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VOL XIV. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10.13S4. NO 11 PUDLIBUKD EVEBY BAT UK DA' l'UKLISHERS AND PEOPUIETOJiS. Offloa on Blaokwoll Street nest door to ths Nutioaal Union Batik. TKUMS OF BI'ltSnitU'TJON INVA1UA- ULV IN AOiUKCE. ONE \i.m $2.00 SixMtiJiTm IOO 'J'llltKK MUSTHS W) ADVERTISING RATES, •iUB. 1 1 WH. | 2 WKfl. I 1 12 2 s 4 76 20 75 r.o 50 3 5 6 (JO 7.. 60 liii 50 2 3 T 8 6') 50 GO 5(1 DO 00 1 Inch. 2 " $ s no EOf! 10 gfii , lit IK)| 22 0 I 6 fit)I 10 01) IT 0(1 9 Oil 14 00 22 0(1 | 2fi 00 JitfiOCJi Od | Jt 1 00| 6F> 001130 0 C-imor of Illnele-vol] and «U5tei fitfl. DOVER, N. J. I.B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. H Huraef) Hid Carriagei. to Dot. M a, IUM1 rlTSEY, » ATTORNEY 4T LAW, JliOS E l l i I1DILD1HG, DOVC1., N. J. •p 10. 0. CUMMIMS, M. D-, qENERAt PJ1ACTJTJDSXH, IND BPECJAIJBT IK THE TREATMENT OP MALARIAL DISEASES. OFFICE AT THE STICKLE 1T0USE. DOTLIt, N. J. E. U. r\ DOVER, N. J. ANALYSES OF OHlvB AND MINEIUI.S, tJDBVEYS OF MINES. I SLEIGHS A FINK Kl'OCK OP WOUK ii kept on band " ' ' .11* artlelfe, tbat our roatn i> nol c Worn is TO GIVE SiTISMCTION INEVEnt MKl'ICTLAII. in nil hi 1>™IO1ICB carefully sttended to SPECIAL SALE. At the close of each season we usually find on our hands afewpairs of Boots and Shoes of our own manufaoture made to measure for customers who failed to call for them or for other reasons that every manufacturer in the business experiences. The sizes run as fol- lows : 2 pair Men's French Calf, plain toe, button one pair 8 C, and one pair 6 1-2 D. 1 pah Men's London Toe Tip, " imitation of laoe,' Congress, 9D. 1 pair Men's plain Congress 6 C. 2 pair Men's Patent Leather Fancy Top button ; one pair 6, one pair 7. The above sizes are made of the best mate rial and workmanship, and cost from $6 to $8 to make them ; and in order to close them out before March 1st, our annual stock taking date, we have decided to offer them at the uniform price of $5 per pair. We have also the following sizes in boots : 1 pair Men's French Calf Morocco Leg Tongue Boots, 8C $4 00 1 pair American Calf, 80, - - - - 4.50 Kip, 7D 4.00 4 pair best French Calf Boots, all 8 0 and D, from - - - - - - $5.50 to $6. The above few pairs were all made for prices ranging from $7.50 to $9.50, and any one investing in any of the above sizes wil surely get from 25 to 40 per cent, more value than he pays for. HEA&AN & Co., Opp. D. L. fr. W. Depot Financial Statement of Ra dotph Township for the year ending Feb. 1211), 1884. Amnnnt uncotlected On dnplioato 1888, 11 w a n t nQcoIleoted on d THE OLD STAND. ONION HALL BUILDING, hhckwonsirool, J>ovet, Hot Air Furnaces, if tho latGut and moat Improved stylou, for miUKimlilicaDilprivite bnildingi. AUrge assortment of Btovos, cheap for oieh, COOK, PAIILOE, HEA.TIKG STOVES, EANG-ES, &c Also avariety of TTW-TTJURBERT PEramENBENi or rum,ID SCHOOLS OF MOMIIS CODSTY. OFFICE AT H. II. BIlGESE'd HrOItE, DOVEE, K. J. urdaTB from 8 A. 17-1 f Sfioclil RlUce bou M. till 12 a. T) A.DESSETr, SI. P. Uoai<£fP*Tniu Pur.'icux A.VD SUBHEOW, ItOVEH, N. J. DiHeasen of women nnil cliililrrn, and of tlio e.vo ami cur. epeciallUB. OtrnjR I 8to SI A. M. Ilmliia.) 1IOSIIIC17IIISP.1I. On ami after Ajiril 1st will liavo Ills oflirn on •cociDd floor of FIflirlioilHn building' I'.i'wi- diince, comer of Giild and Cacatnnt Blrceta. Nlghl calls at residence. A. J. DRAKE, ; OAEPENTEB AND BUILDER, STANHOPE, N. J. , CemtrocU for bnildinga Ukon from the ex Voting or the collar, ami ...HKTIHIB lurmnlicii, AUo SiiMh, Doom, iiiiutH, MuiiUlinna, ?umt« . ROOIIDK Fult tinil MasoiiB 1 Malonaia eoubliiQlly ;oa liau<!. Slate rooting. Biy OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter and Builder, NEAR THE CANAL BASIX. W JoLbiCK anil rc[»airinK promptly niiutl to. A lens oi]»erionce in tlie l.nni- ness,will,I.icJiove.onatite ma to ffivosstJH- Factioti lo ail iHiritomers, Contraott} lakeu and ilfiha JOHN DRUMMER'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (botwuentUcHArlSIOHHOUSEmdDopot,) DOVER, N. J. The place IUB been onilroly rofitted in a Cical nantiner. LADIaH' ami OHILDilEK'S HAIIt IUTTING A SPECIALTY. MARTIN & BUCK, OESJ, \i aad Drnameatal Slate Roofing With better facilitieB 1am enabled to put on SLATE HOOFS cheaper than erer aalng acne but the best quality of elate and em- ploying first-class mechanics. I cun gattt- mtee material and work in every paitioo- r. Tar Sheathing Felt always on hand. Duted OotoborlBth. 1B80. 3RUNER3, GIXDEItS id PAPER HANG- E«3. Cootraote taken ami matorjalsfurniwhecl. Rooma decorated in freacoo itylog, Uaviup * ,hcirou£hUriow;eij£(! or liouao anii nlfiti paiut- IIc. vo iool competent In meet the ilemmeli •fall. Ptmi shop over Miss Wliilo's milliner; store, next to Vonfilit 4 Klllgoro'B drnR Bioro. P. O.Ditl83. A specialty mado of stencil oDttiug. I.HABTIN. '19-h A. BDOK. KANOUSE & MOLLER, ilealcra in BOTTLED LAGEES ALE, PORTER, MINEEAL WATERS, CIDER, oto.,Bt WHOLESALE iSD BETAIL. Csn offer ths beat Md nmst HbeiRl ladnce- Dieitta IP (Imkra. DOVEE. N. J- HEADY FOR THE TRADE MRS. GEO. FARR, POUT 0RAM, S. J., has a UrRB slock o[ FALL MILLINERY o[ all kindfi, itbick ^lio lias Just iteeiTnl ttotn Now STo/fe. nhieh site inc*iiJ* lo *e(J at bottom •t. Go and see tier Gco stock. PARK HOTEL. OKAS. A, MtTMFOED, - - - Prop 1 (FORMERLY STICKLE HOUSE.) WUVER, N. J. WUl open April 1st. 1B8I, as » first-cla Hotel for fmniliei and tbe traveling O1S1EL K. JUNE 3. G. BOCKEFELLEB, OWICE IN SiHDEBSON'B BtTILDINO, BDBIEX BT., DOTXS, N. J, enjoyment ID tliistrcUo D. MOLLER'S SUSSEX BT., (KBIT TH THBDUIDOC.) DOVER, N. J. Jaut recelred and placed in poeliion TEHEE FINE NEW Billiard Pool Tables KEROSENE OIL, 'rooi lb« Dtleliralril imenreeiurir ol J LANTEENS AND Bliomwiol s BM.KE. lSMTTAMA WAKE, AM aseortmeotof TIN & JAPAN WARE FBDIT CANS, 4a, TIN UOOFINQ, EA\'ES, TROUGHS, LEABEUH, mi,! .11 Isiiulf, of Jolbiiig In my line, .lout! in tie bi.at mnmior ami ct Uiosliortc notice. HiglifF.t price, pcid for old Icon. Copper lead auj pewter taken la oicbarj ALEXANDER WIGHTON. Deecrabu-21tl]. m o . 1-lT CENTS, Vh CENTS, CD o p 2 <+ 3 DO II § Si e-r- i M. V. B. SEARING, CARPENTER and BUILDER, BLACKVEtL Sr., COVEIt, N. J. li\npand6pccifiestionB fur buildings,Qontracti t k d t r i l f l d 764 &. TOO BROAD STIlEET, AEtVARK, IV. J. offera *nperior imlnecmentu in edticatlof paperi true, **• VISITOIIS WELCOME. C. T. HlhhtR, Principal. EDUM&BKO. Improved Low Pressure Steam Healing Apparatus md oil manner nfpmato aoO pullia lailding 104 MARKET St., NEWARK. J. J. VREELAND, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, DOVEE, N. J. O FFICE arifoiulnR tlie Dorer Lumber Dora- tuny'i mill. Oontrietatakrn, «nd plum, ipecLlicaUong md material* of every kind fur- i shed for buildings. Jobbinj* b specialty. SLATE ROOFING. Hlito furnisbort from the beet qpirrletfej tliesranllqunntlt; or car lout, and UW.tfao- iroJ, LIT oiperienoed workmen at Jowrate*. 43-17 CHAS.G.GRIFFEN, TDK OLB BEUiSLX CARRIAGE PAINTER, Shop on Clinton St., Dover. An ei[>eri«ncoof 15 yean in Oorcr on (61 beat vnrk, it the snirstiU-n I offer Qfmj iblllty to pltBin tbo public Hj motto is "Olrt- iati*r«cilon to all." Mr County Collector's Notice 1 I will be at tbo office of llic Burrogat«, HOP tmXnwn, lot tbo tnus*ction ot OouniT baii- DDBri.on TbnrsiUj or cich week, and at the oflito of Goorgo ^ichardn, " " " " Oonntr Oollftoior PASSAGE TICKETS ORAM, HAHCE'CS Co.'s STORE, POBT ORAM. N. J. t llauaiklp; alLOWIjT TiiBcr— OEGHESTRIOE liau ilBOjunl been iapplied with nen inn ivml will tldifrht ihepatrom of tbe bouse me lh»ai'Vtn', luniieliing manic equal to t bn band of CO piccei.. OEO. EnilKT'B OEIjEIIIUTrD LAGER BEER »1W»T« 01 (lraagkt iml tbo beat of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS elicftye proifded for tbe patron* (if MOLLIrTB OPEBA nOCSE m tnxuiiD EOOHS. ALLEN & PALMER, B01LDERS, KT. ST. . SHdPS ON ESSEX ST. THE NEW JERSEY N. Y. & CHINA TEA CO., DOVER, 3V.J- WM. 0'DWYHE, • • . Proprietor flOTO MRS. J. WITHERIDGE'S MILLINERY STORE VOB CBOIOX Fall and Winter Goods <ar Tbe latest styles sadn«weut design. o trouble to ebow Roads. GWe her & call. THE Ino» EUA aod New York papers CR»Q be found on her new counter. MBS. J. VITUEJUDGE. WILLIAM KING PHACTICAL BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Dotror, 3XT. J". Tbe best wnrk al bnoit price*. Itepainap avtplj tori promptly done, Nait to old Fres* bvtenan Cburcli, Black well 20-1 j J. J. BACKOFF'S WHOLESALE TRADE u daily inarcning, which ifiowa Im tififWafi niinlscuoo to %Ubid ctalomire. Hit WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS are of tha beaV, md ho nrlihe* tlio dcalem tbroGffbont thli «rantj would gi™ him a call (Kbtcti Kill par them) before baymg lUc unnre. All orders icDt tij mill rill rcceiTv ipUuenlion, J. J. JtiCKOVP, Duvcr, K. J. NOTICE. Estate of William Scoble, deceased. P UIIWAHT to Hie order ot thf> Hnrrrirate ol Ibe CfnntT of Morru, mtda on tbp •nib daj of rcbra*ry, A. D. ono thoaeand Eight liiiQdreit anil eight?-roar, cotico u l e b y given to all pcraon* liiTinjr claims iiKt tbo e>bto o/ ffiHiim Bcnble, lilo of Count; of Horns, tfccei-af 4, to ptneot tbe ic, ntiilcr oitl: or adrmation, to tlio euli- eenber, on or before tbe until day of Norpiu- r oett, boJDg oino monlln from tlie title salrjorder; md RUT creditor Di-glcctlDgto ing in andnblbit bin or her clutn, nodcr jalb or *[DrfflitioD, within the tlroo au liroltfd, will bo forner barred r,t bli or bcr action Wttntor afftimt ih& JkdmiDiatMtor. Dited the alltb day otVtbrutty A. D. 1881. JAMES TOKSING, A<JmlaUtiator, 10-lOw I'oil Onm, Uonii Co.. N. J. REPAIRING DONE. NOTICE'REMOVftL. !THE N. Y, & CHINA TEA Go, WILL K1JMOVK ON THE First Bay of April, 1884, to IUB store nowrct:upied by GEO. FEDER, NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFFICE, GREAT REDUCTION IN SUGARS. A NEW ASSOIITA1FNT OF GLASS, CHINA, EARTHEN, MAJOLICA, WILLOW WARE, ALWAYS ON HAND. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LARGE DEALERS. JiLJJLftJLBJULft CRIPPEN, THE POPULAR CLOTHIER IS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, AND WILL SELL HIS ENTIRE STOCK AT COST! Now is the time to get BAR- GAINS as he has a complete stock and it will be closed out fast. So call early and get a good selection. CRIPPEN, No. 4Brick Block, DOTCI 1 , JT. J. THE POPULAR SILK HOUSE. SVicKlRQAN BROS. & LUKE, 755 BROAD St.. NEWARK. N. J. Clearing Sale of Winter Goods. odinr deRant varietyo( ill bo sold nt anEATLT 11EDDGED PUICE3. Wo hiTO new on sale BLM3K BILKi the beit T»lno oTtr told bj oar house, 'let-ins out oar riQUnED TELVETB in buck mil colored it ltEDUCED PRIES. Oar WOOL DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT offers iltrttUoni in variety tiid price. farLtclleB Mid Geati. 11USLIN TJNDBnWE&Tl :n gre&l vtrint7 for Lidiei tod OhililTeo, BLANKET SALE CLOSING OUT AT REDUCED PRICES. Home FDrnliblm Good! at popular price. 