· lr»' ru*nth annualt>wl1u1.lentmtrat* l«n female laatttm*....

lr»' rU*nth Annual t>Wl 1U1.lent mt Rat* l«n Female laatttM*. Vie annual commencement oi the Rutgers roomie fB Mitite took place ) et terday afternoon, id the Rutgers s*e«t church Ai usual the edifice wan crowded, and as aauul the audience was computed almost exclusively of totoe*. A lew minutes before three, the Board marched to procctMos from the institute lo Mad jon street to the church, followed by the pupils in the order of tlieir cbt see. The young whom there were, accord' tog to the last annual circular, four hundred and tirty- .va.were aU tastefully dressed u white. Alter enter- tog the church, the Pre* ident, Rev. Dr. Ferris, and the MSMbeit of the Board o. Trustees took thetr seals on the fto».n in, the pupils occupying iho-e reserved fbr thorn to toe body oi the edifice. Alter a musical greetlag, nsg by the young ladies, prayer was ofered by the President. The report of the Ootn- toittee on the Compositions ef the Third departssent was Mad by Rev Mr Smith. It spoke in high terms ef toe pteticieucy displayed in this portion ol toe studies, and award. *d the flr-t prize, a gold medal, to the anchor of "Itie Mother's Prayer,'- Miss I.u*ie H. Young; toe se- oond prise, aLso a gold medal, to Miss Faniwe Hamilton, fbr a composition entitled '. Lessons from Nature.'' A Msg, the words of which were composed by a pupM and toe music by Stgu>m"ud Lasa, was then »nmg by the jmamg ladies, atlrr which the report of the Committee on OSMpoaitjoas et the First department was road by "Rev. Mr. McKee. The committee awarded the prioe to Miss Ida %«aby, authoress of a joettcalpitce entitled '-On the Plain sad among the Mountains " This composition exhibited ¦Manly a talent for versittcauod, but genieus, although the aain<ir in which it was read was not calcalaited to do it toll justice. The report of the Committee on Penmanship Slated the geld medal had been awarded to Mrss G. S. Ckalmers. Tl.u« wa* followed by the reading of the prose .cmpot man of the F.rst detriment by Rev. Mr. McKee. tote authoress, Mtss Sarah O. Youngblood, received the (Sid medal for an essay on "Unwritten Music." Prizes were awarded for the other studies as follows ftaout .First' lass . Gold medal, to Miss Nannie P. 0., Hasten Second class Premiums to Miss Mary W. Hus- M and Miss facuy Ormsby. Third cIms . S. Delamon- togae. Fourth class. & E. Stcno. ItoMMuriiY .liriit class.Jul* Norris »cd E. H. Young ¦aid medals. ¦Uthkmatio VLss Grace JP- Chalmers and Miss Tal- Mtt gold medals. A large number of prcmi .ms. consisting of books, were datr.buted among Ui« most deserving ol the pupils, ami the commence m* 'it was "losed with benediction. The toikrwmg is the iroluatcg lass of this year:. Ada B. Avtward, ol New York; »;raco H. Chalmers, of New lark Hannah W. Pa* on, Newark, N. J. ; Mary A. Gil- bert, ol New Haven, Coan.; Ji.awMe 8. Gray, of New Terk- Lorer.a Jonee, if New York Agnes A. lone, of Mew York Mary J. Ostrauder, »f Hinsdale, N. Y.; Dora to Robinson, ol K'atbush, N. V.; Amelia T. Schwars- waeMcr. ol New York, Adal.iro E. Taleott. of Rocklm, B. , Ijbbie M V-rmil>e. ol CIiuMa, N. Y.; Maria 8. Wright, of New York, .Sarah O. Youngblood, of Mont ry, N Y Cttjr IiileUJcence. Puu»aKT Caajic.B w rue WKaniiw.. Ycsterdty was do Ijbtf.iHy cool, compared with the previous three days. ehreuinstance duo, no dojbt, !o a ra n and thunderstorm Mar the city, wb ch did not, howeTer,*rea. h the ;gh a wind preva.led dur ng Monday uight, and, as a toeoce, them rcury at day lip nt yesterday had run to 66 degrees, a rlifWren- of 30 degrees in twelve fcewTT. Towaids ino May the t)»at increased, but at no Mnw was t hicher t. an 80 degrees On Sunday we fjro- MM the hea' of Monday, an 1 on Monday predicted thit TaeuUay would bu agre< cool. As we do not wu~h to snake 11 of. Me rui'n I'eel bad, we decline telling what to- tmy will Sr. rig foith in the way «f weather We advise .ur readers, however, to k«»p cool. VcivDu>m (Y'xjunuuikm. .it>; Twenty -fourth annual Mmnencement of the New Y«'; Univers.ty will take ftoee to-day at the Presbyterian cl rch, _n Fburtcenth Skoit, near Sisth avenue, at ten o'clx-k A. M when the sealer eksi w 1! graduate, and its m«-.,t Reserving m«m- bsrs deliver themseivM of orations. There has been seMt trouble n the I'olvermty, prow ng out of Uih com- ¦eacemei.t. The renior <-u»s nbu usually pay the ez- yeas»>, wirhed to t< Id it .n one ol the large theatres <u to* «jiy. lowhtch toe Faculty demurred as being .rreit- |M « Alt- r ron-eleiuble bi. keriiir. a vcmproni -e was eff-^ted, Isculty conseaiing to pay the bills, if it w*s ktiJ m hur< h- T<> niorr iw^ a m<-eting of the AAstor. Will be held at the At tor Uoute, when TUos B. tosrtog will del.ver on address. Twa Ckttk " Park .We learn that the Commissioners nmr dscxo-'il upon buUdoig a pi' aet fea-e all around toe CMtoal park, Inaide of wh:ch will be laid a carriage way tor ail our citiaeas to mane use of. These .mprovemeou will be eTecli'l early .n A igust, and by October a (tone wall will replace the"pi< ket ten . Tiere is great danger tool the carriage way w U degenerate »V> a rac: course tor rowdies in tacht wagons, miens the police have or Mrs to put a ste p tu all t j«h diver- ions. Mra Pfei CojrvKjrnoM .A natiocal convution of the lata Psi fraten. ty w 11 meet a New BruBfwwk, N. J , on Ifearsday, July 3. rhero will be a Urge representation yreeent from the different college e 'iaj>ters throughout toe euuBtry. Harvard, Ma s Dartmouth, N. H., Middle- lea, Onn., Un <m, N. Y., Rotgem and New Jersey will .ead full delegaliooc, w will also the cliapters in the .lew York and Pasnsy Ivati.a (.Biver*t»ies Th.s iraiert ty ass act been in cxiMsaro over sin* years, yetthecata 1. us of mb< rs contain some Sril .aDt r^m<w. In the Ban 'T- 'ty of this city, tl»e Alpha Chapter jC the 7*ta Psi ftaterti<ty eutuumbers all the other teeret societies com¬ bated. The Convention of the 3d tost, is ''.js>eae.i to Mart oflker^ for tlis ewu ng year, and trsa a -t . ronune *«mw of the rrstenuty. An oration sad pwes will 9 wo be delivered. Brooklyn City !<-«.. nn unmwxy jiAuhiu axd aPoue* Carta lv -M Uw iaat rce-un# of the t«u,mon Council. Mr W m f WaJab, of tho ElovenUi ward. preferred a i of chargaa aga n«t Captain Jon! Sm th. of the F!r*l ti pctic*, n wL»cb be praaenla that «. Krwlay e?« krt the 2TiD June. abiie a pnM.c 'the re um meeting) wit be.og UaU .a iLm Park, a far«<<D wa.* arroatcd for an a >ged ittempl.M dj>i jbiii:c gbevaol. Be. aa a magwtrate, by virtue <a bia oA e a* aach. ww called npon by certain cu Been to iBrescgaie tfca Miter, and admit the arr<*>!*J ;<arty to bal! that. aarii mag atraU' ho eatered the ulk e .a th*' iL.uwot at lk« my Halt, occufiied as the first d«-lrict KUtxm home, aa<l went behind the Capuia'* deck that. wbiWt ><r>, fca II', ilrod the name of the party arraatod, and ahargee ar*it)*t him, that the Captain, well knowing hi* aBrtal Htataoa. replied In a grufl arid d.*r«epoi-.trul man Mr. that be did not know." that be ordered turn (the aMavmaa) out from behind the deea, and mrlaaCy and hi a rtoleut manner seized bold of bias and rudely and thrall and forced L.m Trots sawl de*k, .a violation of tho peace, dignity, he. of bis (the Alderman / .Arial character. Hi' A.derman, therefoee. rbargee thai Mm arw of the aatd Captain un, tb *»r» in derogation uf hto Ooty and riftro. grom and w'.lful auacoodin t, and a wroag aad oitraf- on l.itn "J an Alder nan and a aa|u> feue, and aek* hie removal frm off. a A mulaoa wae ¦ ill by A Merman I j*-«arr, tbat a copy of the 'charge bo »erv> d nn Capt Mnith. and that bo bo triel before tbe BatH at the nest me' ting tMn nun Hr«j/r taMl it waa anient on thin Tory MsaeMani, that Alderman Wa>*bha-1 brakes the law, and woo amenable to censure, a bile there wan not a word by wbjcil it cooid appear that '«pt Pin lib bad i olated bin Mf. Tho tbrle ulaled did n-»t bear out the rbargr* |fc on»>tend<d thai It. » A Idormar. had no more p> wer to dis¬ charge the arrsat-d per- on than aay prlrite.'non penwe coold ba > e The beet thing the Board oo-iM do wo«wi t>. t. jft e tii* bill, aad *es»4 the asplicaot out of aaert. He moved that the niatlor bo laMaM; po*t- y»i ' . A Merman Pmt -onlraded thai there wa* too great % taa4e«cy .> lower the pemtloa of the AM"- .ltd therefnae Uiongbl the r«.e t After further tiaruartoa, AJ«Vr a IJ*i»ke; u. -t.<m waa catt.-'I Tbe trial will doubUe»* reai i tr -<e.'»u'i^ be p> C hMarmea n regard to reW . . . . -or « Mfar* ah W- '4 the r barge* oati b. Law .'j ealUM-.aed J>.ef U>a reaco The Ileal Mid lb I huigr, TO THE KSITOR Of T HM HWf \ LD. tVi change from yeotorday V A. M . w* v.j u e to»npe- gmr<-» aria ninety mx (.«; degree*, to thw a Buio m*l I .'aiork, when it waa down to only four («4) de tr ¦' m, m th.rty two 4ayree< n abuirt twenty hoar*. T2»o wiod yaaierdaf waa Mmth, rk .ogod to eouthwen, ood Ihla morning to weal Tbj waa au emrar«dtnary abate Of atawapbore an I an < arte from abroad ntiy as jriata the i^.eanni' na Tbe beat at 7 y itarday reached uiMly degraaa It would ba ntereating u> know how extetwtvely vgelatJ' ii eipo^ l to Uto ana hae boon .MgMed, and if tbe change bas beeo i jccewaful la re^im- aacb bUgbl fc. MERIaM i/ttf Hai'.rr" A M July 1 ]«M Pa'db t ulaanret. I^a ernnmilleo aifiinted by tbe Rnard of Health oo Friday Iaat. to in val idate the aomplii.nla to .atMH1*"" W a tnv-Ung In the Oty HnU yarderda/ af tcraoon, ( ouncilrrun Barney In the oleur The petition of realdeata of Uie Piitoenth ward, owrn ytolaiog <«_the aoap and candla fart .ry vlontod al Vo .lb W«wt SerenUwnth «tree«, and (.* n«-l by <h*i Bu.-h bad. wiv flr«t taken up. frreral w tuee«ea reeling In bbe neighborhood wera eg-imine ! nx to the rharact* r of Mve .oap enubHabaver t aanie of whom cnoeldered II a grout aut**a< ". and olh* rs nrd Mr Gerard a? peared for ¦r B»'« kiamt. and pr'd«»-te.! .vrainel Uie investigation aa a««t b»U»g wiMtin the jitriedH-ltoti of the {baird rif Health. the law ef 1 .'.<», in bis . pinina aotlKir'nng that body to .rl only ii (h ijch Diii-tti.' . are l<'trimer.!»i to p'lb- b. health aad not u|<« audi * are .nerriy d.-a*re.*l,ia Of nfl. iieif. . He a!<o | r<de~>tod again-l tho oooe trtoto'a- ahly of lh»- .'W of lAftO. Mr Mor#«. the Oty loepector, «>. »xamina«i and waa of th" opinion lltat liin nu an » .nlgbt be abatod by tbe proprietor <4 Ihe l*e|»ry latro iMbll a rooden-er and t.evatn.g Uie rlumney, wiii' h Mr Ib.i kkui'l etareaeed hi* wiHttgi »a to do aad tho tt^geele'l they ftfild liepoar uf the mat bar by reporting to the B>«rd nf Iw i.Ui in fhvvr of -fh hUT'inii.' ta, to be mane nod'-r Uid rniperlnteadeaoa of Mre*d tor W»" m inunUi f ih< r took on Ui« comi-lj >>i Va'n^t tbe ¦M<rorfW fartor eltoaw .l Ml pW-I thirty thir-f atra»t, and £«¦}># by Itrory l itter and aft-r ubiig ®ob/. a<l Jliuaail k agut -r~a la My J THE PARISH WILL CASE. Ilnrggato1! Court. Before A. W BraJiord, B-q. hi IM rtuuitr qf tke WUi « / iM lute i/tttry P*in*.. Mr. 0*Co:ior called Michael Quiu, wi-.o, being swrrn, says: I am a waiter at the Uramercy Park House; 1 am about thirty three y.ars of a*o; 1 am a native of Ireland, ami have been 1*1 this country about eight years. Q. Were you employed :a Uie house w Mr. Henry Parish, and in what capacity? A. Yef, as a waiter irom some time m November, 1*48, to some time in December, 1849; I was llvxif with Mr. Parish at the Lino of bis attack, m 1848. Wdodm hi* first nurso? A. Jamet< Fteher. <J. Where fa be nowT A. 1 am told he is in California. Q. Hew rami alter the attack did Fisher eoase to act as nareef A. They were some daya before thuy could meet with Fisher; the doctor was trying for him, aad could not Knd him out; he rame in irbout from 3 te 6 daya. y. la what part of the houae was Mr. Pariah 'a sick room before he got dowa ftain" A. He waa carried to i*rci bedroom at (Am time of the attack ; that room wu in the third story. Q. About how long waa it bWort he waa able to leave hie rootar A. To the beat of my belief, it was about a mouth or aiz we*4 -> before he lelt ina bed room. Q. lud you occurtotally aee brai during thai Ciriod, before he led his bedroom? A. Yes, on particu r occafiona; when Fisher wasted to have turn moved from the bed. and back into tbe bed, I would be in his room, maybe ttae Urne* ia one day, and three in another day; ma>be twtce, at 12 or 1 oN lock at night. Q. How did he get down staira? A. At ft-** we uaed to carry him ia a chair down flairs? <J. At that time how did you get Lia upstairs a***? A. In the chair again. Q. During; that period, when you earned bin up and down sUurs hi the chair, what room was he kept in down stairs? A. He tised to cotne in the library, the baaoment room. <}. How waa he placid in the library? A. He uaed to fit on another chalt, a big chair. <J. What iras done with the transportation hair in the iutervaf? A. Some times it waa carried up stair «, and sometime* placed aside in the hall, no particular ice. Q. Was thia method of tafcmg htm up and down efcurs cnutraucd all the time you were there1/ A. No; be uaed to get up sometimes with the assiatanoe of Ktabor and me, and sometime* with aasietance hemic* FVhiT. Q. Kcr about how long waa the chair used to take hmi up and down, before the other method waa adopted'/ A. Sometimes '.ho chair was ue«d on occasions he ffett tirtl. Q. Was there a pe- nod, in which the chair was uniformly employed, before you began to help him up and down otherwise? A. I can't exact'y *a> for some days Q. Do you re¬ member a iiuie wbeu a number of geutleuien wc.-j to¬ gether up in his bedroom, btfort you carried him down m tbe chairr A. No; 1 have known only Mrs. Parish s brothers. Q. Did you attend Uie door or answer the door? A. Yea, a)» iys when I wa< in toe hjusc. Q. Do you recollect a time when Mr Hulbrook and Mr. Lord a re in tne house t -therr A. 1 recollect Fisher cotnhig down and tcllmg me ot t y. IHd you personally know Mi fiiniel l ord and Mr llolbrook/ A. I did tot know Mr. Lord; I knew Mr llolbrook. Q. Do you remember a i ay before Mr. Parish was brought down ui the chair, when Mr. llolbrook was at the ho'ise/ A. Ye*, y. Do you know whether Mr. Holbrook, or that occasion, was in Mr Parish's room? A. No, Mr. Hoi brook, to uiy knowledge, was sitting in the library the day that I heard the will was going to be secured, y. you know w hether or not Mr Holbiook went up stairs that day ? A. Not to my knowledge, I saw him ? in the library all th time. y. What was Mr Parish's bodily conu.tion wluh h . w..< in his room, rrotu the at¬ tack until jo-t moved him down stairs in the chair? A. H>» waa affected in the body very se¬ verely. nr.til by the nsn-Utice of doctors and medicine he could get along. y. 1 escribe how he appeared? A. He ap^iared, by looking at hhn, to bo very low, Just like a man who would be between dead an l alive, and to have no command of his mind; perhaps 1 might say, half dead and alive Q. What waa his condition in these res pects the day Pusher told you Mr. Lord and Mr. Hoi brook wro .n his room ? l*rctty much the same; all through be was pretty mm !i*tbe aam". Q. All through to what partir ilar t.ine d>)uu mean? A. Well, from ap|>earance and from vt hat 1 could ^udge, he was uie rtme from when we earrieid h.m down f-tairs fint, all through till 1 left. Q. After Mr. Parish's alUi' k, had you any orders from Mrs? PorUh abort the brother >r reiai.on.j |of Mr. Parish? A Yf», Mr«. Parish gave mo part .ilar orders cot to le' Mr. Parish in, that in the brother, lir. Ixiniel Pari.-.;,, or any of hi- sons, or Mr. DtlUro, hi.- sod .u-law. (J. Did she tell you why. for what rn«i« she gave yoy these orders? A >Uc told me that she didn t want to e any of them .d y. How foon after I114 attach did you g.-t til or d' rs f A I get these orders immediately alter tbe doc¬ tor'! being with him; I mean th<- aay alter Mr. Parish was uta. ked. y. After y <>u k-ot thei-e orders, did Mr. Dfcbtel Porfch rail at itie hei-e? a. Ye*, he called dirter- ent day- 1 told lum he t< uld cot comc in. y. ivl Mr IhlUm.aU? A Yes, 1 i\ l cut let l..m ic y. lid Mr. Imciel Par., h call at any t:n.e after tli. -e order:', and let in? A Ye> y State particularly the i ircumtftancea of that <*J hi w he gi. and * tiat he did. as far as yo'l -i* w ? A. Mr 1 Par it b called one day atter the doctor's going out, 1 l.«-aril the doctor say Mr was very low, h iu afraid he would do no gix*l; Mr. Danai Pa rish called at the door and a?aed me how bis brother wa I to»«! bin* :f he did not go right up and see his brother tow aheu he would all again ho would not lee he* alue, a». '.ril.n;,' to what J h> a. 1 tLc doctor -ay, I showed hnii up (.tair-*, au.l alter k».u« up ntain 1 point td at the room where bi« br.>ih>'r lay, where hui brother was wh^n be went in I beard Mr Parish's bell and went p stair <. to M Par li he asked m.; bow d.d Mr I'aru-h g<t in I told ber I op. c. I the dcorand he asked me uo qu'-t.una, bit pa*»ed right en, and I did not like to atop luin aho told me to be very particular the next tim«* he came not to him n. y. I»id yon, whilst Mr I'un . Pari-b wa- thire on that o<-.-a.