M Vattgha, Clk. ITEM-1- , nn. McHn'ti ptnrf'y declined pfve am i'0'1 w)e m t h if, hv a omM dtlo ch Ci- - T'li arv ir 'h-i'- parfO, on hr r H wai'B ro dem usfra-t- l ipf ( r rif.nnnt- of tba: ' tl un U bo bai earrod Lbm T is 1 h tor cfn D'V people n- d Tre e r (ea-'lr- cf ih of & a'h Par li a, ftri Jin ihreirlys, eins f U cn ib- - S h Irs an(, 1 er bo.lui Prf dnial e ctT nod o driu ibe txuitt to kjeo tUo Stale 300 000 Wore are little tbigfs but. thy strike bard. W w U rhem bo eas-il- that wa ara ap. io for-j- rt tteir htdd-- n p"wr. Fitiv nay fall Iks tunbin-- , th- - d w, and driajll g T I i )qc, wii'D a lifcn ibti fro-.t- , iea, tiaii, aLddeeo-J- a a uinpeat. To tttt ibe fact wbeihf t petroleum will exploit tr iKt, i our a fmalt qami! y In a eauor or a ve al of mrj- - kii , lih a raiteh and epilv It If t iisplo1ve it win flvhJkd pilcn if it is jrara b will i et taki flr at all. Wny d n't too Mmlt vourfft !l?" 8a!d a p'lrsi-ett- n o an l'Ua2.rr pno ) dna eaie tb yn will yo ao far ard oo ft.r b7 " "iio I id iba tpr; I at it fi.1 off that 1 alaa ftat tip7 b 'er I gattolu" A iyarller fn mi rasolrftd hv tbe Gov-e-- (f O rrmlib bh the eiin'a iotis, t:U vorur fceabh sf"' 'Tor appadre IuhiO ''Are vt n n b!-- , fat k'nnt? ' Anilinrejl. to tberr trq tri af r hi- - haaltb, r p'i-- sir k'n Lirf , "Bv jour anipie s;n "Only Ut profprrD9 ar.u I aoi cf conrde very Tie elrmf1 tm hv pat inf. Yrnr('.m ina Is dictaH ;ft Your arrival id eei-- , "Upoa my ejee you bevestoitr' ii ihiimii m iiiiinaiiiiiiiiillllll llhlilllisi II lil """ Peewh of roL. Kuluoak Co. A. Mu irati wj bx" " be ci v of C ic--i, Ntw in ib VPir 29 -- nd It o s qa iuw Ii 1'2 :!!r("OS-c- dy-v-- . H- par me wre ratrr-- 9 einl. ff b of 'na of I wo'hrt, r fAtbr. which pljci wt:e- - bo wan a ohiW, r nif.vdioC'iici-'- , .hAhia relU with bo: fon 'Or h p tvntv br. vejri SbJ mavritd a refp-ctil- a 1 h Arm-H- 'n Chto o ha- i'fa'iW w c. d uapvU 3llciial wro with e f.vter'u wlcitnda the txy ninr m'n-- l cr He w h daoa 1 t thebmva the C-- ?a in y rh .bioa o, war loa pUifnr.oaof b- - Kav Mr KlnreH-- rf Yk tH?y, anl ia a at.iot uimher of the Ca.fl. c b '"'h. In loi 130 a:xl lfC'4 h re-- d U la 'be otfice o' iir-u- . jT. Arr.olt), G ..gtw-nnan fr.-i- tho ... j t,.r .)i vt fi.oo li aitea 'h) W tera mTV '11-- a- wa.v In Cbxi-- a Iu 185G bo wr adm 'ted an at'ornev atliw in GImcjo. At tbln Una bo htW the poai in cf S coiV-- Lion ar.ant in the Cbiomo SUklit itHrd. on rf tSa co rpnl-- a tac-be- to tho IrMi U 1ade now iu Uidouri, &iA wbicli did 8) wail Go'. Mall ma 1j w rby of til pralso. A pcrcr, bter man d'joa nof. ths S'a3 of Ulinoia Slt-'c- h ubia to t !1 h difference brwsen aU en'l rfier. n r! i 9 of r l'q beano pweed hi tip1. liet-- h ruil tnp.runce urn;, al houh ha 1 j on id snd "l! Hf n!cd 10 n fcu'r tl e'j tom tbrr-- i. o ?3 in hoUh witb a v'iry, ic tr'T. ft las tou hssd yef an opi, frai t Ci'Mc fac, 8tnrrf1 w':'h ctir ae, tjiuck, Hi'd iade eodiuos. tu'iunntd wiih a bu by profusion cf hir, tinctured vith pray H.nnraolo io all rda ions, by all, bs bai W n Ms W3V bv On'iring t; d dirv and cnuMiie", O- t!:s 25 h o i to'.er, li&0, be whs inn-n- to Mi s yuQnt by ite Uoman K'1 po'tic-S- L the p.loT-r ol" 7 cnatr Fi'fb. of In- dians, terd-- r d bi:r acie i:i th l parimvnt of tlie liiuror. Uo ac"p'd the poll n, and the wnffr in W iMi.rfon D tIi bi i n W 8'iln'cn he ' rre: pond d i b the G'lca 'lex'Hpb ovr tha nonirii di p'umao' " Af r iU re'Q-- n 10 Ch ca: fnm Wasbinftrn b w s flsctol "?p a;n f the Sotwlilfl Goi-d- . 0 'ho n wa arriving of th br.mbirdtn-- n of Frr, Sn nnr, thi I i h-- nrl ch c mpmi - bold R Dir. of which h w8 cbiiriLai. ami sonn nf orwi:di ho wnt to Wasb-lni?T- h a b?ttor writ'en by the lte Snator D.ia,.'laa on bis dah Irid to the Prwldeir. tin Jer-i:- a reyl-nen- to le c 11 d the 'lnfh B 1 Kd li w.i amop'-'d- an, b-- j: fl cd O-- onel, t b'a-- - Mu'lign imti d atdy w-- t witrk with a will. 11 is ryiinnt. was rp d!y or itarizel. and from thit tiji until the ommulory fu rrlrof L-- 'ton, oner a &le6ei tb'j c.une of in ition la well known. r kfinkd st: 11 S0 bW- - Vi bit- - Kotnei! Bnrri 0 br Yfaii-- do dOi Jo 'tor or sli by Wow and Important Sooka at Civil Ta ASL) HK itEMA.INd. Ezcavaticn CAJt'fUd" ntd. 6'. dliASOs vvp u Tin.: H"Hsv;fl; Sportuui AJ FSVA.ULbY lAK3i)NAQ': IoUh I15tiStra.t8d 0"JKCT LKFONS IXU 18ACHHU8 AfcO PA- - hKVrS 41. TOM fe'H "'N AT fXvOl'.C Prt 9. 4t. HAKPHP-'- GKJTi A D If ATI N TZ2.T3 Craeat. Oiccro, LutrtUt ali b .itttt .nits ai il 4.ntrt ui SCfU atii lor - to ronn.m t liv j i, Li prime 11 laul fiU'lO liLAi h NiVW '' FT a loom-;:- - .i'lonc- -, i r 'Eva S iMiio t L.1 brij.t. ft 1'it 'l3 i.v I AfiUAY'-t- Wirfen-.l- v.' ft if rfre ir.d l.j ht f.ivjl KV.1S0N TOi'.;! uAK 1 b.I-- . pe'rae receiTrd per steamer 3. idaii tii4 Jotm a.ia i.r ts-- 6; r FuASN'iU.3- - CAN lii-- . 1 t " 111 8 no fir ?iih by lj ba-.- wt-- jki 'put OL', i do olo:- d 1 lo Oinole-Wicf- -t ao Wrapttye rt.v tor ai fcry OAttnUDK A Of yATIVB WINES j:t Mr., t;ng t; lli aiui for unlcio oirviHtt- to TUtt iiuebor fa-- -l J. ?. Tlin.Ur'&N FrtKhJt. TpHH A largo awcrtTi'at of Mtt;!u)rfl trre au a tor b6 ALLEN, MOi;i5, IIAJITN. yiliT rCAGil USVNDY te eti'rs and for a a W. A tj, BUBKHARPT. 41? r. Av'JN HA'J.i eiiOCLDilKJ 4 alyj atf V. ifi ii H'JKrtH .I'M-.-- . ' 75 bdlaa no lo: 20 ao Crcdr rr Vann ntii, Ab mthn Mir.isclirao, An'gotte OarJ'.! in efeore tor tide by AN I'HONY ZANOSE4 60N. 1AVA COITH15 1W) J&'-- l.'Pffue in iMt by r.vwsov. Tonn. oo. t:l Piai'iatlca iJclMees li X .tore ouJ tor b;' K VlNKuAK- - vailjus pure Vluesir, o Vv cur own nu't rtCJunt. fcrealt OttLiiAAa obuAi f mi- - yr'iut tor Kit Di Al.l.KN. HOiillK. A IIADKN a c k tv ?o a 'i v. .16 ca3i V. t,i:cq;M; ft 9' do LWi.iOnioo: j basket . d.) g Oo.t la aad (or etW in mui ris t nlt jnrthwn h a:0 J. P. '1 LiOMPON, 7 Fouria tl 10 cabals ait do; lo wfee .Wtwcat )di bldf Mal-- do; lu it le and ' ti- aJLflA O n t ir and rr by aJt, AN.i'SV hlchanan a CO, 3w caoc-f- l Clsj-o- T7!rw, tor family oae; 6(j do do do, very t ; CBS! dO dO; la do do f.o, fine far table L0'Arcs Vbit do, tUU Suiiaraa; ;4 fc!.ia do d. j GO; ifc cajkt Port dn &6 do Shurri an I Madeira Wuiet 3 boxei Wiucj 60 td. pti Pti; In rtore and ft tale b AaTFIONYZANONE 4S0N. !. c boat and fo fi - v ANDW RVJtllANAN A CO., a4 Gimpf of Scoiu1 and WalnnatiiTi f AVA COPHSE-S- -J bags mrrloT eld Jat Coff.-- r Cfirr d and lei aaie by au GARDNITR A CO. AL'ii T:(.;.i8 OU GO IN KTLKE WT'l Ca&r o'i and it ftill be ok-I- co.klr aplllcalto ,a .or C'fdt. ir' f irrr INI for al h 7 a3 V. A U. BIJRK.H AKDT. All Market 'J ti'.js I'clie.'O'.a B ftj u li. ma. d do i etorr and for p.iie hi- - iNTafVv'Y y.ANCNR 4 SOh, l"'tll .'t.. t!ow M:rt jOFS'tflv ii'Vhac riniF Kio by Jno. ft- d OatjTa 'iiei"; So d' ADf'.onu- - 8 ntlna ChMeka: til dfJ i? c' i'd v;otlo..; b.ti- - Vv'.K.l P,n - a'-- T A H ?tf.KVTJ A 0t"J. I"IO COtFifc-y- w taiE good to yriiu Ko Cod i ftor an-- b- CKU:UD :lv,AK j i.b,- - Lv ri. jiu- - Iks iu- - ltiOiit n.'id t'"r Cila by . r W Mi 'i I'Ianan C; loa.fli na fYSonny Wanted. i aui VNliV Hi i:iANAN & (' r .. '.(.,-. ,A,.hl,.ptnn 11C C 'FftB-L- i ba(d or rao rlio CoOao I audio x pel la-- a ASiJ'W BUCHANAN a C. CO'i TutnAuba, &w ct.-- a''i-.-- j Cwrtonades: 4 di Vainist Jeaun, 5 do F irjsrV D: 6 do N' gro lai.d and Strijwa; 8 bilta I.ntrutf. Roclvd aad for a;t chap br Rlv tiulff iu y bir njod aj.G priiao ru Couar store aad for sale bv lo,"U0 pounds i7 Lif bp lrt l Av.!U!:tlU SftLiluN A.NU WUITU l ibli, a CU- iuC TEAS jGnwMJ aiv- - I 1. Vt' Oi r ii f;n;s gooa t'nmij ttlg L'Ll'ea la ftcro J e::d ;ur e;i!f- - by IjaI.TM- - fcl A b.-- dcre!i abt J Lick?ta, all c.'V?l?. do B. rf, tdjj d j, t dO C A Wsll do; !t' n.i 2iac Wasb-Bc-a- ?; CKJU' K4t3Vf, aM Miirt rt., hrw(in i Jiira aud 0'jjIq. vt' iv i' CiiiljOrtt and ; .y i MAfc-iiAL- MAJ.BLI?T A CO. CITY DIRECTORY, BUSHSTESB Jz NAMES. AxTloultDrHt Is tsovu Aid 3Mdb Rr.t, H. Co.. '7 Iju 3t. .1!i.3mian A Ilrr,4 Ct 'jrtb act? Snth- - A. ' , ra"lr Ct (Jr.u anil 8th. kl'i. V. uirfl, A Ma?2 f. wr .r 4 H.aa t. Vnrietlea. w, ntid Funry oda. Bate. No. aij Vourch it., bet. acd MorteK , C Bl"odi (.'r.tiisrl? tlaitig") Oat!rf Mala, b n atd Kmli rta. ".ibaV-- & Eru Main rt., bofwwan Fourth and Fifth. Ovi . M rt., bet. .T?eTon anrt Markel. lUMi. r., i tt ia". ruTMo ana Ejsa, BaaLsera- - irtl5 A Nrrea. m Mala rt. Qgborae Kn, Jrt:mn rt.. het. Odd MATTHi;wrJ,0 U .,'fn",,an-"- i rwa-a- v r, ar ea nt, 131 I orth ex., WFttnd9 tKt. aiaio au rw. .ArnrtTont. . M.. corner h nfl i'n ft. jnroul A yf :indevill- - crriiur 4th aird Mala eta. Carnftm, ll f 'lotba, and CbAvJs tie. Olte & Small, Mala t bt. ?4 fuid p:w,flo. "(L Mam rt., be, Ph and th. OMUf.lay & uV:n .rr34 Main rt. irufflhrT A Mr.Cradv. 412 Main "V tar. A. & CXv ti St.. boL Market and JpffeTtSa. Te&l Heat wra. rittoo-V- ft Oantt, M rt et. Main and MirksS. J, N.. 3f! rt., VwiL. Jiiftrsnn And Market. (tfmW and Apothrrwrtah Dawwa, 9. FM corner 4th atid JuZemn tU tfrHanr, F MAln eU bt, ttb ao4 th eta. rnrrlrur Miuiiifnrtvrpnu loiie, J. T. A Co- - MOn rt.. hrt. let and Eroak. Morris, J. 3. A Son, MMd rt. Srbirn. K. A. Co., s l. KH aC3 Wlt-n- , A Oo., 4Oo ft. VMfier,B44 Mfn it. Br? UooiIa, Ctntha, frV Powru. MpJn ftrwt. between 4th and 8ts. 'rlariln ft Cmmhani. 4tiL, hpwa Market A Jeflaraoo. ibb. G. O., oomer itft tod tdarcct. I' am luid Fur Ooodi. 'Jmj, A.. MId etTMt. rjpwrwa nth and Tth. Pmof.T f nfMU, and TrtaiaaljiaTa. Kau(dxrV,B CSatIm F., 4tb rtroet. bat. Market and Ja3. E UMtijr Tarkl, Goim and PlaaoJa. fHrksOTi A Git'no-- 9, Sd strspt, bt. Main and Narkal, iiiir.Lb, J&fiph, Inii tioek, bt. Main uad IIoj ket. t'tra, ITIurla, aud ISfe faauraoca C4K:a wl Afrnti. crirti- - In. Co., H. !out. 8 Mata, M and th iAa Ins. C, V-- ?. Wnlr. fla. KaU bet. ad M ' onl'T'lJ: Too. (A. AirDOd. ioc, fifaio, bit- - in end 4rt. Trt'ui. iL, m?. and M. V.'in., Ki-.- t "t., S. 3d Sd. rhl'ion Ft. Ci.. 'io. Vioja. ftc. liiin at. bat. ad nd 3d. (iifnilfnm's Puni9Rhcir 43a MTastrwif , J. M.. "nr. 4t?t and Wain at. Kittens tec mivltv A StofwlHT. at., bPt. Marfcrt and Jvffietaa, 'thwart A Harttr, Mata rat. Liqnora, Vvttia, ojid Olark. Hd het Main aad Hartot .Miles, Jor-r- H Mir. tr- ehrw-de- & it., bt. and Vttor, ttJ.xirt, A. h itst. Ltln ar.d V.'t, ioxaedcr. E'J if. 4 a, cor. rrca. & W?iot A Uaiu. ;tt:h Fornkbins. :rrwrt A Wnxtit, 15 Id otrL nvouti A Co., Main rt!"&, IVTwrwi 4ib aod rowjer. K;ift 4 Cc..Ai:a.i rtrwt, 'rwnrftcn itbauCiUl. aarairrax;la, J. A Oo. fMT-rV- , 3d, bdweii i Mali .fiW n C f f.ih. Vt, .rd v 0. T., AKvat for Grmvr A hair auv Ma niii rcurtii t, lOvrifcd x Co., '.Voi: bet. Midu asa Weiez Trb ant! Fftiin? 4Jromi03. jLcham Cc., irtvajt, bt, Uarfiet aad Jtfor3a.. Jftc4, Wicket Co., Sia MgiQ street, V Wratt, oor. Ttb a:td Jtu.eiwa itrceU. Vooiisn acd Vlliv tVitra- - I?i5craa, Corduj Aft. DAWSON, ORF.IN, J' iip.ln screet. Wbttoleod and 1 IwwdOtL .Yiiaoa, Pctar, & (J9., Mui rtrtL li&rdwrtr eod 4Jutar7 rasebT, Col'.u, rtX5 Main ctrt. raiS, A cor. 4tti cud Main, aad bot. Cih and TtW (run, itee(. Nulla, A o. ' - lnjK W B Uo canujr Third aad Maiiu lwofry, H'akcbtMt. and Plntaa tnthHT & Uuuu'tt, Mfitu at., bdt. lib arul 5th. CtDd- - lcie, 1 rt,, bet. M?lu. 'otfDt A ELiiuiCt vi rt., bat. Mciit aud Market, Lompa, Biiruinc Fluid, twJ Oil, JLc Hard? A Brattr, 4th street, btwe n iJLsia aad Market, Garml Frodvre and Provision Ilrokera. A Co., 2d. nt Main and rlvtT. isnsnardt, W. & II., Mirket. t"t. 4tti ad itb libMtt A Son., hot. .1 and 3d. .ood A M.wdy, vaii t., bt, Mr. to and cSwar ;a"diit"'i A Co., 4lif Min :t. is'-- , Wni,, 5.0 Muli. .'trwt Falhert, .'A. A Co., 526 Miu: itrtst. lark A Brother, 6lf Main 1 et-- iorr., n, v;., Tiiird ptrc t, tv't. ?in ana Waters iX D, A Cou, Wall atrwt, iit-f- A AMeo, Sixth twt, bet. V'it-t-r-t and fcUss, Uwwi, A 6I4 Male oti'vot. Siij'ilc-r- , Joofl, Marfcat eiTefet, b?u KiTrtai4 Preofe, LHOf. I L J Ml jjiwiwaaHBti AT rENriOIT, SUTLERS! Camp Bupplios. JC3T HECEIV; D- - IND1A KCUBSR BLANKETS; r;5IA RCHHfcft Rl-- COAT3; INDIA RCHBKrt BAI CAI'KS: IN I KCHER KIDISQ LTCGG1K3; 11 IA HUlUlC t HVlThE-9HB- ; INDIV Rl BKB HOK8B ' OVKKS; IN l KI BBKIt T'R! 1 TLB' 3: Sew H FOLDING CAMP TABi-E- o, STOOLS, and COTS. 8applid at redaofi price. II. W. JTC oM dif Fmirth nt . mnt to National lIrttU STOCK OP Ready-mad- e Clothing J. M. ARMSTRONG'S Oo Mftln, opposite iho rSttlonal HetaL StTPR STOCK OF DRIB CLOTnrNOt oCPllR STOCK OF BtaiNtiad (LIT tSL GNT VEIWXVXTS; CHE V LA RGB tS O K oF PANT 8 AJrt) VP3TS. sinava, ao-ita- y, u.sdebe .bu &a- - FULL STOCK 0?" (aU dawi. V0, eh ,y cr aaa old ' muni i lUca aad trccu Teas, and for . X if liid tvr ciab qj i. -f- .'g J. T. LANT1AM A CO , uir tBjpcftri- - of 'IVan. tw. Third rt CIK cattle i fill aiortent of choice QrocTlci t rt.i.' t i. r i co.. i cl. All iN O r ti.E oluH. - mil. 1 t w oj . y i.j uu vu- uf-r- - IS u ii '.nt , Of ki. b ..nd r, '! ot , or iin I o .i n by ull iAIi O i O'J , o SM Hula et. cr3 5?t & so v, V'HOLtia VLE AN') HK.TAL G OCEUY, FLOUR, to. Aotita -- ",,1 A(v-iii ot .iai'-- n uiy - in t'tre 4ud tar DOir euiriot S aud yn?.r old BonrtOr co cuajifcuiu'-u- ami for La by - 4' ca, - c Clare--- ! VSIimk S et-- k io do; Lu Btva and for sale by ANTHONY ZANONB A SON. iil'l '.K.: BLIjAii OOii! f.ajttiuore B siolt a. Crtii'btTl "efiTi pd ffr hy Wifc- - vi- -r 'l'u; ti'ivri - in tor- anc a.1 UoiULUi g Vy Cue oi5 J f. I') MltO i f IT1NED SUGAR 30 bbt BiltlraorsJ Soft Cruab i -- d. rpf, 1 'rtj j.le by Tag i ti-- i tu so i. o a or? and DiKLP f pacitiiip' Baltimore extra nn. whoip 'k' half io il kkc - ior .id Bt jAtt- O- A di bilj LvAif.Qg'i Poudnt-- B3 b'.li co tc3 iio; Landing from mailbt oy ANDRtiWiiLcilANAK CO- -, aW CornoT Second and Waeaimrlcc atrsta. 8CGARH. fta ftipf-rto- Jv and Kio OriIied, Powdert-d- Grauu-at-i- and Fowa bre- tiroma, Cifcua, an-- i Chacclates; for e alb J. T. L ANH AM ft CO-- , alT rmpfJTm tf Ti. Ar., Third ft. GLNDRies -- A6crUi 8:css whole auj (i.ojod; O trwttn, CasiKli, and Fr'J'h Muetirds- - epejltn1 aaortd M ihrooni, and Waiuut e&sorieA F.r-.g- rtju' vhoN and sround K'e Sa-- i lipiyya, 1V-R3-, Cii; iah jylit Pes.Sj Arrjw-i'Co- t, liti-- JicU'cUii- - Prsisr, d ant Frwh r tvKt u druiT, 8alojn, Mcicersf, and aud Scniid", n kite end Uita aljo u fcidOLtuisM';t Fr-- . and Dciucilic Ticei, ani BpiriLa, fv - r?:ai lor caaii by j. 'f . ivNUA;! c ca, an Ta 'l'id tt. Ri bak'c ltio CuP-jp- pnt j ava do; In and (t;r pvU bv Wa. itliilptllfiSw T, A. Comer Main RB NA'f lONAL HOTEL is d tn tbrfwvy cotiter of tbf hnalneu part of the clty,eoaviient to tha Rall-mft- 'Mt!erp.rti. -- ."d T'T'-cr- (Y.r-py- t$ H:ir,k. and pliiWB ot niinLiemetit, and wlthto on acjiifu-eo- f t'.f fti La'tdian, Tbe bonsf bae beea tboroiigi'ly rroovated and rrdttd for tha wln-t-rr r.(i3in(, niid t-- in co tiiLion now tbu lr was ever before, aud to tbe traveling conininnlty and visit b:g U;e city tcr caaliiuaa oc v eauie Gum's ovgry lnducuieut lor patrouag). Pnctn to tuit the biua ToxTXia 60 6JH dtf B. WILSON (Successor to G. W. Bashaw), WUOLE3AI.K DEALER IN CHOICE FIELD AMD Agricultural and Horticultural Implements aad Machines of all sorts, F&ASTSH, OBrffEWT WHITE SAND, AND LI IVI 3, Hftin St., bot. Third and tfoartb, opposite Lank of Louisville, XiOUISVIIjIiB, KY. odl7 I?1S1M'S CARDS. W, J. HUGIIE8 & CO.. Commission Merchants aNI WUOLFAL tALEBS IM Kaw Whisky, FSoar, Bacon, Snsar, lirain, Tobacco, aad Produce, AOJWT8 roa McirrB. T. A J. TT. GatTi Dlf tHlerlot, Aurora and Ind. S. How A Co., Tintii!""T, Patriot, lad, fVaTra-- s Flour Kilta, Ky. HoKT Patri'it, I'idf Oaffi u Aunia aiid LawToneeburir, Iud., No. 61B worth aids Market street, Iwtwoen bnUi and Seventli atrau, Bl Am LO''!RVTI,T R. KV. DR. J. WILSON, Veterinary JUtvAirsoosa. x lr, W. announoes tnthejr itt;ai of it viczv.7M he if rrac'-u-Ki- t ha aV7fc p' ion Id ill i'B vtrk-- banchoa, and t uct-- , hi ttrict attai'on, 1 merit ttt'Mr f'it'i' p'l'ryya. Adviots Ilrna a'lrf ct' Mt d.ciu-- Lluliaeata, Ac., may bi I:i l rt hi Di p ufer . A ntty at bate Stable, tiwnth, btveoa Market and J ff r? 