7O8 BroM St., D. 8. ALLEV, Colleotor. Tot»I tmount or dnuiloite 18SS. UcluA• iasr vpuclal cliiuict wUool Uxel »HJ,131 OB. i wnrtetl (1,431 TO 1 oolleotad and Id toOman of wad S£9871 ^ ^ ::.i£i SKttrrtKn BTOOXMHWOWIIBat lloid (SO 60 l>og 150 PLOT IW H.iu>ff 00 l',|]a BOO I) itriet Bohool Uli Bin to Hcliool, Oonntj , D d 'XOWUBIHP 09W DI PAID «. B. LiBBEBT, OOCItTT ODLLRCTOB. Buic vchool tai (3 97349 €ouiitj 0 6D0S2 i,8l9 di Ui Beo(nd and in C<i'trcior'<i..&mli w but. of ioa:l tax colltettd and in Ofiil-i-IO.'n lifll'ln 833 DT 0.1-;, uiarh. Trcaenrer 2.083 " ' * neuilotfU laplloats SW0 DJVKB.N J. P«b. Mtli, ISM, E. Ci-tnic, T|f*d. T.JHANDOU'H TOWNSHIP. Dl. Ton seme ESPEKIB tcoouKT. lance riilinml U«t rcmrr* 133090 r.Q. T.iH-od imniD S. Allvn.Col-L-l.r 50000 Mar.0. TuiavMlri'ii H.B, M«r. 17. TII A Apr 11. Allen Ciimiw l fnmt D- 8. ar vUllinm P. S. A'le:i ( H t o i n r July 12. T<> i«:Mtn-nil).B. All. ii. ('•>!!• c h r KOT. 2. To tmo-iir [rnai ii NOT. 2. To tia ) Irom Vo7. D. To D. H, All-O. Cil. Ftb. ID. • U. II M l 13300 3" 00 20000 93 01 10019 •cot. 18"u 12. " D H. Aden, Col. 18B3 1.501M " " Da do. MJOfl " " trttii-lur liom sito* ncd. 1983 103 CO duniKOt. 1883 89 00 on. Uur 0. D. 8. Allen, Culkotor niiiK-ct. Mar.O, U. Hulai. r-r ceHi5- MU-qt •iminl D. TowumipUuminitlee sn.i Orrk Win. H.Mi-DitUbjl. foi 1STH 7. It. Will itran.Over- freroriinir Q. . I . Wnlle. Impflo- tnrnflilcoil.m E. E. Puitcr, (Mwle M'piicnii) n j.i.ihf [ A Ti Ivor U--^ DUuclmid, /ftc 130000 900 1000 319 SO 1310 000 son 480 17, F. JI.M"ic.Niiit, IQ- " BfrimV/T! Bi.witii.0, " PfctcrU.TinHjn, «»<> ot limut! " P. t . T o t t e n , JnilgO irrnhc.oa M. H. M«l(.nP7, 1B* HKctornrflreilna Win. H.ilaae.Jodfie 0. II. Ea/jles, Jodjc DI EU-ciinn John V. Chin,Iispao- torol Elcclum Jn*. W.Hrinui.Oierk of Election lor i>t tliiolinu l.lO.FrccwaDWood.JaB- Uce boaae ind meals Kjirlug dcotiou, IH88 11 Do»frPtiDlinBOo. " 1). H. Murrlson 27. A. Taylor, order of Tune 33. Jon 0 25 19 00 1300 POO 800 0 00 13 00 13 00 0 00 BOO 14 00 B 00 6811 D«i,,oc. oci Mud lul tapotl mate nali'iol tax f lrpm. rnvenno - Iftle tpproprlittaD 3370 8165 17 05 14 00 larvolBlHtc It.' Williamt, O?t-n-tcr(iri»(K.r Doror Priming Co. "\ J. 8 QibsoD, Town Olerk 3103 ce. Oftmeii of roada for tP|iur'n 18 0D oipr O. T.,tlrn,npoor Jiddce «m| tniiJg Fill election, 1883 10 00 SI. m. 31. Dnvcr PrhiHnn Oo i. 9. Joae|)li It. WillUmB, OvGrpci-r of l'nor " D.H. Alln. Coiloiior " IIuQiiml-ATilWrr " J l C i t r " O. O G«BC, sceonnt 30 75 106 61 B540 DID BOO •"M- 8. ConiM, County Ckrb " TVra. TonLJng, Com. til Aputnk " VT. A. lltliek, nso ot bwone nr'fl taea'n ^iilldf 1883 U09 " W. C. Bparno, Com. ut A|i(.wlB 4 00 " II C. riiiiov.Cuniifct 1500 " (J. H. lIllDBOU, 187!. ,13. D. II, IIOUSOD, acct. 1S8D " Fii-itninWrnd 8K>17 6U8. D 18 I'llTnvlarAaicB- Bnr, 1883 » Ndj;lil.><iara. Smith " J. t*. Gibson, Town C\'T\i " F.Il'lli'n'h.Com. " O. E. OUrk. TreiB. mid Omnimtea 817 05 11 CO 10CO 40 00 4031 on L.UHill J . W. 6:inip9uD,Coin. oT AlJi)ta)B a UU (8,50000 cc of TonUBhlp Fund on hanil 33 5G POOR FUND ACCOUNT, Tot>nl. of accoDQthc?t 12. ' K11I8 CB. -.8, JnbnE. LTOJI J. U.WillUinF, On icfr. IDE 23, I>o, do. i 1 ]^.21. E.UudMeyiSnn 23 W «2c») - 10 0O S M 1B81. 29 0 41» iicrlmciil . Limlvlti; & SOD, poor rfllef 'cl>. 11. Oram, Hmco & Co' Jiihu Ddvro Mosea Blanch»rd i 00 110] 4 00 IS 49 InUnce of Poor Fund on tuad DOO TAX AOCODHr. Totial nfaeet, liat report «1BG0 . 0. B. B. Allen, Oul. 10O U K OS 37100 •111 SO lBBf, Br Iniufnr lo tspeut loot. 1B93 .35 SO . 12. Do. cjo. 1B83 8900 6N0W TAX ACOOtMT. To bit. ol icct. lul report »W! M ttir. ». B. S. Allen, Col. JM IBM. '.b, IJ, " •• " ISM 1«11 M«.9. J.M.OIiA ' || 00 " E.J.Wl,*.l-r 0 00 •• U.LtnUrisaa 3UO " J«>. B. Qalbert 10*0 " Anm Allen TOO' To tnsBfer to npaniB tectlBHa JUJ1 Feb. 12, Do do. U83 ICO 00 BtluM on hum laijclt report TawniblpPanel teo'd no »0ot, *c .. Bl. IHU report Poor/ M *d(HitoBt.p «* •> t. lilt report D.iBT.jt lec'iloianl. • " laljait report Enow" Bc'AoaaU ••" cn laljait repor Bco'AoaaeaU m: Mi 3(8- 11101 I'.ic] Irom r o t r H&l. cjr " PiM from Bol T W.M0 117 m 3 H.51H OOLtEOTOB'S KEFOBT OF SCHOOL MONEY. WITtllOT MtTKBBB h BshnwonhandPtib. 16, IMS I9UK) KtotflapptoprisiiQD JS.7B Sai-plimriWDLia 'm 18 Distrlat ttx 9.93910 Bt*ts sobool ttx 8,333 91 O. B. MainoD, Oolleotor l,m ti D. b. AUet, QolUator, 1683 160 00 Pudtornmo 0,03151 WITtnCT Btftefoiiiwl HarmpiiropriotioQ Im-plasroteiiao Diafrict lax Paid out Tor ume Oterdntwo IJIM 417 03 05 80 HI «00 00 1» bfs 09 BIBS ficj 89 t 11,141 SO aidoatfortttao 88933 B.ilmco dnodUlriet "' I DI^TMCT VDHB1B *• Baling mi luii.lpflb. 10,1883, HH7 -ichclioul UX 803 63 . l i l n revi-tino ailflJ luie apiiropitllfou 28 8f iaon"o tliloutrariame ' 85000 BilimoauocUntrJct i 3al»1ce nn l:mid «| lut report 'UtDfCllOot tlX 'ntlilut reveottts lt*tti #pprsjirl>tion UOSa Mil 30 B3 2387 ISpTt'll SW7* atritlcOntr lenrjClilrgwlddBii.Jr. Jamw " Ulohnrci OUlrnrln JobuCeok Inbn UUrewladn UirU Oaruon ' orjie Cox Uoe. W. UolemaB obu '• oUu Crauptoo Blwanl Cuilni Hnui'l Coee BnlaneB duo 3ii lai-cc mi Imna ltarreport nil' MI limit 1*s UrplOi Cl-VflHlB — iiitprupriatlon 2310 J4B7 7> |3fl5BS Jobs OaTeDport loury Pcjhobo; lamlelpbUalutt 'aoobAl. Ulpllipwt Luanda " :.t, JIoicu IJotJ loaiabDaveaiiort. . Fobu V. Ualr^inula Itlolinrd Uoroiuue UwUDookor »o?«r Ul'g CJo. nlloIiaolDfisii liobort D&vr , llioi. Unrlre, Sr. " ," 2l< < JoUnDufTr Uobacd UonaaiM Durly oiin Bean lenrv Dully ;nici.l)ojBitli 3rerctr»wn fast report I 01 P«1J out lor nmo ma Orerdnmi IS 35 bUiiTV. I rattiautol eorge Dennu Orerdrurn ' ' mmict vmaa 9, eon kind tutnport *8S! ftlOKbOO! I l l i-irk'l tux (1883} iftrltt lit trijlurttevenao istoanproptuUoo '800 58 1,890 Iffl 0*76 knee onhand list report 19181 -- -•--••- 805 88 SI Si 24 45 tnrnlna revi Itaw appru H. Ud do. LIABILITIES. , Collector ito. do. •507 S3 £821) IB 16 10 00 i j of Dover 1 do hertby oerll'y ilie foreRoiag to be a llamlcump'olo accouptor tlm rttelpts and )<-millurtit* at tliu Tumialup Ooinnullroand n-lleelur of Eaoitulnli Totvnsliin fi.r llin n^r 1883, au.la full tXlilbft or tfiu HiiaiiO'HUo'ii. I- Ituii of «"id mwimlilj) nn tlio 12Ui day of FUIJ my, 1B91, to tlio beat of my knnwled^n and eJief. JOHJf B. O1BSOS, TowuthlpOletk. fst of Delinquent Tax-Payers of Randolph Township, Feb- ruary 14th, 1884. irah E. Allen r llllam Andrew U. Aponta an. Arebtr ulrcw Anderson uxu&tus Ayius ustavc Anderson /in. Audi-own ilmrd " lit. Ancholas H.Allm.u.Jr. UAttB :anlt ADson ttblna A •John ittonp; umio lUile m. Hranuln atud Urfant Brady Blehfoy Btoolci jia Barber eroo Uutler ' ll seslenh ol) Bowers in. H. Bonjamln irard Braxloa i. Brundoll i. A. Dlnke •• Drottdwel. j. Brocio land Blrbh iUisro Uuclanan mps BUhup jbtt T. HuRiboD, Sr. •haDriuobi .021 100 UK 10O 100 . .100 100 100 ,.700 , ,100 100 100 100 ' 100 100 .So > 100 .I15H ioo . 150 100 100 -.100 ioo , ,100 -. ,100 hBiiB Boomer y llartloat«lu hn Butjpr ssass ssass e. II. llarrolt iw HorrrmaEi Sclvard oartlo iw.nl Bnrbldn Baroa ...Brown' lobnrcl llottia imiulo Biirne h Bill \ '100 100 u. lluruB tadnw Blrmlsgbara at. Wm BoitveU i. Hurtle _jve B. Bowen ntbnnyBunett oMpbBroy DMBaljlej M. Bar olin Bo>d 'hoe Braooli oo. Brown aeob D. BooneB. obo H. Batter Edwin Blnoclurf . . AidnirBoet Iflwle K. Blenenud - AW, Brajnmiti enryBitei »»Tid Bell a«oDDdi latnael Bryan 1_. '900 18 SO 100 1G0 II ISS IS iS IS loo IOO 100 lin ISO ISO IOO -loo loo 100 10 10 la i! «; 100 ,1« WhitfloMCMS Alfred CtirUtafotMO Win. J. Cleva James Ciiln Win. Cherlton Offl. C JoUn T. OORIO (leo. 0. CuramlnB,rwlwt»t« Samuel COM Lewis O. CorbU h C'lU £UH»COUBI> Benj. Cult. Edward Carey Andrew Ohrlatenaoa AJCH A.J.CH Ebonewr JMuert'liTlfltei Boruiud Clark TC Bit, TfcoB. Conwllui .farao* CroMnun rbos. " Juha " Ju. W. CArmu HcliirJ CLirgirU Jolu Gallon TIMM. Ciulion SSSS" Wm. Caraow MkblCl Mkbul Vca. T. (. Joeepb Ol Xdmil Join ieaoCombe wsrJE. rrou Cuo E.Cumb. fyronC W'ateon ' JcsMi Clark, Jr. oliul. Couk Lrtnur Ooocter AVia Oomptoa Anljr Comroj 1 rauk Oritac) Waabinirtou O. Orau TbecrfoniCook uoe. Bavey obn Drnry IfctalDrary mothr Devuie 'rod. Erriokwa fidnej £I«OIKI oliulJast kndrew Q. Esitrou ElUU 1-nyFronrfiM Via ff'ercoaon b& Frvel )enni» For tin I'Jvmi ag, Fnviic 'red. Poster Peter Pnuet Eseno Faro* raei Porloni hti Plypn. Br. drow Freetnfti. wanl Foley t'k imnU ihtt C. F .rtinHvnu nplicn F«rgoaon mills Fox Ponton '1 Franoinoo ca Flynn It •• , 1'luko is Kurd irdncr Grlffen Qlbion Simon QIOMM teotgo Oogo lobn Gajtor oaopl] Orogoiy obD Qrovu LcuryOmoott ^ - in Onauon ;'k GHatifcey " • Imutby Griifln in A. Qoriton ihu Qarrabrtmi "red, GUlon^ •" ' lam l a in G mp, (3ordo lit. QUloo rtntHBU, 1B Hondarwa Heater F. Hontor > , ftjBSS 1 -. leorn 11BU ' , obair.Hart. - ruBOelUwlclea , HeocMlla .. V.HoweU' itot , rbofcBalmee «a.V. llnlT I. C.Horbm inrt'HailniM^ obn ' ' " ' ba ooTffSe? oo.Hutollngi sa'Bir saBir aiqu Holme* fame* Hsag&n ThOielrwia Wm. B. Jonningi obnrt Jenkuu Cliri». Jenwa W. II. Jcnniogi us. Jobtuon Wm.Jolini [Jttn ntitSMabiu Andrew Jobuwn J JentllBga lJDtftB nbu Jelorj Uhrie. JncoUw Aug. Joannn !: il! ii il 10 1! IS! 100 1! ' ' HI 18 ISO 100 an 6 TO 120 "J8 IM 100 ISO 100 100 , IM IOO 100 •>» ,108 100 . 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ass its 100 100 100 100 I s 1C0 IM 100 BBS 16) 100 47U ISO 150 100 I ft) 10) 100 IK 20) an 1IM 100 100 100 ISO IM JM (711 10 20 10) 109 ISO 100 IS 100 1(0 100 ,100 JanraU aUoLlugbiie. aa. llurpay daaHoen 'atrlekUsOoi 'otti.k MoBuln Din T. Mullen PrtilcrickMllU lldisel Morrle avreneeMGcOTen _JoGolie Joaepb. UlUa Itaawa " roH. J 'SiMorgur aeMtton If daettC UmtlLoBi tmatlUwn G9k " iitaMiUe p..Pot«tUtEUiem * UoMann ilinHurl^ Ueruard lloOarr; llfcbac! laMcdlin t. Uichuel UaMaaoB n, Msoro lolia Q. Mllli ward Uojle lohn Uortha lai MtlJt.rniioi lica. Mitcloll Si. McCloud _fMarfeit ! °° lfcetl UinDiger 'aa. Martio ;l,u. F. Uorgaa *>«. >!cFr«tt, Sr. " Jr. irrctico Jtfurtba irdHa; SloD . ihaHeQueun ir McBllicni itraKelacm lea. Vtxoa Lesley Nonnaa rnni Holtoa Idr.XaMea red. Sawloa IeU Ndlaon [enxy Northey rm.lfevt«a Sric*.»»tn»i re. SirmhlnjflB : Y.icN.J.M. pa.»eCo. O SrauaOimeriil ^iSLeT 1 Ward P«rlI»iDin oatava Cicrttm lanlanrla laOlpa. iliriii PatUnan rarran Valntar hfe nfeiaberlBai rblUp Pareou aarawofl lenrr.lMek nuaTInlanis Wm. laul Anthony Keua UenudFoweU Wm. Thoe.P lubu Poll ioo 100 100 100 100 an ioo 300 ioo IOO 100 100 100 100 100 1 00 150 IOO u u aw ISO 100 100 1HO 1W lti> »» 1KI ICO ito ICO IOO im 110 IK) 1MI ICO JCO 100 174 ICO 1W 100 100 1W 109 180 !i !i 18 iB 100 100 170 8M 460 160 100 100 .100 1°? IOO 419 100 100 100 IOO IOO «24 IOO IOO 100 ISO IOO 100 4r» 100 100 100 in IOO 111 100 IN) 100 100 IOO BBS 100 IOO ioo a oo ISO 160 100 IOO 100 1W IOO 100 tin ISO 150 IOO ISO 100 420 100 IH 100 ISO 100 ISO S19 3W 160 100 100 su IOO 338 ISO 100 100 100 ISO ISO 100 100 100 iw 100 100 100 ISO 100 150 100 100 ISO 1C0 100 100 100 ISO 100 IOO 100 100 1SU 100 100 100 100 ISO 18 lot M20 >1> B21 100 IM 100 109 100 109 1&9 109 100 494 ioo 100 2SS 100 1(0 100 100 100 100 100 103 IOO 100 100 100 100 100 ICO 100 160 100 IOO 100 100 IOO 100 ISO 100 160 Itu 100 1U 100 1IH soo 1(0 ISO 300 100 ISO ICO 100 100 100 IM l{0 109 100 7211 1*1 in eontxogp or*jDCxtv nuj'k