-ion, go into Mr. H> ury Paiieh'* room f A Yes. Q What did you nee? A Mr> llrtab toid t»c j;o .cto Mr l"ariBh's room to .ee what Mr Daniel lar.fh «ii-, I -aw hi no bavin* hokl 01 hif brother in the bed, by the hand. y. As tar an you know hod Ikuiicl se< n bio brother Henry from 'he attack bef*.- that time ? A. Not to my know W-cge. y vs marly a* yog can re- ol!-ct. about tow k«ir aJVr the attack aa* tu.s 'iccurrooce ? A. I ahouM th.nk ;t aoa alo.iwta n. nth. betaeen a month and live we«-ka g. At this t.n e, w hat wan the ol Mrs. Par.-b's* a* to *t- ting Mr l*ari«h'' A Her two brotbere ased to me ji, and afternoon, to aee I. m frequ. rtly m from ibe country and g :ng up and down town on- oi' the brirthir* used to rail m c 4Stot. ally, g WUt rounds did Mr. Par. h make or otter wbilat ymi m-r« there? A. If he want¬ ed anything, when he wa« tljrt way. all I h ard h m -a> was a no -e n his threat, accompanied with a nod or altake «-f the head g. I>ul you ev»r bear, wh.l»t yoj were th. re any otber aound mad. w ih hia toice. or tbioat, or inootb ? A No. g lad you erer n that ho re after Mr'a aum k. ai v bkx k lett-rs* A Ye*. I saw them n im ro. ni, on a small tat.e 1 did not »ee e.a-' y what the* were I asked his n'ine what they Wert h told v.. that tbey w-re him k letters, that Mr Kirh u .1 I * utii- M hrougbt to Mr. Parish, g. lid you m e Mr Par it do an/Mung w th tho. t>!;» ks at li )ou .,n on the *r all Uble in ti e r.« m A I saw t .m, a!U r Mr lielatleld lea>ing th>'*n before hit. put hu hand on the table and thr' w th< m .<!. g. W hst ttr. De all- Id wa it that had thir»- nu before Mi tartab an 1 what did he do ? A It waa Mr M»> nard D laSeld' H< placed it,m be|»,r. Mr Pari-h on the table. Mr Par^h put Id* hand to tbem and tbr- w them off Q. thone thinga wlklcb were on the table. A. They looked to me aa If th'-jr were a 1(4 of d*>e. y. Did yon < b»erve whether they h*d any marke on 'hem ? A. I had n<4 be»o near Uiem at all only the room 'a iengin y Before Mr. fMIA'a attack, what wm yonr course of employment? A t wan employed a< waiter, to wait on h.m and Mr«. ParUb, and keep w.thiu doors; previous to bis attack I rode out with kltn on bor-ebai k ooe day be told me, J I coald drive aa wail M ride be would hire me for himself, and to have ao thing more to do inside, then be n«cluded to keep hie .«. to keep me tor htuiself, to have a waiter it ray plana and to hate me aa !,.s hid man y. on and eiaia.n bow you served bim that way? A. To wart en b n.«ejf, attend to h>a wantf, go of errands. I supped 10 lb" V wo house g Tbe " immer ef 1«4K, did III whole family rt«iia.o u town? A .No, they all w»ot to llur«ate. where he «o|»pe^ for the night, tbey Weot out m the afternoon, and came to n the mornii g g During this period, was there a fan.,iy d^ner in I nmo sq^ar<i? A. Ye« g Who took charge of tlie hnu>e in I moo square during that per»od» A. Me aod the chambermaid g luring this pei iod. did Mr Paneb always go out to flirlgate m the eTeiiing^ A t c.-. every night g Wh.Ut the lamily resided m I owe souare, b- rore the attack, what was the recilar dinner ii . A f our O'eki" k, or balf paet four g What Wa. M* a way of spenJmg Iih time after linnsr ' a K (. .T»||y u f t every n.K .t b> au<cd a gen t s a > g To what {.ia. e r>r p>a> ea did lie IlO u> aiten'i a cotl'mAii s Clubf AA piaoe . a vU the l.ivattt ( >n! >. ne*t to N ,o'«. u Ai «. wUi Ui.e ai-e t ,r i ,t he genera y leave* A r <j,H' «* , a «at n the library until I >i-.d s> a ot 9 c < then no out to thi^e club P*"- -M '.t v lat h >. i Ji4 he usually gi t huoae' A Mr,.t J e , li r, ormng g, jnd you ae ri l . in or arn oe v r>la »s to whu-h b. <*. « le> '1 . I w ... ¦, | :rn atr. ii,t l,av a<.|.ort y Did yo t a ..t |. or »av. b m? A I left 1 y. Wliat « I he gettog totohia bonsi km ritum A. liy l.i lairjj key y. Wtiat -h-r rranr* m'nf f sny. were madr- A; I alaay^ It a iarnp pr 'iiare.! (. r bim iu t ie hail, y What wa yenr n-ual Un .. of g, ng to \ 7,.n o ci ". alter ten J -h r the ho tt d" r .< U III be r ,-.;d r,« u,.« , _ Wnr, a firrft »g n U>» bn n [ n c,( ^ .. r J » ri uji.t l.oire on the lay of h.- , . O II f-r. Mr P iri.-h -u did |. r dut.e. and .*» it h h ' . ;J wa.- very «¦« >.il a t. rt,. a, a.) ("~s. ,m.r d ti> Mr Cut',,.,. _y T:. p wv tiiK.l Mi aw Mr H . r>** iM-r.- u U- .< -or i- | by V oaf A A^ far an I <..n r> «¦ » '.} w^ nt ,i - n."ti'h r,r ' a. k' liter Mr Pan^-. a Uk-n li J, t esa' t y ay hit t was -on . 'tie Urn- s" r l.r « *s t-.* I" to fli<> :¦( f iny b' ^ 1.1.1 v rri >r 'it" y ttbnt WHS the Of Uir Hi i:>i'tl ,i wa rai.r.m# f. . or ?,* a ks ait r Mr Part*b all. a A I . t u i'v say y At W list um- was ,l that M P in I, . ,ve yr ord.r« about not letting Mr t<n->ei p-. t, ,D nr ,/hu. *'«IS or Mr inik«? A 1 sriHtd think tlte n- it day g Were otlier perries admitted mto Mr Pan-h r-«»m tbe day after Mr Pariah s alts, k bev.le« the phy«l. isn- Mr l"art»h and th<» who were waiting on Mr ParWif A W«D I can't say eiacUf tbey r iy and they tnav not g what your beat reeo|ir*tlon on that ruhie, A My be-t rewl.n t«on u. tlmt I pr ». ,hiy not uke ai y note, tbe next il f a< w whether the do!t«»rs..Hrtcted that per m tin of the to... bold ahoaid be let iu or k-ia oxt I Mr Parish'! ro- mr *. ' .*" »'"t g W'"re n>d the orders tbit Mr. I iri«h .¦Wild kept tien.'Cbv quiet? A !!< w y. r;,# day ^ the atta. k A I «honM think ao, 1 no t eiactlr y. Ae>or«iing to your l»-t memory, w^re not the order* that Mr I'ai b sh»'iM lw kept [lerfertly wtlei and no visiters adrn tted mm b*a room' *. T* the * * t of -ri e belief tbey wire, y Wtr* »ny vi-it- rs adm u>..| 4, Par»h S I i-'-om the f,y ,n,r the a'ta. k and <om. time on. rwsn . A Tber. niay r ,d tliere may n'4. I cai, t * "" n' . »'i you fiv« u>» nama of any eixft' r who aent into Mr Parsb a r w> m the dar a(W-r ba attar k or for t.m« sAw ' A W Rn( ts-i^rly. y litre the laagiage ,4 Mf Parish to ro-i io ref« r- nr " loth* ardert r,.nrarr. rg Mr Dan, el Por-h or L'i kW, or Mr i*k"B aie&ii«tt4 t) /eo & ijrcvt ¦ imiiI.H n A Hor l.c-ua^e was qeiet. H- Save you Do otter answer to make to that q.nv'tt'Mj I A. iter Ian guage wao. Mrs. Paiirb i >l<t mo not v> let Mr. DtoM l%- rwh, his brothor. cr :.ny of hU s 'iw cr nm :u law in, wba'ever, «b . dii not hke to 8<-e them. Q. Did she say anythinf else 't A. Sim might have said that "he wanted to keep the bouse quiet, or something to that effeol. Q. Is !t youx beet recollection thai uho di,l say ho < A. Well, 1 can't exactly 'ay, to the beat «rt uiy belief she did »ay so. Q uid she say why she wanted to keep the house unlet? A. No; she knew that (knew, or ought to have known, by my kcvi>tng the Poople, not exactly keeping the people, but I attended th» m at the front door. Q. I«1 you utt« Dii -liem at the front door furti.e purpose of telling the m that Mr. Parish waa too sick to come in/ A. Yet. y. Did not Mrs Parish say that the doctors had fiven orders Uiat Mr. Parish most not be d. turts-d, and that bo visiters should be perirttcd to enter tils room? A. Sh'' told me the doctor had given or¬ ders he should not be disturbed, but the did uot say that nobody should go Into his there were exceptions. Q. What did sho say ab-iut the orders the doctors bail given? give her languige. A. Well, she told me she wanted to keep the bo is* quiet, not to allow Mr. Parish's family to come in, but her own camo in and out, atd she didn't huvo so tiling to say to them. Question repeated. A. hhe uidu t i*ay anythiug particular UMt the orders; she gave me the orders herself. Q- Did not Mrs. Parish say to you. or in your hearing, that the doctors had given orders that Mr. Pariah must be kept perfectly quiet, and that ne persons should be aJ lowed to visit him 111 his room, or to that eflecU A. That no perron . she may she told me not to let auy one ai. she wanted to keep the house pertectly quiet .often times. % You have slated that Mrs. Purit>h did not say that no perron should be allowed to go Into his room; there were exceptions .state the exceptions. A. Of her own bro¬ thers. Q. After Mr. Psi i-h's attack did you ever see Mr. Daniel I'arwh Inside of the house upon any occasion other than the one you have mentioned V A. Not that I can recollect Q. Are you sure that tt was on the day when Mr. Daniel Parish came in and went up stair* into Mr. Hanrv Parish's room, that you heard the doctor say Mr. Pari"h was very low, ard he was afraid he could do no good? A. I think it was. Q. Was it not because you heard the doctor say so mat you let Mr. Daniel Parch in? A. Yes; I thought he wouldn't live, and ! wanted to let one brother see the cthr r I thought he had never wished had not made any attempt to conao In.and 1 wanted h.m to gee hi* brother. Q. Immediately after the attoek, and for some time alwr.vards, wb ch of the brothers of Mrs. 1'arub did you «o enter t lie room 01 Mr. Hcory Parish? A. I cannot ri collect which entered the room, y. Did yeu tee any ot the brothers in his room, exoopt Pr. I>e!afleM? A. Yes. Q Which of thorn ? A. ! ouunot exactly say: I often s.w t'icm go lu and out of tio rojni; I can'tcxaetly cay wl.ich I saw lirat or lost. y For cme two or three weeks tul.-r I. is ;.iu. It, did you see uiiy of her brothers in Mr. Parish's bedroom, except Pr. Dela- Heid. and Mr. Henry or Mr. Wiiiiam fcla'. W A. Well, I can t exactly sty ft r t»vo or throe weeks; 1 saw them in and out of the rooui v ,'ii Mri; Dm ah; she satin the next room, and the iiiAir w .js throw. i open. y. 'low long did Mr. Daix.el Parish ten. an in hts broth r rvoui on the occasion ycu hove mettioiiedT A. Well, act many minutes. Q. Aboct hi.\. nutnjf \. I can't exactly say, it may have been 10, 1!> or 20 minute I saw him go out the door; I cunie de>w a stairs and left Htai up stair" ..nd afterwards raw bim go in ft few minutes, anno: saj h-jw many. Q. How long were you in Mr. Henry Parish's room whil" Mr. Lftiicl I'aridh win there? A. Only while I was looong at bun. Q. Stat# what, .fanjtii np, was "aM by Mr. Daniel Pariih while you were in there m? A. 1 d.d .. t hear nothing sa.d. y. M'ben jou hit the room, whore ycu g >? A. Down Ptairs. (J. For v. hat purpose did ) "i go down stairs? A. My butjincbv was wrt up st*.r5 any longer my business was down su irs. y. Where wa^ Mrs. iiry Parish when yon went down stairs' A. She was in the next room to Mr. I'tiri-h'-'. y. When you loft Sir. !Jrnry Parish*! n>oin, did you n<t go to Mr '. Parish and tell her what j ou had seen? A. I uamcout through th<; room; I don't recollect tliat J have nude any remarks to her. y. Why did yc. not r' lort to b< r what you h;id seen/ A. Well, I may or may rot, I den't recollect. Q. Did she say any¬ thing to you about it ait- r you left Mr. .'ari-'ti' roe>m? A. Not that I recollect, until Mr. l>ani<'l Tarii-b left tile house, went out of the h'.ut c. Q. What did -he then -:nv j uu? Give her words. A. Weil, to the be.-t »>f rr.y belief, she told uie to be particular not l" let iiim in a^ain; m< iliing ! like thnt; I know she felt angry with ni" lor letting bun up. y. Did Mrr. ?art-h tell you to go into Mr. Parish's ro<an. a'lJ stay there a1' long as Mr. l>aniel Parish was in .hb room? A. No. y I ud she tell you how long you should stay ther*' A. No; -he only a-ked me to seo what Mr i'arish was doing, ' I can recollect. Q. Why did you leave Mr. I'arish s room at the end of a mum to or half a nrnnt. 7 A. W'<- I, 1 didn't thuik thfro was any oc¬ casion for me to remain in it. y. Huve you a |>a|>er m your j*ws< -sion which was written by Mrs. Parish. A. Yes. (Papers produced.) "MieW l yuu.n in my employ for one year as wa ter. He is desirou? ot tilling the station of coaehman, a situation 1 should tkli < he might till satisfacuiriiy He is uiii < mmoiily quiet always at home, civil, and appears to be very fond of and is at the same tune a very good wail' r. * SUtfAN M. PARISH. November 6, IMS." "Mr. Parish will be much obliged to Mr. Colli* for uny information ax to the character of the bearer, Mn Uael yuinn, who has ap^lie t for tho situation of waiter, an«l refers to Mr Collis as 1 avlng known him in the two fm I- lies with w hom he lived in In^bUn. Mrs, Parish woui . nv pleased to knew that tie euctooed pap»rs are an tie t.y ., and whether the m; n t.iay be relicsl on as to honuet^', Ke briety, and general gctd conduct. October 17." I'nltrd h totes Dtstrtct Coiart. Before Hon. Judge Bt tts. Jnt 1.. .Joseph Bounty v». The Scboo»* Alexander Law, Edwin K. Kent, <Taimant..The schooner on her passafe to this city, foundered on a rock at tho entrant:: of Hurlgate, opposite U: ferry, and within a few rod» of the shore. Her master hired of the libellant about 1J0 water casks, to be in part lachod al< ng slile thcschooncr, and in part pl*ced ui h< r bold, for which he engaged to i«y 25 cental per day, and al*o $10 per day fur a sloop to be placed along side the schooner <md uim~1 .u II *ung the schooner with tie rUe of the tide. The Court ad- vi»ed the libellaat to take the sum of $110 m full - iU»- bcti»n of h.s demand, without costs. If the adjustment Is refused, the decision must be that the Ubcl be unrraso- ed w;ih taxed eO»t*. IN PIC* NT ANP OBSCBM* PBIWT*. Tbe Ceiled States vn. y-.x Casea of Apotbccary'a Fkecy Porcelain floods .Thi- Ubel o( the informant in thk, oim charged that rtie i*<-kagi - in <ju«wtiuu were composed of a liudiber of ladrei'Ut aii.t obscene prints, painting* lithographs. eagravii p- and transparencies. and Bought tbe.r rmdemcatico or forfeiture fur tha: ea.ise. under the '.»ti aettioD uf the act of August 30, IW'2. Trie evi¬ dence to BBM tie libel «-<,n»i.-l*d of a »ertew I .: greyly obaccne and indecent figure-, repreeenling male &n<l female pereons in lewd or lndevent position*. aud t ihibi- tHiiia represented by porcelain or pottery ware -tamed or colored. The Indecency and ob-cen:ty wai in the *hape or t«*ture of th'- figure* thi m«el It was n«t proved tbat the olortni was eflbatad by any proooaa of puiming, n«r tbat It worked IB by the ord.nary m< th-id of staining bak'-d wore*. If tho coloring wan done by the brueh after tbe figures were otberwint completed, that procesa produced no variation of shape. nor di<l It impart tli<- original Indecency or okici n':ty of the rcprcn nution, although :n tome parte ularx a more rtrikJftg and notice¬ able efli-ct may have been given the figure by the ooior- it>g A verdHtof cotuli-ranaiioo «u uk-n by c>n»<-nton thii< ertdeace, (ubjei t to lue-tum of law. whether H bit' gbt the lm|«rtntlon * 'hin tbe prohibition of the .lat'ite, The term« "f the rtatute are limited to prli.U, painting*, lithif ru| lij, <-t grivitts and Usurfpaietk.'v A hberal inu tuini« r.t will In- applied to the Ungwig". in order to reach the mi-ehM it was dc signed to suppr> *1; yet the rourts aaBBOt tiave' beyend the real nuk IMM, aiid being within Its scope Ihinkr Ind- paBdeBt of it* pro bibltlon. 'lily for tfie rt.. on that they tend to cause th< evtli CbBSeaa meant to -ehibit. Tbo Isfi-Jatnre ha« not declared t m. nfleweto import Indecent MBlMI ca.4t.rur4, or any reprceentation in wood, atom, the "ar'h* or an tale unle-« they have the quality of tr-»n''jiaren. iri. M though vulgar and deprawd U'tes may b< (hindered tj l-y ». ulptnre.. by die* .the pitbm Utbe. or by eperattona w tn moulding on the hand, or «>».!, or the metom. yet probably It w.»a con i'fil the e* peese and UiilKulty of giving large circulation to rat h products were rath a* not to require the tion of tbe law to prfrent Un.r importation into ttiw* country Without .cap htng ft* reason* or mot. re* why a particular rode baa not beea adopt. I by t'.e I/*g» ture, H iii enough to mi*t the nerrmiuea of tl.ifl care, to ray Uie Uw haa not locla<l«d putting war: into what<*%ar fltafi « effeaalvo to good lanta ax<l deoeary it aay have V c in.. faetsred, in tbe list of art.rb** whf h - .niiot be impo't* 1 into thia country, unless «uch articl ¦< be aiade the b.v" of a prohibited print, |«unung, liibugrapii. engraving trt trtu.^i .'i>ncy. ilie batcii at vile articles r '.» pro> eeded agaiiiit do I 't stand la that pr*dlCAmcnt, and hoarev r at andak»i» an ' k'O"' tbe ¦>«DO<tui". of the person* roiiductiBg Uile fi|'iii 1 illna may be, d 0<>ea not am> unt to the «.IT' nee creaU d hy f'nngr. *s, wJim h « ;b yi v the reprobated art. ies, an 1 a I tbo pa< kag< s with whKh *bey are roanected, t>i eondemnaton. I am. tfi< rtfore. < ompellod to arre>t ju*lgni<mt < n the verdict of ronvt< tKin in this eaqe. aiiltf lag at the rame bme a oerti 6. ate of probable csaad far the cc.iure. Jt)dgm«*ut accordingly. Kaval Intelltgrnrr. or* ikt wwt cORwaroNprNc*. Xn *wr, Jane 2S. IBM. The Cnl'ed*M«tee attaBMhip F .iu >n. I is'itenant R. I T gbwun commanding, tailed )*eter<lay* for Wash tngtcn \la Norfolk. V*. fhe goes tor tew IwBara and f< txsfal repairs. The ffek of the ^.^'.ron were pit i beard of li<r fh» Mmmt romm'skrn Paikiii k'« Ba<r .Wp, remains at U»c unial am horiige. It s reported UkAt *B« wilt ma down b' Tr rtug*« W> morrow and not leare tbe (Ns»-t nn- Bl tl>e l< Ui ®f July. whcn< <- her d< Unauon h unknown Th> steamship Mcrr.tnnr ( <mn. re Fe#-lsgraat, I at anchor, reptunfig the |iro()eller shuft *jhI l .ir,ni; l>ie sliaft ts m.t of line, aad i«ho will obi gad to return to 'he North to p into r- k for rrp*.ri. .Sh> will aaii log It-' r. Uie .i ih or &;Ui. The »team«hip Nu r(':< hatltia fommo Vw %nd* gag. 4 c<>al ng at the \iivai wb..rf She has now taken §n .k nr<i M>0 t/t.', Mt'l wi 1> 'juire two or ihr< " huiidre-l tij.