'n. QiilO, CATIIRALL, Manufacturer acil Dealer in rcbacco and Gigarti. Soatlieaat comer of Sacc-s- ar.d Caltuwhlll stt, PlliLAPiFLPHJA, PA. 1. An OfitiifMt ff ow laJiitoo Domftftlr. Clart (Succojaon to Joa. ItoEU, Pi'C?JA CANilL COAL, And dl Apeii'ct Coi the OKDEKS for any of tbe abov CoaW nwyvctfulljr t promrtiy died at tho lowert tuarkt-- jrrirea Coi rLftntlT on hand a urs -- ut ivof be PEV iCKA 14 "PKACOCK; P MKlOV COAL 3, V'.icb for ktuiUu; pat.. or chitolw-- uee have nc tn.. rerk'T- - 0'"t Mo. Ci Third ;rt.fU btwn Matkeit and (t t'onb'e old ftj.:.i; and at Jio. S)4, aonthwest aor-.- v ri - t., ir dtf II SILLKERY GOODS. II yONKPTrt, ik C11TUaMHS FLATS Ati'ptfKiP). uoNNrr wip.w, ana V. A ?ocd auOrrti-- t of ICl1., UAl.F LACB, and 7jJCKftAM FUtiMfctS ahvait cn baiia at tho towoxt ""aiMJfeACaDJG AND PUKSSJWG at ,!c:' 'nmn rt. For Bale. Cash paid for AT VUl ENTUCKY HUH -- HOUSE, HOtTUSIDS MARKSTiTVrT, Ptreec Sixth and Sveth. New Importations. At So, r7 Ka4n itreet, tbr deers b?hiy the Louirvllia ARU now tecslvinr lar? a15itlni! to their t.fc of and On bftnd and arriviiwr a arge aiw of Ulawware, Urit. aud Plated Caatf.ra, Looiciiu:-tiia?e- lantsrnn, Watcr-Cooler- Toilet 3'j aid Fniit .Jara, ail of which will ha offered at aa lew figures ai can be found In tha taarkot. Improved Metal Burial Cases Combining County, Durability, r.d Llthtoeia. VOlEce oerner Seventh and JMIerson, Loulcrine.ita above CackAta are ms-- of Corr-ira- t Sit TH and Uued wit!. Gutta. Porciia or India liubbor to ai to ba Air and Wfttfrr Ttbt. All ordure promptly attetuVd to. dlBdtf rx&nT sl clars, AM) WUOI.K3ALK DALFRS IN IWPORTF5tfi CIGAKS, and FANCY G1U OKLKS, No. Thi;A itroot. have ia ttore fr 80 bbU npertor Bonrhco TVbitky. t 7ari ol; 109 do do di (So, i " '! SO iicaakf Ciraae Brf.dl'w; 310 H d'i do 10 W do P?cVlo do: 5 d Pin '.V iiifl: 15 la do KndeJmda: 16 i do feherry do; I b'jl- - o! 3 Pwch Rra:55y, par 11 bbli old Ar.pifl rr.iD4;r, piro; Champ-eQ- 6 V!ne), varion- - N. Lon(rworth A and ,V.rMiitro'lNaUveWbli KniiUfb and Scorch PIe AtN- - ami PorUr; Claret tn caaos: AnLMto; Abijnithe; VaraaciMiio: Curucoa. Ac Aiwa lhiQ and w-- wortf-A Vy;k of Pre'h FrolM, and Uormstirally gkaliid Gocn or aii da lp- - '."V t U DBiy-- 7j r,b t ocw P 6u bOi' Nav, - ; ' 1(1 bb's C' ar hti-1-- aa ka hnckli- - Flour; Jfip rrtv-i- l and tor .ii" by n v 4 LAliOS SCPLT Y OF MAS IN 3 FKCTT C1N8; W ILlX)t'iHBY " " KKYSTONR PSCVliOH SPFaIFK m 41 For sa)p at c iccn. B-U- SATITv'.T. 1 a HMII YARD' libL'B SATiNTT on hand and kbv rulV STAVPAKD HlM?1 1.KB; OjhT 'KV OF THK CNirio cfAfKo, by a Fractl- - cij Tfahrtr p,w-- tim CtV 'Kt' by 6i k ye pnu Lard; K bhlr' :i' (lu; lr: ptoro Arid f'r bv V.Li:i l'Av.U" a ( PKICK. The ultimo. Isri.i ion (i v !s j t r by ttifl at iuich le than t(8 u ua! Oi9- cw oan niae'1 verv AUvaut.-ou- ovran'iutftiti wlii tu . PiUAK LAHD-5- 0 kfg prime rr.:ntr" lanl m ctora aa'- hy A HAnDY A.Ji VflN'K CaSK-- ior CaUwba II p hy ANTtl S V vN MS i BON, B. &. MAitA G. I'. IHJW8 UCCXVlCl) t.if dy a bli.-U-I lot cf 6-- !. acfc Mudin do bl.u-- 1ti cu alarinaea. For aale at 1 w prlca. a iVt-'.- nowca 4', CLiiAK" bn- - fuwaertd, urauulatttd O tni Vt liow f ft aln by inn. co. WLGAR O lu hhd? N. 0. Snaan j Powdpre-.l- CiUskt-i- , and Loaf 3ugorf In ftore and tor eaio h? ail M A ft A T,L U L n F R T A C BOCK3 at MIUTAKV CTVTLL'S, Main et. REBELLION EECOFJ Ce parta) at CTYILL'3, FLAG. Uloitrated, at AMERICAN CIVILL'S. COLUiHD'B LATIN ACCilK-M'-!- 5 at CIVILL'S. FAUR.VDAYS cHbMlCAl Uldl'OUV (.IVILLJ. OF A Air "E.'JTUKCS IN TUB BOLfil PACTIIO- ? a fet CiYILLU f AOAVa CIVIL UiU'LJilM'J a! 1'A crviUj'9, END itE'6 k.LCUAJavAL a cnaLL's. jMMON'S GEOLOGY at CIVILL'S crraLfL and 4th st& LOUISVILLE, KY. W. Barley Per Day. GAUDE1V SEEDS, BUSINESS CARDS ABNER COOPER. Wholesale Commission Merchant Butter, Cheese, & Produce. 45 Wall ctroet, Louisville, Ky. NOCK, WICKS, & CO., WUoloiCAla Agents for Tobaccos, Lfqnora, and Ootton Xarma, Noa, 53f and 31T Wain et., bat. Third and Fourth, LOUISVILLE. KY. mil J. IS. MOOKE, ror w&lfAI&z Sl Cozamisolom JSrekaat AJTD STEAMBOAT AGEISTT. AUO. Frtight Aoutt for Pmna. Centra Baibvad. Na 41 FOCEIH (OB WALL) STBEET, dtf Loahjvtlla, Ky. H. W. FTTZIK. PITKIN, WIARD, &C0,, (O'.owjctb io nuin tsrotnenj, , WUOLESALB DEALERS DS SEED S, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, iuacaines, Trees, riants Hydianlic Oomoct, Lame, Plaster, &c. 713 33hXa,lxi. street, Rar1 dff I .OFTSTTIiI-ft- . KY- - ISFNCU bl UttS AU sizutaiid kluda. - CLOTIT3 All numbfir bwt ratjra. Iill'aoVED PORTABIJ! M1LL3 WlthaoUAPranob bohie und mado on bust known plan. 8MVT aLV''lILNliSSf.veraldiirerittlndi. Mill Irons, Screw. Screena, Belting, Plaster Parla, and BC' ti arnoiov ?niijy. We have on hand a larpo etork of the abovo-oame- d trtlolta. tor caio low avd anahty warranted. Ui'.RBKKT A WRIOET, wpS? dtf No. IS Third nt., bet. Main and rlvwr. Bra? & Prescrlptloa Store, T MOZART HALL, Odrner Fourth and Jefferaon itreetc' Ptti serf p tlonji rarefnliy and aocorately oofapoanflad at ah iHAin oay or ruuu mai IIIBBITT & SON. Wholesale and Katail GHOOEHT,FLCUil,aiTnA 8TORS No. tf Market it bet Second and Third KAVB IN STORK A FULL STOCK OF PTNH and aollclt tha patronage of tba pahUa. JCinJ SlfYDEE & CO., Wu?2xale Grocors, Floor aad Oon miffefon IVIerchants, tJt lltla between Third and Fourth, LOUISVILLE, KY. PARTICULAR A TTEN ' . OIVRNTOTHBBAL Prodnouai d to ua. aull GUNPOWDER. " DUPONT'S USFLE AiD BLASTING POWDER, IN MKT Aii KB38 Waior-tis-- al and Flmrroot We have in maranne 0 inpply of itie above eela brcted brand of Powder, pat ap In patoawtren AwA aori for aaia at iame price aa wocden kegv toy " A. V. DuPOOT Sk CO. IT"N. R. For aiJe by all the Louisville marehanta. flay's Cfeina Palace, IN TITE MASONIC TEMPLE, COnrfEH FOTTSTB AND ORE Elf. I have Jatt now opened and ready for tale er Intpee-- ticn the largest and nort elegant ttock of China, Glass, and Queensware Ever offered la tbii or any other olty In the North or South, I have also on hand and Intend alwaya to have tha d stock of SILVER-PLATE- WARS, CUTLERY. BRITANNIA WARE, WOODEN AND WULLOW WARE, and GAS FIXTURES In the oonntry, and which I will tell at prices to suit the time Poraono flavin old Chandeliers, Lam pa, Ao., can get them cleaned and made look aa trail aa new at a very tririing expense. I am ako prepared to mn GAS and STEAM PTPB Into GuUdintrB or UteaciboaU at the shortest notioa. n SO- KM ly.' dzen No. 1 eountTy Sockii In store and wile by fn-i- GARDNER A CO. ROOMS AhD TUBS &0 d zjn Rrootna; W do fro It crub Uroomse f cwti) Tubs: In vtore aud tor sale by n4 MARSHALL HALBERT A CO. F&XKIZi? FLOUR. WE HAVE IN STORE FOR FAMILY L'SB bbla Ad. latio Mills D mbie Extra Flour, U'U bbis G. W. Sni'th XXX &rj bbl-- G W. Smith " hbi? Ottt-- Mills No. 1 " M Hi bhLj FaHtic MilU w 8U bbls sack Flour, " ' . FERGUSON A SON, df Fifth Pt . nn door north of Market. 8 6CKYV tiEAT Fu(UiV-5- a acki freh Pennsylva- -' m Hur kwhrat Flour received pur steamboat Uaa tings aud for sale by JNO. F, HOWARD A CO., OSI Main, between Third and Fourth ptc. hJUNDKIEi- -5 Sides sod Hams; Filroe ooo"tr - keg Lara, I'ri d &c: For family me; lor ante by o ij TrpnT a fv UGAR-HOrS- MOLASSES 0 bbls St. Jamee Bo Motaetea in Ptore and for ante by ol AND' W BUCHANAN A CO. O IO COFFEK-6- 00 ban Rio Coffee tn ttore and for ia sale by AKD'W BUCHANAN A CO. MACKEREL Boo packages Mackerel In store and o5 AND'W BUCUANAA A CO. COFFEE Rio, god and prime; l't dy Lafmavra: 1M do Java (in pocket): for aale by i4'V3nsi rnpn, A CO. HAM 64 cA,lu for saie on coualgn-- k 7 ment bi R AAV SOW, TODD, CO. "lOARri, TOBACCO, ac23,000 Havana Cigan s jut recivad aad for pale by Mi S Mli.UAKA' OITIO.NAHY, uev supply; also otnar Military Books, lactic, Ac l. a. cmr.L J. F. T HO Ifi P BON, Ac, io. 79 Fourth it , bet. Main and Market. o4 il IN li TWINE, Ac A good atjsortmeut of Seine O Twine, CbalV-Liue- Stng-Ini- r, lieu:?. Flax aud Cotton Twin, Ac.., in "tore and for aale by OR KIN KAWSON, oJ 6W Main it., between Third and Fourth. rpHK DUTY OF CHRISTIANS TO CIVIL GOV-- 1 EKNMENT, by Eider S. E. Sbepard, A. M., M. D. be io 'h haodd ot rvery cltiaeu at this particu- lar tiu.e. By mail six cents, o' L. A. C1V1LL. AitLlNEa So caeee V boxe Hardioe? for sale by ANTHONY 2ANONK A BON, Vit'th trwt, hl low Mftin. tJOOA lihi teKs Newcastle received by JeffersonvHla Railroad and for Male bi 4 wqnv Tnnn. A nn YV"1 t prfrared to funiieh Satlere and others with t V at ao?rt notice. JAMTS LOW A CO., ohi) 9oS and SiU west side Sixth st 200 c&ived Cds day and tor ele bj JAJ&E3 LOW A CO., rt and 210 wrt side Sixth t. jOFFF-- 9 bags prime Rio Coifee in store and or W ftila MAR3EA1L RAX7SF.T CO. RAILROADS. LooisTille and Frankfort and Lex- ington and Frankfort RAILROADS. OS AND AFTER MONDAY, Nv. 4, 1 Train leave Looiiville dailv (Siinda?i ftaceTt-6d- w follovi; FIRST TRAIN 5 60 A. Iff, . ftoprbig a all Nation i wheufiaRod, except Fair Oroundt, Kace Courw Itrowra-bor- and Bbllovicw: connection at EfoinfctirewithdtKat for New Caetle; at FranVfort for Ijawroustburc, Llarrods-bnr- and Danville; at Payn'it Sfetloo tor O0rKtowuj aid at LexinKtoo via railroad and BtAre fr Nlchola-vlll- Danville. Lanmeter. 'rah Orchard. Ric'imond. Mt. Btrlincand all lot rlvr towiia. BKCOtfD TRAIN-8:- W' P. ST. rtroiduK at all fUTcr.a whan flapped, except Fair Ground, GUiafcn'-'- iiaoe Coare, Ormcby, Iirownnboro, Runknnr'e, and North Benaon;ervaaacttiig by etao at EmUitjaca for at Chrljtiaueburg for dhalbyvilie, aod at I'aiiO'i for OflorgHtovn. THIkD TRAIN ACCOMMODATION-L- ea af 4 10 r-- M., tomdnc at all Station- - and rptumi:'?. wU 1 ,ave Lat aixe at 7:2(i A. M., topr-- at all gtatijus, and ar- rive Rt LoQlsvllle at t'tflo A M. Train arrive In Lonuvillo m fflow; Fin TthId at 11:40 A. aaoond Train at ":UU P. JL: Lagra'jaa at :l)G A. M. Irelfht Trains leave TjOoWHIaiIMIv Cnn.lsvi arst adi at 6:30 A. M., arriving in txlnn a(: 1'. M. FreUlit Tralui lav Lexington du'l fitidiu' wrted) at t:;n A. &!., arriving l i Louivillp al W P M. rrwisht 1 recalved an-- d'jJjarjad from A, tL to B P. M. tVThronh Tickets for DanviUa. TTarrcAjliTirc. Cr-- h Orchard, Somaraet, ltichnioad, Mt.. 81 rlinw, Wfnoby.--ter- . MclioUpviiio, Georgetown, SUeib-- , ville, and otiir towns In the lntrior far nale, and all In thr-- in mm-tlo- n can be had at the Dipot in LonuTUla, eoinar of Jftffrwn and Brook itTeiw. IMPORTAKTi JtA Fasseng-er- should be careful in pur chasing Tickets to St. Joseph or points in Kansas to see that they read by the North XVXissonri Railroad. Zt is the only all rail and direct rente from St. Xiouis to St. Joaoph: tbirtcen hoars quicker, fare Ictc as any other ronte. ISAAC H STUT.GVON, Pree't and Ganl Sup't North Mi&soini E. R Co.. aiirt dlv Nfn. LOTJI8VILLTJ, NBW AX3AK"S"C & CHIOAOO KATLluOAD. Miw uwiWBHTO rawyro r'rrr1 F0RSr.LClrI3,CaJCAG0,rETnCIT 10C1. Enmmer Arrancinont, 13 CI. ON an after Tteda?, Oct. L 18, Pastoa fc?r Trains leave New Albany as follows; 8 19 A U. CHICAGO ittPTtWtfl V a!iy wvi connecting fr Torre !' vite a ;1 and connecting cloaely at Lafayetto for Chicago. IT"Thxough from New A'baby to Chicago In 1 hours. :S P. M. ST. LOUIS NIG AT FXPBFU'i T-- rtarhiot? St. Loots at tl A M. and Ol'jluQiiti at A. bl. TbU Train runi to Mitehe!! only. Returning, ST. LOUIS EXPRESS airlros at Nmr Albany at i'iO A. M., makiug ciie connftctioue fifm St. Louis and Ciucinuati, rb&ciiiiis' Louiv?iie at 6:15 A M. The CHICAGO MAIL arrives at 7:00 P. M--, reaching Louisville at 7:45 P. M. Only f Ckanc a Cars to St. Xouts, Cincinnati, or The through Train mkes Fd rijODctions tlorth and South at Groencastle, LafaywttA, IaCrnlr, and Michigan City for ali point Eaat, Wert, and NortU-wea- t. W Trains are rcn by Lonisvtlle time. tWFor THROUGH TICKETS and farther Infor- mation, arpiy at the GENERAL RAILROAD OF- FICE, aonthwset corner of Third and Main street, LooisvUle, Ky. A. a CCLVEB, Snr.t. 8. 0. PARKER, Ageni. aU dtf FASTEST U?Jt EAST ! VIA OINOINNA'TI, COMMENCING APRIL 14 ISSI. little mmszi Ooliombxia and Xenia am Clnclnn&tl, Caffiil(i?9, & Patoa i86i mviij&m&m isgi RAILROADS. FROM CINCINNATI TO Boston !n 88 htars. Nw York in 31 hoar. Philadelphia m iTn honra- - tn yi bo'irs, ftaratopa Syiines In asfeh'raAUiaoy tu 2:- - honra Bnflaio in UU honra, lnnkirk In btnw, Cleveland iu hoars. Pittftbiir in 18' lioart. AVheollng in lt lioun, SteabenUle iu 11 boars, Crestline hi 6 hour. anesvllle iji 1 hoors. Bandoaky in boar. Toledo iu boars. Detroit !nl hours. Tkreafjii TrsUns cava Cincinnati aa fMowi rl A. M. From Cincinnati, Ham ilton, A Dayton Depot, connects ria Toledo, Detroit, and Caoada. 7:00 A. M. CINCINNATI FXPRH?S From LitMe Miami Depot, connocta via Columbus, Cleveland, Dun- kirk, and Buffalo; via Columbis, Creative, ar,d Pitts- burg- viaColumbos, StenhnvH'e, and Pittsburg; aud via Columbus, Belialr, and Buwood, fctt AM, KXPREBS MAIL From Little Miami Dopot, connects vta Columbus, BetLOi , and Flttiburg; via Colambus, Crenttioe, and Plttiourg; via Cotumbos, Cleveland, Dunkirk, and Buflalo. 4d P, M. EXPRESS From Ctnciar-aH- XLt7c!!ton, ft Dayton Depot, connects via Toxedc, Detroit, aad Csna-d- a. 10 P, M NIGHT EXPRESS From CinMiiratl, Bwm-tlto- A Dayton Dpot, connacte via Co'iinf, and PiHtbarg; via Colnichns, CrKstWe, nvd Ptttsbnrg: vtaColarobni!,Clovf-Und- Dunfcirit, n;i li.f. falo; via Colnmboj, Ik'Halr, and lieuwood; aii vis CV t urn bos, Belialr, and PUUbnrg. ifodern Sleeving Cars on this Tr-in- . tVPaaaeng6ra for Lake Steamers will t ko Ihi loom- ing Train. lTha fct P. M. Eiprart, Satordaya, fot Tolo&i only. 7Ae Aij Exvrtu rum Daily t Salvrdayi txemird. Ail other Jravu mn Daily, Sundtyt excepted. tOT Train rnn by Col jrnbns tiaA whlc!i Is 7 taranttt Caster tban Cincinnati time. BftggAo Checked through to All Saltern Cities. Pasneners shoold bar in mind that tho "CIN- CINNATI" Is the OLD and FAVORITE ROlT'i. Con- nections are made promptly, the BooIs are tfcor.inprdy BALLASTED, and all modem lmrroroutonta adopted tncoriof ooiirour, and SA1 EIk THROrOH TICKET'S Are sold at all the PRINCIPAL RATLBQAD TiCXT OFFICES tn the WF.3T and SOLTU. Ask for Tir.t-a- via CXNCINNATL P. W. BT3ADHC, General Tlcksnt iy )e tLOLR Cnoke brands conatautly on hand &ud for nil TATT SON. On., Ko ?"4 Miin rt. II OMINY All tiie favorite hran.n on hud aud lor tale at lowest mannfHctnrers' rato:' by nil TAlf. SON, A CO.. No tMNMuft. WE1VES id dneen Flour and Meal Selves Jurt and for eale low by OIIP.IN F WE0N, nil K& Main hutwocn Thlr.l T.fl Prt.irh, SUNDRIES choice Ceee Fethen: 8,iko Ibn iacked Butter, in Ik alii; a iHJO buehele prime Oat?; &oO " " Malt: 160 Seed; liJU old Dried Peacuec; loO now cmp -- 41 Mini prime llp'. aod uew crop, Sou bbls Nrhanoc Potae: 6u boxe" ch ic-- W. K. Ctieoso: Aytles, Onion?, Broeinr, and Cedar Cbtitc; Ia store ana for al by nil TA IT, flOV. A T.Vft 84 n st. T EFINED SUGARb-ti- 'U bbls WhiU) aud Yfiiit w la At, store and for sale by rawson. Tonn. a rn. IOLAS3E3 bMs Molasaea; 8U Mdo do: 40 bbls Sngar-Hona- Sirup; Iu store aud for aale by o!4 MARSHALL HA TW.RT ft PO. MACKEREL 8 large Mackerel; 86 kits No. 8 do; In store and for rale by o14 MRSTALT, HAMi-w- r A CO. STARCH ISO bo iRs Starch In stoi-- anfl ltr sale by MAKnM.I. M...Iki STAR:H J. J, Wood's Columbus Pearl SUrth; Sou 3 do do do do do; Just received and for sale by ICORICE I 16 cafs Ucmez Sancbor; . I do E. La for sale Irv 1,(mju bags good and prime Rio; 15) do Layuayra: luo do Java in pockto: fr sale by Sl9 RAVC.tN. mon. CO. MOLASSES Plantation M"lavf-(s- m bbls prime St. Jauus Sugar-ilcna- e Molames; n rtore and for sale by Bivn OLOlH, (iO YARDS BLUE CLOTH on hp.nd and for aale JJ by JAMrS LOW A CO , o!7 3"ft and "M" w.rt 'Idc "iTrh . fLEAR SIDES AND BKlSAAFAST BAoO-- A good supply tor sale by f RMTTII SPPKD Affirm st IIXTRA GOLDKN IKU- P- bll?, huf b!!?, at-- Baltuujre extra Golden Suuv in tlore and for by na mtt nrna'jaN oo G-'- i McLoikn b Last. THU ARMiF OK EUB.OP- B- Details of Military adptln thilr advan'.aos U- 4. including RH,)ort of tha Orim an Wr an bl. B. t'oroail9fcioner. AI.