long war desc

A modification for the 2012 Game XCOM: Enemy Unknown with the 2013 expansion XCOM: Enemy Within. THE TEAM JohnnyLump - Chief Designer and Programmer Amineri - Chief Programmer and Designer XMarksTheSpot - Chief UI Programmer and Artist Ellatan - Programmer and Chief Quality Assurance Specialist SENIOR CONTRIBUTORS WGhost81 - Programmer TrackTwo - Sound Editor and Programmer JCLewis - Artist VOICE ACTORS Gerrit Aalbers (South African Male 1) Jezdamayel Caster (English Female 1) Ian Chisholm (English Male 2) Jurgen Delaere (South African Male 2) Ian Dransfield (English Male 1) Louise Dumée (South African Female 1) Eveline Frei (Swiss/Euro Female 1) Jakub "Faleg" Janicki (Polish/Euro Male 1) Sean Lally (English Male 3) Justin Loke (SE Asian Male 1) Adam Miller (Irish Male 2) Russell Meyer (Australian Male 3) Bec Pelvay (Australian Female 1) Michael Richardson (Australian Male 2) Graydon Schlichter (Irish Male 1) Ping Teo (SE Asian Female 1) Jamie Williamson (Australian Male 1) CONTRIBUTORS Programmers: Liquid911, SpazmoJones/Eclipse666, Orost, Part Time Commie, Uberjumper, Drakous79, Peasly Wellbott, Bertilsson Artists: Ebolii, Obstbanane, Zyxpsilon, lfish, Kordolius, IvanDogovich, Neonin, AlexGlitch MapMaster: Liquid911 Sound Engineering: Matt Lees

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Long War Desc


A modification for the 2012 Game XCOM: Enemy Unknown with the 2013expanion XCOM: Enemy !ithin"THE TEAMJohnnyLump - Chief Designer and ProgrammerAmineri - Chief Programmer and DesignerXMarksTheSpot - Chief UI Programmer and ArtistEllatan - Programmer and Chief Quality Assurance SpecialistSENIOR CONTRIBUTORSWGhost81 - ProgrammerTrackTwo - Sound Editor and ProgrammerJCLewis - ArtistVOICE ACTORSGerrit Aalbers South African !ale "# $e%damayel Caster English &emale "# Ian ChisholmEnglish !ale '# $urgen Delaere South African !ale '# Ian Dransfield English !ale "# (ouise Dum)e SouthAfrican &emale "# E*eline &rei S+iss,Euro &emale "# $a-ub .&aleg. $anic-i Polish,Euro !ale "# Sean (allyEnglish !ale /# $ustin (o-e SE Asian !ale "# Adam !iller Irish !ale '# 0ussell !eyer Australian !ale /# 1ec Pel*ay Australian &emale "# !ichael 0ichardson Australian !ale '# Graydon SchlichterIrish !ale "# Ping 2eo SE Asian &emale "# $amie 3illiamson Australian !ale "#CONTRIBUTORSProgrammers4 (i5uid6""7 Spa%mo$ones,Eclipse8887 9rost7 Part 2ime Commie7 Uber:umper7Dra-ous;67 Peasly 3ellbott7 1ertilssonArtists4 Ebolii7 9bstbanane7 ordolius7 I*anDogo*ich7 ?eonin7 Ale=Glitch!ap!aster4 (i5uid6""Sound Engineering4 !att (ees2ranslators4 ?oganeto" Spanish#7 Aldo/' Spanish#7 >ordolius &rench#Cultural 0esearcher4 U%ifeline(inu= Port4 Shi*oc7 &ale=@@;7 3GhostA"!ac 9S,B Port4 2hither7 Ander-ent7 3GhostA"Special 2han-s 2o4 >e*in Schult%7 Dan Price7 and 0oland 0i%%o at &ira=is Games for some e=pertassistancePRAISE FOR LONG WAR#$ake XCOM to a new %e&e%"# - $a-e Solomon7 BC9! lead designer7 *ia 2+itter#$hi mod i the a'o%(te 'et way to p%ay XCOM# - 3ired#$hi i a co%%ection of profo(nd and (rpriin)%y caref(% chan)e """ *t+ %ike a free expanionpack """ # - 0oc-7 Paper7 Shotgun#$errific """# - >o-atu#$(rn XCOM: Enemy !ithin into nothin) hort of a er&icea'%e t(rn,'aed mi%itary a%ien in&aiontrate)y war)amin) im(%ator"# - Polygon-amed 'y .C Gamer one of the 1/ mot 'r(ta% mod of a%% time and in -o&em'er 2010 wa theite+ Mod of the !eek"THANK YOU TO ALL OUR DONORS!Chec- out $ohn (ump-inCs :ohnnylump# science fiction no*els7 $hro()h 1tr())%e2 the 1tar and $he3eert of 1tar7 hereDAnd ta-e a loo- at (ong 3ar artist lfishCs portraits and illustrations hereDAnd *oice actor Ian ChisholmCs film Clear S-ies hereD0EAD 2EIS 0EAD!E7 ESPECIA((F 2EE &AQD I2 EBP(AI?S S9!E !A$90 CEA?GES &09! GA?I((AD 2his mod ma-es hundreds of changes7 large and small7 to the *anilla *ersion of the gameD It is harder and longer than the *anilla *ersion but gi*es you many more tools to combat the alien threatDSome of the changes in this mod include4 An e=tended campaignre5uiring far more missions tocomplete 2actical missions that allo+ upto t+el*e BCom soldiers permission +ith the right upgrades Eight soldier classes4 Infantry7Assault7 Sniper7 Scout7 Gunner70oc-eteer7 !edic and Engineer7 andeight !EC classes4 Gal-yrie7!arauder7 $aeger7 Pathfinder7Goliath7 Archer7 Guardian andShogun English-accent *oicepac-s forsoldiers from England7 Australiaand se*eral other nations ?e+ and modified per-s7including 0anger7 Sapper7 EEA23arheads7 (oc- ?C (oad7 &ire in theEole7 Eit and 0un7 and $a*elin0oc-ets ?e+ and modifiedtechnologies7 includingBenopsionics7 Alien 1iocybernetics7Pulse (asers7 Gauss 3eapons andAd*anced Aerospace Concepts7 andmany ne+ foundry pro:ects &i*e tiers of BC9! +eaponry7many ne+ armors and small itemsand SDEDIDGDs that can be e5uipped+ith per--granting small itemsH Seesome of the ne+ +eapons hereD Earlier access to psionics andan e=panded psionics tree A system of commissioning andpromoting BC9! officers +hopro*ide bonuses to your entires5uad during missions replaces theEnemy 3ithin medals system# 9*erhauled interception game7 +ith fi*e ne+ U&9 classes such as the &ighter7 0aider and Ear*ester7 as +ell as si= interceptors per continent7 foundry pro:ects to upgrade your aircraft7 indi*iduali%ed pilot names and pilot e=perience7 and the Stingray !issile +eapon system 9*erhauled strategy game7 in +hich the aliens gather resources and conduct research -- efforts BC9! must interdict if it hopes to sa*e humanityD BC9! can no+ reta-e countries by finding and con5uering alien bases in those countriesD Eelp council countries defend themsel*es by fulfilling their re5uests for alien technologyH Aliens and EBA(2 forces gro+ tougher o*er time7 gaining stats and per-s ?e+ +eapons for BC9! soldiers Soldiers rest after each mission7 re5uiring the player to build a much deeper roster of soldiers !odified Second 3a*e options to support longer campaigns!ost of the specific changes +ill be detailed in in-game te=tD !any game mechanics ha*e changed7 so read per-7 tech and item descriptions closelyH 2hey may not do +hat you e=pect from *anillaDPer- trees for all classes are in the file (ongI3arI/Iper-ItreeD:pg in your BE3 directory7 orhereD2ech tree is in the file (ongI3arI/ItechItreeDpng in your BE3 directory7 or hereDA (ong 3ar +i-i is hosted on U&9peadia7 hereD It needs contributionsH#Art in this section by Dana Eenderson,lfish#Fou must ha*e a legitimate PC7 !ac or (inu= *ersion of Enemy !ithin to play this modD 2his mod is for games +ith the !arch "@7 '@"J7 patch7 +hat +eCre calling Enemy 3ithin Patch /D 2he game *ersion is still listed as J@";;8DAn Enemy Un-no+n *ersion of this mod +ith fe+er features# is a*ailable in the &iles sectionD It has not been updated to +or- +ith