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42 Lump Sum Profits How To GET MONEY In Lump Sums: Fast Start Guide To Putting Fast Cash In Your Pocket Ryan Moran To More On Building, Buying, and Selling Websites, Visit

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Lump Sum Profits

How To GET MONEY In Lump Sums:Fast Start Guide To Putting Fast Cash In Your Pocket

Ryan Moran

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“Buy Low, Sell High”

No one ever went broke making a profit.

It doesn't matter how complex business seems, the idea of buying low and selling high will always be a relevant, effective way to make money. That's one thing we all can agree upon.

Whether it's stocks, real estate, or physical products (like baseball cards – the first thing I ever tried to sell online), when you buy something at one price and sell it at a higher price, then you are making a profit.

There's two ways to get things really cheap so that you can sell them for more: first, you can buy them from somebody else at one price and then sell it for more, or you can build them yourself from scratch and sell them for 100% profits.

For example, during the real estate boom, investors bought houses and flipped them, while building companies built homes and sold them. People have been making money in real estate for decades simply by buying low and selling high.

But there were also people in the real estate boom that made money without spending any of their own, without doing any of the hard work themselves, by simply matching up buyers and sellers.

They were often known as “wholesalers.”

Their job was simple: find the houses that were good deals, put an

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“option contract” on them, and then flip them to an investor who was actually going to do the work.

Traditionally, the wholesalers made $1,000 to $5,000 per “flip,” even though they didn't have to do any of the hard work. I heard of some people who put options on apartments and made six figures on each sale, without any of their own money or being a real investor – they simply initiated the transaction.

Today, there is a new form of real estate that takes far less money to get started, has a far shorter turn around time, and has more deals than anyone can handle imagine because it is a worldwide marketplace. As a result, buyers and sellers are booming.

This form of real estate is completely virtual – it's websites.

And there is a LOT of money to be made “wholesaling” websites.

Websites are bought and sold just like any other asset, because they can be monetized to be wildly profitable. Most people, however, are really bad at monetizing their websites, so they can be bought for extremely low prices, “rehabbed” to be profitable, and then sold for tremendous lump sum profits.

Throughout this guide, you'll learn how to begin wholesaling websites for fast cash, how to get lump sum profits for these virtual assets, and how to make websites profitable in no time flat.

If you’ve ever received an unexpected bill and needed a chunk of cash to survive – or if you've ever seen an investment quickly

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decline in value – then you’ve experienced the sting of needing the fast cash. I call this feeling of overwhelm “the stress monkey.” The stress monkey prevents you from making financial progress, because he keeps reminding you of the urgency of your situation. Getting him off your back frees your mind to actually build your portfolio, business, and/or net worth.

One of the fastest ways to get a lot of cash at any point is by flipping a website. Do it correctly and you’ll put a wad of cash into your pocket whenever you want. You don't need to have your own site, you don't need to put up any money, and you don't have to do any of the hard work.

There are three ways to put a lump sum payday into your pocket:

1) You can buy sites low and flip them for fast cash. You can use your own money or lock them up with an option, which costs nothing except a little bit of time. Another way to do this is to buy the site at one price, and then make small “improvements” that give it even more value, and then reselling to someone else at a much higher price.

2) You can find a website with value, “lock it up” with an option (which costs nothing or almost nothing), and then sell the option contract to someone else for $500 - $2,000 of 100% pure profits.

3) Build the website from scratch and flip it for 100% profits. This takes more time, but you get to keep all the profits, and websites can often be five figure paydays. I know very small, ugly websites that have sold for $20,000, $80,000, and more.

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Part One: “Wholesaling Websites” For Lump Sum Paydays

Throughout this training, I will show you some secret types of websites that are worth a whole heck of a lot of money, but you can grab them for almost nothing and then FLIP them for really fast paydays.

The process is very simple: find a website that has value, get a signed contract, and then sell the contract for a fast $500 to $10,000.

There are many places that you can sell a website, so the real “work” comes in finding the websites that are good to sell and getting them for a good price, which I will show you how to do.

Of course, I use my Flip Finder tool, which is also available to you.

There are a few things that you need to look for, and I will show you how to find all of them:

1)Sites that have some potential to make money, but are not maximizing their potential.

2)Websites that have traffic, but aren't making any money.

3)Websites in industries with big companies or a lot of buyers.

Here are a few examples:

Just last week (at the time of this writing), I bought a website (I

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used my own money, but I could have easily used an option, as well) for $800, because it was getting a lot of traffic and was about stock trading, which has a lot of “buyers” (people who spend money to learn more).

Without doing any additional work to the website, I flipped the site to someone else for just over $1,500 within a week. That type of money isn't going to set the world on fire, but a quick few hundred bucks was a nice padding to the bank account.

And truth is, that's the smallest flip that I've ever done.

At the time of this writing, I'm working on one site that I will acquire for $1,000 and probably sell for $10,000, even without changing anything on the website. There's a video tutorial of it inside of your members area.

