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LORD’S DAY WORSHIP Building the Family of God - Ephesians 2:19-22 First Presbyterian Church is a reformed, confessional, ordinary means of grace congregation that exists to exalt God, edify the saints, evangelize the lost, and extend the love, mercy, and mission of Christ locally and around the world. Reformed: We find our roots in the 16th century Protestant Reformation and affirm the five solas of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Sola Fide (Faith Alone), Solus Christus (Christ Alone), Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) and Soli Deo Gloria (To the Glory of God Alone). Confessional: As a member church of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), we embrace and confess that the doctrine found in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter and Larger Catechism is the most faithful summary of scriptural teaching. The PCA’s slogan encapsulates well our beliefs: “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, Obedient to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.” Ordinary Means of Grace: We believe God builds His Church and promises to bless Her through His ordinary means of grace, which are: the Word (especially preaching), Sacraments (biblically regulated worship), and Prayer. SUNDAY MORNING SUNDAY EVENING WHO WE ARE of FPC & CSCA CHRISTMAS CAROL SING WITH JESUS IN GLORY Dr. Andrew J. DiNardo FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH www.fpccoralsprings.org Office: 954-752-3030 Emergencies: 954-461-7283 Office hours: Tuesday through ursday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM CORAL SPRINGS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 954-752-2870/www.csca.us MINISTRY STAFF Rev. Dr. Andrew J. DiNardo ................................................................................................................ Senior Pastor Teri Severine......................................................................................... Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor Rev. John Moore ........................................................................... Assistant Pastor, Minister of Music/Pastoral Care Rev. Jason Paugh ....................................................................... Assistant Pastor, Youth & Family/Campus Minister Rev. Dr. Addison P. Soltau .................................................................................. Assistant Pastor, Teaching/Missions Rev. Pablo Toledo ....................................................................................... Assistant Pastor, Spanish Ministries/ESL Rev. Michael S. Weltin .........................................................................................Assistant Pastor/Bible Dept. Chair Joseph E. Sanelli .....................................................................................................................CSCA Head of School CJ Baik ......................................................................................................................................... Concert Manager Kent Barnhill .............................................................................................................................................. Organist Catarina Combs .................................................................................... Office Assistant/Special Events Coordinator Sara LePorte ................................................................................................................................... Nursery Ministry Soyoung Park ........................................................................................................................................Accompanist Rev. Jason Paugh .....................................................................................................................High School Ministry Kathern Saltsman ................................................................................................................ Administrative Assistant Teri Severine................................................................................................. Children’s and Middle School Ministry DECEMBER 18, 2016

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Building the Family of God - Ephesians 2:19-22First Presbyterian Church is a reformed, confessional, ordinary means of grace congregation that exists to exalt God, edify the saints, evangelize the lost, and extend the love, mercy, and mission of Christ locally and around the world.

Reformed: We find our roots in the 16th century Protestant Reformation and affirm the five solas of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Sola Fide (Faith Alone), Solus Christus (Christ Alone), Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) and Soli Deo Gloria (To the Glory of God Alone).

Confessional: As a member church of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), we embrace and confess that the doctrine found in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter and Larger Catechism is the most faithful summary of scriptural teaching. The PCA’s slogan encapsulates well our beliefs: “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, Obedient to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.”

Ordinary Means of Grace: We believe God builds His Church and promises to bless Her through His ordinary means of grace, which are: the Word (especially preaching), Sacraments (biblically regulated worship), and Prayer.







