lost from balochistan

Lost from Balochistan Lost from Balochistan is the story of the penjabis domination against the Balochis. Balochis cultivate a particular resentment against the central power, accused of enslaving them and delaying the provincial development while drawing from its rich basement. a Photo story by Marc Watrelot / LightMediation

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Lost from Balochistan is the story of the penjabis domination against the Balochis. Balochis cultivate a particular resentment against the central power, accused of enslaving them and delaying the provincial development while drawing from its rich basement.


Page 1: Lost from Balochistan

Lost from Balochistan

Lost from Balochistan is the story of the penjabis domination againstthe Balochis. Balochis cultivate a particular resentment against thecentral power, accused of enslaving them and delaying the provincialdevelopment while drawing from its rich basement.

a Photo story by Marc Watrelot / LightMediation

Page 2: Lost from Balochistan

2796-17: Slums of Gwadar. Province of Balochistan. An old woman came to settle down near the new commercial and military port of Gwadar to improve the standard of living of her family.

Contact - Thierry Tinacci - LightMediation Photo Agency - email: [email protected] - mobile: +

Page 3: Lost from Balochistan

2796-01: The sister of Jalil Raki holds a portrait of her disappeared brother, secretary of the independentpolitical party ,Balochistan Republican Party". Jalil Raki, 32, disapeared on 13 February 2009.

2796-02: Court of Justice of Quetta. The Pakistani justice is reluctant to ask for investigations into thedisappearances of balochi political activists, as the Pakistan Army and the Pakistani Intelligences can be

2796-03: BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) Guerrilla fighter stand guard near a camp of the BLA in thescrubland of Bolan at two hour drive from Quetta, capital of the Pakistan province of Balochistan.

2796-04: Akbar Bugti, former Pakistan home secretary stands under a hole made by a Pakistani bomb inhis home in Dera Bugti. After his political career, Akbar Bugti becomes the leader of the Pro Independent

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2796-05: Brahmdagh Bugti, current leader of the BLA and grandson of late Nawab Akbar Bugti. He iswanted by the Pakistani Government on numerous Terrorism Charges.

2796-06: Personal Bodyguards of Akbar Bugti in july 2005 in Dera Bugti, Balochistan. Akbar Bugti waskilled under the bombs of the Pakistan Army on August 26th, 2006. Since this date Balochis does not

2796-07: Miners pray in front of a body of a miner killed during an explosion in a Baloch coalminecontrolled by the Pakistani government.

2796-08: Displacement in pick-up with balochis fighters in the region of Dera Bugti today under control ofthe Pakistan Army.

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2796-53: A miner is looked after at the Quetta hospital after an explosion in a baloch coalminecontroled by the Pakistan State. The province of Balochistan is the richest in Pakistan (gold, cobalt, gas) nevertheless balochs is the poorest of the federation. A majority of the gas produced in Pakistan is coming from

Balochistan but the province can consumes only a small fraction.

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2796-09: A miner died during an explosion in a coal mine in Khanozaï. 2796-10: Region of Makran, Province of Balochistan. On 2 February 2009 the Baloch Liberation UnitedFront ( BLUF) kidnapped John Solecki, an American citizen and leader of the UN mission in Quetta,

2796-11: Miners work in a coalmine in Sibi in the province of Balochistan. For decades, the Pakistanicentral governments under penjabis domination deprived on one hand fair Balochistan and paid only 12

2796-12: Miners work in a coalmine in Sibi in the province of Balochistan. For decades, the Pakistanicentral governments under Punjabis domination paid only 12 % of royalties due to the province in

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2796-24: Balochis prepare to cut the throat of a goat in the region of Sibi, province of Balochistan. Goats are the main wealth of the rural populations.

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2796-13: Miners in a coal mine in Sibi. For decades, the Pakistani central government under Punjabi rulepaid only 12 % of royalties due to the province from the gas it produced.

2796-14: A miner arrives in Quetta's main hospital after an explosion in a Baloch coalmine.

2796-15: A father with is two wife and children in the region of Sibi, Pakistan province of Balochistan.Balochis cultivates a particular resentment against the central power, accused of enslaving them, of

2796-16: A miner is looked after at the Quetta hospital after an explosion in a baloch coalminecontroled by the Pakistan State. The province of Balochistan is the richest in Pakistan (gold, cobalt, gas)

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2796-17: Slums of Gwadar. Province of Balochistan. An old woman came to settle down near the newcommercial and military port of Gwadar to improve the standard of living of her family.

