long term effects of the ketogenic diet

Long term effects of the ketogenic diet

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Post on 15-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine

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Long term effects of the ketogenic diet

Insulin resistance

After going on a ketogenic diet for some time, if

you try to reintroduce carbs back into your

system, you will experience insulin resistance.

The body would probably have adjusted to a fat

burning metabolism and would need to take time

before it can go back to a glucose fueled


Appetite suppression

Usually after a short fast, most people find a

general decrease in their appetite for food. In the

past, it was always assumed that ketones were

the cause of the appetite suppression, since it

was a by-product of continued fasting. This

assumption has been contradicted by a few


Researchers found that

1. the high fat intake of the keto diet slowed down

digestion, which in turn would provide a sense

of fullness since that food stays in the stomach


They also found that

(2) protein has the same effect, since it releases

an appetite suppressant hormone called

cholecystokinin (CCK).

Cholesterol levels

Since the keto diet has such a high fat intake,

there are concerns that it could increase the risk

of heart disease and stroke. Studies conducted

show that there is an increase in blood lipid levels

in the short term. While in the long term, subjects

do not develop heart disease as quickly as

subjects in other diets.

Researchers make that assertion that if you don’t

lose weight on a keto diet, then your cholesterol

levels tend to go up, but if you do lose weight

while on the diet, then your cholesterol levels will

probably go down.

Low energy levels

Carbohydrates burn more efficiently than fats,

which is probably why they are the preferred fuel

when they are available. The low carb nature of

the ketogenic diet raises concerns over drops in

energy levels. However, there are studies that

established that weakness and low energy levels

can be avoided by consuming enough minerals,

with sodium being the most important.

Consuming 4 – 5 grams of sodium per day helps

maintain normal blood pressure.


Ketogenic diet are not appropriate for individuals

who wish to maintain high intensity exercise

routines, because of the low carb nature. Low

intensity exercise like walking is encouraged.

Effects on the brain

While on the ketogenic diet,the brain shifts from a

glucose based fuel to a ketone based fuel, where

researchers estimate that it gets up to 75% fuel

from ketones. Some people report that they

concentrate and think better in ketosis, while

others report total fatigue. Based on research,

there appears to be no negative effects on long

term cognitive function.

Uric acid levels

A protein based metabolism causes uric acid to

be produced when it is excreted through the

kidneys. A build up of uric acid in the blood

stream causes problems like gout. The ketogenic

diet, has been shown to sometimes increase uric

acid levels. This is because, when the kidneys

remove excess ketones from the bloodstream,

the removal of uric acid decreases and a build up


Introducing a small amount of carbohydrates in

your diet can help reduce this build up. Include

carbohydrates amounting to about 5% of your

total caloric intake. This is where vegetables can

help, because vegetables have the added benefit

of nutrients.

Kidney stones and kidney damage

Many people assume that the kidneys might be

affected because of the increase in their

workload, by having to filter ketones, urea and

ammonia.There is no evidence that supports this

notion that the kidneys might be affected because

of the increase in workload.

Dehydration(which is linked to kidney damage)

has also been noted as a possible problem,

Sufficient water intake is recommended to

counteract this.

Liver damage

There is a study that was done that has

determined that there wasn’t any liver damage

within the 4 week range. We don’t know the

effects beyond the four week range.


The keto diet has been shown to cause

constipation because of the overall lack of fiber

and an increase in gastrointestinal absorption of

foods. It is recommended that you either take

supplements or you include vegetables in your

diet to combat this.

Vitamin/mineral deficiencies

The caloric restriction of this diet has been shown

to cause problems because of the lack of enough

vitamins and minerals. Again, including

vegetables in your diet has an added benefit of

vitamins and minerals. Fruits however, should be

limited because of their high glucose nature.

Electrolyte excretion/death

Since ketosis has been shown to cause

dehydration, this leads to the excretion of three

electrolytes: sodium,potassium and magnesium.

Supplements are sometimes recommended to

counteract this. Amounts varying from

1. Sodium : 3-5 grams

2. Potassium : 1 gram

3. Magnesium : 300 mg

Please note: an excessive intake of any single

mineral is very dangerous, please consult with a

doctor before you take any of these supplements.

Medical supervision is advised

Calcium loss/osteoporosis

A calcium supplement may be necessary for

some people, but again medical supervision may

be needed.

Weight regain

It is estimated that less than 10% of people who

diet will maintain in the long term. The rest will

gain it back. Therefore the keto diet should be

thought of as a lifestyle change, rather than a

short term diet.

Immune system

The ketogenic diet affects people differently,

some have reported a decrease in ailments while

others have been more susceptible to minor

sicknesses. There haven’t been enough studies

to diagnose the exact reason for some of these


Optic neuropathy

A few cases of the dysfunction of the optic nerve

has been observed in some individuals. In all

cases, the individuals had not been receiving

enough calcium or vitamin supplements for

periods up to a year.

Hair loss

The total fasting has shown to cause hair loss in

some individuals.


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