EU patches K and 8 too much +or-#7 so you ha*e to ta-e e=tra steps to roll bac- your BC9! EU installation to patch J7 +ith this toolD &or help +ith installation of the EU *ersion7 chec- out Ph+opCs tutorial7 hereDInstructins If you ha*ee*er played+ith any othermods on your E3install7 or ha*echanged some filesyourself7 *erifybac- to a *anillainstallation of E3before installing(ong 3arD If youha*e any trouble+ith installation7 dothis as +ellD Disable any anti*irus soft+areD 3e ha*e specific reports that Comodo security soft+are pre*ents a proper install7 and 1itDefender free crashes the game on startupD !a-e sure you ha*e the latest D?E2 &rame+or- installedD 0un the installerD 3hen you select your path to install the mod7 you should recei*e a +arning that the directory already e=istsD If you didnCt7 ha*e you may ha*e missed a stepD Start the game onceD Fou may recei*e a crah to dektop C2D# errorL this appears to be some aspect of the mod completing installation and then ma-ing nice +ith SteamD Start it again7and it should runD If you ha*e been playing *anilla BC9! in a language other than the one you installed it in7 s+itch BC9! to the installed (ong 3ar language *ia its properties in SteamDNt!s 2his mod +illo*er+rite se*eralgame files andli-ely rendermultiplayerunplayable untilyou uninstallD A !ac and(inu= *ersion isa*ailable *iaseparatedo+nloadsD 2he mod +illnot +or- properlyon *anilla Enemy !ithin campaigns7 so youCll need to start a ne+ oneD Campaigns are sa*ed e*enif you uninstall7 so you should be able to return to *anilla campaignsD (ong 3ar campaigns probably +onCt +or- +ell in *anillaD If 4iraxi,25 Game issues any patches to *anilla XCOM7 it +ill o*er+rite and disable (ong 3ar7 and almost certainly ma-e the mod unplayable until the modders are able to update itD Unfortunately7 turning off automatic updates to the game in Steam7 *ia the gameCs 1team 6i'rary conte=t menu M .ropertie M Updates tab7 does not pre*ent patches from loadingD Four sa*egames should be preser*ed7 thoughD If you +ant to use alternate game te=tures *ia 2e=!od7 install them AFTE you fully install 6on) !arD If you install this mod o*er an e=isting *ersion you +onCt be able to uninstall bac- to *anillaLto do so7 youCll ha*e to go to Steam and use the 7erify *nte)rity of Game Cache option under the gameCs 1team 6i'rary conte=t menu M .ropertie M 6oca% 4i%e tab# to restore your game to its original settingsD Fou should also do this if something goes +rong +ith the uninstallDTHANK YOU FOR TESTING A BETA" PLEASE NOTE IT MAY HAVE STABILITY PROBLEMS AND OTHER BUGS# SO PLAYING IRONMAN OR WITH AUTOSAVE OFF IS NOT A GOOD IDEA" IT MAY ALSO HAVE BALANCE ISSUES"If you want a cleaner version of this mod, you should play the EU version or wait untilthis version is final. If you get multiple CTDs uponboot, or when startingthe first mission, oryou start with onlyfour soldiers, or seegraphical glitcheswith some of the newweapons, try thefollowing steps: o to C:!Users!"#U$ %I&D#%' U'E$&()E!Documents!)y ames!*C#) + Enemy %ithin!*Comame!Config Delete all files in that directory. 'tart the game and see if it wor,s. o to C:!-rogram .iles /0123!'team!'team(pps!common!*Com+Enemy+Un,nown!*E%!*Comame!Coo,ed-CConsole. /This may vary if you have a nontraditional 'team installation.3 4oo, for the files *Comame.up,.uncompressed5si6e, *Com'trategyame.up,.uncompressed5si6e and Engine.up,.uncompressed5si6e. If they are present, delete them. 