2796-18: Anti-Pakistan and pro-Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) demonstration on 27 March, 2009 inQuetta, the capital of Balochistan.

2796-19: Anti-Pakistan and pro-Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) demonstration on 27 March, 2009 inQuetta, the capital of Balochistan.

2796-20: Anti-Pakistan and pro-BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) demonstration on 27 March, 2009 inQuetta, the capital of Balochistan.

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2796-21: Two balochi girls during the 27 March demonstration.

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2796-21: Two balochi girls during the 27 March demonstration. 2796-22: AK 47 of a BLA guerrilla. Every rifle is personalized by the traditional baloch motifs and cleanedtwice by day. The targets of the guerrilla warfare are always the same; the Pakistan Army, its barracks

2796-23: Kohlu a 24 years old BLA guerrilla, with his wife and son in a room of their house near Quetta.Kolhu joined the BLA four years ago to free its native province from the ethnic Pakistanis dominating the

2796-24: Balochis prepare to cut the throat of a goat in the region of Sibi, province of Balochistan. Goatsare the main wealth of the rural populations.

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2796-22: AK 47 of a BLA guerrilla. Every rifle is personalized by the traditional baloch motifs and cleaned twice by day. The targets of the guerrilla warfare are always the same; the Pakistan Army, its barracks and themines controlled by the Pakistan state.

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2796-25: A young Balochi drinks a cup of tea with goat's milk in the region of Sibi. 2796-26: A miner is looked after at the Quetta hospital after an explosion in a baloch coalmine.

2796-27: BLA fighters dance around a fire in the scrubland of Bolan. 2796-28: Bolan, Province of Balochistan. Guerillos of the BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) dance arounda fire in the scrubland of Bolan at 2 hours drive from Quetta, capital of Balochistan.

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2796-27: BLA fighters dance around a fire in the scrubland of Bolan.

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2796-29: A BLA Guerrilla fighter in March 2009 in the scrubland of Bolan. 2796-30: In this camp, the commander Shahak controls some 40 voluntary guerrillas coming from the fourcorners of the province. The guerrillas regulary attacks the Pakistan Army, burying anti-personnel land

2796-31: BLA fighters dance around a fire in the scrubland of Bolan. 2796-32: Portrait of a BLA guerrilla fighter (Balochistan Liberation Army) in the scrubland of Bolan close toQuetta, capital of the Pakistani province of Balochistan.

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2796-33: In this camp, the commander Shahak steers some 40 voluntary guerrillas coming from the fourcorners of the province. The guerrilla warfare attacks regularly the Pakistan Army. Burying of

2796-34: A miner is looked after at the Quetta hospital after an explosion in a baloch coalmine controledby the Pakistan State. The province of Balochistan is the richest in Pakistan (gold, cobalt, gas)

2796-35: Nawab Khair Baksh Marri, 89, in his residence in Karachi. Leader of the biggest Baloch tribe,Khair Baksh became a legendary figure as a major supporter of an independant Balochistan. He was one

2796-36: Portrait of the Dr Hakeem Lehri, the leader of the BRP (Balochistan Republican Party) in hisresidence of Quetta. The Dr Hakeem Lehri, former surgeon supports the political and armed independent

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2796-37: Villagers visit a camp of the BLA. The local population donates heads of cattle to feed the BLA guerrillas and also transmits information about the positions of the Pakistan Army.

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2796-37: Villagers visit a camp of the BLA. The local population donates heads of cattle to feed the BLAguerrillas and also transmits information about the positions of the Pakistan Army.

2796-38: Villager's visit in a camp of the BLA. Province of Balochistan. The support of the population tothe Liberation Army of Balochistan ( BLA) is materialised by the donation of heads of cattles to feed the

2796-39: A father with is two wives and children in the region of Sibi. 2796-40: Factories around Quetta.

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2796-19: Anti-Pakistan and pro-Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) demonstration on 27 March, 2009 in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan.

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2796-41: Mustapha Raisini used to be a balochi documentary filmaker before disappearing in 2004, wherehe was imprisoned for two years in the secret « Pakistani tortures cells ».

