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  • 8/6/2019 Lv Entering Japan



    The objective of this coursework is to analyze, using different tools, an organization looking

    towards analyzing its strategy and making conclusions of it. this implicates to, in the first place,

    make an in deep investigation of the organization to gain all the knowledge needed to apply

    these tools and, in the second place, to make a good use of this information and a better use ofthe tools given , being able to reach some critical and subjective conclusions.

    the organization I have chosen is the one I started working for three months ago , which is called

    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. here, looking towards maintaining it anonymous due to the information

    which is given about it in this coursework. That's the reason why, also, some of the figures and

    specific details have variations in them. In any case, these modifications don't alter the reality of

    the work done, and the validity of the conclusions taken. All the focus of this work will be in the

    strategies followed by the organization more than giving specific details and information about

    the organization.

    the reason why I choose this organization is because I find it very interesting, and I have a

    personal interest in the realization of this coursework because I think that it helps me in my work

    to know better the organization that I'm working for. Lots of the culture that works in this

    organization can be seen here, and having a deeper knowledge of the organization you are

    working within contributes to a better adaptation to this new laboral environment. Also, knowing

    the objectives of my organization, it will be easier for me to join my personal objectives with their

    objectives, as well as working harder looking towards achieving both, my personal interests and

    the interests of my organization.

    I think that all the objectives that I wanted to achieve with this coursework have been

    successfully achieved, and that's why I feel proud and satisfaction of the research andinterpretation work done.


    It was created in 1991 with this definition of its activity: Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A.'s main activities

    consist on the fabrication of intraocular lens, on other words, artificial crystalline for their

    substitution in operations of cataracts.

    The mission is the starting point for the formulation of the strategy in an organization. In this case

    it is defined like: to maintain the position of the main intraocular lens manufacturing organization

    for the substitution of the crystalline in cataracts operations all over Spain, combining the

    product quality with a continuous improvement and costumer satisfaction.

    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. is positioned in its market like the personalized supplier of maximum

    quality lens for the cataracts operations.

    It is situated in the technological park of zamudio which is a privileged situation. It is very well

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    communicated and so, this will help us for exportation to foreign countries and the rest of Spain.

    Zamudio is situated from 30 minutes to the bay, just three kilometres to the airport and has a fast

    connexion with the European railroads. This can be a competitive advantage.

    So the products sold by Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. are: intraocular lens of PMMA, intraocular lens

    of HEMA and capsular rings used in cataracts surgery. There are many different models of eachproduct depending on its depth and the dioptres needed, as well as its shape. this are elite

    products which go through an exhaustive quality control, with the totality of our lens evaluated,

    which will be a competitive advantage from our competitors

    In the year 2003, 350.000 lenses were implanted. This figure will implement a 15 % in the

    following years, taking into account its evolution during the last years. We have between the 85%

    and 90% of the market in Spain. We are the main distributor of lens in Spain. Our market never

    will be formed by the final consumer of the product but by an intermediate consumer. The 70 %

    of the lens were sold to the public sector and 30 % to the private sector.


    It analyzes the external factors to the organization, and how they can affect to it.



    The competitors in this sector are big multinationals who take advantage of their size to force

    some of their conditions to their costumers. This gives us the perfect competitive advantage

    providing a better and more flexible service to our costumers.

    their resources are bigger than ours with big capitals and power, as well as R+D, that allows them

    to reduce costs; being more competitive in prices than us. We have to focus in differentiation to

    make them the competence.

    The big size of our competitors make them diversify, allowing us to exploit our niche of the

    cataracts lens in Spain.

    Some of our main competitors in this market are: Alcon, Allergan, Pharmacia, Santen and Merck.

    All of this will be studied in details on the competitor's analysis.


    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. is orienting its product towards those centres doing cataracts operations.

    From big hospitals to clinics, and smaller private ophthalmic centres. Our costumers won't be the

    final consumer (the person being operated) but the professional doing this operation.

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    In the case of the public hospitals it is necessary to now how the sanitary contest work in order to

    win them. They go out every year to access to serving them. Regarding to the particular doctors,

    which are of big interest of us due to the impossibility of being satisfied by the big multinationals?

    We can give answer to their punctual petitions with the last objective of gaining their fidelity, so

    that it will be easier to us to win in the sanitary contests. Remember, the private sector is a 30 %of our sales but the public one is the 70 %.

    In conclusion, we are speaking about costumers very sensitive to the service provided and the

    quality of our products. This makes them less sensitive to prices.


    We are in a very difficult situation regarding to our suppliers. They are big multinationals which

    have a duopoly over the market: BENZ and VISTA OPTIC. They provide us with the raw materials

    needed to produce our lens: buttons or brute lens. Because of this duopolistic situation, they

    have a strong hold on the market trying to impose very hard conditions.

    The situation is difficult because we don't have any bargaining power in front of these big

    companies and, also, the cost of our final product is much related to the price of our raw


    We try to negotiate the better possible conditions: less price, better delivery conditions,

    preferential service, personalized attention



    The wages for sanity are being implemented by the government in our country. Racing the public

    investments in sanity means also to implement the demand in cataracts operations.

    Also, politic affect us because the 70 % of our sales are made to public hospitals. For selling to

    them it is made a public contest regulated by the governmental laws. If those laws change this

    process it can mean a big threat to us. In this process we fight against the affiliates of the

    multinationals in Spain. The main point taken into account for the competition is the quality of

    the product, where we are leaders. the process consist in one or various persons visiting our

    facilities and making a technical inform of our organization paying special attention to the quality

    of our final product. The organization which wins this contest is the one with the highest

    punctuation achieved.

    All of this said, it is very difficult for this system to change and if the system changes we will find

    the way to adapt to it so we will continue providing to the public hospitals.

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    The economy won't affect us as much as it can affect to others because our products are of first

    necessity. This means than even in the case of crisis in the economy our products will continue

    being sold by our costumers.

    All of that said, there is good perspectives for the 2004, and this will beneficiate us.

    The global economy seems to be reactivating.

    In the USA the 2003 finished with a rate growth for their GNP of the 3 %. They also have

    predicted a bigger growth for the year 2004.

    Here in Europe, it is growing to levels higher than the 2, 5 %. The previsions are not as favourable

    as the American ones but it is also expected a growth.

    To all of this, we can add that Greenspan has said that the USA is going to raise the interest rates

    for this summer. This will influence the equivalence Euro/dollars to decrease a little bit. This will

    be profitable for our exportations because we will find a more favourable stage in foreign

    countries where our products will be cheaper, being the American ones more expensive for the

    national market.


    The ageing of the population in Spain is making grown the demand of the cataracts operations.

    This is the most frequent cirugy practised in the developed countries. Most of the cataracts are

    produced by ageing and it is one more symptom of getting old. Ageing is the main reason that

    generates this type of pathologies.In the following chart we will see how the demographic evolution brings in our country a bigger

    ageing of its population. The children rates decrease and the ancient's rates increase.


    At last place but very important for us, the Spanish economy is predicted to have the biggest

    growth in European Union. This will favour to the enterprises manufacturing products for inner

    consumption to the Spanish market, like Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A..

    Regarding to the technology there isn't any possibility of substitution of the existing technology

    regarding to the cataracts operations, which consist on implanting a lens. Anyway, it is true that

    these lens and their characteristics can be implemented and new materials or new procedures

    can make a big change in this market. If this occurs we will have to adapt to the change due to

    our strategy of technology followers.

