lyrics muse

2. Time Is Running Out I think I'm drowning, asphyxiated --> rasanya (spt) tenggelam dan kehabisan nafas I wanna break this spell that you've created --> aku ingin lepas dari mantramu You're something beautiful, A contradiction --> kau indah dan penuh kontradiksi I wanna play the game --> aku ingin ikut permainanmu I want the friction --> aku ingin ketegangannya You will be the death of me, yeah --> kau adalah kematian bagiku You will be the death of me Bury it I won't let you bury it --> aku takkan biarkan kau kubur (perasaanku) itu I won't let you smother it --> aku takkan biarkan kau matikan (perasaanku) itu I won't let you murder it --> aku takkan biarkan kau bunuh (perasaanku) itu Our time is running out 2x --> (tapi) waktu kita hampir habis You can't push it underground --> kau tak boleh menguburnya (menyembunyikannya)

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2. Time Is Running OutI think I'm drowning, asphyxiated --> rasanya (spt) tenggelam dan kehabisan nafasI wanna break this spell that you've created --> aku ingin lepas dari mantramu

You're something beautiful, A contradiction --> kau indah dan penuh kontradiksiI wanna play the game --> aku ingin ikut permainanmuI want the friction --> aku ingin ketegangannya

You will be the death of me, yeah --> kau adalah kematian bagikuYou will be the death of meBury itI won't let you bury it --> aku takkan biarkan kau kubur (perasaanku) ituI won't let you smother it --> aku takkan biarkan kau matikan (perasaanku) ituI won't let you murder it --> aku takkan biarkan kau bunuh (perasaanku) itu

Our time is running out 2x --> (tapi) waktu kita hampir habisYou can't push it underground --> kau tak boleh menguburnya (menyembunyikannya)You can't stop it screaming out --> kau tak boleh membungkamnya

I wanted freedom, Bound and restricted --> aku ingin kebebasan dlm keterikatan I tried to give you up, But I'm addicted --> aku ingin melepaskanmu dari pikiranku, tapi aku malah kecanduan

Now that you know I'm trapped sense of elation --> sekarang kau tahu, aku terjebak dalam kegilaan padamuYou'd never dream of --> kau tidak boleh coba-cobaBreaking this fixation --> membuatku tidak tergila-gila padamu

You will squeeze the life out of me --> kau meremas kehidupankuYou will suck the life out of me --> kau hisap habis kehidupankuTime is Running Out = waktu kita hampir habisTentang hubungan yang tidak setara, yang satu menguasai yang lain. Tapi yang dikuasai justru jadi menikmati, ketagihan dan tidak bisa hidup tanpanya. Ketika hubungan itu hampir diakhiri (= our time is running out), dia malah panik. (hehehe... kayak sado-masochism ya? :p tapi krn ini Muse, ( ...lho, memangnya Muse nggak bisa ngomongin sado-masochism?:p ) aku menganggapnya sbg hubungan diktator-rakyat. terbiasa diatur dan bahkan diperas, sampai tak tahu ada pilihan lain selain itu. ketika diktator lengser, rakyat jadi linglung.)(By aMuse_me)=====================================================3.Sing For AbsolutionLips are turning blue --> bibir menjadi biru/dingin A kiss that can't renew --> ciuman tak bisa diulangI only dream of you --> yang kuimpikan cuma kamuMy beautiful --> yang terindah bagiku

Tiptoe to your room --> mengendap-endap ke dalam kamarmuA starlight in the gloom --> (kau) cahaya dalam kegelapanI only dream of you --> yang aku impikan cuma kamu And you never knew --> dan kau tak pernah tahu

Sing for absolution --> (aku) bernyanyi utk minta pengampunanI will be singing --> aku akan bernyanyiAnd falling from your grace --> dan merendah-rendah di depanmu

There's nowhere left to hide --> tak ada tempat utk sembunyiIn no one to confide --> tak ada orang utk berbagi rahasiaThe truth burns deep inside --> kebenaran menyala dalam hatiAnd will never die --> dan tak pernah mati

Lips are turning blue --> (hingga) bibir menjadi biru/dingin A kiss that can't renew --> (mendamba) ciuman yang tak bisa diulangI only dream of you --> yang kuimpikan cuma kamuMy beautiful --> yang terindah bagiku

