m v j* e m e n t ~t - chronicling...

THE NEW THEATRE Ctnt rark W*«l. «2- «3 Sts. T»».SSOO Col. Monday Ev».. m:ls mritm Tues. Kve.. * (i.p-rn). .t'**ar and a«si«rmssa W«tt Mat.. 2 <oD«r»> Werther Wett. \u25a0>«• s:LS 'Mrit* Thurn. Mat.. 2 .»jittM»y * < iMtimir* Thur» Ev».. »;13 _ Mrlf» m. Ew., » tatoay A i%nMlf« Sat. Mat.. 2:13 ..'•trU* Sat. Ev».. » <Premlart>) The >!«*•'• Next TVa*k~JßV.n * Thurs. «»\u25a0-. 4 SMI Mat. The lOSSsn Tue». Evr. * Wrd. Ha*-. Th* fott'i^e In th* Air: Wed. &\u25a0 «*4t. Kvaja. Strife: Tburs. Mat, *aar uml Zlmm«noanr> (op«rat: Krl. Eve. rill* 4* Mm* .Uia*a (opera ». Ma«t* two week* in a*)*ajß)**v Dr*jaa> *Z tn Me. : Opera. %T, tn t\.T.». . Mad j DALY S M»tla»« FRANK DANIELS In thn N>w««t London Musical Comrdy Buce«Aa. THE BELLE OF BRITTAW CHARLES DMJ.VTO.V la THE EVENING \Vi»»5I,l»: 1.. .ML th* I'uunlwt M»n .11 th« 3ln»lral Comedy -»ti«r. H nt MAXIXEELLIOTT'S I«£ Br.anL mi- \ rK». j »°d "'" S»th. t»t. irwayfe «t?> Ato.l J Pat, >3 " I ; : sa. Forbes- Robertson Abil nis London Company In The Passing of tbt Third Floor Back T.y J.;rom« K. Jerome. from "*f. J.im« p and Terry** Theatre*. Over 300 Performance*. Tele. « —^— i Prices »c to JMO4 WIPQT r\f i ILSfli ETt 1:11 Morn- "LOl LHUj Matx. Wod. ins- inth. W. of »th At«. and Sat. 2:lS- side. i W*d. Mat.. $L FAVERSHAM in HU f p-ct-icclar HEROD Production of XXJEM KM U to-day "•" ; vaVdettlt.r * a lU'JAT r. >i. I moving ricrcuE3 HARRY UUDER 3 TViinur- i _. _ I Et»s. 8:1 S. Shubert Co.. MA IFSTIP I M«t»- Wed. ITops-Tele. IVLrVjEO l IV* | ftg»t.t:W. 3r.i«> Coin. I B'way A 50th *. \V ... Mat. Prices MLOU. be a rt WILLIAMS THE CIO FELLOW— THE FINNY Or - In the Host Laushibl-! of Colored Son* Shows. MR. LODE OF KOAL MBI - 1 to 11 J TAtn>BVTT.I.R AND TO-DAY P. M. 1 iIOVTNO PICTUKS3 NEW YOHK'S LEADING IHEATRES AND SUCCESSES >MP IRE " *<** V%S* m yi*lto£l ifl I- W 1 ifiQTCDniM THEATRE, lyrisi Vnni/ THKVIRE. ITway. 45 bt. LAST 3 WEEKS - os . "WlinSlEILIM^^-|NEf YORK 7 % ' :I gS j& "bis Best Flay ia r«rs".siE» J"" \u25a0"\u25a0 •\u25a0 Bc«T siinw COHAN'S BEST > iiiaßi.--auw "tif luraa O.SI aiIJW laughing inuy nocui ™«s&S6sgSf;fissS musical^^C}^ JOHN DREW Qpxjpp FLA^wJ^^ in His Greatest facc*M. 11 ITI |^ T7* V/^^^^ THE INCONSTANT GEORGE tZ^"^ < #X*>^ MAN rr the Authors of -Lova match**" SILVER--/ WHO OWNS x -' N1 ' M-M -* Ai;DEADAMS STAR « BROADWAY trtPOn&l ** th Rt nc * r Broadway. With llll'KKLt WATSOV * r««t n*Tftft lUOSOfI r w ; nn d la^ ,, l MM S t-" ce * a WATSON A Cast o. 100. KEKI S XEW YORK Kirr.HINC. last s times LIBERTY TII !' A ,T ItK ; "-: 1 tv WVst GAIETY thiiwrk. et * ir»»r. I?;.5SEnt SiDMsfrsss™. THIRD MONTH! I O TH WKE " $ CMAKJUU3 FROliaiAX rreaents «* TIIOOT.ON prewnti | COHAN A HARRIS present * KYRLEBELLEW Tfll^^L DA ¥ \^d^Ks"fiS I The Build )r of Bridges TALI/VFERRO FORTUNE * Trie DUi!ci3r ot bridges Bbri T . lUfrrro ,,,, mply and . Trw-T^nnimra s •LEFT Or THE FEASOVS orTWTS." unaffectedly rplendld. VfltlNG- Q-M B I |%J H LH »*? C CCTOJ 111 li IT Tltß^ ha* act tin- NEW THEA- ££ \J I\l M. Milfi>L » nnil nm 6 FF.AT SAI.C ' ; The Smart Bet Marazin«. T BEST PLAY IN TOWN i 5 fflQHit UtOi \u25a0 0 OVENS TIICB9. -SPRINGTIME- Is a. fur above J »!t|, .|OII\ ItVIIKYXOIiI I*B iiA-i'Y U HARRIS nrtfceats a f lt * «»•"»• and ranks fur abova with .IOIIV UARRVSIORK. Q Grace Eliiston i -rxr s^ssii^rs-ssin^s IaEQUW 6»ll!OayiI I— _ # fc m h=A pS |t Jjr :;> -,,>i ft.. \u0084^ar II - lannu'ELlFE sprivc.tiivih:" Uflßßlbil - « omrdy. VHUU%l*Wa.li%a. Ny TARKiN-CTON & wiLSQ.v. _ "MORE POWERFUL THAN 'THE by Harris Ford * uTnii i Daji* "™ "~ —— "" "~~" ""^— NVIFCHINQ HOUR.' "—Tribune. ' I Vl^CITPI i? th ff t tinV nr V. B^. Mr * y - " rh * Ptwagtrt Way >lr. Thomas Has UDSCH TKtaTiE SPECIAL LCIJI 1 KS,.' : '* «""":" """'\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084.-., „„ •\u25a0EE iRMaURTISr-wo, :U3 . . . LAST 2 WEEKS THE^^t SStS ttt T R Tu^ S h ron : Tuli: THur- fri. '^222S££^fer HARVEST MOON M'tdU. MATINi:n> AT O'CLOCK. Tl.e Famous IVt*«tiv«-Thi«; I'lay. APArIAI 1 |]BA|| «51f nit tv AR^FNF llf PIN ~ GEORGE HASH t;oi and ex-|| MI!I|J M|b\ObUllbU L.U \u25a0 I\u25a0\u25a0 "It •\u25a0 not ofun tl.at an uudienco K»tx jvr»-::.'lfi. uf ces-.i El 51 112 •\u25a0\u25a0'^^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0s» sssi^sf \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 «i much or b*i it So cogently expressed." tur« msrkej !j IIW 111 By C«> ProiM*t &. L»blar.. . —Sun. ttr xrnrk." . mv rAf* LSI A Ft!.. \i?c. 1. Last Niclit thU Season. 'It has been some- time since anything IKraifl |! V I II L nil V f0 mterestlns tie* been produced here." •Iwm of evr- I .X a Hf ("<•% MOM»AV. i.m IS. land the Times _ a «i i3 »- r repertoire ©f flnlt ILmrtOl ITh^a.rt- c«i),nr. f% If BJ V Mat.. Thur».*Sat..at 2:15! «.„..: n-ic" ' UIMTin rtlftrp !n W - *aier*W Maugham - I|lH|>|| *#a^W»^l rT NK MoKEE. . Manager \u25a0v/t,:.,,.,.... i: HINDOO li^.CtS \u25a0» "\u25a0« .^.noy^.^.r.w .. a MftßCftF.E f SKXT !RiTEßiONt^B.3'^ RfIISKEHiOGRER «SZ^ ANGLIN in {gg* TIM 4.UKIT II \\ ••! THE YEAR. i'fllL Tims U..J,,. f)*. 40 ' * \u25a0 •IIK.K11. tut rtlrrinr clirau."- HeraldJ lwUlll 111116 ITIQIQSy, ÜBC. lU IflC UiCOCu'V 1 "> I.UI'iRK.U'way & •^TI ITNTMU'S ia Its forcf—Tribune "A MERRT WIDOW NIT." JUt II I II I II 0 th st - . Ev«"- V°-|MJI.MITTIN«iV °- -|MJI.MITTIN«i *u?Prt.i*.*— Sun. A MERRY WIDOW UIL —"""OfW- UUL "LULUU jiats. Wed. and Bat. ••M«»KI> Jieavlly."—Tln.e*. CHARLES FROHMAN presents I ACT 1 QI/ WEtKS CHARLES ritOIIJIAX (.resents The Be»t of All Musical Comedies. * ) ™3» **/2 »» IjCiHl J ISRAEL THE DOLLAR climax "t.MU lirP.XKTETX. Author of PRINGESS '' " i: IM * X «"' DEC. 22 . ' Ti'iii t n( j or "samson." I II IHU kU U - 1 ii i; ri.ni.w" UZLVsm <£><£. "X UKAMAIIr «r!N. ; -> Iro >\u25a0..'..:. .- ,^ ;„, ...,.;. :v*v!;,. _-. || T|7|rT ?D " P~sf Uflllf ICC \u25a0 V'V 1-1 i^ - v ' V \u25a0'- |1 --' * r «'^ •"*\u25a0 n"v. vi * Vim 0 .,", V f ,^-' .'V.^.v'^v., To•Ni fe H I j R. G. ElriOWLEi •« lite f w.r. in, 111. in,, iimimiiik -.•\u25a0\u25a0. ••\u25a0\u25a0... I 111 vc r u 2; ns AMERICAS FOKtMoSt THEATRES AND HUS-U.NUcK DiKHclluN UF SAM S. AND LEE SHIB INC. i .. - . T«L 44 •^~~^T^^^TT^~~~!T" ]if>r Tt.l» i ' I CtvnmW "ft* ». Lew Kleld^ Eves. 8:13. Bryant. HACtCE'TT I "•»»»• Xl«" LVT^It" *" Wkrr Murray oCraia 3q. wed. , fv«. l ... .. 4 M.\V.otiry: I I isat, >>el ! «a. W. ef V**r | f.turdA/ Hl'-l. j»\u25a0 wny and :;-,,v. Pi. | I Sat.. 2:15 b :;, I— 1 I « ; i3. 8;13 ««^ . Only- S WEDNKfcUAY MAT. REST SEATS $1 .50. H.VRRISOX GKEV ll>Kf pr«^nt. IMI WHIIMY o<»i»*to. pfe*«sts LEW" FIELDS A RLIS S SOLDIER WBSrOLD DUTCH e'rßTlMlic ER •icalFarcß. »LU IJUlfwiT APR T I Ail II O IBS** TOmTtai T'%MlHli^W Mat!c by Victor Tt-'-rt Book by Edear fc_ B^ I I |V| If sK.VnON ' »««•" N K-nlth: Lyric* by \u0084.-.r. V. .«.: . Staged %*»»--^ \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 W V o| ,, , \u0084„ %, ... S2UVEHI.IS. by KM wayburn. a Hunt of ( h.irmin« t.lrla. \u25a0 B/ Philip LlttelU t.U*. It < \-r awUtC "*' ** 100 I'isyer* and a Ho«t of (harming tilrls. CLt " «"»>r " NKW YORK TRIIIO'K: "OLD DUTCH" has „„_ «, , .ll'lt it':: . M ....... •••Tiur-a n«! V SIKA^'^K S; aA ««-|:~C:OMEOY iHS^ LYHIC-SPMUL-iITIIEtS DILI. rra..'ful (iit..-^. \u25a0'«.•> !..:'« ».hlt-h clamor '££££ C<-r»lfc.tJY >, , . ilon...rue,i lon...rue,. Wed..Thur,.nar.U.t=:l=. «\u25a0 r" ! -• ' - \u25a0 •"• ri**»*l— rtiaaa- . -"itja Itea.. Ts*a. W*l. Th«ra and Fri. at I I ma.-hin*s. an<t there are chance* for Lew lit. c,. '"' ' \u25a0\u25a0 ' ; •" Fields to I- runny. He t«kes advantage of Uvff!L S:3 - 'l~"~ |S*y— . BEGINNING TO-MORHOW S^S sht^t" klLo'rk I L o'r, ocou0 ccoup, pp d a ': 3e3 c . h .kV h8 103 th TIME TC-MDnRGW HISHT YOHK T!MI->: Lew Field* is Mill Lew fITIIfTTr' PirXt? f% I 1« jf^ WF% m*\ W mt Field.. "OLD DUTCH" la a jlay anil not I* TT 111 1 aUWIi/1^ LaT I\M%*7 IX \J Khb run-.p-te.tdcity collection cf conga. It is \u25bc\u25bc fill A 3L-J VJ El 7 JL-/ EmP I W IV Hm funny and the lyrics are r itchy. It •' a .v , t. v ... T v< vi-vir t-^ rrr\TT*r . v ir«o,l chow and tn-.le a hit last nlKht. IN \u25a0" XI L ' **\u25a0»•»•" - CREAT PLAT. Ensll-h Version ay Stanlsltus Btasta*. NEW YORK HKKALII: "Tha musical num. r n/1 r^¥ *TT*\u25a0IV T 4~~* HAT wlth MART BHAVT. MAfl> FEALV. JOHN ber. mere numerous and tuneful and th« IX I W r" I lll\ I I I-* I II CLEXDINNINO. EBEN r»rTJ! AND comedy of •» Flew* was infectious." »\u25a0« Itll_<L< 11i IVJ 1 V/ \u25a0 JoHN WESTLET. Till: EVENINO MAIL: "Let it be nail at ' "M.miienre born of •niritiiU Intensity \u25a0 one« and with emphaj.W that 'OLD DITCH' Onf ,X from l7n better Wat riot •» better «mo to the Herald >n:;tr- . -• night and \u0084,(„.., I>r , hr \u0084-\,i a Wn.11.-r «n.l more J.'e. . . ResuUr ?2Z&*!Z& l «: t^2!™^L«Jl??. h»pr...i hH,,.--,^,,. „«,.. i,»>. , \u25a0.-..;» CAS3 NO «^« was Mr. KleM» at h1» be»t." T,„ t_. L riudj I!l!I - I " way and 39th St.! I Saturday. ••'\u25a0' KVKNINii SIN: "Ifiiyears slnc^ any ... BROADWAY Kiset- Evca. S:J3. - „,,„.,' "^ ? ta« ,ha, revealed a lovelier bevy or nrVant BROADWAY 1 sSSTwe* n. -, n^V^lkT«Ts,«^ WrioURNAI. OF COMMKRCE: as Then.. cor.