lpa ar07 1-08 · marketing’s role in your overall marketing strategies,” provided attendees...


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Page 1: LPA AR07 1-08 · Marketing’s Role in Your Overall Marketing Strategies,” provided attendees with valuable and insightful strategies on enhancing their company’s web marketing
Page 2: LPA AR07 1-08 · Marketing’s Role in Your Overall Marketing Strategies,” provided attendees with valuable and insightful strategies on enhancing their company’s web marketing

LPA MISSIONThe mission of the Laboratory

Products Association is to enable

its members to constantly improve

their global commercial and

operational strategies while

identifying new technologies for

application in scientific markets.

Page 3: LPA AR07 1-08 · Marketing’s Role in Your Overall Marketing Strategies,” provided attendees with valuable and insightful strategies on enhancing their company’s web marketing

The Laboratory Products Association (LPA) is a part of the SAMA Group of Associations founded in 1918. SAMA, the ScientificApparatus Makers Association, is comprised of the LPA, the Optical Imaging Association (OPIA), and the Geomatics IndustryAssociation (GIA). LPA member companies are manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers of lab products and services such as glassand plasticware, chemicals, equipment and supplies used in scientific research and applied science and life science worldwide.

The LPA works to provide member companies with the tools they need to enhance their jobs and improve their business operations.One of the unique benefits LPA membership brings to its members is the diverse value that it provides. The LPA not only providesprograms and networking opportunities for top executives, but programs for mid-level management and reps as well. These include:

NETWORKING & EDUCATION events where members can discuss emerging or current issues with their peers, customers and otherorganizations to gain insights and best business practices information. Each year, the LPA holds two major meetings and two salesand marketing workshops. The Annual Meeting is held in the fall and has a more strategic content aimed at senior management.The Spring Meeting is more topical and is geared for upper- and mid-level management. The LPA also sponsors two Sales andMarketing Workshops each year which are geared toward those at the mid-level management and rep levels. In addition, severalnetworking events are scheduled each year, such as a breakfast for product managers and one for international sales managers at thePittcon Conference.

Access to valuable MARKET AND INDUSTRY INFORMATION that includes industry economic forecasts and trends, industry tracking,and customer survey data.

LPA members receive market information on the industry such as the Annual Market Analysis and Economic Forecast, the quarterly Laboratory Business World newsletter which summarizes theglobal financial performance of companies, the monthly Flash Report of member’s general sales activities, end user surveys, and other product and market information. The monthly e-newsletter, the LPA Reporter, provides valuable industry and business news tailored just for the LPA, as well as information as to what is going on within the association.

Attendees at the LPA Spring Meeting in Chicago.

Gail Browning talks about“Emergenetics” during her

interactive presentation at the Annual Meeting.

Professor Ranjay Gulati of the Kellogg School of Management meets members after

speaking at an LPA meeting.

The Laboratory Products Association


Page 4: LPA AR07 1-08 · Marketing’s Role in Your Overall Marketing Strategies,” provided attendees with valuable and insightful strategies on enhancing their company’s web marketing

I want to thank the Board of Directors, LPA committees, the LPA staff, and all of the members fortheir support of the association during the past year. It is only through the ongoing activeinvolvement of all of our members that we remain a healthy and vibrant organization. I especiallywant to thank our immediate past chairman, Rick Moore, for his unswerving and committed serviceto the LPA as chairman and a member of the Board of Directors.

This past year has been an excellent one for the LPA and itsmembership. The Annual Meeting and the Spring Meeting onceagain had good attendance and the program content was highlyvalued by those who attended. We conducted a far reachingmember survey to better understand how our members felt aboutour organization. The responses we received were extremelypositive with most members highly bullish on the future of theassociation. The desire for effective networking, marketinformation, and education is high, and the LPA seems to behitting the mark. Our marketing workshops this year were well received and the appetite forthese types of programs is strong. In 2007, the LPA network proved to be as valuable as ever.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Bill Strackbein, who retired as LPA’s president in July,for his many years of dedicated service to the LPA. During the course of his presidency, the LPAhas gone through many changes and there has been an abundance of M&A activity that hassignificantly changed the nature of our membership. Despite all of this, with Bill’s leadership, wecontinue to have an organization that remains vital and relevant to its membership.

With Bill’s retirement, I am pleased that we have Clark Mulligan on board as our new president.Clark has a solid and diverse background in association management and brings a high level ofenergy and commitment focused on optimizing the LPA’s value proposition to its members.

The upcoming year is going to be an exciting one for the LPA as we focus on growing ourmembership and developing additional value in the areas of market information and education.


James Orcutt, LPA ChairmanPresident & CEONew Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc.

