lumber! · vol. 1. no. iib. plainweu) , n . i,. monday october is 1884 priw two cents. republican...

Vol. 1. No. IIB. PLAINWEU), N. i,. MONDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1884. Priw Two Cents. REPUBLICAN Mass Meeting! At ilw Casino Roller Skating Rink, OCT. 15, At Eight o'Clock. HOM. S. DANA HORTOH, HON. F. W. HALLS, MR. JOHN T. FOSTER, ADOLPH SCHABEHORN. Plalnfleld Gomel Band t Lincoln Glee Clnb For Blaine and L o p Globs. net* will bt . pansc bT all ibr Bhincua Monday Evening Next .„ .'riil.vTo^ftKVpeaoCt- S«i«d~Sri •nod, in From, to (irovc, to Emily, to Sanene Jack'iaii. 1" Warren, to Chalhaa. to Snaaenn A. GAYLORD, LUMBER! MASONS' MATERIAL'S COAL. Madison Avenue, ' Awl c. an. COMPTON'S he Cream Garden, a6 West rroat Street. BUY COMPTON'S NEW JERSEY HOME-MADE BREAD, If You Waul the Bat COMPTOJf'S CANDY Is Noted for Being Fresh, and the Largest Variety in the city.' BUY COMPTOW8 Fine Chocolates. L. L. COMPTON. MICKLE CLOCKS! [Nickie Alarms, $1.28 NICKLE TIMES, ?* Ctvta. ff COLLIER'S •ft 8 PAKK AVEFtTE £stablUhed 16 Yean, MIN1ATUXE ALMANAC roR I-O-DA* 1KOLCKJ1CAL KVKNT*. —To-rnorro* will ba re;latraiion day. —Read tb* Republican meeting-netic* Tor —Hon. Tboa. V. Oator wbo apeak* at tbe temperance meeting -to-night is eaid to be wall wortli UrtMiingto, —Tbe nombT ot TOMB received at ttati offin for the rarimi presidential candidates, ia aa luBnitwimii that we otn'l ttn —Tliern laa marked inereeee in tba bar of njllah turuouta to be (ean on •tree it since tbe w e n t rains bare aattiad tb» —There wa> a boom in "pins" hat* W-day AU tbe NKWH advrrtiter* at tbb line told oul tMratookand bad togetmor* to meat tba of tba Pollej BoarJla ; I. t Po- —One of tba moat Ufflly otteenied lady contributor* of THB SKWK withe* us b> aak tdr opinion* from oar raedcre as to wbore Cain sot hi. wife. Beta la Maw Jersey all aotaal laHiiua except criminafa, pauper*. ftuMtissand Idbu oft»»PI«J>tfl*W Art School I afaetabe* Iron Hatara under tba direction of Principal woudarfiU. CK*. of Ibe AcrioulMral Cof- rvcetvad from tba term of Williuu , of Freahol 1, Lady Hattrtw variety whfcfe to orer t™ inch- iucheainUngth, and «ix and on* b*_ir lucbM in diameter. —Tb* Uulnn Comity Prohibition Uon wIU to bald ID tlil. citr In tto Sons of Tp Hall to- HOB, Dortitnattun of eaodtdataa if b«T. • » ! whiterer r. unanliallini< kmra baea to tax, —One of tbe moat eloquent German ora- tor, bareaboate it mid t , ba Mr. A.lolph BcbAbeborn, who u to male* an addrats U»maaa meettoa; to be bald tbe Cavliio Skatins Rink Vadnaada? «n tac. Tbe Enfflitb *P*«k1<ie audleno* will ea doubt ba u pleased to aaa tail Innovation, «a will be U> bear it. . p[o»oU r»H of *»iwn«at m each tlOO !• : Conotr, SB, State ScboolS6, Jodf- ••Mil*. T, LttMWjr 3. Ciiy 35, poof 8, 80 bonl and Bond-, 38. Tto total ta «L74 p-r «100, of poll tax, wfcJoh will am. pars farorably witb Boy otb«- city ht Naw it « M on Front atreatS bot «10U that Oakland womjd aottoatodto* rootdvui, #100 that be wovld not carry U* i n SMt«, and SIM that to would uot carry ita own county. oaar will think aftw bad toan attnMMl ihitbar by tto ; tbat Mb Fall «frf WintaropM b**in to-day, and tb* moat attractjr* UaC of W r p i u would b« *bowd MM* tW» •varcbowu. At thto popmlar dry and tascy —Kia* 8UTMa,foroi«rly of tbla etty.wboaa gWarlom dlaappwrance from Baat Haw Brnoawiak a law uwitfca aco, n h u d ao*W In paptra tbroacfcowt tto Btata, mad whom > • atasad a faw days ago had returoad, on Saturday rtdMd Uw C»W rtUstMld of Uw How Bniniwtck Folio*. Hto mated to (at books from tor trunk tbat * Hn. Oak- bjlMdlawttor. f*» fdrtbar jaid tba* aba wookl Hlra » borrow M M of btr«*o«to* that aba mltbt to anablad to r>tooharc* oa tto Tto r.«r <••!*»« XMUHK ID fMurm OaO to tht W. LC T. O. w u lar jrly leadar Mr. Berly Klaall and RerUr. CM >c and powerfBl appnaj* »o tb* au- to eWs an la urn* In tbeir nplrt- w«Uaraa>H Mcap, tb« terrible * ••lch follow tbe naiHat <*> V> 41. Cb riatlaa »l»al of religifin Ins prayvr and rtad tha icrinturw, and EIT. Dr. K: P. SVebmm paator at tba F M PCbarDta. Mr. Tbomw Cbmlnaof r y Mr. A. K. Powell, editor of tto Rational Temperann Advocate oT How Yurk, and Mr. Corydoii E. Tyler of tbb olQT made laMrMting aititi 1—11 TtoLtn- eoln Ohw Ctnb, Ud tto to ai>c u d tuo ptodc*, tto Fmidaot aod amid pp from tbe audtaoe, who al« warmly apflaadcd tiw apeaba and tba Glet Ctar avg« Gopal IWnparuM Maw Meeting w u bald in .the M.E. Churcb. Donellaa but evralos oood*e*ad byMr. Ssrly Baaall, aa- awtad by a iu^a dato«aU(M. r>( worton rmn tUia oKj, b>0t>dt«c tto Daobaoi Qba dab. id bya do* of tlie mo* 1 Iwaotar. At t ckaa of tto Mwtlnc a watm at ttoaka w tMd.rwi tto • a U u b h w PlabiAok) bytto D(n|*t«H) rbing to ttotr faat. Bav. at Bsoadict fto iwwgmatb Day Baptlat mioiatartbaB made an •Joqo.-ut ad- dr«a*, darinj which ha n id* aoc ucluJioc ia hia amparawM prtnei- ptaa tba n a - a n of tea. ooOto and tobaooo ht any form. Bealao aarprhnd many In tto oonsracatioD by aUUnj tbat in aona part. of Haw Jentr tha bdiM Indnlfad in tto filthy pnolla of robbing asoS and aaid tbat IHUM who did tbb and w m *o rtronsly attaobnl to ttolr cup ot taa Madad rtforwfng a* wrli aa tto drunkard. Under UMaaaplon of tba Kaforn Club Laafwof NawJanej,* large**! antimst- Addreataa wn delivered by' R. B. c Wm. H. Ferine, ITosh W. Plka John H. Sayrat. after which 108 a eornapondinc Moratary «ay« la COD- (torawlab: "It ia dsarly erMent to popalar MatlmeKt of the paopla la of tba tmpmx* advocate* to k> MltavkWot truth that ia v imt, ttor* wW be a ptadgwl At Sound Brook, Judge Qto.1, of thta city, adi 1wi J a largw andlano» Btfom ~ b WMSited to (ta st< r Of Republicans mat la Sal' Ho* on rroot atrant, 1 ertnnima a Blaloa CIUMH'. Clan. It WMorttHsallj by mis orxanteaUon, which number* about MiDbent at meant, to ban a •nato«rpm>a>7ti»>cof tbe kind In tba BbHe, and particularly tb* H " M. Club, of (felt city, (be oott to ba ot two waah«, and aa tbat woaU not tfT* U» dob Ume to fairly cutanbii tbatn, they baTO f«H in «ba other »wUaaiu. and adoptad M tba otab noiforBVpkw" bate. jota are to be net •tated at tba It It tba general opinion tbat tae eiab win not panda btr* lagtd ana bafwfoomd, at bwat tali ereotaf. wben tba I n * parada I* 9tak* plaoa. MML 8. Decker, ttwxD *atloa; Rink, wu elected Canbtm, m of MM tbaj PMt-tooUac man bt UM k*. ban Wlfliam Addfi and J. a Millar, tbe ittar, taasanlal proprietor of L*lna> Ho- rt,wmek>et*dflr«a»daMMNdU. u tbe wit bm. Th# are all well known amt protuitfn,. roe* Boll of WaaUteU, « y in Hew Tark.on "tfitjat of; tUnrngmfor tbe Ion of of t... daagMer, trow*. Kr. M u d Xbi Brown MKtne. Ha j»Te bnudi to arm™-, 8ua*a WMSIJVO, HawBrown, wbo ! ibont a mUe nod a bait oat from Went. 1M abotct tbe aaoM tia* Mr. pf Tto girl wbo-» about 18 raanoU, and tto •aa who 1* UT«I- 30, war* traaad to a vlllaa* a Long Uaod, wtora Mr, KoH tbj aaid to bar* parohaaad aawmUl wtlk o r a i j her- l |B and about WajtBtW, wbtrvhkrata- •1oa«*td> on* of tto 1 to tbcm oobfltouUtlly Cb> toar plir. TbkwaattonpMRMH that awt UM gaaiof iStwi'irporor feroMfb tto chib crvouda ou Can- totow BUbtfc «r»*t oa BUnrday aftarwoon l u l . bat wtlb Bpartau fliinai d tbb) cuant«r-*ti ractkxi and q of ptiifeam wbo wart Cbapotan and Mr. MoCfttotoa played Mr Wh and Dr. Hadgo. I. tba Oral aat each rid* plared a caaUon* a n y , raraly alf kMj to drire > bail fromtb* back of tto ainrt, but asmtlng bja;b drop baUa uT«r tb* net n W . toad*. Ftout ( « . of wh>4 Iron tto •onlb made tbb a daoffn-om puj too, t. 'bat WOBU ba a aafe ball at ooo tiuia, at •a next nroka ulght bo carried far toyood W toai llmt. T>nMuraatoeJ Rn all call*! cm Uw .Iwwth. tar aU oed to "daoea" by t p^ last tba wind uaaglit a bi|b toil, dror« it far bnd (bo rtuJk line and tfaaan*» -lood«fi to Bve in faTur of Mr. MoCattttoa and Mr p In Uw aaooad Ht they won by aoori a Ttoee HMW 1—Wai—n tbav playwl Bn Mr. Raymond and Mr. Barbet-t Jithnatoo. Ii tbeta pnMMr. HcC'utcbeo df»tinjuW»d htoualf by afai Ana nlayi*« »t th. » t ~ •aim it abl to guard It from pole ta •nd many a drfran toll at a aMOintfy mie d M u « from Mm wai droppad naaUy over nat amid pianditi fiiim tba apectaturt playadaMroat axnaaad tbeeoatrstwu cJoaa and eicitinc. Mr. Cbapmau and Mr MtobM won Ito Orct mt by a aeon «(x to thne. Tto otimr t*o gune* fell tbair opfxx»at*, «aeb tiro* with a tcon tttaM, eraay CUy.birb- iting fxienda in thi. city. Xdltor Leonard, of tie O n t n ) Tiina*. ix-)Uy<x- L. V. F. Rudolph ware Kb •Bate* many yearaafo, and ba«« beau . friend* for •boat a quarter of • oentury. Mr. navid Clarw, ot Co»entry, K.igtand. a brotliar of tto law Jubu A, Clara, who tur w *WtlBK bh ttatw-in-Uw on Cant* ere oat for the wedding ot Mr. John B. Jaokao", of tb* w*IMm«*N law I n of Jack** and Coddingtoa, and Him KKilr J Wilbur. T»»ceremoax wli t takepaaoaat tba rarirtanea of tbe bride 1 * motbar, Xo. « Dtktr atnwT, Ifanb TUim$*i&, on Thanday Mr. David a Pop*, wbo haa baao for . yamra bccikfceeper for Carney Bra. 11 Somanet atnat, concluded hi* at with tbeni Saterday to accept a r. x. c. A. MM. rrioawill to bel 1 la tb* Young mg at algbt o'clock. Tto aanioa win to lad by Mr. Marriu Dannam of tto "CkortaUra." E»ery nan m Pmlnamd * InvlMd to thie r. o •11 tto yomg men to ooma In and Join. •-•hop of Mr. Chert* The tOlotttob boyt. wnodnrin, tared hfcatoreby door. Tbsboy* cot over »W. Tbey aftarwardj dbconnd, and #7 of tba money was rroovered. Tbe |«i«at* acread to make op tba lilanrt. and Mr. Araokt daotlaed to urd-y a*an!ag la tto pwlor af Zapbyr I _ Mabla Tto toUowmg bida war* »- oaiTada*dO]M«d: Mr. Yoang, tUMM Mr. JokmMban Jnbaaon, »!.«W; Mr. T. Doam, #1,185. Tto eoBtraot m awarded U> —Mayor Manmi baa aMond the aaD> *a apaeob tball ba aafenad, U tt n- m»nrjaa*t4 tbe haif-rlowwi poikntnea raMa to<« been bwl far tb* arraet of tto 1M* maatuql« Bt MaryS Bnll. ^faara. Itaytor and Bwaltoj ban •*• corrf tto* oontract for tto oarpantar work on tto n#w brtoh taUUfag to to anoted a* Saa. ii and IB Bart Front aUfaat, from pbun by Mr W- B. Onm, tto arditotrt. 2 -HK HLAIHC AXS LUGAN r Varh »la(poab ai dw ieaanattnlr 1 HIMIIH II n ; toVan Dn-nur Mall. n,bt MrflTra1iii»»lam fail u IB- _ d for M M VOA An Sefcvote K maibrr of ik* An Slmknta' Loixw '4 New V' Farran>cHlar><ui>l]r" ibeSnriBury. Mia. K«] Prionp.1, ,m WcHJ.y< and Fridaxv htyiBjy .All V WITHOUT tMII.DHt.Noflcr.«h»TOr R,T.S.DmS. OSOJB. O USTKIAL 1NSURAKCE. FJi^lffl 1 Sb. i WmFioMiayeei. BBTTTV - '" SBSsaras.'-' "O LET-JJ>d^inMcpann«lT, -a. •• „?_« «* -*->."- .afcat. « tto JtomTu. •. PO Bo. a97 jiod in. A. Love, S Wo F. A. POTTS MOUNTED GUARDS «>on</<i/ Evening, Octobtr 13th, At 7J0 o-Clook. A RACE! A[ tkc Oxford Roller Skating Rirt ON NEXT TUESDAY tVEWNG. M**k br IU ] Door*spaaat «w> u'ciwk. if. ir. 24 West Front Street. m simmum OF utuui' Mauch Chunk, GLEN ONOKO SWITCHBACK. Eleventh Popular Excursion of the season, Pbiladdpbia and Reading fL S., New Jersey Central Division, Wednesday, Oct. 15. Special Express Train,, ruMfiwa of Elegant C w h n . •taMAW 8. to m. m., Far* St.?§. RETURNING—LanGkaO OPENING STILLMAN MUSIC HALL, Thursday, Oct. 16th Grand Concert, THEODORE THOMAS 'I And Full Orchestra., ** BSS EM1A JUCH, SOPRANO. ±etm mUllioc bokten to asieot non-Tad inaj oowbebad from aoy of tbe .tiree- ton indndlnR Char. Twaadr on From and erureSfe, A.BaTtaa Front S t mid Park a**. aodCnUg A. Marmh ouroar of From and > S Al t h i N f Closing out Sale. Selling off at Cost! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS FINE HATS and CAPS STRAW GOODS Trails, Umbrellas, Glow, etc Cail and K the b*i«IUM fsu i-au ft! (or DHIL Manning Venneule MO. 5 FRONT ST. Opp. Somerset, PlainfielA STORE TO LET. EDWARD RAIOMETTL OYSTER AMD CHOP HOUSE, FHEKCM COHFECTIOHERt —AKJ>— ICE CREAM SALOOlif. Freadi and American fee Cream mnd Water Ice*. \ Punch Lara. Variety of In Cm- /ce Cream REPUBLICAN Hass Meeting! Casino Roller Skating Rink, KKCDRD Ot TUI TUMOMKTSt. jUMb'i 4nm Mm. mi of f*m mi wton an npicthi a mlral of OCT. 15, At Eight o'C/ock. MINIATURE ALMANAC ro* O-O-DAT. Rw» Dr U H-r*W. ^ tto l^pruwaadnM(kiMt1i«BN,aMI>r. Dr. K. P. Mototoa. p—w <4 tto Pr4 ROM. S. DANA HORTON, HON. K W. HALLS, HR. JOHN T. POSTER, ADOLPH SCHABEHORN. Plainfield Genet Band f Lincoln Glee Clib —ara D TBf— For Blaine and Login Clnbs. ad* Wt oil lk* Blofce oto toaw TWr. -11 «loto - Monday Evening Next LtE DON A. GAYLORD, LUMBER! MASONS' MATERIAL'S COAL. Madison Avenue, THE TEATS r will to roitoratioa day. ktUK>ME& Ctort*. off tbs no4 oa- 1 raMirad *1 Ihla -TWo >». s bourn to “pasc" tou today. -A private iwains of lb. Polk,. BoorJ l. to bo held this make to owdkr ttaipi by Mr. loose L Brokow again* Pw » •» * Loogao of If«* terwej, a brgoawl C^i- «oa bl. wife. Hw la Wow Joeaay all 1 Pioabytorfea ctorch at IJ torty Corwor, loot tag. Addreoaoa woro doHvorod —Ladto of tto Ptolnflaid AftC Iboi.wlfe : -It k rfeorly ovhfeat Ttofe progrooe lT!2K adovfaL —Profeawr C*ok. of tbo Agrlealtarol Oot- , aad Ml oad oao At Boaad Brook. Jadgo O«ol, of Ihla eUy, ttoplodgo. TUehibbtaapn-paw eaw -Oao of tbo woe* ologoeat Oaaan wo borooboofe a amid to bo Mr. Adotpk Hckabokont, wbo U to aakt aa oddro* m«o at tbo awoo meeting to bo bfll C. D R. COMPTON’S Jce Cream Garden, 16 West rront Street. loom: 1'wqr.a.akvaMa, Mr M'.ltaiTl.arKin «, ».C—I awl & «*. a TWMd I. *LT< p- HOC, •C-dakra o< poll U>. wWak wiU I yar. mnur -a* MT da oily la Sow ahnanawiadinii, , BUY COMPTON'S I NEW JERSEY ROME-MADE BREAD, If Von Wnl (he Boat COMPTON’S CANDY > CM f MO ana dal CWrkaal .fcetad l apada a. M l> Noted for Being Freak, aad the I-urged Variety '* the city." BUY COMPTON'S Fine Chocolates. L. L. COMPTON. begin to-day. sad Ibo not attractive Mot of 1 » mmU be torn. feat Mo rtty tea bom. At Uita popalor dry aad faacy Hoturdar rWtoft fea Ckbf PlUgvroid of too */art£ clocns ! met krlfeknibat Nickle Alarms, $1.28 u.t*eu <w rnid M.d aar MICKLE TIMES, 0* Cdd Ha a— -If COLLIER'S Sr WlElaaa Addb tod J. R Miller. feo lottor, tkogoatol $ra$rti>or of Lelog*0 M. * Wbka aad Dr. Hodgm 11 tto drat eat ewh fefe pferod a mmiiam fmr. rmml, ottowpi- kag tadriooafaall feaaitko bookaf tkoauart. Uo tow liar. Too , kbaeotf by kb Eoo ptayiog ot tto mi. Ho MoOafetoa woa ito felt oo> by a n lfayor 1* V. P. i away yean ago. and tor* b tor afoot o .manor of a e Don otrrof. Wortk Ptofeftdd. oa Tboroday, Mr. David a Popr, wto too boon for w Mu-fe, .T..).Q ITT* «o V M nTTZZT*M-il M..CMor.u^^k,r M M l W to m Jtatlnes* Wed*. Philadelphia and Reading ILL, New )eroer Central Divicaoo. Wednesday, Oct 15. Special Express Train, Lmm OmmStM a. a.. Ada */.! JE2S2K77£C.22u3S»» J 1 \ lAUr .nmjt'i tmi-Qiii oi... . Mar ^£LSr r 53c: *!^r'-rjSs5; D^SiSLrawM--, OPENING ] WPU8THIOL IMMIMWCI. uH'UJ"^LL' to"rvla.» n. t Sr,!i7.'‘Au ascaase js-ja.’gt s D'ht* w rfS5SSStw - STILLMAN MUSIC HALL, Thursday, Oct. 16th U M.ww< «wr Fr— T—rf axOarieHti - da? -ww-rl-C Sft.l^»TwISJS^SSSTwS «!S5: Grand Concert, THEODORE THOMAg MISS EMMA JUCH, SOPRANO MaoMaoWortol graciattoaof feartioa to Uoa, oa I «. an. ,k.'S.*Zi metner IVoSfft T°.Bfafctisrfc!r liMtobl oaao. oaok pnaoat tolar wit- dlCWaito .' oto ftffm. t. k p»—r-ly ably luocrlbod. probe oorrleo will bo tol l la tto Y< ’s Chrbtiw. AwnrbH f Hall Ibi at oigbl o'otoeb. Tbo oorrloo wfll h Cr. Mor»lu Daatoai of tto •tborto. Brovyoaan to FlakaEoM W la*Hb to fefe Closing out Sale. ’ft**"' bW ~ Selling off at Cost! roa THE nxT THIRTY DAYS kJr--aras."“ ta- * T —** WABT8D- Mm »eeC 0, L. Coreef Emm" a of Ito batotor atop of Mr. Ctorbo , aad 97 of tto naoaey wawumwi Tto nonoM agrood ao i mpeeMMy. eo tto ar»t bwt. Tto Jwaoo Ban ml WooifloM, n. orroetoJ Bat. -May la *•« Tat « ,.a»IO.I br>*Uc,aawn,u.u lor Ola, P. A. POTTS MOUNTED GUARDS WBlwram wwabler porofe. Monday Evening, October /3th. FIRE HATS and CAPS STRAW GOODS Tranks, Umbrellas, Glues, etc Manning Vermeule HO. 5 FROST ST. Op|x Somerset, Plainfield. STORE TO LOT. EDVARD RAIOMETTI, OYSTER AMD CHOP HOU FREHCH CORFECTIORERf ka. Mad M. aa» ^ J- ^ 1 ICE CREAM SALOOM •*.*** ~ A RACE ! Oxford Roller Skating Rink r- . aiLTwa Minn. Ok l-CXt TL'KSDAV KVKklNG. OCT ... rmchSnh.lcr Punch Glace. HO. 8 PAM AVEftJX- Established 16

