lr hall , dedication is nov. · 2019....

.. · Vol. XXXVIII .. McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Friday, N·ovember 13, 1953 Conference Nov. 26 Number 9 motZo\lr Hall , Dedication Is Nov. 18 · -.Church CoI;J.ference Beg:ins ·Saturday The newly-installed President of Bethany . Biblical Seminary, Paul Robinson, will be the main s peaker to the 1953 Western Region Conference of the Church of the Brethren to be held here Nov. 14 to 18. · Addresses given by President Robinson are based on the conference the,me, "Enlarghur the Fellowshil>." Mon- day evening he wlll spe ak on "Going Through Sa!T\aria." Other sermons to"'be given by him on Tuesday and Wed- nesday are "The Mind and the Spirit," and "The Sixth Key."

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Page 1: lr Hall , Dedication Is Nov. · 2019. 11. 16. · day eve ning he wlll spe ak on "Going Through Sa!T\aria ." Other se



Co~erence ~uests

· Vol. XXXVIII .. McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Friday, N·ovember 13, 1953

. ~oToBSCM

Conference Nov. 26

Number 9

motZo\lr Hall, Dedication Is Nov. 18· -.Church CoI;J.ference Beg:ins ·Saturday

The newly-installed President of Bethany . Biblical Seminary, Paul Robinson, will be the main speaker to the 1953 Western Region Conference of the Church of the Brethren to be held here Nov. 14 to 18.

· Addresses given by President Robinson are based on the conference the,me, "Enlarghur the Fellowshil>." Mon­day evening he wlll speak on "Going Through Sa!T\aria." Other sermons to"'be given by him on Tuesday and Wed­nesday are "The Mind and the Spirit," and "The Sixth Key."

Page 2: lr Hall , Dedication Is Nov. · 2019. 11. 16. · day eve ning he wlll spe ak on "Going Through Sa!T\aria ." Other se

\ J

__ ,.

Speak_ Up,!· F or years the.Spectator has pubiished the legitimate

(?) grip~s of s tudents through 'the medium of "Lette~ to th e Ed itor." Th_e Spectator this sl!mester hns nob rece1ve_d · :iuy such letters. • • •

It may i deed be a compliment: to the faculty an_d.stu­tlents of t hi college that t~e schO(ll ean be run without

• someone airing his disapproval about .the way matters nre hnndled. Howe,1er. we are no~ n31v~ enoug;h to b~­liern that the poss ibility of slrortcommgs will not appear m the fu ture:

The "Spec" wants ~nyone who h_as an. ur.g~ to. wri e :in :u·l icle. to clo so. This news1H!ller 1s designed Con your p.:11-ticipation as well a. for your enjoyment .

Letters to the edito~ need not always be on he negative s icl e. lrnt they may he complimen~~ to-a p4!_rson !Ir an on­gnnizntion whose effort.~ in the opmtotr of the wnter war-rant_ publ ic coml!lendation . ,

We t hink that perhaps these · kind of• l'otters do> j~ . :rn much good as "gripe" letters. ·

Poems. essays, :u1d nthcr ty.P,es 0£ liternrr ll'.em.~ . can he publishcrl by contnibu ting to tho· Spec. 'raking n d1re~t inlerost in the school pnpe r will help regular repo~ters Ii:; li1:htonin !{ t heir load.

ln nsmuc}l ,ns the Spectator is an '. in'~tr_ument of- the


The Spectator 2 FRIDAY, NOV. 13, 1953

fiin,.g With The ~ent ---------CT)l9 Power Of A. Womo11

) All tbc women. Qf.tb•· world owe O.e-Act Play Pn~~~1t ~r ~di:: ~Jaydo L:h•h;~

· Toiu.~- Schools m;~~dnmJ'aodlt has recenUy boen Va.rious high, schools and socla1 elected to Jhe highe~t oWcc In the

meetings around McPherson have world. At least it should b:c: consld­seen the one-act play, '"Five ?\Un. crcd the hi&hest office in the utes From The.Station," this week. wOrld. ~ Grnduallx the .strength nnd

'Ibis ~c;1 play written by lnOueace 'of }.bis ollice should. and Elaine Ca~on is directed by probobl)' will. supersede all other Phyll11 JUnaerY Is a hilarfous com- omces. -edy. • Mndam Pandit was ~ctcd pres-

Thc. student actors and actress- ldcnl of the UN- General Aucmbl.)•. es nrc : •Jean Slaubaugh, as the Herc she works with Dag Hnm­young wile. Carrie; Max Parmley, marskjold. the Uqlted National Sec· os the youna clerk. B'crt Adams: rotnry General. and Aodrow. Cor­nnd Mnn1y Draper, ns the boss. dicr , his ndminlst;a"nf:'ve asslstnnt. Mr. Mason. These three people s it at the high

Wcdne11dny; Nov. 4. the plny wns d lnz a nd. manage the discussions performed nt the County urscs' or the. United Nations. Meeting fn. McPherson. Mndnm Pandit has been lndJars

Monda)'. Nov: 9. the play wns ambassador both to Russfa anCI to presenlcdd n.Jhe morning at Lyons tho United Stn~ No other pcr­and and during the after· son. man ot woman, has served noon in .Lit.Uc River. ns nmb:lssador to Russia and to the

The group performed at O.nton "united States, as far as we k·now . and Mnrlon on Tuesday No\' . 10. Mndnm Pandit probably knows a nd also nt the Indies mL-ctini.: here more ubout Ute world and its ur-

. )n McPhol'Son. la irs. from nctual corilacL with• On Wednesday No\' . q. the pl oy them . than· any other person, whc­

was performed nt rour other high tber mun or woman. schools. Qt;lte h'cqucntly we speak ot tho

This tour of schools was arrnng~ emnncipotion or women in Am· cd ns port of the high school visi- ericn. We pla ce ourselves. In our tudent Body Organization, it use by md1v1dual Ktude!lts

is officially expressed; so swrt exploiting those creative impulses. s tudents. Speak up!_ Use your freedom of the

----------------- ----- I talion program or Mnco11egc. Jmnglnntlons nt least, as the coun-• try in which women have been

press. This is your newspaper. W . L. Dobeurs' Gene1mllS- Gilt Hinshaw, Mays mo;~.~:~~~·1~.~~:0~!':'t~; out.

