m y evgning bullgtin hw - university of hawaii · 2015-06-01 · m x& y assog r&...

M x& y ASSOG r& vovovno(HN46aoA f Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W- - j w ?'' AVirf 5c Bulkl.n , eVGNING BULLGTIN Evening Pafer Published you Don't Get ALL the News, i on the Hawaiian Islands. I It Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscription 75ca month. d Motom Y r -- ;a f 9 '3 . 'v fa, r Vol. III. No. 534. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1897. Piuok 5 Cents. THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Bnnilny nt 210 King Street, Honolulu. II. I. 8UHSC11I1TIOV TIATES. Per Month, nnywhrto In the tin- - wallnn iBlandb $ 76 Per Year. 8 00 Per Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign - Countries 13 00 Payable Invnrtnblv In Advnnco. Telephones 256. P. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. Indigestion Loss of Strength And Appetite. The testimony of Mr. It. Dennis, Adelaide, South Aus- tralia, who was cured by Ayer's BArsaparilla, is like unto that of many thousands of others. He writes: "It is with very much pleasure that I testify to tlio great benefit I received from using your wonderful blood-purifie- r. 1 was a sufferer for years from indigestion, los of strength and appetite, and constipa- tion. My wholo system 6eeined to bo thoroughly out of order. Afrlcnd finally told mo to take Ayer's Sarsa-parill- a. I followed ills advice, though feeling discouraged at the fruitless results of other treatment, and I am thankful to sialo that a few bottles completely cuied me." The medicino that has cured others will cure you. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Bewaub of Imltatloni. The namn Ayer SarsAparllla Is prominent on tbe wrapper and blown in tho glau of each bottle. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for tho Republic of Hawaii. CENTRAL Kona Sanatorium. Situated1 on a Beautiful Uillsiclo Overlook- ing the Ocean, nnd 1300 feot above Sea Level. Only 24 honra' snil from Ilonolnln. Climate mild, e'enr dry atmosphere, free from fogs and malaria, especial provision for qniot and rest as well as for amuse- ment and outdoor lifo. Hates $2 per day or $10 per week. Medical attendnnco extra, t3T Address DB. H. A. LINDLEY, Prop., 325 tf Kona. Hawaii. TO LET. The Residence of E. 11. Hendry, corner Klnan and Pensacola streets. House con- tains Eight Rooms and has all the modern conveniences. Largo grounds, Tel. 301, FOE SALE. Corner of Lunalilo and Pensacola streets, Fire Lots, 76 feet ly 125 feet eaoh. The most desirable residance property for sale on the plains. For terms apply to MRS. E K. rtHNDRY, 48C-- Telephone 301. The Honolulu Sanitarium 1032 King Street. A Quiet, Homelike Place, where Trained Nurses, Massage, "Swedish Movoment," Paths. Electricity and Physical Training may be obtained. P. 8. KFXLOGQ, M. D Telephone C39. Superintendent. Kawaihau Quintette Club (Hawaiian Singers) All orders for Dance Music, Picnics. Luaus, Receptions, etc, etc., will be filled at shott notice, UtT Leave "orders at Wall, Nlohols Co. or with P. Silva at W. 0. Acid's office. Ring up Telephone No, 834, 517-G- Notice. During my nbeenc from the Ha- waiian Inlands, Mr, Charles A. Rice will bnvo full nhargo of the business of the Wfllalao Dalrv nnd Ranoli. PAUhR I8ENBERG. Honolulu, Feb. 5, 1897. 62l-2- w V. $&JM&$$ A NEW WORLD'S RECORD MKiicrivr Hoviih's tkii'.nkaki.y auoi'M) im: wnut.ii. s Fortunate In ,11 nk I lie All Knllrond mill HteamcfCniincctloiiN Without Iiavlnc tn Walt. Detective John Eocho of Syd-no- Australia, in pursuing Butler, established-- a now record for fast travel between Sydney, N. S. W.f and San Francisco, by way of Moibourno, Australia; Adelaide, Australia; Colombo, island of Coylon; Port Said, Suez Canalfr Naples, Italy;' Paris, France; Calais, France; Dover, England; London, England; Liverpool, England; Queenstown, Ireland; Now York, Jersey City, Washing- ton and Chicago. He was fortunate in making all his railroad and steamship con- nections without having to wait. He made tho trip in 49 days, 1G hours and 15 minutes. The best previous record was two days longer than this. He left 8ydney on December 7 at 5:30 p.nii Ho arrived in San Francisco on January 2G at 9:45 a. "to. Had it not beon necessary for him to go out of his way to visit Washington and thoroby lose three hours ho would have arrived hero thirteon hours earlier, as ho could easily have got tho fast train from Chicago that reached here Monday at 8:45 p. m., whoreas tho slower train did not got here until Tuesday at 9:45 a.m. He traveled byirain from Syd- ney to Melbourne, and thenco by train again to Adelaide, where he arrived just in time to catch tho Royal Mail steamer Austral, which sailed at noon on December 9 for Naples, Italy. The Austral, by tho way, is the big steamship that wont down in Sydney harbor in 1892 and was raised. For four- teen days and fourteen nights tho great vessel steamed across the trackless ocean before she once halted, and then she had gono on- ly half .her journey to Nuples. That first stop was at Colombo, on the island of Cevlon, and it was made two days boforo Christmas. On January 3 the Austral stopped again. This timo at Port Said, on the Suez canal, to take on coal, after steaming night and day for nearly a month. Christmas and New Ytfar had been spent some- where on tho Indian Ocean. Up through tho Suez canal and across tho Mediterranean Sea tho big Austral plowed her course. On January 7, at 9 a.m., she land- ed at Naples. Eocho took the train thenco to Paris, whoro ho arrived at G a. m. two days afterward. The samo day ho went by train to Calais, ar- riving there at 3:30 p. m., and go- ing at once on tho boat bound across the ohannol for Dover, England. He reached London at 7 o'clock that same evening. It wbb Saturday, and ho oould not seo tho government officers to obtain tho extradition warrants until (ho following Monday. But that mattered little, for the next steamer for New York would not leave Liverpool until Wednesday, as the last hod sailed from Liver- pool at noon that very day, ten minutes before ho left Paris. On Wednesday, January 13, ho loft London on the passengor spe- cial for Liverpool. Four hourB later arrived at Liverpool, just a half hour beforo tho Teutonic sailed at 3 p. m. for Now York. At midnight tho Teutonic stopped at Queonstown, Ireland. But tho mails from Dublin for America wore late and tho stoamer had to wait. Roche, whilo at Queonstown, was within soventy miles of tho homo of his boyhood, of his aged parents, whom ho had not soon sinco ho left Australia seventeen years boforo, and yet ho dared not toko chances of arriving hero too lato to oxtradito Butler. Then ho did not know that Dotoctivo Mc- - Hattio had como to and was oven then in San Francisco. At I?' "" " Filial nart mndo for Atncrien. On January 20 at 5 p. in. t li - Teutonic landed at Nt-- Yoik The next morning Hoc ho left for Washington, urriiuued for tho tion papors nftor 3 p. in. and on to Chicago at 7:10 that night. The next night ho niriid nt Chicago at 9 o'clock. -- Titi fabi train had left at G. Ho took the noxt train at 11:30 and came straight through to this City in three days and a half. He left Sydney fourteen days after Butlor loft Newcastle on tho Swanhilda, and ho beat him hero a whole week after almost circling the globe. Snn Frnncisco Call. m m ECROI'EAX LAnOR. Will Bnonch Pur Offer to Induce liumlgrntlou. Bobert W. Wilcox, who has lived in Italy and knows much of tho characteristics of its people, was mot this morning ond as usual had something of interest to say on public affairs. Ho asked if it was likely that European im- migration would bo obtained for plantation labor, or was the Gov- ernment going to contiuno the importation of Asiatics. Mr. Wilcox was asked in roturn if the Italians, whom O. A. Spreckels had declared from what ho know of them in LoniBi ana desirable labor for Hawaii, would como here for tho wages provailing nt present, yl5 to 18. Ho doubted if they would como undor the contract system at such ratoB, as ho understood they were getting as high as S2G in Louisiana. However, ho understood that the planters were considering the idea of (jotting European luinik grants" Without contracts so as to overcome the argument on that score ngainst annexation in tho United States. As to tho qualities of the Ita- lians as Inborors, Mr. Wilcox cor- roborated tho opinion of Captain D'Albertis, of tho Italian navy resorvo, given to himsolf and the reporter in Honolulu last August. This is that the people of tho northern provinces are steady, in- dustrious aud thrifty. It is in tho sunny south of Italy that you And the idle, careless and impro vident classes, from which tho nrmy of mendicants and loafers is recruited. . Hotting Association Mecta. At tho meeting of dolegates to tho Hawaiian Bowing Association hold on Saturdny afternoon in A. G. M. Robertson's offices, it was decided that the championship races should tako place next Sep-torabo- r, on a day to bo decided at tho regular annual mooting of the association in July. It was also decided that tho races should be rowed ovor tho Pearl City course. The date selected will be oither a few days beforo or after regatta day, which occurs on tho third Saturday in September, so that ono course of training only will bo needed for thoso participating in all the events. m At Kiiiuin Square. Following iB tho program for this oveuing's band concert at Emma square, which commences at 7:30: I'AllT I. March-- La Fletta Honcovleri Overture Macsnicllo , Attber Cborus Tannuatiter Winner Mcdlej In Gay New York (new)..,.l)e Witt PAIVT II. CoruUSolo-Tl- ie Puttie Bugler. Welieenliorn Mr. Cbarles Kreutcr. Waltz Manolo Waldteufel Cornet Duct Two Lovers Ulrlch Mazurka-- In Sim and Satin , Fault Hawaii Pond, Gus Sohuraau has just received a consignment of Burreys, bug- gies and road wagons, also a full assortment of buggy and surroy harnoBs. all now aud nrstolass, best inako and material. These goods aro for sale at a very low figure and can be inspected nt tho Club Stables, Fort street. Mr. Schuman makes a speoialty of Fmo handmado surrey and buggy harness. IN THE HIGHER COURTS coMmiAnoN ov mMtciiAMtiHt: orAtNiJi-(t"- i corfpinm.il if . . t'ormrr DrrUliui t Nliprrrur I oiirl t'ptli'l.tMoll!i Inr Itoilt In I.- - Mutter. A uniuihnotiH opinion of tho Supreme Court, propared by Justice Whiting, has been reinleied in the cusu of Jnmos B. Castle, Collector Uonornl of Cus-to'm- s, vs. One Hundred and Seventy-F- our Cases of Craokors, Four Hundred nnd Eighty TitiB of Opium and Eight Cases containing tho same. It camo up on tho ap peal of tho Washington Feed Company from a dooroo of tho First Citouit Judge in Admiralty. The appeal was on the following grouuds: "1. That uudor tho statute, Chap. 7, Sec. 3, Laws of 188G, only tho eight cases containing tho opium cau bo confiscated, and not tho remainder of tho invoice. "2. Thnt Louden, the claimant and importer, is innocent and was ignorant of auy opium boiug in the invoice, und thoreforo that ignorance or miatnko of fact is in all cases of supposed offense n sufficient exenio." Tlw statute governing such cases is quoted by tho Court: "If any goods or articles, prohibited from being imported by any pri vato persons, shall be found in any ship-withi- n tho limits of any poit of tftis kiugdom, bucIi goods nrirl nrtlnlna nml llinnnnl'nnna n. L taming the same, and all morohau- - ttist) ur pun oi uio invoico in which such goods were imported, shall be foifoited." Tho Court holds that tho statute has a broader meaning than that contended for by the claimant. It also quotes tho decision in Clog-hor- n vh. Opium Pills, whoro it ib said: "Iho language of tho law is plain and unamoiguous; it is per- emptory; it is only cnpablo of ono construction, viz.: thnt the articles in this, case opium pills and the packages containing tho samo shall bo forfeited, also all tho of tho merchnndiso in tho invoico in which the articles and goods were importod shall also be forfeited. This is tho law as wo find it on tho statu to books; and wo cannot legislato or vary tho law." In that caso also, the Court do-cid- that thoinnoconco of the im- porter did not proveut tho forfeit- ure, although the innocent im- porter was punished for tho mis- deeds of the guilty consignor. "The appeal of claimant is dis- missed," tho present opinion con- cludes, "and tho deoroe of confis- cation is affirmed." W. O.Smith, Attorney-Genor- nl, for petitioner; Thurston & Stanley for respondent. In tho matter of the bankruptcy of M.S. Lovy, W.R. Caatle, at- torney for tho Troglonn estato, has filed a notico to H. Lose, assignee in bankruptcy; T H. DavioB & Co., mortgagees, and H. W. Sohmidt & Sons, that he will to- morrow movo for an order to pay rent. At this forenoon's sitting of tho Circuit Court bofoio Judge Carter, only one witness was examined in tho Dimond divorco caso. The timo was largoly occupied in read- ing depositions of absent witnoia- - 68. A docreo wob granted in the Aloxaudre divorce caso on Satur- day. John F. Colburn, assignee, vs. C. W. Spitz, assumpsit, is on trial beforo Judgo Porry by the follow- ing mixed jury: A. E. Woirick, O. Phillips, M. Smith, Thos. Wall, H. M. von Holt, C. W. Dickey, J. N. K.Koola, W.B. Jones, J. W. Alcana, A. Bishaw, M, K. Kooho-kalol- o and E. S. Holt. Oreighton & Gorrea for plaintiff; Robertson for dofondnut. King Bros, havo just filled an ordor for 200 colored Hawaiian photos for a party in America. - ytiC v. . ".:, ir..,,.. &.it:t&-- t ICtk... ... , . a - MmLmm-m- m :m&i;i:,,&a A CAIIIN I'fllt IIIITI.KH. It Hill lie Npoi'Iully f!nutriiclnl nf Iohi. Mx.liiih IMniiklnc When Butlor or Wellor or Ashe or whatever his nnme is comes down on tho Alaincdu ho will havo a specially coustiucted cabin all to himself. Arrange- ments wero mndo to build ono on tho Monowai in a hurry in cnro the extradition proeeetliugH rauio to an end in time for the tletec fives to take passago on that ves- sel, and similaroncs will piobably bo made on the Alameda. When the detectives visiti d tho Monowai the forward 'tween decks wero measured. It was found possible to build n room largo and comfortable enough to accoramodato Butler, aud should he have been extradited the quar- ters, walled by heavy six-in- ch planking, wero to bo put up in less than six hours. Tho apace reserved for tho cago is the space usually givon Up to blooded stock sent from America to Australia, and vico versa. Butler will bo provided with a comfortable bed, and will live on the best tho ship provides during his voyage to tho Antipodes, but ho will be watched night and day by the detjetives and will probab- ly bo kopt in irons tho entiro tiip. Poller Court JIntlrrN. In the Dirttriet Court this morn-iu- g Kimo Uwea wns fined 85 and cortts on n pleu of guilty of aMiult and batleiy onjuiothor nativo. Lapola, charged with violating tho carriage regulations, had his caso postponed until toraoriow. Apaun, opium in possession, was uollo pros.'d nnd Ah Nui's trial for the same offouso set for tomorrow. Tho trial of H. Horn, a Gorman sailor, for assaulting a Japanese named Najuta on Saturday night, resulted in hip dismissal. Tho caso of Hermann fiutzko for assoult and battery on J.Barry wbb nollo pros.'d. Ah Tai No. 1 and Ah Tai No. 2, both charged with assault and battery, will hnvo their trial on tho 18th. iitoriuntlou lor Tourists. A passenger by tho last Colonial steamer was mot on tho dock by a Milesiau Amorican friond, who resides in Honolulu. As tho pair waited to havo tho nowcomor's gripsack scrawled over with chalk marks by tho Customs Inspector at tho gato tho stranger remarked to his friond "Do you 'avo much rain 'ero ? " Rainier me boy, gallons of it, just como up to tho Anchor Saloon whoro they keep it always, clear an'd cool. We'll just bo in time for lunch too and that's tho only place in town whoro thoy servo it up in propor stylo with a glass of Rainieu Beer to oquilibrializo tho solids Thoy wont! m It Ha FroTfd l'oiiulnr. Tho 10c. counter sale at tho Tomplo of Fashion has proved vory popular, as crowds of ladies are calling daily. None of tho ladies go away empty handed. Whon they eoo dress goods that wero formerly Bold ut 25c. reduced to 10c, thoy can not resist tho temptation, and as ono lady re- marked, "I feel just as if I was losing a real bargain, unless get some of the elegant dress goods that are soiling at$l for 10 yards," There aro other articles on this 10a. table that will surpriso you. Call early and get first choice. m m i Iilsud Ilnlter. Thcro is butter and there is buttor but thoro iB no buttor that arrives in Honolulu so sweet and fresh as the Mikilua and Waianao Buttor. Its rapid transit by roil direct from tho dairy to tho Pola-m- a Grocery's large ico box bo conveniently situated opposito tho railway depot enables ub to handlo it to tho best udvantago. No wonder wo aro doing euch a largo buttor business, when wo aro soiling this lino buttor nt 35c. por lb. Palama Grocory, oppo-bU- b Railway Depot, King stroot, Tolophono 755. 4 tl'AIKI.Ii; VS. HtMMIIAS. C'lniilnrN liMird lij tin- - Aiiiirxntlou t'lnb taiinr Much IlikCiKkloii, Theio iB a good deal of discus- sion going on nmong the better clnss of natives on tho annexation problem nnd the danger of the ul- timate absorption of Hawaii by Japan. This Iihb no doubt been cnuwl by tho publication of a. four pnt pimphlot in Hawaiian outitlt'il ' l'hu Sahatiou aud Future of the Hawaiian Race," signed by William C. Achi, C. L Hopkins, John Lot Kaulukou anil Joseph .M. J'oepoo, dated Jauuarj 22,1697. The iminnhlot in ilAvntnrl tn n discussion of tho evils of Japa- nese immigration. It contnius an extract from n recent decision of Chief Justice Judd construing the treaty rights of the Japanese un- der which a number of students and others wero allowed to land in 8t)ito of the allowing mndo Hint the !?50 shown by each on lauding did not belong to thorn, nnd presents nrguments assorting that tho only hope of preserving tho inteuritv of tho Hawaiian rurm in future lies in anuoxatiou to the United Stales. Tho Annexation Club has had a largo number of these ciiculnis printed, and thoy aro being sout to overy district in the islands. m m a.v itiiMttivininNr. Iliiiiilsiinie nnd ('oiiicnloiil CiMiuIrr hi tin rriwiftiirj. Counters having been placed in tho Finance OHicp, pooplo having business there aro now admitted. Thoy formerly had to stand out on the yorauda and deal with tfie. registrar and dorks through a wicket. Tho counters are hand- some articles in tho form of a hollow square, and aro to be fitted with brass rails on ono side, bo as to retain tho top superficies for tho officials, and, on the other tide, bo as to givo all tho writing space to tho public. Tho middle section has a brasB screen with wiokot for mutual transactions between thoso on tho iusido and those on tho outsido. It 'is a more businesslike as well ns con- venient nu arrangement than tho previous adaptation of the old timo blue room of tho palace. W. Ingato Balls is tho builder of the counters, which are of whito cedar with koa top and trimmings. The Interior Office is havo a similar improvement for itB public busi- ness. IT IH.KW IIAKU. Ptuiiiii Vnllry Iti.ad lladl It Hen by ntorm. Editor Bulletin : I havo beon going to Bea for 30 yoars. I havo soon monBoons,typhoouB,cyolones, pomporos and kouas. But nono of tbom could como noar tho velo- city of tho storm that blow down Pauoa valley Thursday night. It blow that hard that had not tho taro patches beon full of water, it would havo blown tho taro into Honolulu, bo that tho people wouiU'tninK tno city was showed. I thought I Would havo to got up and let both anchors ;o. What was my surprise in tho morning; but to find ruts so deep cut in tho road that no man, woman or child could como down town without accident. Send us somo of that whiurock up. It will Btand the wind hotter. E. B, Leu. m A Flue Hnrrejr. Gus Schuman Iibs received from tho Coast ono of the finest Burroys ovor imported to this country. It wbb manufactured by tho colobratod Columbus Bug- gy Company, and is ,a beauty. Anyone desiring a nice double-turnou- t will do well to inspect this vohiolo. It is largo aud roomy, just tho thing for family use. . m Liver nnd bologna sausage, head cheese and othor moat delicacies aro always to bo found fresh aud oloan at tho Coutral Meat Markot. ")" TI.1 lv t1 f U

