ltliov&'estih tho letter - digital transgender archive

R ic Independent in Everything, T e D th Xniaj. Julj 28. 1875. u w n id T s in la w tw D'Eon dressed as a man. She would have fought duels. She was a captain of dra- goons. Resided here as an ambassador. To all outward appearance, therefore, 'the defendant had the best of the wager. On the part of the plaintiff there was consider- able difficulty. Suppose him to have been right yet the proof was not easy. It was not in tha power of any one to compel D'- Eon to disclose her or his sex. Was it known, the proof still rested on the plain- tiff. It was thrown out that he was sure of the fact at the time he laid the wager. The contrary bad appeared,-- . He had no proofs in his power when the contract was made. The court of France was not ap- prised of the fact It regarded D'Eon as a man." The jury gave for plaiutiff 702. On the 1 3th of the same month the che- valier left England, declaring in the most solemn manner that she had no interest whatever in the policies opened respecting her sex, and that "she left dear England with grief, where' she- - thought to have found repose and liberty." The case was subsequently argued before Lord Mans- field on behalf of the defendant, and the defendant pleading nnder the terms of a recent act of parliament payment was not binding on him in such a case, this was admitted and the bets were lost D'Eon AN OLD STOEY BEVXVED," - The Queer Aiveattirert cf- - ft Chev- alier D'Eon. Incident la thf Lif of a Man Who Fuiii M ft WomanHi Trial for tho Offitno. P tt G T W a s W From the Kew Yorlf Time. A few weeks ago there was printed in hese columns an account of a woman who had for years been driving a oabin Lon- don, without any suspicion' arising as to her sex. There have been many remark- able instances of similar concealment not- ably one which camo to light in England a few years ago at the death of an assis-tai- it inspector-gener- al of army hospitals, by name Barry. The history of that ex- raordinary person, will in all probability, never be known, and the causes and early circumstances of her extraordinary career are almost beyond conjecture. One fact, however, about her was beyond question thit bhe continuously had friends in very hieh places. c arrived at Versailles in 1777 in the uniform of the dragoons, but to satisfy the curiosity of the queen assumed presently the dress of a woman. In 1784 he returned again to London, C T t i B c where the French revolution of 1789 found him;. It appears by the records of the national assembly in May. 1792, that he l petitioned the assembly, as Madame D' l & Kon, to be allowed to serve in the army. Barry, who had' always shown herself Madame stated that "though she had worn , tne dress ot a woman tor fifteen years, bhe was desirous of doffing cap and petticoats lor helmet and abre. lhe petition was received with great applause, but no other result, and as the. Republican authorities had taken away a pension grant 9 T ed him by Louis XV, he returned to Eng- - ready to fight a duel, and permitted no okes as to her feminine appearance, dis- played the utmost anxiety up to the last to conceal her sex, and made the attend- ant on her last hours promiso to bury her ust as she then was. But an examination was insisted on. These, however, are cases of women personating men. Let us turn to one more remarkable, that of a man personating a woman the Chevalier D'Kon. Charles D'Eon de Beaumont, advocate of the parliament of Paris, and censor gen and and gave lessons in iencing, an accom plishment in which he was admirably .pro ficient, lhe previous year he had advert ised the sale of his effects, which included various articles of female attire. He died b in London, in poverty, in 1810, although a e t eral of Belles Lettres .and history in that Tench authority states that he had a pen S city, was born in Burgundy in 1727, of sion of 200 a year from Ueorge HI. His assumption of female attire seems to have T arisen at first out of an exigency, and was highly respectable parentage, received a superior education, and ws called to the Parisian bar. In li55 he was introduced to Louis XV, by the Prince de Conti, and n probably continued for purposes ot vari S ous kinds. A most ridiculous surmise is it is said that thenceforward he maintained that it was adopted at one time to cover a secret correspondence with that eoverv an intrigue with poor Queen Charlotte, S who certainly never before had been bus eign. On this mission he went for the first time iu female attire. The object of the pected of such an indiscretion, and, ' a visit was to approach tbe Empress Eliza French commentator observes. "We may be permitted a doubt on this point" D'- Eon seems to have been a vain, excitable beth with the view of putting an end to s the ill teeung between the trench and Kus-sia-n courts, and more especially to pro creature who loved notoriety, and had' a i O restless craving for excitement, to satisfy mote the private interests of his patron, the prince de Conti, with the empress. which he would have done anything. A psst-morte- m examination was made by The next year he went to St Petersburg eminent French and English surgeons. as secretary ot embassy. During the next two years ho was aotively employed in in which left no doubt as to his being of the male sex. . - trigue and negotiation. Meanwhile he had been appoint ed a lieutenant of dra goons; in 1758 he was mado a captain; and a tew years later distinguished; hino- - fielt in several engagements. In 17G1 he was appointed secretary of embassy to the duo de Puvernois, who camo to Kogiand aa embassador extraordi Read what Prof. E. 8. Wayne. Chemist and Pres ident of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy says in nary.tto conclude a peace, and certainly brought an extraordinary secretary. The relation lo this valuable Pharmaceutical prepara- tion:. Cincinnati. AdhI 1. 1873. Messrs, Richardson & Tnllnlge. 