lsbu residence handbook

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  • 8/2/2019 LSBU Residence Handbook


    Your guide to living inLSBU accommodationResidents Handbook 2011-2012

  • 8/2/2019 LSBU Residence Handbook


    This handbook is designed to provide you with generalinormation regarding living in London South BankUniversitys residences. Please read the inormation

    provided and use the handbook as a source o reerence.London South Bank University student residences areowned by the University and managed by Universitysta. Should you have any queries or problems regardingyour accommodation, please contact a member o theresidence team.

    Enjoy your stay and good luck with your studies!

    4 University personnel

    5 Management arrangements, acilities and services (A-Z)

    14 Fire saety

    18 Health, saety and security

    23 Residents responsibilities and conduct

    28 Welare and support

    31 Southwark campus map

    Welcome to London SouthBank University Residences


  • 8/2/2019 LSBU Residence Handbook


    University personnel

    The ollowing University personnel have responsibility or the managementand delivery o services within the Universitys student residences.

    Head o Residential and Catering ServicesIs responsible or the overall co-ordination and management o the

    Universitys accommodation service and residential buildings.

    Residence Management TeamsThe teams are responsible or the day-to-day operation and managemento their respective building. In the event that you have any queries aboutyour accommodation please go to the reception desk and a member o the

    team will assist you. In most o our residences, a member o managementis available Monday-Friday (7.45am-6.15pm) and on Saturday (9am-2pm).Ater these times and on Sundays, there is a duty on-call manager/seniorstudent assistant who can be contacted in the event o emergencies. You

    will be provided with urther inormation at your residence.

    Residential Student AssistantsStudent assistants assist with on-call duties during the evening and atweekends. They are there to assist with any problems you may havewhilst living in one o the Universitys residences. Student assistants are

    normally postgraduate students, or returning students. You are requestedto co-operate with student assistants at all times. A list o current studentassistants is on display in reception.

    Security Sta

    In those residences with a security ocer, cover is provided between8pm-8am. The security ocer is located at the reception desk and is required

    to check that those entering the building are residents or bona-de visitors.

    Management arrangements,acilities and services (A-Z)

    Accommodation Oce StaOce sta are responsible or oering places within the Universitys

    residences, requests to leave and room move requests, they are notresponsible or the management o the Universitys residences.

    Please report any problems with your accommodation to the managementin your allocated residence.

    Complaints procedureThe University subscribes to the Universitites UK/SCOP Code o Practiceor the management o Student Housing*. The Code sets-out the main

    elements o good practice expected o its members. I you believe that thequality o service you have received has been unsatisactory, please ollow theprocedure below.

    Notiy your residence manager o your complaint (in most cases the issue

    can be easily resolved at this stage).

    I you eel that that your complaint has not been addressed you shouldwrite to the Head o Residential and Catering Services. State clearlythe nature o your complaint, and any action you have taken so ar. Allcomplaints will be ollowed-up and receive a written response.

    In the unlikely event that you still eel that your complaint has not been

    dealt with correctly, you can make a ormal complaint using the UniversitysComplaint Procedure.

    A copy o the procedure is available

    * A copy o the Code o Practice can be obtained rom the Accommodation Oce web page or



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    Car parkingThere are a limited number o parking spaces available, depending on theresidence where you live. I available, parking is provided on a permit basis.Permits are available rom the reception desk and must be authorised by a

    member o the management team.

    You will be charged or parking. Payment is required at the time the permit isauthorised. Arrangements can be made or students with special needs.

    Students wishing to park whilst dropping o belongings can do so, subject toagreement with a member o the residence team.

    Cycle storage

    All o our residences have storage space or cycles. The University accepts noliability or any loss or damage to cycles that might occur as a consequence.Cycles are not allowed within your accommodation.

    Cleaning arrangementsThe University employs a contractor to provide cleaning services within thebuilding. However, you and your fatmates are responsible or the day-to-day cleaning o your accommodation. Below are the basic responsibilities we

    expect o you and you can expect rom our cleaners.

    Universitys responsibilities

    Daily cleaning (Monday-Friday) o common areas within the building e.g.laundry, common room, reception, staircases and the removal o rubbish.