    Anyway, we have a lack and a big disadvantage in this area due to our poor policies in R+D which

    are a direct consequence of our smaller wages. The amount of money allocated to R+D projects

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    by the big multinationals are far bigger than the one we can allow ourselves to. This is a problem

    that will be studied in deep later on, trying to take away our reactivity regarding to the changes in




    the potential for profit in an industry is determined by the maximum price that the costumers are

    willing to pay and it depends on the propensity that the buyers have to substitute (which is this

    case there won't be none) and the price performance characteristic that our substitutes have

    (which in this case doesn't matter, in the first place because there is no substitutes and in the

    second place because what our costumers really look for is service and quality).

    There is no threat of substitutes due to the fact that there are no possible substitutes for the use

    of lens in the cataracts operations, for the moment.


    The easier it is for new companies to enter the industry, the more cutthroat competition there

    will be. Factors that can limit the threat of new entrants are known as barriers to entry

    Our organization is very profitable. That's the main reason why new competitors would have a

    reason for trying to come into our market. But also there are many barriers to these new entries

    like the sunk cost which doesn't allow recovering the total value of the investment on exist.

    In the first place I will comment some barriers which affect in a very small degree to our niche

    but in a bigger degree to the entire medical and pharmaceutics market.

    The capital requirements are not a big deal for any new companies trying to enter in the niche

    where we are specialized but it would definitely be to enter in the whole market of the medicine,

    where it would be almost impossible to enter due to the high investments needed in all the


    Also, economies of scale can b e applied regarding to the global market of the medicine with

    bigger amounts of units being sold which allows the amortization of the fixed costs lowering the

    unit cost and the prices. This won't be any barriers to enter our niche.

    There will be a small degree of absolute cost advantage over this new entrants, due to our know

    how, the big amount of time spent looking towards optimizing the cost of our outputs and

    reducing costs in the process. This advantage will really be absolute to the big pharmaceutics

    companies which have a very big know how and economies of learning due to their experience.

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    We definitely will have our two big barriers that almost assure that there won't be new entrants

    in our niche, in the product differentiation, the access to channels of distribution and the

    governmental and legal barriers, being these three barriers very close related.

    the quality levels achieved by our company, as well as the service differentiation and productdevelopment with the doctors, has given to Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. such a good reputation that

    we own the 90 % of the market being more expensive than our competitors. The relationships

    that we have established, allow us to win all the sanity contests which are governmentally

    regulated, satisfying the particular needs that the doctors may have. We own the channels of

    distributions due to this.

    Retaliation would be a possibility if somebody would be crazy enough to try to enter this niche

    having to fight against all the barriers that have been exposed before. The retaliation would

    consist on a heavier policy of satisfying to the doctor's necessities.


    The industry rivalry describes the intensity of competition between existing firms in an industry.

    Highly competitive industries generally earn low returns because the cost of competition is high.

    A highly competitive market might result from:

    Concentration: there are many companies in this area with big size, so it is supposed to be a high

    level of concentration. It would seem that this would play against a smaller company like Phoenix

    Ophthalmic S.A., but, instead it plays to its favour like a competitive advantage due to the

    diversification that these competitors make centring their attention in other sectors.

    Diversity of competitors: the big competitors are very similar, big multinationals with similar

    objectives, but different from our company, which allows us to exploit our niche and fulfil our

    own objectives of profitability without having to fight against the objectives of our competitors.

    Product differentiation: while our competitors have very similar standardized products having to

    fight in prices, our product and service differentiation allows us to sell at higher prices having a

    competitive advantage.

    Excess capacity: there is no excess capacity in our niche because the demand is implementing

    every year due to the ageing of the population. We always have high profitability.

    Cost conditions: We can't fight to our competitors in cost, so we don't take into account, but they

    have big fights between them looking towards selling as much as possible so their fixed costs will

    be covered before allowing them to reduce their cost per unit.

    So, in conclusion, our competitors have a very intense industry rivalry fighting for the medical and

    pharmaceutics market share, allowing us to be in a very quiet situation in a niche which only

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    means an infinitesimal percentage of their business and their objectives.


    The bargaining power of the buyers is how much pressure customers can place on a business. If

    one customer has a large enough impact to affect a company's margins and volumes, then theyhold substantial power

    our strategically advantage when dealing with our buyers will be that they are not so much price

    sensitive as they are quality and service sensitive.

    This is due to, in the first place, the big differentiation that our product and services have from

    the one of our competitors. in the second place, due to importance that the quality on a lens, as

    well as the service giving to them, has for the final service that they are giving to their costumers

    and the advantages that our service gives them for doing their work. Also, the price of the lens

    won't be the most expensive part of the operation, which means that they won't be very

    sensitive to the price, because they are far more concerned about quality and service. in the last

    place, the competition between buyers is not a big deal with work for all of them: this is a first

    necessity service, and there will be people that has to go through the social security, and there

    will be people that won't want to wait so long and, having the necessary money for the operation,

    will do it in a private centre. In most of the cases, the doctors operating in the social security and

    in the private centres will be the same.

    our disadvantage regarding to the bargaining power of buyers, specially taking into account the

    size of the public sector (70 % of our sales), will be the big bargaining power that they will have,

    being bigger than us, having many other possibilities of substitution with cheaper prices, having a

    very low switching cost and being absolutely informed of all the products, prices and costs of themarket. Strategically, we will have to respond to all their particular needs of quality and service.


    The bargaining power of the suppliers is how mu ch pressure suppliers can place on a business. If

    one supplier has a large enough impact to affect a company's margins and volumes, then they

    hold substantial power.

    We have no bargaining power in dealing with our supplier. They are two big multinationals that

    have established a duopoly in the market imposing all the conditions that they want and with

    prices as high as possible. This is one of the reasons why we can't be competitive in costs towards

    our competitors. We are very sensitive to price, because it is a big percentage of the total cost of

    our product.

    The vertical integration is not a possibility for us, since we need the raw materials that they

    provide us, and we don't have any other supplier or way to have these needed raw materials

    (buttons or brute lens).

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    The only possible course of action regarding to the suppliers are the long term relationship that

    we have established with them. This way we will have the advantage of being their regular

    costumers, and there will some negotiated conditions which won't be changed.


    Cheaper than us but us better quality

    Our competitors are big multinationals, most of them American, with a big bargaining power due

    to their big volume. Their resources will be bigger than ours due to their capacity, but a lso, they

    will have different objectives, as well as less flexibility and less differentiation, especially in

    service and selling standardized products.

    In the first place, analyzing the competitors I must point out that PHOENIX OPHTHALMIC S.A. just

    has direct competitors, other enterprises which have among their activities the manufacturing of

    intraocular lens. We don't have any indirect competitors at all because there isn't any product or

    service able of substitute the function of this type of lens.

    These big multinationals are organizations with a long trajectory in the medical sector. Most of

    them have various decades of existence and they have offices all over the world with staff of

    thousand of employees. This gives them many advantages, like a big experience curve and know


    One of our advantages is that, due to their big size, the percentage of market of the Spanish

    intraocular lens business will be minimum for them, so that it is easy for us to mantain our

    market share. Mainly due to our good sales policy and our intensive support to our costumerswhich gives us a strong and established position in the Spanish market.

    In the second place, I'd like to point out that these organizations, due to their big volume and

    long establishment, have followed strategies of diversification, not only in the ophthalmic ambit,

    but also in other pharmaceutics sectors, which means that our business means a very small part

    of their sales volume. The bad thing about this is that other pharmaceutics organizations have

    entered our sector due to this diversification strategy.

    in the last place, I must point out that these organizations follow a strategy very based in R+D

    developments where our strategy consist on a creative technological following.