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Post on 04-Feb-2021




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    Offloa on Blaokwoll Street nest door to ths

    Nutioaal Union Batik.


    ONE \i.m $2.00SixMtiJiTm IOO

    'J'llltKK MUSTHS W)


    •iUB. 1 1 WH. | 2 WKfl.











    1 Inch .2 "

    $ s noE Of!

    10 gfii

    , lit IK)| 22 0

    I6 fit)I 10 01) IT 0(19 Oil 14 00 22 0(1

    |2fi 00 Jit fiO CJi Od

    |J t

    1 00| 6F> 001130 0

    C-imor of Illnele-vol] and «U5tei fitfl.

    DOVER, N. J.I.B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

    H Huraef) Hid Carriagei. to Dot.

    M a , I U M 1 rlTSEY,


    JliOS El l i I1DILD1HG,

    DOVC1., N. J.

    • p 1 0 . 0. CUMMIMS, M. D-,





    DOTLIt, N. J.

    E. U.



    I SLEIGHSA FINK Kl'OCK OP WOUK ii kept on band

    " ' ' .11* artlelfe, tbat our roatn i> nol c


    in nil h i 1>™IO1ICB carefully sttended to

    SPECIAL SALE.At the close of each season we usually find

    on our hands a few pairs of Boots and Shoesof our own manufaoture made to measure forcustomers who failed to call for them or forother reasons that every manufacturer in thebusiness experiences. The sizes run as fol-lows :

    2 pair Men's French Calf, plain toe, buttonone pair 8 C, and one pair 6 1-2 D. 1 pahMen's London Toe Tip, " imitation of laoe,'Congress, 9 D. 1 pair Men's plain Congress6 C. 2 pair Men's Patent Leather Fancy Topbutton ; one pair 6, one pair 7.

    The above sizes are made of the best material and workmanship, and cost from $6 to$8 to make them ; and in order to close themout before March 1st, our annual stock takingdate, we have decided to offer them at theuniform price of $5 per pair.

    We have also the following sizes in boots :1 pair Men's French Calf Morocco Leg

    Tongue Boots, 8C $4 001 pair American Calf, 8 0, - - - - 4.50

    Kip, 7D 4.004 pair best French Calf Boots, all 8 0

    and D, from - - - - - - $5.50 to $6.The above few pairs were all made for

    prices ranging from $7.50 to $9.50, and anyone investing in any of the above sizes wilsurely get from 25 to 40 per cent, more valuethan he pays for. HEA&AN & Co.,

    Opp. D. L. fr. W. Depot

    Financial Statement of Radotph Township for the yearending Feb. 1211), 1884.

    Amnnnt uncotlected On dnplioato1888, 11w a n t nQcoIleoted on d


    ONION HALL BUILDING,hhckwonsirool, J>ovet,

    Hot Air Furnaces,if tho latGut and moat Improved stylou, for

    miUKimlilicaDilprivite bnildingi. A Urgeassortment of Btovos, cheap for oieh,


    STOVES, EANG-ES,&c Also a variety of




    DOVEE, K. J.urdaTB from 8 A.

    17-1 fSfioclil RlUce bou

    M. till 12 a.

    T ) A.DESSETr, SI. P.


    Carpenter and Builder,

    NEAR THE CANAL BASIX.W JoLbiCK anil rc[»airinK promptlyniiutl to. A lens oi]»erionce in tlie l.nni-

    ness,will,I.icJiove.onatite ma to ffivosstJH-Factioti lo ail iHiritomers, Contraott} lakeu and

    i l f i h a




    DOVER, N. J .The place IUB been onilroly rofitted in a Cical


    MARTIN & BUCK,OESJ, \i aad Drnameatal

    Slate RoofingWith better facilitieB 1 am enabled to put

    on SLATE HOOFS cheaper than erer aalngacne but the best quality of elate and em-ploying first-class mechanics. I cun gattt-mtee material and work in every paitioo-

    r. Tar Sheathing Felt always on hand.Duted OotoborlBth. 1B80.

    3RUNER3, GIXDEItS i d PAPER HANG-E«3. Cootraote taken ami matorjalsfurniwhecl.Rooma decorated in freacoo itylog, Uaviup *,hcirou£hUriow;eij£(! or liouao anii nlfiti paiut-IIc. vo iool competent In meet the ilemmeli•fall. Ptmi shop over Miss Wliilo's milliner;store, next to Vonfilit 4 Klllgoro'B drnR Bioro.P. O.Ditl83.

    A specialty mado of stencil oDttiug.

    I.HABTIN. '19-h A. BDOK.


    ilealcra in



    Csn offer ths beat Md nmst HbeiRl ladnce-Dieitta IP (Imkra.




    has a UrRB slock o[ FALL MILLINERY o[all kindfi, itbick l̂io lias Just iteeiTnl ttotnNow STo/fe. nhieh site inc*iiJ* lo *e(J at bottom

    •t. Go and see tier Gco stock.

    PARK HOTEL.OKAS. A, MtTMFOED, - - - Prop1


    WUVER, N. J.

    WUl open April 1st. 1B8I, as » first-cla

    Hotel for fmniliei and tbe traveling

    O1S1EL K. JUNE




    enjoyment ID tliistrcUo


    DOVER, N. J.Jaut recelred and placed in poeliion TEHEE


    BilliardPool Tables

    KEROSENE OIL, 'rooi lb« Dtleliralril imenreeiurir ol JLANTEENS AND Bliomwiol s BM.KE.

    lSMTTAMA WAKE,A M aseortmeotof



    LEABEUH, mi,! .11 Isiiulf, of Jolbiiig In my line,.lout! in t i e bi.at mnmior ami ct Uio sliortcnotice. HiglifF.t price, pcid for old Icon.

    Copper lead auj pewter taken la oicbarj

    ALEXANDER WIGHTON.Deecrabu-21tl]. m o . 1-lT


    CDo p2 Hnrrrirateol Ibe CfnntT of Morru, mtda on tbp•nib daj of rcbra*ry, A. D. ono thoaeandEight liiiQdreit anil eight?-roar, cotico ul e b y given to all pcraon* liiTinjr claims

    iiKt tbo e>bto o/ ffiHiim Bcnble, lilo ofCount; of Horns, tfccei-af 4, to ptneot tbeic, ntiilcr oitl: or adrmation, to tlio euli-

    eenber, on or before tbe until day of Norpiu-r oett, boJDg oino monlln from tlie titlesalrjorder; md RUT creditor Di-glcctlDg toing in andnblb i t bin or her clutn, nodcr

    jalb or *[DrfflitioD, within the tlroo au liroltfd,will bo forner barred r,t bli or bcr actionWttntor afftimt ih& JkdmiDiatMtor.

    Dited the alltb day otVtbrutty A. D. 1881.JAMES TOKSING,

    A!!• chrKOT. 2. To tmo-iir [rnai

    iiNOT. 2. To tia


    Vo7. D. To D. H, All-O. Cil.Ftb. ID. • U. II M



    3 " 00


    93 01

    10019•cot. 18"u12. " D H. Aden, Col.

    18B3 1.501M" " Da do. MJOfl" " trttii-lur liom

    sito* ncd . 1983 103 CO

    duniKOt. 1883 89 00

    on.Uur 0. D. 8. Allen, Culkotor

    niiiK-ct.Mar.O, U. Hulai. r-r ceHi5-

    MU-qt •iminlD. TowumipUuminitlee

    sn.i OrrkWin. H.Mi-DitUbjl.

    foi 1STH7. It. Will it ran. Over-

    freroriinirQ. .I. Wnlle. Impflo-

    tnrnflilcoil.mE. E. Puitcr, (Mwle

    M'piicnii)n j.i.ihf [ A Ti IvorU- -^ DUuclmid,

    / f t c




    319 SO




    17, F . JI.M"ic.Niiit, IQ-

    " BfrimV/T! Bi.witii.0,

    " PfctcrU.TinHjn, «»

    ot limut!" P . t . T o t t e n , JnilgO

    irrnhc.oaM. H. M«l(.nP7, 1B*

    HKctornrflreilnaWin. H.ilaae.Jodfie

    0. II. Ea/jles, JodjcDI EU-ciinn

    John V. Chin,Iispao-torol Elcclum

    Jn*. W.Hrinui.Oierkof Election

    lor i>t tliiolinul.lO.FrccwaDWood.JaB-


    boaae ind mealsKjirlug dcotiou,IH88

    11 Do»frPtiDlinBOo." 1). H. Murrlson27. A. Taylor, order of

    Tune 33. Jon

    0 25

    19 00




    0 00

    13 00

    13 00

    0 00


    14 00

    B 00


    D«i,,oc. oci Mud l u l t apo t lmate nali'iol tax f

    l r p m . rnvenno -Iftle tpproprlittaD


    816517 0514 00

    larvolBlHtcI t . ' Williamt,

    O?t-n-tcr(iri»(K.rDoror Priming Co.

    " \ J . 8 QibsoD, TownOlerk 3103

    ce. O f t m e i i of roada fortP|iur'n 18 0D

    oipr O. T., t lrn,npoorJiddce «m| tniiJg Fil lelection, 1883 10 00

    SI.m. 31. Dnvcr PrhiHnn Ooi . 9. Joae|)li It. WillUmB,

    OvGrpci-r of l'nor" D.H. A l ln . Coiloiior

    " IIuQiiml-ATilWrr" J l C i t r

    " O. O G«BC, sceonnt

    30 75

    106 61

    B5 40



    • " M - 8. ConiM, CountyCkrb

    " TVra. TonLJng, Com.til Apu tnk

    " VT. A. l l t l i ek , nso o tbwone nr'fl taea'n^iilldf 1883 U 0 9

    " W. C. Bparno, Com.ut A|i(.wlB 4 00

    " II C. riiiiov.Cuniifct 1500" (J. H. lIllDBOU,

    187!.,13. D. II, IIOUSOD, acct.

    1S8D" Fii-itninWrnd


    6 U 8 .


    I'llTnvlarAaicB-Bnr, 1883

    » Ndj;lil.>o, do. i1]^.21. E.UudMeyiSnn 23 W


    10 0OS M


    29 041»

    iicrlmciil. Limlvlti; & SOD,poor rfllef

    'cl>. 11. Oram, Hmco & Co'Jiihu DdvroMosea Blanch»rd

    i 00110]

    4 00IS 49

    InUnce of Poor Fund on t u a d


    Totial nfaeet, l iat report «1BG0. 0. B. B. Allen, Oul. 10O

    U K OS


    •111 SO

    lBBf, B r Iniufnr lo t s p e u tloot. 1B93 .35 SO

    . 12. Do. cjo. 1B83 8900


    To bit. ol icct. l u l report »W! Mttir. ». B. S. Allen, Col. J MIBM.'.b, IJ, " •• " ISM 1«11

    M«.9 . J.M.OIiA ' | | 00" E.J.Wl,*.l-r 0 00•• U.LtnUrisaa 3UO" J«>. B. Qalbert 10*0" Anm Allen TOO'

    To tnsBfer to npaniBtectlBHa JUJ1

    Feb. 12, Do do. U83 ICO 00

    B t l u M on hum

    laijclt report Tawniblp Panelteo'd no »0ot, *c . .

    Bl . IHU report Poor/ M*d(HitoBt.p «* •>

    t. lilt report D.iBT.jtlec'iloianl. • "laljait report Enow"B c ' A o a a U • • "

    cnlaljait reporBco'AoaaeaU



    I'.ic] Irom r o t rH&l. cjr "PiM from Bol T







    WITtllOT MtTKBBB hBshnwonhandPtib. 16, IMS I9UK)KtotflapptoprisiiQD JS.7BSai-plimriWDLia 'm 18Distrlat t tx 9.93910Bt*ts sobool t tx 8,333 91O. B. MainoD, Oolleotor l,m tiD. b. AUet, QolUator, 1683 160 00

    Pudtornmo 0,03151



    Diafrict lax

    Paid out Tor u m e



    03 0580 HI

    «00 00

    1»bfs 09BIBSficj 89

    t 11,141 SOaid oat for tttao 88933

    B.ilmco dnodUlriet " ' IDÎ TMCT VDHB1B *•

    Baling mi luii.lpflb. 10,1883, H H 7-ichclioul UX 803 63

    .liln revi-tino ailflJluie apiiropitllfou 28 8f •

    iaon"ot l i loutrariame ' 85000

    BilimoauocUntrJct i

    3al»1ce nn l:mid «| l u t report'UtDfCllOot tlX •'ntlilut reveotttslt*tti #pprsjirl>tion


    30 B32387



    Jamw "Ulohnrci OUlrnrlnJobuCeokInbn UUrewladnUirU Oaruon '

    orjie CoxUoe. W. UolemaBobu '•oUu Crauptoo

    Blwanl CuilniHnui'l Coee

    BnlaneB duo 3ii

    lai-cc mi Imna ltarreportnil' MI limit 1*s

    UrplOi Cl-VflHlB— iiitprupriatlon



    Jobs OaTeDportloury Pcjhobo;lamlelpbUalutt'aoobAl. UlpllipwtLuanda ":.t, JIoicu IJotJloaiabDaveaiiort. .Fobu V. Ualr^inulaItlolinrd UoroiuueUwUDookor»o?«r Ul'g CJo.

    nlloIiaolDfisiiliobort D&vr ,llioi. Unrlre, Sr.