2796-42: Imdad Baloch, former president of the student Organization of the Balouchistan ( BSO), wasarrested on March 25th, 2005 in Karachi after a gathering protesting against the operations of the

2796-43: Guerrilla of the BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) stand guard near a camp of the BLA in thescrubland of Bolan at two hour drive from Quetta, capital of the Pakistan province of Balochistan.

2796-44: Isolated in baloch mountains, the guerilla move every week withherds of goats as feed. The environment is too dry and too warm to keep the other foodstuffs.

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2796-08: Displacement in pick-up with balochis fighters in the region of Dera Bugti today under control of the Pakistan Army.

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2796-45: Isolated in Baloch Mountains, the guerilla move every week with herds of goats as feed. Theenvironment is too dry and too warm to keep the other foodstuffs.

2796-46: Isolated in baloch mountains, the guerilla move every week withherds of goats as feed. The environment is too dry and too warm to keep the other foodstuffs

2796-47: A guerillero of the BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) stand guard near a camp of the BLA in thescrubland

2796-48: Isolated in baloch mountains, a BLA guerillero is preparing the fire to cook the lamb.

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2796-06: Personal Bodyguards of Akbar Bugti in july 2005 in Dera Bugti, Balochistan. Akbar Bugti was killed under the bombs of the Pakistan Army on August 26th, 2006. Since this date Balochis does not want any morethe autonomy of the province but its independence. The BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) becomes again active.

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2796-49: BLA soldiers are visiting some villagers home where they find a strong support. Bolan, Provinceof Balochistan.

2796-50: BLA soldiers are visiting some villagers home where they find a strong support. Bolan, Provinceof Balochistan.

2796-51: School in a baloch refugees camp in Jacobabad. Balochis runaway after the Pakistan militaryoperation in the region of Dera Bugti. Balochistan is the less developped province of the Pakistani

2796-52: Dera Bugti, now under the control of the Pakistan Army.

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2796-15: A father with is two wife and children in the region of Sibi, Pakistan province of Balochistan. Balochis cultivates a particular resentment against the central power, accused of enslaving them, of dedicating themvery few resources and attention, of delaying the development of the province while drawing from its rich basement.

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Lost from Balochistan

Balochistan extends over 350,000 square kms (approximately the size ofGermany) and is the largest province in the Pakistan Federation. Aroundseven million people live in Balochistan and since the population comprisesof Iranians, Pakistanis and Afghanis this vast desert territory is by and largedivided along ethnic lines. Despite Balochistan being amongst the richestprovince in Pakistan, with valuable natural resources in gold, cobalt andgas, its people are the poorest, suffering for decades under the rule of thePunjabi government. Seeking to address this economic discrimination is oneof the main driving forces behind the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), anarmed group who's resistance regularly makes headlines in the Pakistaninational press.

Balochis cultivate a particular resentment towards centralised power,accusing the government of enslaving them and delaying provincialdevelopment whilst at the same time plundering Balochistan's richresources. The BLA became most active after 2006 when a number ofBalochi political leaders were killed. The BLA continues to target thePakistani army which they view as an occupying imperialist force.

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Les disparus duBalouchistan

« A mort le Pakistan ! », « We wantfreedom ! » scandent des milliers debaloutches en défilant dans les ruespoussiéreuses de Quetta, capitale de laprovince pakistanaise indépendantiste duBalochistan. Récemment, les cadavresmutilés de trois politiciens baloutchesimportants sont retrouvés aux abords deTourbat, une oasis perdue non loin de lafrontière pakistano iranienne. LesEtats-Unis condamne l'assassinat etsouligne que l'un des politiciens a joué unrôle important pour la libération de l'otageaméricain John Solecki détenu pendantdeux mois par le Front Uni pour laLibération du Balochistan (BLUF). Larevendication du BLUF n'était nipécuniaire, ni religieuse. L'organisationdemandait aux autorités pakistanaises lalibération de 1109 baloutches disparus.Depuis l'annexion par l'arméepakistanaise du Balochistan en 1948, unejournée au pays des baloutches ne sepasse rarement sans remous.

