lull;!, uuuu j vj jjd · a nurr.her cf oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that...

-- s r - t '.7 ; K' c r Tren Cm TrzzzZzaft " Wilhelmlna, March 16. J. For Can co c J: Lurlinf, March W Frcm Vir.couvcr: Jlakura. llarta 21. - Per VanceuvtrJ i ' ;V N la gara, A prll 2. vrrvri '."Y. ', ;7- -; .7. y.7 .r,-.:- - 7V 7... r, s - .;. r ! Erening Hawaiian Bulletin. Star, VoL Est. XXII, 1882, No. No. J 6112 7152 ' ' 12 PAOEa nONOLULt, TERRITORY: OF JQAT?AH MOX DAY; MARCH 15, 1915. flU PAGES. PRICE FIVE CEKi: Rfl-- n r'!WWI jr " ri lull;!, ,.,. ' j ' . uuuu L UL J vJ J ;ir: V- -- v, JJd Ju- - J J .si ' I1 Fi EH Y D ULL EFS, BO- JLJ L.J I J 7 ; ' 1 1 LAUGHS AT THE CRISIS lib Li 4. - o Organize Liltiary Conamcc L 2re tr- - , , T- -. . . , , , - "1 r Carranza Agrces to Keep Pro ' ' nrcso Open Before Receive ing Threat From U, S. sPAi'fj Accepts apology ON, MIHISTER'S EXPULSION Wilson -- !s Informed American Crcps Will Suffer Unless the Usual Shipments Resume ; ABoclaUHl Pn-- by Fedffntf Wire J WASHINGTON, D. C , March M Tne tnrtatenea cnia over the t'r-.-.r- j cf the port cf Prosreao; in the t ::? cf Yucatan, by Carranza haa been z vert- ed. It was learned today that Ccrran- - ra had abanc&ned "hia Intention to clcse the port while the : American ricte threatening to use-th- e crulter Oes r.!cir9 to enforce its opening was cn Its w;y. Cetaila received cf the Zaragosa In- - ciir-- t t:-a- y are that the Mexican r.-t:- st ihet acrc:i the bows of one Ar-trl-'- n ve:::l and he!d up others. Z;- - i rir.--.- zr ' Hlano Informed the i';t; that his govern- ment had fcctpled In principle Car. rir.ra's ape'ey for the expulsion frcn f texico City cf the Epaniih nin-hls- r there ari would send a cuo-ce:::- r. ' F :5y v ;n Ce;ret;ry c icu:: Hc-t:- n FcirirJ c.t rre: tu;t un- -' lc:s t' ; t: : h -- rvc . ; j vs ;:i t; e- - In h:3 r;'. t3 it Is Ir: r r: t -- ; n r i t ; t c v r i ! i .; c - -- ' r r' - ::r-;-.- t t if c.r i r':, t is t. r- - fr .n w w w vor 13. ln-f:- - a t : - c . :r; c -- t t: . d t;re: i t: : pal:.:::. : ...... i l:D u. c c 'J . . f OF CLA! C, firch 15. i A. fitohill "3 todjy was cf the Fec'irsl f :ci;d j ,J - j ! r o I, ... O n::i C . . :u;cide v. i ; w i:- 1 i .. I "ct vcu"d t !.:!:. ci l;y t!:o t t rc r l:arr.t t t .... .vwieaa who !e v.: ? : tl ' rl 1 y rear '. f jured in a V.r. : r.tar W&Iahu, la he is t- - have won more ' "h cf te testimony se-- ; I frc-:- . Jestr-rc- who say that 1 - tKe injure! an cn the TV . ty the city, J to ,n !.air.. stte:..; tci to ( .c life Ly frir.t; the ccr.tcr.ts a rcvr.lvcr .to his tody. It is sup-- I c he 15 1 tl.c ?: ' he had wen 'at A ccr.thnucd scr.rch hy Sheriff Hose. Hcruty Afch, Ca:L McDi-TI- e and cfTi-rr- s hrs frvIJed ta reveal .any .clew to a ran alleged ty the Korean to have ti.ct hin. No lids were receded for the 52" V ( 4 'rr ccr.t school bends cf Terre ' ' " 'lr I. - - ' ences C. Coin, FcunUir.s, C.t'.ir r.-r- .s if. ... i LTD (USED OYFCail So Declare Germans in Official Reports of Fighting in v Western Zone : - v HEADQUARTERS DECLARES ALL" ATTACKS REPULSED Dr.:!y Announcements Deny Al Clerics of Succeeds by. ' . the Allies, . .' , French soldiers are using mfssilet cf a new ajd dreadful sort In their fishtlng asainst the Germans, accord Ing to German official reports. Cablegrams received yesterday and today from official German sources tell of these explosive bullets ard gas eous hand-oranad- as well as of the stubborn fighting on both fronts. . ' YESTERDAY'S SITUATION. The following cablegram 'was J re ceived from official German sources: WASHINGTON, D. C, March 14. German headquarters report, March 14: Several ships cf the enemy yes- - tfrry ..:ternoo;v shelled without re suit the Cerman positions from the direction north of Lapanne to , Nieu- - p-- rt. Nezr, fieuve Chapelle, except cr cn: i?:!sted English attack, which vvss r;L!jid, there are only artillery dv:3 rt-ort- ed today. In. Chamcasne t French cf Souain and north of srnil. yesterday "repiatsd. partial rttxcV an if whfen crcke cswn un- - s Csrman fire. Heavy French I:: : rsve teen sustained. In the V: rs tu; leather Is better and h;3 teen resumed. ; : 'In the Arronnes the French are w vilr.j a rew tort cf hand-srenaie- .. ich fil's the air with pestiUntial :rs. ' Alt a the French Infantry are r,z explosive tullets which produce ferries when striking objects. These v, ire experienced once more-i- n yes-terc'ay- 's nts. ' '". ''" "T! ; t t. 'Jen cn the east front Is ITUATICN d frrn ' . tc:,', o. c, r;rCh 15. " I h : - ;vart:rs , ri -- :rt, I.'. arch Its t..'-- st'Westeni;, cn the ; :t, sire ihelijd yeotsreia without :t-c- cur 'positions by two gun '; cf-th- s er.o-n- y. A German at '.- - :;-:-- :t a height south cf Ypres : ,.-;- id ty the English . has made Trerch partial attacks north ol L::e;-;i- , C';-rpa;n- have been re 't. ;:J . i I .avy losses for the en; rr.y. In t: o Vc;;:s enjaements con tirvs in tcverjl piaces.'-.. " - .' - "In t1-- ; e:t zone the number of r. : pri::rtrs taken in the en- - r.orth cf Augustowo has i::r irorcr::d to Strong Rus- - t - .n ctt ' - rorth and northeast of fr-tzrj- ii all failed. 'J The ene I::: is have tun heavy ,V "::u::i cf t Vi;jla river there is r.i c ' : -- ; i t;i t : i. L.cticn. ..'- - . '.! .: : k aL r f t o Six Yc:ts Ago to CC3,C33 Damages ; Trcd IC J 'akin o. president of. the J.-- r r,::e IT ' Wage Association in t:.3 -tle and excJUns days of If ?, when the Japanese laborers ron a nurr.her cf Oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that wiih'.a the next few days he will file darrfre suit3 against the Hawaiian Eursr. Planters' Association asregat-ir-- r ' K . - .': ,7: v Thi3 Ectlc., he says, Is the result oi wcrd he has received from Japan thai re; curse which he asked through the ; :::: 2 rovernraent cannot be secu 1 l y sovcrnKcntal action, "." am in- - ::. ci that I must seek my damages thrcr.h the courts of this territory er.J there'ore I shalj file these suits" he said today. . .'" -- "'CZ-- Mahino i3 exhlhiting: photographic cc; cf letters which he, iys were exchanged between the Japaneae 'news-p- s per,; Hawaiian-Japanes- e Daily Chron- icle, and officials or rnemterscf the ut3r r'-te- rs' assocv.Uca.". Thcseu he announces,, will - he used as- - prccf .' of the understanding between the plant- ers and a portion -- cf. the Japanese press, lie says that even, more dam- aging letters hare come into his. pos- session and will be used In pushing his case. lie also explains .that one of the, reasons why he. ia planning to bring these suits at once is that At- torney V. A. Kinney, who was one of . (Continued on page two) Anti-Japane- se Demonstration torial Law on Formation of ; -- Japanese Consul Declares Oratcr$r-Terr- i- in Orient and Preservation of China's Intercity and : Urges Moderation the Awaiting of OfficiaLStatcment orr So-- ! called "Demands"-- ? A' proposal that the young Chi- nese of Hawaii should organize mili- tary companies and start drilling to prepare themselves for unyielding bat- tle against ChJna was the outstanding feature of n big massmeeting held list nlgat in Ve Uberty theater tb give the Chinese residents an opiiortnnlty of - voicing their protest; against Ja pan's demandi tin China. : K These demands, now In the center ot International interest.' were declared by Chinese orators last nirht'to- - be pa rt of " Jap?n' plot to telze China and enslave t her people. ' - . , r. It . was emphasized Ihis morning by CoL Jones, the adjutant general of the National Guard.' that the territorial law governing, the organization of any persons for military purposes. Is very strict r' Ahy organization outside the regularly constituted 'bodies and ' the public schools must have the written consent of the governor or be subject to: punishment ; ; - '7 .''; - More than 2000 people, alrtost en tirely Chinese, attended the meeting During most cf the evening, the big theater was racked to the doors, .with many standing. ' There were Tew white men present Near the front sat three Germans, said by the Chinese , to be from the "refugee, fleet of German vessels-i- this port and to. have come from Tsingtu.1 In the rear wre sev eral other Germans, also said to be from the "refugee fleet" There were perhaps 150 Chinese wo men and girls. But the main j)art of the audience was made np of: Chi nese males, ranging from 15 to .60 ycirs'of age. ' There were hundreds of souths hut though the speakers were all.youzg men, in the audience were plenty , of their elders, includin number of Chinese merchants.. ' , - Demonstration Is Orderly. . J, Tli e audience '.was entirely orderly Even when stirred ,to its depths by the impassioned oratory of the young rtnots who, shouted across the foot- - ilhts, the hearers manifested their sentiments; cr.iy by applause and deep 'undertone of approval The ctr.ctioiial -- to a' decree but .....j'u'"Ue speakers, urged 'any local dcn--nstratio- n along ether., than peaceful lines. ;. -- j Held r.ner the unsplces of the Chi nese You.ig People's Oratorical As' Eociaticn, the, meeting- was presided over by th a president of the Society, uoo Eak V an. - He explained briefly the purpos-- s of the meeting; referred to the Jap-ne- se demands as Vunrea sonable- - and uncalled for" . and de dared.. that the spirit of the Chinese is aroused and they will spend. every cent of money and risk every life to combat Ja; 2nese invasion. , He said that the Young People's Oratorical As sociation had only, a few hundred dol lars In the treasury but was willing to givj it all in arousing Hawaii Chi nese to the situation in their, father- - iana. . - Goo Eak-.wa- is a. teacher in the Wah Mun School.: He was followed by Chan Ming Chan, student of the ColJegs-.o- Hawaii, who spoke on; the announced subject. "Why the Demands or Japan Compel Ua to Fight" ' "Japanese Plot' Alleaed. - 'These demands 'are a part of the Japanese plot, which runs many years bacit, to seize China." he said and referred k to the' occupation :fcf Man- - cnuria arter the Russo-Japanes- o war, the fall of T6injrtau and J a nan's de mands soon after. He declared Ja- pan is'tryl-- ; to "enslare the Thinese people" and said that Ue giving'of tne privileges in railroads and mines demanded by Japan would mean doml nation of the Chinese republic from TOR 10 . Vv'at Mun Seong, a merchant, Bpoke . 7 (Continued. on page Jtwo) rr C Z 2 UL ATI fl C F !r'T ESIE s House bill 103, introduced for the purpose of regulating the linking of artesn wells in the territory, against which planters; and owners of wells lodged loud protests at a public hear- - ing tin -- the bill, was tabled by 1 the house of representatives today, on reo ommendatioELCf Ihe agricultural com mittee. - V , 7rv..:;,:-'- 7 v'.. - , In reporting on the bill the commu te? reeomnended, that the superinten- - nt cr public works be instructed to carry cot the present laws relating to the sinking of wells. The protests were made on the ground, that the bill granted the superintendent of public works too much power In con trolling wells.1 ; ' . :. ,7- - 7-- .' , The committee however, reported favorably .or; House Bill 21; a measure to have apmmtssiont' examine into the -- water resources of the . territory and propose legislation for the conser- vation of the -- water-supply.- v Led by Young and Military Organizations is Strict His Country Stands for Peace: v ' ! ' V ' rrV 4 4 t f 4-C-Q MS UL 8 AYS JAP AN A '""' t SEEKS CHINA'S GOOD f ' . ....,,,. - - - j- K ' T - S.V ' It a statement this morning .4 for the Sttr-BuIletnvVl- I: M Consul Arita declarea' that ! Japan V eeks only the4 eicef of the r Orir ent and the good 'of China In "her 4 ' present representations. - 7The 4 Chinese, it ia topedwill be" very 4 4 careful in their action?,? he said. 4 4 "Noofffc'al informaUoanaiconie 4. to Hawaii regarding the so-call- 4 4 Japanese demands, 71 have none 4 4-an- d I do not believe the Chinese 4 4 consul has' received " any. ' Only, 4 4 the officials In Toilo and Peking 4 4 knew Just.what those demands 4 -.''. 4 4 r "Japan' seeks only the. presenra 4 tion of - Chlna'e Integrity, the en 4 forcement of the TTmcipIe-o- f the 4 4 open door' and etrual opportunity 4 4 In ! the Orient If these 'are her 4 4 objects, they cannot be called un-- 4 4 just It is necessary, for the peo- - 4 4 pie Jo, be. coofand consider the 4 4 matter carefully. Up to now; the 4 4ronly Information we have Is that 4 4 gained from the telegrams to the 4 4 newspapers, We should- - awalt- - 4 official informatics' ;A ; ' 4 4' 1 : - .;";-.:- - 4 f 4 4 44 444 4 44 4 44 '4 cbk!;::;:- - 111 Personnel Vr:ct;V:t;Sctt!:d--- - 7'r , :nfi' f 1 , .- - ' f r rV '5-J- - IIIU l"W wb.,.. ijtt ,i : The stayj o j the big congressional party ia Hawaii .will Jte rconsideraily longer ULaa was first planned, accord ing to the news that came-- , today wltli: the annenceraent that; the ."Oceanic liner , SJerra - will carry the party of distinguished visitors to and from Ha: The Sierra bringing ,130. congress- - men - and - their families, and others, win sail fromi San Francisco April 27, arrivin? here. six days later. On June 5 the Oceanic liner will carry the off! cial party away. ..Reservations having been made for only ISO, it Is nnder- - stooa by representatives or tne oce- - amc line here tnat tne vessel nas not teen specially chartered.-- ' -- . The legislature -- has not yet deter-- ; mined ' upon the disiingnlshed guests whom it will invite.' Delegate Kuhio, with 66me advice from hi3 friends In Hawaii is arranging the invitationsTo congressmen. The legislature, through committees and after conferences with the governor, will invit? as Its guests some ?wno are not, congressmen, oui who desired to wme..!i;--j- p v Several members of the legislature said today that they ire heartily in accord with the editorial in-th- e .Star-Bulleti- n last- - Satnrday urging t that Washington correspondents be .' asked to come on the trip. . Nothihg could be more 'Important than- - for Hawaii to have a. visit from come of these correspondents, said a -- veteran' legislator, tod 97. vi By all means we ought to do it " ' t "; Ud to this morning; President Chll- - Ingworth of the senate had notnamed the 1 senate committee v on , entertain ment which "is to comer .witn tne house committee already namedAnd the governor. It is said arouna tne capltol that there is ; some difacnlty in naming a committee that will give both Republicans and Democrats what they believe is fair representation. President Chillingworth Is adlplomat- - c presiding officer and is expected to straighten the situation out shortly. Reoresentativ Lota's two anti-liqu- or bills and Representative Vleira's bill curb the ."activities or wnoiesaie iouor dealers are doomed U consign ment to the house "graveyard." accord; to the opinion , of several legisla tive .leaders today.77 ',:h ? v : ; v It is to be , regretted .that these ' bills are slated j for -- .the dumping ground, said one of the lawmakers to- day, because they haye merit but the Republican platform enjoins the mem- bers 4hose of Its party from chang to ing 'the liquor law except m. certain specified particulars; and I thfnk thar 1 1 I hi i -- ', Enver Pasha, Turkey's notorious j war minister and leader' of the jiYoung Turka party In taking the Ottoman Empire into the conflict A few day ago it waa reported that Enver Pasha alone of th Turkish ministry wished to con- tinue the ; wv. The Allies calf him Turkey's Evil Genfua.,. ,". soLor.'c to Shoving of TJaticnal Guard In Annual Hcviav Wins Sup- - ; I z-- pert of Legictotcrjs ; Members of the legislature today in- dicated that the showing made by the National Guard in its annual in- spection v yesterday had ; won their support for a- - large appropriation, Th work of all the companies was giyen great praise.-Y v.- isy' r't' ?yeral : ofheemhersz-Inckid- ir -- Speaker' H.olstein, tooli' occiij;' tj criticise ;'- - the; construction - of. ths trmory,-althoug- promising io ail appropriation to complete it. ', . 1 "Great credit must be given to tlie showing. of the Chlnese-America- h com pany : In the review before the mem- - lbers of the legislature yesterday, de dared Chairman. J. . H. Coney or the house .military committee today, "and it has-convince- d the members of the legislature what can be done If the work of the guard is made interest ing. . .. - . . - . 7 ... "According to the present construe tlon of. the armory and the methods employedf oVer there, no social side or entertainment features ; are possible, and, for that' reason, and for safety s sake, I think the legislature ought, to appropriate . enough money - to carry out the se improvements. I don't know who Is to blame for the inferior con struction of the armory. It Is built In such a fashion that the roof might collapse at any. time, especially in, the event of a , fire. The floor is in the same- - danger. , ;These . faults must be corrected. The. entire guard made, an excellent; showing yesterday.'! r : Speaker; Holstein also - had 7 few remarks . to make against ' the con struction of. the armory. He. blamed the former department of public works but said he favored the appropriating of suffldent funds to correct the faulty construction. He gave out the follow Ing sta.temen t to, the Star-Bulleti- n : , 'From ' a : representative s point of View. I found in my visit to the armory yesterday that there was sufficient evi- dence pf Inefficiency' and lack or quali- fication and : administrative ability in former officials of the public works department-'h- b had the mrmory con struction In "charge. . ;'; 7 ;; f; "My t experience ; in the1 . legislature has been that when appropriations for the erection of government buildings are needed, the representatives,! with-ou- t hesitation, knowing the needs of such, awarded the money needed, only to find out on their tetum two years after, that through some humbug, hot air, buncombe and official .ignorance and stupidity in drawing specifications and plans, not enough money, was ask- ed for. to complete or'to make a per feet - job. "Of .the . necessary "work ; la other words, the Job was bungled. Aa for instance the Mahukona wharf, res- ervoirs, the Nuuanu dam, and now the arooryr; ; ; C'; 7' ; '' ;.'!; flUSTPAYSICOFiriEOR ILLEGAL SALE OF UC'JOn -- Victim 'of a dragnet spread; for bis arrest by Special License Offlcer Fen-nel- l, John Stone, charged with selling Intoxicating liquor , without' a license, was fined. 100 and -- costs by District Magistrate. . Mon'sarrat today, "Stone was given a nolle prosequi on second charge of a. similar nature. , The tu Pont Powder Co. Is spending $5,000,000 enlarging- - its plantat Citj Point, Ca. ';' ; '' v the representatives will not-- attempt find fl ws In the- - platform, hut will follow itx '..'meaning' and " relect tY bUls ; 1 :' " " ' ;L7 LdriDOfl ANNOUNCES ALLIES' PLAM, INCLUDING COriFI. CATIOfl OF GOODS FROM NEUTRAL PORTS OR OF GER-- 1 MAN ORIGirJ TURKEY RESTIVE UNDER YOUNG TURKS'1 t RULE AND, MINISTRY MAY. FALLLAND BATTLES EAST- - AND TEST INCREASE IN SEVERITY GREECE- - AND : ITALY FIND IT HARD TO KEEP.0UT OF GREAT CONFLICT tArociated Press Service ; LOirDOK, England, ; llarch 15.Plans were announced-tbda- y by the British govbninent whereby the AUk3 heps to seycr German foreign trade and continue their steady prc::uro , pa the resources of the Teutons; a3 a war measure. ; ; The plan'include3 the detaining of ship3 bound for G:r- -' nianyt and the confiscation of goods cf German crijin cr des-- ; tined for Germany from4 neutral ports. . . . : : - ; ; . , Smacliisj Blovs of Alii 23 Vcn!:::i a l Lsadsrcliip of YcimjTurlic-rrly- ; ATHENS, Greece, llarch away at the gateway, to Constantinople, and the Ru:::an l:r-i- ; forces winning victories in Caucasus, Persia and Am:nia, tlio" situation here is becoming grave politically. The l:ad:r:lup of the Young Turks party, which insisted .'on entering' the' v.-- rf is increasingly precarious because cf the revolt againzt th::r policies.::-;- - ".'';- v A-.:-:.-- :' ,'.': , , ; JPAEIS, Prance. Ilarch 15.- - It is reported that the Turco-Germa- n cruiser Goeben, which has been in the B! Z: zizzz shortly: after the. war broke out, has been- - di:l: i' by -- in". V, vertently striking a Turkish CiV ' 'u i XiCi- - 0i, ; injjlancl, -- vi c "mt 3 v v:f . .1 kalv kvvu bu.V4iwU - v ; , .'a:-- -. y--- :, ' . had men to the as - , by - " ' i'- - - i ' ; 1 :.v: - 15. 14 1: nr .1 i :lf tz3 ) ( tatloa to cover II: net "et t;-- i ' Laws U j - 1 i 0J by Federal Wireless. J - 15. V7ith the Affie3 - - !' - 1 15. G Jis ' . 4 ' . . Uw j w c. ..-.- . J ' . - 15. A French :. hero of r:::jn:J, he Allies for use in th 3 war. He ia go to war her ' :d 7.1 7 v - ",' t ' ' ... ' . " The haa au ' ; ; . '.- - 15. The German center hai or.ic.i have teen current for sots t' but tLcy were fou::d tcxliy ti 1 : four. . .', z 3 fir . , izfen Leen v ': i in t.:3 city; At ti:- - JIaaii Meat'Cc:::: ::' It was j ill t!;at - - - ( f t1' f cf 7 v.?: : t 1 2 I " 1 r - ceived ar. 1 th :.t a c : .; 0 was r c n ' fie Zz:: , v-i-. ... 1 r i . r r, L J r.r -- rc J .act'-- X cn r ' " '' ' ' l:l0Ck.'--47.- ' ' ' . ' .' : "A .' 2 The Euseian3Val2oaret carrying 'cut ;su:::"f:i co- operations' 'in .'the Carpathians, cgainet--th- : : : -- : ' forces. The Russian generab claim t'6,naye' taken oners and gun3 and other munitions. . . -- . ' ' - ' ; -' ". "V Datih in Vc;: Grov;3 'lI:;': "7" . ' . PARIS, France, ITarch 15. The campaign in the . war zone is steadily increasing in From th e h quarters of the belligerents come 'versions r: successes. a iiava3 n ews Agency ceepatcn say3 tnat cannonading i3 heard from northeast cf Dunkirk. i v rPABIS, France, -- Ilarch declares that before Premier cHered 000 quoted urging-tha- Greece territory. --- L':?h ALiiItS'Xobs ' of' Ve:::!: LOITEOITi .England,;- - Ilarch' 15. It is that the , British vessel Florazan, Hartdale have been, sunk i 1 ; ,fc i Italy Denies a Rcfucal Au:h"ia ; 0 Italy, IJarch thoritatively that Austria has refused to any territorial concessions to.Italy. XOirDOIf England, Ilarch been shifted in an to relieve the cf and drive the mm 1 vJ 1 irv- - r 1 l U.OJ 1,. hi 1 Australia extending its tntzr: has anybody .' tattcrinj. mine. A - nevrrr :r Veniselcs Greece should to c.:I"rge submarines ." i ' : Italian government . t . i Ivi r.d t s I - its .'".'' ferceity. convicting cf : officially .merchant Headlands by . ;EOIIE, denied ccnaider westward attempt i.fcrtrc:: Przemysl away, inventing r.u::iani.