^st. ' f Sat. Wed SAM BERNARD Fields- new pla/ -OLD IHTCH' Is a thr«e *- 1J- «,.w« \u0084 .. « «-»*J»%*^Z M. AmM* time winner. (»LU DUTCH" in a smashing LEW THE MAMMOTH la a New Comedy with atmlß. fln« show which will Iron the wrinkles or FIELDS' ***«-• TItODUCTION. TM( , s-irt* »vi. iVTninn worry out of the most furr,w.d far* end li /f *f / % T\T ¥ f^ 1 SIT Cfil^JC ™L GIRL Tn ? WIZARD rarre In th^-m line* of lau*htrr. It Is all li H « 2 I mAlll \u25a0 3l»ll3 fun and life and color and melody, ana ••***-* * "-\u25a0»\u25a0» » UVllkJ Rook. J.HarOey Manners; Music. Julian »,ri.i there 'l* never a lull." ' STILL TAINTINGTHE TOWN" RED. l:l-sc«t Ca-Oiio Hit 51nee Haute Was Unlit. "—\u25a0'\u25a0'. COMPLETE GHAH6E OF GIBGUS PROBRAM TMoaai^^^KS iS^ •'nl •laßr4\^ l *i vbti^i l ! BsSFESfIDo ! Ti ",,":, > " : ,:,„ HU if A vi^ig B Wail aTraMaH 0 mf^^W \iW^o * UlwS'3 °' ' he lTipp»drorr Pone to the st**e. Jn icarian s^HflUUSAy»^fl»> ASTQ^SKMS ASRA^CF mm ACTS. k *- t, % I L- U *^ a^kIml a^L^LI A' 9al —^BK fc. y HK^X P Juflaß 1 W V J 4^39 I pWf £*WJaS f \u25a0 .r- T~» ' s | . \u25a0 * E. R I E S afl J^m bCmW ||H wtfMt . Jjow *BT»»^ vVB iijM f ' J y^j 5Et 'X^mm ' '** lM ' I '^ * i "«»!•»; feuaratoH § SB""! ft^L^L W H^ f^^* A O«^l ffi^^l CI «er Eau"triaii" iTrch K^niriy! Kea«t of T.n Thou- _l? ni ™' \u25a0 tTNmwI Hf St*wm '"" mmmf.t "l jilt Larolle», .\rr«ihnt»: **nd Waterfall of Living MTfTir^JI 'j^~l < vnr^'-^ n1 ' li *f~r""i rW^m !iffM "111— f ~1~ J '' ] ' MoonlUht—Gem Clad Girls "in Dazzling \u25a0 Ifism&.^al ft 13^1^hH WWmM sKSS E^MJ W'rf^Maf BISJjIB M-'ralt»M -' ralt» Divertissement Uncle Sam's Haul* I luV IH I H BBfeißß R *^S mSo£. 1 1 3r^£"S QIrVS rrunj^e. lUll.! a «.J so' lli.iniM, -»L\OUIS. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0W^A-ai Nil at i TufWit JL .' i iiJ3Lag£/affci ft ILnl I -J Wonder s. "'\u25a0'\u25a0•"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: Produced ' v R. H. Uirr.«M. . Invented and Scenic Effects by Arthur VoegtHn: Lyrics and M isle by Manuel Klein. HKAI> TUB INTERVIEW WITH CHARLES DARNTON IN THE MK\IKW. Ol'T TO-DAY. /symphonyN Society of New York WALTER DAMROSCH, Conductor. This (Sun.) Afternoon at 3 NEW THEATRE solomt Rachmaninoff Symphony In C. MOZART: Concerto No. 3 for piano, with Orchestra. RACHMAN- INOFF <new. first time): Arlequin. LALO (tint time); Marvh Jo ; eus<-. CHABRIER. Next Tue»day Eve.. Nov. SO. at 8:15. CARNEGIE HALL Rachmaninoff soloist \. ,\u25a0 - 60c. to $2 at IV. S4th St. * New Theatre and Carnesia Hal!, CA KXEGIE HALL. Oratorio Society of n. V- Dr. Iraak l>-.unro* li Conductor First Concert. Wednesday Eve., December Ist. at 8:15. Beethoven's MASS IN D 'Ml» I.AI X* COMBS \il« m i •» Kin \i v Solotsta: "l.Mlt. »\u25ba I !> Mill HI OIK. lIEKUEKT Hirill|>l'lK>N Tickets utt eta, to 81.50. 1W. 34 Et. 4V B*aPace. NBNDEI II N' II AM.. Fir«t Concert Wed. i:*eninu. l>ec. 1. at s:ls. Olive Mead Quartet :-!.•\u25a0. $t.r>0 at TV>« Office. Mpnd^lii>ohn II- flLHllniDKilL h ATDTi > L^i=. "CGHOERTSTO-DWSTO-KIEHT WEEK BEGINNING TO-MORROW MAT. EtiWARD&BELES&Co In on« set playlet, "SELF-DEFENCE.- fcpec i Feature; UrlKiiial Dv- Xtrrn F«ature AlAlllllP rnonds, 3 Dolce OflMll & iTIrtUUIC puters. Fiddler loUilll CC I*lI\P I* Sh*lton. FouHqc VTHV CLI.IC ißojce*. others. DcMUi> w?w ?1 T < ?*'i d Attraction, the Popular Favorites. "^My^HYBLA^iEHiCH'JLSUy rOLOMAL , \u25a0\u25a0;, \u25a0\u25a0„-\u25a0 , W CONCEPTS TO-9&/ 1 TO-HiGHT WEEK UEGINNING TO-MORROW MAT. DJR mm m mam prtsen«ne U A R •\u25a0 "I/AMOUR BO? 4** l Asa 1C DE L," ARTIST." I'\t a r-^-.-. h«*t * l^-i. l'n-..n a HH<PV lID C »*«reure. M*k«— nl. a IJ4!i[ll |IQ.''t Tronpe. Edm. M«nley LEGIINr .'-\u25a0• •*• ° Dv - <IB - A. Mia Attraction. the Clever Monologlsi. JAMES THORNTON l. C. U. J«>aaia«« HAMMERSTEffTS \u25a0 \u25a0 VICTORIA. 4id St.. B'way &TU» Are. IHVS'Stt. t -Niiiif \u25a0\u25a0'*, 50c ca k bus dem ak. goldberg, < •JIAKI.IK case, WII.LAItD SIMMS * co.. Avon comedy 4. A texas woo- ING. RADFOItD A WINCHESTER. DOIIEUTT & IIARLOWE. iIcGLOYN & SHELLEY. VITAGR.VPII. EE6IHNINS TOMORROW jriiiE: THE QL'EEX OF VAUDEVILLE. IRENE FSANKLIH a*si«te«] by EI'RT GREEN. New and Orlfinal Sun?". THE 6 MLSICAL CUTTYS HOWARD & NORTH . . Lack m Wellington WAfcD &CL'RR V\ ...1 he \u2666 c Judge ANDY Kit £ . ... Hfbrrw Comedian POSF & RUSSELL . . Aerobic . ancers HASTINGS & YVILSGV. Comedy Acrobats AMhRSON & 60IMR. .Colored inner. B LIE 6RDON. ... The Athletic Girl NEW VirAGKAPHIC V|[>S ... Other* C>¥ Y^IYT Ciray and 30th EL Et S3. t: s:l3. Popular Prl.-» M»tine« H>-i. IjltlUU Phon« Mad. Sq. 1530. Mats. Isi \u25a0 sat a-. 13. / rj \u25a0 \ rue her vi i> 8-UD: A PLAY / MI O \ "The dialogue FULL OF /NAM E\ of the play mm** /on the \ «"';«- ._::..., / poo r \ 'p'«»--;- unwniv ncrLii' c j £ mats ok sat^e tbxrsdat> BEGiy.M.\G KCHSAYf Dsl/tW LEd b 3rESSHS. SirCBERT ANNOUNCE CYRIL SCOTT « THE LOTTERY MAN A COMEDY IN THREE aCT» BY RIL'A JOHNSON' TOUXO. J& d?^. mrSO *G\ KXCX B*way&43U». Eve. >>:15. Matineea T7»d. and Sat. 2:15. £k C«T nfi »» ttU W^ant>^a>«y Mnilnce Joe.-11.20. &Z1 H WL J3 b5^T WAOE.VHAT.S * KEJIPKR ilia^^ers if'm^^ 1 \u25a0 m SEATS 10 WEEKS l> ADVVNCt. -«*oekej the town .illy."— \u25a0>•. World. R«al r«m of the »«a»on"--Tele«rapn. ••00 to the A<tor and lau«h.-— T«la«ram. 'I i --iy. cl*an •mu«tn».»-H.rald " -Saven Days* is a comedy J«w«L-— Com'! -Catchy onilka a houaa aCr*"- ; Kv^Bar. "i^ SEVEN DAYS - ta l^*" E7 Mar/ Kob«rt» Illßtaart and Arary Hopwo<xl a-riS ACADEMY OF MUSIC iSi.",sri -Last Week, Prices 25c. to $1.50. PAID IN .FULL, i; EXTRA 1"'1 "' HENRIETTA CROSMAN In SHAM WAILACH'S 12' waT St SOth. Ev«». 8:13. Matinees Wed. and Sat. 2:13. VVAILALIi S rofl'L.\ii .mattset. Wednesday, trices sue. ro atjso o \u25a0 " -o Q.f4 NT14 OF TIIE GREAT ] "Tlr.«lln*with th» hot t>ra*lh ' OJ %J •»\u25a0 W•« 1 la NEWSPAPER VLAT. of e>jtit».inporajy American Ufa. j . *Aa aliv« ii.i to-dajr*i paper I* 883 1 filL IB \u25a0 \u25a0 wh*n it conn up to the city j JT \u25a0_ A Mnß 111 km aJ \ a £^, ro.,m dam* from tb* press. \u25a0 fSfl «tS. \u25a0nf *l<f|l Tha Fourth Batata' Is the sort . I 1 I EMI MH \u25a0 Imml Mm 'of criticism which makea our H Ifc CM g|l]lUl|| I «tage much more, worth wMIe." "\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0 *^ "^^ ' 4UIAIEK -\u25a0 * \T>« fOIK HH.k« IX ADVANCE. MAN ATI AN op eka irotsE. ; MR. USCAK HAMMERSTEIN Dirt t.r Prlc«»: Or Op.. 15 to SI. Op. Cowl«iu.\ S3 to Tic. Til nil***.! I CRAM) OrEBATIO llrmuol concert METROPOLITAN OPERA HOISE Evenings at I Saturday Matin-- at 3. IM " i*i IG H I PopnW"l»rV»^ GRAND sVXDAY CO.^C^r*T PEPITO ARRIOLA T?l« Remarkable Pay Plapi»t (Plr. R. K. John- don). Mmn. mill. T. «;!.( CX: . MM. CLEMENT. . ,M rt ITIIEKSPUOX. KNTtRR MF.TltOl*. !>;:« 11. 1..-11 Mil. MAX RENDIX. Ta-murroi* Etc- at 7:30 Lobeojrrln. Mm«». rr,m«ta>l. Homer: Mat. Jsrn. Gurtts. ll.nch- lev. M-ih'maJM. Con.l . H^rr* W>d. Ers. II TroT«ton». Unto Ha Mil Melt- ioMk: MM. ='1.-<:ik. Oiltf. Raul Coml.. T:mjo Thur«. Evg. L* SjnWaw. Mmes. »Mi AJ- tro; MM. Bond. Amito. olaneli. a* fJagiiwHy Plnl-CorsL Ananl.m. Cond.. Podeatt. FrL Eve Adi ••..-. Urnutr: MM. Caniso. A-nato. \u25a0tur. Rohl. Condr.. T.>*.-««tnl. Sat Mat. WIIII. Mmea. AM*. Wtekbani: MM. Slrsak. Sonttt. a. ..I, .-!\u25a0•, Wltharaaof. liada. i"nnJ., Tcscaninf. Sat. Evg*. Ti«nTihnrii'»*r. Mm»i. DID I Mian. T*r*mataU. »pa>rsjra: MM. Burrtan. Wbttchli:. lllacklej-. Reisa. MUhlmann. Cood.. Hern .\l thi» >>»» ThMtrr. Tu. ». Kvr . Nov. r.o 1 -.*\u25a0 > i.l /iiiiii«-.i.iii» Mm.» Altrn. MattfvUt; MM. J-.rn. >or**ll. KilM,thrill. M ilutikitnn, Blaaav Cun<l.. Herts. Wed. Aft . HaHan at 3 . Wrnh'r r.r.,.,ui»r» .\r-ii>rtnv uf Mimlr. On* Clock from tho Atlantic Aye. VubWay St'n. To-tr)«rro\r atvg. at *— To<tn». Mm«s. Far- rar, Wickrum: MM. Martin. »cottl. CUnoll. Auanu: Cond.. T^o>» WEBER PIANO t SKI' AMERICAN "--"" MillklllUN n BROADWAT TO-DAY , :,• ? "is SHHWS UV#k U"e'.nnlnff TO-MORROW MATINEE. HARRY UNDER 111 in. hr >-1..i0 rum »plr». ; Vrr*»off«. f»'.n A HrrNrrt. DtvU M »»*.i..r •>thrr». i-H ' MJGHOLSON *nt r<O«TOi Dec. Oth <ir<>r<i- la-.h«ouil. Seat--* Not. TUB? 131 17A S»TH <*T. A>O I aWJKaWM l»nl!y Mat*. ZSe. Etb. iS-io-T.V. TC-J-if U%£ 2 BiQ SftO#S \u25a0W«#k B««lnnln* TO-MOItUO\V iIATXNKE. HOUK MORTONS VVILLA MITWAKEFIELD McWATTHRS a TYSON WILLIAM DM .111 Ik. 11 of others. .km ;r .KM>> - ÜBC 0 *6 DAVID S. DAVIS j •*«** Mi. to II 30. TIILR«t»AY AVTERNOON. UCCa SillS:3«. EDWIN (.RAiSt viol l\ MMU\I 1. $1 '*>. V. N. Of. Ulr.M. It. lUcwn, \u2666;? 3 «V« TO-fflflBSOW .FIERIIIF ' MKM)H.»>OII\ MALI.. Son* lt.-«-lt«l ELIZABETH KING t*at» 75c to 11.50. MASON & HAMLIX fiASO. s«e. TO fl.S* Special EnKagemrut the RHSSSSa 'Cellist. Joseph tmim AIM Jlm«. CARMEN-lIKLIS. OnVll nEACHE. MIRANDA. BARON; M:>! ZEROI.A. CAIUSA. DKVKIES. OU.XimE. iIUBKRT. HL'UKUUEAU. I,.\MvIN. irtI'KAL'LT and En- tlrt- Manhattan Op«ra Orchestra. M. da la Kufnt*. dlr To-morrow (Mun.t at *— S.