""';,.}_ G F "th Speak In Chapel ~::: =~~c':'n°~~~?:;::: ~: ~: i°:. "Quo '117-.~-?".. -~. _ , ys ~ real aJ. · " Wo hnve to !i\•e with naUons cricno governme_nL Madam Roncli~ l ~ . .. alter wur nnd someone hns to oocuple~ n posa~on ln her govern· . Royer and Eclnn 'Datz.our follow on Oct. 4. 1011 . In 1926 they moved c~nngc his mind." s tatOO Coci l.,E. '':lent which, is higher than any J>O"'

l .<•t HR lllrture in our mludR n tall. husk)'- Ind In n Coollml1 uni - in the long list or~ lndtvidunls whose to Southwes t Knnsns . und entered Hinshnw In Ch'npc l Friday, Nov. s1tion we hnve accorded• to any r rm wit.II the hnll under one nrm cuttln• In nnd out nmong the d'e- faith has made McPherson College into large scnlc tnrmmg. G. • womnn In our go,icrnmcn r:~ n 1'4. i •H, Ntt11wlng a nd runnlnJ: to one t1ldeh meetlng wllh mor:o OPP011!· possible. Never before. ~owever. The. land wns respansive to their Cecil E . Hinshaw is a .reprcsen- As we look at the number of Lion Wf'n\' 111$' to one Mille. and rinnlly making a sixty r:rd I u~ ~or a have anr donors given with such raith. and as n consequence they tative or the American Friends Ser- women In our Senate and House ot ~~;11~11\1 1~;·~" ~~ea :::~·:, :·~~~!~~11~1~~\:;~r~be~ t~:~: a~d t~:i ICo:o~::; ~~~n '!~=~~u"ti~ub~n~ ~'; t:°~u~~I~ ~~:cr:~1~:.!!:: vl~r.c:i~::;~~~eeA . Hess . introduced ~~rt~':t"!!!ivhea5v:~~:~:~~:i1:,~:. p:'llh. · single gilt. In ract. no such gilt children ot tbelr own s tudent gen- Mr. Hinshaw. and Max Parmley women. or American women hove

. . th3

L tbe ' fello"A· hod not knQ..wn wbere the •oal wu. ~a private oc denomlnaUoonl col· eralion. Royer t'lnd Edna oOtzour p1axed the organ prelude. not Interested themselves in run· 1

~0~ ~~ippos~:ice tn purttcular to go whh. the ball. In spite of all !ege~ bas been previously recarded Hall will house a t once some or " We all make mis takes and be- ning ror positions or high otrice. ; :M ,'; ~; h~o :outd hn,·e "''andered aroWld on the · Ueld• ror a while tor tPe endre state or K.a~s. their own rclntlvcs in thiid come impntient with the way God ln this matter or building pCacc 1 : n~l •• tli~~1 · round himsei'r crndlnJC out.of the mess of mangted. bodlf!I Mr. and' .Mrr . Dotzour nf«:nded generation. , • made his world,'' said Bo~ Mays. the job tans squarely upon me~ woncl f> rl nJ:. wha t hnd hnvpcntd. \\' Ith n reeling. o( utter deroat. He had McPherson College In their )·Outh. ~kPhcrson College was begun in McPherson College Alumni Sccre- a nd women. We can congratuloto 110 ,,;out 10 which to <'nrry the httll "° "'' hat other outcome could he Ibey met. within her w~Us, and 1887 by men a nd women who bad tray tn. Chnpel Tuesday, ~ov .. 10. ourselves thot a world council hn \'C ('X Jl{•c t (!d ? • ~ey established their first home raith in this region and· saw the .:Ho urged everyone not to be hke elected n woman as its president.

Thnt is n RimJlle stor)' which "nn be undergtood by oac:' of us. m R~;!!.e~:o3u~~~s born in Gove ~~ i:!P~hr::~:"w!~~tub~~fc: {;:~ ~~dt~~n w~~~h~~~h:o h:lr~~~: r~';'0Ji~ :~~~o~:~~".J;~u~~s~n::~mi:· ~~ !';1~ 1 ~~11 l>~~~~~csnn~: ~:~~~ ~~ 1 ::!~~~·;~0~.0::n1~~:r~~b"! !.~:~°;;;,!~,~ ::a~: ~~rc~~~!4b;r~\~c~~t:-:· :~a west. fii~: ;~~ertull lire ot n greal man building th!- pca~e or the world. th Ir Kon lM bec·au so they do not kn o'W wher.e the gon t h• or how hey Feb. ,fd, • 1880. Her ramll.Y la te·; M~Phcrs~n College has grown. . Cnrl Meiskcr. senior Crom Den· Men cadnnit do . 1~ alone: women are ~oln i; to ge1 there. Wtt muy elthet ha,·e no gunh1, know not >novcd tJ the Salem Community She is contmulng to grow. Her dor- vcr Colorndo presided over the cannot o t a.lone. ~en and worn-;}~~~~ ~:~:;:: ~~~~u:n~l:~h~~cl~u~e:~:~~ :·~~nw~:a!o!~~c~~{ t~!~ near Nickerson. Kan. . :i!~~~:.~ :n~~~b!~~d~~al~ebo~ pr~irnm. . . " en together can ~o it. l(Onls nud wtJen we find our path&.- blocked: w·e hnmedlatoly look th~~~;~::!~t ~~t~~C:.Z~~ l??'l' s gacc Is filling up. This bea~- b . ~ory M~h T~~H was ~un~ Apology To. KarLBaldner • round ror others and push con1ta~tly pn~ard . · leg~ ~!ri the,, .~~!1-:.5 .A~. 19 .l909. _lilul ~nd thorouehly mode.m dorm.J- .,~· ~UQ.t.l~\.~~tembtn~.~~ c0::e- TI¥t _Spec1ator1• a~~~ 1to K:t.rl

When there ts a goat Ln 'mT6d ror-eacno r us .. 1fl§".IM!""'Jf0'i "f'dUt/I/ E!!Cll tif.-them tiugft\ schOol Collow .. tory 15 0~ or the""\lery important quartet nre: : Donna Wagoner, firsi Ba1dner for omitting_ his- name in " 'nnd fl rlng around on the rleld not knowing •·here t.o turn. We "Kiii iog preparation ot McPherson. steps toward her long nnd· expand- sopr.nno: Donn& Ford, secaod~ last week's papa. Karl was the iJOI he nwnke :rn d (Ind ouneh'eii In bewilderment wonderln~ what They were married In McPherson ing future. pra no : Elafc- Kindley, second.- alto: Moster ot Ceremonies for the Sptt. hnJift{'ned. Lei us pick out n gonl. Jfttt our eyes on that kOnl. nnd and Evelyn Williams first alto. tator-Quadrangle banqueL

- Ml rh'(\ with nil ou r- ml~ht to rent-h thnt goal In aplte of Any ti1'_rrlerK ~ · OrgnnJst for . Tue~day's chapel . • whl«h ml<ht .inud In the wuy. With n goal-'• good· •oat-w~ w!ll Berk~bile Attends CB'¥F Has Only Par.t was Mrs. Audrey Sor Romani. behnum Speaks In Rt!al~ "" :ihlo ro su111d rnttt und wllh confidence glve answer to thnt Still ( ti At Beth Of A H f F "'Justice Under Lnw" a molion Miss Oclln Lehman will be · in s 111 111 1 V0J ri1• whon we henr 1ho w'o rdit : ··Whlther 1:oes t Lhou! ' ' . tJuugnru Oil .' · uny · ci er Pa.icl or picture tlJm. was shoV.:n . t~~ Macol- Prutt , Knn .. 'l\iesdayC\•enlng, Nov.

