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Date : 15th April 2015

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lr gmBª ~m~m g§ñWmZ {dídñV-ì`dñWm ({eS>u) H$s A{YH¥$V n{ÌH$m Offi cial Periodical of Shree Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi)

_mM©-Aà¡b 2015 ` 8/- March-April 2015 ` 8/-

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Page 3: lr am Zd r CËgd 2015 g mnZ {XZ - Sai


ñWm{nV df© 1923

df© 14 A§H$ 2

gånmXH$ …H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar lr gmBª ~m~m g§ñWmZ

{dídñVì`dñWm, {eS>u

Estd. Year 1923

Year 14 Issue 2

Editor : Executive Of cer Shree Saibaba

Sansthan Trust, Shirdi

Cover & other pages designed by Prakash Samant & Taco Visions Pvt. Ltd. Computerised Typesetting :Computer Section, Mumbai Off ce, Shree Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi Of ce : ‘Sai Niketan’, 804-B, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai - 400 014. Tel. : (022) 2416 6556 Fax : (022) 2415 0798 E-mail : [email protected] Shirdi Of ce : At Post Shirdi - 423 109, Tal. Rahata, Dist. Ahmednagar. Tel. : (02423) 258500 Fax : (02423) 258770 E-mail : 1. [email protected] 2. [email protected] Annual Subscription : ` 50/-

Subscription for Life : ` 1000/- Annual Subscription for Foreign Subscribers : ` 1000/- (All the Subscriptions are Inclusive of Postage) General Issue : ` 8/- Shri Sai Punyatithi Special Issue : ` 15/- Published by Executive Off cer, on behalf of Shree Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi at Sai Niketan, 804-B, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai - 400 014 and printed by him at Taco Visions Pvt. Ltd., 38 A & B, Government Industrial Estate, Charkop, Kandivali (W),Mumbai - 400 067. The Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. All objections, disputes, differences, claims and proceedings are subject to Mumbai jurisdiction.

✤ Shri Ram - Sai Ram Mrs. Mugdha Sudhir Diwadkar 3

✤ Shirdi is the ‘Dwarka of Ranchhod (Krishna)’ Dr. Subodh Agarwal 6

✤ Shri Sai the Dhanvantari - Shri Sainath Hospital and Shree Saibaba Hospital 9

✤ nX`mÌr MbVo h¢ {eS>u H$s Amoa... lr gmBª Ho$ am_Zd_r CËgd nd© na... 17

✤ {ZË` àVr{V go H$aZm AZw^d 24

✤ h rd N 26

✤ “Know that here is help for all. Whatever you ask all that you get...” 28

✤ “Who has become mine totally...” 30

B§Q>aZoQ> Amd¥pËV - URL:


Hon. Sri Vinay Joshi (Principal District & Sessions Judge, Ahmednagar)


Hon. Sri Anil Kavade Hon. Sri Rajendra Jadhav


(District Collector, Ahmednagar) Member & Executive Offi cer Member

Hon. Sri Appasaheb Shinde Deputy Executive Offi cer

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March-April 2015

Bhagwan Shri Shankar says,

He who is the spouse of Sita, And the life of Janaki is indeed Shri Ramchandra, I bow to Him with a pure mind.

In the 4th issue of Year 17 of the Shri Sai Leela, Sri Dasganu wrote to the trustees and members of the Sansthan :

ÂÂIt is said that around 1915-16 Baba had bought the idols of Shri Ramchandra, Laxman and Sitamai with the intention of installing them on the north side of the Tulsi Vrindavan in the Masjid. But, due to some reason this did not materialise and since two decades they have not been consecrated.

Earlier, Sai Maharaj used to celebrate the Urs of Ram Jayanti. It gained significance when Baba became famous as a Great Saint. There used to be ÂkathaÊ, ÂkirtanÊ, and the ceremony of RamÊs birth in BabaÊs presence at the Masjid. After the ritual Baba used to distribute ÂpedhasÊ and Âbarf sÊ.

If Baba had disapproved of this celebration, He would have stopped this ritual during His

Shri Ram - Sai Ram life time. Hence, I feel that the consecration of the idols should be carried out collectively.ÊÊ

Two months later, Sri Sumansunder, a student of the Shri Sai Sat Charita, wrote to the committee :

ÂÂWith reference to Sri DasganuÊs letter published in your magazine, I wish to express my views on the matter as a student of BabaÊs life and work.

I humbly accept that I cannot refute Sri Dasganu. Yet, when asked, why a separate Ram temple should not be built, Baba used to say, ÂWhen the wada is complete, we will reside in it.Ê He also said, ÂRam, Krishna and Sai, there is no difference between the three. Though there are three names, they all are one.Ê The Shri Sai Sat Charita clearly says so. There is no mention of Baba building any temple of Ram, Krishna or Vitthal. Since Baba followed the ÂBhagwatÊ tradition, He was attune with all three. Thus BabaÊs Samadhi Mandir itself became the temple of Ram, Krishna and Vitthal, and so, I believe, there is no need for a separate Ram temple. In fact, when the building of the Murlidhar temple (the present Samadhi Mandir) began, Baba left His mortal coil leaving only His Padukas to be

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March-April 2015


worshipped by His devotees at the Samadhi.

Coming back to the main subject, though Baba bought the idols, He intentionally did not put them in a temple. I can only suggest that keeping BabaÊs idol in the centre of the SamadhiMandir, the Ram and Krishna idols should be kept on either side.ÊÊ

Both the people who wrote to the Sansthan were ardent devotees of Baba and experts in their own right. Their opinions had evolved from deep contemplation.Therefore, both the opinions were convincing and acceptable.

Yet, no decision was taken and the idols are now to be seen in the SansthanÊs museum. Why did it happen so? What was in BabaÊs mind when He ordered those idols?

A Symbolic Look

Searching for an answer, one fine moment it suddenly became clear that the idols were symbolic. To know the real meaning is the ultimate knowledge of the infinite. All other questions then became redundant.

Shri Ram -The ‘Maryada Purushottam’

We know that sage Valmiki first wrote the Ramayan and then the Lord took the Avatar of Ram and behaved accordingly. We also know that Shri Ramchandra is the seventh Avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is the soul of the universe. He is all pervading, omnipresent, omnipotent, all knowing ÂSarveshÊ and ÂVishwakartaÊ and the one who controls this universe.

He is the ultimate ÂGuruÊ whose radiant energy cannot be described by anyone, not even the vedas.

Sitamai – Aadimaya

Though Shri Ram controls the universe He is aloof from it. Then, who runs this universe? Obviously, it is under the influence of Maya.

Shiva is incomplete without Shakti, and Purush without Prakriti. Thus Shri Ram is Shiva, Purush or Parabrahma and Sita is Shakti, Prakriti or Aadimaya. One without the other is like a lamp without a flame.

It is Maya who creates or destroys the order on this earth. Parabrahma is an aloof entity. Just as people do good or bad deeds in the light of the sun, but the sun remains a silent witness and has nothing to do with them, the Parabrahma too is the omnipresent witness of the workings of Maya.

Bhagwan Shankar has described this vividly in the ÂAdhyatma RamayanÊ. He says that Sitamai is the Avatar of Aadimaya or Prakriti and Shri Ramchandra is the spouse of Aadimaya. By taking the Avatar of Raghupati, he brought Aadimaya to this earth and destroyed the asuras.

Though living in the world of Maya one should keep oneÊs mind focussed on the Paramatma and avoid falling into the trap of evil thoughts, desires, jealousy, pride and passions which are the creations of Maya.

Laxman - ‘Sagun Bhakti’Hanuman – ‘Das Bhakti’

While eulogising Shri Ram, we cannot forget the remarkable devotion of His brother Laxman and His devotee Hanuman. Whereas Laxman lived like RamÊs shadow, Bharat worshipped Shri Ram by ruling His kingdom in His name - Nirgun Bhakti. Hanuman on the other hand was proficient in the fourteen ÂvidyasÊ and sixty-four ÂkalasÊ. Intelligent and strong, he was a brave and incomparable warrior. He lived as a ÂBrahmachariÊ and his entire being was pervaded with Ram.

Shri Ram - Sai Ram

Aadi ShankaracharyaÊs dictum ‘‘Brahma satya, jagan mithya’’ warns the humankind of the workings of Maya. We are constantly

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suspicious and vulnerable. We believe that the body is our real self and that this world is the truth. We believe that the Paramatma is human and find faults with the behaviour of Ram, Sita or Laxman. To clear our doubts, we should seek the ultimate truth. We should know that the Paramatma is omnipotent and all encompassing; that Ram, Krishna and Sai are one, even though they have different names. Then our faith in the Paramatma will remain unshaken.

Similarly, we cannot forget Radhakrishna

Aai, who was Aadimaya incarnate and lived around Sai Ram in Shirdi. After all, Aadimaya is also the creation of Hari!

- Mrs. Mugdha Sudhir Diwadkar61, Hindu Colony, First Lane,

Dadar (East), Mumbai - 400 014.E-mail : [email protected]

Mobile : (0)9323971117

Translated from Marathi into English by

Jyoti Ranjan Raut 8/A, 106 Sea Face Road,

Worli, Mumbai - 400 018.E-mail : [email protected]

DECLARATIONStatement of ownership and other particulars about bi-monthly Shri Sai Leela to be published in the fi rst issue of every year

after last day of February.

1. Place of Publication : Sai Niketan, 804-B, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai - 400 014.

2. Periodicity of its Publication : Bi-monthly

3. Printer’s Name : Rajendra Marutirao Jadhav 4. Nationality : Indian

5. Address : Sai Niketan, 804-B, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai - 400 014.

6. Publisher’s Name : Rajendra Marutirao Jadhav 7. Nationality : Indian

8. Address : Sai Niketan, 804-B, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai - 400 014.

9. Editor’s Name : Rajendra Marutirao Jadhav 10. Nationality : Indian

11. Address : Sai Niketan, 804-B, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai - 400 014. 12. Name and Address of : Shree Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi (Charitable and individuals who own the Religious Institution) News-paper and Partners or P. O. Shirdi, Dist. Ahmednagar. Shareholders holding more than one percent of the total capital

I, Rajendra Marutirao Jadhav, hereby declare that the particulars given above the true to the best of my knowledge and be-lief.

Rajendra Marutirao Jadhav Executive Offi cer, Shree Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi Printer & Publisher

❍ ❍ ❍

The experiences that Baba’s devotees had when He was in body have been published in ‘Shri Sai Leela’. Baba got this book (Shri Sai Sat Charita) written so that they could recollect them. ‘Shri Sai Leela’ is supremely pure and holy. In it, the ‘Sat Charita’ has been published in a serial form, chapter after chapter. Read this as the biography of your own Guru (Gurucharitra). It will awaken you and give you advice relating to this and the other world...

Listening to this Satcharita or reciting it regularly will result in the Feet of Sai Samartha removing all the diffi culties without any delay. Those desiring wealth will get it; those who are upright in their conduct and dealings will have complete renown. The results will depend upon their faith. Without devotion, you will not have the experience. Reading the book with reverence, Sai Samartha is propitiated. He destroys ignorance and poverty and grants knowledge and untold prosperity...

- Shri Sai Sat Charita Chapter 52 -

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Sai Baba loved the ÂNaam-SmaranÊ. He Himself constantly repeated the words ÂAllah-MalikÊ. He would arrange for a seven day ceaseless chanting of the ‘Naam’ in His presence, day and night. On one occasion, Baba commanded Dasganu to conduct such a seven-day chanting, when Dasganu sought an assurance from Baba that then Vitthal should appear in person. Baba, laying His hand on His heart, assured him with confidence and told him firmly : „Yes, of course, Vitthal in person will appear. The devotee should be full of faith. Dankapuri of Dakurnath, or Pandhari of Vitthal, or Dwarka of Ranchhod is here only, in search of which you need not to go a long distance.

Is Vitthal going to come from anywhere else, leaving His private quarters? He would appear here, springing upout of the intense devotion of the devotee.‰

- Shri Sai Sat Charita, Chapter 4

As per the great epic Mahabharat, Jarasandha was the king of Magadha. He was a descendant of the king Brihadratha, the founder of the Barhadratha dynasty of Magadha. He was also a great devotee of the Lord Shiva. Asti and Prapti, the two wives of Kansa were the daughters of Jarasandha. When the evil tyrant Kansa was killed by Shri Krishna, the daughters went to their father and wailed and wept before him. Jarasandha filled with great wrath and

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furious anger at their weeping and gnashing of teeth, and decided to teach Shri Krishna and the Yadavas a befitting lesson. Since the Yadavas were highly concentrated in and around Mathura, he decided to battle them and annihilate the race forever. During the fierce fighting, Balaram was about to kill Jarasandha, when a heavenly voice was heard that Balaram was not the person to kill Jarasandha. Therefore, Jarasandha was set free by Balaram and Shri Krishna.

Jarasandha then repeatedly invaded Mathura; and each time, he caused massive death and destruction. The seventeen attacks that he led on Mathura had exhausted of all the energy of the Yadavas, and reduced the growth of the city to a shell.

The economy of the Yadavas was in shambles and the wars had emptied the state coffers. Jarasandha was a powerful enemy with a huge army. His glory as an army commander was paramount that made it yet harder for the Yadavas to resist his attacks with even the likes of Shri Krishna and Balaram on their side.

One day, Shri Krishna received disturbing news that Jarasandha had entered into an alliance with several other kings to forever destroy the Yadava clan.