\IMIO. Miss Car- : den an.l rrKulnr ca*t. T': - «Op. Comiqu«> i LKfl DKAGOX9 DC niHR*. W»d.. I>.»-iM- ! BUI— DAI ..II 1 ! OK TIIK ttfOOtEST, Mm»«. Titraninl. Dvcbene: Mr. McConuack. m o:iil.ert. Foiloxvod by r\(iUA('CI. Mil*. , Trtntinl; MM. Zerola.. Simm.ircr>. <*ra»>b*. Dtr.. M «!«• I* Ku«nlc. Fri HKROUIAUI Mil CavallerL T> - Aiv»r«i; MM Hmau.l. Durtault. TaMi'. Vaill^r Virol** T)lr . M. dt> U Pu*nt* ' Sat. Aft. l.i: .|HN(,I 1I X II NOTICE IAMK Mian liarden: MM. ltrnautl; Dufrunnf. I.uc.i^. i I.** kin. Ilubcri]«-aj. Craake Dlr.. M. de la Kiifnte. Sat. Evj. (Op Comiuu»>— CHlME,-* OF .NORMANDY. METROPOLITfiN OPERA ROUSE THIS TIXSUAY AFTEKNOON AT «:30. FULLER AND I THE MUSES <oicritiin:E mm mi >«) And k.i Snrr!i«-lt» |!M| Saodpn <irrtrud \ .d Axrn Thamur !)•• .sulr-kr InTheir Reptitoir* of CLASSIC lUD SYKPi;O^IG OA.C:'. (Direction M!«« Andrews) rricra SOo to >: Boxes Sltl anil |2t. Tlck«-t» Now on Sale. CnrncsW* II ill, Tfcur.-* Eve.. am 2. f»»a«» No* S3 Conctrt \»t N*w York* L'niqiM OrsanUation. D.. A^!: AeA ISCb£liO»Slf Russian ''\u25a0"\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0""-!! IIW w \u25a0 *-« «S \u25a0 .\lJrich. M«im M ii'iinv v MM IFI » Sopraao.M»l.O.»l. MCDHST ILTSCHULErI, Conduator « »H\ri,i n \ti.. .-..r- .- Aft m. 1 '^:,. 6 . 5l5 l *• VOL P E ORCHLSTRA MADAME- Itl \\< 111 A IT AI. Due. to »l.r.i>. M.»n.iß--inntt I.^ulon Charlton. CnCil MUSEE ?*%&. sT* I\u25a0 sf \u25a0\u25a0 Thl» .%U»rnuon and Ev»ntr.g M.U8.11 EBCN3 SUCBED COICERT irviko $^&s^™*i£g> PUCE 'Die Fledermaus " TUILITIIKBat. Mat. FuliU's Jug' u4fr»un I' " lIHiLOBn I "-ta 4lih. near I j lUlltufln I »«« Thur.day.fc \u25a0 Saturday at 3:13- DWin DKLASCO pr.sentsl]J SCT 0 FRANCLSIISs In EUGENE WALTERS GREAT VLAV. TtiE EASIEST WAY , i«! am haft ii 4-^4 -^ \u25a0 l - n ' jr 1 Ska.. S:l3. sth !' f FVPVOsr. TOf WEHB TO^ ««•.. WAKE IP SOME MOUN- KOiTH IN* TO DISCOVER TItXT ISU.tin YOCK WIFE WASN'T m| KKVLI.Y TOI.R WIKF. AT AH- WHAT WOULD TIKE | i YoiToo* ; Is Patrimony I A Failure ? LTO-NIGHT •. » i ad T -M3.!H <rN.) 3:31 g "THE SUDAN" _HWJ Prjc«» $1 .".0. $1.00, "5c.. Si*. N.xt Wtr-lC SXCtLT \u25a0PMUMD ntiu Ti»r«>«» (\u25a0•«!•. l)«r. 7. Jan. M, lib. r:. Kvf*. at 8:13 AUcLE MrGiilES TRIO \ rlr »! . \u25a0» « »l-Jl-..-».i j I e»;i..W l.ltrhtfnlwns.Vtnlln Box o.i.i. I Leo >chnl». 'Cbllo v|MIH»H'l|N II \| I TUf«. All. Nov^SO. 3. B»Maiu I>cit:il. WM. A. D»da We tv $1.80. Miwii A llamlln I'tano M m Krlth M Pro. tor nil 1 <> TIT HOUI.D »li AU ••\u25a0 * Mr*. Jim,n» S- \u25a0• AY. Ilirr.. -— , \u»ro. «'»ilrt» of IliKunjr,IV- l>.il)Mat*., !i-M ili*f»*o Brw«.. . t.r.ili t i ...rt. l«ltv,ilv >•« l-'.-iurr'. Tu-dar -v r: r .,:,h,| "\u25a0\u25a0.' W. *\u25a0 *\u25a0*">•< l*»e CVITIHO * T •">> ** kink IbC dUMllsia «SUtU SU & Columbus .v\* SWARMING BEES' SCOUT. Swarms ot bees are sometimes compelled to take refuge In very remarkable MM) A peculiar and instructive lnstnnce was observed by the writer in the spring of MOS. The swarm fiev over a large vineyard which contained low building*. One of th<ne bullilinKS vtnk constructed of hollow concreto blocks. The awn mi new directly toward a small hole In one of the blocks and disappeared 1:1 the interior. So doubt tho swarm had 1 . *'••'! . •, a tree or shrub on tho preceding day and bad sent out •-•.., seek a hume. Th« acout found th« little hole leading 'Into th« Brent ravlty of the concrete block, and reported their discovery to ti. if 1 am- rades. Tht.-t cam* furnish** indisputable) proof that swormtni; bees* really send out scouts, us they ara believed to do. for the little hole could not have be<en discovered li. the rapid and lofly night Of the swarm. Sclentlnc American On another occasion the inspector gen- eral of customs. Sir Robert If art himself, was visiting Canton, and in the evening at dinner was obliged to apologize to his host- ess. "You must excuse my costume." he t-al«l, "for the customs have seized my boxes." It was indeed true, as one of his Chinese servants, never suspecting that the Inspector general's personal effects would be disturbed, fonied \u25a0 syndicate with some enterprising friends, and half-fllltd one of the trunks In his charsa with contraband. SALT OFTEN CONTRABAND. Salt, that dally necessity of life, being a government monopoly in China, Is sub- ject to official regulations which arid to Its cost and lessen its quality. The duty In- directly paid on this article may M styled the Income-tax of China, since all must use this" everywhere Indispensable commodity. Salt, therefore, naturally comes within the scope of the contrabandist, ass] smuggled salt, by reason of its cheapness, commands v ready sal'-. It differs from opium, how- ever. Inasmuch as Its bulk renders con- cealment difficult and landing It at Its des- tination risky. The majority of salt smug- glers arc, therefore, the Chinese crews of the carrying vessels, working lv conjunc- tion with accomplices ashore. It Is as often as not con?ealed among the bunker coal, and kept there until a favorable op- unity for landing presents itself. At one of th« river ports tome years beck the criiiie of *ImN running" assumed such startllug dimensions that extraor- dinary precautions to rut a stop to It wert Introduced, which proved efficacious for a time. Later, however. It was noticed that sampans, or smtll boat*, mnnneU by those unhappy outcasts, leper*, were becoming more numerous, and It was soon discov- ered that they were engaged to land the salt, us It was perhaps not unreasonably CFsumed that customs offk-eri, however zealous, would at least respect the Inviola- bility of tins** ratal craft, and It was not until the aid of the local magistrate was Invoked that these adjunctlve smugglers were forbidden the port.— Chambers' Jour- Mli mer squall under the hugle paddle spon- sons of a well known river steamer. "Is that you?" Inquired a voice from above in Chinese. "Yes." replied the customs of- i.ter, with quick perception. "Then catch." answered the mysterious Interlocutor, pass- ing down half a dozen balls of opium, the share of which meant much prize money for tho lucky gigs crew. The smuggler was. of course, waiting for a confederate whom the customs ofnc?r unwittinglyfore- ataltad. METHODS OF SMUGGLERS. Many are the methods adopted and the precautions taken by these nimble evaders of tho law. Floats and sinks, the out- come of the most fertile imagination and the most careful study, are the most fre- quent means us*-d. and at a given signal from the khore the VMM consignment Is dropped overboard from one of the pala- tial river steamers running between Canton and Houg Kong, to be eventually picked up at a convenient time by receivers on land. On one occasion a handsome cat, with kittens, was noticed on board one of these* steamer*, and after a time it was re- marked that the kittens did not appear to trow any larger. An Inquisitive custom house officer In Canton found upon exam- ination that they v- all dummies, filled with opium, and it was recalled that thin lucrative Imposition had been going on for vteks. Again, the Canton customs night patrol going the rounds of the crowded harbor took rhelter one night from a violent sum- In all countries the evasion of fiscal ob- ligations Is considered no wrong, and "pass- Ing the customs" Is generally regarded as a tax upon personal rights. So much Is thin the case that those who render unto C*:- gar that which Is Cs»nar's generally do so to escape a worse evil, ami seldom from any moral conviction as to what is right and what is wrong. In this one r«-«!>ect,at least. East and West may be said to have met. for In no country In the world has the art of smuggling reached a higher standard than In China and In no part of China lu.vo smugglers become so daring or ?\u25a0> In- genious as In the Mr.i ui.j Canton delta, whoso innumerable and intricate water- ways Fpread their welcome arms to shield wrongdoers and embarrass pursuit. John Chinaman is a born gambler, and as of if a a* not stakes hi*acuteness against lawful authority merely for the love of I lay. He reckons that If lm "gets through" some four tlm«s out of live hia account will show a. balance on the right side, an<l he will thue have a Ktnnll profit, combined v lth tho excitement of the game. That this Is the spirit of many Is a proved fact, as the tame men have been caught red- handed again and again, and the mere fact of their persisting indicates that there la both money to bo Mala and recreation to be found in the practice. The heavy duty on opium and the com- parative case with which it can be secreted naturally place it in the front rank of deferable contraband, and many a ball of the seductive drug has found Its way into Canton from that acknowledged base and happy hunting ground of criminals, the British free port of Hong Kong, without his imperial majesty Kuaug Hsu being a. cent the richer. Kittens Filled tcith Opium A Surprised Night Patrol Even Lepers Used. CHINESE EFADEES OF customs cuanau LIE LOW. sMUdGLER new plants in large communities, starting with those comparatively small, and work- Ing up through those of Increasing im- portance, till he had proved his ability sufficiently to be the plant head of euch a district as Manhattan and The Bronx in greater New York Thu last direct promotion would be to the po- sition of general plant superintendent, who is the brad of all physical departments of the business and is one of the most important officials of the company. Of course, the man able to administer such a po?t as this Is not far from the general managership and the presidency, to which your boy may —at least theoretically aspire. As plant superintendent, his salary would be not just two or three or four thousand dollars a year; and as president— well, It is need- less to say he would bo well paid. {.Copyright. 