'tart the game and see if it wor,s. If not, o to C:!Users!"#U$ %I&D#%' U'E$&()E!Documents!)y ames!*C#) + Enemy %ithin!*Comame!'aveData Delete or rename the file profile.bin and start the game. "ou may have to re+set your graphics and othersettings ingame after this. 'tart the game and see if it wor,s. Install 4ong %ar E% again, over the current copy. This will probably ma,e the included uninstaller notwor,, so you7ll have to verify bac, to vanilla via 'team to uninstall.If you are getting slo+do+ns in plays or C2Ds +hen loading user settings7 try the follo+ing4 Delete old sa*egames you arenCt using anymore 2urn off cloud synchroni%ation of your sa*es Play in offline modeIf those steps donCt +or-7 please chec- the e=tended troubleshooting file in your BC9! directory and any bugfi=es on the ?e=us forums#D If your issue isnCt listed7 +e +ant detailed feedbac- on all of those things on the (ong 3ar E3 1eta feedbac- forumD !a-e sure you post your difficulty le*el7 any Second 3a*e options you are using7 and +hether you started a campaign under this *ersion7 or a prior oneD If you ha*e a C2D7 please follo+ the instructions in the readme for reporting crash logs to usD Also note that &uture 1etas,&inal *ersions may in*alidate e=isting campaignsD G!n!r$%&u!stins&' * %o&e thi8 Can *)i&e yo( omethin)9A' &or those +ho +antto directly support themodders7 you can doso here7 but +e are notallo+ed to re5uest7re+ard or publiclyac-no+ledge anyspecific gifts sorry7 but+e really are deeplygrateful#7 in accordance +ith ?e=us policies that prohibit any -ind of appearance of selling the modD In addition7 youCre al+ays +elcome to buy $ohnny(umpCs sci-fi no*els through his homepage hereD&' *+m fair%y new to XCom" !hat diffic(%ty ho(%d * tart with9A' ?ormalD&' *+m an XCOM &eteran" !hat diffic(%ty ho(%d * tart with9A' ?ormalD&' :(t *+m rea%%y aweome at ,, A' Sorry to interrupt7 but :ust start +ith ?ormalD 3e donCt ha*e easy difficulties in this mod that hold your hand +hile you learn the ropes and +eC*e remo*ed e*ery bit of code +e can find that cheats for the player on the lo+er difficultiesD ItCs going to be hardD 2he other difficulties are :ust harder *ersions of ?ormalL feel free to mo*e up +hen you get a handle on all the ne+ mechanicsD&' 1ay what9 $en ;. O(tider with re)eneration in the firt downed U4O miion9 * %o&e a%% the new XCOM option '(t don+t %ike the diffic(%ty" !hy did yo( make a mod that i o hard9A' 2his mod +as made by people +ho lo*ed the *anilla game and sa+ lots of opportunities +ithin the engine for much deeper strategic and tactical play and a greater *ariety of problems to thro+ at the playerD 3hen someone tells us it is too hard7 there might be any of three things going on4 2he player hasnCt adapted to the changes in the mod and e=pects their suboptimal strategies to succeed +e belie*e this is the case +ith outsiders#D 3e ha*e a (ong 3ar Strategy subforum you can go to for ad*iceD 2he playerCs definition of fun is different from oursL they e=pect the game to pro*ide them easier situations7 ma-e solutions more readily a*ailable or be geared to pro*ide the illusion of challenge but actually ma-e it pretty easy to +inD In this case the player should play an easier difficulty setting and,or use the Cinematic !ode Second 3a*e