lung cancer signs and symptoms.. breathlessness blockage in part of the airways (cancer) rapid...

Lung cancer signs and symptoms.

Upload: augustine-ford

Post on 29-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders

Lung cancer signs and symptoms.

Page 2: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders


• Blockage in part of the airways (cancer)

• Rapid breathing• Anxiety & panic• Overuse of muscles in

shoulders and upper chest

• Cancer treatments

Page 3: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders


• Debilitating and affect all areas of life, by causing:

• Distress• Anxiety• Sleep disturbance• Tiredness• Pain• Loss of appetite.

Page 4: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders


• Pain can be due to tumour pressing on muscles or nerves.

• Pain can extend across the chest to other areas causing deferred pain.

• Pain after treatment

Page 5: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders

Managing pain

• Simple pain killers (using the pain ladder increase medication accordingly)

• Paracetemol-Codeine-Morphine etc• Neuropathic pain (nerve pain use

Amitriptyline etc.)• Bone Pain (NSAIDs – ibuprofen, volterol etc.)

Page 6: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders

Tiredness / Fatigue

• Feeling of having no energy or strength

• Lacking in concentration• Insomnia• Memory problems

Page 7: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders

Weight loss / loss of appetite

• Reduction of the total body loss. 10% total loss of body mass is seen as a medical problem indicating an underlying disease.

• No appetite• Difficulty swallowing

Page 8: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders


• Less frequent bowel movements

• Straining to pass motion• Stools hard• Feeling bloated and

experiencing wind• Pain in your stomach

and back passage.

Page 9: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders

Hoarse voice

• Caused by tumour pressing on the laryngeal nerve (vocal cord palsy) likely to improve in some patients but not at all in some patients.

Page 10: Lung cancer signs and symptoms.. Breathlessness Blockage in part of the airways (cancer) Rapid breathing Anxiety & panic Overuse of muscles in shoulders


• Finger nail clubbing is associated with mainly non small cell lung cancer (54%).

• Clubbing may be present in one of five stages:[5]

1. Fluctuation and softening of the nail bed (increased ballotability)

2. Loss of the normal <165° angle (Lovibond angle) between the nailbed and the fold (cuticula)

3. Increased convexity of the nail fold4. Thickening of the whole distal (end part of

the) finger (resembling a drumstick)5. Shiny aspect and striation of the nail and