Jarasandha had made an association of the kings of Chedi, Karusha, Vidarbha and Avanti. Damghosh of Chedi, Dantavakra of Karusha, Rukmi of Vidarbha and Vind and Anuvinda of Avanti took part in it. With their joint army he attacked Mathura. There was more disturbing news for the Yadavas. The kingdom of Hastinapur expressed helplessness in coming to the aid of the Yadavas. Meanwhile, the allied forces began its march towards Mathura. Thus the Yadavas were left forlorn and at the mercy of a huge force.

Jarasandha sent the message that if the heads of Shri Krishna and Balaram were given to him, he would return to Magadha, otherwise he would raze Mathura to the ground.

The Yadavas refused and readied themselves for war. Shri Krishna was the only person who repeatedly cautioned His clansmen against the war. He then hit upon the idea of shifting the capital from Mathura to Dwarka.

Shri Krishna placed the suggestion before king Ugrasena His grandfather.

Ugrasena and all other courtiers and even the commanders of the Yadava army were against running away. Balaram too was against the move. He wanted to fight against Jarasandha.

Ugrasena then pointed out to Shri Krishna that if He ran away from the battle field, he would forever be known as a Ranchhod or one who has run away from the battle field.

Shri Krishna retorted that He had no worry about any new name being given to him. „I already have many names and one more does not make any difference‰, He said. „Moreover, I am willing to sacrifice my reputation for saving my people and their lives‰, He argued.

When Balaram again raised the war cry, Krishna gently reminded him that war is not the solution for solving all the problems. He said the confederacy of kings against Mathura was so great that it would lead to the death of countless people.

„Why should people suffer because of me and Balaram‰, He asked the gathering. He then suggested that the best solution would be leave the city and go to a new place, where it would be difficult for Jarasandha to attack them.

He reminded the gathering that Jarasandha had already attacked Mathura seventeen times and he would not rest till he succeeded in his mission of wiping out the Yadav clan.

It was then that Ugrasen pointed out that if KrishnaÊs suggestion to flee Mathura was accepted, Krishna would forever be labelled a Ranchhod - a man who had run away from the battlefield.

Krishna did not flinch and answered that He

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is known by several names. He again renewed His suggestion to leave Mathura.

The gathering reluctantly accepted the suggestion; but Ugrasen wanted to know how a new city could be built in such a short span of time. The Magadha army was already near Mathura and it would reach the city in a matter of days. „Then, how can a new city be built in days!‰ he exclaimed.

Krishna replied that He had already requested Vishwakarma, the architect of Gods, for help. He then prayed for Vishwakarma to appear before the Mathura court. When the architect came, Krishna asked him to show Ugrasen the plan of the new city.

Vishwakarma displayed before the court the plan of Dwarka. The entire gathering was stunned at the beauty of the city. „How much time do you need to construct it?‰, asked Ugrasen.

The architect replied that the city had already been built, but that it was under water. Please give me your permission and I will raise Dwarka from the ocean and place it on land. It will be ready for immediate occupation.

When all the Yadavas unanimously gave their consent, the capital was shifted to Dwarka.

When Jarasandha and his army reached Mathura, they were met with an empty city. An enraged Jarasandha put the city to destruction and called Shri Krishna a coward - Ranchhod, meaning - a man who had run away from battle.

Shri Krishna, though appeared unfazed by the new name, knew that it would be better of one sacrificed His name and fame for the good of clan.

Moreover, He knew that the time had not yet come for Jarasandha to be killed.

Ultimately, Shri Krishna decided to kill Jarasandha in a duel. Once, Shri Krishna, along with Arjun and Bhima went to the city of Magadha in the guise of Brahmins.

They were received with traditional courtesy by Jarasandha, who wanted to know about their identity. Shri Krishna told him that His friends were having the vow of silence, which would terminate only at midnight. At midnight, Jarasandha came again to know the identity of the three Brahmins. Then Shri Krishna revealed

(Contd. on page 2 )

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Shri Sai the Dhanvantari

Translated from Marathi by

Miss Minal Vinayak Dalvimail na vd 7 ah n

Compiled by Shamshad Ali Baigmail ha had a a

Soul is our connection to God. While on earth, the body is the abode of the soul; so one should take care of the body too, so that it is disease free. Baba when He manifested in Shirdi, He ceaselessly worked for the betterment of people and to make them realize the importance of healthy body, mind and soul. He was regarded as a Vaidya (doctor). This is stated in Shri Sai Sat Charita, Chapter 7.

At the beginning, He saw the patients and after examining them, He gave medicines that were effective. Stanza 46

Not only did He give medicines to the sick, but He also gave advice on how to become fit and maintain good health. He walked regularly to Lendibaug and sometimes, He walked all the way to Rahata, a nearby village. He never travelled in a vehicle. Even when there was a palanquin procession in His honour, He used to walk instead of taking a seat. He also was in communion with nature, often time spending many long hours. In fact, the first time He was spotted in Shirdi, it was under the Neem tree, which is Gurusthan. So with example, He showed how important was nature, walking, meditation etc. to take care of oneÊs health.

We find that today yoga has become trendy, but Sai Baba practiced yoga during His time. In Chapter 7 there is a mention of how Baba practiced Hatha yoga and Khanda yoga, etc.

Another disease related leela (miracle) was when the flour was spread around the boundary of the village, which stopped the cholera epidemic from entering or affecting

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Shirdi. While this is regarded as a miracle, there is a scientific base which was discovered after a doctor opposed an article written in the Shri Sai Leela Magazine in 1928. He accused the writer saying, „What have you written? Cholera is form of evil goddess and can be seen! Such articles can misguide the readers. You have studied biology and are a microbiologist; yet, you claim that the germs take a form of evil being that can be seen.‰

The writer of this article and the doctor who accused him had a conversation after the criticism. He met the writer and said, „Cholera is caused due to germs, right?‰

Writer : Yes.

Doctor : Then what does ÂA lady sitting near the canal representing the disease mean?Ê

Writer : Since the border of the village lies near the canal, which has water, we know that the germs grow and spread through contaminated water. If any person washes the clothes of a patient, the germs spread in through water. When other people washed clothes in that water and hung them, Sai Baba knew the hung clothes had the germs. Thus, He referred to the hung cloth as a lady standing and waiting to enter Shirdi. Since Lendi at that time did not have sufficient water

or when the water dried, people used the water of the canal. Before the canal received fresh water, such types of illnesses sprung and Sai Baba always prepared medicine in advance.

„How can sprinkling of flour in water and spreading this on the border avoid such a disease?‰

Well. I do not have the knowledge and potential to answer this question of yours. You are a doctor, so I feel the need to discuss what I believe. The cure for cholera includes preparing a vaccine by a specific culture procedure on the germs of cholera, isnÊt it?

„Yes‰ the young doctor replied.

Writer : What is this culture or vaccine?

Doctor : Germs of cholera are put into a solution of black carrot juice known as kaanji, after which the germs grow to an extent and become large secreting a liquid which in itself kills all the germs of cholera. When this happens, it is inserted through a vaccine in a patient, and the germs of cholera become ineffective and die in the body.

Writer : This is what exactly Shri Sai Baba did when He sprinkled flour in water. Due to evaporation and water vapour, the flour underwent a change and there was a similar

Sansthan follows this tradition of Sai

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Previous Now

process that changed the flour to culture. Since the flour is in the water, the germs of cholera in water would have been destroyed. WouldnÊt it?

The doctor agreed finally having his confusion cleared : „Well, there is such a possibility.‰

The writer then said how Sai BabaÊs deeds were unfathomable for common people and beyond our understanding. Nevertheless, with

a research point of view and with a curious mind, we need to find out and try to grasp as much as possible.

In this way, Sai Baba would save people from illnesses and helped them stay fit. Sai BabaÊs work of serving the ill and treating them is in a way carried forward in the form of Hospitals. The following are the details of the services provided in the Hospitals.

Shri Sainath HospitalIn 1964, a small clinic was started in a

building near the Samadhi Mandir of Sai Baba; with an aim to serve the deprived and poor people and follow BabaÊs teachings. The same year, a hospital was established – Shri Sainath Hospital. The basic infrastructure and facilities have been provided and all types of patients are given treatment in the most affordable and reasonable rates. Moreover, as per the High Court verdict, the people below poverty line get further concession in the rate of treatment. The hospital has proved to be a blessing and last year, its Golden Jubilee was celebrated.

The hospital provides different forms of treatment like Allopathic, Homoeopathy and Ayurvedic as well. The accident department is open for 24 hours. It is a 200-bed hospital. The DOT treatment for TB has been provided by the District Hospital, Ahmednagar. Even

counselling and diagnostic tests for AIDS is done free of charge in ICTC. The hospital has two operation theatres at present. Departments like general, orthopedics, maternity, womenÊs health, ENT and eye specialist conduct their operations. Five separate operation tables are provided for this. The Intensive Care Unit consists of eight beds and serious patients are treated here. In addition, blood donation camps are held, treatment for kidney stone, ear check-up and free hearing devices, eye-checkup and distributing spectacles are carried out. The hospitalÊs Out Patient Department treats average 27000-28000 patients per year.

Free Medical Services :1. Dog bite, snake bite, Thalesaemia,

Hemophilia, and Sickle Cell Anaemia patients are given free treatment.

2. For cerebral palsy children, and also for handicapped people, lifelong free treatment

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and free medicines are offered.

3. Old people from old age home, Dwarkamai Seva Trust, Kankuri Road, Shirdi are given free treatment.

4. Celibate women residents of Shri Upasani Maharaj Ashram, Sakori are given free medical facilities.

Available Facilities :ho r cas al par

ll ipp p ra io h a r s(total 5 including that of Sankul)

r ho p hal

ar ail s as h a c r a

o s h al h a a r i car

r hop ic par

a ora or or all p s o s lihis opa holo ioch is r c

i i al ra S

ia s ia osis a co s llicentre

r a r o cos or hvillage hospital in Rahata.

Shri Sai a h ospi al also a i spatients and provides care to areas where hospitals are not available. Regular visits o ar illa s i i ica io s o ill

people, spreading awareness of epidemics, a s o pr s ch is as s a also o

overcome them are the important tasks p r or h hospi al

The following programmes are conducted :

aip r oo a p

i S o a p

op ra io a r is ri io ospectacles

ari i pair s a is ri ioof hearing aids

ia s r a ca p

First-Aid Center : or o s ho isi

Shirdi, the trust has opened a first aid centre so that immediate help is given. A mobile clinic is summoned for devotees who come on the occasion of Ram Navami, Gurupoornima, Shri Sai Punyatithi c as h co i larnumbers.

X-Ray Department : This department is ll ipp i h achi s li Si s

a a achi a ai i al s s a achi

Laundry Department : This department is also ll ipp i h oil r achir r cal ar achi ashi achih ro achi a iro i h parpro i s pa i s o Shri Sai a h ospi al aShri Sai a a ospi al i h cl a a iroclothes.

Administrative Department :

h i a cial ar o pril oarch i is r por ha plo s

belonging to Permanent, Consolidated and i a ca ori s a s ill s illla o r rs i all plo s ar or ia a i h i i r par s oh lp h hospi al c io s oo hl h s

plo s or i hr shi s his alsoi cl s hi hl ca oc ors rsistaff, administrative staff etc.

Department of Medical Grants :

The grants are endowed on the basis of o r s pro isio i or r a i

specific diseases in municipal hospitals, p lic li i co pa hospi als chari a lhospi als a co op ra i soci rhospitals.

Shri Sai a h ospi al r c i s ra rothe Saibaba Sansthan Trust for the following medical treatments :

ar s r r a pos op ra itreatment

i ial sis ra spla a posoperative medicines

rai s r r a pos op ra i

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4. Cancer related treatments, operation and post operative treatment

5. Blood related diseases like hemophilia

6. G.B.S or Guillain Barre Syndrome

7. Spine surgery and post operative treatment

8. Cochlear implant

According to the Medical Grant law, a patient gets up to Rs. 25,000 or 15% of the total treatment cost whichever less and the donation is given in the form of a cheque addressed to the concerned patient and the hospital in which he is being treated. On an average, medical grant of Rs. 30,00,000 to Rs. 40,00,000 is endowed per month. The trust is thinking to modify the rules, include more illnesses, increase in the amount of the grant. The proposal with these modifications has been prepared. Once the permission is granted, the patients will benefit immediately.

Rates : As compared to other hospitals, Shri Sainath Hospital provides its services in a very reasonable rate so that even the poor benefit.

Other facilities :ia osis a r a or is

provided on a daily basis for patients from Shir i a aha a or rc losistreatment centre functions every Monday,

Wednesday and Friday.or pa i s as ll as h ir i a sh

has been erected so that they are protected from heat, and rain. They are given accommodation in Sai Ashram 2 to sleep at night. Moreover, to travel from this ashram to the hospital, bus service is provided free of cost.

or h plo s pa i s a h irrelatives, separate parking facility is provided. Paver blocks make it easier for them to park two-wheelers and four-wheelers.

o s r c io o pa r loc has alsoresulted in a clean area which adds to the beauty of the place.

or h pa i s a h ir i cafacility is provided. The canteen is open from 6 in the morning till 10 at night. The food items are sold at an affordable rate.

hr s a rs ha o h orpatients so that when they come for check-up, they may not have to stand in queue. To avoid this inconvenience, this measure has been taken.

h i ha pro i s als odevotees, Prasadalaya has also set up a separate prasadalaya for the relatives of the pa i s a i i h hospi al o histhe poor and needy people are benefitted.

The Shri Sainath Hospital and the Trust work diligently to provide maximum facilities to the patients.

