m ~: ~ 1m - ayushportal.nic.inayushportal.nic.in/pdf/17779.pdfinspity of the spine's excellent...

Clinical Study AClinical Study of Matra Basti & KatiBasti InThe Manegement of Gridhrasi W.S.R.To Sciatica *Dr. Cyan Prakash Sharma **Dr. O. P. Sharma ***Dr. R. S. Sharma ABSTRACT: Gridhrasi (Sciatica) is Vataj Nanaatmaj vyadhi. Gridhrasi, also presents with a clear picture of shifting pain in lower limbs radiating from sphik, kati, prishtha and affecting uru, janu, jangha and pada in order. 'sakthiutkshepanigraha' is mentioned as a cardinal sign by Sushrut and Vagbhat. But certain other symptoms such as stambha, toda, sphurana, ruk etc. are also found in some other disease. Diseases like urustambha, khalli kalaykhanja, vatakantaka can make confusion with Gridhrasi. Inspity of the spine's excellent form and function, back pain is a national, personal and clinical problem: national because it is experienced by most of the population at some time and is a drain on the nation's resources, personal because it can remain a major unresolved dilemma. Group A (Matra Basti) & GroupB (Kati Basti) with Dashmool Oil was decided to manage the Gridhrasi. The Result was excellent in both Group. Haematological values were also improved. Keywords: Naanatmaj vyadhi, Sakthikshepnigrah, Kati basti, SLR, Dashvidha Pareeksha ~: 'Imft c.rrfucfl 'iHI ,lOt \jj 0'1Tf'i:l % I emf if> "W'tR 1M ~ if> m~: ~ 1M fuvr ~ ~ ~ Tf"ll1 %1 qrf ~ if Z~ ~ ~ ~ fuvr Chl" llffi ~ ~ ~I qrf q if Z~ ~ ~"Cfi"R: ~ ~ fuvr it ~ ~ 1~ CflTI if 'IW if> B~ if ~'I:ffi w:rr TT<:fT 1 llffi ~ if f%q i1 ~:il f~ Cf) (1 1M "Cfi"R: ~ if "Cfi"R: mr if> {Fslil~:ilf~Cf)(1 ~ if ~'I:ffi fi:R;rr I *M.D. Scholar, P. G. Deptt. of Panchkarma, N. I. A. Jaipur, **Asst. Prof. P. G. Deptt. of Panchkarma, N. 1. A., Jaipur, ***Asso. Prof. P. G. Deptt. of Panchkarma. N. 1. A. Jaipu 55

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Page 1: m ~: ~ 1M - ayushportal.nic.inayushportal.nic.in/pdf/17779.pdfInspity of the spine's excellent form and function, ... of sciatica .Kati Basti & Matra Basti with Dashmool Oil has special

Clinical Study

A Clinical Study of Matra Basti &Kati Basti In TheManegement of Gridhrasi W.S.R.To Sciatica

*Dr. Cyan Prakash Sharma **Dr. O. P. Sharma ***Dr. R. S. Sharma


Gridhrasi (Sciatica) is Vataj Nanaatmaj vyadhi. Gridhrasi, also presents with a clear picture of shiftingpain in lower limbs radiating from sphik, kati, prishtha and affecting uru, janu, jangha and pada in order.'sakthiutkshepanigraha' is mentioned as a cardinal sign by Sushrut and Vagbhat. But certain other symptomssuch as stambha, toda, sphurana, ruk etc. are also found in some other disease. Diseases like urustambha,khalli kalaykhanja, vatakantaka can make confusion with Gridhrasi.

Inspity of the spine's excellent form and function, back pain is a national, personal and clinicalproblem: national because it is experienced by most of the population at some time and is a drain on thenation's resources, personal because it can remain a major unresolved dilemma. Group A (Matra Basti) &GroupB (Kati Basti) with Dashmool Oil was decided to manage the Gridhrasi. The Result was excellent inboth Group. Haematological values were also improved.