'yents: "haviDir been made acquainted with tbe composition of your K. & T. Tonic tli.ilr and Li- quid Extract of Beef, would say that it posseses val- - chevalier's troubles, which be attributed to tho jealousy of Madame de Pompadour when she discovered his secret correspon- dence with the king, now began. Walpole mentions D'Eon coming to breakfast at Strawberry hill with a large party of French people in May, 1763. Not long af uaiiie medicinal Droperuicg. as all tne Ingredients entering into Its composition have known and positive medicinal value, wnicn comninea togetner must form an excellent touic, stimulant and nutri ter this JNiveroois was recalled, and count tive medicine, and one suited to relieve many com. pluints incident to our climate." nespecuuuy yours, a. a. vt r.ii, uncmist. de Uuerchy appointed in his place. Ik the interval between the departure of the one and the arrival of the other. Geo. II. Stone. S. H. P. Stone. t5HAN!ON, M. V Pres't. President. Sec. & Treas D'Eon, who was appointed plenipo- tentiary meanwhile, 'conducted him FOREST CITY self in a surprising manner. The tern porary position of embassador seemed to Varnish, Oil and Naphtha Co., MANUFACTURERS OP entirely turn his head, "D'Eon." writes Walpole to Lord Hertford, in November, Carbon Oil, Gasoline, Naphtha, 1763. "is still here; I know nothing more ot him but that the honor of having a hand in the peace overset his poor brain. This was evident on that fatal night at Lord VARXISUES, DETERS. Dealers in Linseed Oil, Turpentine Halifax's." (Where he had behaved in a AND LUBRICATING OIL. most violent manner in the presence of M CLEVELAND OHIO deGuerchy.) "When they told him his behavior was a breach of the peace.he was Offlce Cor. Euclid Ave. and Sheriff St. Iteiinery vor. voniintrciai anu uanai etr. quite distracted, thinking it was the peace between this country and Ins. When BAUER & CO., count de Uuerchy arrived and brought letters of recall toD'Eon he declined to accept them, alleging them to be forged Manufacturers and rclused to vacate the oihee. 1 resent ly, to gratify his rage, he published The Favorite Bauer Pianos. Imuiphlet reflecting on various eminent more especially the count de Uuerchy, and this nobleman, in July, 176-- prosecuted him for libel, and obtained a conviction. Walpole comments amusing- - ioglyon this to Mann: "D'Eon's book will divert you extremely. He told peo ple in the park the other day Mme de Uuerchy, (who is remarkably plain,) is going to raris to take Wme. de rompa indorsed by SO.nno Families, Artists a Musics Critics. THE BKST AND MOST RELIABLE dour s place. . e do not bear that it is seriously filled up; I mean in the cabinet, for in the bed chamber it has long bee executed by deputies." 11 A.No IN THE MARKET. A fall stock of SQUARE, GRAND ANU V h,on s next move to obtain notoriety was to assert that the French government intended to carry him off privately by force, and he wrote to complain of this to UPRIGHT PIANOS ! Chief Justice Mansfield, Lords Bute and Also, Agents for the Celebrated lenjple, and Mr. Pitt, and in March, 1764, a but ot indictment was, on his allegation. Knabe Pianos. touud against the count de Uuerchy for conspiracy against the case of an embus JULIUS BAUER & CO., Corner State and Monroe streets, (Palmer House. sador, much perplexed tha. government, CHICAGO. iLT. r uriuur proceedings were cvaaea. ' I June, Koo, as ne caa laued to come ud ior judgment in tne - JiDei suit, be was de Railroad Time Table. clared outlawed, and on May 20.' 1771. caveat was entered at doctors' commons against Lis good, he being supposed to be uead, as ne bad been advertised tor vain. But not long ' after the chevalier rzosiA & :o:s island iuilttat. SHORTEST nol'TK TO THE EAST AND SOCTH. lAVB, ARRIVE. turned up. refreshed himself with a due or two, and it was a wound received in one Eastern hx. 6:00 a. m. Mall & Ex. ' li:i0p, m Mail ill. p.m. Western Kx. 0:OOp.m. ot these which led to serious suspicion , mj r 'eim ( ,.n m. m. nj r reignt a:-- p. m Through Pu Through ft. 8:15 p. ro mat ne was a woman. Uut ot this arose trial which amazed all London. lhe n;ia. m, train makes close Connection at reona witn t. r. X w. and T. W. A W, for Ciucin natt, Louisville and all points East. ' The causo came on before Lord Mans- field on July 1, 1777. The plaintiff was Mr. Hayes, a surgeon, who brought ' tho The 1:30 Iraln mikes close Connection S ft&Tva with C. B. & 4. K. K. for Galesbnrg and Burling- - suit, for the recovery of 700, against Mr, H. A ., and Illinois Mid and for uoiiita Vmi nit Jacques, a broker, the said Jacques hav Southeast. Sleeping Coaches on all night uains. " -- r ' - 1- - R. Hixuabd, Receiver. injr, auouc six years peiore, received cer m a. . ueji i. m gt. AgT. tain premiums ot fifteen guineas per cent. ior every one oi wmcn lie stood eniraeed CZICA30 SCCZ ISLAKS ft PACIFIC E. & to return owe hundretl guinea whenever it SOINO EAST TRAINS LEAVE Bhould be proved that the Chevalier D Eon st 8,15 a. tn.;4:15 p, m.; and 9:46 p. m. Trains wan actually a woman. arrive iron west as above. S01NO WEf TRAINS LKAVX- - - The counsel fur the nlaintiff was Mr. Buliers, af terward famous as a judge, who tl5.? m.; I0:-1- a. ni., and : p. m. Train - arrive irom tne east as above. U buiu iimuui. luijrva I'ciieviu lumseu now to be iu ossesdion ot positive proof B33SFCSD, KC,r5LA1.3 & 3?. LCTJ13 S. B D Eon a being a female. He called Mr, I x (joux, a surgeon, who stated that "h hud been acquainted with the Chevalier D'Eon from tho time when the due da . VlUIW-LtA- I OlTH - - - At at 'rd6:M)p. m. " rtunfr. Lvtnr- - r " l it III . . " . and ;ui p. ai. ' STUNJ TRAINS LEAVE At 7.1) a. in. anil 5.Ji p. iu. AKHIVK FKOB STEBI.1NU Af 7:85 a. in. ami b;4i p. m. - ' COAL VALLET llSo 5CS TBAlks." Niveroois resided in England as Frcooh ambassador, and thut to his certain know edgo the person called the Chevalier D Eon was a woman. On cross-exami- t- - I - ri i ... . Aaiv uuu, .ur. u vjroui maica inai no naa ar LHAVE. 7:05 a. . li:Uil M. 1U:3U A. rived at this knowledge in the course of 3:30 P. a WSST2P1I TOIOi; SAOIiSAD. midical attendance on the chevalier. Then M. De Moraude was called, w!m gaye equally strong evidence in support of that ot Mr. La Uoux. Day Bt pri-s- s and Ma!'. Mhl tipnsn......... :00 r M 6:53 A M ..lo:uo r a Lord Mansfield then charged the jury ITSLCISTOjr, CESAS. SAFISS ft m. Ucutlemun, this ts a gambling debt should be glad if your vcrdiut could to tscHunnToa Le. W est LllH;rty. Ar. W Liberty, 80 :00 aa 11:. a m )l:'iap h Kxpre ....... : To CiaAat UAriDs ' opcrato that neither party should be the winner; but as one must lose, yon have Express U:00 9:Vi a Accommodation. 7:55 r . 6:35 r only . to air.. consider wluon ... or them ought win. un respect 10 tne contract on which the action is founded, there Is not ETCIAiTAPO-I- S. BLOOHIUSIONft WESTZLS anything illegal in it. It is binding on both '...- - Lv. Indianapolis. Ar. Peoria,' ac. aaussx.. 4:00 am 1:55 m parties. Lh discovery of the sex of Peoria. . . Indianapolis certain person is to viva it operation, ic jimisM.. 7:4a r - i:40ri Cam rnn throueh from I'eorla tClnrinnaLl with. Thero was every external proof thut. the oat change. Connections made at lafllaaauoll for defendant was right in his conjecture.