❍ ❍ ❍

Shree Saibaba HospitalConsidering the increasing number of

patients from in and around Shirdi, the Saibaba Sansthan Trust and the management at that time decided to expand and establish a hospital on the grounds of big hospitals in Pune and Mumbai. The main aim was to provide all medical facilities in minimum rates and to provide free medical facilities to patients belonging to the below poverty line and minimal rate for people

from deprived classes. For this reason, the super speciality hospital was established in the name of Sai Baba. Accordingly, in 2006, high quality equipments, and machines were installed and a hospital with international standards was il has s a h a o s or

construction of this hospital is approximately Rs. 50 crore.

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Departments in Shri Saibaba General and Super Speciality Hospital

Cardiology Maxillofacial Surgery General Medicine

Neurology General Surgery Anaestheology

Ophthalmology Radiology Pathology

Nephrology Emergency Dentistry

Cardiac Surgery Dietician Physiotherapy

Neuro Surgery Urology Critical Care Unit

Orthopedic Joint Replacement Facility

Since its establishment, the hospital has treated over 8 lakh people for various ailments. Above 50,000 patients of Cardiac, Cath Lab procedures and 10,000 cardiac open heart surgeries, 3000 neuro surgeries, 1000 joint replacement surgeries and other general surgeries were performed at minimal rates and even some free of cost.

Super-speciality Staff and Consultants :

The hospital has 17 well educated, experienced expert DM who are full time, and MCH super consultants are appointed. These doctors serve the hospital not desiring the lucrative salary - jobs, urban facilities like schools for their children, other luxuries of urban area and have settled in the village of Shirdi

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for serving the patients. The Heart Surgery department has also called eminent doctors from abroad to conduct complicated heart surgeries. Furthermore, over 10 health camps and workshops have been arranged. Also, joint transplants, eye and neurosurgery camps have been arranged regularly.

In order to retain the expert consultants and to let the patients have the benefit of their expertise, the management of Shree Saibaba Hospital offers an attractive pay per month. Thus, super consultants, doctors from different cities, well known surgeons are eager to serve this hospital. At present, each department has two super consultants who are available for 24 hours. Apart from them, paramedical, nursing, technical and other staff is well educated and experienced.

Economic turnout :The annual turnover for Shree Saibaba

hospital is approximately Rs. 150 crore.

Rates for different medical treatments :

The rates are designed in a manner that even poor people can avail; they are affordable for the downtrodden. For other patients too, 20% to 50% off on the bill is given. In this way, around 35 to 40 lakh is endowed in a month.

In addition, according to the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 and High Court suggestions, 10% of the patients below poverty line are treated free of cost and 10% of the deprived class are treated in reasonable rate.

Jeevandayi Arogya Yojna :The hospital implemented the Maharashtra

GovernmentÊs Jeevandayi Arogya Yojna from 2007 to October 2013 and accordingly heart surgeries on 19170 patients were conducted free of cost.

Rajeev Gandhi Jeevandayi Arogya YojnaFirst Stage : 14.2.2013 - 20.10.2013 :

The ambitious scheme is undertaken by the State Government. It has made positive changes and the new scheme has been brought by National Insurance Company. In the first stage of execution from 14.2.2013 - 20.10.2013, districts of Amravati, Dhule, Gadchiroli, Nanded, Raigad, Solapur, Mumbai and its suburbs were included.

Second Stage since : 21.10.2013 :

In its second stage, the remaining 25 districts are covered and the scheme is implemented now in the entire state. Under the supervision of Rajeev Gandhi Jeevandayi Arogya Yojna Society, the insurance companies National Insurance and TPA companies have provided their service online. It has facilitated the execution of the scheme and is more work effective. The patient or his/her relatives do not have to visit different offices or departments to get their insurance approved. It takes only 2-3 hours. Additionally, diagnostic tests, treatments and operations are performed free of cost under this scheme.

Moreover, once the patient gets discharged, he/she gets free follow-up medicines for the following 10 days. If the patient is not a local resident, the travel fare from hospital to home and back are paid. For this reason the patient and the relatives as well are happy and satisfied with the scheme and its services. Overall, the scheme is beneficial and has been a blessing for the patients and their kin as well as the functioning is convenient even for the administration.

Details of surgeries performed under Rajeev Gandhi Jeevandayi Arogya Yojna

Duration No. of patients

Amount Received (Rs.)

14.2.2013 to


1307 7,81,01,317/-

1.4.2014 to


4911 30,52,17,494/-

Total 6218 38,33,18,811/-

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Even though the Ahmednagar district, under which Shirdi is placed, was not covered in the scheme, the State Government has registered the Shree Saibaba Hospital and has given its consent to execute the scheme.

Liquid Oxygen Plant :Considering the increasing number of

patients, the Saibaba Sansthan Trust has taken on contract basis a liquid oxygen plant which has the capacity of storing 13,000 litre. It is manufactured by M/s. Praxair Ltd. It was set up at the hospital on 1.9.2012. Due to this facility, the operation theatres, Cardiac Recovery Units, Intensive Care Units all receive 99.80% pure oxygen.

Rate of Patients Cured :The following data presents the rate of patients cured in the Shree Saibaba Hospital

Sr. No

Year 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 Total

1. Admissions 4562 9894 11115 12395 13489 15533 17266 17226 101480

2. Discharge 4391 9355 10648 11807 12852 14923 16701 16595 97272

3. Cure rate 96% 95% 96% 95% 95% 96% 97% 96% 96%

Computerization :All departments are computerized and

CCTV system is installed all over the premises. The hospital also has the internet facility and as per the New Rajeev Gandhi Jeevandayi Yojna, a faster, independent 10 MBPS lease line is installed. Additionally, the departments are linked and their e-tenders are filed. The functioning is therefore more effective.

Blood Bank and Ambulance :The hospital provides the patients with 24

hour ambulance service at an affordable rate and blood bank is open too. Separate, special ambulances for cardiac department are available.

Prime Minister National Fund :Shree Saibaba Hospital has been registered

in the Central Government scheme under the Prime Minister National Fund considering its medicinal facilities, infrastructure, highly educated and well experienced staff, and the privileges and financial help provided to the patients by Health and Welfare Ministry, Delhi. Under this plan, the hospital receives 50% amount (maximum 1,00,000) for major surgeries and treatment of patients.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Medical Aid Scheme 2004 :The Central GovernmentÊs Ministry of

Social Justice and Empowerment has granted recognition through Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Medical Aid Scheme 2004. Under this scheme, people belonging to Schedule Tribe and Schedule Caste get 50% of the total cost or maximum Rs. 1,00,000 concession on the treatment and operative procedures like heart, brain, kidney, cancer, joint replacement etc.

❍ ❍ ❍

Primary precautions for mental and physical health : Daily care of all organs, controlled breathing, balanced diet, pure air, calm mind, concentration, contentment and dutiful life, as well as to stay alert and take enough rest… Dr. Mrs. Uma Mangesh Hindlekar Matoshree Hospital, Post - Taluka Devgad - 416 613, Dist. Sindhudurg, Maharashtra State.E-mail - [email protected] Tel. : (02364)262793 Mobile : (0)9421263860, (0)8390840633

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nX`mÌr MbVo h¢ lr gmBª Ho$ am_Zd_r CËgd nd© gmBª brbm à{V{Z{Y{YYYY{YYYYY

lr gmBª g_m{Y _§{Xa, {eS>u

h_Zo lr gmBª brbm Ho$$JV A§H$ go n¡Xb {eS>u OmZo dmbo gmBª ^ŠV _ÊS>bm| H$m n[aM` VWm CZHo$$H$m`© H$s OmZH$mar XoZo H$s ewéAmV H$s h¡& CgH$s gmBª ^ŠVm| X²dmam gamhZm Ed§ AÀN>m A{^_V {_b ahm h¡&

_ybV… Bg nmbH$s H$s g§H$ënZm H$s CËnpËV H¡$go

hþB©, `h OmZZm ^r CËgwH$Vm H$m {df` h¡& lr gmBª ~m~m EH$ {XZ N>mo‹S> H$a X²dmaH$m_mB© go Mmd‹S>r _| gmoZo Ho$ {bE OmVo Wo& O~ do X²dmaH$m_mB© go àñWmZ H$a Mmd‹S>r H$s Amoa OmVo Wo V~ gmBª ^ŠV d¥§X T>mob-Vmeo,Pm±P-_±Oram Am{X dmXç ~OmVo hþE VWm ^OZ JmVo hþE

› gmBª... lr gmBª... O` O` gmBª...

e{Zdma, {XZm§H$ 28.3.2015

a{ddma, {XZm§H$ 29.3.2015

ewH«$dma, {XZm§H$ 27.3.2015




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~m~m H$s gdmar {ZH$mbVo Wo& ~m~m Ho$$am_ ê$n hmoZo Ho$ H$maU Bgr Vah H$m H$m`©H«$_ 1911 H$s amdZd_r go ~m~m H$sAZw_{V go {eS>u _| ~‹S>o n¡_mZo na ewê$ {H$`m J`m& CËgd `mÌm {ZH$bZo bJr& {ZemZ H$s gdm[a`m± {ZH$bZr ewê$ hþB©ª& BgH$m ~hþV hr gw§Xa dU©Z lr gmBª gV² M[aV Ho$ AÜ`m` 6 _| {H$`m J`m h¡&

V~ go boH$a ~m~m H$s AZw_{V go& mÌm {ZH$bZo bJr am_Zd_r go& ì`dñWm XoIVo VmË`m H$moVo& `mÌm ~ZVr Anaånma&& am_Zd_r Ho$ {XZ ^ŠV OZ&g_mamoh go H$aVo ^OZ-nyOZ& T>mob-Vmeo-_±Orao H$m emoa& hmoVm `mÌm H$s Mhþ± Amoa&& df© _| Xmo {ZemZ ZE& g_mamoh go {ZH$mbZo ewê$ hþE& _pñOX Ho$ H$be na ~m±Yo JE& dht hmoVm CZH$m ñWmnZ&& CZ_| go EH$ {ZemZ {Z_moUH$a H$m& Xÿgam {ZemZ Xm_y AÊUm H$m& gdmar {ZH$bVr AmZ-~mZ emZ go& \$haVo h¢ H$be Ho$ AJ«^mJ _|&&

- Amo{d`m± 54-57

~m~m H$s àoaUm Am¡a AZw_{V go am_Zd_r H$m CËgd ~‹S>o n¡_mZo na ewê$ hþAm, {Ogo gmBª ^ŠVm| Zo AmO ^r ~aμH$ama aIm h¡& `h ~mV am_Zd_r Ho$ {XZ Xÿa-Xÿa go nmbH$s Ho$ gmW {eS>u AmZo dmbo nX`mÌr gmBª ^ŠVm| H$s Agr_ ^pŠV go {gX²Y hmoVr h¡&

{eS>u _| am_Zd_r CËgd _| em{_b hmoZo Ho$ {bE nmbH$s boH$a nX`mÌm H$aZo dmbo, _wå~B© Ho$ XmXa go {ZH$bZo dmbo gmBª godH$ _ÊS>b H$s _hËVm hr Hw$N> Am¡a h¡! Bg nmbH$s H$m `h 35dm± df© h¡&

{eS>u Ho$ am_Zd_r CËgd _| em{_b hmoZo Ho$ {bE nX`mÌm X²dmam nmbH$s {ZH$mbZo H$s g§H$ënZm H$m CX²^d Hw$N> Bg Vah hþAm... Bg g§JR>Z Ho$ {dXç_mZ H$m`m©Ü`j lr Zm_Xod _brH$ Zo H$hm {H$ 1976 _| h_ 15 gmBª ^ŠV n¡Xb {eS>u J`o& {eS>u nhþ±MVo hr h_| EH$ AbJ gr MoVZm H$m AZw^d hþAm& ~m~m H$s Bg AZw^y{V go h_ A{^^yV hmo J`o& ~mX _| _¢, BZmg S>m`g, AmZ§X KmogmbH$a, hf©X XogmB©, {dbmg nmbd, XËVm Zoambo, A{Zb _wbo, gy`©H$m§V _yboH$a, XrnH$ H$m§XbJmdH$a Am{X gmBª ^ŠVm| Zo BH$Q²>R>m hmoH$a ha gßVmh {Z`{_V ê$n go {_bZo dmbo h_ gmBª ^ŠV n¡Xb {eS>u OmZo bJo&

h_ gmBª ^ŠVm| H$mo à{Vdf© am_Zd_r CËgd _| {eS>u n¡Xb AmVo XoI {eS>u gmBª g§ñWmZ Ho$ gwajm {d^mJ Ho$ VËH$mbrZ A{YH$mar lr ~m~m gmho~ qeXo Zo AnZmnZ OVmVo hþE h_mar nyN>VmN> H$s Am¡a h_| gy{MV

{H$`m {H$ n§T>anwa Ho$ {dQ²>R>b ^JdmZ² H$s qXS>r O¡gr, dmaH$ar gåàXm` Ho$ g_mZ Amn r gmBª ZmW H$s nmbH$s boH$a AmB`o& ~m~m gmho~ H$s `h àoaUmXm`r ~mV h_| AÀN>r bJr& Cgr g_` gZ² 1980 _| boÊS>r~mJ _| h_Zo AJbo df© go nmbH$s boH$a {eS>u AmZo H$m àU H$a {b`m& VXZwgma gZ² 1981 _| h_ XmXa go nmbH$s boH$a nX`mÌm H$aVo {eS>u nhþ±Mo Am¡a am_Zd_r CËgd _| earH$ hþE&

nhbr nmbH$s nX`mÌm _| 43 gmBª ^ŠV em{_b hþE Wo& AmJo Mb H$a `h g§»`m 150, 250, 1000 H«$_e… ha gmb ~‹T>Vr JB©& AmO `h g§»`m 8000 Ho$ D$na nhþ±Mr h¡& BVZr ~‹S>r g§»`m _| Am aho gmBª ^ŠVm| H$s ì`dñWm gwMmé T>§J go hmo ahr h¡, `h Ho$db lr gmBª H¥$nm go hr gå^d hmo ahm h¡&

g^r gmBª ^ŠVm| Ho$ {bE ZmíVm, ^moOZ, {Zdmg Am{X H$m à~ÝY H$aZo H$m ~hþV ~‹S>m H$m`© ~m~m H$s hr godm g_P H$a g§JR>Z Ho$ nXm{YH$mar, H$m`©H$Vm© Ed§ gmBª godH$ ~‹S>o ào_, CËgmh Am¡a {ZîR>m go H$aVo h¢& BgH$s V¡`mar _| nmbH$s go Hw$N> {XZ nyd© hr Bg g§JR>Z H$s H$m`©H$mar g{_{V {XZ-amV _ohZV H$aZo _| OwQ> OmVr h¡&

