lutheran life: advent 2012 issue

Lutheran Life the congregational newsletter of 2012 ADVENT Issue GATHERED AROUND A CHILD

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Advent Issue of the congregational newsletter for St. John's Lutheran Church.


Page 1: Lutheran Life:  Advent 2012 Issue

Lutheran Life the congregational newsletter of

2012 ADVENT Issue


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Breathing the Sweetness Breathing the Sweetness

by Rev. John Tirro

There ’s someth ing about breathing the warm, sweet air that surrounds an infant, like bread baking in the distance or a vanilla candle burning, like incense but softer. Feeling your lips press to a baby’s forehead, breathing deep, s o m e t h i n g r e l a x e s inside. Suddenly you find yourself more ready than before, to hold and comfort and feed and care for someone so helpless, so in need of love. Something in the air creates a bond, helps a hospital volunteer or parent stay up into the night, beyond sleeplessness, beyond patience, giving care into the fulness of deep and abiding love. Or maybe it’s the other way around. After doggedly persisting in caring for a child, maybe breathing the air around another brings back the memory, not of the difficulty, but of the love. And of course, I’ve heard more than one grandparent speak of the joy of holding an infant, then handing the kid back to its parents when it needs changing. Sometimes a baby smells like anything but

incense and vanilla candles.

I wonder what smells surrounded the baby Jesus i n t he manger. Was it possible to smell the sweetness, amidst the muck and the musk of s table animals? Was it possible to smell the sweetness , when his swaddl ing clothes needed changing? I picture Mary and Joseph, one asleep in the hay, the other washing the child, wrapping him in fresh cloth, then holding him so close that even the smells of the stable couldn’t hide the sweetness of the child. A loving parent looks at the messy child and sees the mess, but more, sees the child.

Christmas – and Advent, the season of anticipating Christmas – celebrates God, the loving parent, looking at a world in a far deeper mess than a baby needing changing, a world in conflict, locked in violent struggle for dominance , worship ing – ascribing ultimate worth – not to love but to power, turning away from one another in time of need,

and in doing so, turning away from God. God looked at the world, this messy child, and God saw the mess, but more, God saw God’s child. So God became a child, that we might breathe deep God’s love for us, that we might learn to love.

So we sing lullabies to God the child, but in our heart we know, we will reject this child. We already have. In turning away from the needs of others, and from our own need to love, we have turned away from God. The child in a manger will grow to be a man on a cross. And yet, God chooses again to be with us, to be our every opportunity to love. God chooses to be born in us, in the midst of the mess, to be the sweetness of love. This Advent and Christmas, in worship and openness to new relationship, in loving service and sacrificial giving, let us take every opportunity to draw close to Christ, to be gathered around a child, to breathe the sweetness of God, to feel our hearts open again in love.

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Jesus is the Word made flesh to dwell among us, full of grace and truth. Jesus is our teacher, our guide, our source of inspiration. He is our brother, our friend, our companion on the journey. This sacred and holy relationship had its humble beginning in a stable as a newborn child was lovingly placed in a manger. “And the Word became flesh…” Just as Mary and Joseph and shepherds and wisemen and angels and animals gathered around this newborn child, we are inviting members and friends of Saint John’s to be “Gathered Around a Child” this Advent season. We are asking parents of newborns and toddlers and pre-school children to share with us the many ways God has made his presence known in and through their children. We also want to hear from grandparents as well as aunts and uncles and cousins… the whole community of faith! When a child is born, life changes dramatically. We take on new responsibilities to care for and nurture the child. Our relationship with the child becomes our first priority as we entrust the child to God and

to a community of faith through baptism. The miracle of God’s creation through the birth of a baby is nothing short of amazing and the experience is life changing. The challenges and demands of parenthood can be overwhelming and we need all the help we can get. Our prayer life quickly improves and hopefully we draw even closer to the community of faith that has agreed to help us raise our child as a Christian.