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Page 1: LUMBER! · Vol. 1. No. IIB. PLAINWEU) , N . i,. MONDAY OCTOBER IS 1884 Priw Two Cents. REPUBLICAN Mass Meeting! At ilw Casino Roller Skating Rink, OCT. 15, At Eight o'Clock

Vol. 1. No. IIB. PLAINWEU), N. i,. MONDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1884. Priw Two Cents.


Mass Meeting!At ilw

Casino Roller Skating Rink,

OCT. 15,

At Eight o'Clock.





Plalnfleld Gomel Bandt Lincoln Glee Clnb

For Blaine and L o p* will bt . pansc bT all ibr Bhincua

Monday Evening Next

.„ .'riil.vTo^ftKVpeaoCt- S«i«d~Sri•nod, in From, to (irovc, to Emily, to SaneneJack'iaii. 1" Warren, to Chalhaa. to Snaaenn



COAL.Madison Avenue,

' Awl


he Cream Garden,a6 West rroat Street.


HOME-MADE BREAD,If You Waul the Bat

COMPTOJf'S CANDYIs Noted for Being Fresh, and

the Largest Variety inthe city.'


Fine Chocolates.L. L. COMPTON.


[Nickie Alarms, $1.28NICKLE TIMES, ?* Ctvta.


£stablUhed 16 Yean,



—To-rnorro* will ba re;latraiion day.—Read tb* Republican meeting-netic* Tor

—Hon. Tboa. V. Oator wbo apeak* at tbetemperance meeting -to-night is eaid to bewall wortli UrtMiing to,

—Tbe nombT ot TOMB received at ttatioffin for the rarimi presidential candidates,ia aa luBnitwimii that we otn'l ttn

—Tliern la a marked inereeee in tbabar of njllah turuouta to be (ean on•tree it since tbe w e n t rains bare aattiad tb»

—There wa> a boom in "pins" hat* W-dayAU tbe NKWH advrrtiter* at tbb line told oultMratookand bad togetmor* to meat tba

of tba Pollej BoarJ la

; I. t Po-

—One of tba moat Ufflly otteenied ladycontributor* of THB SKWK withe* us b> aaktdr opinion* from oar raedcre as to wboreCain sot hi. w ife.

Beta la Maw Jersey all aotaal laHiiuaexcept criminafa, pauper*. ftuMtissand Idbu

oft»»PI«J>tfl*W Art SchoolI afaetabe* Iron Hataraunder tba direction of Principal

woudarfiU.C K * . of Ibe AcrioulMral Cof-

rvcetvad from tba term of Williuu, of Freahol 1,

Lady Hattrtw variety whfcfe to orert™ inch- iucheainUngth, and «ix and on*b*_ir lucbM in diameter.

—Tb* Uulnn Comity ProhibitionUon wIU to bald ID tlil. citr In tto Sons ofTp Hall to-HOB, Dortitnattun of eaodtdataa ifb«T. • » ! whiterer r.

unanliallini< kmra baea

to tax,

—One of tbe moat eloquent German ora-tor, bareaboate it mid t , ba Mr. A.lolphBcbAbeborn, who u to male* an addrats

U»maaa meettoa; to be baldtbe Cavliio Skatins Rink Vadnaada? «ntac. Tbe Enfflitb *P*«k1<ie audleno* will eadoubt ba u pleased to aaa tail Innovation, «a

will be U> bear it. .

p[o»oU r»H of *»iwn«at m each tlOO !•: Conotr, SB, State ScboolS6, Jodf-

••Mil*. T, LttMWjr 3. Ciiy 35, poof 8, 80 bonland Bond-, 38. Tto total ta «L74 p-r «100,

of poll tax, wfcJoh will a m .pars farorably witb Boy otb«- city ht Naw

it « M on Front atreatS

bot «10U that Oakland womjd aottoatodto*rootdvui, #100 that be wovld not carry U*

i n SMt«, and SIM that to would uot carryita own county.oaar will think aftw

bad toan attnMMl ihitbar by tto; tbat Mb Fall «frf WintaropM

b**in to-day, and tb* moat attractjr* UaC ofW r p i u would b« *bowd MM* tW»•varcbowu. At thto popmlar dry and tascy

—Kia* 8UTMa,foroi«rly of tbla etty.wboaagWarlom dlaappwrance from Baat Haw

Brnoawiak a law uwitfca aco, n h u d ao*WIn paptra tbroacfcowt tto Btata, mad whom> • atasad a faw days ago had returoad, onSaturday rtdMd Uw C»W rtUstMld of UwHow Bniniwtck Folio*. Hto mated to (at

books from tor trunk tbat * Hn. Oak-bjlMdlawttor. f*» fdrtbar jaid tba* abawookl Hlra » borrow MM of btr«*o«to* thataba mltbt to anablad to r> to oharc* oa tto

Tto r.«r <••!*»« XMUHK ID fMurm OaOto tht W. LC T. O. w u lar jrly

leadar Mr. Berly Klaall and RerUr. CM>c and powerfBl appnaj* »o tb* au-to eWs an la urn* In tbeir nplrt-

w«Uaraa>H Mcap, tb« terrible *••lch follow tbe naiHat <*> V> 41. Cb riatlaa

»l»al of religifin

Ins prayvr and rtad tha icrinturw, and EIT.Dr. K: P. SVebmm paator at tba F MP C b a r D t a . Mr. Tbomw Cbmlna of

r y Mr. A. K. Powell, editor oftto Rational Temperann Advocate oT HowYurk, and Mr. Corydoii E. Tyler of tbbolQT made laMrMting aititi 1—11 TtoLtn-eoln Ohw Ctnb,Ud tto

to ai>cu d tuo ptodc*, tto Fmidaot aod amidpp from tbe audtaoe, who a l« warmly

apflaadcd tiw apeaba and tba Glet Ctar

avg« Gopal IWnparuM Maw Meetingw u bald in .the M.E. Churcb. Donellaa butevralos oood*e*ad by Mr. Ssrly Baaall, aa-awtad by a iu^a dato«aU(M. r>( worton rmntUia oKj, b>0t>dt«c tto Daobaoi Qba dab.

id by a do*of tlie mo* 1

Iwaotar. At tckaa of tto Mwtlnc a watm at ttoaka wtMd.rwi tto • a U u b h w PlabiAok) by tto

D(n|*t«H) rbing to ttotr faat.Bav. at Bsoadict fto iww g m a t b Day

Baptlat mioiatartbaB made an •Joqo.-ut ad-dr«a*, darinj which ha n id* aoc

ucluJioc ia hia amparawM prtnei-ptaa tba n a - a n of tea. ooOto and tobaooo htany form. Bealao aarprhnd many In ttooonsracatioD by aUUnj tbat in aona part.of Haw Jentr tha bdiM Indnlfad in tto filthypnol la of robbing asoS and aaid tbat IHUMwho did tbb and w m *o rtronsly attaobnlto ttolr cup ot taa Madad rtforwfng a* wrliaa tto drunkard.

Under UMaaaplon of tba Kaforn ClubLaafwof NawJanej ,* large**! antimst-

Addreataa w n delivered by' R. B.c Wm. H. Ferine, ITosh W. Plka

John H. Sayrat. after which 108 a

• eornapondinc Moratary «ay« la COD-• (torawlab: "It ia dsarly erMentto popalar MatlmeKt of the paopla la

• of tba tmpmx* advocate* k > MltavkWot truth that iav imt, ttor* wW be a ptadgwl

At Sound Brook, Judge Qto.1, of thta city,adi 1 w i J a largw andlano» t» Btfom ~

b WM Sited to (ta st<

r Of Republicans mat la Sal'Ho* on rroot atrant,1 ertnnima a Blaloa

CIUMH'. Clan. It WM orttHsalljby mis orxanteaUon, which number* about

MiDbent at meant, to b a n a•nato«rpm>a>7ti»>cof tbe

kind In tba BbHe, and particularly tb* H "M. Club, of (felt city, (be oott to ba

• ot two waah«, and aa tbat woaU nottfT* U» dob Ume to fairly cutanbiitbatn, they baTO f«H in «ba other »wUaaiu.and adoptad M tba otab noiforBVpkw" bate.

jota are to benet •tated at tba

It It tba general opinion tbat tae eiab winnot panda btr* lagtd ana bafwfoomd, atbwat tali ereotaf. wben tba In* parada I*9tak* plaoa.MML 8. Decker, ttwxD*atloa; Rink, w u elected Canbtm, m ofM M tbaj PMt-tooUac man bt UM k*.b a n Wlfliam Addfi and J. a Millar, tbeittar, taasanlal proprietor of L*lna> Ho-rt,wmek>et*dflr«a»daMMNdU.

u tbe w i t bm. Th#are all well known amt protuitfn,.

roe* Boll of WaaUteU, «y in Hew Tark.on " t f i t j a t of ;

tUnrngm for tbe Ion ofof t... daagMer,

trow*. Kr. M u d Xbi BrownMKtne. Ha j»Te bnudi to arm™-,

8ua*a WMSIJVO, Haw Brown, wbo !ibont a mUe nod a bait oat from Went.

1M abotct tbe aaoM tia*

Tto girl wbo-» about 18 raanoU, and tto•aa who 1* UT«I- 30, war* traaad to a vlllaa*a Long Uaod, wtora Mr, KoH tbj aaid to

bar* parohaaad • aawmUl wtlk o r a i j her-l |B and about WajtBtW, wbtrvhkrata-

•1oa«*td> on* of tto 1

to tbcm oobfltouUtlly Cb> toarplir. TbkwaattonpMRMH

that awt UM gaaiof iStwi ' i rpororferoMfb tto chib crvouda ou Can-totow BUbtfc «r»*t oa BUnrday

aftarwoon lul . bat wtlb Bpartau fliinaid tbb) cuant«r-*ti ractkxi and

q of pti ifeam wbo wart

Cbapotan and Mr. MoCfttotoa played MrWh and Dr. Hadgo. I . tba Oral aat eachrid* plared a caaUon* a n y , raraly a l fkMj to drire > bail from tb* back of tto ainrt,but asmtlng bja;b drop baUa uT«r tb* netn W . toad*. Ftout ( « . of wh>4 Iron tto•onlb made tbb a daoffn-om p u j too, t .

'bat WOBU ba a aafe ball at ooo tiuia, at•a next nroka ulght bo carried far toyoodW toai llmt. T>n MuraatoeJ Rn all

call*! cm Uw .Iwwth. tar aU

oed to "daoea" by t p^last tba wind uaaglit a bi|b toil, dror« it farb n d (bo rtuJk line and tfaaan*» -lood «fito Bve in faTur of Mr. MoCattttoa and Mr

pIn Uw aaooad Ht they won by • aoori a

Ttoee HMW 1—Wai—n tbav playwl B nMr. Raymond and Mr. Barbet-t Jithnatoo. Iitbeta p n M Mr. HcC'utcbeo df»tinjuW»dhtoualf by afai Ana nlayi*« »t th. » t ~•aim it abl • to guard It from pole ta•nd many a drfran toll at a aMOintfy mied M u « from Mm wai droppad naaUy over

nat amid pianditi fiiim tba apectaturtplayadaMroat axnaaad tbeeoatrstwu

cJoaa and eicitinc. Mr. Cbapmau and MrMtobM won Ito Orct mt by a aeon

«(x to thne. Tto otimr t*o gune* felltbair opfxx»at*, «aeb tiro* with a tcontttaM,

eraay CUy.birb-iting fxienda in thi. city.

Xdltor Leonard, of tie Ontn) Tiina*.ix-)Uy<x- L. V. F. Rudolph ware Kb•Bate* many yearaafo, and ba«« beau .friend* for •boat a quarter of • oentury.