-r* to Biafce up the aBMtint n«" y to aaii/ hor ui Ufi M«<U*.erran-aa. SI aaik ttli «"W. f^VANtAB. June 2*. IftM. Tti«Cnitc<! -^at"e rn* -<.) Ir.g ecbooBer Br wdttrh. bav 41 coBiiJelri' tbe «ca«or' opefBtiowa In .¦.?hi T, stuieti .n »i <h !- m Fernandina, l^«*t norida 'or New York ui- 1 > npoflWefl ar'nttn'hel to the flowd'^ . Ijmis r ¦.! t ( on manding. f i> TraBrhard I * iit^na. i ? A. ltoe. Draughb bmb, Tt Masaao Mw-ter M.«t. It t' Oik n, J <. fl< ' at 'ey Ai !. j S HradliM, Uaitad aU t CuMttnr\ey |i t. Allan OmatfUot Armjr ff«a»«. By the dsrtrten 01 a #»«:. r »l Court 5lart!*l, a hi h rrc< ntly roBrea' i n N'ew Mexico, and of wt. h ' lent l-ontleroy. Of Uie ipagnona, V aa »*r»' Heat fB|i<ii 11 kllf km .'cammon, of Ihif or | ft aftopograpiikal engn.cera, a 'laecitid !jeute»nfW V *ri«-fc of the tSi.M ri antl/. were dl n>i""»d the si r "if C TltB ehargci m both t ¦» ¦<«., wen- drtinkenm « endtify. Tlie hBHc at hdBceaArmea th» d^i aHoB < f tfc' 'X* rt uc ' io toic eft-ct P m U.; :a fi J^at Oar H»vtu« CorKi]ioud«M«< June 126, 1854. CttpjiUh-J U> thi Fitel at Vrw Crm. JmportaM iVaw £j.ptcU&. Will Cumunfort BaJt Zk\Ji*~ Hiaiih and Trade tiepurj. TLo Bruh royal West India mail atcamer (fcnway left for Vera Crnt en U.c incrnkig of the '24th, having an a1*, ctun'u to her jaascngcr list here of aeveral names. of person! who aro gent down on the spur of emergency for iho public service, while it is aesorted t'uat despatches from ti.d govvruiuent to the commander of the Spamsb fleet, and ai-trc t. ns tor the Spanish Minis¬ ter at, received from Madrid via England, have been trautinlUed by a bearer of despatches on board of the same \ eaael. Those wh > see boat in the dark.-a acrt of owl flitting bbout the palace portals and windows. give under current assurance that these despatches and instructions are of imminent importance; that aa soon aa received, the traui laid in European Councils will be ig¬ nited, and that we shall hear the sound of ttte thunder, while the lightning of our chivalry will be gleaming from rampart ar.d turret of San Joan de CUoa. 1 am not pre¬ pared to yield Implicit belief to the grandiloquent and bombastic u* ruona 1 hear, for, although the Spaniards are a brave race, they are not going to beat tbeir heads against atone walls without necessity, nor anyhow until all rraccf.ubH) resources of a more pleasant character have been e^l.austed. I comnude that the instructions direct a firm demand for our juft d'.cs, and such forbearance as may be consistent with the future safety of the money and the national honor. With all tills, 1 do not believo the President of the Mex.can lepnWic id going to back down from (lie position he has assume 1 ns the condition for treating with the new Minuter. As soon as the needfUI coals are within reach Of the Spanish war steamers. in order to avoid the charge of compulsion and threat, I nave no doabt that several ol them will steam away from the port ol Vera Orui, and possibly -.ill beta, 'caving a vessel to report progress there This, liswevor, is not in harmony with the gene ral belief abc.nt town. Tbe Spaniards got up the demon ftration v. fh good deal of skill, (except the coals,) but the movement could not escape ycur correspondento. Yesterday wo were devoted to San Juan and Guanaba- coa. having a Nasi of pood things, and beautiful too. tliat I fear me did to good to our souls. A balloon ascen skin was made, which was remarkable for despatch in descending v. ill cut killing anybody; and an Irish reason w;>« given ly lac *r.'nau'. " tLat ho did wish to land .n the sen.'' Although car h' alth ,s badly epoken of abroad, we do not find it «o k-.l'iig, and physicians report our sUto a better tban lart s'.intn< r, in quantity of cose". Kxcbangos are e»-,er, and sales ma le on N'cw York at 7 per ceLt discount, so reported by Drake It Co..I Uiitk niter vO'crcd by Messrs. 3. & Co. at that rate. Tl ratrlenl. Mu«lca], Ac. Nisio'® f: >i.i r\ Mr. I ehn .in's fairy comic panto' mine of the "Bf King" continues the source of much m< rriment to tb» patrons of this establishment. It Is re plite with mysterious and astonishing tricks, transfbrma tions and rbaigcs, .n tbe execution of which the Ravels are unrivalled. The scenery, ''ostumes, Ac., are ail new and elegant, and, combined with the acting, grouping* dances and m»i- bavo a very pleasing t tfect. The ..Elf King" is to be given this evening, with the pr- tty ballet called Mora and Zephyr,'' and the exraori.uary teats ol Mr. Wecgler and assMiots on the tight rope. Pcwkr* TnrjkTi;K..The revival of Shakspere's tra;;e.'y of "M.y. bt-tli " wliKh doubtless affords more scopc t'oi mclo-drau uic effect than any other of the great author's product ons, appears to vastly please the frequ"nters of this house. They admire the new pcene*" 4.-c.««s», pus perties and appointments, tad, above all, the artistic style >. the piece is presented. It unquestionably . quale anything ever produced on the Bowery «Uge in its palmiest days, and tar excels all that has >«. n at mpted there of lite years. Several dances are to follow the tragedy to night, then comes the favorite farco of "Perfection," with Mis: Beignolds as Kale O'Brien. Bkoiiiw^v Vikii.ttw. Tbe drama of "Black ®yed Susan,'' and the comica.ify culled ' Tbe Toodles,'' are to be rendered by tbo child: cn this evning. Tbeso are de cidrdly the heit pieces in which they »p|iear, as thou sands of their admirers can le-ll^y. Tie! truthful and te tubing drlui'utions of Lou.- e iu- J Vary, as William an. Susan, in the former pluj have r*p«*a'- dly drawn teirs (rem Hhm who have olt*n r n the pit c ' performed cmr where without being in the lea-t .i led. I. file Gv^rge, as Tlaioihy Tuodlis, never iilla u> excito l'ie ru-uUifnu lite auditeis Knitii'ii farnii! Hju< .M. f»a- certainly d e bin rvll share low arda; ordmg e.e^aiitan. wement t.nrtng thif, the grund uationul gala »ck Not *atlf>l:> d with presenting a «eries oi | utrn ilc and a Wgot leal U-tU-aux, unsur|va-«tc for Wautj of de-^a *.? well aa r location, he 1mu> add«<1 a < « uple of novel anc M.- '.'ng sc no«, re- prea^itlii ; Ui' "ILird .tud i'wur'ii oi .!v," in which the f a nuiTil cr oi >«ur »m.-. ill'w'trlous warrior* anu tUt? i." :n, tncladlni' Warti !^U.ri arrl Haa.iliou no irtrwluied. Magic, Ac , coo.pkuj lb* pt i "ami! ". Wooti - Mo -!'u. J .V-.o new burit*q >*, To l/.«al'er Twvc. to >>o « n itfUr to nig lit Tbe.cenc-y ir lb s mOu r ii m<-tly n"w. and of a very bca'.tfu! do cuptloa * poi* on <4 it has never b«-un cict-l od in bri'!i»r.c\ of e ix'u'ioi: <:eorgf und Ins a^.icx.iut.a rujd.:r «hu va'i'tia p..rl' with tbclr «c 'istoaaed hilarity, an:i a k<! tU iii"-t of the jokes and ioual bitoi. t'rcveduis- lit' r ill y entertain their friends with variou. oa e and uancea, includii g '-Slippery Timea in Old Virginny. Thf Bramtn 8Uvrr< CMTU> HTATKS COMMIFHMMKK'8 COURT. Before Geo. W. Morton, 1'aq. JriT 1. .In JU master of tkt. AU<g*,l Slacer Rranan Andr< w W.-cn, who had been or thecn*«t of Af -a In the tlave baracoona, being called by the IH.strict Attor¬ ney d> pos >d that when a negro h purchased at th>- bar arc n he w branded with tho letter II., somrUme- rn U.e I aft and s<metlmr* on Uie shoulder; when abcut fbipi eg them, !f the brand* were dimmed, they branded t(.»m ov< r again there ware five difforent par celt, belong r.f to Bsc different persona, all different, the brand wa- a copper one, heated ka the Ore. and then ip plied to brand Ihtm, the Alias, la which I was taken to Cuba, w* wt fir* to and burned with tar, powder and other cowib 'iblea; Uie larger tin pane are used for feci i g u«. negroes, om i^n to each pa. kage of ten accrues. Join Helices deposed that he examined the cargo: the eibl'nis produced contain a li«t of the things (bund on beard, there were ruty nine cask* of water there wer* alto «u breuki r- (*ma:i k>f); \hcy were ho arranged a? to Ui.-ikt a level, alz or eight cords of urcw od, and some larp: on pun* and aomc small ocea; the largest wan in Uie H 'on'l ti ut< a room. (m cro»s « xaniinat :oo, wltnee* wild. If there la any Untig to be made out of the seizure, I calculate to get my shar* of :t. Th lo«es the rase for the proee. utlon. Mr Beoeti it then moved that the defendant be die charged, but if the Commiseioner considered th«-*e w w probable utiu-e to hold the defendant, then counsel naked .1 I: <1' rate amount be fixed a~ hi* 1.1 Tbc li«tri< t Att'.rnev opposed the m>>tiua to diac.harge. and eent>nde<i th .t if the dcfendaiit waa admitted to bail, the amount should be Died at 810 000. lH.tlr.oo renervfd. t'nind Itatei District (ewl. IMore lion. Judge Betta. THE BRA If AN SLAVER. Jrtt 1 .On u. r return ofproceat being called, the eeee cf the brig Br was MBli«oed. Mr Beaed.ct Mid that, on behalf u Prefer the of tbe veeael, de .red ten 4a)S l-rtier ; me to p-t in aa answer to the libel. Mr*ea. Affiant t'mted State* Attorney, op poaed L'.e appliiaUon, on the ground that rrager waa supposed to be aa assumed name, to cover the ideality of another party and that no inch man as Frager could t< :. .nd j> the city that in the eiamiaattoa betore Una m.*e toner M< too. ot tbe charge ag: iaat Ua Cunlua, evt- dini< waa adduced tendlag ut show that the man named Frag. r was, in point of fkct, a Mr Josephs, of the Arm f «%».¦» h Jo«ephs. tlie nam<- of > ra*er. therefore, waa an *. n.eii one. and 'liareape* tful u. Uie eouft. t'pon auch a »tnte of fa< u, the gOTernmrut deemed it their duty to rj ¦(.< -e the granting ot any favor The Court graoMnl the motion tor thne H' .. hinif'-a th'-n I II. i;rt. o de r«t* and < e>.r>ty Henry M. tlarn<*. Mr IHs 0>hla ><t bein* forth e«.M ['.> hi- bail. IVOOO, win ordered lobe forfeit-«1 J'i f \* tt* -a;d that if f»e C<«ta cameand gwe a i."*>1 e l for I absence U." for'« .re »ouM I* r. m it. Mr J'ni hitn'-'n efpreaeed hio>«lf sat l' fled |o get Uie ti in raUier than the money Tl.e (.onrt annoimeed Uiat July thry Would tx4 call at 7 laieli lar Adjourned. . fipreme (ourl-Oenrral Terwa: B ,'nfc lieu Judges R""- evelt. flerke, aad Whiting. IttCIfloK®. Jnr 1. Paeiel .1 Carroll, e«. t luirlen Carroll, Kaecij. U r . ^Tie ord«T made at 'penal term modnied by striking f t the ipxial d.recti' B to the referoe. Form to b>- art ti d by one cf the Jsdgea. FracklM Hraueh 't Uie Ptate Rank nf Ohie rs Wrr» V. r j.d oUicrs. .Order m Julge M icheil adlrmed, » th coft«. hn W Worth and other* IV>nedi«t P. Ber<say» . ' dymetit at eperla! U rm dismia^lng cumpla.oant atSria r I. wdb toeta. Boyd »a. Boyd .I'''* in to vacate Ju<:rmer,t w.ta p" ; i rly detiK 'l tv Uit '.o ».t bi ^rw Order aflirm«d. A rned tit-', af»>.. Patrntu In I^tiuire. Tl.e law regulating the p i . 'n Praaae Wr "ime wiidt modlt>d by the CWeU 4 Inn in It* simng ¦« May Article 83 of the law of July 8, 1*41, baa k«t, <fean?ed M follow* >. 1 h! fbrfeit their rigl-U lat The patent! e wlio phall nT hare pa .! Ma anr-'ty b'fbte thn b'g.iUiirg of oath of the yeara of the a-tiug ut bn ;«fct 2d The patentee win * 11 cot hues worked his <it*. rerery or in\enU"n m the delay of two years from the day of the e gnature of U.e patent; or wb > aba! I hare d te. w rk It two sB<;o»>ae.r'; ynerr. tinlena ho U 1 her, !n Ui« u&e at J In the tdh'.r ok toe jaiuioa of i .> tna< tion. :VI The patentee Who »ha*l inwodive 'nto Pranee piods a.n-fa't. i»d Ira foreign country aod aim lar lo those g'lamit' i-d b> bte Pater' lhe M.ri.<'er <r *ar.rn!t re. C'tr .ner"*> and Pul lie Woilia an a. '.crtJl^es*, autboriie tbe n>Uodutu'<a. lit. td n J els of nwl' nery Wd Of g'Mxls » unafai 1 "orr ifrn co>intrie«, p»ir lie. ed for f lbi ekht^iMonv*. »r <". ' timh to bf nuie At»J) iht of t'jf C' TtrDtoCBt, Oar WMldBftw Correspondence. Washington Juno 29, 18M. W\oi is Thtitf/Kt ..'t WaiAinyion </ £A<. 1' residential Eke- tU/n. The able and impartial manner with which you continue to deal with public questions and to handle tho claims of public men, gives general tatisfaetion, except to the mer¬ cenary hordo of paltry politicians who have attaiuod power through the agency of party machinery, and whose hope of continuance depends upon tho perpetua¬ tion of that system. While the whole country has ad¬ vanced in every element of greatness, in lntelloctual stature, there is a c'atss of office seekers in the country who seem never to have realised tho existence of tbe third estate, which has risen within twenty yeans, and which is destined to exercise, during the next century, the controlling political power of this country. Politicians may still hope to pack their conventions, organise their corrupt - Committees, parcel out the patronage, and distribute rewards and emoluments an formerly, but the independent preea of the country will .verthrow their concerted plans and scatter their hopes like the withered leaves of autumn bo- fore the rude blasts of November. Tho Hkraud was the tlrst journal in this country to inaugurate this now Power, and consequently it has received and will contiuuo to secure the bitter malignity of all who are disconcerted in their hopes of plunder by its bold denunciation* of the men and the party machinery by which Imbecility hopes to be magnified to greatnees .small beor politicians into statesmen, and robbery and crime legalized by legistation. The black republicans here, like men who have wandered for years ;u the bogs of fanatacism aud Swcdenborgiun transcendentalism, are in extacies at the least crumb of comfort you give to them » ben you, as an impartial chroni¬ cler of parsing events, indicate how they may succeed, and apeak a cheering word for their Rocky Mountain candidate. They have chased phantoms for yearn, and been deceived time out of mind by their papers and quasi patriot* hut since you have, at intervals, told them how they might succeed, they begin u> resemble the man who dri w the elephants- they are leaking round to see what to <io with their prtaes, if they get them. But it is not to the republicans, your recent course has been the moi-t suggestive and instructive it has a I'ar more significant lesson to tho retecting, intelligent, and conservative remoorats, who properly comprehend whit is the truo mission of a i'ree press. They are pained to W yam etuot give to their causo your powerful m- UueiiCe, but the moat judicious here properly comprehend and realize the distinction you make between tho sound conservative principles of the constitution and the till- bustering, vacillating plunderers, who hope to rule Into l ower on tho ancient reputation of the nationr.1 demo- cr..< y. lience it is, while neaily all Iks democracy here regret you are not advocating their success with all your might and main, they nevertheless l'eel you aro render¬ ing tho party patriotic service and the country great and incalculable bene ill by arresting, before it is too lato, the elevation to power of the motley crew of brindle po¬ liticians wl.o rushed to Cincinnati to hang upon tho tklrU ol whoever, like Hicawber, should turn u". and who n"W arc anticipatiug to appropriate all the oihces, and all liie honors, that are to bo in tbe gilt ot tho demo¬ cratic nominee after his election. A Kitchen Cabinet, already organised, and drawing to its culinary department the adventurous and profligate of tho two cities of Philadelphia and New York, together with these who have studied chicanery and fraud here, would break dowu any administration, though the im¬ maculate Washington himself was at its head. In thus pointing out to the honest musses what risks tho demo¬ cracy mn in having such harlequins gain power, you aro i.-ally doing Mr. Buchanan a service which an open ad¬ vocacy in his behalf could not secure. You have a knowledge of the public men of this coantry, drawn from the closest observation of thirty years, and in Europe you have also become familiar w ith tho designs of our diplomatic representatives. Office can give you no sta¬ tion, official patronage n j posit. on. Continue, then, to advicate, as you have done, tho sound principles of the constitution, and point out the rockk-ss, the abandoned ami the profligate, and, :t matters not w ho succeeds, you wi'l '.oniirue to tccuru the rcspcct of those who regard pair ot n. uperior to party. Political Cteeelp. Tne f.axt <lr.v tc democracy held a ratilV-atlon meet¬ ing nt Charleston, C <n the 26th .ust at which reso- tions were <1 approving all that portion of the Cin- nati plaiferm -Lr.h relates to slavery, but nothing is said about -tie rcorainder. «tfrs w~re rejeived from Stephen A. Doupku), James L. Crr, ar d P Brook*. Hon. Url Osgood has been nominated for C--n^re«9 by tbe democrats in Uie Third district of JUlMia. A beaulifal P'rhanan (lac whi hb_ 1 wav vi in trinmpb ever tho ar\» b«.is a*Sce I!.- afll Zly y'l bwllding, iu OiaMiqigrt, lint-., pruet^lUMd I* Ux jroaBti 1 y tlii1 ft'Tiu of u'!. A barker \ *e I! tig acr Br.- oy, iu A -U»y, tcarii / thj /hl'vTi'.ij m- >'.:.> .. .. Wd ,«o Uio -I*th- Cndtr' to i?i WhM llcu i ' ;>o He':ofonu.:i.e i. tc ...ty, Obio, an old whi,;prper, has come on, democratic, ted run jp the name of i.'u^hanan and Bre- kenr _'ge. The Buffalo T.i prrs says .The Siw York H-olmt) and Bufalo Courier need give themselves no trouble about the politic*! posit on and zeal of tbe Hon*. B. Pr.ugle and R. Snge, of line .