low pressure casting

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Low pressure Casting



    CastingEdson Andrade Cruz A00810740Marco Antonio Rodríguez Jáuregui

  • 8/18/2019 Low pressure Casting


    DescriptionPressure casting, aso !no"n in #anu$acturing

    industr% as o" pressure casting or pressure pouring,is anot&er 'ariation o$ per#anent #od casting(

    )nstead o$ pouring t&e #oten #eta into t&e castingand ao"ing gra'it% to *e t&e $orce t&at distri*utest&e i+uid #ateria t&roug& t&e #od, pressure castinguses air pressure to $orce t&e #eta t&roug& t&egating s%ste# and t&e #eta castings ca'it%(

     -&is process can *e used to cast &ig& +uait%#anu$actured parts( .$ten stee castings are cast ingrap&ite #ods using t&is process(

  • 8/18/2019 Low pressure Casting


     -%pe o$ Mod)n t&e pressure/casting process, aso caed

    pressure pouring or o"/pressure casting, t&e#oten #eta is $orced up"ard into a grap&iteor #eta #od *% gas pressure(

  • 8/18/2019 Low pressure Casting


    Process -&is is a per#anent #od process and t&e#anu$acture o$ t&e #od in pressure casting isstandard in #ost regards( -"o *oc!s are#ac&ined etre#e% accurate%, so t&e% can openand cose precise% $or re#o'a o$ #eta parts(

     -&e castings gating s%ste# is #ac&ined into t&e#od( -&e gating s%ste# is set up so t&at t&e#oten #ateria o"s into t&e #od $ro# t&e*otto# instead o$ t&e top, 2i!e in gra'it% $edprocesses3(

     -&e #od is set up a*o'e t&e supp% o$ i+uid

    #eta to *e used $or t&e casting( A re$ractor% tu*egoes $ro# t&e entrance o$ t&e gating s%ste#do"n into t&e #oten #ateria(

  • 8/18/2019 Low pressure Casting


    ProcessDuring #anu$acture *% t&is process, t&e c&a#*er t&at t&e

    i+uid #ateria is in is !ept air tig&t( &en t&e #od isprepared and read% $or t&e pouring o$ t&e #eta casting, airpressure is appied to t&e c&a#*er( -&is creates pressureon t&e sur$ace o$ t&e i+uid, t&at in turn $orces #oten#ateria up t&e re$ractor% tu*e and t&roug&out t&e #od(

  • 8/18/2019 Low pressure Casting


    ProcessPressure used in pressure casting is usua%

    o", 15*s6in coud *e t%pica $or industria#anu$acture using t&is process(

  • 8/18/2019 Low pressure Casting


     -&e air pressure is #aintained unti t&e #etacasting &as &ardened "it&in t&e #od( .ncet&e cast part &as soidi9ed, t&e #od isopened and t&e part is re#o'ed

  • 8/18/2019 Low pressure Casting


    Properties and

    ConsiderationsPressure casting #anu$acture can *e used to produce #eta castings "it& superior#ec&anica properties, good sur$ace 9nis&, and cose di#ensiona accurac%(

    :i!e in ot&er per#anent #od #et&ods, t&e #od needs to *e a*e to open andcose $or re#o'a o$ t&e "or! piece( -&ere$ore, 'er% co#picated casting geo#etr%

    is i#ited(

    ;ince t&e re$ractor% tu*e is su*#ersed in t&e #oten #ateria, t&e #eta dra"n $ort&e casting co#es $ro# "e *eo" t&e sur$ace( -&is #eta &as &ad ess eposureto t&e en'iron#ent t&an t&e #ateria at t&e top(