long telegram

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  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    ACT IO U ..~ ....I.~I .. .Ii.:iIV,,"'"l'NFO~3l I J0-A ...B1."'0.A"'DSASPA.UNO~ x % x - .

    Telegram, George Kennan to George Marshall ["Long Telegram"],February 22, 1946. Harry S. Truman Administration File, ElseyPapers.

    ~~P~~~NT O F 'sr~INCOM ~NG 1"E.LEGRAM,

    C i O P 1 l l 'A.cn OIN I M IJ lST 8E [ENDORSEDO N A i C l I O r 4 C O ( l ! ' l '

    fEM ~K~M S96~,N0 priL!'apbra se neee ,sear'" .... I

    Be~r,eta.rJ o,f state"'\.[ssh1ngtQn.511JI Febl"~r~ 22J 9 ' p'.m.. -.... .An,Bwe.r ,to D'e;1 ', t! :s 28!: J.t Feb 3' 1nvol v ,,"S q'U!aa,tlansf!HJjl:.;ntricsts'II' ~odeli~ate,' so stlLfi.Sng'O 't? O'Ul'" form. ' 0 ' ( 'tbough,t J Qlldllill 1mPQ~t6',nt to ,a~l:y~i.a ,01. ' our' in te'l""

    ll.a t1,onSll. e:nvir',~n t 'the.t I C:Dml.ot comp1~G::!s aOs.W61"!!'.. into s,1ngle ibr.ile,rmes,sage 'tU,thQU't .y1eld:i:.)1gt,o whatI f'e,el lIrou1d b,'a dAng,Q:l"'ou's degree ()!f' ,over-'!J,im.p,l it' ic&t1ofl. ..I holJi;l'". tha'l'"'et,or'0~,' ])Bpt will bear w1:th me if I 'subm1t.inans'w-e':r>,to 'this qUG'::1t1,cm five part3~ 9ui~)j:~et,.sof which..11.1be, rQu.~l:V $9 ttlllowa:

    (ODe) ~a.si,c. "satut',a:s of pQ:st'-~f;a.~..Sov1,et 'Qtltl.cHJk ,.(~,\\10) Bac.k,gro,undl ocr this out,loa,le.(Thrise)1 Its PJ."Qject.ian in pl'.m.ot1cfll pol.ic,," 00

    aftici9.1 level .,(FOUl') It~ p1toje,ct1,o,n on uno1f'fiole.l lentel.,?'~ , ..(,Flv'a)' Prar..ti'Qal~ ded\} :o l~ :1Qns from a~und.po1~t ofU~ poliol. '. .

    Iapolog:i,21,e in B . d vance tor th1.fi I bUl'ldtenj:ng oftelograpttie: 'cba:nnal j 'but qU(!)St,iOfiS 1nvolliladl ar'Gl or' suclllWsent im;p,ortu.nee ~ pa1",tieula.rly !_nv lal~ .or _l"9cen'~even.t,s ~ :tha..t oW?anfj,'tJarS to, tbG'rn,: if the'!" lie:SfJl''jJ t att~ n .. .t10n at aiLl, fileem to, me to d,~serv,e ,1t alt once , ' t. ! .~ l m . R EFO LLOWS P AH.T O Im : BAS ,le FEA"roRES O F P 08 'T '\,::l'IR 50i,]:!T'O UT LO OK ., ~A S F 'u~ :F 'O :R l!.~R lD B Y OFF IC IA L, PR OPA .G ANn~ .M A:(l,H lIf .EAREAS FOLLGU3:(A ) U83Rs.t!11 11\We in !:aiD ts:gonistio ~r'ca.pib ~1.1st,e.nc.irclement Ulwi th. uh1'oh :liJl th.0 lOllS run.. tllal'l(9.'.ca~l be .

    no p9rmnDent pellceful c;oex1s,ten"H~. AB, stflted bJ' .Stalin in 192~rto a deleg,at1,on 'of AJilerlcs,D lfc~ke:'H:.In.IliIJ.!:R:IJ:I~n

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    " . l!It'lili!.jl;f)Ir'!C:~ .t . e ; > , 11652. SIE. 3~ ~!ii!O} or. ~ '1l'6p!. ~ . S laM l)al!!'. ~ . 1 . 0 . . ltlll"a ;

    tl~ _1~ . ~I'_....-., _

    firmoo8i IS~

    "Ill. COlW80 O 'f fnrtll:et' tle'relo~nuellt cr!nte'rnQ.t::~I,on81rev 'Ol1Jr t io~n t.hEHrewill ema1t?ge tlj('l (),ont,ol"f.J. o r world .,B,1gnlflcan-C'I~H P. , l1oIJlalist. ~e/nteJ." dr6;ulrig to' .iitself.the C :ountr 19 B v.lt:lo:h tent1 ~;.o:waI'd,~oc1Alimu" and: a .c:apltll.lil}t e:nt"")I"~ d:t"$,W"lugto. itself tbe oouDltr.1ea .thstlncllJ.l.e to'unrd CQP 1 t-P:' l. . l1 ' .: ;! lU. nattIe bei;vssn thsll!.6jtwo C81l.te'1"s fo'!j'l. '(}Olrll'lHlnd 'of' wo:t~:tc.loc,onomy vi11 ,deoidef':ate of capitalism and 'of eomnrufil!;!Jn in '0:Dt.b~,e wo,r'ld ~"(B) Capttal:lst 'iOllrl is besst ulth .1D:tel"na.'l '000'.f'lic:ts" lIlibe:r9ti1~ :In lil~.1~1:u."'aof cRp1tal1~s'tsoclety"' l I ! !b.e:90e,onf'J~ict9Vl"!~ .in~,olubl.'9 by tI(Ieooe o,r pe8ceru. l ! .compromiae" Q-l"',{l'fttast:.of thl3UiIi 19 th.a~I~betw;een EllglJ~iltlfind US ..~(0) Int~rnBl oonflic:ts of" O'Qt,:rlta11S11 !ooV.ltD.blygenel'late '\tar,s '" WaY"~thua s'eneratad maybe Qf' tW'Q'k1llid!f: .int.1"Q,-cap! t"is t ua.rs be'twoent.:w,o capi taliDts.t.ate~;audYQr:;' .of interventi'Oil ngainst, ~,oc:lallsitworld.. Stii1JUi,tG&P'.i t:B.11$i;s iJ vai:nly s:eek!'UG i(~S(t&pe frOIDjJlller' Ic,oBrli,e.t~ ( , ) , f ' caplt&liam~ in,(,l.11ne'oward la.t~En:'"(D) l:Q;torveu.t.:'t~n ,a.z,~lntl'tUs."Y1,l'whlle It would bed.i :ni..9!fl 'O'litEl, to thofle t-illQ und,er'to ok it~v'ould caUse: r e n G 'W " e 'd ,del,ay in :p1?Ogr'i!iEUl of' SO'vi '{1J,; t SQc1a.;t1011l and musttb"e:ra'i'ol"eibe flll:"6stallea at, MI, eosts.(E:) ( : :o.nf '1:Lc1~~9.between. cap1tal1~t .8tlJ,te~#thougb..like'wlse fre.ugbJ~ 'with danger f"oX"U85R... nev'G,:r.thele,s,9 .hold out great PQ::m.1bil.i~,;.iesfoI' advanoeme~lt orSO C iLl1 s't cs,tl,sf.I..partic ul~rlyi,r USBR remo.: i .Ds, m.t11tBl'J.ly,,_. P~:..fu.l," ldeologie~i}.llir iii'OXlol.1tb1c and .fa11'ihtJU 1:;'0 l'1';s'pr9a:en:t bl"l.l1tQ~.tlea,de:rsblp'. .'(1') 'Itmuai.lla bOl"09 j.:n Ddnd tl'J\a.t captt.allst l.f01~ldill. n.o.t all bad... 111 .add.ltloD to hope.le,ssly ~'9~Qt1.o.naryand bOln~'f]eol$, el'elile'n'l;~" it i.n,olu.de,e ('one). '(!ert.G.1n wh611,.