-- ao A4pundtx g lwil'V tioits for the Field Service of Ca'.'.tLrv in Hid." "t War nl L. A. CIVII.L 1 RAND 1L 3 40 pkm French Bradv for tale by 1 ANTHONY ZANONC a S(iN, tl9 Filth it., b"k.w Main. PRIME COFFEE 80 sack Lagiiayra rnj Java Cuf-- X tee tor sale by U14 iiMlilTT SO. HARPKR'S MAGAZINE for October co:itnlna Alex New Poem euUre. I n' aki by i i.. a cfmL 8TAKCA&: BXAaCul CAfJ BOXES PLRc, PKtKL bTAKCfi, mannfoo-wU- tured by the Madieon Paarl oUivii Cou yany, lor sale low in lots by A, V. DU PONT ft CO 8jle Agents iu tbi? city, t? 'L RIO COFFEE hage Rio CoSee, fau to iTinw, in and fcr sale bv ANDREW PUCH4NAN ft CO . Sll flnnrnr nt Wnin?t-"- IOFFEK 36 aacka prime Java, aid ltio Conee lor sue by TTIRR1TT A PON MOLAftSES Plantation Molasses; 0 bbls St. Jcn e dv; In store and fvr Ve by , - RAILROADS LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD. 3' so.. C2ANQB OF TZStXB. OM artd af er Sunday, the 34th inetact, Traioi On tbe Loitie-IU- and Kadhvilitt KalUoad and brauchJ will betuo a follows: PA8Sr,NOER TRAIN FOR EMZABBTHTOWN AND CAM r NEV1 i will Uiae Loi'f villa rtally nt 7;o0 A a- rivine at CanT Nevln at loflO A retum-Inr- , will 14vj N jHq at i'JJ P. M. and arrive iu Loula villeaUP. 11. PAKSEfiPRS FOR LLP VNON wall teare on Train at A. M. TRIS FOR BAROSTOWN A WD INTERME-DIAT- BTATIONS O MAIN STVM will lvv Lou-- 1 ill a S e. M. dii'.y (Sunday excjj: ret urn inn, will lear BftrdowD at A. M. aud arrive ia :ll A. M. A FRi IOI1 r TR AIN wiU 1ava LoaltvllU for Camp and Lebin-j- dai'y at H:3J A. M. All treutntii tor uhinnttint hy mornltiR trnln mast be lu Dtpot by & o'ci'ick o! the evening pr vim. rlrf H MAPSII iLr Rnpr1ntndt jHrrsKsorrviZii-- n ea.ii.roai. N ard a'Vr tidav, November 4, Traina on this V Road will lravo and arrive as followB: ' LE4VE JEFFER30NVILLE: 3CP.'M. for SU Louis, ludlanapolia, and Cincinnati V.M P. M " Both Trains making cocnections for the Eaet. ARRIVE AT JEFFERSONVILLEj i:V A. M. from InlianapolH and Cincinnati. .u P M. tom Ht. ludianapolia, and Cincinnati. rkitu Traiuu makiDg connectlona trom the La?t, nfltf JAS. FKRKTER. O T A Ii FilYM EIIM RAILROAD Is a First Class Road in all respects. KITH 285 MILES DOUBLE TRACK, THREE DAILY TEAINS ( With Connections from all Point West) From Pittsburg to Philadelpliia ALL CONNECTING DIRECT TO NEW YORK, Morning Mail, Afternoon Fast Line, Night Express. oat) tens DaiLC rsos FI1TSBUKQ TO NEW YORK 430 Kil65 WITHOUT CHANG K OF CARS, VIA ALLSNTOWN and EABTO?? With Direct Connections from Western Cltiea, Arriving Bouts IN ADVANCE OF OTHER U0UTEB, IB TUI rOB BOfilOK By Hrtl or Bomt Lim Express Train Runs Daily Others Sundays Excepted. NINE Doily Trains from Philadelphia to New York Iickets good on any Line or Train- - New York or Bortou Tickets via Pitteburg good VIA PR1LA DELPHI A OR ALLBXTOWX. BOAT TICKETS GOOD TO B0ST05 VIA ANY OF THE BOAT LINES. Ttro Daily Conmsetinn from Rmrr4abmrj io Baitimors an ttVastfiaf-to- a Baggage Checked Through All Trans- fers Free. FAEE ALWAYS AB LOW AS ANY OTHJ8R ROUTE, BUY TICKETS TIA PITTSBURG. Tickets for Pale at all Main Offices. pheii3:tq. By this route treUhts of all descriptions ean be for- - warded to and from Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore, to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wlconin, Iowa, or hy railroad direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Plttstrarg with stt&Liier. by which goods can be forwardod to any Port on tiie Ohio, Alaakioum, Kentucky. Tennessee, Cumberland. Illinois, Miudii'pi, Wioconsin, Minsouri, KanxRA. ArkaDBAi, aud Red rivers: and at Cleveland, Sandueky, and Chicago with steamers to all porta on the (orth western Lake. Merchants and Sliippers entrusting the transportation of tliflr freight to this Company cn rely with eonn-der.- on it &poedv transit TliE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point fn ttuj West by the Twin sylvan la Railroad, are at ail times m lnvorable aa arc charged by any other Railroad CotipviieB. T''De particular to tnork package "Via Pemba R. R. MA OKA W & kooNS. ta North street PaHlmcra LEl'CU 4 C0 No 3 Aatr Iiouae, or No. 1 South Wil- - imn itreet. New V ore. LSCU A CO., No. 11 Bute street, BosI-jt- H. U. UOU8TOR, Gwenl Freight Atent, PhUadclsbla, L. L. nOUPT, General Ticket A sent, Philadelphia, KN0C1I LEW id. General Sup't, Altooua, Pa. : At: MADAME ISABEL SNELL, D0CTEESS & A3TR0L0GI3T, Eighth st., second door from Qrayson, WOULD rnepociihlly Inform the citizens of that she is able to tell anything they bava in their mind, and can be!p peoplo out of their trouble, no natter what it Is. Sue was born with a secret that en&rilr her to snrpass any ona ela in TELLING FOR- TUNES. Bhe cui alfo und out through her secret all circnnistanctG of sickuea?, and cm tall what will cure, as tNeie are roots grOTriag for every disease In the Wvilu. Madame I. 8. 1p the only ono that ean make DR. Ii UK LAND'S LIFE ESSENCE pnre. This mixture if yfK-- for a! Mieeatef, and can only bo bought In her oilice. ho. oi'i Eighth siTet, eMHDd door from Eveiy pf rson that is dei)retFed and trouble about War etonid call on her. as she is the only one that inn- er-fed to from la Somiay the grpat Fortune-Ttll- that wi?ted Napleoo ot France in all his udiLpiv takines, end made him eucoossful In all his battles. iLo wagers 8. tiiit no one can snrpaae her. Please rail and oe her, and you will be relieved. Those who ara too poor can come without money: and those who dnt believe, call at 12 o'clock at clxht and sne wiU make tr.em believe. jelS dly TiPL3 2o" ?ro Pl;:a of varicus styles in store and a. ior sale low by nl3 Main st.. bfltwean Third and Fourth. SUOAR-- U lids prime N. O. Sncar; 13 bbUrtne Whita d : AXjo SL Louie Golden oirop; for aale by d9 HTBHiTT A SON. 1,'REMI ARRIVAL m-- i5dtirfi: Fresh Buckwheat; Pure Crab Cider; t r celve and for sale by HJBBrTT A SON. sJARiNiTS AND HKKUINU-- O 4 and ' boB Sardines; ii bo.ed No. I tleiTLug; In store and for sale by n3 niRniTI' SON. QUAKER BOOaa-l- U dozm for ale by ui HIHBIPT A SON, Entler. Attonttonl CHOICE DE.SIUNS OF PA IWoriC NOTE PAPER w and fcav Li-- a vtry oaeap. nl U A. CIVILL, Mln st. W l'.Wi'i I1AMS-- A lot of these excellent Hams jurt received and for sale by CM UFBBITT A SON. u'LOLfi-Si- 'U bbls Estra Family Flour of different l Di ui store ana ior sue bj o'rt HIBBTTT A SON tAlLNS- -t layer Ralslnj; 6'J 6 do do do; fn) ii do do do. V'-- VKxe M. R. Ao: U do do du; 60 V do do do; for sale by ANTHONY ZNUNB A BON. 08 Fifth it... below Main. OLOTH. TR. 1 YARDS TENT CLOTH in store and for I jJJ sale by JAMES LOW A CO., oo and ilu west fide Sirth st. tCAR j i6 hhds N. O. Sugar; 4U bbls Powdered aud Crushed Sugari li iible Ijf Sueur; In store and for aalo hy 014 MARSHALL FJ ALBERT A CO. T?IO COFFEE 500 ba?a fair to prime Rio Coffee in At- store ana lor sale n ANO'W BUCHANAN A CO-n'- "? Cornr Sond and Wahlnetrtri r aoL'NDKlES O lt,y bbld Now 1 Bait- - S'l bt'i? ijno Table Salt; 7 bbls Citlf-- r Viuafi 25 caes Matches: 0 )zau Urooms; 50 bbls MacktrI; fyt Soo, Hi ktta ex 5 coi'.s Gra? Rope: 6'J coiN Cotton do; eiii's Hnjp dot 60 dozen Cries fJ do I'rmp do; bates Bttiop &iJ boxoe Stone Pipe; 80a,l)uO O. l. Cape; 1 CKe Piaying Cards; In ttore and for hy ULAKSliALL IIALBRRT A CO sSi) Tin M&in st. LiUitary Books at Civill. ARMY Regulations (lvoew edition. Uardee's (J vols.). Cavalry Tactics (S vols.). Uib bon's Artillr:tV Manual, illiiBlraed, very valimbls. lleiU'd Ilajjd- - Hook of ArtMery tor the Service oi the U. S. Aadon's Evolution of Field Batteries, with plate (V order of War Deparineut) N'atwleou alaviTns of War. tjalton'a Art of Travel, a Muaal tor aud othera who have to "rough It, i"5 stiUM, be Stndins Onlen of the N. Y. Seventh (.Ouryot). Coudonsed Military roc Ket Manual, kolton'e Nw Mau;:l of the Bayonet for the C. S. Army. Berriman' Militiaman ''' Dd Svonl Plav, W Triitier-- Hand-Boo- k for the Military S'ii.!on. Manual of Military Surgery. Marcy Prh !e Tracer, a Hand-Hoo- fr Ovorland Expedi-lio- ii CIVHjIi, Bookeellpr. KH.t. nrimm W O. SuCaR bt.l( Fov.'derod ana ,ms"ou doihi ih b:.Is Lortf Snt(.r; aud tor Injure RWTTAMj nATjpFTtT A CO. "iANULE-V,TIC- T5C lb Cr.adle-Wic- k, extra unaU.. ORP.W RAWPON, it NEW EMEPwOILEPJES, NEW LACES Just recelvsd at the Clioap Xiaoe Qtoro 309 FOrKfH dTREET. JUBT rornrne d fron Nw York with a bntlrnl stock m Erikh A;A LACK I ofler them at unusual mw iced for CAiiu Ladies are Invited to call soon aud get Lrgatns r. yliARTE1 F RAUMIPCSS'S msj&b Chp T,ae N. Frth st. FSE5H VENISON, SHLLL OYSTERS, GEOTJSE, BLUE WING DUCK, QUAIL, SQUIRREL, WOODCOCK, SOFT SHELL CBA03, TABBIT, And M "ther laxnries that tSa eeasnn afloran. ara o hand diily aud rervod in Ue uioat ra tur-.h- stjte at WALKER'S EXCUAOE. n CELBRATID OAN OYSTERS re- ceived daily and for ale in whole aud half cans. ENGLISH and AMERICAN ALES and PORTER on draucht. D84b NEW DAYTON ALE AT TUB ST.CM AULi: HSGSTAVBANTI Fifth streot, latftoea Main and Market. JUT RECETVED A T"T OF WINTER AL15, cclearated maauiaoturar, J. W. liAlilUS, Day ton, O Mo. I ha'vo been ayuted am-n- t for Lc'ilrvills- a fth avjve AU', and I wili kep t Iar etwk leame eon Htatitiyou baud, in harr.'la, uaj inr.ils, kgs, Jid bottiea. Call aud try tho Dayton A' it frt ST .tuaKLRB o:'jr - HCvrKK .Prnpretor. COAL! COAL! piTTSTiicrnoi, PBACS CXiOHAIiS, ZIAKTrCiil) CITS' COAL! COAi Of the best quality au3 at tho lowest prices, for CR ITT KSD EN & OANTT. West fid" of Third street, h"WPm 4tn md A.T CEAIG'S: Army Hats; Army Caps OFFICERS' DEE38 HATS; OFFICERS' lATIOrE CAPS; IiATS AND CAPS FOa INFANTRY, CAAL AfsD ARTTLLFr.Y. GOOD AND SUSSTAIiTlAL saATS AI FOR PRIVATES. All the above, ax.d everything in t a Hat and line, on hoi d iud idud tu oidci. ORAIOi, s1Ab GOLD FOE PAPER. E!ST ANT) CHEAPEST VOQT & KLINK, ReKpoet&lly oCer for msreettot) tu6 aala a lart end tpleudid asictment of T 2Z3 El Xi 3?l IT , o! aTvjwijr workicaTisI;Tp a:d ssb d. Coral, Carbuncle, P?l, Ac articles really fine, and bautuLiI aud everytaing belonging so oar liue, of icporfc, New York fabi-io- and onr own mke Having been by ooostgnori to CLOSE OCT and sell at aiy rate rauiifr than rfctora goods, and, ow- ing to the Lai-- tlrsias, flf?lrcus to ET NO CASli CUSTOMER OO OB the stt te of pticea, we invite our friends and tba raNle to cat! and examine oer stock, and res t aware that thii" waaii aud wjhoa wiU aod nuall be gratified, at VOCT A S LINK'S, GREAT KEDUOTM IN I EiigTavings, LithograpSis, iit n I Jilt XT Looklaj-GIasse- e, Walking A fine assortment, anfl CHEAPER THAN EVfl Po.33f TtTitat st.,T70a Wcnnd and Third aitad S. Vfr cornea' lis-- ut ami 1'reatoa ata .t SUND A It NO F EL'S aig bAl Booktwm How tlookst New Eoo!ia, OF THE UNITED NETtUfiRLANDB, by HISTORY 84. NOTES ON SCKIPTITBE, bv .7! .Tpnes. f 3 50. THE BIBLE AND THE CLASSICS, by Bisltop Mead, 3 ro. ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN METUODI8T FUL PIT. by W. I!. Sv.uoie, D. D. r S. MAC AULA Y'S UlbTOKY OF FN i LAND. Vol. a, WORKMEN AND TUEIR DIFFICULTIES, by Km BOLBofi;r;y AND SAIL0E3' TEXT BOOK, by Ew J. It. Mardmt, D. T. -i f, GODEY'u LAD'-'- S EOCS for May. Jort receivwl bv A. DAVIDSON, ftI7l' -- t. Vftrket, t'UJAR-UOU"- MOl 60 bbiB bt Jamea Bu-- Molai in utme nad f r sale by AN.'W BLUliANAIN A CO, DTg Cora'iL Second and Washington sta. FTBH-Codr- i3h la dniTn- ad ifs: Maok ie n lAiia, iiail boie, aud kitsf S:uukod 12 rnaiii , I'lckUd di. ; Salmon In bbl acd klt; In store aud for ittie by nl.S OA ROVER A :0. riaSH ?tjcs:vvhAT Ptoxra. SACKS I RE H PENVlJVA) bit Ill WUiAT FL'JUR ''tsr. r.cic..d nale by II FtEGLcON A HON., nil Fitrli ft. FOR THE ARMY. SPH0ULS & UANTJEVILLE, Corner Main and Fourth st., uudyr Natlcnat Motel, JfLB now rectivlag a Lirga lot of ARMY GOODS ho dozn Otfi-m- Shirt: Po d) do OauntUtf : Si tlod gray todeT Milrta; iJ d do Drawer j u do fioe white Klannei Bh'rts. Tho above gol; ara for sa!n low ior ta:h. AVe do no eell rooiia on a credit to nv rw on, nia ftPnnri.C A' MAVDKYTLLE. II AY AH A WfcJARS. nOil IMrtOF.T;D CIGARS of the most ibot Ln.d-- , euUi ad- -El 3oU Movimlento Ooutlnco,! Washhifftoo, Ls la bay, CBT:i'tea, Mag tort a, iotLoUaJ, Ac Also Ch T7'-- and Smokio Tobacco For aale wh'oleaie and reUi,1 bv LLiWD PEYNADO, oJ3 "'"vilie Uotel. V KE08 PUl'.E MA LA UA uU,tor medj dnal pur- - J posea, for sate by ED WD PEYNADO, Rv.-nttf- l i.vUH, Gold Pens cr Soldkrs at Half Price. OLD Pen aud PceoiI wlrb dUvex Cate, worth 91 6 ir 75c Gold pen feneil with gilvr Casa, worth 9 for b)1. Gold Pe i and pencil Uu btiar Ca.e, worth iti 61, for Gold Pen and Pencil wlt'i E'dver Case, worth fS, for P( So. Gold Pen and Penull with Silvur Case, worth fci 50, fot Gold i'en with HoWjr and Box, worth 9$ 5", for 91 ' Gold Pen with aj.d liot, worrb 4. tor sl Gold Pen with Huldor aud Box, aroita $i, fo- - 3 60. Ij. A, CIVILL, Bik'tlle1 and Suitioner, rgs V- - 4!d F fth. KtiMuVAL. HAVE REMOVED TO THE EAST BIDE OP I Fourth strwt, between Maia and Market if i'hi ntfPSON, BALES CLUE FLANNEL on hnd and for aala IO by .mes low a iU., oiT 2r.i a.vd a In wt sde Sizth st. MILITARY DICTION tary Tactics, NEW uooka, tfcc A vanity for eale. oia L A. CTVTLL. OODEN WAHfi-Oe- d.r l'utj, Buckets, FAMILY KWl H -- t'bhl, Exlr Family Flour 0 I diff. rent brands in store and ior .v 0,3 HliPITT A SON. OF KENT UC K Y New Sheet sad Pocket Maya MAP Keiitauay. Ta.uivee, Oief juri, Ac. - A CIVILL. OIJ Lioi'tihit O'-fiih-; 4' box d r Just received and for sale by opnvr:R A CO. a BHKKRY, M AfEIKA, AND FOAtT WINES A e Uor n tne CIe hniry; W 8 do old Mad"irs; u 8 do old rvrtr, tag for &&,WgZZ' ah. i i.,.i; ii KAvh. D appljs and char cider. II 6 '"7 aiwuiunw f tM7TTT PPEFD. Main sr. rfiLA 173 parkat Gicea and Liack Tea In slora A nd tor salt by VAFHniT I. HAI BFWT m OO. SJ0 bags priiae Rio tXCw jnet received p COFFEE aud lor eaiv by ,g H. W. OOOD. FAMILY UAJ-I- couatantly on hai-- d and ClJolCE by J. SMITH SPEED. Main st-- box-- e Tobacto, twatid hvai-U- , In IortACCO for sale he BAl'ON Uame, bhoudcri, aud clear Sides in stora 'fl by a21 V.'. A LL EURKII ARDT, 4V Market at MATCHES-v- a, Mtrbfa ot vaHena strlee; Also 7y groes W Vieoua Matches (without brJTlBtoDtf J! Just reoelvt4 at No. Miu street, between Thiid and Fourth, aufci' or uy J,T.m Ama r. ii ; iva t own. 'EW oRl.eANS MOLASsl'.S i hfcle prime Ptan-- IN latiou in stvre a id fr e bv alr, ri!HANAW A CO. TOFFr 7''" bi?( prune luo votteo in ixore ana rar sale ' AND'W BCCHASAS CO.