It all comes down to identifying websites that have the potential to be sold for a lot of money, and then negotiating a great price for it (covered next).

Note: there are an infinite number of deals out there, but not every one that you find will be a winner. You'll be able to identify the winners after this training. Also, I will periodically email you deals that come my way, and I often partner with my students on some flips, so be sure to check your inbox.

The process comes down to finding valuable websites, getting them at one price, and selling them for more. Let's dive into exactly how to do this.

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Wholesaling Websites: How To Find Awesome Deals

If you master this part, the rest is really easy.

Remember this point: EVERYTHING is for sale. Absolutely everything. The sellers just don't know it yet.

In real estate, you don't find the best deals by going to realtors. In the same way, you find the best website flipping deals by going to people who don't know that they can sell their sites.

For example, I was working on some deals last night, and one of the folks that I was working with said, “You know, I never even realized that someone out there would want to buy this.” Ha, well, not only did I want to buy it, but I was buying it for pennies on the dollar, and I'm going to sell it to someone else for a lot more.

Or, I'll lock it up with an option contract and just flip the contract for $500 or $1,000. I haven't decided yet.

There are hundreds of billions of websites on the internet. Almost all of them are for sale for “the right price.” Many of them are can be purchased for next to nothing. And some of those are worth a lot more than what you're going to pay. Your job is to find those, and flip them to put thousands of dollars in your pocket without doing any work.

Before we go into where to find these sites to flip, you must understand what makes a website valuable.

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1) Income: most websites exist to make some money, so they either have existing income or they have the potential to make money. If they are currently making money, then that makes the websites more valuable. I usually ballpark a website being worth one year's profit. So if it makes $100, I can expect to value it at $1200. That's not a perfect science, it's just a ballpark. That usually ensures that I can sell it for more money, too.

2)Traffic: if a website is getting traffic, that gives it some value, because traffic is the potential to make money. Take note, however, that it's just potential. I never pay for potential, I only pay for results. In other words, I don't pay more for a site just because it gets a lot of traffic – it has to be making money in order to be valuable. That's why I usually only value sites based on what a year's earnings is. However, if a site is getting a lot of traffic, then I know that I can flip it or monetize the traffic myself.

3)Subscriber List: if a website has a list of subscribers, this also makes it more valuable, because those subscribers have the potential to make money. Again, it's just potential.

4)The value of the industry. You'll understand this more in a bit, but some industries will pay A LOT of money for websites, even though you can get them for really, really cheap. These flips are a lot of fun and really easy. You'll pulse will quicken when we cover that in a later chapter.

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One other thing you need to know: I use a tool called A LOT. It will tell you how valuable a website's traffic is. It also tells you what keywords a website is ranking for.

Running a website through this tool is part of my “website sniff test” to see if it's worth pursuing.

Note: that number does not mean the website is WORTH that much, just that it has potential.

It looks like this:

This particular website is getting $23,000 a month in free traffic,

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which basically means that it was ranking for some really highly valuable keywords. None of this is too important right now, you just need to know that the more traffic it gets and the more that traffic is worth, the better.

For example, the website shown above was one of the sites that I flipped. The buyer wanted $1,000 for it. As part of my sniff test, I put it into, and I saw that it was getting $23,000 in free traffic PER MONTH. Do you think I was excited to get that site for $1,000? You bet I was.

Why? Because I know that I can either buy it myself and resell it, or I can put an option on it and EASILY sell the option for $1k to $5,000.

That is how you can quickly determine if a website has any value. Now that you understand what gives a website value, we can discuss how to find them so that you can flip them for lump sum paydays. You'll find video tutorials of some examples in your members area, which will clear up any confusion.

Getting All The Deals You Can Handle

Remember, our end goal is to flip a site so that we can put a few thousand dollars into our pocket.

In order to do that, we have to actually FIND the sites worth flipping, just like sourcing deals in real estate.

Now that we know what makes a website valuable, here's how we

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can find deals to flip:

1)Flip Finder: my software that I spent thousands of dollars to develop delivers you 'flippable' websites with just a few clicks. It sources my major 'mines' for websites to make finding lump sum paydays as easy as clicking a mouse. Access it here.

2)Reverse Engineering listing. is a marketplace for buying and selling websites, with tens of millions of transactions taking place in just the past couple of years. If you find a website that sold for a LOT of money, you can find similar websites and scoop them up much cheaper (see members' area for a video tour on this).

3)Search engine listings. This is my favorite: I often browse Google to see which websites are ranking for certain keywords, and then I contact the owner to inquire about buying the website. See your members area for a video tutorial of this.

4)Referrals and recommendations. The more websites that I flip, the more people come to me with websites that they have, or they make recommendations to people who have websites that they want to sell.

See your members area for videos on these sources, as they will explain more.

You will know that you have found a website worth pursuing when you identify these two things:

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1)Untapped value. For example, the website is getting traffic but NOT making a lot of money. See your members area for the “sniff test” video on identifying websites that have value and may be ready to be flipped.