    l'nllgb:OOltl.ed wd po,tl,1.tln' olem.a.n.ts un:1t~d: in ae,eepmbl:Q'Qomm.uniat1G part1ss and (,two) ,ce'r~aiD.other el.ementu(noli d.esc- .r - ibe,d for ~ootGsl l'lSS.Ol:lS as pr,oBl"(B: s:!I i ve OFd0IDoe l,t"tic. ) 1

    ' E 'A l U ! S I f 1 E 1 J _ _.~Ci. ]UH!l 5~=. < J ' { E J mt

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    .ey!...3.... #511", Pe~ 22" 9 p"m~ fii'0D1 .MO~i~QV : v 1 a 'War. .~o.);tQ,tlO) 'l,l!Ise; :reactions, .8B]p:i.l1

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    SSRH",--4- #511". F'e'b~ 22" '9 'p . .l i : ! i . . r r - O l l~ M,OS'6(tW"".la War

    Be:";toree~mn1nlng r~ltlca.tions, of this 'part,- line.10 'plfantlce 'there are '!,)&r,t.in aspeots oflt. t,O 'whlch Iwisb t.o,draw Btten,t1on .Flr9t~ .it does not reptt1es,ent Mtm-al, outlook of ..RUBOlan.pfH)ple~ Latt~r are, ~ and larp" :r.r1'endlito,(.flltside,v'o'r-ld:., aGger f'or expe~let.l.'ce' ot 1t;t e,apr toman::SUl'e aplnat ,It talent,s the,,. ar'e, o;QnI,e:1ourii Qt

    .PO:SSO$,I,j:ngj eagel' aboye $11 to 11ve lnpeae,(tl and, enjrl1.~t$ 'ct the,!r ow labor. 'P,Bl"' ty l.lne oD:17'represents.thesis vh1ch oft1c1,a.I ~opaga.nda _eh1ne put;. i"orward!vi th gp,e.a.t :Bkl11 and. pe1"'n1stelIlc '0 to a public o,r'enl"~ka:bly r,e':$i.stml,t ln the atroongbo14 'o.t l,te lnn,Q,mostth-ought,s. Du.t ~ty line 1.8.bindins ~Dl'" otiitloOkSlld,canilnet of' p~op,le 'wo male.e 'u;papparatus of' 'pover...,,,.'pa:r'ty"fi~U3!fe't, pol,1:oe ll.ud.g,overnmeD,t- ......ntI! 1t 18 u-,allls1w11 v1th theBe that .Wehave to Ideal.~Sac,ond." Ple48,~not8 tbat JD,"em1.9,e:a on ~loh thl0par ty line 1,D ba:D,eda:re ,rolr' IU03't part, ejJnp:l,.,not true ..lb.;ptJl?ience has sbawn that ]pe6t-,otul and muttIBllJ'Pl'ot1'ta.blee,oex1li"flnce ,of" cGP1tc.alle t8..ndaoc1al1st sta.'te Sl,Ben:t,lrellf poss1lbla.. Bae:le :t'otelPnal. confil.,cta 10 s.dlfanc,e,d. (~ountt"l,e:s, W"t.Jno l'O'oiigar p!'1:mt1.l"ll,t tliosel er1,sing 'out ofeap,1tall.I!!'t Qwer:tb.1p 'of' :PWlUU1. otPl'odU:o'tl0D:,t but, areone 8 M..l:.d.ng, from. ,ad:vGn(utU. 'Ul'banl.lllD 4ll.d :tndu" w1&l'1uma,a su"e'h;.which RU8Bla haa thum ter' b~eD, ep&l"!e.d notb l' ,sQ c 1a 11 1i1 lU ,l:iUt ,emIT by her' oW bDokVardne38~InteFDa.1r1VfiJLrl.fiB. 'Gf ' ,oeop1ta."l.1:eDl d.Qnot ,always pners;te wa . rSJ :a.adn.ots11 vt!I.r8, OPS' ,attr1btl"table 'to 'thl.Q '08US8 ~ 'To

    epGak of"I)o881bl11ty- of Inte~V\e.ntir)n aga1n,stU'S'SR .tQdlBJ, at'te:p e~l1min.atlon ota61~ ami ,;Japan, and. afte'l"exaanp'le' of :reCEI'nt lm:f'" 10 8h.earest, nonsense,., .If not,}E'0vok:ed!'~ .,to:rce:8 of~ lnto,1erftD'D'& _,and s,ub_1":sion .1eap1tall,_t" VOl',ld, of' tOda7 1,8 qu1te oapab,le ot livingat p(!1! '$.c,e 'nth .it.selt' ,anti v,ltb ,Rues!..,", Finally" D.OBana pel'lIJOUbas reason tit) doUb't ,81ncB~1:)' of' m ; o d l . .u'tate:soclaliat 1e&de~',B,1n \19steJ'D ~o'l.1D'trleB,;, . H"ol];l 1,8 1t tair .to ,(Le;nJ':1!.umeS~U3f" theil" e.tt,OL'I't,1 to impl'ow CG'Dd1t1onstor. vor:kl'ng 'pOIlUlJat1~n vb.ene'we,l" 8,S inScMidLtnavla" 'the,

    ba:ve, been.

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram



    haVG beern g,iven chanCQ to ~h,ow what they could do ..F:alfl

    l I l ' E 1 l l l U l ' I F 1 ~O Iao. :U'6Wl. s~~m end .00 OJ ilfjl[)I/litil. ~ I . EU .o li OIOllie!, A L tg. U I" l~ ;lI.", " ' . .I , .1 lIHU15 Da'i..1l.u-u-~l!'.ci!bi! .._.. .. .: IG '. I" !. II . .

    to seek

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    't~Bl~ ,pl"o,vl"(ulj~st1f'1ea:tl,on,i'orlha,t 1ne'~a.q$~ otmlll'tarr ,QDd po,llee:. pO,l1'el" 'o,r RusalulJt:8.ta .. tor that1,e:o~1Q;t1onof' Rue::s:t&npnpula.t1anf"lo,om out;g,ide world.. ,and. r 0 l ' " tbat J"lu1d ,Bud eonstlmtp!'saSWl"9 to exte:nd J.1m1ta(J,t R I;I l$Jlan police :POlle'l' wh i ch '9.l'eto\g,ethe~ th a l!I9.tvaJ.ami .1nstlnc t1 VB ur',ses of" Rliss,lan l'Ul;ii":9,. ,Ba::l1callJ"~h1,s If;1only the ,ste&dyadvaDce of' 1U.JlQ'asyRussian -,m Lt . .: to J :J< . tl ll :sm , . a ,centUJ:l'iesoldl l U . o v e : I D S n t 1n llb1eh ' c : o n , " "e~ptlon$ or offie'p'I!El'Bnd d9.rensaiB~~ :t~~1eablJ' 0'0.0-:tuaed." But 10 1l,9V 8 \ 1 1 , 9 1 1 9 0f Internat:lonal ,1fa;r;x1am",nth1t,R honeyed, prom1,:3,ea, to A desperate ,end lU'L!" tOl"lt out.Ide'worl.d." l;t, 1s DtO:pe; drul,ge'l"o.usmld. Insidious t ' .han. eve1"be,rare,.l't dl.Qul(ll not be thought fl'!,omaboveiths;t Soviet. party line 18neicessa:.t"11~ dl,s.1ngenuouo end. 1osmc,e.re

    '0'0 part of'all tllo,B'ewhQ pu:t 1t ro~WW"d ~ o ,t tlHIm8l'19 too 19n,(lpant or outs,ide 'Wo'rld and mentall!, toode,pend,ent to qU~ist100. (it) gelf:"-~;t:1Bm.;, oodi _()~Wno d1:ff.1c,ult;r .meking tbemse'l.ves believe vb8t they ftDd.it eomfom'ltlnB M.d con,'I1eru.entto beI1'eve. F'l-nslly we .ha,ve tho ~Ql'VEl'Il my,e,tery 8S 't'I)w:bo',," i,ta'Dyane ~ :in thisgNlBt Innd Qo'b.m].ly' :rec'01Vfi'$1B1C"!l1il.VEl't~and unbio."ed: :h lf 'o :r-m B :t1on. about outa,1;().'0' vorl,d..;. In a :tm o sph e re otoP1~ut81 ~,.,el""tlmne'B,S ana con9J1)1raeywh1eh :p~~vade8this gOV@Il"nm.ent.. poatJi1b1:l1.tiee fo,r dlsto;;otlng o;rPQl;li!iou1~ ,1!!:~e0S and c~'enta or inf,orm.at1'oQ are: bD if ': 1n :1 'te . . The veF'Y d1a:re,l9pec't of Ruag,l,lms :ro:r ,objeotl.ft: 't,pu,'th--,",inttat;!ld." ,the1'p d1:a,~1.1,~f' in, ita ex18ten:ee---leadl;sthemtol vl.rt!