option7 +hich gi*es accuracy bonuses to both BC9! troops and aircraftD 2hey player can also mod 6on) !ar to their personal preferences or play another modD 6on) !ar isnCt for e*eryoneD 2he mod really is unreasonably hard or bugged in a +ay that ma-es it too hard# and shouldbe changedD Specific feedbac- about the situation and ho+ you attempted to address helps usL general complaints about difficulty really +onCt induce us to ma-e any changesD&' * want to mod feat(re X mye%f" ;ow do * do that9A' !any7 many game settings are contained in the file 3efa(%tGameCore"ini in the gameCs Config folder7 +hich can be edited +ith a te=t editor7 and your changes should ta-e effect the ne=t time you load the mod no other changes are usually necessaryH#D In-game te=t is in D*-$ files in the localil%ation folderD If itCs not in either of those files7 youCll probably ha*e to ma-e he= changes to the gameCs NDup- files7 +hich is considerably more complicatedD See the!odding (ong 3ar subforumor the general BC9! !od 2al- forum on the -ex( 4or(m for detailsD&' Okay2 * )et it< it+ hard" :(t *+m a ca(a% p%ayer witho(t a ton of time or Gro)nard %e&e% of trate)ery" !hat tartin) ettin) wo(%d yo( recommend9A' Play normal difficulty +ith only the Dynamic 3ar and Cinematic !ode Second 3a*e options acti*atedD 2his is probably some+here close to *anilla classic le*els of difficulty and !arathon durationD&' *+m made of to()h and init on p%ayin) *ronman"A' 2hatCs technically not a 5uestion7 but understand there could be campaign-ending bugs or corrupted sa*egame issues that +e canCt do anything aboutD Periodically bac- up your sa*egames or face the prospect of losing all your +or-D FouC*e been +arnedD&' * want yo( )(y to add feat(re X" ;ow do * te%% yo(9A' Post in the (ong 3ar &eature 0e5uests and Suggestions subforumD 3e do read the suggestions and ha*e adopted many of them that sound fun and are technically feasibleD 3e canCt al+ays reply7 thoughD&' * want to make ome chan)e and reditri'(te my &erion of yo(r mod" May *9A' Contact $ohnny(ump *ia the -ex( messaging systemD Permission is ?92 granted unless he says itCs 9>D&' Can yo( make a horter &erion of 6on) !ar9A' 2ry the .Dynamic 3ar. 1econd !a&e optionD&' Can yo( make a %on)er &erion of 6on) !ar9A' 2ry the .(iberators. 1econd !a&e optionD&' 3o * ti%% ha&e to dia'%e phone home %ike in 6on) !ar Enemy Unknown9A' ?o longerH 2he mod fi=es the gameCs e=ecutable so that is no longer re5uiredD&' Can * (e other mod %ike $oo%:ok with 6on) !ar9A' It depends7 but probably notD 9ther large-scale o*erhaul mods if anyone e*er ma-es any others# +ill not be compatible7 nor +ill mods that change I?I settings or in-game te=t by o*er+riting I?I and I?2 filesD !ods that ma-e indi*idual changes NmayN be compatible if they searchand replace he=D If they search by absolute offset +ithin the NDup- files li-e $oo%:ok does#7 they +ill not be compatible unless they are made specifically for 6on) !arD >eep an eye on the !odding (ong 3ar subforumL +eCll post possible changes you can ma-e yourself if they are easy to implement and fre5uently re5uestedD&' * keep )ettin) the ame map e&ery other miion8 * there a fix9A' Press A%t=410 once during the gameD 2he only feedbac- you +ill see is the BC9! shield spinning briefly in the lo+er-right corner7 but this resets the file that trac-s +hich maps youC*e already playedD 