    I will mention 5 of the most important competitors that we can find:

    ALCON: American organization (Boston) that operates in more than 100 countries. They

    have an affiliate in Spain, in Barcelona.

    ALLERGAN: (California) Created in 1945, it has a staff of 11000 workers in 60 offices all over

    the world. It is dedicated specially to treating glaucoma's, psoriasis and conjunctivitis.

    PHARMACIA: (New Jersey) Created in 1950, it has a volume even bigger of staff (59000),

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    sales, and number of business where it operates. They have affiliates in all the fields of

    pharmaceutics and medical products. Its affiliate in the ophthalmic field is called XALATAN.


    SANTEN: It is a Japanese organization (created in Osaka in 1890). They make products for

    every kind of ocular affection.


    We are going to start segmentating the medical market in Spain based in the two main variables

    that differentiate us from our competitor: quality required to be competitive and price.


    Matrix Quality Required to be competitive

    Price higher lower

    higher Ophthalmic lens

    Phoenix Ophthalmic SA

    lower Pharmaceutics Medical Tools Other Prosthesis

    Big Multinationals

    As it can be seem in the segmentation matrix, the only segment that can be profitable for us is

    the one of the ophthalmic lens. That's why we are going to divide this segment. It's where we are

    working and it is quite illogical even to consider other segments such as pharmaceutics, medical

    tools or other type of prosthesis because we can't fight against he big multinationals. This would

    go against the niche strategy that we have. It is said that when something works don't change it.

    We will make a deeper segmentation analysis, regarding the type of costumers that we have, inorder to analyze the different strategies that will better work. In the case of Phoenix Ophthalmic

    S.A., the service offered to our costumers, it will be quite similar regarding to prices and product.

    But there will be distinctions between some kind of costumers and others, due to their different

    exigencies regarding to their different necessities which we will need to satisfy. That's the reason

    why we will need to have different strategies depending upon the following segmentation that

    will we done.

    In the first place we will separate our demand depending on the country it comes from. In this

    aspect we will segmentate in national costumers and the foreign ones. Our products and demand

    is mainly oriented to the national sector. The big difference that we can find internationally is that

    we are not cost leaders and our price becomes even less competitive taking into account the high

    transport expenditures. also we loose some of our competitive advantages from being national

    such as the possibility of visiting us, having direct contact with our commercials, the feeling of

    buying something made in your own country our strategy going international consist in having

    deals with the main transport agencies like DHL or TNT and trying to improve the service as much

    as possible.

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    Regarding to our way of satisfying the demand we will distinguish between public hospitals,

    clinics and private ophthalmic centres.

    The strategy regarding to the first team, the public hospitals, is to have the maximum quality

    possible so we will we chosen in all the public contests that appear. They are quality based. Also

    we will need to manage the stock of their hospitals.

    At last, we will join in the same group to the clinics and private ophthalmic centres. We will need

    to have better prices and conditions to serve them. Specially, taking into account that many of

    them are our door of entry to the public sector.

    In conclusion, where Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. better works is in the national sector


    It is different of the segmentation. In the segmentation you analyze the different market or

    segments and the product located in them, in the strategic groups we will study similar company

    to our company in their characteristics. These organizations in the same strategic group will

    develop very similar strategies.

    In the national market or segment where we are operating ther aren't any organizations with

    similar characteristics to our. All of this said, we find other companies in foreign countries which

    are following the same niche strategy as us in their national markets with high levels of success.

    Some of these similar strategy companies can be found in Israel, France, Italy (Lintra) or Greece.

    I will talk later on the benchmarking chapter about the opportunities that these organizations can

    mean to us.


    I have dedicated an entire chapter of this coursework to this internal development strategy due

    to the big importance that it has had in making Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. the leader in a segment

    of a very competitive sector.

    The big success of this strategy has consisted on centring in the development of internal

    resources and capabilities to satisfy our costumer's particular needs, instead of fighting with our

    competitors in such issues as prices, where we would always loss. This way, we have centred in a

    differentiation strategy developing our competitive advantages.

    This way, we have modified the industry conditions and competitor behaviour moderating the

    competitive pressures that they had over us, such as cost advantage, thanks to a strategic

    management which has gained market power with favourable industry structures as the primary


    As it is know, there is only two ways of having competitive advantages: cost advantage and

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    differentiation. The only way we had was with differentiation, and that is why we have oriented

    our resources and capabilities to build these competitive advantages.

    To orientate our resources and capabilities towards the competitive advantage, we have tried to

    gain as much self-knowledge as possible to better understand them. This is also the way to

    implement them, to select a strategy exploiting them, to ensure that they are exploited to thelimit and to build the company's resource base. If we know what we are and we are going, we will

    be able to gain the resources and capabilities which will allow us to be who we want to be.


    The basic unit of analysis of the resources of the firm are: items of capital equipment, the skills of

    individual employees, patents, brand names, and so on.

    But to analyze how our organization can create competitive advantage we should see the bigger

    picture, analyzing how this resources fit together generating capabilities.


    These resources are the easiest ones to identify and measure. The strategy followed by PHOENIX

    OPHTHALMIC S.A. regarding to the tangible resources must try to use the opportunities for

    economizing the use of their financial resources and physical assets, as well as exploiting to the

    limit of its possibilities their assets in the more profitable possible occupations.

    The financial resources of Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. are very good due to the social capital that

    they dispose of being a SA thanks to the reserves which haven't been delivered among their

    actionists and, instead, have been reinvested in the company. These reserves come from the highturnover levels that the organization registered during the year 2003 which translated in a high

    level of profit.

    The main physical assets that PHOENIX OPHTHALMIC S.A. has are its investments in machinery.

    This machinery is completely paid in the moment of buying it has an expected life of 10 years and

    that's the reason why it is amortized by a 10 % yearly.

    The machines are:

    2 torns

    2 fresators

    2 machines for the quality control

    2 machines for a second quality control

    2 cleaners


    These kind of resources are the most subjective one to measure, and the most difficult to define

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    because of their abstraction nature.

    We are in an industrial market, and not a consumption one. This makes such things as image,

    trade, or even publicity have less importance and are less valuable than for products oriented to

    the consumption market. All of this said, we have a good trade with a good image in the Spanish

    market with the problem that it is not know outside Spain.

    Where we are leaders having a competitive advantage is in the reputation. We have had a very

    good and positive evolution, always serving to our costumers in the best way possible without

    ever failing to them (we can't allow ourselves to fail to them). This is the reason why be have the

    best reputation in the market and all our costumers look for us when making their deliveries.

    Our technology is a standardized one because we are followers in technology. Anyway, there

    aren't big technological developments made in this area and that's the reason why this doesn't

    suppose a problem for us. In any case, it would be good for us to try to improve our R+D.


    These are the main objectives followed by Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. managing their human


    to have a complete integration of the personnel in the organization

    to have a good policy of motivation and job satisfaction

    to motivate to the employee to achieve its participation and feedback

    To obtain the fidelity of the personnel so it will stay on the organization.