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    ~waUM :

    PAR I fillftil8 :PR:(lJICPl.1J:OW m~S011IET. O T : : r f L O D E INF iRAO I J'I CU ,P 'Q _L II CY ON OFF l:O ll-lL l !} ' ~VEL,We ilavsn01;1 S0El'D.11B., ture ,lwd 'ba,Q:kSl"oun,dof: So,vie,t'progrtlflh lIhat msy we expeot br way nf Its PI'&ct,lcal:1mpi'9u.:nte.tlo:n? .S,Qv1e.t pol.loy l a o a DepeJ!o't:J::nnt~pl1e,a In ,:!:,ts grlltU?;Junde'l' r'et 'e.;, ' iance, is o"ondl l ,c 'Ged ' :>1) tv'o p'lan.e::;:; , (ODe) 'ofi'1,c ls1 pla;ne 'l;'Ipr.eset.....edb:u I i : ! otlons, undertaken Q,tl'.i,e.iallyin~ of Soviet G,ovel"Dm(Ult 1 , and (two) BubtwPaill.e.abplq.e! of ,actions undertaken bye,genoia's r'ar wieh Sovie,t.Gove : rmaan t doe:9 D'D,t ~it ~espon3,ihlllt1.Po;ll,e:y lJ(('m!Ju,lg~te,d on bo,th :ll~uleHl will be 0&1...eul~'t0d t.o, serve ti6S1.C :pollie1e:s, (A ) to (D) , outl1n,e.a;,in P!Ll't, 'ODl,., A'cti.on,s taken, on ,~Uf.f:6,r;entp.l,Booa nldifter 'ccms1.d~r'@bly.IIbut, will ,dOl ata11 1rl,.'to 'G'Ben. otho~

    In pUl"'pose~, t:bD1Dg a n d eff,c t.,IO'n official p 18m.e '!ire h1l:Ua,t lOfitfLl" f'ollo1f1'll,~:;( o A ) Inte:r.n~lpolicy dBvoted t,o. 1nCluQs.1ng in eVGr"wy i I iJ.tr,enS,th and. prest,' - of ' IS,oVi,ot, r!.! ' tSlt

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    base at' 'G11>:1'a l tBl . ' " stl.'!p;;it might be activated... But" suchclams,' w1:1'1'Bpp:e3V en "ofTlc.tal laml ,anl",.lthen unof'f'icialpl'ep81"'Bt,lo'n 19 e'MDP1Qiite +(C') Rll~a1sin! WillpaJli-tio1:pata ,of.r1(d.eJI~::til. 'in.ternat1'onal 'Ol'gant3at1oD;S lfhe~~ehey' ~ee oppor'tUl(li~y

    of extending ~h)vi.Bt'po'wei!,O!' o . r Inh1blt,lng 1JlI' ,dilutingpo ,we r' o '. fO I t, be :r: r; I, .,MIHlIt: o,.,9 / Ie ~ In DU i"O ~o,t 't hf! ! mechan . :l .eMrQ~ Iipel l .mtmant and s{:abla w'.I:;rldso,olety .f:ouJ'l,.d,ed onmutul 1n,ter1e',s.t an!!' aims or all ootl0ns.. but an &liens.in which. ,e.:lm~,nat ment.1oood! can be 1"avorabily pursued.,A,g, long; ,as no 1~"1e.onslde:rradl heJrj9' t0 sarv,~ thi.a pur:pO:f;I '6', ' .S,ovie l t :EI , w111 'rerA,;tn '11th 1t.. . But .if a t Q .n J ' t:im~ th'el .come t,O eonelua1.mlthat .it .i.s soer'v1ng to' ,em.bo;l"a:sG or'hu.st;pa.te thel1" .r:"i..wS f'Oil."POV@l'! G'xpEmt!ion. a nd if they',seebette1'l pFcB.peo ta i " C l < l ( I !plu:~~nlt, ot' the:sa ,aims ,alongo;thelr. .linelS II' ~~heY'l\1111nat ~~,es1,a;t,s t,o ab~lldo.ntJ.JO.i!b.1.s 'vaula inr9~y.~ll!O'U9V,er" tlmt the" f:alt them,s,e,lvea,stl'l(mg fi'nQugjl. t,o, ~'pl:l."t un! tJ" ot' ,ot.her' na.t1ons by t.h.&1J:'.'vithdr',8vn1.l' tOI lI'an.\@l! DBO 1ne'ff '~Cit,1.\1' l: l ' a.e!,e, thPea,t totheir'. ,aim's'"or :seicU'ity", a_n,dto l"opll3lfN9 itw1th an inter ...'QBt :1OMI U9'8iPOn MOl',1] eff0,ctj.v,e' from 1,heir v .1 eV P 'o:f,'o t. . .'lhu ~',So,v1a:t attl,! tw_'e toward UNO'W11l depend l~gel:u o,nlCJ;v.al.ty- (.,t ,o,tbel" ,[Ill t iDi"l:S to 1 t.j and on degree '0r vlgor ,jdeei.sl V@nBS3 and c:,rJl(l'sicfJil i~1h vb1ehtb0~f.! nat,l,onsd,eCend in DN.lJtbe V si)etul and. hopeful com;:ept, 0.'1.1ntema'~1ional l~!e;Jmlch_ t~e.t ,or,g,~ni.z~.!l~n__ i "e~ 'as:Bnta .to, 'Q'W' '\1,8,. of' thll1.1':-.ng.. I r'e,lterate;j. Nosco,yMS. noab:a.t,l'$.ct ,a .evo' t : lon. : e : o UN O 1~a.l9 '. I'tis a:t'tl tude t,o thatOl"g8Lllj' zOl,tlo~,llI'ill l:~um:i:n Elssentla.lly p' l ' f i l ,mQt1.o andt~ot1eBl.

    ('D,) !lo,w~rdcoloJ\\~l aran.s , fJod be.e~\T(aF~(W d,sp011clet.ntpe,o',plesJ Sovl.et policy, even. 0 0 1 1 of'flc1a.l pLan,e", ,'1.111be dbeote,d. tO~rS;rd iIl"~1\knirlg of pO''U'fl\r and "intlioonce &n.-ol,o:ontacti2 of ,edvnn,ced ' \:ea.ts'vn natione-l!' . o n . tbe,ol.'"Y tbie.t"ill. ,8,0 :far , Q , f I l , t1:l,l,5pol J.Oi' 1,s a,ltC oe:a :3 ru1:J ' t..be~e wl11 bsc.l"eated. 9. vaetl!wl. ,~b.lcl.J., v,111 f'nvot" ('Hllim,lm'!.lilt ...30v1:i5l"1#'pen&'tJl'latl'on'li Uov'iet ~lila.ssW:iletar pwt1.clpatloin. intfi!lli8'tel ship .8.l"l.!'a.ngem,}'tS tlllilliif3 raJwi~e,n iS. , :lnlq" oplDlo.nJlB desil"'s' to be ,in".~ p,,:.d.t,ioll tQoofnp11,c~t~tlnd. 1nh...1'b!0x,e:rtlO'II: of. l i1\i l iSt'FlI '11. ;t.1~_f.luance G it iilliuchpoints :l"Iathe!' t.hn.nto ppo\T1de~j(lli c}l,anll-al.ifor.e:;ert1ng of' ,S~vlet pOYlDti.