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Page 1: M y eVGNING BULLGTIN HW - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-01 · M x& y ASSOG r& vovovno(HN46aoA f Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W-- j w?''AVirf 5c Bulkl.n, eVGNING BULLGTIN


r& vovovno(HN46aoAf Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W- -

j w ?'' AVirf 5c Bulkl.n , eVGNING BULLGTIN Evening Pafer Publishedyou Don't Get ALL the News, i on the Hawaiian Islands. IIt Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscription 75ca month. dMotom






. 'v


Vol. III. No. 534. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1897. Piuok 5 Cents.


Published every day except Bnnilny nt210 King Street, Honolulu. II. I.

8UHSC11I1TIOV TIATES.Per Month, nnywhrto In the tin- -

wallnn iBlandb $ 76Per Year. 8 00Per Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign -

Countries 13 00

Payable Invnrtnblv In Advnnco.Telephones 256. P. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

IndigestionLoss of Strength

And Appetite.The testimony of Mr. It.

Dennis, Adelaide, South Aus-tralia, who was cured by Ayer'sBArsaparilla, is like unto that ofmany thousands of others. Hewrites:

"It is with very much pleasurethat I testify to tlio great benefit Ireceived from using your wonderfulblood-purifie- r. 1 was a sufferer foryears from indigestion, los ofstrength and appetite, and constipa-tion. My wholo system 6eeined tobo thoroughly out of order. Afrlcndfinally told mo to take Ayer's Sarsa-parill-a.

I followed ills advice, thoughfeeling discouraged at the fruitlessresults of other treatment, and I amthankful to sialo that a few bottlescompletely cuied me."

The medicino that has curedothers will cure you.


Bewaub of Imltatloni. The namn AyerSarsAparllla Is prominent on tbe wrapperand blown in tho glau of each bottle.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for tho Republic of Hawaii.

CENTRALKona Sanatorium.Situated1 on a Beautiful Uillsiclo Overlook-

ing the Ocean, nnd 1300 feotabove Sea Level.

Only 24 honra' snil from Ilonolnln.Climate mild, e'enr dry atmosphere, freefrom fogs and malaria, especial provisionfor qniot and rest as well as for amuse-ment and outdoor lifo. Hates $2 per dayor $10 per week. Medical attendnnco extra,

t3T AddressDB. H. A. LINDLEY, Prop.,

325 tf Kona. Hawaii.

TO LET.The Residence of E. 11. Hendry, corner

Klnan and Pensacola streets. House con-tains Eight Rooms and has all the modernconveniences. Largo grounds, Tel. 301,

FOE SALE.Corner of Lunalilo and Pensacola streets,

Fire Lots, 76 feet ly 125 feet eaoh. Themost desirable residance property for saleon the plains. For terms apply to

MRS. E K. rtHNDRY,48C-- Telephone 301.

The Honolulu Sanitarium1032 King Street.

A Quiet, Homelike Place, where TrainedNurses, Massage, "Swedish Movoment,"Paths. Electricity and Physical Trainingmay be obtained.

P. 8. KFXLOGQ, M. DTelephone C39. Superintendent.

Kawaihau Quintette Club(Hawaiian Singers)

All orders for Dance Music, Picnics.Luaus, Receptions, etc, etc., will be filledat shott notice,

UtT Leave "orders at Wall, Nlohols Co.or with P. Silva at W. 0. Acid's office. Ringup Telephone No, 834, 517-G-


During my nbeenc from the Ha-waiian Inlands, Mr, Charles A. Ricewill bnvo full nhargo of the businessof the Wfllalao Dalrv nnd Ranoli.

PAUhR I8ENBERG.Honolulu, Feb. 5, 1897. 62l-2- w




MKiicrivr Hoviih's tkii'.nkaki.yauoi'M) im: wnut.ii.


Fortunate In ,11 nk I lie All Knllrond millHteamcfCniincctloiiN Without

Iiavlnc tn Walt.

Detective John Eocho of Syd-no-

Australia, in pursuing Butler,established-- a now record for fasttravel between Sydney, N. S. W.fand San Francisco, by way ofMoibourno, Australia; Adelaide,Australia; Colombo, island ofCoylon; Port Said, Suez CanalfrNaples, Italy;' Paris, France;Calais, France; Dover, England;London, England; Liverpool,England; Queenstown, Ireland;Now York, Jersey City, Washing-ton and Chicago.

He was fortunate in making allhis railroad and steamship con-nections without having to wait.

He made tho trip in 49 days, 1Ghours and 15 minutes. The bestprevious record was two dayslonger than this. He left 8ydneyon December 7 at 5:30 p.nii Hoarrived in San Francisco onJanuary 2G at 9:45 a. "to.