-'lute, and Waahburn, of Illinois, in iLc rrpobli' an came. Wlule thoie gcutlcmon prcferr jd Judge Mdz-an ai their rtandard b«arer, tb. > are ikj .e ttie lees zealous la behalf of the principles and aim* of the purtjr at wh>e hea<l stands the name of the gallant Fremont They will do good battle m behalf of freedom in the rom'ttg itght. The Read rig (Pa ) Journal, Fillmore Know Nothing, approve* of a ub'< n between tbe Fillmore and Fremont force* It lay* . "We are not without hofo that a onion of tho oppoe.t.on «>trenta w.ll be had, on grounds honorable to all parties, atd that ' Bock and Brock,' whom the nigger dr.rcrt think deiuced to walk oyer the course so easily, w .11 be handsomely beaten la the end." Governor Chafe del.\ (-red an addreaa It- hi* fellow est- km of Cincinnati, In fhvor of free ..oe Kansas and Fremont, on Um 30th u!t. The Burton Journal, ci Saturday *ay§:. As a matt* r of curiosity, w examined cur es hange paprr* ro> - ired by this morning's nail, for the purpose of ascertaining their pceition on tbe Presidential q*e«tk>n. Tho following papers examined represent all tbe New Kngland Stat"*, and several of the Middle, Southern and Weatern Mates. The rrmjlt of our exam nation wan at follows:. For Fremont 2* Ne*itrs! 7 For Buchanan 7 Neutral, with Frunont For riMre . i Wo<Ut..",as 4 Straight out whig 2 There were right cars in the express trtin from Bnffde oil tbe JSth J-ine. A Pros,dent. J rot* wan pro;* -ed, whx h rmiMrd tho* . Rwhaear, 91, FUlaore, 37, Fra nx nt, VI. undecided, 30. The follow 14 are some of tbe mottoes which were painted oa the a arnnw banner* carried in the proe«*«t<ia on the occaeK ii of the Fremott and Its) Urn demonstration In Trenton, N J , on the 26th in--t.:. Talk eboal your Wheatland! More 'half than grain"' The l*«t thre- b,ng ma< b »« we know I* the ballot box!" " 'II take that Hu k by the horns! Ila' Hal-* ' A man that . tot alraW of a frlssly bear "an t he scared by a Bt£k!" " The laborer ia worthy of hM litre T< n nettle a Jly will never pay.'' "We strike for freedom but n< t a rane," . The muie of the Vnkia U no» tho » hip of die slaveholder, .' "Utile J"r«ey wrta true to ftee.tnm in 177IW-- o will "he be In 1M*. '. " N»w Jrmojr good lor & 0110 maiority." .' For fmkhlt, John 0. Fro- moat, tbe R<" ky Mountain P.ithtlnd«"r. and U»«- true Jersey Blue" "New Jersey will prove true to ftayw»B." " T* n relics of barbae in, |».lygamy and slavery " The cu.seni of Fauquier county, Ta held a meeting en the 2Cth ull at P.r^mont staix n to exprcs s the* iadigBa- tkm at the alleged conduct of Mr J. C. l*n<lerwno<l, ia pretending torepre*ent Virginia In the Republican 0*1 ven- t* n at Philadelphia. The meeting adopted reeolnUoaa d:s- carding all eectioBal pertle", adhering ta the ron*iitnlina and tbe Union a* :t >, and denouncing a-> a libel any at tempt ta make an impression that free «otl or al>«4<uoa do. trine* are galitinr a foothold in T -/irla. A committee in appointed to convey the eea'lnetw of the meeting to Mr t nilerwood, and to intorni li ji -'liiat tli»y deota H juft and advisable that he ahou ¦! leave Uie HtaM as epea- .illy as he ran And It In hta power ' I *o.n The friends of Mr. Fillmore la tS.-w Orleans, 8re<! a raluv nf fifty one guns upon tbe a^bo .< mt ui by laio gtaph of hie am\»l in thix city. Vaprrme C'owrl. «pe<-lal Tens*. Hefr>re Juntieii ( lerkc. Jr*v no .The people ex. rel. th" Mutual TBV lo»nfanea O mpany a.n.ti't tli" Ih» . t,m . mm fthe ny <f w York . Tine » n an uMillratioB made on half of the ro- Ihtor- by Mr. John K. i«evelm, for » writ of certiorari, to bring up the pr(<eeding« of tho Tat CoRimlniiooev*, in relet on to the a«ae«em 'Bt n^win Uiefn The company hi»i g hertl MOMWd Upon 'heir actual of two ¦11U11 of i|< ;nr«, de» ired, upon a te< him al NMrMM of an art of the I«<r1«l!itiire. »o have the amount on wlilrh h< y were a' 'ee«ed redufle.1 to the «um of one hundred hoiieand dollar*. Mr Wllrox^on app-i-<-!for the Tax O nimi«aionere. and urged the denial of the writ upon v. ni'n-e and that the rel «' "(her more appropriate ac well ao ample remeilkne, if the f'< nimie^ioreri- tied Uued the law. The Julye denied Uie motion. Ptoh* in Tf>t.itt)0, Omo^On tbe 24th nil, Tola do wae vletted by a *evere fUirm. accompanied by thun der, lightning and haj). The NU*it cnlin It a "terriJVj biirrnane, ' and .»>.*, many buiiding* and otnroa were flr* ded by the rain, roofs wer<! blown off, ohimnys tumbled donn and brick wall-i overthrown." The r<,.t of Morn* Hail wae torn off and the hutldil.g much tni'ired hy water Pnag'e Block mijoinlnp llio fil< itr riflee, wh- iwrtia'ly nnroofed. Dr. Tin pen/ a re*klein'i' wae partially unroofed. The new bli«-i, of fiore" « n the corner of fummit and Mad! >n *treev .>' Irrg ngto Fl";ld k Tlmpaey. were a go-*! dn«i Jtire I, and a |-ortion the rear wall thrown down. tile | II * carr,.>re. 'landing in front of the h:an l H' tiie. wa> talifn >p bo-itly, and carried *ev«ral ynrds Mini ut>uet, fr if billing tho dslvcr coBeiderabiy, but diang no eerion* daiiiage. The etorni w»* eeveref ctill In ManluDel. A jonog 0i r PttW ttoMfty, y,v kiUN. From Kslhsom. OOTXKNOB SHANNON S HSFOHTKD KE8I0NAT10H. 1 The PI. Louis fcpaHum publishes the following com¬ munication, dated Thursday evening, Jane '27 . I am authorized by Governor Shannon, of Kansas, who has just arrived at our home from thero, to say that ha has uot resigned. Ho is hero to moet lira. Shannon, and will turn to Kan&an in about lour days. He reports ail- quiet in Kuntaa. THKKON BARN'ITM. THE MrVDKR OP TDK SHAWKEK INDIAN AGENT. [Westpo.* I (June £1) Correspondence of the St. Louis Ro* publican.] William Gay, the Shawnee Indian agist, *u killed, about two miles from this place, on Saturday evening, near five o'elork. He was almost at home. the old Shawnee agency. bat not quite across the line, when killed. The facts of the case, as stated In the affidavit of W. J. Guy, sen to the deceased, who was along, are these:.>Three men overtook hit father; they asked him to take a drink; he did so; they then wanted to know If he was pro-slurery or anti-slavery. Gay answered that he was from Micliigau. They repeated the question, when the deceased said he was in favor of a free State. One or the three then commenced shooting al him; « scuffle ensued, and the old man wa» shot through the head, lng wounded in several other places. The whole community tiero^are Indignant at the au¬ thors of this foul need; and every effort lias been made, and Is being made, to get at Uio murderers, and 1 tavo no doubt that they will be brought to justice. They have fled, but it is known where they are gone. Uou can see the difficulty of arresting a man here on the border: if thw writ is issued in Missouri, the" person for whom It is in¬ tended, can get across the State line, into the Territory, in ten minnus, and thus for the lime evade Uie law. The assassins cannot escape let our friends, North and' South, rest assured of that. Every one b"ro believes that the deed was done for tho. purpose of robbery. Mr. Gay had the key of hie iron safe, containing hi.-- agency money, in his pocket, while it wm well knwwn that there was no protection at hia bouse, where the safe i.s kept. Tho murderers were hur« ried away by the approach of persons. Young Gay, who escaped, is pretty badly wounded, but is doing well. The deceased was buried iti tho graveyard at this plaoo yesterday, and the corpse was followed to the burial by a lurg* concourse of citizens. In tho afternoon, before the burial, a meeting wus held, which passed resolutions ccnou"cii'g tl r deed and its perpetrators, and expressing sympathy wiJi the bereaved family. OAT'S MritDEUKBS DEKOCNCBD. A meeting <»f the citizens of Westport w;w held on th<J 22d inst., to e'enounce the murderers of Gay. The reso¬ lutions ui'opte ' ran as follows: ¦Whereas, a base murder was committed near our town upou tiie i>ertou of William Gay, late agent for the Sliaw- irvs in Kansas, on Saturday afternoon, the 20th; there¬ fore, Resolved, Tfcnt this meeting (Vel called upon to express their condemnation of the murder. Resolved, Tliut this murder, as we?! M other ontrngefl committed in our midst, rail earnestly ipon every law abiding citizen to help maintain tho supremacy of the law®, and bring offenders again- 1 Uietn to Justice. Resolved, 'ihut wo sym|>alhisc with the bereaved fa¬ mily ot the deceased, and will attend the funeral this afternoon. Resolved, That tbis being neither the time nor day fof more energetic measu'cs in ferreting otit U.e murderers, this meeting adjourn to uieet to morrow morning at nine o'clock, and in the Meanwhile that ouch person here con¬ sider himself a committee of vigilance lo bscertam an<l arrest the murderers. Tho meeting was then adjourned to the next day, at which time it was moved and resolved that a subscr.p- tion be taken up lor a reward, to be offered lor the ap¬ prehension of tlie assassins. .Several Lucdred 'onars were collected lor this object. DISARUI.NO op the cbicaoo emiorants. [Lexington, lio., ( Jene"J3,) correspondence ol' the Re¬ publican, (pro-slavery.)} Yesterday, about 4 o'clock P. M., information was re¬ ceive I here tliut a body ol armed men, from Chicago, were on tMird the steamer Star of the West. e»» routt to Kan as. for the purpose of assisting the rebels, who are now holding di dance to tho regular authorities of that TWiMiy. The news of such an expedition spread rapl lly through the town, and excited the indignation of our people, and the whole community felt Unit aj patriots', and good citi¬ zens they could not tamely submit to the outrage of arm* being carricd by their doors for the avowed object ot being used to mr.rdcr our friends w ho have emigrated from llio border countiet of Missouri with '.ho design of bettering their eooanlon by becoming actual settlers ot Kau«a" About '.iiniown a large crowd congregated at the lew, anxii/iisly awuiting the arrival of the boat. Be¬ tween lu and lir. M. she hov in sight, and after making Dust, a committee of oKlsens iwcnt aboard, and <nlbnnea Captain Iiix of the object of their visit. He immediately Introduced tbern to a Mr. Andrews, (he reputed oresi- dent of the cotu|>ahy, he (Andrews) staling to (he Cofci- mittee that there were on board seventy six mdta umfir h.s i barge, going to Kan -as lor tbu purpo- a of «etuemiii.i; that each "l 'hem hud a gun, and it was their determina¬ tion to ket f th»m. Ibe Com.uee replied that they were fatitfled of the hostile into: tions of tiie party, that they were recruits of Lane and !'.< lor, se-nt to Kansas to revive the drooping fortunes of tho tree State taction, and Uiat Uie people of this town b. .d delet mined they should u<A pass without ing up their arms. Alter con utcrablo conversation between tfce Commi*- lee and the li .ider f the company, it v.s igre. | that the arms be taken ashore, placed in the custody of a respon- nblc conomr-. ion men haul, "to be delivered .;p wliua the present 1 Uiculties in Kansas should be settled." The arms v ere found secreted in various parts of the I (at, and, in lead of proving "sh.tgunp," as repre- m. rd by .ome «i the party, ti.rncd out to l>e " II* ,»g car- buns, all Ik. ed, with b.ijonc-U, except v n. found se- f jrelj tailei in a strongbox, markvd, " Tb.s side up, with care." These are *11 the facts concerning the of theM gar*, and I nd tliem to you, not for publi -ation, 'inlesd you should tb.ak it n<-eewsary to contradict the fal ehoo>: j whir b may be put in circulation by the St. Louii Dtnioermt and its abohutu confederates in Chicago and N'ew York. Rawing the Haft* of the Aaaericoti Krproaa Company finm the Steamer Atlantic. A TUK1L11N0 BCKWB. [Trom tin' iMiuit Advertiser, June 2S ] A tub marine diver fr« m Buffalo tuu at Ul nu.uaada In raiting tbo Ml* < Ill* Amvncau K*pr»*- Company . hub win lot when the -t*amer Atlantic «iu sunk lx»g Point in la6'i. It mil be recolle- mi tin* Warn¬ er wan Instant^ »unk liy colliding with a propeller, and that a Urge number of paMatnger* wore to* I. Tbe dlvr » \s protected by tupl" r armor, and was under *jt r forty minute-*. during which timj be bad some ctran**Q a<l venturer. The up|sr deck of Uie MMMMV ues one htin- driil and st*tj feet uuder water, and far below where Is any lurn nt or motion. Everything, therefore. ta curtly as tt Q: lit went down. When tbe diver aligblo4 < pnn the de< k. hr was -alutod by a beautiful lady, who«. wan w-;i arranged, and her bair olegaatly dross- c«l. Ak be ap| uMh*4 tier, tho motion of tbn water caus¬ ed atoMlllattaucf tlia head, a* II graccfolly bowing to him. Hip wu> .tnmling eroct, with one hand granping tbe rigging. Arotmii Jay the bodies of several others, an If slttpiug. children holding their friends by th-M bands, und mother* with their babes in their arms w<ra there. In the rabln the furniture wan (till untouched bjr decay, and to all «|>|warutice had juat tiv a arranged bg some raref". and tasteful hand. In the office in? found tbe safe, and was enabled to mort It w.t'i «ad t" k It upon deck where tbe grappling iron* w ;i . t bed ou. and tbe prizn brought safely to the li 'bt C|< Q o)'< Liii|, the *afe it di«play"U in content* In a jei.eit f ;;t|e ul preservation. There waa in tbo saTa $A,0(<o in gold, fct.&oo In killr of the Uovarnment Htock Ink, and a large amount of bill* oa other banks, a mounting ia all to about $3d,000. Tbe paper* were un- tnjared, encept that Un-jr smelted very strongly af de- rayed hnman bodi< as If It liail laid for o nvtay years In a ooffia with their owner. « «f courre, all Una money foes to the persons intcroeted in this wonderful adven¬ ture The Detroit Fr" Prm says . "Tie new bills, we ara told are rimparatively uninjured *>y their long imprison- ment and UpOHTt to dantime»», but tbe <iM ones ara quite injure.] and lefac«-d, wIk Iber so much ao an to pre¬ vent their ideatilkaUon ami redemption «. aave nog learned There are »e\ »-ral thousand duller* on the»x- pl'sled (internment Block Baak of Ann Arbor, iitcludad la tbe amount recovered. Enlllng News ftaw Meavtr Ielands. covDmox or wiiaxo-iiokiions a r kkstkij.b- ntDITION IITTINO OCT TO MAKB WA't I r>W KTHAXa'S VOLLOWKM.RXTKLATION AND 8 R..UU BPtcT. (Frnattbe Pet roll Advertiser, Jnne 901 Tha ».' amer Michigan arrived fr»m 'Jreen ISiv o»t -ia< tun ay. and we are indebted to " apt %WitWwtB .ntereiting w< <»ti her trip up tbe Michigan look .*«><. Virk.naw. tbe ;--i:y Bbertf ef that oaanttf, l.yinaa Ueorge wltbtw<M« three other*, who proreeded tnWK'b* '.Birt-a ftatbor *««* ts.-«e of armed mea, wrth whom they re'Wasd to liefer II <rbor, for Urn purpose of arresting a nnmber i.tuxn wl I ad aet Bre to *i>me h»nis»is, eoni- >i tt> d tbefta tad <Hber depredatn>tis oa the lahabHaots f* oilier portions of the island. At Bearer llarbar Ove m<wt w< re arrested, and taken oa board the s earner, sbargn^ tliefi, Ac. We *nre *hlc to learn bat two of their net v *<-tliry nre Field ai l Brt|frf< ( "BSKlerable reals- tsne< was offered, and tt was not until the armad pn»a« utt!, tbe *henit levelled Ui'ir Weapon* |o lire upon then that they sabmitted. Whlla making the>o arr»-4a an- iber man, wtn-a name ij rtamu* I Wright, inter¬ fered to prevent tbo arrests being made. He pra- reiitrd a pMai at one of the officer*, but It waa imme¬ diately taken from him and he was take* rm tioard witM the other prteiWMH. 1h* si* wire brought down to >!arkinaw. at«l sre now ronflned at that place It wa-i thought that rtrang «H,nld n«* powtlbly swrvtva. Ilif low* r limbs, ft( m bii hips down, we ra entirely p«ra- > sed The rep< rt that he would recover M thought to avf been pnt »1\<* t by tbe Mormnns «o inttmidato peo- le frtm c< mlng there to make arrests. The two mea aho >hot Mrati^ sl-o went up on the Mi-liynn aad re. timed again to Mm kinnw. CoasWerableairit.nBentpm- a Is at MackHMW snd Washington Harbor agsins* Uatig an his lollowers. anl armed companies are tit- tig out at both places for tha purpose of going to Baa. - er Harbor to make wrests A company of one hun- dr"1n.«i»ae ali'-ady formed at Washington llaroor; and a company of Bfty at Ma<'kinaw. They would pro¬ ceed to the Inland wit!' »ail vessels. WhMe tbe Mtrhigaa * in at the inland. A R. Williams, of I»e Tnnr, was a* Mrang> bona* and !.' "tilled pto|ierty which had Ji.eeo ftoien (Vem htm 'ome time prartomly. Hiring had is- nird rin edit t M«tir.;z thsljlie ha had a revelation from tied, and that the 1 nited ^'.ates p: earner Mi'higa* Mwt MTtf be allowed to rater the port of Jt Jaiaoa again. Tbe MMHMlt* Amrrifm, of the 54th -ilt., learns fiat the twa men who wore arrestPd at Mackinaw charge«1 with «brsitiiv King *tranif. the Mormon, hav sine" > liberated on the e< tstiltehment of the fact that they bail been m«"«t MB Ml I Ifllltjf whipped for'B-hlng on prop r»f whldi Btrsr.g rialSod his "wn and that the M -rmona on Biaver ). -ltd wrre but a t *nd of tln»ves. When th« IS''y klg n arrived at Mackinaw gre*t evettement pro. vailed, and a mrty of several hundred men vrern ale <it leavitig t< r feavsr Island for the purpose of making a ihi'rou^li '-e»r >.h Bw rroperty stolen B-oui tfjetr re ght- r- iivv4 Iiwtff tilii pact rnthro