Sing for absolution --> (aku) bernyanyi utk minta pengampunanI will be singing --> aku akan bernyanyiAnd falling from your grace --> dan merendah-rendah di depanmu

Our wrongs remain unrectified --> (meskipun) kesalahan kita tak bisa diperbaikiAnd our souls won't be exhumed --> dan (kesalahan) jiwa kita tak akan diringankan lagiSing for Absolution = ....hubungan telah berakhir. Tapi aku masih mendambakan kamu. Karena kamu adalah keindahan dalam hidupku. aku mau katakan yang terindah untukmu, meskipun tetap hina di hadapanmu. Karena tak ada lagi yg bisa kusembunyikan. Aku akan berikan yg terindah utkmu. Minta maafmu. Meskipun tetap hina di hadapanmu. Meskipun kesalahanku tak termaafkan.My comment:lagu ini berat banget buat diartiin :) Bisa aja dianggep sekedar hubungan cinta biasa. tapi aku melihatnya begini: - orang yg merasa sudah kotor dan hina di hadapan sesuatu yang sangat dicintai dan dipuja (Tuhan?). dia merasa takkan diampuni, tapi toh tak mau berhenti memuja dan minta pengampunan. - Absolution = kiss = my beautiful. Sing = melakukan segala hal dgn indah. Sing for absolution adalah mencari yang terindah dalam hidup, dengan cara terindah yang bisa kita lakukan.(By aMuse_me)=====================================================4. Stockholm SyndromeI wont stand in your way --> aku takkan menghalangi jalanmuLet your hatred grow --> (aku akan) biarkan kebencianmu tumbuh makin kuatAnd she'll scream and she'll shout and she'll pray --> dan dia akan menjerit ketakutan dan berdoa/mohon ampunAnd she had a name yeah she had a name --> dan dia punya nama (= dia bukan benda mati, dia manusia)And I wont hold you back --> aku takkan menahanmuLet your anger rise --> biarkan kemarahanmu memuncakAnd we'll fly and we'll fall and we'll burn --> dan kita akan terbang, jatuh dan terbakarNo one will recall no one will recall --> tak ada yang akan ingat kita

This is the last time Ill abandon you --> ini terakhir kalinya aku meninggalkanmuAnd this is the last time Ill forget you --> dan melupakanmuI wish I could --> kuharap aku bisa (tapi aku tak bisa)

Look to the stars --> lihatlah angkasa Let hope burn in your eyes --> dan harapan terbakar habis di matamuAnd we'll love and we'll hate and we'll die --> dan kita saling mencinta, dan membenci dan akhirnya matiAll to no avail all to no avail --> bukan demi apa-apa (tak ada gunanya)Stockholm Syndrome = istilah utk sandera yang bersimpati bahkan menganggap penyandera sebagai pahlawan/pelindungnya.Diambil dari sudut pandang sandera: Aku tidak akan menyerah padamu. Karena aku menganggap dia manusia, bukan benda/objek utk kau selamatkan. Aku tahu kami akan mati sia-sia dan tak dikenang siapa-siapa. Aku akan meninggalkanmu, tapi tak bisa. Aku selalu kembali bicara padamu, selalu kembali minta kau lindungi.p.s on Stockholm SyndromeSebelum baca tentang riwayat Stockholm Syndrome, aku menafsirkan lagu itu begini:Teroris menumbuhkan kebencian dalam dirinya, merasa kebencian dan kemarahannya-lah yang paling penting. Padahal ada kekuatan di luar yang lebih besar, yang sanggup membakar habis semua harapannya. Dan Ibu Pertiwi (hehehe...) akan menangis, padahal seharusnya dia juga dipikirkan oleh si teroris. Pada akhirnya, siapa pun akan mati sia-sia. Si narator membiarkan itu, berusaha melupakannya, tapi tidak bisa.(wah, aku cerewet banget soal lagu ini ya... :) soalnya aku suka banget lagu ini, beat-nya spt menteror aku utk memutarnya lagi dan lagi ... :)(By aMuse_me)=====================================================6. Hysteria It's bugging me, grating me --> (perasaan ini) menggangguku, mencakarkuAnd twisting me around --> dan menjungkir-balikkan akuYeah Im endlessly caving in --> aku selalu terkurungAnd turning inside out --> dan berputar tanpa henti