190?, by the Asxxlat.-i Literary FrewL) Ud Receive Technical In- struction and Matt Ad- :cnce Rapidly. Tin: PIIOXE BUSINESS PROMISING FIELD, Ft-ve.ra.l months, and all the time he will be getting more advanced instruction In the school. Ifarnlni? down to the utter- most detail tho Internal construction of the instrument himself. Perhaps, by the time he has mastered this bit of tech- nical knowledge lie is receiving 113 a week as reward for work well done and lessons well learned; and then, one tine morning, he walks Into the office to tlnd himself promoted to be an installer, with a ht-lper under him, at $1." or As a week. After a month or no of actual installing, for which be alone is responsible, ho receives still more technical training In the school. This time he learns the prin- ciples of telephone construction and oper- ation, and also low to wire up and con- nect what are. known as private branch switchboards— the central distributing joints in buildings and offices that have numerous branch telephones running from one room or apartment, or desk, to an- cther. AfUr ho has proved to the head of the school his ability to do such work practically, he becomes an installer of private switchboard?, or exchanges, as they are popularly called, at about $25 a week. TAUGHT TO SOLVE RIDDLES. Bo he poea on through the. various carefully graded courses of the Fchool until be knows all the basic phases of th« technical work of telephony. Includ- ing the details of the nlckel-tn-the-Blot Instruments, the party lines. the lntercom- xsunlcatlns telephones (local telephones ofed for connecting various rooms in the same building without getting outside con- nection), speaking tubes, etc. Cmo of the features of advanced Instruction is the hunting for trouble. The teacher lUes up all sort* of devices and cross wires, which might happen in any conceivable mistreatment of 01 accident to an ln- rtrument. and the pupil Is required to | discover the cause of the trouble and epply the proper remedy. Still another advanced course teaches how telephone Installation must be done !n what is known as particular work. By this is meant Installations in costly private urtirrrris where every wire must be eor.- | ccbltd and the work dene around rare fur- ' nlturo and brtc-«-brac The company ex- pects every Installer to be able to do such work a.- expertly as ho does Installing of the ordinary kind. After five or six years of instruction and practical work, first as an Installer's bel!>or and then a* an installer, your boy. having shown in th« mean time that he can handle nw-n. may be made foreman of an installa- tion district, with anywhere from fifty to one hundred men under him. and receive a talary of J35 to $40 a wet*. The n< xt pro- motion would logically be to chief foreman. over all the other foremen in a large dis- trict, with a Hilary of $3,000 tv $4.o0« a year. .Vot a bad salary—»" fact, far above the ' average. Hut the young man with ambition ; —with sufficient ambition to cause him to i rivet his eyes on the headship of the plan: department— will have realized early la the game that there are various lines of a.l- i vancement in technical telephony, and that the be« way to U<»me plant "h«ad~ Is to train himself In all the llnrs. Including the line just described, he will also strive to master th* cable department, which has ! to do with the laying of cables In subways on r the (street*, the wiring of buildings. making underground connections, under- Handing the wiring necessary for particu- j lar classes of installation, etc. THE WORK OF INSPECTION. Still another division of plant work is that of lnezx-ction. Inspectors are the maw u-bo make regular rounds la assigned di*- tricts to see that tho telephones are work- ing properly. Thty s««Ui in the school. Just as installers do. totting a aalary of $C a wrrk as students. When they are put 01 regular work thry are paid from $15 to ilk a week. and work up to what are known Im £D.=cial inspectors. at a salary of from •Si to $*7 attending to such Important work M tba Inspection of hotel sviltch- Finally a* innx-ctor. if he thows ability, J/SV <••* a wire chief, in chanie of the switchboard plant of a cent l office, at a r of frstn $I.— to U— >**r. Then be may boeorne a district tospecu,r. or rur*rvi*ii>* wire chief, for a larger tor- rtto^Tat from tS.OO« to *4.000 a year. .... ..<\u25a0:\u25a0 drpartmenta of inspection. i«Stall«t; .: or cable, your boy SSt be elected to co out and •»»•\u25a0« BOY'S LIFE WORK I*THE TELEPHONE SCHOOL The j, t y of a pupil ran** from ft to JlO •••*: H tit etart, -rt-.r.F to the city 18 which hr Uglna hi« hi* work studies. It •«\u25a0* evtry m of the bit cities jHwulum Uie ... telephone '«n*«ry opcratlio; therein maintains a •'•*••' echon] of Instruction In connection •fcb It* plant. The fccbool tn New York 'X-X. where bm are MMM telephones In *•*. i* tvpicaj of all the others, laid to Its jJMj s,s,<3 the lines of advanceroeut *** l"nl "n *»• here d**crtl*d. T ••• achvo' it tn - l.arc* of a* •«\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 »ho, at course, teachea «!veryUiinjr <* t0 ** learned about puitlng \u25a0• •\u25a0•"uuwiiU! to«ether (urn It Is <kr *<I; how the wires are connected **°I*rly. -.^j how to Install them and JJ 1 * tastrumtrsta in a bulldine and fix **•» rta<!y ?u r u««. Aft*r two or throo **eJa of lnstrucUon. dtmoartratlon and —WIII4 to lu*uie«. the boy will know •**'«» to be a«bt out a# \u25a0 Italpar to *• v ' thf \u25ba\u2666•puitr lnstallerii. *• tekUikr mate* coum-ction vrltb.thn •*•\u25a0•• wirt. or cablea ,»t in* •ou»no« c buiWing, conttoulEC taoai DCatU •••lU«j« and through walls to Urn par* rer ca *' toofu ia »Wch the 'phone U to ** totti'.lea. Then, when evcr>t WI3 C »• J*^r. he connects it* 'phone •««» witn JJ 6*6 * rcrt cr ttie py«t«n and turns \u25a0\u25a0 over. jj*^ aw Ufe> |a the traaV; •Jaa*r*Baaat- r? *• * very Important factor In the ROtat taawtry. ** Ld> er to un luttallrr your toJ " •*>»*• prot»b:r IS to flO l^*- *" *erk as a topper wtU continue for •:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I. VII. Lest *ctk 1 tola bo* a boy. eUrtins in •s k tr.c*st-:.{;cr at a few «3cllars a ••fc. *ah application and ambition could make fcSsself & i^»«t oi* the commercial d<s« of tit tr!*i<hoac industry. now rapidly •prei to every nook and cranny of tiis cOOStxy. To-day I x.urpose tt!!ito? M* « bv> vSm .-•.-! ksjow the first '\u25a0Af tbout .\u25a0\u25a0 Ulci.hone principle to besin *:tt ota equip mi-rtf for high otflc* and tour oa the purely physical, M techni- t*lmdc of the industry. IccsnirsJ telephony sounds lonnldable. <otea't it, oi7>eo:a!ly » \u25a0\u25a0• : you recall that Tt'-t l>oy Las utvf-r displayed, to your cer- *Jß> fcrcrwledpe. any pronounced leanings to rtofly enythlnc from the mechanical or twialcJ rl^c. Cut don't worry, «JtU- '•ii,:.:. it your boy makes ••'!' his mind thai !.»: v. < ;!J ;ike tu take cj» technical Vicj- B e=>. I'ruviJt-d l;« Is about elebtwn. a rudirr.entary -atlon and Is chock *"»'J of ambition f'.nd dctrnxilnation to f*-X •jead, Tl.. Ulephone coTtipatiy tillJ *ee> to ft thtt l.c grets t!:e ÜBOcamrf technical knot.. tfcia he may :.. of value to '!*:a \.> him«.!f. And if in cooa time reacs.es a porUion of ir«t x<ow«r in th* com^ny will not have been th« *!*t Tour^stcr to mount the «*« ladder to «ucc«^.<-. Your bjj.tiitn-lt having been decided 'Ut be |a poinz to make a <j«-ternstT.»- I tf- tan t., ku-ij « \ crytuinc possible to bo ••aWif. tbjut the physical Bide of the Wctticae butlxM^s—applies to what la «*»*!. *.: t.':,; jiiiirt department, tLe par- ticular *n^, iiisUiictive branch of the in- eatt-y that installs the telephone* and •"*!. t!.cm lv cood working order 363 days fc * jetr. At omt ii* doubtless will \u2666uryrtM>o to karn that he hut to bori' by •\u25a0••* to t^LuoL i.n.i lit* second wrprln *1U com* *.;*-» h<? la to'-d that, neverthe- *u> fcnfl : rtati<lln«-. »iU be an •cpioye <,f the company and will actually •» WiC v weekly war* while he is being fcstTßcted la i^:e a, U c's of technical W(J*cny M V J* E M E N T ~T NEW-YORK DAILY TRinrXK SUWDAY, XOVTCUBEtt 28. 1l)00. T