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Page 1: · lr»' rU*nth Annualt>Wl1U1.lentmtRat* l«n Female laatttM*. Vieannual commencementoi the Rutgers roomie fB Mitite took place ) etterday afternoon, id

lr»' rU*nth Annual t>Wl 1U1.lent mt Rat*l«n Female laatttM*.

Vie annual commencement oi the Rutgers roomie fBMitite took place ) et terday afternoon, id the Rutgerss*e«t church Ai usual the edifice wan crowded, and as

aauul the audience was computed almost exclusively oftotoe*. A lew minutes before three, the Board marchedto procctMos from the institute lo Mad jon street to thechurch, followed by the pupils in the order of tlieircbt see. The young whom there were, accord'tog to the last annual circular, four hundred and aU tastefully dressed u white. Alter enter-tog the church, the Pre*ident, Rev. Dr. Ferris, and theMSMbeit of the Board o. Trustees took thetr seals on thefto».n in, the pupils occupying iho-e reserved fbr thornto toe body oi the edifice. Alter a musical greetlag,nsg by the young ladies, prayer was oferedby the President. The report of the Ootn-toittee on the Compositions ef the Third departssent wasMad by Rev Mr Smith. It spoke in high terms ef toepteticieucy displayed in this portion ol toe studies, andaward. *d the flr-t prize, a gold medal, to the anchor of"Itie Mother's Prayer,'- Miss I.u*ie H. Young; toe se-oond prise, aLso a gold medal, to Miss Faniwe Hamilton,fbr a composition entitled '. Lessons from Nature.'' AMsg, the words of which were composed by a pupM andtoe music by Stgu>m"ud Lasa, was then »nmg by thejmamg ladies, atlrr which the report of the Committee onOSMpoaitjoas et the First department was road by "Rev.Mr. McKee. The committee awarded the prioe to Miss Ida%«aby, authoress of a joettcalpitce entitled '-On the Plainsad among the Mountains " This composition exhibited¦Manly a talent for versittcauod, but genieus, although theaain<ir in which it was read was not calcalaited to do ittoll justice. The report of the Committee on PenmanshipSlated the geld medal had been awarded to Mrss G. S.Ckalmers. Tl.u« wa* followed by the reading of the prose.cmpotman of the F.rst detriment by Rev. Mr. McKee.tote authoress, Mtss Sarah O. Youngblood, received the(Sid medal for an essay on "Unwritten Music." Prizeswere awarded for the other studies as followsftaout .First' lass.Gold medal, to Miss Nannie P. 0.,

Hasten Second class Premiums to Miss Mary W. Hus-M and Miss facuy Ormsby. Third cIms.S. Delamon-togae. Fourth class.& E. Stcno.ItoMMuriiY .liriit class.Jul* Norris »cd E. H. Young¦aid medals.¦Uthkmatio VLss Grace JP- Chalmers and Miss Tal-

Mtt gold medals.A large number of prcmi .ms. consisting of books,

were datr.buted among Ui« most deserving ol the pupils,ami the commence m* 'it was "losed with benediction. Thetoikrwmg is the iroluatcg lass of this year:.Ada B.Avtward, ol New York; »;raco H. Chalmers, of Newlark Hannah W. Pa* on, Newark, N. J. ; Mary A. Gil-bert, ol New Haven, Coan.; Ji.awMe 8. Gray, of NewTerk- Lorer.a Jonee, if New York Agnes A. lone, ofMew York Mary J. Ostrauder, »f Hinsdale, N. Y.; Dorato Robinson, ol K'atbush, N. V.; Amelia T. Schwars-waeMcr. ol New York, Adal.iro E. Taleott. of Rocklm,B. , Ijbbie M V-rmil>e. ol CIiuMa, N. Y.; Maria 8.Wright, of New York, .Sarah O. Youngblood, of Mont

ry, N Y

Cttjr IiileUJcence.Puu»aKT Caajic.B w rue WKaniiw..Ycsterdty was do

Ijbtf.iHy cool, compared with the previous three days.i ehreuinstance duo, no dojbt, !o a ra n and thunderstorm

Mar the city, wb ch did not, howeTer,*rea. h the ;gh awind preva.led dur ng Monday uight, and, as a

toeoce, them rcury at day lip nt yesterday had runto 66 degrees, a rlifWren- of 30 degrees in twelve

fcewTT. Towaids inoMay the t)»at increased, but at noMnw was t hicher t. an 80 degrees On Sunday we fjro-MM the hea' of Monday, an 1 on Monday predicted thitTaeuUay would bu agre< cool. As we do not wu~h tosnake 11 of. Me rui'n I'eel bad, we decline telling what to-tmy will Sr. rig foith in the way «f weather We advise.ur readers, however, to k«»p cool.VcivDu>m (Y'>; Twenty -fourth annual

Mmnencement of the New Y«'; Univers.ty will takeftoee to-day at the Presbyterian cl rch, _n FburtcenthSkoit, near Sisth avenue, at ten o'clx-k A. M when thesealer eksi w 1! graduate, and its m«-.,t Reserving m«m-

bsrs deliver themseivM of orations. There has beenseMt trouble n the I'olvermty, prow ng out of Uih com-¦eacemei.t. The renior <-u»s nbu usually pay the ez-yeas»>, wirhed to t< Id it .n one ol the large theatres <uto* «jiy. lowhtch toe Faculty demurred as being .rreit-|M « Alt- r ron-eleiuble bi. keriiir. a vcmproni -e was

eff-^ted, Isculty conseaiing to pay the bills, if it w*sktiJ m hur< h- T<> niorr iw^ a m<-eting of theAAstor. Will be held at the At tor Uoute, when TUos B.tosrtog will del.ver on address.Twa Ckttk " Park .We learn that the Commissioners

nmr dscxo-'il upon buUdoig a pi' aet fea-e all around toeCMtoal park, Inaide of wh:ch will be laid a carriage waytor ail our citiaeas to mane use of. These .mprovemeouwill be eTecli'l early .n A igust, and by October a (tone

wall will replace the"pi< ket ten . Tiere is great dangertool the carriage way w U degenerate »V> a rac: coursetor rowdies in tacht wagons, miens the police have orMrs to put a ste p tu all t j«h diver- ions.

Mra Pfei CojrvKjrnoM .A natiocal convution of thelata Psi fraten. ty w 11 meet a New BruBfwwk, N. J , on

Ifearsday, July 3. rhero will be a Urge representationyreeent from the different college e 'iaj>ters throughouttoe euuBtry. Harvard, Ma s Dartmouth, N. H., Middle-lea, Onn., Un <m, N. Y., Rotgem and New Jersey will.ead full delegaliooc, w will also the cliapters in the.lew York and Pasnsy Ivati.a (.Biver*t»ies Th.s iraiert tyass act been in cxiMsaro over sin* years, yetthecata1. us of m« mb< rs contain some Sril .aDt r^m<w. In theBan 'T- 'ty of this city, tl»e Alpha Chapter jC the 7*ta Psiftaterti<ty eutuumbers all the other teeret societies com¬bated. The Convention of the 3d tost, is ''.js>eae.i toMart oflker^ for tlis ewu ng year, and trsa a -t . ronune*«mw of the rrstenuty. An oration sad pwes will9 wo be delivered.

Brooklyn City !<-«..nn unmwxy jiAuhiu axd aPoue* Carta lv

-M Uw iaat rce-un# of the t«u,mon Council. Mr Wmf WaJab, of tho ElovenUi ward. preferred a

i of chargaa aga n«t Captain Jon! Sm th. of the F!r*lti pctic*, n wL»cb be praaenla that «. Krwlay e?«

krt the 2TiD June. abiie a pnM.c 'the re

um meeting) wit be.og UaU .a iLm Park, a

far«<<D wa.* arroatcd for an a >ged ittempl.M dj>i jbiii:c

gbevaol. Be. aa a magwtrate, by virtue <a bia oA e a*

aach. ww called npon by certain cu Been to iBrescgaietfca Miter, and admit the arr<*>!*J ;<arty to bal! that. a«

aarii magatraU' ho eatered the ulk e .a th*' iL.uwotat lk« my Halt, occufiied as the first d«-lrict KUtxmhome, aa<l went behind the Capuia'* deck that. wbiWt><r>, fca II', ilrod the name of the party arraatod, andahargee ar*it)*t him, that the Captain, well knowing hi*aBrtal Htataoa. replied In a grufl arid d.*r«epoi-.trul manMr. that be did not know." that be ordered turn (theaMavmaa) out from behind the deea, and mrlaaCy andhi a rtoleut manner seized bold of bias and rudely and

a thrall and forced L.m Trots sawl de*k, .a violationof tho peace, dignity, he. of bis (the Alderman /.Arial character. Hi' A.derman, therefoee. rbargee thaiMm arw of the aatd Captain un, tb *»r» in derogation ufhto Ooty and riftro. grom and w'.lful auacoodin t, and a

wroag aad oitraf- on l.itn "J an Alder nan and a aa|u>feue, and aek* hie removal frm off. a A mulaoa wae¦ ill by AMerman I j*-«arr, tbat a copy of the 'chargebo »erv> d nn Capt Mnith. and that bo bo triel before tbeBatH at the nest me' ting

tMn nun Hr«j/r taMl it waa anient on thin ToryMsaeMani, that Alderman Wa>*bha-1 brakes the law, andwoo amenable to censure, a bile there wan not a word bywbjcil it cooid appear that '«pt Pinlib bad i olated binMf. Tho tbrle ulaled did n-»t bear out the rbargr* |fcon»>tend<d thai It. » A Idormar. had no more p> wer to dis¬charge the arrsat-d per-on than aay prlrite.'nonpenwe coold ba > e The beet thing the Board oo-iM dowo«wi t>. t. jft e tii* bill, aad *es»4 the asplicaot out ofaaert. He moved that the niatlor bo laMaM; po*t-y»i '


A Merman Pmt -onlraded thai there wa* too great %

taa4e«cy .> lower the pemtloa of the AM" therefnae Uiongbl the r«.e t

After further tiaruartoa, AJ«Vr a IJ*i»ke; '« u. -t.<mwaa catt.-'ITbe trial will doubUe»* reai i tr -<e.'»u'i^ be p> C

hMarmea n regard to reW .. . . -or « Mfar* ah W- '4 the r barge* oati b. Law .'j ealUM-.aedJ>.b« ef U>a reaco

The Ileal Mid lb I huigr,TO THE KSITOR Of THM HWf \LD.

tVi change from yeotorday V A. M . w* v.j u e to»npe-gmr<-» aria ninety mx (.«; degree*, to thw a Buiom*l I .'aiork, when it waa down to only four («4) de

tr ¦' m, m th.rty two 4ayree< n abuirt twenty hoar*.T2»o wiod yaaierdaf waa Mmth, rk .ogod to eouthwen,ood Ihla morning to weal Tbj waa au emrar«dtnaryabate Of atawapbore an I an < arte from abroad ntiy as

jriata the i^.eanni' na Tbe beat at 7 y itarday

reached uiMly degraaa It would ba ntereating u> knowhow extetwtvely vgelatJ' ii eipo^ l to Uto ana hae boon

.MgMed, and if tbe change bas beeo i jccewaful la re^im-

aacb bUgbl fc. MERIaMi/ttf Hai'.rr" A M July 1 ]«M

Pa'db tulaanret.I^a ernnmilleo aifiinted by tbe Rnard of Health oo

Friday Iaat. to in val idate the aomplii.nla to.atMH1*"" h» W a tnv-Ung In the Oty HnU yarderda/ aftcraoon, ( ouncilrrun Barney In the oleur

The petition of realdeata of Uie Piitoenth ward, owrn

ytolaiog <«_the aoap and candla fart .ry vlontod al Vo

.lb W«wt SerenUwnth «tree«, and (.* n«-l by <h*i Bu.-hbad. wiv flr«t taken up. frreral w tuee«ea reeling Inbbe neighborhood wera eg-imine ! nx to the rharact* r ofMve .oap enubHabaver t aanie of whom cnoeldered II a

grout aut**a< ". and olh* rs nrd Mr Gerard a? peared for¦r B»'« kiamt. and pr'd«»-te.! .vrainel Uie investigation aa

a««t b»U»g wiMtin the jitriedH-ltoti of the {baird rif Health.the law ef 1 .'.<», in bis . pinina aotlKir'nng that body to.rl only ii(h ijch Diii-tti.'. are l<'trimer.!»i to p'lb-b. health aad not u|<« audi * are .nerriy d.-a*re.*l,iaOf nfl. iieif. . He a!<o | r<de~>tod again-l tho oooe trtoto'a-ahly of lh»- .'W of lAftO. Mr Mor#«. the Oty loepector,«>. »xamina«i and waa of th" opinion lltat liin nu an »

.nlgbt be abatod by tbe proprietor <4 Ihe l*e|»ry latro

iMbll a rooden-er and t.evatn.g Uie rlumney, wiii' hMr Ib.i kkui'l etareaeed hi* wiHttgi »a to do aad tho

tt^geele'l they ftfild liepoar uf the matbar by reporting to the B>«rd nf Iw i.Ui in fhvvr of -fhhUT'inii.' ta, to be mane nod'-r Uid rniperlnteadeaoa of

Mre*d torW»" m inunUi f ih< r took on Ui« comi-lj >>i Va'n^t tbe

¦M<rorfW fartor eltoaw .l Ml pW-I thirty thir-f atra»t, and£«¦}># by Itrory l itter and aft-r ubiig ®ob/. a<lJliuaail k agut -r~a la My J


Ilnrggato1! Court.Before A. W BraJiord, B-q.

hi IM rtuuitr qf tke WUi «/ iM lute i/tttry P*in*..Mr. 0*Co:ior called Michael Quiu, wi-.o, being swrrn, says:I am a waiter at the Uramercy Park House; 1 am aboutthirty three y.ars of a*o; 1 am a native of Ireland, amihave been 1*1 this country about eight years. Q. Wereyou employed :a Uie house w Mr. Henry Parish, and inwhat capacity? A. Yef, as a waiter irom some time m

November, 1*48, to some time in December, 1849; I wasllvxif with Mr. Parish at the Lino of bis attack, m 1848.Wdodm hi* first nurso? A. Jamet< Fteher. <J. Where

fa be nowT A. 1 am told he is in California. Q. Hewrami alter the attack did Fisher eoase to act as nareefA. They were some daya before thuy could meetwith Fisher; the doctor was trying for him, aad couldnot Knd him out; he rame in irbout from 3 te 6 daya.y. la what part of the houae was Mr. Pariah 'a sick roombefore he got dowa ftain" A. He waa carried to h«i*rci bedroom at (Am time of the attack ; that room wu inthe third story. Q. About how long waa it bWort hewaa able to leave hie rootar A. To the beat of my belief,it was about a mouth or aiz we*4 -> before he lelt ina bedroom. Q. lud you occurtotally aee brai during thai

Ciriod, before he led his bedroom? A. Yes, on particur occafiona; when Fisher wasted to have turn moved

from the bed. and back into tbe bed, I would be in hisroom, maybe ttae Urne* ia one day, and three in anotherday; ma>be twtce, at 12 or 1 oN lock at night. Q. Howdid he get down staira? A. At ft-** we uaed to carry himia a chair down flairs? <J. At that time how didyou get Lia upstairs a***? A. In the chair again. Q.During; that period, when you earned bin up anddown sUurs hi the chair, what room was he kept in downstairs? A. He tised to cotne in the library, the baaomentroom. <}. How waa he placid in the library? A. He uaedto fit on another chalt, a big chair. <J. What iras donewith the transportation hair in the iutervaf? A. Sometimes it waa carried up stair «, and sometime* placed asidein the hall, no particular i» ice. Q. Was thia method oftafcmg htm up and down efcurs cnutraucd all the time youwere there1/ A. No; be uaed to get up sometimes withthe assiatanoe of Ktabor and me, and sometime* withaasietance hemic* FVhiT. Q. Kcr about how long waa thechair used to take hmi up and down, before the othermethod waa adopted'/ A. Sometimes '.ho chair was

ue«d on occasions he ffett tirtl. Q. Was there a pe-nod, in which the chair was uniformly employed, beforeyou began to help him up and down otherwise?A. I can't exact'y *a> for some days Q. Do you re¬

member a iiuie wbeu a number of geutleuien wc.-j to¬

gether up in his bedroom, btfort you carried him downm tbe chairr A. No; 1 have known only Mrs. Parish s

brothers. Q. Did you attend Uie door or answer thedoor? A. Yea, a)» iys when I wa< in toe hjusc. Q. Doyou recollect a time when Mr Hulbrook and Mr. Lorda re in tne house t -therr A. 1 recollect Fisher cotnhigdown and tcllmg me ot t y. IHd you personally knowMi fiiniel l ord and Mr llolbrook/ A. I didtot know Mr. Lord; I knew Mr llolbrook. Q. Do youremember a i ay before Mr. Parish was brought downui the chair, when Mr. llolbrook was at the ho'ise/A. Ye*, y. Do you know whether Mr. Holbrook, or thatoccasion, was in Mr Parish's room? A. No, Mr. Hoibrook, to uiy knowledge, was sitting in the library theday that I heard the will was going to be secured, y.D« you know w hether or not Mr Holbiook went up stairsthat day ? A. Not to my knowledge, I saw him ?itt.ngin the library all th time. y. What was Mr Parish'sbodily conu.tion wluh h . w..< in his room, rrotu the at¬tack until jo-t moved him down stairs in thechair? A. H>» waa affected in the body very se¬

verely. nr.til by the nsn-Utice of doctors and medicinehe could get along. y. 1 escribe how he appeared?A. He ap^iared, by looking at hhn, to bo very low, Justlike a man who would be between dead an l alive, and tohave no command of his mind; perhaps 1 might say,half dead and alive Q. What waa his condition in theserespects the day Pusher told you Mr. Lord and Mr. Hoibrook wro .n his room ? l*rctty much the same; allthrough be was pretty mm !i*tbe aam". Q. All throughto what partir ilar t.ine d>)uu mean? A. Well, fromap|>earance and from vt hat 1 could ^udge, hewas uie rtme from when we earrieid h.mdown f-tairs fint, all through till 1 left. Q. AfterMr. Parish's alUi' k, had you any orders from Mrs?PorUh abort the brother >r reiai.on.j |of Mr. Parish?A Yf», Mr«. Parish gave mo part .ilar orders cot to le'Mr. Parish in, that in the brother, lir. Ixiniel Pari.-.;,, or

any of hi- sons, or Mr. DtlUro, hi.- sod .u-law. (J. Did shetell you why. for what rn«i« she gave yoy these orders?A >Uc told me that she didn t want to e any of them.d y. How foon after I114 attach did you g.-t til ord' rs f A I get these orders immediately alter tbe doc¬tor'! being with him; I mean th<- aay alter Mr. Parishwas uta. ked. y. After y <>u k-ot thei-e orders, did Mr.Dfcbtel Porfch rail at itie hei-e? a. Ye*, he called dirter-ent day- 1 told lum he t< uld cot comc in. y. ivl MrIhlUm.aU? A Yes, 1 i\ l cut let l..m ic y. lid Mr.Imciel Par., h call at any t:n.e after tli. -e order:', and letin? A Ye> y State particularly the i ircumtftancea of that<*J hi w he gi. and * tiat he did. as far as yo'l -i* w ?A. Mr 1 Par itb called one day atter the doctor'sgoing out, 1 l.«-aril the doctor say Mr was verylow, h iu afraid he would do no gix*l; Mr. Danai Parish called at the door and a?aed me how bis brotherwa I to»«! bin* :f he did not go right up and see hisbrother tow aheu he would all again ho would notlee he* alue, a». '.ril.n;,' to what J h> a. 1 tLc doctor -ay,I showed hnii up (.tair-*, au.l alter k».u« up ntain 1 pointtd at the room where bi« br.>ih>'r lay, where hui brotherwas wh^n be went in I beard Mr Parish's bell went p stair <. to M Par li he asked m.; bow d.dMr I'aru-h g<t in I told ber I op. c. I the dcorand heasked me uo qu'-t.una, bit pa*»ed right en, and I did notlike to atop luin aho told me to be very particular thenext tim«* he came not to him n. y. I»id yon, whilstMr I'un . Pari-b wa- thire on that o<-.-a.-ion, go into Mr.H> ury Paiieh'* room f A Yes. Q What did you nee?A Mr> llrtab toid t»c j;o .cto Mr l"ariBh's room what Mr Daniel lar.fh «ii-, I -aw hi no bavin*hokl 01 hif brother in the bed, by the hand. y. As taran you know hod Ikuiicl se< n bio brother Henryfrom 'he attack bef*.- that time ? A. Not to my knowW-cge. y vs marly a* yog can re- ol!-ct. about towk«ir aJVr the attack aa* tu.s 'iccurrooce ? A. I ahouMth.nk ;t aoa alo.iwta n. nth. betaeen a month and livewe«-ka g. At this t.n e, w hat wan the ol Mrs.Par.-b's* a* to *t- ting Mr l*ari«h'' A Her twobrotbere ased to c» me ji, and afternoon, to aeeI. m frequ. rtly m from ibe country and g :ngup and down town on- oi' the brirthir* used to rail mc, g WUt rounds did Mr. Par. h makeor otter wbilat ymi m-r« there? A. If he want¬ed anything, when he wa« tljrt way. all Ih ard h m -a> was a no -e n his threat, accompaniedwith a nod or altake «-f the head g. I>ul you ev»r bear,wh.l»t yoj were th. re any otber aound mad. w ih hiatoice. or tbioat, or inootb ? A No. g lad you erer