Mr. navid Clarw, ot Co»entry, K.igtand. abrotliar of tto law Jubu A, Clara, who tur

w *WtlBK bh ttatw-in-Uw on

Cant* ere oat for the wedding ot Mr. JohnB. Jaokao", of tb* w*IMm«*N law I n ofJack** and Coddingtoa, and Him KKilr JWilbur. T»» ceremoax w l it takepaaoaattba rarirtanea of tbe bride1* motbar, Xo. «Dtktr atnwT, Ifanb TUim$*i&, on Thanday

Mr. David a Pop*, wbo haa baao for. yamra bccikfceeper for Carney Bra.

11 Somanet atnat, concluded hi*at with tbeni Saterday to accept a

r. x. c. A. MM.rrioawill to bel 1 la tb* Young

mg at algbt o'clock. Tto aanioa win to ladby Mr. Marriu Dannam of tto "CkortaUra."E»ery nan m Pmlnamd * InvlMd to thie

r. o•11 tto yomg men to ooma In and Join.

•-•hop of Mr. Chert*The tOlotttob

boyt. wnodnrin,tared hfcatorebydoor. Tbsboy* cot over »W. Tbeyaftarwardj dbconnd, and #7 of tba moneywas rroovered. Tbe |«i«at* acread to makeop tba lilanrt. and Mr. Araokt daotlaed to

urd-y a*an!ag la t to pwlor af Zapbyr I

_ Mabla Tto toUowmg bida war* » -oaiTada*dO]M«d: Mr. Yoang, tUMMMr. JokmMban Jnbaaon, »!.«W; Mr. T.Doam, #1,185. Tto eoBtraot m awarded U>

—Mayor Manmi baa aMond the aaD>

*a apaeob tball ba aafenad, U tt n-m»nrjaa*t4 tbe haif-rlowwi poikntnea

raMa to<« been b w l far tb* arraet of tto

1 M * maatuql« Bt MaryS Bnll.^faara. Itaytor and Bwaltoj ban •*•

corrf tto* oontract for tto oarpantar workon tto n#w brtoh taUUfag to to anoted a*Saa. i i and IB Bart Front aUfaat, from pbun

by Mr W- B. Onm, tto arditotrt.


r Varh »la(poab ai dw i e a a n a t t n l r1 HIMIIH II n ; to Van Dn-nur Mall.K«n ,btMrflTra1 i i i»»lam fail u IB-

_ d for M M VOA An Sefcvote Kmaibrr of ik* An Slmknta' Loixw '4 New V'Farran>cHlar><ui>l]r" ibeSnriBury. Mia. K«]Prionp.1, ,m Wcd»HJ.y< and Fridaxv h t y i B j y

.All V WITHOUT tMII.DHt.Noflcr.«h»TOr




FJi lffl1

Sb. i Wm FioMiayeei. BBTTTV - '"


"O LET-JJ>d^inMcpann«lT, -a. ••„?_« «* *« - * - > . " - .afcat. « tto


•. PO Bo. a97 jiod

in. A. Love, S Wo


«>on</<i/ Evening, Octobtr 13th,

At 7J0 o-Clook.

A RACE!A[ tkc

Oxford Roller Skating Rirt


M**k br IU ]

Door* spaa at « w > u'ciwk.

if. ir.24 West Front Street.

m simmum OF utuui'

Mauch Chunk,GLEN ONOKO

SWITCHBACK.Eleventh Popular Excursion

• of the season,

Pbiladdpbia and Reading fL S.,New Jersey Central Division,

Wednesday, Oct. 15.

Special Express Train,,ruMfiwa of Elegant Cwhn.

•taMAW 8. to m. m., Far* St.?§.



Thursday, Oct. 16th

Grand Concert,THEODORE THOMAS' I And Full Orchestra., **


±etm mUll ioc bokten to asieot non-Tadinaj oow bebad from aoy of tbe .tiree-

t o n indndlnR Char. Twaadr on From anderureSfe , A.BaTtaa Front S t mid Park a**.aodCnUg A. Marmh ouroar of From and

>S Al t h i N f

Closing out Sale.Selling off at Cost!




Trails, Umbrellas, Glow, etcCail and K the b*i«IUM fsu i-au ft! (or DHIL

Manning VenneuleMO. 5 FRONT ST.

Opp. Somerset, PlainfielA




ICE CREAM SALOOlif.Freadi and American

fee Cream mnd Water Ice*. \

PunchLara. Variety of

In Cm-

/ce Cream


Hass Meeting!

Casino Roller Skating Rink, KKCDRD Ot TUI TUMOMKTSt.

jUMb'i 4nm Mm. mi of f*m mi ■wton an npicthi a mlral of

OCT. 15, At Eight o'C/ock. MINIATURE ALMANAC ro* O-O-DAT.

Rw» Dr U H-r*W. ^ tto l^pruwaadnM(kiMt1i«BN,aMI>r. Dr. K. P. Mototoa. p—w <4 tto Pr4





Plainfield Genet Band f Lincoln Glee Clib

—araDTBf— For Blaine and Login Clnbs.

ad* Wt oil lk* Blofce oto toaw TWr. -11 «loto - Monday Evening Next LtE





Madison Avenue,


r will to roitoratioa day. • ktUK>ME& Ctort*.

• off tbs no4 oa- 1 raMirad *1 Ihla

-TWo >». s bourn to “pasc" tou today.

-A private iwains of lb. Polk,. BoorJ l. to bo held this make to owdkr ttaipi • by Mr. loose L Brokow again* Pw

■» •» ■* Loogao of If«* terwej, a brgoawl C^i- «oa bl. wife. Hw la Wow Joeaay all 1 Pioabytorfea ctorch at IJ torty Corwor, loot tag. Addreoaoa woro doHvorod

—Ladto of tto Ptolnflaid AftC Iboi.wlfe : -It k rfeorly ovhfeat Ttofe progrooe lT!2K adovfaL —Profeawr C*ok. of tbo Agrlealtarol Oot-

, aad Ml oad oao At Boaad Brook. Jadgo O«ol, of Ihla eUy,

ttoplodgo. TUehibbtaapn-paw eaw

-Oao of tbo woe* ologoeat Oaaan wo borooboofe a amid to bo Mr. Adotpk Hckabokont, wbo U to aakt aa oddro* m«o at tbo awoo meeting to bo bfll

C. D R.

COMPTON’S Jce Cream Garden,

16 West rront Street.

loom: 1'wqr.a.akvaMa, Mr M'.ltaiTl.arKin «, ».C—I awl &■«*. a TWMd I. *LT< p- HOC, •C-dakra o< poll U>. wWak wiU I yar. mnur -a* MT da oily la Sow ■ahnanawiadinii, ,


ROME-MADE BREAD, If Von Wnl (he Boat


> CM f MO ana dal CWrkaal — .fcetad l apada a. M

l> Noted for Being Freak, aad the I-urged Variety '* the city."


Fine Chocolates. L. L. COMPTON.

begin to-day. sad Ibo not attractive Mot of ■1 » mmU be torn. feat Mo rtty tea ■bom. At Uita popalor dry aad faacy

Hoturdar rWtoft fea Ckbf PlUgvroid of too */art£ clocns !

met krlfeknibat Nickle Alarms, $1.28 u.t*eu <w rnid M.d aar

MICKLE TIMES, 0* Cdd Ha a—


WlElaaa Addb tod J. R Miller. feo lottor, tkogoatol $ra$rti>or of Lelog*0 l» M. * —

Wbka aad Dr. Hodgm 11 tto drat eat ewh fefe pferod a mmiiam fmr. rmml, ottowpi- kag tadriooafaall feaaitko bookaf tkoauart.

Uo tow liar. Too ,

kbaeotf by kb Eoo ptayiog ot tto mi. Ho

MoOafetoa woa ito felt oo> by a

n lfayor 1* V. P. i away yean ago. and tor* b tor afoot o .manor of a e

Don otrrof. Wortk Ptofeftdd. oa Tboroday,

Mr. David a Popr, wto too boon for

w Mu-fe, .T..).Q ITT* «o VM nTTZZT*M-il M..CMor.u^^k, W to m

Jtatlnes* Wed*.

Philadelphia and Reading ILL, New )eroer Central Divicaoo.

Wednesday, Oct 15. Special Express Train, Lmm OmmStM a. a.. Ada */.!*.

JE2S2K77£C.22u3S»» J 1 \ lAUr .nmjt'i tmi-Qiii oi... . Mar

^£LSrr53c: *!^r'-rjSs5; D^SiSLrawM--,


] WPU8THIOL IMMIMWCI. uH'UJ"^LL' to"rvla.» n.tSr,!i7.'‘Au ascaase js-ja.’gt s D'ht*wrfS5SSStw -

STILLMAN MUSIC HALL, Thursday, Oct. 16th

U M.ww< «wr Fr—

T—rf axOarieHti - da? -ww-rl-C

Sft.l^»TwISJS^SSSTwS «!S5:

Grand Concert,



MaoMaoWortol graciattoaof feartioa to Uoa, oa I «. an. ,k.'S.*Zi metner IVoSfft

T°.Bfafctisrfc!r liMtobl oaao. oaok pnaoat tolar wit- dlCWaito ■.'■■■■ oto ftffm. t. k p»—r-ly ably luocrlbod. ZtTjfttZ S^cto

probe oorrleo will bo tol l la tto Y< ’s Chrbtiw. AwnrbH f Hall Ibi • at oigbl o'otoeb. Tbo oorrloo wfll h Cr. Mor»lu Daatoai of tto •tborto. Brovyoaan to FlakaEoM W la*Hb to fefe

Closing out Sale. ■’ft**"' “ bW~ 1 kT Selling off at Cost!


kJr--aras."“ “ ta-*T —**■ WABT8D- Mm »eeC0,L. Coreef Emm"

a of Ito batotor atop of Mr. Ctorbo

, aad 97 of tto naoaey wawumwi Tto nonoM agrood ao i

mpeeMMy. eo tto ar»t bwt. Tto ■

Jwaoo Ban ml WooifloM, n. orroetoJ Bat. -May la *•« Tat « ,.a»IO.I br>*Uc,aawn,u.u lor Ola,

P. A. POTTS MOUNTED GUARDS WBlwram wwabler porofe. —

Monday Evening, October /3th.


Tranks, Umbrellas, Glues, etc.

Manning Vermeule HO. 5 FROST ST.

Op|x Somerset, Plainfield.




ka. Mad M. aa» ^ J- ^ 1 ICE CREAM SALOOM.

•*.*** ~ A RACE ! /« Cr+am W Wofcr /cm.

Oxford Roller Skating Rink r- . aiLTwa Minn.


rmchSnh.lcr Punch Glace.

HO. 8 PAM AVEftJX- Established 16

Page 2: LUMBER! · Vol. 1. No. IIB. PLAINWEU) , N . i,. MONDAY OCTOBER IS 1884 Priw Two Cents. REPUBLICAN Mass Meeting! At ilw Casino Roller Skating Rink, OCT. 15, At Eight o'Clock

Vol. 1, No. I IB. PLAINFJELD, N. J.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1884.


Mass Meeting!Ai ihe

Casino Roller Skating Rink,M Sired a d Craig Ptoce.

OCT. 15,At Eight o'Clock.

Addrow *v "


HON. f. W. HALLS,Of N » Vnrk



Plainfield Comet B u d$ Lincoln Glee Club

For Blaine and Login Clnbs.

Monday Evening Next' ta oVIoek on Korth

LeCnndcto Rieb-



COAL.Madison Avenue,


c. n.n.COMPTON'S

Ice Cream Garden,2b Wea rront Street.


HOME-MADE BREAD,If ¥<» Want the Best-


Is Noted for Being Fre«h, aadthe Largest Variety in

the city"BUY

Fine Chocolates.L. L. COMPTON.


Nickle Alarms, $1.28SICKLE TIKES, 90 Cm..

M* coiuEnst VO. 3 F U I AVCTTJE

•BstailiAed 16 Yean

^ N . K- J.



i. TI.o.. V. Calor whotemporal** n n t l « | .lo-irfgnt to nk l lo be

wall wortli iktMtlng to.

—TIM jinmbT or i o t a reoelred «t thtaaOoe for th* Tartan j.rwideutUd candidate*,la to inBnitnimst that wa rant count D m

—-Thar* la • marked [in I IMI in the uoio-berofstylMi luruouta to be « n on tbaKn> i. (inca the rnul Kin) ban aaCUad tbadaat.

—TW« wa* a boom In "(due" bata io-<Uy.AU tbaSBvm adrrrtbar. to tbfa line *M out

—A private meeting of tha Poiici B w J i»to be held ttila evaniag to eooaUar chargwRwdebyMr. leaac I. Brokaw egalnst Po-Ikunun UcCue.

—One of tbe moat bbjfely wteented ladyouTitrlbaton of T n N i m wUbw u to id :for opinion* from owr r N d u i * • to wbaraCain got bnt wife.

—Oar* la New j*ra*y aU aotual atimu*except oriimoaa. pauper*, *—-"Tf-ff Idiot*oao vale after a reeidenoa of on* year In IbBStew and Art n r r f t la th* o Maty.

-Ladle* of tbePiimfleU ArtBobool m n

—Profawor Oak. of Ibe AgricBlCnral Col-lege, baa, r*D*Had from tb* farm of WilliamE. Conorer, <rf Preeboll, a tnaMMtb potatoof tbe Lady Hebron rartaty which f* o w

ncbee lueh—lu length, and aix and on*

—Tha Uafau Uoautj PnAlbKion (.'jann-tfem wfll be beta in thtt city in tba Bom ofToapnmsce UaJI to-morrow, for Wftuia-

nomltuUloa at emdidtvte* It d«am*1, sad t rUwnr other boaioeat may coroe

up. Txnparmnca orsanlaaUcHia b a n beend d W ttk

Vat* W. C V. V. TT " MTba r<«V o'ehxk maetint la M n n HaU

t» ttU Tf[ IC. T. U. n i lar^ly aUaodad

•ptrttaal iaawcM and eetttnatun waa nfeat a* haretofbrr. Tb* i i l i lnim by tba

Mr. B*cJy Btefl sad Be» Mr. Cteanr

rled to aWk an toon**. In their wptHtoal welfare and aaoapa the M-ribl* rraolwnkih follow to* mrlKt *> to d >. Oh rlalisi

wival of reHaiol

qatta a* Inter-F h H T

Rev. Dr. Jaate L, Hurl but. made the open-Ing pnywr and rend tba mrliJimf. and i - » .Dr. K. P. Katofaam pftator of tba P r «Praabyterian ChBreb, Mr. Tbonias Ctesaina ofJrney City. Mr. A: M. POMTL. editor oftbe National Temperance Advocate of SewTurk, and Mr. Corydmi B. Tyler of tab

imada Interaatlng • H m u i TtaeLJn-Qtae Club, a quarto It* of mala rt

of young nteu wgned the p M P , i« r » |a cEbortaUon by the and iauae ftwa tit* audience, who awn warmly

apMaaded tb* UTTahM and the Olw> Clnb.

A large Go***! T-mperaan, MawJ MaMlBgwaa held lnHtae M.B. Citnrch, Ehmallen lart•raaing oowdacwad by Mr. Serly Eatall, •*•abted by a larx* drtigattoa of workar* fromtbia olty, UketaJiBg tb* Daahacn Glee dmb.

•*of tUe matt « -

tendwed tba amlHautafroai PlalnBaM by thei i i » kgc i

Bar. M. BaoedMt tb* aaw Benmth DayBopUat oiakMrtban aada an etoqn.nt ad-drvet, during which he m ids rots twt*piaz

k liM*wlio« im hi M t

attachedto tbrir eop of tea iwadad refonsin| u well* . tba drunk.ri

• tbePreebyteriaa church at Iifberty Coraar, laat

Addnaaea war* delivered by R. 8.•„ Wro. EL Partite. VoaJh W. Pike

and John B. Bayrai, after which MlM p . Tn. HtaU•retar/ «ayi int* clearly erjdntit

J- wutjmeot of tb* f

honsaboaU it taid b. be ICr. Adolptih dd


-One of tb*tor*Hcbabebom, who U

ing to be haUattba Cmrlno Mating Rink Wednesday ening. The Sncliab vpeaklng audieuoa wtildoubt be U plea—d to a » tblt innoratioo. a i

German* will be•Tax Collector JobnwM h rWUng tar.

payer* with bio* ah—I* of tmte piper,Tba nu

eaeb SIM t> a*foDowi: County, .18, Bute School 36, Jwdg.Menu. 7, Library >. City -J.\ poor 8, Bebonland Bond*, 38. The total to *L74 per «1QD,

of poll tax, wbjekpare favorably with any other cliy In Naw

day oCertng to bet MOO »

taken. One BapubUean amid that be had w>IB •llllw.ll In*

bet 1100 tbat Cleveland WOMM notbaPrwddeat, *i00 tbat be wo.ld not carry hi*

Slate, and *100 tbat be woaU not carryown county. BetUog tj fuoltoh-the

lornr will tliink afterelaoUoM.

ill'* (tar* to-day baa v«ry tauch theappaaranc* of a metropolitan B M U W I M B Llnakle the variooa bargaiu dktpl*y*d to law

f tbethrong ofbad betm attracted thither by tb*

that lib Tall ant Wlto-day, and tba moat attraoUr* Uat of

bargaia would b« inowa tbat thU city baaAt thla Kopalaj- dry a ltd fancy

J-Js* ax. going <* « -pkUy.

tM>*«o*,f<kriii*rly of ibb city.wmca.