Keywords: Naanatmaj vyadhi, Sakthikshepnigrah, Kati basti, SLR, Dashvidha Pareeksha


'Imft c.rrfucfl 'iHI ,lOt \jj 0'1Tf'i:l % I emf if> "W'tR 1M ~ if> m ~: ~ 1M fuvr ~ ~ ~ Tf"ll1

%1 qrf ~ if Z~ ~ ~ ~ fuvr Chl" llffi ~ ~ ~I qrf q if Z~ ~ ~"Cfi"R: ~ ~ fuvr it ~~ 1 ~ CflTI if 'IW if> B~ if ~'I:ffi w:rr TT<:fT 1 llffi ~ if f%q i1~:ilf~Cf)(1 1M "Cfi"R:~ if "Cfi"R:mr if>{Fslil~:ilf~Cf)(1 ~ if ~'I:ffi fi:R;rr I

*M.D. Scholar, P. G. Deptt. of Panchkarma, N. I. A. Jaipur, **Asst. Prof. P. G. Deptt. of Panchkarma, N. 1. A.,Jaipur, ***Asso. Prof. P. G. Deptt. of Panchkarma. N. 1. A. Jaipu


Page 2: m ~: ~ 1M - ayushportal.nic.inayushportal.nic.in/pdf/17779.pdfInspity of the spine's excellent form and function, ... of sciatica .Kati Basti & Matra Basti with Dashmool Oil has special

Clinical Stud

A Clinical Study of Matra Basti& Kati Basti In TheManegement of Gridhrasi W.S.R.To Sciatica

Dr. Cyan Prakash Sharma, Dr. O. P. Sharma, Dr. R. S. Sharma


Ayurveda is a science with ageless concretefundamentals and with a holistic approach. Somecenturies ago, Ayurveda was the main stream pathyin the society

Modern science describes 'Sciatica' as abenign syndrome characterized especially by painbeginning in the lumber region and spreading downthe back of one lower limb to the ankle andsometimes the foot. The disorder apparently seemsto be non-serious but it cripples the patient andresults in apprehension of social responsibilities ofthe patient. It has been mentioned that 'ThoughSciatica and lumbago carry little threat to life , theyinterfere greatly with living'.

Our ancient acharyas had identified thisproblem long back and named it 'Gridhrasi'.The word'Gridhrasi' itself suggests the gait of the patient whichis similar to Gridhra (vulture) due to pain. All theAyurvedic classics including those written inmedieval period have described theaetiopathogenesis and symptomatology of Gridhrasiin concise form. Surprisingly, the descriptionnarrated in these classics exactly coincides to thedescription of 'Sciatica' including the importantdiagnostic test SLR which IS described as'Sakthinkshepanigraha' by our acharyas.

The science of Ayurveda is based on thefundamental of tridosha. Vata, cause of Gridhrasi isthe vitiated vata. Hence it is included in vatananatmaja vyadhi. Sometimes kapha may beassociated with vitiated vata. Various aetiologicalfactors for the derangement of vata have beenmentioned such as excessive walking, exercise,sleeping on an uncomfortable bed, withholding ofnatural urges, trauma to vital organs, excessive

riding on fast moving, jerky vehicles, unwholesomedietary habits etc. All these factors are so easilyaccessible to today's man that almost everybody issized in their flow, leading to increasing incidence ofdiseases like Gridhrasi. The pitta and kapha areconsidered as chief factors responsible for health anddisease. Vata dosha has the chief dominance amongthese three vital factors of the particular order inwhich pain starts from sphik and then radiates topada along with stambha, toda etc.

Aims and objectives:

1) To study aetiopathogenesis, symptomatologyand progress of Gridhrasi with special referenceto 'Sciatica'.

2) To assess the efficacy of MATRA BASTI & KA.TIBASTI in the management of Gridhrasi.

3) To compare the effects of both therapiesclinically.

4) The find out quick, cheap, effective and saferemedy for this disease

Materials and Method:

The present study was carried out in twoparts: Literary and clinical. For literary part, Textbooks of both fraternities of medicine wereemployed. The disease was visualized on the basis ofAyurvedic authentic texts and for modern aspectvarious textbooks on Neurology, back pain,reference books and various journals werereferrered. For the clinical part of the present study,30 patients suffering from Gridhrasi were randomlyselected from OPD and IPD of N.I.A. HOSPITAL.These 30 patients were divided into two groups andwere subjected to following therapeutic regimen.


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Vol.II No.3 Jul-Sep 2008

Group A: In this group, course of MATRABAST! of Dashmool oil (soml)with the selectedcombination was given to the patients for 6 weeks.

Group B: In this group KAT! BAST! ofdashmool oil was given. The total duration of coursewas 6 weeks.

Diet : Patients of both groups were advisedto stick to the dietary regimen of vata.