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Page 1: M V J* E M E N T ~T - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1909-11-28/ed-1/seq-59.pdf · THE NEW THEATRE Ctnt rark W*«l.«2- «3 Sts. T»».SSOO Col. Monday

THE NEW THEATRECtnt rark W*«l.«2- «3 Sts. T»».SSOO Col.Monday Ev».. m:ls mritmTues. Kve..

*(i.p-rn). .t'**ar and a«si«rmssa

W«tt Mat.. 2 <oD«r»> WertherWett. \u25a0>«• s:LS 'Mrit*Thurn. Mat.. 2 .»jittM»y *< iMtimir*Thur» Ev».. »;13


m. Ew., » tatoay A i%nMlf«Sat. Mat.. 2:13 ..'•trU*Sat. Ev».. » 1» <Premlart>) The >!«*•'•

Next TVa*k~JßV.n * Thurs. «»\u25a0-. 4 SMIMat. The lOSSsn Tue». Evr.

* Wrd. Ha*-.Th* fott'i^e In th* Air:Wed. &\u25a0 «*4t. Kvaja.Strife: Tburs. Mat, *aar uml Zlmm«noanr>(op«rat: Krl. Eve. L« rill*4* Mm* .Uia*a(opera ». Ma«t* two week* ina*)*ajß)**v Dr*jaa>*Z tn Me.:Opera. %T, tn t\.T.». .

Mad j DALYS M»tla»«

FRANK DANIELSIn thn N>w««t London

Musical Comrdy Buce«Aa.


\Vi»»5I,l»: 1...MLth* I'uunlwt M»n .11 th«3ln»lral Comedy -»ti«r.

Hnt MAXIXEELLIOTT'S I«£Br.anL mi- \ rK». j »°d

"'" S»th. t»t. irwayfe «t?> Ato.lJ

Pat,>3" I;:sa.

Forbes- RobertsonAbil nis London Company In

The Passing of tbt Third Floor BackT.y J.;rom« K. Jerome.

from "*f. J.im«p

and Terry** Theatre*.Over 300 Performance*.

Tele. « —^—iPrices »c toJMO4 WIPQT r\fi ILSfli ETt1:11Morn- "LOl LHUj Matx. Wod.ins- inth. W. of »th At«. and Sat. 2:lS-side. iW*d. Mat.. $L

FAVERSHAMinHU fp-ct-icclar HERODProduction of XXJEM X»KMU

to-day "•" ; vaVdettlt.r *alU'JAT r.>i. I moving ricrcuE3


TViinur- i _. _ IEt»s. 8:1S.Shubert Co.. MAIFSTIP I M«t»- Wed.ITops-Tele. IVLrVjEOlIV*| ftg»t.t:W.3r.i«> Coin. I B'way A 50th *. \V... Mat.Prices MLOU.



In the Host Laushibl-! of Colored Son* Shows.




"*<**V%S*myi*lto£l iflI- W 1 ifiQTCDniM THEATRE, lyrisi Vnni/ THKVIRE.ITway. 45 bt.



"WlinSlEILIM^^-|NEf YORK 7 %':I

gS j&"bis Best Flay ia r«rs".siE» J"" \u25a0"\u25a0 •\u25a0

Bc«T siinw COHAN'S BEST>

iiiaßi.--auw "tif luraa O.SI aiIJW laughing

inuy nocui ™«s&S6sgSf;fissS musical^^C}^JOHN DREW Qpxjpp FLA^wJ^^in His Greatest facc*M. 11 ITI |^ T7* V/^^^^ THE

INCONSTANT GEORGE tZ^"^ <#X*>^ MANrr the Authors of -Lova match**" SILVER--/ WHO OWNS—x-'N1



**th Rt • nc *r Broadway. With llll'KKLtWATSOV * r««t n*TftftlUOSOfI rw;nndla^ ,,lMMSt-"ce*a WATSON A Cast o. 100.


last s times LIBERTY TII!'A,TItK;"-:1 tv WVst GAIETY thiiwrk.4« et * ir»»r.

I?;.5SEnt SiDMsfrsss™. THIRD MONTH! IOTH WKE" $

CMAKJUU3 FROliaiAX rreaents «* TIIOOT.ON prewnti | COHAN A HARRIS present *

KYRLEBELLEW Tfll^^LDA ¥\^d^Ks"fiSIThe Build)rof Bridges TALI/VFERRO FORTUNE *Trie DUi!ci3rot bridges Bbri T.lUfrrro

,,,,mply and. Trw-T^nnimra s

•LEFT Or THE FEASOVS orTWTS." unaffectedly rplendld. VfltlNG- Q-M B I|%J H LH »*? CCCTOJ —111

—liIT Tltß^ ha* act tin- NEW THEA- ££ \J I\lM. Milfi>L »

nnil nm 6 FF.AT SAI.C ' ;—

The Smart Bet Marazin«. T BEST PLAY IN TOWN i5fflQHit UtOi\u25a0

0 OVENS TIICB9. -SPRINGTIME- Is a.fur above

J»!t|, .|OII\ ItVIIKYXOIiI I*BiiA-i'Y U HARRIS nrtfceats af lt* «»•"»• and ranks fur abova with .IOIIV UARRVSIORK. Q

Grace Eliiston i-rxr s^ssii^rs-ssin^sIaEQUW 6»ll!OayiI I—_

# fc m h=A pS |t Jjr :;>-,,>i ft.. \u0084^ar II-lannu'ELlFE sprivc.tiivih:" Uflßßlbil

-U« « omrdy. VHUU%l*Wa.li%a. Ny TARKiN-CTON & wiLSQ.v. _ "MORE POWERFUL THAN 'THE

by Harris Ford *uTnii i Daji*



———NVIFCHINQ HOUR.' "—Tribune.'

IVl^CITPI i?th ffttinV nrV.B^.Mr*y- "

rh* Ptwagtrt Way >lr. Thomas Has

UDSCH TKtaTiE SPECIAL LCIJI1KS,.':'* «""":" """'\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084.-., „„•\u25a0EE iRMaURTISr-wo,:U3. . . LAST 2 WEEKS THE^^tSStS



ron: Tuli:THur- fri. '^222S££^fer HARVEST MOONM'tdU. MATINi:n> AT :« O'CLOCK. Tl.e Famous IVt*«tiv«-Thi«;I'lay. APArIAI1 |]BA||

«51f nittv AR^FNF llfPIN~ GEORGE HASH

t;oi and ex-|| MI!I|J M|b\ObUllbU L.U \u25a0 I\u25a0\u25a0 "It •\u25a0 not ofun tl.at an uudienco K»txjvr»-::.'lfi.uf ces-.i El 51 112 •\u25a0\u25a0'^^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0s» sssi^sf \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 «i much or b*iit So cogently expressed."tur« msrkej !j IIW 111 By C«> ProiM*t &. L»blar... —Sun.ttr xrnrk." . mv rAf*LSI A Ft!.. \i?c. 1. Last Niclit thU Season. 'It has been some- time since anything—

IKraifl |!V IIILnilV f0 mterestlns tie* been produced here."•Iwm of evr-I.X a Hf ("<•% MOM»AV. i.m IS. land the

—Times _

a «i i3 »-r repertoire ©f flnlt ILmrtOl ITh^a.rt- c«i),nr. f%IfBJ V Mat.. Thur».*Sat..at 2:15!«.„..: n-ic"

'UIMTin rtlftrp !n W- *aier*W Maugham

-I|lH|>|| *#a^W»^l rT NK MoKEE..Manager

\u25a0v/t,:.,,.,.... i: HINDOO li^.CtS \u25a0» "\u25a0« .^.noy^.^.r.w..a MftßCftF.E f SKXT!RiTEßiONt^B.3'^ RfIISKEHiOGRER «SZ^ ANGLIN in {gg*

TIM 4.UKIT II\\ ••! THE YEAR. i'fllLTims U..J,,. f)*. 40' *


•IIK.K11. tut rtlrrinr clirau."-HeraldJ lwUlll 111116 ITIQIQSy, ÜBC. lU IflC UiCOCu'V1 ">I.UI'iRK.U'way &•^TIITNTMU'S ia Its forcf—Tribune "A MERRT WIDOW NIT." JUt IIIIIIII0

"°th st

-.Ev«"- V°-|MJI.MITTIN«iV°--|MJI.MITTIN«i *u?Prt.i*.*—Sun. A MERRY WIDOW UIL —"""OfW- UUL "LULUU jiats. Wed. and Bat.••M«»KI> Jieavlly."—Tln.e*. CHARLES FROHMAN presents IACT1 QI/ WEtKSCHARLES ritOIIJIAX(.resents The Be»t of AllMusical Comedies.

*)™3» **/2 »» IjCiHlJ

ISRAEL THE DOLLAR climax• "t.MU lirP.XKTETX. Author of PRINGESS''"

i: ™ IM*X «"' DEC. 22. ' Ti'iii•tn(j or "samson." IIIIHUkUU

-1iii;ri.ni.w" UZLVsm <£><£.

"X UKAMAIIr«r!N.;->Iro >\u25a0..'..:. .- ,^ ;„,...,.;.:v*v!;,. _-.||T|7|rT ?D

"P~sf UflllfICC

\u25a0 V'V1-1 i^ -v'V \u25a0'- |1--' *r«'^ •"*\u25a0 n"v.vi*

Vim0.,", Vf,^-'.'V.^.v'^v., To•Nife H IjR. G. ElriOWLEi•« lite f w.r. in,111. in,, iimimiiik -.•\u25a0\u25a0. ••\u25a0\u25a0... I111 vcru2;ns

AMERICAS FOKtMoSt THEATRES AND HUS-U.NUcK DiKHclluN UF SAM S. AND LEE SHIB INC.i .. - . T«L44 •^~~^T^^^TT^~~~!T" ]if>r Tt.l» i


"ft* ».Lew Kleld^ Eves. 8:13. Bryant. HACtCE'TT I "•»»»• Xl«" LVT^It" *"Wkrr

Murray oCraia 3q. wed. , fv«. l ..... 4M.\V.otiry: II isat, >>el !«a. W. efV**r | f.turdA/Hl'-l. j»\u25a0 wny and :;-,,v. Pi. |I Sat.. 2:15 b :;, I— 1 I«;i3. 8;13 «« .̂ Only- S

WEDNKfcUAY MAT. REST SEATS $1.50. H.VRRISOX GKEV ll>Kf pr«^nt. IMI WHIIMY o<»i»*to. pfe*«sts


Mat!c by Victor Tt-'-rt Book by Edear fc_ B^ II|V| If sK.VnON ' »««•" N

K-nlth: Lyric* by \u0084.-.r. V. .«.: . • Staged %*»»--^ \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 W Vo|

,, „,\u0084„ %,„ ... S2UVEHI.IS.by KM wayburn.

a Hunt of (h.irmin« t.lrla.\u25a0 B/ Philip LlttelU t.U*.It < \-r

awUtC"*'**100 I'isyer* and a Ho«t of (harming tilrls. CLt"«"»>r


NKW YORK TRIIIO'K:"OLD DUTCH"has „„_«, , .ll'ltit':: . w» M ....... •••Tiur-a n«! V

SIKA^'^KS;aA««-|:~C:OMEOY iHS^ LYHIC-SPMUL-iITIIEtS DILI.rra..'ful (iit..-^. \u25a0'«.•> !..:'« ».hlt-h clamor

'££££C<-r»lfc.tJY >, , . ilon...rue,ilon...rue,. Wed..Thur,.nar.U.t=:l=.«\u25a0 r"!

