love is the essence of life

LOVE IS THE ESSENCE OF LIFE FIRST LESSON: REVELATION 2:4-5 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou hast fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come onto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. SECOND LESSON: ROMANS 13:8 Owe no man anything but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. GOLDEN TEXT: FIRST JOHN 3:14 We know that we have to passed from death onto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Brethren, take particular note of this good news of great joy, which is brought onto you today. The Scripture says that when all hopes are lost, the savior appears. The only option for the inhabitants of the world now is to put this gospel into practice. Whosoever seeks after eternal life has to practice what this texts, read to you demand. The end of the world has come and the time of foolishness has since passed. LOVE IS EVERLASTING LIFE: No matter your position in life, no matter how wealthy you may be, and no matter what you may do, if you have no love you are nothing. The First Lesson says, "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou hast fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." The entire world has forsaken the path of love and is engaged in things that bring perdition. Whoever wants eternal life has to love one another so that he will be rich, or that he will be great and prominent in the society. Be it known to you that the love in itself is eternal life and once you have love you have eternal life. LOVE, NOT KNOWLEDGE LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE: Remember the forbidden tree in the garden which Adam and Eve were told not to eat because it was the tree of good and evil. When Satan asked Eve why she did not eat of that fruit, she replied that God told them to eat of every other fruit excepting the one in the middle of the garden, which was the tree of good and evil. She also told Satan that God had warned that if they ate of it, they would die. Satan told Eve that God did not want them to eat of the fruit so that their eyes

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Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou hast fallen, and repent, and do the first

works; or else I will come onto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. SECOND LESSON: ROMANS 13:8

Owe no man anything but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath

fulfilled the law. GOLDEN TEXT: FIRST JOHN 3:14

We know that we have to passed from death onto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.

Brethren, take particular note of this good news of great joy, which is brought onto you today. The Scripture says that when all hopes are lost, the savior

appears. The only option for the inhabitants of the world now is to put this gospel into practice. Whosoever seeks after eternal life has to practice what this texts,

read to you demand. The end of the world has come and the time of foolishness has since passed.

LOVE IS EVERLASTING LIFE: No matter your position in life, no matter how wealthy you may be, and no matter

what you may do, if you have no love you are nothing. The First Lesson says, "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou hast fallen, and repent, and do the first

works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent."

The entire world has forsaken the path of love and is engaged in things that bring perdition. Whoever wants eternal life has to love one another so that he will be

rich, or that he will be great and prominent in the society. Be it known to you that the love in itself is eternal life and once you have love you have eternal life.

LOVE, NOT KNOWLEDGE LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE: Remember the forbidden tree in the garden which Adam and Eve were told not to

eat because it was the tree of good and evil. When Satan asked Eve why she did not eat of that fruit, she replied that God told them to eat of every other fruit

excepting the one in the middle of the garden, which was the tree of good and evil. She also told Satan that God had warned that if they ate of it, they would die.

Satan told Eve that God did not want them to eat of the fruit so that their eyes

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would not be opened to be as wise as God. Because Eve wanted to be as wise as God, she ate of the forbidden fruit and gave also to her husband. The eyes of

both of them were opened just as your eyes are opened today. For this reason, when Adam and Eve heard the voice of God they ran and hid themselves. When

God called on Adam, he replied saying, "I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked." When God asked Adam who told him that he was naked, and wondered whether he had eaten the forbidden fruit, Adam

replied saying, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat."

You have heard of the saying that as the heavens are higher then the earth so is the wisdom of God greater then the wisdom of man. Adam and Eve did not know

that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not all they needed. They did not know what was left. Although they had eaten of the tree of knowledge of good

and evil, God knew that knowledge does not lead one onto eternal life. Since they had eaten of the tree of knowledge, God ordered them out of the garden so that they would not eat of the tree of life and have eternal life. From that time, no

one has eternal life because no one has love. The moment you love one another you will have eternal life.

CHRIST IS THE TREE OF LIFE: You should be thankful to our Lord Jesus who is the only embodiment of love.

That was why he said, "I am the bread of life, whosoever eateth of my flesh and drinketh my blood shall have eternal life." Our Lord Jesus Christ is that tree of

life. This knowledge has eluded all the inhabitants of the world. If Adam and Eve and Abraham and other prophets of old had that love, they would have had eternal life. The same love is lacking in the entire world today. The whites and

the blacks and indeed all the inhabitants of the world do not have eternal life because they possess not love. Man has made a lot of inventions and has

manufactured various things but cannot have eternal life. This is so because there is no human being who has love. Love is that cornerstone which the builders have rejected.