    Weekly cleaning o common areas in student fats e.g. corridors, kitchenfoor, suraces and shared bathing/toilet acilities (not in en-suite rooms). Youwill be advised by the management team o the day your fat is scheduled

    or cleaning.

    Any special cleaning as directed by the management team.

    Please note that during the Universitys Christmas closure period and on BankHolidays, a reduced cleaning service is provided. However, you will be letwith additional reuse sacks.

    Your responsibilities

    It is your individual responsibility to ensure that your bedroom, and whereapplicable en-suite bathroom, are kept to an acceptable and hygieniccondition.

    It is your shared responsibility, together with your fatmates, to ensure thatcommon areas in your fat are kept to an acceptable and hygienic standard.

    This includes bathing and toilet acilities, kitchens including cookers andrerigerators/reezers.

    I the standard o cleanliness within your accommodation alls belowan acceptable level, the University reserves the right to instruct cleaning

    contractors to carry out the cleaning required. You will be charged or this

    additional cleaning should it be required. Please do not leave ood debrison the kitchen foor or work suraces or leave reuse bags lying around, asthis will attract vermin such as mice and fies. There are always reuse bins

    available in the courtyard where you can leave your reuse bags.

    Your fat has been supplied with a vacuum cleaner, broom, mop, bucket,dustpan and brush. However you will need to purchase your own cleaningdetergents.

    Drinking waterAll o the water in your accommodation is sae to drink. The cold water supplied

    to kitchens is mains water and is thereore more suitable or drinking.

    Electrical voltageThe supply to your accommodation operates to 220-240 volts or 50Hz ac. The

    electrical sockets take a 3-pin plug. I you wish to use electrical equipment thatis not rom the UK you will need to use an approved adaptor. These can be

    purchased rom most reputable electrical retailers. Check your appliance beoreusing it and always ollow the manuacturers instructions.

    Heating and hot waterBoth heating and hot water are included within your rent. Further detailsexplaining how the system in your residence operates are provided within localinormation provided by your respective residence team.



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    Insurance (personal possessions)The University provides a basic level o possessions insurance cover at noadditional cost, which it has negotiated with Endsleigh Insurance Servicesas part o a block policy agreement. You should have been provided with

    details o this cover. I not, details can be obtained rom the reception desk.Please note that laptops are not covered. You may add to the level o coverprovided by contacting Endsleigh on 0800 028 3571 or via their website

    Internet accessAll bedrooms have a data point allowing access to the Universitys intranetand internet. There is no additional charge or this service. However, the

    University may restrict access to certain areas. For urther details regardingconnection to this service visit the Universitys ICT Department located in theBorough Road building or visit the web site Thereis also an inormation handout available in the reception area. As a generalprecaution, you are advised to purchase electrical surge protection equipment

    i you intend to connect computing equipment to the electrical sockets inyour accommodation.

    Please note that the Accommodation Oce and Residence Managementwill rom time to time communicate with you using your allocated LSBU

    email account. Please note that this is a key communication tool and you areadvised to regularly check your email.

    KeysOn arrival you will be provided with keys/access cards or the main entrance,your fat and bedroom. In addition you will receive a key or your allocatedmail box. All keys must be returned when moving out. I you lose your keys,

    this should be reported to reception immediately. I keys are not returned acharge will be applied or a lock change.

    LaundryAll o the Universitys residences have an on-site coin-operated laundry. I youexperience any problems with the laundry machines please notiy a member

    o the residence team.



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    Leaving procedureAn inormation sheet is available rom reception and also via theaccommodation web page indicatingwhat you need to do in preparation or and upon your actual departure.

    MaintenanceThe University is responsible or the repair and maintenance o your

    accommodation. Please report any maintenance problems to a member othe Residence team at the reception desk. To assist ecient response, pleasebe as specic as you can about the problem. Do not attempt to undertake

    repairs yoursel. The University uses approved contractors to undertakemaintenance work. Please note that you will be charged or the cost o repair

    i it results rom negligence or vandalism. When you report any requirementsor maintenance, you will be inormed o the category under which it alls.Maintenance is categorised according to its importance and response timesare thereore based on this. The categories are shown below. The Universityis not always in a position to give prior notice as to the time when reported

    repairs will be carried out. In the case o planned maintenance we will provide7 days. Residence or contract sta will ring or knock to check i anyone is inthe accommodation, but will use a master key to gain access i not. You are

    entitled to ask to see identication i this is not visible.