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Page 1: lTliov&'EsTiH tho Letter - Digital Transgender Archive

HEW ADVEBTISElinilS; Chicago; A Tiling ot Beauty is a Joy for Ever.SPECIAL FOTICES.

RfMlf AGCIITC Wanted to tell "The It

AOEllldple'a Common Senxe Med-ical Adviser." . It Ik tbe cheapest (Hok er pnb-li.he- d:

SH5 over 2TA illnatr&tioii.- - l


Wholesale aod etaiUealYork.iasither Brands of

Independent in Everything,Thousand buy it at xlubt who could not be induc

oaed u purcnaae toe nlb-prlce- d books treating ofDomestic Medicine. Unlike other books soldthroneh agents this work Is thoroughly advertisedXniaj. Julj 28. 1875. THE GREATEST AND ONLY MEDICINE


uirongiiom norm America, in 1b fact, togetherwith tbe largs size, elegant appearance, and manynew features of tbe book, causi it to sell more rap-idly than anv work ever uuMUhed in tliia mnmn

ever discovered and warranted) for the perfect,ure far all the worst forms of PILES-- , LEPKOY,SCROFULA, RING-Woh- SALT-RHED- CA-TARRH. CANCER. RHEUMATISM, ASTHMA,DYSPEPSIA. KIDNEYS, and all diseases of theSKIN and BLOOD. Entirely vegetable. Money

It 4wThose of mv agents who have had experience iu Wisconsin and Summit Quick Lime.Office, SI Market Street, CHICAGO.

For beauty of polish, saving of labor, freencss from duatffilrabiliand clieapnesB,truly unrivalled in any cotntfy t" CAUTION Beware of worthleae Imitations under other namea.But uplrralmtlaT tnro and elor Irtor.dsd to deceive. Ear- - 3

eturned in all eases of failure. H. I). FOWLS.selling nooita,tay tnat in all their previous canvass-ing they never met with such success or made solarge watres, as since commencing the sale of mywork. For terms and terrritory, address (inclosingtwo postage stamps and statine exDerience) R V

Chemist, Boston and Montreal. Sold everywhere$1 a Dottle. Send for circular;

D'Eon dressed as a man. She would havefought duels. She was a captain of dra-goons. Resided here as an ambassador.To all outward appearance, therefore, 'thedefendant had the best of the wager. Onthe part of the plaintiff there was consider-able difficulty. Suppose him to have beenright yet the proof was not easy. It wasnot in tha power of any one to compel D'-Eon to disclose her or his sex. Was itknown, the proof still rested on the plain-tiff. It was thrown out that he was sureof the fact at the time he laid the wager.The contrary bad appeared,-- . He had noproofs in his power when the contract wasmade. The court of France was not ap-prised of the fact It regarded D'Eon asa man." The jury gave for plaiutiff 702.On the 1 3th of the same month the che-valier left England, declaring in the mostsolemn manner that she had no interestwhatever in the policies opened respectingher sex, and that "she left dear Englandwith grief, where' she- - thought to havefound repose and liberty." The case wassubsequently argued before Lord Mans-field on behalf of the defendant, and thedefendant pleading nnder the terms of arecent act of parliament payment was notbinding on him in such a case, this wasadmitted and the bets were lost D'Eon


The Queer Aiveattirert cf-- ft Chev-

alier D'Eon.

Incident la thf Lif of a Man Who

Fuiii M ft WomanHi Trialfor tho Offitno.

Pierce, M. D., World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. y. package of tne genuinebT"Tr'ftttmrn, am envelope "r or paDUsning Uep t." NATIONAL DESPATCHFast Freight Line for 6.071,984 Packages sold in 1872. 187 6nd1874.'.GBefor eYonStart Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, St Louis ,




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And all points West,

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Patent Fine Pen and .Pocket : Cutlery !WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOSare the bbst hade; The touch elastic, and a floesinging tone, powenul, pure and even.

