los angeles daily herald (los angeles, calif. : 1884) (los

ADVERTISED LETTERS. I.lst of Letters Remaining Uncalled For at the «.os Angeles Postolllce July 8, 1888. LADIES LIST, Abrams, Miss Sadie Adarga, Guadape Adams, Miss Nellie Alexander, Mrs Bob Alexander, Rhea Aunin, Mrß Carrie Aralza, Sra Dona RD Armstrong, Mrs W P Auerbach, Mrs D Barsserant, Madame Baird, Mrs A J Baca, Miss I Bailey, Mrs CC Baldwin, Mi's Cora 2 Baer, Sara Bittie, Miss L Bedford, Miss Lulu Btdell, Miss M Bell, Miss Lue 2 Bell, Mrs Bane Beutley, Miss Mollie Bergtr, Mary Best, liertha Berlin, Mrs I M Blxby, Mrs Anna lilackman, Mrs C B Hlanchard, Miss II Bias, Miss Mary Blankford, Mrs Belle Blair, Mrs LL Bogan, Mrs S Bouldeu, Mrs Rosa Bowman, Misb F Bowe, Mrs Ella Bowen, Mrs M E Bowles, Miss Lulu Bradley, Miss XE Butler, Miss Jessie 2 Urackett, Miss F Brandt, Mrs MC Brainard, Mrs H Brown, Mrs Alex Binkholder, Miss X Burns, Miss Mary Bush. Mrs Emma Callaway, Mias Emma Caplinger, Mrs E J 3 Camerou, Miss Stella Capps, Mrs M Campbell, Carrie Campbell, Mrs D A Caroline, Mrs Grace Cardwell, Mrs S N Cashin, Miss Maggie Cbamblin, Miss Julia Chapiu, Mrs 8 F Clanoy, Mrs Miunie Clark, Mrs A P Clark, Mrs J Clelland, Mrs Louisa Cook, Mrs Came Colborn, Mrs Miry Collier, Miss Minnie Compton, MrsSusan II Conn, Miss Isabella Colby, -Mrs M A Conner, Mrs JJ Condet, Mrs Rev Cooper, Ester Cormick, Mrs G W Cornell, Miss Francis Costa, Miss M Z de Cristy, Mrs AB Craig, Mrs Jas Calakagon, Miss Kate Dunn, Mrs R C Duncan, Mrs M Dunn, MrsSarah Douthet, Miss V B Dennis, Mrs 8 B Dunn, Mrs RR Davis, Nellie Davis, Miss AB Davia, Mrs Amelia Davison, Hss Mabel Dalgalaranda, Miss F Dyer, Mrs Elissa Elina, Miss Lillian Ellis, Miss Annie Ellis, Mrs Ella Estudiilo, Mis3Kay Exton, Miss Farry, Miss Ella E Ferguson, Miss Llllio Finley, Miss Nora Fay, Miss Barbara Fernandez, Antouia Friel, Mrs AB Freeman, Mrs Mary Fisher, Miss Minnie Fletcher, Miss Florence Garcia, Ralelita Gelmore, Miss Blanche Gooding, 3.:iss Ella Gucnier. Mrs S Gould, Miss Nellio Graves, Mrs Geo A Graham, Mrs H Gugg, Mrs AE Griffiths,Miss Emma Gress, Mles Anna Griffery, Mrs Parthuna Houston, Virgie D Howe, Miss Eva Holmeß, Miss May Uuedl, Miss Mary Hills, Miss Ella HeEsel, MrsL C Hesß, Mrs B L . Henslee, Mrs LE Hawker, Mrs C E Hays, Miss R Hawker, Mrs Ella Hafis, Mrs SS Haskell,MrsCatherine 2 Harris, Miss Sarah Harris, Miss Mabel Harris, Mrs Annie E Handy, Agnes E Hanchette, Mrs E B Hansen, Mrs Weils P Hamiltou, Mrs Almiro Hamilton, Miss Hall, Miss Matie Hall, Mrs Annie Hollingsworth, Mrs UL Haleck, Mrs F M Hurlburt, MrsEHa R lies, Mrs AA Irwin, Mrs Nellie B Ilmarß, Misi WW Johnson, Mrs Chas Jome, Miss Lizzie Joy, Miss MinnieD Josleyn, Mrs Clara E Jameson, Miss Carrie Knight, Mrs M T Keyes, Miss Cornie P Kelly, MrsMary A Lambte, Miss Jannie Lander, Mrs Ellen Lane, Mrs A S Latham, Mrs J X S Lee, Mrs Rachel Lee, Mrs Bessie Louis, Mrs S Edgar Lisalda, Susana Lewis, Miss Minnie Lines, Mrs Mattle Loveless, Mrs Martha Lovejoy, Miss Clara Louise, Madame Lubas, Helelaiclce Lucontsh, Mrs Eliza Lord, Mrs G A McCarty, Mrs M E McCann, Mrs Wm McClusky, Mrs Tilley McCoullough, MrsLon McCurdy, MaryD McCarty, Mrs Llbbie M McFarland, Mrs R McDonald, Mrß Mary McDanell, MraMary Mcintosh, Mrs Jennie L McLellan, Miss Hattie McMuray, Mrs T McLaughlin, Mrs M E McMahan, Mrs Annie McLean, Mrs. Wm McMerney, Mrs Marie McSatchie. Mrs J Mackay, Mrs Jessie Macauly, May Man, Gertrude Mandis, Mrs F Marsh, Misß Kittle Martin, Fannie Mays, Mrs L A Matthews, W H Mrs Moran, Miss XA M"isel, Mrs J C Muir, Miss HX Mephcun, Mrs M MeelanahaD, Miss Ncl- Meo, Mrs X lie Merrill, Mrs 8 D Milliken,Mrs 8 M Milleson, Florence Miller, Mrs W H Miller, Mrs Gus Mitchell, Mrs Sue G Mitchell. Mrs Wm Mohn, Mrs JJ Morten, MlssG 0 Moore, Mrs A S Moore, Mrs WE Moore, Mrs Hattie Munroe, Miss Alice Mutes, Miss Lena Munn, Mrs Judge Murray, Miss Ethel F Myers, Miss Emma Myers, Mrs George R Norton, Mrs S H Norton, Miss Nettie Nichols, Miss M B Northrop, Miss J Newell, Mrs Emily Newkirk, nattie Nenler, Mary Neuffer, Mrs E Nelson, Emma Noel, Miss R Neil, MrsEbing O'Connor, Miss C Potts, MrsR H Potter, Mrs G H Pratt, Miss A Pratt, Lizzie J Potts, Carrib B Plumber, Orrie S Piatt, Mrs Isabel Pike, Miss Emma Pierce, Mrs Ellen L Pierce, Miss Lillie Pistor, MrsJ Pettiboue, Mrs E F Pestor, Mrs Peslor, Mrs Susie Petterson, Miss EB Perry, Miss Lizzie Peabody, Mrs W E Paul, Miss Laura J Patterson, Mrs M J Patton, Miss Susie Patty, Mrs R M Parson, Miss Lilly Page, Miss Purchase, Mrs 8 U Purdy, Miss Carrie Russell, Mrs E Russell, Mrs MaryG Rize, Mrs Sylua Ruhtow, Ida M Rowe, Mrs Jennie Rousseau, Mrs Gesine Russell, Mrs E M Rouse, Miss Lena Rose, Mrs Mary Roper, Miss Minnie Romero.Miss Maria A Rogers, MrsA L Royer, Miss Olena M, Robinson, Miss Lizzie Relley, Madam Rice, Mrs S G Rich, Mrs AG Reys, Flora ? Reenes, Flora Reimer, Miss Helen Read, Mrs Mary Read, Mrs Maggie Reed, Mrs Wm. Schley, Miss E Sanchez, Barbara Sanborn. Miss Sanford, Miss Amanda Sanford, Miss Margret Sargent, Miss O C Saunders, Miss Eliza Bchueseler, Mrs M E Schultz, Mrs Minnie Schultz, Mrs Alice Schultz, Minnie Scalt, MA Segillia, MrsEmlline Seifert, Mrs Birdy Sepulbeda, Luisa Shaul, Miss Maude Bhackleford, Miss MaryShaw, Mrs M Simmonds, Miss Josie Sloan, Mrs Mary Smith, Miss Lucy Smith. Mrs Laura Q Snyder, Mrs T E Soubrallet, Pauline Spaulding, Miss J T 2 Spence, Anna W Sauarres, Miss Martha Steams, Miss Lizzua Stevenson Miss Stella Stephenson, Miss Sletta Stilwell, Mrs M A Stone, Mies Ella Sulliuem, Miss Mattle. Taft, Mrs C Taburn, Mrs J M Thoellden, Mrs 8 Thoney, Miss C Thornton, Mrs M L Therman, Mrs Sylvia Thomas, Mrs Amllla Thomson, Mrs W R Towsend, Mrs N W Truscult, Mrs Florence Treal, AllieV Trane, Mrs George Trumbull,Mrs W C Turner, Mrs J X Thompßon.Mrs Ella. IJpather, Florence Urwin, Mary Valenzuela, Valoma A Van Cleve, Mrs B I G Vennum, Mrs Frank Virgin, Mrs S A Warner, Mrs Susan Warren, Miss Abbie Watts, Mrs Julia Walkinß, Mrs H 2 Wavne, Mrs Jas Weaver, Mrs Pugh Wills, MrsE H Wescott, Mrs 8 M Wescott, Mrs H F Wilkson, Miss Frankie Wilke, Mrs T Wilder, Mrs WE Wilkins, Mrs Wikon, Miss Lizzie Wikon, Miss Lillie Wise, Miss May Winstantlev, Mies L White, Mrs AV Wright, Mrs Will Wright, Mrs J W Whitworth, Mrs Eliz Whiting, Mrs R Whysong, Miss B Whittham, Mrs Yerkes. Mrs M OENTB' LIST. Allison, Amos Alauzet, Jos; Aldrich, Alden Alvarez, Antonio Altland, E M Alexander, S II P Allen, Henry G Allen, H Allen, Thos C Allen, Walter 8 Allen,Jos Amenijo, Peppino Amaroso, Giuseppe Ambrose, Jules Angell, Chas F Andreße, Martin Anderson, B D Anderson, Jas R Anderson, W Andrews, Geo 2 Applegate, R O Ardell, Chas Arzave.G Arvett, W H Ayers, Emil Ausbro, Henry Alauzet, Monseur Abarta, Chas Abila, Guadlupe Abarta, Valentin Adams, Geo W Abila, Rafael Bacon, Jno H Bachman, Jos Baiesly, Frank Bailey, D J Bailey, MB Baker, Carlo Baker, Thos X Baker. Chas Baker, J Baugarth, C Bok», Jos H Bajlies, F G Baxter, Emmett Beandag, Chas Bcamer, Frank Beatty, Harry W Baker, Jos H Baldwin, N B Bannerman, A J Barber, Dr E T Ba c, Dr Jno 8 Barnes, B G Barnes. L Z Barnes, P F Barron, Q C Barry, AA Barsby, Thos 2 Bartlett, Barton. E D £? ie },' . ? v Bast WH Beaudlon, Louis E Beckman, Willy S e)lam . y 'J°J? Jr Benton, Ncpolion Benuett, H W Beretta, F Beckermerger, Hem- Btcket, Asher *fch Bickermeler, H Bishop, Wm Blake, Clarence H Blanchard, Geo w Blair, LL Blanchard MA Blakney, Chas T Bodman, XH Borhucke. Max A M Boles, Jesse Bond. W F Bonner, Wm Bostwlck, EH Boyle, P 8 Brand, Thos H Branham, Chas A Bregg, Jot E Barnes, Jos Brede, C M Bruker, Francis Brindle, Hlran Bronson, ME Brook, Albert Brinso, Dallas Bromer, Frank Brown, Edwin Brown, Dr C B Brown, H A Brown, IB Brown, G M D Brown, NH Brown, Bandell A Brown, LE Bruce, Jo Brudien, A Burts, Mr Burwcll, J B Bnrdon, Rowland Bachellcr. Chas A Croskey, Judge Clark, J F Clark. Matt Clark, Wat X Clark, O H Clement, Charles Clogston.gamuel Clum, George A Clutterbach, J Cohn, Simon Cook, B J Cocke, J R Colligan, Thomas 2 Cooke, R G Chamblln, Capt AT Coolbaiigh, J H Coleman, Dr WB Cole, Wm Collins, Jerry Collins, T A Coinptc, J A L Coney, Hugh Conily. A Ci,nklin, William Connolly.Stere ConnetT, Thomas Condell, W N Collister, Monroe Callaway, D Barton (2) Carroll, WC Carol, Franklin Carrillou, Chas A (2) Carrick, Mr H 8 Carboue, Mr Louis Carlsson, Mr clans Carnes, AH Carlev, Patrosse Carson, T II Curr, R Carr, C H Carter, H W Cillgore, CA Cassell, Dr F M Case, C W Chaperwall, Joe Chapman, John Charez, Lucianne Charles, Pattrosse Chartlon, W R Chess, R B Carrllle, Adolpho 0 Christopher, M Chubb, O T Church. Wm Lee Clark, Alfred H Clark, Frank Cooper, F J Cooper, Wm B Corwin, James S Castella, John E Coulter, WM Cox, John Crolly, Frank Crosscn, J A Crosscn, Morton- Ceutton, J B Cunningham, J W Dalton.John 2 Dalton, M M Damra, Andy Dalgam, William Davis, Chas Davis, Edwin P Davis, JJ Davis, Sidney Davis, WilliamH Dean, J HT De Boulder, F B Deck man, P W Debamatyr, Dr EB De Lopez, Josephs A Denitie, Frank Dezter, Ed Dickerson, G Dillon, Jos H Dihorf, L Dimhart, Henry M Dye, M B Dill,Mr Doblin, Mr Dockery, C A Domiugues, Mater Domingucs, Joe Damiugues, Namon Dorney, Col PH Dorr, Chas H Doull, AP Downs, J M Downing, HV Dunning, F L Durjlap, FK Duncan, Ben Durkee, Chas C Dustin, Joseph H Dykes, Francis Dutton, J II 2 Edwards, W S Egan, Thos Eggleston, Samuel E'.dridge, G F Edward, Joseph Engle, Noah England, James Eniwi, James Erikeen, B Easelel, Samuel Ewiug, Olliy Everhart, WF Knert, Charles F Espey, Charles E Emmanuel, Dlstuite Espinosa, Diego England, Jas Faber, Mich Fagley, W J 2 Fair, C B Farmer, AL Federlco, Manuel Ferran, C Ferris, Mont Fernald, F-L Fish, W H Fischer, Wm Fitzpatrick, John Fitsimmons, J F Fleming, C W Fogal, Lawrence Ford, Henry Foreman, Abo Forrost. Qane Foster, Frank Fouts, AA Fowler, AB Francisco, V Franklin, Thomas Fergies, Wm D Frazer, L Fryberger, Cliff Fuller, Fred N Fisher. W W. tialatoire, J P Gallup, Jno Adam Gartling, Geo Garamyo, Alberto Garrison, S M Gardner, J P Gardner, W L Gasser, Geo Gibson, ET Giddings, B F Gilchrist, Angus Glllman.Jas Gillespie, 8 C Gilbert, C W Grordan, Goßepp Gleaaon, Jno Goodsell, L A Gardner, J P Goodwin, G I Goodwin, G A Goodwin, H T Gorland, Jas W Gramberg, Jno Granman, H Grant, Jno R, 2 Grant. J R Graves, Arthur Gray, LF Gregory, B M Greening, R Green, Mai Grifiln, Judge J E Griffith, A G Gross, C t Gerowe, Wm, 2 Groce, Courtney L Grover, Owen Gulll,Wm B Guird, Jose Guheen, Jno Gumarson, Gustof Gum, R Habiz, Senor Don Jose Haigler, John S Haller, LF Hall, Henry G Haines, G H Hamilton, WM Hamilton, Thos Hammond,CW Hauish, G A 2 Hannon, MM Hanson, Albert Harburn, Arthur H Harrigan, John Harryman, Van Harmon, F E Harrington, E Harrington, Mike Harris, Abraham Harris, John A Harris, Lour Hartman, Bill Hartley, EA Harvey, J H Haskell, Dave Haseh.CarlA Hayward, Paul Hazeldine.G Hoskins.Mß \u25a0» Hede, Gustavo Heart, Chas Heusen, Otto G Hcrancourt, Geo L Herman, L M Heyberg, Henry Howard, Dr 2 Hickson, I M Hickey, Jas Heinsath, Frank Hickman, Patrick Higgins, Thos Higgins, Thos C Hlguera, Elpidio Hillcr, Chas Hillum, Jas Hinds, Ira B Hisman, F Hogan, Will Hogan, Mowrica Hort, Stephen Holmau, Chas Holtzman. Walter Holland, W S Hopkins, 0 G Homer, Geo C Hooser, G W House, W J Houck, AB Houston, A J Howgood, Harry Hoover, Michael H Howard, Elmer D Howe, Geo A Hovt, Geo Hubbard, E S Huff, William Hughes, Chas Hull, Geo Humphrey, T M Hurlbut, D S Hurley, P D Hutchins, E H Howell.Conapicion G de Harae, Herman E Ingrime, Sherdan Irwin. Jas Ingersoll, C T Jackson, Sam Jackson, Wm C Jackson, Wm Jackson, Frank Janson, August Jansson, P Jandel, J A Janney, Chas Jewett, J Fred Juda, Pedro Junklns, Jos W Jenkins, Wm H Johuson, Anton Jessup. Al Jessup, R W Jump, W H Julm.J Johnston, Harry Johnston, Jno Johnson, Juo D Johnston, J F Jones, Geo C Jones, Cbas H Jones, HA Jones, Evan Jones, Wess Krepps, Robt J Krause, Robt Koenig, Carl T U Koller, Jno Korlkcnbeck, Emil Knox, Ja«P Kneshler, Jno Kirkpatrick, T A 2 King, Watson King, T H King, Geo King, Frank Kimball. Geo Kindt, J P Ke'lcr, Geo Kienzle, FF Kidd. 0 G Kershaw, Thos Kerling, Jno Kellogg, Fred Katz, M Kelley, P D Keller, N H Keely, Thos Keller, Franz Kearney, Jno Kelly, Th Keltering, Jacob I.aminos, Juan Labourdette, P Laßranch, Louis Lamon.JnoW Landers, W H Lancefleld, VP Lane, Harry Lang, MG Latini.Sig Lawlor, J M Lawrence, T P Lebery, L G Leffler, Wm Legault, Fred Lachner, Mike Leman, Harry ijendberg, A J Leisenring, Dr P J Levi, Frank Leyecster, C 3 Lewis, Geo Lewis, J M Lewis, Thos Lewis, VC Lunides, Miguel Line, G W Lynne. G W Lyle, N R Lore. John W Lore, W E Lockington, Geo Lee, B F Longhead, R H Lou, Dr Lonyo, Guiseppe Lopizicb, Mick Lorell, Rollin Leven, Albert Lott, Alpuel Loare, J Livingston, Geo Littlefleld, Richard Lomb, A Linn, FE HI aim, Mr and Mrs Mack, J W Martin, L Marston, Walter