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Post on 10-Jul-2019




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Page 1: LOlsVMJ.F. JOURNAL Jz Xiaoe · referred io 3. root Com-Bai't-P W rn Di rio. ... Mr Tm', f'om tht roTOniit9 on ... Lbm T is



BOAfcD 07 C0K0N CCTOril.Thcbsoay Ett:n:jo fJrv 2T. 1661

pr,FMirJ M Arrr'rorg, PretdenVa,H ) tba iaewbjw -- xoep' 113. Coif6,Etioktia. Woivd rid

Th redirf o h Jmrr&l of the pre-vious r:0fl d i with.

A cVlm f ?23 2S In fnwnr of W.referred io 3. root Com-Bai't- P

W rn Di rio.Mr. CarOb, from the F'nac&fl Ciol'

rrorr1 a frm tha rfAM-r- n direo.lnf th Ea Inar to reqai"elha 0"ntrevnr repair th Dw e!'rnavhioh do not hold water. m1 d!rr;g theMayr o hav rer-alre- tbe old olec-rne-

Vbich was ednpH.GLATMf ATX"Wtt.

. Person &ud Kiug, 313, for burying piu

P O Mills, 129 40, for inhoine fur-alpf-

jvl.Jhn 37 67, fur mUoine fur- -

Chart 0s. 2 99 work on inter-Servia- n

nf cnpfc-1- K'wfl nate f2W ST frr work on Inter-- e-

Ion of Campbell rhr-T- C Telflp A VT. PWff"r. $18 76 frok on

irrrs bn of Camp jell snd Franklin

etr'nj ha fcV-jr- $2 for repairs toffrert a d? r

Charges Juaot. $173 , for pities er--tlni.