2)A seller willing to talk about selling.

Once I find a website that might be worth pursuing, I always contact them in the same way. Feel free to steal the 'swipe' emails that I use to open up the conversation.

(Note: If you find a website that you want to pursue, run a WHOIS lookup to get the email address of the owner.)

Here's the first email I use to open the conversation:

“Hey, Ryan here. I stumbled upon your website today while doing some Google searches. I've been looking to get into this market and have been wanting a site that's off the ground rather than starting from scratch. Would you be open to selling your site to me? If so, respond back to this email and we'll talk numbers.”

That's the exact email I use ALL the time to open up the conversation with the website owner to get them thinking about selling their site.

Remember, you don't have to buy the website yourself; you can always lock it up with an option and sell it to someone else. But you need to get them interested in selling first.

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The purpose of this email is to get their curiosity. By saying that you're interested in “talking numbers,” they can't help but respond because they want to know what kind of payday that they might be about to receive. This email does the trick.

(See your members area for a video tour of how this works.)

They almost ALWAYS come back with an email that looks like this:

“Hey Ryan, yeah, I'd be open to selling for the right price. What did you have in mind?”

This is a good sign. Try it, I bet you'll see almost the same response.

Here's where the real kicker happens... the next email is PSYCHOLOGICALLY designed to put the deal in your favor and put you on the way to earning a lump sum payday.

“Hey, thanks so much for your reply. What I usually do is valuate a website at about 10 – 15x the monthly profits. Where would that put us?”

This email is EXTREMELY effective, because it puts the negotiating power into your corner. Since you ONLY valuate sites based on what they are already making, you always hold the cards, but you are still a nice person who is asking them to further the transaction.

There are a few things that can happen from here:

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1)The seller responds with: “It makes about $100 a month, so that would put us between $1,000 and $1,500.” These are my favorite emails to get back, because it means that you have a willing seller who is OK with selling for my metric. My job now is to negotiate as low of a price as possible. If you're new to this, then just put an option on this site and begin the selling process so you can get a quick payday. Sometimes I don't sell these sites, I just keep them because the ROI is so good.

2)The seller responds with: “That really doesn't put us anywhere, because the website isn't making any money.” This is another good sign, because you have no psychologically valued the site at $0, which means that you'll get it for a really good price. Do I get websites for free? No, but if they aren't making money I usually get them dirt cheap. For example, this week I bought a website that had $14,000 in month in free traffic for $250. Yeah, that was a good one. Easy $3,000 lump sum payday once it's flipped.

3)The seller responds with: “The website makes a lot of money. Why in the world would I sell for 10x the monthly earnings?” You can pass on these sites.

You won't be able to move forward on all of the sites you contact, but once you hear back, things progress VERY quickly. People want their payday as much as you do. And remember, if you can't buy the site yourself, you can always lock it up with an option and flip that sucker for a really fast payday (see the options video in your members area).

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After your first site is closed (or under option contract), you simply need to flip it for a fast payday. The two easiest ways to do this are by selling it to your buyers list, or by listing in on Both are covered both in this training and in your members area.

However, there is one tip that you need to know (I mention this in your video training, but it's a BIG POINT):

COMPETITION makes for great buyers.

(This is ESPECIALLY true for SERP Flipping.)

When you acquire a website in a large market with a lot of customers, it instantly makes the website more valuable. In other words, a website in “stock trading” is worth a lot more money than a website about “cat urinary infections.”

If you acquire or get an option on a website that is in a big market like stock trading, you can go to the competitors in that market to tell them that you have a website for sale.

An easy way to do this is to simply find competitors who are ranking for the same keywords that your site is ranking for.

For example, if your website is on the first page of Google for the keyword, “investing in stocks,” then you would contact other websites that are ranking on the first page to see if they might want to 'buy you out.'

It's amazing at how vanity plays a big role here. People with

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websites in big markets like the idea of buying out their competitors. This creates an awesome opportunity for you as the flipper.

Here's an example:

You find a website ranking on the first page of Google for the search term, “las vegas vacations.” The website is making $200 a month, and you put an option on it to buy it for $2,000.

You then contact another website that is on the SECOND page of Google and show them that you have a site that's beating them. You offer to let them by it for $3,000.

They agree. You collect $3,000 from the buyer and pay $2,000 to the seller. You keep the $1,000 profit and everyone is happy.

Here is an email that I often use to let competitors know about my website that is for sale:

“Hey, Ryan here. I'm the owner of, and I noticed that you are one of my competitors. Nice to meet you. :) I just wanted to let you know that I have decided to retire from this industry and pursue other interests, so I am selling my website. I'm on the first page of Google for the search term 'Las Vegas Vacations,” which took a long time and a lot of effort to get there. If you're interested in doubling your market share immediately, just reply back and we will talk numbers.”

See the video on SERP Flipping for full analysis of this strategy.