Marks, Key JJ Mathews, E Mattlngly, A Maus, B G Mayo, EH Meacham, Chas M Mayburry, H M Maxwell, Ed ? McCormick. WB McClure. T M McCloy, E C McCollough, J H McCurdy, WS McCue, J A McEwin, Wm McGovern, Frank McKenzie. Alex Mcintosh, Wm W McLain, Jas McKinley. Mr and Mrs McKinnon, J W Mcßay, W T McLellan, Alex McMahon.DrM S McNulty, John McTague, John Melbeck, F W Mentzer, IF Meenzhuber, Xavor Mentzer, F Merriman, CE Miller,Robt Middlewood, Jos Milllken, Jas Miller, Henry D Moody, W C Mitchell, Wm Mills, 8 S Mitchell, Jeff Monohon, Henry Mougoven, J Monfant, Bernard Montano, F Morago, Conception Morf, Fred Moretti, Attelio Moore, John E Moore, L W Moore, FF Morrison, John Mott, ? Moss, Wm B Myers, LC Myren, Jao Murphy, Edward Murry, Coleman Munroe, Jas Muller, Fred Myren, John Mulrhead, C R Norton, Frank S Norriss, J A Necmalnn, F Nlcolsen, Walter Nadeau, Napoleon Nance, E W Nelms, A M Newton, C D Nichols, W B Norton, Edgar S Nunes, Geo A Osborn, John 2 O'Neil, David Oman, Alfred R Odebury Will O'Brien, Thomas O'Cana, V Ogeden.J Ohlalendaulph, Gus Ollne, Joo Olson, C L Owens, Joseph Oiner, WE J Page, Geo Patross, Charles Patrick, O F Parker, C C Parkson, C J Parker, Mr Payue, Dr Payne, C Paen, Lazan Padilla, J G Prichard, W B Phelps, HEN Plckerdon, John Pedro, 8 D Pierce, James Polly, Porter Poland, Jno S Porty, J Poler, Wm Powell, W D Pratt, Walter P.att, Frank Pcrharn, F E Pfaffenberger, Reub Pvle, WW Pugh John Price, Lewis L Pruitt, M I tluisadi, Jose J D Ruth, Clayton Rlesgo, Manuela Rutan, C E Ruppcrt, Sam Richmond, John Ribeiin, George Reynolds, Oilman W Ross, James Riggs, J A Robertson, Samuel Robinson, Alex Robinson, J C Roadhouse, Joseph Riley, locH Ramain, Joseph W Ray, Edward Ramirez. Francisco Kawson, Rev Geo A Kamey, X M Racine. Anthony Radonle, G Rains, M W Ragland, Theo F Hanson, Cal Ray,.Charlcß Reade, Edward Bomenlco, C Roccker, Eugene Rein, Merrecles Receste, Merlca Stephenson, Dr A Stephens, Seth B Stewart, WA Staber, Chas Slory, C T Strother, Wm Styles, Wm Hale Storr*, Harry A Stubblefleld, Moses Stuyvesant, J B Switzer, John Swingles, John Swanßon, Chas A Swayer, A W Sounenberg, Fred Spicer, B M StandilV, TII Sauton, Thomas Steele, C A Sturm, Joe Stephens, H Stephens, Gray Sinns, Ed Slever, Aron Shoner, John Shelerston, Mell Sbepard, Lants Shea, T W Slosen, J S Smith, E J Sinns, EP Simmonds, John Sitton, R E Skinner, F P Slack, John Smith, A J Smith, F Smith, Edward M Smith, Henry Shaw, Frank Smith, Jann G Shaughnesy, Jos Scaly, Geo Seller, F Schumser, A Scaly, Geo A Scudamore, Robt J Scott. Elisha W Swartz, Chas Sim, B F Schenc, John Schenck, John Sarrail, R Sargent, Jno Sargent, Morrill Jr Sager. Geo Salle, P Sample, S E Bammon, Patrick Turner, R M Towne, S D Towne, Geo W Townsend, Capt Tucker, S D Trolseng, H Tyler, Harry G Tucker, C P Tunnell, M L Tracy, G F Tanner, John Taylor, TJ Taylor, G A Thorms, A W Tucker, Charley P Turner, J F Thomas, Mr Tollie, Frank Tonnciur, Giacocuc Trumble, Andrew F Thompson, G L Taylor, John G Upton, B R Vosburg, C H Van Horn, B F Vanzanat, Job R Vauter, J E Villa.Mamerte Virgin,E P Veceirche, Peter Venieres, August Wilds, J Whitelev, E S Whitcomb, L White, D G Welkins Wilkinson, H Ward, C B Wassman, Dr Max Webb, EE Williams, F D Wilson, Henry Weiblel, Clemens Watkins, Sam Wilkerson, Thos H Willis, S R Wilson, Lestis S Williams, G N Warner, Emory Williams, Jas II Wehle, Lucas Watts, Jas R Watson, Dr Chas D Wehe, Geo. Watry, Grey Walser, Peter Walter, Carl Wallls, Daniel Waldon, A Whclan, H Wilson, Will Wllhelm, Mat Wagner, Fredrick Wadsworth, Jag M White, W H Wolf, Herman Wills, E S Wright, Silas Wolvcrtm, D C Wooley, EB Wood. Wm A Wiseman, J D Whitney, H A Wisemsn, Geo W Wills, JC Winter, David Wilier, MG Werner, Johann Winterwortb, Dr Weyland, Jas Waktor, Hinte Young, Geo Zarate, Felipe Zannotte, Mr Alpolph Zimmerman, Luther M Zollinger, Mr Albert * Zappa, Pritsiulle. LARGE LETTERS. Collins, Mrs Jennie Johnson, Mrs Annie L Kahu, Mrs Margarett Marshall, E M Malcolm, N Merrill, J B Pfaffenberger, Rev L Pfeiter, Mr Ed Pratt, A 0 Pound, Wm Serran, LF Standard Brick Co Tucker, Mr C P Underwood, William Watson, Geo Clarke Whitney. Philura Walker, Melville E Yarrow, 11 Hardy, Isaac B PACKAGES. Armstrong, Mrs F X Castellan, Herrn 2 Duncan, Mrs J F McKenzie, Rosamond Pol, Bernard Robinson, J J Stayton, Mrs Bailie White, Mrs J P FIRMS. 8C and Co AS Kellogg &Co Editor Volksblatt Bradley &Co Clausson & Miller Banning Land and Pomona Land and Water Co Water Co Mersch &Bros E. A. Preuss, P.M. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalize!-. It never fails to cure. THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1888. 7 LEOAE. Of tbe State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles. Sidney Armstrong, plaintiff, vs. Alice C. Arm- strong, defcnc ant. Action brought in the Superior Court of the Stale of California, in and for the County ofLos Angeles, and the Complaint filed insaid Couuty of Los Angeles in, the oflice of the Clerk of said Superior Court, i The People of the State of California send greeting to Alice C. Armstrong, defendant. You are hereby required to appear in an ac- tion brought against you by the above-named plaintiff, in the Superior Court in the State of California, In and for the County of Los An- geles, and to answer the Complaint filed there- in, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this Sum- mons, if served withinthis county, or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days, or judgment hy default will he taken against you according to the prayer of said Complaint. The said action is brought to obtain a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiffand defendant upon the gronnd of wilful desertion. Refer- ence is had to Complaint for particulars. And you are hereby notified that if youfail to appear and answer the said Complaint as above required, the said Plaintiffwill apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. Given under my hand and the seal of the Su- perior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, this 20th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight [seal. 1 C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. By J. M. Dunsmoor, Deputy Clerk. F. V. Bell. Attorney for Plaintiff. ]e22 fri lOt ROPOSALS FOR MINERAL OIL- Head- quarters Department of Arizona, Office of the Chief Quartermaster, Los Augeles, CaL, June 22, 1888 ?Sealed proposals will be re- ceived at this office, and at the office of the Dis- trict Quartermaster, Santa Fe, N. M,, until 11 o'clock on Monday, July 23,1888, and opened immediately thereafter in tho presence of bid- ders, for furnishing and delivering to tbe Quar- termaster's Department at Santa Fe, N. M., dur- ing the fiscal year ending June 30,1889, 60,000 gallons of mineral oil in cases of two five-gallon cans each. Preference given to articles of do- mestic prodnctlonand manufacture, conditions of price and quality being equal, and such pref- erence given toarticlesof American production and manufacture produced on the Pacific coast to the extent of the consumption required by the public service there. Specifications, in- structions to bidders and blank forms of pro- posal will be furnished on application to this office, or to the District Quartermaster at Santa Fe, N. M. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A. S. KIMBALL, Quar- termaster U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster, je22 4t jy2l-22 TO CREDITORS. Estate of A. H. Reavis, deceased, Not<ceis hereby given by the undersigned administrator ol the estate of A. H. Reavis, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhibit the tame, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at the office of Good- win & Reavis' Carriage Company, number 225 North Main street, of Los Angeles City, in the County of Los Angeles. Dated this sth day of June, A. D. 1888. jeB-fi!st W. E. RBAVLI. JjTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Robert Turnbull, deceased.?Notloe is hereby given by the undersigned admii is- trator with will annexed of the estate of Robert Turnbull, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said de- ceased, to exhibit the same, withthe necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice to the said admin- istrator, at the office of F. R. Willis, at to mo- at-law, ro jms 52, 54 and 56 in the Downey Block, City of Los Angeles, State of California, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate in the county of Los Angeles, California. Dated this 20th day of June, A. D. 1888. Z. DECKER, Administrator with will annexed of the estate ot Bobert Turnbull, deceased. F. R. Willis, Attorney for Administrator. jy7-wklyst TO CREDITORS. Estate of St George Freeman, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned adminis- tratrixof the estate of Bt. George Freeman, de- deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to ex- hibit the same with the necessary vouchers, withinfour months after the first publication of this notice to the said administratrix at hsr house at Sierra Madre, in the County of Los Aa- geles, the place of business for the admlnlstr i- tion of said estate. Dated this 19th day of Juue, A. D. 1888. je2o WOiot FANNY FREEMAN. LEGAL,. Notice for Publication, TTNITF.D STATES LAND OFFICE, LOS AN- U geles. California, Aprll2oth, 188S ?Notice is hereby given that the Occidental Asphalt Com- pany, a corporation under the laws of the State of Nevada, whose Pestoffice address is "care of M. R. C'alg, Newhall, Los Angeles county, Cali- fornia." has i bis day filed its application for a patent for the following placer mining claims, namely: tbe "North Star Oil Claim," and "Menlo Oil Claim," the "Belmont Oil Claim," and the "Central Oil Claim," situated in the San Fernando Petroleum Mining District, countvof Los Angelea and State of California, and designated by the field notes and official plats on file In this office as lots numbers 40, 11. 42 snd 43 in Township 3 north, Range 17 west, San Bernardino base and meridian. The mining claim embracing said lots and for whichsaid patent is sought is described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the established southeast corner ol the "Pico Oil Springs" mine, as per official survey, and running thence, on a true meridian, the variation of the magnetic needle being 11° 20' east, north 45.45 chains, to a post, the same being Station 2 and the northwest corner of the "Menlo Oil Mine:" thence east 1274 chains to a 4x4 charred red- wood post 4 feet long in a mound of sand rock 31 Inches indiameter and 31 Inches high on the line between fractional Sections 1 and 2, Town- ship 3 north, Range 17 west, San Bernardino base and meridian; thence north along the line between said fractional Sections 1 and 2, Township 3 north, Range 17 west, San Bernar- dino base and meridian, 18.95 chains to the established corner to said fractional sections 1 and 2, the same being station lad the nortb west corner of -the "North Star Oil Miue;" thence north 88° 38' east, along the south bound- ary of the "Rancho San Fraucisco" 79.08 chains to a post upon tbe range Hue between Ranges 16 and 17 west, San Bernardino base and me id- ian, said post being Station 4 and the northeast corner of said "North Star Oil Mine," and f;om which tbe established corner to Townships 3 and 4 north, Ranges 1Gand 17 west, San Bernar- dino base and meridian, bears north 11' west, 10.36 chainsdietant; thence south 11' east along said range lice 20 SC, chains to a post, the same being Station 3 and tho southeast corner ol said "North Star Oil Mine;" thence west 31.29 chains to a post, the same being Station 3 and the northeast corner of the "Belmont Oil Mine:" thence south 15 15 chains to a post, the same being Station 4 of the "Bel- mont Oil Mine; thence west 15.15 chains to a Sost, the same being Station 5 of the "Belmont 11 Mine;" thence south 30.30 chains to a live- oak stake 30iache8long in a mound of sind rock 30 inches indiameter aud 30 inches high at the point for Station 6 and southeast corner oi said "Belmont Oil Mine;" inthe wash of a ra- vine running west, where it is impracticab'o to establish a permanent corner, and fiom which a 4x4 charred redwood post 4 feet long marked BO on west side, and WC, for witness coruer, to Station 6 of said "Belmont Oil Mine," iv a mound of sand rock 88 inches lvdiameter and 36 Inches high bears west 33 links distant, said live oak stake being Station 6 and southeast corner of said "Belmont Oil Mine;" thence east 15.15 chains to a post, the same being Station 4 and northeast corner of the "Central Oil Mine;" thence south 12 73 chains to a post, the same being Station 3 and southeast corner of said ' Central Oil Mine;" thence west 60.60 chains to a post, the same being Station 2 and southwest corner of said "Central Oil Mine;" thence north 12.73 chains to the point of commencement. Magnetic variation 14° 20' east. Containing 464.14 aores. The location of this mine is recorded In the office of the Mining Recorder of said Ban Fer- nando Petroleum Mluiug District, inbook "D" of mining claims, at pages 6 to 35 thereof. The adjoining claimants are: On the east the "Baker Oil Claim" »nd on the west the "Don Juan Claim" and the "Pico Oil Springs" mine. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said "North Star Oil Claim," "Menlo Oil Claim," "Belmont Oil Claim" and "Central Oil Claim," or the surface ground therein eon - tamed, are required tofile their adverse claims with the Register of the United States Land Office, at the city of Los Augeles, inthe county of Los Angeles, State of California, during the sixty days period of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute, je23wkljlot H. W. PATTON, Register. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, LOS AN- gelee, California, April20th, 1888,?Notice is hereby given that the Occidental Asphalt Com- pany, a corporation uudesthe laws of the State of Nevada, whose Post Office address is ' care of M. R, Craig, Newhall, Los Angeles couuty .Cal- ifornia," has this day filed Its application for a patent for the following placer mining claims, namely, the "Arcadia Oil Claim," the "Csmu- los Oil Claim," and the "Alameda Oil Claim," situated in the San Fernando Petroleum Min- ing District, county ofLos Angelea and State of California, and designated by the field notes and official plats on file In this office as lot No. 44 In Township 3 north, Range 17 west, and lots number 42, 43 and 44 in Township 3 north, Range 16 west, San Bernardino base and me- ridian. The miningclaim embracing said lots, and for whloh said patent Is. sought. Is described as follows, to-wit; Commencing at a 4x4 charred redwood post 4 feet long, from which the es- tablished corner to Townships 8 and 4 north. Ranges 16and 17 west San Bernardino base and meridian, bears north 9' east. 60.15 chains distant, said post being Station 1 and north- west corner of the "Arcadia Oil Miue," nud running [hence east, on a true meridian, the variation of the magnetic needle being 14° 35 east, 45-45 chains to a post the same being Sta- tion 2 of the ' Camulos Oil Mine;" thence south 4 54 chains toa post, the same being Sta- tion 3 of said "Camulos Oil Mine;" thence east 45.45 chains to a post, the same being Station 2 and the northeast corner of the "Alameda Oil Mine;" thence south 40 chains to a post, the same being Station 8 and the southeast corner of said "Alameda Oil Mine;" thence west 14.86 chains to a post, the same being Station 6 of said "Camulos Oil Mine;" thence south 7.78 chains to a post, the same being Station 7 of said "Camulos Oil Mine;" thence west 42.41 chains to a post, the came being Station 8 of tatd "Camulos Oil Mice;" thence north 12.32 cholns to a poet, same being Station 9 of said "Camulos Oil Mine;" thence west 33.63 chains to a post, the same being Station 4 and the southwest corner of said "Arcadia Oil Mine;" thence north 40 chains to a point of commeuc- mcnt. Magnetic variation, 14° 35' east. Con- taining 401.96 acres. The location of thi mine is recorded in the office of the Mining Recorder of said San Fer- nando Petroleum MiningDistrict, inbook "D" of mining claims, at page 35 to 00 thereof. The adjoining claimants are: On the north tho "Hudson Oil Claim;" on the south the "EncinoOll Claim"and the"Rlncon Oil Claim,' and on the west the "Excelsior Oil Claim." Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said "Arcadia Oil Claim," "Camulos Oil Claim" and "Alameda Oil Claim," or the surface ground therein contained, are required tofile tboir adverse claims with the Register of the United States Land Office, at the city of Los Angeles, in the county of Los Angeles, State of California, during the sixty days period of publicatiou hereof, or they will he barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. a2l-wklyloU H. W. PATTON, Register. JN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of the State of California, in and for the county of Los Angeles. Betty L. Adams, plain- tiff, vs. John Q. Adams, defendant. Action brought inthe Superior Court of the State of California, inand for the county of Los Ange- les, and the complaint filed In said county of Los Angeles, in the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court. The people of the State of California send greeting to John Q. Adams, defendant: You are hereby re- quired so appear iv an action brought against you by the above-named plaintiff inthe Superior Court, in the State of California, inand for the County of Lob Angeles, to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the ser- ; vice on you of this summons, if served within this county, or if served elsewhere withinthirty i days, or judgment by default will be taken i against you according to tbe prayer of said i complaint. The said action is brought to ob- tain the judgment of this court disolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and awarding the cus- tody of the minor children, issue of said marriage, to the plaintiff herein, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and for the costs of suit. Reference is had to complaint for par- ticulars. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said com- plaint as above required, the said plaintiff*will cause your default to be entered, and will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her com- plaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the Su- perior Court of the State of California, in and for the county of Los Angeles, this 9th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. IL. s. | CHARLES H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk, By T. B. Fanning, Deputy Clerk. John T. Jones, Plaintiff's Attorney. myl2wklylot TO CREDITORS Estate of Leonides Chavez de Martinez, de: ceased. Notice is hereby given by the under- signed Julian A, C. Martinez executor of the last will and testament of Leonides Chavez de Mar- ti nez,deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the Bald deceased, to ex- hibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said executor, at the offices of Lee & Scott, attorneys, rooms 18-21, Temple Block, Los Angeles City, California, the same being the place of business of said executor for the purposes of the estate. Dated this 20:h day of June, A. D. 1888. JULIAN A. C. MARTINEZ, Executor of the last will and testament of Leon- ides Chavez de Martinez. je2o-wklyst Ijljl.l 111 OTlci OF DISSOLUTION AND CERTIFI- cate of Copartnership. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the retail clothing firm heretofore existing under the name of the I oniion Cloth- ing Company, L. Harris <fc Co., proprietors, do- ing busiuess in the City of Los Angeles, Califor- nia, composed of Leopold Harris aud Beuno Jastrowitz, each having an equal interest there- in, is this dsy dissolved by mutual consent. The said Benno Jastrowitz withdraws from said firm and Herman W Frank succeeds to all his in- terest therein. The said Benuo Jastrowitz aud the said Leopold Harris continue as copartners inthe wholesale clothing business hitherto and now carried on under the name of L. Harris st Co., aud the said wholesale and retail business are Irom the date hereof to be carried on as sep- arate and distinct businesses, and independent the one from the other. The said new firm of the London Clothing Co. assumes all debts and pays all liabilities, and will collect all accounts, said old firm hereby dissolved having assigned said accounts to said new firm. And the said Leopold Harris and Herman W. Frank, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby certify that they constitute a part- nership transacting a retail clothing business at the City of Los Angeles, County of Los ADgeles, State of California. Its principal place of busi- ness is Los Angeles, California. Its name is Lo: don Clothing Company, Harris & Frank, proprietors, and the full names of all the part ners are as follows, to-wit: Leopold Harris, Herman W. Frank, and they and each of them reside in the City of Los Angeles, County of Loa Angeles, State of California. (Signet?) BENNO JASTROWITZ. Los Angeles. LEOPOLD HARRIS, Los Angelea. HERMAN W. FRANK, I.os Angeles. Dated Los Angeles, Cal., June 4, 1888. BTATE OF CALIFORNIA,) ? Couuty of Los Angeles, i On this 27th day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight, before me, Friend E. Lacey, a Notary Public in and for Los An- geles County, State of California, residingthere- Iri, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Benno Jastrowitz, Leopold Harris and Herman W. Frank, known to me to be the per- sons described iv and whose names are sub- scribed to the within instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that they executed the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year first above written. (seal) FRIEND E. LACEY, je29 30t Notary Fublio. TN THE SUPERIOR~COURT Of the County of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia. In the matter of Robert Eckert and Herrman Schosneman. partners as Eckert &Schoeueman, insolvent debtors.?Order Adjudication of In- solvency. Robert Eckert and Herrman Schoenemau having filed in this Court their petition, sched- ules and Inventories In Insolvency, from which itappears that they are and have been residents of the County of Lob Augeles, State of Califor- nia, for more than six months next preceding the filing of their petition, and that they have been partners intrade under the firm name of Eckert and Schoeueman, and as such partners as well as individuals, they owe debts exceed- ing inamount tbe sum of f5OO, and that they are as partners, as well as individuals, insolvent debtors, as they are hereby declared to be in- solvent. The Sheriff of the County of Los Angeles 1b hereby directed to take possession of all the joint stock and property of the partnership, and also all the separate estate of each of said part- ners, excepting such parts thereof as may be exempt by law, aud all deads, vouchers, books of account and papers, both of the partnership aud of said partners individually,aud to keep the same safely until the appaintment of an as- signee inthis matter. All persons are forbidden to pay any debts to the said insolvent debtorß, jointly or individu- ally, or to deliver any property belonging to them, or to either of them, or to any person, firm, corporation, or association, for their use, or that of either of them; and the said debtors, jointlyand severally, are hereby forbidden to transfer or deliver any property until the fur- ther order of this Court, except as herein or- dered. It Is further ordered that all tbe creditors of the copartnership aforesaid be and appear be- fore the Honorable W. P. Gardiner, Judge of the Superior Court of the County of Los An- geles, in open Court, at the courtroom of said Court, Department No. 2, Jones Block, in the City of Los Angeles, on the recond day of Aug- ust, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, to prove their debts and choose an assignee of the estates of said dehors. It Is further ordered that this order be pub- lished in the Los Angeles Daily Herald, a newspaper of general circulation, published in the County of Los Angeles, as often as the said paper is published, before the said day set for the meeting of creditors. And it is further ordered tbat in the mean- time all proceedings against the said insolvents, oragainst either of them, be stayed. W. P. GARDINER, Judge of the Superior Court. Dated Lob Angeles, CaL, June 29, 1888. ie3o 34t IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CAL- ifornia, County of Los Angeles, ss. Iv the matter of the Estate of Frederick Dorsey, deceased. Notice for publication of timefor proving will, etc. Notice is hereby given that Monday, the 2d day of July, 1888. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the courtroom of this Court, Depart- ment Two thereof, in the Jones Block, City of Los Angeles, County of Leg Angeles, and state of California, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing the application of Jane E. Dorsey and Walton G. Hughes, praying that a document now on file In this Court, purport- ing to be the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary with the will annexed be Issued thereon tothem, at which time and place all persous Interested therein may appear and contest the same. Dated 19th June, 1888. C. H. DUNSMOOR, County Clerk. je2o-25-jyl By F. B. Fanning, Deputy. jyrOTICE?TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Office, Los Angeles, Cal,, February 2, 1888. Complaint having been entered at this office by Thomas Downing against Stephen 8 Black for failure to comply with law as to Timber- Culture Entry, No. 585, dated December 17, 18S3, upon the BW. WSec. B,Tp. C N., R. 12 W., 8 B, M., in Los Angelea county, CaL, with a view to the cancellation of Bald entry: contest- ant alleging that said Stephen S. Black has not planted 10 acres of seeds, trees or cuttings upon said land and has not broken or cultivated 10 acres or any portion of said land, the said par- ties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 28th day of July, 1888, at 10 o'clock A. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerniug said alleged failure. J. D. BETHUNE, Register. je27 30t» I. H. POLK, Receiver. FOR PUBLICAtTon] Land Office at Los Angeles, Cal., June 13,1888. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Los Angeles, on August 3, 1888, viz.: Frederick R. Keym, D. 8. No. 4U70, for the NW. '4 Sec 10, Tp. 7 N , R. 13 W. He names the following the witnesses to i prove his continuous residence upon, and cul- tivation of, said land, viz.: R E. Paulsen, H. Hollenby, P. Morris, D. Kidson, allot Maynard P. 0., California. Jel* 30t* H. W. PATTON, Register. a^OTICR U. S. Land Office, Los Angeles. Cal.,) February 2,1888 ( Complaint having been entered at this office by John R. Hollamby against Charles T. Mitch- ell for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 1552, dated February 1,1884, upon the NW W Sec. 14, Tp. 7 N? R. 13 W? 8. B. M . In Los An- geles County, Cal., witha view to the cancella- tion of said entry; the said parties are hereby , summoned to appear at this office on the 3d day of August, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. sr., tore- spond and furnish testimony coucerning said ' alleged abandonment. (Signed) J. D. BETHUNE, Register. (Signed) I. H. POLK, Receiver. je29 30t TN THE SUPERIOR COURT, Of the State of California, in and for the i County of Los Angeles. Victor Dessery plain- : tiff vs. Julia St. P. Dessery defendant. Action 1 brought in the Superior Court of the State of i California, inand for the County of Los An- > geles, and the complaint filed in said County of Los Angeles iv the office of the Clerk of said i Superior Court. The people of the State . of California send greeting to Julia St P. i Dessery, defendant. You are hereby required i to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff 1 , in the Superior Court in the State of California, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (ex- clusive of the day of service) after the service onyouofthiß summons, if served within this county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days, or judgmem by default will be taken against you according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought by the plaintiff to dissolve the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and the defendant, on the ground of desertion, and for costs of suit. Reference is had to complaint for particulars aad you are hereby notified that if you fall to appear and answer the Bald complaint as above required, the said plaintiff will obtain decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony as afore- said and such further decrees as are prayed for inplaintiff's complaint. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Su- perior Court ol the State of California, In and for the County of Los Angeles, this 27th day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. [SEAL.| CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. By F. B. FANNING,Deputy Clerk. mi-12-lOt-wkly 1 LEGAL. JJESOLUTION. Resolution of tne Board of Supervisor* of tbe County of Los Angeles, adopted March 10, On motion of Supervisor Venable the follow- ing resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, California, was unani- mously adopted: Whereas, It appears that the property here- inafter described belongs to the County of Los Augeles, and is not required for public use, and that tbe sale thereof will be for the best inter- ests of said couuty; therefore be It Besolvett, That the Clerk of this Board be and is hereby directed to give thirtydays' notice by publication in the Los Angeles Daily Herald and Evening Express, newspspers published in said county, that said property will be sold at public auction at the door of the Court House of said county, on Main street, in the City of Los Angeles, California, on tbe 7th dayoi May, 18S8, at 12 o'clock M. of said day. to the highest bidder for caeh. The said parcel of land being situated iv the City of Los Angeles, California, aud being lot No. 1 (with or without improve- ments), of "Subdivision of County Hospital grounds," containing 7,403 acres, according to map thereof recorded on page 1, book 25, of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County aforesaid. Ihe Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, March 10,1888. mcbll-30! C. H. BUNBMOOR, Clerk. The above sale postponed until 12 m. Jnne 4, 1888. By order of the Board of Supervisors of Lett Augeles County, to be continued to July 2,1888. myll td C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT OF LOS ANQE- Ies Township, Couuty of Los Angeles, State of California. B. E. Taney, Justice of the Peace. O. H. Kiefer and P. P. Kiefer, co-partners, do- ing business under the firm name of Kiefer A Co., plaintiff, vs. W. J. Stevenson, defendant Summons. The people of the State of California send greeting to W. J. Stevenson, defendant You are hereby required to appear In an ac- tion brought against you by the above named plaintiffs in the Justice's Court of Los Angeles Township, Los Augeles County, State of Cali- fornia, and to answer before the Justice at his office, inthe said township, the complaint filed therein, within five days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this sum- mons, if served within the township in which this action is brought, or, if served out of said township, but in said county, within ten days; or within twenty days if served elsewhere. The said action is brought to recover of and from you the sum of 241,75 dollars alleged to be due plaintiffs for goods, wares and mer- chandise sold and delivered at defendant's special instance and request, to the amount of $144 25-100 having been sold and de- livered by plaintiffs; and the sum of $97 50-100 being for goods, wares and merchandise sold and delivered by S. Cohen & Co., which said claim was duly assigned plain- tiffs before the commencement of suit herein, reference being had to the complaint filed here- in; and you are hereby notified that If you fail to appear and answer said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will cause your default to be entered and take judgment against you for the sum of 241 75-100 dollars, together with costs of suit. Given under my hand this 18th day of April, 1888. B. E. TANEY, Justice of the Peace. Thos. B. Brown, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. my29-60t FOE, PUBLICATION. Land Office at Los Angeles. CaL, Jnne 13,1888. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Los Angeles, on August 3, 1888, viz. : Robert E. Paulsen, D. 8. Mo. 4672, for the SW. 14 Sec. 10, Tp. 7 N., R. 13 W. He names the following the witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz.: F. R. Keym, H. Hollenby, P. Morrl«, D. Kittson. Jel4-30t* H. W. PATTON. Register. FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Los Angeles, CaL, June 19,1888. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of - his claim, and that said proof will be made be- fore the Register and Receiver at Los Angeles, on August IS, 1888, viz : Henry Prentiss King, H. E. No. 3859, for the NE. Sec. 4, Tp. 8 N., R. 13 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz.: W. H. Marriott and John Savage, of Lancaster P. 0., Cal., E. A. Parker and Ira Ballard, of Maynard P. 0.. Cal. je22 30t* H. W. PATTON, Register. JN THE SUPERIOR COURT. State of California, County ofLos Angeles, ss. In the matter of the estate of Ernest Whit- aker, deceased. Notice for publication of time for proving Notice Is hereby given that Monday, the 2d day of July, 1868, at 10 o'clock a m. of said day, at the courtioom of this Court, Depart- ment Two thereof, in the Jones block. City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles and Stats of California, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing tbe application of James Henderson, praying that a document now on file in this Court, purporting to be tne last Will and Testament of the said deceased, be ad- mitted to probate, and that letters of adminis- tration withthe will annexed be issued thereon to Z. Decker, Public Administrator, at which time and place all persons interested therein may appear and contest the same. Dated 18th June, 1888. C. H. DUNSMOOR, County Clerk, Je2l-llt By F. E. Lowry, Deputy. |T OTICE?TIMBER - C ULTURE. * U. S. Land Office, Los Angeles, Cal, Febrnary 2,1888. Complaint having been entered at this office by Perry Olmstead against Patrick Crowe for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Cul- ture Entry No. 644, dated January 17,1884, upon the BE. y. Sec. 30, Tp. 8 »., R 15 W., in Los Angeles County, CaL, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that said Patrick Crowe has not done any plow- ing or planting on said tract, and that the same is in a state of nature, the said parties are here- by summoned to appear at this office on the 26th day ot July, 1888, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. J. D. BETHUNE, Register. I. H. POLK, Receiver. F. Jordan, Plaintiff's Attorney. Je2l 30t IN RE SALE OF COUNTY HOSPITAL PROPERTY. On motion of Supervisor Venable the follow- ing resolution was unanimously adopted, viz.: Whereas, It appears that the property here- inafter described belongs to the County of Los Angeles, and is not required for public use, and that the sale thereof will be for the best interest of said county: therefore he it Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to give thirtydays' notice, by publication in the Los Angeles Herald, Times, Tribune, Express, Telegram, German Post, La tropica, and Le Progress, newspapers pub- lished insaid county, that said property will be sold at public auction, at the door of the Court House of said county, on Spring street, In the cityof Los Angeles, CaL, on Monday, the 30th day of July, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, to the highest bidder for cash. Said property will be sold in single lots, as Ser map of "The Transit Tract," recorded in 00k 31, page 56, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles county, aforesaid. All lots in block B, irom 1 to 30 inclusive; all lots inblock C, from 1 to 34 inclusive, and all lots inblock F, from 1 to 30 inclusive, re- serving therefrom lota 11 and 12, inblock F, for street purposes. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Lithograph maps of said property can be bad of T. E. Rowan or R. A. Ling. By order of the Board of Supervisors of Log Angeles county, Cal. _jel4-td C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. OF FORECLOSURE SALE. M. G. McKoon, plaintiff, vs. James Gardiner, defendant ? Sheriffs sale, No. 7,272?Order of sale aud decree of foreclosure and sale -Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, issued out of the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, on the 23d day of June, A. D. 1888, In the above entitled action, wherein M. G. McKoon, the above named plaintiff, obtained a jndgment and decree of foreclosure and sale against James Gardiner, the above named defendant, on Ihe 13th day of June, A. D. 1888, for the sum of $1,482 ingold coin of the United States, whichsaid decree was, on the 21st day ot June, A. D. 1888, recorded in judgment book 8 of said court, at page 407 et seq., I am command- ed to sell all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Los Angeles, State of- California, and bounded and described as follows: Lot forty-four (44), Orange Heights, inthe city of Los Angeles, ac- cording to a survey and plat of said tract made by G. E. Pillsbury, which map Is entitled ' Orange Heights," and is recorded In book 18, page 63, of the Miscellaneous Records of Loa Angeles County, said State of California. Public notice is hereby given that on Wednes- day, the 18th day of July, 1888, at 12 o'clock at. of that day, in front of the Court House door of the Couuty of Los Angeles, on Spring street, I will, in obedience to said order of sale and de- cree of foreclosure and sale, sell the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessaiy to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, etc., to the highest and best bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States. Dated this 23d day of June, 1888. JAMES C. KAYS, Sheriff ofLos Angeles county.State of California, 1 Je24-td