FPC & CSCA ChriStmAS CArol SingWith JeSuS in glory Dr. Andrew J. DiNardo

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHwww.fpccoralsprings.org

Office: 954-752-3030 Emergencies: 954-461-7283Office hours: Tuesday through Thursday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

CoRAl SPRINgS CHRISTIAN ACAdEmY954-752-2870/www.csca.us

mINISTRY STAFFRev. Dr. Andrew J. DiNardo ................................................................................................................ Senior PastorTeri Severine .........................................................................................Administrative Assistant to the Senior PastorRev. John Moore ........................................................................... Assistant Pastor, Minister of Music/Pastoral CareRev. Jason Paugh ....................................................................... Assistant Pastor, Youth & Family/Campus MinisterRev. Dr. Addison P. Soltau .................................................................................. Assistant Pastor, Teaching/MissionsRev. Pablo Toledo ....................................................................................... Assistant Pastor, Spanish Ministries/ESLRev. Michael S. Weltin .........................................................................................Assistant Pastor/Bible Dept. ChairJoseph E. Sanelli .....................................................................................................................CSCA Head of SchoolCJ Baik ......................................................................................................................................... Concert ManagerKent Barnhill ..............................................................................................................................................OrganistCatarina Combs .................................................................................... Office Assistant/Special Events CoordinatorSara LePorte ...................................................................................................................................Nursery MinistrySoyoung Park ........................................................................................................................................AccompanistRev. Jason Paugh .....................................................................................................................High School MinistryKathern Saltsman ................................................................................................................ Administrative AssistantTeri Severine ................................................................................................. Children’s and Middle School Ministry

December 1

8, 2016





Pray for our church family

Jorge rosenfrieD: Has one more hurdle to overcome before he can have knee surgery next month

military Kristin almonD: Serving in Washington State

lance fisher: Serving in Coloradomichael Pianelli: Serving in Japan

exPectant mothers

michelle Paugh anna Powell symPathy

Our sincere sympathy is extended to the family of libby Seeburger, whose mother passed earlier this month. May God comfort Libby and her extended family during this time.

ongoing health concerns

the PersecuteD church

Remember to pray for those around the world who are suffering for the cause of Christ, many being killed for their faith. For more information on the persecuted church please visit The Voice of the Martyrs at www.persecution.com.

*Brian McKelligett, Clerk * Ed Barnhill III * Dr. Charles Carraher

*Bob Demick *Ken Dowdall *Carlton Lewis *Greg Miseyko

*John Park *Jim Raspolich *Dean Williams, Sr. Dr. Ed Barnhill, Jr.

Peter Dora Wills Ryan

Pray for our ruling elDers:

* Elders & Deacons currently sitting on Session or Diaconate

*Gene Gionti, Chairman *Mike Attanasio,Vice Chmn *Ken Almond *Brad Barnhill *John Fisher *Andy Holz

*Locksley Hudson *Matt Johnston *Tim Kelly *Dennis Kuyper *Bob Logan *Jeff Ostroff

*Larry Padgett, Jr. *Bruce Phegley *Jamey Poole *Bob Schiffbauer *Scott Seeburger *Bryan Tauzer

*Joe Verderame Don Dunkerley Brad Lindbergh

Pray for our Deacons:


Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday in Advent. The advent season anticipates our celebration of the birth of Christ. Anticipation is an important part of every believer’s life. In Old Testament times the people of Israel anxiously awaited the coming of the Messiah and the inauguration of His kingdom. Today, we too should be waiting with the same urgent expectancy as the Israelites of old. But our anticipation is the Lord’s second advent – when He comes in glory at the sound of the trumpet to bring final victory over sin and death. We are also celebrating the Lord’s Supper today, and we include both our English and Spanish-speaking members throughout the entire service. All of the congregational hymns, therefore, will have verses in both English and Spanish. Since we celebrate the Lord’s Supper only a few times a year, it is good that our entire congregation can remain together throughout the entire service. Today Pastor Drew interrupts his sermon series in Mark to preach a sermon titled, With Jesus in Glory, based on John 17:24. This verse is part of what many theologians have called the “True Lord’s Prayer,” which encompasses all of chapter 17. In this passage, Jesus acts as our great High Priest and intercedes for His people. Jesus addresses God as His heavenly Father. This word is used over one hundred times in John’s Gospel, and in this prayer of chapter 17, it is found six times. While Jesus prays for many things in this passage, He does not request temporal prosperity for either the disciples or the church. Rather, He prays for holiness and unity on earth and for the gathering of His saints in heaven. To be with Christ is the supreme yearning of the Christian (Phil. 1:23; 1 Thess. 4:17). We close today’s service with the Medieval Latin carol, Good Christian Men, Rejoice. This hymn is the product of two men who were persecuted for their Christian convictions, endured personal hardships, lingering illness, and who died in relative obscurity. Though both had vowed to serve the Lord and take the message of salvation to the world, they both probably believed that they had accomplished little of lasting value as they struggled to follow their call. For Heinrich Suso and John Mason Neale, nothing could be further from the truth. Good Christian Men, Rejoice broke all the rules of the time for hymns written in the 12th century. Christian music of that era was usually solemn, based on the Latin text of Scripture, and never written in the common language of the people. These men broke all three rules: the hymn embraced the joy of being a believer and used common language that any child could understand. Please join us as we sing of the joy we have in Christ:

“Good Christian men, rejoice, with heart, and soul, and voice; now ye need not fear the grave: Jesus Christ was born to save! Calls you one and calls you all to gain his everlasting hall. Christ was born to save!”

Evening Tonight, in lieu of our usual evening service, we are having our annual FPC/CSCA Family Hymn Sing. Join us tonight for a time of seasonal fellowship. This is an event where the congregation gets to pick their favorite Christmas hymns. The Trinity Hymnal will be made available to all who come, and everyone is invited to select one of the several Christmas carols offered there. The FPC Sanctuary Choir and the CSCA Vocal Ensemble will help make this a wonderful time of singing, praise and fellowship.


Pray for our missionaries:Al & Rene Barth, EuropeWayne & Ann Curles, SE AsiaEsaÏe & Natacha Etienne, HaitiJoe & Beverly Fitzpatrick, Puerto RicoCraig & Heather Gahagen, PerúChuck & Debby Garriott, Washington, DCSteve & Eloise Hoke, Colorado Brad & Stacey Hunter, Austria

Woody & Carmen Lajara, Latin CountriesKen & Tammie Matlack, GermanyMike & Robin McMahan, ZimbabweMichael & Pearl Oh, JapanKurt & Marlene Schimke, UgandaPeter & Dagmar Smuts, S AfricaDony & Sharon St. Germain, Haiti

Pablo & Sheri Toledo, FPC Spanish/ESLNelly Vos, FranceGordon & Marilyn Woolard, Native AmericansLee & Sarah Wright,

RUF at UCFRusty Wright, CaliforniaJ.G. & Daryl Zoellner, Canada

walter collins

lourDes corDero

locKsley huDson

bob Koenes

marilyn lester

stePhanie loPez

anDrew menDola

betty moccia

Don o’Keefe

Kit shaw

chucK watt

waDe wittenKeller

Pray for the lost: your family, frienDs, coworKers, anD neighbors



CommUNIoN SUNdAYDecember 18, 2016

greetings and Announcements During the Prelude, the congregation is invited to a season of silent and reverent preparation for corporate worship.

The Prelude An APPAlAChiAn ChriStmAS arr. Waldrop

FPC Sanctuary Bells

Striking of the Hour

lighting of the Advent Candle

The Call to Worship John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Invocation and lord’s Prayer(All:) Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Introit unto uS A Child iS Born Carter

Unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders. A Child is born, a Child is born!

The Sanctuary Choir

* Denotes congregation standing

mISSIoNARY ASSoCIATE oF THE WEEk “We are slowly adjusting to life as a family of five.” So reads the letter from lee and Sarah Wright, missionary Associates of ours since just years ago. Why adjusting? Some of you have already guessed. Lee and Sarah had their third child, a boy named max. He is two months old by this time and perhaps they have done all the adjusting they need to do. As I hope most of us know, Lee is a campus minister on one of the largest university campuses in the US. This is the University of Central Florida. There is no end to the matters to which Lee must attend. He holds Bible studies, sets up fun times for his RUF kids, looks for ways to minister to the thousands of kids on the UCF campus . Does his ministry make a difference? Here are testimonies from three who have been impacted by his ministry: “When I talk about what I do in college, I think about RUF (Reformed University ministries) and how God worked in my life through RUF. I had no idea how important it would be.” “RUF is the most Gospel-lived-out community I have ever been to and ever seen.” One more: “When I got involved in RUF I really learned the value of relationships, the value of a relationship with God and with one another.” These are samplings of some of their reflections. Reaching students for Christ, leading small groups, leadership training plus dreaming up a variety of activities. This comprises Lee’s life. It’s too bad we don’t see him doing all this. Lee and Sarah are only a three or four hour drive away in Orlando. Even if we can’t see them, we can bring them before the Lord doing this week – a busy week to be sure with Christmas so near, but we must not neglect to pray. Let’s pray in the midst of all our busyness and expect the Lord to answer.