Bg g§JR>Z H$s H$m`©H$mar g{_{V Ho$ H$m`m©Ü`j (lr Zm_Xod _brH$), Cn H$m`m©Ü`j (lr e{eH$m§V_moao), g{Md (lr AemoH$ XogmB©), Cn g{Md (lr lram_ AmMaoH$a), H$moofmÜ`j (lr AOw©Z nm§Oar), H$m`©H$mar gXñ` (lr ho_§V nm{Q>b, lr AaqdX bwS>~o, lr àXrn nS>Vo, lr {ddoH$ nmJo, lr Zmam`U gmZo, lr àXrn IQ>mdH$a), BZHo$ A{V[aº$ g§JR>Z Ho$ 89 gmBª ŠVm| H$s CËgd g{_{V Ho$ g^r gXñ` nmbH$s nX`mÌm H$m`©H«$_ Ho$ Xm¡amZ g^r àH$ma H$s ì`dñWm H$m Ü`mZ aIVo h¢& lr gwYmH$a éndVo d lr g§O` nyÊ`mWu B§Q>Z©b Am°{S>Q>a Ho$ Vm¡a na H$m_ H$aVo h¢& A°S>ìhmoHo$Q> lr n¥ÏdramO Am{XH$ (lr gmBª ~m~m g§ñWmZ, {eS>u Ho$ nyd© Q´>ñQ>r), lr XrnH$ nm{Q>b, lr _wHo$e ^mB© ^ÊS>mar, lr bú_U Ho$bgH$a Bg g§JR>Z Ho$ gå_mZZr` gXñ` h¢&

nX`m{Ì`m| H$m gm_mZ Ed§ ^moOZ gm_J«r bo OmZo Ho$ {bE μH$ar~ 50 Jm{S>`m± Am¡a AÝ` H$m`m] H$s ny{V© hoVw Xÿgao H$B© `mVm`mV Ho$ gmYZ nX`mÌm _| gmW ahVo h¢& AmR> {XZ MbZo dmbo Bg nX`mÌm g_mamoh _| gmBª ^OZ Am¡a lr gmBª gV² M[aV H$m nmam`U {H$`m OmVm h¡& {eS>u nhþ±MZo na boÊS>r~mJ _| lr gmBª gV² M[aV H$s 22 à{VAmo| H$m MH«$s` nmam`U {H$`m OmVm h¡&

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❍ ❍ ❍

"› lr gmBª epŠV _{hbm nX`mÌm _ÊS>b'

lr gmBª g_m{Y _§{Xa, {eS>u :Jwédma, {XZm§H$ 26.3.2015

{Og {Og Jm±d _| nmbH$s éH$Vr h¡, dhm± H$s nmR>embm Ho$ N>mÌm| H$mo g§JR>Z H$s Amoa go N>mÌd¥pËV (Scholarship) Xr OmVr h¡& Aml_ H$s embmAm| _| H$n‹S>m| H$m {dVaU {H$`m OmVm h¡&

BZ gm_m{OH$ H$m`m] Ho$ gmW gmW AJhZ(_mJ©erf©) Am¡a gmdZ _mg _| {OZ gmBª ^ŠVm| H$mo AnZo Ka na lr gmBª gV² M[aV H$m nmam`U H$amZo H$s BÀN>m hmo, CZH$m {Z_ÝÌU {_bZo na g§JR>Z H$s Amoa go CZHo$ Ka OmH$a nmam`U {H$`m OmVm h¡&

nX`mÌm Ho$ {bE 500 én`o M§Xm {b`m OmVm h¡&

Cg_| go Hw$N> aμH$_ g§JR>Z H$s Amoa go {eS>u _| ~ZmB© Om ahr B_maV Ho$ {bE br OmVr h¡& ŠVm| H$mo _wZm{g~ m‹S>o na {Zdmg CnbãY hmo Bg hoVw Bg B_maV H$m {Z_m©U H$m`© Omar h¡& gZ² 2018 _| ~m~m H$s 100dt nwÊ`{V{W na Bg B_maV H$m {Z_m©U H$m`© nyU© hmoH$a ^ŠVm| Ho$ {bE dh CnbãY hmoJr, Eogm A§XmμO g§JR>Z Ho$ H$m`m©Ü`j Zo ì`ŠV {H$`m& Bgr Ho$ gmW _wå~B© go {eS>u VH$ nyar amh na nX`m{Ì`mo| Ho$ {bE _wμâV _o{‹S>H$b godm XoZo H$s g§JR>Z H$s `moOZm h¡, {Ogo OëX hr ewê$ {H$`m Om`oJm&

A^r Hw$N> {XZ nhbo 8 _mM© H$mo {díd _{hbm {XZ _Zm`m J`m& Bg Adga na OJh OJh {d{dY gmd©O{ZH$ H$m`©H«$_ Am`mo{OV {H$`o J`o& {d{dY joÌm| _| CëboIZr` H$m`© H$aZo dmbr _{hbmAm| H$mo gå_m{ZV {H$`m J`m& Eogo Adga na g_mO _| _{hbmAm| Ho$ gmW hmoZo dmbo ì`dhma na {dMma {H$`m OmVm h¡&... Am¡a h_| mX AmVr h¡ lr gmBª gV² M[aV _| d{U©V _{hbmAm| Ho$ {df` _| Amo{d`mo| _o| ~m~m H$s CZHo$ à{V gå_mZ H$s mdZm& àmaå^ go hr ~m~m _{hbmAm| Ho$ à{V AmXa H$s ^mdZm aIZo

Ho$ {h_m`Vr aho h¢, `h h_| lr gmB© gV² M[aV J«ÝW go kmV hmoVm h¡&

~m~m H$mo AnZo nwÌdV² ào_ go ^moOZ H$amZo dmbr ~m`Om _m± H$mo gmBª ^ŠVm| Ho$ {bE gmjmV² B©ída g_mZ ~m~m Zo "_m±' H$m CÀM ñWmZ {X`m& Xo{IE, EH$ _{hbm H$m {H$VZm ~‹S>m Jm¡ad! bú_r~mB© H$mo Zm¡ {gŠH$m| Ho$ ê$n _| ZdYm ^pŠV àXmZ H$s& Bg àH$ma ~m~m h_oem _{hbmAm| H$m AmXa-gËH$ma {H$`m H$aVo Wo& d`ñH$ hmo _{hbm H$moB©& nwH$maVo Wo CgH$mo "AmB©'&

- lr gmBª gV² M[aV, AÜ`m` 19, Amodr 41

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~m~m H$s AmaVr Ho$ g_` ^r _{hbmAm| H$mo C{MV ñWmZ {X`m OmVm Wm&

Xmonha H$s h AmaVr& Za-Zmar {_b H$a H$aVo& _{hbmE± _pñOX _| D$na& nwéf ZrMo _ÊS>n _|&&

- lr gmBª gV² M[aV, AÜ`m` 19, Amodr 84

BVZm hr Zht, lr gmBª ~m~m _{hbm ŠVm| H$s md godm Cgr VËnaVm go ñdrH$ma H$aHo$ CgH$s H¥$nm ê$nr agrX ^r XoVo Wo& lr gmBª gV² M[aV _| C{ëb{IV lr_Vr VI©S> Am¡a lr_Vr ImnS>} H$mo Omo AZw^d hþE dh Bg ~mV H$mo {gX²Y H$aVo h¢&

""_m±! AmnZo AmO moOZ H$am`m& Cggo h noQ> AmH$ÊR> am& hþE Wo _oao àmU ì`mHw$b& V¥ßV H$a {X`m VyZo&&''

- lr gmBª gV² M[aV, AÜ`m` 9, Amodr 120

XoI H$a CgH$m godmH$m_& àgÝZ ~m~m H$m A§V`m©_& Yrao go ~mobo "amOmam_'& "amOmam_' ~mobVo ahZm&& OnVo ahZm `h gXm& _m±! OrdZ Voam g\$b hmoJm& {MËV Voam em§V hmoJm& An[a{_V àmßV hmoJm {hV&&

- lr gmBª gV² M[aV, AÜ`m` 27, Amo{d`m± 166-167

_{hbmAm| H$m AmXa H$aZm ~m~m Zo AnZo OrdZ _| {XIm`m h¡& \$bñdê$n ~m~m H$s _{hbm ŠV Wm epŠV nyU© ê$n go gmBª godm H$aVr ahVr h¢& ~m~m H$s Agr_ H¥$nm go do _{hbmE± `h godm nwéfm| Ho$ g_H$j H$aVr Am ahr h¢& {Og àH$ma nwéf ^ŠV nmbH$s {bE n¡Xb {eS>u AmVo h¢, Cgr àH$ma ^ŠV _{hbmE± ^r ñdVÝÌ ê$n go nmbH$s {bE n¡Xb {eS>u Om ahr h¢& CZ_| go EH$ h¢ - "› lr gmBª epŠV _{hbm nX`mÌm _ÊS>b', `h _ÊS>b JV ~mah dfm] go am_Zd_r CËgd Ho$ {bE Zm`Jm±d (XmXa, _wå~B©) go {eS>u nX`mÌm H$a ahm h¡& Bg nX`mÌr g§JR>Z H$s AÜ`jm h¢ lr_Vr {dXçmVmB© Mwar&

{dXçmVmB© H$s {eS>u n¡Xb Mbo OmZo H$s `h 52dt \o$ar h¡& {dXçmVmB© àW_V… 1995 _| n¡Xb {eS>u JB© Wr& BgHo$ nrN>o H$s H$hmZr ^r ~‹S>r amoMH$ Ed§ àoaUmXm`r h¡& ~MnZ go hr gmBª ^pŠV Ho$ a§J _| a§Jr {dXçmVmB© nX`mÌm Ho$ {df` _| ~VmZo go nhbo H$hZm MmhVr h¢ {H$ CZH$m gmBª ^pŠV H$s Amoa ê$PmZH¡$go hþAm Am¡a nX`mÌm

{ZH$mbZo H$s àoaUm CÝh| H¡$go Am¡a H$hm± go {_br?

_hmamîQ´> _| nmbKa {μObm Ho$ XhmZy _| ahZo dmbo ~m~m Ho$ AdVma H$mbrZ ^ŠV lr AÊUm gmho~ qMMUrH$a (Xm_moXa ~m~ao) Am¡a CZH$s nËZr lr_Vr bú_r~mB© qMMUrH$a Ho$ Ka _| lr gmBª H$m _§{Xa h¡& Bg _§{Xa H$s {deofVm `h h¡ {H$ ~m~m H$s H¥$nm Ed§ Amerdm©X go `h _§{Xa ~Zm`m J`m h¡& Bgr dOh go ~m~m H$s _m¡μOyXJr H$m Ehgmg dhm± hmoVm h¡& ~m~m Ho$ àË`j gmpÝZÜ` _| ah MwHo$ AÊUm gmho~ Am¡a bú_r~mB© na ~m~m H$s H¥$nm hmoZo go hr bú_r~mB© H$mo AnZo Ka _| ~m~m H$m _§{Xa ~Zo Eogr BÀN>m hþB©& VXZwgma AÊUm gmho~ Zo gZ² 1917-18 _| (AWm©V², ~m~m Ho$ AdVma H$mb _| hr CZHo$ ~Zo _§{Xam| _| go `h Xÿgam _§{Xa& nhbm _§{Xa g_m{Y _§{Xa (~wQ>rdm‹S>m)&) ~m~m H$m _§{Xa ~Zm`m& Bg _§{Xa H$s gr{‹T>`m| H$m ^r {deof _hËd h¡& EH$ {XZ bú_r~mB© Zo ~m~m H$mo àË`j ê$n _| AnZo Ka H$s gr{‹T>`m| na ~¡R>o hþE XoIm& O~ Bg _§{Xa H$s gr{‹T>`m| H$m H$m_ Mb ahm Wm V~ lr ~mbm gmho~ Xod H$mo ~m~m Zo Eogm hr ÑîQ>m§V {X`m Wm& ~m~m Zo H$hm Wm {H$ ""_¢ AÊUm Ho$ Ka H$s gr{‹T>`m| na hÿ±&''

Eogr {deofVm go bm^mpÝdV Bg _§{Xa _| {dXçmVmB© 4-5 df© H$s Am`w _| dhm± Ho$ nwOm[a`m| Ho$ {bE Mm`, Jw‹S>, Zm[a`b BË`m{X boH$a OmVr Wr& dh dhm± IobVr Am¡a ~m~m Ho$ gmW ~mV ^r H$aVr Wr& Eogm H$aVo H$aVo CZH$s ~m~m go XmoñVr O_ JB©& ~m~m CZHo$ ñdßZ _| AmZo bJo Am¡a CÝh| Bg ~mV H$s AZw^y{V ^r hmoZo bJr&