WATERS' Concerto ORGANS MASTA'S ; WEST SXX.F.IDEN; CONN.The only Knivbs Mitr that are nnt together in such a manner that there is no strain on the cov

From the Kew Yorlf Time.A few weeks ago there was printed in

these columns an account of a woman whohad for years been driving a oabin Lon-don, without any suspicion' arising as toher sex. There have been many remark-able instances of similar concealment not-

ably one which camo to light in Englanda few years ago at the death of an assis-tai- it

inspector-gener- al of army hospitals,by name Barry. The history of that ex-

traordinary person, will in all probability,never be known, and the causes and earlycircumstances of her extraordinary careerare almost beyond conjecture. One fact,however, about her was beyond questionthit bhe continuously had friends in veryhieh places.

cannot be excelled in tone or beauty ; they diptarrived at Versailles in 1777 in the uniformof the dragoons, but to satisfy the curiosityof the queen assumed presently the dress

ering or frail part of the knife. We warrant our knives equal in cutting qualities and workmanship toany made, and arc acknowledged by English makers as tnu Best Amehkan Knife. We also make

of a woman. PULMONIC BALSAM NICKEL AND SILVER-PLATE- D POCKET KNIVESIn 1784 he returned again to London,


PRICES EXTREMELY LOW for Cash, duringthis Month. Monthly Installments received;

and Organs to Let, and Rent-Mone- y allowedif purchased. Second-han- d Instruments at GREATBARGAINS. AGUNTS WANTED. Aliberaldiscount to Teachers, Ministers. Churches. Schools,

where the French revolution of 1789 foundwhich will not met or become discolored when nped as a Fruit Knife, and their cutting qualities arthim;. It appears by the records of the uai iu muj viucr kuuv. vsruurs uucu ui iuc luciuryspeedy and certain remedy for Coughs, Cnational assembly in May. 1792, that he l odges, etc. Special inducements to the trade. Il tarrh. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, BronchitisSELF-INDEXI- NGpetitioned the assembly, as Madame D' lustrated Catalogues Mailed, HORACE WATERS

& SONS, 4S1 Broadway, New York. Box 3,567. Influenza, Hooping Cough, Aathms and the varKon, to be allowed to serve in the army. lTliov&'EsTiH tho CHEAPEST."ous affections of the Lungs and Chest,Barry, who had' always shown herself Madame stated that "though she hadThousands hare been speedily and effechiaworn , tne dress ot a woman tor fifteen

years, bhe was desirous of doffing cap and cured by its timely use while suffering with seveLetter File and Binder50 TO S.0,00 colds, protracted coughs, and with various othcpetticoats lor helmet and abre. lhe forms of LUNG DISEASE. It is prepared fromPATENTED IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT vegetable balsams and the medicinal properties opetition was received with great applause,

but no other result, and as the. Republicanauthorities had taken away a pension grant


roots ai d herbs, containing no minerals or poisonous drugs. It can be taken with perfect safety a

Has been invested in Stock Privileges and paid

900 c?A PROFIT."How to Do It," a Book on Wall St, sent free.

Tvmbbiuue A Co..Bankers& Brokers,2 Wall-st.N,-

ed him by Louis XV, he returned to Eng- -

ready to fight a duel, and permitted nojokes as to her feminine appearance, dis-played the utmost anxiety up to the lastto conceal her sex, and made the attend-ant on her last hours promiso to bury herjust as she then was. But an examinationwas insisted on. These, however, arecases of women personating men. Let usturn to one more remarkable, that of aman personating a woman the ChevalierD'Kon.

Charles D'Eon de Beaumont, advocateof the parliament of Paris, and censor gen

times. Represents the following Old and ReliableThe most economical and labor-savin- g file In tneand and gave lessons in iencing, an accomplishment in which he was admirably .pro woriu.

Docs its own indexing and requires no mucilage.ficient, lhe previous year he had advert uaie. ioiamp nr inaonun?.The choicest In the world, Impor Binds volume 'complete, for thirty-fiv-e cents, in aised the sale of his effects, which included ters' pricea Largest company in manner Deciuiariv its own.a- America staple article pleases everyvarious articles of female attire. He died The handiest for all kinds of business.body Trade coniiunauy increasing Agents wantin London, in poverty, in 1810, although a ed everywhere best inducements don't wate

time send for Circular to Robert Wells, 43 Vesey ALSOeral of Belles Lettres .and history in that Tench authority states that he had a penAMBERCTS BILL FILE AND INSt. New York, P. O. Box V&, was born in Burgundy in 1727, of sion of 200 a year from Ueorge HI. His

assumption of female attire seems to have VOICE FILE ON SAMEPRINCIPLE.THE WEEKLY SUN.cSf0 And will issue Policies in any of them at asarisen at first out of an exigency, and was

highly respectable parentage, received asuperior education, and ws called to theParisian bar. In li55 he was introducedto Louis XV, by the Prince de Conti, and

JThe attention of tlio8effliclcd wiih CoWtnow to New Years, post-pai- IK) eta. Address Theprobably continued for purposes ot vari Sold by all leading Stationers. Send for Circular,Slm, New York. Congbs, or with any disease ol the Lunge, is direcous kinds. A most ridiculous surmise is low a rate as the risk will justify.ted to this valnrale remedy. Colds and Coughs areit is said that thenceforward he maintained that it was adopted at one time to cover CAMERON, AMBERO & CO.,Manufacturers and Stationers,

A WEEK guaranteed to Hale and Fe-male Agents, in their locality. Costs easily taken, and if neglected may lead to disease Orgaenizd.a secret correspondence with that eoverv an intrigue with poor Queen Charlotte, S77 Of the lungo. What Is needed under snch circum

Location.Hartford,84 Lake Street, CHICAGO.who certainly never before had been bus NOTHING to try it. Particulars free

P. O. VICKERY& CO., Augusta, Meeign. On this mission he went for the firsttime iu female attire. The object of the

stances is a reliable remedy peedT in affordingpected of such an indiscretion, and, ' a relfef and effectual In arresting further progress ovisit was to approach tbe Empress Eliza - aSYCHOMANCY. OR SOUL CHARMING. the disease.I How either sex may fascinate rnd gain the

