lose fat faster copyright © 2015 · will not help you lose fat! keep photos of healthy lean people...

Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 Maureen Garry

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Page 1: Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 · will not help you lose fat! Keep photos of healthy lean people and activities, or your favorite non-food subject, in the forefront. They will

Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

Page 2: Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 · will not help you lose fat! Keep photos of healthy lean people and activities, or your favorite non-food subject, in the forefront. They will

Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

WARNING: This eBook is for your personal use only.

You may NOT give away, share or resell

this intellectual property in any way.

Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry, BA, Pn1, CTT. All rights are reserved. You may not

distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without

written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry


The information presented in this work is not intended as medical advice or as a

substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with

the guidance and care of your physician.

Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise

and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or

work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the

recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your


By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part

of Maureen Garry, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your

use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive,

relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Maureen Garry or her

affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with,

or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

Lose Fat Faster

You’re committed to losing fat and getting the shapely lean body you’ve always

wanted, but you don’t want to wait around for the slow train. You want to see and feel

big results as quickly as possible.

That’s where this book comes in.

We know an awful lot about food and exercise and fat loss these days, but not all of it

makes it to the mainstream.

This booklet is a compilation of the some of the latest findings in life hacks for fat loss.

It’s a collection of useful tips in a very easy-to-access format, with just enough scientific

backing to let you know the tip has been proven to work in controlled experiments.

Use them all, and get ready to hack your way to a leaner you!

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

Fat Hack #1: Don’t Look At Images of Food Before You Eat – You’ll Be Hungrier

Of course, it’s normal for the hunger hormone, ghrelin, to rise before a meal. That’s

your body’s signal that you’re hungry. But if you want to make the hunger hormone

rise further, just look at pictures of food.

As published in the journal Obesityi, ghrelin levels in study participants who were

presented with pictures of food rose a whopping 19% compared to their levels without

being shown the food.

Clearly, eating 19% more calories than you need just because you saw images of food

will not help you lose fat!

Keep photos of healthy lean people and activities, or your favorite non-food subject, in

the forefront. They will keep your hunger down and inspire you to make healthier


Fat Hack #2: Eat More Protein Along With a Moderate Calorie Deficit for the Best Results

Protein has amazing ability to aid weight loss. It not only satisfies hunger better than

carbs and fat, it helps to preserve muscle. This magical combo helps keep both your

calorie intake low and your metabolism high.

What’s so special about muscle? Well, if you lose muscle there goes some of your ability

to burn calories while resting. Go off that low-calorie diet and what happens? Fat comes

back by eating the same amount of calories you used to eat before the diet.

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

Yo-yo dieting. It’s a simple as that.

What might be surprising to you, though, is the amount of protein you need to eat to

preserve your fat free mass (i.e. muscle and other non-fat tissues).

Researchers at McMaster University in Ontarioii observed that protein intakes of 2-3

times the USDA’s recommended daily allowance, in combination with a 500 calorie per

day deficit, caused greater muscle preservation than lower protein intakes.

Using the total bodyweight method, this equates to eating between about 0.8 – 1.2

grams of protein per pound of body weight. If you weigh 150 lbs, you would eat

between 120 and 180 grams of protein per day.

A more accurate estimate is based on your fat-free mass (FFM), which is roughly

calculated by subtracting your fat weight from your total weight. Strive to eat about 1.0

– 1.4 grams of protein per pound of FFM.

Even if you don’t know what your FFM is, you can estimate it by the following table.

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

For example, a woman just tipping into being obese and weighing 150 lbs would be

about 30% fat, or have 45 pounds of fat. Her fat free mass would equal 105 pounds (150-

45 pounds) so using the fat free mass method she should eat between 105 and 147

grams of protein per day.

The protein should be taken in throughout the day, not in one or two huge meals.

It takes dedicated effort to eat this much protein, but if you strive to have 25-30 grams

per meal and snack, it’s attainable.

Fat Hack #3: Choose the Best Type of Protein to Satisfy Your Hunger

Eating the amount of protein needed to maintain muscle can be difficult while staying

on a lower calorie diet, so that’s why protein powders come in so handy. They’re an

easy, convenient source of protein.

But the type of protein powder you choose can have an influence on how satisfying it is

for your appetite.

In a study published in the 2015 European Journal of Sports Science iii, participants

reported that pea protein created the greatest satiety, followed by whey and then soy


If you’re not used to pea protein taste, try one container first before filling your pantry.