Newbook* from bar i n i k tbat a MrV Oak-

lay bad teal bar. (MM farther astd tbat abawo*}id Ufa *> borro» MMeof Lwdotb i that•ha ia%bt be enabiad to go to chart* on ttaBabbatt. Clilaf Wtoyaaht Infwi iJ hor

tbec«arlB of tfce hwi|*n.mi i arivuMU— b*itinuad, it is • —If evident Iratti tbat In

tiie year 1888, there- will b* a pl«dg*l t«a»rraiiM Pre^deVt awd Congrats."

At Bonn.1 Brook, Jadt* O Jffli. Of thie city,ldr*awklalarc*atiiiaa«ela Rttorm 1bleb, wae Ulwi to iu nknxMt capacity

th* condoBkM of tb* adJi BUM • • * • • ! rt.Jadga. IW.ohib ii In a pr«u*rOD< ooo-

A number of Repoblteani met in LawyeraydanVa offlor on Front atreat, Samrday

•Toning and or«anlied a Blaio* and LofuCltiBni'* ClBb. II wai orlglUBtly tataodeJby tbta organluUoD, which namuera abaci•erenty-Hve w m b m at pral—t, to have a


iMldaoftwo week', and a* that would notgive the elab Uma to fairir et» a abin* inthem, they bav# guoe tn 4ba othv axtr

pant* aad boo* are to ba Inctaded intbeinlform, wun«t stated at tb* maeUuc,i i* tb* csaenU opintoa tbat tba (tab win>ot parade bam lagged WNJ barr-tooted, at

bate place. -Hr, M. a Dathar. tihaenanagar at tba Caatoo

elected Capaaia. * . ofa ka tb* lot.

MaMra. WUIIM. Addltaad J. & MUiar. tb.genial propmtor of IMntf* Ho-

tel, wereekctad Ural aad eeeond LlanlanaatiTba naimbar*

are all w*n known and promialng.

BoO of WeXlleld,urday in Hew York. • on oonpJaiBt of ;ita,"Mary E. Lo«», MUMnr loaaalt for *10,-

C** for twa laai of the aerrldn andof bar daughter, Hwa BlUahetbMr. Boll and Hlai Brown a n

<fl-rt«rfy*o«j mmtkB low board ( M M joai at OWr-back

to them outifl lauUilly (ho flnn-pbqr. ThW wa. tha rapurou* view

i K«W«" rvpcrln- •» beolabcrM.BdBonOe..-

balo- Bihth BtnM on Batnrdaytat. bM «itfa Spartan Bnatieea Iw

Banwd from, tfcie cuaiit*r>aAniHion anda ftroap of pnUantea who were giv-

Imiblwwere cuattauii- Mr.Cuapnan anl Mr. MeCotebM plaffd Mr.WbUm a*d Dr. Badfaa. I . t te Brat Wt «aoh•fd> pUyad a camion p a r , rarety attampt-taf to drire • ball from tbe back of tha court,

btgh drop balfa o n r the DMFitful ffiaata of wind from the

toaih ntmda thb a ilanffrroni play too, furwhat wouU be a aaf« bail at one lime, attb* neat etrohe n>lB>t be carrlwl far btryoodtb* bau litw. Tiie aajrstitool Sr* all aad"dcuos" raJlaJ on tb* * t«*vath. For *x me-

i « waa 'wdvaataga" gained byr tha other on}/ to hava Ibn Hore

Ian* the wind vaocfat * high ball, drora ft farbeyond lbs chalk line and tbekeura Mood afx

ST« la tavjr of Mr. McCutehea « « . Mr.CbafaBaa.

the Meeod «M they won by a Kura of•IxtDOoa.

BM BUM p o M m H UIM playwi R n .Mr. RayMood and Mr. Bartort Iiti—1 In

wlf by hb lua *I>ylag at th . net.•senwd abl* to guard it froa pole to poleBad many a driven ball at m. n| Imf'j •><•dtataooa from aim mu droppad naatlytbe DM u l d plamtit* from tbaAll p b j a d t H m i t t U H u x l tbe ooolertwaaoloa and uoit.Bg. Mr. Cbapmaa and Mr.MtrCntcben won Iba lint ait by a BCor* ofais to tiuw. Tha o4b*r two gaoMe fell to

• opponent!, oaeb time with a asnre ofmx to ITS.

be Central TttMa,cx-Hayor L. V. V. Baudolpb were fdmataa aaany year* ago, and ban been faatfriend, for about a quarter of a century

Mr. David Clare, of Coventry. E.iglaod, abrother of Ibe late John A, Clare, who fur-

!• rHtlng bi. ilMBr-iivlaw on Manaisc

. Jackw, of Ute wrft-knawa law lira, ofJec-ka™ and Coddlogtoo. aal Mta Emily J.Wilbur. The oeraotony will Mke place attb* rartdeaa* of CM bride* mother, VB. 00Dntt atnet. Kortb Pbunnsld,

•EoUar poaitfoo la tba Sooa Foundry andMacbfo* Work*, baglnalac tbarewlth to-day.

Mean Carney, la taaknony of UMlr ap-praclation of -U* **rv*3*e to [hem, on Satur-day

m for Mr. Pop* presmtad Mm with afold-headed n n . each j I i—il balnc aull-ably iMorlnat

A praaw eerrlo* will he bald in tba YoungH H ' I Coriettan Awootatluo Ball (Ida o»*n-ing at aifhl o'stook. The Berrlce will be ladby Mr. Marviu Dunham of the "UborMars."Brarynmn In PlainAetd la iaritad to hl

Tbera will bato the narlor. to organia.d e y " A o d i l f r i t U

»*r* i I I — I Urmt B LC*ne* ana fcaacc. «m b.• h H w a t t y wfth ifct i


•It «nii tnm.t «IH'H7MTJ l^TnT^til " ^ T l J S ^

4- ;eir


- ;•• ( • \ : in SIei the Putmtcld Rcfwm Clnh win be>eld M

M , T M G » m ^ a a . >. at 6 o'clock. Vibc Pmideal. JOHN H. FRENCH

•klKA. J

justness Cactts.

PapO* pMmd fv New York An ScJw•Hirtve(>lM An Sisdcni' Lacne ni

u u M wn«aM« ntes. Send p

i) No," . PfKlllIM c

F1 A. DUNHAM,.No. i Part u i n i

Chril E-vtaiacr nBiilvt. y i • > • cnxnt

J Ain-wyMLaViwf


0. Bon, i j l*OUL OF ART.


JO LET-Io eoinbl. puua « l r . [1H wkok ar

k d d i f d h Will

WAMTBD-Aaafwnrt. Gan

TMtmoftbetatobaribopof Mr. Cbarla*Arnold waa robtW Baairday at nooo byboy», who daring Mr. Arnold • ab«e nee en-

door. Tb* boy* got o**r 110. Tbayd , andtTof tite O>

mwTerad. Tba i arenla agreed to makaand Mr. Arnold declined to

TbaFira Board pnrday i w h l la tba parlor at Zepfayr Hookant) LaddarCon»panytor*o*l».bid«fortb.

la . Tb* toltowla, bida war* re-opr.^1: Mr. Toaag, * U » . » i

atban JohMon, •I.OW; Mr. T. O..136- Tb*


—Mayor M U M has ,i

DOOKKEKPttM WANTED- Hut n i | |DttsaUe ud «bwlc emrr _ . luvc .mil isfcnK*.Sou « f « Adaro. C. L. Cut^ t t u w K m

A T ,

mT«iii» • I . I H I T i i»nmiu»£p«j™

rtlc E«|.in. A. Lon. S W « Fniu « -


Tn sunnun w imict i



SWITCHBACKEleventh ' Popular Excursio

> of the season.

PbUaddpbii u d RouDii, R. 1New Jersey Centra! Divisioa,

Wednesday, Oct. 11

Special Express Trai9.10 B. *»., Form tt.1i

.k. SO Oantn * * t nRETUItNIMC—I*nmChio Onofa. ) l |


Thursday, Oct. i6t

Grand GoneTHEODORE TH011 And Full Ui ehestra.

Ak^ied by


of Front «_boaftJbadrmntons (

and BsnoUa, Bnbaw* of tick-u winil I I I - I ii riiiTnj. 1T-1 W, '

4and3p, m.. at tb* Mow Hall

Closing out Sale.Selling off at Cost I




Trunks, Umbrellas, GIOTCS, I

Manning Vermeule


Monday Evening, October 13th,

J. V . OODXHVOTOX, OajBtaln.IA5. W. TAILWM,. SKwarr.


Oxford Boiler Silting Rial


if. NK.24 West Front Street

Opp. Somerset, Plainfield.





let Cream <W Water Ice:

Fratt* Strkafar

Punch Glnce.

' A Love VariMr of

MtlHul to Gnu MtttlML

Zee Creamv Kaconiou. F«d i»b . Chnrehes. F A s

- Price Two

Wednesday Eve OCT. 15,

At Eight o‘Clock.





Plainfield Cornet Bud f Lincolfl Glee Club —-c^oTTr *" *•

For Blaine ud Lop dibs. T*cr« .01 U lynli *7 oil *»»•

Monday Evening Next






Madison Av< enue,

C. R R.

COMPTON’S Jco Cream Garden,

2b Wes* nont Street.


ROME-MADE BREAD, If Vo. Want the Beat

COMPTON’S CANDY n Noted lor Being Preah. and

the I-argtat Variety in the city/


Fine Chocolates. L L. COMPTON.


Nickle Alarms, $1.20 MICKLE TIMES, 90 CM*.


£*<iblUked 16

:*• • — — !*■ n •»- MINIATURE ALMANAC FOR HO-DAY.


-To-warm ■ will ho ra/Mratko day.

—Tba ■ombtr of vote rood rod al Id to

—A priroU rooMtnc of Ibo Poiku Boatd to lo bo MrU mto otooImc lo meMUr cborgso BMdob/Mr Isaac I. Brolt.w agolno* Fo-

CoAo roe Mo -If..

A. H JoMn Tboir lo stapty ^-Prcfo—r Cjok. at Ibo A«rtaaHowl Col-

of $bo Lady Hobroo rortoty which*.

itoa will bo boU In this rlty lo *0 80m of Topsprooro Hall to-owrrosr, for orgs Moo. ooenloaUoa of candidates U do

—Ooo Of Ibo most eloqorot Oonoaa ■ro boroobooto io ooid by bo Mr. Adoiyb lobatioboro. who ia to oUt aa addrooa to

Dr. K P. roTbaio pastor of tba f rA Prosbytorlon Chbreb. Mr. Tboma* Cteosteo of J«ro*r CWy. Mr. A; X PMNfl. aditor of Y—k. and Mr. Corydoo B. TyW of thU oolo (Moo Clab, a qaartsUo of oalo rotors.

ebled by e Uree d*«atk* of 1

rote of I bonks

i*aar*s. Uctodtoc la bio bap. ytoo th* BOO-OO* of loo. aoMsoo. aoyfor. Hr ate. orpriod , ooncro«oAioo by oUUog that k of Wow Jorwy II

Laagaoof 5#w Jsnoy, • largo aod rotbod-

oko ooro R»v- CaU ANU YtTIt OMWlk. - . .. ooZZ»r"m b mnZe

Ze* 2553EurSFJ5;«•

4cp.+. Ad«W-. P. O. I1~«Arid. Ni« lb« boo. Dor. T10 1

to* ibo -ted coocbi a high bod, dnrr. It far bryoodlhoebolkltao ood Muann «tood Mi lo Bra lo foror of Mr. McQstobro ood Mr. CuapMa. 1. ibo wood sm (boy apt by a s» Uwa yioyl B«.

r by bio floo ytoyteg a* Ibo at Ho

Ml to Ibror. TV. oib-r l .000b Uoo Hs »• Bra.

Mr. A. w. aolybon. of Jorvoy Oily. h ris- frtoodo la Ibli oily. Bdltor Loooard. of tbo CooinU Titooo, ood s* Mayor L. V. F. Baadofeh -w s fri sorts tar absl a qaartar of a osabtry. Hr David Cloro, of Ooroatry. Kigtend. brother of Ibo lots Juba A. Cloro, wbo for- 0-rlykoyt o jowokyoloro 00 Park ..

H. Jeakmo-, of (bo otOAoo-o law Bra of . ood Mis. XmXj J. olU UkopUooot

IhorCurte of Ibo 1 eooUsaod, M Isa soil ovldool intll that la

I Brook. Jodgo Osod. of this oily.

David & Psyr, who bao boa for

rday to r«*« ►•liJ of Iboirop-

t. a c. a. mss A pralos osrrteo wffl bo boil la tbo Yot Moo's Cbrtstteo AsoooteHoa HaU ibio os 1^ at oigat o’olock. TboowWowfll bated by Mr. Mars I- Daabaai of Ibo “Cbort. Bsovy sas lo PteiodoM Is lavbod to Ibis

Basttuu CscEs.

cxsxzk'i . IJ.t>V WITHOUT OIUHU

vzzc c

FA?. c5sd , t/SS

—’wZ&SZK. . Wot r>«M -mi. awry'* BoU. . teadti..,.,M||.s pa#N NRTTia teATTM

buitniLOicHootoF a»t.

Ordara. ar cbR«. «t Park Mini' «JI be .M*

-TO 1-IT-J.^ , J <iJK

—-*~c- ■- -~- W«g-sau*- &^aa>*5r

A ajaaTgaAsrusaa l^ObT—A M-e d wm<. . teb. ow-

SWITCHBACK. Eleventh Popular Excursio.

• of the season.

Pbilidelpbia and Reidiag R. L, New Jersey Central Division.

Wednesday, Oct. 15. Special Express Train, C-r-t -A » PM Cttbt .1 Aoors niamfmte 9.10 m. «... /brv »/-7«. J

RRTUBlNINC—L—On Oob a|o> o, y ,



Grand Concert,



. . tWW from upfte duso hoteMiofikv T—Hlr oo Pm ood

Selling off at Cost I rt>R THE NEXT



Tranks, Unbrailu, Glues, etc.

Manning Vermeule MO. 5 FMOHT ST.

Opp. SomeraeL Plainfield.

Page 3: LUMBER! · Vol. 1. No. IIB. PLAINWEU) , N . i,. MONDAY OCTOBER IS 1884 Priw Two Cents. REPUBLICAN Mass Meeting! At ilw Casino Roller Skating Rink, OCT. 15, At Eight o'Clock

•*- W. MOKftUOK. F

*ri«l-*t if alt UmA M

« . to TUB E 3 Ifawa ty w*il f


Ai rniw (rum PUiohU c


K nOwMphia. gl* mad Gntg St'i, ( Ji',

whr* » «t • « i jo n » • ~

J, E. WOOTTEW. Cam) Mwiagm.C. G. HANCOCK. C*n"l P » « d Ttefcet Axt.


jtai B t h eof pleiiro-pneumoms

cattle herd* of tht Westalleged prevaleaceamong, some of thehat provoked dbeeuafcUfn between ex(>ert« and

•cattle men. A number or the la(t« openlyaisert ib»i .a veritable cue of contagiouspleu ( pan

the country, mad dU the fact (hit aattvicattle herded with the afflicted Jerwiv cattlehave shorn no iympton* of trouble- Thetrouble is declared•ev and other imported att ic which are notituciimated, and it « asxTted that theh niacd bj interested parties who deafre tosecure still another Federal appropriation. Oneextemfv* herd aimer h> The central portiontneSttleluu instituted • mil for *jo.oqodamages, on the ground that the callingthe >t»te Veterinalran to hh farm createsthe improafon that his cattle were afflidec


GHKVT at the mioen] wealth of Califoroi.fe. the yiekt of the silver mines cannotijnuc indefinitely: and if we arc to credit theSao t-'raoebco Chronicle, soqje of them,eluding the fame** CovaMck Lode, arreadr prec-Jodl^ exhauited. It apeakx of ItaeComstock a* a "squeered orange," and saysthai it hat been worked for Ihe last sis yeanwithout yielding anything of value ushareboioera. Hopeful lovcMon are. boo.evnr. still to be found who will not believethai tbe "bonanta dream is over.1' and moneyia fonheonUOE In .abundance for tbe difl<rnt: mloine emerprises. The Chronicle saysthai, considering tbe one at which mhas been pouted tinpraStably into the "jrealrat hc4n" of Vif^inia City for tbe last teayear*, the greater part of the wealth dugof the toil most bare found its way backinto:llie cash azain.