    When speaking about human resources, the most difficult part may be how to measure them.

    knowing that this is a difficult but important matter, in Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. what is done is aperformance appraisal once a year (we know that it should be done with a mayor frequency but

    being a small company we don't have resources or time for doing it in any other way). For doing

    this performance appraisal it is fundamental to have a good job description done of all the

    positions in the staff defining their tasks and what objectives they must reach. This performance

    appraisal is good to evaluate to our employees (it will be taken into account for future ascends),

    motivating them, and knowing which their specific necessities will be for the training. the training

    will be done trying to implement those deficiencies that they may have developing their tasks

    and trying to prepare them for the change in the organization (which is located in a constantly

    changing environment) and the new tasks that they will have to do.

    the good know how of our technology and the specialization in running it allow us to have a very

    clearly defined job positions in the same way that task and objectives are established.

    The flexible culture of Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. is also a valuable resource that the organization

    has. Because of their small size, being a familiar organization, their proactivity and the motivation

    and active participation of their employees, it is a competitive advantage from its competitors.

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    They are the capacities that a firm has to develop a particular activity.

    We have to identify the core competences that we have, that add value to the costumer and

    differentiates us from our competitors. They are competitive advantages (differentiation or costadvantage). They must well define in the structure and the performance of the firm.

    So the question which needs to be answered in these chapters is: what can Phoenix Ophthalmic

    S.A. do better than its competitors?


    The value chain is a systematic approach to examining the development of competitive

    advantage. The chain consists of a series of activities that create and build value. They culminate

    in the total value delivered by an organisation. The margin which appears is the same as added

    value. The organisation is split into primary activities and support activities.

    Primary Activities

    Inbound Logistics

    We always have different models of lens in stock, looking towards satisfy ing our demand jut-



    This is where goods are manufactured. We transform the raw materials changing them into high

    quality and specialized lens for our costumers.We also have an exhaustive quality control system controlling the quality of our entire lens, so

    that all of them will go out of the laboratory with a 100 % quality.

    Outbound Logistics

    We have a very good delivering service for our costumers. We have deals with big companies of

    transport such as DHL and SEUR which give us special conditions of delivery due to our long term

    relationship with them. There is a just in time system delivering the lens wherever they are

    needed. Also, if they are very urgent and the space allows us to, an employee of Phoenix

    Ophthalmic S.A. will at the moment make the delivery.

    Also, we have an informatics system with a data base of our best costumers allowing us to know

    fast and constantly which is their situation of lens stock and when their stocks need to be refilled.

    Marketing and Sales

    We have a marketing department which is constantly looking how to promote our products and

    how their design can be better. They are always trying to find new necessities of our costumers to


    We have a very good and efficient sales force with commercials all over Spain. They visit to the

    costumers providing them with all the information they need and giving to them special

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    attentions. They are the best final image of Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. for its costumers.


    We offer personalized TAYLOR MADE products offered to the doctors which they can design with


    Due to our 100 % quality guarantee, we give a post sales service changing any lens which isn't inperfect state.

    Support Activities


    We don't add any value in the purchasing of our raw materials because we have a low bargaining

    power with our suppliers.

    Technology Development

    Technology is an important source of competitive advantage. Anyway, we are technology

    followers and that's the reason why we don't add any value in this aspect.

    Human Resource Management (HHRR)

    As it has been analyzed in the resources of the firm, we have excellent and motivated personnel

    which do the best work possible. Also, their attention to the costumers is very good, with

    personalized visits to his installations and always answering any doubt that they may have. This is

    an advantage of being a smaller company.

    We can't forget about our sales force which gives very good image of the organization thanks to

    the professionalism of our sympathetic sellers.

    Firm Infrastructure

    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. has a Management Information System (MIS) and other mechanisms for

    planning and control such as the accounting department.


    The benchmarking is a toll used to measure and develop the o rganisationalcapability through

    detailed comparisons with other firms and organizations.

    In the first place we need to identify the activities or functions that need to be improved. One of

    our main weaknesses towards our competitors is that, being multinationals, they have more

    resources than us, having big research and development departments which suppose a possible

    future technological advantage over us, as well as an implementation of their cost advantage.

    The strategy followed until this moment is one of following and copying the technology that they

    develop. That makes us followers in technology.

    The benchmarking strategy that we can follow is to join forces with other companies in foreign

    countries which are following the same niche strategy than us. The objective is to acquire a

    technological advantage over the big multinationals which would also suppose an

    implementation in our cost disadvantage. For doing so, we can create our own R+D department

    specialized in materials and special lens sharing knowledge and costs with our colleagues. Some

    of these similar strategy companies can be found in Israel, France, Italy (Lintra) or Greece.

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    When two or more firms compete for a market share, one organization has a competitive

    advantage over the rest when it earns more than the others or has the potential to do so.

    The external sources of competitive advantage in our organization will be:

    a strong reputation in the ophthalmic sector in Spain

    A good adecuation of our product life cycle to our products: where we won't have many

    problems due to the fact that our lens have a large life in their product life cycle. Anyway, bigger

    investments should be done in research & development to acquire a big competitive advantage,

    having a good innovation in our products which would better satisfy our costumers.

    Other sources of competitive advantage depending more directly on our resources and

    capabilities are: stability, flexibility of the organization, good workforce and a structure of the

    organization where no fails will be allowed (every fail cost us money and being a small company

    we can't afford it) to ensure success in every activity.

    The flexibility will be a core competitive advantage. It is derivate from the factor that we are a

    small familiar organization. It is easier to reaction to the external changes for us than for our

    bigger competitors. This is of big importance because we are working in a hard and changeable

    environment which makes to constantly evolve and change to the industry, the market and all the

    stakeholders that are affected by this. Our resistance to change is smaller and easier to manage

    due to this flexibility and being a small company (where everybody is informed of the situations

    and work in teams giving feedback about the organization). We can assure that we have a bigresponsiveness or ability to respond to the external change.


    We will be in cost disadvantage having worst prices than our competitors due to the fact of our

    smaller size. This will have us having a higher price per unit and having to differentiate if we want

    to have competitive advantages to overcompensate this competitive disadvantage.

    We are going to analyse Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. related to the different factor that influence in

    the cost advantage.

    In the first place, we have the experience curve. Our experience curve is quite good with

    experienced personnel, which translates in a faster and more accurate production. We have been

    manufacturing since 1991 and most of the staff has working in Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. since

    there. The only problem is that most of our competitors have been in the market for long time

    before us and they also have good experience curves and may even be in a more advanced stage

    of their experience curve. Also, because of our lack in R+D, there is a serious risk of somebody

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    inventing a reengineering process which would give them a better experience curve.

    Regarding to economies of scale, this is one of the bigger disadvantages that we can find in our

    sector. All our competitors have big series of production reducing their cost a lot thanks to the

    fast covering of fixed cost. Their rate fixed cost / variable cost is far lower than the one that we

    have. From the point of view of the cost it is the main disadvantage that we have. Anyway, wecan't forget about the advantage that these scale economies of our competitors will give us later

    on, in the differentiation. Because of their scale economies, our competitors have standardized

    products with no product differentiation, low flexibility and problems of low motivation and

    more difficult coordination.

    Being small company we have very good economies of learning. Most of the employees which

    started working for Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. in 1991 continue working for the organization with

    all the know how and expertise that this bring to the organization. The new employees that enter

    in the organization fastly learn how it works thanks to the practical training giving by their

    partners by observation. Also, the culture of the organization and the good climate which you can

    find in Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. allows this flow of information from the senior employees to the

    new ones to develop in the best way possible.

    Regarding to the capacity utilization, it is already being used to the maximum with to different

    production shifts squeduled looking towards optimizing the use of the machinery. A third

    production sift could be included during the nigh, but it is not necessary because all those units

    wouldn't be sold at the moment taking into account the average units sold by Phoenix

    Ophthalmic S.A. to the market. Bigger companies than us would use this third shift and produce

    bigger quantities than us because they sell for the global market.