~m~m H$s Amoa CZH$m bJmd eZ¡… eZ¡… ~‹T>Vm J`m& V^r gZ² 1995 _| gmBª brbm _ÊS>b H$s nmbH$s Ho$ ~mao _| CÝhm|Zo g_mMmanÌ _| n‹T>m&

`h n‹T> H$a CZHo$ _Z _| ^r n¡Xb {eS>u OmZo H$s BÀN>m AmH$ma boZo bJr& Bg {df` _| nyN>VmN> H$aVo hþE do b¡q_½Q>Z amo‹S>, _wå~B© Ho$ gmBª Ym_ _§{Xa _| nhþ±Mr& dhm± na nyN>VmN> H$aVo g_` {dama Ho$ gmBª ^ŠV lr {_qbX {nVbo go CZH$s _wbmH$mV hþB©& {dXçmVmB© H$s {eS>u nX`mÌm H$s Vrd« BÀN>m H$mo XoI lr {nVbo Zo CÝh| {dama Ho$ gmBª _§{Xa go {ZH$bZo dmbr nX`mÌm _| gpå_{bV hmoZo H$s gbmh Xr& dht go CZH$s àW_ nX`mÌm H$m ew^maå^ hþAm& CÝhm|Zo nX`mÌm _| MbZo H$s ewéAmV Vmo H$s, _Ja

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Hw$N> g_` _| hr CZHo$ n¡am| _| gyOZ Am JB©& bmR>r boH$a ^r MbZm CZHo$ {bE Xþídma hmo J`m& Cg g_` {dama Ho$ gmBª ^ŠV lr {H$aU amD$b CZH$mo ~m~m Ho$ AZw^d gwZmZo bJo& CZ AZw^dm| Ho$ ldU _mÌ go {dXçmVmB© H$mo ZB© D$Om© àmßV hþB© Am¡a MbVo MbVo do H$~ {eS>u nhþ±M JB©, CgH$m nVm hr Zht Mbm& amñVo _| CÝh| ~m~m Ho$ AZw^d hþE& gZ² 1998 VH$ do {dama go hr à{Vdf© {eS>u nX`mÌm H$aVr aht& 1999 _| do dO«oídar nX`mÌm _ÊS>b Ho$ gmW {eS>u JBª& Bgr df© do Jwény{U©_m Am¡a ~m~m H$s Vñdra boH$a {dO`mXe_r H$mo AHo$br n¡Xb {eS>u JBª& Bg àH$ma à{Vdf© am_Zd_r CËgd _| nX`mÌm H$aVo {eS>u OmZo H$m CZH$m {Z`_ ewê$ hþAm& 2003 _| do Am¡a EH$ Xÿgar _{hbm nX`mÌm H$aVo {eS>u JBª& `h CZH$s 25dt nX`mÌm Wr& amñVo _| CZH$mo "› gmBª am_ dabr H$a J«yn' Zo AnZm gh^mJr ~Zm {b`m& ~mVMrV H$aVo hþE CZ nX`m{Ì`m| _| go Hw$N> ^ŠVm| Zo CZgo nyN>m - ""Amn _{hbmAm| H$s nX`mÌm Š`m| Zht {ZH$mbVo?'' Cg g_` nX`mÌm H$gmam Ho$ KmQ>Z Xodr, ZdXþJm© _§{Xa Ho$ g_rn go JwμOa ahr Wr& _§{Xa _| ~m~m Ho$ gm_Zo AmXoe gyMH$ {MQ²>R>r S>mb H$a nyN>m J`m, Vmo ~m~m H$m CËVa "hm±' _| Am`m Am¡a 2004 go Zm`Jm±d (XmXa, _wå~B©) Ho$ gmBª ~m~m _§{Xa go _{hbm nX`mÌm H$m Amaå^ hþAm&

nhbo df© 9 _{hbm gmBª ^ŠV Bg nX`mÌm _|

gh^mJr hþBª& AmJm_r df© go `h g§»`m 27, ~mX _| 36 VH$ nhþ±Mr& naÝVw, ì`dñWm {Z`§ÌU hoVw `h g§»`m _`m©{XV aIr JB© h¡& `h df© Bg nX`mÌr _ÊS>b H$m 12dm± df© h¡& nX`m{Ì`m| Ho$ gmW gOm`m hþAm aW hmoVm h¡& 7d| df© g_m{Y _§{Xa H$m Ñí`, 8d| df© AîQ>{dZm`H$ H$m Ñí`, 9d| df© X²dmaH$m_mB© H$m Ñí`, 10d| df© boÊS>r~mJ H$m Ñí`, 11d| df© gwdU© _§{Xa H$m Ñí` aW na {XIm`m J`m Wm& Bg àH$ma ha gmb aW H$mo gOm`m OmVm h¡& nX`mÌm Ho$ Xm¡amZ ~m~m H$s AmaVr, ^OZ Am{X H$m`©H«$_ hmoVo h¢& Bg ~mV na {deof Ü`mZ {X`m OmVm h¡ {H$ MbVo g_` Ho$db gmBª gw{_aZ hr {H$`m OmE& _{hbmAm| Ho$ {bE gμ\o$X gm‹S>r `m n§Om~r nmofmH$ n[aYmZ H$aZm Amdí`H$ hmoVm h¡& XËV O`§Vr CËgd _| Bg nX`mÌm g§JR>Z H$s Amoa go {eS>u Ho$ {ZH$Q> dmdr _| lr bú_U Jm`H$dmS> Ho$ {ZdmgñWmZ go {eS>u OmZo dmbo nX`mÌr gmBª ^ŠVm| H$mo {~pñH$Q>, \$b BË`m{X H$m {dVaU {H$`m OmVm h¡&

Bg › lr gmBª epŠV _{hbm nX`mÌm _ÊS>b Ho$ AmYma ñVå^ h¢ - lr g§O` IamoQ>o (nwUo), lr ^aV^mB© (_wå~B©), lr AJadmb (Zmbmgmonmam, R>mUo), lr gVre d¡Xç, lr lrH$m§V (H$bdm, R>mUo), lr ~mbmOr (h¡Xam~mX), lr Ama. S>r. qgJ (_wå~B©) Am¡a lr_Vr AbH$m gmoZr (h¡Xam~mX)&

_{hbm ñnoeb Ho$ Zm_ go à{gX²Y EH$ Am¡a nmbH$s AÝYoar, _wå~B© go {ZH$bVr h¡& lr gmBª àoaUm _{hbm nX`mÌm _ÊS>b Zm_H$ Bg _ÊS>b H$s ñWmnZm 2011 _| hþB©& lr_Vr A§{~H$m Zm`a Ho$ _mJ©Xe©Z _| 9 {XZ H$s `h _{hbm nX`mÌm ~‹S>o hr CËgmh Ho$ gmW gmBª Zm_ H$m O`Kmof H$aVo hþE {eS>u nhþ±MVr h¡&

gZ 2011 go nhbo nm±M gmb VH$ lr_Vr A§{~H$m Zm`a AÝ` _{hbm _ÊS>b Ho$ gmW {eS>u Om`m H$aVr Wt& `h AZw^d hmoZo Ho$ H$maU CZHo$ joÌ H$s gmBª ^ŠV _{hbmAm| Zo AnZo joÌ go nX`mÌm {ZH$mbZo H$m AmJ«h {H$`m& ~m~m Ho$ gm_Zo {MQ²>R>r S>mb H$a nyN>Zo na Odm~ "hm±' _| Am`m Am¡a {\$a ~m~m H$s Amkm go 2011 go

lr gmBª àoaUm _{hbm nX`mÌm H$m Amaå^ hþAm& nhbo gmb nX`mÌm _| 45 _{hbmE± em{_b hþB© Wt& à{Vdf© g§»`m _| ~‹T>moVar hmoVo hmoVo A~ `h g§»`m 100 H$mo nma H$a JB© h¡&

BVZr ~‹S>r g§»`m _| _{hbmAm| H$mo _wå~B© go {eS>u nX`mÌm _| bo OmZm ~hþV hr ~‹S>r {Oå_oXmar H$m H$m_ h¡& CZH$s ha gw{dYm H$s ì`dñWm H$aZm EH$ _hËdnyU© H$m`© h¡& {deofV… gwajm H$m H$m`© ~hþV hr H${R>Z hmoVm h¡& _Ja h g~ _wpíH$b H$m`© ~m~m H$s H¥$nm go A§{~H$m VmB© gVH©$Vm Ho$ gmW gwMmé T>§J go H$aVr h¡& CZH$m _mZZm Ed§ H$hZm h¡ {H$ Zm¡H$ar H$s {Oå_oXmar Ho$ gmW `h H$m`© H$aZo _| Omo AmZ§X {_bVm h¡ dh Hw$N> {Zambm

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lr gmBª àoaUm _{hbm nX`mÌm _ÊS>b, AÝYoar (_wå~B©)

hr h¡, Ý`mam hr h¡! do _mZVr h¡ {H$ `h H$m`© H$aZm _wPo ~ohX AÀN>m bJVm h¡& ~m~m H$s àË`oH$ ~mV `m CZH$s BÀN>m nyU© hmo, Eogm _¢ gX¡d _mZVr AmB© hÿ±& `h OrdZ CZH$m hr Vmo {X`m hþAm h¡& ~m~m H$s Or-OmZ go godm H$aZo _| hr OrdZ H$s gmW©H$Vm h¡& Cgr _| ghr AmZ§X g_m`m hþAm h¡& ~m~m H$hVo h¡ {H$ ha EH$ Ord _| "_¢' {~amO_mZ hÿ±& Bg "_¢' `mZr {H$ ~m~m H$s godm H$aZo H$m _m¡H$m {_bZm na_ gm¡^m½` H$s ~mV h¡&

Ohm± Xmo _{hbmAm| H$mo gå^mbZm H${R>Z h¡, dhm± Zm¡ {XZ VH$ BVZr ~‹S>r VmXmX _| _{hbmAm| H$mo {eS>u bo OmZm EH$ {Xì` H$gm¡Q>r hr h¡& Bg {df` _| nyN>Zo na, H$moB© ^r lo` boZo H$s ~mV {H$E ~μJ¡a Z_«Vm go `h H$hVr

h¢, "`hm± na _wPo ~m~m H$s Xr hþB© grI Cn`moJr hmoVr h¡& ~m~m Zo H$hm h¡ {H$ dmX-{ddmX AÀN>m Zht h¡& VX²Zwgma _¢ AnZm ì`dhma Xÿgam| Ho$ gmW aIVr hÿ±& Xÿgam| go ^r _¢ `hr Anojm aIVr hÿ±& _oam Ü`mZ gmBª H$s Xr hþB© grI H$m AZwgaU H$aZo _| hr bJm ahVm h¡& Bgr{bE nX`mÌm Ho$ Xm¡amZ AmVr hþB© {dS>§~ZmAm| H$m hb H$a nmVr hÿ±&'

Bg nX`mÌm _| {e{jV _{hbmAm| Ho$ gmW gmW H$_ {bIr n‹T>r Ed§ AZn‹T> _{hbmE± ^r hmoVr h¢& ~|Jbwé go 1, CaU go 7-8 _{hbmE± ^r Bg nX`mÌm _| em{_b hmoVr h¢& ~m~m H$s N>ÌN>m`m _| ~m~m H$m dmŠ` "g~ H$m _m{bH$ EH$' gmW©H$ hmoVm ZμOa AmVm h¡&

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{ZemZ H$mo AmH$me _| bhamVo hþE gmBª O`Kmoof Ho$ gmW nX`mÌm H$m Amaå^ hmoVm h¡& {ZemZ ~hþV hr D±$Mm Ed§ dOZXma hmoVo hþE ^r _{hbmE± CgH$mo boH$a _rbm| VH$ MbVr ahVr h¢& `h AnZo Amn _| AmíM`© H$s ~mV h¡& gmBª Zm_ H$m Omn hr CÝh| Bg H$m`© Ho$ {bE gm_Ï`© XoVm h¡&

Bg nX`mÌm _| 60-65 df© H$s d{ZVm _m¡gr g~H$m ~hþV hr Ü`mZ aIVr h¡& g~H$mo ^moOZ H$am boZo Ho$ ~mX hr dh ^moOZ H$aVr h¡& CaU go AmH$a dh nX`mÌm _| em{_b hmoVr h¡& {nN>bo ½`mah dfm] go dh {eS>u nX`mÌm H$aVr h¡& ewéAmVr dfm] _| dh AÝ` nX`mÌr _ÊS>b Ho$ gmW OmVr Wr& {deof ~mV Vmo `h h¡ {H$ dh nhbo ^r 28 df© n§T>anwa H$s, VWm 23 df© Amb§Xr H$s nX`mÌm H$a MwH$s h¡& Ho$db B©ída godm H$mo hr OrdZ H$m _yb _ÝÌ ~Zm H$a CÝhm|Zo {ddmh-~§YZ _| Z ~§YZo H$m {ZU©` {H$`m& CZH$s Xoh`{ï BVZr _μO~yV h¡ {H$ D±$Mm Am¡a dOZXma {ZemZ boH$a dh 10-12 {H$._r. Mb gH$Vr h¡& CgH$m H$hZm h¡, "h_ g~ ~m~m Ho$ {bE BH$Q²>R>m hþE h¢ Z! Vmo {\$a h_ g~ EH$ h¢& h_ Bg YaVr na Am`o, V~ Š`m boH$a Am`o Wo; Am¡a O~ `h μ\$mZr Xþ{Z`m N>mo‹S> H$a Om`|Jo, V~ ^r h_mao gmW Š`m Om`oJm? Vmo {\$a, `h _oam - dh Voam Ho$ MŠH$a _| h_ Š`m| n‹S>o? OZgodm hr B©ída godm h¡, Eogm _mZ H$a Omo H$m`© H$a|Jo dhr AmJo Mb H$a h_mao {bE ^{dî` H$m {Z_m©U hmoJm&' `hr {dMmaYmam nX`mÌr _{hbmE± AnZo _Z _| {Za§Va aIVr h¡&