Man has learnt how to swindle, steal, kill, shoot and to do all sorts of things including criminal things, but has refused to learn how to show love and have the benefit of everlasting life. All things are in abundance in the world today except

Love and eternal life. Therefore, whosoever desires eternal life should love one another. Neither medicine nor money nor any other thing for that matter can give

one eternal life except love. That is why it is said that even if you bestow all your goods to feed the poor, and give your body to be burned, if you do not have love it profits you nothing and you cannot have eternal life. Even if you have such faith

and power that can move mountains and do many wonderful works, if you possess not love it profits you nothing.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his life?

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For want of long life, you consult oracles, medical doctors and indulge in many other life preserving and protecting endeavors. I stand in the highest heavens

and declare unto you that life does not consist in these things. Whosoever desires life should have love. There is nothing on Earth that can give you eternal

life except love. Eternal life is not found in hospitals, or healing homes, or in visionaries houses, or in medication. You do not need to worry yourself consulting medical doctors, soothsayers, visionaries and indulging in the

preparation of concoction and charms. All you need to do is love one another. Your tribe or tongue, color or race, position or achievements, do not matter in this

case. Consideration is only given to the injunction love one another. WITHOUT LOVE, YOU ARE DEAD:

Even if you run into the sun, moon or star, or into the abyss or sea, or in the thin air, death shall find you out. In order that you may scape death and have eternal

life, you must possess love. Right now, if you resolve and love one another, you are free from death. I am making it known to the entire world that whosoever does not love one another is a condemned fellow. This explains why it is said

that a city without a prophet is doomed. If our Lord Jesus Christ had not come, the entire world would not have had the opportunity to be saved. Whosoever

therefore, refuses to practice this gospel has perished. Do not disturb your mind about things that do not matter, simply have love and you are saved. Love is the only weapon and source of salvation. Let the first lesson be read. You have to

pay serious attention to this gospel because it is the source of eternal life. It is also the father, the son and the Holy Ghost.

FIRST LESSON: REVELATION 2:4-5 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Remember therefore from whence thou hast fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out

of his place, except thou repent. LOVE: THE ONLY SOURCE OF SALVATION:

Brethren, is the text not clear enough? If you love not one another, you are condemned. Consideration is not given to positions, lobbying power, disposition

or might. If you have no love, you are condemned. That is why the Bible says, "I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast forsaken thy first love..." There are problems, tribulations, sicknesses and afflictions in the entire world today

because man has forsaken his first love.

Brethren, have you seen how this knowledge has been hidden unto the inhabitants of the world? You asserted vehemently that you would not reconcile

with your enemies and cannot forgive them, yet you desire eternal life. How can you have it when you do not love one another? Is eternal life found in these

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places? You have toured the entire world seeking for eternal life and have attempted to run from God's presence. You do not need to go to any place for

eternal life. Practice love, and you will have it. Wherever you run to, you will still find God. The only source of salvation is in love. Your only source of eternal life

is to have love. You have to refrain from stealing, drinking, smoking eating flesh and engaging in all evil acts. Love one another and you are saved.

LOVE DISARMS EVIL: People are complaining of sicknesses, poverty, tough times and all kinds of

encumbrances. Some are running into various places for security and solace. You cannot escape encumbrances; neither can you find peace in the world except you love one another. That was why our Lord Jesus Christ said, "I have

yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit, when he, the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth...and he will shew

you things to come." In the same token, once you have love, you have eternal life.

When our Lord Jesus Christ was arrested, Peter took out his sword and cut off the ear of one of the servants of the high priest. Christ rebuked Peter saying, “Put

up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Thinkest thou that I cannot pray to my Father, and he will presently give me more then 12 legions of angels? But how then shall the Scriptures be

fulfilled that thou it must be? He then stuck back the ear of that servant.

Today the entire world blasphemes the name of Brotherhood and makes all kinds of false accusations against it. Do you think that Brotherhood cannot utter a word and wonders will happen? The truth is that if that is done, the will of God will be

prevented and Brotherhood will fail. That is why in spite of all that the world has done and said against Brotherhood, we approach them with love. Satan himself

knows that whosoever commits sin has no life in him. That is why he goes about sowing seeds of discord and placing stumbling blocks on the ways of the children of God so that when they fall, eternal life will elude them. That is why God is

advising us to love one another.

LOVE IS THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE: Do you know the significance of love? Love is like the human head. You can cut the hands or feet or ears, but in as much as the head is not touched, life will

continue. The moment your head is cut off, life is terminated forth with. All other parts of the body are only subordinate. When you argue how you can love your

enemies and forgive those who offend you, I laugh at you. Love is the fountain of life, the only source of life and salvation. But because of your disobedience, you resort to visiting visioners, consulting

oracles, soothsayers and charm removers for help. Somebody will claim to have removed nails, pins, life lizards, and frogs and so on from your body. Is that true?

Is it possible for you to exist with those things in your body?