    The product design is done by Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A.. they have specialists in the area whichcan do different designs in very little time, following the given specifications.

    One of our big disadvantages regarding to the cost is our cost in inputs. It is very high due to our

    low bargaining power with our suppliers, and higher in relation to the one that our competitors

    may achieve being big multinationals. Also, the input cost is a good part of our final cost.

    Our production techniques are very flexible, adapting to the delivery orders and the demand

    previsions that we have. Depending on those, our staff will be ordered to produce more units of

    one model or other.

    The managerial efficiency in Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. is very high. Being a familiar business, most

    of the main managers are the owners of the company and that's why they are so focused in

    having the organization managed in the best way possible. This makes an organized and tidy

    enterprise, which works smoothly. Also, the managers of Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. have a big

    entrepreneur vision and are in touch with the market knowing it very well and reacting

    proactively to every change that it may have.


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    Product quality and offered service, because lost in price.

    We are in a very specialized and standardized sector which gives many possible sources of

    differentiation: innovations in technology which can give us cost reductions or the introduction of

    an innovative new characteristic that carries advantages in the operation. Due to the fact that weare technology followers, and our technology is already known and used by our competitors,

    these possibilities of differentiation are reduced.

    This is the reason why we have to differentiate in these two big areas that are: the quality of our

    product and the quality of our service.

    Regarding to the product, we base the differentiation of our offer in its excellent quality. The

    lenses manufactured by Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. are exhaustively controlled to have maximum

    quality. We can assure that our lens have a quality of the 100%. Our entire lenses don't have any

    deformation or failure in their composition. These 100% quality controls aren't as rigorous in our

    competitors who only check one of every five units, due to their big volumes of fabrication. The

    smaller manufacturing volume of PHOENIX OPHTHALMIC S.A. makes possible to do so and means

    a big differentiation against the big multinationals.

    Regarding to the service, Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. is differentiated from its competitors due to

    the degree of personalization that it has. The high quality of our lens goes by hand of a high

    flexibility service, fast and particularized; that allows to our costumers access to added value

    impossible to achieve by all the big multinationals.

    1. The first differential feature given by Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. consists on the possibility

    offered to the professionals of the medical medicine to develop a personalized product madefollowing their own specifications (TAYLOR MADE). The doctors can visit the manufacturing plant

    and design with the professionals at Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A., a lens with the characteristics that

    they may desire; so that it will adjust to the particular way of operating of the doctor or to the

    particular form of the eye of the patient. It can look like this kind of lens can't have any variations

    or shades, but they can be really important and the doctors would have this advantage counting

    with a maximum quality product made to their own use. This is a service impossible to be given

    by the big multinationals that work with big amounts of units all over the world which are highly


    2. The way of ordering the delivery is generally done by telephone. Anyway, we have an

    informatics system with a data base of our best costumers allowing us to know fast and

    constantly which is their situation of lens stock. This informatics integration of the information

    allows us to make an automatic reposition of the stocks without our costumers having to make

    the delivery.

    3. The delivery of the lens to our costumers is another differential factor. As I have said before,

    the multinationals and their affiliates have big volumes of manufacturing basing their competitive

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    advantage in their price. This is the reason why they are only interested in serving deliveries

    which surpass a minimum number of units. Our costumers may find that if they want to be

    served by them, they may find two problems: that our competitors don't have the lens with the

    characteristics needed by the doctor or that they have to ask for a minimum number of units. We

    always serve them when they need it, with the number of units needed and with the

    characteristic needed.

    4. Also, the delivery will be made fast, accurately and taking care. PHOENIX OPHTHALMIC S.A.

    works with Just-in-time. This differentiates us from the multinationals which aren't interested in

    satisfying urgent deliveries and have established periods of delivery that must be followed.

    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. adapts completely to our costumers necessities carrying their deliveries,

    even if it is just one lens, where it is needed and in the time needed as fast as possible. The

    transport is usually made by transport organizations such as DHL, SEUR or TNT. Also, when the

    urgency is maximum and the geographic distance allows it, one of the own workers in the staff of

    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. will travel to make the delivery.

    5. Taking profit of the 100% quality that our lens have from the exhaustive control over them,

    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. offers total guarantee over its products during undefined time. This

    guarantee means the free reposition of the entire lens which would have any damage due to any

    situation. We know that this situation can't be produced by the manufacturing but during the

    transport or when the lens is being manipulated by the doctors. All of this taken into account,

    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. changes the lens completely free.

    Another differentiation, outside the product and the service, is the fact of Phoenix Ophthalmic

    S.A. being a Spanish organization. It can look like costumers don't pay attention to this kind of

    things but, in my opinion, they really do. Bargaining with an organization from your own country

    is an attraction and a psychological advantage. When the situation of an organization is good, thiskind of psychological aspects can have the most important relevance.


    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. is a competitive organization that has achieved success due to its good

    strategies and to its positioning in a niche like cataract lenses in the Spanish market is.

    After all the research work don e and all the analysis tools used during this coursework, we have

    taken a picture of the organization and made an analysis of its strategies, as well as outlining

    which areas would need a different strategic approach. This is called the strategic reflection of

    the organization.

    With all of this, the next step on the process would be to make the strategic plan. Some strategic

    basic lines would be defined in the form of a SWAT analysis. This way, we would classify the

    possible strategic basic lines in function of them being part of the strengths and weaknesses of

    our organization, and in function of their appliance in case of possible opportunities and possible

    threats for our organization.

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    Once that this is done, we would allocate specific action for each strategic line with a particular

    timing and allocating the necessary resources. To establish a who, a what and a when is of

    maximum relevance.

    After the strategic plan, an annual plan must come, and then a monthly control.

    It will always be fundamental to join our mission, objectives, vision and valors looking towards

    going in the good direction.


    KOTLER, PHILIP "Marketing Management"






    Japan Ministery of Economy, Trade and Industry - METI

    Web Japan Statistics

    CIA World Factbook - Japan

    Japan in the world

    Information about countries and world rankings

    Japan - A Country Study

  • 8/6/2019 Lv Entering Japan


    Japan Information Network


    The objective of this coursework is to analyze, using different tools, an organization lookingtowards analyzing its strategy and making conclusions of it. this implicates to, in the first place,

    make an in deep investigation of the organization to gain all the knowledge needed to apply

    these tools and, in the second place, to make a good use of this information and a better use of

    the tools given , being able to reach some critical and subjective conclusions.

    the organization I have chosen is the one I started working for three months ago , which is called

    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. here, looking towards maintaining it anonymous due to the information

    which is given about it in this coursework. That's the reason why, also, some of the figures and

    specific details have variations in them. In any case, these modifications don't alter the reality of

    the work done, and the validity of the conclusions taken. All the focus of this work will be in the

    strategies followed by the organization more than giving specific details and information about

    the organization.

    the reason why I choose this organization is because I find it very interesting, and I have a

    personal interest in the realization of this coursework because I think that it helps me in my work

    to know better the organization that I'm working for. Lots of the culture that works in this

    organization can be seen here, and having a deeper knowledge of the organization you are

    working within contributes to a better adaptation to this new laboral environment. Also, knowing

    the objectives of my organization, it will be easier for me to join my personal objectives with their

    objectives, as well as working harder looking towards achieving both, my personal interests and

    the interests of my organization.

    I think that all the objectives that I wanted to achieve with this coursework have been

    successfully achieved, and that's why I feel proud and satisfaction of the research and

    interpretation work done.