    La t'tel" ,w -a,t,vG o. I8 .I!J4 UIEI=m51M"1al , UIf.!;. & ! i . ' ! ! . W ,~t!! ~tIl)!l!r ~n .p t. '. .Biilri l o ~ ' ~I,!,g, : W U , ; .i i 1 ' 11r4~.:r--.. H~ ,tIg:l, / .1 ; ; ,, ,, u . ~ ~

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    Lattf.ll' l1lo't:1VEl tsno:t l!UJI!illt '1h, bllt fop -thl,s Bovl,at9 p:r'ei"elE>to rely on O'ttl,9,t" cbe.nnela thaln offIc1al tru,ete,e~hlp,srrattBemsnt,e.. -'fhue lfi'.l ms,. ex,pt;wt ,to r,indl So'-vi,et;'! 6ek1'DgrOl.'"adln1,~",ion ev'sryd'i,e-l"e to t.-r'lWte,aablp 'O~ ~1mila~'BFP,a.ngemeD,t~ 8tld 1ll.S:;bl,@:s'l;'ElvS '~bua8.JC.q1l1:red t:o, l 'OOi,W,tenwee,ta'JIil,'Infl~snce' am,onl such peo'ple,$I,,,, 'fE,) ,RU:Sisian,s, 'will :st:lI:"1vl;)~'o:rgatt,o~'lly to,de'v,e';lop- Sotvlet re-J>l'lies,~':n,tatiolll: :t'n. ,and o:r,r,l'c:,lal t:'l.,esll:l'th, 'CiCi,tm'tri,ea in '1/hich _theysEl'Hae s:tFOng po,s~1b1,11t1,e':B'o:f' appal i-101l to w,ea tel"~, e'iS'il,tel'"Bi {l,t POl'19l'" ~ Thi a applls':B,to, $uch ldd,ely a,epar'Slted point:1l: 'l!:~~Ge':fMWly.. Arglnt,in,a Jd. l,e lE l !:1 l9 t , fl ll 'n ,eount:rie:s", etc ..(F') l:n in t,e:rnl!ional eo onrn:nio 1\rlt t _ & ~S j Sc,vie t, pc,li OJ00' ,dominated, iby -.p-m:>suit, .,.. il!J,,'lJtQ.l:'C,liJ_l' 'i'Ot;(iviet 'D'nio,n a.nd 50v1frb-doln1naf;ed&dl,j'~cellt a.reas 'itBkento'I!:&ther '. Tluil't,~ hOYever:t 1,1111 he 'und\~~lylng p,o,11'01fa.r li.t'( ,of'fied.'!'l line . 1 : 8 : concel"ned..:t, ,~'osl,tlo\D. is not:'!'Jil.ear'", 6qivl,et Oovep-nm~nt :ham ,ahbm.l stre.nge l'e't:ioenoe'since' tarmlMt!on hO'Btl1.1tleao-n 8Llb j~!ctf'Oir- e-i,gn, tra.da.lar,lje' :e,081,& longteltJw credits sho,uld .be' f'or't.hcomiDgjbe.lie'v;e ,30Yle'toQo'.rern!]H;=ntm~ e'ventu{l,lly ,nsaiJl. do l:tp:aeY>v1oiZl\ a s .1t did 1.n nin t ,e,en=- tlli.'Pty e, :{:o de' s.!!'Bbll:1 t; vof' build111'3.S, 1lI1) ,interne. t.1Dna! lISCo-no,mic B::I';l~ha'l1se inOtheiJi!fwl sa 1: think j, t, POBa iib1a a'Qviat _f' I lP,e:1gntl'8.d'fi may be' l"aa,tr,lc:te,d lm'1gely to Sav1e f i e ; 01m secu1"1tyi'iIlc;lluding ,oc,e'Up1'~'d ~.t~iea3 in. Gel"muny I!' and that

    . cold. of'flc.tnl stJ. . ,o-uld.el ' may be turned 'li'L:I~pi'nclpl,e1 f ,e;,e,nl,;r .iQl(l'QO~om~c f l l i ! l . l&bora tlon' among HlL't1,OllS.

    (G ) W'ithl'B spec,t t,o,c ulCuF,a~ e011BQl1:ra t , : " on, lL.ipw.111 l1kew1se Jje l"e'Ud,s'~,edto de,s1ta.bl:1:i t.y ofepeni 'rd:S : eUl't1.Iral ()O,n.t,f i i .cts 'btveein Da'QPl:~'i9J1' butthl:~ill :nt'it,-ln 'pl'n-et,l,ee be lD.,t~l'p!"e!'ted:, in a.n:,yll'iI:,jl" "'hlahoo-uld 'Weaken se-our.lt,y po s,iti,on" Q,r' ,5,Qviet ps,o:ples, ~rmal11f'estations o'f' Sovi9tpo11ey In thl~, ~9'5peetv-Ill be rsstr-ict'd to apid eh/ilm1ela 'of el,osely sbepherd,a'd,Q,f.flo1a.l vi~1t~and ruu'OtlotlS, 'w-l'th S'\1Pelll"-abundane.e- ofvodka. and :epeech9[1 an-d, dear'th (]Ii pi!irJill_all!I!l![l,t I~ffec.:'ts.(li) Beyollji,' ,

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    . ~ i ' : ( ,~,~_cn,' . IJ : , :_. :'.'.' ". , . :~: ...11 '::*,11"" Fabl"'uar,- '2'2" 9 p , . , m " . i'l"'pm, Mo~:eow via 'WaF

    ~ ~ ~I 1 , _ " s I . ~t ..... c, If . .

    I(Ii) .Qe',i 'ond t1 1;1 ,s , . flov.1e:t,o',f'flio :l.a1 ,l":ela.,ti an ;s v:111~~toke ...h8t, :m1ght 'b e oal l .c;l ld !~i)Ol'ireot," eoU:l"i9,e' With, .. . 1 n . ' . .4~V.:~~1.~,r.- :Ore._ . . .. g . , . . . n.',.,e:o._.v.__., n~ ,~Go . u.t.',s,~.'. W ' .i . _ . " . ,: q .gr,.'~~..t. st .....' . , 1 9 ' S , ; ! 1 ! ;baing 1a::Ld ,on.!West-iss of' S,c,viet, Uol,oo and ,1t:s c', : t' I'e '] l1 "'13 ,sent, rd ,i ,1 .vea and , lll,1 t;h.I ; .tmef:;.11.ln'Uf! at,t'eut,1,olll., toPl'ot,mj:,al"" &8 dl,stln(r~ {'l1'om~Qod mlllmel':E:I ,"

    . A g enei f ? S u.ti:11.zle,d, f'Ol~ pl"Olml_leiftlt:l@ll o.i' lI,1011c ie san this plnn~ Bl'$.fol1,Q'Hln9;lOne ,.' Inn,ell ,o,ent:VQll eoee .ote,o.rwJilJli,s't ,.pa,z,t.1es .ino*!i eO'1lntr-le~~, Wh11e~nJ' ~;f:pe'l"aOO6 who -,(u)mpo:se '