Bg nX`mÌm _| AÝYoar go R>mUo VH$ Mb H$a OmZo dmbr Am¡a _ÊS>b H$s {hVqMVH$ gbmhH$ma lr_Vr Z§{XZr Xr{jV EH$ ~ma Mb H$a {eS>u JB© Wt& A~ à{Vdf© {eS>u VH$ Zht, naÝVw R>mUo VH$ do nX`mÌm _| gpå_{bV hmoVr h¢&

Bg g§~§Y _| CZH$m ~MnZ H$m gmBª AZw^d ~‹S>m hr {dbjU h¡& `o O~ VrZ gmb H$s Wt, V~ Mb Zht nmVr Wt& CZH$s _mVm H$mo Bg ~mV H$mo boH$a H$mμ\$s qMVm ahVr Wr& EH$ Vmo b‹S>H$s H$s OmV Am¡a D$na go `h n§JwVm& CÝhm|Zo ~m~m go _ÝZV _m±Jr {H$ `{X _oar ~oQ>r AÀN>r Vah go Mb-{\$a nm`oJr, Vmo _¢ CgH$mo boH$a

AmnHo$ nmg AmD±$Jr& EH$ ~ma dh AnZr _m± Ho$ gmW _m_m Ho$ Ka JB© Wr& dhm± na _m_m H$s EH$ gmb H$s b‹S>H$s H$mo MbVo hþE XoI _m± ~mobr, "Aao! Bgo XoI& `h Voar ~hZ VwPgo N>moQ>r h¡, {\$a ^r H¡$gr MbVr h¡? Am¡a Vy Bggo XÿZr h¡ C_« _|, {\$a ^r Vy Mb Zht nmVr!' _m± H$s Bg ~mV H$mo gwZ H$a dh VnmH$ go CR> I‹S>r hþB© Am¡a MbZo bJr& _m± Vmo `h ZμOmam XoI h¡aV _| n‹S> JB©& gmBª ~m~m Ho$ Bg H$[aí_o go dh ZV_ñVH$ hmo JB©& AmZ§Xmlw go CZH$s Am±I| N>bH$ JBª& _ÝZV nyar H$aZo _m± AnZr ~oQ>r H$mo boH$a {eS>u JB©& V~ go lr_Vr Z§{XZr Xr{jV gmBª ^ŠV ~Z JB© h¢& {Ogo MbZm Zht AmVm Wm dh Mb H$a {eS>u JBª Am¡a {\$a à{Vdf© R>mUo VH$ MbH$a OmVr h¢... Bgo ~m~m H$s H¥$nm Zm H$h| Vmo Am¡a Š`m H$ho§o!

Eogr AZoH$ AZw^dr _{hbmE± nX`mÌm _| em{_b hmoVr h¢& Bg nX`mÌm H$m _w»` AmH$f©U hmoVm h¡ "aW'& Bg df© g_mamoh _| VrZ aW V¡`ma {H$`o J`o Wo& EH$ g_m{Y _§{Xa H$m gmBª Xa~ma H$m Ñí`, Xÿgam X²dmaH$m_mB© H$m Ñí` Am¡a Vrgam qZ~ d¥j AmÀN>m{XV ~wQ>rdm‹S>m H$m Ñí`& `o VrZm| aW \y$bm| Am¡a {dXçwV amoeZr go gOo g~Ho$ {bE AmH$f©U H$m H|$Ð ~Zo Wo& `h nX`mÌm Ohm± Ohm± ^moOZ Ho$ {bE éH$Vr h¡, dhm± Ho$ {Zdm{g`m| H$mo ^r ^moOZ H$am`m OmVm h¡& gmW gmW dhm± Ho$ μJar~ N>mÌm| H$s n‹T>mB© H$m ˜M© ^r CR>m`m OmVm h¡& embm H$m JUdoe, H$m{n`m±, {H$Vm~| Am{X H$m Bg_| g_mdoe hmoVm h¡& Bg nX`mÌm _| OmVr hþB© A§{~H$m VmB© {OZ Jm±dm| _| nX`mÌm Ho$ Xm¡amZ {dlm_ boVr h¡ dhm± H$s g_ñ`mE± OmZ boVr h¢ Am¡a Jwény{U©_m H$mo ñdV§Ì ê$n go n¡Xb {eS>u OmVo g_` CZ g^r g_ñ`mAm| H$m {ZdmaU H$aZo H$m ^agH$ à`ËZ H$aVr h¢&

àË`oH$ ì`pŠV _| gmBª ~m~m H$m ê$n XoIZo Ho$ H$maU Am¡a gmBª CnXoem| _| brZ hmoZo Ho$ H$maU hr do _{hbm nX`mÌm H$m BVZm ~‹S>m {ed-YZwf CR>m nm ahr h¢ - Eogr CZH$s {dZ_« _mÝ`Vm h¡& _mZZm h¡&

_amR>r go qhXr AZwdmX : {dZ` Kmgdmbmg§Mma Üd{Z : (0)9998990564

amOrd XenwÌog§Mma Üd{Z : (0)9904222572

B©-_ob : [email protected]

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{ZË` àVr{V go H$aZm AZw^d15 AŠVy~a, 1918 H$mo lr gmBª ~m~m H$s _hmg_m{Y

Ho$ ~mX ^ŠVm| Ho$ ñdmZw^d...(gmBª ^ŠV {edZogZ ñdm_r Or H$s àoaUm go gmBª

^ŠV am_qbJ_ ñdm_r Or X²dmam A§J«oOr _| {b{IV "A¡å~«mo{e`m BZ {eS>u' Zm_H$ _yb nwñVH$ go -)

(JV A§H$ go H«$_e:) (44) ~m~m Zo gwlr emo m amd H$mo Xe©Z {X o - _oao {nVmOr lr gmBª ~m~m Ho$ ŠV h¢ Am¡a do à{V df©

{eS>u _| CZHo$ Xe©Z H$aZo OmVo h¢& _wPo AnZo {dXçmb`r OrdZ H$m EH$ d¥ËVmÝV ñ_aU hmo ahm h¡ - {nVmOr Zo h_mao {eS>u OmZo Ho$ {bE {Q>H$Q> ~wH$ H$am {bE Wo; naÝVw Xþ^m©½`de _wPo VoO Áda hmo J`m Am¡a \$bñdê$n {nVmOr _wPo _oar ~{hZ d _m± Ho$ nmg N>mo‹S> H$a AnZr `moOZm Ho$ AZwgma AHo$bo hr {eS>u Ho$ {bE àñWmZ H$a J`o&

_¢ ~oM¡Z, A{ZÐmdñWm _| Wr Am¡a nb§J na H$adQ>| ~Xb ahr Wr& _Ü` am{Ì Ho$ g_` _¢Zo AnZo nb§J Ho$ nmg ~¡R>o hþE gmYw Ho$ doe _o| EH$ gmYw H$mo XoIm, {OgZo Amerdm©X _wÐm _| AnZm EH$ hmW D$na CR>m aIm Wm& _¢

S>a Ho$ _mao {MëbmZo dmbr Wr; naÝVw _oam Jbm AdéX²Y hmo J`m Am¡a _wPo VwaÝV hr ZtX Am J`r& _¢ AJbo {XZ ñd`§ H$mo ñdñW AZw^d H$aVo hþB© CR>r& _oam VmnH«$_ gm_mÝ` Am J`m Wm& _wPo `μH$sZ hmo J`m {H$ do ~m~m hr Wo, {OZH$m Amerdm©X _wPo {_bm Wm& _oar _m± Zo _wPo ~m~m Ho$ {bE Z§XmXrn àÁd{bV H$aZo Ho$ {bE H$hm&

~m~m Ho$ {MÌ Ho$ gm_Zo I‹S>o hmoZo VWm AnZo H¥$V H$m`m] Ho$ {bE j_m`mMZm H$aZo H$m _oam {ZË` {Z`_ Wm& ~m~m Ho$ ZoÌ _wPo gmÝËdZm XoVo h¢& _¢ Omo Hw$N> H$aVr hÿ±, CgHo$ {bE nhbo ~m~m H$s AZw_{V boVr hÿ±& _¢ ha ~mV ~m~m na N>mo‹S> H$a {dídmg H$aVr hÿ± {H$ do {ZË`M`m© _| ^r h_oem _oao gmW h¢& O~ _¢ R>rH$ amñVo na hmoVr hÿ±, Vmo do _wñH$amVo h¢ Am¡a O~ _wPgo H$moB© μJbV H$m`© ~Z n‹S>Vm h¡, Vmo do IrO ^ao {XImB© n‹S>Vo h¢& _oao {nVmOr H$hm H$aVo Wo, ""AnZr Amoa go loîR> H$m`© H$amo Am¡a \$b gd©epŠV_mZ lr gmBª ~m~m na N>mo‹S> Xmo&''

_¢ A^r ~m~m H$s H¥$nm go BÊQ>a-H$bm _| n‹T> ahr hÿ± Am¡a AmempÝdV hÿ± {H$ CZHo$ hr Amerdm©X go erK« hr ñZmVH$ hmo OmD±$Jr, Vm{H$ Cg {XZ _oao ZoÌm| _| ào_mlw ^a H$a CZH$m Am^ma àH$Q> H$a gHy±$ - `h `mMZm H$aVo hþE {H$ _wPo C_« ^a ~m~m H$m Bgr àH$ma AZwJ«h-Amerdm©X àmßV hmoVm aho&

(45) ~m~m Zo dr. Ama. H$m°boO, Zoëbmoa Ho$ VobwJw n§{S>V lr S>r. {nMë` emñÌr H$s Y_©nËZr H$mo Xe©Z {X`o -

_oar nËZr Am¡a _¢Zo VobwJw _| "gmBª brbm' Zm_H$ nwñVH$ n‹T>r hr Wr {H$ h_| g_mMma {_bm {H$ ~oOdmS>m _| ahZo dmbr _oar nwÌr AñdñW h¡& h_Zo Xÿgao {XZ hr ~oOdmS>m OmZo H$m {ZíM` {H$`m&

am{Ì Ho$ _Ü` _| AWdm ^moa _| _oar nËZr H$mo ñdßZ hþAm, {Og_| CÝh| EH$ d¥X²Y ì`pŠV {XImB© {X`m, Omo CZgo H$h ahm Wm, ""S>amo _V; Vwåhmar nwÌr gwa{jV h¡&'' g~oao hr h_| nÌ {_bm, {Og_| ~Vm`m J`m Wm {H$ h_mar nwÌr R>rH$ h¡ Am¡a {MÝVm H$aZo H$s μOê$aV Zht h¡&

h_| nyU© {dídmg h¡ {H$ ñdßZ _| àH$Q> hmoZo dmbo Am¡a H$moB© Zht ñd`§ ~m~m hr Wo&

(46) ~m~m Zo lr_Vr Ho$. AéÝYVr Aå_mb, MoÝZB© Ho$ n{V H$mo Xe©Z {X`o -

_oao n{V hram| H$m ì`mnma H$aVo h¢& JV AŠQy>~a _| CÝh| H$amBHw$S>r MoQ²>{Q>`ma go EH$ nÌ {_bm, {Og_| CÝh|

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dhm± OmH$a Hw$N> hrao ~oMZo Ho$ {bE Am_pÝÌV {H$`m J`m Wm& naÝVw, dhm± H$_ {~H«$s H$s Ame§H$m go _oao n{V MoÝZB© go OmZo _| AmJm-nrN>m H$a aho Wo&

V~ CZHo$ ñdßZ _| ~m~m AnZo hmWm| _| H$m±Q>m (VamOy) {bE hþE àH$Q> hþE Am¡a CÝh| ~Vm`m {H$ J«mhH$ EH$ {ZpíMV _mÌm _| Ho$aoQ> ˜arX boJm& Bg ñdßZ Ho$ X²dmam AmídñV hmoH$a _oao n{V ~m~m Ho$ X²dmam ~Vm`o JE Ho$aoQ> go A{YH$ g§»`m _| Ho$aoQ> boH$a H$amBHw$S>r Ho$ {bE admZm hmo J`o& naÝVw, H$amBHw$S>r _| CZH$mo nVm bJm {H$ ~m~m Ho$ X²dmam ñdßZ _| ~Vm`o JE Ho$aoQ> go, AnZr V_m_ H$mo{eem| Ho$ ~mdOyX, do EH$ ^r H$U A{YH$ Zht ~oM gHo$&

(47) ~m~m Zo VoÝZya, {Ì{M Ho$ lr nX²_Zm^ Aæ`a, godm {Zd¥ËV A{^`§Vm (nr.S>ãë`y.S>r) H$mo Xe©Z {X`o -

EH$ AmH$pñ_H$ dmVm©bmn Ho$ Xm¡amZ VoÝZya Ho$ lr E. Eg². JmonmbH¥$îU Aæ`a Zo _wPo ~Vm`m {H$ do CÀM aŠVMmn go nr{‹S>V Wo; naÝVw {eS>u g§ñWmZ H$mo OmZo Am¡a lr gmBª ~m~m H$s g_m{Y Ho$ Xe©Z H$aZo go CZH$m aŠVMmn H$mμ\$s KQ> J`m Wm&

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Bgr ~rM _|, Aà¡b 1939 _| _oar gmV dfu` nwÌr Jå^ra ê$n go ~r_ma hþB©& bJ^J Cgr g_`, _¢ lr JmonmbH¥$îU Aæ`a Ho$ Ka _| AnZr àW_ nyOm _| gpå_{bV hþAm Am¡a AnZr nwÌr H$mo {d^y{V-àgmX {X`m& EH$ gßVmh Ho$ ~mX VH$ ^r CgH$s Xem Jå^ra ahr; naÝVw V~ lr gmBª ~m~m _oao ñdßZ _| àH$Q> hþE Am¡a _wPo {eS>u g§ñWmZ H$mo OmZo H$m AmXoe {X`m&

_¢ lr gmBª Ho$ AmXoemZwgma, _oar nwÌr H$mo Jå^ra hmbV _| N>mo‹S>Vo hþE, 10.5.1939 ~¥hñn{Vdma H$mo {eS>u H$mo Mbm J`m& _¢Zo g_m{Y Ho$ Xe©Z {H$`o Am¡a àgmX boH$a dmng bm¡Q> Am`m& V~ go hr _oar nwÌr {~ëHw$b R>rH$ hmo J`r Am¡a _oam aŠVMmn nyU©V`m gm_mÝ` hmo J`m&

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(Contd. from page )

to him that they were Krishna, Arjun and Bhima and had come to fight a duel with him. They wanted to set free many innocent kings, who had unreasonably been put in a dungeon.