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Summary of Wholesaling Websites:

Earning lump sum paydays comes down to a few simple steps:

1) Identifying websites with untapped potential.2)Agree to buy them at a low price. 3)Sell them for much higher prices to either a buyers list or on (explained later). 4)Reap the profits.

The secret to doing this often is to find websites with untapped potential. This is easy to do once you understand what makes websites profitable, which we will cover in the coming pages.

Up to this point (and in the videos inside of your members area), we have covered how to FIND sites that already have value and then SELL them for way more money than you paid.

However, there is one other way to earn fast lump sum paydays. This other way is more difficult and takes more time, but the paydays can be MASSIVE.

My friend Cary pocketed a fast $80,000 by following what you're about to discover. It takes longer and is more difficult, but the profits are enormous.

The secret? Building websites from scratch that have value, and then selling them for enormous profits.

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Part Two: Creating Websites That Sell For MASSIVE Paydays

Small, ugly websites that you can build very quickly can often be sold for four and five figure paydays.

How much money does a website need to make before you can sell it? Absolutely nothing.

Of course, if a website is profitable, it is a huge boost to the amount of money that you can receive for the asset, but websites can be valued on a number of other factors as well, including traffic, potential, search engine rankings, the market that it targets, a subscriber list, a hot trend, and many other factors.

Income is a large contributing factor to sale price, however, and even a small amount of money can add a huge dollar value to your bottom line.

Take this site for example, which was only making about $3.50 per day from advertising, and it sold for $7,000: Small Niche Site Sells For $7k

That's no chump change, folks. In fact, in a private interview with this particular seller, he revealed that his business model is to build small sites that make about $1/day and then sell them for $1,000 or more. This site sold for way more.

One great way to make sure your site sells for a lot of money is to observe other sites that have sold and model ours after them.

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In the following pages, we’ll walk through one site type that is easy to build, grow, and sell, especially for beginners – the “tiny site.” Tiny sites can be built and sold very quickly, and they bring in more cash the longer they age and grow.

What is a Tiny Site?

A tiny site is a small website that can be set up with a few hours of work and can be grown or scaled using free traffic methods.

When you build a Tiny Site and get it up and running, then you have created something of value, even if it’s not putting money into your pocket, because that asset can be sold to another “investor” who will grow the site.

In other words, it's a quick and dirty way to put together a valuable website and sell it for a fast payday. The more you grow it, the more valuable it will be, but you can sell it any time.

Instead of worrying about building a huge site that generates a ton of money (a worthy goal that you should strive for in your online business), Tiny Sites allow you to focus on building a small asset that can be sold to put fast cash into your pocket.

The advantage to building a site rather than flipping it is that you get to keep all the money, and the paydays are often bigger.

One big tip: websites in big markets (stocks, financial help, dating, business, investing, health) tend to sell for the most money.

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Ditching The Stress Monkey Overview

The Tiny Sites strategy was originally influenced by the Google Sniper method, an effective way to build small sites that perform really well in the search engines.

I found that this strategy allowed for really small sites to get high in the search engines almost without fail, but “sniper sites” are hard to scale into big money earners. Tiny Sites take the strategy three steps further to get more traffic, make more money, and put fast cash into your pocket.

For the cliff notes version of the Google Sniper strategy, see this blog post:

The core of the Tiny Sites strategy looks like this:

- Pick a hungry, buying market

- Identify medium-to-high traffic keywords in the niche

- Find available domain names with those keywords

- Build a small website on that domain

- Promote with articles and search engine optimization

- Monetize and sell

When you have a website ranking for a keyword and getting a little

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bit of traffic, they can be sold for $500 - $1,000, and sometimes more... sometimes A LOT more.

As you've seen, sites making as little as a few bucks a day can be sold for thousands.

Even sites that make no money at all can be sold turnkey for good lump sum paydays when they are positioned correctly and have some traffic, which you'll learn how to do.

And that traffic will come from free sources, mainly articles and search engine traffic.

If you encounter any technical problems or hiccups along the way, remember that YouTube is your friend. If you ever run into trouble with any of the terms used in this training, there are likely dozens of videos on YouTube that will walk you through resolving the issue.

Most importantly, do not let petty issues deter you from taking action – indecision is the enemy of success. You may stumble through the process the first time that you do it, and that’s the best way to learn.

With that, let’s go over how to put up your first website to flip…

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Step One: Pick A Hungry, Buying Niche

The research phase of the process can often be the hardest, because it brings up a lot of questions.

“What if I choose the wrong niche?”

“Isn’t this too competitive?”

“I don’t know anything about that market.”

These are all legitimate concerns, and it’s important to remember that there almost always unlimited opportunities in every niche. Even if you “pick the wrong market,” there’s almost always opportunity for you to come out on top in spite of your mistakes.

With that said, picking a niche is often the most taxing part of the process simply because you’re starting from nowhere but a hunch. Most people give up here because of it.