    'th,:b~ Cla:tegolilf ma;y a1.2c' appGIl~ aDd ,e.e,t 1'0 unrelatEd!ubtlc oe;p.a-oi,tiea .,tll>$Y 'ar'El in. );"6,011ty VOl"k1ng cloSE'lJ't'o,Strt'her' Sa an 'und'9il'gi"owld ope:~ati.n.g, ajr,s(ltapa;,te 0t'W',arld o,onmmnl,m J, Dl cQnc.~'Bl l ,e,d O~}j ;11,nte 'm, tigh.tly eo- 'ol'Cllna.ited an,ddirtlcted. 1IlJ',i~O;SOO1.. It 1,9 fmp'a:r t~n, t !toremember thatth~l.$ imlor 0011:19 1i~Ct'U!Qlly wOFkirag onundergroUl1!d' 1.1n'e:fI '~, ,despite le,l.atJ ..L~ o~ p~tles 'wi'tll, .vh1!~ 1.'t 1,13ft:e~,O'el~ted~ _~o. , :R , a . n 1 ! : "anti. f11eo,l~ eo~mnt'n,19,t ~a'rt::tea.. l:d,iote'dl,st,1ncll,tlan l,B ,dl"lQim,bet"!lJ0!9,tl t,.l1ess;and-peF6ons def,;tned, in ~Q:,gFB:ph on,e. ![td;~.r tl1.St::tDri1tl.'fn lhu:J 'bee~ mucb ,

    sb&Fpel" in r'B'o,entyea~,s ~ 'l'lnSl"Ba s i'o~:r 1 ' : 9 ' f'o~a 19,n'tJo~urfttl,t,~,t1Ie'sr~pi"e:aenteidB CIUP'iorl.Ul ra~d t'!l'OlmNo,sc,ou~ s' s'ttttld__po:tnt bfte~, lnconve'lJ_;t ~nt)m,txtureo,f ,e onap1rDCY. and, le,~ltinlate tiChi yl1~,~D:01'!ltb.,e COIl,slpIra.,.to,rial e,lemep..thPi lB beiQiD~~,a,tlJ", (i(ort'cr~fit~~tedlln ~;nnero1:r.(~l:e ,a.nd. O:rdBPsd. undel".groWJ,d, -"Th,ll!!! !rm:Ul:. sn~ rl1e~......DO ,lange~ ,eV'SID, tu't,en Into ~ontid{,.~.'Kl'~sbont - l" 'e811 ti,es ~fmt)v$':MA,m"t"",,,, . . . .a:l1'e thrust f>t:He"Wftl."das I!:H)[LB. ;f:'101enteI'oolpart1S8.D.9, of"ee;~ta.;[.n 'pol.1 t,.1cal t011QGnc;tes within theil": r ' e a , p e ' o t 1 , : v : e ~:ountr!Le s , . ! ' gal1ulnml;_v' .iml.oc aut .i O , f ' 'Colll;3,p:lra'tQl.~:tal~,c,onnl9:ct1o,n., m ~ ~ ~ ~ I F I E D

    ,J ee~ . E . O . . U 8 5 2 , ~ . 3 ( E ' J ~ , :sm) ~' ,~l:iepi.. ,!iii] :Sicrt:e iiii~, A ' !; U I 'I '. i t , 1 9 7 .2 ,ft..Jll.:L-. HA.ijj!' j i D-rIt4ID ~.WV-'

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram



    O'O'ml8(rtlon ..'w1th foreign 9.tEJiteS., 'Only 1.0 CEu:'t8.1.n, c0\11t):b:-1,e,swhere cQJIlIIlWi.s.ta ~e -numer.1eallr 8t1"'ong:do the;r howregularl:;r' appeaF and act ass, body + As a :rule they are'Usedtopenetrate ...m.d to lnfl.uence. or dominate. asoase .ma.,.be I other- Ol'gan1zat1ons Ie, lUI 1,1kE;,1y' to be:J.lJl1Jp8'cted of' be.1ng to,o,.l.i! ,of Soviet 'GQV@'rmne,nt.'w1th&vi,eV' to ee,o~llshlng tbeimo ~po's:el thrQiugh t . . )Ol"ganizat!,ans",r.a:ther t1m:n 'by d1PectBc't,l'Oil as ,9 . .iJ'eparIQtenO'11t'1;f,j;,ft'! n'D''''~I~- _ .l', ~'. ' !1. !1~ rr~-UJ it.

    '~(;Ie,,. A wide 'VBf:ii'fty of' na:tl!onal &$s,().olat,1oD.s 0,1"bodies llhi'M ca:n.be ,dominated 01" In.f1uel1oeci b7 :snen.P9llE)t;r.8.t,lolll.... These 1nQ.lud,~.labo.w :w:do:na,,II' ifouth 1,eaguss,womens,orga.n1.~6t-1.(mti:;raciAl socl"'t.ies". J:ile,lig'1oius'Soe 1et1.(lS;II see 10.1 o;r;gs.nlza t1ons , c'll1,t'lliV8l. gl"OUps. l1be,re.lmega.zines, publlsb1Dg houses, [ i9 , te .

    J'~" International 'olrgtln1zatJ.o'hs vh10h C'BD 'be. ~1mU8r17 P8D,etrs:tad through, influenee OV81' variousutiona.l c01llPQfJLe:iIl,t,e. _ Labol""" "1'IlUth. &Dd l7ODte'Ds orsani-z&t.iona ,are pram1ne:lilt ~'ns: them,. Part1cUl.Qr" &}.mostv1:tal" i,mportanoe .1.9 a.ttac.:bad Inth!1 tM:lmlfIo:t . io:n to1n:terna.tl!ona.l 18b~J)f'movelDG'ut.. In thl8i.t, .Moscowseespo,ss1blllty o.f sidetp.eok1Ug 'W;e~tg,rn.governm.e~tB.1n wor.ltl. ffa1l" s ,BDdbull,ding up .1nteI'M t1:onal '1olbb7 [capa.ble [ofc"ODlpell1.ng gov,el'nment'B.to tBik'e set.lons tav,o);',s.bl.e to.Sovl[e,t lntel'95tJ; lnvarlou5 comt.rle~ ,gnt),or parall'z1ng,&0 t1'ons dl.sa.gree,ableto US3R..

    Flve~ Russ1e:.n'Or'thod{!lj[Ohur'oh,. v~th itlll t,oreipblt"ucbeuJ" and tb!;'()ugb .1.tthe Ens,tero Or'tbodox ,Churohin, seno'J'&l. .S .U '. "an... lf t v movement ,! 'I .o do,t he !r m ovem ent:a(AzeitbQ1Jan" Armen1,R.n.; 'i'Ur'I'!OmaI'l" ,eto.~) ba.~I~d 0'0 racial,pt'OUPB within .flo['IIlot Union.

    Sev,en.' OO'V,Sl"nments 'or gov,e'l'n1"ng groups w1lling toliend the;meel vas ,to ,Sovle't purpose's :in one ,degree 1 . ' 1 1 " SJ3(,I't,he,rs'Ueh a fj, present ,Bw.g&l"1an and Yug.oslav Bov ern . . ..menta", lio.l"t-h P'er'sian r'$g.1nle~ (l1111D:8sea,ommun1stEl~ 'lito,.Rot only

    m : J J I 1 i S S l m : ~E ., Q ', ~ 1 1 3 5 2 " : S e~ . ~ : E l [ ,mid .~} er r . C i ! i I

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram



    DI~'~5IC" OFCE:NmAL ~R'\Iill&~SE LEGRAIP !H S EC T I:O N'-DE:f_l\.ll.T1tlENT'0] 8TATE liNFORMATIONCOpV!\CTION I i . ! ! lJiS,TBE ~:NOOF!S~[I

    0 1'4 A rC T IO r. t (,o PY

    N jP O: _

    .-a. . .D'APA. r.~~.'.'.'"'', ;IIU '!f. l '0 fl .