French commentator observes. "We maybe permitted a doubt on this point" D'-

Eon seems to have been a vain, excitablebeth with the view of putting an end to


Sold by all Druggists and Apothecaries, and Inlove and affections of anv Derson they choose, in Lightning Saws.





stantly. This art all can possess, free, by mail, forthe ill teeung between the trench and Kus-sia-n

courts, and more especially to pro Rock Island by John Bengton, Emil Kithler, Ecreature who loved notoriety, and had' a New Yorki6 cen is : together 1th a Marriage uulcie, EgyptianOracle. Dreams. H'nts to Ladles, etc. 1,000.000 sold. Brnernertaud Benser As Thomas.restless craving for excitement, to satisfyA queer book. Addiess J. vvilijaji e iu, run- -mote the private interests of his patron,

the prince de Conti, with the empress. Ushers. Philadelphia. Bojnton's Lightning Sawswhich he would have done anything. Apsst-morte- m examination was made byThe next year he went to St Petersburgeminent French and English surgeons. secretary ot embassy. During the next HELICAL.two years ho was aotively employed in in which left no doubt as to his being of themale sex. . -trigue and negotiation. Meanwhile he

had been appoint ed a lieutenant of dra MONTGOMERY'S A Bemedj without a Rivalgoons; in 1758 he was mado a captain;NERVINE.and a tew years later distinguished; hino- -

1819.18101871.1872.1853.1872.1821.1839.1820.1810.1873.1869.1853.1867.1866.186$. -1835.1863.18581803.1852.1846,1865.1872.

fielt in several engagements. Not One Failed in 20 000.In 17G1 he was appointed secretary of These are the only Saws In operation that are

embassy to the duo de Puvernois, who equivalent to tlie front Cutting and Clearing of a Maguire'scamo to Kogiand aa embassador extraordi

INS. CO. N. AMERlCA,PhiladelpLia,franklin,fire ass'nAmerican;R. I IN. ASS'N, Providence, R. I.NORTHWESTERN NAT.MilwaukeeAMERICAN CENTRAL, St. Louis,ST, JOSEm. St. Jose hMERCHANTS,N. O. INS ASS'N, ' New Oileaus,SCOTTISH COMMERC'L, Glasgow, Scotland,FIREMAN'S FUND, San Francisco, Gold,QUEEN, England,IMPERIAL,LANCASHIRE, " "CONN. MUTUAL LIFE, Hartford,R. W. P SSENGER,HARTFORD ACCIDENT, "

nana aw uuru ways, viz: going and coming.The slant edges between the points do not cut, theRead what Prof. E. 8. Wayne. Chemist and Pres

Montgomery's Nervine cures RheumatismMontgomery's Nervine cures Neuralgia.Montgomery's Nervine cures Hysteria.Montgomery's Nervine cures Fits.Montgomery's Nervine cures Headache.Montgomery's Nervine curesMontgomery's Nervine cures Sciatica.

ident of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy says in vemcn lace of each M cutting, and the slant lolnary.tto conclude a peace, and certainlybrought an extraordinary secretary. The






owing, ana vice versa, as aruwn dsck and lortn.relation lo this valuable Pharmaceutical prepara-tion:. All Tweth are cutters. A 11 Teeth are cleaners. The

leueth. Btrencth. stiffness and dnrabilliv r.f these Cundurango Bitters.Cincinnati. AdhI 1. 1873.Messrs, Richardson & Tnllnlge. Montgomery's Nervine cures Palpitation of the are odvious. jxote also speca, ease, simpnc

'yents: "haviDir been made acquainted with tbe ity and clearness.SPEED- .- If two points are dressed to cnt in lineHeart and ail nervous affections.composition of your K. & T. Tonic tli.ilr and Li-

quid Extract of Beef, would say that it posseses val- -

chevalier's troubles, which be attributed totho jealousy of Madame de Pompadourwhen she discovered his secret correspon-dence with the king, now began. Walpolementions D'Eon coming to breakfast atStrawberry hill with a large party ofFrench people in May, 1763. Not long af

Why suffer when one bottle of this medicine will vertical or advaucliis cut are more effective thanuaiiie medicinal Droperuicg. as all tne Ingredients give you immediate relief? Principal Depot, 131 retreating edges of old V cutters nsed by all other

Saws.entering into Its composition have known and VEGETABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL.N. Ninth street. Philadelphia. Pa. EASE. It is easier to Plow a croove in timberpositive medicinal value, wnicn comninea togetnermust form an excellent touic, stimulant and nutri Sold by all Druggists. man to crunn nut one.

SIMPLICITY. All noints are the same lenethter this JNiveroois was recalled, and count tive medicine, and one suited to relieve many com.pluints incident to our climate."

Contains no alcohol, an excellent purgative orthe bowels, relieving and curing all compla tgof the Liver, Blood, Kidneys, and Stomftcb. Readthe following testimonial from a prominent Newnespecuuuy yours, a. a. vt r.ii, uncmist.

and cut their way. We no not now recommendthick raking and hook teeth, as they require somuch shortening aud re adjustment.PILES! PILES! PILESde Uuerchy appointed in his place. Ik

the interval between the departure ofthe one and the arrival of the other. SPOHR'S NEW PILEXCURE. ULKAKANtit. - cutting Dy projecting laces, these

M teeth near like a ulow. simultaneouslv. Total Assets Represented,a ura cuiiur.

Offlce of (4co. H. Sweet's "Texas New Yorker,"N os. 28. 30 and 82 Centre Street,

New York City Sept. 8, 1874.Geo. II. Stone. S. H. $108,552,260P. Stone.t5HAN!ON, M.