    Urgent (Category 1)

    The normal response time is within 2 hours o notication. Emergency repairsare regarded as being necessary to avoid signicant danger to personal healthand saety o residents, sta and the public or to avoid serious damage to thebuilding.

    Standard (Category 2)The normal response time is within 1 working day o notication. Such deects

    would cover issues that aect the structure and services but are not regarded asa risk to personal health and saety, security or serious damage to the building.Nor is there any likelihood o deterioration to a more urgent category.

    Routine (Category 3)The normal response is within 5 working days o notication. Such deects

    would cover any issues that would not aect personal health and saety andsecurity, or have any short term eect on the delivery o services.

    Planned maintenanceFrom time to time the University will need to undertake planned maintenance

    eg. saety testing o electrical equipment. In such cases, you will normallyreceive 7 days notice o the need to undertake such maintenance in youraccommodation.

    Mail arrangementsLockable post boxes are located in reception areas. Each student is issued with

    a key or their allocated mailbox. A charge will be applied or lost keys. Thereare deliveries Monday-Friday (in some residences also Saturday). Please ensurethat you give your ull address to anyone who is likely to write to you and that

    it includes:

    Your ull name (rst name, then amily name)

    Your block, fat and room number

    The ull address (including post code) o the residence

    Parcels, registered letters etc. will be held behind the reception desk or

    security purposes. A collection slip will be put in your mailbox advising you tocollect it. Any mail held at reception can only be collected by the person it isaddressed to; the collection slip must be produced along with I.D.

    Please note we will not accept large parcels or delivery o mobile phonesat reception. This is because o limitations o space and health and saety

    concerns. You must ensure that you are available when you are given adelivery date/time by the company you are ordering rom. I you are notavailable at the time o delivery, sta will not accept the delivery on your

    behal. Due to the high volume o mail we receive or students who have let,any mail received or you ater your departure, will be returned to sender.

    PestsI you observe any rodents or pests in your accommodation please reportthis to a member o residence team who will arrange or the Universitys pest

    control contractors to visit site. The normal response time will be one workingday ollowing the reporting o the problem.



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    Posters and picturesYou are advised not to put posters/pictures on the walls o your accommodation,but use the notice board provided. Damage can be caused to paintwork whenposters are removed. The cost to repaint a bedroom is approximately 400.

    Residents will be charged or any damage to paintwork, other than air wearand tear.

    Reception/oce hoursAlthough some reception desks are staed 24/7, some services are only providedbetween certain times. Please reer to the inormation provided at your residence.

    Recycling and energy conservation

    To help us reduce waste that goes to landll please use the recycling binsprovided on-site. We encourage you to make use o them. Please ensure that youturn o all electrical appliances when they are not in use and avoid leaving themon stand by. When you leave your room ensure that you switch o the lights.Conserve water by reporting any dripping taps or leaks. Every little counts!

    Reuse disposalThe cleaners will empty reuse bins in your kitchens on a daily basis (Monday-

    Friday). You are responsible or the removal o all other reuse. You can disposeo reuse in large bins which are provided onsite. Further details are provided atyour residence.

    Room allocation/room movesAll rooms within the Universitys residences are allocated centrally by the

    Accommodation Oce. Rooms are allocated beore arrival. It is not possibleto re-allocate/move rooms during the rst 4 weeks o the accommodationagreement unless there are mitigating circumstances which are supported by theresidence manager. Room moves (subject to availability) will be considered ater

    this time. No room moves will be permitted where there is outstanding residenceees.A charge o 35 will be applied or room moves to covercleaning and associated administrative costs.

    Smoking policyThe building operates a total non smoking policy. For clarity, this means that

    you are not permitted to smoke in any area o the building. Please note thatthis includes the use o shisha pipes.


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    Fire saetyI you notice any potential re hazard please report it to a member o the

    management team without delay. The points below are also relevant.

    Fire detection equipmentOur residences are equipped with both smoke and heat detectors which arelocated in your fat and in communal areas around the building. In the eventthat detectors are activated the system automatically contacts the Fire Brigade.