    ~~()(i'il"',~ ifl'i!!i~i.!l:~J!!'IlSlilrllll':EN.I~"'~J t~ oiII.,_~c.u".....v1 '

    DOGDo pars:plhil'It\~.e ltU;lce~i;;)""''l':r..'.

    li,o,t a,nly iPit'opagmd,a, !!tl~chles but ~ct'I!la1, pail f~ie:e, otthes,e regl'rueg e M . 'ba placed e.x1;ena1i vely at dls,po,sal.of US,SR.~..i.t fti!FllYe axpec'~Gdthat compon,ent partili 'o,r this :taJ:'-1'1Wlg ,B;w~rs.t.ue "W ~ 11 be' ut~ 1.1 zed ~ in s,1)'c,o'rdao.ce .., th the1:r1uld.i vidual. ~ulta.b:i11ty, B~follOt!s:(A } "l'Q unCI~rnd ne geJu!,l'ftl p'o,11tl ~al and atrateJ3~p,otent'i.rd of' ma ,jo:t .~ '1 il '' 'S in~tel 'f i pow,ers: Ef',ort,8 'will be .madein such co1lQ.t-pie:s to d1:IJFUpt ,nat~onal B"elf" c'onf'1d,enc9 _!' t,1')bSDJstr't ns: tneaatll"ea o'f nnkt ~al. def'ens.'e!l! ,tiC) iocrease 91001alI!md o f n(JllstriBl Wll"'est~, to ~t1,mulate All f'Q:j"llUl, o_f dj En.ml't7.,.AIl p,el""IMJIi.9 v"l th gi"1e,v~jJ(l~':s.. lIbathT' ~'cam..om:lo OP racla:t"'. v111" be urged to seelr l"edl"9 s B not., In: me'(I"B,tion ,end:,comproln.1 G'e1 'btl't In d,ef~W1t l~j oil,el~.t st1."ugg:le ;f'o;r d'9 :B tI"\u 'ft.f on . ' ,o:ro.ther el'ements of so cd (l'I;y,. }J:il'epOQ'1"Will 'be S,Q,t ago.l,nstl"1 eh, blo.Qk ag,aJ.Ilst ;]I'h~,e" young fiJg,a.iust 0'1u" neW,com'.!)1"'s,against l ea ,ta lb l1 , s1iUh :ll 'f'~~i (j'elltlfl. ,e'to ." .(B) O n unofT 1ei.al plru}e :pa-l"ticularly v,lo1e.ot ef'?'orto,wil.1. b,e m9dato ' 'I / Ieak:D. pmiJi 'e 're.n .d j-nfiuenoG' at V"Bs,tampowe'rs t i . r colonial J ba,clwllrd J OE"dependent pe;opl,ee,~ Onthi:9 l,evel", no 'b,Qloi3, viII b~ bat"l~ed... l"la,t8kes and WG;Um,a:B,:ses,o,t vast,~rn c,olonl:a1 R!.iJllJn t s:t'l"atioD w~11 be' :nle~rcl1ea,e,1J' exposedand ex:pl,01te-d . L 'I beralop.:l nion:1 n I f 'Bst C',rD.CQ'Wl tri ea w11,1- bemohi.l' ~ed, 'to. -weaken cf)l'o,n'!eJLpoli c:teo,. Resentment,amongd.epend@nt iP~,o.ples 111.11be atf ~mllate'd~ An"d whtle latt,elQI'-ebe1 ng E!,:I ' lc ,oul i rag-a d: to i ! 1 I : , e e k lnc:lerpond.0n.ce of veat,tl": 'npowEvr~!J 5,Ctv':et~ dom:hlJa"t,ed puppec't po,l] t,icel ,[ptwbln,o:sw-ill beilnderg,oi ng pr9p'a.:ratlo,n, to' ,t.tj,ke overdome'st::2 0 powe'p .in:p'es.pe,ct.1ve mJlom.al &1"'9'83 :whel1. 1ndepen,(iellca' ia aeh1evEul.(C) I Wli,e'l"e ':tud1 \I'll dual g,(lve:rmnent's. e:tand. in path of'g,o-v1 at pUil:~pO:!;!'I9:!l p.r~:S$u:re 11111 be b:p'O' IU:gi1rt : roo tbel'1r t'!~(l'\1~f'r'om. ott:le,e.. I.Phi5 C8.D ,happen N:he,:;reg,'O,vernments dir'ectl.y'oppos.e ,S,uv1e~ fo,reign pol.ley a.ims -(Turkey .. I~8:D,).;I!bere

    D E i ' : U S S ! f I E D' [,0;: ' ] 1 1 1 S t, s< .l c . '[ijEJ , 1 m ' I i 5 ( 1 , } } or tE l

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    . . . .. '~.,,"t.. ' .' r'.,

    I D lM l lU r fJ fD -.iliS" Ito, l tG!}:t . S!;>e. !It:) I m d S (Q JIW"!.I)til li, ~ S l o t t ; ! l I s l ! e : l : . J!.~. ] i I P . r J l 9 2 ' . 2If N~ - ..' J o I L m ] ~w ll..'~~

    . -

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    (E,) ,EVet7th1n.g po:s,slb!lQI vUl be. done tQ .Bet majorve's te'rD: pOllD.a AS.ins,t ea.cb (I'thel". Ant;1 ...B,p1l ah talk -.' Wi:!'l ibB pluggedsDl'IJDg Am.srl 'o:a .ns.~, 8D:fil, ..Am.e1'1.ean talkamong B~1,tlah .. C'ontineD.tels, i'D.oludingG&r_n:s" 'w111be taught to abhor both Angl_O ...SaxOll pm.J.8rs~ 'Where SUB'~''jplclaIlS exist" they.nIl. b'a fanned; where no,t~ ignited ..Ifo erf'OI:'t lr7c'.l be 9pare,d to, d1.acred1 tandl combat, -a.ll,effort.s 'Vhl.chtblP8a;ten ~o l,ea'd to an)" 8,(lI~t of' W!l1tJ' '01"oOOe'sl'o,n among otbeJ:" 1 ( " - ) rrom w1ah ,R:uss1.a,m.1gh.t bel,e,x'cluded. -rllUSJ. al~ ro,ms O'.t Interuatlon81 ollg8ntzat;1onnot amenabJe to,' cODmluni,st ~De(trat,1(1'n and ce,n,&lIo, l j l"whBthrGl" it be the Ca.thelia, " * ) .1ntEll'bD,tloMl, '6'0 onomi,cl!)onQerns,. ,or tbe interna:t1oD.al. 1"I'a,tel'D.if:;J (Jt '1"07&.1}'"-,and ar18 tocrac:y It mus.t expe'Qt to find tbemsll Ve sundert~ t'rom. man,.~,and often I (*) . ,, Ur} In general" ,all So,v;l,etefforts, om UDoff'J.o1Bl.,international pl,ge w,Ul 00' neg~tl''V8.and des'true't.l ve,in c.h-ar:acter .., desIgned to tear' QCJWIl 8,ource'~of' etre'agthbe! 'yoD..d .reacher Bo'v:ie,tc,ont"l"ol . . Th1;$ is onl'y 1b l ineWi tblJas 10 S,Qlv1.e't ina tlnct, tha.t the!p.e. can bent'! Gom. . .Pl"omlf;le, ,vlth, r1vslpoweJ.ii andtbat e,QDstruetJ.Va W'Oi.~,k.aBstart ow:y v be.n c O lm ill'W ll.:st; P O V i$ Ll" is d,om1Dant,. Butbeh1nd.all thl,s w11,1be appl.1ec1 Insletebt. unc.,eaaiqprSS,S"I.Ir! . 1 " , 0 1 ' " pe~tr,Q.t1onanti cOml ' 09nd of k9,posltlon.1n a.dmlnl:9.tp,atlon ,and EHJpe,cle.l.l:r in. p01106 ,8ppal"lIlme IOf'f'Ol"e!gn COUll~~1i)8. Tbe fh~v1et j-egtme: 18 ft, pollce~e,I!U.mepar exc,e'lle'1l!ce, :rea.l"sd tn, the lU.lD,half' vorl4 o:'~sar.lst polic;Q intJt'!gU.e t- OOt'J1l8,tomg(!i tothi'tik PI'~1171nte:rDlS, 0 1 " pollee J'ove,!"" !l'h1s ShoUld :as'Ve.'r belQs1i .a1Bb.t orb}. pug1lJg, S,Qvlet moUves.