-• '-

\u25a0• •"• ri**»*l— rtiaaa- . -"itja Itea.. Ts*a. W*l. Th«ra and Fri. at II

ma.-hin*s. an<t there are chance* for Lew lit. c,.'"' '

\u25a0\u25a0' ;•"

Fields to I- runny. He t«kes advantage of Uvff!LS:3-


S^S sht^t" klLo'rkILo'r,ocou0ccoup,


c.h.kV h8 103th TIME TC-MDnRGW HISHTM« YOHK T!MI->: Lew Field* is MillLew fITIIfTTr'PirXt? f% I1« jf^ WF% m*\ WmtField.. "OLD DUTCH" la a jlay anil not

I* TT 1111aUWIi/1^ LaT I\M%*7 IX\J Khbrun-.p-te.tdcity collection cf conga. It is \u25bc\u25bc fillA 3L-J VJ El7JL-/ EmP IW IV Hmfunny and the lyrics are ritchy. It •' a .v , t. v... T v<vi-virt-^rrr\TT*r.vir«o,l chow and tn-.le a hit last nlKht. IN \u25a0" XIL'


CREAT PLAT. Ensll-h Version ay Stanlsltus Btasta*.NEW YORK HKKALII: "Tha musical num. r n/1 r^¥ *TT*\u25a0IV T 4~~* HAT wlth MART BHAVT. MAfl> FEALV. JOHNber. mere numerous and tuneful and th« IX IW r"Illl\II I-*III CLEXDINNINO. EBEN r»rTJ! ANDcomedy of •» Flew* was infectious." »\u25a0«

Itll_<L<11iIVJ 1 V/ \u25a0 JoHN WESTLET.Till: EVENINO MAIL: "Let it be nail at

'"M.miienre born of •niritiiU Intensity \u25a0

one« and with emphaj.W that 'OLD DITCH' Onf ,X from l7n better Wat riot •» better«mo to the Herald >n:;tr- . -• night and \u0084,(„.., I>r,hr \u0084-\,i a Wn.11.-r «n.l more J.'e. . . ResuUr

?2Z&*!Z&l«: t^2!™^L«Jl??. h»pr...i hH,,.--,^,,. „«,..i,»>. ,\u25a0.-..;» •

CAS3 NO «^«was Mr. KleM» at h1» be»t." _» T,„ t_.L riudj I!l!I- I"

wayand 39th St.!ISaturday.••'\u25a0' KVKNINiiSIN: "Ifiiyears slnc^ any ... BROADWAY Kiset- Evca. S:J3. - „,,„.,' "^

? ta« ,ha, revealed a lovelier bevy or nrVant BROADWAY1 sSSTwe* n. -, n^V^lkT«Ts,«^

WrioURNAI. OF COMMKRCE: as Then.. cor.^st.'fSat. Wed SAM BERNARDFields- new pla/ -OLD IHTCH' Is a thr«e

*-1J-«,.w« \u0084 .. «

«-»*J»%*^Z M. AmM*

time winner. (»LUDUTCH" in a smashing LEW THE MAMMOTH la a New Comedy with atmlß.fln« show which will Iron the wrinkles or FIELDS' ***«-• TItODUCTION. TM(, s-irt* »vi. iVTninnworry out of the most furr,w.d far* end li/f *f/% T\T¥f^1SITCfil^JC ™L GIRL Tn? WIZARDrarre In th^-m line* of lau*htrr. It Is all liH « 2I\» mAlll\u25a0 3l»ll3fun and life and color and melody, ana

••***-**«*"-\u25a0»\u25a0» » UVllkJ Rook. J.HarOey Manners; Music. Julian »,ri.i

there 'l* never a lull."'

STILL TAINTINGTHE TOWN" RED. l:l-sc«t Ca-Oiio Hit 51nee Haute Was Unlit.

"—\u25a0'\u25a0'. COMPLETE GHAH6E OF GIBGUS PROBRAM TMoaai^^^KSiS^•'nl•laßr4\^ l*ivbti^il!BsSFESfIDo !Ti",,":, >":,:,„HU

ifAvi^igB Wail aTraMaH 0 mf^^W • \iW^o *UlwS'3 °' 'he lTipp»drorr • Pone to the st**e. Jn icarian

s^HflUUSAy»^fl»> ASTQ^SKMS ASRA^CF mm ACTS.k *- t,

% I L- U *^ a^kIml a^L^LIA' 9al —^BK fc. y HK^X P Juflaß 1 W V J 4^39 IpWf £*WJaS f \u25a0 .r- T~» ' s |. \u25a0*

E. R I E S afl J^m bCmW ||H wtfMt. Jjow *BT»»^ vVB iijMf' Jy^j5Et 'X^mm ' '** lM 'I'^ *


feuaratoH § SB""!ft^L^LW H^ f^^*A O«^l ffi^^lCI«er Eau"triaii" iTrch K^niriy!Kea«t of T.n Thou- _l?ni™'

\u25a0 tTNmwI HfSt*wm'""

mmmf.t "l jilt Larolle», .\rr«ihnt»:**nd Waterfall of Living MTfTir^JI



'li*f~r""irW^m !iffM "111—f ~1~ J

' ' ]'

MoonlUht—Gem Clad Girls "in Dazzling \u25a0 Ifism&.^al ft13^1^hH WWmM sKSS E^MJ W'rf^Maf BISJjIB M-'ralt»M -'ralt»Divertissement

—Uncle Sam's Haul*IluVIHIH BBfeißß R *^S mSo£. 113r^£"S QIrVS rrunj^e.


«.J so' lli.iniM,-»L\OUIS. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0W^A-ai Nilat i TufWit JL .'iiiJ3Lag£/affci ft ILnl I-J Wonder s."'\u25a0'\u25a0•"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: Produced '

v R. H. Uirr.«M.. Invented and Scenic Effects by Arthur VoegtHn: Lyrics and Misle by Manuel Klein.HKAI> TUB INTERVIEW WITH CHARLES DARNTON IN THE MK\IKW. Ol'T TO-DAY.

/symphonyNSociety of New York

WALTER DAMROSCH, Conductor.This (Sun.) Afternoon at 3

NEW THEATREsolomt Rachmaninoff

Symphony In C. MOZART: Concerto No.3 for piano, with Orchestra. RACHMAN-INOFF <new. first time): Arlequin. LALO(tint time); Marvh Jo;eus<-. CHABRIER.

Next Tue»day Eve.. Nov. SO. at 8:15.

CARNEGIE HALLRachmaninoff soloist


-60c. to $2 at IV. S4th St. *

New Theatre and Carnesia Hal!,


Oratorio Society of n. V-Dr. Iraak l>-.unro* li Conductor

First Concert.Wednesday Eve., December Ist. at 8:15.

Beethoven's MASS IND'Ml» I.AI X*COMBS\il« m i•» Kin \iv

Solotsta: "l.Mlt. »\u25ba I!> MillHI

OIK. lIEKUEKT Hirill|>l'lK>N

Tickets utt eta, to 81.50. 1W. 34 Et. 4V B*aPace.

NBNDEI IIN' IIAM..Fir«t Concert Wed. i:*eninu. l>ec. 1. at s:ls.

Olive Mead Quartet:-!.•\u25a0. $t.r>0

—at TV>« Office. Mpnd^lii>ohn II-


EtiWARD&BELES&CoIn on« set playlet, "SELF-DEFENCE.-fcpec iFeature; UrlKiiialDv- XtrrnF«atureAlAlllllP rnonds, 3 Dolce OflMll &iTIrtUUIC puters. Fiddler loUilll CCI*lI\P I*Sh*lton. FouHqc VTHVCLI.IC ißojce*. others. DcMUi>


<?*'id Attraction, the Popular Favorites."^My^HYBLA^iEHiCH'JLSUy

rOLOMAL,\u25a0\u25a0;, \u25a0\u25a0„-\u25a0 ,W CONCEPTS TO-9&/ 1TO-HiGHTWEEK UEGINNING TO-MORROW MAT.

DJR mm m mam prtsen«neUA R •\u25a0 "I/AMOURBO? 4**lAsa 1C DE L,"ARTIST."I'\t a r-^-.-. h«*t * l^-i. l'n-..n a

HH<PV lID C »*«reure. M*k«—nl.aIJ4!i[ll |IQ.''t Tronpe. Edm. M«nley

LEGIINr .'-\u25a0• •*• ° Dv-


A.Mia Attraction. the Clever Monologlsi.


HAMMERSTEffTS\u25a0 \u25a0 VICTORIA. 4id St..B'way &TU»Are.

IHVS'Stt. t -Niiiif\u25a0\u25a0'*, 50cca k bus dem ak. goldberg,<•JIAKI.IK case, WII.LAItD SIMMS *co.. Avoncomedy 4. A texas woo-ING. RADFOItD A WINCHESTER.DOIIEUTT & IIARLOWE. iIcGLOYN &SHELLEY. VITAGR.VPII.



New and Orlfinal Sun?".THE 6 MLSICAL CUTTYSHOWARD &NORTH .. Lack m WellingtonWAfcD &CL'RR V\...1he \u2666 c JudgeANDY Kit £ . ...Hfbrrw ComedianPOSF & RUSSELL . . Aerobic . ancersHASTINGS & YVILSGV. Comedy AcrobatsAMhRSON & 60IMR. .Colored inner.B LIE 6RDON. . . .The Athletic GirlNEW VirAGKAPHIC V|[>S .. . Other*

C>¥ Y^IYT Ciray and 30th EL Et S3. t: s:l3. Popular Prl.-» M»tine« H>-i.IjltlUU Phon« Mad. Sq. 1530. Mats. Isi \u25a0 sat a-. 13.

•/ rj \u25a0 \ rue her vii> 8-UD:

A PLAY / MIO \ "The dialogue

FULL OF /NAME\ of the play

mm** /on the \ «"';«-._::..., / poo r \ 'p'«»--;-

• unwniv ncrLii' c j £ mats ok sat^e tbxrsdat>BEGiy.M.\G KCHSAYf Dsl/tW LEd b 3rESSHS. SirCBERT ANNOUNCE


J& d?^. mrSO *G\ KXCX B*way&43U». Eve. >>:15. Matineea T7»d. and Sat. 2:15.£k C«T nfi »» ttU W^ant>^a>«y Mnilnce Joe.-11.20.

&Z1 H WL J3 b5^T WAOE.VHAT.S *KEJIPKR ilia^^ersif'm^^ 1 \u25a0 m SEATS 10 WEEKS l> ADVVNCt.-«*oekej the town .illy."—\u25a0>•. World. R«al r«m of the »«a»on"--Tele«rapn.••00 to the A<tor and lau«h.-— T«la«ram. 'Ii --iy. cl*an •mu«tn».»-H.rald"

-Saven Days* isa comedy J«w«L-—Com'! -Catchy onilka a houaa aCr*"-;Kv^Bar.

"i^SEVEN DAYS- ta"°

l^*"E7 Mar/ Kob«rt» Illßtaart and Arary Hopwo<xl

a-riS ACADEMY OF MUSIC iSi.",sri-Last Week, Prices 25c. to $1.50.

PAID IN.FULL,i;EXTRA 1"'1"' HENRIETTA CROSMAN In SHAMWAILACH'S 12'waT St SOth. Ev«». 8:13. Matinees Wed. and Sat. 2:13.VVAILALIiS rofl'L.\ii.mattset. Wednesday, trices sue. ro atjso

o \u25a0" -o Q.f4 NT14 OF TIIEGREAT

] "Tlr.«lln*with th» hot t>ra*lh ' OJ %J •»\u25a0 W•« 1 la NEWSPAPER VLAT.of e>jtit».inporajy American Ufa. j .*Aa aliv« ii.ito-dajr*i paper I* 883 1 filL IB \u25a0 \u25a0wh*n it conn up to the city j JT \u25a0_

A Mnß 111 km aJ\ a £^,ro.,m dam* from tb* press.