    It was created in 1991 with this definition of its activity: Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A.'s main activities

    consist on the fabrication of intraocular lens, on other words, artificial crystalline for their

    substitution in operations of cataracts.

    The mission is the starting point for the formulation of the strategy in an organization. In this case

    it is defined like: to maintain the position of the main intraocular lens manufacturing organization

    for the substitution of the crystalline in cataracts operations all over Spain, combining the

    product quality with a continuous improvement and costumer satisfaction.

    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. is positioned in its market like the personalized supplier of maximum

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    quality lens for the cataracts operations.

    It is situated in the technological park of zamudio which is a privileged situation. It is very well

    communicated and so, this will help us for exportation to foreign countries and the rest of Spain.

    Zamudio is situated from 30 minutes to the bay, just three kilometres to the airport and has a fast

    connexion with the European railroads. This can be a competitive advantage.

    So the products sold by Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. are: intraocular lens of PMMA, intraocular lens

    of HEMA and capsular rings used in cataracts surgery. There are many different models of each

    product depending on its depth and the dioptres needed, as well as its shape. this are elite

    products which go through an exhaustive quality control, with the totality of our lens evaluated,

    which will be a competitive advantage from our competitors

    In the year 2003, 350.000 lenses were implanted. This figure will implement a 15 % in the

    following years, taking into account its evolution during the last years. We have between the 85%

    and 90% of the market in Spain. We are the main distributor of lens in Spain. Our market never

    will be formed by the final consumer of the product but by an intermediate consumer. The 70 %

    of the lens were sold to the public sector and 30 % to the private sector.


    It analyzes the external factors to the organization, and how they can affect to it.



    The competitors in this sector are big multinationals who take advantage of their size to force

    some of their conditions to their costumers. This gives us the perfect competitive advantage

    providing a better and more flexible service to our costumers.

    their resources are bigger than ours with big capitals and power, as well as R+D, that allows them

    to reduce costs; being more competitive in prices than us. We have to focus in differentiation to

    make them the competence.

    The big size of our competitors make them diversify, allowing us to exploit our niche of the

    cataracts lens in Spain.

    Some of our main competitors in this market are: Alcon, Allergan, Pharmacia, Santen and Merck.

    All of this will be studied in details on the competitor's analysis.


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    Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. is orienting its product towards those centres doing cataracts operations.

    From big hospitals to clinics, and smaller private ophthalmic centres. Our costumers won't be the

    final consumer (the person being operated) but the professional doing this operation.

    In the case of the public hospitals it is necessary to now how the sanitary contest work in order to

    win them. They go out every year to access to serving them. Regarding to the particular doctors,which are of big interest of us due to the impossibility of being satisfied by the big multinationals?

    We can give answer to their punctual petitions with the last objective of gaining their fidelity, so

    that it will be easier to us to win in the sanitary contests. Remember, the private sector is a 30 %

    of our sales but the public one is the 70 %.

    In conclusion, we are speaking about costumers very sensitive to the service provided and the

    quality of our products. This makes them less sensitive to prices.


    We are in a very difficult situation regarding to our suppliers. They are big multinationals which

    have a duopoly over the market: BENZ and VISTA OPTIC. They provide us with the raw materials

    needed to produce our lens: buttons or brute lens. Because of this duopolistic situation, they

    have a strong hold on the market trying to impose very hard conditions.

    The situation is difficult because we don't have any bargaining power in front of these big

    companies and, also, the cost of our final product is much related to the price of our raw


    We try to negotiate the better possible conditions: less price, better delivery conditions,

    preferential service, personalized attention



    The wages for sanity are being implemented by the government in our country. Racing the public

    investments in sanity means also to implement the demand in cataracts operations.

    Also, politic affect us because the 70 % of our sales are made to public hospitals. For selling to

    them it is made a public contest regulated by the governmental laws. If those laws change this

    process it can mean a big threat to us. In this process we fight against the affiliates of the

    multinationals in Spain. The main point taken into account for the competition is the quality of

    the product, where we are leaders. the process consist in one or various persons visiting our

    facilities and making a technical inform of our organization paying special attention to the quality

    of our final product. The organization which wins this contest is the one with the highest

    punctuation achieved.

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    All of this said, it is very difficult for this system to change and if the system changes we will find

    the way to adapt to it so we will continue providing to the public hospitals.


    The economy won't affect us as much as it can affect to others because our products are of firstnecessity. This means than even in the case of crisis in the economy our products will continue

    being sold by our costumers.

    All of that said, there is good perspectives for the 2004, and this will beneficiate us.

    The global economy seems to be reactivating.

    In the USA the 2003 finished with a rate growth for their GNP of the 3 %. They also have

    predicted a bigger growth for the year 2004.

    Here in Europe, it is growing to levels higher than the 2, 5 %. The previsions are not as favourable

    as the American ones but it is also expected a growth.

    To all of this, we can add that Greenspan has said that the USA is going to raise the interest rates

    for this summer. This will influence the equivalence Euro/dollars to decrease a little bit. This will

    be profitable for our exportations because we will find a more favourable stage in foreign

    countries where our products will be cheaper, being the American ones more expensive for the

    national market.


    The ageing of the population in Spain is making grown the demand of the cataracts operations.This is the most frequent cirugy practised in the developed countries. Most of the cataracts are

    produced by ageing and it is one more symptom of getting old. Ageing is the main reason that

    generates this type of pathologies.

    In the following chart we will see how the demographic evolution brings in our country a bigger

    ageing of its population. The children rates decrease and the ancient's rates increase.


    At last place but very important for us, the Spanish economy is predicted to have the biggest

    growth in European Union. This will favour to the enterprises manufacturing products for inner

    consumption to the Spanish market, like Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A..

    Regarding to the technology there isn't any possibility of substitution of the existing technology

    regarding to the cataracts operations, which consist on implanting a lens. Anyway, it is true that

    these lens and their characteristics can be implemented and new materials or new procedures

    can make a big change in this market. If this occurs we will have to adapt to the change due to

    our strategy of technology followers.

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    Anyway, we have a lack and a big disadvantage in this area due to our poor policies in R+D which

    are a direct consequence of our smaller wages. The amount of money allocated to R+D projects

    by the big multinationals are far bigger than the one we can allow ourselves to. This is a problem

    that will be studied in deep later on, trying to take away our reactivity regarding to the changes in




    the potential for profit in an industry is determined by the maximum price that the costumers are

    willing to pay and it depends on the propensity that the buyers have to substitute (which is this

    case there won't be none) and the price performance characteristic that our substitutes have

    (which in this case doesn't matter, in the first place because there is no substitutes and in the

    second place because what our costumers really look for is service and quality).

    There is no threat of substitutes due to the fact that there are no possible substitutes for the use

    of lens in the cataracts operations, for the moment.


    The easier it is for new companies to enter the industry, the more cutthroat competition there

    will be. Factors that can limit the threat of new entrants are known as barriers to entry

    Our organization is very profitable. That's the main reason why new competitors would have a

    reason for trying to come into our market. But also there are many barriers to these new entries

    like the sunk cost which doesn't allow recovering the total value of the investment on exist.

    In the first place I will comment some barriers which affect in a very small degree to our niche

    but in a bigger degree to the entire medical and pharmaceutics market.

    The capital requirements are not a big deal for any new companies trying to enter in the niche

    where we are specialized but it would definitely be to enter in the whole market of the medicine,

    where it would be almost impossible to enter due to the high investments needed in all the


    Also, economies of scale can b e applied regarding to the global market of the medicine with

    bigger amounts of units being sold which allows the amortization of the fixed costs lowering the

    unit cost and the prices. This won't be any barriers to enter our niche.