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

Fat Hack #4: Choose the Best Protein Powder to Encourage Muscle Growth

Higher quality proteins, meaning those which have a more balanced profile of amino

acids, are thought to encourage the creation of proteins in your muscles better than

those of lower quality.

Translated into everyday practical measures, this means animal protein likely preserves

muscle and other fat free mass better than vegetable protein.

To test this out, a 2015 study published in the Journal of Nutritioniv showed that during

14 days of reduced calorie intake, whey protein preserved muscle better than soy

protein right after the meal.

Added to the lesser satiety of soy protein shown in the previous study, it looks like soy

protein is not the best choice for weight loss.

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

Fat Hack #5: Weigh Yourself Daily

A study published in PLoS Onev found that people who weighed themselves daily

generally lost weight. Those who took breaks from weighing themselves for longer than

a month had the greatest risk of weight gain.

Management guru Peter Drucker says it best: “What gets measured gets managed.” If

you’re paying attention to your weight, you’re more likely to do things that will bring

you toward your goal.

Even after you reach your ideal weight it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the scale to

avoid backsliding.

Fat Hack #6: Do High Intensity Interval Training to Raise Your “Youth Hormone”

High intensity interval training, or HIIT, is all the rage these days for increasing human

growth hormone (hGH) and burning fat for good reason. Compared to moderate

exercise it’s far and away better.

A 2014 study of trained athletes published in the American Journal of Physiology,

Endocrinology and Metabolismvi showed increased hGH after HIIT, but no increase at all

in this coveted hormone after moderate exercise.

Even the Mayo Clinic, while not promoting dangerous injections of the hormone,

recognizes hGH is known to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat in healthy older


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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

HIIT was defined as 82% of maximum oxygen consumption (Vo2 max), and moderate

exercise was 67% VO2 max.

Translated into everyday language of perceived exertion: On a scale of 6-20, where 6 is

no exertion at all, 82% is about 15/20, or “hard” work, while 67% is about 12/20 or

“moderate” (just above “light”) work.

If you’re still exercising in the lower intensity range, pump up your efforts to change

your growth hormone levels and lose fat faster.

Fat Hack #7: Fast to Increase Growth Hormone and Decrease Insulin, With a Few Caveats

It’s well-established that fasting anywhere from 14-36 hours increases human growth

hormone (hGH), which is helpful for burning fat quicklyviii. Further benefits include

greater resting energy expenditure and muscle building, all positive changes for a lean

body. Take small steps into the fasting zone to decide whether it’s for you.

The least-intrusive fast is to eat an early dinner and delay breakfast a little, which easily

brings you into the 14 hour fast range (for example, finish dinner at 6:30 pm and start

breakfast at 8:30 am). This fasting period is usually easy to implement and not too


If you want to extend the fast, cut off eating earlier in the day rather than delaying your

morning meal any longer. Women’s hormones respond better to heavier eating earlier

and lighter eating later in the day. If the extended fasting goes well you might want to

look into more intense protocols such as Eat, Stop, Eatix; The Warrior Dietx; or alternate

day fasting, which simply entails eating every other day.

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However, you should consider several factors before diving headlong into a fast. First

and foremost, fasting is stressful so you need to be ready for it. Perimenopausal women

often have dysregulated cortisol, which needs to be soothed back into balance. In

addition, if you are hypoglycemic, diabetic, pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s best to

normalize your blood glucose and insulin levels, or wean the baby, before putting this

additional stress on your body.

You don’t want to create symptoms that keep you from sleeping, doing a good job at

work or achieving the athletic performance you could have if you’d eaten. These

include headache, weakness, tremors, irritability and extreme hunger.

You also do not want to increase your stress levels too much, since cortisol makes it

difficult to lose fat. If you’re already under a lot of stress, fasting might not be right for

you until “life is good” again.xi

But if all is well and you’re ready for the fasting challenge, by all means do it!

Fat Hack #8: Get a Good Night’s Sleep to Increase Growth Hormone and Decrease Hunger

Sleeping deeply might be the easiest, most pleasant strategy to lose weight yet. A recent

study in the journal Sleepxii showed babies’ growth spurts followed increased sleep,

further supporting the link between growth hormone and sleep.

An earlier studyxiii showed restricting sleep to 4 hours a night decreased leptin, the

appetite-suppressing hormone, by 18%. On top of that, sleep deprivation increased

ghrelin, the hunger hormone, by 28%.

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

Missing sleep causes big-time cravings because hunger-regulating hormones are out of

whack. Not surprisingly, the subjects’ favorite foods to satisfy the hunger were sweet,

salty and starchy foods, not protein rich foods or fruits and vegetables!