During the Spring Meeting,outgoing Chairman Rick Moore

wishes Bill Strackbein well uponhis retirement after serving

as the LPA President for nearly 18 years.

LPA Chairman James Orcutt

Chairman’s Message

Outgoing board members (L–R) Michael Ross, Karen Brooks, John Woods, and Joyce Preston

with Vice Chairman Steve Gound.


Page 5: LPA AR07 1-08 · Marketing’s Role in Your Overall Marketing Strategies,” provided attendees with valuable and insightful strategies on enhancing their company’s web marketing

NETWORKING & EDUCATIONThe opportunity to meet and get to know other seniorexecutives in the industry is a primary value of membership inthe Laboratory Products Association. To achieve this objective,meetings that combine unique networking opportunities withstrategic presentations from customers and leading speakers onemerging technologies, innovative management strategies, andnew market opportunities continue to be LPA’s top priority.

Spring MeetingThe web and e-commercehave brought a newdimension to how scientistsseek product information andhow they purchase products.Appropriately, the theme forthe 2007 Spring Meeting was“The Web: Its Impact onSales, Marketing and theChannel.” Featured speakerScott Klososky explained thedynamics behind the mergingof technology and socialtrends on the web.Representatives of SciQuestand Ariba explained their role as intermediaries in

e-commerce. Hollis Thomases de-mystified online marketingand Michael Marks showed how to think about thesechallenges as opportunities. Presentations by customersshowed how important the web is becoming in theirpurchasing of lab products.

Annual MeetingThe theme of the 2007 Annual Meeting held in Orlando,Florida was “Leading for Today and Tomorrow.” Geil Browning, author, educator, researcher, and speaker,conducted a day-long session on Emergenetics. Browning’shighly interactive program helped provide attendees with abetter understanding of themselves, their colleagues, theirclients, and the world around them which enables them tomake better business decisions, build stronger, more creativeand productive teams, and communicate more effectively.There was also a presentation from Dr. Jules Duga, a seniorresearch analyst from Battelle who gave a “Domestic &International R&D Market Analysis.” The meeting alsofeatured Chuck Underwood, a nationally recognized authorityon generational diversity in the workforce who delivered aninsightful presentation on understanding and managing thechanging generational landscape in the workplace of today andtomorrow.

Mike Marks of Indian RiverConsulting Group returned to

speak at the LPA Spring Meeting.

Attendees during the education program at the Annual Meeting.

A Look Back at 2007—A Year of Success . . .


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Networking Breakfasts at PittconThe 8th Annual LPAInternational Breakfast continuedthe tradition of providing timelyinformation on selling intoforeign lab markets. The featuredspeaker, MK Sathya of VWRInternational, spoke on “DoingBusiness in India.” He explainedhow India has made tremendousstrides in their economy over thepast ten years and while there aregreat opportunities for LPAmembers to conduct business inIndia it is a difficult market becauseof the great diversity throughoutthe country.

At the 3rd Annual Product Managers’ Breakfast Bill Kelly,President of BioInformatics, made a presentation on“Marketing to Life Scientists 2007: Capitalizing on MediaEngagement,” a report on the media preferences of lifescientists in each major marketing media. This annual event was established to provide a timely topic of discussionand a convenient way to acquaint product managers of LPAmember companies with the association and to promote thevalue of the LPA network among a group of people who donot normally attend other LPA meetings.

Sales & Marketing WorkshopsThe LPA held its first of two Sales & MarketingWorkshops in June in Baltimore, Maryland. The one-day presentation by Hollis Thomases ofWeb Advantage, “Staying on Top: Elevating WebMarketing’s Role in Your Overall MarketingStrategies,” provided attendees with valuable andinsightful strategies on enhancing their company’sweb marketing.

In December, LPA held a Sales & MarketingWorkshop in Atlanta, Georgia for those at thesales rep level. The program, “My Sales Seminar”was conducted by Bill Austin of Sales Concepts,Inc. This customized program provided attendeeswith the fundamental skill-set training they needto be successful and provided an assessment tool toeach attendee’s manager on their style of selling,handling objections, servicing accounts, etc.

Bill Austin of Sales Concepts makes a point during his presentation

at the December Sales & Marketing Workshop.


Attendees at the December Sales & Marketing Workshop.

Attendees at the LPA International Breakfast at Pittcon.

Attendees at the June Sales & Marketing Workshop held in Baltimore.

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Looking Ahead to 2008 . . .2008 promises to be an exciting year for the LPA and its members. The 2008 Strategic Plan will be finalized and implemented earlyin the year focused around input from the recent membership survey, the board connection breakfast, and other suggestions frommembers and will set the strategic direction for the LPA to follow. Simply put, the LPA will be an organization that is responsive tothe needs of its members and a provider of solutions to the unique problems member companies face.