Jarasandha was asked to select any one of them for a duel. The tyrant had to be punished and for this purpose, the method of duel-fighting was chosen, so that the unnecessary warfare could be avoided. Jarasandha, in a great fury, selected Bhima. He wrestled with Bhima for 27 days before being killed.

However, even today, Shri Krishna is also known as Ranchhod in Gujarat - ÂRanÊ meaning war and ÂChodÊ meaning run away. Having run away from the battlefield, He was given the name Ranchhod.

Shri Sai Sat Charita, Chapter 4 describes :Sai Baba loved the ‘Naam-Smaran’.

He Himself constantly repeated the words ‘Allah-Malik’. He would arrange for a seven day ceaseless chanting of the ‘Naam’ in His presence, day and night. On one occasion, Baba commanded Dasganu to conduct such a seven-day chanting, when Dasganu sought an assurance from Baba that then Vitthal should appear in person. Baba, laying His hand on His heart, assured him with conf dence and told him f rmly, “Yes, of course, Vitthal in person will appear. The devotee should be full of faith. Dankapuri of Dakurnath, or Pandhari of Vitthal, or Dwarka of Ranchhod is here only, in search of which you need not to go a long distance. Is Vitthal going to come from anywhere else, leaving His private quarters? He would appear here, springing upout of the intense devotion of the devotee.”

O Sai! Your Shirdi is the ‘Dwarka of Ranchhod (Krishna)’

- Dr. Subodh AgarwalÂShirdi Sai DhamÊ,

29, Tilak Road, Dehra Dun - 248 001, Uttarakhand.Mobile : (0)9897202810 Tel. & Fax : 0135-2622810

E-mail : [email protected]

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March-April 2015


Shirdi News Translated from Marathi into English by

Vishwarath NayarE-mail : [email protected]

A one day free spectacles distribution camp was organized from the contribution made by Sai devotee Sri Prakash Gangwani, a resident of Mumbai, on Sunday, February 15, 2015 at the Shri Sainath Hospital of Shree

Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi. 512 poor and needy patients of Shirdi and surrounding area availed the services at the camp. After the eye check-up of all these patients, free spectacles were given to 267 of them, who needed it.

Arrangement to serve one time tea and meal at the Prasadalaya to all participants in the camp was made.

The said camp was organized under the guidance of the Member of the 3-Members Managing Committee and Executive Offi cer of the Sansthan Sri Rajendra Jadhav, Deputy Executive Offi cer Sri Appasaheb Shinde, Medical Director Dr. Prabhakar Rao, Medical Superintendant Dr. Kaushik Makwana and Ophthalmologist Dr. Sunil Sontakke.

❍ ❍ ❍

Tuesday, February 17, 2015 : Shri Sai Baba was offered a shawl of Rudrakshas and the Samadhi was robbed with a covering of Rudrakshas on the occasion of Mahashivratri…

The attractive f oral decoration in the Samadhi Mandir and the premises from the contribution made by a Sai devotee, Smt. Rajani Dang of Delhi, on the occasion of Mahashivratri…

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 : The Shobhayatra of Shri Sai Baba’s Chariot through Shirdi village on the occasion of Rangapanchami by Shree Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi…

Thursday, March 5, 2015 : Holika Poojan being performed by the Sansthan’s Deputy Executive Off cer Sri Appasaheb Shinde along with his wife at Gurusthan on behalf of Shree Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi...

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March-April 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015 : Sri K. G. Shenoy, Senior Vice Chairman – Production of Mahindra & Mahindra Group and Sri Subodh More, Senior Manager of the company handing over the keys of the Arjun Noha model tractor costing Rs. 7.5 lakh to Sri Appasaheb Shinde, Deputy Executive Off cer of the Sansthan. The tractor is donated to Shree Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi by the Mahindra & Mahindra Group Company…

Expressing satisfaction at the various facilities and security provided to the cleaning employees in the Sansthan’s health department by Shree Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi, Sri Vijay Kumar, Member of the National Cleaning Employees Commission, called for providing more and more facilities to these employees.

He was speaking at the meeting convened on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 2 p.m. in the meeting hall of Shree Saibaba Sansthan to discuss with the cleaning employees, the facilities provided to them. Member of the 3-Members Managing Committee and Executive Offi cer of the Sansthan Sri Rajendra Jadhav, Deputy Executive Offi cer Sri Appasaheb Shinde, Administrative Offi cers Sri B. D. Sabale, Sri S. V. Game, Sri S. N. Garkal, Sri D. T. Ugale and Sri U. P. Gondkar, Chief of the health department Sri

Pandurang Kavade and cleaning employees were present on the occasion.

Gudhi Padva Saturday, March 21, 2015 : Worship of the Gudhi being performed by the Deputy Executive Off cer of the Sansthan, Sri Appasaheb Shinde with his wife…

Thursday, March 19, 2015 : Scripture of Shri Sai Leelamrit written on the grains of rice, sesame and mustard by Sri Gajendra Vadhonkar of Aurangabad was handed over to the Member of the 3-Members Managing Committee and Executive Off cer of the Sansthan Sri Rajendra Jadhav in presence of the Deputy Executive Off cer Sri Appasaheb Shinde, Sri Vijay Kote, all the administrative off cers and accounts off cer...

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n ha h r u ur r a h r

n a ha n a r

Thursday, February 12, 2015 :Cine actor Sri Nagarjun...

Saturday, February 28, 2015 : The Governor of Maharashtra, Sri Vidyasagar Rao along with his wife; with Opposition Leader in the State Vidhan SabhaSri Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, District Collector (Ahmednagar) and Member of the 3-Members Managing Committee of the Sansthan Sri Anil Kavade, Committee Member and Executive Off cer Sri Rajendra Jadhav...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 : 18 I.A.S. Trainee Off cers of the Indian Revenue Service, after the Sai Darshanin the Shri Sai Samadhi Mandir were felicitated by the Member of the 3-Members Managing Committee and Executive Off cer of the Sansthan Sri Rajendra Jadhav in the presence of the Deputy Executive Off cer of the Sansthan Sri Appasaheb Shinde...

Saturday, February 14, 2015 :Cine actor Sri Siddharth Jadhav with the actors of the Marathi f lm ‘Rajhakar’...

Friday, February 20, 2015 : Sri Chandrakant Patil, Maharashtra’s Minister for Co-operation, Marketing, Textile Industry and Public Works...

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March-April 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 : The Governor of Gujarat Sri O. P. Kohli...

Monday, March 16, 2015 : Cricketer Sri Murali Kartik...

erving our venerable Lord, our adg ris our great fortune! The devotees, followers are engrossed in serving their adg r in one way or the other. They consider this only, their life’s duty. Such devotees serving Shri Sai Baba can be found not only in Shirdi, but worldwide. Sai services are of different kinds. Some devotees serve the poor and weak as Shri Sai Baba used to do. Some devotees offer their service at Sai Baba’s Feet by decorating the whole Shri Sai

amad and r with colourful, fragrant fl owers and fruits, which Baba liked very much. Shri Sai Nath considered the destitutes and orphans as His own and hence some devotees give shelter to these people. Looking at Baba’s love for the lamps, some people light lamps. Devotees offer various, each more unique than the other, services at Shri Sai Baba’s Feet...

One Sai devotee from Borivali, Mumbai offered a novel service at Sai Baba’s Feet. He offered his service by contributing to membership fees of the bimonthly publication of Shree Sai Baba Sansthan, ‘Shri Sai Leela’, which contains the divine life of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi, His unfathomable ee a and His Teachings of Service to humanity. This devotee’s name is Sri Yuvraj Nana Jadhav. He was serving as an administrator in an Airline company. The Sai experiences that he encountered then, strengthened his faith in Shri Sai Baba more and more and he became a subscriber of the bimonthly ‘Shri Sai Leela’ published by Shree Saibaba Sansthan, Shirdi. He was so impressed by the articles and experiences published in it, that he was inspired to offer subscription to more devotees at his cost. Accordingly he began making devotees, members for the magazine by paying the subscription fees himself. Initially he made the known persons subscribers. Then, the thought of making members in wholesale, entered his mind. By then distributing ra ad in the Sai

and r on Thursdays had become his routine. He decided to put his thought into action at such a place. He put up a poster in the Sai temple in Borivali inviting devotees to avail his offer of the free subscription for ‘Shri Sai Leela’ magazine. He also kept a note book to register their name and address. This evoked very good response and 112 devotees registered their name. Sri Jadhav paid the subscription of

lr gmBª godm nX`mÌr _ÊS>b (dV©H$ ZJa, {μObm R>mUo, _hmamîQ´>) Ho$ nXm{YH$m[a`m| Ho$ AmˆmZ Ho$ AZwgma_ÊS>b Ho$ 107 nX`mÌr g§ñWmZ go àH$m{eV "lr gmBª brbm' X²{d_m{gH$ n{ÌH$m Ho$ gXñ` ~Zo&

- Vho {Xb go Am^ma -

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March-April 2015


S.No. Name of the Philanthropic Amount in ` Contributor & Ardent Sai Devotee Period from Jan. 2015 to Feb. 2015

1. Shobha Vajrani, Chembur, Mumbai 1,00,000 2. Siddharth Sharma, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 1,00,000 3. Smt. Sowmya, Bengaluru, Karnataka 10,00,000 4. Ashok Dwivedi, Rewa, M.P. 1,00,000 5. Sudhir Babuta, USA 3,75,000 6. Rajiv P. Dubey, Ghatkopar, Mumbai 3,10,003 7. Bhavna Shivhare, Gwalior, M.P. 10,00,000 8. Krishna Mohan, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,000 9. Balasaheb Mansukhlal Oswal, Shirdi 1,00,000 10. Ashish A. Nahar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,000 11. Sameer Shetty, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,008 12. Raghuveer Goda, Hyderabad, A.P. 1,00,000 13. K. Chandra Shekhar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,000 14. Rajeev Kumar Singh, Singapore 1,53,600 15. Lalit Agarwal, Chembur, Maharashtra 1,51,000 16. Sanjeev Kumar, Patna, Bihar 1,00,000 17. Vishal Sudhakar Hegde, Chembur, Mumbai 1,00,000 18. M. Srikanth, Mysore, Karnataka 1,00,000 19. Mahesh Gidijala, USA 1,00,000 20. Gulshan Patel, Nariman Point, Mumbai 1,00,001 21. Pankaj Rajhans, Varanasi, U.P. 1,00,005 22. Pawan Bairu, Swathi Bairu, Nellore, A.P. 2,37,748 23. Anil Kumar, New Delhi 5,00,000 24. Mohit Chopra, Allahabad, U.P. 1,01,100 25. Sarita Yadav, Rakesh Kumar Yadav, Lucknow, U.P. 1,00,000 26. Asha Saraban & Family, New Delhi 1,00,000 27. K. Chandra Shekhar Rao Rama Devi, Vijayawada, A.P. 1,00,000 28. Om Sai Developers, Surat, Gujarat 1,00,001 29. Satya Sreenivas Kanuri, Pune, Maharashtra 1,29,558 30. Rohit Vohra, New Delhi 1,21,000 31. Vrinda Sunderam, New Delhi 4,00,000 32. Janak R. Bhatt, UAE 1,25,125 33. K. Dinesh Mohan, Hyderabad, Telangana 1,00,000 34. N. Mahendra & Mrs. Gomathi & Sai Mouni, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,000 35. C. A. Shanta Kumari, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,000 36. Gaylord Restaurant, New Delhi 1,00,000 37. Satish D. Gaonkar, Bicholim, Goa 1,00,000 38. Dr. Sree Latha Krishna Jadapalle, USA 1,00,000 39. Kishor Muralidhar Vele, Wardha, Maharashtra 1,00,000 40. Bharat Singh Parmhans Thakur, Chandrapur, Maharashtra 1,01,101 41. Rajesh Arora, New Delhi 1,00,000