•\u25a0 fSfl «tS. \u25a0nf *l<f|l

Tha Fourth Batata' Is the sort . I1IEMI MH \u25a0 ImmlMm'of criticism which makea our H IfcCM g|l]lUl||I«tage much more, worth wMIe." "\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0 *^ ™ "^^ ™ ™'

4UIAIEK -\u25a0*


MAN ATIAN opeka irotsE. ;

MR. USCAK HAMMERSTEIN Dirt t.rPrlc«»: Or Op.. 15 to SI. Op. Cowl«iu.\ S3 to Tic.•

Til nil***.!ICRAM) OrEBATIOllrmuol concert

METROPOLITAN OPERA HOISEEvenings at I Saturday Matin-- at 3.


PEPITO ARRIOLAT?l« Remarkable Pay Plapi»t (Plr. R. K. John-don). Mmn. mill.T. «;!.( CX: . MM.CLEMENT.. ,M rt ITIIEKSPUOX. KNTtRRMF.TltOl*.!>;:« 11. 1..-11 Mil.MAX RENDIX.

Ta-murroi* Etc- at 7:30—

Lobeojrrln. Mm«».rr,m«ta>l. Homer: Mat. Jsrn. Gurtts. ll.nch-lev. M-ih'maJM. Con.l. H^rr*

W>d. Ers.—

IITroT«ton». Unto HaMil Melt-ioMk:MM.='1.-<:ik. Oiltf. Raul Coml.. T:mjo

Thur«. Evg.—

L* SjnWaw. Mmes. »Mi AJ-tro; MM. Bond. Amito. olaneli. a* fJagiiwHyPlnl-CorsL Ananl.m. Cond.. Podeatt.

FrL Eve—

Adi••..-. Urnutr: MM.Caniso. A-nato. \u25a0tur. Rohl. Condr.. T.>*.-««tnl.

Sat Mat.—

WIIII. Mmea. AM*. Wtekbani:MM. Slrsak. Sonttt. a...I,.-!\u25a0•, Wltharaaof.liada. i"nnJ., Tcscaninf.

Sat. Evg*.—

Ti«nTihnrii'»*r. Mm»i. DIDIMian.T*r*mataU. »pa>rsjra: MM. Burrtan. Wbttchli:.lllacklej-.Reisa. MUhlmann. Cood.. Hern

.\l thi» >>»» ThMtrr.Tu. ». Kvr. Nov. r.o

—1 •

-.*\u25a0 > i.l /iiiiii«-.i.iii»Mm.» Altrn. MattfvUt; MM. J-.rn. >or**ll.KilM,thrill.M ilutikitnn, Blaaav Cun<l.. Herts.Wed. Aft. HaHan at 3 . Wrnh'r

r.r.,.,ui»r» .\r-ii>rtnv uf Mimlr.On* Clock from tho Atlantic Aye. VubWay St'n.

To-tr)«rro\r atvg. at *—To<tn». Mm«s. Far-rar, Wickrum: MM. Martin. »cottl. CUnoll.Auanu: Cond.. T^o>»



TO-DAY , :,• ? "is SHHWSUV#k U"e'.nnlnff TO-MORROW MATINEE.

HARRY UNDER111 in.hr >-1..i0 rum »plr». ; Vrr*»off«.f»'.n A HrrNrrt.DtvU M »»*.i..r •>thrr».

i-H' MJGHOLSON *nt r<O«TOiDec. Oth

—<ir<>r<i- la-.h«ouil. Seat--* Not.

TUB? 131 17A S»TH <*T. A>O

IaWJKaWMl»nl!y Mat*. ZSe. Etb. iS-io-T.V.

TC-J-if U%£ 2 BiQ SftO#S\u25a0W«#k B««lnnln* TO-MOItUO\ViIATXNKE.HOUK MORTONS


WILLIAM DM.111 Ik. 11 of others.

.km ;r .KM>>-


j •*«**Mi. to II30.


EDWIN (.RAiStviol l\ MMU\I

1. $1 '*>. V. N. Of. Ulr.M.It.lUcwn, \u2666;? 3 «V«

TO-fflflBSOW .FIERIIIF'MKM)H.»>OII\ MALI.. Son* lt.-«-lt«l

ELIZABETH KINGt*at» 75c to 11.50. MASON & HAMLIXfiASO.

s«e. TO fl.S*Special EnKagemrutthe RHSSSSa 'Cellist.

Joseph tmimAIMJlm«. CARMEN-lIKLIS. OnVll

nEACHE. MIRANDA.BARON; M:>! ZEROI.A.CAIUSA. DKVKIES. OU.XimE. iIUBKRT.HL'UKUUEAU. I,.\MvIN. irtI'KAL'LTand En-tlrt- Manhattan Op«ra Orchestra. M. da laKufnt*.dlr

To-morrow (Mun.t at *—S.\IMIO. Miss Car- :den an.l rrKulnr ca*t. T':

-«Op. Comiqu«>


LKfl DKAGOX9 DC niHR*. W»d.. I>.»-iM- !BUI—DAI..II1! OK TIIK ttfOOtEST,Mm»«. Titraninl. Dvcbene: Mr. McConuack.m o:iil.ert. Foiloxvod by r\(iUA('CI. Mil*. ,Trtntinl; MM.Zerola.. Simm.ircr>. <*ra»>b*. Dtr..

M «!«• I*Ku«nlc. Fri—


-Aiv»r«i; MM Hmau.l. Durtault.•TaMi'. Vaill^r Virol** T)lr. M.dt> U Pu*nt*

'Sat. Aft.


Mian liarden: MM. ltrnautl; Dufrunnf. I.uc.i^. iI.**kin. Ilubcri]«-aj. Craake Dlr.. M. de laKiifnte. Sat. Evj. (Op Comiuu»>— CHlME,-*OF .NORMANDY.



THE MUSES<oicritiin:E mm mi >«)

Andk.i • Snrr!i«-lt» |!M| Saodpn<irrtrud \ .d Axrn Thamur !)•• .sulr-kr

InTheir Reptitoir* ofCLASSIC lUD SYKPi;O^IG OA.C:'.

(Direction M!«« Andrews)rricra SOo to >: Boxes Sltl anil |2t.

Tlck«-t» Now on Sale.

CnrncsW* IIill,Tfcur.-* Eve.. am 2. f»»a«» No*S3 Conctrt \»t N*w York* L'niqiMOrsanUation.

D..A^!:AeA ISCb£liO»SlfRussian ''\u25a0"\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0""-!!IIW*» w \u25a0 *-««S \u25a0 .\lJrich. M«imM ii'iinvv MM IFI» Sopraao.M»l.O.»l.

MCDHST ILTSCHULErI, Conduator« »H\ri,i n \ti.. .-..r- .- Aftm.1'^:,.6.5l5l



MADAME- Itl\\< 111 A ITAI.Due. to »l.r.i>. M.»n.iß--inntt I.^ulon Charlton.

CnCil MUSEE ?*%&.sT* I\u25a0 sf \u25a0\u25a0 Thl».%U»rnuon and Ev»ntr.gM.U8.11 EBCN3 SUCBED COICERT

irviko $^&s^™*i£g>PUCE 'Die Fledermaus

"TUILITIIKBat. Mat. FuliU's Jug' u4fr»un I'



4lih. near



lUlltuflnI»«« Thur.day.fc————\u25a0 Saturday at 3:13-



TtiE EASIEST WAY,i«! am haft ii 4-^4 -^ \u25a0 l



Ska.. S:l3.

sth !' f FVPVOsr. TOf WEHB TO^««•.. WAKE IP SOME MOUN-



TIKE |i YoiToo* ;

Is PatrimonyI A Failure ?

LTO-NIGHT •.»i ad T -M3.!H <rN.) 3:31g "THE SUDAN"

_HWJ Prjc«» $1 .".0. $1.00, "5c.. Si*.N.xt Wtr-lC SXCtLT

\u25a0PMUMD ntiu Ti»r«>«» (\u25a0•«!•.

l)«r. 7. Jan. M,lib.r:. Kvf*.at 8:13

AUcLE MrGiilES TRIO\ rlr »! .«. \u25a0»

« •»l-Jl-..-».i jIe»;i..W l.ltrhtfnlwns.VtnllnBox o.i.i. ILeo >chnl». 'Cbllo

v|MIH»H'l|NII\|I TUf«. All.Nov^SO. 3.

B»MaiuI>cit:il. WM. A. D»da

We tv $1.80. MiwiiA llamlln I'tano M m

Krlth M Pro. tor nil1 <> TIT HOUI.D

»li AU ••\u25a0 *Mr*. Jim,n»

S- \u25a0• AY. Ilirr..


«'»ilrt» of IliKunjr,IV-l>.il)Mat*., !i-M ili*f»*o Brw«.. . t.r.ilit i...rt.

l«ltv,ilv >•« l-'.-iurr'.

Tu-dar -v r:r.,:,h,| "\u25a0\u25a0.' W. *\u25a0 *\u25a0*">•<

l*»e CVITIHO*T •">> **

kinkIbC dUMllsia «SUtU SU & Columbus .v\*

SWARMING BEES' SCOUT.Swarms ot bees are sometimes compelled

to take refuge In very remarkable MM)

A peculiar and instructive lnstnnce wasobserved by the writer in the spring ofMOS. The swarm fiev over a large vineyardwhich contained low building*. One ofth<ne bullilinKS vtnk constructed of hollowconcreto blocks. The awn mi new directlytoward a small hole In one of the blocksand disappeared 1:1 the interior. So doubttho swarm had 1. *'••'!.•, a tree or shrubon tho preceding day and bad sent out

•-•.., seek a hume.Th« acout found th« little hole leading

'Into th« Brent ravlty of the concrete block,and reported their discovery to ti. if 1 am-rades. Tht.-t cam* furnish** indisputable)proof that swormtni; bees* really send outscouts, us they ara believed to do. for thelittle hole could not have be<en discoveredli. the rapid and lofly night Of the swarm.—

Sclentlnc American

On another occasion the inspector gen-

eral of customs. Sir Robert Ifart himself,

was visiting Canton, and in the evening atdinner was obliged to apologize to his host-ess. "You must excuse my costume." het-al«l, "for the customs have seized my

boxes." It was indeed true, as one of his

Chinese servants, never suspecting that theInspector general's personal effects wouldbe disturbed, fonied \u25a0 syndicate with someenterprising friends, and half-fllltd one ofthe trunks In his charsa with contraband.

SALT OFTEN CONTRABAND.Salt, that dally necessity of life, being

a government monopoly in China, Is sub-ject to official regulations which arid to Itscost and lessen its quality. The duty In-directly paid on this article may M styled

the Income-tax of China, since all must usethis" everywhere Indispensable commodity.Salt, therefore, naturally comes within thescope of the contrabandist, ass] smuggledsalt, by reason of its cheapness, commandsv ready sal'-. Itdiffers from opium, how-ever. Inasmuch as Its bulk renders con-cealment difficult and landing Itat Its des-tination risky. The majority of salt smug-glers arc, therefore, the Chinese crews ofthe carrying vessels, working lv conjunc-

tion with accomplices ashore. It Is asoften as not con?ealed among the bunkercoal, and kept there until a favorable op-

unity for landing presents itself.At one of th« river ports tome years

beck the criiiie of *ImN running" assumedsuch startllug dimensions that extraor-dinary precautions to rut a stop to It wertIntroduced, which proved efficacious for atime. Later, however. It was noticed thatsampans, or smtll boat*, mnnneU by thoseunhappy outcasts, leper*, were becomingmore numerous, and It was soon discov-ered that they were engaged to land thesalt, us It was perhaps not unreasonably

CFsumed that customs offk-eri, howeverzealous, would at least respect the Inviola-bilityof tins** ratal craft, and It was notuntil the aid of the local magistrate wasInvoked that these adjunctlve smugglerswere forbidden the port.— Chambers' Jour-Mli

mer squall under the hugle paddle spon-sons of a well known river steamer. "Isthat you?" Inquired a voice from above inChinese. "Yes." replied the customs of-i.ter, with quick perception. "Then catch."answered the mysterious Interlocutor, pass-ing down half a dozen balls of opium, theshare of which meant much prize money

for tho lucky gigs crew. The smuggler

was. of course, waiting for a confederatewhom the customs ofnc?r unwittinglyfore-ataltad.

