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  • 7/29/2019 lord william


    Lord William Bentinck

    Lieutenant-General Lord William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck , GCB , GCH , PC (14 September 1774 17

    June 1839), known as Lord William Bentinck , was a British soldier and statesman. He served as Governor-

    General of India from 1828 to 1835.

    [edit ]Background

    Bentinck was the second son of Prime Minister William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland , and Lady

    Dorothy, daughter of William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire .[1]

    [edit ]Career until 1827

    After service in the Peninsular War , Bentinck was appointed commander of British troops in Sicily . A Whig , Bentinck used this position to meddle in internal Sicilian affairs, effecting the King's withdrawal from

    government in favour of his son, the Crown Prince , the reactionary Queen's disgrace, and an attempt to devise

    a constitutional government for the troubled island, all of which ultimately ended in failure. In 1814, Bentinck

    landed with British and Sicilian troops at Genoa , and commenced to make liberal proclamations of a new order

    in Italy which embarrassed the British government (which intended to give much of Italy to Austria ), and led,

    once again, to his recall in 1815.

    [edit ]Bentinck in Sicily

    As conditions in Sicily began to deteriorate at the beginning of the 19th century, England began worrying about

    its interests in the Mediterranean. Internal dissensions in the Sicilian government and an ever increasing

    suspicion that Queen Maria Carolina was in correspondence with the French Occupation of Sicily as its object

    led to the appointment of Lord William Bentinck as British representative to the Court of Palermo in July

    1811 .[2] At the beginning of his time at the head of Sicilian affairs, politicians in London opposed

    the Bourbon rule and appealed for Sicilian annexation. Bentinck was sympathetic to the cause and plight of the

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    Sicilians and "was quickly convinced of the need for Britain to intervene in Sicilian affairs, not so much for

    Britains sake as for the well -being of the S icilians. [3] He was also one of the first of the dreamers to see a

    vision of a unified Italy .[2] The English, however, were content to support the Bourbons if they were willing to

    give the Sicilians more governmental control and a greater respect of their rights. Bentinck saw this as the

    perfect opportunity to insert his ideas of a Sicilian constitution. Opposition to the establishment of a constitution

    continued to surface, Maria Carolina proving to be one of the toughest. Her relationship with Bentinck can be

    summed up in the nickname that she gave him: "La bestia feroce" or the ferocious beast .[3] Bentinck, however,

    was determined to see the establishment of a Sicilian Constitution and shortly thereafter exiled Maria Carolina

    from Palermo. On 18 June 1812 the Parliament assembled in Palermo and, about a month later, on 20 July

    1812 the constitution was accepted and written on the basis of 15 articles. With the establishment of the

    constitution the Sicilians had now gained an autonomy they had never experienced before. The constitution set

    up the separation of the legislative and executive powers and abolished the feudalistic practices that had been

    established and recognized for the past 700 years .[2]

    Bentinck's success in establishing a Sicilian constitution lasted only a few years. On 8 December 1816, a year

    after Ferdinand IV returned to the throne of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies , the constitution was abolished and

    Sicily was reunited with Naples. The constitutional experiment was deemed a failure although it cannot be said

    to be his alone .[2] The Sicilian nobles were inexperienced and in the face of the difficulties of 1814 and 1815

    could not sustain a constitution without British support, which was withdrawn in the wake of the end of

    the Napoleonic wars . The British no longer had an invested interest in the internal affairs of Sicily now that the

    threat of French invasion had been removed. The establishment of a Sicilian constitution that was facilitated by

    Bentinck was not to be soon forgotten. The ideas found therein and the small taste of freedom lingered in the

    memories of the Sicilians and had an influence on the desire for autonomy that was at the base of the Sicilian

    revolutions of 1820 and 1848 .[3]

    [edit ]Governor-General of India

    On his return to India, Bentinck served in the House of Commons for some years before being

    appointed Governor-General of Bengal in 1828. His principal concern was to turn around the loss-

    making Honourable East India Company , in order to ensure that its charter would be renewed by the British


    Bentinck engaged in an extensive range of cost-cutting measures, earning the lasting enmity of many military

    men whose wages were cut. Although his financial management of India was quite impressive, [according to

    whom? ] his modernizing projects also included a policy of westernization, influenced by

    the Utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham an dJames Mill , which was more controversial. Reforming the court

    system, he made English , rather than Persian , the language of the higher courts and encouraged western-style

    education for Indians in order to provide more educated Indians for service in the British bureaucracy.

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    Bentinck also took steps to suppress sati , the death of a widow on her husband's funeral pyre, and other Indian

    customs which the British viewed as barbaric. Although his reforms met little resistance among native Indians

    at the time, it has been argued [citation needed ] that they brought on dissatisfaction which ultimately led to the

    great mutiny of 1857. His reputation for ruthless financial efficiency and disregard for Indian culture led to the

    much-repeated story that he had once planned to demolish the Taj Mahal and sell off the marble. According to

    Bentinck's biographer John Rosselli, the story arose from Bentinck's fund-raising sale of discarded marble from

    Agra Fort and of the metal f rom the Great Agra Gun, the largest cannon ever cast, a historical artifact which

    dated to the reign of Akbar the Great .[4][5]

    Bentinck returned to the UK in 1835, refusing a peerage, and again entered the House of Commons as a

    Member for Glasgow .

    [edit ]Personal life

    Bentinck married Lady Mary, daughter of Arthur Acheson, 1st Earl of Gosford , in 1803. The marriage waschildless. He died in Paris on 17 June 1839, aged 64. Mary died in May 1843 .[1] The department of Manuscripts

    and Special Collections, The University of Nottingham holds the personal papers and correspondence of Lord

    William Bentinck (Pw J), as part of the Portland (Welbeck) Collection.

    [edit ]The Charter Act Of 1833

    The Charter Act of 1833 was passed during the time of Lord William Bentinck. Accordingly monopoly of the

    company was abolished. Governor-General in Bengal became the governor-general of India. This act added a

    law member to the executive council of the governor-general.The Bishops of Bombay.Madras and Calcutta

    were to be appointed for the benefit of the Christians in India.