> send up thepri<* of a a , silk and false hair ii not likelyto be popular withthat w rnnoe the wives of tbe deputies awlsenator* are urging their husband* to a settle,merit trtih China. One ol the most import.aot IwxeMorica of the French female toikt iithe chignon, and the importation of hairloroH an Important branch of commerce. Theamount imported in iSS» wa* nearly 130,1pound*; it had risen to 330,00a pound* in1S5-, Hyfertte larger proportion offra« the thickly-peopled provinces of the C c


. v may be rich eoougb to pay forher fciprr. but ahe Men* to Gad it very Incoa-venitnt to do »o*)n cash down. Tbe warHk*enterpriaes in which she Is engaged are (im-ply ruinfcg her finances, and tbe dtfiattpromises to be a* noraial a "raBtifm of tbeRrp»Wk aa H wat in the d a n of Ike Bom.boa monarchy. Thai yrar French *u thorite*etthnne the probable de&cii at as much a.eiuht millions sterling, and that without-nuking any allowance (or much outlav for

e Chine*:

The rewdt ol tb-morHnrla ©lectlooin Ohio fs of jpATwuount importanceas affecting the reioitt in Noveinber.N o matter whether "our renders areRepublicans, Doaocrata. Butleriuwor Profcibititmists. they art* one andall interested iu lbe Ohio vote.Therefore, we g i v e fcMlay Ui« viowsof correspondenta o\ the leadingpapers who are on th« grotiml andwho oujfht to be able to form * cor-rect opinion of the chances in to-morrow's great fight. Taken fromall sources, representing t l w v iewsof aU aides, wo bave no doubt theywill prove Utensuly interesting.

against as « }tvjrt the Uofcrt. 1 do n

CttLLmi'B, Oct. 13.—The rot-res;of TUo Ken \"<.rt TrllHiuo (Hep.) M*>_ .Rafting here over Bandar weiv a number of

that UM state wiU Kiro a good K^vub-iimn majority. Chairman Ogil'eP, vt th*

conimiHH, MM: "I ae* not bins to* my opinion ibai tbe rtate will give a' Republican majority. The talk ofCTnUroaonMeueedwenpt disturb mo

in ttw Wast. In every town me know ofmen who voted against aswill ante y a r

know u( a an

l " V - 1 * * T a - w —Tber* warn from 8.UW to S.OUuwho voted agaiuM ta but year.Iliiuk tlio niunuar mot* greater. Ttiay willall oomo back and bring witb thorn at la*»t3,500 Democrat* The volorwl vow wilt be

•lid On* year, W« will gain mftiy «oKl»-jtoa."Tbe Oamocnu do not claim any gain

thai year. 1 hair only aope of holding tuoii•mail majority of tut y*ar la by IranO*Tbey 1MT« puweuiun ' '

L'iucinnati nav* orgaft-iwd for prutrcium of Wwir rigliU, *i*i UndHUnber of oewnure* will a.l jourft tomor-row lor tlic fiiitL tiuw in i u kiitory to flghifraud. Under tacnt drcunwtfcne:.* tb* Dem-ocrat* nn linking 110 cioiiun of a ma-jority in CitKimiati, although their pull•«iw» one. j Kut.i (idea uuidpatt a luge;gngate ioto, Had of coins wbsre UMnit icons, way or Uw other iu-muoh * voWin liard to tall whrre it will iiop.Atiim tteUtbsv. clecUpa In IPSO, tb* fle-

| SmjS uatalB. At nu lluw have too Ut>t

cant on inany iota. • • tliat. TUB Hearewthey o»ar earns .tu » WM U M y«w, wtomU..v. U,wdly Uclud only V-BS ot ike He-pnUic&n vote ol Uctvber 1HW. Ent Un Uo-putMk-un» » m mire of victory in 1*U. andbad a. nwrve vote uC 13,000 *iucu cauw outiu Suvcoitwr. Tlu. Howily v«to o( laotyear » • • Invtvaawl Uy >"huy tbuwouidn ofwool gruoera, Ueruiann tuvt uiiurcri man,who Law now retprned to'Ui* livpttbllL-an«•*•.

ErvQ allowing tbat tbe Dvmocmtio voteot UrU. year liukU firm Uwt rucnaiin a> apwivut Majority fur iba Itritublii iu». But

• • - - i k l ttn,!. Xkalemocmtic vot* will uot bold flrm. TheDCTBU do not ucpect It to da M>, ChairBargar, ol tint Democratic cunuwUee.

>je*t a n » n * » lunmcuvm to trad*tw-al candidate* in retard lor vot.-a for

l i a t U a o a c o o t aaJtotat,John O. Thonipatm MM! last nifiit that tbo

Onnoorata wouhl have TtwD mjortty.on Tbowp-d he waa

U p ^ B t o Iron Tbowp•on anotow Dvmocrat docland he waa

law Tho Kepubllcan. will, according totbe bait Mtborniea, carry Hamiltoncounty by a Nnall majority and Cuyahos*by a Ivtcaonc. Tin Ucnwerat* concedeCuyaho^a t-uunty, in whltn CleraUnJ Uattuat«d, to tbo te-MiUicsn, bat HwydaJu uincinaaU or huoiltoo comoty. Inlfl«i to* Demucrats ccuvftd Hamfttoacounty by 10;«» majority. Lut y « rHyadly had only S >31 In that county. It!• abwtBUilj- certain taw UH Del

Maw York, H t r a M n V

dent ot tna Haw York llernUl ( f W ) tele.

Each day add* to the ouuCklenoc wfaiohthe Democrats have •xpnnwt for « n n ldavo, tiut Uwy are Mire 10 win a I the " "t r r o w . Tbageaaral ld*spra*«U

are b t t f c r ^ Jco among tb» Democratic leader* who ha**been over tfae atate th* meat, that tbe n*.tlonal *l*ctlon wiU be datnltaly **tUod u.tUa •*•(• if a flr« daaa victory will b r Wabout that raauli. Thl* la '»>i 1 on rrii*U<poll* of tbe Hate which ar* baing pert.aadTVVMHirraMcartalniiBkrtaraanryu.7,anUtb* tideofg*D*r*l good faaOac whicfeha* » t In wor* nonary **U» to ta . COB*.Aeepa. The «nxi*ty os tbe part of tb* aj*-pobitoan laadan aadtto fact (tat tb*y ar*anable any laager to tnaptr* lalamli 11.with tb* Blaia* hinpodrowM flfU tawo wiUjaUl rnaaar lean. H waa exprctad that tb*

- ' • - taltrip


as th* DnaoeraMe «tatj bead-1 " - T T - T " VnTliili tlmi T t i i .fai bare. Thb haa e^iatwl far * WMK, dm

»• going

u w - camnaign ot th* wfaol*h, 'a*, th . fl>« <b-pondMt DMMrk B . bt-rd nothiBg at _ _ -much of gain*. life a*Jari«ar • » l f t«»two yean ago,:*Dd ba *wy< attttat It willToll aitorl that tiut* will como troeB CSnria-nattand ~

XiW YOBK. Oct. 13-—'l iu UM following tnwi Cincinnati: Tbo ooo-twt in Oblo i . o » o ( txnmivm Mdttcmm,und tb* popol-r demowtratton* a n amai-

TbU U tbe tmttle of ibft caaamalga and<ide* the preaMeocyetui pcrhapa lac

next coHgreaa abo. TM RepabHcaaa ta*Nrtbat tbey hare a roajorliy o( *on>itliingover 10,000 oatakla of Cleveland and Ciodn-usti and caanoee for H I H UM>aa*rad> more,

ml and CincinnnO mhouM SObat Un tXtnoeru* hava n large

opacity for fraud, a»l * dMpenU atroggMin tboan citioa 1, exacted. I uwfldentlf be-litv» In a rrpfiltiun of tbe result In Main".

i*l Xai* N**r Vork T I N H T l i l i l u .. U V t u i l D , Oct. ia—Tu» New York

Times' tUrm ) eorreopondiuit Mtegrapaa: Th*matt of to-tnorrow-. rlaotion tn Ohio, Inti* light of the claims ami couiut* claim* ofleading Kepoblloiun *it 1 Dumocn,!* in till*city, U declu-dly uncwrMln. Tl.»«epabli<can* >MBI •uignine, *n*l Mtbnate theirmsjurity on the gta.Lt. tlokst at i n m 5,IXX> toli,i«t», with an occasional oowceiiioo in tlicBepabUcan rank* that Uta cmaad* raeord MGen. Hobieaoti. UMtr candidata t*r *e.'reta-.->'>f state, will autagaiiaB and array again**Um th* SBDM elsiurul aininig to* Gurnumrotsra, that 1*0 wed Furaber under when aandkfat* for guberDatorial boooa tut fall.thk omen •>! DerooeraUo moc***, if • orgwl

•trioamly a

'•And what do 70*1 lUtnut*at* BI, Mr. Bargarr•1 think it »iU I* over 790,000. Aa ta

th* rajtioritiaa, howervr, *nj rann wbo pro-lecUiw batUe to8lv«yon.wi4hin9,0U()of• majority ei«aer doca not know what ho wtalking aUjnl or k trying to dee*iTC yoo."

•'Any pew inforasaUod ooacarning th*Prohitstkm v o u r

"Ho. 1 think U,O» is not urmtraaaooabl*figure. Of cuurw tbe EargM-lt (• tbe graatartha aiivanUf* to onr part?, far. tbo Hepub-ltc*n party baa nlwaya b m in tbe Mtitud*of agitating that Hibject In thi* Oab.n 1


Democratic politician «ay» that for tin orright yean then k u been a rrowmj bind. _ 1 1 nr J k H W n t Mt il HaiMllJl.MII

majority ot from 10,000 to I VUM authority indicU that the

moral •hnasne of dw oid-Unw Dentocncyin Oiiio will not support Mr. CUTslaad larpre^dent, and iu norember » , U » ot ttw

Of th* party will catt their tallotiK t him. Tainting Ttomocrata *no pay

attention to politic* ami nave-wash* to•ualyaa the •itaaciun and predict the remit

irea to say that iney would not be uir-,.__3d at the malt, whieUavar way B maygo. by a antalt majority.

The tfel<ublic*iu asrm a little more ma-UIIM). and am r«craUy etatBing tM rtateyootlwe tluu 5,00". '

iuw a npataOon for rot

luu lolly caU-ulatt-l U|«B tbe eoanon,_ H that tha laluren in the urfnin£df«irlctaand tha m»hanJn in ta* n»um:«i-tuHB«

iatrtcta, wbo kava waHed ta 1 vain forwttariuunt oflbelr ctrnditioo, bave wearied

y. t..e pratniMa of tariC protsctiDn, and wiltvote the lVtnocraliL- (idiot aad nonrB aUeinocntit: uajority of from l.iwo to 1O,-000. John Mkri-y. nt-yor of tbb city, whoW anTMwl tb. puHHc«i Held; cb* Iy. «n-tartalns HinOlar viewa on the tlutatioa, witk

tbe majority wiU tw from

Republican and DenoeraUc, ia *ly of tbe *sat«, wtUn tha raniltoa. Om that It ha* b**a > _ . -Uln anything Ilk* a pratwgrthy*v*n froaa thoa* nanaUy b*et I

bring ana*fe np tram th* rapora of 1

ha MtimatM fa tbe aSaet of UM pmtot*. In *ome couobW allowanc* h.

thi* tb* gnat rMerroir of politioal informa-Son, are mat nearly ao HttlMaotory or accu.rate In U«tr indkeationa of ta-aBorrow^ re>« l * n " f *boald br. Ta* lact ta, Hat

reported to U, he bad it ta U* powar to m.•evn th* •uffariag public ot the United

tata* of a gr«at d«afofaaxM<"That," iaid ba. "M a popular fallacy

Sow « • have *Boar*d, 1 lUiak, *a good «

it k vary Talonbte. Aa to te*« votes wbich wot* m u-e atatc a

•ce, it i> quit* »cthtvwuf to* Urge

CAIM. Ia A M cttaa It k lianply aa impu..dbHtky to CM a corraat poll which wilt i.jdl-cata UM aottOeal prafar—c— of th* voten.'Tb* popohtUon ahitla, UM m*o ar* hard 1

a n all known. w» fan aMaarbt* ataUaltPM, Under IO-BB nyou will readily ae* Utaa• W i l l 1 - 'a i n r t i l ' nil laj

• or thai, kind yon1 Illegal rtiter i* ***riy at way.]a4 %y ataor two party woriuira1 to ae* him thnwch tud CM that

Tork •««, W>r)« «•<

Oct. ia—The New VorkBuo'a lbuU«r] eomsnondettt totognprn;Ta* bomtb ol tkirlaal pulittcaJ moeting of MMcampaign • dj-iag out aamng tbe Wait Vir-ginia mountaiv. Kaaa-«are4 men say thatloe aouiMl ia Kepablicau, and Uiat from tbegorge* nf (Jhmi river «ml tile gmpt of QULII-

itaail [It* miiH~.>f the Kdnu«b* to-. FW wiU m m Ibe echo tn ll» shape vt •

RapubUcau viutorv. U 1. too late in tbacampaign to indulge ID bouttag. Tue flgbt

• n tbat intervene* betweenr will not efaange there-

•nit. Befncr gtving tba rtwnlt of tb* poll af*w tncU may 1 in tct mHko plain n i u lil-U* oiKh-ntood u i x u n with West

iWdo world baa nweival the 1m-th b D j i t


1 mdeed that, but GOT.• -yooly, and to tliu

__ . acUon followingtba Damocrsttc majority waa cat down WHO. With all the oppoarlion or Bo u-bouiMit

*aa *v*ry re>UKin *o teliewo ins victory. A Imdim ot tbute

eletumt* w*a aUomplblwd. and

fully a iivmtfc before U» Dento-

u ,a BepubUeanoppoltioR BlM

11 »Hilpublkvu liava been at work from UM be-ginning. Tn*y have [ought an a;(gr*««i vabailie. ICvary coonty baa bMn Uioroaghlyorganlasd, and every pcadbto armugsmeiit

nbag oat tb* BapubUcan voi* made.. . . mining region*, wber* tn* increaai

of tltc voting population n u bwu the beavi-* " baa bean •acwtaineii that tb* It«pub-

navanuulaby far the largeM gsina.1, In *av*u cunntiaa alone tb.' imivaiM

b u b H i i n O d n i t to OVSTCOOM UM IMDIO.cratic majt>rity. There, ha* be*n no flag-

Inctn thM-work, and tu-Jay tbe Repul>il-,n comtnittje ha* in ita iiiiii iilmi th* onlyininkrtapaU ot Wat Virginia *vor made.In the *nttth*ai* to thl* awMOU of Re-

pubUcau octixity the Democratic caeraMba* been * failure. Two w w w oontributnlto thuf-the bittor internal fight in thoparty, aad tbe failure to anpplrutnit tl<a•aUnBOannt of UM Democratic ~ VOMTV • witli

iaod aad cn-ered tatv.a of tbo *Ute ha* been far from * unit

•ttpport of A s ttcawt, noUUy ao In Uwot ttm, cudv**u. tor ttw nianun

g p i and attomar geawal.To-day both roiwmiuee* kaew what to ex.set. Th« Drmncmt* claim tb* etate by

o EsOtW. KBd asy their polf us-tula claim, but tliere ia no tign of «n-am at tteir Ividqurten and no

tn* prasmt board of public woriu;and aa allagad ootluaieci of Drmocra^eBUM leadtara with tai-«o-caaad • JUiou 8yn-

tUe aaaoant Ht apart by Virginia aa WeatVirgiahv* purUoD of tbe oU Hate debt—andit ia balWred that on tAew kajtm to* Da mo.cratio aaajority of «.ajl e*%r th* coaiUnrd


j y o . l ,vf UM managBn vks .Uoa. Th* nwaU fa tbat caraful OaaaoeraUc

i f c u n bar* aaloiQaw olalm UM «*•*t ; and cawy admit tbat h

h tb Ut of U.ii™

l o r

Oct. l&—Tb* •minimBf Tha IWw Tea* W«rtd ( D n ) t t ' i f pa,,Tbnt i*Uk\aMrota iUUni i i t o . TV.

jorrtj to t.000.of tn* 9.000 Grmhack «««. cart for Waa.rar f nlly oeW-Co tb of tfetm will b* w twttb "' * '' . , . . . - .

crata, making * diff*r«K* o( 4,000. whichddd t tfc b will bin l Dmcrat

ic majority up U> 13.000-ia predicated u n tba ttgery that eaeb par-ty will profit It* proper p*r mol by tha ml -oral moraaaB iu the B*W voae—socb *• youngmen comina of age and immigration. "'towing for all <xmttngenciea it • dUBonllnndentand bow tbe Democratic majoritycan fall below UI,0QD in UtB utat^


* laU W**K." • • * * " faav*

bdoaed ye*-

arilt*> C1*MM

Ta*Le*gwi«torday; but tb. __R»DC*ha« UUTtodTb* Chioagoa and Clovelojirfiji bave a)Rniahsd. Tb» chief interest center" CooaMat for fourth place. The Saw 1have two games to play aid if they win bothUwy «ill n» the Chfcngm The It-ovtdarac*are of couraa Brat and tbe Beaton* aecond.Tbo BuSaioa havH thive gamen to play.Should tlwy Icae tbem ail, which fa no*likely, in* Lllicagoti. Hew York, and Buf-falo* would bn Uod (or tbird plaua. Tbo fol-lowing y< UM record to dale:


mi::\. iv Aiiiirrfca.ii o*B>claUnn aaaaoa *J*o

CIOKB on Wmlnnclay. The Metropolitan*ar* Hewml of tli* pnuuta, witli tha Colum-bnaxeoond. The following la cbs Ktandingof tha club*:


• n i l Afilea.LoXDOS, Oct. IS. —An nltimatmn baa been

aaut to th* Tramraal gororummt by UraatBritain. It recall! UM repeated violation*ot treat!**, aad tbo acts of violence which

. been committed by tn. Boon beyondKHindsrr )tt>H of UM TraoaTaoi conn-

It denuindi of Uw Transvaal garcra-

trie*. Iwleed, It U reported tbat th* 1i.bwu-0-Sc.MairMdy prwfMrlng an «

.e Honuan territory 1* not «iter th* podtion of tSaira, aar y not «

podtion of tSaira, aa tba Boon

with the capehMOtfcrad l>i*a.a.a.>*a- •_motmy or nun. At Cekto Lord HaliabaryUM feeder of tb* CoBatrvatir* party, allludad to tola ufbr of th* CaaadiBna. Too,b* .mia. waa a noble act on th, part ot Can-

bat tt waa a aMhulBj. rebake of theKngliah govarsiaaat for Inegl*« of Endaad-a imparlaj d

a Lynch, thetrrind h*ra

. ompuded byarray of on mail, went to tb* Statewa*r* «a* mat Mr*. Hmuiim, who

tip from On, jail aocoaapanted by >dvpaty •herifL Mr*. Bun**. >~t « -Lyn4M did BOC rreacafaw


for thei from _Bennett, Mr. Oook and

I Chart* R. Tram appBarad for tb*nrbooar. Mr*. HamMa toeUled that A*diaanunda *U*c*d ta h*»* been MOtaa w*r»obtalnad fn>a* Mra. Lynt-b by brr Locbaw].Mr. Cook CM* «MiimoUT tn cvrroboratlMiof • « . Ueoati*. anl b « cotmsel aaid that

la<liirn>ui aitd propq*acl extraditionaimply a darics tn contpsl Mra. HIBTIM

' ' debtaof her uBcbnnd1*. U M

to Mr*. BatarUa and aRorward pawnad byher wttbout tbab- Knowtodgn or ™rw.ntTa* bearing wa* adjournedPrMay.