V Pres't. Sure Cure and Absolute Prevention. Sold by allPresident. Sec. & Treas --v a. ioue genumtt wituoai tnu name on saw oiD'Eon, who was appointed plenipo-tentiary meanwhile, 'conducted him dealers. Circulars sent tree on application. Messrs. J & C. Magnire, St. Louts: GentsFOREST CITY Address. MONfGOMiSKx & CO., Agents, E. M. BOYNTON, onrs of the Slst nit. with case of one dozen Cundself in a surprising manner. The tern 131 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia. Pa urango Liver and Blood Bitters came dulv to handSole Proprietor and Manufacturer, 80 Beekman St.. porary position of embassador seemed to

flew hoik.Varnish, Oil and Naphtha Co.,MANUFACTURERS OP

You will please accept my thanks for your gener-eroslt-

1 will try to put the medicine "where itwill do the most good." I have given one bottre to

entirely turn his head, "D'Eon." writesWalpole to Lord Hertford, in November, OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE.

Happy Relief fob Yocno Mew from the effectsCarbon Oil, Gasoline, Naphtha, a menu ui mine wno resides in Brooklyn, bothhimself and wife hve taken it, and their testimonyof Errors and Abuses in early life.. Manhood re Leather Hose, &e.

stored. Impediments to Marriage removea. JNevs in iuc Fame as jmue. a ursi met wun it in HoustonTexas, afterwards returned to mv home in Ann tin



1763. "is still here; I know nothing moreot him but that the honor of having a handin the peace overset his poor brain. Thiswas evident on that fatal night at Lord

VARXISUES, DETERS.Dealers in method of treatment. New and remarkaDie reme where I have the Texas branch office of my paner.dies. Books and Circulars sent free, in scaled cr My Houston bottle was-nse- np, and 1 found on

trial that I could not obtain a slnsrle bottle in nilLinseed Oil, Turpentine I0SIAH GATES & SONSHalifax's." (Where he had behaved in a Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 419 NorthNinth Street. Philadelphia, Pa., an Institution Austin, for J went to every drugirist in the place

and there are tome five, but each house told meAND LUBRICATING OIL.most violent manner in the presence of M Manufacturers ofhaving a high reputation for honorable condurCLEVELAND OHIO toey intenaca to order lt.on the strength of my reaand proiessionai skiii.deGuerchy.) "When they told him hisbehavior was a breach of the peace.he was

Offlce Cor. Euclid Ave. and Sheriff St. Iteiineryvor. voniintrciai anu uanai etr.

ommendatlon. Ere coming to New York I was in(ralveston, and bought a bottle of Bohlrde, an oldfriend and a good hunse. I had no idea then thatI could not obtain it in New York j but after my

quite distracted, thinking it was the peacebetween this country and Ins. When A POPOLAK MEDICAL SOOK1 umvesiuu uome was useu np, 1 started to find

more'and was much surnrisedlo And none aftervixit.BAUER & CO.,count de Uuerchy arrived and broughtletters of recall toD'Eon he declined to lug fully a dozen different establishments. I gave np

the search here and wrote to you. Now gents soaccept them, alleging them to be forgedIVIANHOOD! IpsWOIVIAKSHOOD!

pIates! MARRIAGE!IipUlnlng who may marry, wh sot, why. T Jmptd- -

Manufacturers Of Every Xeeriptioii.Plain and Landscape Wire Window Screen Cloth a Specialty.and rclused to vacate the oihee. 1 resent

ly, to gratify his rage, he published The Favorite Bauer Pianos.STEEL SPARK CI.OT1I for Loromfttivi's. hihI nil hrar. iril.. nf H i oImuiphlet reflecting on various eminent

more especially the count de

gooa a meaicine as yours is ought to be placed atthe command of the whole world. It will not onlyprove a great fortune to yourselves, but a laotingblessing to the whole human fanily. As a remedyin my own case I have never met with itseqnal.It squeezes my liver better than Calomel, of w hichI have taken not a little. I am a hard worker andconstant thinker, and consequently for the last tento twelve years my body has found it difficult to keepnp with my brain. There aie millions of American

ards. etc. BRASS. 1KCN. STKKi.-.AM- i iui v An mfVhYic i VIGul.tft PhT.lok.glcmldiaooTcriea la the lntareaUng raUu ........ ihMit nrMmiHM. Jlotuol mxGitmmtnt,

STEEL CASTING BRUSHES. FLl'E liEITSH hS marie 7m TheTi,,.tVr'Uuerchy, and this nobleman, in July, 176--All goods warranted to give eutief actiou. Betid (or 1 i'uttrated Price List.

. nrprosecuted him for libel, and obtained aItabar'ral IIeotS,wUliafi'l'll- - SmalvthmuUlo middle or old M'roni whatevr eanta, aiid what aibadoo la aaoa, aja. About plmpiea oa the race andblood InporlUea. Why em people Walpole comments amusing- -

ioglyon this to Mann: "D'Eon's bookwill divert you extremely. He told peo SUPERIOR OAK TANNEDiiiutraied 3S0 pege boek, eoaialeiof mueh lotormailoa for

she Married, ot Iboae eontrmplaliog marrtoja.r irulde and prlvmle eounaelor. Bent to any aaareaa,

twttt aoM, by aiail, lot taeeata, by

people just like myself, and thev need sume simpleherb medicine to keep them from sinking into dvspeptic graves, until they can .apply, brakes andcut oil a part of the steam and see where they are.Yon have the medicine and jon have a great fortunein it if yon will bnt let the world know It. Tn m

ple in the park the other day Mme deUuerchy, (who is remarkably plain,) is DOCTOR WHITTIEr,

LEATHER HOSEfill St-- Chnjrlea St.. St. Xatmia. Me.going to raris to take Wme. de rompa indorsed by SO.nno Families, Artists a MusicsCritics. THE BKST AND MOST RELIABLEdour s place. . e do not bear that it is

seriously filled up; I mean in the cabinet,

search after your Cundurango m this market 1found a preparation of Cundurango sold at $3 perbottle but no more like yours than is a black man.ike a white. Of course I did not buy it. This let-ter ia only written to thank you and to give yonmy experience with cundurango, WieUiug yon thesucceos you dew-ry- e I am.