One example of this responsiveness is the addition of a customized Industry & Business News feature inthe LPA Reporter commencing with the January 2008 issue. The LPA plans to implement other programsduring the year that will enhance the value proposition for members.

In addition, the LPA will be putting a major emphasis on growing its membership and raising awarenessof the association and its members in the industry.

MARKET INFORMATIONThe LPA is continually striving to identify and meet theunique needs of its members with regard to marketinformation. This past year the LPA provided its memberswith five different reports, much of which is unavailable fromother sources, and provided members with strategic insights onmarket trends and key benchmarks to improve their financialand operations performance. Market information is producedunder the guidance of the Market Information Committee,which ensures that the material is relevant and of currentinterest to the membership. Among the exclusive productsmembers received this past year are:

Annual Forecast & Analysis of the Lab Supply MarketThis historic report has been compiled by CopelandEconomics Group for over 25 years. The 2008 forecast,“Tracking Technology inTime: Nanotechnologies,High Throughput, andTechnology Turnaround”covered the prospects for the 2008 bioscience/pharmaceutical, industrial,education, government, andpatient care markets.

Monthly Flash ReportLPA members participated in this monthly survey thatprovided an immediate read on what is happening in theindustry, with a comparison of member’s durable and non-durable sales by month, quarter and current year-to-date to last year’s sales.

Laboratory Business WorldNewsletter To provide valuable insight into theworld lab products market, LPAcontinued to produce a 12-pagequarterly review of the globalmarketplace which includes:Industry News, End UserMarkets, International MarketReview, Financial Results Table,and Company Reports.

North American Survey of Laboratory Purchasing TrendsThis in-depth survey conducted forLPA by K. C. Associates is acontinuation of the baseline surveysconducted in 2002, 2003, and 2004.It covered eight product categories,five market segments, and sixspecific product/service areas, andcovered Spending & Budgets,Capital & Non-Capital EquipmentBudgets, Workload & PersonnelChanges, Changes in Applications,Internet Usage, and other keyquestions on future spending.

The Laboratory Products Market BookThe Market Information Committee commissioned a newstudy that was designed to provide worldwide marketinformation about the major types of laboratory products inuse today and the markets which use these products. It coveredthe chemical and pharmaceutical industries and 10 laboratoryproducts. Included in the report was the market size, growthrates, new technology, and possible challenges to the productarea. Future studies of this type are planned.


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LPA Board of Directors

CHAIRMANJames Orcutt, President and CEO, New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc.

VICE CHAIRMANStephen Gound, President and CEO, Labconco Corporation

PRESIDENTClark Mulligan, CAE

DIRECTORS 2007–2010Ron Baumgartel, Director, Distribution Management, BD BiosciencesRichard Darcangelo, Business Manager, General Lab Products,

Corning Life SciencesTim Grogan, Senior Vice President, VWR International, LLCYvonne Cangelosi, Executive Vice President, SPEX Certiprep, Inc.

DIRECTORS 2006–2009Guy Broadbent, President, Laboratory Products Group,

and Senior Vice President, Thermo Fisher ScientificRichard Dougherty, President, Labrepco, Inc.Kenneth Lewis, President & CEO, Seastar Chemicals, Inc.Larry O’Connell, Vice President, Global Lab Sales, Pall Life Sciences

DIRECTORS 2005–2008Charles Grant, President, SP Industries Inc.Kenneth Ludwig, Director, Product Management, Millipore CorpJohn Woods, Executive Director, Corporate Accounts, Eppendorf, Inc.

OUTGOING DIRECTORS 2004–2007Karen Brooks, Division Vice President, QorpakJoyce Preston, Director, Marketing, Wheaton Science ProductsMichael Ross, Business Unit Manager, Mettler–Toledo







The LPA Board of Directors at the Spring Meeting.


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Serving on an LPA committee helps connect members with the association,gives them a stronger voice in the decision making process, and enables them to contribute their expertise and talents in shaping policies that will effect theassociation. For information on volunteering to serve on a committee contactClark Mulligan at the LPA Office.

INTERNATIONAL TRADECHAIRMAN: David Edson, Wheaton Science ProductsOBJECTIVE: To provide opportunities for an exchange of ideas, experiences,

instruction by invited speakers, and ongoing communicationsbetween members and to provide material on internationalactivities, resources, and other industry specific information.

MARKET INFORMATIONCHAIRMAN: Chris Stannard, Sanyo Commercial SolutionsOBJECTIVE: To explore, develop, and maintain data gathering tools to provide timely and meaningful industry

information to the membership. This information includes customer buying behaviors andtendencies, sales and market reports and forecasts, and other pertinent information.