Had it not beon necessary forhim to go out of his way to visitWashington and thoroby losethree hours ho would have arrivedhero thirteon hours earlier, as hocould easily have got tho fast trainfrom Chicago that reached hereMonday at 8:45 p. m., whoreas thoslower train did not got here untilTuesday at 9:45 a.m.

He traveled byirain from Syd-ney to Melbourne, and thenco bytrain again to Adelaide, where hearrived just in time to catch thoRoyal Mail steamer Austral, whichsailed at noon on December 9 forNaples, Italy. The Austral, bytho way, is the big steamship thatwont down in Sydney harborin 1892 and was raised. For four-teen days and fourteen nights thogreat vessel steamed across thetrackless ocean before she oncehalted, and then she had gono on-ly half .her journey to Nuples.That first stop was at Colombo, onthe island of Cevlon, and it wasmade two days boforo Christmas.On January 3 the Austral stoppedagain. This timo at Port Said,on the Suez canal, to take on coal,after steaming night and day fornearly a month. Christmas andNew Ytfar had been spent some-where on tho Indian Ocean.

Up through tho Suez canal andacross tho Mediterranean Sea thobig Austral plowed her course.On January 7, at 9 a.m., she land-ed at Naples.

Eocho took the train thenco toParis, whoro ho arrived at G a. m.two days afterward. The samoday ho went by train to Calais, ar-riving there at 3:30 p. m., and go-ing at once on tho boat boundacross the ohannol for Dover,England. He reached London at7 o'clock that same evening.

It wbb Saturday, and ho oouldnot seo tho government officers toobtain tho extradition warrantsuntil (ho following Monday. Butthat mattered little, for the nextsteamer for New York would notleave Liverpool until Wednesday,as the last hod sailed from Liver-pool at noon that very day, tenminutes before ho left Paris.

On Wednesday, January 13, holoft London on the passengor spe-cial for Liverpool. Four hourBlater arrived at Liverpool, just ahalf hour beforo tho Teutonicsailed at 3 p. m. for Now York.At midnight tho Teutonic stoppedat Queonstown, Ireland. But thomails from Dublin for Americawore late and tho stoamer had towait.

Roche, whilo at Queonstown,was within soventy miles of thohomo of his boyhood, of his agedparents, whom ho had not soonsinco ho left Australia seventeenyears boforo, and yet ho dared nottoko chances of arriving hero toolato to oxtradito Butler. Then hodid not know that Dotoctivo Mc- -

Hattio had como to and was oventhen in San Francisco.

At I?' "" "Filial nart mndo for Atncrien.On January 20 at 5 p. in. t li -

Teutonic landed at Nt-- YoikThe next morning Hoc ho left forWashington, urriiuued for tho tion

papors nftor 3 p. in. andon to Chicago at 7:10 that night.The next night ho niriid ntChicago at 9 o'clock. -- Titi fabitrain had left at G. Ho took thenoxt train at 11:30 and camestraight through to this City inthree days and a half.

He left Sydney fourteen daysafter Butlor loft Newcastle on thoSwanhilda, and ho beat him heroa whole week after almost circlingthe globe. Snn Frnncisco Call.

m m


Will Bnonch Pur Offer to Induceliumlgrntlou.

Bobert W. Wilcox, who haslived in Italy and knows much oftho characteristics of its people,was mot this morning ond asusual had something of interest tosay on public affairs. Ho askedif it was likely that European im-migration would bo obtained forplantation labor, or was the Gov-ernment going to contiuno theimportation of Asiatics.

Mr. Wilcox was asked in roturnif the Italians, whom O. A.Spreckels had declared fromwhat ho know of them in LoniBiana desirable labor for Hawaii,would como here for tho wagesprovailing nt present, yl5 to 18.

Ho doubted if they would comoundor the contract system at suchratoB, as ho understood they weregetting as high as S2G in Louisiana.However, ho understood that theplanters were considering theidea of (jotting European luinikgrants" Without contracts so as toovercome the argument on thatscore ngainst annexation in thoUnited States.

As to tho qualities of the Ita-lians as Inborors, Mr. Wilcox cor-roborated tho opinion of CaptainD'Albertis, of tho Italian navyresorvo, given to himsolf and thereporter in Honolulu last August.This is that the people of thonorthern provinces are steady, in-dustrious aud thrifty. It is in thosunny south of Italy that youAnd the idle, careless and improvident classes, from which thonrmy of mendicants and loafers isrecruited.


Hotting Association Mecta.

At tho meeting of dolegates totho Hawaiian Bowing Associationhold on Saturdny afternoon in A.G. M. Robertson's offices, it wasdecided that the championshipraces should tako place next Sep-torabo- r,

on a day to bo decided attho regular annual mooting of theassociation in July. It was alsodecided that tho races should berowed ovor tho Pearl City course.The date selected will be oither afew days beforo or after regattaday, which occurs on tho thirdSaturday in September, so thatono course of training only willbo needed for thoso participatingin all the events.


At Kiiiuin Square.Following iB tho program for

this oveuing's band concert atEmma square, which commencesat 7:30:

I'AllT I.March-- La Fletta HoncovleriOverture Macsnicllo , AttberCborus Tannuatiter WinnerMcdlej In Gay New York (new)..,.l)e Witt

PAIVT II.CoruUSolo-Tl- ie Puttie Bugler. Welieenliorn

Mr. Cbarles Kreutcr.Waltz Manolo WaldteufelCornet Duct Two Lovers UlrlchMazurka-- In Sim and Satin , Fault

Hawaii Pond,

Gus Sohuraau has just receiveda consignment of Burreys, bug-gies and road wagons, also a fullassortment of buggy and surroyharnoBs. all now aud nrstolass,best inako and material. Thesegoods aro for sale at a very lowfigure and can be inspected nt thoClub Stables, Fort street. Mr.Schuman makes a speoialty ofFmo handmado surrey and buggyharness.


coMmiAnoN ov mMtciiAMtiHt:orAtNiJi-(t"- i corfpinm.il if

. .

t'ormrr DrrUliui t Nliprrrur I oiirlt'ptli'l.tMoll!i Inr Itoilt In

I.- - Mutter.

A uniuihnotiH opinion of thoSupreme Court, propared byJustice Whiting, has beenreinleied in the cusu of Jnmos B.Castle, Collector Uonornl of Cus-to'm- s,

vs. One Hundred and Seventy-F-

our Cases of Craokors, FourHundred nnd Eighty TitiB ofOpium and Eight Cases containingtho same. It camo up on tho appeal of tho Washington FeedCompany from a dooroo of thoFirst Citouit Judge in Admiralty.The appeal was on the followinggrouuds:

"1. That uudor tho statute,Chap. 7, Sec. 3, Laws of 188G,only tho eight cases containingtho opium cau bo confiscated, andnot tho remainder of tho invoice.

"2. Thnt Louden, the claimantand importer, is innocent and wasignorant of auy opium boiug inthe invoice, und thoreforo thatignorance or miatnko of fact is inall cases of supposed offense nsufficient exenio."

Tlw statute governing suchcases is quoted by tho Court: "Ifany goods or articles, prohibitedfrom being imported by any privato persons, shall be found inany ship-withi- n tho limits of anypoit of tftis kiugdom, bucIi goodsnrirl nrtlnlna nml llinnnnl'nnna n.

L taming the same, and all morohau- -

ttist) ur pun oi uio invoico inwhich such goods were imported,shall be foifoited."

Tho Court holds that tho statutehas a broader meaning than thatcontended for by the claimant. Italso quotes tho decision in Clog-hor- n

vh. Opium Pills, whoro it ibsaid:

"Iho language of tho law isplain and unamoiguous; it is per-emptory; it is only cnpablo of onoconstruction, viz.: thnt the articlesin this, case opium pills and the

packages containing tho samoshall bo forfeited, also all tho

of tho merchnndiso in thoinvoico in which the articles andgoods were importod shall also beforfeited. This is tho law as wofind it on tho statu to books; and wocannot legislato or vary tho law."

In that caso also, the Court do-cid-

that thoinnoconco of the im-porter did not proveut tho forfeit-ure, although the innocent im-porter was punished for tho mis-deeds of the guilty consignor.

"The appeal of claimant is dis-missed," tho present opinion con-cludes, "and tho deoroe of confis-cation is affirmed."

W. O.Smith, Attorney-Genor- nl,

for petitioner; Thurston & Stanleyfor respondent.

In tho matter of the bankruptcyof M.S. Lovy, W.R. Caatle, at-torney for tho Troglonn estato, hasfiled a notico to H. Lose, assigneein bankruptcy; T H. DavioB &Co., mortgagees, and H. W.Sohmidt & Sons, that he will to-

morrow movo for an order to payrent.

At this forenoon's sitting of thoCircuit Court bofoio Judge Carter,only one witness was examined intho Dimond divorco caso. Thetimo was largoly occupied in read-ing depositions of absent witnoia- -68.

A docreo wob granted in theAloxaudre divorce caso on Satur-day.

John F. Colburn, assignee, vs.C. W. Spitz, assumpsit, is on trialbeforo Judgo Porry by the follow-ing mixed jury: A. E. Woirick,O. Phillips, M. Smith, Thos. Wall,H. M. von Holt, C. W. Dickey, J.N. K.Koola, W.B. Jones, J. W.Alcana, A. Bishaw, M, K. Kooho-kalol- o

and E. S. Holt. Oreighton& Gorrea for plaintiff; Robertsonfor dofondnut.

King Bros, havo just filled anordor for 200 colored Hawaiianphotos for a party in America.

- ytiC v. . ".:, ir..,,.. &.it:t&-- t ICtk... ... , . a -

MmLmm-m- m :m&i;i:,,&a


It Hill lie Npoi'Iully f!nutriiclnl nfIohi. Mx.liiih IMniiklnc

When Butlor or Wellor orAshe or whatever his nnme iscomes down on tho Alaincdu howill havo a specially coustiuctedcabin all to himself. Arrange-ments wero mndo to build ono ontho Monowai in a hurry in cnrothe extradition proeeetliugH rauioto an end in time for the tletecfives to take passago on that ves-sel, and similaroncs will piobablybo made on the Alameda.

When the detectives visiti d thoMonowai the forward 'tweendecks wero measured. It wasfound possible to build n roomlargo and comfortable enough toaccoramodato Butler, aud shouldhe have been extradited the quar-ters, walled by heavy six-in- ch

planking, wero to bo put up inless than six hours. Tho apacereserved for tho cago is the spaceusually givon Up to blooded stocksent from America to Australia,and vico versa.

Butler will bo provided with acomfortable bed, and will live onthe best tho ship provides duringhis voyage to tho Antipodes, butho will be watched night and dayby the detjetives and will probab-ly bo kopt in irons tho entiro tiip.

Poller Court JIntlrrN.In the Dirttriet Court this morn-iu- g

Kimo Uwea wns fined 85 andcortts on n pleu of guilty of aMiultand batleiy onjuiothor nativo.

Lapola, charged with violatingtho carriage regulations, had hiscaso postponed until toraoriow.

Apaun, opium in possession,was uollo pros.'d nnd Ah Nui'strial for the same offouso set fortomorrow.

Tho trial of H. Horn, a Gormansailor, for assaulting a Japanesenamed Najuta on Saturday night,resulted in hip dismissal.

Tho caso of Hermann fiutzkofor assoult and battery on J.Barrywbb nollo pros.'d.

Ah Tai No. 1 and Ah Tai No. 2,both charged with assault andbattery, will hnvo their trial ontho 18th.

iitoriuntlou lor Tourists.A passenger by tho last Colonial

steamer was mot on tho dock bya Milesiau Amorican friond, whoresides in Honolulu. As tho pairwaited to havo tho nowcomor'sgripsack scrawled over with chalkmarks by tho Customs Inspectorat tho gato tho stranger remarkedto his friond "Do you 'avo muchrain 'ero ? " Rainier me boy,gallons of it, just como up to thoAnchor Saloon whoro they keepit always, clear an'd cool. We'lljust bo in time for lunch too andthat's tho only place in townwhoro thoy servo it up in proporstylo with a glass of RainieuBeer to oquilibrializo tho solidsThoy wont!


It Ha FroTfd l'oiiulnr.