Loin des routes, des villes et de sa famille,Mustapha Raisini a le regard vide et ladémarche d'un vieillard. Il vit dans unemaison en terre au milieu de montagnesrouges et arides. Ses abricotiersproduisent de petits fruits juteux etacidulés. Mustapha est un ancien activistepolitique et documentaliste baloutche quitente aujourd'hui d'oublier ses deuxannées passées dans les geôles pakistanaises. En mai 2005, les servicesde renseignements pakistanais (InterService Intelligence et MillitaryIntelligence) investissent sa maison de

Kanat. Il disparaît un an sans que çafamille n'est de nouvelles. Sans que lajustice pakistanaise ne veuille entendreles plaintes de sa femme. Un an dans un«camp de torture» où le bâton qui frappela plante de ses pieds veut lui faire dire cequ'il prétend ne pas être, un terroristebaloutche. Un an à s'entendre dire quecette journée sera sa dernière, que safemme et ses fils le sont déjà. Mustaphan'a pas honte de pleurer devant sa femmeet l'un de ses fils lorsque je l'interroge. Iln'a pas honte de dire qu'il était, lui et descentaines d'autres, souvent nu dans cecamp où l'on ne voit pas la lumière et oùl'on traite « les hommes comme desanimaux ». Il n'en connait ni le nom, nil'emplacement. Sans trop savoir pourquoi,il est un soir transféré, les yeux bandésdans une prison de Quetta. Pour lapremière fois, il revoit sa femme qu'ilcroyait morte et connaît le motif de sonincarcération «Planification d'une attaqueà la bombe contre l'Etat pakistanais». Ilrestera 13 mois à la prison ATF (AntiTerrorist Force) de Quetta avant d'êtreacquitté, faute de preuve. Sa femme,Naela, tentera par la suite de porterplainte contre les services secretspakistanais mais s'entend dire des juges «Votre mari est en vie. Que cherchez-vous? » Le cas de Mustapha Raisini n'est pasisolé. Lorsque des « disparus »baloutches sont transférer vers desprisons officielles, ils recouvrent leursidentités et sont en quelques sortesblanchies des opérations des servicessecrets pakistanais. Imdad Baloch, ancienprésident du Balochistan StudentOrganisation (BSO) est un petit homme auvisage rond et aux intensions pleines depolitesse. Il dit avoir été enlevé et détenupendant trois mois dans une prisonsecrète avant d'être inculpé pour « vol » etacquitté par la justice. De même pour AnifBaloch, un jeune réalisateur de film

baloutche dynamique qui se souvient nes'être lavé qu'une seule fois et avoir vécul'électrocution régulièrement durant 5mois. Anif me demandera, dans une piècesouterraine où il monte son dernier film,de ne pas le nommer en ajoutant « Dansce pays quant vous êtes libre, vousessayez de le rester ». Les trois politiciensbaloutches retrouvés morts n'ont pas eucette chance. Deux baloutches viennent me chercherpour rejoindre un camp de guérilleros del'Armée de Libération Baloutche (BLA). Ilya quelques jours encore ce campdétenait cinq otages penjâbis, l'ethniedominant l'économie et contrôlant l'arméepakistanaise. Deux heures de routeschaotiques et trois changements devoitures effectués, quatre soldats du BLAouvrent la marche dans le maquis duBolan. Une zone rude et montagneuse quimarque la frontière entre les plainesfertiles du monde indien et les peuplesd'éleveur nomade du Balochistan. Lamarche est difficile, les guérilleroschaussés de sandales faites de pneu devoiture s'en amusent. Du haut de leurpromontoire rocheux, deux soldats font leguet. Les 40 guérilleros s'affairent ;malaxent la pate à pain, dépècent lachèvre qui nourrira les combattants,nettoient les armes et écoutent, tous lessoirs les informations à la radio, « Voice ofAmerica » pour le lieutenant ducommandant. L'ambiance est fraternelle etles rires francs malgré l'éloignement deleurs familles. Les guérilleros, venus desquatre coins d'une province grandecomme l'Allemagne, ne retournent à la viecivile que quelques jours tous les quatremois. Le commandant Shahak a lesépaules larges, des yeux blagueurs et unepaire de vieilles baskets aux pieds. Ilinsiste sur le fait que le BLA n'a aucunliens avec les talibans qui selon lui « ontoublié leur identité nationale et font la

