
....................MISS JONES..................... MY GO WILD PICTURE It was a lovely sunny day with me and my friends; we were walking in the lovely green jungle. But then we saw it! We saw the rare animal (well I think it was an animal) - the lio-ossa-bush-zeb-con- peacock. It shocked me and my entire friends all stood still in shock. We were not too sure what it was so we slowly

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Lucy

....................MISS JONES.....................


It was a lovely sunny day with me and my friends; we were walking in the lovely green jungle. But then we saw it! We saw the rare animal (well I think it was an animal) - the lio-ossa-bush-zeb-con-peacock. It shocked me and my entire friends all stood still in shock. We were not too sure what it was so we slowly walked away. After a while we realised it was following us so we stopped.

The funny looking animal crept slowly up to me and then it licked me; it was a big sloppy lick. Its fluffy peacock feathers tickled me, its long legs were very scruffy and its claws were

Page 2: Lucy

very sharp but the smell was absolutely horrid. It was just like my dog had done a number two in the backyard, it was horrible.

After some time me and my friends thought that we should catch it so we rang the carriage brigade and they were here in a jiffy. When they got here they gave us the carriage and drove away. The cage was a brown and smelly cage. It took us about six hours to get it in the cage but in the end we got it in the cage. After we got the lio-ossa-bush-zeb-con-peacock in the cage we took it to the Canberra zoo. The Canberra zoo bought the animal and we became rich and famous and the zoo got a lot of money as well.

..................By Lucy.................