Alumna $371 73, iy"Btei for 0- -

4 B- -i ?M Wll'Um CroTe$3 anrt Joho Co&nell, $3. fr room root at

F. B5wei $W S fr rrlnlnt?Win a- - J, m p $243 rH C fTnr

jeost. 9-- 5 fur ra ( r pip in L M. Hos

pi ml.ft Kan 'b W I $139 6 f--r work

frm M f)"" 21 'efljfl- - 7 1?51L. A CifiU, $12 for S'Atioairj furnished

A M'nr.O nmp b- -. ?S 014 07, far 41 l!hU

to ro'nr . 1811W.b ft UveriQj, S '2 80. fjt ititlonery

1o rl'T ffl'O"J vi D lp, $194 So, on aococis of caeh

rart m.Mr frmnS' ComV'ee, o

f)U t d. rppwed a r6tr1uln apDrcV-- ln

'ho E'ff:ni'' anor iinruent rf thadlfsin? nil WiMioff f O'o'f-r- on Chratnutan Brook g'w. W R G.'-iy- , eantractor,

M" I'v'n, fim fi'rewt. OTstniftep, EB-e- rr

D '13'- - r--p r ei a rpMition ftinr-?'- gt Ef :n"r (ippriormnt of th d''g'rf nf1 wa l'Bg "f wU at Fmyd andI'te-tfu- - a'Tt.i, W R. Grey, coniraotcr,ubi b fl sdcp d.

M . 1'V n1 f1" ni m". rpp'trtd ft resVu-tlr.- n

f pnrovinflr tha Va aponrtirf ih cTftl;r. Pv ne, n1 enrhlntr of

R Ea-t- e tcr, omroTor, whlo'i was ftdcp.ea

Xr. TrTlnp, from mf, rrored a rflu-tln- n

aporci' '? Erg tier,(ipp: r'!nmontrf th adu g, p'ing and cuvhin? cfTftmrSel Pr?i, from fheetnni to EJIn

Mr Ir in- -. f'fm S'ree'- - Comniifet E1-!-r-

T rrrt-f- l areaoatl n anprnngihe Efffr's ppr cf the g ad-in-

p'i ?, d cnr'Mrg f FrmirUu r: (?t,

ir Cmpyi o We. a i p. ft M. Pf:tf'r,j n r0'ors. wh'rn d .ped

vir. Ltnro. from 6 ComTnltie,U'-r;- c. .'d a rfl"!uaon

ftppriVin fe. E''ifi'-T'- 6 aptiOTilovUjf'rit ofih- - r p.irevf the rd-H- onbn h a o Chp'nut fooi F:f eu h toEg a a M-- f. J hn B:iSy, ccn'r5;ur(w'ft i w o l p id.

Mr t:gh'burn, rrnra rrpirred ara-o- 'u i t a''nl g Wm. Oitu'arr to er? eca'ea ai Sevonh atid Broddwy, lufrunt of hi' prrprtv. r.od nndr ba cpor-vi-i- n

of tha j ? E eirfr nodwb!oh a adoi-t'--

Mr Tm', f'om tht roTOniit9 onTT-rn- a nrd Grrorlpf of tbe W'oi-- n Dla-t- r

er, r?p' r d e rrKo'utloca gr m'lr--- j

the fili'-irD- UotJOtO', wtiivU wtre wvtrallyadop t1 v t:

H4 I ft HTf'f arerti, corner tf Fcorth i M gwopnT, o on Mar-

ker, h 6r-v- ti fifth a d 3 x h eree-t?- ;

B 8 ruVe, ccff ehou-fl- , oarawr of fourthar d larVf-t- "rni? tcr Hr-- r Qitio, fi'ochmse, corntr ofSJ-'- n "TH ' w-- b s

Geo. 3 m d . o ff eh ni, on Market, bo-tv- tt

E evfu h 60fl Tweltih nlreea.Mr Brax o. rom th pcclftl OotDinlttfC,

wi discharged frrtn ih oonfildeaiion cfibe petition of Litohten & Co to reduoutbir

Mr O 'T11, frfm theCoromit'e on Whrf,rpar-p- a repou'ion to ata. oi' b i f efte wr a Nv due on tbe Finny Bullitt,

hch rj e'd by the follow n;ote:Ynaft-.Pr.e- i1 nt Anmitrorg ard Me8 r

Twyraan Ca dwelt, Irvine and

Or; 6.pjT8 Vfpgrfi. ToTOpnH. BiX'ct, O'imth,

Grinar, L ghturn, ftaald, Kafce 8ory ai d Tuck-- -; 10

Mr. Caiu'h, from the Oon'raot Commit-TpoT'e-

a o n'rqct execaei by UHu!'e"M to prude n? pae he alley be- -

lwn ChrS DUt 4nd Q AT, H'QOOtik ftod

C'v ctre wbi'ili ppro'r--The wnrkhoB' ten rt for 0'tob?r wa

Tfrr d fo h om i tee on fforkhcuje,A m ' on" and Hi- - ltil.

a r- -- 'iri " trm id" of AMermnn,iju fr.r b-- r tm". nn.i' M .rch 9 b.

1862 n J D. Sa'raje to OO ?ple e h-- cont ao fir aid raviDg witi bowlderattires the allpy b'wen Brtadwy andTrtrk, rnnnirg from E'ghth to 2?in h e.reeta.W if Vop-ei-


An orJinno fixing rrleo of iall-T-

In 'hi tHnai m ke'B In Loul-vill- n

bainflr pwd ib B ard, wae re urncdfrr-- he Bonrd of AHermen amended, andpro wb referred io Committee on Pub ioW"ik

A roala lon 'rom fbeB "f A'drmnalW wi'ff oharN 0- - 8208 40, fr worka. CuinpVll aid B"oada. w referred to

btt (J.'ml'r E H'ern Di rH.A rso ntlon frcm the Bo.rd of A' Jrman

dir-- in tp Gi Ortmnany to er?ot a lampop ir Ha if Seven li between Chestnutlid Wa'nnt wn adopted.

A rpou f om be Boird of A'dermeu,dreo'irg th Street Inpior ?o widen theOuler'a a' 8T'nih and Broad wty etre?i8,w efcrred to Street Committee, WesternDnfrio'.

A reo'n'l"n f onn tbe Bard f Aldf rmen,h K -- er of the Wo:kicn-- t to

pnroke flldil or a' bei and boddmfff'T'c and to repair tbe roof,wf d p'd

A r, io f'Am be B 'f Me'mA,Flb.wln & c tt $3) 40, tor l?ef'jrtmnp'1 n;v . fBsee, wj reierred to I'i-B- i'

O' fifTinl tA reaotn loo frm B.rd K'erep,

ln i'-- H ft 3rn .pt f;.rerTio'i, wtj referred o Fiuv oe C, m--

t.e.Th nf Wa F 'oh wing, Flour

w pr:e''.ed fro;n lae B.iid of, n qJThe f of I f R (rtr M rk 'rr"T

Of rvm:e So 1 a.n i2. o J vnnryl, 1652,ft rr-p- a 1 frocn lie Brd :f Aldermen

.d fl d.A l ?n o iJtjf nntl! Thnrday

rpifrg & i, 1361, at. 7 oVl-?ctr-

fid P'd, wucn, on motion, the Boirda"J . urct

J M Vattgha, Clk.ITEM-1- ,

nn. McHn'ti ptnrf'y declined pfvea m i'0'1 w)e m t h if, hv a omM dtloch Ci- - T'li arv ir 'h-i'- parfO, on hr

r H wai'B ro dem usfra-t- lipf ( r rif.nnnt- of tba: ' tl un U bo bai earrod

Lbm T is 1 h tor cfn D'V people n- dTre e r (ea-'lr- cf ih of & a'h

Par li a, ftri Jin ihreirlys, einsf U cn ib- - S h Irs an(, 1 er bo.lui Prf dniale ctT nod o driu ibe txuitt to kjeo tUo Stale

300 000

Wore are little tbigfs but. thy strike bard.W w U rhem bo eas-il- that wa ara ap. io for-j- rt

tteir htdd-- n p"wr. Fitiv nay fallIks tunbin-- , th- - d w, and driajll g T I i )qc,wii'D a lifcn ibti fro-.t- , iea, tiaii, aLddeeo-J- a

a uinpeat.To tttt ibe fact wbeihf t petroleum will exploit

tr iKt, i our a fmalt qami! y In a eauor or a veal of mrj- - kii , lih a raiteh and epilv It Ift iisplo1ve it win flvhJkd pilcn if it isjrara b will i et taki flr at all.

Wny d n't too Mmlt vourfft !l?" 8a!d a p'lrsi-ett- n

o an l'Ua2.rr pno ) dna eaietb yn will yo ao far ard oo ft.r b 7 " "iio I

id iba tpr; I at it fi.1 off that 1

alaa ftat tip7 b 'er I gattolu"A iyarller fn mi rasolrftd hv tbe Gov-e--

(f O rrmlib bh the eiin'a iotis, t:U vorurfceabh sf"' 'Tor appadre IuhiO ''Arevt n n b!-- , fat k'nnt? ' Anilinrejl. to tberrtrq tri af r hi- - haaltb, r p'i-- sir k'n Lirf

, "Bv jour anipie s;n "Only UtprofprrD9 ar.u I aoi cf conrde very

Tie elrmf1 tm hv pat inf. Yrnr('.mina Is dictaH ;ft Your arrival id eei-- ,"Upoa my ejee you bevestoitr'

ii ihiimii m iiiiinaiiiiiiiiillllll llhlilllisi II lil """

Peewh of roL. Kuluoak Co. A.Mu irati wj bx" " be ci v of C ic--i, Ntw

in ib VPir 29 -- nd It o s qa iuw Ii1'2 :!!r("OS-c- dy-v-- . H- par me wre ratrr-- 9

einl. ff b of 'naof I wo'hrt, rfAtbr. which pljci wt:e- - bo wan a ohiW,

r nif.vdioC'iici-'- , .hAhia relU withbo: fon 'Or h p tvntv br. vejri SbJmavritd a refp-ctil- a 1 h Arm-H- 'n Chto o

ha- i'fa'iW w c. duapvU 3llciial wrowith e f.vter'u wlcitnda the txy ninr m'n-- l cr

He w h daoa 1 tthebmvathe C-- ?a in y rh .bioa o, war loa

pUifnr.oaof b- - Kav Mr KlnreH--

rf Yk tH?y, anl ia a at.iot uimher of the

Ca.fl. c b '"'h.In loi 130 a:xl lfC'4 h re-- d U la 'be otfice

o' iir-u- . jT. Arr.olt), G ..gtw-nnanfr.-i- tho

... j t,.r .)i vt fi.oo li aitea 'h)W tera mTV '11-- a- wa.v

In Cbxi-- a Iu 185G bo wr adm 'ted anat'ornev atliw in GImcjo. At tbln Una bo htWthe poai in cf S coiV-- Lion ar.ant in the CbiomoSUklit itHrd. on rf tSa co rpnl-- a tac-be- totho IrMi U 1ade now iu Uidouri, &iA wbicli did

8) wailGo'. Mall ma 1j w rby of til pralso. A pcrcr,

bter man d'joa nof. ths S'a3 of UlinoiaSlt-'c- h ubia to t !1 h difference brwsenaU en'l rfier. n r! i 9 of r l'qbeano pweed hi tip1. liet-- h ruil tnp.runceurn;, al houh ha 1 j on id snd "l! H f n!cd 10 n

fcu'r tl e'j tom tbrr-- i. o ?3 in hoUh witba v'iry, ic tr'T. ft las tou hssd yefan opi, frai t Ci'Mc fac, 8tnrrf1 w':'h ctirae, tjiuck, Hi'd iade eodiuos. tu'iunntd wiih a

bu by profusion cf hir, tinctured vith prayH.nnraolo io all rda ions, by all, bsbai W n Ms W3V bv On'iring t; d dirv and

cnuMiie", O- t!:s 25 h o i to'.er,li&0, be whs inn-n- to Mi s yuQnt by

ite Uoman K'1 po'tic-S-L the p.loT-r ol" 7 cnatr Fi'fb. of In-

dians, terd-- r d bi:r acie i:i th l parimvntof tlie liiuror. Uo ac"p'd the poll n, and

the wnffr in W iMi.rfon D tIi bii n W 8'iln'cn he ' rre: pond d i b the

G'lca 'lex'Hpb ovr tha nonirii di p'umao'" Af r iU re'Q-- n 10 Ch ca: fnm

Wasbinftrn b w s flsctol "?p a;n f theSotwlilfl Goi-d- . 0 'ho n wa arriving of thbr.mbirdtn-- n of Frr, Sn nnr, thi I i h-- nrlch c mpmi - bold R Dir. of which h w8cbiiriLai. ami sonn nf orwi:di ho wnt to Wasb-lni?T-

h a b?ttor writ'en by the lte SnatorD.ia,.'laa on bis dah Irid to the Prwldeir. tinJer-i:- a reyl-nen- to le c 11 d the 'lnfh B 1

Kd li w.i amop'-'d- an, b-- j: fl cd O--

onel, t b'a-- - Mu'lign imti d atdy w-- twitrk with a will. 11 is ryiinnt. was rp d!y oritarizel. and from thit tiji until the ommuloryfu rrlrof L-- 'ton, oner a &le6eitb'j c.une of in ition la well known.

r kfinkd st:11 S0 bW- - Vi bit- - Kotnei! Bnrri

0 br Yfaii-- do dOiJo 'tor or sli by

Wow and Important Sooka at Civil TaASL) HK itEMA.INd. EzcavaticnCAJt'fUd" ntd. 6'.

dliASOs vvp u Tin.: H"Hsv;fl; Sportuui AJ

FSVA.ULbY lAK3i)NAQ': IoUh I15tiStra.t8d


hKVrS 41.TOM fe'H "'N AT fXvOl'.C Prt 9. 4t.

HAKPHP-'- GKJTi A D If ATI N TZ2.T3 Craeat.Oiccro, LutrtUt

alib .itttt .nits ai il 4.ntrt ui SCfU

atii lor - to ronn.m t liv

j i, Li prime1 1 laul fiU'lO liLAi h

NiVW '' FT

a loom-;:- - .i'lonc- -, i r 'Eva S iMiio tL.1 brij.t. ft

1'it 'l3 i.v

I AfiUAY'-t- Wirfen-.l- v.' ft if rfre ir.dl.j ht f.ivjl KV.1S0N TOi'.;!

uAK 1 b.I-- . pe'rae receiTrd per steamer 3.idaii tii4 Jotm a.ia i.r ts-- 6;

r FuASN'iU.3- -CAN lii-- . 1 t " 111 8 no fir ?iih by

lj ba-.- wt-- jki 'put OL',i do olo:- d 1

lo Oinole-Wicf-

- t ao Wrapttye rt.v tor ai fcry


yATIVB WINESj:t Mr., t;ng t;

lli aiui for unlcio oirviHtt- to TUtt iiueborfa-- -l J. ?. Tlin.Ur'&N FrtKhJt.

TpHH A largo awcrtTi'at of Mtt;!u)rfl trre aua tor


yiliT rCAGil USVNDY te eti'rs and for a

a W. A tj, BUBKHARPT. 41? r.

Av'JN HA'J.i eiiOCLDilKJ 4 alyj

atf V. ifi ii H'JKrtH .I'M-.-- . '

75 bdlaa no lo:20 ao Crcdr rr

Vann ntii, Ab mthn Mir.isclirao, An'gotte OarJ'.!

in efeore tor tide byAN I'HONY ZANOSE4 60N.

1AVA COITH15 1W) J&'-- l.'Pffue in iMtbyr.vwsov. Tonn. oo.

t:l Piai'iatlca iJclMees liX .tore ouJ tor b;'

K VlNKuAK- - vailjus pure Vluesir, oVv cur own nu't rtCJunt. fcrealt

OttLiiAAa obuAi f mi- - yr'iut tor Kit DiAl.l.KN. HOiillK. A IIADKN

a c k t v ?o a 'i v..16 ca3i V. t,i:cq;M;

ft 9' do LWi.iOnioo:j basket

. d.) g Oo.tla aad (or etW in mui ris t nlt jnrthwn h

a:0 J. P. '1 LiOMPON, 7 Fouria tl

10 cabals ait do;lo wfee .Wtwcat)di bldf Mal-- do;

lu it le and ' ti-

aJLflAO n t ir and rr by

aJt, AN.i'SV hlchanan a CO,

3w caoc-f- l Clsj-o- T7!rw, tor family oae;6(j do do do, very t ;

CBS! dO dO;la do do f.o, fine far table

L0'Arcs Vbit do, tUU Suiiaraa;;4 fc!.ia do d. j GO;ifc cajkt Port dn&6 do Shurri an I Madeira Wuiet3 boxei Wiucj60 td. pti Pti;

In rtore and ft tale bAaTFIONYZANONE 4S0N.

!. cboat and fo fi - v

ANDW RVJtllANAN A CO.,a4 Gimpf of Scoiu1 and WalnnatiiTi

f AVA COPHSE-S- -J bags mrrloT eld Jat Coff.-- rCfirr d and lei aaie by


AL'ii T:(.;.i8 OU GO IN KTLKE WT'lCa&r o'i and it ftill be ok-I- co.klr

aplllcalto ,a .or C'fdt. ir' f irrr

INI for al h 7a3 V. A U. BIJRK.H AKDT. All Market

'J ti'.js I'clie.'O'.a Bftj u li. ma. d do

i etorr and for p.iie hi- -

iNTafVv'Y y.ANCNR 4 SOh,l"'tll .'t.. t!ow M:rt

jOFS'tflv ii'Vhac riniF Kio by Jno. ft-

d OatjTa 'iiei";So d' ADf'.onu- - 8 ntlna ChMeka:til dfJ i? c' i'd v;otlo..;

b.ti- - Vv'.K.l P,n -

a'-- T A H ?tf.KVTJ A 0t"J.I"IO COtFifc-y- w taiE good to yriiu Ko Codi ftor an-- b-

CKU:UD :lv,AK j i.b,- - Lv ri. jiu- - Iks iu- -

ltiOiit n.'id t'"r Cila by. r W Mi 'i I'Ianan C;

loa.fli na fYSonny Wanted.i aui VNliV Hi i:iANAN & ('

r .. '.(.,-. ,A,.hl,.ptnn

11C C 'FftB-L- i ba(d or rao rlio CoOao Iaudio x pella-- aASiJ'W BUCHANAN a C.