guerre au nom de la religion grâce àl'armée pakistanaise » qui ajout-il perçoittoujours, comme au temps de l'invasionsoviétique en Afghanistan, des milliardsde dollars des américains. Depuis 1996,le commandant ne quitte jamais sonDragunov, un fusil sniper russe. Shahak, atoujours vécu les inégalités et ladiscrimination à l'égard de son peuple.Pas seulement à l'école ou la languebaloutche n'est pas enseigné mais danstoutes les sphères de la société. Selon lecommandant, les baloutches ont toujoursété traités par les pakistanais comme unpeuple inférieur. « Sur notre terre dont ilstirent la plupart de leurs ressources, ilsnous considèrent comme des esclaves »soumet-il. La plupart des ressourcesnaturelles du Pakistan sont situées auBaloutchistan - gaz naturel, uranium,cuivre, cobalt et des réserves de pétrolepotentiellement abondantes- exploités pardes multinationales pakistanaises etchinoises. Si près de 40% du gaz produitau Pakistan provient de cette province,elle n'en consomme qu'une petite fractioncar seulement 4 des 26 districts sontalimentés en gaz, faute d'infrastructuresadéquat. L'unité de gaz est acheté 27roupies au Balochistan et 190 roupies à laprovince du Pendjab sans que lesdifférentiels techniques ne justifient un telécart. Il en résulte un manque criantd'écoles, de routes et d'infrastructures entout genre. Le Balochistan est la plusgrande, la plus riche mais ses habitantssont les plus pauvres de la fédération. Lestaux de mortalité infantile, de malnutrition,de pauvreté sont les plus élevés du payset ce malgré les vastes réservesd'énergies dont son sous sol regorge. Dans ses vallées escarpées, rare sontceux qui croient encore aux combat via lesvoies parlementaires ou aux promessesde l'Etat « Au Pakistan il n'y a pas degouvernement. Il y a l'Armée. Le Président

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Zardari n'a aucun pouvoir, il n'est que la marionnette de cette dernière qui,depuis 60 ans dirige le pays pour s'enrichir» poursuit le commandant. Arméde lances roquettes, de mortiers, d'explosifs, de mines anti-tanks, le BLAs'attaque à toutes les installations de « l'occupant pakistanais » ; Oléoducsqui acheminent le gaz baloutche vers les autres provinces, bases militaires.« Nous détruisons tout les installations et ceux qui protègent ou permettentla stabilisation de la colonisation pakistanaise au Balochistan » soutient lecommandant entouré de ses hommes. Le mouvement indépendantistebaloutche s'est durci au point de faire régulièrement la Une des journauxpakistanais et depuis peu de la presse américaine avec l'enlèvement deJohn Solecki, ce haut fonctionnaire de l'ONU détenu par la guérilla pendantdeux mois et libéré en bonne santé. Pour le Dr Hakeem Lehri, leader duParti Républicain Baloutche (BRP), qui a aidé à la libération de l'otageaméricain, « Nous, baloutches ne croyons pas au meurtre de sang froid,nous ne tuons jamais de personnes innocentes qui n'appartiennent pas augouvernement pakistanais » mais il ajoute «nous montrons au monde quenotre peuple souffre et meurt sous l'occupation de l'armée pakistanaise ».

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2796-01: The sister of Jalil Raki holds aportrait of her disappeared brother,secretary of the independent political party,Balochistan Republican Party". Jalil Raki,32, disapeared on 13 February 2009.

2796-02: Court of Justice of Quetta. ThePakistani justice is reluctant to ask forinvestigations into the disappearances ofbalochi political activists, as the PakistanArmy and the Pakistani Intelligences canbe implied.

2796-03: BLA (Balochistan LiberationArmy) Guerrilla fighter stand guard near acamp of the BLA in the scrubland of Bolanat two hour drive from Quetta, capital ofthe Pakistan province of Balochistan.

2796-04: Akbar Bugti, former Pakistanhome secretary stands under a hole madeby a Pakistani bomb in his home in DeraBugti. After his political career, AkbarBugti becomes the leader of the ProIndependent movement. He was killedunder the bombs of the Army on August26th, 2006. Since this date Balochis doesnot want any more the autonomy of theprovince but its independence. The BLA(Balochistan Liberation Army) becomesagain active under the command of AkbarBugti's grandson (in the background onthe photo).

2796-05: Brahmdagh Bugti, current leaderof the BLA and grandson of late NawabAkbar Bugti. He is wanted by the PakistaniGovernment on numerous TerrorismCharges.

2796-06: Personal Bodyguards of AkbarBugti in july 2005 in Dera Bugti,

Balochistan. Akbar Bugti was killed underthe bombs of the Pakistan Army onAugust 26th, 2006. Since this dateBalochis does not want any more theautonomy of the province but itsindependence. The BLA (BalochistanLiberation Army) becomes again active.