    " • ," 2l< <JoUnDufTrUobacd UonaaiM


    oiin Beanlenrv Dully;nici.l)ojBitli

    3rerctr»wn fast report I 01P«1J out lor nmo ma


    IS 35

    bUiiTV. Irattiautoleorge Dennu

    Orerdrurn ' 'mmict vmaa 9,

    eon kind tutnport *8S!

    ftlOKbOO! I l li-irk'l tux (1883}iftrltt l i ttrijlurttevenaoistoanproptuUoo

    '800 581,890 Iffl


    knee on hand list report 19181- - - • - - • • - 805 88

    SI Si24 45

    tnrnlna reviItaw appru

    H. Uddo.

    LIABILITIES., Collector


    •507 S3£821)IB 1610 00i j of Dover

    1 do hertby oerll'y ilie foreRoiag to be allamlcump'olo accouptor tlm rttelpts and) 1 0 0.I15H

    ioo. 150

    100• 100-.100


    , ,100-. ,100

    hBiiB Boomery llartloat«lu

    hn Butjpr

    ssassssasse. II. llarrolt

    iw HorrrmaEiSclvard oartloi w . n l Bnrbldn


    lobnrcl llottiaimiulo Biirneh B i l l

    \ ' 1 0 0100

    u . lluruBtadnw Blrmlsgbaraat. Wm BoitveU

    i. Hurtle_jve B. BowenntbnnyBunettoMpbBroy

    DMBaljlejM. Bar

    olin Bo>d'hoe Braoolioo. Brownaeob D. BooneB.obo H. Batter

    Edwin Blnoclurf . .AidnirBoetIflwle K. Blenenud -

    AW, Brajnmiti


    »»Tid Bella « o D D d ilatnael Bryan

    1 _ .' 9 0 018 SO1001G0

    IIISSISiSISl o oIOO100

    • l i nISOISOIOO

    - l o oloo1001010l ai!«;100

    , 1 «

    WhitfloM CMSAlfred CtirUtafotMOWin. J. ClevaJames CiilnWin. CherltonOffl. CJoUn T. OORIO(leo. 0. CuramlnB,rwlwt»t«Samuel COMLewis O. CorbUh C ' l U

    £UH»COUBI>Benj. Cult.Edward CareyAndrew OhrlatenaoaAJCHA.J.CHEbonewrJMuert'liTlflteiBoruiud ClarkTCBit, TfcoB. Conwllui.farao* CroMnunrbos. "

    Juha "J u . W. CArmuHcliirJ CLirgirU

    Jolu GallonTIMM. Ciulion

    SSSS"Wm. CaraowM k b l C lMkbulVca. T. (.

    Joeepb OlXdmilJoin •

    ieao Combe

    wsrJE.rrou Cuo


    W'ateon 'JcsMi Clark, Jr.

    oliul. CoukLrtnur OoocterAVia Oomptoa

    Anljr Comroj1 rauk Oritac)

    Waabinirtou O. OrauTbecrfoniCook

    uoe. Baveyobn DrnryIfctalDrarymothr Devuie

    'rod. Erriokwafidnej £I«OIKIoliulJastkndrew Q. Esitrou


    1-nyFronrfiMVia ff'ercoaonb& Frvel

    )enni» Fortin I'Jvmi

    ag, Fnviic'red. Poster

    Peter PnuetEseno Faro*

    raei Porlonihti Plypn. Br.drow Freetnfti.wanl Foleyt'k imnU

    ihtt C. F


    nplicn F«rgoaonmills Fox

    Ponton'1 Franoinoo

    ca FlynnIt ••, 1'lukois Kurd

    irdncr Grlffen


    Simon QIOMMteotgo Oogo

    lobn Gajtor

    oaopl] OrogoiyobD QrovuLcuryOmoott ^ -

    in Onauon;'k GHatifcey " •

    Imutby Griiflnin A. Qoriton

    ihu Qarrabrtmi"red, GUlon^ •" '

    laml a

    in Gmp, (3ordolit. QUloo

    rtntHBU,1B Hondarwa


    F. Hontor > ,

    ftjBSS1 -.leorn 11BU ' ,obair.Hart. -ruBOelUwlclea

    , HeocMlla ..V.HoweU'

    itot ,rbofcBalmee«a.V. llnlTI. C.Horbminrt'HailniM^

    obn ' ' " 'ba


    sa'BirsaBiraiqu Holme*

    fame* Hsag&nThOielrwia

    Wm. B. Jonningiobnrt Jenkuu

    Cliri». JenwaW. II. Jcnniogi

    us. JobtuonWm.Jolini

    [ J t t nntitSMabiu

    Andrew JobuwnJ JentllBga


    nbu JelorjUhrie. JncoUwAug. Joannn

    • ! :





    • 1 !' ' HI


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    aUoLlugbiie.aa. llurpay


    'atrlekUsOoi'otti.k MoBuln •Din T. Mullen

    PrtilcrickMllUlldisel Morrle


    _ J o G o l i eJoaepb. UlUaItaawa "

    roH. J'SiMorguraeMtton




    G9k "

    i i taMiUep..Pot«tUtEUiem

    * UoMann

    ilinHurl^Ueruard lloOarr;llfcbac!

    laMcdlint. Uichuel UaMaaoBn, Msoro

    lolia Q. Mllliward Uojle

    lohn Uorthalai MtlJt.rniioilica. Mitcloll

    Si. McCloud

    _fMarfeit!°°lfcetl UinDiger

    'aa. Martio;l,u. F. Uorgaa*>«. >!cFr«tt, Sr.

    " Jr.irrctico Jtfurtba

    i rdHa;SloD .

    ihaHeQueunir McBllicni

    itraKelacmlea. Vtxoa

    Lesley Nonnaarnni HoltoaIdr.XaMeared. SawloaIeU Ndlaon[enxy Northeyrm.lfevt«a


    re. SirmhlnjflB: Y.icN.J.M.pa.»eCo.



    ^iSLeT1Ward P«rlI»iDin

    oatava Cicrttm

    lanlanrla laOlpa.

    iliriii PatUnan

    rarran Valntar

    h f enfeiaberlBairblUp Pareou


    nuaTInlanisWm. laulAnthony Keua


    Wm.Thoe.Plubu Poll


    1001001001001 00150IOOu u7»awISO1001001HO1 Wlti>»»1KIICOitoICOIOOim110IK)1MIICOJCO100174






    inIOO111100IN)100100IOOBBS100IOOiooa ooISO160100IOO1001WIOO100tinISO150IOOISO100420100IH100ISO100ISOS193W160100100


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    eontxogp or* jDCxtv nuj'k

  • TBBIB&NBBA.Tiis Dover Printing Company,


    Saturday, Feb. 10,1884.


    I D view of the Morrison tariff bill, which

    laeorpotAa ihe H e r i U iH&n of freo trade

    In iron oro ami other raw m.ilertaln, and

    iu view of tUu organization iu New York of

    an fwsooUlioa of capitalists to secure recip-

    rocity with Gntmdn in tho matter of a reduc-

    tion of t i e Aaiy oa coal and iron or-1, Sen-

    ntor Jobn Bberumu, of Ohio, b u written n

    letUr to the iron trado la which ho saJH:

    •' t h e siihjcct of n treaty of reI'tyroi-ity wit.iCanada in wspeot to coral nni, iron ore, hiwnot been hrnucht to my n,,iad of our port Morrb

    people drove lo Bookcttatown wid paid

    Boclid visit to SIrt. 3ahh Black, wbo Wat very

    much pleased to see tbeiu. This happened

    liut week, jnst before tbs icv storm begut

    wltioli laated oe&rly all the week.

    VVf ought Co have plenty of trait the cooin g

    w.iwiu If t h e n in auy thing In the tract heioj:

    Joe Itfttson fa hrnkomon on the Patensau

    •• Wild Cat," and here in the yurf on one

    thoHcio; ilays lie got on tap uf t ihoxcur and

    Hiwe tho cugiDCor u dgual to go tihuatl. J i

    thinks the engineer tried to start the hind

    •niJdfthe iraiD UM, for IIL> sooner bad lie

    (ivnn the fii-iaal than lie fell frum the top of

    ihu tax cut .lovru on t i e (.ruuud. I thought

    Jim Kmnej-wfitiM Iiat-e lo li«>k n p ' i i i n n to

    i «nl in Jrtfl'n nlii«»« the npst IUV, hut ho was•nimd liitiiM'if all rieht ngitln. Tho mainimsiic ffjiH ilonr to Joe'* ruhher hoot, thoe of which wn« liodly toni, but itlBamimcle

    k. Imt it wn* iKKtnnnM "«« wP c lnn*iiiinn. I tenant tli*1 romKn^rnoni>r etenlni!. Tin* prinniuil new -

    . . . W i r J w v twiM-r* ««•«> ther.'. A w llhht«rt nnd wMl warmp'l nn.l w ' 1 n^Jofl

    D. .1.. nnA I anil Ot« tanitor (here wn» nnl-o.lie for flic nnnr f-nt wriii»]ir, In tlinrKRor one of Dlxon1* oiltfl-L'NH, uhcii «hc n n Into it 1). L. t W. em)rain. «xtr;i 2t), xhni>l"liln irna |tcM flf tV CPfltflrritnl Pli ' tHl. TllW'liy

    P.id nl

    pprieohasmiplied for license ti

    n r inf HiTlie B>al">Tl trill f-oiifl

    •o>inanf (lie ct-iii-'' (ifll"!. Bnipe t'"!" t i V i v ..Tnrmil'll 0 Klnfn U u ,Th«mitl.i"ltfnrn™«T.eTwis timex in Boon-

    °A nPW*"nrn"t^Vl?^"™ilt '>fof r itno Inclh

    ilnn*1 n* *Tnntv.l1e lhf» wlnlnr.A we'l htis hceu sunk for tha new Jlefonnd

    r rnrtli»rl

    Mr. Allmt Itntiffa;

    York in the offlei\tev. Mr. Cnrtf

    if Chnttinm, «xi

    lipfin learned In regardid lonlt factory.

    nnt Hookawny, m etateil lost

    nndtinn in N.

    pn?])if« on Snmia.T

    lie will relnnl hi n few week*.

    n lms left tho employ of E. A.

    A TH-titlnn If fireiilnteri tn have the post of-

    LiiNt Rntiinltiy Frank KujPiit Ml nnflev n

    erStlli, Ihn wlicelii run nver "ml liroVo ImtiiWn Wirm thn ltiinen. T>r. Shnoit (i1t«*n'l»dI,|.,. ,,,„• nUltf-O^n'oitoho wm iUtov Well.

    HdHilU. of Hoeltiwuv. is pcWllie "0 «i in pnintlnff. BneolmeiiB nflier Work

    A c e n t i»-nv pwijiln w«n> out to tlie, c»n-H hut Tlmmlnv in dnlto oF thnitflfmv;ntlirr, fill >"cre irell mi.M'1 Inr their1

    -Hide. Tin- pI»Tin« of Mlm M-md Mi

    mbyte,little Ibeliinu in RtttlnB tliern but 1

    tiBH_Miluer,ih.ynittheV' "litlle Tot Knlalit - - „Itye;" Hurry Kniglit nml-^tteiMtflfllloHriln

    " Citmliiff through thoul MfB* Siustev snujs a.

    , . . . . nremdiinorlgiui.Icoin-position wldoli brought down tho IIOUBO hy'•iwiUy alhuioaaloiUmnicn uftheiowtiH-

    Ik. TlieldBt juecown* entitU.d: "Too at-ntivo by hnlf'' and vtu eioellcutly render-il.y iliwaMuv ficriiilnre, MinnElin Stniik-iiiau, Mr. Huiihtitl itwl Witt Lunger. Tlmi t iiiMtiuK-jftlioSfite Society will ho heldthe linuxuof llra.Kecdcr ouoveck from

    ^t tii the usuul noise around onuiTythiiiR lit in motion. They don't

    el iff' stt'Hto cuouglt to lAnw tbe whisllo

    1-roil. Schubert, of South Stanhope, is laidp with inilumtnutlon of tho liuifia.Mr. Myers, of Port Morrin, f» vary aink,JEr. Clmi-U'g Dceliinu, of Port Morris, wns

    • luive Ind the meeting in Clark's Hull lust

    •f miningnlonn well worth th» price

    W. S. 0OX.LARD,

    Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

    ture Upholsterer,M0RBIS BTItEET, DOVER, N. 3.

    HairMnllrftBCCi m»de In order ana old mil*t»twet niiirle or^r, Window siinrtnd m*de andtin Off- Orders Tbnl*teriUKnpatlTsnJ promptly cieouW- Csrritoe trim-1intttR ID all Uu brincheo. Priced moilerata

    le t te rs remaiumg uncfatmerfiiilliePafitOflPce at Dnvcr.N. J .

    Dorer.N. J.. Feb.35,188*.V. rv.it P. B rfr'donP H JPllP.HiwnnW. 0 . MilchrllJtury I'&IDO

    Ja».P-wcllJns. RauerlBQ«r>, Ssiflpjoa

    II, J . Bibl.j .

    y ofilio*li"vo letters saf " » dgiro dafflof t|,i« list.O. O. FIXCH5UN. P. M.


    TAILOBAND OUTTEK,N e i t t n P»rd>e & Oltrk'i, Blickmll s t r n t .

    P»rer . XsteMtipoB.eirteeivtddtll '~"LoitJoo tad Sew Turk Utbloo pi*

    A. L. GROSS,

    New Jersey Real Estate.758 BROAD Sr'REET,


    LOTS. CQUHTBX SBAl'S, A d &£••



    EXCHANGINGcountry property for city property


    Loant Bfgotlated onBOND AM) MORTtiAUE. •

    - • • - Mo«BJlT0WH, M. },

    •VCYBVitom of Small Profits upprecmten.1VJL QOftlilv and norkminiiuip of the hent.

    My tliankx for libers! patronise in the nis t .Orders hr telegraph meiiengorortelopbone

    ittendod to,JOHN JONES. VnAcTtaVsr,

    -1 v nockswsy.

    NAHBIEU.UilAOKEN-ilODIKBON-Ppb. Wth. nt fl...

    nvty, ti the reHldfiiCG of J. P. KlicUlc, E«q.Ihe hrittf'n nnele, hv jjio j iw, .1'berJ Eia-iw.it. D, p . . tl'-nry Sfirttn Bracken, M D..L. It. 0 . B., Edltiliiircli, nt Tli impmin. Cnnn.,a-d Emilj M. L. ]|ub.uoD. of Morrlstown.

    ADAMB-COOK-Al ihn H. E. F*non*si> in

    IV- SALMON- Peh 131 Ii. »t Hi" Itima ot1 •irftii'a mntdrr, by Itev. T. retlnio who AVOW not drunk—hutit 1B a tliinc of rnre occurrence. Them is

    tdsntrtftlifiioimfF,e nn tlio fttb in>(.,uwl 7avenrB. HieMorrlstown, Mn>.

    Terr in , wliose hnnio nn* on tlic ntni>r end oftlio rillncn on thn rond tn Tmy. died thnntthe mme timo nnd wns interred in the old

    his emnnil hn-e.1 Friiln? evecinc, 8th. Mrs. iTdnB Coroy

    ied nt IIIT lifimo noiir Titr. Ptwini'n nlnri*.81m hml boon nnwnli [or anme tiimro

    i i l r r f i l bemde thnno of hor linebaad in theolit liuryinp ernuad on Tueulay.