n that ho re after Mr'a aum k. ai v bkx klett-rs* A Ye*. I saw them n im ro. ni, on a smalltat.e 1 did not »ee e.a-' y what the* were I asked hisn'ine what they Wert h told v.. that tbey w-re him kletters, that Mr Kirh u .1 I * utii- M hrougbt to Mr. Parish,g. lid you m e Mr Par it l» do an/Mung w th tho. t>!;» ksat li )ou .,n on the *r all Uble in ti e r.« m A I sawt .m, a!U r Mr lielatleld lea>ing th>'*n before hit. put huhand on the table and thr' w th< m .<!. g. W hst ttr. Deall- Id wa it that had U» thir»- nu before Mi tartaban 1 what did he do ? A It waa Mr M»> nard D laSeld'H< placed it,m be|»,r. Mr Pari-h on the table. MrPar^h put Id* hand to tbem and tbr- w them off Q. r« thone thinga wlklcb were on the table. A. Theylooked to me aa If th'-jr were a 1(4 of d*>e.y. Did yon < b»erve whether they h*d any marke on'hem ? A. I had n<4 be»o near Uiem at all only theroom 'a iengin y Before Mr. fMIA'a attack, what wmyonr course of employment? A t wan employed a<waiter, to wait on h.m and Mr«. ParUb, and keep w.thiudoors; previous to bis attack I rode out with kltn onbor-ebai k ooe day be told me, J I coald drive aa wailM ride be would hire me for himself, and to have aothing more to do inside, then be n«cluded to keep hie.«. to keep me tor htuiself, to have a waiter it ray planaand to hate me aa !,.s hid man y. on and eiaia.nbow you served bim that way? A. To wart enb n.«ejf, attend to h>a wantf, go of errands. Isupped 10 lb" V wo house g Tbe " immer ef1«4K, did III whole family rt«iia.o u town? A .No,they all w»ot to llur«ate. where he «o|»pe^for the night, tbey Weot out m the afternoon, and cameto n the mornii g g During this period, was there a

fan.,iy d^ner in I nmo sq^ar<i? A. Ye« g Who tookcharge of tlie hnu>e in I moo square during that per»od»A. Me aod the chambermaid g luring this pei iod. didMr Paneb always go out to flirlgate m the eTeiiing^ At c.-. every night g Wh.Ut the lamily resided m I owesouare, b- rore the attack, what was the recilar dinnerii . A f our O'eki" k, or balf paet four g What Wa.M* a way of spenJmg Iih time after linnsr ' aK (. .T»||y u f t every n.K .t b> au<cd a gent s a > g To what {.ia. e r>r p>a> ea did lieIlO u> aiten'i a cotl'mAii s Clubf A A piaoe. a vU the l.ivattt ( >n! >. ne*t to N ,o'«. u

Ai «. wUi Ui.e ai-e t ,r i ,t he genera y leave*A r <j,H' «* , a «at n the library untilI >i-.d s> a ot 9 '¦ c < then no out to thi^e clubP*"- -M '.t v lat h >. i Ji4 he usually gi t huoae'A Mr,.J» t J e , li r, ormng g, jnd you aeri l . in or arn oe v r>la »s to whu-hb. <*. « le> '1 . I w ... ¦, | :rnatr. ii, t l,av a<.|.ort y Did yo t a ..t |.or »av. b m? A I left 1 y. Wliat « I hegettog totohia bonsi km ritum A. liy l.i lairjjkey y. Wtiat -h-r rranr* m'nf f sny. were madr-A; I alaay^ It a iarnp pr 'iiare.! (. r bim iu t ie hail, yWhat wa yenr n-ual Un .. of g, ng to \ 7,.no ci ". alter ten J -h r the ho tt d" r.< U III be r ,-.;d r,« u,.« , _ Wnr,afirrft »g n U>» bn n [ n c,( ^ .. rJ

» ri uji.t l.oire on the lay of h.- , . O IIf-r. Mr P iri.-h -u did |. rdut.e. and .*» it h h ' . ;Jwa.- very «¦« >.il a t. rt,. a,a.)("~s. ,m.r d ti> Mr Cut',,.,. _y T:. p wv tiiK.l

Mi aw Mr H . r>** iM-r.- u U- .< -or i- |by V oaf A A^ far an I <..n r> «¦ » '.} w^ nt ,i -

n."ti'h r,r ' a. k' liter Mr Pan^-. a Uk-n li J, tesa' t y ay hit t was -on . 'tie Urn- s" r l.r « *s t-.*I" to fli<> :¦( f iny b' ^ 1.1.1 v rri >r 'it" yttbnt WHS the Of Uir Hi i:>i'tl ,i wa rai.r.m# f. .

or ?,* a .« ks ait r Mr Part*b all. a A I . t e« u i'vsay y At W list um- was ,l that M P in I, . ,ve yrord.r« about not letting Mr t<n->ei p-. t, ,D nr ,/hu.*'«IS or Mr inik«? A 1 sriHtd think tlte n- it day gWere otlier perries admitted mto Mr Pan-h r-«»mtbe day after Mr Pariah s alts, k bev.le« the phy«l. isn-Mr l"art»h and th<» who were waiting on Mr ParWifA W«D I can't say eiacUf tbey r iy and they tnavnot g what l» your beat reeo|ir*tlon on that ruhie,A My be-t rewl.n t«on u. tlmt I pr ». ,hiy not ukeai y note, tbe next il <» f a< w whether thedo!t«»rs..Hrtcted that per m tin of the to...bold ahoaid be let iu or k-ia oxt I Mr Parish'! ro- mr*. ' .*" »'"t g W'"re n>d the orders tbit Mr. I iri«h.¦Wild kept tien.'Cbv quiet? A !!< w y. r;,#day ^ the atta. k A I «honM think ao, 1 no t eiactlr

y. Ae>or«iing to your l»-t memory, w^re not theorder* that Mr I'ai b sh»'iM lw kept [lerfertly wtlei andno visiters adrn tted mm b*a room' *. T* the * * t of -riebelief tbey wire, y Wtr* »ny vi-it- rs adm u>..| 4,Par»h S I i-'-om the f,y ,n,r the a'ta. k and <om. timeon. rwsn . A Tber. niay r ,d tliere may n'4. I cai, t

* "" n' . »'i you fiv« u>» nama ofany eixft' r who aent into Mr Parsb a r w>m the dara(W-r ba attar k or for t.m« sAw ' A W Rn(ts-i^rly. y litre the laagiage ,4 Mf Parish to ro-i ioref« r- nr " loth* ardert r,.nrarr. rg Mr Dan, el Por-h orL'i kW, or Mr i*k"B aie&ii«tt4 t) /eo & ijrcvt

¦ imiiI.H n A Hor l.c-ua^e was qeiet. H- Save youDo otter answer to make to that q.nv'tt'Mj I A. iter Ianguage wao. Mrs. Paiirb i >l<t mo not v> let Mr. DtoM l%-rwh, his brothor. cr :.ny of hU s 'iw cr nm :u law in,wba'ever, «b . dii not hke to 8<-e them. Q. Did she sayanythinf else 't A. Sim might have said that "he wantedto keep the bouse quiet, or something to that effeol.Q. Is !t youx beet recollection thai uho di,l say ho < A.Well, 1 can't exactly 'ay, to the beat «rt uiy beliefshe did »ay so. Q uid she say why she wanted to keepthe house unlet? A. No; she knew that (knew, or oughtto have known, by my kcvi>tng the Poople, not exactlykeeping the people, but I attended th» m at the frontdoor. Q. I«1 you utt« Dii -liem at the front door furti.epurpose of telling them that Mr. Parish waa too sick tocome in/ A. Yet. y. Did not Mrs Parish say that thedoctors had fiven orders Uiat Mr. Parish most not bed. turts-d, and that bo visiters should be perirttcd toenter tils room? A. Sh'' told me the doctor had given or¬ders he should not be disturbed, but the did uot say thatnobody should go Into his there were exceptions.Q. What did sho say ab-iut the orders the doctors bailgiven? give her languige. A. Well, she told me shewanted to keep the bo is* quiet, not to allow Mr. Parish'sfamily to come in, but her own camo in and out,atd she didn't huvo so tiling to say to them.Question repeated. A. hhe uidu t i*ay anythiug particularUMt the orders; she gave me the orders herself. Q-Did not Mrs. Parish say to you. or in your hearing, thatthe doctors had given orders that Mr. Pariah must bekept perfectly quiet, and that ne persons should be aJlowed to visit him 111 his room, or to that eflecU A. Thatno perron.she may she told me not to let auy one ai.she wanted to keep the house pertectly quiet.often times.% You have slated that Mrs. Purit>h did not say that noperron should be allowed to go Into his room; there were

exceptions.state the exceptions. A. Of her own bro¬thers. Q. After Mr. Psi i-h's attack did you ever see Mr.Daniel I'arwh Inside of the house upon any occasion otherthan the one you have mentioned V A. Not that I canrecollect Q. Are you sure that tt was on the day whenMr. Daniel Parish came in and went up stair* into Mr.Hanrv Parish's room, that you heard the doctor say Mr.Pari"h was very low, ard he was afraid he could do no

good? A. I think it was. Q. Was it not because youheard the doctor say so mat you let Mr. Daniel Parch in?A. Yes; I thought he wouldn't live, and ! wanted to letone brother see the cthr r I thought he had never wishedhad not made any attempt to conao In.and 1 wanted

h.m to gee hi* brother. Q. Immediately after the attoek,and for some time alwr.vards, wb ch of the brothers ofMrs. 1'arub did you «o enter t lie room 01 Mr. HcoryParish? A. I cannot ri collect which entered the room,y. Did yeu tee any ot the brothers in his room, exooptPr. I>e!afleM? A. Yes. Q Which of thorn ? A. ! ouunotexactly say: I often s.w t'icm go lu and out of tio rojni;

I can'tcxaetly cay wl.ich I saw lirat or lost. y For cmetwo or three weeks tul.-r I. is ;.iu. It, did you see uiiy ofher brothers in Mr. Parish's bedroom, except Pr. Dela-Heid. and Mr. Henry or Mr. Wiiiiam fcla'. W A. Well,I can t exactly sty ft r t»vo or throe weeks; 1 saw themin and out of the rooui v ,'ii Mri; Dm ah; she satin thenext room, and the iiiAir w .js throw. i open. y. 'low longdid Mr. Daix.el Parish ten. an in hts broth r '¦ rvoui onthe occasion ycu hove mettioiiedT A. Well, act manyminutes. Q. Aboct hi.\. nutnjf \. I can't exactly say,it may have been 10, 1!> or 20 minute I saw him go outthe door; I cunie de>w a stairs and left Htai up stair" ..ndafterwards raw bim go in ft few minutes, anno: sajh-jw many. Q. How long were you in Mr. HenryParish's room whil" Mr. Lftiicl I'aridh winthere? A. Only while I was looong at bun.Q. Stat# what, .fanjtii np, was "aM by Mr. Daniel Pariihwhile you were in there m? A. 1 d.d .. t hear nothingsa.d. y. M'ben jou hit the room, whore ycu g >? A.Down Ptairs. (J. For v. hat purpose did ) "i go downstairs? A. My butjincbv was wrt up st*.r5 any longer mybusiness was down su irs. y. Where wa^ Mrs. H« iiryParish when yon went down stairs' A. She was in thenext room to Mr. I'tiri-h'-'. y. When you loft Sir. !JrnryParish*! n>oin, did you n<t go to Mr '. Parish and tell herwhat j ou had seen? A. I uamcout through th<; room; I don'trecollect tliat J have nude any remarks to her. y. Whydid yc. not r' lort to b< r what you h;id seen/ A. Well, Imay or may rot, I den't recollect. Q. Did she say any¬thing to you about it ait- r you left Mr. .'ari-'ti' roe>m? A.Not that I recollect, until Mr. l>ani<'l Tarii-b left tile house,went out of the h'.ut c. Q. What did -he then -:nv j uu?Give her words. A. Weil, to the be.-t »>f rr.y belief, shetold uie to be particular not l" let iiim in a^ain; m< iliing

! like thnt; I know she felt angry with ni" lor letting bunup. y. Did Mrr. ?art-h tell you to go into Mr. Parish'sro<an. a'lJ stay there a1' long as Mr. l>aniel Parish was in.hb room? A. No. y I ud she tell you how long youshould stay ther*' A. No; -he only a-ked me to seo whatMr i'arish was doing, ' I can recollect. Q. Why didyou leave Mr. I'arish s room at the end of a mum to orhalf a nrnnt. 7 A. W'<- I, 1 didn't thuik thfro was any oc¬casion for me to remain in it. y. Huve you a |>a|>er myour j*ws< -sion which was written by Mrs. Parish. A.Yes. (Papers produced.)"MieW l yuu.n in my employ for one year aswa ter. He is desirou? ot tilling the station of coaehman,

a situation 1 should tkli < he might till satisfacuiriiy Heis uiii < mmoiily quiet always at home, civil, and appearsto be very fond of and is at the same tune a verygood wail' r.

* SUtfAN M. PARISH.November 6, IMS.""Mr. Parish will be much obliged to Mr. Colli* for uny

information ax to the character of the bearer, Mn Uaelyuinn, who has ap^lie t for tho situation of waiter, an«lrefers to Mr Collis as 1 avlng known him in the two fm I-lies with w hom he lived in In^bUn. Mrs, Parish woui . nv

pleased to knew that tie euctooed pap»rs are an tie t.y .,and whether the m; n t.iay be relicsl on as to honuet^', Kebriety, and general gctd conduct. October 17."

I'nltrd htotes Dtstrtct Coiart.Before Hon. Judge Bt tts.

Jnt 1...Joseph Bounty v». The Scboo»* AlexanderLaw, Edwin K. Kent, <Taimant..The schooner on her

passafe to this city, foundered on a rock at tho entrant::

of Hurlgate, opposite U: ferry, and within a few rod» ofthe shore. Her master hired of the libellant about 1J0water casks, to be in part lachod al< ng slile thcschooncr,and in part pl*ced ui h< r bold, for which he engaged to

i«y 25 cental per day, and al*o $10 per day fur a sloop tobe placed along side the schooner <md uim~1 .u II *ungthe schooner with tie rUe of the tide. The Court ad-vi»ed the libellaat to take the sum of $110 m full - iU»-bcti»n of h.s demand, without costs. If the adjustmentIs refused, the decision must be that the Ubcl be unrraso-ed w;ih taxed eO»t*.

INPIC*NT ANP OBSCBM* PBIWT*.Tbe Ceiled States vn. y-.x Casea of Apotbccary'a Fkecy

Porcelain floods .Thi- Ubel o( the informant in thk, oimcharged that rtie i*<-kagi - in <ju«wtiuu were composedof a liudiber of ladrei'Ut aii.t obscene prints, painting*lithographs. eagravii p- and transparencies. and Boughttbe.r rmdemcatico or forfeiture fur tha: ea.ise. underthe '.»ti aettioD uf the act of August 30, IW'2. Trie evi¬dence toBBM tie libel «-<,n»i.-l*d of a »ertew I .: greylyobaccne and indecent figure-, repreeenling male &n<lfemale pereons in lewd or lndevent position*. aud t ihibi-tHiiia represented by porcelain or pottery ware -tamed orcolored. The Indecency and ob-cen:ty wai in the *hapeor t«*ture of th'- figure* thi m«el It was n«t provedtbat the olortni was eflbatad by any proooaa of puiming,n«r tbat It w» worked IB by the ord.nary m< th-id ofstaining bak'-d wore*. If tho coloring wan done by thebrueh after tbe figures were otberwint completed, thatprocesa produced no variation of shape. nor di<l It imparttli<- original Indecency or okici n':ty of the rcprcn nution,although :n tome parte ularx a more rtrikJftg and notice¬able efli-ct may have been given the figure by the ooior-it>g A verdHtof cotuli-ranaiioo «u uk-n by c>n»<-ntonthii< ertdeace, (ubjei t to lue-tum of law. whether Hbit' gbt the lm|«rtntlon * 'hin tbe prohibition of'ite, The term« "f the rtatute are limited to prli.U,painting*, lithifru| lij, <-t grivitts and Usurfpaietk.'vA hberal inu tuini« r.t will In- applied to the Ungwig". inorder to reach the mi-ehM it was dc signed to suppr> *1;yet the rourts aaBBOt tiave' beyend the real nuk IMM,aiid being within Its scope Ihinkr Ind- paBdeBt of it* probibltlon. 'lily for tfie rt.. on that they tend to cause th<evtli CbBSeaa meant to -ehibit. Tbo Isfi-Jatnre ha« notdeclared t m. nfleweto import Indecent MBlMI ca.4t.rur4,or any reprceentation in wood, atom, the "ar'h* or antale unle-« they have the quality of tr-»n''jiaren. iri. Mthough vulgar and deprawd U'tes may b< (hindered tjl-y ». ulptnre.. by die*.the pitbm Utbe. or byeperattona w tn moulding on the hand, or «>».!, orthe metom. yet probably It w.»a con i'fil the e*

peese and UiilKulty of giving large circulation to rat hproducts were rath a* not to require thetion of tbe law to prfrent Un.r importation into ttiw*country Without .cap htng ft* reason* or mot. re* why

a particular rode baa not beea adopt. I by t'.e I/*g»ture, H iii enough to mi*t the nerrmiuea of tl.ifl care, toray Uie Uw haa not locla<l«d putting war: into what<*%arfltafi « effeaalvo to good lanta ax<l deoeary it aay haveV c in.. faetsred, in tbe list of art.rb** whf h - .niiotbe impo't* 1 into thia country, unless «uch articl ¦< beaiade the b.v" of a prohibited print, |«unung, liibugrapii.engraving trt trtu.^i .'i>ncy. ilie batcii at vile articles

r '.» pro> eeded agaiiiit do I 't stand la that pr*dlCAmcnt,and hoarev r at andak»i» an ' k'O"' tbe ¦>«DO<tui". of theperson* roiiductiBg Uile fi|'iii 1 illna may be, d 0<>ea notam> unt to the «.IT' nee creaU d hy f'nngr. *s, wJim h « ;byi v the reprobated art. ies, an 1 a I tbo pa< kag< s withwhKh *bey are roanected, t>i eondemnaton. I am.tfi< rtfore. < ompellod to arre>t ju*lgni<mt < n the verdict ofronvt< tKin in this eaqe. aiiltf lag at the rame bme a oerti6. ate of probable csaad far the cc.iure.Jt)dgm«*ut accordingly.

Kaval Intelltgrnrr.or* ikt wwt cORwaroNprNc*.