This Advent, let’s talk about ways we can offer one another all the love and support needed to fulfill our baptismal covenant as we grow even closer in Christ and more faithful in these God given relationships, “Gathered Around a Child.”

Midweek Advent Worship Wednesday, December 5th, 12th and 19th 6:30 pm: Holden Evening Prayer with

“Gathered Around a Child”

Take a moment to catch your breath, and enjoy the beauty of Advent! While attending the Wednesday evening Advent services, send your precious kids to:

Wednesday Adventures for preschool – 5th grade

Let’s celebrate the expectation of hope found in Advent, together!

Why do we use the color blue? What do the candles mean?

How can we use our Advent wreath? We’ll discover these answers and more in Adventures!

Come upstairs to the Central Station of Christian Education On December 5, 12, & 19.

After learning together, we will join our families during the Advent Worship service for "Gathered Around A Child" and Communion.


Gathered Around

a Child

by Rev. Steve Misenheimer

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Hanging of the Greens {DECORATING SAINT JOHN’S FOR THE ADVENT SEASON} Wednesday night, November 28th, is a time for food, fellowship, devotion and decoration at Saint John’s! We will gather in the Sparks fellowship hall at 5:45 PM for chili and hotdogs, followed by a gathering and a brief devotion in the sanctuary at 6:30 PM. Decorating the sanctuary, fireside room, Welcome Center and fellowship hall for the Advent and Christmas seasons will bring our faith community into focus as we prepare to gather around the Christ-child. Children and youth activities will include the annual Advent wreath construction with cookie baking and Advent art. This is a family activity for the entire Saint John’s family! Let’s prepare together for the birth of our Savior, Christ the Lord.

Advent Meditations for the Family When evening comes, there will be Light. Zechariah 14 : 7

Advent Wreath Family Workshop

Wednesday, November 28, 6:15 pm In addition to the Hanging of the Greens, you are invited to participate in the annual Advent Wreath Family Workshop to make an Advent wreath for your home. All materials are provided, and the fee per wreath is $15. Please register for this event on or before November 26 by contacting the Church Office , by email ([email protected]), or at the Christian Education Bulletin Board.

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You are invited to attend the Annual Christmas Program, performed by the children of St. John’s on Sunday, December 16, at 10:00 am in the Sparks Fellowship Hall.

Children’s Christmas Program Children’s Christmas Program Lighting the Path of ADVENTure Lighting the Path of ADVENTure

Adult Christian Education Classes There will be no Adult Christian Education Fellowship classes offered on Sunday mornings during the month of December. December Opportunities: Dec. 2: First Sunday Brunch Dec. 16: Children's Christmas Program Dec. 23: Combined Community Class

Children & Youth Christian Education Classes

December Schedule: Dec. 2: First Sunday Brunch (No Classes) Dec. 9: Christmas Program Rehearsal Dec. 16: Children's Christmas Program Dec. 23: Combined Community Class Dec. 30: No Classes Jan. 6: No Classes

December 2012 Adult & Children’s

Christian Education Sunday morning Schedule

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Extra Mile Opportunities in Advent

by Rev. Amy Figg

Stephen Ministry Lunch AND

Service of Remembrance

Sunday, December 2, 2012 Lunch at 12:15 pm (in the Sparks Fellowship Hall) Service at 1:00 pm (in the Sanctuary) Anne Lamott writes, “And I felt like my heart had been so thoroughly and irreparably broken that there could be no real joy again, that at best there might eventually be a little contentment. Everyone wanted me to get help and rejoin life, pick up the pieces and move on, and I tried to, I wanted to, but I just had to lie...with my arms wrapped around myself, eyes closed, grieving, until I didn’t have to anymore.” Grief is a living reality, even during the holidays. So how does grief impact our celebration when all the world is singing “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas?” Imagine the mix of emotions during this: joy of family gatherings tempered by the aching loss of one who is not sitting at his or her place at the table, hope for the new year dashed by the end of significant relationship, gifts wrapped in bright paper dimmed by the gray shades of depression, the anticipation of gifts given drastically minimized by a job loss and the subsequent financial strain. Your Stephen Ministers understand and invite you to the 13th Annual Service of Remembrance. Together, we can remember the completed lives of so many cherished family members and friends. Sometimes through tears and other times with a gentle smile, we can think of those who filled our lives with such precious memories. At 12:15, the Stephen Ministers will host a light lunch. At 1:00, the St. John’s family will remember