MUalM* of i tH for latrine*•ata, and (4} f naaigBUau wtth

•niphuroua add gaa for all ckaa place* nu' - J tbo HUy. The Mario* Heenttal ba-

haa untoral tb* quarantine In Arlsau*Baettt»* — •»-


murdered bk wife, and tfwn *et a bon her. atH the dog has torn her to pi

"When? waa itf" tbe pblicflini-n «boi"MadMon IWIDO and Itttb •

tbemanon the U.:y. •!.>.Tb* poUconMn went, baUar .kelwrtl

y aaa"l»!a

e Hadawn av&Wa nua ran towardi m , " he >no«ted—

Tha boofa ot Ota policemen'* borees rtered loudly against th - wooden ftoork]

bridge as they ^shaped mtrtxa. A d<1 and woi

Tlwy intsd istanding on the edge of a tcow which •-' d ap at • d o * .

k***1* the amrderer,' they i<

» man war* a biin- Jmnper ami 1troBscf*, and loobeil wild and angry.

making toward him be quickly ilroj.,_arowbnat, tthWh twul been bobbing n

and down nlDagaid* of the soow. u , t withheavy KrokesoC tbe oar* **nt it 9,.jDBaigdown tbe f iv w . Tb.r« wef* no othar boaU,and tbe poiinnu*n sn<vVf 1 tli.-jr Lormsi oraithe bridge again, and dbmoont^d at • bo*not»a«rar Kourtli ntraw. A big emwibad followed n W , ami t»o men offend V

<*lf. and both Irfata-abot dawn Ihe river »to-i:Jdy aa tbe nieu could dri ve them.

~b*> man ia ti>o iiunper was in tb« leirowwd lor dt»r tit*, but the policen

t*d on nitn. Bs went under the nroad bridgav and rapWty najuvd the drabridge at Tliinl avenue. A* he nlict he looced over bia ahoulder at Ms par-•nwrs, and •aring that ba wa* being 01hauled, Bbiwrwl toirard the HoU H*•bora. A lot of mm and who •rowing on tba river had Joined in<-ha*% and a flotilla of bents •vcarmedabout tbe bride*. Policeman Bmoi'i boat •v n lev than 100 feet away from the n u -in tbe jumper down by UM piers of the twvBecaod arcane bridg* The man pat ashand to bh bb> pocket, and PolicemanBreen thought that he wa* goiim to ihoat.Breen pulled out nil own natot. an<Utast-ing np in th* boat, covered the man wilaft.

» Stop rowing," n* ahonted, " or Hi IBOKyon.-

Th* man laid down hi* oar*. Be ws*unfed on UM liott Haven ahor . The police

_ian caught bold of him and led him ovtr

Third aveaa* to tha East 126;b atiw. polk*nation, foUowsd by a crowd of nearly a

louaand D M , i i a anl rniidreB. Tbaun *po*c* aallenly when bt was umigned.."I don't know whether I killfl my wU* or

at." be BBid. "I hope I did, any way."Tbrn he told Bergaatnt Tuct tbat his 1 _

. iu Thomas Ella, tbat be wag a la borer, nodthat h* Ilrad at Mott avano* and 1"•irwat. Hi. wife, b? aaid, bad baan dri- ,cmce Itetunlay night, and bad aaasuit^lhim.

, •'when sUe bt'gan 1 i toU

e wood and hit her-

t*tu- took off her bonna* and siiherakull il« a n of a inwie dollar."And hsiv'c where th* dog b* ii

calve* of Iwr lega, which, were luarltt t h i t

d b[, looking acorafullj- a _

'•Doorman, take <sm BII1 bet.dulUr that*

teeth fi"L'01

A T*rr Goni Pra«tleatl J*k*i! « w ¥tnu, Oct. la-Pairk-k Radlry, a»

Irteh kiMaisrBBt who- left a box at (**a»l.tnhu afaout thras month* ago. cnlieU andb d hi b B l Rd"7

..._»*»*. and worktaa; la Newark, S. J.. aadnobody ™ more aroaaad tbnu lir to fitrftbat. be baa baen deacribad u a dvnamiwr Iand a dannnwi ebaraeter. He -at one in 1tb* irbb-eotMtaUHaiT, Wt i* not • BBB.IW Iof UM O'Dorwran BoaM crowd. At a j *• 1

' he Cattle Uardeu uOlcials dm "

UidcBa, runcy icaltis, old r u n and •• B t l n alarm box, wbtcli looked a;•uight be *B tuteraal luacbine. TluUM only Ivufs lor the aonMinm-ii »i

lated hi C*wU* OnnUm yeatarday. Tba ••<"ko, aerording to a mj ""a fooiBd In the box, •

blown np. n Mr. John Moore, U» •'•gaot at Cutl) Uardeu. Tbo momori

of conn*, a forgery, anl ertrylM

KraaAYA, Fa., •.Wilnan Weidaer and Ditter Clark. 1In-ioaa eharaDtan and immlcn of

u d ga*g of UM Wahh Muuutatu, *!»Hiajflaiil ta the LtntwUr roantf j J

si• " I tduTuto tbe mlU ol C » « * *Mr Laamaa PSaw, ttol* th* naf* •*

tbey broka it opm with atodgM *»*1 *lou In B».ney and a lot of vat****

r-l-H* TW (ha»«* UMB went to tb> bet. S. Wood*, wkM wa* awakeneJ by

of tbe dog*. Mr. Wood* *wt »a m a « v * . c h p . tot** « * * - « , •


fniClAL TIME-TABU Of iUXBk*. MM. -Oa»«—pBovr, XTOi xijnw r«rt »«« !•»■» ««•«.«

RapubUouu. r>0WJcr»t*. ButleriU* or Prohibitions^ Ihny Br-OM And nil intcrMtral In the Ohio vole., «r giv" •<«<■}• U" rtf" of comepondenU of the lendm* jiaprTs who arc on the ground nod who ought to be able to form » cor- rect opinion of tlio chancre in to- morrow'll great tight. Taken from ail warns*. repreeentOrg Ore rtewe of all nidca, we have no doubt they will prove intensely tatormtln*

uwu • w. , w. , «. • ra *•9. t ».*••»■■ *S I e». . t •*, J »- &ca&i?a'r:r.Vg3:&CT£ puurnEut AND PHILADELPHIA.

tod te prUteteT of todr riigbta. an* L-« PbOsddtee. *k ud Grree »**. * »-*. cbaxnber of ooreirert* will adJour* toreur- rwlurtdelMIlwtaU i^oTlW octal. »rr Mak-ng .to claim. of a U J-v.ty to Liannutl, although Uter poll

C. O. HANCOCK. GceT tom red Tktw **' H. P- IALOWIK, Orel Uiw IWmk •- MONDAY. OCTOBER W. 1»A

pro aad coo reganWng the

abtbi My P**1

mt I be ecMiniry. aad cue (be tart that tetf cattle Herded with tke afflicted Jersey cattk have shown no trapum of (rouble. Tb* trouble ta declared to exist only among Jer- sey sod caber to ported cattle which are not IHto to rated by interested parties who desire I MonestUl scteber bedersl apprepriattei. One extensive herd owner to the central portion the Slate has Instituted a salt (or •so.oqo damages. oo (be ground that die emliiog at the state Veteriaatxton the impression that his cattle were afflicted witlTi of California

Ax toe (tauter steettan In 1«*0. tbs Be-

they -ear nn. to H ■uteywr. (tor. Hotel? lacked only 1M of toe Ha- reUicaa vote of October ItoL hot tto Ito ■«. ear* of victory la WW, sod tel a rrmwve rose uf U.OPB a aieb care* out la November. Tbe Hoauly vote oc tout uuy ihaanli uf aiat colored useu. trea allowing that of tel jrer iHte- Arm prarathra—W tw Uw MnnMhm* Bui

rnTTuIw. cor 5'CSr^r-^Tr',

Gun n IU Mural >. dw'rfcU of Ike eUrar Mile, line iMetnileh. ud II we era

Uu (I lira been verted far the Ml lie yrara vtthera iMdfag -phliig of rata, » Ike a. uiU lo be M who will rae begert

enl Me tug raterprtraw The Chreniefa un tbu. rnrahfcilnh the rate el .hich mooe> ret hole.- cl Vhgiefa Or, lor the Ml Ira reera. the fraeler pal ef the vralth do cl the eel oral here lend la n, brat blo.'lbe oath ejeie. '

A «u Which tbraelera n> >eod i price ol tea. MU end lake tail n not UkOf Id be popular vth nan. end it b aM

■new afeh China. Ora oi lb. act latLiancira ollha tranch Isaak loikt k ■ he ebigeae, and the haperupeu of hob ■comerre The -50."®

'*'*<* nr ha *» —««* w per far

JMe O. Tkrapu- M M alghC Chat Ik Ikaiirvaia would hare 7.010 aejurky. UpnhoraMg that nanao frara Therap.

rsssj: by a tones Cuyahoga remiy, to whir* Clerelau I to teuatod, to tfc* BepuMkw. but they

tom. The KapubUraue will,

cumitir by !«.«• majority Lad yuar Huadly bad <tey S^Sl to that rouaty U to ab—totety curtAlu that to. Drmocraia cnaos Hold aU to. Oerman tub toal Itoy b#i tom year, sad lb* lUpuUleaa. are Tte W«m Verb Maru|*». lat Cocrnua, O. Or* Ut—-Tb* «crre_,__ tent ufltolbw Yurt BeeaU ,IW, Ms

^Kalh day adds to ttoe cpnfhla— tos Danoatb have rrpiaid for ■ day^toai toeyaremremwbisttoeto to-morrow. Tbe gsaarai Moa provaMsa

Uoaal etooUou wtU ba dsfUMaK aeUtoJ SL’EZjr&'tt3f‘ - rad tea Meofgrakral goad fakfag vhkli hra Mb ana racnMy wida bah. rae*. day Tha haebty M the ara« ef lha Hw peUUaakadara hadtha liniklllar in

B~SWssS througbtb. tetooouMbskntouptotoaev. Of toe ateofcm ate tos day be carried wttb « fudeerf. to*re aevar -rn^seo tetfUsm

lag Ttk-iw banked ba in* alga —d that they bare a mjartty of inteiiln over jo. mo out aid. uf Chveiaad and Ctoem-

. city fer fraud, sa.1 a dear-rule teonto in Ham* dtte I. e>ps«a.l. 1 fnuBduoCly br- Itoro In a repKlOow of toe rereU In mbut The New fern tisms fbtota. luvLutDi Oct. ia—Tbe Ifaw York Times* 0>e«») eucreupandaat teegraphe: Tbs rruutt «f tomorrow*. rl«rtlo« to Obiu, la the light of Iba otoim* and ooyntercisiroe of b-Adtag KeittoiKa ritjr, U te-utodfy n-Jurlty «s to stoir'llsite ai Crwm 4,000 to 0. with an ncmtel awremlrm in tlw ot .toUs mil .B Mm toe maio* • ro«#re that mo< • sadIdaSe Cor gubernatorial HcomtosOfalL Tbie ucnan of Oeraoerutte ameum, Jfia urgrd ■tel KopublteLoa. «1U aot msret lo an .strut that will


bigltnt point In Ukto, aud that this growing majority of from 10,000 to 15,- 0» TW mute authority ,redk*. that the in OMo will not .spoon Mr. CUrmUmd far president, and In November 50,000 of tba cream of the party will cm* their tmlloto Mm. Tbiuktog Oeruorr.V who pay • to poHucu aud hare-sought to tb- Htaeuon mat predict the remit go. by a ~U1 majority TW iU|«Mk by^nu* Wes te \Mt. A ItosumnO, who

that the laUKvrs to tbs ml dtotricU. who bare sated to rein far i of t~# premium of tariff pretactum. and will rose the Democratic ticket and non a Democratic majority of from !.«*» to JR- OW John Martay. mayor of tbh city, who

ssarasw?±z?-jz the betel that the majorlly -iU be from 5,000 to l*.00h CirviLUfc OcA 7W BamId . 1a tabular farm tW sfcmil ' lUpubllraa and D imorrertr, to oeery coun- ty of It* -V to, wtth the owoptom of Ham- item Ow thus * bao boon tep.eetbU to ob-

tetaTW uIT! being made bp from lha reporto of regular Tba uacortato tiuaulUy la the effect of iW pruhltoUuu

h placed atateuStost te Tb. return, show a iretolh for ib* toad of the lUpubUma tb tto td.Vf candidate of 10.WJU T. h may to reduoto by » I tor defeettone to toe Prohibiten

the Mom Verb World** ore. BL—Tbh crereepuntent of Tbe New York World iDum.) t teg tophi, U might mem, and proteoly doe. emna. to

tbie tto great teem voir of poftttel to forma- Bou, are nol arerty •» »Miffs usury or acre-

l^totoj c<mUI uT**^T,'^teW 1^°^? refiafah HpeeHug brete *hh Itomaa Baegar, of SSHSSrSZSS ^-p-«cd to U. W tod II m to. power SoTT ** of tto Unite!

Mufto. the ms are bard to And. and ware found aaat of team are very Unite to Ml tto rua rumor when to aahshowttoy will vote tom IS Isnona of matte stato^tekre, ton wbtob h toh yom

Dgvra. UI -an. u- i«|a a I- c™*"" —. — lha adamniaga to our p-lty, tra. tha Kaput- vM_«rai ' in pw« k. al-.,. a— k ik* —n—— kCCOkO OP THt BALL 07 aglUtieg «bMk**ra In Ihkaofa.* i a, Tm. k FROM WIST VIROIHM. ^ ** CI*** jJ^TilraotaM jva- 'zrjzzzjz-jzzrzz; ssrirSsjrt ^”w52sr S-r: wrara an ■are SO ter- ! cmrntfor fourth place. Tbe New York.

. . | bare two tsinu to p»*T rel if they win bu«h V " V,-V I -III He tw Cblrsgtn. Tb- Proebtoare ^ fttot me! tbe H Son. erte.

1 tin caps of C^i.Q tto mine, of the Kanawha. «~ e echo In tW eliepe ef s it to too lex. in tw lb* mgb.

cTuMccaamNiaa was appointed. Tto Ke- gbtelug. They bare fought an battle. Erery county ton been r getting one tto In the mining regtaoe, where the

c majority There toe been ao tmf- In the work, eed to-*ay Uh. RepuUi- xmualttie has to its purniw tw only tetopoU of Were Vngmto ererjmtoe. pubibi: sSUS11«to SOLZZm? cm a tbI* bus been e faltoru Two rmmm conir)but-vi to 1 Ms—the bitter Internal Bght to tto parly, and the fad-re la eupptouwnt tto

rgantoslloo. Keporle from a l iart# ef tote ere to the effect tel If. IW and lbe M ouuitoeet of victory, but thh feeltog wee altowed to repeod hee-f In

toed and chimed itw. tL SmSIi pram of the state ton been far from a unit In Me support af tea U nbet. natabty sa to tto mn of tto. edad Matos for the mprean *isThS‘^-r=r-MratoM peel. Tto DemocrnU claim tto stale by hmliWto 5,001V ami my titer poll mo tains tbie claim. Imt tWre ton.. u«n .d e— epaoidc flgnrm on cm Tto fUpubiloaa. are Jsrttien ranging from 900 to ROW

majort^*of s^ott "b®wU* Haw Tons, Oct. XX.-An ocrerkmal e

following: TWe bee bean no took of eareret SMiSfc

erery oountr ef Virginia reSreded only Into f out ear *w spinal bio management, an many of them nimnl amt luaal the « saras


I rwoalto tto repealed aud tto act. of vfoh TTcl^r, It demante of tea Trarevaal gorem-

thorvnrh obmwraaon ef tea artetoa of tto totelXLteZ2nur^rtod’ tba4*ito Brtl Mb war sdtea is alreudy preparing an uspa. •I item of 6.00B teen to trcored to Booth Africa, a portion of white farre wUS Ip drawn, fmm tba East Indta anar. Tto withdrawal <rf tto tetej the Monudas torrlsory to not expected to altar the positfam of affairs, as tea Boars centime. *o hold Uter grip epte tee lauds. It to reported teat Panada to sympatbldng with the eape rotontoa in ttofr trunblee, and morey cv men At Estoo Lord tto latere of tto UnmmUT. party. aL leded to thto offer af the Canadians. Tbie. to said, wnaauebtoact on tto pert uf Cav Eagltei for lie nhsmefej Mgtore of Wtami . Imperial dottoa

#w stun uteencun eroear, nrrtred tore » lo, uni Umm. MhHkM Mran vrara Mu ra Mix Hraui , Vh» ggwj,^

gjk h-l«~ lEvlor. Orakk Ud Hr. mM faran Yrah.' .Uk~Mn^ k-hBkM, Hr. Orah ulukra, -ukralCMrtra S Train .„.raM«ra tk. Ijss. y; !*?-^ .*«» *• ■faralrad Irak Mra Lju. . I.y hra I.MkkL

rakkke. of Mra. Lrrah Md ha rauttauM n. u .SM mi lM dkkouk vra. 1 — - j

da Uk Murira Unpiu rarakvra-

51 raiduk hk «/,. uddnk. InUra, un her. M the dog hra Wvu l—i u> |l..'

