m. ellis - mice collaboration meeting - thursday 28th october 20041 sci-fi tracker performance...

M. Ellis - MICE Collaboration Meeting - Thursday 28th Oct ober 2004 1 Sci-Fi Tracker Performance Software Status RF background simulation Beam simulation – Reconstruction Data sample • Performance • Emittance calculation Performance Summary Tracker document

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Page 1: M. Ellis - MICE Collaboration Meeting - Thursday 28th October 20041 Sci-Fi Tracker Performance Software Status –RF background simulation –Beam simulation

M. Ellis - MICE Collaboration Meeting - Thursday 28th October 2004 1

Sci-Fi Tracker Performance• Software Status

– RF background simulation

– Beam simulation– Reconstruction– Data sample

• Performance• Emittance calculation• Performance Summary• Tracker document

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RF Background Simulation

• As described by Rikard at VC of 22/9/04• Software used from tag mice-0-9-10• Background generated in 100 jobs of 100

events each on CSF farm at RAL.• Total time to produce 10k events on CSF

was over 4 days!• Output files merged into one file that is then

used as input for each of the 10k event samples.

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• Added as G4MICE option• In CVS as tag mice-0-9-11• 720,000 events produced using the “June04”

configuration were provided by Kevin Tilley• Sample broken up into 72 sets of 10,000

events each for submission as jobs on CSF farm at RAL

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• TDC aspect of Digitisation is now more realistic (exact details of discriminators still to be perfected).

• Duplets (space point made from 2 views in a station) are now reconstructed and used in the pattern recognition.

• Individual clusters are used as separate measurements in the Kalman track fit.

• Still need to add the use of a field map (particularly with the more detailed simulation now in use) – currently assuming a fixed field!

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Data Sample

• Four sets of events processed:– Various sets of 20k events to study effects of multiple

scattering, non-uniform field, etc...– 720k events with all physics processes, but no RF

background– 720k events with all physics processes and overlaid

RF background events– 7k events with 100x nominal RF background

• All performance plots are from the sample with nominal RF

• A summary table at the end will show differences between performance with and without RF background

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Performance• Position resolution

– X, Y

• Momentum pulls– PX, PY and PZ

• Momentum resolution– PT, PZ

– PT versus PT, PT vs PZ

– PZ versus PT, PZ vs PZ

• “Primes” resolution– X’, Y’, T’

• Efficiency and Purity

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X Position Resolution

RMS = 48.49 mm RMS = 0.391 mm

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Y Position Resolution

RMS = 57.05 mm RMS = 0.392 mm

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PX PY and PZ Pulls

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Resolution vs PT

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Resolution vs PZ

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X’ Resolution

RMS = 182.1 mrad RMS = 8.00 mrad

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Y’ Resolution

RMS = 172.3 mrad RMS = 7.91 mrad

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T’ Resolution

RMS = 5.48 x 10-2 RMS = 5.06 x 10-3

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Efficiency vs PT

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Purity vs PT

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Emittance Calculation

• Analysis code developed by Chris:– Trace and phase space– Monte Carlo truth, reconstructed parameters, virtual

planes, ICOOL output files...– Can calculate 2D, 4D, 6D emittance, apply cuts, re-

weighting, etc...– Performance checked against ecalc9f

• For each 10,000 event run, calculate one value of emittance from Monte Carlo truth information and one from reconstructed track information.

• Determine resolution and bias in 4D (XY) emittance (TOF unavailable, hence no 6D emittance).