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Page 1: Los Angeles daily herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1884) (Los

ADVERTISED LETTERS.I.lst of Letters Remaining Uncalled

For at the «.os Angeles PostolllceJuly 8, 1888.

LADIES LIST,Abrams, Miss Sadie Adarga, GuadapeAdams, Miss Nellie Alexander, Mrs BobAlexander, Rhea Aunin, Mrß CarrieAralza, Sra Dona R D Armstrong, Mrs W P

Auerbach, Mrs DBarsserant, Madame Baird, Mrs A JBaca, Miss I Bailey, Mrs C CBaldwin, Mi's Cora 2 Baer, SaraBittie, Miss L Bedford, Miss LuluBtdell, Miss M Bell, Miss Lue 2Bell,Mrs Bane Beutley, Miss MollieBergtr, Mary Best, lierthaBerlin, Mrs I M Blxby, Mrs Annalilackman, Mrs C B Hlanchard, Miss IIBias, Miss Mary Blankford, Mrs BelleBlair, MrsL L Bogan, Mrs SBouldeu, Mrs Rosa Bowman, Misb FBowe, Mrs Ella Bowen, Mrs M EBowles, Miss Lulu Bradley, Miss X EButler, Miss Jessie 2 Urackett, Miss FBrandt, Mrs M C Brainard, Mrs HBrown, Mrs Alex Binkholder, Miss XBurns, Miss Mary Bush. Mrs EmmaCallaway, Mias Emma Caplinger, Mrs E J 3Camerou, Miss Stella Capps, Mrs MCampbell, Carrie Campbell, Mrs D ACaroline, Mrs Grace Cardwell, Mrs S NCashin, Miss Maggie Cbamblin, Miss JuliaChapiu, Mrs 8 F Clanoy, Mrs MiunieClark, Mrs A P Clark, Mrs JClelland, Mrs Louisa Cook, Mrs CameColborn, Mrs Miry Collier, Miss MinnieCompton, MrsSusan II Conn, Miss IsabellaColby, -Mrs MA Conner, Mrs J JCondet, Mrs Rev Cooper, EsterCormick, Mrs G W Cornell, Miss FrancisCosta, Miss M Z de Cristy, Mrs ABCraig, Mrs Jas Calakagon, Miss KateDunn, Mrs R C Duncan, Mrs MDunn, MrsSarah Douthet, Miss V BDennis, Mrs 8 B Dunn, Mrs R RDavis, Nellie Davis, Miss A BDavia, Mrs Amelia Davison, Hss MabelDalgalaranda, Miss F Dyer, Mrs ElissaElina, Miss Lillian Ellis, Miss AnnieEllis, Mrs Ella Estudiilo, Mis3Kay

Exton, MissFarry, Miss Ella E Ferguson, Miss LlllioFinley, Miss Nora Fay, Miss BarbaraFernandez, Antouia Friel, Mrs ABFreeman, Mrs Mary Fisher, Miss Minnie

Fletcher, Miss FlorenceGarcia, Ralelita Gelmore, Miss BlancheGooding, 3.:iss Ella Gucnier. Mrs SGould, Miss Nellio Graves, Mrs Geo AGraham, Mrs H Gugg, Mrs A EGriffiths,Miss Emma Gress, Mles Anna

Griffery, Mrs ParthunaHouston, Virgie D Howe, Miss EvaHolmeß, Miss May Uuedl, Miss Mary

Hills,Miss Ella HeEsel, MrsL CHesß, Mrs B L . Henslee, MrsLEHawker, Mrs C E Hays, Miss RHawker, Mrs Ella Hafis, Mrs S SHaskell,MrsCatherine 2 Harris, Miss SarahHarris, Miss Mabel Harris, Mrs Annie EHandy, Agnes E Hanchette, Mrs E BHansen, Mrs Weils P Hamiltou, Mrs AlmiroHamilton, Miss Hall, Miss MatieHall, Mrs Annie Hollingsworth, Mrs ULHaleck, Mrs FM Hurlburt, MrsEHa Rlies, Mrs AA Irwin, Mrs Nellie B

Ilmarß, Misi W WJohnson, Mrs Chas Jome, Miss LizzieJoy, Miss MinnieD Josleyn, Mrs Clara E

Jameson, Miss CarrieKnight, Mrs M T Keyes, Miss Cornie P

Kelly, MrsMaryALambte, Miss Jannie Lander, Mrs EllenLane, Mrs A S Latham, Mrs J X SLee, Mrs Rachel Lee, Mrs BessieLouis, Mrs S Edgar Lisalda, SusanaLewis, Miss Minnie Lines, Mrs MattleLoveless, Mrs Martha Lovejoy, Miss ClaraLouise, Madame Lubas, HelelaiclceLucontsh, Mrs Eliza Lord, Mrs G AMcCarty, Mrs M E McCann, Mrs WmMcClusky, Mrs Tilley McCoullough, MrsLonMcCurdy, MaryD McCarty, Mrs Llbbie MMcFarland, Mrs R McDonald, Mrß MaryMcDanell, MraMary Mcintosh, Mrs Jennie LMcLellan, Miss Hattie McMuray, Mrs TMcLaughlin, Mrs M E McMahan, Mrs AnnieMcLean, Mrs. Wm McMerney, Mrs MarieMcSatchie. Mrs J Mackay, Mrs JessieMacauly, May Man, GertrudeMandis, Mrs F Marsh, Misß KittleMartin, Fannie Mays, Mrs L AMatthews, W H Mrs Moran, Miss X AM"isel, Mrs J C Muir, Miss H XMephcun, Mrs M MeelanahaD, Miss Ncl-Meo, Mrs X lieMerrill, Mrs 8 D Milliken,Mrs 8 MMilleson, Florence Miller, Mrs W HMiller, Mrs Gus Mitchell, Mrs Sue GMitchell. Mrs Wm Mohn, Mrs J JMorten, MlssG 0 Moore, Mrs A SMoore, Mrs WE Moore, Mrs HattieMunroe, Miss Alice Mutes, Miss LenaMunn, Mrs Judge Murray,Miss Ethel FMyers, Miss Emma Myers, Mrs George RNorton, Mrs S H Norton, Miss NettieNichols, Miss M B Northrop, Miss JNewell, Mrs Emily Newkirk, nattieNenler, Mary Neuffer, Mrs ENelson, Emma Noel, Miss R

Neil, MrsEbingO'Connor, Miss CPotts, MrsR H Potter, Mrs G HPratt, Miss A Pratt, Lizzie JPotts, Carrib B Plumber, Orrie SPiatt, Mrs Isabel Pike, Miss EmmaPierce, Mrs Ellen L Pierce, Miss LilliePistor, MrsJ Pettiboue, Mrs E FPestor, Mrs Peslor, Mrs SusiePetterson, Miss E B Perry, Miss LizziePeabody, Mrs W E Paul, Miss Laura JPatterson, Mrs M J Patton, Miss SusiePatty, Mrs R M Parson, Miss LillyPage, Miss Purchase, Mrs 8 U

Purdy, Miss CarrieRussell, Mrs E Russell, Mrs MaryGRize, Mrs Sylua Ruhtow, Ida MRowe, Mrs Jennie Rousseau, MrsGesineRussell, Mrs E M Rouse, Miss LenaRose, Mrs Mary Roper, Miss Minnie

Romero.Miss Maria A Rogers, MrsA LRoyer, Miss Olena M, Robinson, Miss LizzieRelley, Madam Rice, Mrs S GRich, Mrs AG Reys, Flora ?Reenes, Flora Reimer, Miss HelenRead, Mrs Mary Read, Mrs Maggie

Reed, Mrs Wm.Schley, Miss E Sanchez, BarbaraSanborn. Miss Sanford, Miss AmandaSanford, Miss Margret Sargent, Miss O CSaunders, Miss Eliza Bchueseler, Mrs M ESchultz, Mrs Minnie Schultz, Mrs AliceSchultz, Minnie Scalt, MASegillia, MrsEmlline Seifert, Mrs BirdySepulbeda, Luisa Shaul, Miss MaudeBhackleford, Miss MaryShaw, Mrs MSimmonds, Miss Josie Sloan, Mrs MarySmith, Miss Lucy Smith. Mrs Laura QSnyder, MrsTE Soubrallet, PaulineSpaulding, Miss J T 2 Spence, Anna WSauarres, Miss Martha Steams, Miss LizzuaStevenson Miss Stella Stephenson, Miss SlettaStilwell, Mrs M A Stone, Mies Ella

Sulliuem, Miss Mattle.Taft, Mrs C Taburn, Mrs J MThoellden, Mrs 8 Thoney, Miss CThornton, Mrs M L Therman, Mrs SylviaThomas, Mrs Amllla Thomson, Mrs W RTowsend, Mrs N W Truscult, Mrs FlorenceTreal, AllieV Trane, Mrs GeorgeTrumbull,Mrs W C Turner, Mrs J X

Thompßon.Mrs Ella.IJpather, Florence Urwin, MaryValenzuela, Valoma A Van Cleve, Mrs B I GVennum, Mrs Frank Virgin,Mrs S AWarner, Mrs Susan Warren, Miss AbbieWatts, Mrs Julia Walkinß, Mrs H 2Wavne, MrsJas Weaver, Mrs PughWills, MrsE H Wescott, Mrs 8 MWescott, Mrs H F Wilkson, Miss FrankieWilke, Mrs T Wilder, Mrs WEWilkins, Mrs Wikon, Miss LizzieWikon, Miss Lillie Wise, Miss MayWinstantlev, Mies L White, Mrs AVWright, Mrs Will Wright, Mrs J WWhitworth, Mrs Eliz Whiting, Mrs RWhysong, Miss B Whittham, MrsYerkes. Mrs M

OENTB' LIST.Allison, Amos Alauzet, Jos;Aldrich, Alden Alvarez, AntonioAltland, E M Alexander, S II PAllen, Henry G Allen,HAllen,Thos C Allen,Walter 8Allen,Jos Amenijo, PeppinoAmaroso, Giuseppe Ambrose, JulesAngell, Chas F Andreße, MartinAnderson, B D Anderson, Jas RAnderson, W Andrews, Geo 2Applegate, R O Ardell, ChasArzave.G Arvett, W HAyers, Emil Ausbro, HenryAlauzet, Monseur Abarta, ChasAbila, Guadlupe Abarta, ValentinAdams, Geo W Abila, RafaelBacon, Jno H Bachman, JosBaiesly, Frank Bailey, D JBailey, MB Baker, CarloBaker, Thos X Baker. ChasBaker, J Baugarth, CBok», Jos H Bajlies, F GBaxter, Emmett Beandag, ChasBcamer, Frank Beatty, Harry WBaker, Jos H Baldwin, N BBannerman, A J Barber, Dr E TBa c, Dr Jno 8 Barnes, B GBarnes. L Z Barnes, P FBarron, Q C Barry, A ABarsby, Thos 2 Bartlett,

Barton. E D £? ie},' . ? vBast W H Beaudlon, Louis EBeckman, Willy S e)lam.y'J°J? JrBenton, Ncpolion Benuett, H WBeretta, F Beckermerger, Hem-Btcket, Asher *fchBickermeler, H Bishop, WmBlake, Clarence H Blanchard, Geo wBlair, LL Blanchard MABlakney, Chas T Bodman, X HBorhucke. MaxA M Boles, JesseBond. W F Bonner, WmBostwlck, E H Boyle, P 8Brand, Thos H Branham, Chas ABregg, JotE Barnes, JosBrede, C M Bruker, FrancisBrindle, Hlran Bronson, MEBrook, Albert Brinso, DallasBromer, Frank Brown, EdwinBrown, Dr C B Brown, HABrown, IB Brown, G M D

Brown, N H Brown, Bandell ABrown, LE Bruce, JoBrudien, A Burts, MrBurwcll, J B Bnrdon, Rowland

Bachellcr. Chas ACroskey, Judge Clark, J FClark. Matt Clark, Wat XClark, O H Clement, CharlesClogston.gamuel Clum, George AClutterbach, J Cohn, SimonCook, B J Cocke, J RColligan, Thomas 2 Cooke, R GChamblln, Capt AT Coolbaiigh, J HColeman, Dr WB Cole, WmCollins, Jerry Collins, T ACoinptc, J A L Coney, HughConily. A Ci,nklin, WilliamConnolly.Stere ConnetT, ThomasCondell, W N Collister, MonroeCallaway, D Barton (2) Carroll, W CCarol, Franklin Carrillou, Chas A (2)Carrick, Mr H 8 Carboue, Mr LouisCarlsson, Mr clans Carnes, A HCarlev, Patrosse Carson, T IICurr, R Carr, C HCarter, H W Cillgore, CACassell, Dr F M Case, C WChaperwall, Joe Chapman, JohnCharez, Lucianne Charles, PattrosseChartlon, W R Chess, R BCarrllle, Adolpho 0 Christopher, MChubb, O T Church. Wm LeeClark, Alfred H Clark, FrankCooper, F J Cooper, Wm BCorwin, James S Castella, John ECoulter, W M Cox, JohnCrolly, Frank Crosscn, J ACrosscn, Morton- Ceutton, J B

Cunningham, J WDalton.John 2 Dalton, M MDamra, Andy Dalgam, WilliamDavis, Chas Davis, Edwin PDavis, J J Davis, SidneyDavis, WilliamH Dean, J HTDe Boulder, F B Deck man, P WDebamatyr, Dr E B De Lopez, Josephs ADenitie, Frank Dezter, EdDickerson, G Dillon, Jos HDihorf, L Dimhart, Henry MDye, M B Dill,MrDoblin, Mr Dockery, C ADomiugues, Mater Domingucs, JoeDamiugues, Namon Dorney, Col P HDorr, Chas H Doull, A PDowns, J M Downing, H VDunning, F L Durjlap, FKDuncan, Ben Durkee, Chas CDustin, Joseph H Dykes, Francis

Dutton, J II 2Edwards, W S Egan, ThosEggleston, Samuel E'.dridge, G FEdward, Joseph Engle, NoahEngland, James Eniwi, JamesErikeen, B Easelel, SamuelEwiug, Olliy Everhart, WFKnert, Charles F Espey, Charles EEmmanuel, Dlstuite Espinosa, Diego

England, JasFaber, Mich Fagley, W J 2Fair, C B Farmer, ALFederlco, Manuel Ferran, CFerris, Mont Fernald, F-LFish, W H Fischer, WmFitzpatrick, John Fitsimmons, J FFleming, C W Fogal, LawrenceFord, Henry Foreman, AboForrost. Qane Foster, FrankFouts, AA Fowler, ABFrancisco, V Franklin, ThomasFergies, Wm D Frazer, LFryberger, Cliff Fuller, Fred N

Fisher. W W.tialatoire, J P Gallup, Jno AdamGartling, Geo Garamyo, AlbertoGarrison, S M Gardner, J PGardner, W L Gasser, GeoGibson, ET Giddings, B FGilchrist, Angus Glllman.JasGillespie, 8 C Gilbert, C WGrordan, Goßepp Gleaaon, JnoGoodsell, L A Gardner, J PGoodwin, G I Goodwin, G AGoodwin, H T Gorland, Jas WGramberg, Jno Granman, HGrant, Jno R, 2 Grant. J RGraves, Arthur Gray, LFGregory, B M Greening, RGreen, Mai Grifiln,Judge J EGriffith,A G Gross, C tGerowe, Wm, 2 Groce, Courtney LGrover, Owen Gulll,Wm BGuird, Jose Guheen, JnoGumarson, Gustof Gum, RHabiz, Senor Don Jose Haigler, John SHaller, LF Hall, HenryGHaines, G H Hamilton, W MHamilton, Thos Hammond,CWHauish, G A 2 Hannon, MMHanson, Albert Harburn, Arthur HHarrigan, John Harryman, VanHarmon, F E Harrington, EHarrington, Mike Harris, AbrahamHarris, John A Harris, LourHartman, Bill Hartley, E AHarvey, J H Haskell, DaveHaseh.CarlA Hayward, PaulHazeldine.G Hoskins.Mß \u25a0»