•rj£!!Siwmre : UIU. Mrara lo Hulkoa ..»! ’..rad kivrad Ik. ran Unl—k ••lira Iv, I,. U >“r ■Ilk I li• BM ran uvra-i lk-ra JUkrara.Mra.-h. Mkvd-u. TM hoof, of ih. pollraoivn'. ho krad l_11. .i.i„, ,i. , ■M krtdp. k ih-, nlkp.1 ra. men and wotneu r.r* |roap*d on > teta They lo a aurn note lag on tbe edge of s rcow. e tied I* at a <to^ TtereN tto renderer.- ttov b«t

man wore a Uw Jtunper an.1 dark

ami down alongside uf tea «co«. an.) -Xfi toary etrobcaf tto oars sent it M >nte« dona the river. were no uttor teab, end the pohreree. eporVwl Itolr Lorere over tto bridge again, and dtamonni~l at a but tonne near Fourth arenas. a tag crew* id fuOuwed teem, end t-o n--n ^rr-d to •w Breen. T via. got into a taud I.y fe if. ate both l- Ol* -shot do. nth* nm rtakly aa tto mra exted drive ttom. Tto man lit tto Jumper na. iu tb- Uaf. *d row—d foe de tired «m him. nd bridge, aud brhlge et Third i nd ^ tererel A lot of men aud la.1. »ta. .«n on tto rhrer tod Jo..—I in the end a BotllU cf ta-r, • waned abent ito bridge Police man Brreu'* bast weu tam than 100 feet aw.y fr^m. tto ena In *e Jnmper down by tto pier, of tv ere ■trend avenue bridge Tto m... pot to band to to. blp pocket, axel !.d«nren Breen tbooght that be -m going to teoo-_ en pxi’lmf not hit own pMfo. mt*l .fato- ■ P In tha boat, covered tto man -ilk 11 Stop rowing.” to shouted. ' or Hi .tod

to man laid down hi. ied on the Mott Havre -i... Tto po I of him and U4 him « station, fallowed by a crowd of aeariy a '• i res ad men. wunsre axel cfaUdrsn Tto in spoke sttBrely -ton to ... »rr»i^K*L T don’t know whether I ktilwl my wit. or not," to mid. "I hope I did, anyway" Then to SOU Merge.n« Tote Itot »f uam SLrj^baiasjasR tancu Mnturday toght. au-1 tod uuulM

"I wre tearing tbta afternoon- to **m on. -when tee began to abreJ m I toM torto go about tor bretaeta, betshe -.wM not. Tto- mb. real. Td Ax yon* K f picked up a stick of srblte wood and hit tor %WUT." ■'IkMta not (to proper precinct for u>« cree." Mdd Bargeant Tnck to lollcrmre rented. Bet wbat ta the charger tank, know If the -<Xuaa b deed or not,- drnm enewnmL "WeTJ go ai>i w. * fee'll go ami see.* Ji»P* ra IM

lira I'll II hy - M. ra ra hralk. . urai, k,. 3^ — — -Yea. e*r, I am,* rehl tee -ocuaa. took at ire band, ate I lay teteaxe tan ita i-fcre

“Ate bee—^ steer* tto dog to nrtad m chawed me,"aba went on. *bowiox tk» rm of tor Ices. Which wwmuarkei -sk hpMnta a# Dnmk! Arnault and buMrrr.-MU.lHw- teTuch, lueblsig scorn fully at Polto.»re Breen. "Dnvtnss. take ’em .11 mto Me ■arkreom. rH beffedUx tn*« -v- Ua

Radar sa. ao- X J.. aaf

of the O'Donovan Bomn crowd As a >to o< IBs CasMa Gardes. uffld.L d.ulvsi Eatery-, aurtalmed box — -»*• might to an Infernal macbinr. Tl.n-m tey bate lew tto mnmibmal .lorto rnlng Hadley's box -to h -.-r* cir*w- ta (retie Gulden yeterda v The tar

reresnadnm fuond iu tlw to* • s ap. Is Mr. J-to M™—. is- h agent at Caatia Garden. T|m>H|

a Wra*. — -rah—1 .“»* fTS-^raMMUra^


Page 4: LUMBER! · Vol. 1. No. IIB. PLAINWEU) , N . i,. MONDAY OCTOBER IS 1884 Priw Two Cents. REPUBLICAN Mass Meeting! At ilw Casino Roller Skating Rink, OCT. 15, At Eight o'Clock

CATiWJWA. P*i, Ots. tt-TU MUMjillr of Banioel 8 •»%•( , llrinj al Bcaw>c Cn-ck, rMU I***, were taken ID wrj5.*»'l,a|*" J*I*l l^nia»a.r . . . !

! Jfai«, had died. Then twt nvutkd—n,p(t— _ . . . .i x hold w*lrti Utond m o w of Parfc_ * » in tbe chlW. • t w i c k A]ltlM-«then,So^tiOB of tbi> farw-r, hU wll>, a»dt h ^ rtiildren, *lio«rBd tbemm* wjtaptaam,•ml al 3 i>Vtocfc tlM-dostii o* anotfcw child«*, n-jort**. Fmw pbytlciaa* *CT* swn-moji-1. and tl»J labored to ro»tor* tt» auf-( , r . ; - . An wialynfa of tb« w»»r that liadbwii Jraiik by all tin fmtkfly tbowed inarm*the •JUIW deadly pobcm that bail t**u foundin tli« child1* lUnueii, «nt! another I'Ockct(p-.tiv -Irami from tto wall atu-wed likein,.-* A ran of Pnri. Ore™ wiu fouml utth. Wl torn of tttt «vll frith the tin ru<tadtbri'US1' by *"• avtbin of l i e w>Mr. Hpw

Fall and WinterOPENING

EDSALL'S0ef. 13. 14. 15, 18, 17,18.


. . _1 jdaj w m enter-Mind, but it *••• nt UM learard thai last

uon the farmr-r hml iwtil J*arj» RTMO miu. form awl that br l«<l left a small nufl*h>r

i h i l i I b b

w.l! M o tic H n r o n r l n•ii.l .if.j*llfd all amptekm o


t,m-il if tl

vorihiramayarolBbos Irapoa an out*r-

itnl KWiHflllHs l»e*l«a.UHIMK, N. Y., Oct. IR—A

mofUjr ,lrueei»ts, ii. Ibe cooaHea of Pultunand Mui.ts-.uuTy. by agent* purport, u£ to

L tbe Buaton ChnuioaJ comprar.y-looking agent o f t h * flriw

of p mHa toilet Article* awl perluata» to introdnra. Thervculpt h dgnnl by the

[lie agrtii d«uBit*. In a abort» arriv-s and lh» gol m . The collector ofri. ami



no-rcUnno bar* i«id thp aoronntly, aTiH*?! ibt,-m one at Fort Hun-'UioHwr "at Auriearilio, In Mont-oaat;. A lr>w iu*rofaanta btrcama

IUKI iT(m*il to n-reire tbe KUudlWIPI) UW racvlfit. It Kaa f«u»J lu

of x |» in very tine prlut, wtt-i.Inis iilwa commiwou rrcelpt

rXdr.tlal r-*M«1l«1*(M AM T*-

l ia ap.-irtmeiit» tilll b- mi th* aec-

•ir, i Artfaor. Bt. John,, ,i;,li.idt-, irui -Map Bt tho FifnriJ ""ill j>p?ab in ISrooklyiini^.t lien Butler IIM also toUijra|.lwd ih* M.uu hot.I. Mr. BliiiM wffl™iin' to Fs vr Vori£ after the Ohio rleotlon,.•ml «ill nlwilupattfaeFUtfa avenue. A*tiu cW-f clerk ]i«pjiily reiuarked. tho praa*

* ,.u,i. ..f CHIC pni.itl.iut BDII four preMj«ntialiituili l«t(.v, utuk-r u i roof i

i, mi mi.-n>tiiijr roiarid^pr-*l-Fr * M n Bolra Lock wood will be

l ttbe ili»du£uhltrd pttb-

i- .-i.ely '•iitSTtalWT^in-and W

£ cfc)*i«ra AlarMtnclr P M n h a l .m: IDI:I i-niA. Oct. IS,—A djipatcli fnanoM *oy<r tLat ho • oholtr* lina prevailed

*>ni,- tints at IliillipiUu-^ N. J., andI i l f h

then?, in proprTtunaI in tbe town, a* •- ln> w*efca ago ItK,

.h-, a*- inxtml Cvt

iiv '•I.'Ul. TiiiM, a>4 aaamMiiLea fuur•k-<itlu art nportad -TwyaatfluaM* ptaca.1,, ibafare part of tab weak tbe cJiolaramaile lU n))|:puraoc} at Maiirh Chunk, Hai-l,t.m ui-l \riMi<-uav*D, ant the imi.cli . mii,tlviir" tiiat luroreUmtime comes TLH- pre-

bnr« -|-i>-rtii .".-or tlw Brwtir purtlvBL 1 ' l •

K THp-Ml. s Yi.tuig.-tuirn (Oliio) drtectfTe, *liotait.1 kille.l Mainnrl Keener, near McCk-IUttd-unm nbre :.iiU-, Cram ben-. Triplatt li*lb-n '.••i.i inn a id' K M retnrnin*, vkaa ae-i..--t K^-nei, wno n , iatozicataCarf tawlen-.1 h.m 10 fijlit. Trij»rtt bad* him k* p..IT, l.'it iW latter, dtMVKardla- tb« wanr>iiW. :•:• -:'iur-l to doae In Bpoa him. Trip1*11 iiL-;anl(»- luted lil. kbatfnit and flrwl.HIP i-barsif atkims •*•«» ••> bia a*wilsii«'uccfc end k«l in s him iiuAenUj. Tri|>l«t

JtbWIH-vrJ Ilmt Keenelr eaepi __ .Irti-in^nii;, tlHiMgtat a* n « tirinc to c t »•trt hiut Triplet* Cave tHuvwU ap and

orrrtiHiilMii radiogl ivok-h har*laud tbe ,mKe, ,„

l f bha»l .,r bolliAt tba t•r ynuns««t

%ure. At ilic maniace of Ladjr AUw" Til! li-V yvauzert brotber kad ! -

violet m i n t

ga uplwir ID parple

Pen-y BrattBJ. • m oi*. Tb» l«dy wfco *ritor the niuibiaa»

lwt, UhmHutUHlrn«r»Tliir Mr. ^ohuA agio-India*. «a*

a r l e walvt — '

w«ldinB ot Vim EvarH «tta Capt. Wuf ta* Siitnntli Lauiewi*, In a tartunohite ««tin, •laabed vita deep rad mtnt,

IS.-Tbe«n.w<rofMr.cO^ In tbe mil nf DwM

Wetb. jr., v-. p«t«r Mtfloocb, a n bam "hi tbe circuit court. The >u-t la tint ouitof the lamiMM wheat etnttar ol IBM and -Ian) daftl of 1"*!, cotHhl<-t»l by Vt» IM%aB(a.and involve- M>ranl iniliioos of d.-iiamTbo priuciiMl HIM ut defeuc* tp tbattranwoticMU were of <> gambling natureUlesa). and ou-nt U mtorcrf a t i


KY» iarj« cotton f « V « i « In IVarcburg.V»., karcalmt down, BIIJ O W I.OOOpeopa•r* ihr-atriwd wltb faarlnu Jn raa • a lenot.

Cbarie* D>Amt lk« yvtwger - - . of « iBnjltth bainiiiat, and tlie edber s> a Le-

I*. P«Ptr, to w a « M «C b*tmt »oj.rT. Ho 1 — 1 I rrini<.MnrrtlU cotond. «T FUbMfal>lu>,ta l t h r

<d«r«ba*e e

r weilSilfil irilh FAli"»nd~wSffiER"p. ali at Haw York oauli firhiw. BpeoU"

" 1 a*d 0-4 tditii

VariM, ffomlwl, Ribb -m, Lioat, . _Kic. Ho in«d if yoor JIUOK out of t •vra far•iiv artkH^ * • keep—on occouat of PRICES,• LE, tr QUALITY.



Freach and American Gloc t


•ppHitr Lutai'. Hold, OOOIBIMI br.

HORALLER BROS.,Watobmakar! and Jewelers,

French and American Clocks,FINE WA TCHESAMD JEWELRY

Charges Reasonable-ALL WORK CUARANTKED. »->»->•

A. W. Rand.School Books

Of ill )dmd± S™ u d BHond Hua.

All School Requisites!School Baa*, Loach B«*M», EK. , BM.

24\W, FrontSt.


JOHN WILSON.A good Bupplr of tt°ne ir

THREE SIZES is kept conttantljron hand, and orders for large quanti-ties can be promptly filled- Thisstone is admirably adapted forROAD BEDS on public thor-OBjhfare*, or for DRIVES andWALKS on private eroond*. Itis HARD and CLEAN. • • cUyand. soft stone" is mixed with it.

Orders can be sent throaj* thepost office, or maj be l«#t withRoftert Simpson, West Front 8«re«.comer WashingtoD Ave.

Jones & Co.

ft CUu Oit Tults, CMtpwli, etc.,



Near Front. Plaioflold, N.J. |

FRENCTTBROSMerchant Millers,


Flour and Indian Meal,Homiay, Oatmeal,

Wheat and Rye Bran.All kinds of Feed for Homes,

Cattlt and Poultry. '

BALED HAY AND STRAW.Com, Oats, Wheat, Buckwheat, B«-

fey, Wheat and Rye Bran. CornMeal, Screenings, Cracked

Corn, Bone Meal, OilCake Heat, Ground

Oyster Shells,CrackedBone,



Kindling Wood for One Dollar.

H. S. BARNES,17 and 19 Front Street Eut

Plainfiold, N. J.


MlIJZOJ! <?• SMALLEY,Carpenters and Builders,

PUbiftcld, H. J.



VARNISHES,FURNITURE POLISH.And, in short, everything in 'hi*

line, at New York prices. and also gives a rebate

of 5 per cent forcash.


Th Cjolnt Plica 11 Sinner to GM •GOOD


William Claassen's,S WJE8TFBO3T STREET.

CAKNEY BROS.Ho. 11 Snmenet SBeet


Stoves Stored.

Sanitary Plumbing.

E. C. MULFORDEstate Broker

andFire Insurance.

Offlo. 85 «nd 87, 0pp. B.B. Station,Plainfleld. N. J.


. »«. a an nrn ITMUT.

Office Boors, 7 a. m. to6:30 p. m.

1 MOD STOa CF 11LL PtftlSakr «b* >U1 ZMk.


BORDERS and . F R I K O K\h» Pamtt. faotiin. Window

Slams. Brushn.ttc.

Albnrtns "swtlm's,No. 6 North Avenue,

Morton W. Noble,


Milltntij ami Dress-Mating.

FORD & jFuneral Directors


Buoiir ad JIIMJ Cilj Fin Us. Cos.,

B CUTTER:Fkifilj;

PIANOS, AND ORGANS,Tmndtuid Eopaired by



2". E. Morgans,BooXs, Stationery, Music.


B. R. FORCE.Boot and Shoe Dealer.

Low rrioee, i t No. 1 Fnmt Street,


frv/te and Vtgttablts in Season.

37 Front Street.

7 Jfc/*e« 0/ Land.Oa MwaUU A H H . Kona PbiaftaU. MM SM





mtnuf nut mite t trtcuin.


Grading and ContractingDC ALL IT8 BRANCHES.





taw nruu

Drag Store,Formerly Yoorhees1,

21 W. Front St.

Plainfield, N. J.

Telephone Call. Mo. 106.


pounded with the utmostcare. Business conduct-

ed under the imme-diate supervi-

sion of thePropri-etor.

BUTLER,The originator of 5 cent Ice CreamSoda Water, desires to call especialattention to his


Equal to the finest Imported.

BUTLERIs selling "fiolles Bros." Extracts for

tbe Handkerchief, equal to any. of American Manufacture,

at as cts per ounce.ALL ODORS.

L M. FRENCHCarriage Manufacturer,

No. 18 Somerset St.PLAIUFIELD. M. J.




WHY!Buy "Ejctr cts" reduced with al-

any of the ordinarybot-

GOoOip wa ant VJI t.'' . k/ikiiiiuj

colognes put up in one ounce bot-tles, retailing for 25 cents, whenyou cangettheabovc-GENUINEEXTRACTS, all odors, at

BUTLER'S,for only 25 cents per ounce bottle.