those who completed life during the past year, celebrating the promise of resurrection in worship; Dick Krogmann will guide us with gentle words of comfort. We will light a candle in memory of those who enriched our lives by being present and who now remind us of a hope-filled eternity: parents, children, siblings, extended family members, and friends. Please plan to join us for a gentle time of reflection. RSVPs for lunch are requested; please contact Toni in the church office at 523-3330 or [email protected].

Homeless Memorial Service Thursday, December 20th 6:00 pm

Come join our neighbors and the greater Knoxville community as we remember the homeless folks who have passed away during 2012. This candlelight service, on the longest night of the year, holds up and honors those whom so often have died alone on the streets. The service is planned and led by our homeless and formerly homeless neighbors. You are invited to receive a blessing by being part of this service. Following the service there will be refreshments served in the Sparks Fellowship Hall.

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Christmas Day Dinner for the Elderly December 25

Would you like to help provide

Christmas Day Dinner for 225

elderly folks in our community?

This ministry to the elderly who are alone on Christmas Day has been offered by churches in the downtown area for over 30 years. One hundred volunteers come to help set up, pick up the guests, provide entertainment and cook and serve the meal. Each guest receives a few simple presents at the conclusion of the dinner. You can help by volunteering, providing a cash gift (made out to St. John’s Lutheran, marked Christmas Day Dinner), or by providing small practical gifts wrapped in white paper for men and colored paper for women. The gifts can be brought to the church on Sunday, December 16th and placed in the special box marked Christmas Day Dinner Gifts. To volunteer, please contact Tim Rivera on or before December 9 at [email protected].

The Dove Tree by Ruth Petersen Mother Teresa said, "It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving." At St. John's, members have many opportunities to give to the most vulnerable in our society. The Dove tree, put up each Christmas season, is just one more opportunity to give and give with love! The Dove tree placed in the Fireside Room is truly unique. It has purple and white doves with beautiful sand dollars interspersed. Members can take one or more doves and engage in joyful giving which is so much a part of the season which celebrates God's great gift to mankind. Take a purple dove and light up a child's face;

take a white dove and bring a smile to a lonely senior adult. Each dove has information about what is needed for that group. Gifts for children will go to students attending Christenberry and Sarah Moore Greene Elementary schools. The white doves ask for wrapped gifts to be given to men and women attending the annual Christmas day dinner for seniors who are alone on the holiday. Next to the tree is a lectern with a list of the children's names. After making a decision, sign your name next to the dove number/name on the registration sheet. Bring the wrapped gifts to church on Sunday, December 16. The gifts will be distributed on Monday, December 17. The wrapped and labeled gifts for seniors should be placed in a specially marked box near the conference room and should also be brought to the church no later than Sunday, December 16. At a time when we celebrate the gift of our Savior, it is fitting to bring joy, love and a smile to "the least of these, " young or old.