Some of the simplest ways to normalize sleep are to go to bed and wake up at the same

time every day—seven days a week—and restrict caffeine intake, especially later in the

day. Alcohol disrupts sleep, so finish that glass of red wine at least three hours before

bedtime to minimize its effect on your sleep.

Also, create a nighttime ritual at least an hour before bed that excludes any electronic

screens. If you’re tempted to keep at your computer or iPhone, install color-modifying

software such as f.lux to decrease the blue light emitted into your eyes. It computes the

color of sunlight at your location and adjusts the output to simulate that time of day.

But try to turn the electronics off!

A hot bath or shower, a few minutes of gratitude and a cool, dark room will send you

off into peaceful slumbers.

Fat Hack #9: Minimize Blue Light Exposure to Keep Hunger Away and Decrease Insulin Resistance

Here’s another reason to turn off the TV: blue light exposure can actually increase

hunger and lessen insulin sensitivity.

Researchers at the Circadian Rhythms and Sleep Research Laboratory at Northwestern

University exposed subjects to blue light before and during the evening mealxiv.

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

Compared with dim light exposure, participants were hungrier from 15 minutes after

light exposure all the way until two hours after the meal. The blue light also decreased

sleepiness and created higher insulin resistance.

It’s not available for TVs, but as noted in the last tip blue light from your computer

monitor or iPhone can be minimized with software like f.lux.

Fat Hack #10: Include Your Favorite Treats in Your Weight Loss Program

Great news! We all want to continue to enjoy our favorite treat foods while losing

weight and new research shows this is the best approach.

A British government survey of over 2,100 men and womenxv on a weight loss diet

found that of those who lost the most weight, 91% of them had continued to eat the

same amount of chocolate they had before starting their program.

The survey’s commissioner, nutrition scientist Janet Aylott, says, “Extensive research

has proven that diets centered around food elimination are much more likely to fail.

The key is to take a more relaxed approach and to have a little of what you like.”

Aylott strengthened her statement, noting one study even showed up to 65% of those

who give up all treats actually end up ballooning in weight.

This doesn’t give you free reign with your treats! But it does mean if you include a little

of what you love most you are more likely to be successful in the long term.

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry

Fat Hack #11: Drink More Water than You Really Need

Have you ever wondered if there’s any merit to drinking more water when trying to

lose weight? It’s a common recommendation, but what’s the proof behind it?

Actually, it really does help. A 2014 study in the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and

Medicinexvi had overweight women drink 500 mL (about 17 ounces) of water before

breakfast, lunch and dinner. This was in addition to their regular water intake.

After 8 weeks they lost an average of 3.2 pounds, had lower skinfold totals and reported

lower appetites. If that rate continued, they would lose over 20 pounds in one year, just

by drinking water!

You Can Do This

So there you have it, baby steps you can start on today to lose fat faster. But like we

talked about at the beginning, don’t think you have to do everything all at once.

That’s overwhelming, raises your cortisol, keeps you awake at night and increases your

belly fat!

Instead, pick one thing at a time—or two if you’re feeling they’ll be pretty easy—and

make small changes every day. Pretty soon you’ll sport a flat belly, sleep like a baby

and feel ten years younger.

When your friends and family ask you what happened just tell them the truth:

You’re a Fat Hacker!

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Lose Fat Faster Copyright © 2015 – Maureen Garry


i Schussler P, et al. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2012 Jun;20(6):1212-7. ii Eur J Sport Sci. 2015;15(1):21-8. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2014.936325. Epub 2014 Jul 11 iii Ibid. iv J Nutr. 2015 Feb;145(2):246-52. doi: 10.3945/jn.114.200832. Epub 2014 Dec 17. v PLoS One. 2014; 9(11): e113164. vi Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Oct 1;307(7):E539-52. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00276.2014. Epub 2014

Aug 5. vii http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/healthy-aging/in-depth/growth-hormone/art-20045735 viii http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2012/05/04/fasting-effects-on-human-growth-

hormone.aspx ix http://bradpilon.com/ x http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrior_diet xi http://www.marksdailyapple.com/who-should-and-shouldnt-try-fasting/#axzz1tAdGmBAm xii Sleep. 2011 May 1; 34(5): 641–650 xiii http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15583226 xiv http://www.aasmnet.org/articles.aspx?id=4782 xv http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2458375/Trying-lose-weight-Slimmers-continue-eating-

treats-likely-succeed.html xvi J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2014 Jul;5(2):340-4. doi: 10.4103/0976-9668.136180.