Very ltpectfalVy &c. Geo. II. Sweet.

r.wJatrid4yl.ele, vke ".ll.JlojaioJaWeAranairteilcaatiMi9 uZ. ak,v4, adhubrn longer his worm and Judge torrourjelf,

m.uaJ. Mvtrt l- -ur oftitmry with one stamp aiuuareol.

for in the bed chamber it has long beeexecuted by deputies."

11 A.No IN THE MARKET. A fall stock of


ANUV h,on s next move to obtain notoriety

DIXON'S 1 STOVE PCLiHWill Polish a &tov in five minutes.


Will polish a stove without soiling; he flcor.


ESTABLISHED 1822.was to assert that the French governmentintended to carry him off privately byforce, and he wrote to complain of this to

And Belting.Lace Leather, Picker Leather,

And dealers in all kinds of


Fit u Department SuppliesAll roods warranted as rerjreacntrit. Send

UPRIGHT PIANOS !FREDERICK BROWNChief Justice Mansfield, Lords Bute and

Also, Agents for the Celebratedlenjple, and Mr. Pitt, and in March, 1764,a but ot indictment was, on his allegation. Knabe Pianos. Importing, Manufacturing and Dispensing

CHEMIST.touud against the count de Uuerchy forconspiracy against the case of an embus JULIUS BAUER & CO., Circulars and Price Lists.

N. E. Cor. 5th and Clestnnt St,Corner State and Monroe streets, (Palmer House.sador, much perplexed tha. government, LOWELL, t MASSvCHICAGO. iLT.r uriuur proceedings were cvaaea. ' I Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger.

Brown's Cholera Mixture,June, Koo, as ne caa laued to come udior judgment in tne - JiDei suit, be was de Railroad Time Table. Brown's Preserved Taraxicmn Juice Himrod's Core.clared outlawed, and on May 20.' 1771.

Brown's Mutter's Couh Syrup,Brown's Bitter wine ot Iron,

caveat was entered at doctors' commonsagainst Lis good, he being supposed to beuead, as ne bad been advertised tor Brown's Cooper's Anti Billions HIvain. But not long ' after the chevalier

rzosiA & :o:s island iuilttat.SHORTEST nol'TK TO THE EAST AND SOCTH.

lAVB, ARRIVE. illPills. .'

turned up. refreshed himself with a due HiBrown's Cliapman's Anti Dyspepor two, and it was a wound received in one Eastern hx. 6:00 a. m. Mall & Ex. ' li:i0p, mMail ill. p.m. Western Kx. 0:OOp.m.ot these which led to serious suspicion tic Jfills,, mj r 'eim ( ,.n m. m. nj r reignt a:-- p. mThrough Pu Through ft. 8:15 p. ro Brown's Wistar's Cc ugh Lozingeemat ne was a woman. Uut ot this arose

trial which amazed all London. lhe n;ia. m, train makes close Connection at . . (From originalBrown's Fluid Extract Blade berry

h : : -

Neat, Brilliant. Lasting.



v.-- ; k- ' i

Will polish a stove in half the tiiatej V .B.xW STOVE POLISH; ' - ; 3

' " rr r.u ' ;-- .

Is quick and easy tous( '':r-c- i

DIXO1Y8 STOVE P0tlSirCan be used on a warm stove- - '

It is The Polish of Society--!Nothing makes a Kite-lio- so neat or a parlor so cheerful Wa

well polisheil Ktovo, and DIXON'S UARBRUET OPIRON STOVE POLISH will 1n it-i;-

reona witn t. r. X w. and T. W. A W, for Ciucinnatt, Louisville and all points East. '

The causo came on before Lord Mans-field on July 1, 1777. The plaintiff wasMr. Hayes, a surgeon, who brought ' tho

The 1:30 Iraln mikes close Connection S ft&Tva IMPORTANTwith C. B. & 4. K. K. for Galesbnrg and Burling- - Brown's Fluid Extract Wild CherryBrown's Compound Syrup Sarsa- -suit, for the recovery of 700, against Mr,

H. A ., and Illinois Mid and for uoiiita Vmi nit Tljls Elegant Walnut Dressinsr Case ChamberJacques, a broker, the said Jacques hav panlla, 8uit. with Marble-top- 7 piects, f"5.Southeast. Sleeping Coaches on all night uains. "

-- r' - 1- - R. Hixuabd, Receiver.injr, auouc six years peiore, received cer Brown's Fluid Extract Calisayam a. . ueji i. m gt. AgT.tain premiums ot fifteen guineas per cent.

ior every one oi wmcn lie stood eniraeed CZICA30 SCCZ ISLAKS ft PACIFIC E. &Bark,

Brown's Fluid Extract Bnchu,Brown's Fluid Extract Valerian,

to return owe hundretl guinea whenever it SOINO EAST TRAINS LEAVEBhould be proved that the Chevalier D Eon st 8,15 a. tn.;4:15 p, m.; and 9:46 p. m. Trains


and COMMON COLDS!Adopted and Recommended by Fh ysiciansUSED AS DIRECTED IT NEVER FAILS

is ErFxcmto a thobobqh asd

Permanent Cure I !

3Pu1ltc Speakers and Singers willxprrirnre great benefit by the as ofthU nrtfele a few minutes beTore theirappearance.Sold by all Druggist, Price On Dollar.

ZmVD CO., Prcprietor?,Ao. 17 Iejf Stivrt, A'rte Tork.

wan actually a woman. Brown's Fluid Extract Sarsaparila,arrive iron west as above.S01NO WEf TRAINS LKAVX- - -

The counsel fur the nlaintiff was Mr. Brown s Cordial Elixir CalisayaBuliers, af terward famous as a judge, who tl5.? m.; I0:-1- a. ni., and : p. m. Train- arrive irom tne east as above.Ubuiu iimuui. luijrva I'ciieviu lumseu now liark,Brown's Cod Liver Oil,to be iu ossesdion ot positive proof B33SFCSD, KC,r5LA1.3 & 3?. LCTJ13 S. B , w . m v iU ..