-O. D. M~:~u'e~':.e~n~ .o~~e~~n~~Co~~ CBYF will be held eas usual in ~~~odst~~e~~id~~ri~~v.thf3. Chapel !~· t~~ Wo:;,~n?: ;0~~~er · ineeUng

0 hid & Th legc cnmpus- In Lindsborg Thurs: Ule Social Rooms of the church at .. . · re • s • orns ~i~ ~~\h~2. i~~~~·:.~\~~ ~:n~~~ 6:36 p.m. Sundny e\•ening. Barne& Hardware

- . , · · R~~:',!.1'."~Y M~~:~~- president. or -r:;,: ~~~:r:::kl~ad;:~. ~ one American. Shoe- Shop & Sul!ply Co. Orchids to lntramurals Director, Dick Wareham, and Dr. Mortvedt is the filth presi- . s., rar 543.45 hns been raised llO W. E'uclid Hardware-Houaeware-

-11~ •_tuclent_as.•i_stanl• for n much impro\•ed intramu!:_al vol- ~:~.~f0~~:',:'~~ Co~\~~~·ul~~~ !,'.'~~ for the hcilcr project. This is--. Mc""•n••,· l(.,;iot· Electrical• Appliilnc.,. le) h,_l)J ~ea on Just come to a close. is now on the tnculty or Wichita good s tart. but n heifer docs cost · 224 H. Moin Phoa9' 424

Orchids to th~ Social Committee for those entertain· Univers~ty . . . more thnn this. ing movies on weekends that fuight otherwise have been . The tnnu~ural ceremonies held .'Th i~ ycur the nvcrnge' attend· Ir-. Jh_e_f_ab_n-.11-t.--en--ler-.-; lr---------~ dull , · m Presser Hnll began nl 10 a.m . ancc has been GS young people. , \: . . HOµGlffAUlf

' witll nn academic process.ion ot I ~----------1 Uft J Orchids to the three Quartets for travels done and ceremony prlnclpnls. otl lclnl dcl.,_ l08·E. Mar!in Your .Hqme

programs- given in the' interest of Macollege. gates. Bethany College tnculty. the. While Swan. (ife . Quolity .,."~" •• bortoi• B Orchids to the cast and student director of the one-act board or dirccwrs. nnd the senior •·-·· AKERY'

piny " Fh-c Minutes From Station" for performing before class. Resu)ar Meals luh"t~• 01 McColl Pottoms Phonec82 I 0 high school audiences in a single week. A luncheon for olllclal delegates

Orchids to Wendell Le~tz for efficiently editing the --;,as served ~\:"';.:~ .the ~4:w-• p c.c (hi week . : nipChr:°rc";.~ o e any u er-

Orchids ? Ha, hn, ha! Thorns ? Huh, huh, huh ! A concert by the symphony band Nine weeks test• are over-but , oh, the grades ! ? ! was presented nt 2 o'clock In Prcss-


Short Order&


·from 6:30 to 10:30·

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BADER CLEANERS Cl•Hift9· - ltresalng ... Alterotto.11 - Repairs llf J1re Cfean It- It!• Clema I

Ll8 E. Kanaaa Ave. McPheJaon, Kanaaa Pho~• 320

Thor_ns to those who litter desks and tables with scrap ' cr~~!~Y College Is owned and . pnper and junk, and misuse property in the Spec. Office. maoagid by the Kansas conlercnce -------------~----J_._c_. __ of the "f'g'ustano Lutheran srnod. I L---------...Jlr---------------"""'."---~

_Sid Baco~- ~!.~•:_Co. _ _ .. --r4e_:-Spectat~- ·-_om~;~l 51•4!!!!..!!•~ •t .t,11PJ!~ .c.u..._~--. .. Keuu.. __ Published o•try ~tidey dM .. tt..

1 .-.... ,..,. &1 tH SN4Mt 1

19S3 1954

11 1

; M.':ct ; Ma~is, Cashier

''" .. C. :Of..+l'lielNrt, PH.icleRt

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~ember FDIC

Page 3: lr Hall , Dedication Is Nov. · 2019. 11. 16. · day eve ning he wlll spe ak on "Going Through Sa!T\aria ." Other se


The Spectator 3

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.;:_~~~~-.,...~--,-~~-:;__~~~~~~--''--~~~~~F-R_I_D_*~Y~, ~N~O-V_.~!~~~· ~1~~5~3-· ~~"

Bulldog Barks .~<tj~~t:~~ ~!;~tl:es ;;~;1f~;;~~t.'°~:~1 =~=.Eider 'Ibo fi rst snow has i:ome and' spendln; throe months In trolnlng 'On· .sl0118 Pro!. Wesley . De Coursey of the ~~~~"::io~...:: ~~WI:~ Looks like tho Intramural volley.

gone. Everyone hns got his hea\'y tor BVS a t New Windsor. Mory· · ·Chemistry · DepL Is a t Iowa &tate college dcpar;trnent meettn1 of the ball season Is about over tor this

winter- clothes out· ln·order- to-· keep Jond: . Dr.""Roward· Yoder, a ~mlsSlonar'y.; -c.oueac takinghl1 oral Cxmlniatlon Kamas S~te Teachers ~soclntlon ycnr, nnd ten ms that hnven•t don~

wnrrri. Cal)f seem to be qu ite AOP.-- Donna left Saturdny evenlnJJ for: educntor of the• Metbodl4t ~ .fol' bJ• doatoratc.4c1ree. I rectlng. well th ls seoson arc already mnk ..

ulnr thJs yeor. You Cj!n see any. her hame in Gomie:n City. Pcg'I.)' wiU speak Cn chapel on '" W(!dnts· Prof. De· Coursey, a Mncolll!le They hcnrd lectur~by Miss Ruth Ing resolutions tor a bcllell seuoD

color or shape runnmg nround Js visiting with, her parents '1od day. No\l. lli ond~ to . lbe studb& aradu•t, of..1941: has an MiS. tram Stout of lhc ,-JCansu Stale Teach- next year.

campus. fr iends he.:C In-McPherson.· Chtlslinn Astocinlion on Tbur'f'd¥ IOW•• 9'ale College: Hts thesis, t-rs Assoclatfort and Qr.. Rull of This is the final week of~ Intra· ·