2796-07: Miners pray in front of a body ofa miner killed during an explosion in aBaloch coalmine controlled by thePakistani government.

2796-08: Displacement in pick-up withbalochis fighters in the region of DeraBugti today under control of the PakistanArmy.

2796-09: A miner died during an explosionin a coal mine in Khanozaï.

2796-10: Region of Makran, Province ofBalochistan. On 2 February 2009 theBaloch Liberation United Front ( BLUF)kidnapped John Solecki, an Americancitizen and leader of the UN mission inQuetta, demanding the liberation of 1109«disappeared» balochis from Pakistaniauthorities . John Solecki was releasedunharmed after two months in detentions.

2796-11: Miners work in a coalmine in Sibiin the province of Balochistan. Fordecades, the Pakistani centralgovernments under penjabis dominationdeprived on one hand fair Balochistan andpaid only 12 % of royalties due to theprovince in conformance with the gaswhich it produces.

2796-12: Miners work in a coalmine in Sibiin the province of Balochistan. Fordecades, the Pakistani centralgovernments under Punjabis dominationpaid only 12 % of royalties due to theprovince in conformance with the gas it


2796-13: Miners in a coal mine in Sibi. Fordecades, the Pakistani centralgovernment under Punjabi rule paid only12 % of royalties due to the province fromthe gas it produced.

2796-14: A miner arrives in Quetta's mainhospital after an explosion in a Balochcoalmine.

2796-15: A father with is two wife andchildren in the region of Sibi, Pakistanprovince of Balochistan. Balochiscultivates a particular resentment againstthe central power, accused of enslavingthem, of dedicating them very fewresources and attention, of delaying thedevelopment of the province while drawingfrom its rich basement.

2796-16: A miner is looked after at theQuetta hospital after an explosion in abaloch coalminecontroled by the Pakistan State. Theprovince of Balochistan is the richest inPakistan (gold, cobalt, gas) neverthelessbalochs is the poorest of the federation. Amajority of the gas produced in Pakistan iscoming from Balochistan but the provincecan consumes only a small fraction.

2796-17: Slums of Gwadar. Province ofBalochistan. An old woman came to settledown near the new commercial andmilitary port of Gwadar to improve thestandard of living of her family.

2796-18: Anti-Pakistan andpro-Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) demonstration on 27 March, 2009 inQuetta, the capital of Balochistan.

2796-19: Anti-Pakistan andpro-Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA)

demonstration on 27 March, 2009 inQuetta, the capital of Balochistan.

2796-20: Anti-Pakistan and pro-BLA(Balochistan Liberation Army) demonstration on 27 March, 2009 inQuetta, the capital of Balochistan.

2796-21: Two balochi girls during the 27March demonstration.

2796-22: AK 47 of a BLA guerrilla. Everyrifle is personalized by the traditionalbaloch motifs and cleaned twice by day.The targets of the guerrilla warfare arealways the same; the Pakistan Army, itsbarracks and the mines controlled by thePakistan state.

2796-23: Kohlu a 24 years old BLAguerrilla, with his wife and son in a room oftheir house near Quetta. Kolhu joined theBLA four years ago to free its nativeprovince from the ethnic Pakistanisdominating the army and the economy ofthe country. With his Russian sniper rifle,he can get a target big as a soccer ball inmore than 600 meters away.

2796-24: Balochis prepare to cut thethroat of a goat in the region of Sibi,province of Balochistan. Goats are themain wealth of the rural populations.

2796-25: A young Balochi

a cup of tea with goat's milk in the regionof Sibi.

2796-26: A miner is looked after at theQuetta hospital after an explosion in abaloch coalmine.

2796-27: BLA fighters dance around a firein the scrubland of Bolan.

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2796-28: Bolan, Province of Balochistan.Guerillos of the BLA (BalochistanLiberation Army) dance around a fire inthe scrubland of Bolan at 2 hours drivefrom Quetta, capital of Balochistan.

2796-29: A BLA Guerrilla fighter in March2009 in the scrubland of Bolan.

2796-30: In this camp, the commanderShahak controls some 40 voluntaryguerrillas coming from the four corners ofthe province. The guerrillas regularyattacks the Pakistan Army, buryinganti-personnel land mines and anti-tankmines near the army camp and firesRussian and Chinese rockets on themilitary installations.