MEETINGSCHAIRMAN: Ken Ludwig, Millipore CorporationOBJECTIVE: To develop programs and oversee activities of Annual Meeting and Spring Meeting.

MEMBERSHIP & COMMUNICATIONSCHAIRMAN: Dennis Pope, Environmental ExpressOBJECTIVE: To establish and implement programs for continuous membership development, recruitment, and

retention; to promote the value of LPA to members and the marketplace; and to build recognitionof the LPA throughout the industry.

SALES & MARKETINGCHAIRMAN: Carol Haley, Anachemia ScienceOBJECTIVE: To develop programs and activities within LPA that will enhance the sales and marketing capability

of member companies.

Hollis Thomases, founder of Web AdVantage.net, discusses

web marketing with Carol Haley ofAnachemia Science, LPA’s Sales andMarketing Committee Chairperson.

Attendees at the June Sales & Marketing Workshop held in Baltimore.

LPA Committees

The Market Information Committee meeting at Pittcon.


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Ace Glass Incorporated

Advantage Business Media

Anachemia Science

Analytical Products Group, Inc.

Andwin Scientific

BD Biosciences

Bel-Art Products/Ricca Chemical Company

BLD Science

Binder Inc.

Bioscience International, Inc.

Boekel Scientific

BrandTech Scientific, Inc.

Brinkmann Instruments, Inc.

Cardinal Health

Cargille-Sacher Laboratories

Chemical & Engineering News/ACS Pub.

Corning Incorporated, Life Sciences

CTR Scientific

Eberbach Corporation

ELGA LabWater

EMD Chemicals Inc.

Environmental Express

Eppendorf North America

Equipar S.A. DE C.V.

Esco Technologies Inc.

Excel Scientific, Inc.

Gardner Denver Thomas, Inc./Welch Vacuum Technology

GFS Chemicals, Inc.

Glas-Col, LLC

Government Scientific Source

H-B Instrument Company

Horiba Instruments Inc.

InterMetro Industries Corporation

International PBI S.p.a.

International ScientificCommunications, Inc.

J. & H. Berge, Inc.

J.G. Finneran Associates, Inc.

Jeio Tech, Inc.

Jencons Scientific, Inc.

Julabo USA, Inc.

Kimble Chase LLC

KNF Neuberger, Inc.

Kord-Valmark Labware Products

Krackeler Scientific, Inc.

Lab Safety Supply, Inc.

LabChem Inc

Labconco Corporation


Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.

Marvel Scientific

Matheson Tri-Gas

Mediatech, Inc.

Mettler-Toledo, Inc.

Miele, Inc.

Millipore Corporation

New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc.

Nor-Lake Scientific

NuAire Inc.

Nysa Membrane Technologies

Ohaus Corporation

Pall Life Sciences

Parker Hannifin Corporation,Filtration and Separation Division

Parr Instrument Company

Pelican Life Sciences

Plas-Labs Inc.

PolyScience, Div. of Preston Industries


Radleys Discovery Technologies Ltd.

Reagents Inc.

Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics

SANYO Commercial Solutions

Sartorius NA Inc.

Savillex Corporation

Schott Duran

Scientific Industries Inc.

Scientific Marketing Services, Inc.

Seastar Chemicals Inc.

SGE, Inc.

Sheldon Manufacturing, Inc.

Siemens Water Technologies

Solar Light Company, Inc.

So-Low Environmental EquipmentCompany, Inc.

SP Industries, Inc.

Spectrum Chemicals & LaboratoryProducts

SPEX CertiPrep., Inc.

Sterlitech Corporation

The Baker Company, Inc.

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Tegrant Corp./SCA ThermoSafe Brands

Thomas Scientific

Troemner LLC


VistaLab Technologies, Inc.

VWR International, LLC

Wheaton Science Products

Yamato Scientific America Inc.

2007 NEW MEMBERS The LPA is pleased to welcome the following companies who joined in 2007:

Analytical Products Group, Inc.

Elga LabWater

GFS Chemicals, Inc.

Jeio Tech, Inc.

Julabo USA, Inc.

Nysa Membrane Technologies

Member Companies


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2008 LPA Calendar


MARCH 4, 2008


MARCH 5, 2008


Pittcon Conference

New Orleans, Louisiana

MAY 1–2, 2008


Hyatt at Penn’s Landing

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

NOVEMBER 9–11, 2008


Las Vegas, Nevada

Page 12: LPA AR07 1-08 · Marketing’s Role in Your Overall Marketing Strategies,” provided attendees with valuable and insightful strategies on enhancing their company’s web marketing

225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 625Alexandria, VA 22314

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Clark Mulligan, [email protected]

Kathy Carter, Meetings & Member Services [email protected]