The drawing for rooms in lhc The ~· •arc plnnnin1i: 00 nyln'g to evening. Nov. 19, at G:30! R .. PrcRtirqtioLof . Pcrb1"9pµ&tes," Ja Missouri State Teachers College. murnl vollcyboll as rar 05 this year

girls .dorm Is over, and muny o? ~York where they will leave' Hoving 1 been under appointment. itompleted:anct. w1U be l>'&bfl1hed~ aa Is concernCd~ After this week. atu·

the &ir is ha~o been over t~ .gel n !or Euro~ by boat Tuesday They by the Methodl•t Board. of E'orel111> a book In tho near lulurc. &lovie Ras Two ~ dents will again busy lbemselveo

good3 loo~ at _lhcir future home. wlll be In F.urope ion two ' y~rs. ' Mlulons· ~ il\ Lalin A11'uka. for Mrs.· De· aou;scy a·ecOmpanied Tbe : schoo1 mcwie ... ~Foot In as captaiiis and or c~ptalns

be Have )!OU r~elved . a~ extra num- oU 1 t sami"tbll 1e.r- wlU be ncnrly 2S years , Dr. Yoder. d~~~ be:r husband to Iowa. Sbe is s tay· Henven.·• wns shown Ju:t Friday Jookln& tor playeNi for thell' varJ..

r ot compliments given to you r as the work ot aU M~thocllst. Chur'dl Lnt with her mother , Mrs . Earl ond Saturdn nl ht This movie ous bnskctbnll teams. The bask~t-

lately.? ln case you have. It was· wUJiv Frie.Dela tomorrow ~ Thb cducn\lona l institutJons In Arcenu .. Oro~ ot South· EncJish Who Is Jn w ho t r: bts be f bal sea.son will becin ot(icially on

a n 3S$l&nmer_it in the S~ch class· wUL be Ute Jp1 pme toe. mW of na. Urultiay, .Chile~ Peru. BOllvfa , the hospital as the res~lt• ot hav· ~~ts w:.rt~~ipat,nt :Jn ~sco:., Mood~: .Nov. 16. a nd lntram~ls

cs. Everyone had to give at least oar Qla7en .. '°· let'• an. tun out Panama . the Canal•Zooc.a ad: Costa .ln1 broken her hlP. ove:r a month era aiKh othef'I activities 00 Satur. Blrecto i k Wareham and hi•

three compliments a d~y . ' Hd. abow. tbem wba t.o. crand CUY* Ricn. . . ,. uao. . . day evenln1. A. larao num'ber of student ass s ats busy cboos--

h The lntrnmurnl volte} bnll i:nmes • ~· . Ua • • F mm•hls e :iperlenoo,ln ovana;eu.. The. De CoursCys will return Suo-: students AUeoded tho movie Fri- Ing ~uit a blc coptoms and co.cup.

nvo come to o close. Everyone we Ur.Ink. n are. Uc work ,and teaching, he will biin& day tram. their trip.. day night bec3usc or the concell· t~lns for the intramurn l basketball'

~sba~d 0d g_:i 1~~ plo~lng vol· New addresses tor- two former to Mocollege studs nts a rtrst ' hand • . · inc of lhe football came at-Beth- progra m.

ey an 5 u rca Y to go Macolloac s tudents nrc: .. · account ofl the nceQ.s, -spiritual and n .n . u.. .. ony. · WIU. oel7 a few. •••• .-ar.ecl

nts . ~oon as the basketball games Pvt. Robert D. Bechtel. cducntlonnl, of the South American. u1!9lfll!. cr.aeuee• ..,... 1be fj)m was bused~ on U• book tble-. week.. 1t 9ft:l'ftlll eb't'ioa.. Ulaf:

8 ~~DU.Se> 01 Ibo •nme being can· : US. 55416216 pooples. · • • U-- l!Jna, ,\ad, Bo- w<itten by Hartzell Spence. The 1'\al(De· 811.Uulal~le&m· l•He

Celled last F id i: · ht lh · Co. A 3rd Bn. MRTC As a member of the travel staff ,_., ...... movie was about a small town prea· wrapped up the claam.....,~ la

.. One Foot j~ J:0~~ .. 'wa~ ~~~!~ C~mp _Pickett or "the Student ~\rP\\l{!t~r Move- Opera practice has Its UP,S and cher who!e . satan' was very meb the NaUoaal .. Leape, la ~ Am·

boUl Friday and ·s aturdny nights . Virginia mcrlt r<ir ChriStlon }d'jsstons. Or. Yo- downs. Either the orchestra Is too ~eer, and was a .b iographical 11kctch , erican- Jeane. CIJTe•Sltarpe •team

The attendance wa · •e.r ood at der h;. one ot d .group of 15 mis· loud or the sln1'CfS. arc too soft. oft a mlni.Jter · in Loketown, Iowa. 11 IMldns fOf' • · tie fo~ fln:t plHe

both f th sh 1 s ' Y g Pvt. P aul A. Spohn sionnries who n're touring U.S. col· 'Ille m ikes slmRIY do not work. Ap:>ut 75 penont to see with 8wlilpf'off117es' team.

Ch.i~f H::t~ag:.; s lotioned Co. C. lSth Med. Tnk; Ban. CCB lcges this year lo intcrprcl.tq stu.- AcUns comes ·hard• to some ~ the movlc Saturday oipt. During League standings as ol Mo~ndcU'•

at Fort Sill Oklahoma. This sure &th Armo~W~'l~n dents the mcaniiig and .nCecls of the plc. Karl Ba1docr bas a part lntennlssion a fz:ee wiU o.tte.rlne; Nov. 9 arc as toUow.s: ....

is a. lot cioscr. lo his home in Rt. Lconur • 0• world mission of the Rroto.stnnt l'/hcre he can just be himsc1t~ was taken during both nights of NaUOnal Leacue: W-

Ncw Mexico as well as to McPher· c1·~ G church. Sk.inn.Y Metzler. is PJ'OYine bis !he S'!CJWIJ?K· Wayne Blickenstaff 91

son. . 111e, Ll'.... &raoolulnus In. the act cl. the Fttel.SO W'll- R Don Butler . 6

Esther Merkoy took a short trip Ar E . ) llappr- 8iJr11Dtla!'. •lrolllnc players: •lttt pop chapel ph I ave P ro!. De Coursey 6

to . Buckeye Inst weekend, lo visi t e n~ge< T' v no one ls surprised at. a ll. Breakh~ Ou Nov 22 G<•<>rge R<oim 5

un uncle. Som R. Merkey. O J..011' · Evelyn WlllJ~ms Insists In pulUnf l?la.; ar/ under .,~ for tho ~:;" e'!.'::':.~ ~

Shirley. Knackstedt I spent. last An ann«?unccment ,wns made Sun- K~rl BAklner s cars half off< at Freshman • Sophomore Sunday Deon McKclllp 6

week at her home in Inmnn. She day evening of the engagement of This week we have tour Nacol~ e._:ery rehearsnl. She bas 00 sym. School etau Breakfast. It wllt be PnuJ Cottman 7

spent moil ot the . time In .bed with Loreen Cline to Glenn Gayer ot lcgc studen ts to. wish ~ hn~py pathy wba~vcn that those ears held Nov, 22 at the home of Pres-· Dwlght-McSpndden 5

tho . nu. She came down to school tho horn~ 01 her parents, Mr. nnd birthday: ' Mary Ahce Sm1~ has arc &citing sore . • jdont D. W. BllUn&er. Tommy O'Dell 4

llridny nnd then went. -bock home Mrs. Cl}~I L_. .cnnc near. Conw~. her birthday on Nov. 15, ' Hetty Even tho~ the fellows ore A ptannln( committee of six pe_r .. J D Pote 4

a,k::1 in tor lhc weekend. Kansas. en.n s parents arc · Long's birthday ~ No\'. UJ. Nancy becoming tired of drl.nklna toasts sou has been appaioted.: They are Gale~ Bretches 3·