lee & Sarah Wright

General Fund Snapshot: Fiscal Year (July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017) 12/11/2016 Year to Date What we received from you: What we needed from you: Difference:

Missions Snapshot: Fiscal Year (Jan. 1, 2016 - Dec. 31, 2016) 12/11/2016 2016 TotalsWhat we received from you:What we needed from you: Difference:

Thank you for your continued support of our Missionaries!


$ 14,522 $ 14,423 $ 99

$ 320,925 $ 346,152 $ -25,227

faith Promise 2016 2016 Total Needed: $ 103,200 Received to date: $ 93,525Balance Remaining: $ 9,675

$ 1,295 $ 1,985 $ -690

$ 93,525 $ 99,220 $ -5,695

* The opening Hymn No. 195 Joy to the World! the lord iS Come Watts


Joy to the world! The Lord is come: let earth receive her King; let every heart prepare Him room, and heav’n and nature sing, and heav’n and nature sing, and heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing.VERSE 2

Joy to the earth! The Savior reigns: let men their songs employ; while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy, repeat, repeat the sounding joy.

VERSE 3Al mundo paz, el Salvador en tierra reinará!Ya es feliz el picador,Jesús perdón le da, Jesús perdón le da,Jesús, Jesús perdón le da.


He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of His righteousness and wonders of His love, and wonders of His love, and wonders, wonders of His love.

The Confession of Sin (based on the Ten Commandments)

Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against You and Your commandments.

For not having worshipped You only,

forgive us;

for having taken Your holy name in vain,

forgive us;

for not keeping Your Sabbath holy,

forgive us;

for not honoring our fathers and mothers, and those in authority over us,

forgive us;

for taking life, through gossip, word and deed, offending and hating our neighbor,

forgive us;

for having been unchaste, indulging in adulterous thoughts words and actions,

forgive us;

for having stolen,

forgive us;

for bearing false witness, failing to defend our neighbor’s honor and reputation as our own,

forgive us;

and finally, for having coveted,

forgive us. Forgive them all because of your great goodness. Through Jesus Christ, our lord. Amen.

The Assurance of Pardon Isaiah 53:6, 12

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned - every one - to his own way; and the lord hAS lAid on him the iniquity of us all.… he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors”.

* The Confession of Faith (The Apostles’ Creed)

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born of the virgin Mary.  He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell.  The third day he rose again from the dead.  He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.  From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy *catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.  Amen.

*The word catholic is not referring to the Roman Catholic Church but to the universal Church:  all true believers throughout all ages.

* The gloria Patri

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen

Pastoral Prayer

Worship through Tithes and offerings

The offertory go tell it on the mountAin arr. Helvey

Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go, tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born. While shepherds kept their watching o’er silent flocks by night, behold, throughout the heavens there shone a holy light. The shepherds feared and trembled, when, lo! above the earth rang out the angel chorus that hailed our Savior’s birth. Down in a lowly manger our humble Christ was born, and God sent us salvation that blessed Christmas morn.

The Sanctuary Choir

* doxologyPraise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below: praise Him above ye heavenly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

offertory Prayer

Children’s PrayerChildren in grades K-2 may be dismissed for Children’s Church.