Tho 10c. counter sale at thoTomplo of Fashion has provedvory popular, as crowds of ladiesare calling daily. None of tholadies go away empty handed.Whon they eoo dress goods thatwero formerly Bold ut 25c. reducedto 10c, thoy can not resist thotemptation, and as ono lady re-marked, "I feel just as if I waslosing a real bargain, unless getsome of the elegant dress goodsthat are soiling at$l for 10 yards,"There aro other articles on this10a. table that will surpriso you.Call early and get first choice.

m m i

Iilsud Ilnlter.Thcro is butter and there is

buttor but thoro iB no buttor thatarrives in Honolulu so sweet andfresh as the Mikilua and WaianaoButtor. Its rapid transit by roildirect from tho dairy to tho Pola-m- a

Grocery's large ico box boconveniently situated opposito thorailway depot enables ub tohandlo it to tho best udvantago.No wonder wo aro doing euch alargo buttor business, when woaro soiling this lino buttor nt 35c.por lb. Palama Grocory, oppo-bU- b

Railway Depot, King stroot,Tolophono 755.


C'lniilnrN liMird lij tin- - Aiiiirxntlout'lnb taiinr Much IlikCiKkloii,

Theio iB a good deal of discus-sion going on nmong the betterclnss of natives on tho annexationproblem nnd the danger of the ul-

timate absorption of Hawaii byJapan. This Iihb no doubt beencnuwl by tho publication of a.four pnt pimphlot in Hawaiianoutitlt'il ' l'hu Sahatiou aud Futureof the Hawaiian Race," signed byWilliam C. Achi, C. L Hopkins,John Lot Kaulukou anil Joseph.M. J'oepoo, dated Jauuarj 22,1697.

The iminnhlot in ilAvntnrl tn ndiscussion of tho evils of Japa-nese immigration. It contnius anextract from n recent decision ofChief Justice Judd construing thetreaty rights of the Japanese un-der which a number of studentsand others wero allowed to landin 8t)ito of the allowing mndo Hintthe !?50 shown by each on laudingdid not belong to thorn, nndpresents nrguments assorting thattho only hope of preserving thointeuritv of tho Hawaiian rurm infuture lies in anuoxatiou to theUnited Stales.

Tho Annexation Club has hada largo number of these ciiculnisprinted, and thoy aro being soutto overy district in the islands.

m m

a.v itiiMttivininNr.

Iliiiiilsiinie nnd ('oiiicnloiil CiMiuIrrhi tin rriwiftiirj.

Counters having been placed intho Finance OHicp, pooplo havingbusiness there aro now admitted.Thoy formerly had to stand outon the yorauda and deal with tfie.registrar and dorks through awicket. Tho counters are hand-some articles in tho form of ahollow square, and aro to be fittedwith brass rails on ono side, boas to retain tho top superficies fortho officials, and, on the other tide,bo as to givo all tho writing spaceto tho public. Tho middle sectionhas a brasB screen with wiokot formutual transactions betweenthoso on tho iusido andthose on tho outsido. It 'is amore businesslike as well ns con-venient nu arrangement than thoprevious adaptation of the oldtimo blue room of tho palace. W.Ingato Balls is tho builder of thecounters, which are of whito cedarwith koa top and trimmings. TheInterior Office is havo a similarimprovement for itB public busi-ness.


Ptuiiiii Vnllry Iti.ad lladl It Henby ntorm.

Editor Bulletin : I havo beongoing to Bea for 30 yoars. I havosoon monBoons,typhoouB,cyolones,pomporos and kouas. But nonoof tbom could como noar tho velo-city of tho storm that blow downPauoa valley Thursday night. Itblow that hard that had not thotaro patches beon full of water, itwould havo blown tho taro intoHonolulu, bo that tho peoplewouiU'tninK tno city was showed.I thought I Would havo to got upand let both anchors ;o. Whatwas my surprise in tho morning;but to find ruts so deep cut in thoroad that no man, woman or childcould como down town withoutaccident. Send us somo of thatwhiurock up. It will Btand thewind hotter. E. B, Leu.


A Flue Hnrrejr.

Gus Schuman Iibs receivedfrom tho Coast ono of the finestBurroys ovor imported to thiscountry. It wbb manufacturedby tho colobratod Columbus Bug-gy Company, and is ,a beauty.Anyone desiring a nice double-turnou- t

will do well to inspectthis vohiolo. It is largo audroomy, just tho thing for familyuse. .


Liver nnd bologna sausage, headcheese and othor moat delicaciesaro always to bo found fresh audoloan at tho Coutral MeatMarkot.






Page 2: M y eVGNING BULLGTIN HW - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-01 · M x& y ASSOG r& vovovno(HN46aoA f Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W-- j w?''AVirf 5c Bulkl.n, eVGNING BULLGTIN

r i

& ;

! 1-- ML

9 RfcLae 'Mpf



&&v5The Same

OldThat's Aver. Tho Fame old sarsnparllla ai It was

made and sold JO yearn ago. In Die laboratory It Hdifferent. Tlnru modern appliances lend fliiccd to skilland experience Jint tho s.trsanarllla is tno sauiu oldfarsap.irillu that made, the record SO years of curesWhy don't vn better it? Well, wo'ro imicfi In thocondition of tho llhhop and tho rnsnluTry : "J)mibt-los-V

hu said, "God might have inailo a better berry,lint doubtle-ti- , also never did." Why don't wobetter the a.irsaparillaV "Vo can't. Wo nro niiiiip thoname old plant tint cured tho Indians and thohpmiards. It h,is not been bettered. .And since wemake sarsaparilla compound out of sarsaparilla plant,vo sco no way of improvement. Of cour If wn weremaltliiR somo secret chemiral compound, uo might....Hut we're not. We're making tho samo sarsaparillato euro tho same old illreases. You can tell it's thoname old nar.iapartlla because. It works th sameold cm It'a thu sovereign blood puritler, and

it's Aier'o.

Hollister Drug--

1895 Rambler,S7S.OO

Trusting that you may be in-

terested iu cycliug, wo take tholiberty of Btatiug to you a, owfncls about our wheels:

We need not trouble you withncedli'Bb description of tho WorldFamed "ItAMUTjEll" Bicycle,whicli by its ensy running, ap-

pearance, strength mid lastiugqualities has won for tho makersa namo world renowned.

The "KAMBLEBS" are cqui-pe- d

with tho great G.&J. Detach-able Tire, which sinco its intro-duction to Honolulu hns proved,by tho numbers in use, the mostsuccessful and neccssaiy adjust-ment to a bicycle.

We take great pleasure into our friends tho

"ItAaiBLEU" and trust that iufurnishing one to nuy person theywill never have occasion to regret.

Our terms are such that a bicy-cle is no longer a luxury but anecessity in actual saving of timeand money. We would osk youto but call and get our figures.

(896 Rambler,

As is customary uearing theclose of each year, tho makers iuorder to get ready for tho ensuingyear, offer tho present 18wheels at reduced prices. We arenow prepared to givo our cus-tomers the benefit of these reduc-tions as long as our stock holdsout. For tlioso wishing an up todatf wheel of tho highest grndo,one which wo can guarantee tothe fullest extent, wo would offerthe "KAMBLEK." As to im-

provements for tho coming seaRonwe would say wo anticipate none,buch changes which may bo madewill, as has been the past twoyears, bo changes immaterial tothe improvement of tho whcol ingeneral.

Kindly give this some thoughtor call your frionds'attontion to itand oblige.

Yours truly,

E. 0. Hall & SonLIMITED.


: ogs i fit JXf J cro JIs ffis S O

pjs-S- 1 C T

1" b':"5 CD I :ta r g ST.3 is - SL 11 T


Knkllt 1 "a' Vr








Co., Agents.

MUSIC-- r--

. , . , For Everybody:The ouly complete Hue of


Tu the Hands. A few ofour epeclnlliea ....

Kingsbury Pianos I

Tup perfei'tion of art inPiuuo making

CHICAGO CO ri'AGE OHO ANS, Uuequaled In tone, beauty and a.

ItEGIN'A MUSIC BOXES, llio Klnnnf all, pluys over one ttiousauiltunes.

AUrOHARP.S, everybody's Instru-niun- t,

a child can play It.GUITARS, wo earry tho celebrated

lltnry F. Mason, Ha'wood andother make, from $4 up.

BANJOS, Stewart, Fairbanks &Cole and other wellknovvnmakes.

ACCORDEONS, the celebrated "Im-perial" and other good lines.

tST And a thousand and one otherBuiuilr liietrumeutH too numerous inmention.

Our celebrated Wall, Nlohols Co."Staii" Brand of


Are the best made. Uee no other.

Sheet Musio,Music Books,

INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all instruments.

Our stock Is the most varied o befound this utile of 'Frisco, and theprices the same as you pay In theStates.

All Instruments sold on easy month-ly payments.

WALL, NICHOLS CO.,Tho money savers for you.



Jigs! Iugsl IugslVelvet Tilo,

Monuetto, .



Sofa Rugs I Floor Rugs I

Mats! Mats!Tapestry and Carpets,

Stnir Carpets,Hall Carpots,

Crumb Cloths and Druggets.

HST" All Just Received at




Tho I'ldiiii iii.' .ic-- t nf tin, (ii rinanllrcr Mue,

Tlia Htelu, or Geiuiau eartheiiwnrobf-o- mug, In oujoyinx a full inrusurn ofpopular favor just at present hi nil ar-

ticle both for decoration and for use.Tho gathering up of us many mil quoand interesting varieties of those, mugsns they can find bus become a fad withMany people, and It is followed up with' (.mm dovotcd zeal which always

..4 thu collecting ninuia, whateverhi it tnay clmuco to take. In sta-

in n-- ' kiouih, clubs mid bachelor apurt-tneii- ts

it is to bo presumed that theFtoiiHiiro intended for at least occasion-al use, although it must bo confessed(lint ornamentation is tho rhiof idea.Dut there, uro uiiiuy purchasers of theGerman beer mugs who wonld uovcrdream of filling them with that fluid orany othor. Thoy nro meant solely to bolooked at to be handled, if At nil, withtho utmost respect and a high platoamid tho more old fashioned and conse-quently less interesting bric-a-bra- c ofthe room is awarded them. Womcuform a lingo portion of tho class whichregards tho stein ns a decoratlvo objectpuro and simple. Homo importer in thocity have rooms renorved lypocially fortheir women cintniueis who drop infrequently lo inquire whether thcru aroany nou'ltleH iu tint designs or iu thewaro ItPcIf.

All tho (dolus In this country aro im-

ported from Germany, mid nearly all ofthem frcni tho Rhino provinces Thuoldest aud best known manufactories,boiuo of which havo boon in eilitoueufor i centuries, aro in Rlieuixli Prus-sia, tho duchy of Luxemburg and InLorraine.. Certain kinds of warocharao-tcrir- o

the different places, bat tho proa-esse- s

to which tho clay aud stouo arosubjoctod in tho making aro kopt care-fully guarded by tho of thosecret Lime la one of thochiof Ingredi-ents of tho softer cartheuwaro mugs,and ground quartz and feldspar formtho basis of tho harder. The glazing isnu art which has taken tho greatestamount of itody and experiment to

successfully.It is the task of an artist to decorate

the stains. All tho figures aud inscrip-tions must be painted ou, aud tho mugthen fired, as in china decoration iu thiscountry. The work upon tho most cost-ly specimens is of a high oiderof meritSomo of tho raised scroll ornamentationcan be mado by patting the soft olny in-

to a mold, bat the figures of men andanimals which stand out in roliof areformed by an artist modolcr, who mustbo a good deal of a sculptor in his way.Familiar sceiicH from history and fromflotiou are favorito subjocts for illustra-tion on tho stolns.

B Wa ltlcht.

"Histl" whispered tho villain."I thought you would be," remarked

the stage manager. Ally Sloper.

Illicit All'iitlon,These ore days of considorablo

anxiety and porploxity to all whohave possessions or othor interestsin tho Republio of Hawaii, and itis time that our citizens came to amutual understanding on sovoralimportant issues. The prospectsfor Annexation appear at presentvaguo and indistinct, and ourdestiny cannot bo foretold withcertainty. There aro those, also,-wh- o

still fondly cling to tho hopoof a return to tho old order ofthings, nnd who cannot be per-suaded otherwise, yet this out-look appears far more hazy thanthat of Annexation even to thomost hopeful disciples of thoMonnrphy. Rut, fortuuntoly, inthe midst of all this uncertaintythere is solnco iu tho fact thatRulTnloRoor has cnnio'to stay andthat patrons of all ' sorts nndopinions may equally shnro thebenefits of its invigorating andstiBtniuing properties. Wo nromoreover assured that this favoritobrow will continue to be dispens-ed as horotoforo nt the Royal,Pacific aud Cosmopolitan Sa-loons.

Dr. C. R. High, dentist, eraduato Philadelphia Dontnl Col-lege, 1892. Masonic Tcmplo.

King Rros. have just filled anordor for 200 oolored Hawaiianphotos for a party iu America.