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Page 1: lull;!, uuuu J vJ JJd · a nurr.her cf Oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that wiih'.a the next few days he will file darrfre suit3 against the Hawaiian Eursr. Planters

--sr - t

'.7 ; K' c rTren Cm TrzzzZzaft "

Wilhelmlna, March 16. J.For Can c J:

Lurlinf, March WFrcm Vir.couvcr:

Jlakura. llarta 21. -

Per VanceuvtrJ i ' ;VN la gara, A prll 2.

vrrvri '."Y. ', ;7- -; .7. y.7 .r,-.:- - 7V 7... r, s - .;. r !


Bulletin.Star, VoL






Rfl-- n r'!WWI jr" ri

lull;!, ,.,. ' j ' .

uuuu L UL J vJ J ;ir: V--- v, JJd Ju- - J J .si' I1


7 ; ' 1 1 LAUGHS AT THE CRISIS lib Li4. -o Organize Liltiary Conamcc L 2re tr-- , ,


-.. . , , , - "1 r

Carranza Agrces to Keep Pro' ' nrcso Open Before Receive

ing Threat From U, S.

sPAi'fj Accepts apologyON, MIHISTER'S EXPULSION

Wilson -- !s Informed AmericanCrcps Will Suffer Unless the

Usual Shipments Resume ;

ABoclaUHl Pn-- by Fedffntf Wire JWASHINGTON, D. C , March M

Tne tnrtatenea cnia over the t'r-.-.r- j

cf the port cf Prosreao; in the t ::? cfYucatan, by Carranza haa been z vert-ed. It was learned today that Ccrran--ra had abanc&ned "hia Intention toclcse the port while the : Americanricte threatening to use-th- e crulterOes r.!cir9 to enforce its opening wascn Its w;y.

Cetaila received cf the Zaragosa In- -ciir-- t t:-a- y are that the Mexicanr.-t:- st ihet acrc:i the bows of oneAr-trl-'- n ve:::l and he!d up others.

Z;- - i rir.--.- zr ' Hlano Informedthe i';t; that his govern-ment had fcctpled In principle Car.rir.ra's ape'ey for the expulsionfrcn f texico City cf the Epaniih nin-hls- r

there ari would send a cuo-ce:::- r.


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Ce;ret;ry c icu:: Hc-t:- n

FcirirJ c.t rre: tu;t un- -'

lc:s t' ;t: : h -- rvc . ; j vs ;:it; e- -

In h:3 r;'. t3 it IsIr: r r: t -- ; n r it ; t c v r i ! i . ; c - -- ' rr' - ::r-;-.- t t if c.r i

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C, firch 15.

i A. fitohill"3 todjy wascf the Fec'irslf :ci;d j ,J - j

! r oI, ... O


. . :u;cidev. i ; w


1 i .. I "ct vcu"dt !.:!:. ci l;y t!:o

tt rc

r l:arr.t t t .... .vwieaa who!e v.: ? : tl ' rl 1 y rear

'. f jured in aV.r. : r.tar W&Iahu, la

he is t- - have won more' "h cf te testimony se-- ;

I frc-:- . Jestr-rc- who say that1 - tKe injure! an cn the

TV . ty the city, Jto ,n !.air.. stte:..; tci to (

.c life Ly frir.t; the ccr.tcr.tsa rcvr.lvcr .to his tody. It is sup-- I

c he 15 1 tl.c ?: ' he had wen 'at

A ccr.thnucd scr.rch hy Sheriff Hose.Hcruty Afch, Ca:L McDi-TI- e and cfTi-rr- s

hrs frvIJed ta reveal .any .clew toa ran alleged ty the Korean to haveti.ct hin.

No lids were receded for the 52" V( 4 'rr ccr.t school bends cf Terre

' ' "'lr I. - -'

encesC. Coin, FcunUir.s,

C.t'.ir r.-r-.s

if. ... i LTD

(USED OYFCailSo Declare Germans in Official

Reports of Fighting in v



Dr.:!y Announcements Deny Al

Clerics of Succeeds by.'

. the Allies,. .' ,

French soldiers are using mfssiletcf a new ajd dreadful sort In theirfishtlng asainst the Germans, accordIng to German official reports.

Cablegrams received yesterday andtoday from official German sourcestell of these explosive bullets ard gaseous hand-oranad- as well as of thestubborn fighting on both fronts. . '

YESTERDAY'S SITUATION.The following cablegram 'was J re

ceived from official German sources:WASHINGTON, D. C, March 14.

German headquarters report, March14: Several ships cf the enemy yes--

tfrry ..:ternoo;v shelled without resuit the Cerman positions from thedirection north of Lapanne to , Nieu- -

p--rt. Nezr, fieuve Chapelle, exceptcr cn: i?:!sted English attack, which

vvss r;L!jid, there are only artillerydv:3 rt-ort- ed today. In. Chamcasnet French cf Souain and north of

srnil. yesterday "repiatsd. partialrttxcV an if whfen crcke cswn un--

s Csrman fire. Heavy FrenchI:: : rsve teen sustained. In theV: rs tu; leather Is better and

h;3 teen resumed. ; :

'In the Arronnes the French arew vilr.j a rew tort cf hand-srenaie- ..

ich fil's the air with pestiUntial:rs. ' Alt a the French Infantry arer,z explosive tullets which produce

ferries when striking objects. Thesev, ire experienced once more-i- n

yes-terc'ay- 's

nts. ' '". ''""T! ; t t. 'Jen cn the east front Is


' . tc:,', o. c, r;rCh 15." I h : - ;vart:rs , ri -- :rt, I.'. arch

Its t..'-- st'Westeni;, cn the; :t, sire ihelijd yeotsreia without

:t-c- cur 'positions by two gun'; cf-th- s er.o-n- y. A German at


:;-:-- :t a height south cf Ypres: ,.-;-

id ty the English . has made

Trerch partial attacks north olL::e;-;i- , C';-rpa;n- have been re't. ;:J . i I .avy losses for the en;rr.y. In t: o Vc;;:s enjaements contirvs in tcverjl piaces.'-.. " - .' -

"In t1-- ; e:t zone the number ofr. : pri::rtrs taken in the en- -

r.orth cf Augustowo hasi::r irorcr::d to Strong Rus- -

t - .n ctt ' - rorth and northeast offr-tzrj- ii all failed. 'J The ene

I::: is have tun heavy ,V

"::u::i cf t Vi;jla river there isr.i c ' : -- ; i t;i t : i. L.cticn. ..'- - . '.! .: :

k aL


t o Six Yc:ts Ago toCC3,C33 Damages ;

Trcd IC J 'akin o. president of. theJ.--r r,::e IT ' Wage Association int:.3 -tle and excJUns days ofIf ?, when the Japanese laborers rona nurr.her cf Oahu plantations wentcut cn strike, declared today thatwiih'.a the next few days he will filedarrfre suit3 against the HawaiianEursr. Planters' Association asregat-ir-- r

'K . - .': ,7: v

Thi3 Ectlc., he says, Is the result oiwcrd he has received from Japan thaire; curse which he asked through the

; :::: 2 rovernraent cannot be secu1 l y sovcrnKcntal action,"." am in- -

::. ci that I must seek my damagesthrcr.h the courts of this territoryer.J there'ore I shalj file these suits"he said today. . .'" -- "'CZ--

Mahino i3 exhlhiting: photographiccc; cf letters which he, iys wereexchanged between the Japaneae 'news-p- s

per,; Hawaiian-Japanes- e Daily Chron-icle, and officials or rnemterscf theut3r r'-te- rs' assocv.Uca.". Thcseu he

announces,, will - he used as- - prccf .' ofthe understanding between the plant-ers and a portion -- cf. the Japanesepress, lie says that even, more dam-aging letters hare come into his. pos-session and will be used In pushinghis case. lie also explains .that oneof the, reasons why he. ia planning tobring these suits at once is that At-torney V. A. Kinney, who was one of

. (Continued on page two)

Anti-Japane- se Demonstrationtorial Law on Formation of

; -- Japanese Consul Declares

Oratcr$r-Terr- i-

in Orient and Preservation of China's Intercity and : UrgesModeration the Awaiting of OfficiaLStatcment orr So-- !called "Demands"-- ?

A' proposal that the young Chi-nese of Hawaii should organize mili-tary companies and start drilling toprepare themselves for unyielding bat-tle against ChJna was the outstandingfeature of n big massmeeting held listnlgat in Ve Uberty theater tb givethe Chinese residents an opiiortnnltyof - voicing their protest; against Japan's demandi tin China. : K

These demands, now In the center otInternational interest.' were declaredby Chinese orators last nirht'to- - bepa rt of "Jap?n' plot to telze Chinaand enslave t her people. ' - . , r.

It . was emphasized Ihis morning byCoL Jones, the adjutant general of theNational Guard.' that the territoriallaw governing, the organization of anypersons for military purposes. Is verystrict r' Ahy organization outside theregularly constituted 'bodies and ' thepublic schools must have the writtenconsent of the governor or be subjectto: punishment ; ; - '7 .''; -

More than 2000 people, alrtost entirely Chinese, attended the meetingDuring most cf the evening, the bigtheater was racked to the doors, .withmany standing. ' There were Tew whitemen present Near the front sat threeGermans, said by the Chinese , to befrom the "refugee, fleet of Germanvessels-i- this port and to. have comefrom Tsingtu.1 In the rear wre several other Germans, also said to befrom the "refugee fleet"

There were perhaps 150 Chinese women and girls. But the main j)art ofthe audience was made np of: Chinese males, ranging from 15 to .60ycirs'of age. ' There were hundreds ofsouths hut though the speakers wereall.youzg men, in the audience wereplenty , of their elders, includinnumber of Chinese merchants.. ' ,


Demonstration Is Orderly. . J,Tli e audience '.was entirely orderly

Even when stirred ,to its depths bythe impassioned oratory of the youngrtnots who, shouted across the foot--

ilhts, the hearers manifested theirsentiments; cr.iy by applause anddeep 'undertone of approval The

ctr.ctioiial --to a' decreebut .....j'u'"Ue speakers, urged 'anylocal dcn--nstratio- n along ether., thanpeaceful lines. ;. -- j

Held r.ner the unsplces of the Chinese You.ig People's Oratorical As'Eociaticn, the, meeting- was presidedover by th a president of the Society,uoo Eak V an. - He explained brieflythe purpos-- s of the meeting; referredto the Jap-ne- se demands as Vunreasonable- - and uncalled for" . and dedared.. that the spirit of the Chineseis aroused and they will spend. everycent of money and risk every life tocombat Ja; 2nese invasion. , He saidthat the Young People's Oratorical Association had only, a few hundred dollars In the treasury but was willingto givj it all in arousing Hawaii Chinese to the situation in their, father- -

iana. .- Goo Eak-.wa- is a. teacher in theWah Mun School.: He was followedby Chan Ming Chan, student of theColJegs-.o- Hawaii, who spoke on; theannounced subject. "Why the Demandsor Japan Compel Ua to Fight" '"Japanese Plot' Alleaed.

- 'These demands 'are a part of theJapanese plot, which runs many yearsbacit, to seize China." he said andreferred k to the' occupation :fcf Man- -

cnuria arter the Russo-Japanes- o war,the fall of T6injrtau and Ja nan's demands soon after. He declared Ja-pan is'tryl-- ; to "enslare the Thinesepeople" and said that Ue giving'oftne privileges in railroads and minesdemanded by Japan would mean domlnation of the Chinese republic fromTOR 10

. Vv'at Mun Seong, a merchant, Bpoke

. 7 (Continued. on page Jtwo)rr


!r'TESIE s

House bill 103, introduced for thepurpose of regulating the linking ofartesn wells in the territory, againstwhich planters; and owners of wellslodged loud protests at a public hear--ing tin -- the bill, was tabled by 1 thehouse of representatives today, on reoommendatioELCf Ihe agricultural committee. - V , 7rv..:;,:-'- 7 v'.. -

, In reporting on the bill the commute? reeomnended, that the superinten- -

nt cr public works be instructed tocarry cot the present laws relating tothe sinking of wells. The protestswere made on the ground, that thebill granted the superintendent ofpublic works too much power In controlling wells.1 ; ' . :. ,7- - 7-- .' ,

The committee however, reportedfavorably .or; House Bill 21; a measureto have apmmtssiont' examine intothe --water resources of the . territoryand propose legislation for the conser-vation of the -- water-supply.- v

Led by Young


Military Organizations is StrictHis Country Stands for Peace:

v ' ! ' V ' rrV4 4 t f

4-C-Q MS UL 8AYS JAPAN A '""' tSEEKS CHINA'S GOOD f' .....,,,. -- - j- K

' T- S.V' It a statement this morning .4

for the Sttr-BuIletnvVl- I: MConsul Arita declarea' that ! Japan

V eeks only the4 eicef of the r Orirent and the good 'of China In "her 4

' present representations. - 7The4 Chinese, it ia topedwill be" very 44 careful in their action?,? he said. 44 "Noofffc'al informaUoanaiconie4. to Hawaii regarding the so-call- 44 Japanese demands, 71 have none 44-an- d I do not believe the Chinese 44 consul has' received " any. ' Only, 44 the officials In Toilo and Peking 44 knew Just.what those demands 4

-.''. 44 r "Japan' seeks only the. presenra4 tion of - Chlna'e Integrity, the en4 forcement of theTTmcipIe-o-f the 44 open door' and etrual opportunity 44 In ! the Orient If these 'are her 44 objects, they cannot be called un-- 4

4 just It is necessary, for the peo- - 44 pie Jo, be. coofand consider the 44 matter carefully. Up to now; the 44ronly Information we have Is that 44 gained from the telegrams to the 44 newspapers, We should- - awalt- -

4 official informatics' ;A ; ' 44' 1 : - .;";-.:- - 4f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 '4

cbk!;::;:- - 111

Personnel Vr:ct;V:t;Sctt!:d----

7'r , :nfi' f 1 , .- - ' f r rV'5-J- - IIIU l"W wb.,.. ijtt ,i

: The stayj o j the big congressionalparty ia Hawaii .will Jte rconsiderailylonger ULaa was first planned, according to the news that came-- , today wltli:the annenceraent that; the ."Oceanicliner , SJerra - will carry the party ofdistinguished visitors to and from Ha:

The Sierra bringing ,130. congress- -

men - and - their families, and others,win sail fromi San Francisco April 27,arrivin? here. six days later. On June5 the Oceanic liner will carry the off!cial party away. ..Reservations havingbeen made for only ISO, it Is nnder--

stooa by representatives or tne oce- -

amc line here tnat tne vessel nasnot teen specially chartered.-- ' --.

The legislature -- has not yet deter-- ;

mined ' upon the disiingnlshed guestswhom it will invite.' Delegate Kuhio,with 66me advice from hi3 friends InHawaii is arranging the invitationsTocongressmen. The legislature, throughcommittees and after conferences withthe governor, will invit? as Its guestssome ?wno are not, congressmen, ouiwho desired to wme..!i;--j- p v

Several members of the legislaturesaid today that they ire heartily inaccord with the editorial in-th-e .Star-Bulleti- n

last- - Satnrday urging t thatWashington correspondents be .' askedto come on the trip. .

Nothihg could be more 'Importantthan- - forHawaii to have a. visit fromcome of these correspondents, saida --veteran' legislator, tod 97. v i By allmeans we ought to do it " ' t ";

Ud to this morning; President Chll- -

Ingworth of the senate had notnamedthe 1 senate committee v on , entertainment which "is to comer .witn tnehouse committee already namedAndthe governor. It is said arouna tnecapltol that there is ; some difacnltyin naming a committee that will giveboth Republicans and Democrats whatthey believe is fair representation.President Chillingworth Is adlplomat- -

c presiding officer and is expected tostraighten the situation out shortly.

Reoresentativ Lota's two anti-liqu- or

bills and Representative Vleira's billcurb the ."activities or wnoiesaie

iouor dealers are doomed U consignment to the house "graveyard." accord;

to the opinion , of several legislative .leaders today.77 ',:h ? v : ; v

It is to be , regretted .that these '

bills are slated j for --.the dumpingground, said one of the lawmakers to-

day, because they haye merit but theRepublican platform enjoins the mem-bers 4hose of Its party from chang toing 'the liquor law except m. certainspecified particulars; and I thfnk thar

1 1 I


i -- ', Enver Pasha, Turkey's notoriousj war minister and leader' of thejiYoung Turka party In taking the

Ottoman Empire into the conflictA few day ago it waa reportedthat Enver Pasha alone of thTurkish ministry wished to con-tinue the ; wv. The Allies calfhim Turkey's Evil Genfua.,. ,".


toShoving of TJaticnal Guard In

Annual Hcviav Wins Sup- - ;

I z-- pert of Legictotcrjs

; Members of the legislature today in-

dicated that the showing made bythe National Guard in its annual in-

spection v yesterday had ; won theirsupport for a-- large appropriation, Thwork of all the companies was giyengreat praise.-Y v.- isy' r't'

?yeral : ofheemhersz-Inckid- ir --

Speaker' H.olstein, tooli' occiij;' tjcriticise ;'-- the; construction - of. thstrmory,-althoug- promising io ailappropriation to complete it. ', .

1 "Great credit must be given to tlieshowing. of the Chlnese-America- h company : In the review before the mem--

lbers of the legislature yesterday, dedared Chairman. J. . H. Coney or thehouse .military committee today, "andit has-convince- d the members of thelegislature what can be done If thework of the guard is made interesting. . .. - . . - . 7 ...

"According to the present construetlon of. the armory and the methodsemployedf oVer there, no social side orentertainment features ; are possible,and, for that' reason, and for safety ssake, I think the legislature ought, toappropriate . enough money - to carryout the se improvements. I don't knowwho Is to blame for the inferior construction of the armory. It Is builtIn such a fashion that the roof mightcollapse at any. time, especially in, theevent of a , fire. The floor is in thesame- - danger. , ;These . faults must becorrected. The. entire guard made, anexcellent; showing yesterday.'! r :

Speaker; Holstein also - had 7 fewremarks . to make against ' the construction of. the armory. He. blamedthe former department of public worksbut said he favored the appropriatingof suffldent funds to correct the faultyconstruction. He gave out the followIng sta.temen t to, the Star-Bulleti- n : ,

'From ' a : representative s point ofView. I found in my visit to the armoryyesterday that there was sufficient evi-

dence pf Inefficiency' and lack or quali-fication and : administrative ability informer officials of the public worksdepartment-'h- b had the mrmory construction In "charge. . ;';7 ;; f;

"My t experience ; in the1 . legislaturehas been that when appropriations forthe erection of government buildingsare needed, the representatives,! with-ou- t

hesitation, knowing the needs ofsuch, awarded the money needed, onlyto find out on their tetum two yearsafter, that through some humbug, hotair, buncombe and official .ignoranceand stupidity in drawing specificationsand plans, not enough money, was ask-ed for. to complete or'to make a perfeet - job. "Of .the . necessary "work ; laother words, the Job was bungled. Aafor instance the Mahukona wharf, res-ervoirs, the Nuuanu dam, and now thearooryr; ; ; C'; 7' ; '' ;.'!;flUSTPAYSICOFiriEOR


-- Victim 'of a dragnet spread; for bisarrest by Special License Offlcer Fen-nel- l,

John Stone, charged with sellingIntoxicating liquor , without' a license,was fined. 100 and --costs by DistrictMagistrate. . Mon'sarrat today, "Stonewas given a nolle prosequi on secondcharge of a. similar nature. ,

The tu Pont Powder Co. Is spending$5,000,000 enlarging- - its plantat CitjPoint, Ca. ';' ; '' v

the representatives will not-- attemptfind fl ws In the- - platform, hut will

follow itx '..'meaning' and " relect tY

bUls ; 1 :' " " '






tArociated Press Service; LOirDOK, England, ; llarch 15.Plans were announced-tbda- y

by the British govbninent whereby the AUk3 heps toseycr German foreign trade and continue their steady prc::uro ,

pa the resources of the Teutons; a3 a war measure. ; ;

The plan'include3 the detaining of ship3 bound for G:r- -'

nianyt and the confiscation of goods cf German crijin cr des-- ;tined for Germany from4 neutral ports. . . .

: : - ; ; . ,

Smacliisj Blovs of Alii 23 Vcn!:::ia lLsadsrcliip of YcimjTurlic-rrly- ;

ATHENS, Greece, llarchaway at the gateway, to Constantinople, and the Ru:::an l:r-i-;forces winning victories in Caucasus, Persia and Am:nia, tlio"situation here is becoming grave politically. The l:ad:r:lupof the Young Turks party, which insisted .'on entering' the' v.-- rf

is increasingly precarious because cf the revolt againzt th::rpolicies.::-;- - ".'';- v A-.:-:.--

:' ,'.': , ,

; JPAEIS, Prance. Ilarch 15.- - It is reported that the Turco-Germa- n

cruiser Goeben, which has been in the B! Z: zizzzshortly: after the. war broke out, has been- - di:l: i' by -- in". V,vertently striking a Turkish

CiV ' 'ui XiCi- - 0i, ; injjlancl, -- vi

c "mt 3 v v:f

. .1 kalv kvvu bu.V4iwU-




.'a:-- -. y--- :,

' .

had men to theas

- ,

by- " ' i'-- - i

' ;1 :.v: -


14 1:

nr.1 i

:lf tz3) (

tatloa to cover II:net "et t;-- i


Laws U j -

1i 0J

by Federal Wireless. J

- 15. V7ith the Affie3

- - !' -


15. G

Jis ' . 4 '

. .Uw j w c. ..-.- .



15. A French :. heroof r:::jn:J, he

Allies for use in th 3 war. He iago to war her




v - ",' t

' '...



The haa au

' ;; . '.- -

15. The German center hai

or.ic.i have teen current for sots t'but tLcy were fou::d tcxliy ti 1 :four. . .', z 3 fir . , izfenLeen v ': i in t.:3 city;

At ti:- - JIaaii Meat'Cc:::: ::' Itwas j ill t!;at - - - ( f t1' f

cf 7 v.?:: t 1 2 I " 1 r -

ceived ar. 1 th :.t a c : .; 0 was rc n ' fie Zz:: , v-i-. ... 1 r i .