    Call points are also located in key areas around the building and should onlybe used in the event o an outbreak o re. It is a criminal oence to tamperwith re detection equipment.

    Portable re ghting equipmentYour fat has been equipped with a re blanket and CO2 extinguisher in the

    kitchen and a oam extinguisher located in the hallway. Such equipmentshould only be used in a genuine emergency and i you are competent in itsuse. Any malicious intererence with re detection/ghting equipment is acriminal oence. Any persons responsible or malicious use o such equipment

    will be subject to ormal disciplinary action.

    Emergency evacuationThere is a Fire Notice, normally on the back o your bedroom door, whichprovides evacuation instructions. You must ensure that you read andunderstand it. I the alarm sounds, you are required to leave the building in

    an orderly manner and make your way to the assembly point. Do not use lits.You must not re-enter any part o the building until authorisation to do sohas been given by a member o the management team or the Fire Brigade. Be

    aware that the silencing o the alarm is not a signal to re-enter the building.

    Fire DoorsFire doors are important in preventing the spread o smoke and re. All re

    doors are tted with a sel-closing device. It is important that re doors are notwedged open or that the door closing device is dismantled. Fire doors havesigns instructing you to keep them shut. This must be ollowed at all times.

    Residents with disabilitiesIt is possible that some residents may have disabilities that could makeemergency evacuation dicult, or alternatively dicult to hear evacuationalarms sounding. In such cases, it is advised that you inorm the Universitys

    Disability and Dyslexia advisors, based in the Perry Library. A PersonalEmergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) can then be discussed and agreed with theresidence manager.

    Fire alarm testsWe are required to test re alarms every week. You will hear intermittentsoundings o the alarm o approximately 10 seconds duration. You do not

    need to evacuate the building during alarm testing. The day and times o these

    tests are available at your residence.

    Fire drillsThe University is legally obliged to conduct re drills. Drills are held once aterm. No advanced notice is given. You must evacuate the building whenever

    you hear a continuous sounding o the alarm.

    Emergency exit routesEmergency exits are clearly signed. Please do not block or obstruct any escape




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    False alarmsThe majority o alse alarms are caused by cooking ood let unattended. Inorder to avoid unnecessary re alarms, which result in inconvenience to allresidents and the Fire Brigade, please ollow the precautions below:

    Kitchen doors are designated as re doors and should be kept closed at

    all times. This will prevent umes escaping into the hallway where smokedetectors are located and subsequently setting-o the alarm.

    When cooking, ensure the extractor an located in the kitchen, is inoperation.

    Keep the oven door closed and turn the control o when not in use

    Never leave cooking ood unattended, particularly when rying and grilling,this has resulted in a number o kitchen res.

    Keep cookers and cooking equipment clean to avoid the build-up o at and


    Do not attempt to use the grill with the grill door closed.

    Other prohibited itemsDue to the potential risks caused by the items below they are not allowed onthe premises.

    candles or incense sticks

    deep at ryers

    electric bar/paran heaters

    I during routine inspections sta note their presence or any other potentiallydangerous item o equipment, you will be requested to remove themimmediately. Failure to do so will lead to the item(s) being removed by the

    residence team until your departure. Because o the importance o re saety,the University will take rm action against any resident putting others at risk.


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    Snow and Ice ClearanceResidence sta will ensure that main walkways are cleared. However, theUniversity is not responsible or any clearance on public realm eg. ootpathswhich are the responsibility o the local council.

    First aid arrangementsThe majority o the residence management team, and some student assistants,

    have received rst aid training. Should you at any time require rst aid, pleasecontact the reception desk.

    Out o hours support/emergenciesThere is a member o management/senior student assistant on-call to deal with

    emergencies. In the event o a serious incident please contact the receptiondesk in person or by calling the reception extension. Explain the problem anda member o management and/or student assistant will assist. In extremeemergencies, the emergency services can be contacted by dialling 999.However, you are asked to avoid this when not absolutely essential. I you have

    contacted the emergency services please advise the reception desk immediatelyater you have done so.

    Personal securityMost o our residences have CCTV cameras in operation covering the mainareas around the building. These measures along with your co-operation will

    assist in making the building a more secure environment. However, or manystudents it is their rst experience o living in a busy inner city environment. Itis important or your own security and that o your ellow residents, that you

    ollow some saeguards:

    Ensure that you lock your bedroom door whenever you are not in it.