Gana : Ch Shwayathuhara, Asthapanopaga,Anuvasanopaga

Su: Dashmoola

Rasa : Tikta, Katu, Kashaya, Madhur

Vipaka : Madhur

Virya : Ushna

Guna : Guru, Snigdha, Tikshna, Ushna

Doshaghnata : Tridoshaghna

Karma: Shoolaghna, Shothaghna, Pachan

Rogaghnata : Jvara, Shwasa, Tandra, Aruchi, Kasa,Parshwashoola

Action and uses

Dashmoola is having well known anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. It is used forinflammations and for its calming effect on the mindand nervous system. It is Considered as one of theprimary Ayurvedic herbs for positive health. It isTraditionally used as detoxifier of the entire body,as a tonic for the liver and kidneys, a hormonebalancer for gynecological problems. Dashmoola isthe most highly prized Ayurvedic formula for fatigue.It aids cellular regeneration to hasten removal ofdead or weak cells and replace them with fresh ones.OIL has also vatasamak guna.


Basti is a purificatory process by which allthe three vitiated doshas are expelled from The analcanal and especially vata is pacified. As a result ofexcretion of vitiated dosha the physiologicalequilibrium in three doshas is maintained and lastingresults are produced after the therapy in the formof sound health. Basti therapy is a complex process

Journal of Ayurveda

in which several factors take active part forcompleting the action of basti.

Instead of pinpointing to one type ofmechanism it is presumed that various factors workin collaboration with each other to produce thebeneficial effect of basti therapy. Here an attempt hasbeen made to explain the probable mode of actionof basti in the samprapti vighatana of Gridhrasi.


Patients were diagnosed on the basis ofclassical signs and symptoms of the disease as perAyurvedic classics.

According to modern texts necessary testssuch as SLR, politeal compression etc. were donealong with neurological examination. Beforeadministration of the therapy, a detailed proforma,where in complete history, signs and symptoms,Dashavidha pariksha, Ashtavidha pariksha, NidanPanchak etc.were compiled together, was filled foreach patient. Vitals like Blood pressure,Pulse,Respiratory rate, Temperature etc were alsomonitored to assess the general condition of thepatient.

In addition to these routine investigationssuch as Hb%, Total leucocytes count, Differentialleucocytes count, E.S.R.. Were carried out prior toand post therapy periods to assess the efficacy of theregimen with multi fold parameters. Radiologicalassessment of the lumber spine was carried out inpatients where necessary (and possible) to ascertainthe diagnosis as well as for differential diagnosis.


Severity of pain (Ruk): On the basis of severity,score of each site having the pain was noted andmean was calculated.

No pain 0

Mild pain 1

Moderate pain 2

Severe pain 3

Stiffness (stambha) No stiffness or stiffnesslasting for 5 Min. 0

5 min. to one hour 1

One hour to two hours 2


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Journal of Ayurveda

Two hour to four hours 3

More than four hours 4

Pricking pain (Toda)

Absent 0

Mild occasional 1

Moderate after movement

Frequent but not persistent 2

severe persistent 3

S.L.R. (Sakthikshepanigrah)

More than 90° 0

71° - 90° 1

Up to 30° 4

Tenderness (Spars asahta)

No Tenderness 0

Subjective Experience of tenderness 1

Wincing of face on pressure 2


Age limit: 18-50Years

Sex : no restriction


Severe Accidental cases


Considering the overall improvement shownby the patients in signs and symptoms and clinical


VoLlI No.3 Jul-Sep 2008

parameters, the total effect of therapy was assessedin terms of cured, markedly improved, improved andunchanged.

Cured : The patients , showing completerelief in the main symptoms like no pain along thesciatic nerve distribution with negative SLR test andability to raise the leg completely without pain wererecorded as cured.

Markedly Improved : More than 75% relief in signs and symptoms were recorded asmarkedly improved.

Moderate Improvement : Improvementbetween 50 to 75 % was recorded as moderate.

Mild improvement: Improvementbetween 25 to 50 % was taken as mild improvement.

Unchanged If no change or less than25% improvement was seen, it was recorded asunchanged.

Overall results of the Therapies

The overall effect of each therapy wasassessed at the end of completion of 6 weeks oftherapy. In Group. A (Matra Basti) moderateimproved. In severity of pain relief was 66.6%,instiffness relief was 80%,in pricking pain relief wasalso 80%,in SLR test relief was 73.3%,&70%relief wasin Tenderness. In Group B(Kati Basti ) improvementwas markedly.loo% relief in severity ofpain.Bo.gssrelief in instiffness.66.6% relief in prickingpain,86.6% relief in SLR. & in Tenderness relief was62.5%. Haematological &Radiological images Valueswere also improved.