CO'i TutnAuba, &wct.-- a''i-.-- j Cwrtonades:

4 d i Vainist Jeaun,5 do F irjsrV D:6 do N' gro lai.d and Strijwa;8 bilta I.ntrutf.

Roclvd aad for a;t chap br

Rlv tiulff iu y bir njod aj.G priiao ru Couarstore aad for sale bv

lo,"U0 poundsi7 Lif bp


l Av.!U!:tlU SftLiluN A.NU WUITU l ibli, a

CU- iuC TEAS jGnwMJ aiv- - I1. Vt'

Oi r ii f;n;s gooa t'nmij ttlg L'Ll'ea la ftcroJ e::d ;ur e;i!f- - by

IjaI.TM- - fclA b.-- dcre!i abt J Lick?ta, all c.'V?l?.

do B. rf, tdjj d j,t dO C A Wsll do;

!t' n.i 2iac Wasb-Bc-a- ?;CKJU' K4t3Vf,

aM Miirt rt., hrw(in i Jiira aud 0'jjIq.

vt' iv i' CiiiljOrtt and ; .yi MAfc-iiAL- MAJ.BLI?T A CO.



AxTloultDrHt Is tsovu Aid 3MdbRr.t, H. Co.. '7 Iju 3t..1!i.3mian A Ilrr,4 Ct 'jrtb act? Snth- -

A. ' , ra"lr Ct (Jr.u anil 8th.kl'i. V. uirfl, A Ma?2 f.wr .r 4 H.aa t.

Vnrietlea. w, ntid Funry oda.Bate. No. aij Vourch it., bet. acd MorteK

, C Bl"odi (.'r.tiisrl? tlaitig") Oat!rf Mala, bn atd Kmli rta.

".ibaV-- & Eru Main rt., bofwwan Fourth and Fifth.

Ovi . M rt., bet. .T?eTon anrt Markel.lUMi. r., i tt ia". ruTMo ana Ejsa,

BaaLsera- -

irtl5 A Nrrea. m Mala rt.

Qgborae Kn, Jrt:mn rt.. het. Odd

MATTHi;wrJ,0 U .,'fn",,an-"- i rwa-a- v r, area nt, 131 I orth ex., WFttnd9 tKt. aiaio au rw.

.ArnrtTont. . M.. corner h nfl i'n ft.jnroul A yf :indevill- - crriiur 4th aird Mala eta.

Carnftm, ll f 'lotba, and CbAvJs tie.Olte & Small, Mala t bt. ?4 fuid

p:w,flo. "(L Mam rt., be, Ph and th.OMUf.lay & uV:n .rr34 Main rt.irufflhrT A Mr.Cradv. 412 Main "V

tar. A. & CXv ti St.. boL Market and JpffeTtSa.Te&l Heat wra.

rittoo-V- ft Oantt, M rt et. Main and MirksS.J, N.. 3f! rt., VwiL. Jiiftrsnn And Market.

(tfmW and ApothrrwrtahDawwa, 9. FM corner 4th atid JuZemn tU

tfrHanr, F MAln eU bt, ttb ao4 th eta.

rnrrlrur Miuiiifnrtvrpnuloiie, J. T. A Co- - MOn rt.. hrt. let and Eroak.

Morris, J. 3. A Son, MMd rt.Srbirn. K. A. Co., s l. KH aC3Wlt-n- , A Oo., 4Oo ft.VMfier,B44 Mfn it.

Br? UooiIa, Ctntha,frV Powru. MpJn ftrwt. between 4th and 8ts.

'rlariln ft Cmmhani. 4tiL, hpwa Market A Jeflaraoo.ibb. G. O., oomer itft tod tdarcct.

I'am luid Fur Ooodi.'Jmj, A.. MId etTMt. rjpwrwa nth and Tth.

Pmof.T f nfMU, and TrtaiaaljiaTa.Kau(dxrV,B CSatIm F., 4tb rtroet. bat. Market and Ja3.

E UMtijr Tarkl, Goim and PlaaoJa.fHrksOTi A Git'no-- 9, Sd strspt, bt. Main and Narkal,iiiir.Lb, J&fiph, Inii tioek, bt. Main uad IIoj ket.t'tra, ITIurla, aud ISfe faauraoca C4K:a wl

Afrnti.crirti- - In. Co., H. !out. 8 Mata, M and thiAa Ins. C, V-- ?. Wnlr. fla. KaU bet. ad M

' onl'T'lJ: Too. (A. AirDOd. ioc, fifaio, bit- - inend 4rt.

Trt'ui. iL, m?. and M.V.'in., Ki-.- t "t., S. 3d Sd.

rhl'ion Ft. Ci.. 'io. Vioja. ftc. liiin at. bat. adnd 3d.

(iifnilfnm's Puni9Rhcir 43aMTastrwif , J. M.. "nr. 4t?t and Wain at.

Kittens tecmivltv A StofwlHT. at., bPt. Marfcrt and Jvffietaa,

'thwart A Harttr, Mata rat.Liqnora, Vvttia, ojid

Olark. Hd het Main aad Hartot.Miles, Jor-r- H Mir. tr-

ehrw-de- & it., bt. and Vttor,ttJ.xirt, A. h itst. Ltln ar.d V.'t,ioxaedcr. E'J if. 4 a, cor. rrca. & W?iot A Uaiu.

;tt:h Fornkbins.:rrwrt A Wnxtit, 15 Id otrL

nvouti A Co., Main rt!"&, IVTwrwi 4ib aodrowjer.

K;ift 4 Cc..Ai:a.i rtrwt, 'rwnrftcn itbauCiUl.

aarairrax;la,J. A Oo. fMT-rV- , 3d, bdweii i Mali

.fiW n C f f.ih. Vt, .rd

v 0. T., AKvat for Grmvr A hair auv Maniii rcurtii t,

lOvrifcd x Co., '.Voi: bet. Midu asa Weiez

Trb ant! Fftiin? 4Jromi03.jLcham Cc., irtvajt, bt, Uarfiet aad Jtfor3a..

Jftc4, Wicket Co., Sia MgiQ street,

V Wratt, oor. Ttb a:td Jtu.eiwa itrceU.Vooiisn acd Vlliv tVitra- - I?i5craa, Corduj

Aft.DAWSON, ORF.IN, J' iip.ln screet.

Wbttoleod and 1 IwwdOtL.Yiiaoa, Pctar, & (J9., Mui rtrtL

li&rdwrtr eod 4Jutar7rasebT, Col'.u, rtX5 Main ctrt.raiS, A cor. 4tti cud Main, aad bot. Cih and TtW

(run, itee(. Nulla, A o.' - lnjK W B Uo canujr Third aad Maiiu

lwofry, H'akcbtMt. and PlntaatnthHT & Uuuu'tt, Mfitu at., bdt. lib arul 5th.

CtDd- - lcie, 1 rt,, bet. M?lu.'otfDt A ELiiuiCt vi rt., bat. Mciit aud Market,

Lompa, Biiruinc Fluid, twJ Oil, JLcHard? A Brattr, 4th street, btwe n iJLsia aad Market,

Garml Frodvre and Provision Ilrokera.A Co., 2d. nt Main and rlvtT.

isnsnardt, W. & II., Mirket. t"t. 4tti ad itblibMtt A Son., hot. .1 and 3d..ood A M.wdy, vaii t., bt, Mr. to and cSwar;a"diit"'i A Co., 4lif Min'-- , Wni,, 5.0 Muli. .'trwtFalhert, .'A. A Co., 526 Miu: itrtst.lark A Brother, 6lf Main 1 et--

iorr., n, v;., Tiiird ptrc t, tv't. ?in ana WatersiX D, A Cou, Wall atrwt,

iit-f- A AMeo, Sixth twt, bet. V'it-t-r-t and fcUss,Uwwi, A 6I4 Male oti'vot.

Siij'ilc-r- , Joofl, Marfcat eiTefet, b?u KiTrtai4 Preofe,LHOf. I L J Ml jjiwiwaaHBti

AT rENriOIT, SUTLERS!Camp Bupplios.


11 IA HUlUlC t HVlThE-9HB- ;



8applid at redaofi price.II. W. JTC

oM dif Fmirth nt . mnt to National lIrttU


Ready-mad- e ClothingJ. M. ARMSTRONG'S

Oo Mftln, opposite iho rSttlonal HetaL



sinava, ao-ita- y, u.sdebe .bu &a- -

FULL STOCK 0?" (aU dawi.V0, eh ,y cr aaa old

' muni i lUca aad trccu Teas, and for. X if liid tvr ciab qji. -f- .'g J. T. LANT1AM A CO ,uir tBjpcftri- - of 'IVan. tw. Third rt

CIK cattle i fill aiortent of choice QrocTlcit rt.i.' t

i. r i co..

i cl. All iN O r ti.E oluH.

- mil. 1 t w oj . y i.j uu vu- uf-r- -

IS u ii '.nt , Of ki. b ..nd r, '! ot, or iin I o .i n by

ull iAIi O i O'J , o SM Hula et.

cr3 5?t & so v,V'HOLtia VLE AN') HK.TAL G OCEUY, FLOUR,

to. Aotita --",,1 A(v-iii

ot .iai'-- n uiy - in t'tre 4ud tar

DOir euiriot S aud yn?.r old BonrtOrco cuajifcuiu'-u- ami for La by

- 4' ca, - c Clare--- ! VSIimkS et-- k io do;

Lu Btva and for sale byANTHONY ZANONB A SON.

iil'l '.K.: BLIjAii OOii! f.ajttiuore B siolta. Crtii'btTl "efiTi pd ffr hy

Wifc- - vi- -r 'l'u; ti'ivri - in tor- anc

a.1 UoiULUi gVy Cue

oi5 J f. I') MltO if IT1NED SUGAR 30 bbt BiltlraorsJ Soft Cruabi -- d. rpf, 1 'rtj j.le by

Tag i ti-- i tu so i. o aor? and

DiKLP f pacitiiip' Baltimore extrann. whoip 'k' half io il kkc - ior .id

Bt jAtt- O-A di bilj LvAif.Qg'i Poudnt--

B3 b'.li co tc3 iio;Landing from mailbt oy

ANDRtiWiiLcilANAK CO- -,

aW CornoT Second and Waeaimrlcc atrsta.8CGARH. fta ftipf-rto- Jv and KioOriIied, Powdert-d- Grauu-at-i- and

Fowa bre- tiroma, Cifcua, an-- i Chacclates; for e alb

J. T. L ANH AM ft CO-- ,alT rmpfJTm tf Ti. Ar., Third ft.

GLNDRies -- A6crUi 8:css whole auj (i.ojod;O trwttn, CasiKli, and Fr'J'h Muetirds- - epejltn1aaortd M ihrooni, and Waiuut

e&sorieA F.r-.g- rtju' vhoN and sroundK'e Sa-- i lipiyya, 1V-R3-, Cii; iah jylit Pes.Sj Arrjw-i'Co- t,

liti-- JicU'cUii- - Prsisr, d ant Frwh r tvKt udruiT, 8alojn, Mcicersf, and aud Scniid", nkite end Uita aljo u fcidOLtuisM';t Fr-- . andDciucilic Ticei, ani BpiriLa, fv - r?:ai lor caaii by

j. 'f . ivNUA;! c ca,an Ta 'l'id tt.

Ri bak'c ltio CuP-jp-

pnt j ava do;In and (t;r pvU bv



T, A. Comer Main

RB NA'f lONAL HOTEL is d tn tbrfwvy cotiter of tbf hnalneu part of the clty,eoaviient to tha Rall-mft-

'Mt!erp.rti. --."d T'T'-cr- (Y.r-py- t$ H:ir,k. and pliiWB ot niinLiemetit, and wlthto onacjiifu-eo- f t'.f fti La'tdian, Tbe bonsf bae beea tboroiigi'ly rroovated and rrdttd for tha wln-t-rr

r.(i3in(, niid t-- in co tiiLion now tbu lr was ever before, aud to tbe traveling conininnlty andvisit b:g U;e city tcr caaliiuaa oc v eauie Gum's ovgry lnducuieut lor patrouag). Pnctn to tuit the biua

ToxTXia 606JH dtf

B. WILSON(Successor to G. W. Bashaw),WUOLE3AI.K DEALER IN

CHOICE FIELD AMDAgricultural and Horticultural Implements aad Machines of all sorts,

F&ASTSH, OBrffEWT WHITE SAND, AND LI IVI3,Hftin St., bot. Third and tfoartb, opposite Lank of Louisville,



W, J. HUGIIE8 & CO..Commission Merchants


Kaw Whisky, FSoar, Bacon, Snsar,lirain, Tobacco, aad Produce,

AOJWT8 roaMcirrB. T. A J. TT. GatTi Dlf tHlerlot, Aurora and

Ind.S. How A Co., Tintii!""T, Patriot, lad,

fVaTra--s Flour Kilta, Ky.HoKT Patri'it, I'idfOaffi u Aunia aiid LawToneeburir, Iud.,No. 61B worth aids Market street, Iwtwoen

bnUi and Seventli atrau,Bl Am LO''!RVTI,T R. KV.

DR. J. WILSON,Veterinary JUtvAirsoosa.

x lr, W. announoes tnthejritt;ai of it viczv.7Mhe if rrac'-u-Ki- t ha aV7fc p'

ion Id ill i'B vtrk-- banchoa, and t uct-- , hi ttrictattai'on, 1 merit ttt'Mr f'it'i' p'l'ryya.

Adviots Ilrna a'lrf ct' Mt d.ciu-- Lluliaeata,Ac., may bi I:i l rt hi Di p ufer .

A ntty at bate Stable, tiwnth, btveoa Market andJ ff r? 'n.

QiilO, CATIIRALL,Manufacturer acil Dealer in

rcbacco and Gigarti.Soatlieaat comer of Sacc-s- ar.d Caltuwhlll stt,


1. An OfitiifMt ff ow laJiitoo Domftftlr. Clart

(Succojaon to Joa. ItoEU,

Pi'C?JA CANilL COAL,And dl Apeii'ct Coi the

OKDEKS for any of tbe abov CoaW nwyvctfulljr t

promrtiy died at tho lowert tuarkt--jrrirea

Coi rLftntlT on hand a urs --ut ivof be PEV iCKA14 "PKACOCK; P MKlOV COAL 3,

V'.icb for ktuiUu; pat.. or chitolw-- uee have nc tn..rerk'T- -

0'"t Mo. Ci Third ;rt.fU btwn Matkeit and(t t'onb'e old ftj.:.i; and at Jio. S)4, aonthwest

aor-.- v ri - t., ir dtf


ik C11TUaMHS FLATSAti'ptfKiP).

uoNNrr wip.w, anaV.

A ?ocd auOrrti-- t of ICl1., UAl.F LACB, and7jJCKftAM FUtiMfctS ahvait cn baiia at tho towoxt


,!c:' 'nmn rt.

For Bale.Cash paid for



Ptreec Sixth and Sveth.

New Importations.At So, r7 Ka4n itreet, tbr deers b?hiy the Louirvllia

ARU now tecslvinr lar? a15itlni! to their t.fc ofand On bftnd and arriviiwr a

arge aiw of Ulawware, Urit. audPlated Caatf.ra, Looiciiu:-tiia?e- lantsrnn, Watcr-Cooler-

Toilet 3'j aid Fniit .Jara, ail of which will haoffered at aa lew figures ai can be found In tha taarkot.

Improved Metal Burial CasesCombining County, Durability, r.d Llthtoeia.

VOlEce oerner Seventh and JMIerson, Loulcrine.itaabove CackAta are ms-- of Corr-ira- t SitTH and Uued wit!. Gutta. Porciia or India liubbor

to ai to ba Air and Wfttfrr Ttbt.All ordure promptly attetuVd to. dlBdtf


OKLKS, No. Thi;A itroot. have ia ttore fr80 bbU npertor Bonrhco TVbitky. t 7ari ol;

109 do do di (So, i " '!SO iicaakf Ciraae Brf.dl'w;

310 H d'i do10 W do P?cVlo do:

5 d Pin '.V iiifl:15 la do KndeJmda:16 i do feherry do;I b'jl- - o! 3 Pwch Rra:55y, par

11 bbli old Ar.pifl rr.iD4;r, piro;Champ-eQ-6 V!ne), varion- -N. Lon(rworth A and ,V.rMiitro'lNaUveWbliKniiUfb and Scorch PIe AtN- - ami PorUr;Claret tn caaos: AnLMto; Abijnithe;VaraaciMiio: Curucoa. Ac

Aiwa lhiQ and w-- wortf-A Vy;k of Pre'h FrolM,and Uormstirally gkaliid Gocn or aii da lp--

'."V t

U DBiy-- 7jr,b t ocw P

6u bOi' Nav, - ;

' 1(1 bb's C' ar hti-1--

aa ka hnckli- - Flour;Jfip rrtv-i- l and tor .ii" by

n v



For sa)p at c iccn.

B-U- SATITv'.T.1 a HMII YARD' libL'B SATiNTT on hand and


rulV STAVPAKD HlM?1 1.KB;OjhT 'KV OF THK CNirio cfAfKo, by a Fractl- -

cij Tfahrtrp,w-- tim CtV 'Kt' by

6i k ye pnu Lard;K bhlr' :i' (lu;

lr: ptoro Arid f'r bv

V.Li:i l'Av.U" a ( PKICK.The ultimo. Isri.i ion (i v !s j t r by ttifl

at iuich le than t(8 u ua! Oi9- cwoan niae'1 verv AUvaut.-ou- ovran'iutftiti wlii tu .