    Avoid leaving cash and other valuables open to view, always secure them.

    When leaving your fat ensure that the fat door is secured do not wedge

    the door open.

    Do not give your keys to other people you are personally responsible or them.

    Do not allow strangers into your accommodation. Always check with your fatmates beore allowing anyone access. I in doubt do not allow them entry.

    I you live in a ground foor fat, ensure that you do not leave windows openwhen you are not in the room. Also consider closing the curtains.

    Health, saety and security

    I you notice any potential health and saety hazard please report it to amember o the management team. The points below are also relevant.

    Reporting accidentsAny accident taking place on the premises should be reported to a member o

    the management team immediately.

    LitsDo not overload lits with passengers or luggage. Misuse results inbreakdowns, which inconvenience all residents. I a lit breaks down while youare in it, stay calm and press the alarm button. A member o sta will answer

    your call. Please ollow the instructions given. Never attempt to orce yourway out o the lit, as this could be extremely dangerous and result in injury. Amember o sta will attend as quickly as possible.

    Electrical saetyPlease ensure that any equipment you bring with you is suitable or use in theUK. Ensure that the plug and wiring is in good condition and that the plug is

    tted with the correct use or the appliance (see manuacturers instructions).Remove plugs rom electrical sockets beore going to bed or when leavingthe room or any extended period o time. Do not overload electrical sockets.

    Report any damaged sockets or deective electrical equipment (supplied by theUniversity) to a member o the residence management team. I in the opiniono the residence manager a personal item o electrical equipment may present

    a saety risk you will be asked to remove it rom the premises.

    BookshelvesPlease avoid overloading bookshelves. They are not designed to hold heavy

    pieces o equipment. I you notice that the bookshel in your room is loose,remove items rom the shel and report it to the reception desk.

    WindowsFor health and saety reasons, please do not open windows beyond the levelallowed by the restrictor. This is sucient to allow circulation o air. You must not

    tamper with the window mechanism in an attempt to open windows urther.You should not lean out o windows or throw items rom them.



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    Entry phonesMost fats are tted with an entry phone. Your visitors are required to ringyour fat so that you can collect them rom the relevant block door. For securityreasons, you cannot allow them automatic entry rom your fat. Do not allow

    anyone to enter who you do not know.

    Lost keysYou are strongly advised to look ater your accommodation keys. They aresecurity keys and cant be copied at local shops. I you lose your keys you mustimmediately report this loss to a member o the residence team. A member

    o the residence team will acilitate temporary access However, in order tomaintain security to your fat and bedroom, replacement locks will be tted.

    The cost o a lock replacement is normally in excess o 100 and will becharged to you.

    Reporting incidentsIt is important that any incident is reported to the residence management

    team and logged. Incidents could relate to issues such as thet o personalbelongings rom your accommodation or incidents o street crime within theimmediate area o your residence (e.g. mugging, suspected drug use etc).

    I you intend going away or a ew daysI you expect to be away rom your accommodation or several days, you are

    advised to inorm a member o the management team and where you maybe contacted. This may be required in the event o an emergency. Equally, iyou are concerned about the absence o a fat mate please let the residence

    management team know.

    You should advise the duty manager without delay, o any person acting in a

    suspicious manner, in or near your accommodation.

    I you have any concerns regarding your security, please contact the receptiondesk or the on-call manager/senior student assistant.

    Visitors/guestsAll visitors are required to sign-in at the reception desk. This ensures that staare aware o any visitors within the building in the event o a major incident.Please ensure that your guest(s) sign-in and out. For security reasons, your

    guest(s) may be asked to provide identication. All visitors are required to leaveby midnight, unless covered by an overnight permit. Please ensure your visitors

    know your ull name and fat address when visiting.You may have visitors to stay overnight i an overnight permit has been

    completed. Permits are available rom the reception desk. Fire regulationsimposed on our buildings limit the number o guests we can saely allowto stay overnight. The ollowing procedure must be ollowed i you wish toobtain a permit:

    Permit orms must be completed and registered by no later than 7.30pm on

    the day o your guests arrival.

    Permits will only be issued ater 7.30pm in emergency situations, and at thediscretion o the Duty Manager/Senior Student Assistant.