    !AR~FI,W;In s,~ z we ,baVI$ hel'e e, pol1't1.cal f ' i o , r ' , c o l COiGl t,tedt81l,ftt1c.ally to, tIle belierf' tbBtw1.th US ths're can 1benopermaoont modus vivendi, that, 1t io l i l0'a,17abl,e .QiWlp,e'ces,s8l"1 that 'th'El' Intel'PAJL ha1imony Qfo,\U' fj'()lc.la't~be dlijl'1lP,tsa.. our 1;;rtlldit101181 v--s.yof" 11ft, be, d:BStirQJed"the ,interM'i;;lo'nal. eu.thoI'1t-y Q , J : oU .P :a .-f;A te ba broken, l.rfJ'Gv:1et POliO!,' is to be Sl'o-lU'e,. ~ls p'oU.tlcElllt'or,ee 'hasQ,omplGtepo,.~e'r. of' dloposl:t1on. Ove,P ene'l'gifiB or ODe otvo~ld' s gre(l!.'tfjl!!jt peopler.c ~'1JJl :PfJ!)OUJ:!'C9S, ,0 l '1lOl'"leP'sr.1.c'hsat nn.ti,.ona.lterr1t0l'7;t M!d1:9 ]borne alongllry dee'p

    . f13(tf~rIlO..0, EUil~l!..j:j_ g .~ .. .. .I I' " ', . .. .. __ .. .. .. t 1, ,.' c , ; _ i ,

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram



    . .

    ME10 p$U"a.phrase neee3Slm17

    , a n d - owerP.~"l1 CU__~JJtt,~ of RU;9 :itL.fMl DS_,. : 1 < m . 9 J . _ : 1 _ - ' 's m _ '_" _ ' . I n ._ p __L.~ _ _ _add! t1on", it has n . . n alaum:'atG' :2J~ndar' fllUlg: ap,p~i!.'r,et\ul'01" e':x:.el'r~lO'n,oJ: 1 ts, in f'lLl'e'nQe' iii. O-t;ttll" cou;,n;tri-ea l' {i:,'i]:,appe:ra:t.u;sof 8mt1:i'i 1n.gfl eJ"..i0111ty md v;el':ae:tl1i'ty,~,11!!U~,dby p~:opl:9 whos.e 0:X,~l"i~nca Md :~ltlll in. I t m t l - e r'"~;roWld lU6thod,:g A1'79 'pwaaulUl1bly wlthou~t Jia,:l 'a.=llel 111histol'Y .' F :1:.n .all1:y"t' - 1.t j,SI S fumtiJ1Bl~ In:s.c:cil'lulibl'B to ,eonsi,derat:lo.'n:B1 (,.1 r.qa.ll,t:y ,1n :lt~ bB3,1,c rea.et;1oDS" l [ 1 ! ' o r 'it" the v'~;s"t f'Lm(l ot" 00ject,1,'vlS! .ta.,ct s.-b(!u,t ~ s(lcl!tyiB not,; ao, W.1tll us ~ too' lH,e'D:S'w."Jl!I a . m e - . 1 o a o t . which .oll,tlo'noc!9 'o:ons1;nn:tl'y be:l,ug ~ ; < S I~t;edruJtl 're ....f ol ll 'n a .ed ,~ bu t 8 ~ab bag:,fl'O:F.dwilieb. 1ndiv.1c;tun.1 .1~;em9 Qy."fl ~el'Eh"t~darbl'tl'~lX'117f,and.~a'ndB'n~;1()U;i'j]_y ,to ,-l1'[email protected]" IUl00,t;l-oo-ic. ,&l~m'a.J'" ~l'e',~~nc!ll'v,ed.T"h:'"a It!&Olml ttc(Uy !'tlO't a. J:1j'"St!s'G!'I!1!IPJ.rC.'&UrB.. r l 'Ol 'JJ. .emof h~, ., t ; . ! I ! J cop~ li'li";b\~l'l:L~:rQ:r.o.:;. In UL14QU'Dl;~d.l~ gJ:."e!'!)l"ll'(~~1~-task oUX' dlpl'Omi!ll:Uy h~s ever .f~eed. ~. probably gr9lt',1;.eotit '\dl1e'vGr MVg t~J f'ae'a" It BbouJ.d. bo 'po1Dt of,(lepartlJ..l~t) from, 'l'Ihluh (1U.r po,l! tic,al, ,g0ne:pal, ataf't" 1ioeka t o p!"GlSOl].t jane ture shnul0. P'X''Oeel(l. It :should be,t:l,gp'~{)~cil~:d'With s~~ too;t'Qugb_u~saa.ild 0091'9 as sUlut.ion(If' Joo.jOl~'5t t~1"nteI1e pl"obl~Jm~tntf&l".I! t ' . . J . 1 t l 1,r .neoe95~Y'"w1.th no '8~Cl'nl.01" 0 1 ! 1 1 . t ~113lY1.;rn,plaunlna; ef;f'ol"t,. I canru:l'ti9"t tampt t.O i!!U(gg0 B1; .:!i.ll. ~Jwe:l"!:l, J1s:"O . " :But" I w,ou,:;td liketo reeord 1 W 3 ' e'Oll1ilT'~tc1;,lon thm.t ]lI];,plb-l.em1~w1th1nour 'ploverto 9,'ol"'~..."and tlla'b, "41'1.1\out ]~aeoor~eto 'm::tj!' ,genEl:ral,In:i11tar:.v-'t!iomrlic,t. Antl in BUPPOlUOi'tlll.:BI can:vi,c't1ori.there Greee!"i~~1n obf:.ie,n-a.t1o'ns - o,ramoN en.eoUl"ag!nI;:natlllra I s,b"o'uld 11k t . c ' , l m . t : 'J . k e ~ . ' .

    (Once) 8o~let PO,yeW J< uhlj.klEr thB,lt of li1tler1t~ G@~y ~is nel t,OOir' : I ! ! I ~Jlem!ttl,~ llOf:' sd.v

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    enc:otUl,'teNld ,a"t al'.ty' poln:t ,. 'rtru!}: j' If'the ad,vera $17 has:) ~uf'tle1,f~n.~ fo~a~d nt~S 61~lIr. bisrEI'adi;p.ess ~o QS~.,1,t, be' l'&l"e,ly hS9 to rIo ae , If' a.:1.'ust1on:t aN Properl7'lm.ndled 'there need be no ,p1'0:st1ge eD.g!lg1ngal1o~Wlls, ~(Tr,vo) Gauged ~t wst-ern. VOl'ld as 8 .. vhola" So,viato8l"S atil1 b,Y f'iuo tllle, ~ruoo:il' force '. [Tbus.., '1;he,tr :9u:ccess-vi.ll resJ.l,y do'pend on degree Q,r GdbGsion~ firmesB ,and". igor' 'which w es t,o rll world. C8!l l IJ IUi3~'l' And. . th1 ala 1'e.et,Ol"whJ..ch 1~~is. Wi thln ,oU:I"power to lnnllence ..('lhre.,s) Suec:aa.~.or" SoV'iet B:ys:tem., ,as ,fol'm of,' internal,power; 1o, D..at Jet .f.'in,uly pI'Ollen. It hS:B ':ret t'o bed.emonstrAted that ,It 'CG.IJi ;91Ulrv1va supreme tex.t o . rS.UCe6fiiS1v,etronsfel' 'Df powe'~ fr'OlUl"one ,1nrl1v,!;dneJ. orgrol1p t,o QIlo,ther.,L.emn,t s ' 'rl~o,th wati r,ll',st 's"u,c'ht'rawdlifl~,mld it,s eff"ects WT,s.cked ;Soviet s'ta:te :for 15

    )'e3rS ,a;fte:v St,eJ.1n I,S, death O~ ret!pem.ont wUl be se c'ondB'U;t,even thr.B will ,Dolt be f1mLl tej;i't.. S!ov1et inte'rulsystem will now b'e fjubje'oted~ bifV~,rtlue ,of' recent.te'l''X'1torial. axpanBloILs,,, t o o sGries 'ot.' ,pdditollal' a,trainsvh1cho'Dce ,proved s:ew.~ tax, on '1'~n;P(},om.'({eheN ,areoonvinced that nevar3!:n.oe 'termtnat1oD,Or clv1'l war havemass of' R:u;s,si,Qnp(u)'pl$ been '~UD.,o:t,lon.a.l11'ro.r-ther rem~ved.,r-rOQlB, dc'Ct,~1ne'9,of' eomntllnirst l\art,l'" than t.lley are'

    _, SBCiW'!