PiUAK LAHD-5- 0 kfg prime rr.:ntr" lanl m ctoraaa'- hy A

HAnDY A.Ji VflN'K CaSK-- ior CaUwbaII p hy ANTtl S V vN MS i BON,

B. &. MAitA G. I'. IHJW8

UCCXVlCl) t.if dy a bli.-U-I lot cf

6-- !. acfc Mudin dobl.u-- 1ti cu alarinaea.

For aale at 1 w prlca.a iVt-'.- nowca 4',

CLiiAK" bn- - fuwaertd, urauulatttdO tni Vt liow f ft aln by

inn. co.

WLGARO lu hhd? N. 0. Snaan

j Powdpre-.l- CiUskt-i- , and Loaf 3ugorfIn ftore and tor eaio h?

ail M A ft A T,L U L n F R T A C








f AOAVa CIVIL UiU'LJilM'J a!1'A crviUj'9,

END itE'6 k.LCUAJavAL acnaLL's.



and 4th st& LOUISVILLE, KY.



Per Day.



ABNER COOPER.Wholesale Commission Merchant

Butter, Cheese, & Produce.

45 Wall ctroet, Louisville, Ky.


WUoloiCAlaAgents for

Tobaccos, Lfqnora, and Ootton Xarma,Noa, 53f and 31T Wain et., bat. Third and Fourth,


J. IS. MOOKE,ror w&lfAI&z Sl Cozamisolom JSrekaat



Frtight Aoutt for Pmna. Centra Baibvad.Na 41 FOCEIH (OB WALL) STBEET,dtf Loahjvtlla, Ky.


PITKIN, WIARD, &C0,,(O'.owjctb io nuin tsrotnenj, ,



iuacaines, Trees, riantsHydianlic Oomoct, Lame, Plaster, &c.

713 33hXa,lxi. street,Rar1 dff I .OFTSTTIiI-ft- . KY- -

ISFNCU bl UttS AU sizutaiid kluda.- CLOTIT3 All numbfir bwt ratjra.Iill'aoVED PORTABIJ! M1LL3 WlthaoUAPranob

bohie und mado on bust known plan.8MVT aLV''lILNliSSf.veraldiirerittlndi.Mill Irons, Screw. Screena, Belting, Plaster Parla, and

BC' ti arnoiov ?niijy.We have on hand a larpo etork of the abovo-oame-d

trtlolta. tor caio low avd anahty warranted.Ui'.RBKKT A WRIOET,

wpS? dtf No. IS Third nt., bet. Main and rlvwr.

Bra? & Prescrlptloa Store, TMOZART HALL,

Odrner Fourth and Jefferaon itreetc'Ptti serfp tlonji rarefnliy and aocorately oofapoanflad

at ah iHAin oay or ruuu mai

IIIBBITT & SON.Wholesale and Katail

GHOOEHT,FLCUil,aiTnA 8TORSNo. tf Market it bet Second and Third

KAVB IN STORK A FULL STOCK OF PTNHand aollclt tha patronage of tba pahUa.

JCinJ SlfYDEE & CO.,Wu?2xale Grocors, Floor aad Oon

miffefon IVIerchants,tJt lltla between Third and Fourth,


PARTICULAR A TTEN ' . OIVRNTOTHBBALProdnouai d to ua. aull



Waior-tis-- al and FlmrrootWe have in maranne 0 inpply of itie above eela

brcted brand of Powder, pat ap In patoawtren AwA aorifor aaia at iame price aa wocden kegv toy "

A. V. DuPOOT Sk CO.IT"N. R. For aiJe by all the Louisville marehanta.

flay's Cfeina Palace,IN TITE MASONIC TEMPLE,


I have Jatt now opened and ready for tale er Intpee--ticn the largest and nort elegant ttock of

China, Glass, and QueenswareEver offered la tbii or any other olty In the North orSouth, I have also on hand and Intend alwaya to havetha d stock of SILVER-PLATE- WARS,CUTLERY. BRITANNIA WARE, WOODEN ANDWULLOW WARE, and GAS FIXTURES In theoonntry, and which I will tell at prices to suit the time

Poraono flavin old Chandeliers, Lam pa, Ao., can getthem cleaned and made look aa trail aa new at a verytririing expense.

I am ako prepared to mn GAS and STEAM PTPBInto GuUdintrB or UteaciboaU at the shortest notioa.nSO- KM ly.' dzen No. 1 eountTy Sockii In store and

wile by fn-i- GARDNER A CO.

ROOMS AhD TUBS&0 d zjn Rrootna;W do fro It crub Uroomsef cwti) Tubs:

In vtore aud tor sale byn4 MARSHALL HALBERT A CO.


bbla Ad. latio Mills D mbie Extra Flour,U'U bbis G. W. Sni'th XXX

&rj bbl-- G W. Smith "hbi? Ottt-- Mills No. 1 " M

Hi bhLj FaHtic MilU w

8U bbls sack Flour, "' . FERGUSON A SON,

df Fifth Pt . nn door north of Market.

8 6CKYV tiEAT Fu(UiV-5- a acki freh Pennsylva- -'

m Hur kwhrat Flour received pur steamboat Uaatings aud for sale by

JNO. F, HOWARD A CO.,OSI Main, between Third and Fourth ptc.

hJUNDKIEi--5Sides sod Hams;

Filroe ooo"tr - keg Lara,I'ri d &c:

For family me; lor ante byo ij TrpnT a fv

UGAR-HOrS- MOLASSES 0 bbls St. Jamee BoMotaetea in Ptore and for ante by


O IO COFFEK-6- 00 ban Rio Coffee tn ttore and foria sale by


MACKEREL Boo packages Mackerel In store and


COFFEE Rio, god and prime;l't dy Lafmavra:1M do Java (in pocket): for aale by

i4'V3nsi rnpn, A CO.

HAM 64 cA,lu for saie on coualgn-- k7 ment bi


"lOARri, TOBACCO, ac23,000 Havana Cigans jut recivad aad for pale by

Mi S Mli.UAKA' OITIO.NAHY, uev supply;also otnar Military Books, lactic, Ac

l. a. cmr.LJ. F. T HO Ifi P BON,

Ac,io. 79 Fourth it , bet. Main and Market.


il IN li TWINE, Ac A good atjsortmeut of SeineO Twine, CbalV-Liue- Stng-Ini- r,

lieu:?. Flax aud Cotton Twin, Ac.., in "tore andfor aale by OR KIN KAWSON,

oJ 6W Main it., between Third and Fourth.


EKNMENT, by Eider S. E. Sbepard, A. M., M. io 'h haodd ot rvery cltiaeu at this particu-

lar tiu.e. By mail six cents,o' L. A. C1V1LL.

AitLlNEa So caeee V boxe Hardioe? for sale byANTHONY 2ANONK A BON,

Vit'th trwt, hllow Mftin.

tJOOA lihi teKs Newcastle received by JeffersonvHlaRailroad and for Male bi

4 wqnv Tnnn. A nn

YV"1 t prfrared to funiieh Satlere and others witht V at ao?rt notice.

JAMTS LOW A CO.,ohi) 9oS and SiU west side Sixth st

200 c&ived Cds day and tor ele bjJAJ&E3 LOW A CO.,

rt and 210 wrt side Sixth t.

jOFFF-- 9 bags prime Rio Coifee in store and orWftila MAR3EA1L RAX7SF.T CO.

RAILROADS.LooisTille and Frankfort and Lex-

ington and Frankfort


leave Looiiville dailv (Siinda?i ftaceTt-6d- wfollovi;

FIRST TRAIN 5 60 A. Iff, . ftoprbig a all Nation iwheufiaRod, except Fair Oroundt, Kace Courw Itrowra-bor-

and Bbllovicw: connection at EfoinfctirewithdtKatfor New Caetle; at FranVfort for Ijawroustburc, Llarrods-bnr-

and Danville; at Payn'it Sfetloo tor O0rKtowujaid at LexinKtoo via railroad and BtAre fr Nlchola-vlll-

Danville. Lanmeter. 'rah Orchard.Ric'imond. Mt. Btrlincand all lot rlvr towiia.

BKCOtfD TRAIN-8:- W' P. ST. rtroiduK at all fUTcr.awhan flapped, except Fair Ground, GUiafcn'-'- iiaoeCoare, Ormcby, Iirownnboro, Runknnr'e, and NorthBenaon;ervaaacttiig by etao at EmUitjaca for

at Chrljtiaueburg for dhalbyvilie, aod at I'aiiO'ifor OflorgHtovn.THIkD TRAIN ACCOMMODATION-L- ea af 4 10

r- - M., tomdnc at all Station- - and rptumi:'?. wU 1 ,aveLat aixe at 7:2(i A. M., topr-- at all gtatijus, and ar-rive Rt LoQlsvllle at t'tflo A M.

Train arrive In Lonuvillo m fflow; Fin TthId at11:40 A. aaoond Train at ":UU P. JL: Lagra'jaa

at :l)G A. M.Irelfht Trains leave TjOoWHIaiIMIv Cnn.lsvi arstadi at 6:30 A. M., arriving in txlnn a(: 1'. M.FreUlit Tralui lav Lexington du'l fitidiu'wrted) at t:;n A. &!., arriving l i Louivillp al W P M.rrwisht 1 recalved an-- d'jJjarjad from A, tL to

B P. M.tVThronh Tickets for DanviUa. TTarrcAjliTirc. Cr-- h

Orchard, Somaraet, ltichnioad, Mt.. 81 rlinw, Wfnoby.--ter- .

MclioUpviiio, Georgetown, SUeib-- , ville, and otiirtowns In the lntrior far nale, and all In thr-- in mm-tlo- n

can be had at the Dipot in LonuTUla, eoinar ofJftffrwn and Brook itTeiw.


Fasseng-er- should be careful in purchasing Tickets to St. Joseph or pointsin Kansas to see that they read by theNorth XVXissonri Railroad.

Zt is the only all rail and direct rentefrom St. Xiouis to St. Joaoph: tbirtcenhoars quicker, fare Ictc as any otherronte.

ISAAC H STUT.GVON,Pree't and Ganl Sup't North Mi&soini E. R Co..

aiirt dlv Nfn.


Miw uwiWBHTO rawyror'rrr1F0RSr.LClrI3,CaJCAG0,rETnCIT10C1. Enmmer Arrancinont, 13 CI.

ON an after Tteda?, Oct. L 18, Pastoa fc?r Trainsleave New Albany as follows;

8 19 A U. CHICAGO ittPTtWtfl V a!iy wviconnecting fr Torre !' vite a ;1and connecting cloaely at Lafayetto for Chicago.

IT"Thxough from New A'baby to Chicago In 1 hours.:S P. M. ST. LOUIS NIG AT FXPBFU'i T--

rtarhiot? St. Loots at tl A M. and Ol'jluQiiti atA. bl. TbU Train runi to Mitehe!! only.

Returning, ST. LOUIS EXPRESS airlros at NmrAlbany at i'iO A. M., makiug ciie connftctioue fifmSt. Louis and Ciucinuati, rb&ciiiiis' Louiv?iie at 6:15A M.

The CHICAGO MAIL arrives at 7:00 P. M--, reachingLouisville at 7:45 P. M.

Only f Ckanc a Cars to St. Xouts, Cincinnati, or

The through Train mkes Fd rijODctions tlorthand South at Groencastle, LafaywttA, IaCrnlr, andMichigan City for ali point Eaat, Wert, and NortU-wea- t.

W Trains are rcn by Lonisvtlle time.tWFor THROUGH TICKETS and farther Infor-

mation, arpiy at the GENERAL RAILROAD OF-FICE, aonthwset corner of Third and Main street,LooisvUle, Ky.

A. a CCLVEB, Snr.t.8. 0. PARKER, Ageni. aU dtf



little mmsziOoliombxia and Xenia

amClnclnn&tl, Caffiil(i?9, & Patoa

i86i mviij&m&m isgiRAILROADS.

FROM CINCINNATI TOBoston !n 88 htars. Nw York in 31 hoar.Philadelphia m iTn honra- - tn yi bo'irs,ftaratopa Syiines In asfeh'raAUiaoy tu 2:- - honraBnflaio in UU honra, lnnkirk In btnw,Cleveland iu hoars. Pittftbiir in 18' lioart.AVheollng in lt lioun, SteabenUle iu 11 boars,Crestline hi 6 hour. anesvllle iji 1 hoors.Bandoaky in boar. Toledo iu boars.

Detroit !nl hours.

Tkreafjii TrsUns cava Cincinnati aa fMowirl A. M. From Cincinnati, Ham

ilton, A Dayton Depot, connects ria Toledo, Detroit,and Caoada.

7:00 A. M. CINCINNATI FXPRH?S From LitMeMiami Depot, connocta via Columbus, Cleveland, Dun-kirk, and Buffalo; via Columbis, Creative, ar,d Pitts-burg- viaColumbos, StenhnvH'e, and Pittsburg; audvia Columbus, Belialr, and Buwood,

fctt AM, KXPREBS MAIL From Little MiamiDopot, connects vta Columbus, BetLOi , and Flttiburg;via Colambus, Crenttioe, and Plttiourg; via Cotumbos,Cleveland, Dunkirk, and Buflalo.

4d P, M. EXPRESS From Ctnciar-aH- XLt7c!!ton, ftDayton Depot, connects via Toxedc, Detroit, aad Csna-d- a.

10 P, M NIGHT EXPRESS From CinMiiratl, Bwm-tlto-

A Dayton Dpot, connacte via Co'iinf,and PiHtbarg; via Colnichns, CrKstWe, nvd

Ptttsbnrg: vtaColarobni!,Clovf-Und- Dunfcirit, n;i li.f.falo; via Colnmboj, Ik'Halr, and lieuwood; aii vis CVturn bos, Belialr, and PUUbnrg.

ifodern Sleeving Cars on this Tr-in- .

tVPaaaeng6ra for Lake Steamers will t ko Ihi loom-ing Train.

lTha fct P. M. Eiprart, Satordaya, fot Tolo&ionly.

7Ae Aij Exvrtu rum Daily t Salvrdayi txemird.Ail other Jravu mn Daily, Sundtyt excepted.

tOT Train rnn by Col jrnbns tiaA whlc!i Is 7 tarantttCaster tban Cincinnati time.

BftggAo Checked through to All Saltern Cities.Pasneners shoold bar in mind that tho "CIN-

CINNATI" Is the OLD and FAVORITE ROlT'i. Con-nections are made promptly, the BooIs are tfcor.inprdyBALLASTED, and all modem lmrroroutonta adoptedtncoriof ooiirour, and SA1 EIk


OFFICES tn the WF.3T and SOLTU. Ask for Tir.t-a-via CXNCINNATL

P. W. BT3ADHC,General Tlcksnt iy


tLOLR Cnoke brands conatautly on hand &ud for

nil TATT SON. On., Ko ?"4 Miin rt.

IIOMINY All tiie favorite hran.n on hud aud lortale at lowest mannfHctnrers' rato:' by

nil TAlf. SON, A CO.. No tMNMuft.

WE1VES id dneen Flour and Meal Selves Jurtand for eale low by

OIIP.IN F WE0N,nil K& Main hutwocn Thlr.l T.fl Prt.irh,

SUNDRIES choice Ceee Fethen:8,iko Ibn iacked Butter, in Ik alii;a iHJO buehele prime Oat?;

&oO " " Malt:160 Seed;liJU old Dried Peacuec;loO now cmp --

41 Mini prime llp'. aod uew crop,Sou bbls Nrhanoc Potae:

6u boxe" ch ic-- W. K. Ctieoso:Aytles, Onion?, Broeinr, and Cedar Cbtitc;

Ia store ana for al bynil TA IT, flOV. A T.Vft 84 n st.

T EFINED SUGARb-ti- 'U bbls WhiU) aud Yfiiit w laAt, store and for sale by

rawson. Tonn. a rn.IOLAS3E3

bMs Molasaea;8U Mdo do:40 bbls Sngar-Hona- Sirup;

Iu store aud for aale byo!4 MARSHALL HA TW.RT ft PO.

MACKEREL 8 large Mackerel;86 kits No. 8 do;

In store and for rale byo14 MRSTALT, HAMi-w-r A CO.

STARCH ISO bo iRs Starch In stoi-- anfl ltr sale byMAKnM.I. M...Iki

STAR:H J. J, Wood's Columbus Pearl SUrth;Sou 3 do do do do do;

Just received and for sale by

ICORICEI 16 cafs Ucmez Sancbor; .

I do E. La for sale Irv

1,(mju bags good and prime Rio;15) do Layuayra:luo do Java in pockto: fr sale by

Sl9 RAVC.tN. mon. CO.

MOLASSES Plantation M"lavf-(s-

m bbls prime St. Jauus Sugar-ilcna- e Molames;n rtore and for sale by

Bivn OLOlH,(iO YARDS BLUE CLOTH on hp.nd and for aaleJJ by JAMrS LOW A CO ,

o!7 3"ft and "M" w.rt 'Idc "iTrh .

fLEAR SIDES AND BKlSAAFAST BAoO-- Agood supply tor sale by

f RMTTII SPPKD Affirm st

IIXTRA GOLDKN IKU- P- bll?, huf b!!?, at--

Baltuujre extra Golden Suuv in tlore andfor by

na mtt nrna'jaN ooG-'- i McLoikn b Last.

THU ARMiF OK EUB.OP- B- Details of Militaryadptln thilr advan'.aos U- 4.

including RH,)ort of tha Orim an Wr an bl. B.t'oroail9fcioner. AI.-- ao A4pundtx g lwil'Vtioits for the Field Service of Ca'.'.tLrv in Hid." "t War

nl L. A. CIVII.L1 RAND 1L 3 40 pkm French Bradv for tale by1 ANTHONY ZANONC a S(iN,

tl9 Filth it., b"k.w Main.

PRIME COFFEE 80 sack Lagiiayra rnj Java Cuf--X tee tor sale by U14 iiMlilTT SO.