    Guests can stay or a maximum period o 3 nights in any 7-day period. The7-day period commences on the rst day o your guests stay.

    The Duty Manager/Senior Student Assistant, i in the best interests o theresidence, has discretion to reuse the issue o a permit.

    We rely on your co-operation in order to ensure that your accommodationremains sae and secure. In the event that these simple procedures are notollowed, your visitor/guest(s) may be reused entry or asked to leave. Youmay also be denied the right to have visitors in the uture should persistent

    problems be experienced.



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    Residents responsibilities and conduct

    Your accommodation agreement(Licence to occupy)

    This is a legally binding agreement or a xed period o time. When

    accepting a place within one o the Universitys residences you agreed toabide by the conditions that govern occupancy. As you will appreciate, youwill be living in a large and diverse community and thereore to assist the

    enjoyment o your accommodation it is essential to have some basic rulesin place. We ask you to respect the conditions within the Agreement, andshould you have any queries regarding its content, contact a member o

    the residence management team.

    Payment o residence eesYou are required to pay your ees by the dates indicated on the

    Accommodation Agreement (Schedule). Residence ees must be paidpromptly in order to avoid the potential loss o your accommodation.Should you experience problems in paying, you are advised to discuss your

    circumstances with the Residence Manager as soon as possible. Financialadvice can also be provided by the Student Advisory team located in theUniversitys Technopark building. Do not ignore reminder letters as this

    will only delay the potential resolution o any nancial problem. You canpay your residence ees on line at or at your residence during normal oce hours We willaccept payment in cash, by personal cheque, bankers drat, travellers

    cheques, credit card (Master Card or Visa) or debit card. Please note that acharge o 20 will be made or any personal cheque that is not honouredby our bank. We also reserve the right not to accept payment by personal

    cheques should we have experienced previous problems in cashing them.

    Should you leave your owing residence ees, this could prevent your re-enrolment or the awarding o your degree. Your debt will also be reerredto a debt recovery agency.

    Booking eeOn accepting a place within a University residence, you were required tomake a payment o 300. This has been credited to the nal payment

    period o your account.



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    am on the last day o your accommodation agreement. Return all keys, andwhere applicable your access card to the reception desk. You should alsoensure that you have settled any outstanding residence ees.

    Further leaving inormation will be issued nearer the time o your departure.

    Flat inspectionsMembers o the residence management team are required to carry outperiodic checks o your accommodation to ensure that it is being maintained

    in a clean and sae condition. Checks will normally be undertaken onceper semester and will involve checking study bedrooms, kitchens andcommunal bathing/toilet acilities. You will be given advance notice o any

    ormal inspection o your accommodation. On occasions members o themanagement team may need to check maintenance undertaken in your fator room, where possible every attempt will be made to give you notice othis.

    DamagesYou are expected to look ater your accommodation both as an individual

    resident and as part o a group o residents living together. Charges will beapplied or any damage, loss or vandalism.

    Behaviour and conductIn the event that a residents behaviour and/or conduct is considered tobe unacceptable, the issue will be investigated and i appropriate will be

    considered under the Universitys Halls o Residence Disciplinary Procedure orStudent Residents.

    Illegal drugs/substances

    Should a resident and/or their guests be ound in possession o, orconsuming illegal drugs/substances on the premises, residence managementteams have been instructed to contact the Police. Formal disciplinary action will

    also be taken.

    Completion o room inventory ormOn arrival, you should receive an inventory sheet itemising urnishings andttings in your accommodation. You should ensure that you careully checkthis list against what is in your accommodation. Note down any problems andbe specic about their nature. Ensure that your comments are clear, as illegible

    inventories will not be accepted. Please return your inventory to the receptiondesk within 72 hours o your arrival. You are advised to keep a copy that hasbeen signed and dated by a member o the management team.

    Leaving beore the end o your accommodation agreementI you want to leave the residence beore the end date o your

    Accommodation Agreement, and be released rom your obligations

    (and thereore your liability or payment o Residence Fees), you must discussthis possibility with the Accommodation Oce.

    Your request will be assessed as ollows: I you are withdrawing rom your course at the University you will be asked

    to provide a letter rom the ees oce in the Finance Dept (located in theTechnopark Building) conrming that you are ceasing to be a student.