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Emittance Resolution

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  RMS of True

RMS resolution (no RF)

RMS resolution (with RF)

RMS resolution (100x RF)

% RMS/RMS (no RF)

% RMS/RMS (with RF)

% RMS/RMS (100x RF)

X (mm) 48.49 0.390 0.391 0.384 0.80 0.81 0.79

Y (mm) 57.05 0.391 0.392 0.389 0.69 0.69 0.68

PT (MeV/c)

28.65 1.75 1.75 1.69 6.11 6.11 5.90

PZ (MeV/c)

25.65 2.41 2.41 2.43 9.40 9.40 9.47

X’ (mrad)

182.1 8.02 8.00 8.08 4.40 4.39 4.44

Y’ (mrad)

172.3 7.90 7.91 7.58 4.59 4.59 4.40

t’ (x10-3)

5.48 0.506 0.506 0.519 9.23 9.23 9.47

  Efficiency in % Efficiency out % Purity in % Purity out % 4D bias % 4D resolution %

No RF 99.99(85) 99.81(17) 99.15(12) 99.17(66) -0.121 0.060

With RF 99.99(85) 99.83(43) 99.13(14) 99.17(57) -0.138 0.062

100x RF 100.(00) 99.(73) 95.(28) 96.(47) N/A N/A

Performance Summary:

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Tracker Document9 Items to be addressed:

1. Sensitivity to RF generated background

2. Detector/Electronics sensitivity to RF

3. Tracking performance

4. G4MICE running conditions

5. Experienced design

6. Safety and integration

7. Cost breakdown

8. Schedule and key milestones

9. Operation

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Sensitivity to RF Background

• Response of sensitive materials to known sources of X-rays and spurious electrons measured? YES – rates measured in Lab G

• Performance of pattern recognition and track-fit demonstrated by simulation? YES

• Which simulation of beam? TURTLE (June04)• Which simulation of background? mice-0-9-10• Effects of integration time included? YES• Photon interactions included? YES

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Detector/Electronics and RF

• Measurements of the noise level at 805 MHz in Lab G? No, but it was done with 201 MHz

• Measurements of the noise level at 200 MHz at CERN? Not necessary

• Comparison between “200 MHz” and “805 MHz” Yes

• Measurements of noise levels on mains? Not necessary

• Common extrapolation procedure to conditions at RAL? No

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Tracking Performance

• Detection of charged particles in presence of X-rays and RF noise? Not experimentally

• Does it handle the rate? YES• Protocol of calibration? YES• Results from Simulation

– Resolution and bias in PT YES– Resolution and bias in PZ YES

– Resolution and bias in 4D and 6D Partial – 4D

– Sensitivity of biases to alignment, multiplexing, X-rays Done

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G4MICE Conditions

• Beam momentum? TURTLE (June04)

• Beam intensity? TURTLE (June04)

• Momentum at MICE detector? TURTLE (also checked with G4BL)

• Which rate of dark current (including a safety factor of 2 orders of magnitude)? RF simulation of mice-0-9-10, nominal and 100x nominal rate

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Experienced Design

• Did it operate already– In an experiment? YES – D0– As a prototype? YES – FNAL (KEK soon)

• If yes, how far is this expertise transferable to MICE? Tracker group includes Sci-Fi experts from D0 and Japan

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Safety and Integration

• Description of the interface with the cooling section YES – see TRD:

– Tracker is totally passive– Only active components are Hall probes– Vacuum is only safety issue: optical feed-

through and patch panel must be rated for pressure

– Readout system only requires standard line voltage

– The cryogenic system presents no cryogen or oxygen deficiency hazard

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Cost Breakdown

• YES - see MICE note– Cost and schedule recorded in detail in the


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Schedule and Milestones• YES - see MICE note

– Cost and schedule recorded in detail in the MICE WBS:

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• Manpower needs for operation: YES - see MICE note

– Tracker group consists of 25 people from Japan, UK, Europe and USA

– Through successful prototyping exercises we will develop the expertise

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Conclusions• Prototype performance has been described in previous

meetings:– Light yield, dead channels, space point resolution and efficiency

as expected• Performance in G4MICE shows better than 10%

RMS/RMS in all variables (performance at 2.5 mm rad to come soon)

• Efficiency and purity are better than 99%• Demonstrated ability to cope with 100x nominal RF

background rate• Demonstrated ability to cope with non-uniform magnetic

field at 1% level• Made emittance measurement with resolution better than

0.1% (bias still to be understood and fixed)• Answered all significant questions in the tracker choice