Several M.acollcge studenjs spent and Mrs. Elhs Gayer of McPher- Dayton can blow out her. candles of cof_tee, coffee fl shall continue ,Connie Jkook.s. Ruth. Davidson, Larry Brooks 2

last weekend at home. Eula Mac son. . on Nov. 17. nnd Jean- Sla~baugb to be. · Dale: Sbenefeltf x..oi. Sli.nnettc, Don Gene Lupri r

Murrey was nt homo in Conway. Those, attending the party we re a nd Carol Hintz have theirs on AJ\,rono havlna a. Iona, handled Ullom. ond Leland: Lenael. Vlnnya Likhltc 1

Elolsc Postier nt Inman. Nadine Norano Royer . Joa n McRobc.rts , Nov. 19. black umbr-elln. please lo:an it to J ay Will iams l

COrTCU at Detroit. a nd Richard· Donna Schrock. Jean Walker. Bev· we wish to extend to them our Joe Kennedy. Joe!s ls la. dire 5 .._:a:::_.J T • Wl!il? America.a. Leape:

Tro¥.1blrdge spent ~he weekend at scly Schechter . Eleanor Homm, henrtiest congrotu1atlons, and wbh need ot repalr.s. .. ~!!f~ .rm n: ui· S\\ilngcr·Hayes 7

his" home ln Cnrl~oge , Missouri Kathy Ruuell . Eulo Mae Murrey· them many htippy returns on their . Esthar:· Merkey 18 . chalrman of 'f' .... •: Cllve Sharpe 8

_Dar lene Tre!Oll r .• brother and Don Hoch. Dwight McSpaddcn. Jack birthdpys. Wo "a rc hDPP.1 that lhe.Y the costume committee. AulsUns OUJ: U.µ111!101J.rl; Joo Kennedy 6

w1te from Fort. Riley came down Harter. Eddie Ball. Don Cioodfel· were born when they were, so we bet: are · Nanc,y Klem klberta FJ>. Cletus cary 5

• to \'isit he~ last weekend. . lo\\•, and Wnyne Jones. t could have the privilege of bert ~nna Coffman' and: Lois. 'Ibe Lacilcs' Trlo Js goin1 on tour Prof. Bechtel U

The Arts ond Crofts clas11 is go- Both young. people nre attending cinllng with them hert a t Mnco1· Rolf~ . ' through Mf1sourl1 th'e week1of· Nov. Bob Bean 5

ing to Lindsborg this afternoon to McPherson CoJJcgo where Loreen lcge. . L' htln . I cha ot' Ted 29 to .. Deo. 6. Members ot. the trio N'ormon Long 5

visit Mr. Pierson. Mr- Plcrs~n... is Is ~ sophomore and ~le~n is a DaDPJ Blrtl:Ml•J'- to 109, amt.mau. V ':c- a!s~~ n by ~fc Sbeuetelt u·e: La.Biiu&bn. Hubb;ard. soprano: Loren Frontz. S

wen known for his we>oc! $:&rv101s. senior. A spdng wtddm& If · plan .. hapPX retaru! : j G My Dototb.>': Nl.c~bon. J 1rst alto: a nd George E isele -t

The cla sj: wm go by pr1vntc cars. ned. • a cue ers . Nary. Elizabeth Swinger. second' al· 1Wendel) Lentz "-

What was supposed to be a sur· c k ' r>I..~- 'E s V1'ta "'--·· II.. u:.. _..J'. to. Shirley · Goppock is accompan.. Hoefl

11rlso birthday part,y for Glonn G•Y: Mo.leni• l.nng• l:.uncheon 00 ·m g .,,......,. O• 8""4'. °""""' &a ,,.,.. 1st to the IJ:!o. . Bob . o

~ In~ ~~°'!~~.:~~:n1tu:~. ~~; Fea1ures l\liss Lehman. Regional. Couf; W~~~ ln• Ma•· f_. l,d. pu~°:" ..:::· :.,s;c..;;.~n:.• ~~ ~=~~;rey ./Clonn a nd Loreen. Congratulations .. Asmr.enant Lc·Frnneais Dnns ·Un The Cbildrcnis Workers leaden Vita Craft. Club Hamm~rcr~ft. So· with the. trio. . Kenny Brown

· kids. Milieu Francais" wns the speech and' the Women Workers lenders and Magnalite ore the three new '1be ~ places the trio' will ap. Al' BI h

RedeaaloConfvea- lime la ben 1iven by Miss Lehman, ·Mncollese of tho reglonc will be ser.v• ( ' a din- types <>4coaker.y -Jn uae IA· the pean ai:e: BrOadwater; F9lftllburC> oc.,or

2 · 1



0 1 3 3. s a.

' 5 5 4 5 5 8 7 8 9

l 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 4 5 o. -5 7 7 5

oc:ailh Plau ora· beiD&' m"* le Utecature teacber. nt lbe ¥odcrn ne>r by lbe Quantity Cooluliy Clau lbtte.d!Uerent kltclten ~Its of lbe Cabool .. Mountain Grove, 1:-"ton. Lowell Hoch

""-::IJae. m...,. ~-~· will Laniuaae Luncbcon ·FrJday, .. ·ll tij!nofi'Owc; N'o.V: tr.r.o1111<11t1 , J- foodS laborall>ey. Usln&;~!'"·~ w,u,_....,.,, - lloclriDclaa.m. Wak-·-1 ~-....,..---------,,,,...,,,i;

~ ":',.,'° .. ~= !!:t.':.t"'=::; vember 6 at Wichita Universlt,y. lor. ls student manage' of thla din- =~n::::", 0!1rj';~~lsoif.:C,rlw\l~ enda, Stet.. am, PlaltlllNrg. • • ' "

baN.MW - pod-aac•·llme· la "Learning French In n ' French ner. to use experiments and decide- We IJvo In dceds, not In years : r...-.;lf (Jmms; dra~ ••r: I& Is llae mola· P.r. Sltunlio.n" i• the EngJ.isb tiUo o~ On Wednesday. Nov. 18, Marino wbat they oo!'slder bes~ for lbeb: In• tbouehts DOI' in breaths; In .feel· ""I"'"

I mi l:b'e:a b)' &be c.uqe fu; ille her address, gJVcn in the racu~t) e.11. J ohnson, junior. will mana use. ln1a, oot In ~dow OD a dJat. We , ,

e~ereoce and towu. ~p&e. Room ot1 the WJchlta Un1vers1ty n dinner for Children 's WorkQl'.s Club Hammcrcrart la Dlumlnum; s~ould: count- .time by beart-tbrobs. 109 S. A.Ii.