If you’re building your first campaign, then I recommend that you start with something that you love – it will make writing easier, and it’ll help you stay focused.

For example, if you’re all about golf, choose improving your golf swing, getting better at putting, or golf clubs as your first Tiny Sites niche. If you love photography, choose cameras or the photography business as your first Tiny Sites niche.

If nothing sticks out, then go with evergreen niches that never go

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out of style. Instead of following hot trends, find areas of interest that have been around forever and will continue to be popular.

Gardening, sports, relationship problems, dating, weight loss, and making more money are examples of evergreen niches. Creating Tiny Sites in evergreen niches will help our sites sell for the maximum amount of money, because buyers are more likely to invest in a site that is in a permanent niche.

In fact, I’ve seen sites sell for thousand of dollars more simply because the niche was evergreen.

Here’s a great example: Small Site Sells For $7,000

Here's another example (this one had no income): Tiny, Ugly, Old Site Sells For Over $21,000

However, even if you choose the “wrong niche,” you still have ample opportunity.

If you stress out about choosing a niche, then let somebody else do it for you. I subscribe to a service called InstaCash Keywords, run by my friends Travis Sago and Matt Davis, and they send out a new niche with a corresponding keyword list and monetization strategy EVERY DAY. Even if you hate 5 of 7 of them, you’ll have two good niches to promote each week.

And they split up their subscriber base so that each niche is only going out to a certain number of people to prevent saturation.

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Building a small site around the keywords they give you will be easy to rank and easy to sell for a lump sum payday and put a fast wad of cash in your pocket.

Step Two: Identify Medium-To-High Traffic Keywords

Once you have your niche selected, it’s easy to find keywords that people are searching for within it. There are a bunch of really good keyword tools out there, but I just use Google’s own Keyword Tool.

Access the Google Keyword Tool here:

If you’ve never used the Google Keyword Tool before, this YouTube video should help you get comfortable with it:

If your niche is stopping divorce, enter “stop divorce” or “preventing divorce,” or “stop a breakup” into the main section of the Google Keyword tool.

Google will process and bring back several hundred keywords targeted to your niche, and it’ll display how many average monthly searches each receives.

Take notice of the keywords that get 1,000 searches per month or more – these are the first keywords that we want to target. Whenever you see a keyword that has 1,000 searches per month

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Tyler J Ellison
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or more, add it to a list – you can write them down or save them within the Google tool and download them later.

Go through your niche and pull out as many high traffic keywords as possible. Sometimes, you’ll find nonsensical keywords included in your batch; feel free to eliminate them from consideration.

Our goal is to get a website ranking at the top of Google for one (or many) of these key phrases, because that will provide a steady stream of free traffic for as long as we stay put at the top of the search engines.

There are plenty of opinions regarding what makes a keyword easy to rank for: strength of competition, number of competitors, strength of your website, among others. The only keyword research course you need (in my opinion) is a free one at – it’s created by the same Travis behind InstaCash Keywords.

Google Sniper also has a list of relevant keyword qualifiers that determine whether or not a keyword is easy to rank for.

But personally, I care less about keyword difficulty and more about the potential profit that they can bring in. So if a keyword gets lots of traffic and can be monetized, then I’m confident that I can out-do the others trying to get to the top of Google, especially if you can get your keyword into your domain…

Which brings us to the next step.

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Step Three: Find Available Keyword-Rich Domains

Once you have a list of keywords with at least 1,000 searches per month, it’s time to register a domain name that contains one of your keywords.

For example, if your keyword is “reverse a divorce,” you should aim to grab It’ll be fairly easy to get your website to the top of Google for your chosen keyword if you have that domain name, and it’ll rank for other keywords as well.

Of course, a strong majority of the keywords that have the most searches will already have domains registered, but you will find plenty that are available. Here’s how:

Fire up GoDaddy’s bulk registration tool:

Enter in all of the keywords that you found in Step 2, and select .com, .net. and .org. I never go for any other domains, because .com, .net, and .org have been proven to rank the best on Google.

This tool will go through all of the keywords that you entered and bring back all of the available domain names that contain your keywords.

You’ll almost always find something available, but if you strike out, try adding dashes between your words, like this:

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Having a keyworded domain makes getting to the top of Google a lot easier, which allows you to get traffic even faster.

For example, take a look at this website that ranked for the term “School Grants” and sold for $80,000: Sells For $80,000

With your keyword in the domain, you’ll have a much easier time getting to the top of Google, getting traffic, and creating a valuable asset.

Remember that if you’re using InstaCash Keywords, then your keyword lists will be provided for you on a daily basis. Otherwise, you can simply mine for them yourself.

Once the keyword, the niche, and the domain are chosen, it’s time to get busy.

Step Four: Build A Small Site On Keyword Rich Domain

The beauty of the Tiny Site strategy is that it doesn’t take much to get the site to the top of Google. With the keyword in the domain, good content, and some solid SEO, we can achieve our goal very quickly.