3hat is happening is some of 6on) !arCs repurposed maps are being treated as .ne+. and repeatedly pushed to the top of the 5ueueL by resetting your log the game +ill treat all maps e5uallyD&' * inta%%ed the mod2 '(t )ot error 0xc0000102 when * try to r(n the )ame"A' 2his error is -no+n to occur +hen people install mods on pirated copies of BC9!D 2he mod only +or-s +ith legitimate Steam *ersions of the modD 2his includes the bo=ed DGD *ersion7 +hich re5uires Steam to installD 3hile this occurs because of something the pirates did and not us#7 +e donCt support pirated *ersions and +ill not troubleshoot these problemsL the solution is to buy a legit copy of the gameDG$(!)%$* &u!stins&' ;ow do * win9A' 3in the $emp%e 1hip mission7 same as *anillaD&' ;ow do * %oe9A' All "8 council countries ha*e to defect from BC9!D 2hatCs itD A successful assault by the aliens on BC9! EQ no longer ends the gameD&' ;ey2 * %ot a co(ntry with %itt%e panic in the firt month8 * that (ppoed to happen9A' FesD And if the aliens gro+ strong enough7 theyCll do this again7 although you can stop those missions once launched itCs :ust really hard#D &ind and defeat the alien base in lost countries and you can get them bac-D&' A rea%%y 'i) U4O >(t %anded in my home co(ntry in March8 ;ow am * (ppoed to 'eat that9A' 1asically7 youCre not itCs possible7 though#D 2he aliens ha*e an acti*e strategy no+7 gathering resources and conducting research and going on other missions not directly related to BC9!Cs operationsD 2heyCre going to do their thing7 and sometimes youCll cross paths +ith them +hen they are doing something they feel is rather important and ha*e brought along a massi*e force to defenditD 2he penalties for BC9! aborting that mission early on are usually small7 so donCt feel obligated to sacrifice your force to +in that oneD&' *t+ ear%y in the campai)n and * >(t ran into a miion with ton of powerf(% a%ien" ;ow am * (ppoed to 'eat that9A' Again7 youCre notD Part of the tactical challenge of the mod is to recogni%e a bad situation and retreatD 9f course7 later in the game7 the aliensC de*elopment may outpace yoursD&' !hat+ that %itt%e hie%d 'y each co(ntry in the 1it(ation ?oom9A' 2hat represents the countryCs ability to defend itself from the alien incursionsD &ulfilling council re5uests from that country fills the shield and increases that countryCs ability to resist panic increases caused by alien acti*ity and helps protect any satellites o*erhead from detection by alien scoutsD&' !hy do a%% my tartin) o%dier ha&e Gene Mod armor9A' 2hatCs a ne+ armor7 the tac *est7 +hich anyone can +earD 6on) !ar Enemy !ithin introduces ; ne+ armors for a total of "J# generally built as lighter armors allo+ing more mobility at some cost of protectionL +e used the Gene !od armor bases to represent these armorsD If you donCt li-e the loo-7 try some of the alternate decos7 +hich +ill minimi%e the slee*eless effectD&' !hy do my tartin) o%dier ha&e EXA6$ weapon9A' EBA(2 +eapons ha*e been repurposed in 6on) !ar and no+ ser*e as the default ballistic +eaponset along +ith the traditional shotgun#D EBA(2 lasers are no+ the :eam 6aer class of +eaponsL *anilla BC9! ballistic +eapons are no+ the Ga( class of +eapons7 and BC9! lasers are no+ the .