D Eon a being a female. He called Mr, Brown Ferreted Elixir Cinchona, iI x (joux, a surgeon, who stated that "h lirown s Elixir V alcnauate ot Am &ix JUillions of raniiages sold in 1874 of Dixon's Splen-did Stove IFolisk.ithud been acquainted with the Chevalier

D'Eon from tho time when the due da monia. ... And many other Preparations.

. VlUIW-LtA- IOlTH - - -At at 'rd6:M)p. m.

" rtunfr. Lvtnr- - r " lit III . . ". and ;ui p. ai. '

STUNJ TRAINS LEAVEAt 7.1) a. in. anil 5.Ji p. iu.

AKHIVK FKOB STEBI.1NUAf 7:85 a. in. ami b;4i p. m. - '


Niveroois resided in England as Frcoohambassador, and thut to his certain know DRAKE'Sedgo the person called the Chevalier WIU :oV . V..

1 I atse Preparations arc all manufacturedwith great care from tbe best and most carefullyselected material ; many of tbxm are prescriptionsof eminent Physicians, and- - have been used andprescribed far a looaeilci of yeara -

Each Preparation warranted lo be aa representedA full ! UeOtilmeirUtJl' Hunri-i- BnvlUh Vnnrk

D Eon was a woman. On cross-exami-

t- - I - ri i ... . cAaivuuu, .ur. u vjroui maica inai no naa ar LHAVE.

7:05 a. .li:Uil M.

1U:3U A. PIXONSrived at this knowledge in the course of 3:30 P. a and German Chemicals, ad a full line of the chief ThlsFne Walnat Parlor Salt, coTercd la HairClo.h vr, wool Terry, any color, 1 picttes, $68 n - .WSST2P1I TOIOi; SAOIiSAD.

midical attendance on the chevalier. ThenM. De Moraude was called, w!m gayeequally strong evidence in support of that

.ninerai waters uj tne world.. , . :


- . E cor: 6th aud Chestnut sis., Phil POLISHm DUST.ot Mr. La Uoux. Day Bt pri-s- s and Ma!'.Mhl tipnsn.........

:00 r M

6:53 A M..lo:uo r a ho:smh,i,.Lord Mansfield then charged the jury Men. women andITSLCISTOjr, CESAS. SAFISS ft m. agents, we have InstEMPLOYMENT.- --Ucutlemun, this ts a gambling debtshould be glad if your vcrdiut could whai yon need.,; vuxux 11 Monnieu curomosoutto tscHunnToa Le. W est LllH;rty. Ar. W Liberty, Pili.i MEDALS GRANTED TOR80 :00 a a sell. anylhUiitiu the market. Mr. Persona writes11:. a m

)l:'iap hKxpre ....... :To CiaAat UAriDs '

opcrato that neither party should be thewinner; but as one must lose, yon have

"I struck out vecterday, and by working eat-- fourhours, cleared $7." A lady has just reported her XIOrVV HTCOVJES , POLISH 1Express U:00 9:Vi a

Accommodation. 7:55 r . 6:35 ronly.

toair..consider wluon...or them ought

A DTSLiaHTFUL1 EMOLLIENT ;an insta;t eeuefor

Bums, Scalds, Chafes and Inflamed Sores

or miir sEscinpnoa, and aIlailka) Cure Tor Chilblains, Corns, Ban-ion- s,

Chapped Hands or Lips, and ailSkin Diseases of an itching or

inflammatory character.; INDISPENSABLE IN THE NURSERY!

wo Family should be without it iHold hy all DrgijiMn, Vrire 23 ernls,

iniGOD HASrAClTOJCr CO.,lToprietcn,So. 17 Pejr Street, Sew Xrk .

pronts ior tne iorcnoon as f5; ye erday np to ao'clock: she cleared 7 SO. We can prove bevondquevtloa that one agent d $5.(iu0 of thesecbromss in eieren working "flays. We bay4 the

At every iircat exhibition during the past forty years. Beware of imi -win. un respect 10 tne contract onwhich the action is founded, there Is not ETCIAiTAPO-I-

S. BLOOHIUSIONft WESTZLS largest and nnest assort uient In tbe united states;hundreds of choice subjects from which to . Urtanything illegal in it. It is binding on both '...- - Lv. Indianapolis. Ar. Peoria,'

Either of the above cults shipped to any part ofih world on receipt of Price. All other conceiveble description of larnllare at equally low aaussx.. 4:00 am 1:55 mparties. Lh discovery of the sex of We will send you an assorted 100 of the

Ipsa .if r.r.i , .. n.n.lnl . , 9 wt unH.f I

uuious, mi! couinry is iiiii;oi mem. cee mat UlAUiN IS on tliepackage..'1 .

' "

,The great labor question solved by Dixon's S ove Polish

i curna nnlarlv oil itx IqI.

Peoria. . . Indianapoliscertain person is to viva it operation, ic jimisM.. 7:4a r - i:40riCam rnn throueh from I'eorla tClnrinnaLl with.oruers cr give us scan, camples or mall1 for 81. r' '. J, UTHi A 1(1.Thero was every external proof thut. the The TOBEY FURNITURE CO.,

State and" Adams Streets,'.. . . . . ; CHICAGO,

fKiorycot. W. fiasdolpb & Jc2ttraa gtrstKi.oat change. Connections made at lafllaaauoll for . fcl WaaMngton atrwet, Jjostoa, ila.defendant was right in his conjecture. For sale:by Ilenry Dart's Sons, Wholesale Grocers Rock Island"WA 4US,