In many cases, all you need is a small website with ten content pieces or fewer.

You can build whatever type of a website that you’re comfortable

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with, but putting up a Wordpress blog is by far the fastest and easiest way to have you up and running.

This YouTube video will walk you through how to set up Wordpress if you've never done it before:

Your blogs will contain content rich posts that you will either write or hire someone else to write. You’ll do fine with 5-8 posts (aim for 400 words or more), to a maximum of ten.

Within Wordpress, you can set it so that posts go out on a certain day. In other words, you can write ten posts and have them post every five days until they are all posted. This makes your site appear to grow more naturally.

To do this, you simply edit the time that each post goes live (the default is immediately, so you can simply set it to post five days from now).

Note: post your best article LAST. That will put it at the front of your blog. If you’re promoting an affiliate offer, then it would be a content-rich review of the product. Otherwise, your post will grab the attention of the reader and entice them to stay on the site and click around on some ads.

The key to writing posts that will be relevant to the search engines is to structure them around your main keyword. There’s no magic to this; just include your keyword in the title of your post and a few

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times throughout the article. Including other relevant keywords (see the list that you compiled earlier) also helps.

If you don’t want to write your own content, you can outsource the articles. For this, I use – they’re cheap and good enough to get the job done.

Within your posts, you’ll likely find areas where you can include your affiliate link. You can put affiliate links in the sidebar, at the top of your posts, and as a call to action at the end of your posts.

See this Tiny Site for example:

Notice how there are links all over the place, but it doesn’t appear spammy. Also notice that there are only a few content posts on that website, but they are all very good. With VERY minimal link building, this site is on the first page of Google and gets over 1,000 unique visitors a month… and it hasn’t even been scaled to the maximum.

Once this step is completed, you’ll have a site on a keyword rich domain that has 5 – 10 content rich posts that will look good to Google. If you want to be perfect, then you’ll have a free Wordpress template installed on the site, you’ll be linking to an affiliate product or two.

If you stopped right here, you’d have an asset that you could sell for a few hundred or a few thousand dollars, but hopefully, you’ll turn it up a notch and keep plugging away.

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Step Five: Promote The Site

Once again, having the keyword in the domain and having a few content pieces on the website will go a long way to getting exposure, because Google will begin to see that it is relevant for its key terms.

However, getting links to the site is the most important part of getting your Tiny Site to the top of the search engines.

When Google sees someone else linking to your site, they see it as a “vote” for your site for its keywords. The fact that you have your keyword in the domain and really good content on the site will help Google see you as relevant, and good links will push you onto the front page.

The most important thing is to get links to your domain name, but having links to the actual posts helps, as well.

Whenever a make a new post, “juice” it by building links that get the attention of Google. You only need to do this one time (when new content is added to the site).

When you add new content, do the following to get some quick exposure:

- Ping the post at - Bookmark the post through a variety of bookmarking services. is a great resource for this.- (optional) If you subscribe to any services that allow you to

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syndicate blog snippets or submit to a large selection of article directories, one or two submissions can be a nice bump to your bottom line. SEOLinkVine does this and is useful for juicing.

Doing this for each post is a great way to get instant search engine attention to deep parts of your site. It helps to bump your overall site’s ranking as each page gets links and attention. Juicing is optional, but you’ll see the benefits if you do it for each of the posts on your Tiny Site, because it appears more natural and gives authority to each part of your site.

Juicing your posts will also help your site get indexed by the search engines so that you can start to see rankings and free traffic as quickly as possible.

Of course, the most important links are those that go straight to your site’s domain (that is,, rather than to the individual blog posts), because that is what is going to carry the most weight in Google.

There are a variety of ways to get links to your main page, but below are some of the most powerful link sources:

- Social Profile Links – when you sign up for a social site, you’re often able to provide a link back to your website. There are millions of these types of sites, and getting links from them are very effective. These are often known as “Angela’s Links” or “Paul’s Links,” named after some of the pioneers of this linking strategy. You can outsource these links to someone on

To More On Building, Buying, and Selling Websites, Visit or Just mentioned Angela’s Links or Paul’s links, and they’ll know what you’re talking about.

- Blog Comments – when you see a blog post that is about your topic, leave a comment and put your keyword as the name of the commenter. It’ll be a keyword-rich link back to your site on a relevant post. To find this, do the following:

o Google “powered by Wordpress”

o Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Search Within Results” (bottom left of page)

o Enter your keyword. This will bring back a huge supply of blog posts that are about your keyword, many of which have places where you can leave comments.

- .Edu and .Gov links – the same process that you use to find relevant blogs can be used to find forums and social sites that have .gov and .edu extensions. These types of links are coveted, but you can often leave comments or forum posts on these sites with links back to your site. Use “powered by phpbb” to search for forums.

- Article Marketing – you get a twofer with article marketing, because the articles themselves rank well in the search engines and also provide a link back to your site. In addition to SEO, article marketing is the second secret to driving traffic to your Tiny Sites.