Aromatic Tooth Wash for cleaningand preserving the teeth. Impartsa fragrance to tbe breath that israre and delightful. It preventsall tartar and discolorationsand completely arrests theprogress of decay, at thesame time whiteningsuch parts as may

nave already be-come affected.

Price 25 cts. per Bottle,Bold Only »t

Butler's Drug S toe.

Butlers,An inTlC«-attBK tonic and appatlaar

TU_ J e f l a J i i !• —ii* tram AaeCM&ja bark and not AlkaMdr

combined with tb. p

laria. FrinU


preparation mow {«t Butter's Dnw


C. A. BUTIiER,r Vrodriator.




Hcrcbanc Tailoring :S«ry Unas Bf Fomp and A



Mam's. Tout/is' and Boy*'READY-HADE


JOHN H. FRENCHSQ rmoxr wtsmms.



A NEW PAVEMENT.'Tac aadcn<|B«d 1* mm<

DieboU IiUit ini Stne,

W. H. WARNER,H 1-4 Ww Fr«t ami, PluifeM. li. /

J o s e p h A .FHOMT3T*££T,

Tbt Lvtsi ud e«t 5d-31 Swd. ofFINE SEGARS,

Pipes ud S»kin' J

IaTn«>qplMitttil««tlSole Agent tor we Celebrated

"BLACK PRINCE,"Plum and Wnt India $«gnn.

Headquarters for

V O E H L ' SBrad, Cake, Pies, fisftj, eU

15 West Front Street,

i n EIGUID IIEID i spmun.

ELECTRIC!Special Prieta lar Srpt. aaa Odeto KwrfrH « Sun. pnucinl I r - bwd<n W . r • » «tpovntia. Euiun « • «x bt mtdc viik-at •<« W IBBMM rt M«hU«i « »'


WILLIAM H. CUM,Architect.

.1. S. MELBOURNE.Mason and Buildtr,

unTIM tat Ft. Hint



: Hour and Indian Meal, ■ Hominy, Uat-meal,

Wheat and Rye Bran. All kinds of Feed lor Horses, Cattle and Poultry. •

BALED HAY AND STRAW. Corn, Osts, Wheat. Buckwheat, Bar- ley, Wheat and Rye Bran, Corn Meal, Screenings, Cracked Com, Bone Meal, Oil


Funeral Directors

SfcBfrSfiES?: •~“*1 *' nhc*

EDSALL’S Buorer ud Jwmj City Rn In Cot,

Kindling Wood tor One Dollar. ‘-rrtT


17 tad 11 Prat Stmt East Plainfield. N. J.

FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES com- pounded with the utmoet care. Businest conduct - WINDOW SHADES.

NAYLOR 4 SMALLEY. Carpenters and Builders,


Toed and Repaired by P. P. VANARSDALE,

at *a»t frost aniur. P1U0S PtB S1U UD TO LCT.


VARNISHES, FURNITURE POLISH. And, in short, everything in bit

French and American Clocks,

FIRE WATCHES AHD JEWELRY line, st New York pnet . and also gives a rebate of 5 per cent for

SHAVE AND HAIR CUT William Claassen's, # man rnovr «r**rr CALL AND SEE HIM.

T. E. Morgans, Books, Stationery. Mi


School Books luy "kxtrncts'' reduced with al- ohol. or any of the ordinary olognes put up in one ounce bot- les, retailing lor 25 cents, when ou can gel the above GENUINE EXTRACTS, all odors, at B. R. FORCE,

Boot and Shoe Dealer.

24 ty. Front St Stoves Stored.

Sanitary Plnmbing. 7 Acres of Land. JOHN WILSON.

E. C. MULFORD Real Estate Broker

and Fire Insurance.

Offim 86 and 87, Opp. R. R, Station, Plainfield, N. J.

Price 25 cts. per Bottle. 844 Omiy ms

Butler’s Drug S toe.


AMD! Skill s, Infectant To J. CAREY S


Merchant Tailoring Departs



Won't. Youth,' and Bop' READY-MADE 21 IN. Front St

Plainfield, N. J.



L.M. FRENCH Carriage Manufacturer,

No. 18 Somerset St. PLAIHFIELO, M. J.

15 West l-ront Street, 1


SmSTSfju "«« or amuaaraa. F. E KINSMAN,

WILLIAM H. CLUM. Architect.


AT t.Uu

Fine Summer

CARRIAGES, ALL STYLES. desire# to call especial _ ____ attention to his CHEAP FOR PROMPT CASH.



Diebold IlUat Inn SttM,


W. H. WARNER. = ,1.. >a Piwi arwi. run*HU,k. y

TWTnli Sappltad it U« UMt Ua Sole Agent lor tne Celebrated

. "BLACK PRINCE,” Plum and W»,t India Stgaro.

Headquarters for VOEHL’S

Bread, Cake, Pies, PuBj, (U

Page 5: LUMBER! · Vol. 1. No. IIB. PLAINWEU) , N . i,. MONDAY OCTOBER IS 1884 Priw Two Cents. REPUBLICAN Mass Meeting! At ilw Casino Roller Skating Rink, OCT. 15, At Eight o'Clock

f Cor. Lmioa Ttawa,)

,-e i b o u k i b> a» fi w

_ . to, b a t that It i m •qualljr im-• oMiir-raiF iJie Iwlirf in b o t

" t t o lrni -Unt b y

.dof hbtufamj,taboaldbeqatt. hapuajble tnr aaa to auk* m k n ' brlfevo In hi. fev

*• U> labor to*. All orarturaa t

KxIiMavaM brtweau friend or foe.the pnbtie would bamane habteurteil

iML that tt was but uatural for aa iu-> to Bald ODnrenattoM wHh

liat* ttf tbrow away none? an penuna wwere .»U«itly deriving the polI h w | ScadalUu1!. pate* of vW

lug ft more and mure difficult to My wbo wana »py and wbo was nut. tt fnrthn- enabladnat qiaw to prrtend that (bay were roarerdrcraring tbe police, « u t u pxtort inrocT! r w th» aoihoritlsn. It nrort alaa be a o

rl that tbaa> method, w n moatUnaoraHaatkRi nonad rapidly.

t a J B t W j a d a i U yung and enttriMt*1 uaiYf rrtty rtadeot*. At UM Uine,*a-*BBPM«. uvrr flfty KutroUof St. FMera-

. tatg aktt wen in r-calpt oOalaria. torn«m pel*-.* A.•ailed bunMt pao b tu *aj. attxfert*

> wOlb«lv paid fain .ptn,wbn. white utnouwiun thrir f rieiidi to him,

Jtw* afaoM to Mray **?for didttiZ (act thati m a rwtainl tu the revolutkan.U aU tbe

B» H n h they were able to dinner attar• polkr- Them <kmbtc> tnJIaiin thrtr way. In Uw -

tuattm, and alway* m « d a* a gum] r o n rtug for tb* faithful awt tn>* •**>•, rMoadrj,1bty were oarftd hi rtrealaUa, an™* tb.pubUe lain or awful luturutkn to whichtb> police denned It advMbta to «iv« pub-acicr.| in «ich raw* ibe polic* would javtetu) to be ttpw.-i.lly runlMmtiai. ThkUHJW, rut lUHann. w u employed by Skau-drakotf warn ttondajfctu w*« auitoo* Ma* "Illiinminiiili denouuoei by JaiKanrdah if.taa i ill )>« ataoald haw thue to aa

T atrwt wotil-1 not add t

I (Dod b*oa t fcio*. TIM r w l , 1earful of mot-

SSlfi.1"^ aaatri

n W l

ssssra l> vafe, and qurivTitabiBmla'tn tha bit* bnui ton btcan to aUoa.


•Jwut ottaa raae, by any otherwfani an adltu-c«ferm «p« hiawUca !• Tulsar ur ridioldMM be lnrariaUj

Wot that thtraat maiaritj of• the tJnitad atatM da Mat be-~

*•; the? do.i B — « n » b. dato number are tk> Joaraak, of wtdchan. men than (60; many of tine,

* w , a n mafulBW or poUicattow* do-Th

country, of whk* » a n Jowwahv Tb*

tbreatftdtoa are mod ID Topje at nawml

ui*c^i^ftLl^WaK*BJI'n^uto300 of «aab, with aboat 100 HUB. and • *

a"atra diiadTajMa«f; tt hi pmaUarlr a aatwtar a aafl T JoanBl, sad a Bcrmta* tapor atthat. In tbk " ^ - t ^ 8hwfa mr^tor-

e»wto«. ThaOaarttaWy f-oltow the eigbt

^to/iil In laa ihiiifci|—imt of ta. American

• w f t a i n w ; roaac Pakota, with a qaar-b*o(b«-popuJatiorJ,bB.a.B»ny. Of Nr*HjuniiaWra^-nmdredwnrmpapcn.doan a nJvornab. Ohio probablj takai the lead ia

, aring oto lortyan pBammrata, t

_jaan Iia1i|iin.la1» tba growth ta popo-larttyeftlNbwtBMM ja wortb aoWar Uthacawof aJowat awry |»ia»laaiit rtniml<«a Journal tba> atatmgmlaaaa, the wblrta-aiC << ttea bae not fallal to brinj in fak t«-m p . Erary «a»th pap- is KaMwky !

mgo, when we * m * * «at lint gave him the Maa o

w n a w w , artley,oauMT whaa I waM dow» to Urn?h with a MaadoC a>tM>; « every aid*

MllcbHTii villa toptaca—»ery nperb

I W Q U M , A I W i nad K M tbnu all ItnnMdtomj Mend and aftld: 'VTbrro doIbe aotbon UtuT fia aaOled. Tbtm be add(Kid only knew. A abort, time after that Iwont to Park. 1 drove abnat. took trip* Inthe country, aud at Intervals 1 had i m [ -

Sae/^TattoiV and - h wrVrtVfebnloa down. 'Whar* do tha naua,Urrr I asked. Mr p l w l aaraajjiiil

a m i d be an author In America ami ai**r in Fraon faa would atrlks a largeer. and, not bria* »bkpdtaat. I decided

r »nd author hi » w

lln iilj-iiiinlhuliir- !<«a»i7 • " U»i^*-

tt>w. and «ra pntaWkn.«, tbo oataUa. A vOMMUkthiitottadgn- wcadthand nrcaa-

A funllr <a* -turtmw aad ^attiot mar Utrtfrhbor* to a fiuadly "

BmhieoaMnot ba But, -rp-rMUlv. t b m U B*-U* dUbMKa beMBM them. Ona csrrtoahimiwJf M btarely a. the otbar, aad wawsalmost a* One (atttan. Tbere hi an eoor-m * j dUhnon-rof ratine, thungh out in a w -Ing, and tt • annoing only for whira theanrasn Kew Torkar cam.

Tbe outward naenManol bare ot blocks in

Tbe •"-<—"r+>y'

35 Front Street.


Dixon's fee Cream'S ICB CKEAU la awattraai the V



way l> dt.nrily, bat <**aply ajjd i _adoraad. inuicatlnp; tba quality ol ftaipaate A I binl booae mar contain next t

Mo one notice, tbaso, DO CM tWaha af aac*ttiue. In Sew T o r t . - « » l * the poliea, awlthey a n aUent, tor abalr own lntsnat, untilranHt^tv daaacada tttatr arldanc*. All tb aa-• M M i n t a tha a m blork, and to morbftlika that they coalrl not be dMinpiahad by

a, wttbtbrtr mavrtac, a » hBefaatapap-U U M But aa MM can tall wbo . wbowbattawbaL GMttar i> tbere that h> aM

gold, u wril a. gold that doe. not gbtfer.Pnrtraaa. rtiaai, tek«bood, u d fa»™7enter D»n- or fe. t»k> « « y paM. So«pgaon Manhattan Uaad fa, or CM be. gaaidedagahM counterfeit, of tba beCtaraarl Ap-P » U D M will be a*d K M be keaa ap If tbeheanav faU. With the « d of «tr**rMW

it ta UMMI for tbe

-I do not toow abort tbk permtLd »bat I *o m* U m bba—ar bar.

aboaM notbare bean r « 7

ITdentaad »bat I *o m* U m bYou a n t protect jnaraatL Ihave dona it, bat tt would bare

•rii rn'n-nwl nf the aatxaa. ham of~ laipoatora, bat they a n generau> in-A Haw York ha* grown to br, ao-

•raajtjvaorcspetak. It la far aaora w> thanLondon ur Park, TbwcsBW of IIIIIJIIIB. O*appearance, haa bean, aai k aUU, a> wHtifpiay<*d tbat we luah*. in arioaa mattan. o»

«mx tba fra* nwaad larry tfa. «y fei-a and Eiire an eorti o' Ban> to the craaka.• pit to b a n a g»wt atory tham

•And whlahf* tka eWan. tt »wt to te tba^aaTa, raai ho

tnecoontry. IaoppoasyoacangM eoion»•ttiDsaa»y«MIL Bat * * big baga a n tb*beat to baitatran for.aadifyoa gftn*deadtorigbtatbeypayUg DMaey. BartoT•B ia, tbcyi* tb. _ f « t game, Yoaaaa.tbey- ~ b o o t -J—Hag, -eaaa. tfaey faal

bang toacbBal Bo they taatrtawh Iball jail anil fail lh« i l l a - x" ButdftRmMfiwhdack that', baeo toacbedfv

U k k b a I



_ s*_•kick i n i i i b t (nctm, aa M U B aow imwh tbaanew ca«i,{wbk* ymesn Ac new. of Jl•odd wiihom Wuic of wonai ud in iht mow

(haa*. which n «tkin« wkh all lu awt lot tb*f b -IwJ, ibeKfan ba-

American n*a and

Taa Sf» yw« ltt= k klH*dr, "oJ r«>

u>l what u H R to be tbe BOM ia ie iHiv y w ia itaMater?. If J M A> not yet k m T«« SUN , ll b hick

IDAV—E%fct p i " TU> lililia lWni>b<•t a m of tkc wMld, *a«£al anklat at actp-

1. W. KKOLAKD. M U - .T « SWK. Stw Ycrt Ci.r

Park House Stables!HDGl IcDOmii, Mf.

Bargains in Hats!KAUL STYLES,


D. B. CRANE, luofactner.WHOLESALE and RETAIL

U. w p i i i U m t*U but-

B M 4 B M W ^ to 4Md rf •inter. Dr.Cards. Billheads, Hand Bills,

Programmes. Posters, and

-Jlowwb»Dyo«bagin to talk thai wnjyoa<d better adverdH TOnrarif for a cow

You're ant gnm asoagk to maaaWhy, bVa tba moat bkafup n n whh Aa

* pie for w, Joat» aloag your toll iWirtwa sad wall tab*eonoeM «U of t*aa* IM abort onksr. Oa-TTmi . f uniiiir Bonml That tone

«i1 • patcb on tfa*.menAnd waanvwrn. tea, avary


youaanllow, t oeald gir* you a tow a a wtaat-oaMatabaaoaaitf ib* nwai aba* a,tttfle awl rtart a big bwrab m Ib* beat ao-caKy tba*

i3w.'ifcno« wan tb> grwaiHat of al l

SffiSS tory woaid ha-r. btocxa. a Brlbhb


Large BarrelsHfe b t i n M | » a r} *at IMM af •— «waranfajtaaK h <^kt«a>«t rf tko

• > ! • • ay — f <rf ft, aw— boat la aa>

23 West Front St.USelltoa an Knelkmt MbaM Button

Sefewri SUM Si is 11 to 8 i t

$1.3O.Abu a Tovttbt *

Sboe Sixes 11 to 3


Wellmidt DmNe GoodsAnd will gin «iOr. mtisfaedton.

Pebble, Goat op Kid.





J. S. ^owlison,



CantigM t# lert ill TTIIBL

Family Riding a Specialty.

One of the mostHealthful, ComforuMeand Accessible InlandSummer Resorts in theCountry.

V. tfoodn^

PARK HOUSE.Pi l l l m w Omtr of Etgkta Street.

Plainfleld, N. J.

A Favorite Summer Resort.


CITY HOTELCtner Put Anne ud Sectri Street,

Pleinfleld, N. J.




AM toffe lalitv Wato*.•KD


»» TSf

R. WALDRON.Practical Gilder,






oka 1

d— 3trtln^.i»ifc««i



ftp's B r a n Em&JEBmt.

Dixon's Ice Cream.






FARMER'S HOTEL, CwiigM ti M HI Trim. Family Riding ■ Specialty.

JACOB BLUM, PROPRIETOR. faswssr- ass. -


R. WALDRON. Practical Gilder,

Ha. 9 Butt Front Strort.

Park House Stablest son Mwnu, tm.

Cards. Billheads. Hand Bills,

Programmes. Posters, and Dmi Shri£ You Stawlders

investigate i

I -rumor cur.-- ML

At Pri

Bargains in Hats ! FALL ST1TLES,


D. B. CRAKE, luafictinr. WHOLESALE and DETAIL


WOOD Barrels. 12 arge Bar


& n.


fletheFWood (leigfjtjj One of the mo,; Healthful, Comfortable and Accessible Intar,: Summer Resorts in the Country.

£ I- Wood riff, propriety.

GEORGE W. REAMER, rmaurtua


Put inn* One *t EljMfe stmt, Plain Bald, N. J

A Favorite Summer Resort. DALY’S.

CITY HOTEL One hit Ann* uA S*cm4 Stmt,

Plainfield. N. J.