    William &cntt, n wnilknown n>nidnnt oftliin pliMio, wlm hnd bnnn onmplalninu forKimfl time, trns mtWeni? «lrfnkfi« Wind miSimdny aftcrnnrm. Dr. Rr-nltor, wbo win*railed npon tn attend him, Bald it v u enuanlhv nn nttnek nf apoplexy- Billy trim a Mil-dierin thn Moxlcnn war, nn vei l as tbe latewiir. in which lm xon-fd o"nr three vi-nw, intins 1QI1. If. J. -Volt. Ho «riw more nl tfcfl !ior-rnrn nt war p r o W J r ihan thn mrfnritv offloldiem, for hn dmvft team part nf the time,nndnrtnn enrrtad londn nf wounded tntbKImxnital, tnd loads nf dead tn tfconJoct r i l ff o th nfon


    K A

    R-At Wnwe, Wvatrj Blu, Uorrinr, in tlm 731 ytir or lilt nne.S-Al^itilctnn, Feb. 8|li, Slpplienen: m VI* &0> h

    . I t ii shown thst In altbero are lnr& anm ott M l i th b k

    l.vl oapHal lr-

    f pl d

    & m ot immesiwl oapHal lthe bunko, which if employ f

    wonldgTeatlyteilev.) the times. It is RIvbotnt that people are afraid to iniest or txlend their businsm white the Democratin pnr.1y in OonRreBs is tinkering with tho tariff andproposing reduction iu duties. It ii plainthat btisinm will not neUle to & bgllimatoIftsls while there in danger In this particular*rom the Democratic party,


    • The dreary nnA nnplfliw/int weather wlilnlt-wo havo boon barinR of Intfl linn tnade It xnrvdisttfrraeabla indeul. tlierft l.etng nnvoml iicr-«on» nlromly eotniilnmine of chbla, and it•ta&ds In hand for all t o take real Rood enre«F tiwtnHiIves In order to [iroteet thi-ir lienltli.• We forgot to noto in our ln»t coinniiinicn-*on that Mr. Whit. MIOAW. lab, of J e r mCifcr, b u t i r t n hud prevlouBly a lone term ofalokness at this place, biu pone tn northeastWaryjnnd, wlmro ho taken chnrrat of a Dynn-a i d Rook Drill, ia a stono onarry.• Sttss Jorio BissteVs, ot New York City, IIHB1»eti viritJfli i l m Dr. Arcrs.

    AnlrlsB drftma,ln foarncfi.cnlled "EilponOge. ot Dark's tlic hour before tho dawn,"JWttnn nn liy R. Davy, will he eh?a inf t i e k l ' s H l f t T d l b t ? I d h

    iiinc of .„. both(tldcn oftbo lowpatb tnofit nf

    tlie. woy fnraj Htnnhono to Port Uorrlx, youknow, and if a fellow Vas too many bricks inhi* hut Ami tries to nvoid Buylla hia luga n nani to svt entan«]c.J jjnd Jio etumhJcs intoChitrylKlU. That Is what liajipcuod to thoman with tlio bed elotbu.

    The LncVavaiwa. ottglno on regular ISKlripncil hcHoIf on Wednesday morning ntUlack Kock Cut, and No. 8 run on tha vestImimd tntok from Waterloo to Staphopc, anftluo No. 4, Uuaputckor Cimpbell sent nuonjfino to tmH tho disabled t NW till auiilinji luce.UtjUe joke took toy ntlentlon some

    repast. VowBladlRBofOentuuiValleyr jt uar mecitdK in tlio Bftcnioon. ODOof them took quite a fanoy to what BOS ann-I»sed was a young mail. Well 1» I* quite fiVelaMtiBg, 'mt he is mirried. Too t2d.



    Mr. Bobort tfandftJi t a i wtthdrawn fromtat) hlMkanf thing btidnew owing to dallneulKtliatnde.

    ron, Ibe Tioraiu Irun Co

    58,JjUOud « 8 » | and6rl?K.W-, itoaaeinerilijl.mttet at'till" » per out »p\e|d k

    ilijl.mttet at (lOMauJfaor out »p\e|d ku been aelllafn

    J we that egg, rowliedSS t-bwtweek. l l i s is traiifyiugand will mike tba aid negn __ „Tucker, woo lives on the IJelawaro ddo o f u .ttlneUoniiUin, in Sandyiton iowutbtp, rery)>»I'PJ- •iBiDFiiswinterinEainheas.faatairsme, nud Lis oeighbur* say tuat ho uakas bi»living in this waj,—Sutwex Ee^ister.

    Tliere baa been opened oa tbeMr, Jwbn Wolf, two mile* north




    Moller's Opera House,DOVER, N. J.,

    Friday Even'g, Feb. 22d.IDC,

    O r t b i v m . Mn*le,I K Bind BHccil'in*,

    Superior Yi'cul ReixlllloBB,LtntlinUi) Farces.

    Negro Coniictlillei. ele.

    n (nr Hi>sor7r Kill J l a» D U | l . 'm l«.i Iffi,|, Uw T u i

    .o Uurnpon Kid Buttuu,

    te Preuoh Kid IluMim,

    Curuona « jQolJs" n-lln-. Ronrke ,

    Put rick BevEoJdi ' '• '•Inlin Itvito~ Ii llvlpy. i. l^olmrthIloxH&Ticheuor


    7GD1418 V.

    R. F. JOLLEY& Co.,

    RTntiite which MKHI JU . J. : I ^ . . .

    Johp Adnujs « at*. ColiiWiU.a.a'ACook'ltm, 'JtuCharles W CniDu loo.ll Ounim l


    l n i j i u l m reph l j C'runoillnn" Ownt0 Jmbe ] on

    tl I fllleiii^ Ounimer 1 oa, Alva 0 Jmbe ]M a b n c l o u . Ciiarlca Hitler I floHosiiaker l o o . Umue l Tier 1 oo.Etyker 1 oo. Enbruim Smith I U Q .

    Thchouta 1 oo. Tliomai Venuordcu 1 n"Vnatyso 1 5o. Alonig Vandcrliool OVermiriler 1 oo

    natyso 1Vermiriler 1



    _ H Bcncli J r . 1 oo. Alfred llc-dn

    Alfred flmtmon J no.William 11 Cooper 1 oJamas Clark 1 oo, Q<David Davia 1 oDaufimli 1 D».Farrellloo. JaiA Uastin 1 o '

    IporM T VfraflliiTiB

    Hull 15n. Jaicoil


    rimH 1Hull 1 oo

    lc-y loo,b I 4

    »o. Clip*.

    « VhnlJnllL 1Ed wanl


    P\fWtom} 0̂. D«nta Om&fa&inr

    Patrick Ash $1 SO. Heorr (

    JenUn. loo. Neil Jotu,Vnnordorlik). Jpj.h Wit* looWeaver 1 oo, Chlllion WlnRfit}Viudctttliitin I no. Frmi. K'nuiiier

    List 1 DO. Lewis TaliniJtu 1 oa. VVineotloo. JohnWaltua 1 oc. UntolNc"^itt^oo. laancll^rrilt 15ii.\Villi;no Mattl,i,w

  • Saturday, Fob. 16,1884.

    ar moeting next Monday


    At BasHngrldB-ErneHt Scliafer—brokun

    leg—heD sled collision,

    Protracted meetings are being held in tUe

    WWpp«ayM. E. Church.

    In five weekB of Lejrlslatiou the K. J. Leg-

    islature only passed iijt liills.

    Over 300 ret^rrfd scats fur Komilcr'a Knud

    euteriainmeut liavtiboeu taken.

    Ten persons tmkedwt(li the 'Herond M, E.

    Twenty-fite persona joined the flrtt U. E.

    Church on probation last Sunday morning.

    Wm. 8. Genung, of Afton. in thU county,

    baa been appointed by the Greenback State

    Executive Committee to uiye hia ttmB to tai

    organizing of Greenback clubs.

    On Sabbath evening Her. Mr. Halloway

    will begin a course ut sfiMuous ea " Christies

    Evidences." Durinj; the Summer und Pall a

    normal cloag viw instructed in thess hy Mr

    Ifallcwiiy, dad be has aket been usiiwi U

    preach upon the same themes. The mbjec

    Sunday cveuiuK will be "The Wonderful

    itTvatitmof ilie Bible."

    i« wcmid iu the cimr-e of lectures in Ut.

    i's M. U. Cliuruh, i'ort Oruiu. viii be


    ItcT. J. I. IloBwelUiaH uc->

    iiilliiii 'limit it, tin' Billy I t n ^ tin1


    like. thmt

    RKiw o,

    r II.1 Irjji

    Iki> (jol.lu

    i(,v tnk

    TfiD , of fi

    H«v. Kn-d. Wiiftht, of Iiiir.Hv.WH, v i

    «,h»nBr |ml,,ith nes t K,uuln^-

    K.iv. Mr. LiiiliT.lntd of (.'tildPidn, in tn li

    oalli-d tn flic vacant |instoriito of t\m 1'rPuh

    Retime] Fri'niiiUi and flcii. H. Wil ry ha-

    lifiunlit tltP liniiieBifud of tlw lnt«> O n . '

    P . I?«iof PICK



    na iiRft








    toriM «

    •It, in invi


    tinis drcwit. im it is i

    r>l> Murk


    . when it

    ik r,'nx lit

    Kiwot, nr

    lij- M. li


    jf the drl


    .•li 1 m





    t ew

    ilwiiyw I

    p y l .

    , Do

    n inn

    •vt t

    . Itii

    fit nt i


    » tn





    '» )i mi

    .it m\cftiv.il

    IV lie1,jntcrtn


    , HIP f

    PDlHT Of I


    lant wpnl

    limiting il

    cd to vif

    imt Saidn

    will hi! cniiilrmr


    nnd J.


    «in Ha

    II1 liimqp HI

    H'lriy. nn

    W. Mitmi

    nnd tlmn.lnliili, 1!

    Old liiii-hclflrs [i

    ready h\ "rruelvi>

    liic, no ilciilit, the,


    A clinrcli Kocinli

    of Mr. Jnlm T, Li

    i' ivill lie JiHd

    vn-nec, Mi'C'»i

    ItlujteiH-riill^v emu:rilt'.l t;mi the l[cv. Hi

    Huttz, l'trwdMil nf tlm Drew Srnii.iiirv. wil

    bcnmdflii niflhn-,iof tlm M. E. Clunvli ihi

    Tti'v. Julm Kritnt?., Jr., has n revival in hi

    churoli at Mnrriiipr's Iliirlior, -Hlntcn Inland

    wlilchiiiiA tofiultcd thuit fnrin ahmxl TO con

    FortOramM. E. Chimb

    and up to Wcdtiemlny c

    been IS

    54, of Dover, and it v

    itunicnpfd In th

    II Sunday niuii

    cniug them Imd

    lor nf tbbO. A, It.

    of Linnn nf V

    pafttr bo knti

    figure yciir neat* for the (loli^litful

    of Miss Aiinn JaiikiiiN' immio clnas.i

    tjy tlio fiminiifi Mollc-nhimor Fimilly of Ilroult-

    lyn, nj;xt TlmrBtiay P('*iR'E'Bi

    When Director Mather, of tlio Itnnnl .

    Fredi«1dftrs, went tn 111 on mi nodule tlm otln

    niRht lia constituenta turned out with ohiass

    bund and gave him arousing rcreptirii.

    Tlio roll at flic lisudolpli Young Bcpulilinnii

    Clul> h conetnntly Bwellitift, immlier* of new

    mcmlura beltg MccWftil every week. They

    ore now goiiifj well up in tlieir second hun-


    Tho Morris Cnunt.v Sunday Bchor.l Assiwin-

    lion ro»oKrcd upon rfiVctivfi towriflhiji wi>rk

    and nciRliliorlicfld infictinRn, which will Iw

    Hddrenffici l»y Mr. S. \V. Uiirk, tlio Stuto Sec-


    ' J{OT, ̂ r . B. W, iftonp, vector i>f St. BarnuTbus Wnirahat ltnading. 1'a., nud Chaplain of

    the famoiH HnrriB I.i^lit Cavnlry (Kllpat-

    rick'H Regiment) tliiriiif! tho war, died on


    Tho dinRraia (if Bflutu for tho entertainment

    of Kpnstler'fi Expolaior Conmt Bnnd ivno

    opened Rt 2 o'clock Momlny afternoon nt

    had been reserved.

    Pnrtica in Dover nnd vicinity who wish-to

    Bceaxtiscan for John » . flon^'H prent let-

    tuae, on " Mumlcra," in Mnrnstnwn, next

    Tucsdny evcnini;, can do HO by sendhifi nn or-

    der liy (olcjrmpl:. iflGpliono oi jusj] ID lleigrr

    l ir . Ehelpi* wUhea tho nnnomiconjent tn lie

    mnde that he lias 330 p-wltaRfB of

    eccdn, und that bo will dintriuuto |lu:m

    order in wlileli lie wlinll receive httlic

    thoy are wonted. A postal card nddroi

    himafWaahinjitoii will lie Bitlilwnt,

    u d i r l l i ' ' uhl BtyhM)C lii'iMiiii:

    icin ten ili.ilru-H Air cv(.fy

    ifv'vc Hdld, Iji-Midett filiin'1 '•

    i r c v ' r y imnithtlicy'vp. lied i

    i tlict they kill

    f Ji .kf

    t'e de


    Hilly Ko

    in' thet ii they woulilu't put thcinaelvcfl

    •lor tiiradrt to ftlit'l ii[' tlmir hoti'te fur ono

    ir (hey'd [inrc-ed afjin 'via an' j!st cr>ni-

    •u•]j \fi\M 'HIII out. Th« wid-.lor shu stopped

    Ihi'iitiiiicjil, but Ui'Iy, win* Iie.t|>s to tunkc

    iicdoii't j-it n bill thiini

    tiial would lie ilismtrous iu their ooimciin

    Iu t!ic tausK of ruliijion tnidtliD liliidly fculii

    iliat should oi Ut hi!twt.eu iicighli

    friends. We do nut pr^Uiid tn enter i

    mi-lit* of thi- euw, fur wo d» n,,t know all f

    dcfdlt, und in thh lespcet will eiuh'i

    thiiti Kiev. Mr. Mi;C

    •*! h.ar.l Ihiit tlii; •litnl i


    always ttn



    naut; Chaucolbr IiuMlnff thitt MM. Stickle

    hadnocnuse for action njsainnt the defoud-

    antt, wlin sre l.i-r BU& and huRbunnn.'ctinnery, aoJa

    waUT,' etc. will 1« 'for sale. TIJO public urn


    i,. KqrrUUwp prooni, who \rm very haj*;

    pjlj- married last woek, in tho ooafuaJiin inef.

    (|et|t tn a nlfilit ddln}; trijij

    tm& pardonable excitement, toot with lilqi,

    fbf hie own and bis wifcV uui, tho officiating

    clergyman'* valiio, ccntolsing gawn, aurpiion

    »nd prayer booX instead of his own saline

    ClUd with goodii npplioable to the BSHMID and

    oocuion. It is very likely bo *oa Borprlied

    whaa h* opened It—Sower Uegijtcr.

    A* WIIH autii'irhlcd, thoohjccUf Mr. H.

    ition Io cover tlio defect mid holji tHo lintel

    cejifrn nut of their prcdlcameiit. Ci

    iiciiJjy (i liiJI wns in (rut In ted Iliit n

    .mhed through Imth IIOUBEH nnd nlj:iicd by

    in-. Ijt'on Alihott ht'fnrf it sat onM, Tli

    .ill le^tilizi's nil llrmsoH Criiufoil mutn' an

    win in April of hint year, nnd wan liunio:

    dy ktyle.l in Trciilon '•» hill for tliu relic

    the. widow How, nffiusscn." ThUnonllei

    • cnuo that AKMMiihlyiunii Hilly ^OKD UU

    i wiilow Ooblc can «o on with tholr bus

    IH nml uuaji tlieir ftn^i-ra ut tho tctuporuiic

    ulks. _ _ _ _

    A Colored Bigamist

    " Ko1 God's sake don't let me RO to juil. Mi.

    uftii," [ttcnrlcd Livhit^trmrSinckhoiiHp, nlins

    lliott, na lie Mood in Jiifltico 1'nulin'a Court-

    imii, Newari, chnrffcd with 1iiKamy. Stnck-

    man ivna nrreHted by Cons toll to I toy Ian on

    inU*lfti(it of Jane StaGkhotiHC. ilo irt n pood

    okinR colored mun and goino two or three

    tare ngo married Juno in Stanhope, whei

    »tli residwl. Their weddfid lire rim nloi

    •t»i>»tlily imtll ln«t year when LivinKatoi

    let Knehe.1 l ln^cry, of whom ho Wean

    ly cuatiioriul. This affection vat mutual

    OH fii- aliout July Vith last Ihe.y wero

    icil without couauliiiis tlm first wife,

    uewlf-mnrrh'il coiplo removed to Ntw-

    k Jinil took up their rorfiicnon oa Uache.tl

    Btroet, UvingslKiu'. iirooufiufi employtnenl

    Smith's feed mill in tho anino fttrcut. 1

    deserted witu took up her resilience in Mot

    field, and it van not IOHR Imforo she liear.l of

    tin accDiiil nwrriiign of her lclgo lord. >'i«d-

    ng tlmt cntreatiea failed to RCpure her rights

    ilio apjieiiled to tho law, ami ber recreant

    ;[Kjiise TV.IN nrrenttti on a warrant iimticd h.v

    liistico I'auliii. He at firnt deiiie.l tho Bocund

    iiiirringi', hut when 0'iufrtiuted with prtiofti

    ic acknowiedged hingiult. "I haii to Lave

    i liomc," bo mid, " ami I could uot (jet. along

    with my flrat wife, tlioiigH I tried, hci-twice.