Extra Mile Opportunities in Advent

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With the days growing shorter and the season of Advent close upon us, it is t ime for preparations. Our God is an awesome God; one who inspires us to anticipate the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus. What do we do to prepare? How will we praise His name? When can we expect to feel filled with His love and joy and hope? And what about peace on earth? We’d better get ready! I have become pretty comfortable in preparing for things in my daily life, but I still make mistakes. I lay out work-out clothes the night before, so I will be sure to exercise in the morning…most days. I pack snacks or a lunch to take with me if I will be away for the day…usually. I check and re-check the family calendar to make sure everyone has a ride or a permission form or a soccer bag packed and ready to go…but sometimes I still mess up. I take some food out of the freezer to thaw so cooking supper won’t take so much time…but we often end up eating out at a restaurant…I think you get the idea. Sometimes even with our best intentions, we fail to prepare as well as we should. What about the big things? Are we prepared to reach out to our neighbor? Do we think before we speak, or text, or post a comment on Facebook? Do we have a plan for how much money we will give to the charities which

speak to our hearts? When will we spend time with the lonely? Who do we know that would love a kind word? What resolutions need to become promises in order to be implemented? I hope preparing to meet Jesus in the manger will inspire us to take steps toward living as forgiven Christians with some important work to do. Again, even with our best intentions, we fail to prepare as well as we should. One of the things I am preparing for is becoming the leader of the Altar Guild Ministry. I am walking with Rita Schwartz, the Altar Guild Coordinator, through the next several seasons of the church and I will step into her role after Easter Sunday. I am honored to get the opportunity to learn and serve with her in a ministry that is all about preparation. The members of the Altar Guild are thoughtful, spirit-filled, hard-working individuals who prepare the sanctuary for worship. If you are like most of us, when you walk into the sanctuary at St. John’s, you cannot help but feel in awe of the beauty of the church. When the candles are burning, the altar is set for a Holy meal to be shared, and the pews are welcoming all to pray, sing and listen to God’s message for us, it feels like a very special gift. Preparing this beautiful space for worship is an honor and a responsibility that the Altar Guild

members take very seriously. We like the brass to be shiny, the candles to be glowing and the paraments to be the proper color for the season. We also like the linens to be pressed, the hymnals to be straightened and the pencils to be sharpened. Most of the time, we smile because we have had a part in making the room sparkle. Every so often, we might forget to polish the silver or replace the wick in the candle lighter. Ah, yes! Even with our best intentions, we fail to prepare as well as we should. Preparations are generally physical tasks that we can check off of our lists. We want to be prepared every day. We want to wear weather -appropr ia te clothing, ace all of our tests that we studied for, carry jumper cables “just in case,” and never miss an appointment. One of the old sayings, “Prior planning prevents poor performance” still haunts me on the days I am too forgetful or lazy to prepare. Luckily, God has covered that for me and for all of us. He knows about our best intentions and He knows we fail, but He loves us anyway. So when we fail to prepare as well as we should, know that we are forgiven and loved and that we can try again. So, dear members of the Altar Guild, may God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you! Thank you for your gifts of preparation.

Preparations by Ruth Crowley

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Altar Guild Installation

by Rita Schwartz, Altar Guild Coordinator

Advent, the first season of the liturgical year, is a season of anticipation. It is as if you can feel that something is about to happen. For some it is the season in which we prepare for the birth of the Christ child, for others it is all about shopping and cooking and planning for the big birthday celebration on Christmas Day. The Altar Guild is especially busy during the season of Advent. Not only are we concerned with all the activities that help make St. John’s services truly inspiring on Sunday morning, but there are the Wednesday evening services to be prepared. On Christmas Eve morning while some of you might be shopping, or wrapping your last minute gifts, or preparing your holiday meal, there is a team of Altar Guild volunteers cleaning, polishing, and preparing the meal for the evening services. For about 2 ½ years, I have shared Altar Guild stories with you, introduced new volunteers, and celebrated seasoned volunteers. It has been such an honor and a joy to serve as Altar Guild Coordinator, but I have to be honest. It is not the coordinator that does most of the work. It is only my job to schedule those who do the work so that each service is a service that is pleasing to God. As a new church year begins, we are going to honor the men and the women who gather together to serve as Altar Guild volunteers. On Sunday, December 2, the first Sunday in Advent, St. Johns will officially install our Altar Guild volunteers. Beginning with this service, Altar Guild Sunday will become a yearly event at St. John’s. Volunteers will be installed at both services. I encourage you to attend one of the services on December 2 as a way of showing your support and love for these incredible servants who care for the sanctuary at St. John’s. As you receive the holy meal of communion, please say a prayer of thanksgiving for your Altar Guild. These wonderful people are truly Christ’s servants. Another first for the Altar Guild happens this year as we assume the responsibility of ordering poinsettias for the Christmas Eve service. Poinsettia envelopes will be in the pews beginning in December. It would be hard to imagine St. John’s on Christmas Eve without that sea of red that grabs your attention as soon as you enter the sanctuary. Please order your plants early, and as always, you may take your plants home after the 9:30 pm service, or you may donate them so they can be taken to those who are homebound. Your Altar Guild wishes you a blessed season of peace and joy as we gather to anticipate and celebrate the holy birth of the Christ Child.