Hede, Gustavo Heart, ChasHeusen, Otto G Hcrancourt, Geo LHerman, L M Heyberg, HenryHoward, Dr 2 Hickson, I MHickey, Jas Heinsath, FrankHickman, Patrick Higgins, ThosHiggins, Thos C Hlguera, ElpidioHillcr, Chas Hillum,JasHinds, Ira B Hisman, FHogan, Will Hogan, MowricaHort, Stephen Holmau, ChasHoltzman. Walter Holland, W SHopkins, 0 G Homer, Geo CHooser, G W House, W JHouck, A B Houston, A JHowgood, Harry Hoover, Michael HHoward, Elmer D Howe, Geo AHovt, Geo Hubbard, E SHuff, William Hughes, ChasHull, Geo Humphrey, T MHurlbut,D S Hurley, P DHutchins, E H Howell.Conapicion G de

Harae, Herman EIngrime, Sherdan Irwin. Jas

Ingersoll, C TJackson, Sam Jackson, Wm CJackson, Wm Jackson, FrankJanson, August Jansson, PJandel, J A Janney, ChasJewett, J Fred Juda, PedroJunklns, Jos W Jenkins, Wm HJohuson, Anton Jessup. AlJessup, R W Jump, W HJulm.J Johnston, HarryJohnston, Jno Johnson, Juo DJohnston, J F Jones, Geo CJones, Cbas H Jones, HAJones, Evan Jones, WessKrepps, Robt J Krause, RobtKoenig, Carl T U Koller, JnoKorlkcnbeck, Emil Knox, Ja«PKneshler, Jno Kirkpatrick, T A 2King, Watson King, T HKing, Geo King, FrankKimball. Geo Kindt, J PKe'lcr, Geo Kienzle, F FKidd. 0 G Kershaw, ThosKerling, Jno Kellogg, FredKatz, M Kelley, P DKeller, NH Keely, ThosKeller, Franz Kearney, JnoKelly, Th Keltering, JacobI.aminos, Juan Labourdette, PLaßranch, Louis Lamon.JnoWLanders, W H Lancefleld, VPLane, Harry Lang, MGLatini.Sig Lawlor, J MLawrence, T P Lebery, L GLeffler, Wm Legault, FredLachner, Mike Leman, Harryijendberg, A J Leisenring, Dr P JLevi, Frank Leyecster, C 3Lewis, Geo Lewis, J MLewis, Thos Lewis, VCLunides, Miguel Line, G WLynne. G W Lyle, N RLore. John W Lore, W ELockington, Geo Lee, B FLonghead, R H Lou, DrLonyo, Guiseppe Lopizicb, MickLorell, Rollin Leven, AlbertLott, Alpuel Loare, JLivingston, Geo Littlefleld,RichardLomb, A Linn, FEHIaim, Mrand Mrs Mack, J WMartin, L Marston, WalterMarks, Key J J Mathews, EMattlngly,A Maus, B GMayo, E H Meacham, Chas MMayburry, H M Maxwell, Ed ?McCormick. WB McClure. T MMcCloy, E C McCollough, J HMcCurdy, W S McCue, J AMcEwin, Wm McGovern, FrankMcKenzie. Alex Mcintosh, Wm WMcLain, Jas McKinley.Mrand MrsMcKinnon, J W Mcßay, W TMcLellan, Alex McMahon.DrM SMcNulty,John McTague, JohnMelbeck, F W Mentzer, IFMeenzhuber, Xavor Mentzer, FMerriman, CE Miller,RobtMiddlewood, Jos Milllken,JasMiller,Henry D Moody, W CMitchell, Wm Mills, 8 SMitchell, Jeff Monohon, HenryMougoven, J Monfant, BernardMontano, F Morago, ConceptionMorf, Fred Moretti, AttelioMoore, John E Moore, L WMoore, FF Morrison, JohnMott, ? Moss, Wm BMyers, LC Myren, JaoMurphy, Edward Murry, ColemanMunroe, Jas Muller,FredMyren, John Mulrhead, C RNorton, Frank S Norriss, J ANecmalnn, F Nlcolsen, WalterNadeau, Napoleon Nance, E WNelms, A M Newton, C DNichols, W B Norton, Edgar S

Nunes, Geo AOsborn, John 2 O'Neil, DavidOman, Alfred R Odebury WillO'Brien, Thomas O'Cana, VOgeden.J Ohlalendaulph, GusOllne, Joo Olson, C LOwens, Joseph Oiner, WE JPage, Geo Patross, CharlesPatrick, O F Parker, C CParkson, C J Parker, MrPayue, Dr Payne, CPaen, Lazan Padilla, J GPrichard, W B Phelps, H E NPlckerdon, John Pedro, 8 DPierce, James Polly, PorterPoland, Jno S Porty, JPoler, Wm Powell, W DPratt, Walter P.att, Frank

Pcrharn, F E Pfaffenberger, ReubPvle, W W Pugh JohnPrice, Lewis L Pruitt, M Itluisadi, Jose J DRuth, Clayton Rlesgo, ManuelaRutan, C E Ruppcrt, SamRichmond, John Ribeiin, GeorgeReynolds, Oilman W Ross, JamesRiggs, J A Robertson, SamuelRobinson, Alex Robinson, J CRoadhouse, Joseph Riley, locHRamain, Joseph W Ray, EdwardRamirez. Francisco Kawson, Rev Geo AKamey, X M Racine. AnthonyRadonle, G Rains, M WRagland, Theo F Hanson, CalRay,.Charlcß Reade, EdwardBomenlco, C Roccker, EugeneRein, Merrecles Receste, MerlcaStephenson, Dr A Stephens, Seth BStewart, W A Staber, ChasSlory, C T Strother, WmStyles, Wm Hale Storr*, Harry AStubblefleld, Moses Stuyvesant, J BSwitzer, John Swingles, JohnSwanßon, Chas A Swayer, A WSounenberg, Fred Spicer, B MStandilV, TII Sauton, ThomasSteele, C A Sturm, JoeStephens, H Stephens, Gray

Sinns, Ed Slever, AronShoner, John Shelerston, MellSbepard, Lants Shea, T WSlosen, J S Smith, E JSinns, E P Simmonds, JohnSitton, R E Skinner, F PSlack, John Smith, A JSmith, F Smith, Edward MSmith, Henry Shaw, FrankSmith, Jann G Shaughnesy, JosScaly, Geo Seller, FSchumser, A Scaly, Geo AScudamore, Robt J Scott. Elisha WSwartz, Chas Sim, B FSchenc, John Schenck, JohnSarrail, R Sargent, JnoSargent, Morrill JrSager. Geo Salle, PSample, S E Bammon, PatrickTurner, R M Towne, S DTowne, Geo W Townsend, CaptTucker, S D Trolseng, HTyler, Harry G Tucker, C PTunnell, M L Tracy, G FTanner, John Taylor, TJTaylor, G A Thorms, AWTucker, Charley P Turner, J FThomas, Mr Tollie, FrankTonnciur, Giacocuc Trumble, Andrew FThompson, G L Taylor, John GUpton, B RVosburg, C H Van Horn, B FVanzanat, Job R Vauter, J EVilla.Mamerte Virgin,E PVeceirche, Peter Venieres, AugustWilds, J Whitelev, E SWhitcomb, L White, D GWelkins Wilkinson, HWard, C B Wassman, Dr MaxWebb, E E Williams, F DWilson, Henry Weiblel, ClemensWatkins, Sam Wilkerson, Thos HWillis, S R Wilson, Lestis SWilliams,G N Warner, EmoryWilliams, Jas II Wehle, LucasWatts, Jas R Watson, Dr Chas DWehe, Geo. Watry, GreyWalser, Peter Walter, CarlWallls, Daniel Waldon, AWhclan, H Wilson, WillWllhelm, Mat Wagner, FredrickWadsworth, Jag M White, W HWolf, Herman Wills, E SWright, Silas Wolvcrtm, D CWooley, E B Wood. Wm AWiseman, J D Whitney, H AWisemsn, Geo W Wills, JCWinter, David Wilier, MGWerner, Johann Winterwortb, DrWeyland, Jas Waktor, HinteYoung, GeoZarate, Felipe Zannotte, Mr AlpolphZimmerman, Luther M Zollinger, Mr Albert

* Zappa, Pritsiulle.LARGE LETTERS.

Collins, MrsJennie Johnson, Mrs Annie LKahu, Mrs Margarett Marshall, E MMalcolm, N Merrill,J BPfaffenberger, Rev L Pfeiter, MrEdPratt, A 0 Pound, WmSerran, LF Standard Brick CoTucker, Mr C P Underwood, WilliamWatson, Geo Clarke Whitney. PhiluraWalker, Melville E Yarrow, 11

Hardy, Isaac BPACKAGES.

Armstrong, Mrs F X Castellan, Herrn 2Duncan, Mrs J F McKenzie, RosamondPol, Bernard Robinson, J JStayton, Mrs Bailie White, Mrs J P

FIRMS.8 C and Co AS Kellogg & CoEditor Volksblatt Bradley & CoClausson & Miller Banning Land andPomona Land and Water Co

Water Co Mersch &BrosE. A. Preuss, P.M.

FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, youhave a printed guarantee on every bottle ofShiloh's Vitalize!-. Itnever fails to cure.



Of tbe State of California, in and for theCounty of Los Angeles.

Sidney Armstrong, plaintiff,vs. Alice C. Arm-strong, defcnc ant.

Action brought in the Superior Court of theStale of California, in and for the County ofLosAngeles, and the Complaint filed insaid Couutyof Los Angeles in,the oflice of the Clerk of saidSuperior Court,

i The People of the State of California sendgreeting to Alice C. Armstrong, defendant.

You are hereby required to appear in an ac-tion brought against you by the above-namedplaintiff,in the Superior Court in the State ofCalifornia, In and for the County of Los An-geles, and to answer the Complaint filed there-in, within ten days (exclusive of the day ofservice) after the service on you of this Sum-mons, ifserved withinthiscounty, or, ifservedelsewhere, within thirty days, or judgment hydefault will he taken against you according tothe prayer of said Complaint.

The said action is brought to obtain a decreeof divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimonynow existing between plaintiffand defendantupon the gronnd of wilful desertion. Refer-ence is had to Complaint for particulars.

And you are hereby notified thatif youfailto appear and answer the said Complaint asabove required, the said Plaintiffwillapply tothe Court for the relief therein demanded.

Given under my hand and the seal of the Su-perior Court of the State of California, in andfor the County of Los Angeles, this 20th day ofJune in the year of our Lord one thousandeight hundred and eighty-eight

[seal. 1 C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk.By J. M. Dunsmoor, Deputy Clerk.

F. V. Bell. Attorney for Plaintiff. ]e22 fri lOtROPOSALS FOR MINERAL OIL- Head-quarters Department of Arizona, Office of

the Chief Quartermaster, Los Augeles, CaL,June 22, 1888 ?Sealed proposals will be re-ceived at this office, and at the office of the Dis-trict Quartermaster, Santa Fe, N. M,, until 11o'clock on Monday, July 23,1888, and openedimmediately thereafter intho presence of bid-ders, for furnishing and delivering to tbe Quar-termaster's Department at Santa Fe, N. M.,dur-ing the fiscal year ending June 30,1889, 60,000gallons of mineral oilincases of two five-galloncans each. Preference given to articles of do-mestic prodnctlonand manufacture, conditionsof price and quality being equal, and such pref-erence given toarticlesof American productionand manufacture produced on the Pacific coastto the extent of the consumption required bythe public service there. Specifications, in-structions to bidders and blank forms of pro-posal will be furnished on application to thisoffice, or to the District Quartermaster at SantaFe, N. M. The United States reserves the rightto reject any or all bids. A. S. KIMBALL,Quar-termaster U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster,

je22 4t jy2l-22


Estate of A. H. Reavis, deceased, Not<ceishereby given by the undersigned administratorol the estate of A. H. Reavis, deceased, to thecreditors of and all persons having claimsagainst the said deceased to exhibit the tame,with the necessary vouchers, within fourmonths after the first publication of this notice,to the said administrator at the office of Good-win & Reavis' Carriage Company, number 225North Main street, of Los Angeles City, intheCounty of Los Angeles.

Dated thissth day of June, A.D. 1888.jeB-fi!st W. E. RBAVLI.


Estate of Robert Turnbull,deceased.?Notloeis hereby given by the undersigned admii is-trator with willannexed of the estate of RobertTurnbull, deceased, to the creditors of, and allpersons having claims against the said de-ceased, to exhibit the same, withthe necessaryvouchers, within ten months after the firstpublication of this notice to the said admin-istrator, at the office of F. R. Willis, at tomo-at-law, ro jms 52, 54 and 56 in the DowneyBlock, City of Los Angeles, State of California,the same being the place for the transactionof the business of said estate in the county ofLos Angeles, California.

Dated this20th day of June, A.D. 1888.Z. DECKER,

Administrator with willannexed of the estateot Bobert Turnbull,deceased.

F. R. Willis,Attorney for Administrator.jy7-wklyst


Estate of St George Freeman, deceased. Noticeis hereby given by the undersigned adminis-tratrixof the estate of Bt. George Freeman, de-deceased, to the creditors of and all personshaving claims against the said deceased to ex-hibit the same with the necessary vouchers,withinfour months after the first publicationof this notice to the said administratrix at hsrhouse at Sierra Madre, in the County of Los A a-geles, the place of business for the admlnlstr i-tion of said estate.

Dated this 19th day of Juue, A.D. 1888.je2o WOiot FANNY FREEMAN.