L J r.r-- rc J .act'--X cn r

' " '' ' 'l:l0Ck.'--47.- ' ' '.

'.' : "A .'2 The Euseian3Val2oaret carrying 'cut ;su:::"f:i co-

operations' 'in .'the Carpathians, cgainet--th- : : : -- : '

forces. The Russian generab claim t'6,naye' takenoners and gun3 and other munitions. . . -- . '

' - ' ;-' ". "V

Datih in Vc;: Grov;3 'lI:;': "7"


. PARIS, France, ITarch 15. The campaign in the .

war zone is steadily increasing in From th e hquarters of the belligerents come 'versions r:successes. a iiava3 n ews Agency ceepatcn say3 tnatcannonading i3 heard from northeast cf Dunkirk. i

v rPABIS, France, -- Ilarchdeclares that before Premier

cHered 000quoted urging-tha- Greeceterritory. ---

L':?h ALiiItS'Xobs ' of' Ve:::!:LOITEOITi .England,;- - Ilarch' 15. It is

that the , British vessel Florazan,Hartdale have been, sunki 1 ;

,fc i

Italy Denies a Rcfucal Au:h"ia ; 0Italy, IJarch

thoritatively that Austria has refused to anyterritorial concessions to.Italy.

XOirDOIf England, Ilarchbeen shifted in an to relieve the cf

and drive the

mm 1 vJ 1

irv- - r1 l


1,. hi 1

Australiaextending its tntzr:

hasanybody .'



A -

nevrrr :rVeniselcs Greece

should to c.:I"rge

submarines." i


Italian government

.t .



r.d t





ferceity.convicting cf

: officially.merchant Headlands


;EOIIE,denied ccnaider

westward attempt i.fcrtrc::Przemysl away, inventing r.u::iani.

Page 2: lull;!, uuuu J vJ JJd · a nurr.her cf Oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that wiih'.a the next few days he will file darrfre suit3 against the Hawaiian Eursr. Planters

: two HONOLULU STAR JUJlXETINi fOKDAY; MAKCII 15,;91a.-iw- ; r




Japan Is , recovering from th finan-cial depression that baa lasted sinceearly in 1914 and was Increased bythe war. Financial experts in Nipponsee a good year for .1813. - The goldwpply Is Increasing, they say, tradeIs steadily Improving. Says a writerIn . the Japan Mall: '

;N' ;V

"Financial outlook "

Is conslderablyImproving. The stock exchange con-tlnu- es

to show a notable degree of: activity. The money market is Im-

proving to a conspicuous degree! The- tightness caused by the precautionarymeasures of hanks' Is now . being re-placed by a more liberal attitude, re-sulting in an easiness in the moneymarket, which Is believed to be oneof the principal causes of the renewedactivities In the stock exchange.

"Business depression, which 7 hacontinued since the beginning of 1914,was aggravated by the outbreak of the

" war in Europe, reaching Us climax atthe end of the yean No greater depression was thought, possible and areaction was confidently expected toset In aooner or later. This expecta- -

' tlon wag" gradually realized with theopening of fhemew year, and la now

' unmistakably manifest in. various linesof productive

, "At the bes' of 1915 the gov-ernme- nt

reported that 340.000.000 yenin- - srecie.-w&- s ia, the .possession ofthis corr.try at the end of 1914,-whic- h

Is Cj, 000,000 yen Ie& than the amountat the close of the previous year. ButIn spite of this fact, the year openedwith a Etrong promise of gold flowinginto the country, and that this promisewas well founded Is shown In the lat-ent returns published by the financeft; ritf -- 3, which record the amountt" t,,cl.s In possession as reaching"CD.C 00,000 yen. v -

."The cf gold Is of course 'e

chlc-- y to' the Eale of wa.;; :ics". to razzia, and Great Britain."?e rr-- r be expected before anothertin m... tlzrsts, : ' ,'7 :'.:-".zzI-

Influence of the war oHV..'? rev. try's f nance is shown la thet'. .-xy toward the suspension, of thee:. 3 cf ir.;---t- over experti whichhr.- - Lrcn existing for many years. Thetre ;2 returns at the end of 1914 showacr:





arrount of

i 1

excessthe Bit--

: ' sq:.:e fife dheal'Hy Lr.fct Mall l

ATI..' xt:c CITY, N. J.-- Vn.l!3 jo'i- -

:ux I;'.'. r.v, Cv.:::r.:L 'liners fit

: ; t..- -t c. ; H--3

... . 11.3 c;:;; ::'.z to: rcttr'-'-s-. The idea get

1 . ; i .:t.i, li, vLcr ma.'t vLd writes fcr tcch-- !

r r.rr.r.1 al-- jt It He. , ..t)i. ? c.'. 1 . ,. ... ; , r r ir. fwrn:a- -




T v. a

.t j r i

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11. f ' r .t!.;us-L- t1. 2 was

f ' : 't ;. 4 ch v :t?r rr.nin re- -

L..t L--' i fliCJi CI . C 3 Cf

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the rum; ins station tt"ta 1 nek for pictures and


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t:.i .irr-r- t

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!:n cf "thet'..D rne-I-refcr-


i t i" i.. cr1 ! ; '. ; c .

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rower it v . .' :

c! r.::i t!.rcu;h

cf lis rer'y.

C:' "res, a ccto,:..c.:ca, Ky. tut occu;ant3

A. I.I. cricl tlie; you freedom from thecf sweepinj and dusdnj. :

cn!y nine pourkis' The ;

zir c.ivcn rcvoluns tn. h loosens ,

III clrt, J L;nt The power-

ful suction carries it all . into i the '

; dust jroof baj. j rr.CYou merely cUrctt it I It !ocs

( ill the wort! 7 :

Hcwaiicin Electric Go.,. . ... Limited. 7,..-.- ,.

Phone 331. ;. ; 7 ;



II I AIU lUUlllUUlll SJi

71 1 w A KM I A LI A i I nL

minimi! iini nm7 fCcaitlnued from page cntr'methods of raising funds,1 As In

th6 case 6f every other speaker; Heurged his hearers to' fight to the endrather thin yield to the Japanese defmahds. "He said that representatives'of all , the societies- - in the audienceshould go back to-the- ir societies andask - for the immediate " raising of alarge fund to back up China. ; Hesaid every Chinese patriot In Hawaiiis willing to give allJiis property tosuch a fund if it is necessary '

Chang Chong, Interpreter for thenewspaper Ho Man Bo, said that Japan was "coming like a robber intoChlna. aid Chma must! CghL. "Al-though . we live in' Hawaii,": he ; de-clared. "w have parents 'and relative

"China and w must not letJapan devastate our beloved country"Proposes' Military Organization. v

. Chine Lin. a student at unis" College, proposed that the Chinese inHawaii should imnied'iately begin1 theorganization of military com panies toprepare themselves far service withthe Chinese troops. . Pointing- - to Ger-many as a country which had developed --lis land and sea force by .me-thodical energy, he said that Chinashould- - do" the same: ''

According to the ciwefuT transTifldn'given

t to the Star-Bulleti- n as thespeech was nlade, this young studentsaid: ' ' y . v-.- . ;,v

wThe Chinese inr HawaJ ahphld be1-gin- ;

to. drill immediately, i The pointhas comei where , there must be war

,Lum Sun, , McKlnley Hish, Schoolstudent, declared that Japan Is thechief factor fa shattering, the peaceof the Orient and that China mustresist :: : ." r-',- -.

The last speaker was Young KoomKool teacher of the Wah' llm ehooLHe roused the audience, tqf great enthusiasm m calling ur-o- thm' to standWith; their countrymen across" tM seaagainst, the demands .of . Japan; ;

As the seeches .were m&de,lThdChinese atjarentiy .approved every.thing the , orators said,- - at leas therewere no inilfeaUuona of disapprovau

Both the Japanese and : ChTiesanewspapers in Honolulu are givingmuch, space -- to discussions- - and newscf 'the situatidn ia the Orient TheNlrttt Jijt la- - a recent eiitorlaT Cef--,

dared that Preside-- 1 Yuan Ehih-Ka- iii


rci ensibid for tha d.-Jl-oct ia ne- -

gotiaticnj, ty caTorganlzad Ica.mjalrto misrepresent the Japanese demandsto excite public opinion ; against Ja-ne ,. ' 'n - t' "

A rumor has been r.;at ia Chinatown for several cays that PresidentY; --.h Ehlh-Ka- t would yield to the Jap--

... i Ccn.-;- .: fcr-- a price, an J this-- :rd in l' t r'-'.t'- s er?e'hes to

some extent, st leot one orator 'declaring tLat the CLinesa people wbuldCght Japan whether the central gov-ernment arrroved war or not :


Lav cn f,i..k-r- y Criniia'Jori. - ';'

"Th? law rcsuV. ting tho fcteatloncf r.iMtary crganiiatlor.3 is very plain,'

i 1 Cel. J. Vvr. Jces, the adjutant gen-:- 1

cf tv Natial Guard of Hawaii,th'3 naming. "It makes no differencewhether men drill with the servicerifle cr with trc. ..sticks! If they do

0 t. ithout 1 .:mL-ioa.c- f. the" govern- -

cr r- -i co cct onions to eitner meral cr r.ilitary or naval

:ice; t.y ere guilty of a misde-c-r.

All the Japants? and Koreant z dTi:3 and marching clubs comeL.l:r thlj law. '. ' ; :

rcllowir j. Is the statute governlns;r-- c 4222, Revised Laws cf Hawaii,

"Any two or more persons who asso-c'.-.i- 3

thenaselvc3 tcsether with others; ' : .1 the li.. :;i.ef the Territory of

il-- ail a3 a' company Orfcr military purposes or to

give cr receive r.'.r..:ary instruction,ether than the?? tCicnr'.ng to the reg-ularly cr;...-L- v.i

- nilltary and navalfcrctJ cf the rnfted ClatcS, cr cf theTerritory cf Hawaii, and those attend-ing tad receiving such iastractioa ata public school, without the. .writtehpernlasloa cf the governor, which hemay at any time revoke, shall be guil-ty cf a mi:J :meanor tad upon conviction

thereof LLail be fined id a sumnot less thaa one hundred dollars norr.cre thaa five hundred dollars, or impriocneJ fcr a term hot exceeding sixmcnth.3, or Lcth.'. ;:. s"



Chinese reiiJenti of Honolulu' areer rly Wait'in.? fcr cables Tronf Pekingtelling of the diplomatic relations withJa;an reards ' the deiiiaads. - Themessages from China to San Franciscocn not be- - intercepted in Honolulu,but W. K. Luke, manager of the Lib-erty News; ia making arrangenientswith the Marconi company to get thenews from San Francisco.";'.-'- . r

- It i3 the general belief amon theChlacse that Yuan' Shlh-KA- f Wlir yieldmore than necessary. The YoungChina' Daily,- - a San Francisco'-paper- ,

sets forth the suggestion" that the pres-ident of . China is influenced to' yield-ing by an offer 1 of the kingship ofChina by Japan. This. idea . Is: second-ed by the Liberty News, the localorgan 61 the younger Chines, wh6' fa-vor Dr. Sun Yat Sea's policy of a progr-

essive-China. - : - ": ' - : ' :j -

The coining mill of the AmericanPowder company, blew up': at Acton,Mass.; killing David Splaine, an em-ploye and causing a loss to the company of J6000.

! Governor Beckman of Rhoa" Islandannounced that he would stop gam-bling irf Khode Island; If it existed, atany cost He said he would' go to


On the ground of non-suppo- rt JudgeWhitney today granted Margaret Gn- -

llck a divorce from Charier A. Gnllcfc

Joshua K. Brown today was appointfed administrator of the estate of Anoie k( urowa, . to serve under isooo

Argument "on the : sttggelstloit of hts2 -j i uaquBiiuvauoa w sib 10 ura uugmiiuu



over the rrneuna Parker: smart wmis to be heard by Circuit Judge Whitney tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.

' ... ' .. "? '!.''' r '.'!. JT- -

; kmtoxg the ' passengeri o&V the ;Wri--helminaf ; arriving' tomorrow , will beMiss Helen Geithmah 'of Seattle, whois seeking literary material in Hawaiifor the Sunset Magazine. -

v- lllnnle' .torrea has. been granted adivorce front 'Manuel Correa,- - on theground of non-suppo- rt The costodyof the minor child was gives :--: byJudge1 - Whitney; to the grandmother.

nation of Emperor - YOBhihito , in ' Japan- - this coming October is being organized by M. Komeya, manager ofthe Japanese bank. .

Japanese theatrical performances inHonolulu will hereafter btf regulatedby the Japanese 'Amusement Co. whichwas organized last " Saturday nightThe following ofScers were elected: T.Nozawa, president; S. Ogata, vice-pr- e

sident; K.. Kawamoto,- - secretary, andZ. Nagatawl, treasurer. 4 -- ..


ti?prfal 8tar-Bunet- ta Cermpondewcel: P (JNA'HOTJ, March 15. The vesper

service given la Pau'ahl hAlf Sundayafternoon waU t great bticcss, af largenumber" of people attending. " MissCadell was at the piano add MissSutherland played the orgatf, isslstedbt John1 GIfford violinist' A v duar--

tet compoied of Mr.' Frehchv Mr, Mld-klf- f.

Miss CtcdwIl and .Miss Suthe'r-- .land,- - sang.-- The - concert- - was pleasing and. Punahpa hoiJes there will besuch another entertainment soon. -

The members of the Jimroi cla'sshave been elected U positions on theJunior "Oahuin" staff s aS foDowsJFor editor-In-Chfe- f, Fldrenee ? White;busidss man'ager.u Kehiefh -- Embry;associate editors, Gladys Halstead, Da-vid 'VIthington rtaisistant .managers,lieorge liromeiy; Lornnr rnursxon, 11mAuydng;

? for j.64a and ends, 7ernestMOtt-Smlt- a. Frank Winter, MildredChapin; for literary, Corneille McCarn,Allisoa McCarn.l . .for athletics.' LouisCte venS,!. Dors Lldgate ? afdmnr notestKuurrarnastoa; scnooi notes,' xuarySmith, Catherine Jphnson; art,: MIn1110 u, ivaiy oingieaurst - . ; . .. . .

La'sf : Frld"a ci6fntag' fa chapfel aunique program --'.was offered. vCIebCase gavS a brief syhdpSls of "MariiStuart" lea'ding'up to scene a0; act 4iThen Dorothy Hoogs gavrf this scenefrom .the fourth act in- - German, - ap-

pearing ia costume. It was a diffl-cult'pJrt-

wCI play ei and welj spoken.; "Today for chapel exercise th BoysGlee Club-- , sadg two songs, "A'WfnterSong" and: "A Lanaby. It was verytatith appreclated by taeauflferice.7;;7:



Secretary Taylor of the PromotionCommittee has been greatly puzzledfor the -- past sir . weeks by namerousletters fro mtea'chers oa.the dainland.Every maif brings queries froia sbmeteacher who has- - made application fora teaching pdsltloa ia-- : Hawaihr Mr.Taylir thinks some ecracatfdaal paprmust hare ccafufied Hawaif with thePhilippine,- where' edufiatlon' f3'..tndefgovernment supfen'lsloa.' 1 " .


T"verv 1pIter enpaVs ahnnt; th A' . ffiifrahsportatibn 6a the" transports, butthe writers are all aaxious to learn6f hvlag conditidns - la Hawaii Noclue "'to'the- - mystery has yet beeafound. Direct commualcatloa with theapplicants will probably lead to thesource of their mistake,- - says the secretary, fr.-.- M:,7 ' --;

f3 SI 2 i u G FG il K07i 0 LULU

.rBrother ; BehJamlnK ; Bfuhs 1 wouldHAke to come back to Hawaii. This Isthe contents of a letter written by himto James Steiner of aWikiki.- .

Bruns came to Honolulu about 1900to sell patent medicine. He also wasthe first one to Introduce - vaudevillemto the islands, his show ; consistingof a"dfvmg dog which made a big hitambnsr ; the' - Hawallana at . that J time.He Was - also the first-- : promoter ofWillie Ritchie, before that lightweightWon thes title. THe no-- livesi in: SanJose; CaL: : . :: - ' --

: 7'-i7?7

f rrhe Ha-wallah-- bnilldmg is-'a- - credit

td Hawaii ; Neir he writes from thefair."7 The opening- - of ther."blg Sh6w,rwhich is his circus name for fhd av

success, in hisCDlnion;,.;

ci?;oAYs;HEiutsuE;-sugarfla;jte- rs

tCcntbuedT frbra - plgQaiy.'.f K'- -

Counsel-for-th- V --planters; during thestrlie. is now r in-- he ' territory aftertwo. years' absence. t:

During the strike,- - Iff hfcsY been alleged. Attorney Kinney-an- d the thenhigh sheriff Wfniani Henry, icted un-lawfully' in breaking pen i safe be-longing to officials 'of. the Japaneseassociation.1 r During the last-campalg- n

Henry, a candidate for' rctwt sheriff.several times tooik occasion to declarefrom the stump that the reasbn . theSafe was broken open Was because theof ficerSv Were - sure there; wasr- damag-ing evidence inside.; '

, v"Wherf asked who his attorney would

bef Makino said .that J. LIghtfoot andthe. legislature Jl jiecessary, to obtain probably, two or. three others wouldassistance. ' 7 ' 7.

' ' - 7 represent Mm- - . . - ,

IlifpTi. A public hearing on the proposed

workmen's compensation act. regarded by many as the most importantmeasure before thef present legislature,has been called by Chairman ; A. L.Castle of the senate judiciary commit-tee Yor tomorrow evening at the senatechamber in the capitol.7 Chairman - Castle announces thatSeA&te BUI No. 2, as the measure isksownr will be discussed at that timeonly-to- r its general form and the gen-

eral principles Involved. Details1 suchas the. amounts to be paid injuredW6rkmen. wllf not be taken-u- p until asecond1 public meeting, the date ofwhich will be announced later by thecommittee; - 7 "1 ' - . ,

The senate judiciary committee discussed the bill at length in a commit-tee session this morning.'; It announces that it does not favor the territorialInsurance feature as provided in thebill and some warm' argument may beheard on that phase of the propositionat the public meeting. All persons intereste4 in .the proposed piecie of , newlegislation are requested to attend andpresent their view, v ,


Representative v Goodness introduced some more ffish" bills today Inthe house. 7 . 7 . - ,

blir to prbbMt-- m hotelkeepera and restaurants went throughfinal reading in the house today. 7

Lyman's bill to systematize the commutation of : prison sentences ; wentthrough: last reading In" the house thismornlngu v- 77-.-.- 7 ;

. The expected reportTof the judiciarycommittee of the house on the Kupl- -

hea investigation failed to materialize this morning.


" : "-- 7. -

Superintendent of i Public WorksForbes askedJthe house today, .in.bill introduced, to appropriate $10,000fon testing- - laboratory.v ;

The' bnis presented- by Representative" Lyman ' to .make If possible forapplicants; In . clva 7 service examlaa-tloa- s

to take' the tosts in the Hawaiianlanguage were passed by the onthird readmg today. -



1 big, fuss staVfed ,Ia' sthe vlbWerhohse this .morn,lng when. Crockettsbill to' prohibit: child labor came up.Tavares and Rawlins Gbjeete to sec-

tion 1 of the bill , prohibiting employ-ment; of children ,uader ,12,",years old,excep d'uriae the" canning ' Seasbn.The bin waj: .dferred nntil; tVdnes-dajV- :

v7fl.. g77.-- ;'7- 'Ti a"7 i"; j Ss ?-- 7

E. J. Crawford iwaa tha.onlv member .of the' house who did Slot hesitatewhen the bill to raise the, salary ofthe. mayor's secretary, to $200Q a year"came up for third ; reading',. today.Crawford registered a negative vote.The "gallery gods" of the legislaturepredict that the bltf wilt be "interned"in th; senate; graveyard.: y777t-7;;-


This belhff Mondar. there was" practically 'nothing dofns on" the stock ex-ehangec The ; total number of .Cransactions betweda' boards and at the ses--

siba was sev6hl Thosef were all small,aggregating only' 210 shares: r i 77 s :,

H. a & SJ OlaV McBryde aid Oa- -au were the sagar stocks that figuredin the sales Est-- ' No" change of pricewas recorded for any --of theni. MutualTelethbne went at 19. a : deblln4 of i.Brewery recovered from recentilvuav; going1 back-- to '

The - followlne- - dividends were announced ;HawaUan' Sugar," 3tV cents ;Oahu Raijay and Land Co tS cents;Pepeekeo, $1;' Walalua, 607 cents; Oa-hu Sugar, 10 cents.' ? r. - ?-:- yC?


'.Peter: McDonaldL Pioneer resident itfHonolulu, a carpenter by trade, diedOf heart faflure at his residence, 636South;Hotel street yesterday. ' He hadbeen 1 suffering s for several . months.Funeral services were Jield this aft-ernoon at 1:30 from SUva's undertakeine parlors and the remains were cremated. He Is survived b MnC McDonald, the widow. . .' -- 7 ; 7 7





1-- fj y







, "AH the way around the island.'wiU be the next Sunday autobus tripor tne Hawaii Promotion Committee.The outdoor ; promotion-- committeeplans to have an autobus, or two ifnecessary, leave the Hawaii Promo-tion Committee t rooms next Sundaymorning, at S o'clock, and .make thetrip ; by way of the Nuuanu Pall, returning by way of Haleiwa, SchofleldBarracks and Moanalua. ; ;

This is one of, the most populartrips on the Island. The autobus tTipsof the ; Promotion Committee havebeen quite successful and. this aU-da- y

trip, with a ; congenial . party , aboard.will be worth whUe. Luncheon willbe had at Hauulu which Is one of thebeauty spots of the trip. The bus winreturn to the city about $ o'clock. Forthis trip the coet .wlll be $3.50, whichincludes lunch. Bookings for the tripwill be received at the outdoor promotion section of the Promotion Committee rooms. .

. i . .' .: .

There will be the usual Saturdayafternoon snd Sunday, tramps, eachparty leaving 'the Promotion Committee rooma . . . .7 7 r - i v . -

iisiffiiE"It is truly wonderful - bow the peo

ple who really kndwt a gbod propoeitiotf take advantage of, one when theopportunity presents itself, says C. P.Crawford, whd is In the ; city ; representing the MarchanT Calculating Ma-

chine Company. ,;,7- v 7'v Mr. Crawford is placing a limited

number of shares of the stock of thisOakland company in Honblalu. Thesuccess which he has met brought outthe remark above. 7 u . - 7 .7

-- When asked as to why he was so"Sure that the people beI16vbd his proposition to be so undeniably ' good,Crawford continued: 7

--"Why, It could. nof7 be otherwise.Anv time a' comnany which has beenoperating at a handsome profit formonths and. months,; desires to. dispose of a few Shares of capital treas-ury stock,' in order to make a bonafide enlargemeat of their, plsat In or-

der, to meet . the overwhelming de-

mands for their product;; the meritsof the opportunity to share in' futurprofits, are' bound to receive immedi-ate' recognition. That's about aU thereli t6 it , 7C7: 7777:;''v? ';:

r"Yes, I still have a few more sharesto place and the first :wise man . toget in touch with me will get the firstChance.- -- K;: :!7t...-7:- . . ;T

?' MrV'Crawford tocatedIir'th6,iewHawaiian trust building. . v" ,77. 7-.'-

f C



TTIrelesi to Her&xxSa'v' xehan?e.7 7'" 7

' ii p. m., Moaday7Mar;.15, 1915.HILO Sailed,; Mar. 10, S.- - O. M.i Clark,' for San Diegol 77 7 ;7; :

?:-i:- ' :S Honolulu. . , - 7Arflvals--Ma- r. 13, S. 8. Kdranna from! Panama i 13, S. S. Shlnyo M aru from

1 Yokohama. . 7 j;- -'""

v.Sailings Mar. 14, SV S.; Koranna, fori Yokohama. 77.-7- -- ''H'

7 Raa'IbflVa'may 7S.- - S. HILONIAN Arrives from Seat--,

;tle at i p. nt today, ., . : .., y .