Cause I want it now --> krn aku inginkan itu sekarangI want it now Give me your heart and your soul --> berikan aku hati dan jiwamuAnd I'm breaking out --> dan aku akan lariI'm breaking out --> melepaskan diriLast chance to lose control --> (ini) peluang terakhir untuk lepas kendali

It's holding me, morphing me --> (perasaan ini) mencengkeramku, mengubahkuAnd forcing me to strive --> memaksaku utk bertahanTo be endlessly cold within --> dalam rasa dingin yang abadiAnd dreaming I'm alive --> dan memimpikan aku hidup (normal)

'cause I want it now --> krn aku inginkan itu sekarangI want it now Give me your heart and your soul --> berikan aku hati dan jiwamuAnd I'm not breaking down --> dan aku tidak akan larut di siniI'm breaking out --> aku akan lari lepasLast chance to lose control --> (ini) peluang terakhir untuk lepas kendali

And want you now --> dan aku ingin kau, sekarangI want you now I'll feel my heart implode --> (sampai) rasanya jantungku mau melesak dan hancurAnd I'm breaking out --> dan aku akan lariEscaping now --> melepaskan diriFeeling my faith erode --> (dan) kepercayaanku makin luntur Hysteria = obsesi yang terlalu besar terhadap seseorang/sesuatu.Dia terlalu menginginkan seseorang/sesuatu sampai keinginan itu merusak dirinya. Dia merasa sakit oleh obsesi itu. Dia ingin lepas dan hidup normal seperti sebelumnya, untuk mengejar obsesi itu lagi.Dia sadar jika terlepas dari obsesi itu dia tidak akan seperti dia yang dulu. Dia akan jadi lebih lemah dan rentan dari sebelumnya. Dia akan merasa tidak se-hidup seperti ketika memiliki obsesi itu.(By aMuse_me)=============================================================== 7. Knights Of CydoniaAhh Ahh Ahh(repeat, soprano)

Come ride with me --> mari bersamakuThrough the veins of history --> menjelajahi urat nadi sejarahI'll show you how God --> kutunjukkan padamuFalls asleep on the job --> bagaimana Tuhan (=penguasa) tertidur di tengah tugasnya

And how can we win --> dan bagaimana kita bisa menangWhen fools can be kings, --> selama yg tolol mjd pemimpinDon't waste your time --> jangan sia2kan waktumuOr time will waste you --> atau kamu yg disia2kan oleh waktu

Ahh Ahh Ahh(repeat, soprano)No one's gonna take me alive --> tak seorang pun bisa membawaku hidup2 Time has come to make things right --> skrg saatnya membuat semua berjalan dg benarYou and I must fight for our rights --> kau dan aku harus berjuang demi hak2 kitaYou and I must fight to survive --> kau dan aku harus berjuang utk bertahan hidup Knights Of Cydonia = para ksatria Cydonia (Cydonia = wajah planet Mars yg menghadap Bumi. Foto-foto Cydonia sekilas mirip dengan wajah manusia. Sebagian pakar menganggap Cydonia adalah bukti adanya kehidupan di planet Mars, dan kini peradaban itu telah runtuh. ---makasih Wikipedia!)Lagu ini adalah seruan utk memperjuangkan hak, dalam hal ini adalah hak hidup. Jangan mau diperintah penguasa yang tolol dan menindas kita.... atau kita akan musnah seperti peradaban Cydonia.(By aMuse_me)

===========Supermassive Black Hole Lyrics

Oh baby dont you know I suffer? Oh baby can you hear me moan? You caught me under false pretenses How long before you let me go?