    I Imd to hnvo a home, no I took tiio BCCOIK!

    Ho waA committed to jail to aun^er

    KdMoCartj.. Ilisumiiioyer refused to

    Tengtlir1! Sand EaterUtbuneat,

    ntcitnlniucnt tu be. pi veil ia Hidicr'ti

    Ojiera HOUHC on Friday evening of next week,

    vill Iw a runs combination of miuntrelsy,

    nunio and mirth by local talunt entiroly.

    llic bund (selections will bo nudu up ot en-

    tirely now muslfl never played in this vicinity

    before.. Tliem will bu t\ minstrel (ipnnii.j;

    iiitli fawreni] men. who will denl maisly in

    4il>rj8 of it Inral ch^riLctet'} and a number ft

    iKi'lilleut male voieea to n?"iBt in t!ie Honfii

    mil cltonwfd. Tlio orchestra, under the

    lireetion at I'rof. Keuatler, will bo n largo

    mil effective one, nnd will delight nil who

    icartliein, An ei.'cilpnt qttartettn of loilieii

    ipd K*nilcmcn from Sit. HOIIP nro down on

    tlio programme for vocal hcloctioim, and two

    iMighiilite farfCH will bo enacted. Tho inff r-

    ivren theic will bu filled in with

    oddities and instrumental pieces,

    • lull programme, tliat will fiivo on

    •f great enjoyment to the full hoiue

    jin-aent, judging from tlie

    •Inim the jioor ineliriaU-n and left

    tlieir fallen couditiun." Would

    i in rcfiurii to any tdorft, ot iv

    lie ehiiroh in the United Stutta I

    Now, what are tlie fact* iu reganl tu Uln

    rrl There lire thrro olmrchrs here—I'reuli

    ^riun, Congregtticiibl and Mothodist. V

    •vp»iy-five out of the forty years the J'resliy-

    'rian Church hiin hfen eerved hy a pastor

    wlmso personal iutlucnco ami nulilio tciioliing

    il troys I'cco in favor of toijil abstinence.

    During tliitty out of tho forty years the. Cun-

    Ki'i-'Kntioual Cliurcli wns served by two pan-

    tnreflteva. Ktuutciiliurfi und HrndforJJ who

    were among Iho most radiaal tcinpcriiiicc

    men iu tbo State. Duting Ilia p as to rat o of

    [lie former tlie church IOB^ members aud

    families on aecuiint of tiie i.uwiLCtl «tnnd

    taken in Iliia fjrent reform. Tbo Mistliodiat is

    younger than the other'two, but itu two form-

    er piifitnr*. BevB. Thomas nnd Ferry were ul-

    way* rmUpoken and earnest in favor of thi

    temperance and nil other reionim, Tliegi

    three cburcheB ore served hy pastors to-day

    who not only ittM'tica total-iihsthtencc, but

    preaoh it earnestly ou every projiur oppoi


    \ few yearn ago a Law and Ordei Luagin)

    like those which have done HO much good i;

    other jtjirt* of tho country, wns formed here

    tiltnOMt entirely through, tbe iulhii'uco o1

    ebm^h peopli1. In n slmrt S\\no tmo of thi

    worn dens of iniquity the vlllege boa know

    waa eloaed, and it Btroug iutlueoee WUH ex

    ertcd iu favor of tomperonei'. The. mnnriiijri

    of (he league were alwitya held in the

    churehen. At different tinus in tlio last

    ycara nerieM of union temperane.o meet

    have been held. Tim MayiiGu and Knffliali

    mcetitigHWoro all held in tlie churches nnd

    were constantly attended by tlio pnati

    Tlie various temppranco orgauiiationB wlifeli

    linyc recently sprung up in our midst ai

    largely composed of Cbrittian people. Thci

    ibera who delight io d

    volional mcetin(;s to tell bow nhiit tbny

    i-day ia not duo to pJcdgea «r good m

    IB, hut to (he crapp o/ C4od, aud ^

    he ahurclt that' bns BO often encouraged

    hk-k, mid vhiiii they

    friend from Ilswhct

    They h;ul hjiltui1.

    y wen; !(i!idt:il di»

    witii (iali, aud h:u\ ainnnp; their eaieii oi:

    HITut bi-iLUty, which wi:idi«.;d nl.mu nit und

    [iroiid of it, mid when they Tciiclitd Uncht td

    town ami hud imulcil tluii- jjreitt k, id ln.ni

    tl.i-.V ciilli-d in tlieir ll-itndrt in Ht-c (lie Jut, nn

    tli« fi-li tlmC.tptn'iii |ta

    hr-rd>y >»mlii:l tfmi iiw.Jkalm l i ' t o t l i f i l n i H i r n h l i ' U i l l i i i n iou tlmpclitioi


    c duly. Upon

    •liote dei

    ;Ut d«2

    nil \ mtii eil.

    umittcc repmt^l favorahlj

    of Vijiilant lingo Cinnpmiy

    iU to be used in CIIH-H nf

    moliim tho Ccnunitti-i! were

    iil, tlic


    fur tin; hook :i«d I

    riie iiiatlur of the

    KIH;1I ciiats

    wmut not tn

    uitteH ivua n

    iloiun Intthe

    icr trisr-fe.

    nviil of tho

    i:d HieI .Ni l l , | |

    lilto.m Cour! HIHIM

    tnnuut urilmduHl^

    ' way they hiid IIL-I

    i i< l j ; i i l i<

    • c l u t lln-i

    esi .ni . lL.d

    l'm-l,(,UUi- Wot ft- (I )cin.) ,

    ;rciit drill of lulk uli.mt tit

    .»!• t i i e lu iufHof (iif | .i-i[.lc(

    \l) MH Jm «nj Mr. NiunffhBonlnlonlb.fttln tU nwin tfth brid finances tbe matter

    vtrvrriahfwonfUtiwHeWwfoover,Mr Hnnlcfoi movmf (hit n Cimmfttflu 1M

    MWlntwl to asMrtotn if the hMge In aM"ntrf lhnw l in4ff« towpairit

    Tfae Dirriitor iaH thri If tne work te < W«P«d»l dftflrli-nftF apnmnrlatlMi would 1wwM»Ff to me«t thn oort."Mr, Kln« -was «f thn Milntnn that ff th«a(*rwflll m i dlitnrbsd (be abutment vouU

    s down.appoint o mmmtttsa to[A nti«*n InMr. BHttln offered the followinxiHesolyod-Tliat tbe Board employ addl-ooal L'OUDBQI to repnmevt th *ndB » before JHSUMad couduet the^

    t i t i

    oy addl

    tth l«p£in.i I s the

    Mr. King said tho Board uave a Coatwlnd imve to pay hiin. If wo employ addl-uu«l eimuKol it would iudtcatu that we hkv«uuetbiae to ho afraid of. Here ttK> thoM« and horn uw the papers fur all to tea.Sir. Britten iiujd he vfiend tho resolutioniieuuso tlie couoaol uf tho Board waa uovtho LnnWuturo uud lie did uot know Iwwujjhtiiuo It would uke.Mr. Nniittiirtfibt wanted tokuowlf WB hud

    Hr.TT«s](Mn(tliton Hnilt BooY Pi" ' ' ahnr of fine ones, the largest weighing five

    nd*granlt epMFstnn. Vt. Orme anil tfr.qntto Axtonxlirnir in the ettekan,

    k l i l n t lafw h*>nnnrrionth Rocks.W «ml pro-


    T nfgh'Conic

    nmfnMwill f t

    r « r l d n f *TiinVmHr. .Tnfco *fl9m«M mnn^Ml l««rf. BBf

    h^mlioplin. i*t th* T»n Itpfljitnt hnnafl In thfl n t l l m M o n m n n s

    »«, >v«r* Johnny H»rt an* Mr. HnnVlnsiro. .T, }{nrt will mmnr« t^ Ho«evll!n. wV«fe Is having a new QQUH built on propert; hewwntbr pnroiwn1

    *hntW. B. Pnllarf And Vrw, E." irn out of the hnt«l tWn Ri"^n«.h In not tli** tmtn, M It vfil hnnn«> to fill ttinlr p1«QM, I hnvf>

    D l l H b H

    SfmiMtaSi.t anv toi ret. ami I An nnf Imaw Who tbe pai-

    HIM «r* trfiA fntflrd tnfclna t ^ hntehMr. Frank VanderWf und Mr. Wm-Vwi-


    . . have been nn tn Buffalo, work-. . . — the Wmt Sliora Rnilro»?. l.̂ v*

    liflme to upend A month or so. until ttie —deta 'warmer out them. Although tnfl win-

    hMheen pretty hard here, tiny think it*•—woiMcnt tbor

    r. NniittTi«bt tom i

    w d tokuowif wa hudy othoi- ofjuiiBel and ho re-d d Ll !

    « jioy othoi ofjuiiBuu ma positiouHud draw Lls pay!Mr. Axtell, uotiug couiiwd, ituve it as hU

    piuUm tbat tliu Uuurd hud the tight to em("i itifdiUunai ouausol.rtlMn U h ' , l ! c t * ! r C l t e d a pmoedout la

    Mr. Wolfe thought oiio counsel would an-r tho ptl i tll io


    olutiid by

    ». It ^UHialliwiJd'hj-'

    nrvssud a higU re-BObt ? tu Imttom und be though!

    Hi every liiwnbcr of me Hoard stood wit!

    m. Uo did »ot fuel that he wan cnlJed IIJJW

    n been tnlu-n from ua nud put m the hniid

    a power higher tbnii an. lie believed it

    tlio 13onrd plftt IUR iteelf in n jumition to meet

    that iuvestisftii'jn ftilly nnd hejtrlily.

    Tho diMuuloii turned on tbo right of tlii

    Uonril to inTtstigiito the fictions of prcviou

    Mr. took, of Hanover, eaid tlmt as ho un-

    ilerHtowl it this iuvostigation in i in authorised

    by law, tha! they would bnvo nn jiowe

    Hulipd'iia memberB ami bnoka, and it vo

    depend upon tbe members to furuiah pai

    anil bucks. Hi Ireli«vftd iu the fullest In-

    tlfintion, hut wnuted gotuctliinj; prnctieal.

    Tho Director desired Mr. Wiilfo 1o put his

    miitionin writing, fiut ho declined to di

    on tho ground tlutt be dlil not havo t

    Finally,ho ntutoil it as follows: "To appoint

    a ComuiiUM to invcBtignto tbc Court HOUBO

    and Jiiil Cn mi nit tee, bnet

    years, and ti. invisBtijiato the llooiiton bridge

    nrbridsea.mid gaimvhat information they

    mid fiot hold of.'

    }lr. Cook, of JJo,

    it inn, but if th_U is not legul, llioy might

    pay 1 hc invf'Htijjutors illegally and get

    tfgftteii from (mother nuarter.

    Tbe, roll WhK ealled upon Mr. Wolfe's mo-

    di. Wlx'ilitcumo to Dir

    qilained bin votoiu thn n<

    ijjtitwied eiioujih to nnticlpnto tho judicial

    vestlRiition nlrondyeillrdforbya llt^io 1

    Mtigntioii (ii tbtlr own. Ufa remarks we

    lionrtily npiiliiuiled.

    Hr. Wolfe's resolution was carried, by

    •uUi of 12 to a, Hensra. iirittin, Tippett onil

    Mather witirtff in thenegaflro.

    ig tho committee of invoatiga-

    tii>aMt. Wollo-was named nH CLairnian, Jlr.

    Kinfi was named iK'it, but he faegped fo be

    iiciiseil from ecrviiiH because be. hud dono

    lomu work on the cilk mill briilRC nt Uonntou

    ind did not want to iiircntfgate himself.

    JiPHHrs. YanRer anil Ilt-Iumi werothen uaniDd,

    miuiiUcG en-

    tirely Iicmourntlp.

    Mr. WnliB abj.-ct.Ml nud »ul(l It wiwn't fair.

    Tha Dim-tor HIM Im conid net, m oiher

    Boji1 Express Vagoni

    sign of the Padlock,

    a *t Btrrv'i Ilardwst* Store—


    a H. Ben}*i nev sdTcrtUente&t ia thte




    er to

    >t hc

    , Iicci





    t l



    1 Cll



    mil c

    t thoac


    ction w





    rcfitct). B y

    but he ab-

    tut Heating

    tho CourtHowe nud Jail CommitUw.

    Tho Committee tm Steaiu roportod that tho

    ;pmn beatitig apparatus wan nucceasfnl so

    ir nn teittiul, nnd tliey were aivtiafied that

    •itiuhe chuiiKciif temperature it would stand

    C'oi: v (Jollctloi Iminburt'ii tlie paymmt of lilla tho

    stated for tto infuniliitlon of thaf thanmity hod unoxpended bol-

    i t i

    lloard thai

    nct-R in nil t p p

    Mr. C&rrell direcUd ott«ution to t t B onntl

    rlilgo on 8n«sex street, Dovor, the

    bih i l i Thg ioapiaiynaWfhava tho water out, and it oonld be nnainamuch cheaper oow than at another time.

    Tha wall might ifaind a j « r or two yet ani •poMiblylongur.

    Tho Dlnutor iUte4 taat ha hid riawad U«

    briliou tiio Director w u empowered to

    The Concert of the Befuon.