Cleans and Keeps''i,xy..

" WHITE' 1

'"c- - v": ''vv

' .ff

7: aT'7 1


AA ''iv y 7

?5 tt

', i..'..--




Women of Manoa valley sat aroundtea tabjes laid out In the new valleypark ip'.Vancbuver Highway and Kea-li- a

street at 3 o'clock this afternoonand discussed a name for the . parkand the best plans for Us beautlfica--tlon. : i .'"-y- .

Queen Llliuokalani, Mayor Lane andthe members of the board of supervise


Flint,ors had been Invited to take part In 4 hypnotists in the world, has lust publiihedthe discussion. Jt Is 7 probable the remarkable book on hypnotism, rxnorudpark will be named for a Hawaiian magnetism and magnetic healj. It i byroyal princess and for that reason the , e "n0 wonderful and comjprthenmeQueen's .advice has been sought j treatie of the kind ever priuted. Mr. Flint'.EL' Ehrhorn rf the bureau of eW ' decided to- gire, for a limited time, a

tomology, Prot Vaughan MacCaugtiey PT to every prn iacerc!y fctcr--n-

Pmf T?nrir wr tA ftn - m thwe wondctful sacT.ccs. TLtthe design! .for the park.,. The meet k ,ii based upon year cf practical

ing was ..held under , the aucplces otthe. Outdoor Circle of Jfanoa valley,of whlch Mrs.. F.: E. Blake is; chair-man.- ..

j - i;j.z"$ tl- - .7






Such beautiful cards and such interesting little favors at- - Arleigb's, on ;

Hotel street AU breathing the . won- -iArfnl iinirit it KaRtpr ,: Chnnu rulrV. i

ly, while beet selections can be made.Easter la April ,4th, you know. Adv.


Pedro Sandero, HonoluluEmfly Apu, Hoholulu

4. .

. .oOk.21

Jcauiri Lopez, Honolulu : 1 ." . . .Y T. . 23Louisa Rodriauez, '.Honol'jla'. V7.V.729

Vhen rur-rea- l "rtJ .

fected with that weakeriin' tickllr V

cough, they need immediate and sen-sible, treatment The breath seem3shorter because of, mucous obstructions; usually . fever is . present andyour head jars , with' every couh.Your chest aches and the inflammation often spreads to thejiings. .

' '

The fftO(-tnn-?r that h tttw ?- -

worth for forty years-i'- s Scott's Emul-siQ- n.

,k It drives out the cold, whichis the root of the trouble; and checksthe cough ; by . aiding the healingpfoCess Of. the raenbranes.,

If you are troubled with bronchitisor know an afflicted friend, always re-member that Scott's Emulsion buildsstrength, while relieving the trouble. ..':..Xlrtl Bcctt tzowce, romWA, K.J. . . .





TT.3 cf V

:v3;:herbert . one ef tie best known


experience by a man who has hypnotisedmore people than any other one person.

You can now learn about the tecrett efhypnotism and. personal magnetism at yourown home free. 1


rrpnot! --":.- -e yunr it fc

c 'tioa ti " It

the bronchial 'tubes are. z,- ' 15 '





1 :



"'iliiMofyoo to- - mntrol - tne .

other. i oeo you uii.i.-r-- .

myittrion - tcitice, jni i i

in bumaa luioda Itor evpn year lirrv-- .

ad babtu and dim.-- - laVo'J ci- youra' i

b" . 'ie-- 4 or i

lDtttuij,'iy typoc firrianc of 'tbt wl'.'Kint tlie.r k.ftowerfnUy ' 1n3'ifOc Uera to !

lou eaa to D)arTHixical or iJrauiatle taSnt i

lncr'"", your tc t

Boera. - ia tt eirm t ... j

' and eror.AKtiRS nR'.,.j t(.- aire. loa prot-- t Touri-.-









last the demanti fotx substance thatwillily clean 'white liglitoldcanvasin factHy riiaferial which cannot becleaned," withorit injury; by washing Uvada

cleans terfectly Whitd: Kid Gloved Orav ofLight-Colore- d SueSe': Gloves forShoes: "'White


- f '1 ' !

'. tJt a'! T .;t " kr tit

a'.t i

c ...ikhl. a

m day if

f f t

a J 1

j eT




i caaas,

io'l ca"1 Cj-- ra,!. aid

tl F- I .

12 y hTi. )

r r "f? -'- fi ! - y I j--

1 - 1 x i.jat j 1 e

t; ItBiKne of otoera. , Von caa teco.. C ;ai :Ulaecs and b aa a power la Tg.r

corona unity. ,booi cf wtn ta'j t t V tiaro tie eerrrt cf tv-'- : t: , t

liint Ja the rwtit a ' and k if alo tje worj J. 1 ( ...

for of ai -- Tcea. 1 i ra.-r-y o,terery f fitafi . If yoa int a rof ttila fr- - boon. paU your cana d a :.

51 a card f - Ir'-,'-- t L.I'nt, Irt. . C :'-;- " !. t a J

rli receive tl3 t..i ty l f . - i.

-7 7! 7

7 1 'j ati

r K; 7

1 i

; ;;

; '7

.t ta




Buck or Canvas Shoes White Felt Hats, White .: s. v ';7 Furs; - Ostrich-- ; Humesj White. Spats, .White4 etc: 7 ' ' r'. ' . 7r7i'r 7

isjnol talcum, clay, mag--L f : :

nesia.or It is in no sense, 'aT ' paint V 7

nor a teuiporarv; coating mat wnitens bv cov- -' ,ering up the dirt! J UVA1A CliEANS ; WHITE i ?

: the fabric or .to the hands' of the user; thus ef-- 7 J

fecting a great saying iri time arid erpense. :'t ' -- ;J7 ;


May & Ltd., -







LjSl.n.s Iljuiii


Broadcloth5VAIiA cliiJk,rpipe

whiting ;

Coi, Distri biitoris .!

Page 3: lull;!, uuuu J vJ JJd · a nurr.her cf Oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that wiih'.a the next few days he will file darrfre suit3 against the Hawaiian Eursr. Planters


MIDMrs. Baker So Vcak-Cou- ld

Not Do Her Work FoundRelief In Novel Way .fe

AdriaiClIich. "I suffered terriblywith female weakness and backache and1

r t- -

Cot so weak that Icould hardly do mywort; 0,1washed my dishes Ibad 0 sit down andwhen I would sweepthe floor I would getso weak that I wouldhave to get ft drinkevery few minute,'and before X did mydusting Iwould haveto lie down. I cot

. to poorly that my folks thought I wasgoing into consumption. One day Ifound a piece of paper blowing aroimcj

- the yard and I picked it up and read it.It said 4 Saved from the Grave,' and

. told what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta--ble Compound baa done for women. Ifthnvpd it tn mv hmthftnd uv) h K&kL

' Why don't you try it? So I did, and: titer I had taken two bottles I feltbetter and I said to my husband, 1 don't

. need any more and be said Yoa had

. So I took it for three moifyhs and gotwell and strong." Mrs. Alonzo E.Ttitro. Q TVrnmh St Adrian, r.firh.v Not Well Enough to Tcrk.

y In these words la hidden the tragedyoi many a woman, nousciceeperorwageearner who supports herself and is oftenhelping to support a family, on meagre

v tory, ehep, store" cr kitchen, womanehowll remember that there ia cne triedand true remedy fcr the ill3 to which allwomen are rrone, tnd that is Lydia EL

. n's Veet:t!e Compound. It1 ll i' Uediciae

' (l T 1 "" -

7 iT"yVvo v a. r

We can furnish you with detailsand estimates for any and ;

all excursions.Cor. Hotel and Union Ets.

Fhcns IZZZ Honolulu, T. H.

- - j


CATlCFACTCniLY ANDr.r : : a: ly HAf.'ZLZD.

s. . . . . ..-- 1 - wJC;!i Only At

Fiie Clarion

! Cv ii. i... socket.Cr. 2 hand guidesititrcllsczdlyover rugs and

Hawaiian Electric CoJ,' .. N

. . LImitfd. . v. . ':.

V .' ; 'i '; Phone 3i2L ?


iPieDrrnniu rellWlLUUUlY 10


RevIew'Complimentary to Leg-

islature Shows Good Con- - '

; I y 1 dition of Troops ;.F.1AJ iEWIHAM INSPECTS


Big Turn-out !Yesterday 1

'4 About i$20,000 fn!FedM v eral Funds


was with

: to

wife hishe

aChjl- -

Five enlisted to the fact that themen and ;37 the 1st bad been for

He said that it was the mostGuard trotal by a upon abefore the had ever come his atten--

: M. X Lenihan,;tion. . He urged. of the be upon

was complimentary to ed at tne awniie tne or mna ; this he failed, He

was of that hMmin .

the regular nad n8ed force trying .to miUee for the Inror the war to him. a desk m promotionuio Ku 6rfti were also by I

made a spienaia snowmg, ana as T- -

man present at repre-- isented approximately 2S in .

for the ' year, the ' turn-out was very satisfactory. drill thecitizen soldiers came up to

the arms and equipmented to be excellent

Maj. Lenlhan ' noexcept those of an oScial nature toguard and his size-u- p

of the territorial troopa will bela his report to the department com-mander, and will fUter backoScial some months " fromcow. t army and ; militia

who the revfcw ; andaa were unani- -

ncjs -- in their thegeneral

"The companies wereDLrauj iu Mima (hubui,, iu - - t 1 n'lAVW. adjutant-raf- .

tvA fiTI(,was andlent, and the --men made a good ap

pearance. were really uni- -

and tne equipment was in excellsnt v - v

; " a ,- 'T""

Only the 1st and 2nd pf vLi

However, each battalions,a strength Com;


When Frank Guerrero appear-ed District Magistrate ilonsar-ra- t

morning displayingbruised face body, Guerrero,

husband,' who chargedguilty was

sentenced nine Imprison-ment at city county iaiL

Guerrero admitted In attempt-'In- g

force return tokicked beaten her.

The an easily wonfilled with

Deputy Prosecuting AttorneyImgworth called attention of Judge

hundred and'Uftyone Monsarrat womanInfan- - treatedtat hospital.

try, v.V?'i' of Hawaii. Mi wounds.- -assault wo-i- n

review United State toarmy. Inspector, Maj. that maximum

members territorial legia-- , penalty imposed Guerrero.

legislators, home of frienda to effectinspection personnel reconciliation. In

eauipment which followed partannual inspection of courtesy

miutia,-mad- e woman accompany Sev-fth- e offer ofaepanmenu ixumenc-ai- y spectators rooms


federalfunds fiscal


while appearcondition.

made comments,

oCcers generalmade


Regular on-cers observedinspection spectators

commendation, ofshowing.





sympathycourtroom spectators.


r a iiTra nrs"Triirar v

.V J . . aThe Royal Hawaiian will give

tomorrow Tuesday)from seven

noticeably 1

tali.CoL J. Jones, f BrtT,Jgeneral. "The" kSignment excel- - .ITtM,, ZZT,society



tne 1st inrantry out yesieraay, r.' s

battalion of regiment be--j '. J . ) ' ,

LIng staUoned bay Maui and Hawaii:)of the local.

had of five companies,











ing theT


InvIted.i-Adv- .

the 3rd the

Special Nou 63; Z --5

! Pvt TTMrtt la Pnr A ' Pott onA1 1 .f .i. ,.s "uu w p-- g Wllllan, H. Wright, O. Mi

1,: Ui,mtttrJil chaud and Harry C Roland, Hospital

lacnea w ine u s arrived the transport

f f- are assigned to. duty.aten::V;SrMt l" apartment Hospital, this city;

forned to l!ne on Kins street facing' 2. Pvt. Albert W. Sooter, Companyr-r- th. thft Hrht flf th Una restine , (machine gun company), 1st Infan

slte the entrance to-th- e palace try, Schofleld Barracks T. H, will besrcun23p'the-lla- extending down Mer discharged from the army by the com-c-- t

street Jlfter receiving v the mandi:5-offk- l ot, that posfc by. pur--

I rc -- r.t arrrs, j.laj. Leninan,: accom tuase, uauer me provisions pi ueeraii -- ill .ty the president of sen- - Orders No. 31, leparment, seriesate, the speaker of the house, and

to hiehome,



c: c e ra of . the military committee ; the mentioned ' tocf both houses, walked aroundvtiie section five of said order, ?140 of theline, returning to tne reviewing point, purchase of discharge Is .remit- -

vvaikiti or uicnaras . on; ted to this case. - , ,the 'mauka side cf King. The regi 0s. pw lister E.lHoE:satLvv Comnent then made a loop through the panyl I, i 1st Schofleld Bargrounds or tne jutviciary Duuamg,.in racks, T. H will be discharged fromorder to pass the tail of the column, army by the commanding officers win into company or piaiooa 0j that post, by purchase, therrcr.t according to tne size or tne or provisions of General Orders .NoJ. 31,

wiu iiassmg ui Knew, War department, series, 1914. -

. ; . : -- 1 the by the iTawnnaaL e regiment enterea we and-Inspecte-

d. during the week, on theesccuuve .grcuncs cy. wie iucaanui regular' drill nleht of aeh outfit.

c: p lai .a.j









?, er.d pitched shelter tent j ueut-co- L W. R. Riley commandedcolumn Of platoons facing the rerfment. and emresaed hlirsell

, Tentage and equi;aert was M ,weI1 pieaged with thework olii.- -, and returned to Ue armory, out the appearance

alter wr.ica tne companies were in the troops. There ' few-- ! absen-fpecte- d

in close-order- . ' Jtees, and those, mostly -- men Absenti.trrnms to inrmoir arms from the city, or on sick report. u The

atackwd td dinner served, several ot ttendancA vm not oniv tha inTtrv&tthe Icsislatora being the guests of the numt)rg ,n the hutory of 'thCZccrs ccrs. In the afternoon eJguard. but showed by far therGm'.'inles were cut through 10 mitt- - Aat rv v.





eatu, iu viubo xiv cAuu- - counting the three companies i" onPrrperty be counted the outside still to be inspect--

w4 Uxw--jTO

Ycir Table

Untouched by human fiands-- -


aSE33'Aristocrat of: Ready-t- o

8erve .Foods. :'. j'-;-

i ; A- - table dainty, r. ofWhite Indian v Cornpresentlng

: flavor and wholesomenouxlshment" in new'r aid app- -f

form. l : :"; V

"'The r steadily Jncreasing saleof this food apeaks volumes, fcr:IU excellence.1 , r ' T



.r- . ,'V -' '

order :for s packet of Post-- .

Toasties your grocer willprovide a treat for the whole '.

family.-,- - ;",'v.

Sold by Grocers and




thepleaded and

v months'and

tohad and




HAiiiu imm m


I t- - .' r.; "band

evenat Moana Hotel



turned ,.."




the War


pricejust street, ? t

thesins sunder;


andjcccu, andwere


will Islands




ed. and . the i hospital corps detacb--iment, the guard will receive approximately 119,500 from federal funds forthe year. -- '' i - : : 'v

Aiemoera of the legislature . werewi? pleased with --the showing of the

.territorial forces, and after an inspection' of 1 the armory were agreed thattne 140,000 necessary to finlahrthsbuilding was not only a justiSable,but necessary-expens- e. ' r

; Following is the report ; of attendrance by companies at yesterdayVspection: ' ---j-j v-- '

.; Commissioned Enlisted

Field and . staff :vCompany; A...,Company B.,..-Compan-

C..,,Company D....Company E..,,'

.Company F...; ,

Company G..., ;Company H....Company K....

L 11


'V2: :2U J'





; A number of local merchants werevictims of fraudulent checks issued oyWong Tee Suiy a Korean, who today

I was convicted or gross cheat and sent,tc the city and county prison for. one? .fear,' after a hearing of the case be--;

fore -- District Magistrate" Monsarrat.Captain of: McDuffie arrest-ed the Korean Saturday when" be wasattempting to leave the city for Ha--

i wait . z;i;--J x:&);v Jijf--

IsThe steamer Colon, which waa driv

en on the bar at the entrance to Topo-lobam- po

: harbor, ; Mexico, baa j beenfloated. : :. ': 'v;

VCklrleii It CW waa krnUg thsf arri-vab- r'

to he : Ciaadme "from "Mank ;;

Francis Gay la, In the city, arrivingto the Kinau from Kauai yesterday.

i Regular meeting of Harmony Lodge.7:S0

o'clock.-;:- ; r -.

- Leahl chapter. No. 2, O. E. S.i willhold a autel inr eUng at 7:30 o'clocktotxignt.

The Punahou musical school is giv-ing, a recital this to the oldschool hall. u . . . , :

The Hawaiian band played in thegrounds of ' the capitol thia morningfor the legislature. . . , -

V Herman Holstein, employed at theInter-Islan- d floating dock, to operatinga sand blast, w" injured Saturday af-ternoon. A cylinder exploded, caus-ing a scalp wound. :'J-';- :

Senator Charles A. Rice,; who visit-ed Kauai last week , to vote to - thecounty primary - election r held thereSaturday, ,waa among the arrivala inthe Kinau yesterday. . ; -- "

f .,

The- - promotion committee ia to re-ceipt of a letter from the Maul Cham-ber of Commerce thanking the com- -

in persuade extendedorganized

assaulted here.










Joseph R. Freitas of Henry May &Co. Is celebrating today hia thirty-fift-h

birthday ; anniversary. He wasborn in Madeira, 'Portugal, March 15,1880, and arrived in Honolulu whenhe was, eight years ot age,: 'S. .rj;t

,'.V-.- : i.i .m ... f :'


It 1st reported from? Hawaii that ahistoric stone on which Hawaiianwarriors of old were offered up aa sac-rifices . by . Kamehameha V has beenfound near Hilo and may be broughtto the. Crescent ..City aa a tourist attractions

pineapple Pay will probably becomea calendar day in Hawaii, accordingto the plana of the promotion committee., The date- - this .haa-no- t

been set yet nor has the program beenannounced, but It: has. been definitelydecided to have lL1, '". '';'

The fight bemg made by plantationowners on Samoa' against the cocoanut beetle, whicb la causing considerable damage to cropa on these Islands,is described by Charles ,V. Osborn ofSacramento,;' who fa now in. Honoluluarter a long, stay in the aouthernislands. -- ij'; f-- ; ".;7:r..

t v t : m . - - . m

Captain of Detectives McDufSe landed N. F. Clement behind the bars forone year when be: was 'convicted inthe district court this morning of thetheft of a ouantity of xloth.r AccordIng to the police,' Clement is an oldoffender. He had Recently been - released from the county, bastile wherehe had servea; a term; for, larcny .

' Hog ranchers are watching .with interest the big experiment being madeby"Perc Sfr'Pond.on His new piggeryon J the plains between Walalua ; andSchofleld Barracks. The ranch is 60acres In extent ;and has - from 300 to400i good-bre- er visa on - it. Pond Issaid to have, 20)00 capital tied ; upin' the venture.. i ; ;,. . :

Composition Will be- - taught in thenew EngUsh class of the y. W. O. A.which holds its - first meeting at . theHomestead tonight at 7:20C'liis3 AliceBail,. a - graduatort.'otf the Universityoff Washington jma .nowj gtvthe College of - Hawaii will hare, charge ofthe class. .AU girls ,who would- - lke. totake the course are Invited.;

, Prof Vauehan 'MacCauaher; of theCollege of Hawaii;willfdeliver a lecture on "Xandscape- - Gardening . WithReference la. Small Gardens", underthe auspices of the Outdoor Circle onThursday evening, Marcn ? IS; ato'clock at the Library of Hawaii Prof,Illlngworth. aaaisting. .The pictures Kfllbe Illustrated - with. ; stereoptioon ' plo- -

turea and wall charts. The' generalpublic is invited to attends ?

A public benefit dance will be givenby the Knights of Pythias at the K.of P. hall next Saturday evening. Atrip taken to Maui hist month, left adeficit which the dance is planned tomeet Tickets will be fifty cents each.and they are on sale by members ofthe order. - U B. Reeves Is In chargeof arraneements for the danced Walter, V. Kolb will be-fio- or manager; TneFair Hawaii Glee Club will play.

Trustees of . the estate of thes lateBathsheba M. Alien have . filed suitsin circuit court; against TerritorialTreasurer C J, McCarthy In protestagainst .. the r payment of the Inheri-tance tax. The trustees say. the pay--

ment now extracted from the' estateIs a duplication of that made on thedeath pf Samuel G. Allen.: It Is likelythe fight will be taken to the supremecourt and thence to the ninth circuitcourt of appeals. ;- - .' ;

A fair and bazaart was held in thegrounds --of the chapel of the HolyGhcst Society, Puowaina drive. Punchbowl, Saturday , nignt. Tne groundswere beautifully decorated and artistically Illuminated. j the Hawaiian bandplaying up -- to a latehour; tThe fairwas ' resumed at. It o'clock .yesterdayafternoon, the Concordia band furnishihg the music ;: The? receipts will allbo. applied for fixing up the groundsand the chapel itself. ; ? i S

'i. ' .V- - - :. . . .. -- :IThe weekly Lenten sewing meeting

of the Women's .Guild and Auxiliary6f St. . Clement's church, will be . heldtomorrow nt 2 '30 o'clock , at the par-ish house. "A sliort. reading and-a- d

dress upon local mission work; will begiven. .

The.-sewing-, done .is for the

Red Cross' Society,' and also for Belgian'.' relief. Non-membe- rs of- - St.ClemenVa chuich andr visitors in Honolulu who may be Interested in suchmatters will be "welcomed., ;


CONVICTED 'SIAfter "deliberating: four: h?ursT the

jury in Circuit Judge.Ashford' cQujtreturned a verdict of guilty of second--degree robbery against John T' Scullyand Henry TK Lewis late Saturdayafternoon. At the same time the Juryrecommended-tha- t the court be lenient in fixing the. penalties. The twowill receive . sentence - Wednesdaymorning at 9 o'clock. Counsel for thedefendants have given . notice 'theywill file exceptions to the verdict andask an appeal, to the, supremei court.AThe trial, was ;in progress all lastweek. The defendants were accusedof robbing . Chan Chun, a Chinese, of1700 on. the night of February. 3 atthe home of Jack McGrath at Kallhi,enticing the Chinaman and two conpanions to the house by a promise tosell opium to him. Two other, menwhose identity has not been disclosedare said to have assisted in the hold-up, appearing suddenly, on the sceneand .flourishing guns. 'compelling thethree Orientals to ; throw- - up.-- theirhands while Scully : searched theirpockets. v;- " '. ... .''.,

The jury, it is said, felt some doubtover this latter part of the Chinese'sstory, questioning whether guns wereactually 'used and for that reason flnalrly deciding .on a verdict of - second- -

degree robbery instead of first-degre- e.