    I you are not leaving the University but simply wish to leave your residence,you will be held to your obligation under the Accommodation Agreement

    until a replacement is ound or your room. There is no guarantee that wewill be able to re-let your room.

    You are advised to read the relevant section in the Accommodation Agreementwhich conrms your obligations.

    Leaving procedureYour room is normally checked ater you have vacated. However, checks can

    be undertaken whilst you are present. This must be by prior arrangement witha member o the residence management team (usually 72 hours in advance oyour expected date o departure) and during oce hours. Any loss, damageor additional cleaning will be charged to you. It is in your best interest to

    ensure that when you leave your accommodation, you hand it back in anacceptable condition. You will need to ensure that upon your departure allyour belongings have been removed rom your bedroom and i relevant, thekitchen/dining area. You are required to leave your accommodation by 10



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    NoiseAll the Universitys residences are located near to local residential developments.Whilst we wish you to enjoy your stay with us, we ask you to haveconsideration or our neighbours and your ellow residents. Noise is a serious

    issue, and is monitored by the local Environmental Health Oce.

    Please assist in reducing noise by: Keeping music to acceptable levels and keep windows closed

    Remembering that others are sleeping when you come back late at night

    Avoiding the slamming o doors late at night

    Not shouting across courtyards/adjacent streets

    Not gathering outside accommodation blocks late at night

    PartiesParties are not allowed in bedrooms, kitchen/diners or other communal areasunless authorised by the Residence Manager.

    Confict resolutionLiving in a diverse community, you need to be aware o your actions and habitsand how they are seen by others. Most fat mates get on with each other or

    most o the time. However, on occasions it is possible that you will all out withfat mates, oten over relatively small issues. I you experience problems, you areadvised to discuss them in an open and tactul way with your fat mates in

    most cases this usually resolves the problem. I there is a major problem withinthe fat that all best eorts have ailed to resolve, you should advise a membero the residence management team who will mediate.


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    Welare and support

    Advice and inormationOccasionally problems may arise where you require advice and support. Support

    and advice is available rom the University, the Student Union and outsideagencies. Students are encouraged to approach:

    The Universitys Disability and Dyslexia Support, located in the Perry Library, canprovide support and guidance on disability issues, including mental health.

    Student Advice and Careers Guidance, located in the Universitys Technopark

    building, can provide general guidance to students covering a range o issueseg. nancial support/advice concerns about University lie, emotional issues etc.

    The Student Union has a Student Advice Bureau. It has qualied advisorswho oer ree and condential advice on a range o issues. The Bureau can becontacted on

    020 7815 6060.

    The Universitys Student Gateway isa source o useul inormation about the support services provided atthe University.

    Registering with a local doctorYou are strongly advised to register with the local health practice, even i you

    are already registered with a doctor at home. This will allow prompt treatmentshould you be unwell whilst at University. Please advise a member o themanagement team once you have registered with the practice, this inormationmay be needed in the event o an emergency.

    The local surgeries are:

    The Princess Street practice serves residents at McLaren House, David BombergHouse and New Kent Road. The Hurley Street practice serves students residing atDante Road. Both practices provide registrations sessions during the main arrival

    period in September/October.

    Princess Street Health PracticePrincess Street, London SE1Tel: 020 7928 0253

    Hurley Street ClinicEbenezer House, Kennington LaneLondon SE11Tel: 020 7735 7918

    NHS DirectThis is a telephone based service, staed by trained nurses who can providecondential advice and inormation 24 hours a day. On calling NHS Directyou will be asked to provide some basic inormation about yoursel. You willneed to explain what your symptoms are; any medication you have taken;

    any existing medical conditions; and anything else that might be relevant.The service can also provide inormation about late night services eg.pharmacists or dentists.

    Tel: 0845 4647

    Local hospitalsSt. Thomas Hospital

    Lambeth Palace RoadLondon SE1Tel: 020 7188 7188

    Open 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, has an accident andemergency service.

    Guys Hospital

    St. Thomas StreetLondon SE1Tel: 020 7188 3878

    Open 8am-8pm, 7 days per week. Deals with minor injuries, minor ailmentsand longer term problems. I you have a minor injury, you may nd it easier

    to go to the Minor Injuries Unit.