    There will be a small degree of absolute cost advantage over this new entrants, due to our know

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    how, the big amount of time spent looking towards optimizing the cost of our outputs and

    reducing costs in the process. This advantage will really be absolute to the big pharmaceutics

    companies which have a very big know how and economies of learning due to their experience.

    We definitely will have our two big barriers that almost assure that there won't be new entrants

    in our niche, in the product differentiation, the access to channels of distribution and thegovernmental and legal barriers, being these three barriers very close related.

    the quality levels achieved by our company, as well as the service differentiation and product

    development with the doctors, has given to Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. such a good reputation that

    we own the 90 % of the market being more expensive than our competitors. The relationships

    that we have established, allow us to win all the sanity contests which are governmentally

    regulated, satisfying the particular needs that the doctors may have. We own the channels of

    distributions due to this.

    Retaliation would be a possibility if somebody would be crazy enough to try to enter this niche

    having to fight against all the barriers that have been exposed before. The retaliation would

    consist on a heavier policy of satisfying to the doctor's necessities.


    The industry rivalry describes the intensity of competition between existing firms in an industry.

    Highly competitive industries generally earn low returns because the cost of competition is high.

    A highly competitive market might result from:

    Concentration: there are many companies in this area with big size, so it is supposed to be a high

    level of concentration. It would seem that this would play against a smaller company like PhoenixOphthalmic S.A., but, instead it plays to its favour like a competitive advantage due to the

    diversification that these competitors make centring their attention in other sectors.

    Diversity of competitors: the big competitors are very similar, big multinationals with similar

    objectives, but different from our company, which allows us to exploit our niche and fulfil our

    own objectives of profitability without having to fight against the objectives of our competitors.

    Product differentiation: while our competitors have very similar standardized products having to

    fight in prices, our product and service differentiation allows us to sell at higher prices having a

    competitive advantage.

    Excess capacity: there is no excess capacity in our niche because the demand is implementing

    every year due to the ageing of the population. We always have high profitability.

    Cost conditions: We can't fight to our competitors in cost, so we don't take into account, but they

    have big fights between them looking towards selling as much as possible so their fixed costs will

    be covered before allowing them to reduce their cost per unit.

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    So, in conclusion, our competitors have a very intense industry rivalry fighting for the medical and

    pharmaceutics market share, allowing us to be in a very quiet situation in a niche which only

    means an infinitesimal percentage of their business and their objectives.


    The bargaining power of the buyers is how much pressure customers can place on a business. If

    one customer has a large enough impact to affect a company's margins and volumes, then they

    hold substantial power

    our strategically advantage when dealing with our buyers will be that they are not so much price

    sensitive as they are quality and service sensitive.

    This is due to, in the first place, the big differentiation that our product and services have from

    the one of our competitors. in the second place, due to importance that the quality on a lens, as

    well as the service giving to them, has for the final service that they are giving to their costumers

    and the advantages that our service gives them for doing their work. Also, the price of the lens

    won't be the most expensive part of the operation, which means that they won't be very

    sensitive to the price, because they are far more concerned about quality and service. in the last

    place, the competition between buyers is not a big deal with work for all of them: this is a first

    necessity service, and there will be people that has to go through the social security, and there

    will be people that won't want to wait so long and, having the necessary money for the operation,

    will do it in a private centre. In most of the cases, the doctors operating in the social security and

    in the private centres will be the same.

    our disadvantage regarding to the bargaining power of buyers, specially taking into account thesize of the public sector (70 % of our sales), will be the big bargaining power that they will have,

    being bigger than us, having many other possibilities of substitution with cheaper prices, having a

    very low switching cost and being absolutely informed of all the products, prices and costs of the

    market. Strategically, we will have to respond to all their particular needs of quality and service.


    The bargaining power of the suppliers is how mu ch pressure suppliers can place on a business. If

    one supplier has a large enough impact to affect a company's margins and volumes, then they

    hold substantial power.

    We have no bargaining power in dealing with our supplier. They are two big multinationals that

    have established a duopoly in the market imposing all the conditions that they want and with

    prices as high as possible. This is one of the reasons why we can't be competitive in costs towards

    our competitors. We are very sensitive to price, because it is a big percentage of the total cost of

    our product.

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    The vertical integration is not a possibility for us, since we need the raw materials that they

    provide us, and we don't have any other supplier or way to have these needed raw materials

    (buttons or brute lens).

    The only possible course of action regarding to the suppliers are the long term relationship that

    we have established with them. This way we will have the advantage of being their regularcostumers, and there will some negotiated conditions which won't be changed.


    Cheaper than us but us better quality

    Our competitors are big multinationals, most of them American, with a big bargaining power due

    to their big volume. Their resources will be bigger than ours due to their capacity, but a lso, they

    will have different objectives, as well as less flexibility and less differentiation, especially in

    service and selling standardized products.

    In the first place, analyzing the competitors I must point out that PHOENIX OPHTHALMIC S.A. just

    has direct competitors, other enterprises which have among their activities the manufacturing of

    intraocular lens. We don't have any indirect competitors at all because there isn't any product or

    service able of substitute the function of this type of lens.

    These big multinationals are organizations with a long trajectory in the medical sector. Most of

    them have various decades of existence and they have offices all over the world with staff of

    thousand of employees. This gives them many advantages, like a big experience curve and know


    One of our advantages is that, due to their big size, the percentage of market of the Spanish

    intraocular lens business will be minimum for them, so that it is easy for us to mantain our

    market share. Mainly due to our good sales policy and our intensive support to our costumers

    which gives us a strong and established position in the Spanish market.

    In the second place, I'd like to point out that these organizations, due to their big volume and

    long establishment, have followed strategies of diversification, not only in the ophthalmic ambit,

    but also in other pharmaceutics sectors, which means that our business means a very small part

    of their sales volume. The bad thing about this is that other pharmaceutics organizations have

    entered our sector due to this diversification strategy.

    in the last place, I must point out that these organizations follow a strategy very based in R+D

    developments where our strategy consist on a creative technological following.

    I will mention 5 of the most important competitors that we can find:

    ALCON: American organization (Boston) that operates in more than 100 countries. They

    have an affiliate in Spain, in Barcelona.

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    ALLERGAN: (California) Created in 1945, it has a staff of 11000 workers in 60 offices all over

    the world. It is dedicated specially to treating glaucoma's, psoriasis and conjunctivitis.

    PHARMACIA: (New Jersey) Created in 1950, it has a volume even bigger of staff (59000),

    sales, and number of business where it operates. They have affiliates in all the fields of

    pharmaceutics and medical products. Its affiliate in the ophthalmic field is called XALATAN.

    MERCK SANTEN: It is a Japanese organization (created in Osaka in 1890). They make products for

    every kind of ocular affection.


    We are going to start segmentating the medical market in Spain based in the two main variables

    that differentiate us from our competitor: quality required to be competitive and price.


    Matrix Quality Required to be competitive

    Price higher lower

    higher Ophthalmic lens

    Phoenix Ophthalmic SA

    lower Pharmaceutics Medical Tools Other Prosthesis

    Big Multinationals

    As it can be seem in the segmentation matrix, the only segment that can be profitable for us is

    the one of the ophthalmic lens. That's why we are going to divide this segment. It's where we are

    working and it is quite illogical even to consider other segments such as pharmaceutics, medical

    tools or other type of prosthesis because we can't fight against he big multinationals. This wouldgo against the niche strategy that we have. It is said that when something works don't change it.