It Is said the jurors were unanimousfor. conviction on their firsVballot, thebalance of their time being spent inascertaining whether it should be, ascharged, of first-degre- e.


The statute fixea an Indeterminatesentence for the crime, Imprisonmentfor, any. term of . years up .to life forrobbery in the first-degree- , andsimihir punishment for a "period of; yearsup to twenty for .robberry id the second :

degree.... v v y; V v- Scully must face trial again on an

other similar charge; on which he hasbeen indicted with John McGrath.That hearing is set for next Mondaymorning, '--

f r ".

' v:.'i ;'r'':


' 'Round' the Island : In auto, 5.00Lewis Stables. ; Phone 2141,-Ad- v. L

Fashionable gowns to order. - Mrs.W. E. Bell, Love BldgJ, Fort St-A- dT,

Having completely recovered fromhis late illness Dr. F Schurman, osteopath, may be consulted at his Offices,Beretania street, cort union.-- Adv.

buyers ; wno nave inspected ourspring models, marvel at the abundantvariety and exceptional beauty of thehats displayed.' Milton & Parsons.Adv. - - v :c , ;;

. The Wilhelmina will bring to Hen-ry May 4b Co., Ltda fresh surnlv ofCalifornia fruitan Vegetables - andTinua creamery Duiier.- - rnone 1271

early. Adv. 'V - ':v':',.:: ,Steamer . baskets, - filled' with; fruit

candies or dainties or with all threecan be Henry May & Co.'s

in several sizes. ' Just the thing tospeed - the departing t friend. Phone1271. Adv. - -- ; : :'';:.-



: We Tirorlafm thfa nr ,VAr?P ' I'M

PHYSICS Influence 'the renal .tractWith an agent that onooses renal aran- -

ulation and degeneration and urinalysiswill, in manv cases, within 20. davabegin to show , diminishing albumenun,a in Bright s. disease. , ;i i ; :

," The " PrescriDtiori counter i havlnroeen witnoat an agent to diminish

(see Tyson page-15- 5 theimportance' of an Anti-Aubumenur- io isparamount and manifest t-- :. V


Tnat aioumen : can be reduced andthat many of those succumblne- - totinsai a. aiaease ' can nave, lives; pro-longed to other terminations has beenestablished hv iirfmlrto, tA1

- (..uwvwf VVU- -fintled. by xusappearing symptoms inseveral thousand cases manv invol vinedropsy and some, tapping.. ; . 1

'ine presence of albumeh being aPHYSICAL PACT, and its dlsaniKMfi.ance a PACT IN PHYSICS, thera lano --uncertainty as to the results thatnave oeen and .are being1 obtained.

.The (Fulton's Re?nal Compound) can be had at th t?vnolulu Drug Co. Ask' for pamphletCurrent bulletin of kecoveries? andrationale mailed on anDlicatinn - JohnJ. Fulton Co, San 'rancisco.rrAdv. '.fe

mil, iniujviiwuA p TAYLOR: fdon't see how

In the dickens " the brick; magazineson the mainland ;got the idea that Iwas going to erect a brick plant , Iam in the pineapple business, but notfor brickbats. : t

HillI ..




... - - ., ... .' - : s


H f t

V- 4

'Alt '!' 1 ? ''r- - 1--

' e jt-- '


-- v; ;Pore, crude cod liver oil ia benlflcial-toinyo- o ta need of a systern upbullder but can you take it to1 most of us It Ls a nauseating

- and Impossible treatment :. .' '.' ':- -

Even when you are able to jtake'Mt joif wfirflnj that It Is some-- v

what aluggish In it atlr 'up the circulation and giveyou the energy that you would like. '

.c :

' ' ' ' ; ; "'.' ';

Nydis an extract or pure cc--l liver oil,' extract of malt,and wild cherry In

' combination .with the most c pproved btood and.nerVe tonics. , , .

'to tfiie, in its actioni f i : than the


:- - v :- 'v5' ''vv.' "'

not give you that slugjish Xeellng--ev- ea in warm weather It's; Just the opposite la action It sends rich, red blood coursing through

your veins so thafyou notice It gives you lite . and ' energy: whilebuilding up a brcken-dow- n tystem. '' It sells at One Dollar the bottle by our personal rec

' ommendation.' K


Br r "' :' " : :




Cod Liver Compound

PIccscnt pickertarnoro beneficial dcaroiTJ

Hpllister Drq'3

Co., L!d.


Fort Street

' 1 ' Annoiineo that ,, "5

MR. T. C. BOYLAN' ' - - , . . .

. r --, v.v ;

is now' s associated with tlio

- sales force ortheir finn.


' '- ".V- :

Permission to Allow leoers at larcei.tfTin the opinion of the board : ofhealth; the case is mild one, , willbe granted that board bill introduced in the house, today Is madelw. The bill ia short and is as follows r; - '. . '.,' . ;' .


. 'Section ,1103A. In mild cases of

leprosy, the board of , health may,whenever deems such cau3e al- -.







?:,i ,T ';.-.- .


aIf a


It a







.Jpwable,. permit ta patient ' to ft

at large" upon such 'coniltlor.3 tjmay prescTibe la which case tha i

cVisiona. of ' thia chapter In rrT-- r:

segregation shall be s'-i- s; :zl : 1 i'

Ing tha. continuance cr szzh. p:r:sion; provided, however, th:t tbeard may at any tine rcvc:;3 t- -

permi3sIon for caussoAlbert Waterhcuse returned In t'

Kinau yesterday from a short Lu"!r.trip to Kauat . . .

dollar may be start- -

; ing of your financial indepri-denc- e.

Qne dollar op ens aSavings Account here, and

" that; dollar, iLadded to regu- -

l ened,rsbon grow intbii verycopcwauic omiii


.. . . ; w r

&Say i ngs D e p a r t rii e ii t

: This expression seems to xnost describe the new assort- -

yMatt Green ' Potteirv






! '.' S. ' --., . - ' ...... . .... '.."....'.,r ; which, has Just" arrived, and consists of a'larga variety of Jardinieres,

Hrases, Umbrella Jars," Lilly, PanaJ etc.; To, the other virtues- - of thU

.! pottery we have added an ' extremely attractive lowrrlce:

10-Inc- h; Vases,, assorted shapes.,". ;.73c each-4 and S4nch Jardinieres. . . . . ... ; . . i ..... T

. .25c ea:hch 'Jardinieres. ;;i;, c and Cc ea:!

f-- ch Jardinieres . ... ......... ... . . . . . i , 7s .

7'.' Jardinieres .,.. i . I '" . ." .' . "? 5t.23 e r :ID-in- ch Jardmieres - . . ;;...,,-,Wii.i4..v,.J.?2- X0

e :

W.Y7. DEIOIID Cz CO., Ltd. S


V- - r cf H3. :

Page 4: lull;!, uuuu J vJ JJd · a nurr.her cf Oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that wiih'.a the next few days he will file darrfre suit3 against the Hawaiian Eursr. Planters

RILEY H.31 ON DAY.. .... .L. .....MARCH 15:1915. face Many American newsparrs have recent


Recoignition bv practical men of affairs oftjit?Hawaii's! important place tern- -CollegcXoff

torialt education is emphasized by the gift ofan ntnlr tic field. ami tracXnadc byMr.X.TRCooke, ins announced fei5nrday3 J u

This gift JS'theTirJsVacontribution to the lllcgbfaciiitiesfrom a

businessman of the: Territorr.' " Furthermore,the recognition thus bestowed is the more ap--'

predated bjX the regentsXbecause it grows out M- i'.rpm. up e

of the personal interest iaine college's welfare lir?Prla?taken by 'Mr.- Cookean : interest that; begin-

ning when, his attentioiiTtas drawn on a some-

what different matter, increased until his desireto supply, a need of this youh Institution ledhim to decide uponUhe. giving of an athleticfield. Mrs. Ashforcl,rof; the' board 'of .regentshas helj :d, very muclr "also by; her presentation"of the r. ' cd for such a field. v - :


Impn ement of , the campu$ and thetrr.aic. of a recreation field.are the first eon-Mera- th

.is now in the development of the terri-- .nrir.l c(X lege. X' But other considerations areas--'

r t i ir themselves and the college will be veryrtur.:; are Hth fracticalj and people are benefit, Prediction

of Mr. vlio; willMsist' s6; resn.'.lli::g fr.rthcr In the matter of scholar-Xi- p

v.liich offer a'peculiarly. fitting f(5rm'of; !;i!;;ntl, ropy the barren. X

Xal field contains no better ; outlet for( lir.ctive liberality than ;the establishment

f tl.. 3 .scholarships for ambitious and deserv-vou::- :r

men and women;.'"". X -- Xv,


.vc.trXc. 3

,irt oa

In tl.d th

" 1

-- uj-



Xvcno thing for thej-oun-g Chinese ofrcir.cmlcr in tho midst of their mass--

ai: J oratory Japan that j

il.3 Chinese, particularly the youths, American citizens. Their


for themv-frh- e

,;1 c:i

..i ..tii.i

;ccnt to do in

purportingthat Vice-Admir- al

At '.erica as an official reprcsent-a:- i

at tX.c of the Panamacd because he was' insulted

o:k. Tho story went to relate theIt that cf being stopped ,on his

- privr.t2 car at tXo Central2V.7 Ycrl:,, bccau?2 a railroad em-- Xt

tl.: car was reserved for Adpiral

;;i is eld cue. The NewXYork; it iir?t frj;m inves-.- X

ur.d :;3 tmth in the story and in'r I It I c i paid it was baseless. Vis-la- ,

th' Japanese ambassador, after:i ccr.Xl discover truth m tho re--

pic ::Jative of state departmentjr.abU ; to substantiate the story.

ilryan an immediate, the rumor goes, that

;t wa : Action, apology was neces-:- w

the yarn bobs up again. It mightX bo tahen for the by. those

I the New papers." The Japari- -

aii should know that after officialXjn the"story has been pronounced arthenaore, so as the Star-Bulleti- n

:o Associated Press sent the re--

vaii'p x ::x2:I : "

list of war the roar of the gunsof abre3 4 overwhelmed the

lmnianbut from the- - rim'? are row drifting the little Storieshow sebm-t- o tell the tragic tale in

: ortionirtiTllirsd-thrrGcr-mizin- g

for a brief space at Christ- -

the of one stricken man to an-- 3

a few hours before been aXre-ncmv- tl

- written byioVheir love c home-th- e cour-.--s

of ir.X.i ouj down with

s as these give thei;r from the bttielincs and smoking

than a hint that thpemp and


' Tba Invites fretfrank this ca aJJ

subject ciar ; constantly

to which airIly commented .4W the bvions fact that m these; to iruTilf 7

HttleXstorifrbinX'th Urs": 1: i'u'!: : j i spac for., artogynona coaamiing 01 iue uaireu anu ouierness" manuesiea in tiona.1 'i ?

the-b- e Ijgerent countries, TBraverimen m the' V - cI s -' ' I i ' i 7 f 'iL ' 'v?tV VI' "i WOMAN SPEAKS AGAINST Mittprecrec;of death

iesV-to'-tlibuand- livinghaH;cdme!a.Htph(febattlihgligainst natlonv CeHam

i ' ? ' ' ' tar-Dullet- la March 9. I'.vss leav--t raj fountries . the ?Ko rppean ; conflict;, is begin-- ncnoiuiu lor tea

that ani sig ))e.ihe no' werjfid afmiment against- - w-- i to Kintrodfc tniut&ry drill Jn . tbe

wver.yojcedm': t r lj 7 ; !.-- . rrt : I pretest "earnestly agalast teaching


.' v r , A 1TTTTATTC! I - v4 ' r:.r"7i ?J X. "




- w i;, - I oi pasi, 't ; ?- - dlcatlng, r -- '

i ?.,'.J:: r . , . I , protest . earnestly: , school--' ;; 1 r " , . '. ': '" ' ; : Juture,.aecessitr. . hours 'studvtne

"'"V'iWW .tha'air.approprIar 'not the; f...'.. . '.. .,'..': : . - tiens monex schools

. :: V houses, school wiseoeonle. consider this '

- The gentlemerf compbslng;lhis deserve, ; cessIUes education ' this making such appropriations." Far kbet-V- tand ' y territory. jj..7ZKjhx,s.ii. vv.hef'

. tLeyv - intfna intersithl work and And beg remind that nearly and the-- savi--wun -- greax ; gooa juagmeui, leaders education the stamping this dread disease.

The public, works , chairman . v , cpposedto military drill ', '..v- ' - HEALTH.ox bo'ardTis greatest $ervicev.Public.opinipin unam'mouslynwith the 'gov;

ei nor. in-h- is praise of these otticials, most of.wnora serve wunoui pay, ana wim give uplarge part of their, time to ardnons work forpublic good. 4

r ,




do bis own



v., ''-- i, xAu y ioe fy. It, Is it.m"-- ' nsr" war

i.v . or &e in' Zl J books.'and 1 be for .us to

K' th? xf -- in

of- - th for : ?.:.are lv J. to

act all In in In outas are In

tr; of ; ;,, : f . 1 ,


!W- : V,V. -

that the theatrical situation r!an Plprfprf in Cnt.fcierk, " ',' -- '?':

in Hawaii is im nands.oi "Denencent. iirriav Vntinn !lnpti in. ' if th6 going'to j ' " Fe W-- '


enerc; vl Cooke injlt may be fTheneeds.

institution is The









cal magnates. -- If 'they will steer, .entirelyclear of the ehean musical comedv cora


Theheld in

counties" ' Ithestrehgtn of Republicanpanies wnose siagevaDiuiies - are onnfined

.r jeTePywneret? in many cases Re,the slap-stick-,' the"yelling choms and the publlcaa candidates;having no opposi-vulga- r

joke; they wjll gve aecrit'antertaihinff'nrocram for a fair brice." will were 'nominated very large

1T0? manynstancesthemeTv HRiclXlr- - electeifsherlff over

That has 'been ; competition was jthe provision of the primary whicnkeen;;iif the'theatrical m?n !'SSnot let the quality their oflferings degenerate


primary, R:i-r.- !

i .1 there surprisesbecause they: have a monopoly. . j f



from ingood.

on Maui' Lincoln Beachey's tragicdeatliXIs r, Bevlns'

aviators hocontinually mlhei. - ;. , . i' - .Dan Case, i Bevlns-not-cnl- nomK

for sensationalism, Though his exploits but outright, aa Eugene

t!:c it "! f;tatc fin;t arid they doubtedly added-somethin-g tp the


, i'X " T"vo .cr.Fvm- - ?!uman.flying, is'the less spectacular Wrights Members of;tho I. : . u-- Figt'ind Ofen Curlissk' iricTi

t: . !, . ATI. I as an ! develop.the facilities airacHievementrThey. surprise tgJtepubUcan



an :



io asno


plphctive.- -


tc back


h-- :f





..r; provld.





ifthev by



students, tfot circuserformerBV-r- , EIS& tteand .daring, Beachejv topped the Df party. .;yy'-X- -

present-da- y in-Amer-ica but'Iiis ehd is

oi every iiviaior. wno. persists aay ; aiier .most, cases comparauveiyday' in skirting the XedgeXpf Heath 'so closelythat flaw' inpush him over, v

The famous storks Strassburg said ihave been, frightened from annual migra-tory routes by the tumult war. Furthermore,it is perfectly certain that because the warthe stork Js visits France, Russia and Eng-land are going to be frequent. than usual.

Secretary. Bryan Optimistic Oyer MexicanSituation.?' That was late Saturday afternoonand presumably the secretary didiu't tobe kept away from a week-en- d lecture trip XX

A European writer declares war prophetsies are coming toEvery possible development and putcome hasbeen' prophesied. 'a ;X' - X'

The' Scientific American, devotes , a page to.IIowto Beat the Submarine.' ' You haveour recipe in 1 line:XXf JoinX XtheXBack-tp4he- -

Land m ovement. 1 1 ' X ? v r t

Simultaneously with the bombardment theDardanelles byjthe Allies a . increase isreported in the importationf of ; praying-rug- s

into Turkey. X

it front-ran- k man X falldown!" Files-onParad- e. 'He's digging;in, heTs digging in," the; Color Sergeant said.

After said ; and dohej; ; the'"'real ddjpe I

vrar.strater epmes frord par old friend GeneralPnblid

rrllo vv much"iirorerercited Hawaii would beabout the war if it were reducing' the pnee ofsugar! X :- -






Xpf jGfemaiy war "bulletinsdelight in twisting the Lion's tale. v ' '

; As ; Sherman might . have :X SubmarinenirJsHeligolandX:X;X':'X.XX,:XUXX;XX

th? .rur- - ' Keeipe for a fight:;iCll it TipperaryburgX

Star-Bullet- in anddlscassica 4a column,

legltimata current InterestCommunications re-ceived no signaturetached. .Thla paper win







there others hat the



biggest feature of the countyprimary elections Hawaii,. Mauland Kauai last Saturday was





--Although someresulting local fights, gen-

eral the advanee predictions heldOne of the: hottest fights re--

of all was

U: can-- r:r

amare sheer;

fieldflyers 'iSaStttmienu gnv


of are to








"The 'following wer nominated: ;VSupervs6r-at-iarge.- 4

X if j ?: f :vJtepubHcanjamueikkuhane. ;..v

8upervlsor4-Eas- t Hawaii. 'i?-- ;

Republican M. Cabrlnha." HenryJ.' Lymanr WV'A; Todd.? --r yj -

Demdcratlc Archet ; Irwin, Xw.' H.Johnson; J'JL M. OsoriO. . X

Home Rule Eugene H". Lyman. 'Sheriff. '


Republican William Keolanui,Samliel Pvta."' ? yr:.:: i;-;

Democratic John Leal. , 'ir'vfLV

Republican--A- ; A; Hapat,Auditor.'

ix V;,

' Republican Sam. "Manuka Spencer;Treasurer. ." 1 '': :. i'.

' "

Republican --W ; H.' . Beers.V'Supervisors 'West Hawaii, v'

Republican Arthur A.4 Akina, Jas.Ako. R. K. Naipo. ? ::r. ::- -';

. Democratic Manuel Ci'de Mello,M. Kalalwaa, Jas.- - H. Ki Keawehaku.

vHome Rule Julian R. Yates. - . ?

; CSpeclal SUr-Bullet- ln .WlrelewiJ --;

WAILUKU, March 15. Thetotals In primary, election herewere follows:? ' sChairman Board of Supervisors, :.. t

Republicans George j Copfo 15Sam Kalama,- - 816; J..tW. Kalua. 354.Supervisor.: ; t ' ;"

Re?ubiicans4-- R. A.' 980;Dave Fleming 104 J; W. P. 380;J. K. " Kahookele.. 277 ; John KaUno,202; 262; Edgar. Mor-to-n,

J. Nakaleka, 385; Philip Pali,786; N. Uahinul. 576;; GeorgeWeight, 572. - . K'rk -- ; ''

Democrats Pla Cocketti',4 1 i ; PalaNaki, 159; - Dr.. X.H. Raymond. 333;

Burns, 206:: fx -- :;'Sheriff. ' ":X'-- v "'.' r' Republican Clem Crowell, 1281 ;

rharlea. Lake 590. Ki 'a 'f




schools.?" And a Tery. sreat anjl pnoWiins number of parents object mill:tary drill for their en toys. ;

rmis is Tery important matterEvery lesislatcr. every teacher everf. fparent should lilak-'nin- d


decide "whether our policy ', Is. and is"nto ,be, one cf peacefc ot vhtiier we;';-- J

aim .to keep alive the oUMdea ct trar;..v. 1 ours irniy. i

-- v. ', '.v i AUPE PARK. ' ?

Delegate from , California td'.JIasvr ;.'Peace. Congress ' WiS-- V

r v i


"Editor Honolulu Star Bulletin;; Sir: I, see that, the ichool budgetfor, the coming year, .before-the- - legis-lature call for two oes 'Concreteschool buildings at a cost of $39,000.00each. In a climatlike Hawaii's, withtuberculosis so - prevalent, and "sA lit-tle headway being made tbwardsra- -

v o weals .

'",,.. .: J against concrete.V. a. fxr . as a

eanJestly Wouldmaaeiso.much nsed

for. echool

necessary to erecthouses for only few.

each echool dayopen-ai- r klnd, nowleven cold climates,

tifAnt itllMt lit 'J.'';

well before.board today

confidence th .; legislature public, build cheaner houses. .which 4e i: you healthier too, use

iv.N.'.-;'.-:.--3v.;-- United ledsuperintendent,of


It .' U:' IX?





merely- -

t ;iin-lnate- d






























! Republican W.'F. Kaae 1183: X N.K. Keola.x08.j U . vXX'4;Attorney. X'-- :

- Republlcan-E.-- R,Bevhis,l028; ; IXH. Casen. 728.- -' v r: C- - :".:.'.

- Democrat Eugene Murphy, 64. ,Treasurer,, .i ' -- r : ' ;

Republican jL. M. BaMwtni'1414. ,Auditor, ' :;..''.; . V --

; Rtpnblican Charles Wilcox 14X2 --, According to the-primar- 'wIay Crow.

eU, .Bevlns, ; Kaae, Wilcox and Baldwin are elected ,by a majority, vote.





ceivea ooz uiu toners TuvetA.-- GI Kauolokou Recublicarrri' elect

ed" treasurer. over- - HaroI(J, Morganl.-i'-l

r.H.': Kaneakua,' Republican electedclerk --without opposition. ?r; v X" 'irtrt ;

J.: Brandt, I)epublican;lec ted jst-irviso-r.

-- ; - ..r-'f.- 1 ;'. -- '.W. D. McBryde.Republican elected

supervlsbr-v.,:- ' VrA v "Xf j" "'.V';JH. D.. Wlshard Republican, . .elected


supervisor for Llhue. ;vA - Mpnefoelio. Rennbllcan. elected

8uperTlsor for Hanalei..; '.

-J, t; c"'Joe Roderlgues,. Republican, 1-e-

Hanohano, - Democrat, nominated - forsuperrlsor for Kawaihau" district' '

'For auditor CMs ser had no-oppo-

8itIon but failed 'to pbll majority ;andmust fuh to the May election,-- as mustS. Ki Kaeo for attorney, both - being

H - .Ill


CHARLES A. RICE.: senator fromKauai, returned from the Garden la-lan- d,

where he participated in thecounty primary Satardar. , t"

'v'v h :. v- -t

H. BX PENHALLOW and Harry P,Baldwin, senators from Maul, returnedfrom : the Valley "..Island ? yesterdaymorning. . Senator PenhaVow reports r

a generous rain , throughout the ,Wal-luk- u

district and says crops in thatregion are In excellent; condition.

v : ;';r-- i .',-;- ' "-v- :

,MR and MRS. JACK LONDON, andMiss Wiley, their cousin,' visited atthe Coral Gardens,. Kaneohe : Bay, ;yesterday, as the guests of O:. Hi TuttlftAlexander H.-- Ford and jH.v U Strangewere also of the. partjrA The Londonsweredellghted with the under-se- a

gardens; "i .d-. ;:'- - i'S, v ;j j.

f REV. S. Li DESHA senator WornHilo, r who underwent a minor ' operatlon at Queen's Hospital Friday morn-ings visited the senate chamber today,though he said he was violating thephysician's orders." - He expects to bein: his seat in the Chamber tomorrow;ready for business. .'- - v

. ') X' d'W.' Y. NOUEYformerly detailedon the mainland, for the Federal Tele-graph Company haa been transferredto Honolulu to succeed S. B. Maddama,for Beteral months, manager" of - thelocal offices and station.5 ! Theodore ElNlvlson, commercial agent who hasbeen detailed to Honolulu - for thepast two months, will be transferredto the coast to a few weeks, accordingto Information received by him today:

iRENlV'1163. Adams JLane .V, . . i .iX, . . ... .I1 4 bedrooms:1;'. ,v,?40JOO


2222 'Kalla rpad, VWafkftl . ; . ; '..'. ..'f;2 bedrooms .. .50.00 1

Upper Manoa road. :'.r.. . ? 5 . ... . .v 2 bedrpoma. .1. .V: 40.00 .

