lori smith libs 6991 philosophy statement


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Page 1: Lori smith libs 6991 philosophy statement

Lori Smith

LIBS 6991

Philosophy Statement

A library is a classroom, a store, and a meeting place. It is a place to learn, get the

resources that you need, and a spot to spend time talking to and learning from interesting

people. Librarians serve as the teachers, cashiers, and the hosts of gatherings. They facilitate

learning, make sure the shelves are stocked, and plan events that bring groups together to


Schools and education are ever changing. The librarian has to stay current and be aware

of those changes and have materials to go along with them. The librarian needs to put his or

her personal views and opinions aside when acquiring materials. Librarians need to treat

patrons with respects regardless of their differences. Another way that librarians demonstrate

ethical behavior is by respecting and upholding the privacy of the users.

Another important attribute of a librarian is flexibility. The librarian’s duties do not only

include reading and technology. The job does not only take place within the walls of the library.

The librarian has many duties that take him or her outside of the library itself. In order to

collaborate and best serve the students and the school, the librarian has to go into the

classrooms to observe teachers and students. This gives the librarian the opportunity to see

firsthand what the students are doing and which methods and tools to use to in order to

support learning.

Page 2: Lori smith libs 6991 philosophy statement

Whether public, academic, or school, a library is a place to go for assistance achieving

goals. It is the go to spot for asking questions, for obtaining information for completing

assignments, and for gaining personal knowledge. The librarian serves as the facilitator for this

wealth of information. He or she needs to be friendly and courteous and take this responsibility

seriously. A librarian needs to have personal and professional goals and continually reflect and

assess in order to make sure that they are heading in the right direction.

In order to be successful and achieve those goals, he or she needs to be a leader, a

teacher, and a learner. The librarian needs to attend continuing education courses as well as

continually working on his or her leadership skills. He or she needs to use reflection as a means

to identify areas of need in order to improve upon their knowledge and skills. The librarian

needs to be prepared, knowledgeable, and available to provide assistance. Without the

librarian there would be no library. He or she is the heart of the library, without the heart

nothing else works as intended.