The WomeaJI CMtneilt ta •elllaJ Commons. The chairman of the Vita Craft. the " waterless cook· He mo1t lives wt;M> th.Jnks lll'ost,

'CJariatmH canla apia: Ulla Je&l!. luncheon was Mrs. Wand~ 'ncszen. leaders and helpers from lhe re. er.," ls also aluminum. Macuallte la teeb the nob1est. nets the best.

Plione 730. ; ·'

U J'011 i are· 00 bu.rlaa ...,_ former Macollegc evcm!'g class gion. · an alloy. · PhUlp James BaJley

canla, be sere to cet rr.m. teacher who ta ught here. These dinners will bo served at· o ne feature of the Ma&~l!te 11 1.------,----'· ----...,-------,.

::,.,w~';',;."1~1~..i.1!97 • ..1:.: St Edirions,Are 12~~:; !':m~~;c:, s::·~u~':~; ~:S\1 d1~ 0~~1~·, ~f"'!u:.i!:0~::.,"·~i: Hedg,e's

from . . • . , . arc guaranteed against beat bttak· for.

Tho Male Quartet arrived bacl!. Added To Library Cooker) ~lass who ':.l~I asslsl Lois age only.

nt MnC Jost Monday. , . and Marlf!OU ai:e: n:a•lu. Carpen· l -----'= -------all at ,-:..

Shirley Denrdorfl and Corl ' Mets· Ii llst· o~ receni additions In U10 tcr . . Betty Neher. · Borth• Landis. ~ OiM&- lfardW'!re Ral'eflgfi'• Drut· JIOre . \ . ~';:.11~1~1~~ A~~~7akna:.":no 1;",,:: library· II'!• been dlslributed to each Alberta Ebbert. Kathy R~sell and .-...;p -Ml Moio> - I044. '

Bob Powell went to Wichita Sunday .faculty member. This J1st conlai~s Be\•~rly ~er. . ~ ~.; W~ ... ~. "~-------------___,,........,...._.,......,...,, __ ...,

to see: .. The nobc." 58 recent odltlons which are writ· Miss Mildred S1ek, head of lhe CNtJ Suits S,.l'flWMr IJ~rie, 1 1

The Ou bug hns been getting. ten tor. about · e\' . .cry course In Mac· Home Economics Department, Is ' 1

....;..,... ~ ..

around to several Macollege stud· ollege. .. lhe class instructor. • .112 M: ~ ,._..1IO

cni:r. 1~!~ond w.. BiUloger. 'pries- It any student n~l."<iS rcsenrchl-----------· I L:.....-.....,.,....,-,-~.,....,.,...,._....: 11

ident ot Maco11ece. is In Elaia . . m nJeriat on any. subjec t. check the St""'. JU., nttencUng n General Brother· Hsl with. a faculty member. This

hood Board Meeting ol the <?hun:h 1i.t was sent out Ootober 28. 1953.

of MU:.:. B~~~·~~ has accompanied It con~lns the .call number , nuth·

Dr. BltUnger to Elaln. or, and Ulle .ol tho book lnclud • .

Dr. · and · Mrs. Bittinger plan l'? Ina date wrJtten. be back today noon.

Donna-Sooby and: Pcglll" Sargen~ arrived< here last· Saturday alter : Car.Jtoii, Plumbing Co.

Metzlieil Speaks fn, Idaho ; Plllllihias. and U.atinr

OHtc-.. Phorte 1.4: Res. 615 Dr . Burton Motzler was one oti the maim speakers at. the Cburch of tho Bi;ethren Di~trlct Meollna 1'----------.,..-'11 a t Weiser, ldnho, October 29•''1. ----~------.•

.FIA'l"l'Elt .


W(AllSlft ammr co~, 11c. ~pecialµoed Service in• .Ml• Mialte1· of ear.J

J.l.O• Ni Mople - -42- I

throuih Nov. J. I. V. Funderbura. ~ and Loren Wel11 were othen· gueet.o -== ·-·~.~nii~t~~~~fl ~·- DPl.r.x .IUP .---

is. Du.J,t~iry"s

q.81'1 .~~ _l?_ase

, frlendl of• the college -•• in ·•I> - ·· ...... - r·- teifdance ai tfili ~ttnc. - · -

MoP!senon Ice Co •.

. 2-t HIDW> v.....- Se"i"'! , JZZ' H: W•lii•t

, . 900. E.. ltaaUI . - ... ;.;A. • ... .... - .... ··~- .. _ ....

Enjoy one of our

many treab.

l,_ _____ _,__ ..... llil. ~~-

COD IN FOR:' o•• l..o\mp•·· .

·:~ ....... P!ctiire1


r · ~ Olt VanlHili

~ ....,. ... French FriH

Hot Dosi' · .·

·--""'··-... -··-·: -~ .... Y op will fin cl

dtt&""fl.a' fuH line

. ' of Dn~11y

\ . .W.ler .i n-c •JJ.,xJ

Snacks · Pienies ...

f"ir'!Jf_inll. ,...,...,~~··~

~J i _ . -_~·~

BixhY,'S lOI S:~RUi'

Page 4: lr Hall , Dedication Is Nov. · 2019. 11. 16. · day eve ning he wlll spe ak on "Going Through Sa!T\aria ." Other se

FRIDAY. Nov: 13, 1953 The Spectator 4 _

Bulldogs Tarce· On Q.1-'lters' Here . . -..

Mac .. De·.feal:S Ten Seniors Play - nerahberger's son Saturday N. .1. ghf· Is Last Game For Mac Is Bullpup Co-Captain

One of the Co.Captains on the J ~ Tomorrow .Night : ~:S Mcr.,i:,~~~U' mt~~~:'~.B,;:~; C · · / L G. ·

Swedes ·27 6 Ten seniors wW be ~layln11 their::~:~~~=:~: ~~d0~1p~:· :~co~: . ani es ast anie • last football game for McPherson lege Art Deportmeot.

I . ~~\~~~ to:u':~~l~l&~:thw~~e= Co-Captains on the football team . McPherson Coilege Bulldogs will ·meet the Friends

~oach Sid Smith's McPherson College Bulldogs trav- University of Wichita . · are chosen eaca yea~ by their University Quakers t h is week end in the final contest of

1 d'fo L" d b 1 t M da ·ght Nov 9 to play their Those playmg their last.e.ame arc teammates. In several of the re- fhe 1953 Kansas Conference gridiron season. Kick-oCC

~r!dition~f r~,.~rsgth~~ Bet~~n/ C~lleg~ Sw~d~s in a Kansas ~!i'e1!; ~~;nes~:l~ke~i:,~~t ~ cent Central Kansas League eamcs, time for Saturday night's game i :30.