February B, an engiueor of longoxporionco writes tho PacificHardwaro Co., as follows: "Ireceived your circulats concern-ing Vacuum Oil and ns I haveused them since, having tho powerof solocting my own oil, I canonly echo tho fncls which thoy

Dliplajln Ilnlntr Clilnn.A deter o

for tho dis-

play of chinabrio-a-bra- o is

lu Tho La-

dies' Homo Jour-nal. It is nothinginoro nor lossthan a polishedstlok, into whichhooks aro screw-ed aud on whichcupa may bobuug. Tho stickitsolf hangs froma scrow hook un-

derneath a brack-et or shelf iu acabinet As apcudaut to a cor-

ner cabinet thocup stick is aueffootlvo decora-tion. As some-thing In tho samoliuo tho house-keeper

yTH rv

will findhooks useful if

A CCP STICK.screwed into thebottoms of the Bholvca to her chinacloset

now to Heap loe Wator.A pitcher of ico water laid in a news

patter, with tho ends of tho paper twistedtogether to exclude tho air, will remainall night lu any summer room withscarcely auy perccptlblo melting of thoice.

To Mak Mica Hattcrmllk BltcalU.A quart of flour, a tca&poonful of

lard, a tcaspoonfnl of soda aud ono ofsalt; thick milk for a soft dough. Rollhalf an Inch thick, cut oat and bako ina quick oven.

lllcycle Baft! mntl Tluketfl.Conveniences for tho cyclist aro bo

lug introduced on evory side. Thesea variuty of bugs aud baskots

whicli aro fashioned iu such a manneras to bo fitted to tho frame, of any ma'


chine without Inconvonicuce to therider. Very popular aro tho luncheonbaskots aud tho ladies bicycle bags.The former in somo cases aro furnishedfor two persons, lu others for ono. Tholadies' bicyclo bag as a rnlo containspurso, cardcase, scent bottlo, with watchand mirror on tho outsldo.

Three Nen Diiclicxtea.

It is stutod in court circles thatthe Queen on tho occasion of thosixtieth anniversary of her as-

cending the throno will creato herdaughters 1'rincois Holona, wifeof Prince Christian of Sohles-wig-holfitoi- n;

Princess Louiso,wifo of thu Marquis of Lorno, nndPrincess Heatrico, wifo of PrinceHenry of B.ittenbuig duchesseRin their owu right. This willgivo the childron of PrincessesHelena and Roalrico English in-

stead of Gorman titles, n veryimportant consideration in thominds of tho English poople. Inthe caso of Princess LouiBO littleimportance will be attached tothe dignity, for tho reason thatupon tho death of his father herhusband will beoomo tho Duko ofArgylo.

A Clue Nurrer.

6us Schuraan has receivodfrom the Coast one of tho finestsurreys ever imported to thiscountry. It was manufacturedby tho colobratod Columbus Bug-gy Company, and is a beauty.Anyone desiring a nico doubloturnout will do well to inspectthis vehicle, it is largo androomy, just tho thing for familyuse.

No More Pule lor Nanooii.

London, February 3. Tho"Daily Chronicle" will publishtho report of an intorview with Dr.Nansen, tho Norwegian explorer,n ho is now in London, in whichthe famous traveler is quoted asBaying that ho doos not intoud tomake another attempt to reuohthe north pole.

Liver and bologna sausage, hoadoheeso and othor moat delicaciesare always to bo found fresh andclenu at the Central MeatMarket.

Of tho Secretary Diso Plow onoof the most successful plantationmanacors writes tho Paoifio Hardware Co.: "I havo delayed writingyou about tho work of tho Secretary Disc Plow, until i satisuoumysolf m rogard to us properworking. " I am busyplowing a tiold with it now, and itis doing fine work, and I hope forgood rosults from tho thoroughplowing it is reooiviug."

lme!y JopisON- -



We are happy in being able

to announce that we have at

last received a fresh supply of

the New Process BlueFlame Oil Stoves, and sev-

eral of our customers who have

been awaiting their arrival are

already using them. The merits

of these stoves are too wellknown to need repetition. Theyburn with a clear blue flame,

give out no smoke or smell,

are clean, neat and economicaland absolutely safe.

The Golden Anvil SteelRange, handled by us, is as

near perfect as can be made.

We have much pleasure in an-

nouncing a reduction in price.

They are now selling at $$0.We have also received an-

other big lot of the justly cele-

brated Pansy Stoves in threesizes, 6's, 7's and 8's. Theyare the best stove in the mar-

ket for the money, handsome,durable and cheap, with all

the latest improvements.If you are in need of anything

in the line of stoves or rangeswe can surely suit you.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Spreokols' Bank,




New Goods in AllDepartments !

Just Received ex 8. S. " Australia "a Full Line of

Blank . BooksAND

Office Stationery.S3o. Papeterle; our price 25c.50o. " ' " 35o.76o. and &5c, " " 50o.50o.Tablet8 " " 2ic.50o. " " " 30o.50c. " " " 5c.

New Novelties,,IN ....

School GoodsSee Prices In Our Show Win- -


J. M.WEBBSit Fort Street.



Cor. Fort anil Queen Streets, Honolulu.

M. PHILLIPS & CO.,Wholesale Importers aud Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort nnd Queen Streets,

Casfle.& Cooke


Sole Agents for

the Hawaiian


WjAi-5',-- ,sxiM



it NEWPRnCESS.O.r - ...r v,nu tr.JCNii rw.fc.rf



flntl 1TlVWAA nVlAA '';118 California Street. M

"Crown Flour

makes sweeter

and whiter

Bread than

any other."

John, Nott,Importers aud Dealers in

CgsJT m y

Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 Ic 123 King Btreet.


My $10.00 EutU Tubs, lined with bestquality, No. 10 ilno, 0 iu. Pipa, Ohaln andPlug, with wood rim all complete. Otherdealers are dumfounded, and resort to allmanner of Tricks aud Excuses.

Be not deceived, those Bath Tubs havebeen Bold for $14 until I reduced tho prloet

I am prepared to do all work in my lineand guarantee satisfaction! Estimates fur-nished.

If you want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Tolephono 844, 0d I am yonimam j

JAS. NOTT Jn,Tiusmlth & Plumber





Page 3: M y eVGNING BULLGTIN HW - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-01 · M x& y ASSOG r& vovovno(HN46aoA f Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W-- j w?''AVirf 5c Bulkl.n, eVGNING BULLGTIN




New Goods z. mtj:ra.t.a. & co.


'Eine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

jr" Cheapest in the City. SS3

MUBATA & CO., 301

Clacs Bprxceels. Vfit. G. InwiK.



' Am JVoiu-iw- ffit Tbe Nevada Bank orBan Francisco.


Ban Francjbco Tho Nevada Bnk of BanFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London, Ltd.Nbw York American Exchange National

Bank.Cn 10aoo Merchants National Bank.Fakis Comptolr National d'Escompt de

Paris.Berlin Dresdner BankiHokokoho and YoitonAMA HonRkoDR &

Bhanghal Bsnklujr Corporation.New Zaland and Acsiralia Bank of New

Zealand.Victoria and VANOoBvcn Batik of Mont-

real. X

Transacl a General BaiHiE anlEiclaiiEe Business

Term and Ordinary Dcpolsts Received.Loans made on Approved Security. Com.morclal and Travelers Credits Issued. Billsof Exchango bought and sold.

Collections ritoMrrLY Accoonted For.

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters qf Credit issued, avail-

able in all tho principal citiesof tho world.

s The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricJ

Company,Cor. Alakea & Haleknuwila Sts.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on baud.

Estimntos given for horjso wir-

ing and Eloctrical plants.

Marine Wiring a apoomlty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d .. Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIKIKl on car line and on PA--

LAMA UVA1J near fertilizingPlant.

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Traota near the city andj " other Properties for sale. "

BRUCE, wAitraa & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near King.Tm.m?noHB 607. E. O.Box82L

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIK

REALJSTATEEif We will Buy or Bell Ileal EbUU in

all parts of the group.JOT Wo will Sell Properties on Reason.

able'Commissions i

OFFICE, 10 West King StreetDR. BERT. P. BURGESS,

Physician and SurgeonTELEPHONE 859.

Hours: 8.30 to 10 n. m., 1:30 to4 p. m.,and7 to 8 p. m. . . .

446 Punchbowl street or 113 Miller street,Honolulu, Oahu. 460-t- f

A. C. WALL, D. D. Sa

DENTIST.New Love's Building, Fort Street.


AfclfoT&fe'' -

Nuuanu & 2 Hotel Streets.

Tjje Yokohama Specie Bank;LIMITED,

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Dp Capitol Yon 4.600,000ReservoFund Yen 4,130,000


"RANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York.

Ban Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Tnnanrtn n nieml Tlanblnr. nn.1 P-r- .

change Business.Agency Yokohama Spoiie Bank

Htw BepBMIc BnlMlifc 111 Ibz St, HoioIdIl

S. KIMTJKA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors and Provisions, 8akl a specialty.

108 Keknanaoa Street. Telephone 703.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thvery best materials and in the verylatest style. . , .

.A. Perfect FitGuaranteed



Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty



C T. AKANANo. 324, Nuuanu street.

MERCHANT TAILOR, VFine Buttings made to order at lowest prices,

145 Clothes cleaned and repaired.

SHXnST LOY3623J Fort Street, Toe Slug Tai Building,

Ladies Dress MakBr,1ST" Fine work a specialty. Also, very

fine Underwear made to order. All workguaranteed. 447-G- m

L. AHLO,No. 337 Nuuanu street,

Has just received a new line ofDRY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS


Agent for the following rice plantations"Waipio, Walawo, Woimalu, Waialua.Kaneohe and Kapalama.

M0 My rice from Kaneohe is markedL A and is guaranteed Al.P. O. Box 114, ... . Telephone IBS,

FOR . . .Best Imported Chinese Tea,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC.Fine Chinese Teas freshly Imported. Very

low prices. Go toWING TAI LUNQ.

14- 1- 331 Nuuanu street.


318 Nuuanu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I use the beatmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 143- -


Importers and Dealers in

General .Merchandise,146-- tf Corner King and Maanake Sta.


Contractors, BuildersiFurniture-- Dealers and Painters.


Fort Streot, opposite Club Stables,


PLUMBEE,Hotol St.near Fort. Tel. 802.

EVENING BULLETIN, VEDUUAltY IB, 1897. jj X.J..tr4 tif ttip Cnftfnlmrjr, H


Wo ore expecting a large

invoice' of China from the fac

tories in Franco nnd England.

The goods will be of the same

fine quality thot we have al-

ways carried in stock.

To make room for the new

and get rid of tho old we oiler

at less than cost odd pieces in

French and English China.

These comprise Teas, Coffees,

Breakfast or Dinner Plate?,Vegetable Dishes nnd every

thing else in China used on

tho table. They are not in

full sets but in odd pieces.

This is the first odd piece sale

we have held and you get a

great benefit if you take ad

vantage of tho opportunity

presented. There are not many

pieces, and the first customer

gets a bargain.


Queen Street.


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Complete

and Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited.

The Latest Appllcnuoes for FineVori pertaining t'j rliotngrnpuj'

52FortSt. Tel. 151


next tb Lucas' Mill

Ships' Blacksmi thing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building




Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAMD BEFAntSB.

Blacksmiibing in All lis Branches.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. West)


Real Estate and Commission Agent.

Stock Broker. Fire and Life In.suranco.

Campbell Block, 200 Merchant Etroet.


Wii(Ji hi... f r tis i Li-c- t iv ninlir- -

of ths t.iriutiH i utilizations of

for INFANTS! 1orncy. i &

worunn in the south. It is nonpolltlciilami is loiignnl solely to cultivate (lietics of friturithip among tho southernwotneu. This now association embraces1several otherH, Mich ns the Monumentalassociation, organized for tho purpose oferecting a tribute to tho dead et MountOlivet, and tho Ladies' Auxiliary, thofirst association of women In the southformed to net with gentlemen. ThoLadles' Auxiliary, in conjunction 'withtho men, npplied to th legislature forn portion of tho old Hermitage tract.Tliis wiih given, with a um sufficientto put tho place in order and erect thecomfortable, quarters which now shelteralmost 100 old soldiers.

List autumn the Kushvillo daughtersinvited the luombcrs from other stateswho hart uIfo united for tho same pur-pos- o

to form n national nseooiation, andthis has recently been accomplished.Mih. M C. Uoodlctt of Nnshvillo is thopresident, Mra L. H. ltnius of Savan-nah first vice president, Mrs. KateCabell Currie of Dallas second vicepresident, Miss White May of Nashvillethird vico president, Mrs. John P. Hick-man of Kaslivillo recording secretary,Mrs. J. B Lindsley of Nashville corre-sponding secretary, Mrs. V. B. Maneyof Nashville troasuierMrs. John Over-ton of Nashville president of tho stateassociation. New York Mall and Ex-press.

