long tail ppc using digital darts

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] Long Tail PPC using “Digital Darts”

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Long Tail PPC using Digital Darts

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] morning, my name is Dan Perach, and today well review a method using: Digital Darts to target the Long Tail in search.

The end result will have you enjoying Only long tail clicks.

Youll pay Only for the long tail!

Ok, a quick review on some important terminology here:

The Long Tail refers to queries that are not commonly searched.

Head Terms refers to very common search terms.

What are Digital Darts then?

+broad +match +modified = BMM(+) in front of broad match keywordwords that are preceded by a (+) sign must appear in the users keyword phrase exactly or as a close variationclose variants include misspellings, singular/plural forms, abbreviations, acronyms and stemmingAny order!Digital Darts = BMM with Negatives

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] darts are broad match modified keywords used together with negative keyword lists, with the intent purpose of targeting only the Long Tail.

The + means that the search query must include that keyword exactly or a close variation of that keyword.

A close variation is a misspelling, singular or plural version, abbreviation or stemming of that keyword.

Queries may occur in any order in relation to the broad match modified keyword.

First, lets review the four keyword match types

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] Match Modified shown in this diagram as the three outer rectangles, in green.

I recommend using only the third rectangle (the dark green) the one where each keyword is preceded by the + sign

In-house PPC Ecommerce JewelryPrevious Talks at SMX:Command & Control (alpha beta)Mobile Hack (dont get mad, get smart)Today: Long Tail Digital DartsInspiration from TennisHi, Im Dan Perach

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected]

My talk today is inspired from my past tennis life

He Hit it Where I Wasnt

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] 1978, Bjorn Borg replies to reporters question, after losing the US Open to Jimmy Connors: HOW did he beat you? they asked him

Borg replies, He Hit It Where I Wasnt.

Connors was a heavy hitter; he used a metal T2000 racquet, while most other players were still using wood.

If your opponent is coming at you with blazing serves, and a heavy pace on the ground shots, you need to change the pace, keep the ball low perhaps with some slice, or hit deep with a good top-spin.

In this methodology, youll be focusing on qualified and unique searches, avoiding those over-priced heavy hitting head terms.

Long Tail PPC using Digital Darts

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] use Joe the plumber from Pasadena, California as our example today.

How can you successfully bring Joe long tail success using this method?

Joe The Plumber from Pasadena, CA

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] needs more plumbing business, but hes a small business, and he has a small ad budget, and he wants to stretch it far.

A show of hands please how many of you are dealing mostly with budgets of under $5,000?

Not per day, $5,000 per month!

Ok, I see more hands now.

Ok, lets dive into the details of the workflow

Create 2 Negative Lists:First Negative List: IrrelevantSecond Negative List: HypercompetitiveCreate Local Geo Campaign with only BMMsFirst, apply only the irrelevant neg listAs QS improves apply Hypercomp Neg List Continue adding more negatives - ongoing

The Workflow Overview

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] discuss each component as we move on.

Keyword PlannerUberSuggestYour own search terms reportsKeywordspyOnpage Competitor Kw Data

Utilize These Tools

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] are some of the tools you can use.

Create 2 Negative Lists:First Negative List: IrrelevantSecond Negative List: HypercompetitiveCreate Local Geo Campaign with only BMMsFirst, apply only the irrelevant neg listAs QS improves apply Hypercomp Neg List Continue adding more negatives - ongoing

Building Irrelevant Negative List

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] suggest beginning with google suggest when looking for irrelevant keyword ideas.

Ubsuggest is a great tool


SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] takes your base term, adds a letter or a digit in front of it, and extracts

Here we focus on finding irrelevant keywords for our first list, the irrelevant negative keyword list, highlighted in yellow:

Plumber quotes funnyPlumber resumePlumber salaryPlumber snake

Irrelevant Negative List

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] kws can be split into two categories: 1. too broad and 2. totally irrelevant.

Powerhouse negatives are negative phrase match keywords, ie. jokes

Irrelevant List Concatenated

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] a concatenation tool to add square brackets, to create negative exact keywords.

I like found.co.uks tool, especially because excel doesnt like the +sign when building out the BMMs.

Somebody broke into the police station and stole the only toilet. The cops were anxious to find the perpetrator, but in the mean time, they had nothingPlumber Joke

to go on!

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] is a good time for a plumber joke, dont you think?

Ill let you read this in silence

When I get a laugh, Ill move on ;)

No Joke!

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] the keyword preview tool, here, we see bullesyeplumbing.com paying for clicks on plumber jokes!

[Plumber jokes ] should be added to our Irrelevant Negative Keyword List, dont you agree?