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When visioners tell you that juju, witchcraft, mermaid and other elementary, spirits are tormenting you; you nod your head in agreement. These things are

revealed to you because you do not practice the father's gospel. Since you desire the things you can see and feel, you go to the visioners for such things. You

dread the father's presence and would not listen to his gospel especially when you have committed sins. In the alternative, you visit visioners and healing homes and hospitals, thinking your problems will be solved there.

Brethren, you can see the wonderful love God has for mankind. Because he

does not wish that we should perish, he has decided to deliver this gospel. The whole world is beset with problems. Right from the time of Adam till now, man has forsaken the path of righteousness. On one hand if a person is sick and does

not realize that he is sick, how can he contact a physician? On the other hand, if a person is sick and does not know the kind of sickness, how will he get himself

cured? You can see that the problems and afflictions in the world today are attributed to money, women and other things whereas the cause of the problems in the world is because they have forsaken God's love. That is why it has pleased

God today to send his love into the world.

Is there any person in the world who has love? Is there any person right from Abraham who knows the meaning of love? Whoever has love neither steals, nor kills, nor hates nor engages in any sinful act. Any person who possesses love will

not commit sin. He will neither hate nor discriminate. This gospel is not preach by Olumba Olumba Obu but is a call unto mankind from the Almighty God himself.

SECOND LESSON: ROMANS 13:8 Owe no man anything but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath

fulfilled the law.

LOVE CONNOTES ONENESS AND EQUALITY: Brethren, have you heard what is read to you? This injunction was handed down to mankind about 2000 years ago but mankind has failed to put it into practice. It

is on the basis of this that God has considered it wise to remind you all once again. God has to expatiate upon the meaning of love one another. The meaning

of it is that we have to love ourselves and live in harmony. It means that I should love you, and you should love me; the other person should love us as we love him equally, and so on. It explains the concept of oneness that is prevalent in

Brotherhood, the love of one to another. It borders on mutual reciprocity.

The concept of equality in Brotherhood also is based on love one another. The kingdom of God you are told about is nothing beside love. It explains why

you are dead if you have no love. That is why you hear that Brotherhood is neither a church, nor a service center, nor a healing home, nor a school.

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the kingdom of God where love is practiced. It is a place where there is no hatred, backbiting, division, killing, stealing,

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swindling and other vices. It is the kingdom of God wherein dwells love.

LOVE DOES NOT ERR: It is said that love does no wrong to his neighbor; love is the fulfillment of the law.

Every other commandment is dependent on and revolves around love. That is why every body is enjoined to march forward on to love and abide therein. If after reaching out for love you abandon it, do you not see that such is the height of

stupidity and a sign of Perdition? If after you have possessed love, which is the perfect state, you steal, fornicate, hate and commit other vices, where is your

stand? You have returned to square one and are lost. If you forsake all these vices, you have landed at the state of love, which is the state of perfection. When you say that there is love in Brotherhood but fail to practice it, you have no place

in it. You have to demonstrate the concept of love the real love of one to another. You do not have to deceive, fornicate or steal your brother’s property or kill him.

BROTHERHOOD FAVORS ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE LOVE: Some people say that Brotherhood favors certain persons more. Those who

benefit from Brotherhood are those who abide with the rules and injunctions here by practicing love one another. If we love one another, we have kept the law and

have passed from death unto life. There is no other gospel to preach to you then the Gospel of love. "I saw no

temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are the temple of it." Therefore, we respect and worship no other thing than God and his love. We

have no other thing to show and reveal, unto you except this love. If you have love you have passed from death unto life. You do not need any other vision, prophecy, healing or prayer. The only thing you have to do is to practice love.


We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.

Brethren, have you heard the passage? There is the fear of death in going forward but to go back is death itself. We have passed from death unto life

because we love the brethren. But those who refuse to love abide in death. That is the judgment.

LOVE CONCLUDES THE CHAPTER OF LIFE: Go and tell the politicians, men and women, rich and poor, the governors,

presidents and men of all walks of life that they should abide in love. Tell them also that whosoever abides not in love is dead. What ever is your name or position, if you do not abide in love you have perished, but if you abide in love

you have eternal life. What do you gain if you have riches, beautiful wives, wisdom and all your heart's desire but have no love? Alternatively, if somebody

lacks all these things but has love, he has eternal life and loses nothing. If you know that once you love one another you have passed from death unto life, why

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would you not have love?

When you know that whosoever abides not in love is dead, tell me why you should not love one another? Brethren, no that no other thing can help you, not

even money, children, wife, husband, parents or church denominations, except you love one another. If you abide not in love you are already dead. God does not relent in his promise but is long-suffering. God is only being patient with man

to give him enough time to repent and be saved. It is not God's wish that any of us should perish, but that we should repent and have eternal life.

Brethren, a stroke of cane is sufficient unto the wise. I do not intend to burden you. He who has ears let him hear. May God bless his holy words. Amen