A rtello of narburUm.Rev. J. S. 'Wlthrow of the Third

Presbyterian 'church, Chicago, saystDenying woniuu any pluco or part in

society or stuto just becanso tho is awoman and granting tho same to manjust becauso ho is n man is, in myjudgment, n mean relic of barbarism.Tho foot that somo women do not desirethe frunchiso has nothing to do withtho duty of tho state to grant it If thoyshould fail to exerclso their grantedriglit, it wonld bo no more than menare. doing. When it is said that it wouldcoarsen women to mingle with men inpolitical competitions, I ventnro the in-

quiry, Why would not tho saving virtuesof womanhood rather conquer thocoarseness of men? But with tho conxe-qucuc-

to her wo are not called in thoflist iuttnuco to deal. Banish und burytho Liubario ideas and usages which do-b-

her from what tho male gender en-

joy on tho solo ground of their sex, andwhen all ouch inequality in removedallow her ns much freedom as fathors,brotliors aud hons to say what she willchooso to do and what not. As to tho am-

plest opportunities and privileges, fool-

ing tho "attitudo" of my own congre-gation in regard to tho election of wom-en as trustees, directors and to otheroffices iu tho church, it has not been amooted matter. But it is my opinionthat nil feel Euro thoro is nothing stand-ing in the way of women's elovntion inour church.

--f;Tim Par of Woinrn Mualelant. ' 1

Probably tliero is no field where rnorevarying wuge are paid to woman than inthe realm of music, writes Mrs. Garrett

A rcrfrct RIcht To.

2Lt r-

Sandford Say, Wheeler's pretty bad-ly gono on Miss Bloomer. I just sawhim putting a ring on her finger.

Merton What of it? A man hastright to ring his bicyolo belle, hasn'tho? Truth.


aloud Ilntler.There is bnttur nnd thoro is

buttor but thoro is no butter thatarrives in Honolulu so swoot andfresh ns tho Mikilun nnd WaiannoButtor. Its rapid transit by raildirect from tho dairy to tho Pala-m- a

Grooory's large! ico box soconveniently situated opposite thorailway depot enables us tohandlo it to tho host advantago.No wonder wo aro doing Euon alargo buttor business, whon woaro .soiling this fino buttor at 35o.por lb. Palama Grocery, oppo-ses Railway Depot, King stroot.Tolopbono 755.

King Bros, bavo just received anow lot of tissuo paper, windowpolos, sash rods, artists' materials,picture frames, etc '

Singers lead tho world. Over18,000,000 mode and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, eaBO oflearning and convenience of

B. Borgorsen, agont,1GJ Bethel streets.

!JggjjjjBBjJP" ,!, mmvmiriSSv.

Wo have received an immense stock of Infants andInvalids Foods, consisting part of

MeUins', Nestle's, Horlicks,JMurdock's, Ridges',Lactated, Imperial Granum,

And last, but not least, the only

MALT NUTRTKTF.WB-'.- Wo haven't nny particular hobby to force on jou,

but if youjwant food for Infants or Invalids, the placoget it is at tho


TlfEP ty. DIBS Co,



Commission Agents I

Dry Goods,Hardware and


H. HACKFELD & CO.Importors and Dealers in


Plantation Supplies.

H, HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Port Street.



Groceries, Provisions and Peed.New Goods Ileoeivod by Every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMEBAll Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to

l'irt of the City FIIEE,


COALFor Family Use!

Just Received, ex "C O. Funk," a cargo of

Wellington, Departure Bi,(obIWhloh is offered in quantllles to suit,

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.

WILDER & CO., L'D.30T& 303 Fort street.


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

" , i jm








-- I'. O. IIOX IS


Ohia, Algeroh and Pise FirewoeiCut and Split'(ready for the Stove).



WHITE AND B&A0K SANDAt Lowest Prints, deHrsved to any part of

the City.TElBPHONBi I I 1

HUSTAOE & CO.,31 Queen 'Street.

Pato&ii&n FertilizmgJUJVLJbja.JN if

Is prepared to (urubh

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1896.

In Quantities to Suit:E0P Orders solicited for a future ic

tivcry.A. F. COOKE, Msnsjrer.

' "T ft


7O '








Page 4: M y eVGNING BULLGTIN HW - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-01 · M x& y ASSOG r& vovovno(HN46aoA f Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W-- j w?''AVirf 5c Bulkl.n, eVGNING BULLGTIN


S Eueijii Bulletin,


MONDAY, L'EU. 15, 1897.


Jt linrtlly requires a super-

natural yift to prophesy that thopeople of tbo United States will,

bnforo many years elapse, repudi-

ate tin) uonstiuotiou just placedupou tho Constitution by tho

Supremo Court, which pushesAninricnn spiunon outsido tho

palo of humnu rights as defined

in that great document. In thoAiAgo decision a majority of thoSuureuio Court as reported pro- -

viously in this paper hold thattho imprisonment of seamen fordosertiou is not "involuntary servitude," thoreforo tho laws in thatregard nro not contrary to thoThitteenth Amendment. Therowas a largo mass meeting hold atSau U'raucisco tho night of thosecond of this month, to supportthe bills ponding in Congress to

abrogate the laws thus upheld by

tho Suproiuo Court. Oue of thospeakers was Alfred Fuhrman,who was a sailor boforo ho be-

came a lawyer, who is roported asfollows:

lie took up that part of thoSupreme Court which averredthat commerce would bo iujuredif the law were not enforced. liereviewed tho niaritimo codes fromthe fir.-- 700 years before Christand tl30 of tho seventeenth cen-

tury, und showed where recipro-city was always the keynote to therelations botweou sailors andofficers.

Ht defied Justice Brown to getnuy precedent in these timo-hon-o- red

laws, which had tho sauctionof many countries, but held thathis inspiration for his decision waslilac'stone, who had enunciatedthat "Bailors and soldiers must bothe exception in laws providingfor the freedom of Euglish sub-jects." That, ho said, was all wellenough 150 yeurs ago, when Eng-land was mouacod and evpry merchnntman was n quasi warship,but in tho light of the spirit ofthese times the "provision wasinfamous."

Ln concluding he said: "Tholaws enacted agaiust seamen arethe darkost blots on the Starsami Stripes, and with this slaveryexisting the flag is a hollowmockery to Jack. Whou you hearof theso things you do not wonderthat American boys never go toBoa. say to you that 1 havesailed under six flags and nowherehuve 1 ever seen such misorablotreatment as aboard thedeopwatorhellship sailing under the emblemof liberty. I repeat this is not apurtiean moasuro, but a questionof humanity."

Tho judiciary has in differentcountries been the last power toconcede the principles of freedom.In the United States it was amongthe very last backers of slavory.It looks as if it might uow holdthe same uuenviablo positiou withxegard to laws which, aB has beenexpreased'etamp seamen as serfs."

By tho decision of the SupremeCourt on tho appeal of tho Inter-Islan- d

Steam Navigation Com-

pany against the Tax AppealCourt reported in this papor onSaturday the taxation of thocapital stock of corporations at itsmarket value, as provided in thenow law, is confirmed, Thoroought to bo no great difficulty ingetting at a fair approximation of

tho market value of stocks. Itjvould be facilitated if Honolululiad a Stock Exchange, but, untilthat comes, there aro the lists ofstock brokers to go upon. Thoprinoiplo is upheld, at all events,and tho courts must bo relied on

to prevent injustice.

Besides improving tho qualityof labor, profit sharing promisesto bo a savor in its quantity."Cheap labor" ia a term that mayLocome obsolete under the coiningaubstitute for coutraot service,.and yet tho sugar industry bo

conducted mure economically nsto the ra'io bet u. in expenditureand results.

It is said that the law agaiustcontract labor in the United Statesis perBistoutly evadod in Alabamairon industries. Probably this isbecause they "must have labor,"like sugar in Hawaii.

Coffee u i on should not nllou thequestion of oilicial inspection andmarking to sleep. Their salvationis involved.

Lady Dudley.Lady Dndloy, whow husband l.sa ro

"ccivcil ono of tbo miner parliamentaryoffices in connection with tho now Salis-bury administration, Im piobnbl tlioonly pciTss of the realm who lias risenfrom the rank of a boun fltlo shopgirl toher present social eminence True,boro prior to her uiarrlngo tho name ofQunicy, ono of tho moat undent inNorfolk, ono of her ancestors havingboon that Thomas do Gourncy whom ordered Kiug Edward II in such nnappalling manner with hot iron barn.Tho young conutcss' father, however,met with business reverses and wascompollod to resign his partnership it.the, Gurncy bank, as well as to surrenderall his possessions for tho benoflt of hiscreditors.

Mrs. Gurncy thereupon opened a mil-liner shop in Loudon, but met withscant sucooes, her two daughters, whohad acted as assistants, ultimately be-

coming saleswomen in tho Regent streetBtoro of the uiodisto, Mmo. Elise.

About a your previous to Lord Dud-loy'-

innrringo tho uow widowed Duch-ess of Bedford and her bister, LadyHenry Somerset, interested tlieinsolvoin behalf of tho two young girls nndremoved thorn to inoro cougenlril sur-roundings. Rachel, tho oldest, became amember of tho household of tho duch-ess, while tho younger, uow Lady Trow-bridg- e,

was adopted by Lady HenrySomerset. It wa? as tho adopted daugh-ter of tho Duke and Duchess of Bedfordthat Rachol Gurncy married yoitn;Lord Dudley.

Uow to Tell it Hone' Age."Tho popular idoa that tho ago of a

horso can always bo told by looking athis teeth," said a vetorinury surgeon,"ii not entirely oorroct. After theeighth year the horso has no mora nowtooth, so that tho tooth rnothod is use-less for tolllug tho ago of a horso whichis mora thuu 8 yeurs old. As soon astho sot of teeth is complcto, however, awrinkle, begins to appear on tho upperedge of the lower eyelid, and nowwrinkle is added each year, so that toget at tho age of a horso more than 8yoara old you must figure tho teetli plusthe wrinkles."

now to Get Flnli I!nnr From tho Throat.With children in tho Iiouhq it is espo-oiall- y

necessary to know how to removeflih bones or anything else that haslodged in the throat. Tho whito of araw ogg will do this.

titlzni Attention.These aro days of considerable

auxiety und perplexity to all whohave possessions or other interestsin tho Republic of Hawaii, and itis time that our citizens came to amutual understanding on severalimportant issues. Tho prospectsfor Annexation appear at presentvague and iudistinct, and ourdestiny cannot bo- - foretold withcertainty. Thero are those, also,who still fondly cling to the hopeof a return to tho old order ofthings, and who cannot be per-suaded otherwise, yet this outlook appears far moro hazy thanthat of Annexation oven to thomost hopeful disciples of thoMonarchy. But, fortunately, intho midst of all this uncertaintythere is solace in tho fnct thatBuffalo Boer has came to stay nndthat patrons of all sorts andopinions may equally share thobenefits of its invigorating nndsustaining properties. Wo nromoreover assured that this favoritebrow will coutiuue to bo dispens-ed as heretofore at the lt6ynl,Pacific nnd Cosmopolitan Sa-

loons.m m

Jt. M. WATSOX DISCHARGED.The case of M. M. Watson, who was

charged with stealing a lceg of beerfrom the Seattle Brewing and MultingCompany, was dismissed by JudgeGlasgow yesterday afternoon, Thojudge held that if the prisoner wasbright enough to discriminate In favorof pure Rainier Beer he deserved re-

lease. On tap or in bottles at thoCriterion,

Singers lend tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-est awards at tho "World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, groat Bpeod, ad-

justability, durability, oaso oflearning and convenience of ar-

rangement. B. Bergorsen, agent,1CJ Bethel streets.


JiVENiNU BULLETIN, FEDllUAlll' 1! iyi7.'fiwwiifwwwMtal ilw. wni'wkjwtoww wii nwiiiiwwawwrii.'ff

Tint .tlnlhirrr Hip Ituiiiil).