Conrerehce game that ·cinched second place for the Bull- Hoch, Oeoree Kelln, Lowell iiocb. the Bullpups batUed to• 6 to 6 Uc Friends University, located at Wichita., did not parli­

dogs after downing the Swedes 27-6. · · Bob Pee~ Bob Bean and Bob Pow· with Junction City .and whipped c.ipate in football last year in the Kansas Conference. 'fhc

The game was originally scheduled for Friday, Nov. ::!.'/~;"J,~ ~~ ~~r;:..!1\:.;n;,:::t~~~~ Hieb Sfbool m a 20 to ° Fighting Quakers' record this season is mediocre.

G; but ~vas called off on account of the snow ~to~m, the years. havUig started under Cbai- · The ··~nrlet and Gray" wns de- ,

occurrence of which was O\'erlooked by the nation s wea- mer "Woody" Woodard back In the !coted by Baker University last

ther forecasters. fall of 1950, flnlshlne 011 their last It's' Y 9PI' ·Viewpoint ';.';yk ~~1~ i::~.~~-Y~~n !:,~ •:-The :Sethany Swedes, a_pparently, were well J?~ep!"r- ye;r.::,00~~r C.:,~~:r 5~a~"::!~~n 10~ · lore. Friends defeated 0 strong

cd for this game as t hey dtd not forget the hum1habon most of these boys seem to have Burning Of The Swed"? Bethany team. This proves that

they received from the Bulldogs last year, w!\.en the Can- been. planned by Scleetlve Service. 87 Le Ro7 Heldebttcht the Quakers are always danger-

ines whipped them 72-13". Even t hough the Bulldogs won but Wayne Blickenstaff will 10 to This week our question is "Should the 'Burning of the ous.

this game, it wns evident that they did not .scrap the Kansas Unlveralty as a Pre-Dental Swede' be continued or should it be left out entirely ?" 1c~c";'~tc~~~~ci-;."~.~:.•r~W; ~1 £,~1;j

Swedes this year. . . . . . st~.'l:i~~: Georic Kelm has report. This ev~nt did not o~cur this year and numerous comments L. Crnvcn. A graduate rrom Pacil-

The two traditionally rl\·al teams have met 31 times edly been recelvlnJ overtures from were given. · le College. caven has proven

on the gridiron thus fa r. The "'Terrible Swedes" have lbe Los Anteles Rams Profession- In order to find out what the altitude loward' this pep hlmselr to be an excellent coach.

been able to successfully " Bury t he Bulldogs'; _twenty al Football . Te~m, so G°'?ree·s event is, several students were picked at rando·m and asked The l!U9 football team. coached

t imes, and the Bulldogs have triumphantly "Buried the future may he with the pl1skm for to give their opinion of the issue. by Crnven . was the only untk'<I.

Swedes" (counting t his year?) on eight occasions. Three a few more yurs to come. Almost all the people interviewed gave their request ~~1;:'.':.~~nH:f~~iy~~r '!~n ~~~010~i clashes have ended in ties, two of which were scoreless, MCAC S F 'l that the eve11t be continued. . , record at Friends is 20 wins and

niid the other a G-6 tie in 1924. , ponsors 1 m Some students' comments were ly no reason for dropping. 14 losses.

A~ · per usual. except on one oc.D- .. ~;e~ct_o~;...1~c~~us\>ho~anw ~e~~~Y t~~d ;~!~·pl~~o~ie:, lh~Y~~c ~!~~~n:~·:~1d ~e~~%·in~ ch~;~~~~tth~oo~~~e:~a~t~c 11i1~<10!;~ cns1on this year. the Bulldogs were lncre11ed their lead onr nlaht in the chemistry lecture some persons interviewed wos ucd because of the pep and (inc ford Pringle. Ah enviable :tthlc.:t ic

fJrs t to draw blood They scored Swedes to tu.De or 14-0. room. Ai?Out 6S pcnons attended printed. These arc the people ln- school spirit it helps to promote. record hns been compiled by Prln ·

one touchdown . In the first per· The Swedes Ucbteaed 11p t.belr this movie.. tcrvicwcd. Kathy .Jlusse.11 - Junior. 'l"hls glc in both playing and t-oaching.

loci . \\Ito more . m the seeond. and defenSff some more af&er 1Wet•1 This movie was .. sent out by the Leon Albert-Junior. It ls not up event should, by all means. be con-. Thirty.six boys are out for toot-

led t.hc ha lt umc scores nt l4--0. TD, and LaDd&'ftn tossed U.e P&D Long-Bell. Lumber Compaf1.Y. The lo me lo decide from year to year tinucd. The " Burning or the ball a t FrienPs Univc.rsily. Jn th is

The two teams h_eld e ach ot.her to of the Dll:bt cooct for U 7anla t.o film was Ln oatui'al color and show· whether or not to have it, it is S'wcde" is a McPherson College group nre onl.y four seniors. ·n1c

n scoreless. third quarter, and Jack Bowman, ·•ad the Swedes cd the processes of the lumber up to the student body. The event tradition. Informa tion should be giv- majority · or lbc res t of the sqund

ployed even m the fourth quarter pounded on U.e Bulldop' aoallble. Crom tree to customer. The place doesn' t do any good . nor barm. en to · the s tudent body as to who a rc<frcshmcn aild sophomores. 111is

each team conceding to the other Three ploys la ter , however, the ot producing the picture was in Kenneth Enns-Junior. CbtUng had the a uthori ty to call ore the fact could meaO thilt the Quake rs

G points . . The scoring ut ~he end Swedes fumbled and the Bulldogs the Northwest a mon1 the lumber- out a 3()..ycar old tradition, with event this year. m ight hove s trong tea ms In the

ot the game s taod nl 27 ·6 m favor got the breok they had been took- in& states. nothing to replace such a pep stunt , Jack Rlchu&bon-Junior. I think yea rs to come.

ot the Bulldogs. ing for. Several plays later, Bliek- is a dctini1c short-coming or the this pep event should be continued. Some ouls tnnd ing boys on the

Thls Ume it was Gene Smlth enstaf( passed to McSpadden for a An1bitioue Student! persons who condoned the action because it is a school traditio~ '"Scarlet and Grr1y"' squad nrc Gn ry

wM led ID the scorlnl' pai-ade. He total of 26 yards and the third . . this year. I think the " Burnlng and it hel kee u 0 ood school Ackcrma,n, 'cary Boatright. J im

tallied for two of bis team's four touchdown or the night for the Bull- A stud':Dt at New York Umversi.- ot the Swede"' should be contln- spiri t In ~Y o:inl~n ~he persons Downing. and Steve Unrmon.

