lsmw manual for data

 01.04.2008 LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench) Go to transaction LSMW Click on create entry enter !ro"ect s#b!ro"ect ob"ect e$ec#te. %$ec#te an& 'olloing 20 ste!s ill a!!ear 1. Click 2. %$ec#te

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LSMW manual data uploading


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LSMW(Legacy System Migration Workbench)

Go to transaction LSMW

Click on create entry enter !ro"ect s#b!ro"ect ob"ect e$ec#te.

%$ec#te an& 'olloing 20 ste!s ill a!!ear 



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1. Select batch

in!#t ecor&.

2. Select


Click on create


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+ct#al transaction is o!ene&, then !#t act#al sam!le &ata ith o#t selection - clicking 4

or any other key.

%nter all &ata as yo# !#t hile &oing transaction.

Sa*e an& 'olloing screen ill a!!ear/

#t recor&ing


#t transaction

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Sa*e go back go back .

Click on

&e'a#lt +ll tab

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hen sa*e back, a#tomatically shi't to secon& ste!. o 20 ste!s re&#ce& to 14 ste!s.

Click the 4 tab, it

ill a#tomatically


Click on 3b"ect3*er*ie tab

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 iel&s yo# nee& ill be &is!laye&.

Go to systemlist sa*e local 'ile s!rea& sheet sa*e on &esk to!

Click on table.

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em!late 'ile is sa*e& on &esk to!, "#st co!y entire 'ile to other e$cel 'ile an& sa*e.

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his is e$cel setting, "#st co!y the 'iel& names e$ce!t ++M% an& C35%, an& go to

secon& sheet right click !aste s!ecial trans!ose.

6' yo# ant also trans!ose the 'iel& &escri!tion in other sheet, this yo# ha*e to gi*e to the

#ser 'or 'illing the em!late. Will look like this as shon belo/

his is in the same 'ile b#t secon& sheet only.

Since 7#ality !lan LSMW is more &i''ic#lt, other taken, !rocess same.

6n y!e 'iel&e$ce!t 'irst to

make all as C9

Co!y all 'iel&s belo 'irstto an& s!ecial !aste

trans!ose to other sheet

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Gi*e this em!late to the #ser 'or 'illing the master &ata, e$. hir& line is master &ata


Co!y the &ata 'rom e$cel 'ile e$ce!t to! line, i.e. 'iel& name. 2n& line 'iel& an& &ata to be

co!ie& an& !aste in note !a& as t$t &oc#ment.

Go to LSMW a#tomatically it ill be 2n&

 stage. %$ec#te


Sa*e an& go ack, yo# ill go to :r& ste!.

%$ec#te; go to so#rce 'iel&s; select able Maintenance b#tton

Create a

str#ct#re by

clicking this

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<o# ill go to so#rce 'iel&s 'or so#rce str#ct#re.#t iel& name, ty!e an& length by co!ying 'rom e$cel sheet, as 'ollos/

S+=% +C> S+=% +C> 

<o# ill go to ste! 4 as belo/

Select tablemaintenance tab.

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%$ec#te sa*e back ill go to ste! ?

%$ec#te select so#rce str#ct#re (M+6C) %$tras +#to 'iel& ma!!ing


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6n 'iel& match 'iel& ith same no. "#st change 'rom ?0 100

Then just keep on pressing Enter for the same no. of times that of no of


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@#st sa*e an& go back ill go to si$th ste! hich is not re7#ire&, go to Ath ste!;

S!eci'y 'iles.

%$ec#te select 'irst !otion legacy &ata on C

6n the ne$t screen assign te$t 'ile on &esk to!, rite name, select tab#lator tab an& 'ile

names at start o' the 'ile tab. +s !er 'olloing screen shot/

Select thelegacy &ata on

C an& a&&

entry tab.

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%nter Sa*e ack ill go to 8th ste!.

%$ec#te sa*e back ill go to ninth ste! ea& 5ata9

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@#st 'or testing !#t 1 transaction.

%$ec#te back ill go to 10th ste!. e$ec#te check an& go back ill go to ste!

11 (con*ert &ata)

%$ec#te &o not !#t any thing again e$ec#te.

Go back ill go to ste! 12 e$ec#te check go back ill go to ste! 1:

+t ste! 1: e$ec#te tice an& click enter

Will go to ste! 14

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Select the !rocess an& select !rocess.

+gain !ress !rocess tab.

5ata ill be loa&e& like in 5C, ha*e to select 'oregro#n& to see act#al entry, otherise

yo# can select &is!lay errors only.

ress e$it batch in!#t a'ter !rocess is com!lete&.