    :ouei'i't of voi'ul und lnntruiueatiil tnusio

    Molle.r'it Opera lluttso uuxtThursday Ev«n-

    uu tbe jirouilde/ ulvou iu tbe progrnmine

    ill doiilitlcHs bu Hie most uultlvaled and re-

    •*i cvt'ut of the Jiiui] given hero in n long

    f. Tbo piirtidpanttt (mi His* Antiio Jeuk-

    ami pupil.., insisted by tlio iollowlug ciui-

    t urLirif̂ : Mî ^c^ Idn und Ji>tiau:tm Ai^llvzi'

    er pinniati Uwn Horn MOSJ, eoprano;

    uLuutii Steiiht-iiH, c'!!itrulto[ Mr, Louie

    k-tiliaue-r, i ioliniwl; Mr. Adi.ljili Mullen-

    er, vidUmcflllist; Mr. Thou. M. Williuuiu,

    >r: Mr. lUtMon Williutus, buaao, Tbe

    IMIH Jliilleiilinuer family nro ulouo a treat,

    tbe. biciil tsilt-nt iiieiilioueil in aincu^' the

    ryto-twehRW. The «iilroti«i» aunoi»c

    by the pronrninme arc all of tbe l.lgbos

    ind it in Bnf« to antluijtiite. tlmt tha iu

    itiniH will plcunc all. Jtfauy emit a huvi

    been fiiyn^ed, nud tboau wlio havi

    Bwured their aittiugit bail hotter di

    from tho diagram ut Kill gore's druj

    oo is aupplyipg tho peopleith oysters aud Bouaago. Fopnt toe busines, and what oneoad liuokter

    i band nt toe busint term u goad liuokster.tt p i b l th i

    Hr. Honlerli itiil m'v htrae with hi* anWiCnlvinPeer1! daughter U very sick "

    rountj mo

    ft tt posifaie'tbere ii a'mau living that dooanot iiaru a fault) If «> I would Ihce to knowwho he in. Wo ait all more or )DHH ^ivou toorrora, and wlien a ponon mice dwi» vrongought it not to bo overlooked for once at nsiy-intol Soinetiaiua tonrimand igboltortliintorture. 1 eay, '• do Unto otters ft* you wouldnave others do unto *ou" It'saebrbiHan uot,Do not twop a man In the (tl rt because youhare the power to do BO. WQ an a)l humouand IU a bard-hearted man that ban uo feelingfor lils fellow-wan. A. mm "who is imposedm is the most liable to have the moat friends.

    VBH BfllDOE,



    -..st. fog, rain, snow. tliflW. trmte and alittle wore auob has been tli« order of theliut two weeks oa tliU uoadly Monnt I

    umt went and week before Tare Improvedbyjimuy, butb old aud youns, in rieign-ridapart as. ilr. 2J wi]] tonviucu all

    fiiii'-minded people tlmt in contest within thn

    party both aide* cannot he wiimera, and



    diitrt of gore vill Htit

    Hiderstowl that if IK

    .11 luke warning from*bo Htjirt nut witlinvnriiilily hurt ttieui:mily else.

    •jvor to siisfniueil if

    to become Imlters.

    er GarriHini dot-Kii't

    "b ind" imd nblhiui;

    ifv him. Ho vvRiitu it

    ninmit diet situ appoint-

    body HiiffiT. Hi> inifllit

    worse than auy-elve

    A Terrible Accident.

    OuMaii(lnynio.-niug,F«b.Utli, almut auven

    Mock in one otthti shrtttn tit tho Gicmlou

    MiuentUjipiirlUberiiia uu accident occurred

    fbioh ciiUHcd the dealh of one mau. AB tbc

    iflu wen: ilesceiutiiig to their work OIIB of tho

    phitfiinnswhieli supported a lntldor gave wuy.

    The lnddcr foil ht>uvily uiwn C'linrleH Luud-

    atil waa initiiGdiutcly dblaincd, The uu.

    e aiQ sorry to loan Mr. Harvey Harris andily, )d!t what ia our loss will he gain to

    Mn.lison society, wlioio Mr. U. is to be 01a-n red In tho dairy biialncsg.'1'lm lllnko fnrin oooupied hy Ur.Hsrrin

    Iiftb been lensod by a gontJoildalEntfc™

    Tvupi-cUna tlio'iiciilctimi'of tho Ctiutor~Gi•ohiiol, tlio immlier betiiE twelve li

    led into an errorth C t Govo

    byme. — . . . . of miners to Pennsylvania aud

    other little onim being kept away by tliowentlier. Tlie eaiiottl uan, however, someforty BoholnrH nud HO far ns wo arc lu formed,iri in a ilourlsbinc ouuditioii.

    A Borlen of I-KHSIOHH moc'ingi U lidlngbcldat the L'e'itcr drove ncbool home, nud despiteHie iinlavornWn weather arn ouito wall 111-toiuliil. They nro under char go of pantorSmith, wfco bits boon aided two evenings bypint tor liownnl. Some have already professed

    >nvereinu, mid it ]H hoped otliors y?m follow,

    DEAKE8VHLE.LiiHt Sundny Jlrs. Jtnrgarut Dickursou aud:rai»i llinv, iiiuiin uiown, overtook between

    .jeauninim nnd l'limt(er», Jolmny Alwoodnnd Dory IICRIT, two Uds agrd 10 nud 10.Ifciw dMUiwli'd hah* tin! mud ami tliG hoyail«i!ij;l)t lliwr lifirsofiiflt eiiuusli to koop out.f tlmir way. A raeo for half n ndlniieunfid. l'eoiile, rctitruiuc from church _ . .-eredandtlie. men bw-nuin exoitiuv. DOW'Bibjecfi-viiliMidv wimto urpn M« liofsooutliui'.vs' Kle.iRh. When opposito 1!. K. Itofior'iis tlxs liuvH turned, thin lieiti^ their utoppia __

    K ' ' H J e i J b ' ' ' j ^

    call p«rtlcnlitr Kltcntlon to n vcrr ltu> .lock of

    - A N D -


    ii. oliitiiy i i u l i iwhip. Thin tsmiwi

    . i r i i k i l K t h i

    tbc liornc totAll ]i ties'

    lingered, suffering

    til four o'clock Tucgdn;


    nal paiu 1

    when bo died. Ho has left ft wife and fiv

    small ho]idcH« clilldren. He nvw buried ou


    John HamtiOHp JL tiwDdo> fell ^nnte. di^tnnco,

    larrowly encapeii fatitl Uaafier, hut was only

    iimiued oxterualty on this bead, this vi«lit

    nd tin) leit elbow.

    learly r :cd.

    Tliomas MeCi

    ly hriiiticil,

    A Course ot Lectures.

    TLo Young PIHII.IO'H Union of the Pwflby-

    crinn Church in tliia jilaco urn getting up'ii

    :ourao of popular lecturen at pnpuhir priues.

    I'bero wilUi« five lectures in tho series, tbe

    ilays. Tir.Uota at 0110 dollar will cover the

    wlwlo coimiA. All the lccfurrn luvo been en-

    [. They are I'rnf. Ap^nr, of Trenton j

    Rev. Dr. J. Clement Fruneh, oINowark;Rev.

    W. JI. Itctdeii, of ItridRetoD, Jf. J., Rev. II.

    X. Vnu Arsdnlf, of Pntenou, N. J., and Eev.

    J. B. Fishor of Jerncy City. Previous to ench

    [•eturotbero will ha nnorgnn concert of from

    • quarter to a half nn hour. Further partlcu-

    •tr« H-3J1 bo given.

    An XnjoyaUe Event

    Tha Donation fj«lt field nt tbo residence of

    ?. I), Caatctline, for tha benefit of Bar E. II,

    itlin, of Rockaway, w u largely attendad.

    1 hundred took iupjter, and the reeoipte

    Itirived 1

    :, for wo always have a good timo there.

    tail thvn them w«»•u-d nil t!»> oitthsin tbe vocabularynt l ' e ^ v " sworo ..11 tbo llltlodLvliirudtholioTSHlioniaLoeb..

    \ Thru there viw i> fliiciidinj? ofnd Johnny wi'intd to look n looty w

    nt for Pntwho

    tici7ii»l ven' )>;i)fi. us bo VKiin'mberod it, wiwHuudiiy mill got in liU t-b'.iKli und drove oil'.AuntlVncv WIIH heard tuwiy, "Dow, we bothcouIilwh/plilM." _ ,

    caiiSu thlrfv-llvJ A u X it ilTiu Lrto"lU>-lmle.oni;. Tbev hiul one Ilmt unshod live aud

    ''TlirNaHiiTib, ul"holji!lli"'{ihHrclif held ntMr. Wm. IIIWH'H, was a HUeucsa. The Lousewiwmmiled. Hcsulto, tie.

    Ldrtt W'mlttt'uday owning a ahiighlng vatiyfriwiiMonislinTiicftlltd upun «»i ft real sur-prise, uu nil but two ivcre utmuKcrH to «a;und the iniHv Hj-reeiLhhi, when wu leiirncd theyivere prolV^iimal niiiKtsrs nn,I mimicisins. \Vo.remember tbe nnmus of Mr. W. (Julliim andla.lv. J . ltiilihilt aud lmly, Uli

    Snmi K. E.. . . ^-r.MiiwNi-t-

    •l»t up till I.miUin.i.cH,

    j p

    ounted to forty-sis dollara. Mr,

    called away that cvealng to

    l d h


    The consecration of ChrUt'i Epfscopallurch, S uhope, will taho place on We dues-

    lay, February 20!h, hy tbc Rt. HOT. T. A.

    itarliey, Iiwhop oftho diocege, Tbo muaio

    rill he rendered hy tbo oomlilnod clioirs of

    Iirist Oourcli and Ilotiso of Prayer, both of

    fowarfc.'Tho joint convooatioEH of Jersey

    iitynnd Newark will meet in tao afternoon

    a tho nuwly conBocrated ciiifiEO, which will

    10 tbo means of calling together tho clergy

    id churchmen generally of tho diocese.

    Hr, Oeo. Fcdsr,

    The rclinblo nerahant tail or and olotbler,

    rho cntubliahod tin huetaes* In Dover 20

    •s ago, nnd BO v oral wee ha ago atmonneod

    :bnt bo would remove from Dover, traa in-

    duced by his many friends and patrons to

    remain with UB, und will span neither pnini

    ioney to auie his customers, He will

    remove ou the frit of April next to Ko. i

    Brick Blook vith n entire now itoot

    Th« 0, A, fi SntarUlament.

    Tho annual entertaimnfltit uf Ja*. Uet>avit

    2gth inat, la bound to bo a gna t

    Fuller pmtlonlars will be ifaen next -week.

    Tbo diagram wm be opened i t KHlgoro'i on

    Wednuday naxt, and tbia botifloation IJI to

    i e you an opportunity to leonn a goal

    Two large ioclety ftinerali mmheld to-day.

    The remaini of tbe Uta Joha Miller wore fol-

    lowed to the grave liy tbe ftntemity of Odd

    Fellows, widths funeral proeeuton of the

    late JauM Art, of Boenton, waa escorUd

    by tbe Ancient Order of Hlberolani, of Mt.



    W. S. Wright baying relinquished themniio

    tarfe,Moopt«wpUno« and orgam, Breeao,

    tho bookaelie*-, haa Ukim tbo abeet mtiaio

    branch, and Till keep on t*nd tn« popular

    l U ai well uUI l order*.

    . YaUjsOa Oouliee

    Vn BhlUna at Berry'* Haxdwon Store.

    (.rft bi^uu to Ktriku thethe driver brought romtd

    ..... *- r.. j_,, , .. -tui lieliMiĵ iiî to tlie lireengine, of which he is justly proud, nnd theyuri.cl well ]»li>:m1(| with tlieir visit, amiivo with our viiiitow, DiiAEUviLUi

    Eo Would do for a Bondsman.

    In tbo United States District Conrt at St.

    ôuiH mi Thumdiiy uf la&t week, Jiidga t

    i]»li«iutcd Krvin U. Cane, of I'eoria, [formerly

    >f Newton) recisiverof tlio St.Louis,IU11nIl.nl

    md Kcofcuk Railroad. " Who wUl RC

    your Wild, Mr. Cosot" nskod Judge Treat

    ifter making tho nppointmeiit.

    " I will," eftid a dtoop-BliouIdcred, g

    haired gcntlemnii.

    ^Vlto nro you (" said Hie Judge

    Jahn I. Ulair," answered tbe old gentle-

    " Uave you property, Hr. Blair, auflloient

    to warrnnt yoor going on a oao hundred


    "Yea, eirjlhave.".

    " Whore do you own property 1"

    ' " I own throe or four farme oat here in

    Southwest Missouri, worth all the w&y froi

    (10,000 to #50,000. 1 own 250 acres of ground

    oa tho, edge of Konaua City, tbrongb 'which

    the Belt road runs. I gaeas it's worth *tOO,-

    000. I also own fanning Ian4;in Minnesota,

    Iowa, Ifebroaka ml other Northwesteni and

    Western States, valned at between eight and

    ten ntillloa dollars. 1 alao own tbe town of

    1, View J»r»i«y, vhtoh has a popula-

    tion of some S.O00. Yoi, ftiij tha town was

    called after me." L ' '

    'That will do," eaidJudgoTreftt "IwiU

    twsoept you u one of Ids hondamen."

    EDGINGS!which will be found very acceptable Io the Ladies by rea-

    son of their quality and price.


    D O V E R , 3ST. 3.



    llfcST IN TUT. BI-VltliET.


    AU Kindi of Grain

    ill be purohoscd by pavonport i t Co. at th

    Millbrook mill. and. ft will pay thoie having

    such to sell to aes them before they, dispose

    of their (took.

    Never baa there bean a better season for

    winter flsblng than tlm preient, and it ii ol-

    most an every dny Bight to MO'parties pctnrn-

    In; to tovn from tha various Ubes loaded

    down with pickerel. Thi extension of tbo

    ibBridbbte Lk H hasgs pg

    beeo availed cf by many fairing partle* from

    abroad, and there are generally about one

    hundred fltbennsn on tbe lee there every day.

    Tana of fl»h b&a been (akea tram the iota, pad

    tho ran baa boon nntuually large tnU wlnlor.

    A singe flsbonnaa has boea known to take us

    high oi a hundred pounds in a single day.

    Tho ioo has been about two fecMhiok.

    A Card or Thanii.

    > express bet Bin-

    cere gratitude to the inembera of tbo Wotncn'B

    Chriitinn Temperance Unlori, of Btanhc]w,

    N. J., fortho deesnt tUvetoalcft ha>l«tpre-

    fintDdtoher, Pebrnary Ub, IBM, asatoken

    if their k'.nS appreciation of bar tervices as

    orgonUt durloK lha r w t jear. and trasto that

    in tlie futnM she may besbbs to render tnors

    effoctiv« lenriee. VIBIBBBBT.

    Beosn Admiration.

    iu can help aAmlrinn » Vxnif ttn, • clur,nh.branUnilooinplesloQT Thwi»tinb«M»lljnfd hr tbc tt*e of ttnailtan'i Orl*nwl Wm.

    . .11 WTeljf i tmon Fwcklas, TiD, pimpln. aoAWetntilm, of evttj aott and l i lu na w»y tnjuriooilo thoIWD,butU tb " ' • - * - • - " ' — *

    Montr !• *wenty dolUr


    *'. care tat icblng b»rtf,bata4 piece ptm.1 on an .coin* twrtB

    at Manufacturers' Prices,BEFORE IWYIKG MXAMINK THIS STOCK.


    Iloating Harrowi, Col*

    'OERE-'TRUMAN, PLATT & CO., Owogo, Tloga County, N. Y.

    1. mmBOOKS,









    anil endenrur tu keui) ;i lar '̂o ansortracnt olgootl« in Ilia lino or Iraiic, consistiog ol

    COAL UND WOOD!Serantou am] LftnBli nl nil »izOfl; nlsn Bi-

    •awel and bj.m rr».|y for uao alwiya ou'liLul.

    Flag Stones;: Curbing,Ordcrmecei^edanil contrnels Ukonfnr Uv-

    IDS Riilewims »ml letntig curb, mid all uihVr

    MASONS' MATERIALS!Hard and IMo Jlrich, I.lmo, Cement, CaN

    FIDMI Ptaatcr. n«ir, y , m an.l FwutBrick, Fire Clay. Orders will ba

    promptly'filled at t a


    Saw Mill.for hard Wood Inmber cut to »n» Blze m a

    leDRth dtnred tlmys on hind,100 cord t setsoned wooti far sab.

    : . AddrrRKLOCK BOX 24,


    Iron Ore at Public Sale.