&oadNlowm. / Wayne BUckenstaU do~s. Again McSpadden's extra ty has . dtse0vered a new way to ued. who ~ere responsible' ror not hav- These boys win put cvcrylhing

acoretj....hls 9kt TD of the H:ason. point kick wns eood, and the Bull- work h~ way through school. Gcorce Ke"'!1-Senior. I think It ing it this yea r are ~ bit narrow- that they have into the ga me In

•Dd,»"1.J"ht McSpaddtn scored the dogs led 21--0 a t the hall. Standing about in Washington should be continued. because it def- minded an attempt to beat the strong BuU-

otber. McSpadden also made three ·~ The Bulldoas pulled one of their Square. he reaUzed he was aver- initely helps to promote a good · dogs.'

extra polD~. . tricks on the Swedes as the Swedes oglng 80 cents an hour-panbandl- school spirit . I believe an oversight th~:1r:ite ~0fJ be- Sop~om::,_re.bcl Agoin there were only m inor in-

Gcne SmUb WH • the BuJJ... kicked-oft to open play In the in&. was responsible for this year's om- · n 1 s1 ~ c~nt ~u

1 • . - juries susta ined in the game with

=~~ -:m~::S e~= ::e ~~ll djd~?td ki:~· ;:::i,eba:eedba~w~:: iss~~~ PeckoveP-Junk,r. u they f:~:eitb 8~~ i:fs"i:~nc5

~v:t s~'!i ~J~a~· l~st~!0t~~ay;h;'; ~grnl~.~~ 1 loll! of w, -!!!I 111o !!§!! for a while as Steve J;le.rsu.cb; e!.!!'! MC Beth..!@ ~ !t ou_t, .l!>.!!Y sboul.!f. r,l!ll~~• helps Increase pep and school spir- «•nte y;lth lhe Fi1ht111i Quakers.

71iilace 'for'tlie.Hi"ooa iiiu far out of the huddle atiil seampere<I First downs •· ·-11- -· i4 it with somelhlne else. I think It 11· This year the vote 01 the stud- As th is game will probably be

lo UZS >'•nls· 'Eddie Boll o11d mid-field for a ~yard gain. Yards 1alned rushlne 357 157 should be continued beepuse of the :~ body shouJd h~e been taken the lost college football game In

DwVbt• MeSPi'ddtn each t.oted for Soon the Bulldogs· were on · the Yanh lost rusbini 40 37 school • spirit It promotes. Thls ore it was ropY"-""" • which the McPherson College sen·

M yards, a.Del Wayae BUcke:mlaff Bethany 4 but Jost the ball on the Net yards gained · 311 .J.20 year the s tudent body should have Lu Carpenter - Junior. The ior a nd squad members w l11 play,

made 55 yards. Reserve qaur-- fourth do~·n from an incomplete P asses attempted 10 10 been consulted before it was drop- " Burning or the . ~wede"' has al- the Bulldogs will be out there play-

• terback Le Roy Helderbecbt , fttab· forward pass. It was a se~saw Passes completed s 4 pcd. • • • ways been a. tr~d1 t1on on the cam- ing their hea rts out. . .

:sa~.:u~n;:i::kl~n:,':e1~':!~n ,:~~~ ::~~e~h~~u::ld~~e1h~~e~~':1n ': ~:~:s ~n~~~ptcd by 7g 1°1 th:i: s~~::;:-Co~f~~~~re . I r~~n~~i~e a~d l~t~~ed~f:e~~n~~i:. th~~9~5\~~~0~ra~i1:c ~~~~io7,~~~

was the final play of tbe l'ame. no touchdowns. Times punting . 4 7 . Lois Kn1clutedt - Sophomore. that were Portrayed In the Home- been brisk and hove contnincd a lot

The game opened with the BulJ. Sid Smith sent in his second Average punt 36 38 The "Burning ot the Swede" should com!ng decorations. It should be of enthusiasm. A la rge crowd is

dogs ,._kicking oft to the S\\·edes. s tring in the fourth quarter, and Times pena!izcd 7 3 definitely be continued. ll ha s been continued. expected to a ttend the game.

Bclha~y took over · on Its own 16- several plays later a fter subati· Yards penalized 3S 11 held tor so long, there Is absolute-

yn~ Im~. In two plays they made tutions. Gene Smith scored the Fumbles S 4 1 .-----------,I

a first 1n ten and reached their fourth Bulldoes' TD of the nl&hL Own fumbles recovered 4 2

own Z7. A Cumbie followed which The Bethany Swedes were a lso able Scorina : set them back-six ynnis. nnd three to score on the second team aa Holt ToaehdoWu: Geae SiDlth ? ,

plays later they were forced to carried from the 4 yard stripe. Dwlaht McSp•dden 1. Wa71ie BUc·

punt. . ~ Ai't Ncwcomer·s a\tcmpt a t extra keutatr I.


Gene ~m1th took thr.j]i on the point wos no good. Extra pol.nts : Dwlaht McSpadden

~~l~~~~ch~50;~dl\·t~~~dacn';·~~~~ With minutes left in ~e ga!!1e, t · tor extra JX>int was good, and the Coach Smith began sending lo al11 .-----,.--------.t l

Canines led 7-0. . ':! .. ~~ d~~~~:;e\1, c°i::!i" 1~bu:'b~ HOTEL WARREN The ~~cd_es once agn m. took the saw ac tion for a few minutes tc>

~~~ld~;:u~::t":tff (;," ~e1~1~w3n~~ 1,1,•ards the end ot ·the game.

at:a in they OOgg°ed down, a nd punt- After a.n ezchaQ8t ol PGJlla. tbe cd to the McPherson 14. Boll pick- BuUdoaa found tbemselns bl JiO•-~ u~c~~r~Tr~fa~~ ~~~c~u~~cre~~~: :~10:~ o~~e .. ~i!!~.8".!~i::::e 4'!1!~ COFFEE SHOP nny defenses tightened up nnd the terback Heldebreebl weal oroud For Your Schoo l Parties Canines were forced to punt. the eDd for a a•h:l of U 7atda

Next play. however. McSpoddcn ttocblnc Ille Bellwa7 4Z. Tiie SUD Three party rooms avail­lnterceptcd a Swede pass, and re- went off before next plmy Wu call· able. turned the pigskin to the Bethany ed. and the BuJldop won the pme I


Styles it.•.


Skirts . an<l



OLIVER'S 46. McSpaddcn and Ball carried ZT-C. No charse for room w hen meal

~ :~~.~s~v~u~':l1! ':~cg~,~~~~ to~'!..~~Ucs for the game arc as1._ ____ i._ .. _r_•ed_ . ___ _,

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Early in the second qunrtcr. the

r~:~~?i~·~~\:~*~i.~~J~· Hall~.a~k ~ • ·~· .Photo ,-. E~~~·Jllf .. -- • ""with-Bill- Smith on a ·26-yard .Cfu•istmaS-- · -·---··--- ··' .. Quality -Work,~­

pass. and Geno Smlth ndded an-

• :ii,~•rB~1J.~':1'0~~. tha~o'l~~~:: . ·Cards In 9 Out 5 on the Swedes" goal line.

Shortly after these ralns, quar­terback Bllckcnstarr made bis 1pectacuJar 11hobb1e" ru.a for 38

:.::::.:.:.~ l~lt ~r'h~.":= »olnt was 1ood, and the Bu11.doa1

MATSON Radio and TV Senace

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When you pause .. . make 11 count ... h~v e a Coke