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How To Use Article Marketing To Promote Tiny Sites

Tiny Sites tend to rank very well for one targeted keyword term. Over time, they will rank for other terms as well, but your efforts will likely be confined to one high traffic search phrase.

However, we can use articles to conquer the search engines for other targeted search terms and send the traffic back to the Tiny Site.

This is especially effective if you are using keyword lists from InstaCash Keywords, because each list will have a bunch of keywords that keywords that are super easy to conquer.

For example, if your root keyword is ‘reverse a divorce,’ then your links and your blog posts are likely going to be targeted for the term ‘reverse a divorce.’

Chances are that there are other keywords that are relevant to your site but aren’t being targeted directly. They may be ‘prevent a divorce’ or ‘stop husband from leaving’ or ‘reconcile a marriage’ or any number of relevant keywords.

Since you’re not directly targeting these keywords with your Tiny Site, it would take some considerable linking effort to get your site to the top of Google for these terms.

However, you can leverage the power of established article directories to conquer the search engines for these phrases in no time at all.

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Because article directories have existing authority with Google, the submissions that you make to them will rank higher and faster than a blog post on your website.

If you title an article “Prevent A Divorce – How to Mend Your Relationship to Prevent A Divorce Before It’s Too Late” and include relevant content (including the keyword ‘prevent a divorce’ within the article a few times), then it has a good chance of ranking on the search engines when you post it to an article directory.

The most powerful article directory is – they filter out spam and duplicate articles, so Google sees them as authoritative. If you post your “Prevent A Divorce” article there, you’ll have the greatest chance of ranking on Google. Juice the article for twice the effectiveness.

When you follow this process so several keywords, you’ll have articles ranking for a variety of different phrases, and they will funnel the traffic back to your main source by linking the articles to your Tiny Site.

Additionally, if you include your keyword in your article links, then it will help your Tiny Site rank higher in the search engines for its main keyword. In this way, you get a twofer with article marketing.

Once you’ve completed your Tiny Sites, juiced the posts, and written articles for other “bum marketing” keywords, you’ll begin to see rankings on Google (rankings usually take seven to thirty days after completion).

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You’ll see your Tiny Site creep up the search engines for its main keyword, and your articles will appear for their keywords. Together, you’ll begin to get solid traffic coming back to your site.

In my experience, I’ve found that Tiny Sites rank for a variety of different keywords when this process is followed. After about a month, your sites will begin to rank for keywords that you didn’t target in the first place.

To track where my sites are ranking, I use

When you see your sites rank for keywords that you were targeting, then you know that a little bit of link building will help it to rank even higher for that keyword.

With your main site ranking for its main keyword, your articles ranking for secondary keywords, and your site beginning to rank for keywords that you never expected, your site will suck up free traffic from Google. I’m always surprised at how much traffic they get at this point; with minimal effort, you’ll see 1,000 uniques a month or more, which is exactly where it needs to be to cash out for a big pay day.

At this point, your site can be sold for a nice lump sum, but it will sell for even more if you monetize the traffic.

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Step Six: Monetize and Sell The Site

With traffic already coming to the website, it’s easy to start earning money from it’s visitors.

If you have affiliate offers on your site that are relevant to the niche, you may begin to see affiliate sales simply by linking to them in your content. As previously mentioned, you can include affiliate links in the sidebar, in the post content, and at the end of the posts without looking spammy.

Affiliate sales are nice, but they are often sparse, and site buyers like to see consistent income before they invest in a website. The easiest way to consistently monetize your traffic is by using Google Adsense.

This YouTube video shows how to add Adsense to your Wordpress blogs (there are several ways to do it):

The best places to put Adsense on your site are under each post, in the top left of each content piece, and in the sidebar. If you’re running Adsense and affiliate offers on your site, then put the affiliate offers in the sidebar and at the end of each post while putting Adsense in the top left of each content piece.

Anymore, Google is cracking down on what sites they allow to be in their Adsense network, so you may have trouble getting approved for an account if you don’t already have one. If this

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happens, use Adbrite as an alternative.

With advertising on your site in the form of Adsense, you’ll see money coming in immediately, because the traffic that is already coming to the site will now be monetized.

Fun with numbers: if your site gets 1,000 unique visitors per month, and ten percent of them click on your Adsense ads that pay 25 cents per click, you’d average about $1 a day in Adsense, often enough to warrant a $700 - $1,000 price point when you sell. I've seen them sell for a lot more, too. Factor in the occasional affiliate sale, and you’re well on your way to having a wildly successful website.

Once again, you can sell your site at this point, but it can be scaled even further. If you have the luxury of time, you’ll be able to gather a few months’ proof of revenue and traffic stats. A consistent track record goes a long way towards enticing investors to buy your website.

Additionally, your site will continue to rank higher in the search engines as it “ages,” because Google likes to see that your websites will be around for a while.