2796-31: BLA fighters dance around a firein the scrubland of Bolan.

2796-32: Portrait of a BLA guerrilla fighter (Balochistan Liberation Army) in thescrubland of Bolan close to Quetta, capitalof the Pakistani province of Balochistan.

2796-33: In this camp, the commanderShahak steers some 40 voluntaryguerrillas coming from the four corners ofthe province. The guerrilla warfare attacksregularly the Pakistan Army. Burying ofantipersonnel land mines and anti tanksmines near the army cantonnement, firesof Russian and Chinese rockets on themilitary installations, mortars, rifles sniperRussians, AK 47.

2796-34: A miner is looked after at theQuetta hospital after an explosion in abaloch coalmine controled by the PakistanState. The province of Balochistan is the

richest in Pakistan (gold, cobalt, gas)nevertheless balochs is the poorest of thefederation.

2796-35: Nawab Khair Baksh Marri, 89, inhis residence in Karachi. Leader of thebiggest Baloch tribe, Khair Baksh becamea legendary figure as a major supporter ofan independant Balochistan. He was oneof the intermediaries between the UN andthe BLUF (Balochistan Liberation UnitedFront) for the liberation of the Americanhostage John Solecki.

2796-36: Portrait of the Dr Hakeem Lehri,the leader of the BRP (BalochistanRepublican Party) in his residence ofQuetta. The Dr Hakeem Lehri, formersurgeon supports the political and armedindependent movements. It was one of theintermediaries between the UNO and theBLUF (Balochistan Liberation UnitedFront) for the liberation of the Americanhostage John Solecki, age 45, releasedhealthy after two months of detention.

2796-37: Villagers visit a camp of the BLA.The local population donates heads ofcattle to feed the BLA guerrillas and alsotransmits information about the positionsof the Pakistan Army.

2796-38: Villager's visit in a camp of theBLA. Province of Balochistan. The supportof the population to the Liberation Army ofBalochistan ( BLA) is materialised by thedonation of heads of cattles to feed theguerrilleros and by the transmission ofinformation about the positions of thePakistan Army. The leaders of the campsof the BLA also have vocation to takedecisions of justice in villages undercontrol of the BLA.

2796-39: A father with is two wives andchildren in the region of Sibi.

2796-40: Factories around Quetta.

2796-41: Mustapha Raisini used to be abalochi documentary filmaker beforedisappearing in 2004, where he wasimprisoned for two years in the secret «Pakistani tortures cells ».

2796-42: Imdad Baloch, former presidentof the student Organization of theBalouchistan ( BSO), was arrested onMarch 25th, 2005 in Karachi after agathering protesting against theoperations of the Pakistani Army in theprovince. Imdad Baloch was detained2-months in several secret prisons of thePakistan Army.

2796-43: Guerrilla of the BLA (BalochistanLiberation Army) stand guard near a campof the BLA in the scrubland of Bolan attwo hour drive from Quetta, capital of thePakistan province of Balochistan.

2796-44: Isolated in baloch mountains, theguerilla move every week withherds of goats as feed. The environmentis too dry and too warm to keep the otherfoodstuffs.

2796-45: Isolated in Baloch Mountains,the guerilla move every week with herds ofgoats as feed. The environment is too dryand too warm to keep the other foodstuffs.

2796-46: Isolated in baloch mountains, theguerilla move every week withherds of goats as feed. The environmentis too dry and too warm to keep the otherfoodstuffs

2796-47: A guerillero of the BLA(Balochistan Liberation Army) stand guardnear a camp of the BLA in the scrublandof Bolan has some tens kilometres of

Quetta, capital of the Pakistan province ofBalochistan.

2796-48: Isolated in baloch mountains, aBLA guerillero is preparing the fire to cookthe lamb.

2796-49: BLA soldiers are visiting somevillagers home where they find a strongsupport. Bolan, Province of Balochistan.

2796-50: BLA soldiers are visiting somevillagers home where they find a strongsupport. Bolan, Province of Balochistan.

2796-51: School in a baloch refugeescamp in Jacobabad. Balochis runawayafter the Pakistan military operation in theregion of Dera Bugti. Balochistan is theless developped province of the PakistaniFederation.

2796-52: Dera Bugti, now under thecontrol of the Pakistan Army.