You set my soul alightYou set my soul alight

(You set my soul alight)Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alight)Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'

I thought I was a fool for no-one Oh baby I'm a fool for you You're the queen of the superficial And how long before you tell the truth

You set my soul alight You set my soul alight

(You set my soul alight)Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alight)Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'

Supermassive black holeSupermassive black holeSupermassive black hole

Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alight) Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alight)Glaciers melting in the dead of night And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

Supermassive black holeSupermassive black holeSupermassive black hole

===================Starlight Lyrics

Far awayThe ship is taking me far awayFar away from the memoriesOf the people who care if I live or die

StarlightI will be chasing the starlightUntil the end of my lifeI don't know if it's worth it anymore

Hold you in my armsI just wanted to holdYou in my arms

My lifeYou electrify my lifeLet's conspire to igniteAll the souls that would die just to feel alive

But I'll never let you goIf you promised not to fade awayNever fade away

Our hopes and expectationsBlack holes and revelationsOur hopes and expectationsBlack holes and revelations

Hold you in my armsI just wanted to holdYou in my arms

Far awayThe ship is taking me far awayFar away from the memoriesOf the people who care if I live or die

And I'll never let you goIf you promise not to fade awayNever fade away

Our hopes and expectationsBlack holes and revelationsOur hopes and expectationsBlack holes and revelations

Hold you in my armsI just wanted to holdYou in my armsI just wanted to hold

=========================Exo-Politics Lyrics

Open skies over meI am waiting patientlyI wait for a sign

As conspiracies unwindWill you slam shutOr free your mindOr stay hypnotised

When the Zetas fill the skiesWill our leaders tell us whyFully loaded satellitesWe can't get nothing but our minds

And I've waited patientlyAnd I wait for the sign

Carried through the centuriesSecrets locked upAnd loaded on my backWell it weights me down

When the Zetas fill the skiesIt's just our leaders in disguiseFully loaded satellitesWe can't get nothing but our minds

I'm waiting patientlyAnd I'll wait for the sign, yeahAnd I'm waiting patientlyAnd i'll wait for the sign

========Muscle Museum Lyrics

She had something to confess toBut you dont have the time soLook the other wayYou will wait until it's overTo reveal what youd never shown herToo little much too late

Too long trying to resist itYouve just gone and missed itIt's escaped your world

Can you see that I am needingBegging for so much moreThan you could ever giveAnd I dont want you to adore meDont want you to ignore meWhen it pleases youAnd Ill do it on my own

I have played in every toiletBut you still want to spoil itTo prove Ive made a big mistakeToo long trying to resist itYouve just gone and missed itIt's escaped your world

Can you see that I am needingBegging for so much moreThan you could ever giveAnd I dont want you to adore meDont want you to ignore meWhen it pleases youAnd Ill do it on my ownIll do it on my ownNew Born Lyrics

Link it to the worldLink it to yourselfStretch it like a birth squeezeThe love for what you hideThe bitterness insideIs growing like the new bornWhen you've seen, seenToo much, too young, youngSoulless is everywhere

Hopeless time to roamThe distance to your homeFades away to nowhereHow much are you worthYou can't come down to earthYou're swelling up, you're unstoppable

'cause you've seen, seenToo much, too young, youngSoulless is everywhere

Destroy the spinelessShow me it's realWasting our last chanceTo come awayJust break the silence'cause I'm drifting awayAway from you

Link it to the worldLink it to yourselfStretch it like it's a birth squeezeAnd the love for what you hideAnd the bitterness insideIs growing like the new born

When you've seen, seenToo much, too young, youngSoulless is everywhere

Destroy the spinelessShow me it's realWasting their last chanceTo come awayJust break the silence'cause I'm drifting awayAway from youPlug In Baby Lyrics

I've exposed your lies, baby The underneath is no big surprise Now it's time for changing And cleansing everything To forget your love

My plug in baby Crucifies my enemies When I'm tired of giving My plug in baby In unbroken virgin realities Is tired of living

Don't confuse Baby you're gonna lose Your own game Change me Replace the envying To forget your love

My plug in baby Crucifies my enemies When I'm tired of giving My plug in baby In unbroken virgin realities I'm tired of living

And I've seen your loving But mine is gone And I've been in troubleSunburn Lyrics

Come waste your millions hereSecretly she sneersAnother corporate showA guilty conscience growsI'll feel a guilty conscience growI'll feel a guilty conscience grow

She burns like the sunAnd I can't look awayAnd she'll burn our horizons make no mistake