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A Stewardship Message from Pastor Steve

People want to make the world a better place to live. They want to believe that they can truly make a difference. There is implanted in us a desire to finish out our work on this earth with a perspective that our lives amounted to something. Here at Saint John’s, we have a mission and a ministry that changes lives. It is the mission of the church to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, give hope to the hopeless, bring peace to the troubled, and in general make the world a better place to live. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are making a difference and changing lives. Many of our members are faithfully supporting the ministry of our church. Some are growing in their financial support while others are giving the same amount year after year or reducing their offerings. As our congregational and community ministries have dramatically expanded over the years, we have been challenged to maintain our facility and meet the financial demands of our annual plan of ministry. However, God has faithfully provided just enough to meet the financial needs and we have received abundant blessings of God’s grace in these relationships of faith, hope and love. I hope you have experienced the rich blessing of belonging to this community of faith and that you see the spiritual need and opportunity to grow in your giving. Your trust in God and your willingness to generously give will make a difference in your life and in your relationships. As we go about the mission and ministry of changing lives, may our lives be changed. And when our work is finished here on earth, our lives will have amounted to something through the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Through your prayerful support and your generous giving in Christ, the world is a better place to live. Thanks be to God!

Thank you for your commitment to support the community and ministries at

St. John's Lutheran Church. Every pledge is important and enables

St. John's to plan programs and events that will change

lives in Christ’s name. Your support is a blessing.

If you still have not turned in

your 2013 Commitment Card, we invite you to place your

card in the offering on Sundays in December, or you can mail your card to the Church Office.

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Nominations for 2013 Church Council Every year one third of the Church Council members rotate off the Council and new congregational leaders are nominated to serve three year terms on Council. The nomination process is conducted by current Council members and calls are issued to four people who agree to have their names placed before the annual congregational meeting to have their call to this ministry affirmed. This year, the following members have been nominated by your Church Council and have agreed to serve if elected: Mary Cole, Sylvia Countess, Preston Fields, and John Stancher. In addition, if you would like to make a personal nomination, please get the person’s permission to be nominated and turn in a nomination form to Council President Rick Metelka by

Sunday, January 6th, 2013. Nomination forms are in the Welcome Center. Biographical sketches of the nominees will be sent out to the congregation prior to our annual congregational meeting which is

scheduled for Sunday, January 27th, 2013 at 10:00 am in the Sparks Fellowship Hall.

Did you know that there may be a better way to make your

year-end gifts to ministry than writing a check?

If you hold shares of stock, chances are that stock has increased in value since you purchased it. To date, 2012 has been a very good year for the stock market. As of October 31, the S&P 500 is up over 12%. By making your gifts to St. John's using shares of appreciated stock you not only avoid paying capital gains, you also get to deduct the full market value on your income tax return. As long as the stock is given directly to St. John's and you have owned it for over one year you receive both of these benefits for your gift. Gifting stock is easy. You or your broker can simply contact Claudia Wise at [email protected] or 523.3330 and the stock can be electronically transferred to St. John's. If you would like to learn more about gifting shares of stock to St. John's, please contact the Church Office at 523.3330.