HARPKR'S MAGAZINE for October co:itnlna AlexNew Poem euUre. I n' aki by

i i.. a cfmL8TAKCA&: BXAaCul

CAfJ BOXES PLRc, PKtKL bTAKCfi, mannfoo-wU-

tured by the Madieon Paarl oUivii Cou yany,lor sale low in lots by

A, V. DU PONT ft CO8jle Agents iu tbi? city,

t? 'L

RIO COFFEE hage Rio CoSee, fau to iTinw, inand fcr sale bv

ANDREW PUCH4NAN ft CO .Sll flnnrnr nt Wnin?t-"-

IOFFEK 36 aacka prime Java, aid ltioConee lor sue by


MOLAftSES Plantation Molasses;0 bbls St. Jcn e dv;

In store and fvr Ve by , -



RAILROAD.3' so..

C2ANQB OF TZStXB.OM artd af er Sunday, the 34th inetact, Traioi On tbe

Loitie-IU- and Kadhvilitt KalUoad and brauchJwill betuo a follows:

PA8Sr,NOER TRAIN FOR EMZABBTHTOWNAND CAM r NEV1 i will Uiae Loi'f villa rtally nt 7;o0A a- rivine at CanT Nevln at loflO A retum-Inr- ,

will 14vj N jHq at i'JJ P. M. and arrive iu LoulavilleaUP. 11.

PAKSEfiPRS FOR LLP VNON wall teare onTrain at A. M.


BTATIONS O MAIN STVM will lvv Lou-- 1

ill a S e. M. dii'.y (Sunday excjj: ret urn inn,will lear BftrdowD at A. M. aud arrive ia :ll

A. M.

A FRi IOI1 r TR AIN wiU 1ava LoaltvllU for Campand Lebin-j- dai'y at H:3J A. M. All treutntii tor

uhinnttint hy mornltiR trnln mast be lu Dtpot by &

o'ci'ick o! the evening pr vim.rlrf H MAPSII iLr Rnpr1ntndt

jHrrsKsorrviZii-- n ea.ii.roai.

N ard a'Vr tidav, November 4, Traina on thisV Road will lravo and arrive as followB:

'LE4VE JEFFER30NVILLE:3CP.'M. for SU Louis, ludlanapolia, and Cincinnati

V.M P. M "Both Trains making cocnections for the Eaet.

ARRIVE AT JEFFERSONVILLEji:V A. M. from InlianapolH and Cincinnati..u P M. tom Ht. ludianapolia, and Cincinnati.

rkitu Traiuu makiDg connectlona trom the La?t,nfltf JAS. FKRKTER. O T A


RAILROADIs a First Class Road in all respects.


( With Connections from all Point West)

From Pittsburg to PhiladelpliiaALL CONNECTING DIRECT TO NEW YORK,

Morning Mail, Afternoon Fast Line,Night Express.

oat) tens DaiLC rsosFI1TSBUKQ TO NEW YORK


VIA ALLSNTOWN and EABTO??With Direct Connections from Western Cltiea,



By Hrtl or Bomt Lim

Express Train Runs Daily Others

Sundays Excepted.

NINE Doily Trains from Philadelphia to New YorkIickets good on any Line or Train- - New

York or Bortou Tickets via Pitteburggood



Ttro Daily Conmsetinn from Rmrr4abmrj ioBaitimors an ttVastfiaf-to- a

Baggage Checked Through All Trans-

fers Free.



Tickets for Pale at allMain Offices.

pheii3:tq.By this route treUhts of all descriptions ean be for- -

warded to and from Philadelphia, New York, Boston, orBaltimore, to and from any point on the Railroads ofOhio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wlconin, Iowa, or

hy railroad direct.The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Plttstrarg

with stt&Liier. by which goods can be forwardod to anyPort on tiie Ohio, Alaakioum, Kentucky. Tennessee,Cumberland. Illinois, Miudii'pi, Wioconsin, Minsouri,KanxRA. ArkaDBAi, aud Red rivers: and at Cleveland,Sandueky, and Chicago with steamers to all porta on the(orth western Lake.

Merchants and Sliippers entrusting the transportationof tliflr freight to this Company cn rely with eonn-der.-

on it &poedv transitTliE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point

fn ttuj West by the Twin sylvan la Railroad, are at ailtimes m lnvorable aa arc charged by any other RailroadCotipviieB.

T''De particular to tnork package "Via Pemba R.R.

MA OKA W & kooNS. ta North street PaHlmcraLEl'CU 4 C0 No 3 Aatr Iiouae, or No. 1 South Wil- -

imn itreet. New V ore.LSCU A CO., No. 11 Bute street, BosI-jt-

H. U. UOU8TOR,Gwenl Freight Atent, PhUadclsbla,

L. L. nOUPT,General Ticket A sent, Philadelphia,

KN0C1I LEW id. General Sup't, Altooua, Pa.: At:


D0CTEESS & A3TR0L0GI3T,Eighth st., second door from Qrayson,

WOULD rnepociihlly Inform the citizens ofthat she is able to tell anything they bava

in their mind, and can be!p peoplo out of their trouble,no natter what it Is. Sue was born with a secret thaten&rilr her to snrpass any ona ela in TELLING FOR-TUNES. Bhe cui alfo und out through her secret allcircnnistanctG of sickuea?, and cm tall what will cure,as tNeie are roots grOTriag for every disease In theWvilu.

Madame I. 8. 1p the only ono that ean make DR.Ii UK LAND'S LIFE ESSENCE pnre. This mixtureif yfK-- for a! Mieeatef, and can only bo bought In heroilice. ho. oi'i Eighth siTet, eMHDd door from

Eveiy pf rson that is dei)retFed and trouble aboutWar etonid call on her. as she is the only one that inn-

er-fed to from la Somiay the grpat Fortune-Ttll-

that wi?ted Napleoo ot France in all his udiLpivtakines, end made him eucoossful In all his battles.iLo wagers 8. tiiit no one can snrpaae her.

Please rail and oe her, and you will be relieved.Those who ara too poor can come without money: andthose who dnt believe, call at 12 o'clock at clxht andsne wiU make tr.em believe. jelS dly

TiPL3 2o" ?ro Pl;:a of varicus styles in store anda. ior sale low by

nl3 Main st.. bfltwean Third and Fourth.

SUOAR-- Ulids prime N. O. Sncar;

13 bbUrtne Whita d :

AXjo SL Louie Golden oirop; for aale byd9 HTBHiTT A SON.

1,'REMI ARRIVALm-- i5dtirfi:

Fresh Buckwheat;Pure Crab Cider;

t r celve and for sale byHJBBrTT A SON.

sJARiNiTS AND HKKUINU-- O4 and ' boB Sardines;ii bo.ed No. I tleiTLug;

In store and for sale byn3 niRniTI' SON.

QUAKER BOOaa-l- U dozm for ale byui HIHBIPT A SON,

Entler. AttonttonlCHOICE DE.SIUNS OF PA IWoriC NOTE PAPERw and fcav Li-- a vtry oaeap.

nl U A. CIVILL, Mln st.

W l'.Wi'i I1AMS-- A lot of these excellent Hams jurtreceived and for sale by


u'LOLfi-Si- 'U bbls Estra Family Flour of differentl Di ui store ana ior sue bjo'rt HIBBTTT A SON

tAlLNS- -tlayer Ralslnj;

6'J 6 do do do;fn) ii do do do.

V'-- VKxe M. R. Ao:U do do du;60 V do do do; for sale by

ANTHONY ZNUNB A BON.08 Fifth it... below Main.

OLOTH.TR. 1 YARDS TENT CLOTH in store and forI jJJ sale by

JAMES LOW A CO.,oo and ilu west fide Sirth st.

tCARj i6 hhds N. O. Sugar;4U bbls Powdered aud Crushed Sugarili iible Ijf Sueur;

In store and for aalo hy014 MARSHALL FJ ALBERT A CO.

T?IO COFFEE 500 ba?a fair to prime Rio Coffee inAt- store ana lor sale n


Cornr Sond and Wahlnetrtri r

aoL'NDKlESO lt,y bbld Now 1 Bait- -

S'l bt'i? ijno Table Salt;7 bbls Citlf-- r Viuafi25 caes Matches:

0 )zau Urooms;50 bbls MacktrI;fyt Soo,Hi ktta ex

5 coi'.s Gra? Rope:6'J coiN Cotton do;

eiii's Hnjp dot60 dozen CriesfJ do I'rmp do;

bates Bttiop&iJ boxoe Stone Pipe;

80a,l)uO O. l. Cape;1 CKe Piaying Cards;

In ttore and for hyULAKSliALL IIALBRRT A CO

sSi) Tin M&in st.

LiUitary Books at Civill.ARMY Regulations (lvoew edition. Uardee's

(J vols.). Cavalry Tactics (S vols.). Uibbon's Artillr:tV Manual, illiiBlraed, very valimbls.lleiU'd Ilajjd- - Hook of ArtMery tor the Service oi theU. S. Aadon's Evolution of Field Batteries,with plate (V order of War Deparineut) N'atwleoualaviTns of War. tjalton'a Art of Travel, a Muaal tor

aud othera who have to "rough It, i"5stiUM, be Stndins Onlen of the N. Y. Seventh

(.Ouryot). Coudonsed Military roc Ket

Manual, kolton'e Nw Mau;:l of the Bayonet for theC. S. Army. Berriman' Militiaman ''' Dd

Svonl Plav, W Triitier-- Hand-Boo- k for the MilitaryS'ii.!on. Manual of Military Surgery. Marcy

Prh !e Tracer, a Hand-Hoo- fr Ovorland Expedi-lio- ii


KH.t. nrimm W O. SuCaRbt.l( Fov.'derod ana ,ms"ou doihi

ih b:.Is Lortf Snt(.r;aud torInjure RWTTAMj nATjpFTtT A CO.

"iANULE-V,TIC- T5C lb Cr.adle-Wic- k, extra unaU..




Just recelvsd at theClioap Xiaoe Qtoro309 FOrKfH dTREET.

JUBT rornrne d fron Nw York with a bntlrnl stockm Erikh A;A LACK I ofler them at

unusual mw iced for CAiiu Ladies are Invited to callsoon aud get Lrgatns r.

yliARTE1 F RAUMIPCSS'Smsj&b Chp T,ae N. Frth st.




And M "ther laxnries that tSa eeasnn afloran. ara ohand diily aud rervod in Ue uioat ra tur-.h- stjte at


ceived daily and for ale in whole aud half cans.ENGLISH and AMERICAN ALES and PORTER on

draucht. D84b


ST.CM AULi: HSGSTAVBANTIFifth streot, latftoea Main and Market.

JUT RECETVED A T"T OF WINTER AL15,cclearated maauiaoturar, J. W. liAlilUS, Day

ton, O Mo.I ha'vo been ayuted am-n- t for Lc'ilrvills- a fth

avjve AU', and I wili kep t Iar etwk leame eonHtatitiyou baud, in harr.'la, uaj inr.ils, kgs, Jidbottiea.

Call aud try tho Dayton A' it frt ST .tuaKLRBo:'jr - HCvrKK .Prnpretor.


COAL! COAiOf the best quality au3 at tho lowest prices, for

CR ITT K S D EN & OANTT.West fid" of Third street,

h"WPm 4tn md



FOR PRIVATES.All the above, ax.d everything in t a Hat and

line, on hoi d iud idud tu oidci.ORAIOi,



VOQT & KLINK,ReKpoet&lly oCer for msreettot) tu6 aala a lart

end tpleudid asictment of

T 2Z3 El Xi 3?l IT,o! aTvjwijr workicaTisI;Tp a:d ssb d.

Coral, Carbuncle, P?l, Ac articles reallyfine, and bautuLiI aud everytaing belonging so

oar liue, of icporfc, New York fabi-io- andonr own mke

Having been by ooostgnori to CLOSE OCTand sell at aiy rate rauiifr than rfctora goods, and, ow-

ing to the Lai-- tlrsias, flf?lrcus toET NO CASli CUSTOMER OO

OB the stt te of pticea, we invite our friends and tbaraNle to cat! and examine oer stock, and res t awarethat thii" waaii aud wjhoa wiU aod nuall be gratified,at VOCT A S LINK'S,



iit nI Jilt XT

Looklaj-GIasse- e,

WalkingA fine assortment, anfl CHEAPER THAN EVfl

Po.33f TtTitat st.,T70a Wcnnd and Thirdaitad S. Vfr cornea' lis-- ut ami 1'reatoa ata.t SUND A It NO F EL'S

aig bAl Booktwm

How tlookst New Eoo!ia,OF THE UNITED NETtUfiRLANDB, by

HISTORY 84.NOTES ON SCKIPTITBE, bv .7! .Tpnes. f 3 50.

THE BIBLE AND THE CLASSICS, by Bisltop Mead,3 ro.




J. It. Mardmt, D. T. -i f,GODEY'u LAD'-'- S EOCS for May.

Jort receivwl bv A. DAVIDSON,ftI7l' --t. Vftrket,

t'UJAR-UOU"- MOl 60 bbiB bt Jamea Bu--

Molai in utme nad f r sale byAN.'W BLUliANAIN A CO,

DTg Cora'iL Second and Washington sta.


la dniTn- ad ifs:Maok ie n lAiia, iiail boie, aud kitsfS:uukod 12 rnaiii ,I'lckUd di. ;Salmon In bbl acd klt;

In store aud for ittie bynl.S OA ROVER A :0.

riaSH ?tjcs:vvhAT Ptoxra.SACKS I RE H PENVlJVA) bitIll WUiAT FL'JUR ''tsr. r.cic..d nale by

II FtEGLcON A HON.,nil Fitrli ft.


Corner Main and Fourth st., uudyr Natlcnat Motel,

JfLB now rectivlag a Lirga lot of ARMY GOODS

ho dozn Otfi-m- Shirt:Po d ) do OauntUtf :

Si tlod gray todeT Milrta;iJ d do Drawer j

u do fioe white Klannei Bh'rts.Tho above gol; ara for sa!n low ior ta:h. AVe do no

eell rooiia on a credit to nv rw on,nia ftPnnri.C A' MAVDKYTLLE.

IIAYAH A WfcJARS.nOil IMrtOF.T;D CIGARS of the most

ibot Ln.d-- , euUi ad- -El

3oU Movimlento Ooutlnco,!Washhifftoo, Ls la bay,

CBT:i'tea, Mag tort a,iotLoUaJ, Ac

Also Ch T7'-- and Smokio TobaccoFor aale wh'oleaie and reUi,1 bv

LLiWD PEYNADO,oJ3 "'"vilie Uotel.

V KE08 PUl'.E MA LA U A uU,tor medj dnal pur- -

J posea, for sate byED WD PEYNADO,

Rv.-nttf- l i.vUH,Gold Pens cr Soldkrs at Half Price.

OLD Pen aud PceoiI wlrb dUvex Cate, worth 91 6

ir 75cGold pen feneil with gilvr Casa, worth 9 for b)1.

Gold Pe i and pencil Uu btiar Ca.e, worth iti 61, for

Gold Pen and Pencil wlt'i E'dver Case, worth fS, forP( So.

Gold Pen and Penull with Silvur Case, worth fci 50, fot

Gold i'en with HoWjr and Box, worth 9$ 5", for 91 'Gold Pen with aj.d liot, worrb 4. tor slGold Pen with Huldor aud Box, aroita $i, fo- - 3 60.

Ij. A, CIVILL,Bik'tlle1 and Suitioner,

rgs V- - 4!d F fth.

KtiMuVAL.HAVE REMOVED TO THE EAST BIDE OPI Fourth strwt, between Maia and Marketif i'hi ntfPSON,

BALES CLUE FLANNEL on hnd and for aalaIO by .mes low a iU.,oiT 2r.i a.vd a In wt sde Sizth st.

MILITARY DICTION tary Tactics,NEW uooka, tfcc A vanity for eale.oia L A. CTVTLL.

OODEN WAHfi-Oe- d.r l'utj, Buckets,

FAMILY KWl H --t'bhl, Exlr Family Flour 0I diff. rent brands in store and ior .v0,3 HliPITT A SON.

OF KENT U C K Y N e w Sheet sad Pocket MayaMAP Keiitauay. Ta.uivee, Oief juri, Ac.


Lioi'tihit O'-fiih-;4' box d r

Just received and for sale by opnvr:R A CO.

a BHKKRY, M AfEIKA, AND FOAtT WINESA e Uor n tne CIe hniry;W 8 do old Mad"irs;u 8 do old rvrtr,

tag for &&,WgZZ'ah.

i i.,.i; ii KAvh. D appljs and char cider.II 6 '"7aiwuiunw f tM7TTT PPEFD. Main sr.

rfiLA 173 parkat Gicea and Liack Tea In sloraA nd tor salt by


SJ0 bags priiae Rio tXCw jnet received pCOFFEE aud lor eaiv by

,g H. W. OOOD.

FAMILY UAJ-I- couatantly on hai-- d andClJolCE byJ. SMITH SPEED. Main st--

box-- e Tobacto, twatid hvai-U- , InIortACCO for sale he

BAl'ON Uame, bhoudcri, aud clear Sides in stora'fl by

a21 V.'. A LL EURKII ARDT, 4V Market at

MATCHES-v- a,Mtrbfa ot vaHena strlee;

Also 7y groes W Vieoua Matches (withoutbrJTlBtoDtf J!

Just reoelvt4 at No. Miu street, between Thiid andFourth, aufci' or uy J,T.m Amar. ii ; iva t own.

'EW oRl.eANS MOLASsl'.S i hfcle prime Ptan--IN latiou in stvre a id f r e bv

alr, ri!HANAW A CO.

TOFFr 7''" bi?( prune luo votteo in ixore ana rarsale '