Xn *wr, Jane 2S. IBM.The Cnl'ed*M«tee attaBMhip F .iu >n. I is'itenant R. I

T gbwun commanding, tailed )*eter<lay* for Washtngtcn \la Norfolk. V*. fhe goes >« tor tew IwBara and

f< txsfal repairs. The ffek of the ^.^'.ron were pit i

beard of li<rfh» Mmmt romm'skrn Paikiii k'« Ba<r .Wp, remains

at U»c unial am horiige. It s reported UkAt *B« wilt madown b' Tr rtug*« W> morrow and not leare tbe (Ns»-t nn-

Bl tl>e l< Ui ®f July.whcn< <- her d< Unauon h unknownTh> steamship Mcrr.tnnr ( <mn. re Fe#-lsgraat, I at

anchor, reptunfig the |iro()eller shuft *jhI l .ir,ni; l>iesliaft ts m.t of line, aad i«ho will obi gad to return to'he North to p into r- k for rrp*.ri. .Sh> will aaii logIt-' r. Uie .i ih or &;Ui.The »team«hip Nu r(':< hatltia fommo Vw %nd* k»

gag. 4 c<>al ng at the \iivai wb..rf She has now taken §n.k nr<i M>0 t/t.', Mt'l wi 1> 'juire two or ihr< " huiidre-l tij.-r*to Biafce up the aBMtint n«" y to aaii/ hor ui UfiM«<U*.erran-aa. SI aaik ttli «"W.

f^VANtAB. June 2*. IftM.Tti«Cnitc<! -^at"e rn* -<.) Ir.g ecbooBer Br wdttrh. bav 41

coBiiJelri' tbe «ca«or' opefBtiowa In .¦.?hi T, stuieti .n

»i <h !- m Fernandina, l^«*t norida 'or New York ui-

1> npoflWefl ar'nttn'hel to the flowd'^ .

Ijmis r ¦.! t ( on manding. f i> TraBrhard I* iit^na. i ?

A. ltoe. Draughb bmb, Tt Masaao Mw-ter M.«t. It t'Oik n, J <. fl< ' at 'ey Ai !. j S HradliM, Uaitad aU t

CuMttnr\ey |i t. Allan OmatfUot

Armjr ff«a»«.By the dsrtrten 01 a #»«:. r »l Court 5lart!*l, a hi h

rrc< ntly roBrea' i n N'ew Mexico, and of wt. h 'lent l-ontleroy. Of Uie ipagnona, V aa »*r»' Heat fB|i<ii 11

kllf km .'cammon, of Ihif or | ft aftopograpiikal engn.cera,a 'laecitid !jeute»nfW V *ri«-fc of the tSi.M ri antl/.

were dl n>i""»d the si r "if C TltB ehargci m both t ¦» ¦<«.,wen- drtinkenm « endtify. Tlie hBHc at hdBceaArmeath» d^i aHoB < f tfc' 'X* rt uc ' io toic eft-ct P mU.; :a fi J^at

Oar H»vtu« CorKi]ioud«M«< June 126, 1854.

CttpjiUh-J U> thi Fitel at Vrw Crm. JmportaM iVaw£j.ptcU&. Will Cumunfort BaJt Zk\Ji*~

Hiaiih and Trade tiepurj.TLo Bruh royal West India mail atcamer (fcnway left

for Vera Crnt en U.c incrnkig of the '24th, having an a1*,

ctun'u to her jaascngcr list here of aeveral Spai..sbnames. of person! who aro gent down on the spur of

emergency for iho public service, while it is aesorted t'uat

despatches from ti.d govvruiuent to the commander ofthe Spamsb fleet, and ai-trc t. ns tor the Spanish Minis¬

ter at, received from Madrid via England, havebeen trautinlUed by a bearer of despatches on board ofthe same \ eaael. Those wh > see boat in the dark.-a acrtof owl flitting bbout the palace portals and windows.

give under current assurance that these despatches andinstructions are of imminent importance; that aa soon aa

received, the traui laid in European Councils will be ig¬nited, and that we shall hear the sound of ttte thunder,while the lightning of our chivalry will be gleaming from

rampart ar.d turret of San Joan de CUoa. 1 am not pre¬pared to yield Implicit belief to the grandiloquent andbombastic u* ruona 1 hear, for, although the Spaniardsare a brave race, they are not going to beat tbeir headsagainst atone walls without necessity, nor anyhow untilall rraccf.ubH) resources of a more pleasant characterhave been e^l.austed.

I comnude that the instructions direct a firm demand forour juft d'.cs, and such forbearance as may be consistentwith the future safety of the money and the nationalhonor.With all tills, 1 do not believo the President of the

Mex.can lepnWic id going to back down from (lie positionhe has assume 1 ns the condition for treating with the newMinuter. As soon as the needfUI coals are within reachOf the Spanish war steamers. in order to avoid the charge

of compulsion and threat, I nave no doabt that several olthem will steam away from the port ol Vera Orui, andpossibly -.ill beta, 'caving a vessel to report progressthere This, liswevor, is not in harmony with the general belief abc.nt town. Tbe Spaniards got up the demonftration v. fh ;» good deal of skill, (except the coals,) butthe movement could not escape ycur correspondento.

Yesterday wo were devoted to San Juan and Guanaba-coa.having a Nasi of pood things, and beautiful too.tliat I fear me did to good to our souls. A balloon ascenskin was made, which was remarkable for despatch indescending v. ill cut killing anybody; and an Irish reasonw;>« given ly lac *r.'nau'." tLat ho did wish to land .nthe sen.''Although car h' alth ,s badly epoken of abroad, we do

not find it «o k-.l'iig, and physicians report our sUto abetter tban lart s'.intn< r, in quantity of cose".

Kxcbangos are e»-,er, and sales ma le on N'cw York at7 per ceLt discount, so reported by Drake It Co..I Uiitk

niter vO'crcd by Messrs. 3. & Co. at that rate.

Tl ratrlenl. Mu«lca], Ac.Nisio'® f: >i.i r\ Mr. I ehn .in's fairy comic panto'

mine of the "Bf King" continues the source of muchm< rriment to tb» patrons of this establishment. It Is replite with mysterious and astonishing tricks, transfbrmations and rbaigcs, .n tbe execution of which the Ravelsare unrivalled. The scenery, ''ostumes, Ac., are ail newand elegant, and, combined with the acting, grouping*dances and m»i- bavo a very pleasing t tfect. The..Elf King" is to be given this evening, with the pr- ttyballet called Mora and Zephyr,'' and the exraori.uaryteats ol Mr. Wecgler and assMiots on the tight rope.Pcwkr* TnrjkTi;K..The revival of Shakspere's tra;;e.'y

of "M.y. bt-tli " wliKh doubtless affords more scopc t'oimclo-drau uic effect than any other of the great author'sproduct ons, appears to vastly please the frequ"nters ofthis house. They admire the new pcene*" 4.-c.««s», pusperties and appointments, tad, above all, the artisticstyle >. the piece is presented. It unquestionably

. quale anything ever produced on the Bowery «Uge inits palmiest days, and tar excels all that has >«. n att« mpted there of lite years. Several dances are to followthe tragedy to night, then comes the favorite farco of"Perfection," with Mis: Beignolds as Kale O'Brien.Bkoiiiw^v Vikii.ttw. Tbe drama of "Black ®yed

Susan,'' and the comica.ify culled ' Tbe Toodles,'' are tobe rendered by tbo child: cn this evning. Tbeso are decidrdly the heit pieces in which they »p|iear, as thousands of their admirers can le-ll^y. Tie! truthful andte tubing drlui'utions of Lou.- e iu- J Vary, as William an.Susan, in the former pluj have r*p«*a'- dly drawn teirs(rem Hhm who have olt*n r n the pit c ' performed cmrwhere without being in the lea-t .i led. I. file Gv^rge,as Tlaioihy Tuodlis, never iilla u> excito l'ie ru-uUifnulite auditeis

Knitii'ii farnii! Hju< .M. f»a- certainly d e

bin rvll share low arda; ordmg e.e^aiitan. wement t.nrtngthif, the grund uationul gala »ck Not *atlf>l:> d withpresenting a «eries oi | utrn ilc and a Wgot leal U-tU-aux,unsur|va-«tc for Wautj of de-^a *.? well aa rlocation,he 1mu> add«<1 a < « uple of novel anc M.- '.'ng sc no«, re-

prea^itlii ; Ui' "ILird .tud i'wur'ii oi .!v," in which thef a nuiTil cr oi >«ur »m.-. ill'w'trlous warrior*

anu tUt? i." :n, tncladlni' Warti !^U.ri arrlHaa.iliou no irtrwluied. Magic, Ac , coo.pkujlb* pt i "ami! ".

Wooti - Mo -!'u. J .V-.o new burit*q >*, To l/.«al'erTwvc. to >>o « n itfUr to nig lit Tbe.cenc-yir lb s mOu r ii m<-tly n"w. and of a very bca'.tfu! docuptloa * poi* on <4 it has never b«-un cict-l od in

bri'!i»r.c\ of e ix'u'ioi: <:eorgf und Ins a^.icx.iut.a rujd.:r«hu va'i'tia p..rl' with tbclr «c 'istoaaed hilarity, an:ia k<! tU iii"-t of the jokes and ioual bitoi. t'rcveduis-lit' r ill y entertain their friends with variou. oa eand uancea, includii g '-Slippery Timea in Old Virginny.


Before Geo. W. Morton, 1'aq.JriT 1..In JU master of tkt. AU<g*,l Slacer Rranan

Andr< w W.-cn, who had been or thecn*«t of Af -a Inthe tlave baracoona, being called by the IH.strict Attor¬

ney d> pos >d that when a negro h purchased at th>-bararcn he w branded with tho letter II., somrUme-

rn U.e I aft and s<metlmr* on Uie shoulder; whenabcut fbipi eg them, !f the brand* were dimmed, theybranded t(.»m ov< r again there ware five difforent parcelt, belong r.f to Bsc different persona, all different, thebrand wa- a copper one, heated ka the Ore. and then ip

plied to brand Ihtm, the Alias, la which I was taken to

Cuba, w* wt fir* to and burned with tar, powder andother cowib 'iblea; Uie larger tin pane are used forfeci i g u«. negroes, om i^n to each pa. kage of tenaccrues.Join Helices deposed that he examined the cargo: the

eibl'nis produced contain a li«t of the things (bund on

beard, there were ruty nine cask* of water there wer*alto «u breuki r- (*ma:i k>f); \hcy were ho arranged a?

to Ui.-ikt a level, alz or eight cords of urcw od, and some

larp: on pun* and aomc small ocea; the largest wan inUie H 'on'l ti ut< a room.(m cro»s « xaniinat :oo, wltnee* wild. If there la any

Untig to be made out of the seizure, I calculate to get myshar* of :t.Th lo«es the rase for the proee. utlon.Mr Beoeti it then moved that the defendant be die

charged, but if the Commiseioner considered th«-*e wwprobable utiu-e to hold the defendant, then counsel .1 I: <1' rate amount be fixed a~ hi* 1.1Tbc li«tri< t Att'.rnev opposed the m>>tiua to diac.harge.

and eent>nde<i th .t if the dcfendaiit waa admitted to bail,the amount should be Died at 810 000.

lH.tlr.oo renervfd.

t'nind Itatei District (ewl.IMore lion. Judge Betta.THE BRA IfAN SLAVER.

Jrtt 1 .On u. r return ofproceat being called, the eeee

cf the brig Br was MBli«oed. Mr Beaed.ct Midthat, on behalf u Prefer the of tbe veeael, b»de .red ten 4a)S l-rtier ; me to p-t in aa answer to thelibel.Mr*ea. Affiant t'mted State* Attorney, op

poaed L'.e appliiaUon, on the ground that rrager waa

supposed to be aa assumed name, to cover the idealityof another party and that no inch man as Frager couldt< :. .nd j> the city that in the eiamiaattoa betore Unam.*e toner M< too. ot tbe charge ag: iaat Ua Cunlua, evt-dini< waa adduced tendlag ut show that the man namedFrag. r was, in point of fkct, a Mr Josephs, of the Arm f«%».¦» h Jo«ephs. tlie nam<- of > ra*er. therefore, waa an*. n.eii one. and 'liareape* tful u. Uie eouft. t'pon auch

a »tnte of fa< u, the gOTernmrut deemed it their duty torj ¦(.< -e the granting ot any favor

The Court graoMnl the motion tor thneH' .. hinif'-a th'-n I II. i;rt. o de r«t* and <

e>.r>ty Henry M. tlarn<*. Mr IHs 0>hla ><t bein* forthe«.M ['.> hi- bail. IVOOO, win ordered lobe forfeit-«1

J'i f \* tt* -a;d that if f»e C<«ta cameand gwe a i."*>1e l for I i« absence U." for'« .re »ouM I* r.m it.

Mr J'ni hitn'-'n efpreaeed hio>«lf sat l' fled |o get Uieti in raUier than the money

Tl.e (.onrt annoimeed Uiat July thry Would tx4call at7 laieli lar Adjourned.

.fipreme (ourl-Oenrral Terwa:B ,'nfc lieu Judges R""- evelt. flerke, aad Whiting.

IttCIfloK®.Jnr 1. Paeiel .1 Carroll, e«. t luirlen Carroll, Kaecij.

U r .^Tie ord«T made at 'penal term modnied by strikingf t the ipxial d.recti' B to the referoe. Form to b>- artti d by one cf the Jsdgea.FracklM Hraueh 't Uie Ptate Rank nf Ohie rs Wrr»

V. r j.d oUicrs..Order m Julge M icheil adlrmed,» th coft«.

hn W Worth and other* r« IV>nedi«t P. Ber<say» .' dymetit at eperla! U rm dismia^lng cumpla.oant atSria

r I. wdb toeta.Boyd »a. Boyd .I'''* in to vacate Ju<:rmer,t w.ta

p" ; i rly detiK 'l tv Uit '.o ».t bi ^rw Order aflirm«d.A rned tit-', af »>..

Patrntu In I^tiuire.Tl.e law regulating the p i . t» 'n Praaae Wr "ime

wiidt modlt>d by the CWeU 4 Inn in It* simng ¦« MayArticle 83 of the law of July 8, 1*41, baa k«t, <fean?ed

M follow* >.1 h! fbrfeit their rigl-Ulat The patent! e wlio phall nT hare pa .! Ma anr-'ty

b'fbte thn b'g.iUiirg of oath of the yeara of the a-tiug utbn ;«fct

2d The patentee win * 11 cot hues worked his <it*.

rerery or in\enU"n m the delay of two years from theday of the e gnature of U.e patent; or wb > aba! I hare

d te. w rk It two sB<;o»>ae.r'; ynerr. tinlena hoU 1 her, !n Ui« u&e at J In the tdh'.r ok toe jaiuioa ofi .> tna< tion.

:VI The patentee Who »ha*l inwodive 'nto Pranee piodsa.n-fa't. i»d Ira foreign country aod aim lar lo thoseg'lamit' i-d b> bte Pater'lhe M.ri.<'er <r *ar.rn!t re. C'tr .ner"*> and Pul lie

Woilia an a. '.crtJl^es*, autboriie tbe n>Uodutu'<a.lit. td n J els of nwl' neryWd Of g'Mxls » unafai 1 '¦ "orr ifrn co>intrie«, p»ir

lie. ed for f lbi ekht^iMonv*. »r <". ' timh to bf nuie At»J)iht of t'jf C' TtrDtoCBt,

Oar WMldBftw Correspondence.Washington Juno 29, 18M.

W\oi is Thtitf/Kt ..'t WaiAinyion </ £A<. 1' residential Eke-tU/n.

The able and impartial manner with which you continueto deal with public questions and to handle tho claims ofpublic men, gives general tatisfaetion, except to the mer¬

cenary hordo of paltry politicians who have attaiuodpower through the agency of party machinery, andwhose hope of continuance depends upon tho perpetua¬tion of that system. While the whole country has ad¬vanced in every element of greatness, in lntelloctualstature, there is a c'atss of office seekers in the countrywho seem never to have realised tho existence of tbethird estate, which has risen within twenty yeans, andwhich is destined to exercise, during the next century,the controlling political power of this country. Politiciansmay still hope to pack their conventions, organise theircorrupt - Committees, parcel out the patronage, anddistribute rewards and emoluments an formerly,but the independent preea of the country will.verthrow their concerted plans and scatter theirhopes like the withered leaves of autumn bo-fore the rude blasts of November. Tho Hkraud was

the tlrst journal in this country to inaugurate this nowPower, and consequently it has received and will contiuuoto secure the bitter malignity of all who are disconcertedin their hopes of plunder by its bold denunciation* of themen and the party machinery by which Imbecility hopesto be magnified to greatnees.small beor politicians intostatesmen, and robbery and crime legalized by legistation.The black republicans here, like men who have wanderedfor years ;u the bogs of fanatacism aud Swcdenborgiuntranscendentalism, are in extacies at the least crumb ofcomfort you give to them » ben you, as an impartial chroni¬cler of parsing events, indicate how they may succeed,and apeak a cheering word for their Rocky Mountaincandidate. They have chased phantoms for yearn, andbeen deceived time out of mind by their papers and quasipatriot* hut since you have, at intervals, told them howthey might succeed, they begin u> resemble the man whodri w the elephants- they are leaking round to see whatto <io with their prtaes, if they get them.

But it is not to the republicans, your recent course hasbeen the moi-t suggestive and instructive it has a I'armore significant lesson to tho retecting, intelligent, andconservative remoorats, who properly comprehend whitis the truo mission of a i'ree press. They are pained toWyam etuot give to their causo your powerful m-

UueiiCe, but the moat judicious here properly comprehendand realize the distinction you make between tho soundconservative principles of the constitution and the till-bustering, vacillating plunderers, who hope to rule Into

l ower on tho ancient reputation of the nationr.1 demo-cr..< y. lience it is, while neaily all Iks democracy hereregret you are not advocating their success with all yourmight and main, they nevertheless l'eel you aro render¬ing tho party patriotic service and the country greatand incalculable bene ill by arresting, before it is too lato,the elevation to power of the motley crew of brindle po¬liticians wl.o rushed to Cincinnati to hang upon thotklrU ol whoever, like Hicawber, should turn u". andwho n"W arc anticipatiug to appropriate all the oihces,and all liie honors, that are to bo in tbe gilt ot tho demo¬cratic nominee after his election.

A Kitchen Cabinet, already organised, and drawing toits culinary department the adventurous and profligateof tho two cities of Philadelphia and New York, togetherwith these who have studied chicanery and fraud here,would break dowu any administration, though the im¬maculate Washington himself was at its head. In thuspointing out to the honest musses what risks tho demo¬cracy mn in having such harlequins gain power, you aro

i.-ally doing Mr. Buchanan a service which an open ad¬vocacy in his behalf could not secure. You have aknowledge of the public men of this coantry, drawn fromthe closest observation of thirty years, and in Europeyou have also become familiar w ith tho designs of ourdiplomatic representatives. Office can give you no sta¬tion, official patronage n j posit.on. Continue, then, toadvicate, as you have done, tho sound principles of theconstitution, and point out the rockk-ss, the abandonedami the profligate, and, :t matters not w ho succeeds, youwi'l '.oniirue to tccuru the rcspcct of those who regardpair ot n. uperior to party.