by Claudia Wise

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Thank you, St. John’s Church family, for 14 fabulous years as a member of the staff. There was no better ministry for me than the one I had at St. John’s. I was so blessed to be a part of the best staff and serve the best congregation and community. The retirement party was one that I will never forget, from the kind words that were shared, to the letters, notes, cards and pictures assembled in a beautiful scrapbook. The beautiful ceramic platter will be a source of pride and joy and will hold a place of honor in our home. The Peterson Outreach Fund will be such a wonderful blessing to those carrying out ministry in our community and will become a living legacy.

For all of these heart-felt gifts I give you my deepest thanks. Our promise to you is that we will continue to be an active part of our church and will help carry out the mission and vision of our congregation. When we are in town, our week will begin on Sunday at church, because that is where we belong. A special thank you to each and everyone of you for giving me 14 truly FABULOUS years and a most wonderful retirement celebration.


EXPRESSED by Thea Peterson

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PART 2 by Rev. Amy Figg

What a gift to be back amidst God’s people! Hugs and beautiful conversations have been faithful gifts that continue to warm my soul; gentle smiles and new visions for a bright future make the return home all the sweeter. And the ever present question continues to resound: “How was sabbatical?” And my tried and true response remains, “Weird and wonderful!” Allow me to explain…

weird because: • I discovered I am capable of

d i s e n g a g in g f r o m m y professional world. Some folks wondered if I could refrain from checking in at church, respond ing to pastoral care n e e d s , a n d offering my two cents worth on any number of topics. With God’s help and lots of encouragement from my family, I DID IT!

• I experienced a wonderful release around week three … with no calendar to keep, the big decision was what to read and where to read it. (The most discernible pattern became professional reading around generational theory in the morning and pleasure

reading in the afternoon.) • I worshipped lots of places

other than St. John’s. With each congregation, I found God’s presence in beautiful ways. At the same time and with prayers in my heart, I gave thanks for the very, VERY special way God is present at St. John’s. There is something particularly rare breaking into God’s kingdom at 544 N. Broadway. I pray we never lose sight of this reality!

wonderful because: • God taught me, yet again, you

really can go home! Time with my parents and sister was the greatest gift, and reuniting with my family of faith has been a wonderfully rich experience, complete with squeals of delight (for those folks whose ears are still ringing because I couldn’t contain my excitement, I apologize!), long hugs, incredible conversat ion, gentle tears, and hope for what is to come. Opening up to God’s love, incarnate in those around me, is truly grace that transcends words.

• God revealed, yet again, the beauty of creation. From the balcony overlooking Lake Herrington to the rolling hills of thoroughbred country between Frankfort and Lexington, from the colors of an east Tennessee autumn to the glory of sun-filled days at the coast, God is everywhere if I but open my eyes to see and my ears to hear.

• God confirmed, yet again, I was born to be a pastor. It really is that simple!

Finally, many of you know one of my favorite authors is the oh so earthy Anne Lamott; I actually returned from sabbatical to hear her speak in Knoxville during September. She recently released her latest book, Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers. I can’t wait to learn as I turn the pages of that volume, and at the same time, I feel as if she has already c a p t u r e d m y s a b b a t i c a l experience in three short words: “God, please HELP me continue this journey of learning for a lifetime … THANKS for the gift of time to appreciate where we have been and where we are going… WOW, I am one blessed woman!”

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The 2013 Altar Flower sign-up sheets are now available in the hall across from the Sparks Fellowship Hall. Donating altar or pedestal flowers to decorate the Sanctuary or Welcome Center is a great way to memorialize loved ones, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, honor family members or announce new births throughout the church year. It is also an opportunity to support our Pastors and Staff members. Previous donations are listed on the sheets for convenience but if you would like to change the date or give at a different time, please cross off your name or add it to a different date. The cost of each arrangement is still $40.00 (the same as in 2008.) If you have any questions or special requests, please call or contact Sue Fischer at 966-4202 or [email protected].

LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO BE INSTALLED Lay Eucharistic Ministers will be installed on Sunday, December 9th at both worship services. LEMs are trained and spiritually prepared members of Saint John’s who take the sacrament of Holy Communion to be shared with members in special circumstances who are not able to worship with us. People who are hospitalized, sick, homebound, or in nursing facilities are members of the one body of Christ and are sustained in their faith journey and life transition by God’s presence in the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Lay Eucharistic Ministers for the 2012-2013 Church Year include: Coordinator, Norma Bradley; Sylvia Countess, Alice Garrison, Tom Holladay, Debby Jones, Peter Keyes,

Pat Krogmann, Bill Larson, Jan Larson, Nicki Nye, Owen Peterson, Ashton Roberts, Tim Schalk. Lay Eucharistic Ministers will be sent to serve each week following communion at Saint John’s with the words: “In the name of Jesus Christ, I send you forth bearing these holy gifts, that those to whom you go may share with us in the communion of Christ’s body and blood. We who are many are one body, because we share one bread and one cup.”

St. John's will again be decorating the sanctuary with beautiful poinsettias during the Christmas Eve Worship services. If you would like to purchase a plant in memory of or in honor of a loved one or to the glory of God you may do so by completing a "Christmas Poinsettias" order envelope located in the pew racks. Each plant costs $12.00. The last day for placing your order is Wednesday, December 19. You may take your plants home after the 9:30 pm Christmas Eve service, or you may donate them so they can be taken to those who are homebound. Thank you for contributing to the beauty of the season and to the glory of God.


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Reach out and share the love of Christ and wish your fellow church members a Happy Birthday.


Hip hip hooray!

It's your birthday today!!

1st Al Gill

Nicki Nye Beth Callo

2nd Shirley Fogarty Floyd Daniels Dick Fahringer

6th Christine Jessel

Lee Sinnott

8th Rose Perkinson Brooke Schwahn

9th Wayne Yoder

JoAnne Roning Lisa Booher

Tanner Jessel

10th Keith Solt

Debby Jones Landry Bernard

12th Susanna Sutherland

14th Lindsay McClanahan

15th Sue Fischer

Sam Hancock Jackie Kessler

JC Miller

16th John Tirro

18th Nancy Friedrich

19th Dotty Barnhill

Heather Thompson

20th David Anderson Betsy Friedrich

Stephen Friedrich

21st Velma Hendrix Pat Hunsicker Greg Stafford

22nd Neil Fischer Todd Sharp

Michael Westphal

23rd Paul Anderson

24th Doris Quickel

27th Lisa Kalmon Jane Walker

Joseph Ray Jr.

28th James Booher Connor Kalmon

29th Mary Elizabeth Peterson

30th Benny Smith

31st Owen Peterson

December Birthdays

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St. John’s Lutheran Church 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917 Phone: 865-523-3330 Fax: 865-524-7895 E-mail: [email protected] Website:


Contact Information St. John’s Lutheran Church—544 N Broadway—Knoxville, TN 37917— tel: 865-523-3330 Website:

Senior Pastor— J. Stephen Misenheimer: [email protected] Pastor of Family Ministries & Christian Caregiving—Amy C. Figg: [email protected] Pastor of Congregation Life and Campus Ministry—John Tirro: [email protected] Minister of Music – Deborah Dunne-Sousa: [email protected] Kids Hope USA Director – Thea Peterson: [email protected] Director of Christian Education— Krista Lee: [email protected] Minister of Administration and Finance – Claudia Wise: [email protected] Communications Specialist – Mindy Abell: [email protected] Administrative Assistant— Toni Denton: [email protected] Facility Manager— Tom Holladay: [email protected]

Christmas Eve Worship with Candlelight & Communion

Monday, December 24 6:30 pm: Festival Worship

9:30 pm: Festival Worship