Come let the truth be sharedNo-one ever daredTo break these endless liesSecretly she cries

She burns like the sunAnd I can't look awayAnd she'll burn our horizons make no mistake

And I'll hide from the worldBehind a broken frameAnd I'll burn foreverI can't face the shame

And I'll hide from the worldBehind a broken frameAnd I'll burn foreverI can't face the shame Unintended Lyrics

You could be my unintendedChoice to live my life extendedYou could be the one I'll always loveYou could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitionsYou could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I canBut I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challengedAll my dreams and all my balanceShe could never be as good as you

You could be my unintendedChoice to live my life extendedYou should be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I canBut I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

I'll be there as soon as I canBut I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

Before you Welcome To The Black Parade Lyrics

When I was a young boy,My father took me into the cityTo see a marching band.

He said, "Son when you grow up,would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"He said "Will you defeat them,your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have made?""Because one day I'll leave you,A phantom to lead you in the summer,To join The Black Parade."

When I was a young boy,My father took me into the cityTo see a marching band.He said, "Son when you grow up,would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"

Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.And other times I feel like I should go.And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.And when you're gone we want you all to know.

We'll carry on,We'll carry onAnd though you're dead and gone believe meYour memory will carry onWe'll carry onAnd in my heart I can't contain itThe anthem won't explain it.

A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreamsYour misery and hate will kill us all.So paint it black and take it backLet's shout it loud and clearDefiant to the end we hear the call

To carry onWe'll carry onAnd though you're dead and gone believe meYour memory will carry onWe'll carry onAnd though you're broken and defeatedYour weary widow marches

On and on we carry through the fearsOoh oh ohhhhDisappointed faces of your peersOoh oh ohhhhTake a look at me cause I could not care at all

Do or die, you'll never make meBecause the world will never take my heartGo and try, you'll never break meWe want it all, we wanna play this partI won't explain or say I'm sorryI'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scarGive a cheer for all the brokenListen here, because it's who we areI'm just a man, I'm not a heroJust a boy, who had to sing this songI'm just a man, I'm not a heroI! don't! care!

We'll carry onWe'll carry onAnd though you're dead and gone believe meYour memory will carry onWe'll carry onAnd though you're broken and defeatedYour weary widow marches on

Do or die, you'll never make meBecause the world will never take my heartGo and try, you'll never break meWe want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)

Do or die, you'll never make me (We'll carry on)Because the world will never take my heart (We'll carry on)Go and try, you'll never break me (We'll carry)We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)

Helena Lyrics

Long ago Just like the hearse you die to get in again We are so far from you

Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate The lives of everyone you know And what's the worst you take (worst you take)from every heart you break (heart you break)And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)Well I've been holding on tonight

[Chorus]What's the worst that I can say?Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight

Came a time When every star fall brought you to tears again We are the very hurt you sold And what's the worst you take (worst you take)from every heart you break (heart you break)And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)Well I've been holding on tonight

[Chorus]What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight And if you carry on this way Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight

Can you hear me? Are you near me? Can we pretend to leave and thenWe'll meet againWhen both our cars collide?

[Chorus]What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight And if you carry on this way Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnightMUSE-RESISTENCEIs your secret safe tonight?

And are we out of sight?

Or will our world come tumbling down?

Will they find our hiding place?

Is this our last embrace?

Or will the walls start caving in?

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

But it should've been right

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

Let our hearts ignite

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

Are we digging a hole?

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

This is outta control

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

It could never last

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

Must erase it fast

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

But it could've been right

(It could be wrong, could be...)

Love is our resitance

They keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down

And hold me, our lips must always be sealed

If we live our life in fear

I'll wait a thousand years

Just to see you smile again

Quell your prayers for love and peace

You'll wake the thought police

We can hide the truth inside

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

But it should've been right

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

Let our hearts ignite

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

Are we digging a hole?

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

This is outta control

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

It could never last

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

Must erase it fast

(It could be wrong, could be wrong)

But it could've been right

(It could be wrong, could be...)

Love is our resistance!

They keep us apart and won't stop breaking us down

And hold me, our lips must always be sealed

The night has reached its end

We can't pretend

We must run

We must run

It's time to run

Take us away from here

Protect us from further harm