Political Cteeelp.Tne f.axt <lr.v tc democracy held a ratilV-atlon meet¬

ing nt Charleston, C <n the 26th .ust at which reso-

tions were <1 approving all that portion of the Cin-nati plaiferm -Lr.h relates to slavery, but nothing issaid about -tie rcorainder. «tfrs w~re rejeived fromStephen A. Doupku), James L. Crr, ar d P Brook*.Hon. Url Osgood has been nominated for C--n^re«9 by

tbe democrats in Uie Third district of JUlMia.A beaulifal P'rhanan (lac whi hb_ 1 wav vi in trinmpb

ever tho ar\» b«.is a*Sce I!.- afll Zly y'lbwllding, iu OiaMiqigrt, lint-., pruet^lUMd I*Ux jroaBti 1 y tlii1 ft'Tiu of u'!.A barker \ *e I! tig acr Br.- oy, iu A -U»y,

tcarii / thj /hl'vTi'.ij m- >'.:.> .... Wd ,«o Uio -I*th-Cndtr' to i?i WhM llcu i '

;>o He':ofonu.:i.e ...ty, Obio, an

old whi,;prper, has come on, democratic, ted run jp thename of i.'u^hanan and Bre- kenr _'ge.The Buffalo T.iprrs says .The Siw York H-olmt) and

Bufalo Courier need give themselves no trouble aboutthe politic*! posit on and zeal of tbe Hon*. B. Pr.ugle andR. Snge, of line .-'lute, and Waahburn, of Illinois, in iLc

rrpobli' an came. Wlule thoie gcutlcmon prcferr jdJudge Mdz-an ai their rtandard b«arer, tb. > are ikj .e

ttie lees zealous la behalf of the principles and aim* ofthe purtjr at wh>e hea<l stands the name of the gallantFremont They will do good battle m behalf of freedomin the rom'ttg itght.The Read rig (Pa ) Journal, Fillmore Know Nothing,

approve* of a ub'< n between tbe Fillmore and Fremontforce* It lay* . "We are not without hofo that a

onion of tho oppoe.t.on «>trenta w.ll be had, on groundshonorable to all parties, atd that ' Bock and Brock,'whom the nigger dr.rcrt think deiuced to walk oyer thecourse so easily, w .11 be handsomely beaten la the end."Governor Chafe del.\ (-red an addreaa It- hi* fellow est-km of Cincinnati, In fhvor of free ..oe Kansasand Fremont, on Um 30th u!t.The Burton Journal, ci Saturday *ay§:.As a matt* r of

curiosity, w examined cur es hange paprr* ro> - ired bythis morning's nail, for the purpose of ascertaining theirpceition on tbe Presidential q*e«tk>n. Tho followingpapers examined represent all tbe New Kngland Stat"*,and several of the Middle, Southern and Weatern Mates.The rrmjlt of our exam nation wan at follows:.For Fremont 2* Ne*itrs! 7For Buchanan 7 Neutral, with FrunontFor riMre . i Wo<Ut..",as 4Straight out whig 2

There were right cars in the express trtin from Bnffdeoil tbe JSth J-ine. A Pros,dent. J rot* wan pro;* -ed,whx h rmiMrd tho* . Rwhaear, 91, FUlaore, 37, Franx nt, VI. undecided, 30.The follow 14 are some of tbe mottoes which were

painted oa the a arnnw banner* carried in the proe«*«t<iaon the occaeK ii of the Fremott and Its) Urn demonstrationIn Trenton, N J , on the 26th in--t.:.

Talk eboal your Wheatland! More 'half than grain"'The l*«t thre- b,ng ma< b »« we know I* the ballot box!"

" W« 'II take that Hu k by the horns! Ila' Hal-* ' A manthat . tot alraW of a frlssly bear "an t he scared by a

Bt£k!" " The laborer ia worthy of hM litre T< n nettlea Jly will never pay.'' "We strike for freedom butn< t a rane," . The muie of the Vnkia U no» tho

» hip of die slaveholder, .' "Utile J"r«ey wrta true toftee.tnm in 177IW-- o will "he be In 1M*. '. " N»w Jrmojrgood lor & 0110 maiority." .' For fmkhlt, John 0. Fro-moat, tbe R<" ky Mountain P.ithtlnd«"r. and U»«- true JerseyBlue" "New Jersey will prove true to ftayw»B."" T* n relics of barbae in, |».lygamy and slavery "

The cu.seni of Fauquier county, Ta held a meeting en

the 2Cth ull at P.r^mont staix n to exprcs s the* iadigBa-tkm at the alleged conduct of Mr J. C. l*n<lerwno<l, ia

pretending torepre*ent Virginia In the Republican 0*1 ven-

t* n at Philadelphia. The meeting adopted reeolnUoaa d:s-carding all eectioBal pertle", adhering ta the ron*iitnlinaand tbe Union a* :t >, and denouncing a-> a libel any attempt ta make an impression that free «otl or al>«4<uoado. trine* are galitinr a foothold in T -/irla. A committeein appointed to convey the eea'lnetw of the meeting toMr t nilerwood, and to intorni li ji -'liiat tli»y deota Hjuft and advisable that he ahou ¦! leave Uie HtaM as epea-.illy as he ran And It In hta power ' I *o.nThe friends of Mr. Fillmore la tS.-w Orleans, 8re<! a

raluv nf fifty one guns upon tbe a^bo .< mt ui by laiogtaph of hie am\»l in thix city.

Vaprrme C'owrl.«pe<-lal Tens*.Hefr>re Juntieii ( lerkc.

Jr*v no .The people ex. rel. th" Mutual TBV lo»nfaneaO mpany a.n.ti't tli" Ih» . t,m . mm e» fthe ny <f N« wYork .Tine » n an uMillratioB made on l» half of the ro-Ihtor- by Mr. John K. i«evelm, for » writ of certiorari, tobring up the pr(<eeding« of tho Tat CoRimlniiooev*, inrelet on to the a«ae«em 'Bt n^win Uiefn The companyhi»i g hertl MOMWd Upon 'heir actual of two¦11U11 n« of i|< ;nr«, de» ired, upon a te< him alNMrMMof an art of the I«<r1«l!itiire. »o have the amount on wlilrhh< y were a' 'ee«ed redufle.1 to the «um of one hundredhoiieand dollar*. Mr Wllrox^on app-i-<-!for the Tax

O nimi«aionere. and urged the denial of the writ uponv. ni'n-e and that the rel «'

"(her more appropriate ac well ao ample remeilkne, if thef'< nimie^ioreri- tied Uued the law. The Julyedenied Uie motion.

Ptoh* in Tf>t.itt)0, Omo^On tbe 24th nil, Tolado wae vletted by a *evere fUirm. accompanied by thunder, lightning and haj). The NU*it cnlin It a "terriJVjbiirrnane, ' and .»>.*, many buiiding* and otnroa wereflr* ded by the rain, roofs wer<! blown off, ohimnystumbled donn and brick wall-i overthrown."The r<,.t of Morn* Hail wae torn off and the hutldil.g

much tni'ired hy water Pnag'e Block mijoinlnp lliofil< itr riflee, wh- iwrtia'ly nnroofed. Dr. Tinpen/ a

re*klein'i' wae partially unroofed. The new bli«-i, offiore" « n the corner of fummit and Mad! >n *treev .>'Irrg ngto Fl";ld k Tlmpaey. were a go-*! dn«i Jtire I,and a |-ortion the rear wall thrown down.

tile | II * carr,.>re. 'landing in front of the h:an lH' tiie. wa> talifn >p bo-itly, and carried *ev«ral ynrdsMini ut>uet, fr ifbilling tho dslvcr coBeiderabiy, but diangno eerion* daiiiage.The etorni w»* eeveref ctill In ManluDel. A jonog

0i r PttW ttoMfty, y,v kiUN.

From Kslhsom.OOTXKNOB SHANNON S HSFOHTKD KE8I0NAT10H.1The PI. Louis fcpaHum publishes the following com¬

munication, dated Thursday evening, Jane '27 .I am authorized by Governor Shannon, of Kansas, who

has just arrived at our home from thero, to say that hahas uot resigned. Ho is hero to moet lira. Shannon, andwill r» turn to Kan&an in about lour days. He reports ail-quiet in Kuntaa. THKKON BARN'ITM.THE MrVDKR OP TDK SHAWKEK INDIAN AGENT.

[Westpo.* I (June £1) Correspondence of the St. Louis Ro*publican.]

William Gay, the Shawnee Indian agist, *u killed,about two miles from this place, on Saturday evening,near five o'elork. He was almost at home.the oldShawnee agency.bat not quite across the line, whenkilled. The facts of the case, as stated In the affidavit ofW. J. Guy, sen to the deceased, who was along, arethese:.>Three men overtook hit father; they asked himto take a drink; he did so; they then wanted to know Ifhe was pro-slurery or anti-slavery. Gay answered thathe was from Micliigau. They repeated the question,when the deceased said he was in favor of a free State.One or the three then commenced shooting al him; «scuffle ensued, and the old man wa» shot through thehead, b« lng wounded in several other places.

The whole community tiero^are Indignant at the au¬thors of this foul need; and every effort lias been made,and Is being made, to get at Uio murderers, and 1 tavono doubt that they will be brought to justice. They havefled, but it is known where they are gone. Uou can seethe difficulty ofarresting a man here on the border: if thwwrit is issued in Missouri, the" person for whom It is in¬tended, can get across the State line, into the Territory,in ten minnus, and thus for the lime evade Uie law.The assassins cannot escape let our friends, North and'

South, rest assured of that.Every one b"ro believes that the deed was done for tho.

purpose of robbery. Mr. Gay had the key of hie ironsafe, containing hi.-- agency money, in his pocket, whileit wm well knwwn that there was no protection at hiabouse, where the safe i.s kept. Tho murderers were hur«ried away by the approach of persons. Young Gay,who escaped, is pretty badly wounded, but is doing well.The deceased was buried iti tho graveyard at this plaooyesterday, and the corpse was followed to the burial by

a lurg* concourse of citizens. In tho afternoon, beforethe burial, a meeting wus held, which passed resolutionsccnou"cii'g tl r deed and its perpetrators, and expressingsympathy wiJi the bereaved family.

OAT'S MritDEUKBS DEKOCNCBD.A meeting <»f the citizens of Westport w;w held on th<J

22d inst., to e'enounce the murderers of Gay. The reso¬lutions ui'opte ' ran as follows:¦Whereas, a base murder was committed near our town

upou tiie i>ertou of William Gay, late agent for the Sliaw-irvs in Kansas, on Saturday afternoon, the 20th; there¬fore,Resolved, Tfcnt this meeting (Vel called upon to express

their condemnation of the murder.Resolved, Tliut this murder, as we?! M other ontrngefl

committed in our midst, rail earnestly ipon every lawabiding citizen to help maintain tho supremacy of thelaw®, and bring offenders again- 1 Uietn to Justice.Resolved, 'ihut wo sym|>alhisc with the bereaved fa¬

mily ot the deceased, and will attend the funeral thisafternoon.

Resolved, That tbis being neither the time nor day fofmore energetic measu'cs in ferreting otit U.e murderers,this meeting adjourn to uieet to morrow morning at nineo'clock, and in the Meanwhile that ouch person here con¬

sider himself a committee of vigilance lo bscertam an<larrest the murderers.Tho meeting was then adjourned to the next day, at

which time it was moved and resolved that a subscr.p-tion be taken up lor a reward, to be offered lor the ap¬prehension of tlie assassins. .Several Lucdred 'onarswere collected lor this object.

DISARUI.NO op the cbicaoo emiorants.[Lexington, lio., ( Jene"J3,) correspondence ol' the Re¬

publican, (pro-slavery.)}Yesterday, about 4 o'clock P. M., information was re¬

ceive I here tliut a body ol armed men, from Chicago,were on tMird the steamer Star of the West. e»» routt toKan as. for the purpose of assisting the rebels, who arenow holding di dance to tho regular authorities of thatTWiMiy.The news of such an expedition spread rapl lly through

the town, and excited the indignation of our people, andthe whole community felt Unit aj patriots', and good citi¬zens they could not tamely submit to the outrage of arm*being carricd by their doors for the avowed object otbeing used to mr.rdcr our friends w ho have emigratedfrom llio border countiet of Missouri with '.ho design ofbettering their eooanlon by becoming actual settlers otKau«a" About '.iiniown a large crowd congregated atthe lew, anxii/iisly awuiting the arrival of the boat. Be¬tween lu and lir. M. she hov in sight, and after makingDust, a committee of oKlsens iwcnt aboard, and <nlbnneaCaptain Iiix of the object of their visit. He immediatelyIntroduced tbern to a Mr. Andrews, (he reputed oresi-dent of the cotu|>ahy, he (Andrews) staling to (he Cofci-mittee that there were on board seventy six mdta umfirh.s i barge, going to Kan -as lor tbu purpo- a of «etuemiii.i;that each "l 'hem hud a gun, and it was their determina¬tion to ket f th»m.Ibe Com.uee replied that they were fatitfled of the

hostile into: tions of tiie party, that they were recruits ofLane and !'.< lor, se-nt to Kansas to revive the droopingfortunes of tho tree State taction, and Uiat Uie people ofthis town b. .d delet mined they should u<A pass without

ing up their arms.Alter con utcrablo conversation between tfce Commi*-

lee and the li .ider f the company, it v.s igre. | that thearms be taken ashore, placed in the custody of a respon-nblc conomr-. ion men haul, "to be delivered .;p wliuathe present 1 Uiculties in Kansas should be settled."

The arms v ere found secreted in various parts of theI (at, and, in lead of proving "sh.tgunp," as repre- m.

rd by .ome «i the party, ti.rncd out to l>e " II* ,»g car-buns, all Ik. ed, with b.ijonc-U, except v n. found se-

f jrelj tailei in a strongbox, markvd, " Tb.s side up,with care."These are *11 the facts concerning the of theM

gar*, and I >» nd tliem to you, not for publi -ation, 'inlesdyou should tb.ak it n<-eewsary to contradict the fal ehoo>: jwhir b may be put in circulation by the St. Louii Dtnioermtand its abohutu confederates in Chicago and N'ew York.

Rawing the Haft* of the Aaaericoti KrproaaCompany finm the Steamer Atlantic.

A TUK1L11N0 BCKWB.[Trom tin' iMiuit Advertiser, June 2S ]

A tub marine diver fr« m Buffalo tuu at Ul nu.uaadaIn raiting tbo Ml* < Ill* Amvncau K*pr»*- Company. hub win lot when the -t*amer Atlantic «iu sunk o®lx»g Point in la6'i. It mil be recolle- mi tin* Warn¬er wan Instant^ »unk liy colliding with a propeller, andthat a Urge number of paMatnger* wore to* I. Tbe dlvr

» \s protected by tupl" r armor, and was under *jt rforty minute-*. during which timj be bad some ctran**Qa<l venturer. The up|sr deck of Uie MMMMV ues one htin-driil and st*tj feet uuder water, and far below Is any lurn nt or motion. Everything, therefore. tacurtly as tt Q: lit went down. When tbe diver aligblo4

< pnn the de< k. hr was -alutod by a beautiful lady, who« wan w-;i arranged, and her bair olegaatly dross-c«l. Ak be ap| uMh*4 tier, tho motion of tbn water caus¬ed atoMlllattaucf tlia head, a* II graccfolly bowing tohim. Hip wu> .tnmling eroct, with one hand granpingtbe rigging. Arotmii Jay the bodies of several others,an If slttpiug. children holding their friends by th-Mbands, und mother* with their babes in their arms w<rathere. In the rabln the furniture wan (till untouched bjrdecay, and to all «|>|warutice had juat tiv a arranged bgsome raref". and tasteful hand.

In the office in? found tbe safe, and was enabled to mortIt w.t'i «ad t" k It upon deck where tbe grapplingiron* w ;i . t bed ou. and tbe prizn brought safely tothe li 'bt C|< Q o)'< Liii|, the *afe it di«play"U in content*In a jei.eit f ;;t|e ul preservation. There waa in tbo saTa$A,0(<o in gold, fct.&oo In killr of the Uovarnment HtockInk, and a large amount of bill* oa other banks,

a mounting ia all to about $3d,000. Tbe paper* were un-tnjared, encept that Un-jr smelted very strongly af de-rayed hnman bodi< as If It liail laid for o nvtay yearsIn a ooffia with their owner. « «f courre, all Una moneyfoes to the persons intcroeted in this wonderful adven¬tureThe Detroit Fr" Prm says . "Tie new bills, we ara

told are rimparatively uninjured *>y their long imprison-ment and UpOHTt to dantime»», but tbe <iM ones araquite injure.] and lefac«-d, wIkIber so much ao an to pre¬vent their ideatilkaUon ami redemption «. aave noglearned There are »e\ »-ral thousand duller* on the»x-pl'sled (internment Block Baak of Ann Arbor, iitcludad latbe amount recovered.

Enlllng News ftaw Meavtr Ielands.covDmox or wiiaxo-iiokiions a rkkstkij.b-


(Frnattbe Pet roll Advertiser, Jnne 901Tha ».' amer Michigan arrived fr»m 'Jreen ISiv o»t -ia<

tun ay. and we are indebted to " apt %WitWwtB.ntereiting p« w< <»ti her trip up tbe Michigan look .*«><.Virk.naw. tbe ;--i:y Bbertf ef that oaanttf, l.yinaaUeorge wltbtw<M« three other*, who proreeded tnWK'b*'.Birt-a ftatbor *««* ts.-«e of armed mea, wrth whom theyre'Wasd to liefer II <rbor, for Urn purpose of arrestinga nnmber i.tuxn wl I ad aet Bre to *i>me h»nis»is, eoni-

>i tt> d tbefta tad <Hber depredatn>tis oa the lahabHaots f*oilier portions of the island. At Bearer llarbar Ove m<wtw< re arrested, and taken oa board the s earner, sbargn^ tliefi, Ac. We *nre *hlc to learn bat two of theirnet v *<-tliry nre Field ai l Brt|frf< ( "BSKlerable reals-tsne< was offered, and tt was not until the armad pn»a«utt!, tbe *henit levelled Ui'ir Weapon* |o lire upon thenthat they sabmitted. Whlla making the>o arr»-4aan- iber man, wtn-a name ij rtamu* I Wright, inter¬fered to prevent tbo arrests being made. He pra-reiitrd a pMai at one of the officer*, but It waa imme¬diately taken from him and he was take* rm tioard witMthe other prteiWMH. 1h* si* wire brought down to>!arkinaw. at«l sre now ronflned at that place It wa-ithought that rtrang «H,nld n«* powtlbly swrvtva. Iliflow* r limbs, ft( m bii hips down, we ra entirely p«ra-> sed The rep< rt that he would recover M thought toavf been pnt »1\<* t by tbe Mormnns «o inttmidato peo-le frtm c< mlng there to make arrests. The two meaaho >hot Mrati^ sl-o went up on the Mi-liynn aad re.timed again to Mm kinnw. CoasWerableairit.nBentpm-a Is at MackHMW snd Washington Harbor agsins*Uatig an his lollowers. anl armed companies are tit-tig out at both places for tha purpose of going to Baa.

- er Harbor to make wrests A company of one hun-dr"1n.«i»ae ali'-ady formed at Washington llaroor;and a company of Bfty at Ma<'kinaw. They would pro¬ceed to the Inland wit!' »ail vessels. WhMe tbe Mtrhigaa* in at the inland. A R. Williams, of I»e Tnnr, was a*Mrang> bona* and !.' "tilled pto|ierty which had Ji.eeoftoien (Vem htm 'ome time prartomly. Hiring had is-nird rin edit t M«tir.;z thsljlie ha had a revelation fromtied, and that the 1 nited ^'.ates p: earner Mi'higa*Mwt MTtf be allowed to rater the port of Jt Jaiaoaagain.Tbe MMHMlt* Amrrifm, of the 54th -ilt., learns fiat

the twa men who wore arrestPd at Mackinaw charge«1with «brsitiiv King *tranif. the Mormon, hav sine" >liberated on the e< tstiltehment of the fact that they bailbeen m«"«t MBMl I Ifllltjf whipped for'B-hlng on prop r»fwhldi Btrsr.g rialSod s« his "wn and that the M -rmonaon Biaver ). -ltd wrre but a t *nd of tln»ves. When th«IS''y klg n arrived at Mackinaw gre*t evettement pro.vailed, and a mrty of several hundred men vrern ale <itleavitig t< r feavsr Island for the purpose of making aihi'rou^li '-e»r >.h Bw rroperty stolen B-oui tfjetr re ght- r-iivv4 Iiwtff tilii pact rnthro