    S1TURDAT. Mnrch 1st,


  • 1 I t * J U pJohn liuwling*Stephen KejnWin. K.YBUJiieibHandullPi.BmilfiusslECHO KlkorJucubUkWeyMkbnol RourkeMnrtln RyanNeil KoblnaonFrank RiifTGee W. RandallJulin J. Hawaii.Wm. BodererJohn ItiobnrdaBMiJnniin TlienimU

    Mrs. Aim Reynold!Juinea liilev.T.ibn V. ltoffChas. Rourke, Sr.

    '• " Jr.Tho*. RftmoldiOro.-A.itoodEd waul ItmldaJownl ltob.11.wnHeair HoweB*t. Onn. It-HoedHubert itofTMri.MarylMey

    , ThoB. Rogers•• RicknrdB

    John KojuoldaJolm ttovo.Tolinsaii Heule•\Vtlllnm TioddnJohn Rndiu.T..1.T1 KnftWin. ItlmdaJohu RontoJohn II. Rlr imnhThos.Ririinnl "Aaron RnhertttWilliam Honors

    Alexander BearingJntuoHL StewartMtw SmithNPIMUI StarkJ. Wesley SainmiiFrank Smith

    Jiulsim "Frank SingletonJo in SnnstrnmA l l i K

    o StlftortairnrtIrtrr Sniir|>Simnnson

    on SltulmanSI:ihi0ll UtilSGChilean "diaper "Itobert HlltcsWill!,,m Spring),SiUs SmithAlrT Smith»rdi»mi. SmithOito SimxlJiiiJirlin SmuuiouJohn SinglotODLwUBmUliWm. D SmithMidinel Hu.lniiPatrick budauJolm SanderDitnli-I SimnttMrs. Mar.v SoilnnMaltha Soilnnj l S bJas. Shlol.lKWiu, .StoelmauJulin SUnrkejWm. SevmoroJnraeflSuiitliJohn •'llrs. Mmilda StewartGuoi'go SmithhtuiretcelmanBcnjinDin Button•Ins. H. SmithBikiuuel SaudcaEdwnrd A. SmithEat. Dan'l 6 SUIMWalter ButtonIgnott StiazirSamuel StcphcniAlfred A. SnitliJoiQph SliaferReuben D. SwiftChM. II. SwiftTbomai Shnw

    " SwnaW Sh

    Johu eJohn BlnflairEdw. StokerJnute* StcuhouiWin. BcoUaRiobnnl fitoeonChna. SwanJohn SmithAlbert SlowerJnhn II. BcudderThos. SmithWm. BlmonJai. II. StephensWin. 6vooiicrJohn T. SmilEHugh SmithSidney Struwny

    TDavid TuokerJacob TrudlBltr«. Martha TraitMrs. Ctuulotte TrewartUJohn ToeltsuiHenry TroganouTlioa. TniacottKBV. J. W. TamblynPhilip TimsAarou T o w l uThoa. TregaronJohn TlinupsDaTbox. Thompson

    Wm.TarJtrStephen TrodenniokWnl. Toolo

    JohnTuttyJoseph TucliorThomns TbouiiuWm. TliomuDaniel TriggiWm. TrelourJ»uics Trcvarrow, Jr.Win, TreiUoWm, TrovarrowAaron TovlinDnvld A. TrowbridnaUUUn TompiiuisOsoige TurnerWiu/TroolbyJamei TrovarroirJanifi V. Tiwbridg*Wm.J. TlionuiAlbert TrnppFraud TimerOicar "Win TregoniogJohn H. 'JVelea*.Nioholu ThomasJohn Timor'.

    Vim. UrineStephen UrineJo&hat i. Utter

    Chat, Ttnderhoof.Albert Tanderboot

    ^ C k u . VraelaidJo™ph TanderboolWm, Tudirl ioof -I T i l V H, miciuiJama VlliaLewia Van Hanghton

    . rnUlpatrU n . sUubetli WatenHenkUh Wearer

    " JohnWam. ,John Woods .John White *Hubert WUtelejObriatian WeemanD.n'IF. WhiteAndrew J. WlnteraTtoi. Walsh

    * Anbultns WaktrbmHenrr WalkerFrank Wituien 'Joo. M. 8. WoodiEobUF. WallaceUlduelWInUnJeremiah WeaierJohnWyaaokDe»iUWh«atonHatming WinoetOhaa.WeUs '

    Jonatiao WattenaViwani Willianu

    :. John Welch n ,:• .Enoeh Wlllbuna

    ..•Thoa. " .:•-.••MkuWm''••-•Join mean.Ql A T~Wm. a Wooloock

    .; l u . Worfmtb. Br.'Lowii WesterieldObaa. WardenMichael U. WelshJamnWiok.

    ' Join WhitlJrd ,: •faha WUlluu

    > Buuul WBHaimon

    WliililKid,WIIIK. William ,Willli, Uiebael > <

    W1LMAH D. K0MIAN, Collector.

    10OI BSIB100100100100100266100100



    1005 S3100aoo!00210449100482100S70




    !=looi lal


    . S oUoloo400looloolooloo100100100100






    100IK1001001 O 0>»070


    Report of the Onanclal condi-tion or Jefferson Township(or tbe Tear ending February13tb, 1884.

    HECEIITB A8 FOLLOWS.Balanso tat Ibe lowaanlp rsbrnary

    Ulli, 1884Italanoe or lal.a collected tor 1883

    i u , annual or doplieitc l l suBpnial .onooli

    Amount of road wonBj collected



    (1 1M8SW.D Nnnmn, Collector

    fOT188J 11840iltertJ .TUman, Otork

    tor 1883 M SOFord D. mnltb, Attorae?

    lor 1881 tOO(Ho. W. AlllBOn, aliiep

    Ull for 1852 29 40B ^ M U ^ U , »n,Ut.dfo, ( B M

    Poll t n remitted far 18B S00P°» " " ,, ,t

    wmenl for lSB"Elijah O. Nichols, Judge

    Ifar.li*l M.M, Inspectorfor 18B3

    fol bills for 1883Gull paid for »ork done on

    roadBPoll las rcmlileiKo«d" "LuBt laxca

    BBI. due Ihe tovnBblp Fob.1311., 1S84,


    10 60



    80 22(5,491 62

    B,«09 20


    Feb. 18. B • I. or oiah from la>l liar t i l ! 23To cntb reo'd frool Gulloctor G8115

    • $708 38CD.

    To p»y ins raiieelianeooB bilta li

    Lsavlng a balance due tho township M6J 33

    HEP3RT OF SCHOOL UOSEJHIn Jefferson Towmhtp with the biUoce dn

    Dlittict Si-pt. 1st, 1B8J, md tiio appropri-i l iom for thft year 1883 *u& 1884, »nd

    tho UUQCO dae Fob. 13th, lB8iUNION.

    Dilanco (S803Appropriated 300 00Anwnnt nttd frora Sspt. l i t , 1883, to

    Fob. 18tli, 183i

    1288 03

    SI 00

    1307 03Balance dno lislrletn o 3 8 U :

    nee MWApproprlited M0 00

    —•-.— I2U* V(nnt p»ld from Bept. W , 1883, iohb.Utb.MM 1000

    BaUnoeA l

    o duo dlitrlctHILTON.

    Balinoa dae dlitrict iWELDEN.

    BaUi.ce 9096Appropriated 8Ttt95aptciil district t iz 175 DOAmonnt pull from Bepl. l i t , 1B83, to

    sea dae dlitrlot \L0N0W0CD.

    Appropritted iOOOO

    Gatenoe fine diitHot ~ ~ fHDBDTOWN.

    Balance fSO 58Appropritted 698 331l>coiildistiictta:c 90DD0Amount p.iil from Sept. 1st, 1883, to


    Balance doe dlitrlet IBEHK8HinB VALLEY.

    Bahnco $ 006Appropriated 850 DO

    Amount paid from Sept. l i t , 188S, toFfib.iBtb.188t *

    Ine dlitrlct $306 08HOPATCONQ.

    Bi luce • 17312LppmprUted 35000

    152313Amount paid from Sept. l i t . 1883, to

    Fob. Uth, 1881 137 OS

    »DBP dae district I39S17ALBERT MOBABDS,

    Town Olorlc.


    Bmb, D»tiajwder, Henrj

    l.ilej, Elidiatund, Oaiper!anb, QeorgAirowD, Ootirni

    hyphen, Yrederiok

    y, Divtaicherion, Joirpb

    )pclter> Mmnofl(ecter, JimetUebnnii, JohnQiaoy, Tbonrn

    Earn, William

    Icbter. Deonii'iuhler, Otbrlcl O.•.chief, Darii Helri

    t 71



    an-T.icholi, John B.

    Nichols, 1

    Blikir, IbeaderaanuRC JabD Jr

    too47 80




    >'£100100ISO1403 00100100100


    100l o o171100100



    Stepbeu, tariaIpc.l.r, Oora.liaDlaran, Uartlnatton, WiJllanItonerii ltoberlaoven, JlekicB

    Btspbena, Saaaal

    ge, B Q I H, Jeba Bt,

    Isaac N. Doty & Co.NEWARK, N. J.



    SALE.Ladies desiring io nvai

    themselves of tho extraor-dinary ynlues we arc nowgiving in DKESS SILKSshould lose no time as thisIs an opportunity that wilnot again occur for a longtime to conic.

    BLACK, COLORED ANDSUMMER SILKS for lessthan cost of iiiaiiiiliicliire.

    ISAAC N. DOTY & Co..

    169 & 161 Market St.,

    Newark. K. J,



    nllb itoel chain tad Cuiiidn Rptoco tuwiiicb in WBieloM. Tlieygivo tbe bettor «»(•»riK'Mnn. Tlpcy RUO koop m Btaob " THE NEWEMP1BE" Uut-Air, Gan and Baie-BuruingCuuhmir btovc, llio bent biking stove in tin-world. AUo, & Urge isaurtmeut orother styio^of Cookina Stovtm, Raaite1'- l'»rlor BtoTog, « c ,Tor SUMMEll AND WIMTEH USE. Also. *

    holca atook of HUtDWAUE. CUTLHWt,Qlati, Wooden, Copper, I'Uip u d JapannedTINWAEE. Oil Ulothe, Oirpeti, Lamps,Painti and Olli, bird Cigoi, Featherfl. PnttV*Aitral Oil (noo explouWd.) AUo. dealcra IDCOAL. Roofing! Plumb.Dff and Job work

    t! Rtteoded to. Eairbiok'* Scalei ainwrnTkAnrerM prices. Tlior aino b a n omof tlio above tcalea In front of their placo oibmldsai tor pnblio woigbltsg. Old Iron, Oop

    B Ui Bags and Ureenbicks taken

    Alio. mannfaotareri orBunnelfa Self-Tight-ening Wire Uprinjt Bed Hot torn.







    FOBQINO of all DE3EIPriQSa,


    Nursery and GreenhousesM0I1M3 Sr., UOmtlSTOWH, N.J.





    Thorburn's Flower SeedsFOR SALE.


    NOTICE.Estate of Thomas Seftries,


    PDMUAUT to the order or the 8orroK»ttof tae Ooanty of Morrlv, made OD toeiwenlj.flrat dar or Jannary. A.D. ODB thoniaedeiKnt hundred and tighti-ronr, nDtiDB Uborebr gireu to all psraoDe hariDg elalmaasatoRt the setate otThonaa Bearlea. late ofthe Conntr ef Horrti, a>ceaBeu,to preient thel a n e . UDder oath or atSrajatton, to tbs *ob.•orlber, o i or beforo the tmatr-Unt O"V3B3K-, Pf. J .r«iaUjantliorised agent of the following drsl

    olauflompanlea—tbebestin tnevorlil:


    GLOBE, Capital (29,000,000.


    Capital 110,000,000,

    FBAKBXJN OPPHHADEIJEIA,Capitol $5,000,000.

    K0DSO2J COUNT!, Jersey City,Capital $300,000.

    li and Mercantile IoBtiranoo Co,EdenborRbjeaplUlsiO.oOfl.OOO.

    OmanOa. Vnim Asatranco Company ofmdon; capital f6tOOO,000.The London Auenmnce Corporation of

    Iiondon, HtptUl IS.W0.O00.•Bprlngfleki F i n Insuranoe Oo,

    »ttt ,«P iua ti,K»,ooo.Veetchestflr Fire Insurance Company fo

    New Yorlv, capital f 600,000.O m u AmnioiM «l,ooo,ooo




    FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA.AssaTS, - • - • - - - • $3,500,001

    m , SOD.HK

    DOVER, IV. ST. ] 04m



    NEW JSRSEf LEGAL TEST, 1EBT OILB.-Ws ttkepleaaare ia Introdooinc to ths trada oar rarloaa trraaei

    of MMhinery ma other Heavy Oils. These good* are raannfeotarei by us at our works, oon-aequently wo give themthobennntof our poreoail auparvlilan, and guarantee them to giveperfect aatf inotlon, botb in quality and price, or no sain,Extra Engine Oil,Tellow Eogiue Oil.No. 1 Engine.Dart Engine Oil,Sperm Machinery Oil,No. 1 Maohinery Oil,Dark Imbricating Oil,Bnilroad Lnbricator,Shafting Lnbricator,WeBt Vircinia Oil."Orown" Wool Oil,atainlfifis finindlp Oil,No, 1 Spindle Oil,Steam ReQned Fassaio Cylinder Oil,


    Briok Pressed Oil,W. B. Sporm Oil,W. B. Whale Oil,PpimoNeatsfootOil,No. 1 Nwkfoot Oil.B. Hearlllgnt Oil, 1B0',No. 1 Lard Oil,W. Pnre SalaS Oil.Mine Wliile, llB",Gasoline, 90",Dark Oar Oil,Spenn Pnoking Oil.Extra Packinf, Oil,lid Ol

    Orom" Light Compound,•'Pastaio" Dark Oomponnd,Rolling Mill QroMO,AilsOreaie,Bperm Bignnl Oil,W. Strained Prime Lara Oil,B. Headlight Oil, 150°.P. Water WMte Oil. 120°,W. White Cotton Bend Oil,W. Yellow Cotton Seed Oil,Gtaoline, 88o,QaBoline, 86°,

    , Painters' Oil,Deodorized N&pthas, all Gravities.^ ] N r cftlo.]NriSS. cftlo.

    f o r F r e m i u m tStn-Tot-y C3il.IS- ALL OUR OILS GUADANTEED STKI0TLY PORE. Sc

    THE McKIRaAN OIL Co. WnARr rooTorTntaD AVE., NEWABK, N. J.




    Fpallln moTtog poppjt nlfea. No Ion from friction, noita. le In porlthy ilide or rotan[irlaJ»ctloaT..eB. Slgheit pralble p.r cent of true air. Economical ani dorable. 0.1a'logna on appllcatiou. (Polly Becnrsd by patents.)

    BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertical andPortable. Insurance polioy •with each.


    THE DOVER LUMBER C°offers to builders ths bost opportunities in the purchase ot LUMBEKof every grade and description including LOW PEIOES and the greatadvantage of having

    Lumber Worked to Orderby machinery at the place where it is purchased, greatly lessoning the

    ooBt of building by the great saving in manual labor. Ouistock always includes

    Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBEE of every description, and especial pains are taken

    to give satisfaction in every particular.QXOBOX RIOBISOB, President.WM. H. LAKBEBT, Beo'y and Tresa

    I. W. Szuuna, Oon'l Ma&ager.

    CENTENNIA1 BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market St.,ll vvwinir

    etc i]i \,lu inn Lmi-. K ,,ilioiildfio to NLW l i n k for bci ]uu n I hi

    pri^HoMlipl. lomlitd l iuua i i t IT Ilillitti,ut fm t> icnt iii idnin to "M r{)ini , ,,,1

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