Moving on

Create 2 Negative Lists:First Negative List: IrrelevantSecond Negative List: HypercompetitiveCreate Local Geo Campaign with only BMMsFirst, apply only the irrelevant neg listAs QS improves apply Hypercomp Neg List Continue adding more negatives - ongoing

Build Hypercompetitive Negative List

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] second negative keyword list is called the Hypercompetitive Negative List.

These terms would be too competitive, too commonly searched.

These are Head Terms.

Use the Keyword Planner

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] the Adwords keyword planner we find keywords for our Hypercompetive Negative Keyword list.

Notice the monthly search volume numbers.

We would be adding keywords like:

[plumbers][local plumbers]

Dig Deeper for Torso Terms

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] the keyword planner to dig deeper for torso terms, phrases that are searched often but no as much as head terms.

[plumbing services][emergency plumber]

plumber(s)pasadena plumber(s)local plumber(s)emergency plumber(s)find plumber(s)24 hour plumber(s)plumbing service(s)i need a plumber

Hypercompetitive Keywords

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected], here would be our list.

Now we need to put on the brackets to make these negative exact keywords

Concatenated Hypercomp Neg Exacts

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] to input both singular and plural versions.

Results here on right pane, copy paste into the shared library.

Moving on

Create 2 Negative Lists:First Negative List: IrrelevantSecond Negative List: HypercompetitiveCreate Local Geo Campaign with only BMMsFirst, apply only the irrelevant neg listAs QS improves apply Hypercomp Neg List Continue adding more negatives - ongoing

Create Campaign with BMMs

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] now create the campaign, in this case a local geo targeted campaign, targeting Pasadena, California, using only BMM keywords

BMM = +broad +match +modified+two +maybe +three +keywords +suffice+four +is +stretching +it+remember +to +create +themed +adgroups+less +keywords +per +adgroup

Building BMM Tips

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected]

Generally, you need less keywords per adgroup compared to exact match adgroups.

One or two BMM keywords per adgroup should be fine.

Mining for additional BMMs

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] only show ideas closely related to my search terms to find additional bmm kws when using the keyword planner tool.

+24 +hour +plumber+emergency +plumber

BMMs Concatenated

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] the tool, formatthe BMM keywords with the +s.

+need +plumber Adgroup

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] use Dynamic Keyword Insertion

Headline: Need A Plumber? For use with +need +plumber

Apply Irrelevant Negative ListCreate 2 Negative Lists:First Negative List: IrrelevantSecond Negative List: HypercompetitiveCreate Local Geo Campaign with only BMMsApply the Irrelevant Negative ListAs QS improves apply Hypercomp Neg List Continue adding more negatives - ongoing

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] the pieces are in place now weve built the two negative lists, weve built the campaign. Now we need to

Apply the irrelevant negative list to the campaign.

Next slide shows screenshot

Shared Library: Apply to campaign

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] we apply only the irrelevant negative list, only this one for now!

Wait a few days before applying the second list, the hypercompetitive list, in order to build quality score.

Could take only 1 or 2 days are perhaps much longer, depending on volume.

When you see your quality scores are goodAre stable, no longer improvingOnly then, apply the Hypercompetive Neg ListMay take 1-2 days, maybe longerQuality Score algorithm needs exact matchIe. +local +plumbers - triggering local plumbers

Rationale for Waiting - QS

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] a bit complicated, so you may just need to trust me here.

At first, for a few days, allow your bmm keywords to trigger the head terms. Ie. Allow +local +plumbers to be triggered by the query: local plumbers.

The quality score will rise, will stabilize.

Allowing the QS algorithm to exact match that keyword and build quality score.

Trust me, I know its a bit complicated, but its an essential piece of the puzzle.

Before I Show You the End Game

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] and Billy Jean King.

I wasnt always bald by the way

Next slide: Ill show you the The End Gameproof that our system is hitting our goal of only the long tail.

Lets take a look at an actual report, from an advertiser selling clothing for nursing mothers

Long Tail Success

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] is an actual search terms report for one day.

Notice how the most impressions we have per query is only two!

Notice that most of these BMM kws are 2 or three words. Notice misspellings and long tail queries.

Notice that all but one of these queries is relevant.

Voice Search

Query: how much will a plumber charge me to unclog my toilet?

Bmm: +unclog +toilet +plumber

SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] more than 50% of searches today occurring on mobile, more and more unique long tail search is the becoming the norm.

Notice how this query: how much will a plumber charge me to unclog my toilet, would be triggered by this BMM keyword, no matter what the order sequence!

Hit it Where They Arent

Joel Katz


SMX Jerusalem | [email protected] recap our talk today:

Just as Borg said he hit where I wasnt.

Lets utilize digital darts to target unique long tail queries, where the competition isnt!

Pictured here, me and Joel Katz, from our New Jersey High School tennis team.