The Sermon With JeSuS in glory Pastor Drew DiNardo

John 17:24 (pg. 903 in the pew Bible)

* Communion Hymn No. 420 At the lAmB’S high FeASt We Sing

CampbellVERSE 1

At the Lamb’s high feast we sing praise to our victorious King,who has washed us in the tide flowing from His pierced side;praise we Him, whose love divine gives His sacred blood for wine,gives His body for the feast, Christ the Victim, Christ the Priest.


Elevemos al Creador nuestros himnos de loor, pues los campos visito con Su rica bendición.Ya la siege terminó, la cosecha se guardó; el invierno llegará, pero nada faltará.


Mighty Victim from the sky, pow’rs of hell beneath Thee lie;death is conquered in the fight, Thou hast brought us life and light:hymns of glory and of praise, risen Lord, to Thee we raise;Holy Father, praise to Thee, with the Spirit, ever be.

Sacrament of the lord’s SupperFirst Presbyterian Church welcomes all baptized Christians who are willing to turn from their sin and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation to receive Holy Communion with us. If you are not able to receive Communion, please use this time to meditate on one of the following prayers:

Prayer for Those Searching for Truth. Lord Jesus, You tell us that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Please help me to count the cost of following You as I consider the reasons for doing so. If what You claim is true, please guide me, teach me, and open me to the reality of who You are. Give me an understanding of You that is convincing, and that leads me to the life You promise. Amen.

Prayer of Belief. Lord Jesus Christ, I admit that I am weak and my sin is great, but Your grace is greater than all my sin. In Christ I am loved and accepted. I thank You for paying my debt on the cross by receiving the condemnation I deserved, in order to offer me complete forgiveness. Knowing that You have been raised from the dead, I turn from my sins and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Amen.

* Hymn of Response No. 207 good ChriStiAn men, reJoiCe

Medieval Latin Carol


Good Christian men, rejoice, with heart and soul and voice; give ye heed to what we say: Jesus Christ is born today; earth and heav’n before Him bow, and He is in the manger now. Christ is born today! Christ is born today!


Cristianos hoy cantad a Dios con alma, corazón y voz; grata nueva escuchad, Jesucristo ya nació.Los pastores honra dan al Niño allá en el portal. Cristo ya nació, Cristo ya nació.


Good Christian men, rejoice, with heart and soul and voice; now ye need not fear the grave: Jesus Christ was born to save! Calls you one and calls you all to gain His everlasting hall. Christ was born to save! Christ was born to save!

* Benediction


* Denotes congregation standing

WEEklY PARTICIPATIoNFor week of: 12/18/2016 - 12/25/16SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICESWorship 10:30 AM and 5:30 PM

SUNDAY MORNING No Sunday School (Classes will resume on 1/8/17) Pancake Breakfast Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser/9:30 AM-10:20 AM/Cafeteria

During 10:30 AM Worship Service:Infants & Toddlers/Birth-23 months/Room 142DTwos-PreK-4/24 months & older, not in Kindergarten/Room 117AChildren’s Church/Kindergarten-2nd Grade/Room 115ASUNDAY EVENINGCongregational Prayer Meeting/5:00-5:30 PM/FPC Welcome Center FPC/CSCA Family Carol Sing/5:30 PM/SanctuaryMONDAYESL Classes/7:00-9:00 PM/Cafeteria/Pastor ToledoFaro Theology Class (Spanish)/7:00-9:00 PM/FPC Welcome Center/Pastor ToledoTUESDAYMen’s Lunch/11:30 AM/Lester’s Diner/Pastor DiNardoWEDNESDAYSanctuary Choir/7:00 PM/Room 145D/Pastor MooreSpanish Prayer Group/Grupo de Oración/7:00 PM/Off Campus/Pastor ToledoYoung Adults’ Bible Study/7:00-9:00 PM/Off Campus/Joey Raspolich & Gavin FelixCHRISTMAS EVE (SATURDAY)Christmas Eve Candlelight Services/5:00 PM & 7:00 PM/Sanctuary

CHRISTMAS DAY (SUNDAY)Christmas Day Services/9:00 AM & 5:00 PM/SanctuaryNo Congregational Prayer Meeting

LOOKING AHEADSunday School Classes Resume – January 8, 2017Golden Eagles Luncheon - January 12, 2017

hanDicaP accessible restroom is available in the fPc welcome center.