Tantalua .'... i. . ..' ... . ... .. . .. ; 3 bedrooms ...... 45.00 '

1146 Gullck: Ave Kalih!. . . . . . . I . . i ... . . . 2 bedroomsX;. .S35 00X1475 Thurston Ave. 5 bedrooms... r.' 40.00

. 1553 Wilder Ave. X. i.i.i...... 3 bedrooms..;... 40.00.1326 .Kapiolanl St. 1 ...X . . ; ...1. , i .V. . . 3 bedrooms.'.. i,V 40.00

, 1811a Kalla oad, Waikikl . ;... .' V. .'.';' 3 bedrooms...'.; ..35.00Ferdinand and Adolph'Sts- Manoa X" 2 bedrooms 45.03 ,Kunawal lane, off Lillha St i I .. . . .V.X3 bedrooms....;. 20.00 :

Cottages Nos. 2 and 37 Auld lane U........". 3 bedrooms.': . , : . 16.00. ,

Aloha lane, off King StX, . . .4 . . . . , . r 3 bedrooms ... ...17.50




Trust GoStangenwald Bldg., Merchant Si



It 1 1 - . ,.

:fe' ?;r Qnict,J digm Hi d ' r.::d : tonscryailve nrt i- -j


X taste yet' articles tbat are .beautiful i;iJ i hei rjoitpiisi te-- Jiim pi i ci t . (X

2;fOur remarkable ollei'tiouincIiines; x'Xg:S;SC3AIpi:T3(xK



: v f-- .

I r'.

seal ninesvrma- - x -- :

UUi-i-LlItxl- ute;:Xf4X:

lchmaii4, i : v . 4.caiiiiir .j eweiersi ; -




VI--- A

Grain receipts at Chicago for a week The California Railroad Commissionwere 5,907,000," bushels, a,, decrease cftxriija pei'maneaC rtsteraporary order,'983.Q00. bushels from he .precedls.i-iue- d a year 'ago, 'reducing expressweek. v-.;- V-- ." ' ' ; 1 rates. - .q

v&lfeF--vX- p' yXX X

XfX-- '. ANO.HO"V-i- t ean made to..

TXlX1Tn;iUakiki;ear Pnha X

i - at.-,.,- - - ' . j

X- ';X - lion' School, is a new, modern. bungalow for w.X: X

c'. ' f sV X;.. .: ' - -- , .

'f .'Xelndes interest), small cash pavment X r --j ' r

will, be

: I X and do; - ;-' 'r , ;,..

::v- - i " vX- - '--X: ' r "'--

. ,; :;';

a Jittle: 'thinking. MT: "'fi'?;''.

... , v- -

:f--'-'- -


'.ia guaranteed: by. the makerXlt Is reliable, TrtaistV wearT "PatUrisare unexcelled. Looks like sterlings We can show you four differeht patterns quote you lowest prices.

115 Hotel Street




fir i

. ,t.

..7 ' '






'. '.'A


-- ' ::


v t,

' i :



Honsiulu, T.. n.

xrr' 2326 .jOahu. Ave M ahoa, . .t"4 bedrooms. . t;;5a.00. . ,

s ,-i- 3. oearooms. ..v256$ 'Rooke suXPu Vhul Li.X J.'tJ bedTooma.;...; T3X3C

X- - CorPark and 14th Kalmdkl'2 bedrooms . . 40.0? 'x; VfcKlnaa-an- d Maklkl ; Sia. jti.liA., ? 3 bedrooms... ;V.C0.0i

I h H 1 1 rf 1 1 loriri.lJ ; - .

,;Tr; ; ; jrri'' :"r, " - v ' '-- 4'VV

,;X 1328 . Kixfait St '.... . . . .... , 3 bedrooms. wX. 35.00 i:

XV l$77 Kalakaua Avc-.,...- .;; 3 bedrooms. fl.f.y 20.0(1 . 1X 1126 King St. ;...;.V;....i 5 berooms.,.;r 50.00 i

Cor. IVIlder Ave att(Alt-Sr- -' bedroona.'i.;.Cr 30.00 ;; :2qi5Oahu Ave (anoaA.t.2 bedrooms. j 5 :J.i 30J)0 i X

; Cor., Mokauea and Colburn Sta.,


' ' KalDiI" . ..... y. ,V ? bedrooms.-.- .-- 1454 , Thurston AvslX. !. . . I r; 2 bearooms . . .



C U46 King St .2 bedrooms.;.... Z0M




- 702 'Wyllle St and Punnul Ave.'.X4 bedrooms . .V. V''1251 Lunalllo St..7.......'.i.X3 bedrooms....... 50.00 if X

; V; ; KewalQ ' St ..... i ... . ..;.'.."...'' 3 bedrooms,'. V. . "40U)0 J .'4 1313 Uaklki St . .'. 3 bedrooms.;.;.; ; 30.00.'?

123$ Matlock Ave.rwV.-.,...i...i;- bedrooms,....: 270v Liavtoii Triet. uiina.- - t i...... .! tamMiM.-::..- . za.uv t -

. . .Mendonca Tract. L.iliha-St..- .. 3 bedrooms.'....; c r 2130 Kamehameha, Ate, Manoa., : 3. bearooms. . . ;. .40jOO r ; 7--

,;'.; 'i; . s. "y-






Car. Tsri Mertiaat




aal tu.



4 '


- -


I ;

. 1 .



ii -

Page 5: lull;!, uuuu J vJ JJd · a nurr.her cf Oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that wiih'.a the next few days he will file darrfre suit3 against the Hawaiian Eursr. Planters

fA .'


vJ,;.-.:.;- ;

,..r .. r

noNOTmTT.CTARniiLT,T7rm5ioM)AT,jLinaii5ijaj3. 'j.rjjjxca r' ' ' ' ' " ' ' '-

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fc testMif S0oOO.:;.' tit rigM across the

- - ,' - - viJx ' Jv-r-

A'v '. xi3jj . J A,' XV '"t i' 'K" : '

' '


Living in a necLbungalow in oyal Grpbc:'!:cc:Iin the, city; youA$

Weil," rrrivi IritQ fViprf i.Q 5 n AnprmnnPTix iUL-ul- " V v V VCJUUVY ll 111 J1LLU1 c mm UldU Ull LUW illUU: LU

a lot in Boclnvalk Witt vc&Tfoi: GOOJtThis-Jot'Mg- t $i600'5nir.two.Teat3:aff6; T)e.


, iliK-li:- . (lie cobt of a


". .

itt4'o,''.J00-t- ho Wit. 1 ; -- A' ' :was $1200;)' ;;-f- ' .'I -v-

.'-..;v juvj: . ; J ii--.-i- Niy W " ". .

Oo o"dhardr62ds throughbutthe tract;prate sidewalks "bsingc6nstru

afcec'V ":. ' I ic!; vv :nip. h'Lava rock curbing.

C ' or iierniT FJiri ""e'acn Tjlockr . Electricitycna lelepiipnerLwi; ice readywhen desired. Fire.

. Itydijants intdiied.ASi3ewaik parking space al-reci- dy

planted to growing cocOahut trees.I Homeseihg beirig :built now,landpothers very soon to

be Started; farthest lot.onlf?3 ritiiriufes a.,swira:?V :


t v ' ' - j y

; v.;



tr-- A rtP:"A '' !A'nrChffirrirtNtcNo!4! Pfps.-shp5sfsalopiis;o- place. pUIh;

4-- i 'Am LiiUiJ ' ' Hill,




11 11


; - Teims,14 Cashr' balance easy Instalimcnta at per cent Interest

P ' vrWASJ .i


v-- Trust Co.. Ltd 1 Sales ' "

' Amenta 4 .- jf J




Salesman- t it Li"

the waterfront; and your Royal

j---: , I

'3' r mt y srr v m T 1 I . ' I

--3 I I I J.' I J. I I hi i. I ' . T J '. i" f -

4 --r s r , . ht jy, j J , , 1 J - - ' ' f

- - 'A - i " i .? ----- ---.- -- "H. A,ir,,As - , v--.

...... . . .. ..i dmMMiiwMuaMUiwaaiMwMB ' gmr - f I - t .-- - . " ' 'I I ' ' f

,i r.' fifS 7 1 J 3i M V , . . ' , . , , . I XI -

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I I K--l I - .'"1 f if I' Alii mtm Jtmm ww J fl ' 1 J"-- : ! I f ..i J J Jf y m 'il.r.W."j''. I ' r II rr--i to - t B - J - - I v' -

; f : ' 'tucAM "mvac " '

-- - '

5-..,. ': i t t i'j' y""r ' n if - - '' '"'' '

'mm ' -- lipwi- I t ;.(; ' r rf"" ,




Mr. II. BrNeweomb Koval

r! fh' .;


'lit '..,.-?- .


! -- t t









7f : i

bto :

W ," V


in '7


fir jf-"-tr"-

mwa mUnmm


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If ""? '."A.L-.- .AC itn I'M

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"szrxxr aw


is at (! ro'



! t

Page 6: lull;!, uuuu J vJ JJd · a nurr.her cf Oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that wiih'.a the next few days he will file darrfre suit3 against the Hawaiian Eursr. Planters



Your-Selectio- n

should not: be governedpan v? thtf amount ofme paironage oi menus,ment pf.f;' - ;

Insurance thatA Life Insurance VoVicy.Jx a CONTRACT

between You Company.' .'

Vj ...

Get the Best Contract"

Send name, age and address informationas to New Policies of . ,

New Englandire Insurance

Cast:le & Gook Ltd.Fire, Life, Marine5 ccite


rrepare tor.

deposit Strnpnev,weekly intheBANK OF HAWAII

" '

; ltd.Saving Department.



:c3 II. N. K. Letters of

. '.:- -' Checksavail tie throughout the world. .

T r- - ... f .C?j : I11. . A .J

rs rWe


C'JCAR FACTORS,cc:?:.:i::icn F.tcrvCHAtiTS,

cm: riN3'sr.d iwsur;-- -KZZ ACZNTS. 1

ror.T cr Honolulu, t. n.

List cf Officers, and DIrectcrsvE. F. BISHOP..... PresidentG. II. ROEUIITSON . .....', I

..Vice-Preside- nt and ManagerR. IVEr.S. ........... SecretaryE. A. R. ROSS . ..... .TreasurerQ. R. CARTER. . . , . . .Directora H. i COOKE... .... . .DirectorJ. R, ALT. ; . . . , .. .DirectorR. A, COOKE . t . i . .DirectorA. GARTLEY .'. ...... .DirectorD. G. HAY. . . . . . .... . . .Auditor


B. Fv Dillbgham Co.?

' limited:. ;. General Agents for Hawaii:.,.-- ;

Atlas Assurance - Company ofLondon, New York. Underwriteers' Agency; ProvidenceIngtov Insurance Co.- -


4th floor Stangenwald Building.'


,:: :" -- .'Teni;.l'':

Capital subscribed.... 48.C00,nnnCapital paW u?. . . . . .'.30,000.000Reserve fund ...U... 19,600,000 r

S. AWOKI, Locl Manager

snwali' CiJ Merchant St.


,Wt Hcr.c!u!u Ct::K and Bond

by the size of the Com

and the


the the


business transacted, nor .'

iseimer is a vuai eie. . ..: ;i



Mutual ;(company.

AutomobUe and

' 11

Alexander:. .. j '


Sugar Factow ,

! ommisibn F.!ercbanti ;

: end insurance Agents..ik. .jk ? ' "f V

, ; ' ';'f : ; ; : : : V jr ' "

r y. Aegnt for;- - ..; ' v?

Hawaiian Commercial' it' SupurCo. r-- .y;-- J

Haiku 8ugar Company. !:;

. Pala. Plantation. J 'iMaui Agricultural Company.Hawaiian Sugar. Company.

, Kahuku Plantation' Cc"mpany,

McBryde Sugar Co' Ltd. 1

Kanulul Railroad Company.. Kauai Railway Company. ,Kauai Fruit & Land Co Ltd ;Honolua Rancn.

BicHop i (k Co.'

: BANKERS ., Pay 4 yearly on Savins De

posits, compounded twice, Annually.

Martin GrilneREAL ESTATE

INSURANCE 'S3 Merchant. St Tel.' 2350

C. G. BOCKUS,Authorized Agent for Hawaii for

First Preferred Stock of Pacific Gasd Electric Company of California.

'- -- ' . .

Phene 27S4. P.'O. Cox S42Office, SC3 Stangenwald C!dg.


HOME INSURANCE CO. OF HAWAIILtd., OTCeilBlfiSHL 35 Kins St. cornerrcrt PL Telerhono 2:23

Fine cottage in town; gas;screened; electricity; 122. ; J

New house; screened; gas,electricity; fine locality; $30. -

Renovated house t S30. . ,

A cottage; S15. 1 V"'

" . Real Estate j :::--

842 Kaahumanu St. Telephone 3633

52300--Moder- n bungalow,l!endonca tract, Liliha sL Lot 613680. feet. Orlffinal rost !32Sft. i V

J200 to 5300--Fe- w choice lots, Lanatiia tract, above Insane i Asylum;

"'fine, view; good roads; $25 down,$10 per mon.; no Interest. 1 : - v

$160-Lo- ta, 60x100. '10th ave.i Polo:$10 down, $3 per ino.; no Interest.

'7alty BIdg. ' 74 S. King SL



.Carries on j a TrustBusiness Inj all Its

:? branches. " ' '

Dr.; F; ScIIurllIan,,y : ' OSTEOPATH :,' v:';.Vr175 Beretania St cor. Union


fc ...... .i.iS.-.' -


Monday. March l5' WXRrANTTLE. Bid. Asked.

Alexander 4 BaldwlouLtd.u. xsrwer ..uo. ......; SUGAR; VKwa PlanUUon Ca 21 21HHafku-Suga- r Co. 149Haw. AgrL CaHaw. C. & S. Ca 35 35Haw. Sugar Co. 35 36 .

Honokaa Sugar Co. SH SHonoma Sugar Co. . . .V.Hutchinson Sug. P. Ca . . .Kahuku Plan.; Ca ...... .... 16Kekahav. 8ugar CaKoloa Sugar Ca ..139McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd . . 6ft 6HOahu Sugar Co. 21 V4 21Olaa Sugar Co.. Ltd C 6Onomea 8ugar Co. 32 V4 33Paauhan S. Plan. Cx ... . ...Pacific Sugar Mill 99.Pala . Plan. Co. ....- - i .Pepeekeo Sugar, jCo. .... 150Pioneer MU1 Co. 25 25Waialua AgrL Co. . ..... 5 101.Wailuku Sugar Co. 1374 ...aWimanalo Sugar Co. ... .... 2001

Waimea Sugar Mill Co. . ...Vr MISCELLANEOUS.Haiku P. & P. Co.,:Pfd.. .... ...Haiku P.:& P.-Co- , --Com. .... ...Haw. , Elec. Ca-v- . .'- -.. 165 , ...Haw.ilrr. Col; Ltd, .... ...Haw. Pine.. Ca 34Hilo R. R. Co Pfd... ... ...Hilo Ry'Ca. Com..... .... 1HHon. R & MCaLtd... 15- - 15

Hon Gaa Co PfdV ..... 100XT 4AAt

Hon. R;T.& lit Co..... 150 !.Inter-Islan- d; 8. Nari Co... .v.Mutualv.TeL Co 18 19Oahii Hyt&i Land Ca .v. . 135 ...Paha hg Rubber Co. ..... .... 10Tan Jong Olok Rub. Co. . .... ...

BONDS. . .

Hamakua Ditch Co. 6s... .... ...Haw. C. &. Sug. Co. 5s.... .... ...Haw. Irr. Co. 6a.'. .... ...Haw,: Tar. 4s, RaL. 1905.. . ... ...Haw. Ter. 6s, Pub. Imp . . .......Haw, Ter. Pub. Imp. 4s.. ... ...Q&w T0i 3ft 4t .HIto R. R. Ca s Is. 01. . 70 '

HIlo R.R.CO. R.&E.Con. 6s 57Honokaa Sug. Co. 6s... ....Hon. Gas. Co, Ltd. 5a. . . 100Hon. R. T. & L. Co. 6s.. 103Kauai By. Co. 6s. . .. . . ... . ; . . . loiKohala . Ditch Co. 6s.... s.. ....McBryde Sugar Ca 5$. . 100.Mutual' TeL 6s . . i. . . . 103Oahu Ry. & Land Co. 6s.. 102Oahu Sugar Co. 6s . i 103Olaa Sugar Co, 6a. . $7 .

- 90Pacific. G. P. Ca 6s... .... ....Pacific; Sug." MCI Ca 6.. ....vPioneer Mill Ca 5s.. ...100 ; ...VSan. Carloa Milling Co. Cs 100Waialua' AgrL Co. 5s ... .100 . . .. .

Sales : . Between ji- Boards 30 OlaaC u 15: Oahu j Sug.? Ca 21 ; ,. 20 MutTeL-- Ca 19. ? j

Session Sales: 25 H. C. 4; S. Ca 35;50, ; 50 McBryde J 20 Hon. B. & MCo. 15, g-,- jiU:: .


March' IS. H'aw.Sug CoV .30, O; R.& Lk Co. ;63v pepeekeo 1.00, Wajalua50; Oahu Sug., Co. .10. v ; .. :

Latest sugar quotation; 95 deg. test.4.89 cents, or $97.80 per ton. I .

Suai ;4.89cts

Unry lYatcrftcl:: Tiii:t

Members Honolulu Stock and Bond.

t;--:- Exchange.: Fort and Merchant 8 treat

Tefephdno 12C3

j. f. r.:or.G.w co-lt-d.;8T0CK, BROKERS, VH

Information," Furnished and Loans :

Merchant Street Star Building' Thofto 572 r,':

Resolute Here to Repair Rudder. .

? A . damaged rudder stock-- 4acurredwhen the teasel was en route to Ka--

hulut irom : Puget ; Sound brought theschooner Resoluta to Honolulu yesterdajr afternoon for repairs. The schooner; displaying: distress signals, was anobject of interest to waterfrontera until, toed into, the. MatsonNavigation tug Intrepid The -- vesselwill go. into drydocs tomorrow.-.-' It isexpected to be ready : for sea. beforethe last ot the week. The Resolutebrought lumber and general cargo forKahulul. It "left ! the. Maul port ;forHonolulu on Saturday moxningr .

? The v Inter-Inlan- d ' Steam NavigationCompany ; has been advised the British6teamer City 'of Newcastle, with cargofrom the , east coast of J the UnitedStates to Japan and China, win callhere, about March 30,' for bunker coal


On an'd after March 15, 1915,a bookinsr fee of $15i vill becharged for each passengerwhen accommodations are 1 as-

signed, to apply on all steam-ers the Matson - NavigationCompanyv;e- -

I OASTLE & COOipV MiAgts.' Uatson: Navigation Co.

Makikl Heights iPoultry Ranch. ;

BC. White Leghorns and S. C. Orp-tngton- a.

Hatching eggs, day-ol-d

chicks, young and laying stock.' .Rec-ord . of breeders:-180-2- 43 eggs. Wetrap-ne- st every bird every-da-y In theyear. . Cockerels from hens with over200-eg- g ' record. .. Strictly, fresh tableegga and choice table poultry. r: Visitour plant; write for price listTel. .314. E. C. Pohlmann, P. O. Box A;483v :

fpisliii1.aj . &

.! i i a 4-- jrf-- - 11.17The1 Inter-Islan- d Steam NavigatingCompany has afforded Honolulu exceptional facilities for supplying visitingehipa with coal on short notice, ia theopinion of at: least one vessel master,CapUin Purkis of. the Britishfreighter Koranna, who left the portyesterday an ardent booster..

A ' few hours 1 onlv are ' reonlred toplace necessary bunkers on boar thefreighters with.,the assistance of twomodern v floating coal. conveyors nowoperated by the Inter-Islan- d r

The .Koranna,, from New York andGalveston with .steel rail and cotton,remained a short time, steaming fortbe Far East iyesterday afternoon.aThe Koranna carried 3200. tons ofsteel rails and 11.550 bales of cottonthe rails from Pensacola and the cotton from Galveston. v She is of the El- -

lerman & Bucknell line, London, Shesailed from Cardiff, Wales, Decembar29, ;fronx- - Galveston,. .February .9. andtrottv the caaaUFebruary 19. She U2267 - tons net and carries; a crew ofHindus.

Joseph E. Sheedy, superintendentfor the Inter-Islan- d, has prepared interesting statistics concerning thework done at the 'coaling plant sincethe, opening of the Panama canal totraffic, which, made Honolulu a veritable "cross roada of the Pacific" forthe tramp freighter. This informationwill be brought to the attention of theterritorial legislature. - , iv

According' to Federal Customs. Insoector. L. B. Reeves the followingsteam freighters hare called at Hono--

ula for coal within the past fewmonths: r -

Br. Indradeo, Yokohama-Ne- w York.Br. City of Naples, Galveston-Yoko- -

hama. u..vU. SoolUer Hector, Norfolk-Manil- a,

Br.v Bloom fontein, Gaiveston-Japan- .

Br. Chinese Prince, New York-Vla- dl

VOStok. r'i V;':"' '''..:Br SwasL Galveston-Ne- w York-Ja- -

nan and China. -

Br. Lowther ; Castle, New York-J- a

pan.: .JU," '

Br Indraauala, Galveston-onen- t.

Norwegian Henrik Ibsen, AustraliaEast Coast. f V, i. ':'. Bri Roseric,' New : York Japan , and

China: 5 . .' ;"

Indrasamba, Yokohama-New- ; York."

Br.'-Clt-y of Corinth;-Ne- w : YOrk-Yla- d-

lvostok. trt xf: v w -- :

' Br: Kazembe. New York and ChinaBr.r Dlrectbr.-Earote-Honolul- U V

' Russian. Barotfj'Drlseni ;New York- -

VtadivoetoJa Jy " r:;v ;f. r.'NcweglaB .Clrna, Japan ; for "Tlhe

eanaL . v ' - : - -

Br. Indra;- - Yokohama-New- . Tork.Br. Indradea New..Yoxk-Japan- i

Br. Bolton Castle. New. York-Japa- n.

Russolanp Ekaterinoslav. New YoricVladlvoctok, h "'i-r- ; i

Br. . Mitra, ; Port J Arthur-Yokoham- a.