    We will make a deeper segmentation analysis, regarding the type of costumers that we have, in

    order to analyze the different strategies that will better work. In the case of Phoenix Ophthalmic

    S.A., the service offered to our costumers, it will be quite similar regarding to prices and product.

    But there will be distinctions between some kind of costumers and others, due to their different

    exigencies regarding to their different necessities which we will need to satisfy. That's the reason

    why we will need to have different strategies depending upon the following segmentation that

    will we done.

    In the first place we will separate our demand depending on the country it comes from. In this

    aspect we will segmentate in national costumers and the foreign ones. Our products and demand

    is mainly oriented to the national sector. The big difference that we can find internationally is that

    we are not cost leaders and our price becomes even less competitive taking into account the high

    transport expenditures. also we loose some of our competitive advantages from being national

    such as the possibility of visiting us, having direct contact with our commercials, the feeling of

    buying something made in your own country our strategy going international consist in having

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    deals with the main transport agencies like DHL or TNT and trying to improve the service as much

    as possible.

    Regarding to our way of satisfying the demand we will distinguish between public hospitals,

    clinics and private ophthalmic centres.

    The strategy regarding to the first team, the public hospitals, is to have the maximum quality

    possible so we will we chosen in all the public contests that appear. They are quality based. Also

    we will need to manage the stock of their hospitals.

    At last, we will join in the same group to the clinics and private ophthalmic centres. We will need

    to have better prices and conditions to serve them. Specially, taking into account that many of

    them are our door of entry to the public sector.

    In conclusion, where Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. better works is in the national sector


    It is different of the segmentation. In the segmentation you analyze the different market or

    segments and the product located in them, in the strategic groups we will study similar company

    to our company in their characteristics. These organizations in the same strategic group will

    develop very similar strategies.

    In the national market or segment where we are operating ther aren't any organizations with

    similar characteristics to our. All of this said, we find other companies in foreign countries which

    are following the same niche strategy as us in their national markets with high levels of success.

    Some of these similar strategy companies can be found in Israel, France, Italy (Lintra) or Greece.I will talk later on the benchmarking chapter about the opportunities that these organizations can

    mean to us.


    I have dedicated an entire chapter of this coursework to this internal development strategy due

    to the big importance that it has had in making Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. the leader in a segment

    of a very competitive sector.

    The big success of this strategy has consisted on centring in the development of internal

    resources and capabilities to satisfy our costumer's particular needs, instead of fighting with our

    competitors in such issues as prices, where we would always loss. This way, we have centred in a

    differentiation strategy developing our competitive advantages.

    This way, we have modified the industry conditions and competitor behaviour moderating the

    competitive pressures that they had over us, such as cost advantage, thanks to a strategic

    management which has gained market power with favourable industry structures as the primary

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    As it is know, there is only two ways of having competitive advantages: cost advantage and

    differentiation. The only way we had was with differentiation, and that is why we have oriented

    our resources and capabilities to build these competitive advantages.

    To orientate our resources and capabilities towards the competitive advantage, we have tried to

    gain as much self-knowledge as possible to better understand them. This is also the way to

    implement them, to select a strategy exploiting them, to ensure that they are exploited to the

    limit and to build the company's resource base. If we know what we are and we are going, we will

    be able to gain the resources and capabilities which will allow us to be who we want to be.


    The basic unit of analysis of the resources of the firm are: items of capital equipment, the skills of

    individual employees, patents, brand names, and so on.

    But to analyze how our organization can create competitive advantage we should see the bigger

    picture, analyzing how this resources fit together generating capabilities.


    These resources are the easiest ones to identify and measure. The strategy followed by PHOENIX

    OPHTHALMIC S.A. regarding to the tangible resources must try to use the opportunities for

    economizing the use of their financial resources and physical assets, as well as exploiting to the

    limit of its possibilities their assets in the more profitable possible occupations.

    The financial resources of Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. are very good due to the social capital that

    they dispose of being a SA thanks to the reserves which haven't been delivered among their

    actionists and, instead, have been reinvested in the company. These reserves come from the high

    turnover levels that the organization registered during the year 2003 which translated in a high

    level of profit.

    The main physical assets that PHOENIX OPHTHALMIC S.A. has are its investments in machinery.

    This machinery is completely paid in the moment of buying it has an expected life of 10 years and

    that's the reason why it is amortized by a 10 % yearly.

    The machines are:

    2 torns

    2 fresators

    2 machines for the quality control

    2 machines for a second quality control

    2 cleaners

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    These kind of resources are the most subjective one to measure, and the most difficult to define

    because of their abstraction nature.

    We are in an industrial market, and not a consumption one. This makes such things as image,trade, or even publicity have less importance and are less valuable than for products oriented to

    the consumption market. All of this said, we have a good trade with a good image in the Spanish

    market with the problem that it is not know outside Spain.

    Where we are leaders having a competitive advantage is in the reputation. We have had a very

    good and positive evolution, always serving to our costumers in the best way possible without

    ever failing to them (we can't allow ourselves to fail to them). This is the reason why be have the

    best reputation in the market and all our costumers look for us when making their deliveries.

    Our technology is a standardized one because we are followers in technology. Anyway, there

    aren't big technological developments made in this area and that's the reason why this doesn't

    suppose a problem for us. In any case, it would be good for us to try to improve our R+D.


    These are the main objectives followed by Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. managing their human


    to have a complete integration of the personnel in the organization

    to have a good policy of motivation and job satisfaction

    to motivate to the employee to achieve its participation and feedback

    To obtain the fidelity of the personnel so it will stay on the organization.

    When speaking about human resources, the most difficult part may be how to measure them.

    knowing that this is a difficult but important matter, in Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. what is done is a

    performance appraisal once a year (we know that it should be done with a mayor frequency but

    being a small company we don't have resources or time for doing it in any other way). For doing

    this performance appraisal it is fundamental to have a good job description done of all the

    positions in the staff defining their tasks and what objectives they must reach. This performance

    appraisal is good to evaluate to our employees (it will be taken into account for future ascends),

    motivating them, and knowing which their specific necessities will be for the training. the training

    will be done trying to implement those deficiencies that they may have developing their tasks

    and trying to prepare them for the change in the organization (which is located in a constantly

    changing environment) and the new tasks that they will have to do.

    the good know how of our technology and the specialization in running it allow us to have a very

    clearly defined job positions in the same way that task and objectives are established.

    The flexible culture of Phoenix Ophthalmic S.A. is also a valuable resource that the organization

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    has. Because of their small size, being a familiar organization, their proactivity and the motivation

    and active participation of their employees, it is a competitive advantage from its competitors.


    They are the capacities that a firm has to develop a particular activity.

    We have to identify the core competences that we have, that add value to the costumer and

    differentiates us from our competitors. They are competitive advantages (differentiation or cost

    advantage). They must well define in the structure and the performance of the firm.

    So the question which needs to be answered in these chapters is: what can Phoenix Ophthalmic

    S.A. do better than its competitors?


    The value chain is a systematic approach to examining the development of competitive

    advantage. The chain consists of a series of activities that create and build value. They culminate

    in the total value delivered by an organisation. The margin which appears is the same as added

    value. The organisation is split into primary activities and support activities.

    Primary Activities

    Inbound Logistics

    We always have different models of lens in stock, looking towards satisfy ing our demand jut-


    This is where goods are manufactured. We transform the raw materials changing them into high

    quality and speci