    . ' 1,

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    ..~... ,#511" FeWWl.l'3' 22~ 9' p...m. from . M o ; BOOW . vj,Q, ,W,ar"i

    a7. , . In, .R~".1a: l P f U " m r has n ow be.c om & a gttfiiat QIWl~ ...-'the moDl'e'nt-,.....1gb..:..ly sucoessful, ap.pa;t"G,tus o,t' ,a4m1n1stiNilt1on,.; but, .it" b & s oeased t'G be.' a"o" t emotl'on&l ,1n~lIpl1ra,t1~" '!bus ,I In:te,I',rwl.', and pel'ltBllence 'CI,t moVeJDeQt :nee4,.not :Fet be.Qas,a~ed" . ,_ '. .II. " _-_.'I'~) ,All S,o.', l .e..,~pr.:'c '-o,p~n da .b eY O ._ D~ S.O.v1e t ,8e?Ul' . lIlT ' I,1s baa1oal17 uef~a,t1v@Alld 'de'8truot:l:ve., It ,shouldbe N,lat1ve,ly ,~srrto'eOOlbat it,bJ 8. I lJ ' iaie1l1, ....ad 1'88ll7 OOD,etpuc tve In'Qgl'GlI,,, - . ."" --,. '-1 ,POl' :tb,es'i8 reasonsl 'think we 1 I L 8 . J " ,apPl'I,o'aehoal.ail7vl,th g'DOd:bf)Q.ltt prQ~Jl,$.,t :hov to' 4eal- vi t& Rulli.Y.to bOy 'tb.1m aJ)pJ.'l08ch shoUld be mad!ell I: Obily w.18h tob7 'U1' 'of' O'0ll 'Cilu9, i . ,on". tollo:w1'D,g o omm o:nt II I...' (One) OUr ,firs,t a,tap mut be to awrebeD4~ and 'eo,0_s8 fOJ} 'What i:t :Ls. the Qa,tur-e ot th e mpv,emen't 'V1thw are dealJ.ng.. W e ' ,met; 3tud.y itnhsame eourage'" "etaobment,. object,J.vltl'" and. same 'd,Ette~tioiD Mt " .'be emot1anal1ypro,vokEld, or unseated, b!"1t" w2.th ' ,, doctor etuMes il.uW"ul7a nd '~eB8onabl. 1~v!~ .. I - < ' . (~o) lie muSi ' t esetbat ,our. ~'bUC 1e~_dBcl1to'11t,lea o ,t fttLss1sn a:ltuatf.on,. ~ e~ot O\fu, ...am;pha81.zepor'tan .oe ,or this. Preas C8IlDOt, dO o 'tals alone. -It -'be d.one :bl8i;QlJ" ,b,,. ,gove~;n:t ii "Wb1ch ,18 DeceasuJ.l;yexp&l'.1,etmed ,aru l better ,1ntormed on. pr8C't.ioall11val:~d.lr.l this, we need bOit be, det:s.:r.re4 bJ"

    B,Dr l1:1c tnPe I am eODv1noedt.lla tbh8pe' WOU ldtar" LesR bJ'ater1c's1 a.nt1~ovl.g,t;lsm, ,in 'O~ 'O'i)'UO;Q7If" :veal1,ti~s o,t' ,this 81tu:1on vere better U l . ' U 1 e : P -.tood b,- our people '. 'l"heI!'9 18 noth1ng 8,B dans;e;rou: l1 l , lors 'te:r:r:1,fyJ:ng, as the mlknown,~ l't -1 &110' be:ut1U$4to ,reveal. mOl'&Inf.,orma,tlou IO D Q1l11!1 d1t,tleUlt:ta:1 wlth.unfavorably ,o n Russ1an American,,lations.. l- feel tba'b if ~ere is 8117 l"Qal l':lsk l:~~81"eit 10 OM' Whl.oh ve shoul.d have coe_to, .tae.j.!I;()!lne.r the, better., _Bu t I e,a n nQ t, flee 'what Wa vouJ.dr'1.akInS' ~ 0'tD, stake tn this coun'l' 'J ' .II eve,m,D,om1Dg oneels of' tremendous' deJIloDutrat1oll8 at' 0'Ilr trle'ndab.1:p to,'U E - O C I I S g ' F l t l l .~o" 11,(j:S~,S ' e l1 ' . _ ~ O D l f l j ~Ifij' m',~ IuSfJ1an, peop'le

    ll_r ~.""- .- - , . , . - v . , . . . I!l1IiiiI' !~!>ler, ,""IlI-', . '_ .. ,~~ALI.:r ...q; . .0. nJ:r~ 1 1_~ _,' :.

  • 8/2/2019 Long Telegram


    J : . . ~ I I

    CTIO!; Ed1_0: .." AMI '' 1'10 JPn'~8.phra~~ n.eCf),Bf;!~'l"]'

    e -DA "

    I I IB1IiR--11-- #,5,llj' Fe~' 22;; 9 : p . r n J . ~ j fpom :Moseow v1a.WerRusslan P.8opl.JB:ols rle~k8bll' ,aml.l. Weh8VG' :hera, no 1n-vestmantB to ~dj. no &ct.uel .t~8d.a tolo6,t!,: vlrtue..117 no,01lze:ns t O o lo te0it ~ few cmJ.:t\n',alco:n mats to pre~iu'l'l'fve.,our o~nl:y stake lie s in Wat 'we nO'Jie 'ratb)rar' than. wat.we .'.have; 8~ -I p Qloilv1nc-ed w e he;vebeott~:r ohrul(l,e 01' r'ea11zingtbf')s,e' .boliDes 1t Om' public .1iB enl.1ghte,ned and. if' Q'IU' de411ng$v1,th :R\Ull,s.1,ms are placed e:ot1l"ely > O l I ' l I . :reallat1Qand matte~ 6~:fact 'bae1'e"

    t!bree' I I ! b J . ; C h dep~.5 'Oill, OOal.th c m t 1 ! vi,gar ,of' ow own~Q-p:1I ty .Wo'l'ld oo!ilimntti sm 1s lIke ma11.gnantpfU"8,e,J. te whl,obreeds on1y ,on tl.laes.a.E!'d tl.sane" Ifh.:ts 1s pain.t ,at 'Wh1,chdame~tl e and t'ore1gn.po :Iiole.a meat~Eiuer-l' oo\ll"a.B:~'ou.~and1ne.1f1.1vem.ettlUf'e to ,a,o,i've' in'te:r.wll"l ~obla:iIPS of' '(lur ,o'lfn ,,8,Oo,elaby:;: 'to lGtProy,e iself; cont 1d.ence ,d1 s c1plln.e, ,morale' andeommtm!t,y sp1:r.1tot our ow. 'people ,t is 8,. d1p~tle vlc'tol"7,ovett Mo,scawlfortha thousand d1~lomatlc notJea ,and Joint .cOniiJlllmlquo9" If we esnne tabandon . r e 00:11am. and .1ml1f"fers!I1CUi lint8l'c:e ~t)