Br. Valetta. New York-Shangna- i.

lAmer.: M; S. Dollar, Port Arthur-Y- o

kohama, v'--; - Ii x K. -. J v i

Lurline to Steam From Pier 1 9.The Matson Navigation; steamer

will steam from Pier 19, to San Fran-

cisco at 4' o'clock tomorrow afternoon.The ,VesseVha been supplied with afull cargo of .. sugar ; and scatteringahipmenta ,of preserved pines and bananas. iThe Lurline returned from Ka-

hulul- today after having received .aquantity oT molasses i in; bulk. Thedeparture of the Lurline from: 'therailway wharf Is In accordance with aregulation made by the Matsori Navi-gation company six months ago, whichcalls for the steaming of the Lurlineand Manoa from this pier only. Thelarger vessels Sin- - the - Matson ; . fleetleave IrOm Pier 15. The Lurlinebrought 28 25 tons of sugar from Kahulul and will .take on 6258 tons here,besides 500 tons of refined sugar and1800 tons "of molasses. . This 'will behe greatest cargo- - ever: taken out of

the Islands by the Lurune. - -

Sierra Will Carry Congressmen.'.'The congressional party of 130,: who

have accepted? the invitation to visitHawaii Mil" travel from San Francisco to Honolulu' in? the Oceanic linerSierra. The , Oceanic company landedthe" contract to. transport the legislative party, it waa rumored today..

The Sierra, with members of the national legislature and ' Invitedguests, will leave San Francisco April27, and arrive here May 3v:y-v-- v

C Brewer & Ca,-- representing theOceanic line, received a cable todaystating party hadreserved ? accommodation from the is-

lands to the Coast (in the Sierra toleave this portion June 5.


; Per str. Kinau, from KauaLi March14. A. Nelson. W. EL" Shaw, GeorgeO'Neill. SL C Sayers, C T Hee, Master Ah Sam, Miss Ah. JOm. a Weight,Miss a Kopke; A. Waterhouse, S. , 5.Peck. F, Boyer; J. J. DiaS, L. P. Scott,C. A. .Rice, Francis Gay, A. 8. Wcox,Mrs. A. S. Wilcox and maid. J. P.Cooke, M. Dellam, Mrs. Dellam andMiss Goodman. ! - '

Per str. Claudine, from MauL March14.-A- ; V. : Petera.1 K. Miyata, Mrs. K.Mivata. 'AT Garcia. Father .Maxfmin,"Chaa E. GilV Kam ; You. W. A. Ranvsay; F. Hagenbach, K. Awaya, A. F.Tavarea,- - IL B. Penhallow,. K. Mura-me- m,

J. C Foss, Jn, P. J. Goodness, R.J.VK. Wahine, R. I Halsey, ChuclcHoy and 17 deck.

Pn.Kl(ifnt Wilsnn nominated John F- -

Merrill of Portland, Maine, to beUnited States attorney for Maine.-- .

.1 . 1 l l Z W I M V ' - IT I

iJ . 1 1 MM tt .' f - t: i T I i )

'fWPOf-H- E

'wmm raiiiimiU; m

The first freighter to calVat Hono-lulu in, more thin a year flying thefive-starr- ed pennant of the Australiancommonwealth' came. Into the .harbor

i when h the . steamer - Werribee wasbrought to the Inter-Islan- d Steam Nav-igation buskers to discharge 417? tonof t coal, fv- ?,;'--

CapL U Thompson' last visited theislands ten years ago.

v Today he founda totally .different city. -- He was. muchImpressed- - at the facilities offered atthe port for thet speedy, handling ofcoal front ship to shore. ..He broughtnews that Duke Kahanamoku 1st sweeping everything hefore him in the, series of . swimming jcontesta in the Australian cities,. tThe .Werrihee is ownedat Melbourne. It steamed from. Newcastle, N.: SL Wi Febnwry. 20, taking23 days to complete the .;vyage.V.v-- The Werribee iav one 4f 'i the firstvessels to reach thia port that i modernjy, equipped to deliver coal at sea.It upper decks ; bristle, with ; cargomasts aud.booma. It ;is geared to permithatch. The Werribee was delayedsome hours in, entering port to permitthe clearing of the upper- - end of theharbor of a number of cq barges.The Inter-Islan- d will act as agent forthe vessel, while in port

NOTESTo. take': passengers' ' and cargo- - to

windward ifKaual ports, : the steamerLikelike has been placed on the berthto steam at & o'clock this, evening. :

The next mail to: the mainland willbe despatched tomorrow in the Japanese liner Shinyo Maru. The- - vesselwas expected from the Orient ; thisafternoon V i.

'According to advicea received by a

;Ttrr7X:.J: i

has been placed on the berth, to steamfrom uSeattle for Honolulu aboutMarch 29. . : k ; , - :

The steamer Pakotan of the American-Hawaii- an line is the next freight- -a filldri arttK emrtwt fwvm ih. .,gf. nri

o0 X r'JI cTHli .

leave the Sound for the islands. :;Th :

27. V- 1 : 'r:f:::V;-t,'a;'- s

The Royal Hawaiian band may playat-tb- e. departure ef the United Statesarmy' transport Sheridan Tfor Manilafrom Pier. 15 at 5 o'clock thia eveninz.The Sheridan has been given 750 tonsof coal. ; It will, call at Guam to deliver supplies for. the ,na;vy.

Officers In the Inter-Islan- d steamerKinau from Kauai report fine weather and favorable winds in returningto v Honolulu, v: The i Kinau brought10,400 bags. of sugar and an; assortedcargo:-fro- Nawiliwilt There were7200 bags of K. A.' sugar and 3200 bagsof W. Bugar, 110 bags of.;tarot 50 ofmolasses; 117 packages' of hides andother freight., r a'- '

: .. ........ . .. .." : :: ?j

Charles A. ; Smith, ichief engineer inthe Oceanic liner Sierra, died at theQueen's hospital last evening: - He hadbeen obliged to - relinquish his dutieswhen the Sierra arrived here on. Feb-ruary 6, - having - become "suddenly , illon : "'v-;- -.:

He was taken to the hospital, wheret appeared that be was slowly regain

ing his 'health. A decided improvement, was made last week and it hadbeen planned that Mr. Smith accompany the1 vessel to San Francisco lastSaturday. : He suffered a turn for : theworse, however, early Saturday morn-ing.- '''

:.' ' .' .i." ;

Heart: trouble ' was ; the 'cause rofdeath. Chief Engineer. Smith was oneof the older employes , in the Oceaniccompany. He had been coming toHonolulu tn ita liners for a. score ofyears.; The body will probably be aentto the Coast for buriaL


Hawaiian Electric G6;::- Limited. J

. 1 ';.'-:Thon- e zmrgy-y-

!iLULUii!EA direct steamer, service from Ka- -

halul to Honolulu is asked by Maulbusiness. Interests. ;The debyIn sen!Ing the steamer. Claud me to Lahalnala pointed' out a serious factor tn mantaining a satisfactory 1 mall and ' pas

hger' whedufefr;

The Maul Chamber of Commerce hastaken up the matter -- It waa broughtto the- - attention 'of the -- Inter-Ulind

Steam Navigation officials today.i If ; the steamship company 'will Inaugurate the service desired it waspointed out 4hat,it wlI!Lb possibleior, Dusmessmen or Maul to go downto Honolulu on Satarday- - evening, andto nave ll business day In the: citywithout any i additional loss of time.This-- . will be - accomplished by havingthe sailing time from Honolulu set forperhaps., 10 o clocsrtMondayiixight instead of 5 o'clock as at present; thetime oLarrival at KahaluLbeing aboutUB.MIlug tUU.K.UV. V Ik U KVUT3T I

aUyv.believdthat4hauggeaUon willbe favorably received by the company.

President Frank Baldwin of v theChamber-- of Commerce says he haddiscussed the matter with L. Weint--

h!?mir;d "1r;rr hJY, c

tie benefit from- - having the Claudinestop on her up-tri- p. No, change willbe urged for the Claudine in her down

10O Book for Coast tn Sonoma.t More ihan 100 passengers from Honolulu to San Francisco hare bookedin the Oceanic Mner Sonoma to leaveMarch 25. C. Brewer- - & :Co. receiveda cable from Sydney, N, S, todaywhich advised them of the departureof the Sonoma- - from Australia with

V n M rt nTVi. ..a.'1 VT'.L1 V -large., cargo of general merchandise

. .uu a w v avu a u y4 j waw i

lulu and Ban Francisco.

' To take a quantity of bunker coal,the British freighter Inverclyde Is dueto v call at Honolulu ; March 23. JThevessel la proceeding-fro- NeW iYorkto China and the Philippines. It Is

:reported Jo have .passed the .cav

A '



A good family, cook at the Roselawn,1366 S. Kme st, - : 6112-6- t


Choicej barred rock eggs for setting;85 per cent fertility guaranteed; 2


Child's gold bangle with name engrav. ed (Thelma UlulanI), between, Kai

mukl and Fort sreeti Return tovi)ann Pnito Qt or-Tly- t1 aH-- - an1receive reward. - ' - 6112-3- t

Diamond scarf pin, at Kapiolani park; 1

reward If returned to this office.: 'y 6112-6- t , -- V

tDRY GOODS.'iVKiohii. Japan silks ; Beretania streetv,!r ,r...., ,;; 6112-t-f -


Amer.-Haw- n ; Product Co., ...Prison rd.. - 6112-t-f vy . -


Furnished cottagftcj and flight V housekeeping rooms; all conveniences;

C electric lights? bathi running water;short distance from postoffice; mod- -

erate. Ganzel place, Fort and Vine-yard. Tel. 1541. . 6184-t-I

u r4notice. .r-- - , .

The Daughters of Hawaii will holdtheir postponed annual meeting . onWednesday, March 17, at 10 a. m.. Inthe , Ubraray of HaWalL , i Memberswill please attend.- - Adv. r--


There will be a- - public .hearing Inthe senate, chamber Tuesday evening.March-16- , 4915, at 8 o'clock p. m... toconsider Senate Bill No.:2, entitled"An act relating to compensation toemployes for personal injuries sustained? In the ' course of their - employmentar r: 'vy yi t JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, . --


" '"V; --: ." V .1 - Chairman.

' . 61I2-2- t vc 'yyy: -


Members of the Marine EngineersBeneficial Association, No. 100. arehereby, notified to - attend- - the funeralservices of our late brother CharlesA Smith, from Williams': undertakingparlors at 3 "p;n, Monday,' March 15.Meet at K! of P. hall at 2:30. Visitingbrothers of No. 35 cordially invited tojoin:- -' ' ' 4"- -: ;

:; I y J. J. DEVEREUX, 0'

'!y-'y- . President. ; ;

'v. .6H2-U'- -'; :

DilTcrcnt C Fhvcre


.. - itr.-

,,.n ,

11 f.. J .fc

OAccurac lascorrecttas the defect.rr 'Aecnracy In advice glren. .Accuracy In what we promise and

guarantee, i -- h

f T c.v C7JC i- -

!ff S,.J!!r gmexamlncT'e JJ? nost?tot cre the adjustments

. It

A. NSanfordvOPTICIAN i''

Boston Building Port Strest: Over May A Ca

' THE von HAMM-YOUN- O CO,LTOv Honolulu

'. . . . .:Assnta"'. -

P. H. CURNZTTSCommissioner cf Deeis fcr Ca!!":rr.!iand New York; NOTARY PUBLICDraws ' Mortjajes, Deeds. LV.'.i cfSale, Leases,. Wilis, etc' Attorr-- y f;r


Anywhere, at Any Ttae, Call ca cr. Writ - -

u o i.i.iiojuAGENCY

12 Cansome Street tan Frar.:!::a





27 3. Hotel St. , ,Ocp. CIJou Theatir

v Eonolula PhotoSupply Co.

VKODAk- - HEADQUARTER3; . 1C59 Fort Street . :

EMPORIUM OP ORIENTAL,y ''C! goods, y i :

'? JAPANESE DAZAAR, ;Fort 8L, Opp. Catholia Churelu

Utest-Milliner- y


yi ':l-!- ORY.COODl y. - yFort Stv.. i t .i

"y-.- R."A bUke ;

.: ' f Manufacturers' Agent. '

Otst Hill's Curio Store, Eljic.:' ,: and, Klar Sta.


OilC. a .YEE HO? a CC.

Page 7: lull;!, uuuu J vJ JJd · a nurr.her cf Oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that wiih'.a the next few days he will file darrfre suit3 against the Hawaiian Eursr. Planters





CLIVAL . RCJUKES; r All Absolutely Clear and Distinct rt


; ' vtd OF --lfeffi '


- v ,

Australian Favorite Baritone inHisV 1

Eft PIGTDUliES: v The Latest Novelty Hit ; also .


MyXThree'Beel Irish Drama;; . .

TRUE IRISH HRTSPrices ; 10c, 20c, 30c .Two ' Shows Nightly Beginning


1 1

i THE'



Charles Dickens' Great

v it':, L.J 1



- ami- - ' :

- i .

LL tfmiYli Cf NIGHT "

;. 10, 20, ,30, 50

ten to Tcxsj Eij.





I w

;r . w , "

Corner Fort and King Streets



'1 5 .


3- -




Price:; Ccnt-- f


i i


EAnGXEKS mEVERYONEDuring mxtnity


iKjiJ --

"- 'APT . , ;7 ( I v i

Peoli Co.,


7HDi?3DAY- -


j ALt. KINDS OF ROCK AND SttNtt FOR CONCRETE WORK;1 :.. . firewood, and coal ; vS3 QUEEN STREET. j '..P. O. BOX. 212






Andrew Kirk, direct from the bigJvtudeTille clrcuiU pf Australia, UsraraTiBing a aeciaea novelty at tn3Bljod theater for . a limited engage--

menc tie raaae nis iirsi appearanceSaturday night and sprang Into In-

stant favor with the audience Kirkhas a splendid, strong, well-traine- d

baritone voice and his tarn, which hestyles' "Animated PIctares," is for thethrowing of a series of special filmson the screen while Kirk tells the sto-ry in long. . As the various charactersin the picture flash before you on thescreen every word spoken by them isrepeated by Kirk in his resonantvoice.

Owiig to the popularity ot the" pic-tured of the recent Mid-Pacif- ic Carni-val this feature will be. kept on forthe first half of the week. is nowdeemed certain that the pictures insomewhat shortened form will be sentto the mainland. The swimmingraces, peace pageant, military tourna-ment, children's chorus and other" ofthe larger events are clearly shownand are a splendid' promotion featureas depicting Hawaii In February.' TTrue Irish Hearts,", a , three-ree- lfeature, wfth a couple of single reelswill round out the' new program for


, Much credit- - is due ' the v theatergoers of Honolulu for taking such- - remarkable Interest in the beautiful filmclassic. 'The Chimes." after the bookby , Charles Dickens; V' It : is a ; deepstory and pictures the conditions InEngland which for centuries the. mass-es haye BtrtiggJed to improve. - It is ai

- education from all points of view. Thebi auditorium Vof. Te; Liberty theaterwas crowded Saturday . , night, ' andmuch praise has been tendered .themanagement for securing; this : excelJent presentation of Dicken's mostbeautiful -- storyi Tom Terrls,! In theleading roll,' is England's foremost actor, and was playing; with Henry IrvingJn" "Thomas A'Becket" when Mr. Irv--

tag-- was stricken violently ; Al and diedat the cbse of iheir performance inLondon. There is probably no other

. living actor capable i of playing the,difficult, role of Trotty veck, with thetoucft. of sympathy : predomlnatlxit la

ririS' every ? move. vThe Chimes" will1

'oe saowa at ie iioeriy oniy iwo moretllghtS.:' I -a rf-- v s

j - "The' Dollar Marfr.'featuring RobertJ Warwick; will be the next attraction.The management working-- ' the entire forced to .get the'blg playholuse In

! shape" r to - accommodate the-- 1 largecrowd that will" attend,- - as evidencedlSithe havyi4eibind7o esitvatious.

COIiiiY 0!)YS

jliitAil TI1EATER" ; 4 : v v":;;. V: 1 Ait

Purchase of the Hawaii theater bythe Consolidated. Amusement Companylate Saturday, following on the heelsof the purchase by the same concernof Sam Blair's interests in the' Para-mount feature .films;Jet ves; the largertheater interests of Honolulu practical-ly under the sole control ot the Conolidatedf company. ; .i.' '. i :

" Jod Cohen, head Of the Cdhsolldatedcompahy , declared, yesterday that bythe purchases, the Consolidated1 com-pany, can ..give and;will,glve the 'pa-trons more for their money. He. saidtint In : the past, owIngr td the com-petition, more mosey: had to be spentoutside of the theaters than for theactual producing of the plays.

I V. The Consolidated eomDanv now Controls "Ye .Liberty Bijou, '. Empire,

fHawali Paramount pictured, ValleyIsle theater at Wailukn,- - Lyceum at

I KahuluL Pioneer at Lhaina and theEmpfre-an- d Moheati theaters at-Hilo-

j" Besides . this , the company furnishesattractions for the - 4th ' Cavalrl, ,1stInfantry,; Fortr Kamehameha and FortShatter playhouses. It also pi ins toerect .'a. theater : aC LIhue oni KauaL


Skating, Wardrobe and, adfmission.'-- Tv W'-'- j 25 cents; i 1- -

' ; Afternoon-- 2 t 5 v. 'ty "t?: EveniTg4-7t- c J&' vy HARRY WHITCOM B. Manager,

V'l II i mm'

T i--t gA T L

rIT si . NvT-- . , TODAY. ,





j Tworeel drama t:;..U .LubinMaria's ; Sacrifice ,

i ;' , Drama :. . ,: ... . .'V .. The Baaket ; Habi t-i--

f ; Comedy. ..Somebody's j Sister--



1' 1






A special censorial performance of"The Typhoon" is being held at thePopular theater 'at 2:20 o'clock thisafternoon, at which time, aa Invited'audience, representing those most I

prominent in the religious, social, '

military and business life of Honolulu, !

as. well as leaders among the Japaneseand other nationalities, will pass uponthe moot question as to whether ornot this great drama of tragic human 'experience should be presented here. I

Governor PInkham Is among those '

who have been Invited to attend, butit not known whether ofthe legislature will keep him at thecapitol. J

Manager Bredh6ff spent all of Satur-day and some of yesterday getting outinvitations to those who, it Is felt, arebest capable of passing Judgment onthis picture and it is believed thattheir. verdict will that of the,community. '. Considerable criticismhas been offered against presenting"The Typhoon" in Honolulu, because?It is claimed that if will stir up race !

hatred and disturb the pleasant rela-tions that have always existed be-tween the people of all races here.

The scene of the story is laid fnFrance shows a Japanese in theservice of his government seeking toobtain Information for his mikado.He falls for Idyfc with a Parisian act-ress anil their love finally results Inher being murdered by her paramour.This; t6gether ;with the tragic suicideof the Japanese, are th'6 two scenesto which' critics object It is claimedby some who have seen the play thatthese are - but - minor scenes in- - theplay and that the throughout isclean and on a high moral plane.- -

' 1 Is ' planned to present ' 4 "TheTyphoon - as; the feature' 'picture ofthi new : bill at the Popular Wednes-day. Among those' who" have1 been in-vf- te

tc ,afterif thd censorial perform-ance this afternoon are: Hon. U E.PInkham. Governor of the,;Territory6i Hawaii-- ' Hon. John C;Xane mayorot r. Honolulu; H Hon. ; Jeff ' 'McCaTn,TJUited States district attdrney; Ma.Gen. Wm. H Carter, XTs f&K;' Rear

dmlrar' C;: B.- - T. Moore; U. s:; fat I.M. StambaCk attorney' general of theTerrftory of -- Hawail(

(Re,v . Doremu's

tScinlder; Cental nlon' church;, PaulSuper. superintendent "of thei T.T.M.C X:rDr. John' W;"Wafdman. supferin-tend'e- n.

6t the Anti-Satoo- ii League; X.F Griffiths, president of" ,'Oahur col-

lege;; Prof. M.-- 7iLi Scott; principal ofMcKmlev High4 - school; Hon; S. UDole. Unfte'd States', district iilge; .R,6:; Matheson,. editor., of th , PaciffcCommercial 'Advertiser,; ,Riley H.Alle"nV; ed4t6r' of thd , Honolulu SUr"-Bulleti- n;

H. KLt Ayxea editor -- of Trop-ic TopiCsr"Chetf t GhlnS VH0,;ChlmPSeConsul ; I L Arita, EUKaJaaaese eon-4

snl; Fred Making. Se'AwokLOr. Mikamt'?Y.-- Soga-- . K.-- Waxfa. B.? Sheba,"

".AtarUof ihe'3IwHnds" wfth tttle is tii p'street, months and twen- -

hiff feature 5 6fthe present feilj at thdPoutJlar;? -- It was-'-

. presented, for SEE In 14,f5rst ttmd Saturday nlghvantf Will con--

until Som 1. street. - of.

;ieallstf te'enes from th4different battle fronts" Itf the Europeanwfif soh art features of newPathe Weekly News review, whichfilla out therl)ilL . i , .


. i v ;; f t - erar-" s fninRiHAVfAiiULULiVIIillfmi TJ v


" The Young People's League on' Sat-urday, night gave the Jast of two. performances of "Old Hawaii,, featuringthe production of KapiolanI DefyingPele." . The house was. filled J andCharles Ev; King, under -- whoseefflci-ent

direction the tableaux andwere given said today that the YoungPeople's League will add a considera-ble sum tor its treasury;: Itar' educational work '.wiir be .muchhelped by ' the funds secured' through

two productions; y Many "t, restdents aa as tourists enjoy- -

f!ed the shows an di the. , league plansothers In a v few months. - - . f .


' Due to the war In' "Europe, It Is an--!nounced. the management of the tat- -


tooed woman and t the VBegiari ;

will remain for some time in j

Honolulu exhibiting the freaks. ' I

, The. Belgians hail from Liege and j

are very . A special program forwomen is announced for' next Friday,from 10 to 61


The Hawaiian band,' under the dtor- - uaot Henn Bereer. wiir

give a public concert hx Emma squara'at 7:80 ' tonight - - '.;";:

- prbgramwll)' be as follows:? rMarch In . Gypsyland- - iv. .'.; LithgowOverur'e-Band- lt Fricks . . . . , Suppe1

iniermezzo Tom , nouse 10 nouse. 'iiiy'.i ..7.: , . . .;v.v...,. ...Faust';

Selection Aida . . . .5.. ' VerdiVocal Hawaiian Songs ar. by BergeiSelectlon-Th- e Rose of Shivas . ' j

; ; :iFort st--v opp.;.catrpii$wclV!1' Evening (Two ahoWt --niihtly) 45 Quadrille Bon .vv;V, f; fTr: . . - "--tr vs " t i.Mni . ;i Hawaii Ponoi :







Is affairs






The Star Spangled Banner



ORBASE-TOJtRE- Z Ttt Itcnolulu,' RV.Rudolph Zurbuchen, pastor , of the

h FHi plno Churf h, ofticiatiag,; QufrinoOrbase and Miss Adela ;.

..''.'"X '.-' i;' - ; ; . f f. ' --.



and The Star


In ;;

A and of You Can'tMiss This One Two 7:30 and 9:15. r 4 f :

'17 ; ; '..

2:30 P. M. byh'.-- ':

' '.' J V;.; - s- -



J 7.