(%e 6aer class of +eaponsD&' One of my weapon did @ero dama)e after a hit8 * that (ppoed to happen9A' FesD 3hen this happens7 youCll usually see a blue icon +ith a shield and a numberD 2hatCs a measure of 3ama)e ?ed(ction7 iDeD ho+ much damage bounced off the enemy after a hitD&' * >(t 'a))ed a ectoid that had mind,mer)ed to another ectoid2 '(t it didn+t die< it on%y took ome dama)e" * that (ppoed to happen9A' FesD BC9! psionic troopers can get mind-merge7 too7 and +e suspect you +ouldnCt +ant the effect to -ill t+o BC9! troopers at once7 +ould youM&' My o%dier+ tat( how #fati)(ed"# !hat doe that mean9A' After missions7 soldiers need to rest for se*eral days to reco*er from the intensity of combat and e=posure to strange alien chemistryD During this time7 they +ill not be auto-loaded into mission rostersD Fou can still send them on a mission +ith no loss in capability#7 but after the mission they +ill suffer a light +ound7 representing e=haustion7 and +ill be una*ailable until they reco*erD&' !hy are my arc thrower t(n chance o %ow9A' Arc 2hro+ers are no longer nearly automaticL your best case is a KK to 8@ percent chance to stun an alienD 2his is to ma-e capturing aliens a meaningful and dangerous challengeD 3ith 6on) !arCs increased mission count7 youCll ha*e far more opportunities to stun aliens and get their stuff7 and you +ouldnCt +ant A%ien Containment to o*erflo+7 +ould youM&' * on%y )ot a few Me%d from a caniter on the firt miion9 * that (ppoed to happen9A' FesD 2he amount of Me%d you get +ill *ary7 based on something +eCll let you figure outD&' * a&ed ome of the ci&i%ian on a terror miion '(t panic ti%% went (p8 * that (ppoed to happen9A' FesD Four :ob on terror missions is to minimi%e damage by sa*ing li*esL e*ery ci*ilian -illed raisespanic in both the country and on the continentD&' ** capt(red an a%ien '(t can+t interro)ate it" !hat+ (p with that9A' 0e*ie+ the tech tree and youCll see that you need to perform an autopsy on a species before being able to interrogate itD&' ;ow do * et defa(%t co%or for my o%dier9A' (oo- for the file 3efa(%tGameCore"ini7 +hich is in C:A.ro)ram 4i%e BxCDEA1teamA1teamAppAcommonAXCom,Enemy,UnknownAXE!AXComGameAConfi)in a standard Steam installationD 9pen it in a te=t editor li-e ?otepadD About J@ percent of the +ay do+n youCll see a comment *nitia% o%dier appearanceD 2he ne=t se*eral lines set *arious default appearance numbers for *arious classesD EDI2 2EIS &I(E A2 F9U0 93? 0IS>D 2he range of allo+ed colors and styles are in a separate te=t file7 6on)F!arFE!FArmorF5itFCode"txtD&' * ha&e %ot of detai%ed G(etion a'o(t mechanim within the )ame" * there a wiki9A' 3or- on one has begun on the U&9paedia7 hereD It needs contributionsD S+t,$r!XCOMEUMod;e%per by Uber$umperU.5Modder by Amineri and B!ar-s2heSpotUE Exp%orer by Eliot *an UytfangheUnrea% .acka)e 3ecompreor by Gildor*nno 1et(p / by $0Soft+areDorgP!)%!2he fine fol-s at &ira=is and '- Games for the ne+ BC9!$ulian Gollop for the original B-C9!t+in: for disco*ering ho+ to rescript functionsBC9! modders 1o-au-7 1lac-Alpha7 Guicomir7 !uc-1eth7 Peasly 3ellbott7 9ddballIEA for *arious disco*eriesGugacurado7 9gel7 2ap-omet7 2hunderIG0 for contributing their custom lists of soldier names7 and Eeramael for copyediting ser*icesAlso special than-s to ?eonin for the (ong 3ar logo on the ?e=us mod pageH Chec- out ?eoninCs OurlPhttp4,,+++Dne=usmodsDcom,=com,mods,/A',QUI 2e=ture 0eplacement mod for li*elier in-game icons and othergraphicsH