A circumstance U jut reportedwhich calls to tho public mindonce iiioio that thiilling event inEnglish history- - tho mutiny ftho Bounty. When tho mutineerscast their captain and others ofhis crew adrift in an open boat,and themsolvos nailed oil with theBounty, they lauded at PitcairuIsland. Ab years weut by nndthey increased in number, theywero removed to Norfolk Isl-and, under the Now South WalesGovernment. It is at NorfolkIsland whero they aro now locnt-e- d,

ami tho admini'trntion of theplnce has been left in their hands.Bepoits of unsatisfactory ad-

ministration of justice reachedNew South Willi's, and an inquirywas made. Considering that thereports wero too well founded, theNew South Wales imthoiilies tiecided to chaugn the system ofgovernment, and the hint Australi-an mail brought particulars of thoproceedings. Lord Hampden, thoGovernor-Gen- et id of Now SouthWales, in H M S Kntoomba,visited Norfolk Island, takingwith him Colonel Spalding, O M"

G, who waB installed chiof magis-trate. It was gonorally thoughtthat sonio show of hostility to thonew regime would bo mado, butnothing of the kind occurred.The leadiug man of the place wasMr F M Nobbs, uud it transpiredthat the families of this man num-bered over three hundred. Thewhole population of the island isnot much over COO, so that thoNobbs family or families com-prise half of tho population.StrnugeVs nro practically excludedfrom the island, or, nt any rate,not encouraged, and this, togetherwith tho groat preponderance ofthe Nobbs, shovs that there hasbeen an inter marrying of a veryundesitablo nature. His Excel-lency Lord Hampden called apublic nieetiug, and read tho pro-clamation altering the constitutionunder which Norfolk Island wasgoverned. This was receivedgraciously by the islanders, andin their address they stated thatthe inhabitants of tho NorfolkIsland yielded to none in theirdovolion nud lovo to Queen Vic-

toria. Colonel Spalding wasformally installed as chipf magis-trate, and tho Kntoomba left. Thoeffective force to assist the newcommissioner to com pel obedienceto tho law consists of ono policeman. Colonel Spalding was get-

ting a cominitteo of elders electedto nssist him in governing thoisland. Liverpool Journal ofCommerce.

Alllerll'flll eullivtl.

If the demand of the sailorsthnt they bo treated as other Am-

erican workingmen are is accededto, tho San Francisco ChroniclesayH.thero will be njuch disgruntle-men- t

in those maritime countrieswhich huve a low rato of wagesfor seamen. Under tho presentsystem a man shipped in a low-wage- s

port can bo compelled toreturn to the same, but if he hasthe privilege of terminating hisengagement whon he reaches acountry where tolerably decentwages are paid, tho inevitable re-

sult would bo to raise tho scale inthe low-price- d countries. Tho ex-

isting system is destructive to American competition in tho foreigncarrying trade, because sailorsshipping in United States portswill not leave their vesaol whenthey rench countries where therato of cotupensntibn is much low-o- r

thau they nro accustomed to.In other words, so long as our lawsmako nn exceptiou of Jack, nndmake liiin servo out his timewhether he is well or ill treated,just that long will tho foreignshipowner enjoy a decided advan-tage of tho American on tho highseas.

SPANIARDS HIGHLY EXCITED.The Londo cable item today has tho

following: "The Cuban resolutions lntho United States Senate would be re-

garded here as a little moro than auseful sofety valve for the jingo sent-

iment did not tho Madrid telegramsshow tho highly Inflammable state oftho Spanish populace. It suggests thatthey drink Rainier Beer and keep cool.On tap or in bottles at tho Criterion.

Ono of tho valuable rolios in-

trusted to tho enro of the GrandMaster of Massachusetts Masonsis tho "Washington urn" asmollgolden urn containing a look ofGonoral Washington's hair. Mrs.Washington presented the lock totho Grand Lodgo in 1800, nndGrand Master Paul Boveie madethe urn,


m ' im


5 Rambler,S7S.OO

Trusting that you inny bo in-

terested in cycliug, wo tako tholiberty of stating to you n fewfacts about our whcols:

Wo need not troublo yon withneedless description of tho WorldFamed "BAM BLEU" Bicycle,which by itu easy running,

strength nud lasting'qualities has won for tho makersa name world renowned.

The "HAMBLEHS" nro cqui-pe- d

with the yrent G.&T, Detach-able Tiro, which since its intro-- '

duclion to Honolulu has proved,by tho numbers in use, tho mostsuccessful and necessary adjust-ment to n bicyolo.

We take great pleaBuro into our friends tho

"BAMBLEU" and trust that infurnishiugone to any person thoywill never havo occasion to regret.

Our terms aro such that a bicy-cle is no longer a luxury but auocessity in nctual saving of timeand money. Wo would ask youto but call and get our figures.

1896 Rambler,

As is customnry nearing thoclose of each year, tho makers inorder to get ready for tho ensuingyenr, offer tho present 189Gwheels nt reduced prices. Wo nronow prepnied to give our cus-tome- is

the benefit of theso reduc-tions as long as our stock holdsout. For those wishing an up todate wheel of the highest grade,one which wo can guarantee totho fullest extent, wo would offertho "RAMBLER." As to im-

provements for tho coming seasonwo would say we nnticipato none.Such changes which may bo madowill, as has been tho past twoyears, bo changes immaterial tothe improvement of tho wheel ingonoral.

Kindly give this somo thoughtor call your frionds'attontion to itand oblige.

Yours truly,

E. 0. Hall & SonLIMITED.


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Complete

and Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited. - -

The Lntost Applicnnces for FineWork pertnining tj Photography.

521 Fort St. Tel. 151

DAVID K. BAKER,florist,

Nuuanu Valley, above the Mausoleum.

All orders given prompt and faithful at-

tention. No extra charge for deliveringFlowers to any part of the city; Lois,Mountain GreeuB and Carnations a spe-cialty. 265-t- f


IPainter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly done. All work promptly and care,fully .attended to, Telephono 816. Resi-

dence, Kuakiui street. 023 Gui


Attorney at Law14 Kaahumanu Street.

Telephone No. 082. 408-G-


No. 43 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisemont of RealEstate and l'urnuuro.

Evenina Bulletin 76c per month.


.... i.i ) I

: u -- i

. I r ""SHOESI lm -73

' fmlw-1-JM-


The Manufacturei's' Shoe

10c.-Pe- r YanHOc.

NUNS : VEILINGS,All Colors; suitable Dresses.

10c. Per 10c.All Shades. I0c. per Yard.

Satin Surahs!All Colors; Latest Patterns. IOc, per Yard.

AT THEmmpn iFort Street,


Goods For

Every Day

In the YEAR

Are tho kind of goods wobundle. Whilst the holidayshavo made groat gaps in somolines, most of our lines willstill be found very com- -

fleto, notably that of Watches,a good many sales to

mako an impression in ourstock, wo carry so many.

Watches for $3

For men and boys, and

Watches for $300

For those with a longerpuree and an inclination forsomething out of the ordinary.

"Wo want to add you to ourlist of pleased watch customers,no mattor how little or howmuch you have to spend for thopurpose. Wo havo the goodB,and our many years of oxpori-onc- o

will bo gladly given to aidyou in selecting ono which willbo best for you.



l r STOCK oi- -




SSRSm' i h .

Co.,Shoe.Excltiai vel v

Satin Surahs!

jjhiw,"ELonohn ha.

Marshal's Sale.

By virtue of a Writ of Execution Issuedout of tbo District Com t, on tho 15th dayof Juauary, A. D. 1807, against Chow Sing,defendant, in fnvor of In SiuR, plaintiff, forthe sum of $219.23, I have levied uponand shall expose for gale nt the StationHouse, in the District of Honolulu, Islandof Oahn, at 12 o'clock of Saturday, tha20th day of F.bruniy, A. D. 1897, to thehighest bidder, all the right, title and in-terest of the said Chow Sing, defendant,

,J"Vl ,t0 ihe following propetty, unlessmid judgment, interest, costs and tny ex-penses be previously paid.

List of property for sale:Consisting of the one-tent- h interest in

the leasehold rights nnd nssota of the firmof Son Wong Wo Company, n Bananaplantation, situated on the niauka side oftbo Waikllrt road at Waikiki.

Honolulu, Oahu, January, ID, A.D. 1897.H. R. HITUHCOOK,

Deputy Marshal Itepublio of Hawaii.012--

Sprouted GocoanntsFor Salo !

Small Bonabe Cocoanuts readyfor transplanting. .Apply to

522-l- m W. E. ROWELL. -Money to Loan.

$85,000 to LoanOn Approved Security. Apply to

A. V. GEAR,522.3t 210 King street.

Meeting Notice.

TIib Regular Quarterly Meeting ofthe Union Feeil Company, L'd, willIm lltlil lit lllrt Pnniimnvj rll ..Saturday, the 13th instant, at 10o'oiook a. m, F. U VI DA,

Secretary Union Feed Co.. L'd.530 3t

Hawaiian Quintette Club.

Will provido First-clas- s Mnslo for Re-ceptions, Pichioi, Lunns, Grand Halls, etc.,eto.AU orders given prompt attention.,W Leave orders with "Ka HaleOiwl"W. W. Dimoud, or to Cain D. Wilioknl,III Richards stieet. 515-l-



OrriCEi 203 Merchant street, CampbellBlock rear of J. O. Carter' office, P. O.Box 338

x&k- i&' "-,- JvlUiV ,fi 'if i ojL .iafcsffi Mimpww..w"STCsji. iti. sum&x!&.- - S.JOSEi-fc,'-,--'i53L- RFi;- - 5&.iua" ra " i



Page 5: M y eVGNING BULLGTIN HW - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-01 · M x& y ASSOG r& vovovno(HN46aoA f Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W-- j w?''AVirf 5c Bulkl.n, eVGNING BULLGTIN



J. S. McCiuidlebB 1ms returnedtfrorn Lnuuinn.

Band concort at Emma squarotonight at 7:30.

Naturalist Perkins has returnedfrom'a trip to Kauai.

Senators Itico and Waterhouso' bavo returned from Kauai.

Tho Kash is hitting' high pricesin the neck, litorally, this week.

Several household conveniencesore advertised by W. V. Dimond.

Attorney S, M. Ballou returuodfrom Maui by the Claudiuo yester-day.

Deputy Shoriir Sholdon of Mauiv is in the city, accompanied by hisWHO.'V

1. Jnmos Blackio, an engineer of-- J Alio Makawoli sugar plantation, is

m fv in t in mftr

- Superior breakfast sausago js ayi. specialty at tho Central Market

King it up.0. V. Sturdevant and W. B.

Castlo are proparing a joint pam-phlet on annexation.

C. W. Spitz, who runs a goneralmerchandise store at Lihue, isover from the Garden Isle.

Oahu Lodgo No. 1, K. of P.,will give an anniversary dance attheir hall on Friday evening.

Bon Zablan, the new clerk oftho police court, iB opening up afresh set of books for his depart-ment.

"What lias become of the proposi-tion to light tho Waikiki rond withelectricity? It is buried clean outof sight.

A good many people who travelon street cars are wishing therewas a law against spitting andsmoking thoreiu.

J. H. Schnack, the well-know- n

collector, was thrown out of hisbrake on Saturday on the Palamaroad and sovorely bruised.

Dr. Monsarrat's now wheel wentback on him on tho Waikiki roadyesterday and ho was forced totake it aboard a friendly streetcar.

. Merchant street near the post-oflic- o

is badly impeded by workon the water mains, and Kaahurnnnu street is closed for tho pro--

J sunt.Mauagor Coutor and family are

stopping at tho Hawaiian hoteltemporarily, previous to taking uptheir permanent residence at Wai-ann- o.

After many years of waiting, thoband stand at Emma squaro hasat laBt been fitted with incandes-cent lights. Thomas square iB

next in order.Archie Smithies has entered on

the duties of clerk of tho PostalSavings Honk vice John D. Holt,resigned. Ho received his ap-pointment on Saturday.

Frank Lynn of the steamerMikahala was thrown from hiswheel on Sunday ovening, dislo-cating his shoulder. Dr. Herbertstrnightened him out again.

A fire broko out in tho rear ofAh Heo's furniture store on Nuu-an- u

street yesterday afternoonabout 2 o'clock but was extinguish-o- d

without calling on the depart-ment.

' Solomon Mahiki, an employe ofE. 0. Hall & Sons, was arrested

l this morning on a charge of lar--- V

cony in the socond degree. He isaccused of appropriating a quan-tity of leather.

The eloven from H. M. S.- IcaruB turned tho tables on thelocal cricketers on S.iturdoy after-noon by winning tho eleven withseven wiokets to spare. ,A finalmutch is now on tho cards.

Printed circulars in native, sign-ed by William 0. Achi, C.L.Hop-kins, J. L. Kaulukou and J. M.Poopoe, on tho Japanoso questionaro being distributed by tho An-

nexation Club throughout tho isl-


Company E beat Company" Fin a match shoot on Saturday byCreedraoor rules, each teamBcoring 408. The sarao rules worealso responsible for CompanyD's victory over F and G, thoscores being 400, 400 and 383 res-


Only throo men wore before thopolice court for drunkenness thismorning, an unusually smallnumber for a Monday morning.The Hogey Instituto seems to bogetting tho best of tho DistrictCourt, as the cash roceipts fromfines for drunkenneBB aro rapidlyfalling off.