Symptoms No of patients Grade No of patients Grade Benefit %B.T. A.T.

Ruk 15 2 10 0 10 66.6%

Satambha 10 2 8 0 8 80%

Tod 15 3 12 0 12 80%

S.L.R. 15 3 11 1 11 73·3%

Spars asahata 10 1 7 0 7 70%


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Vol. II 0.3 Jul-Sep 2008


Journal of Ayurveda

Symptoms No of patients Grade No of patients Grade Benefit %(B.T.) (A.T.)

Ruk 15 2 15 0 15 100%

Stambh 12 2 10 0 10 80·3%

Tod 15 3 10 0 10 66.6%

S.L.R. 15 3 13 0 13 86.6%

Spars asahta 8 1 5 0 5 62·5%


Haematological value B.T. Average A.T .Average

Hb% 11.2% 13·2%

FBR 20 07

L4-L5IVD Moderate Bulge Mild Bulge


Haematological Value B.T. Average A.T. Average

Hb% 11% 12%

FBR 19 15

L4-L5IVD Moderate Bulge Mild Bulge


Both groups get benefit in the managementof sciatica .Kati Basti & Matra Basti with DashmoolOil has special potency to cure Gridhrasi .Haematological (Hb%, TLC, ESR.) value wassignificant & Radiological images of lumber regionwas also improved. Prevention is better than cure.


Following discussions can be drawn on thebasis of observations made, results achieved andthorough discussions in the present context.

• Our classics have described vat a dosha as themain culprit in the disease Gridhrasi. Sometimeskapha is the anubandhi dosha. This is supportedclinically as maximum no. of the patients showedvataprakopaka hetus as the cause.

Physical as well as mental stress were observed

as the common causes along with trauma. Alsosymptoms aggravated in Shishir and Varsha ritu.Some patients also showed exaggeration of painat night. During these periods, there isphysiological aggravation of vata dosha.

• Majority of the patients had dwandwaj prakrutii.e. vatapitta or vatakapha. Also majority ofpatients had vishamagni and krura koshtha. Allthese finding support the dominance of vatadosha.

• On the basis of Ayurvedic fundamentals we canexplain it as dhatukshaya leading to vataprakopaand Gridhrasi.

• In the present study both the therapies wereeffective in combating the disease. Majorimprovement was observed on all signs andsymptoms as well as on SLR in both the groups.


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Journal of Ayurveda

• The results were assessed according to the typeof Gridhrasi. Matra Basti therapy showed equallygood results on both the types of Gridhrasi whileKati Basti therapy proved to be more effective onvatakaphaj Gridhrasi & vataj Gridhrasi.

• No major adverse or side effects wereencountered during this treatment period.

• Preventive aspect and patient's education play animportant role in the management of Gridhrasi.Proper guidelines about posture etc along withexercises strengthening the spine are helpful foreffective management.

REFERENCES• Cakrapani : Ayurveda

Caraka Samhita EditedAcaraya, ChaukhambhaVaranasi.

Dipika commentary onby Yadavaji Trikamji

Sanskrit Sansthana

Vol.II No.3 Jul-Sep 2008

• Caraka Samhita ;- Agnivesh Revised by Caraka andDridhabala, Vidyotini Hindi commentary by pt.Kashinath shastri and Dr. Gorakh Nath Chaturvedi-13th edition 1986, Chaukhambha Sanskrit seriesVaranasi.

• Caraka Samhita Charaka Samhitatranslation of Chakrapani commentary.Dash, Chhaukhambha Sanskrit series,

with EnglishBy BhagwanVaranasi.

• Dalh ana i- Nibandha samgrahaSusruta Samhita edited by Y.edition Chaukhambha oriental,


commentaryT. Acaraya.


• Arun dataAstang Hirdaya,

Sarvanga sundar commentary onKrishnadas Academy Varanasi.

• B. D. Chaurasia ;- Human Anatomy, Eighth Edition(19901, )Published by Satish kumar Jain for CBSpublishers and Distributors shahdra, Delhi - 110032(India)

• Harrison ;- Principle of Medicine, iarh Edition, editedby Anthony 3, Fanci et aI, Me Graw Hill. Heath

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