METHODS OF SMUGGLERS.Many are the methods adopted and the

precautions taken by these nimble evadersof tho law. Floats and sinks, the out-come of the most fertile imagination andthe most careful study, are the most fre-quent means us*-d. and at a given signalfrom the khore the VMMconsignment Isdropped overboard from one of the pala-tial river steamers running between Cantonand Houg Kong, to be eventually pickedup at a convenient time by receivers onland.

On one occasion a handsome cat, withkittens, was noticed on board one of these*steamer*, and after a time it was re-marked that the kittens did not appear totrow any larger. An Inquisitive customhouse officer InCanton found upon exam-ination that they v- all dummies, filledwith opium, and it was recalled that thinlucrative Imposition had been going on for

vteks.Again, the Canton customs night patrol

going the rounds of the crowded harbortook rhelter one night from a violent sum-

Inall countries the evasion of fiscal ob-ligations Is considered no wrong, and "pass-Ing the customs" Is generally regarded asa tax upon personal rights. So much Is thinthe case that those who render unto C*:-gar that which Is Cs»nar's generally do soto escape a worse evil, ami seldom fromany moral conviction as to what is right andwhat is wrong. In this one r«-«!>ect,at least.East and West may be said to have met.

for In no country In the world has the art

of smuggling reached a higher standardthan In China and In no part of Chinalu.vo smugglers become so daring or ?\u25a0> In-genious as In the Mr.iui.j Canton delta,

whoso innumerable and intricate water-ways Fpread their welcome arms to shieldwrongdoers and embarrass pursuit.

John Chinaman is a born gambler, andas ofifa a* not stakes hi*acuteness againstlawful authority merely for the love ofIlay. He reckons that If lm "gets through"some four tlm«s out of live hia accountwill show a. balance on the right side, an<lhe will thue have a Ktnnll profit, combinedvlth tho excitement of the game. Thatthis Is the spirit of many Is a proved fact,

as the tame men have been caught red-handed again and again, and the merefact of their persisting indicates that therela both money to bo Mala and recreationto be found in the practice.

The heavy duty on opium and the com-parative case with which itcan be secretednaturally place it in the front rank ofdeferable contraband, and many a ball ofthe seductive drug has found Its way intoCanton from that acknowledged base andhappy hunting ground of criminals, theBritish free port of Hong Kong, withouthis imperial majesty Kuaug Hsu being a.cent the richer.

Kittens Filled tcith Opium—


Surprised Night Patrol—

Even Lepers Used.

CHINESE EFADEES OFcustoms cuanau


new plants in large communities, startingwith those comparatively small, and work-Ing up through those of Increasing im-portance, till he had proved his abilitysufficiently to be the plant head of euch adistrict as Manhattan and The Bronx ingreater New York

Thu last direct promotion would be to thepo-sition ofgeneral plantsuperintendent, who isthe brad of all physical departments of thebusiness and is one of the most importantofficials of the company. Of course, theman able to administer such a po?t as thisIs not far from the general managershipand the presidency, to which your boy may—at least theoretically

—aspire. As plant

superintendent, his salary would be notjust two or three or four thousand dollarsa year; and as president— well, It is need-less to say he would bo well paid.{.Copyright. 190?, by the Asxxlat.-i Literary


Ud Receive Technical In-

struction and Matt Ad-

:cnce Rapidly.


Ft-ve.ra.l months, and all the time he willbe getting more advanced instruction Inthe school. Ifarnlni? down to the utter-most detail tho Internal construction ofthe instrument himself. Perhaps, by thetime he has mastered this bit of tech-nical knowledge lie is receiving 113 aweek as reward for work well done and

lessons well learned; and then, one tinemorning, he walks Into the office to tlndhimself promoted to be an installer, witha ht-lper under him, at $1." or As a week.

After a month or no of actual installing,for which be alone is responsible, horeceives still more technical training Inthe school. This time he learns the prin-ciples of telephone construction and oper-ation, and also low to wire up and con-nect what are. known as private branchswitchboards— the central distributingjoints in buildings and offices that havenumerous branch telephones running fromone room or apartment, or desk, to an-cther. AfUr ho has proved to the headof the school his ability to do such workpractically, he becomes an installer ofprivate switchboard?, or exchanges, asthey are popularly called, at about $25

a week.

TAUGHT TO SOLVE RIDDLES.Bo he poea on through the. various

carefully graded courses of the Fchooluntil be knows all the basic phases ofth« technical work of telephony. Includ-ing the details of the nlckel-tn-the-BlotInstruments, the party lines. the lntercom-xsunlcatlns telephones (local telephones

ofed for connecting various rooms in the

same building without getting outside con-nection), speaking tubes, etc. Cmo of the

features of advanced Instruction is the

hunting for trouble. The teacher lUes

up all sort* of devices and cross wires,

which might happen in any conceivablemistreatment of 01 accident to an ln-

rtrument. and the pupil Is required to

|discover the cause of the trouble andepply the proper remedy.

Still another advanced course teaches

how telephone Installation must be done !n

what is known as particular work. By

this is meant Installations in costly private

urtirrrris where every wire must be eor.-| ccbltd and the work dene around rare fur-'nlturo and brtc-«-brac The company ex-

pects every Installer to be able to do suchwork a.- expertly as ho does Installing of

the ordinary kind.After five or six years of instruction and

practical work, first as an Installer's bel!>orand then a* an installer, your boy. having

shown in th« mean time that he can handle

nw-n. may be made foreman of an installa-tion district, with anywhere from fifty to

one hundred men under him. and receive a

talary of J35 to $40 a wet*. The n< xtpro-

motion would logically be to chief foreman.over all the other foremen in a large dis-

trict, with a Hilary of $3,000 tv $4.o0« ayear.

.Vot a bad salary—»" fact, far above the'average. Hut the young man with ambition

;—with sufficient ambition to cause him to

i rivet his eyes on the headship of the plan:

department— willhave realized early la the

game that there are various lines of a.l-

i vancement in technical telephony, and that

the be« way to U<»me plant "h«ad~ Is to

train himself In all the llnrs. Including

the line just described, he will also strive

to master th*cable department, which has!

to do with the laying of cables In subways

on r the (street*, the wiring of buildings.

making underground connections, under-

Handing the wiring necessary for particu-

j lar classes of installation, etc.

THE WORK OF INSPECTION.Still another division of plant work is

that of lnezx-ction. Inspectors are the mawu-bo make regular rounds la assigned di*-

tricts to see that tho telephones are work-

ingproperly. Thty s««Ui in the school. Justas installers do. totting a aalary of $C a

wrrk as students. When they are put 01

regular work thry are paid from $15 to

ilk a week. and work up to what are known

Im £D.=cial inspectors. at a salary of from

•Si to $*7 attending to such Important

work M tba Inspection of hotel sviltch-

Finally a* innx-ctor. ifhe thows ability,

J/SV <••*a wire chief, in chanie of theswitchboard plant of a cent loffice, at a

r of frstn $I.— to U—•

>**r.Then be may boeorne a district tospecu,r.

or rur*rvi*ii>*wire chief, for a larger tor-

rtto^Tat from tS.OO« to *4.000 a year..... ..<\u25a0:\u25a0 drpartmenta ofinspection. i«Stall«t; .: or cable, your boy

SSt be elected to co out and '« •»»•\u25a0«


I*THE TELEPHONE SCHOOLThe j,ty of a pupil ran** from ft to JlO••••*:H tit etart, -rt-.r.F to the city

18 which hr Uglna hi« hi* work studies.It •«\u25a0* evtry m of the bit citiesjHwulum Uie ... telephone'«n*«ry opcratlio; therein maintains a•'•*••' echon] of Instruction In connection•fcb It* plant. The fccbool tn New York'X-X. where bm are MMMtelephones In*•*. i* tvpicaj of all the others, laid to ItsjJMj s,s,<3 the lines of advanceroeut***

l"nl"n *»• here d**crtl*d.T•••

achvo' it tn-l.arc* of a* •«\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0

»ho, at course, teachea «!veryUiinjr<* t0 ** learned about puitlng \u25a0•

•\u25a0•"uuwiiU! to«ether (urn It Is<kr*<I; how the wires are connected**°I*rly. -.^j how to Install them andJJ1*

tastrumtrsta in a bulldine and fix**•» rta<!y ?ur u««. Aft*r two or throo**eJa of lnstrucUon. dtmoartratlon and—WIII4 to lu*uie«. the boy will know•**'«» to be a«bt out a# \u25a0 Italpar to*•v' thf \u25ba\u2666•puitr lnstallerii.*• tekUikr mate* coum-ction vrltb.thn•*•\u25a0•• wirt. or cablea ,»t in* •ou»no«c •

buiWing, conttoulEC taoai DCatU•••lU«j« and through walls to Urn par*

rer ca*'toofu ia »Wch the 'phone U to**

totti'.lea. Then, when evcr>t WI3C »•J*^r. he connects it* 'phone •««» witnJJ6*6* rcrt cr ttie py«t«n and turns

\u25a0\u25a0 over.jj*^ aw Ufe> |a the traaV; •Jaa*r*Baaat-r? *• * very Important factor In theROtat taawtry.**•

Ld>er to un luttallrr your toJ"•*>»*• prot»b:r IS to flO


*erk as a topper wtU continue for

•:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I.VII.

Lest *ctk 1 tola bo* a boy. eUrtins in•s k tr.c*st-:.{;cr at a few «3cllars a •••fc.*ah application and ambition could makefcSsself & i^»«t oi* the commercial d<s« of

tit tr!*i<hoac industry. now rapidly

•prei to every nook and cranny oftiis cOOStxy. To-day I x.urpose tt!!ito?M* « bv> vSm .-•.-! ksjow the first'\u25a0Af tbout .\u25a0\u25a0 Ulci.hone principle to besin*:tt ota equip mi-rtf for high otflc* andtour oa the purely physical, M techni-t*lmdc of the industry.IccsnirsJ telephony sounds lonnldable.

<otea't it, oi7>eo:a!ly » \u25a0\u25a0• : you recall thatTt'-t l>oy Las utvf-r displayed, to your cer-*Jß> fcrcrwledpe. any pronounced leaningsto rtofly enythlnc from the mechanical ortwialcJ rl^c. Cut don't worry, «JtU-'•ii,:.:. it your boy makes ••'!' his mindthai !.»: v. < ;!J ;ike tu take cj» technicalVicj-Be=>. I'ruviJt-d l;« Is about elebtwn.

a rudirr.entary -atlon and Is chock*"»'J of ambition f'.nd dctrnxilnation to f*-X•jead, Tl.. Ulephone coTtipatiy tillJ *ee> to

ft thtt l.c grets t!:e ÜBOcamrf technicalknot.. tfcia he may :.. of value to'!*:a \.> him«.!f. And ifin cooa timek» reacs.es a porUion of ir«t x<ow«r inth* com^ny L» will not have been th«

*!*tTour^stcr to mount the «*« ladderto «ucc«^.<-.

Your bjj.tiitn-lt having been decided'Ut be |a poinz to make a <j«-ternstT.»- I tf-tan t., ku-ij « \ crytuinc possible to bo••aWif. tbjut the physical Bide of theWctticae butlxM^s—applies to what la«*»*!. *.: t.':,; jiiiirtdepartment, tLe par-ticular *n^, iiisUiictive branch of the in-eatt-y that installs the telephone* and•"*!. t!.cm lv cood workingorder 363 daysfc * jetr. At omt ii*doubtless will b«\u2666uryrtM>o to karn that he hut to bori' by

•\u25a0••* to t^LuoL i.n.i lit* second wrprln*1U com* *.;*-» h<? la to'-d that, neverthe-*u> fcnfl :rtati<lln«-. h« »iU be an•cpioye <,f the company and will actually•» WiC v weekly war* while he is being

fcstTßcted la i^:e a, U c's of technicalW(J*cny