Finally, once you have an established, aged website, you may qualify to sell text link ads on your site through a broker, such as You’ll often be able to sell five to ten link spots on your blog at $5 - $10 per month apiece, adding $25 to $100 per month to your bottom line, giving you autopilot income forever; TLA is very selective in who they admit, but there are a variety of text

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link brokers online who are more liberal in who they admit. With a high ranking website that has traffic and income, you have a very valuable asset that is attractive to investors, because the site makes money from free traffic, it’s built in a widely understood and accepted blogging platform (Wordpress), and it’s monetized through industry standard ways (Adsense, affiliate offers, and possible text link ads).

Your site can be sold at any point for a nice lump sum, but it is at this stage that it’s matured enough for the maximum sale price. The longer you hold onto the site, the more consistency you’ll be able to provide to potential buyers, driving up the sale price even more.

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Part Three: Selling Your Sites For The Maximum

Just like selling a complete business, huge paydays come when you sell your website. Even when your website is only making a few dollars a month, it can be sold for several hundred dollars up to a few thousand dollars.

Sites can even be sold with no income at all.

In fact, my most recent website purchase was making ZERO money, and I bought it for $750. Why the heck would I do something like that? It was worth that much money to me because it had rankings and solid traffic, and the previous owner had simply not taken the time to monetize it. I was thrilled with the purchase, as was he.

He could have grown the website himself, but he had other priorities; I could have built something similar myself, but he had the ball already rolling.

Similarly, a recent website that I was only making a small amount of money, but it had sound fundamentals – it was getting traffic, building a list, had buyers, and had a product completed. I sold it for a cool $3,200.

I could have grown the website myself, but I knew that my other projects were going to come first; he could have built something similar, but why build when I was selling my turnkey asset? He’s done great things with it since he bought it.

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In this way, there is always money to be made by the next guy, everybody’s happy, and more customers and clients are served.

The easiest way to sell your website is on Millions of dollars are exchanged between website buyers and sellers, and there are verification safeguards in place to keep you safe. They’re not fool proof, but they help to prevent fraudulent buyers and sellers.

Flippa is an auction site, although you can list your site for private sale, as well. For Tiny Sites, it’s best to list them for auction with a low reserve and low starting bid.

List the site for five to seven days – too long and you’ll delay the buying process, too short and you won’t get enough exposure.

Use the auction header to get as much attention as possible by listing the traffic and income stats within it.

In your description include the reason that you’re selling the site (it could be as simple as wanting seed money for other projects, or that you sell sites for a living), a basic history and work done to the site, and as much proof and disclosure as you can find – the more screenshots and history that you can provide, the better (think trust). Conclude the auction listing with your contact details.

Finally, within your auction listing, create the idea of “potential” in the minds of prospective buyers. List out what could be done to grow the site, where it currently ranks on Google and where it could be boosted, how a list could be list and managed, and how

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the design could be improved.

The goal is to get buyers to look at the listing and think, “I could improve that and make more money.” Regardless of it’s by improving the search engine rankings, changing the advertising, or selling more products, the buyer is interested in your site because he or she wants to – and think he or she can - improve the income.

You’ll likely see a few bids jump out early and then hit a standstill; that’s often because buyers are watching the auction to see how much the site is going to sell for; most of the bids come in towards the end of the auction.

If you’re afraid of not getting a good price for your site, you can include a reserve price. Many site sellers will tell you not to reveal your reserve price, but I’ve always encouraged the opposite – if someone knows the reserve price, then they are more likely to bid that much to make sure that the auction gets moving.

You can also include a Buy It Now price, but I’ve generally stayed away from this; it’s impossible to know what the site will sell for until some interest begins to develop, so you should hold off until it builds up some steam. If you’re going to include a BIN at the beginning of your auction, err on the side of making it too high, rather than too low.

Once the auction is concluded and someone has purchased your website, it’s time to collect your dough. Always take for payment, unless the buyer has solid feedback on Flippa. If they’ve got good feedback from other sites that they’ve purchased,

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then you can use PayPal for the transaction.

To transfer the website to the new owner, you’ll need to move the files and the domain – your host and your domain registrar can provide resources to help you to do both.

Watch this video see how to transfer a Wordpress database: How To Transfer A Wordpress Database Once the site is moved over to the new owner and you’ve collected the cash, the “stress monkey” buries his tail between his legs and runs away. You’ve got seed cash that you can use for whatever you wish…

But beyond just having a little extra cash, you have completed a great accomplishment; you’ve made money online, gotten top search engine rankings, built a website, and monetized the traffic that started to come in.

In one little flip – which you probably did just to raise a few bucks – you’ve learned more about making money online than most people do in a year of putzing around.

In this manual, you learned how to identify websites to flip, how to contact them and negotiate them for pennies on the dollar, how to flip them for lump sum paydays, and how to build small sites that you can sell and keep 100% of their profits.

Now, see your members area for advanced training, tips, and tricks to put lump sum paydays into your pocket.

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