BIBTHS tif .. ' --r- ;- - '..WILSON In Fort Shaftef,- -

- March 10.. IS 15, to Mr. and Mrs.' Ed-

ward O. Wilson a son. ' s v

la Honolulu, 7 March 8,to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Magin-- V

nis,; of lane, offSchool street', a son" i 4

In Honolulu, . February 26,1915, to Mr. and' Mrsi Robert HenrySmith, of King street, a


I --In Honolulu, March 13, Joseph. Wflllia OlepaQ." son 6f Mf. and Mrs.Halemanu --T, of 990 " North King

Berth Kiliscr the role,' aged three


t tv-eig- days:the' WONG March

1915, Mrs. ; Wong See, of Schooltinu6 near Fort, i"wife Chong



theseWell hate




rection- -





How, a native of China,age 38 years. 4;

Funerit at' fr&'clocK tomorrow alter.noon from Sflva's parlors,Nuuanu and KukufjBtreets; intermentIn Punahou :

( r .


In home of Nancy Gay,

" Henry Brcdhoff, representing Variety FilmExchange" of San Francisco, Cal., and ChinaCinema Ltd.; of Hongkong, China, Managerand Proprietor.

Iler ,,

iri tie V

-- seVk:;

Paramount FeaturesMONDAY TUESDAY NIGHTS ONLY Celebrated International

Madame BeSupreme Dramatic Triumph

MARTA OFPowerful Sympathetic Drama Tragic Human Experience


THETODAY, Private Censorial Exhibition. Admittance Special In-

vitation Only.

Master Benriie Randall, Juvenile Fancy Skater

and Uohnelly, Eccentric Skater





strtTdfciy merchant,



tpfiirif PJnp; Rrititl Atfendaff

Skating Zp




I'McDON'ALIrn' Honolulu. March 14, .Saturday on the Valley Island in orU

1915, Peter McDonald, of 636 SouthHotel street: a' J native of , Picoucounty,1 Nova Scotia, Canada, aged,

years. tt ;v' : ....v'


, ! TO BE ENTERTAINED--77- :t'-;- - ;?.:

. A' fuU program of entertainment Isbeing planned for the 22 "beauty con-test" girls frbm i?utte, Mont, w ho willcome . here . in the Mongolia April 2.Secretary; Taylor of thfe v PromotionCommittee Is calling on former Mon-tanan- s

now in Hawaii to assist In theirentertainment , The girls will, makethe Moana Hotel their headquarterswhile here. :' C'i istt--

It is planned to show them aroundthe island and later to give a dance .intheir honor. They will be here, fourdays.- - 'vr x-

- j :t ' - t- - ' :

: ':

. :.. . :.t Senator H. B. Penhallow and Repre-

sentatives A. F, Tavares, Antonio Gar-cia; Peruvia J. Goodness and R. J. K.Nawahine" returned - in the Claudiusfrom- - Maul yesterday,, having; spent

'; arein


' .'

It was more than passing fancy -

: That; prompted Mistress Nancy !

To have Gas Installed within her prettyhome- --


' For she uses it for Heating,

i Lighting, Cooking Jtr-- good eating '

' : She prepares tha'. ilubby cares no more''to roam). '

And she's saving dimes and dollars' -

Ironing Hubby's shirts and collars

Fortwith Gas she's found that Ironing's

v'. '. a Jest!" ; .' t 'r j

Ob! Gas has come to iXxff.1.- -. . . . ... f : , .'.'..vv;'- -






to vote in the county primary elect!held there that day. -

. t '- -- v

u u

jA. :

!.!;. Victor

The above the rrize Winnthe? Hoitolulu Gas Company



Nancy Gay was a dimpled miss : --'

(Just the sort you'd like to klas!) .1She earned her living by making cakes;

; She baked for weddings, and .she bakedfor wakes! i:t,t-w- :

But her cooking stove was the bane of her'

'. - soul r ri -- tr:. rc-- : : I ; y f:. , '

For It burned, up the wood and ate up ther::j-y- . " coat :, ; .,.


" It 'soiled her . fIngera , and scorched? heri dough;-- 'v;; r-

- ; ', V-- She lost her trade and she "lost her beau!

So she called on the phoneV "3 4 2 4" v.

And in a few minutes thsre arrived at thedoor . . .

"-- ' 't " 7 ' j '

. . - --

,.; classy gas range and a handsome youngman, : ''it ,.v .. j v :, . ',.

I VVho sold her the stove on the Installment .

7'' ,4 V Pn !.

: - - ::n It was neat and clean made homework a

i.' Snap i . r , ,. " v . .'

She'earncd oodles of money and married the .

chap. - : ': y- - .'

: : rThls is the life, said Nancy Gay." ' :



: ;Hs frtU: Avrcs Barl Iw Nut t and Chak: tu Bcaial I of' : wriom ?erit in very interesting Jingles. ;V

''-- ''A .

' ' ; l:,;'r y;'; . V.. -

iftte prize.wcrs.icaD at the .Honolalu- Gis-Xi- :th3; gold-piscb3T7- ill t3 rivenM fS t' A1 them. -- .,:. v-r- - j V; ;, f --



' ; 'iTouVwilll: r1"' itli cur r :rvic?. ' ' At '

Page 8: lull;!, uuuu J vJ JJd · a nurr.her cf Oahu plantations went cut cn strike, declared today that wiih'.a the next few days he will file darrfre suit3 against the Hawaiian Eursr. Planters


) :0:S )

'3., Ice t Grecim. o




a m - i .

1.tJ per cm -

"Brid:"IccCrcixiA CUR SPECIALTY 1

Driwe (1 for youNancy uefla.

, ,V (22, DeUvtred) . , f Tfldav'S iC fue abuse.

Fresh Honolulu



W9rH tn'Cai..

eggrfr- '- : '

- ... V-'- - f9 '"'" ' a t-- .x JFIw I ure with no

, 'L ' Oa another pare $f rr : i I X"

M-w7r- rl wr7rv .Nancy's" la snifcrta in ,the L .j 258 Beretania

TIL L 0irTT Umi ccatest Just closed.--T i I i 1 a. I

A Ul 1C J' .UraEirictrr Ilora Is tiie'Winftef


v11 t..f.. f- -. A Al. 1 J - .. .

f . werer & Draylnj ist5-Que-

n U rPhona i


Tcps to order. Art'

r. .. - Stamps.' ' ' ,




If ycu ttWc.;-.'..''r.;-;j. - '



L CLCTH!'.'3 ' CO.;''

z's 1123



c I'

rrrfmn light

you ne'er,

!CDlioned:jciffee hot and

altfWtoclever rhyme insCrt,prI?

fiNfrlbe1 offered" 1y IIonotu-vranc- y :Cfy Is charming matronTT"M:.1o CssXibrapap Ucr poetical msswe t;;.,:.;-- i Nancyuses gait

Question about Naney .given Nancy'a most valued patron---'J.V": adrert'sement. that j(-- Nancy uaea oalt

. .'-- ;: .

. ..-4.-

v . .




js I If ? " ; --







r ;r .i


; ;

O )

I.t.. .






' t

l the' to.1 1 u-- i


In1 .

11 eik



Vi' .

' 4a wr

with of . "



ano i arnrea witn many n.iaie fcorses from burning building Inthe secnirr.rr Mrs. fclL Massee, irinner'of

n-nct- uiw vwnnnisuun R'ttvn .answers recerrea.Ca: -- 'showing only that gaa popular

w,- -;

CUHIOS ANDVctV Card. Penaanta.




HATrev-'-- ''










nd hlentv of DebDle ' know why itIshould be used, but also that adrertls--ing la the dally papers la widely read.Tha conditions called t tot somethcught and earn pn : the part of therontestnts. and the fact that therewere Ct competitors Indicates that

vNancy : baa very many reasons forusing gas.- -f ;:;? ,.:..V'.v.v::. n'---

' ifA-- -- ar etebt' answers tnv thymewhich r-c-lred honorable mention. by

.iIm. 4. :kHiS. '5 .

Nahcv Cay has" found tha-way.-v j -

"... 4 tt; Waney nsra seeme like tplay,!

I v ' ncy uses Qis.rerifncrly etfcupsilon 4 ri ?

iLtft no time f0".ecreatlon; rNow she ha her compensation v .

; , v'. f ;,;, - Nancy uses gas.i S- r-- i"" :' K"cti--V-- 1

Nahcy say to all her frlends:., s

-- Vhy a n't ou tuff Cs? ;ui-..v- n rrc - never end. . .'.

I If you an't i-- s isj : : !

joke,' t' v

Frcn.ycur 'iScufierf.Uft the yoke,Css stoves cause no ;ot or smoke;

Ca up to date use gas."PVT. F. U FOWLER.

Co.; A, 2d Inf antry.' Ft Shafter, T. 1L

'Nancy Cay la happy today; :

,'' ;- Nancy uses ga.Keeplna' houst is only play k V

!hce-sh- a uses gas.f.'aney now has time. far pleasure; vIW.'zy ilU his rnes!i' f-- !l measure;Cys l.ancy I hi crtaitst treasure

: i' : Since she uses gas.

' 'You will te Ilk Nancy, too, ;

'...-;.'- , you use gaa.Wcrk In hstf'the 'tlme is through -

, V usa gas.Ki'.rn i.!w'2ys cccl nd bri;ht;T::rt atl-l- it wilh-t:ft- white lightTry it; ysu will find Its ri:ht

And always use gas." ;. " c.'c. vcr.zizcK,. ;;..;

,vi::J-rcrt-.C- t, Honolulu. .

I C'rr'.zl 3 o'er, ;

I...... - flv- - 'iJ CiZJ," 'r."


r:'; t- -i psrs snd css range shine' -r.--

V.!y irt t's:h rc;5cr ;rr...-- j trir-- i the ccf'ieot,L:::n crt;.i-n- d cn the dit? "j'"

Z:::;'M t;ht as foam whynotf ...:

T.'r-.cyi- -:: c z s ! -- ' V'r

Co-yc- j tv?rk thjt liancy Cay, ,; ;

. I. cr.c c:n't-r;::3-?.

- : ; ; ;

f.!::fy, M?-iy- ," MateH May, -(.,--W,. ;

: C;- - if t:.:y'i.:3 it.: , .

' 'C;"; the futl c?' 'dste '

, ;

V. : :n hul-y'- s cut till dark and fate,& r.sti-nc- ftar a tturr.illra fat';!"H!a hen U lit by C" - - :

.,"-.- : ' IT. D. CLACK, ;. . 1C:3 Kapi:!2nl Ct!

Cwett Nancy la happy, y. '

Her c5 tve it ts;?f;m, v

It r. Mk: i Us wcrk ci:y and clean.f.'o t:lhsr .v.lth fuelIt t-- re la a j:wst,. ' V

And the even la really dream.

Her'.'ecik!: 3 'and7p?:.r--' n. i:s !(CYr d : J : rr y c ur eye, a 1

; , ,

As they !a In jreat heap on the he!f.Che .dsn't r:id "r".": ;,


Tcr ,v"; -To try to Cj thfn; ty herself.

--!;' ; jr. ftJ. G. P. : ;;.-- . 243 Ceretanla St .

; '. ; ' ' ' ""(.

f.' Ga'his-cssh- i on-- hand; , :..", f'anc'y tats xasl-'.r--

" '.?'"'-'.-

Hcne' I, neat understand : ; ;'

f ';-- y usrs cijI"-''- fliv i

f.:i;:j ire t.:t an: K:ht U atrong i:r!r. C;y rni:ea all- tzy Urg,Ar.i he i.rri that liiy. ong

"rUncyruse gasl? r. "',

Ycu will find the "Cay" are rightIf ycu'Il ct? sst ' i ,

Ctm to l;ve it mellow li.hf1-- W; : n ycu w;; c:l ', ;Hcrr. 13 tri;h:r fcr its glow.yFeel .ti:; fail .far" fcelow.v:Whet Cry "us: i to ts, and . .. ,

.Yeu VZZ CA3I - ' -- ;

; --

. .." H. T. CRAVEN, .

' Hotel, Honolulu ;

."iCnr, na::cy'3 :CAHi-- ;Nancy Cay' a t.;it .young thing, ;'

--. ,

A-- d the uses gss;Fr;;:s. t' wilT'eVer tlr?, ", i";.

.. ;";".:"""'' 4'Cf her. i'.sriou gai.L!'; f 'or "i drud:.Ci;r t I rr'l :rU. ch;'i trudge, t.h: a. K;;y, j vj r.ry jj-;;- ,.

!! ; ' " ' ' "'-Fc- ih. v:t gas!

Nar;y'"hu!;i-had:a"peev- f.-- . ! r'.."' ";" " ; Cre-h'- s v:f; d gtsj

rr;?Vfi;V:lats xffrr.zs him grieve,'.'!;;'; v'"; i At the .lack cf gz.

Now he's time to read the Faer , ,

Cre to work he has to caper r fCays each ether a taper" -- ."

, 'C.J'-'-.- When c:rrpfed with gasl;- Hzr.rzr.T u. ayhes..

Nancy Cay Is wondrous wise, .;--

Nancy, uses gaCn courting nights It's my urmlss

. . - Nancy used the gas.Cut. turned low, to give a glow- -Which thews" the use cf hi;h and low,And r.cvv the's happy wiih her bjsau

Nancy uses fjne. i.

' - f. : .


4-- .- 3 iC


AnnQUncemCnt-- -?

nrvEinht Honorably

DCXCiOZi today-to.'itt.dttr.- .




Nancy uses gas.dane hurried, .

one worried;never flurrled-r-;-V

Nancy uses gas.a am a a.

oUf nongiuiw.



Life i juat on loeg! delight ?.

. ; . 'Cause Nancy ua;s gasl

Yeu will envv Nanev Gav. '




Return and - i Gtcd:ns fFc1 e:at2a m?r thef

1 20 of Afterat . ,

? OCot' a ? single ml&bap or : ilhiess

oSicersa military

"the boys.1: scouts the- - hfctestbonor

marred 'the three days ;kwtnc ' letters froxa! at Kaneche enjoyed the 129 Boy;l Field tell cf the deeds forhieh theScout cf teir military bevs trproVpwintm)- - . zZ. i ;

crv vn.viavcu i , personal risa v a.ter AJcana .

with the blue for scout stoppe-- a runaway bcrse cn the Pall ?

and coolnesa. ,The boys .re--J road, Honolu'o. for which act hasturned last . fi.':t' ''S been commended for bravery a nndr

Ttl hiVlut ifia. t9lt t.t ml.l . .

the end of.Cie car.iiie yesterday; fte I Fdr presence mini in rescuingncc iq a Ho-- ;






Meaia. ara cookco - ana wrvco juii vnniuo wcnw iuiuuwn ns ueeu. awaraea a commissjoaei: w

rfght;' V' ?;. v cuung, ana tne contests in wmcn tjiue." ;







ui uiera took pan ; i -- For presence ot, mind rescuingKaneche was pronounced Ideal for horses from a burning building In Ho


the camp: The excellent, the . nolulu a time aeo." Leo Dekousteen slope allows good drainage and baa been; awarded a ;

" "VT fl.ll a - m a,

oesi or an. ine swim- - d;u"T v ' - :

Joy wait' upon you eyery ''.'r, vi la according to the .. "For presence cf mind In rescuingyou use ga'; scouta. ;v Ci ull sli's4 i$ 5 v"-- hores from a burning buillne In" Ho

To have the best thera.Ia in life, Amy customs were strictly adhered ju!u'u a short tltre ago. PWUn ZanFreedom worry, care' and trJf, ' ..rations weje doled out to bs been awarded a a .

To be wife 1 fh scout , Special religious services lue,,; 4 'cl 7 i ;

. , .;, you MUST use .jae. wer by vChaolain. Luta ofv. f CHASy WBEAL, . ;iniriry. . ana--- m every ' poa-.;;wni- cD M given to the troop winning f

Care II. W,. Senear iD,eiWay -- rmy life In the field was the most points In contests of s'gnal- -' . . '.. . - rMUflflAil 'fiwm .ttni.h. kU.Vata ' . -- 1 1 A'tJ J . . 1 am

FOTt Street ' amius wis uwutcu iu III. SCCUl tiaciUK. IirBl tuu IHU waici,..; ; . . the morn'ng; to taps at :9! 30- - o'clocU belling. Tb- - lodges of the contest

t af nb Fredrick Metj- -I UUJIULn UCNCnM I lull ' I j fany army efficers with the tier nd TJeut. William Hfldebrant of i

iv r inI5sconvertlnk; .oM:

i i -


trtrTfcita TTAWflt

S?2b!Rczd r-ti-icn

ave Fuel!


lllliiE DAYS OF CAilllBronzed Happy,Them, Annual

Encampment Koheohe particularly

encampment Commissioner

llcnclulutwith i




commissioner'slj,iiv.T,wVi;.j1f you.tte.flaa.'vanHaiicn,-Bnu- i



Perkins;-Hote- l

VflllrirrrD PtflCQAYmPIVisitors, from Honolulu throng-- ctbe cruiser Geler. and severaV;camp Yesterday and : ex- -. T7nted Statps armv officers. v

; surprise? at the- - discipline; of The following gives, the results11 a CAAtif aMMwitatfr am ' XT 1 ..tin j -.-a-, f r "' .' t

Rev, i "B-"- :. .,i.,, 1. w .uuu.. r - -China- - to Christianity; says v,--


Geoyge B. Neumatin, mlssionarrixv-the- ?- ! ' --

province of 2echua .China, who ia--Treturning to! the UnitedvStatea on a 1 ; . 'v 'l8t lt vvj 3rd 4 2nd c v .363 . ;

two ruriourn. a.. v



v'-- v.


: .r. . . ... . ... - : tti ; . . .

rAAiessage non1 cnina"vwaa xne " ! :. '"..f.:;.;' :

title f -- NeuB-Jn. address at the r:'vivv'-'---3r- a - -- 6th; , 2nd' am jsc j ; aMethodist church eht. He said

h fmitirt thp wort In Hhtna IA , 4tn - ; 1 ;.. ; , ... 5th r . ' lZis.


lorirl --jrtlvir fit


Troops II and IV tied for Third place.


hae and approach. Kilauea from the ; After jseveral spent in Japan,lee side of .the big island is a Mr. Cand Mrs." P.. H.-- Dodge, will soonin plans being considered by the tour return to Hawaii.11- - The Japan Adver1st- - promoters of .Hilo, This route of. tiaer 0( recent date , says: 3 ? j - ? r 'arriving at the --volcano would give vis-- . "A. and worthy souve--Itors an to, see the 0 his seven .'years ln Japan Is

district and; the; Cook' monument and "being Jeft by Mr. P. Hr Dodge in thewonld eliminate the hustle now neces-- form .of a booklet of verse dedicatedsary to get the tourists to the volcano' ani addressed to the students of Jaand -- back' to Hllo in time for ;.the Readers have noted the sensi-steame- r.

V -- ; ---;- -'; ffl;? r,;' i I Uve and. fine quality, of the metrical' i' ' I translations whick hava

'Olive Branch. Rebekatf Lodge NOk l, appeared In the. Aflvertiser; from j the

L O. O. F.,' will give a garb bag party pen of ! Mr Dodge! t,The! earlier' poemsIn Odd Fellows' v hall; on' .Thursday, in coUection 4 reveal ftheevening. ' There will "be carda also and same V Jo he lyingsvarions amusement.? forii hlch'5. that " are ; more I excellent, lac A the

nominal charge "wV be made-- ? ''parts df the book which are''ere di- -'


alWj"-- f ai






si- -




characteristicopportunity, Kona'f


;.thlilittle'-- responsiveness


save v.



T:d. 3 fcVLX" Firc!:cs StovePURE ALUMINUM LINED. " .. .r- .v.;"- - -


t; ; The Outer case ot Cabinet is built! of select Grade Chestnut"! Iura- - .


' oer. The ieautiiul of this wood is shown, up to Dest aavaniage ;by the Natural. Wood "finish; which makes ; a very Handsome cabinet "

The Interior o. the Jewel is lined (encased) i throughout withPure" Alumunum. .Size: "37 inches long. 15- inches wide, 16 toches high. --

, .Thi "Jewer No. 3,-i- rv ppedjwith three solid AA'""inum CookT 5Ing vessels,.two four-qua- rt .d cne eight-qua- rt ! capacity, with patent- -

locking Aluminum cover Jet of unbreakable Radiator for Roattng. nd Baking. . Cor t -- lion Lifter. ; Plated. Pirand Xake Rack, f

J. Recipe book of .43 ra? ?,' and Set' of four Masters.A cooker" per furir. 3 all the functions of the. Kitchen. Range, 'for.-fi-

! la can! Coil, lum. Roast, Bake, Broil cr- - Fry, .all simply byf neatisg' the, discs for fifteen minutes, placing one disc in the bottom jv

of the compartment, and the other adjust to the rim of the Aluminum fvvessel. Return to cooker and confine by- - inserting the .Aluminum5Cover, into the Compartment encasing the vessel of food.-- ''.' !.

This three compartment is the most practical for .it permits of athree-cours- e dinner, meaC vegetables and pudding. . V v

Family Size, No, 3418.C0

Larger No 6I22.CO - -

School Size No. 5:. . '

presence cf several Ient:ty enjoyed

by -...-4

Four received .

cf the awards; toK


- Mm.

wajjrJa short







sccut 'The





ether- -


' 'w 84.


rectly addressed to students such asthe college songs, some of them setto good swinging tunes by the author,are cntrged with ringing ' .optimismand faith in the value of life and thesacredness of 'work, f it; is as fine asouvenir as a student could wish tohave of a loved teacher. Quotation isimpossible -- here but the final .phraseis not a bad ''pointer to the spirit of



"When Duty, Truth : and Honor callour: names. - - ' -i, . y

Let each . man aswer 'Here. S f. r"Mr. and. Mrs. Dodge sail by the;

Mlnhesota next week and will makea short sojourn Jn China and Manilabefore returning to Hawaii and themainland, where they fcope to distri-bute " something 'of "what they" --" havestored up in' Japan of Its art and manl tfold interests."


Sell and

then al-- rj


MadeTubes. Every : should






.. ;

:Feb-- .

ruary 16., Cameron

s SIJZ mile; - of-:"- .

"' fue?'you! - other than

Indian.sive See


-- I -


as much a woaian a maa. Aulng

women down, listless, tired-ou- t womcnTshould !




bottle.: Sold only


BisonlSmii 6 CoWv-f-


';.;!The Store. . r

Fort Hold ! : ,:

I - iV! Until 11:K -



Grepe Goods .

Kimonos Curios

w 'TT1 Your In-l.U-U

Llll& - ;,


carry Canton Linen embroidered tabl luncheon sets,

reau 'acarfa, : and cotton crepe kfmonc arsJ Man

darin coat latest style. Javanese gold allpper.

1150 Fort Street, . . . . . T Blalsdell Hotel CIdg.

urnlahed houss, ,'pif nr..

forhome needs a pair bf these scissors. t Buy and save

cents Go cents. : ' '

the Were $2.00

for $1.00 Upnday only

v; ! Celebrated Waldea ! knives; Sterling; SUver Handle; always sells Save 1

buying on Monday Tuesday--an- d you'll'.way 'save breaking your flnger-nail- a in the



the Rubberset Co.In ; manget a tube while . price is

reduced. !'. IDC

Tuesday: Only

9 5Model

Indian StarterI

ON 2

..v.'.:;. ;r-- :i ..--j.j


v'Ai onjL, on

c: i l h p. Indian succeededin covering on2! quarts gasotfne.That'a economy . Infor Noan Is so Inexpen- -

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