Notice for Publication,TTNITF.D STATES LAND OFFICE, LOS AN-U geles. California, Aprll2oth, 188S ?Notice is

hereby given that the Occidental Asphalt Com-pany, a corporation under the laws of the Stateof Nevada, whose Pestoffice address is "care ofM. R. C'alg, Newhall, Los Angeles county, Cali-fornia." has ibis day filed its application for apatent for the following placer mining claims,namely: tbe "North Star Oil Claim," and"Menlo Oil Claim," the "Belmont Oil Claim,"and the "Central Oil Claim," situated in theSan Fernando Petroleum Mining District,countvof Los Angelea and State of California,and designated by the field notes and officialplats on file In this office as lots numbers 40,11. 42 snd 43 in Township 3 north, Range 17west, San Bernardino base and meridian.

The mining claim embracing said lots andfor whichsaid patent is sought is described asfollows, to-wit: Commencing at the establishedsoutheast corner ol the "Pico Oil Springs"mine, as per official survey, and runningthence, on a true meridian, the variation of themagnetic needle being 11° 20' east, north 45.45chains, to a post, the same being Station 2 andthe northwest corner of the "Menlo Oil Mine:"thence east 1274 chains to a 4x4 charred red-wood post 4 feet longin a mound of sand rock31 Inches indiameter and 31Inches high on theline between fractional Sections 1 and 2, Town-ship 3 north, Range 17 west, San Bernardinobase and meridian; thence north along theline between said fractional Sections 1 and 2,Township 3 north, Range 17 west, San Bernar-dino base and meridian, 18.95 chains to theestablished corner to said fractional sections1 and 2, the same being station lad the nortbwest corner of -the "North Star Oil Miue;"thence north 88° 38' east, along the south bound-ary of the "Rancho San Fraucisco" 79.08 chainsto a post upon tbe range Hue between Ranges16 and 17 west, San Bernardino base and me id-ian, said post being Station 4 and the northeastcorner of said "North Star Oil Mine,"and f;omwhich tbe established corner to Townships 3and 4 north, Ranges 1G and 17 west, San Bernar-dino base and meridian, bears north 11' west,10.36 chainsdietant; thence south 11' east alongsaid range lice 20 SC, chains to a post, the samebeing Station 3 and tho southeast corner olsaid "North Star Oil Mine;" thence west31.29 chains to a post, the same beingStation 3 and the northeast corner of the"Belmont OilMine:" thence south 15 15 chainsto a post, the same being Station 4 of the "Bel-mont OilMine; thence west 15.15 chains to aSost, the same being Station 5 of the "Belmont

11 Mine;" thence south 30.30 chains to a live-oak stake 30iache8long in a mound of sindrock 30 inches indiameter aud 30 inches highat the pointfor Station 6 and southeast corner oisaid "Belmont Oil Mine;" inthe wash of a ra-vine running west, where itis impracticab'o toestablish a permanent corner, and fiom whicha 4x4 charred redwood post 4 feet long markedBO on west side, and WC, for witness coruer, toStation 6 of said "Belmont Oil Mine," iv amound of sand rock 88 inches lvdiameter and36 Inches high bears west 33 links distant, saidlive oak stake being Station 6 and southeastcorner of said "Belmont OilMine;" thence east15.15 chains to a post, the same being Station 4and northeast corner of the "Central OilMine;" thence south 12 73 chains to a post, thesame being Station 3 and southeast corner ofsaid 'Central Oil Mine;" thence west 60.60chains to a post, the same being Station 2 andsouthwest corner of said "Central Oil Mine;"thence north 12.73 chains to the point ofcommencement. Magnetic variation 14° 20'east. Containing 464.14 aores.

The location of this mine is recorded In theoffice of the Mining Recorder of said Ban Fer-nando Petroleum Mluiug District, inbook "D"of mining claims, at pages 6 to 35 thereof.

The adjoining claimants are: On the eastthe "Baker OilClaim" »nd on the west the "DonJuan Claim" and the "Pico Oil Springs" mine.

Anyand allpersons claiming adversely anyportion of said "North Star OilClaim," "MenloOilClaim," "Belmont Oil Claim" and "CentralOilClaim," or the surface ground therein eon -tamed, are required tofile their adverse claimswith the Register of the United States LandOffice, at the city of Los Augeles, inthe countyof Los Angeles, State of California, during thesixty days period of publication hereof, orthey willbe barred by virtue of the provisionsof the statute,

je23wkljlot H. W. PATTON, Register.


gelee, California, April20th, 1888,?Notice ishereby given that the Occidental Asphalt Com-pany, a corporation uudesthe laws of the Stateof Nevada, whose Post Office address is 'care

of M. R, Craig, Newhall, Los Angeles couuty .Cal-ifornia," has this day filed Its application for apatent for the following placer mining claims,namely, the "Arcadia OilClaim," the "Csmu-los Oil Claim,"and the "Alameda OilClaim,"situated inthe San Fernando Petroleum Min-ing District, county ofLos Angelea and State ofCalifornia, and designated by the field notesand official plats on file In this office as lotNo. 44 InTownship 3 north, Range 17 west, andlots number 42, 43 and 44 in Township 3 north,Range 16 west, San Bernardino base and me-ridian.

The miningclaim embracing said lots, andfor whloh said patent Is. sought. Is described asfollows, to-wit; Commencing at a 4x4 charredredwood post 4 feet long, from which the es-tablished corner to Townships 8 and 4 north.Ranges 16and 17 west San Bernardino base andmeridian, bears north 4° 9' east. 60.15 chainsdistant, said post being Station 1 and north-west corner of the "Arcadia Oil Miue," nudrunning [hence east, on a true meridian, thevariation of the magnetic needle being 14° 35east, 45-45 chains toa post the same being Sta-tion 2 of the ' Camulos Oil Mine;" thencesouth 4 54 chains toa post, the same being Sta-tion 3 of said "Camulos OilMine;" thence east45.45 chains to a post, the same being Station 2and the northeast corner of the "Alameda OilMine;" thence south 40 chains to a post, thesame being Station 8 and the southeast cornerof said "Alameda OilMine;" thence west 14.86chains to a post, the same being Station 6 ofsaid "Camulos Oil Mine;" thence south 7.78chains to a post, the same being Station 7 ofsaid "Camulos Oil Mine;" thence west 42.41chains to a post, the came being Station 8 oftatd "Camulos Oil Mice;" thence north 12.32cholns to apoet, same being Station 9 of said"Camulos OilMine;" thence west 33.63 chainsto a post, the same being Station 4 and thesouthwest corner of said "Arcadia Oil Mine;"thence north 40 chains to a point of commeuc-mcnt. Magnetic variation, 14° 35' east. Con-taining401.96 acres.

The location of thi mine is recorded in theoffice of the Mining Recorder of said San Fer-nando Petroleum MiningDistrict, inbook "D"of mining claims, at page 35 to 00 thereof.

The adjoining claimants are: On the norththo "Hudson Oil Claim;" on the south the"EncinoOll Claim"and the"Rlncon OilClaim,'and on the west the "Excelsior OilClaim."

Any and all persons claiming adversely anyportion of said "Arcadia OilClaim," "CamulosOil Claim" and "Alameda OilClaim," or thesurface ground therein contained, are requiredtofile tboir adverse claims with the Register ofthe United States Land Office, at the city of LosAngeles, in the county of Los Angeles, Stateof California, during the sixty days period ofpublicatiou hereof, or they willhe barred byvirtue of the provisions of the statute.a2l-wklyloU H. W. PATTON, Register.


Of the State of California, in and for thecounty of Los Angeles. Betty L. Adams, plain-tiff, vs. John Q. Adams, defendant. Actionbrought inthe Superior Court of the State ofCalifornia, inand for the county of Los Ange-les, and the complaint filed In said county ofLos Angeles, in the office of the Clerk of saidSuperior Court. The people of the Stateof California send greeting to John Q.Adams, defendant: You are hereby re-quired so appear iv an action broughtagainst you by the above-named plaintiffinthe Superior Court, in the State of California,inand for the County of Lob Angeles, to answerthe complaint filed therein, within ten days(exclusive of the day of service) after the ser- ;vice on you of this summons, if served withinthiscounty, or if served elsewhere withinthirty idays, or judgment by default will be taken iagainst you according to tbe prayer of said icomplaint. The said action is brought to ob-tain the judgment of this court disolving thebonds of matrimony now existing betweenplaintiffand defendant, and awarding the cus-tody of the minor children, issue ofsaid marriage, to the plaintiff herein,and for such other and further relief as tothe court may seem meet and for the costs ofsuit. Reference is had to complaint for par-ticulars. And you are hereby notified that ifyou fail to appear and answer the said com-plaint as above required, the said plaintiff*willcause your default to be entered, and willapplyto the court for the relief demanded inher com-plaint.

Given under my hand and the seal of the Su-perior Court of the State of California, in andfor the county of Los Angeles, this 9th day ofApril, in the year of our Lord one thousandeight hundred and eighty-eight.IL. s. | CHARLES H.DUNSMOOR, Clerk,

By T. B. Fanning, Deputy Clerk.John T. Jones, Plaintiff's Attorney.



Estate of Leonides Chavez de Martinez, de:ceased. Notice is hereby given by the under-signed Julian A, C. Martinez executor of the lastwilland testament of Leonides Chavez de Mar-tinez,deceased, to the creditors of and allpersonshaving claims against the Bald deceased, to ex-hibit the same, with the necessary vouchers,withinfour months after the first publication ofthisnotice, to the said executor, at the offices ofLee & Scott, attorneys, rooms 18-21, TempleBlock, Los Angeles City, California, the samebeing the place of business of said executor forthe purposes of the estate.

Dated this20:h day of June, A. D. 1888.JULIAN A. C. MARTINEZ,

Executor of the last willand testament of Leon-ides Chavez de Martinez. je2o-wklyst


OTlci OF DISSOLUTION AND CERTIFI-cate of Copartnership.

Notice is hereby given to all whom itmayconcern that the retail clothing firm heretoforeexisting under the name of the I oniion Cloth-ing Company, L. Harris <fc Co., proprietors, do-ing busiuess in the City of Los Angeles, Califor-nia, composed of Leopold Harris aud BeunoJastrowitz, each having an equal interest there-in, is thisdsy dissolved by mutual consent. Thesaid Benno Jastrowitz withdraws from said firmand Herman W Frank succeeds to all his in-terest therein. The said Benuo Jastrowitz audthe said Leopold Harris continue as copartnersinthe wholesale clothing business hitherto andnow carried on under the name of L. Harris stCo., aud the said wholesale and retail businessare Irom the date hereof to be carried on as sep-arate and distinct businesses, and independentthe one from the other.

The said new firm of the London ClothingCo.assumes all debts and pays all liabilities, andwillcollect all accounts, said old firm herebydissolved having assigned said accounts to saidnew firm.

And the said Leopold Harris and Herman W.Frank, whose names are hereunto subscribed,do hereby certify that they constitute a part-nership transacting a retail clothing business atthe City of Los Angeles, County of Los ADgeles,State of California. Its principal place of busi-ness is Los Angeles, California. Its name isLo: don Clothing Company, Harris & Frank,proprietors, and the full names of all the partners are as follows, to-wit: Leopold Harris,Herman W. Frank, and they and each of themreside in the City of Los Angeles, County ofLoa Angeles, State of California.

(Signet?) BENNO JASTROWITZ.Los Angeles.


HERMAN W. FRANK,I.os Angeles.

Dated Los Angeles, Cal., June 4, 1888.BTATE OF CALIFORNIA,) ?Couuty of Los Angeles, iOn this 27th day of June, one thousand eighthundred and eighty eight, before me, FriendE. Lacey, a Notary Public in and for Los An-geles County, State of California, residingthere-Iri, duly commissioned and sworn, personallyappeared Benno Jastrowitz, Leopold Harris andHerman W. Frank, known to me to be the per-sons described iv and whose names are sub-scribed to the within instrument, and acknowl-edged to me that theyexecuted the same.

Inwitness whereof, I have hereunto set myhand and affixed my official seal, the day andyear first above written.

(seal) FRIEND E. LACEY,je29 30t Notary Fublio.

TN THE SUPERIOR~COURTOf the County of Los Angeles, State of Cali-

fornia.In the matter of Robert Eckert and Herrman

Schosneman. partners as Eckert & Schoeueman,insolvent debtors.?Order Adjudication of In-solvency.

Robert Eckert and Herrman Schoenemauhaving filed in this Court their petition, sched-ules and Inventories InInsolvency, from whichitappears that they are and have been residentsof the County of Lob Augeles, State of Califor-nia, for more than six months next precedingthe filing of their petition, and that they havebeen partners intrade under the firm name ofEckert and Schoeueman, and as such partnersas well as individuals, they owe debts exceed-ing inamount tbe sum of f5OO, and that theyare as partners, as well as individuals, insolventdebtors, as they are hereby declared to be in-solvent.

The Sheriff of the County of Los Angeles 1bhereby directed to take possession of all thejointstock and property of the partnership, andalso all the separate estate of each of said part-ners, excepting such parts thereof as may beexempt by law, aud all deads, vouchers, booksof account and papers, both of the partnershipaud of said partners individually,aud to keepthe same safely untilthe appaintment of an as-signee inthis matter.

Allpersons are forbidden to pay any debts tothe said insolvent debtorß, jointlyor individu-ally, or to deliver any property belonging tothem, or to either of them, or to any person,firm, corporation, or association, for their use,or that of either of them; and the said debtors,jointlyand severally, are hereby forbidden totransfer or deliver any property until the fur-ther order of this Court, except as herein or-dered.

It Is further ordered that all tbe creditors ofthe copartnership aforesaid be and appear be-fore the Honorable W. P. Gardiner, Judge ofthe Superior Court of the County of Los An-geles, in open Court, at the courtroom of saidCourt, Department No. 2, Jones Block, intheCityof Los Angeles, on the recond day of Aug-ust, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, toprove their debts and choose an assignee of theestates of said dehors.