Tonight: FPC/CSCA Carol Sing at 5:30 PMDecember 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 5:00 & 7:00 PM

December 25: Christmas Day at 9:00 AM & 5:00 PM


ANNoUNCEmENTSwelcome visitors & guests If you are visiting us today, please fill out the COMMUNICATIONS CARD on the back of your bulletin, we would love to get to know you better. Please contact the church office at [email protected] or 954-752-3030 for more information on FPC’s worship services or ministries.giving enveloPes 2017 The envelopes have arrived and are available in the breezeway-just find your name alphabetically. If you use giving envelopes on a regular basis, there should be a set there for you. fPc/csca christmas carol sing Come out Sunday, December 18th at 5:30 PM for a special night of singing and fellowship. The evening will include singing of traditional hymns and carols by FPC Choir, CSCA Ensemble, and you. Please bring a dozen or so of your favorite Christmas cookies to share for the fellowship time following the service.christmas eve nursery We will provide nursery for children under 3 years old, during both Christmas Eve services and need volunteers to staff them. Please see Sara Le-Porte this morning to provide our many visitors with a loving, safe place to join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!get connecteD Get connected and enjoy fellowship and friendship by joining a Community Connect Group at FPC! If you would like to be in a group, or are not sure which one you are in, please contact Catarina Combs by email at [email protected] or call (954)-752-3030.thanK you! On behalf of School Board, staff, students, and parents, I want to person-ally thank the FPC congregation for your support and encouragement during our two performances of “The Spirit of Christmas”. A very special thank you to the FPC Concert Choir for making these performances so wonderful and for being a great example and role model for our CSCA students. And to Pastor John Moore, you are so greatly appreciated, loved, and respected. What a great blessing to both the FPC and CSCA Communities, THANK YOU for all of your efforts and most importantly for your servant’s heart in leading the Fine Arts Department for CSCA. Joseph E. Sanelli – CSCA Head of Schoolchurch office hours During this holiday season, the church office will have limited hours from December 22th to January 3rd. If you have an emergency and need to speak to a pastor, please call the FPC emergency number at 954-461-7283. For all other inqui-ries, please use the main church number 954-752-3030 (these messages will be checked frequently) or email correspondences can be sent to [email protected] are inviteD Please join us for the rite of marriage of Catarina Combs and Nicholas Lamberti. We would like to extend an invitation to all our FPC friends and family to attend our ceremony on New Year’s Eve, Saturday, December 31, 2016 at 6:00 PM in the FPC Sanctuary.fPc fooD Drive The FPC Food Pantry is now collecting non-perishable food and canned foods, as well as, toiletries to assist struggling church members, ESL students, and others in our community who are in need. Flyers listing our current needs and sug-gested food items are located in the breezeway and donations are collected before and after the service. You can also give gift cards to Publix, Walmart, Target, or monetary donations (mark check memo: Mercy Food Pantry).

ANNoUNCEmENTS missionary christmas gifts The Golden Eagles would like to send a Christmas gift to each of our Missionary Associates in the amount of $100.00 each. Since we have 21 associates, the amount needed is $2,100.00 and the seniors need your help. They would love for others to participate in this worthy project-individuals, families, Bible study groups, and Sunday school classes. Please mark all gifts “Missionary Christmas Gift” on the memo of the check or envelope and we’ll make sure to send the gifts in time for Christmas. fPc wish list There are some improvements and repairs needed in the Sanctuary and on campus, which are outside of our current, reduced budget. We are hoping to raise additional funds for secure exterior side doors, interior painting, an outdoor monitor (for announcements, promotions), expansion of the welcome center/campus bookstore (seating, shelving), landscaping (plants, flowers, trees, mulch), and additional signage. We would like to raise approximately $10,000 to help secure, expand, and beautify our church campus. If you would like to donate, above your regular tithe, please designate “FPC Wish List Donation” on the memo of your check or envelope.