42. Pradip Gairola, New Delhi 1,21,000 43. M. Sreenivas Rao, Khammam, Telangana 1,00,000 44. Mukka Uma Maheshwara Rao, Vijayawada, A.P. 1,00,000 45. Vemuri S. Murthy & Usha Murthy, USA 1,10,000 46. Pranay V. Iyer, Bengaluru, Karnataka 5,00,000 47. Smt. Leena Arepalli, Hyderabad, A.P. 1,00,000 48. K. V. V. L. R. Chandra Mani, Rajmahendri, A.P. 1,12,947 49. Ashok Limaye, Andheri, Mumbai 1,50,000 50. Vinay V. Iyer, Bengaluru, Karnataka 5,00,000 51. Aditya Kharas, Santacruz, Mumbai 1,00,000 52. Dharmendra Singh Kushwah, Gwalior, M.P. 5,00,000 53. Reliance Ports and Terminals Ltd., Mumbai 1,50,000 54. Singaraju/Subbaraju/W/o S. Laxmi, Kashi Annapurna, Vishakhapattnam, A.P. 1,01,116 55. Pawan Kumar J. V., Hyderabad, A.P. 1,05,000 56. Shankar Kumar Bishwas, Purnia, Bihar 1,00,000 57. Dakshata Bhushan Pawade, Palghar, Maharashtra 1,01,000 58. S. Vela Sowndarya/V. S. Selva Shiva Santhiya, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu 1,00,000 59. Dr. Sudhir & Sudha Parikh, USA 1,25,000 60. A. N. Gangadhara Shastry, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,100 61. V. K. Rajeev (S/o Bosebabu Vellanki), Srujana (D/o Govardhana Yarlagadda), Hy derabad, A.P. 1,00,116 62. Kadam Saheb, Nashik, Maharashtra 1,00,000 63. Sachi Puranik, Mulund, Mumbai 1,00,001 64. Ankit Thakran, Naresh Thakran, Gurgaon, Haryana 1,00,000 65. Pratibha Thakran, Akshit Thakran, Gurgaon, Haryana 1,00,000 66. Kinthali Nageshwara Rao, Srikakulam, A.P. 1,01,111 67. Rajeev & Somnath & Ishita & Ishaan, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 1,00,000 68. Master Ekansh M/Eshika M., Secunderabad, A.P. 2,00,000 69. Link 2 Services New Zealand Ltd., Secunderabad, A.P. 1,00,000 70. Kiran & Rosy Mehta, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 5,00,000 71. Manoj Verma, Siliguri, West Bengal 1,50,000 72. Nikhil Dilip Baviskar, Nashik Road, Maharashtra 2,00,001 73. Nirmal Chopra, Ranchi, Jharkhand 5,00,000 74. Saivana Exports Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 7,00,000 75. Prakash, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 1,01,000 76. Rajat Gupta, Delhi 1,27,881 77. Anya Bharadwaj Family, New Delhi 1,00,000 78. J. M. Sharma Family, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 1,00,000 79. Smt. Tarabahen Vasantbhai Vyas, Rajkot, Gujarat 1,00,000 80. Bhanumati Maheshwar, USA 1,00,008 81. Sudha Challa, USA 1,00,100

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82. Apollo Hospitals Enterprises Ltd., Chennai, Tamil Nadu 17,82,387 83. Vandana Vishwas Kolhatkar, Kurla, Mumbai 5,00,000 84. Kurra Nageshwara Rao & Amarasri, Krishna, A.P. 1,00,116 85. Hasmukhbhai Ahir, Surat, Gujarat 1,00,001 86. Mehulkumar M. Chavda, Surat, Gujarat 1,90,000 87. Sangana Himaja, Nellore, A.P. 1,00,000 88. K. S. Arunkumar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,000 89. Shobha Kamlakar, Bengaluru, Karnataka (In the memory of Late Shantabai Prabhakar Kudal) 2,50,000 90. Vikas Gunreddy 2,88,819 91. Nandigam Sushma 1,01,116 92. V. S. Senthil Kumar/Harish Foodzone, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 1,00,000 93. Anil Trehan and Family, New Delhi 1,00,000 94. Moin Panwar, New Delhi 2,00,000 95. Dinesh Motwani, Delhi 2,20,000 96. Riddhesh Sunil Jethe (Bhanushali), Kalyan, Dist. Thane, Maharashtra 1,01,000 97. Jayant Ghosh, New Delhi 1,11,000 98. Niladri Shekhar Sahu, Midnapur, West Bengal 1,00,000 99. Narinder Maggo, Ludhiana, Punjab 1,00,000 100. Sai Abhishek Simhadri, Hyderabad, A.P. 1,00,000 101. Kaka Anand, Santacruz, Mumbai 1,00,000 102. Sri Ansilari Industries, Andheri, Mumbai 4,25,000 103. Anil Gahlot, Delhi 1,00,000 104. Megh Raj, Canada 1,60,000 105. Kamal Gulabani, Ajmer, Rajasthan 1,00,000 106. Yalamanchili Sudha, Vijaywada, A.P. 1,08,000 107. Smt. Gunvanta Madhukar Dhokle Patil, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 1,02,000 108. Prakash Challa, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 1,00,000 109. M. Srihari, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 2,00,000 110. P.V.V.S. Mallikarjuna Rao, East Godavari, A.P. 2,00,000 111. Pratyush Raj Mathur, Hyderabad, A.P. 1,91,160 112. Ashwini & Leslie Bahl, USA 1,01,111 113. Srikanth V. Nimmagadda, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,000 114. Dilip H. Mistry, Dahisar, Mumbai 1,00,001 115. Manohar N. Morey, Dharwad, Karnataka 1,00,000 116. M/S. Ram Developers, Thane, Maharashtra 1,50,000 117. Ashok Manuja / Vijay Manuja / Rajesh Chaubey, Vilaspur, Chhattisgarh 1,00,000 118. Anil Chhabra / Sanjay Manuja / Prakash Panjawani, Chhattisgarh 1,31,700 119. Mukesh Vidhani, Khandwa, M.P. 3,32,000 120. Vinod Rathore, Khandwa, M.P. 3,32,000 121. Ujala Fashion C/o Bharat Khatri, Surat, Gujarat 1,04,353 122. Haresh Gupta, Delhi 1,00,000 123. Kishor V. Patel & Morar Patel 1,00,000 124. Ramanlal D. Patel 1,00,000

125. Kush, New Delhi 1,00,000 126. Anjeli, Kirit Sameera, Ishaan Shah Janav Nishita, Bangkok 1,50,000 127. Bhakta Dipak 1,00,000 128. Rohit B. Patel 1,25,000 129. Bank of India, Hongkong 12,42,000 130. Bhagchand G. Hemnani, Khar, Mumbai 1,01,000 131. R. Sai Manohar, Mysore, Karnataka 3,00,000 132. Valli Meyyappan & Vishalkshi Ramaswamy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 1,00,000 133. Narendra Nath Sharma, U.K. 2,00,101 134. Narayan Swamy, Bengaluru, Karnataka 5,05,525 135. Hotel Miramar, Daman - Diu 1,18,000 136. Gaurav Maheshwari, Telangana 2,00,000 137. Satish S., Bengaluru, Karnataka 20,00,000 138. B. Sambashiva Rao, Guntur, A.P. 1,00,000 139. Ravi Subba Rao, Krishna, A.P. 1,00,001 140. K Gopi Krishna, Bodhan, Telangana 1,00,001 141. Harendra Manavantrai Parekh, Vadodara, Gujarat 1,00,000 142. V. Prasuna Reddy, Hyderabad, Telangana 1,00,011 143. Om Sai Trade Links, Dahisar, Mumbai 1,25,000 144. Nalla Ranga Rao, Krishna, A.P. 1,00,800 145. Ajeet Bhatnagar, Lucknow, U.P. 1,11,111 146. Tanav Dave-Patel, New York 1,00,000 147. Jasmine Dave Hemant Patel, New York 1,00,000 148. Deepika Turaga, New Mumbai, Maharashtra 1,44,132 149. S. Samba Shiva Rao, Vishakhapattnam, A.P. 1,17,000 150. Prem Yadav, New Panvel, Maharashtra 1,00,000 151. Narender Reddy Cheemerla, USA 1,00,000 152. Kishore Kumar Sood, Malad, Mumbai 1,00,001 153. Baliraja Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Parbhani, Maharashtra 1,48,450 154. Kalpanaben Ravjibhai Patel 1,00,000 155. Ramachandra Rao Tummala, Hyderabad, A.P. 1,00,000 156. Manoj Damji Shah, USA 1,00,001 157. Shakuntala Gupta, Ghaziabad, U.P. 2,00,000 158. Rajeev Shamlal, New Delhi 1,01,000 159. Pravin Kumar Tandlay, USA 1,00,000 160. Anshit Gupta, Ghaziabad, U.P. 2,00,000 161. Modern Veer Rays Security Force (India) Pvt. Ltd., Goregaon, Mumbai 1,00,001 162. Geeta Gupta, Ghaziabad, U.P. 2,00,000 163. Ashok Kumar Gupta, Ghaziabad, U.P. 2,00,000 164. Bharati Bhalchandra Bhoir, Palghar, Maharashtra 1,00,000 165. Vishweshwar Reddy, Preeti, Mahakala, Pune, Maharashtra 1,00,000 166. P. Ganapathi Rao, East Godavari, A.P. 1,25,000 167. Naresh Malhotra, Gurgaon, Haryana 1,00,000 168. V. Suresh, Wadala, Mumbai 1,35,000 169. R. K. & Brothers, Prop. Rajesh Vatnani, Vile Parle, Mumbai 1,01,000

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March-April 2015


170. Sujatha K. Reddy, USA 1,80,000 171. Suresh Kumar Goenka, Kolkata, West Bengal 1,00,000 172. Padma Seetharam & Family, Bengaluru, Karnataka 10,00,000 173. Jagdish Prasad Modi, Jaipur, Rajasthan 1,01,000 174. Uddaraju U. Someshwara Achyuta Venkata Rao, Bhimavaram, A.P. 3,00,000 175. V. Lakshmi, Kakinada, A.P. 1,00,688 176. Valson Polyester Pvt. Ltd., Vipin Mehta, Andheri, Mumbai 1,00,000 177. U. Rajan Babu, Dubai 1,00,000 178. Anita Singh, Abudhabi 2,21,000 179. Rohit B. Patel, USA 1,25,000 180. Kishor H. Panchal & Late Parvati H. Panchal, Late Hargovind J. Panchal, Kandivali, Mumbai 1,00,001 181. Alapaty Satyanarayana Murty, Secunderabad, Telangana 1,00,000 182. M/S. S. M. Sharma Consultancy, Vadoara, Gujarat 1,01,000 183. P. Rajeshwari, Hyderabad, Telangana 2,00,000 184. Parvataneni S. Somasudharani, Jamaica, West Indies 1,16,090 185. Pragna Vanapala, USA 1,01,116 186. Asha Mahesh, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,000 187. Dr. Vidyut H. Sodha, Chaupaty, Mumbai 1,00,000 188. Chandan Singh, Kalyan, Thane, Maharashtra 1,00,000 189. Adhyansh Jain, Juhu Road, Mumbai 1,00,000 190. Arun Kumar Jain & Family, Delhi 1,51,000 191. Pandu Ranga Rao P., Vijaywada, A.P. 3,00,000

192. V. S. Rajavarman, New Mumbai, Maharashtra 1,00,000 193. Bhagwan Madharani, Valsad, Gujarat 1,00,000 194. Dr. Vinodkumar / Nirmal Agarwal, U.K. 1,00,000 195. Narayanan Ganeshan, Trichy, Tamil Nadu 1,00,000 196. Rajesh Kachhara, Kanjurmarg, Mumbai 1,00,000 197. Gaurav Gambhir, Delhi 1,00,000 198. N. Vadivelu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 1,00,000 199. Steelstrong Valves (I) P. Ltd., Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 1,09,500 200. Sanjiv Goyal, Chandigarh 7,75,000 201. Mrs Raman Goyal, Chandigarh 3,00,000 202. Sai Darbar, Dubai 1,01,000 203. Rainbow Fabart Pvt. Ltd., Noida, U.P. 2,50,000 204. K. Mallikarjuna Sharma, West Godavari, A.P. 1,22,500 205. Ulhas / Jennifer Chavan, Chembur, Mumbai 1,00,000 206. Haresh, Priti, Avinash, Raksha Uttamchandani, Girish, Pooja Lakhani, Khar, Mumbai 2,00,000 207. Valli Meyyappan, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 1,00,000 208. D. A. Sudhakar, Nellore, A.P. 1,00,000 209. Anil Gahlot, New Delhi 1,00,000 210. Sai Real Estate, C/o A. D. Shekhar, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 1,00,000 211. Savitha Chandra & C. G. Sharad Chandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1,00,000 212. N. Surendra Babu & N. V. Krishna Veni, Hyderabad, Telangana 1,00,000 213. Virender Chhabra, New Delhi 1,01,000 214. Ujala Fashion /Bharat Khatri, Surat, Gujarat 1,00,000 215. Kulbir Singh, Agra, U.P. 2,00,000

(Contd. from page 27)377 permanent and contract employees

and 667 employees through outsourcing are employed for cleaning work by the health department of Shree Saibaba Sansthan to keep the temple and its premises clean. These employees are provided gumboots, raincoat, mask, hand gloves as protection while executing cleaning work. They are also provided modern implements. The permanent employees are also provided housing and medical care, while the contract employees are provided medical care. The annual medical check-up of all cleaning employees is conducted at the Sansthan’s hospital. Sri Kumar suggested that the medical check-up be done every 3 months and changing room facility be provided to the employees.

❍ ❍ ❍

(Contd. from page 29)

these devotees and made them members of ‘Shri Sai Leela’. He expressed his desire to continue offering this membership to as many devotees as he can and conveying this to the editorial department of ‘Shri Sai Leela, he asked them to make this announcement in the magazine. Accordingly the editorial department appeals to the Sai devotees, who wish to avail Sri Jadhav’s offer, to contact him on his mobile no. given below.

- Yuvraj Nana Jadhav203, Rajalaxmi Building, Royal Complex,

Borivali (W), Mumbai – 400 092.Mobile : (0)9892037437

❍ ❍ ❍

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Date : 15th April 2015

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