It Is further ordered that this order be pub-lished in the Los Angeles Daily Herald, anewspaper of general circulation, published inthe County of Los Angeles, as often as the saidpaper is published, before the said day set forthe meeting of creditors.

And itis further ordered tbat in the mean-time all proceedings against the said insolvents,oragainst either of them, be stayed.

W. P. GARDINER,Judge of the Superior Court.

Dated Lob Angeles, CaL, June 29, 1888.ie3o 34t

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CAL-ifornia, County of Los Angeles, ss.

Iv the matter of the Estate of FrederickDorsey, deceased. Notice for publication oftimefor proving will,etc.

Notice is hereby given that Monday, the 2dday of July, 1888. at 10 o'clock a. m. of saidday, at the courtroom of this Court, Depart-ment Two thereof, inthe Jones Block, City ofLos Angeles, County of Leg Angeles, and stateof California, has been appointed as the timeand place for hearing the application of JaneE. Dorsey and Walton G. Hughes, praying thata document now on file In this Court, purport-ing to be the last Will and Testament of thesaid deceased, be admitted to probate, and thatletters testamentary with the willannexed beIssued thereon tothem, at which timeand placeall persous Interested therein may appear andcontest the same.

Dated 19th June, 1888.C. H. DUNSMOOR, County Clerk.

je2o-25-jyl By F. B. Fanning, Deputy.


U. S. Land Office, Los Angeles, Cal,, February2, 1888.

Complaint having been entered at thisofficeby Thomas Downing against Stephen 8 Blackfor failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry, No. 585, dated December 17,18S3, upon the BW. WSec. B,Tp. C N., R. 12 W.,8 B, M., in Los Angelea county, CaL, withaview to the cancellation of Bald entry: contest-ant alleging that said Stephen S. Black has notplanted 10 acres of seeds, trees orcuttings uponsaid land and has not broken or cultivated 10acres or any portion of said land, the said par-ties are hereby summoned to appear at thisoffice on the 28th day of July, 1888, at 10o'clock A.m., to respond and furnish testimonyconcerniug said alleged failure.

J. D. BETHUNE, Register.je27 30t» I. H. POLK, Receiver.


Land Office at Los Angeles, Cal., June 13,1888.Notice is hereby given that the following-

named settler has filed notice of his intentionto make final proof Insupport of hisclaim, andthat said proof willbe made before the Registerand Receiver at Los Angeles, on August 3,1888, viz.: Frederick R. Keym, D. 8. No. 4U70,for the NW. '4Sec 10, Tp. 7 N, R. 13 W.

He names the following the witnesses to iprove his continuous residence upon, and cul-tivation of, said land, viz.: R E. Paulsen, H.Hollenby, P. Morris, D. Kidson, allot MaynardP. 0., California.

Jel*30t* H. W. PATTON,Register.

a^OTICRU. S. Land Office, Los Angeles. Cal.,)

February 2,1888 (Complaint having been entered at this office

by John R. Hollamby against Charles T. Mitch-ell for abandoning his Homestead Entry No.1552, dated February 1,1884, upon the NW WSec. 14, Tp. 7 N? R. 13 W? 8. B. M . In Los An-geles County, Cal., witha view to the cancella-tion of said entry; the said parties are hereby ,summoned to appear at this office on the 3dday of August, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. sr., tore-spond and furnish testimony coucerning said 'alleged abandonment.

(Signed) J. D. BETHUNE, Register.(Signed) I. H. POLK, Receiver.

je29 30t


Of the State of California, in and for the iCounty of Los Angeles. Victor Dessery plain- :tiffvs. Julia St. P. Dessery defendant. Action 1brought in the Superior Court of the State of iCalifornia, inand for the County of Los An- >geles, and the complaint filed in said Countyof Los Angeles iv the office of the Clerk of said iSuperior Court. The people of the State .of California send greeting to Julia St P. iDessery, defendant. You are hereby required ito appear inan action brought against you bythe above named plaintiff1,in the Superior Courtin the State of California, and to answer thecomplaint filed therein, within ten days (ex-clusive of the day of service) after the serviceonyouofthiß summons, if served within thiscounty; or, if served elsewhere, within thirtydays, or judgmem by default will be takenagainst you according to the prayer of saidcomplaint. The said action is brought by theplaintiffto dissolve the bonds of matrimonybetween the plaintiff and the defendant, onthe ground of desertion, and for costs of suit.Reference is had to complaint for particularsaad you are hereby notified that if you fall toappear and answer the Bald complaint as aboverequired, the said plaintiff willobtain decreedissolving the bonds of matrimony as afore-said and such further decrees as are prayed forinplaintiff's complaint.

Given under my hand and the Seal of the Su-perior Court ol the State of California, Inandfor the County of Los Angeles, this 27th dayof April, in the year of our Lord, one thousandeight hundred and eighty-eight.[SEAL.| CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk.

By F. B. FANNING,Deputy Clerk.mi-12-lOt-wkly 1


JJESOLUTION.Resolution of tne Board of Supervisor* of tbe

County of Los Angeles, adopted March 10,

On motion of Supervisor Venable the follow-ing resolution of the Board of Supervisors ofLos Angeles County, California, was unani-mously adopted:

Whereas, Itappears that the property here-inafter described belongs to the County of LosAugeles, and is not required for public use, andthat tbe sale thereof willbe for the best inter-ests of said couuty; therefore be It

Besolvett, That the Clerk of this Board be andis hereby directed to give thirtydays' notice bypublication in the Los Angeles Daily Heraldand Evening Express, newspspers published insaid county, that said property willbe sold atpublic auction at the door of the Court Houseof said county, on Main street, in the City ofLos Angeles, California, on tbe 7th dayoi May,18S8, at 12 o'clock M. of said day. to the highestbidder for caeh. The said parcel of land beingsituated iv the City of Los Angeles, California,aud being lot No. 1 (with or without improve-ments), of "Subdivision of County Hospitalgrounds," containing 7,403 acres, according tomap thereof recorded on page 1, book 25, ofMiscellaneous Records of Los Angeles Countyaforesaid.

Ihe Board reserves the right to reject anyandall bids.By order of the Board of Supervisors of Los

Angeles County, March 10,1888.mcbll-30! C. H.BUNBMOOR, Clerk.The above sale postponed until 12 m. Jnne 4,

1888.By order of the Board of Supervisors of LettAugeles County, to be continued to July 2,1888.mylltd C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk.

IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT OF LOS ANQE-Ies Township, Couuty of Los Angeles, State

of California. B. E. Taney, Justice of the Peace.O. H.Kiefer and P. P. Kiefer, co-partners, do-ing business under the firm name of Kiefer ACo., plaintiff, vs. W. J. Stevenson, defendantSummons.

The people of the State of California sendgreeting to W. J. Stevenson, defendant

You are hereby required to appear In an ac-tion brought against you by the above namedplaintiffs in the Justice's Court of Los AngelesTownship, Los Augeles County, State of Cali-fornia, and to answer before the Justice at hisoffice, inthe said township, the complaint filedtherein, within five days (exclusive of the dayof service) after the service on you of thissum-mons, if served within the township in whichthis action is brought, or, if served out of saidtownship, but in said county, within ten days;or within twenty days ifserved elsewhere.

The said action is brought torecover of andfrom you the sum of 241,75 dollars alleged tobe due plaintiffs for goods, wares and mer-chandise sold and delivered at defendant'sspecial instance and request, to the amountof $144 25-100 having been sold and de-livered by plaintiffs; and the sum of$97 50-100 being for goods, wares andmerchandise sold and delivered by S. Cohen &Co., which said claim was duly assigned plain-tiffs before the commencement of suit herein,reference being had to the complaint filed here-in; and you are hereby notified that If you failto appear and answer said complaint, as aboverequired, said plaintiff willcause your defaultto be entered and take judgment against youfor the sum of 241 75-100 dollars, togetherwith costs of suit.

Given under my hand this 18th day of April,1888. B. E. TANEY,

Justice of the Peace.Thos. B. Brown, Attorneys for Plaintiffs.


FOE, PUBLICATION.Land Office at Los Angeles. CaL, Jnne 13,1888.Notice is hereby given that the following-

named settler has filed notice of his intentionto make finalproof in support of his claim, andthat said proof willbe made before the Registerand Receiver at Los Angeles, on August 3,1888, viz. :Robert E. Paulsen, D. 8. Mo. 4672,for the SW. 14 Sec. 10, Tp. 7 N., R. 13 W.

Henames the following the witnesses to provehis continuous residence upon, and cultivationof, said land, viz.:F. R. Keym, H. Hollenby,P. Morrl«, D. Kittson.

Jel4-30t* H. W. PATTON.Register.


Land Office at Los Angeles, CaL, June 19,1888.Notice is hereby given that the following-

named settler has filed notice of his intentionto commute and make final proof in support of -his claim, and that said proof willbe made be-fore the Register and Receiver at Los Angeles,on August IS, 1888, viz: Henry Prentiss King,H. E. No. 3859, for the NE. Sec. 4, Tp. 8 N.,R. 13 W.

He names the following witnesses to provehis continuous residence upon, and cultivationof, said land, viz.: W. H. Marriott and JohnSavage, of Lancaster P. 0., Cal., E. A. Parkerand Ira Ballard, of Maynard P. 0.. Cal.

je2230t* H. W. PATTON,Register.

JN THE SUPERIOR COURT.State of California, County ofLos Angeles, ss.In the matter of the estate of Ernest Whit-

aker, deceased.Notice for publication of time for proving

Notice Is hereby given that Monday, the 2dday of July, 1868, at 10 o'clock a m. of saidday, at the courtioom of this Court, Depart-ment Two thereof, in the Jones block. CityofLos Angeles, County of Los Angeles and Statsof California, has been appointed as the timeand place for hearing tbe application of JamesHenderson, praying that a document now onfile in this Court, purporting to be tne last Willand Testament of the said deceased, be ad-mitted to probate, and that letters of adminis-tration withthe willannexed be issued thereonto Z. Decker, Public Administrator, at whichtime and place all persons interested thereinmay appear and contest the same.

Dated 18th June, 1888.C. H.DUNSMOOR, County Clerk,

Je2l-llt By F. E. Lowry, Deputy.

|TOTICE?TIMBER -CULTURE. *U. S. Land Office, Los Angeles, Cal, Febrnary

2,1888.Complaint having been entered at this office

by Perry Olmstead against Patrick Crowe forfailure to comply with law as to Timber-Cul-ture Entry No. 644, dated January 17,1884,upon the BE. y. Sec. 30, Tp. 8 »., R 15 W., inLos Angeles County, CaL, with a view to thecancellation of said entry; contestant allegingthat said Patrick Crowe has not done any plow-ing or planting on said tract, and that the sameis ina state of nature, the said parties are here-by summoned to appear at this office on the26th day ot July, 1888, at 10 o'clock A. M., torespond and furnish testimony concerning saidalleged failure.

J. D. BETHUNE, Register.I. H. POLK, Receiver.

F. Jordan, Plaintiff's Attorney. Je2l 30t


On motion of Supervisor Venable the follow-ing resolution was unanimously adopted, viz.:Whereas, Itappears that the property here-inafter described belongs to the County of LosAngeles, and is not required for public use, andthat the sale thereof willbe for the best interestof said county: therefore he it

Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be andhe is hereby directed to give thirtydays' notice,by publication in the Los Angeles Herald,Times, Tribune, Express, Telegram, German Post,La tropica, and Le Progress, newspapers pub-lished insaid county, that said property willbesold at public auction, at the door of the CourtHouse of said county, on Spring street, In thecityof Los Angeles, CaL, on Monday, the 30thday of July, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. m. of saidday, to the highest bidder for cash.

Said property willbe sold in single lots, asSer map of "The Transit Tract," recorded in

00k 31, page 56, Miscellaneous Records ofLos Angeles county, aforesaid.

Alllots in block B, irom 1 to 30 inclusive;all lots inblock C, from 1 to 34 inclusive, andall lots inblock F, from 1 to 30 inclusive, re-serving therefrom lota 11 and 12, inblock F,for street purposes.

The Board reserves the right to reject any orall bids.

Lithograph maps of said property can be badof T. E. Rowan or R. A.Ling.

By order of the Board of Supervisors of LogAngeles county, Cal._jel4-td C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk.


M. G. McKoon, plaintiff, vs. James Gardiner,defendant ? Sheriffs sale, No. 7,272?Orderof sale aud decree of foreclosure andsale -Under and by virtue of an order ofsale and decree of foreclosure and sale,issued out of the Superior Court of theCounty of Los Angeles, State of California, onthe 23d day of June, A.D. 1888, In the aboveentitled action, wherein M. G. McKoon, theabove named plaintiff, obtained a jndgmentand decree of foreclosure and sale againstJames Gardiner, the above named defendant,on Ihe 13th day of June, A. D. 1888, for thesum of $1,482 ingold coin of the United States,whichsaid decree was, on the 21st day ot June,A.D. 1888, recorded in judgment book 8 ofsaid court, at page 407 et seq., I am command-ed to sell all that certain lot, piece or parcel ofland, situate, lyingand being in the county ofLos Angeles, State of- California, and boundedand described as follows: Lot forty-four (44),Orange Heights, inthe city of Los Angeles, ac-cording to a survey and plat of said tract madeby G. E. Pillsbury, which map Is entitled

'Orange Heights," and is recorded In book 18,

page 63, of the Miscellaneous Records of LoaAngeles County, said State of California.Public notice is hereby given that on Wednes-

day, the 18th day of July, 1888, at 12 o'clock at.of that day, in front of the Court House door ofthe Couuty of Los Angeles, on Spring street, Iwill,in obedience to said order of sale and de-cree of foreclosure and sale, sell the abovedescribed property, or so much thereof as maybe necessaiy to satisfy said judgment, withinterest and costs, etc., to the highest and bestbidder, for cash in gold coin of the UnitedStates.

Dated this 23d day of June, 1888.JAMES C. KAYS,

Sheriff ofLos Angeles county.State ofCalifornia,

1 Je24-td