  • 8/2/2019 LSBU Residence Handbook


    Communicable diseasesI you suspect you are suering rom an inectious disease such as Meningitis,Mumps, Rubella you are advised to notiy a member o the residencemanagement team without delay.

    This inormation will be treated confdentially.

    I you believe you are suering rom the symptoms associated with Meningitis

    (ever, vomiting, sever headache, sti neck, drowsiness, dislike o bright lightsand red pin prick like rash on the skin), please advise the Duty Manager orStudent Assistant immediately, or alternatively contact your doctor and let the

    Duty Manager know what you have done. Should you require any inormationregarding Meningitis, the Meningitis Research Foundation has a 24 hour help

    line, which can be contacted on 01454 413344.

    Other useul contacts

    Nightline 020 7613 0101 (lines open 6pm-8am during term)

    Samaritans 08457 90 90 90

    National Drugs Helpline 0800 77 66 00

    London Rape Crisis Centre 020 7837 1600

    Victim Support 020 7820 0007

    Car ParkingThe London Borough o Southwark do not normally issue car parking permitsto students. Thereore, you are advised not to bring a car with you. Forshort stay parking, there is a NCP car park located in the Elephant and Castle

    Shopping Centre.

    TV LicencesPlease be aware that i you have your own television set within your roomor fat or have a TV card in your p.c. or laptop, you will require your own TVlicence. The University does not supply this on your behal. Licensing ocialsnormally visit the Universitys residences every year. For urther inormation visit

    Council TaxAs you are a student you are not liable or Council Tax.

    Congestion ChargeAll o the Universitys student residences all within the Congestion Chargearea. This means that there is a daily charge made or the use o cars travellingin and out o the designated area during peak times o the day. Reception sta

    will be able to provide more details.

    Public TransportFor inormation about how to get around London using the public transport

    system, visit Transport or London at The nearest undergroundstations are the Elephant and Castle (Bakerloo and Northern Lines), Borough(Nothern Line) or Southwark (Jubilee Line).

    Banks (nearest branches)

    Lloyds upper foor in the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre

    HSBC 28 Borough High Street

    Nat West 10, Southwark Street

    Barclays 29 Borough High Street

    Abbey ground foor in the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre



  • 8/2/2019 LSBU Residence Handbook


    Nearest Pharmacies

    Boots in the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre

    City Drug Company 39-41 Borough High Street

    Nearest SupermarketsResidence sta will be able to advise you o the nearest and best

    supermarkets. The list below are some o the nearest to our residences.

    Tesco located on the ground foor in the Elephant and Castle ShoppingCentre and a Tesco Metro on Borough Road

    Iceland located on the ground foor in the Elephant and Castle Shopping


    Sainsburys located on Waterloo Road (opposite the rail station) and onBorough High Street (opposite the local library).

    Whats happening in LondonUseul inormation regarding cinemas, theatres, restaurants and places o

    interest etc can be ound at the websites below:


  • 8/2/2019 LSBU Residence Handbook


    Southwark campus map

    Campus Buildings1. Borough Road Building2. Tower Block

    3. M Block4. Extension Block5. Joseph Lancaster Building6. Faraday Wing

    7. Perry Library8. South Bank Technopark

    9. London Road Building10. The Keyworth Centre11. K2 Building12. Students Union

    13. Learning Resources Centre14. Rotary Street15. Caxton House16. Nursery

    17. Eileen House

    Residences18. McLaren House19. Dante Road20. New Kent Road

    21. David Bomberg House








  • 8/2/2019 LSBU Residence Handbook


    Useul LSBU telephone numbersAccommodation Oce 020 7815 6417

    [email protected]

    Student Union 020 7815 6060

    Student Advisors 020 7815 6054

    McLaren House 020 7815 7360

    Dante Road 020 7820 8052

    Bomberg House 020 7815 7380

    New Kent Road 020 7407 9174

    Residential and 020 7815 7003Catering Services [email protected](Central Oce)

    Inormation contained within this document was correct at the time

    o printing. London South Bank University reserves the right to make

    changes to the accommodation arrangements at any time. As muchnotice as possible o any changes will be given, but the University does

    not accept liability arising out o or in connection with them. July 2011.