J. M. Vivas put in last Satur-day acting ns interpreter in thoDitnoud divorc; case.

A special meeting of thoTrustees of tho Queen's Hospitalwill bo hold at 11 a. in. Wednes-day.

The now treasury certificates,which aro for both gold and silvor,win not Do roauy to is3U0 for awhile longor.

Geo. W. Smith tho druggist isthe now secretary of tho Queen'sHospital Trustees, in place of F.A. jSohaefer, promoted to thochair as vice president.

J. D. McVeigh and his crew ofquarantine officers aro onjoyiugtho pleasures of city life for a fewdays until tho next consignmentof students comes along.

Professor Bergor announcesthat tho government baud willgivu a moonlight concort at Ma-ko- o

Island on Wednesday even-ing, and that the band stand willbo lit up by oleotric lights.

It is generally underutood thatas tar as tuo Dimond caso hasproceoded nothing has occurredand no testimony hus been givenwhich would have shockod anyono listening to or reading it inprint.

Caretaker Greene taketh thobuu for making tho pun. "Not-withstanding counter attractions,"ho says, "Messrs. Aahloy andStackablo are, kept pretty busy attuo treasury." He tondored thiswit for use without credit, but ourreporter is incapable of such ao )untor feat.

About fifteen prisoners undertwo native lunaB have been engaged most of'tho day in dragging abig flag polo from Dowsett's laneto tho Quarantine fetation. Whenou tho mud flats tho whole lot,prisoners, flunas and poles, potmired down through the breakingof the rope they woro hauling on.

An apprentice off ono of therecently arrived big sailing vosspIbin port was anxiously looking forthe American Consul Goneral thismorning, olaiming that ho hadbeen knocked out no loss thanBnventeen times betwoou SanFrancisco and this port and thateverybody on board from thocaptain to tho cook had had a handin abusing him.

1'roiioiiiiccd a 1'iiUr.

Tho story reprinted In a morn-

ing paper about Burr Ferguson,a notorious confidence operator,being ordered out of Portland,Oregon, and his supposed visit toHonolulu and iutormnrriago intoa branch of tho royal Hawaiianfamily in 1891, is pronounoed afako of the worst kind by sevoralpersons who ought to know. Ex-Mars-

C. B. Wilson is ono ofthese, and ho says that of the twomon of tho name of Forguson whohavo beorj here in ten years pastoue was a gentleman fromEngland who was in thebusiness of importing horsesand cattle and tho otherwas tho captain of the Monsarratof "blaokbirding" famo. Mr.Wilson says there were also oneor two naval officers of the samoname here during tho poriod men;tioned, but none of them inter-married with any branch of theroyal or any othor family whilehero. He pronounces the story afako from beginning to end.

-- . i; )

Maatlug of Portugarie.There will bo a special meeting

of tho Portuguese Union at itsheadquarters on Alapni streetnext Sunday afternoon at 1o'clock. As tho Union numberswithin its membership about 09por cont ot tho Portuguoso in thocity, tho colony will be well rep-resented at tho meeting beyond adoubt. President VivaB could notsay this morning what subjectswere to be brought up, boyondthat tho mooting was called to dis-cuss matters pertaining to the gon-eral welfare of tho Portuguese inHawaii. Asked if tho Japaneseimmigration question would notbo one of tho leading topics forconsideration, Mr. Vivas said,"Very likely; so far wo have onlyjust decided to call tho meetingand havenot yet agreed on a pro-gram."

Meeting Notice.

A Special Meeting of the Board ofTrustees of the Queen's Hospital willboheU at the Koomof thuChii:nlerof Ciiinmerce uu We Inttxlay, the 17thday of February, at 11 o'ulook a. in,

Par order.Q. W. SMITH,

534 3t Secretary.

.C'v ,..- - ... -.- tijan.'V.-tliSflUw,'',51

SwSyaSws"- . jmzmamjstjA.

mp"mssaavm m wrt--

TJT' T ' '', 't A



Lnu wjm

POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

Celebrated for Us yrvni Ivnvcnlnt; strengthand henltufulnets. Arnttrcs tho food agaln'lalum and all forms of mtultcrntloii commonto tho cheap brands. lloVAi. Dakino l'ow-nu- n

Co , Nisw Yoiik.

IIuvo you a copy of the : :

: : Hobron Drug Co's. new


BOOKTho book is different from tho

ordinary cook-boo- k. Its free to

inyono who will call or write.

Botter get one to-da-

Hobron Drug Co.Kin' Si Fort.

If wo made aspocial occasionof every new arrivalof neckwear every daywould bo "spocial"day.Lots of you comeevery day. It'sour ploasnro tohavo you eeo anow scarf ovorytime you come.That's doing thotio business right.This week's offoriug


"The Kash."9 Hotel Street ': : WaYerley BlOCt

Dissolution of Partner-ship.

Notice is hereby Riven that thepartnership formerly existing betweenH. E Garea, J. E. Wentbrook anil J.Sohllef, doing bustuesa under the firmname of tho Central Meat Market,"lndissolved by mutual agreement andconsent, H. . Garea havlug pur-chased the Interests of the otherabove-nam- ed parties. Mr. Garea willcontinue the business under the nameuamo. 533 at

Potindmaster's Notice.

Notice la hereby given (hat oneBuy Horse, no brand, whl'e spnt onforehead, hIm) white spot ou the nose,four while xpotx on tho back and theleft hind febt white, is liupoumled lathe Government Pound at Miklkl,Honolulu, and If such estray la notclaimed and all pound charges satis-fied ou or before Saturday, February27. 1897, at 12 o'clock noon, the samewill be sold on that date and hour tothe highest bidder.

K. KEKUKNE,Poundmaster.

Honolulu, Feb. 1.1, 1807. 533 St


Real Estate and Commission Agent.

Stock Broker. 1'iro and Lifu In-surance

Campbell Blook, 200 Merchant Street.


Our customers toll us thatour novelties nro tho best thathavo over been s-I- in Jlnno--'lulu. As a rule kitchen novel-ties and labor saving tools don'tamount to much, ours oo.

Tho quick-cu- t mincing knifois ono thnt cuts around thecorners; being mndo half round,it is tho best for chopping in nbowl. Fifteen cents is the price.

Every housekeeper knowsthat small bits of soap ac-cumulate in the kitchen untilthoy aro thrown away. Thokitchen soap shaker, mado ofwire, enables you to economizein respect to soap.

Half the fun of camping isin being able to flip a flap jackin cnoan, Ducnait tuo liuntorsand half tho cooks dont savoyhow. Wo have a cako turnerthat does flipping automatical-ly. It costs 15 cents for a dol-

lar's worth of satisfaction. It'smade on the prin-ciple.

Tho Premier egg cup is anovelty that should bo in usein every homo. It saves scor-ching the fingers in openingtho egg; it saves disappoint-ment in tho way of maturedeggs being sent to tho table,for by its use tho ago of theegg is ascertained before itleaves tho kitchen; it guaran-tees satisfaction in every way.

We've more novelties thanwe can write about in ono ad.Sink brooms at 15 cents is oneof them and World's Fair tooth-picks another. All good fortho house. For staples wehavo:

Handsome candelabra lampsin brass. Royal banquet lamps,wrought iron $0.10 each.Crystal font street lamps. Brassrailroad lamps excellent forsteamer pursers. Wire epcrgnesfor the tablo. All cheap.

Von Holt Block.



New Goods in AllDepartments !

Just Received H. 8. "Australia"a Full Line of

Blank , BooksAND

Office Stationery.85o. Papeterle : our price 25c.50c, " " 35.75o. and 85c. " " 60o.60o. Tablets " " 25c.50o. " " " 30c.60o. " " " 85c.

New Novelties....IN ....

School Goods,gjT 8ee Prices In Our Show Win-


J. M.WEBB310 Fort Street.



Oor. Fort and Qaeen Streets, Honolulu.

M. PHILLIPS & CO,,Wholesale Importers and Jobbers ot

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.

New Spring GoodsJUST OPEN AT......

N. S. SACHS'520 Fort Street ; : JELonolulu.THE VERY LATEST MATERIALS!

Fancy Organdies, Printed VEusIiis,DIMITIES, IPIQUJES,

Grenadines, Homespun, Linens,WHITE GrOODS

An entire new line in Stripes, Plaids, Checks, Pin Spots, etc.

Latest in 3STeck "Wear,Now Inchings, Latest Collars and Cull's.

The 3STew Bolero fJacketsIn Jet and Lace, in Black and White.

JTav ICtibbona I ifrTo-v- v Trimmings I



Our Larse Assortment or

ThrecB'mil m muvAv"i vhbbki

Just Received Direot from the London Factory.


f IflE HVr'Mll frtfl,L ND ErICN GlQI3Tobaccos and Smokers' .Articles.

Corner Fort and Merchant Streets.

Lewis ffi 0First-clas- s .grocers include

among their patrons peoplowhoso tastes run to tho dainty.It may not pay the dealer tohandle such goods alone hutif ono of our 1800 customerswants Armour's Sliced Baconin tins wo feel under ohligationsto that customer to keep astock on hand to supply hiswants. That's how we enrao toorder it first, ono man wantedit. Now our sales averagenearly a dozen cases a weekand we seldom sell nioro thanone tin at a time Armour'sgoods are all right, particularlyhis sliced bacon.

The best,,,Block Butter isworth half a dollar a poundtoo high to uso for cooking.The next grade is CaliforniaCreamery sqIIb for 25 cents;still high for a large familywhere much of it is used. Akit contains 25 pounds, wosell ono for $7.50 and tho but-ter is good onough for thotable. This is what you calleconomy.

California Pig Pork is adelicacy hero because, moroand better care is given to thofeeding of tho pigs. There's noquestion about tho quality ofthe American hog and thispig pork wo sell is from select-ed young pigs, nothing strongabout it and not a bad piece ina 25lb. keg. It's yours to try.

Other articles wo recom-mend Salmon Bellies andBloator Mackerel. Thoy aroas great a delicacy as can hofound we swear by thobloaters because they aro primoand fat a single ono if youwant it or a kit.

Lewis & Co.,GKOOERS.,

Wart Street, Honolulu.

yH HS.


"Wo are expecting a large

invoice of China from the fac-

tories in Franco and England.

Tho goods will bo of the same

fine quality that we ha,Y9 al-

ways carried in stock.

To mako room for tho new

and get rid of the old wo offer

at less than cost odd pieces in

French and English China.

Theso comprise Teas, Coffees,

Breakfast or Dinner Plates,Vegetable Dishes and every

thing else in .China used on

tho table. Thoy are not in

full sets but in odd pieces.

This is tho first odd piece sale

wo havo held and you get a

great benefit if you take nd-vant-

of tho opportunity

presented. There aro not many

pieces, and tho first customer

gets a bargain.


Queen Street.

The Evening Bulletin, 76 cetifiper wonfi.



Jf.. v- "i3








H' rff3

J ,



Page 6: M y eVGNING BULLGTIN HW - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-01 · M x& y ASSOG r& vovovno(HN46aoA f Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W-- j w?''AVirf 5c Bulkl.n, eVGNING BULLGTIN


rggliilgwwf rT? "


KoblDson Block, Hold Streot.

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Straw Hats, 25c. up.

Crope Pajamas, $1 a suit.

Colored Bosom Shirts, 65c.

Ladies Kimonos, $1 up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.

Paper .Napkins, 30c. a 100.

Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.

Silk Embroidered PillowCovers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Roblnsou Block, Hotel Street.


plant lor hulling, polishing and KtUuKroffte.e are prepared to bny and cleancoffeo In tho parchment.


Coffee !tW Apply to



Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose,Sharpens Scissors,

In fact nil kinds of Tools, and (loon nearlyall kinds of work that anyone requires.

E1U. Work called for and returned byringing up

Telephone 852.LAWN MOWERS TO LET.

E)8f Remember we do work cheap thisyear. 510-l- f

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209J4 Merchant Street.

FOR SALE and TO LET.Honso on Beretania street, near Fiikoi

street; rooms, dining room, kitchen, bath-room and an empty lot to keep horse.

Honso on School street; parlor, severalbedrooms, kitchen, pantry, outhouses andstable lormprly occupied by Bon. W. H.Rice.

House on Robello lane, Falaroa, 3 bed-rooms, dining room, kitchen, bathroom,carriage house and stable, large yard.

Lot opposite Lunalilo Home; healthy andfine location.

Turuished Rooms; Property in nil partsof tho city.

Henry Davis,320 Fort street, near Merchant.

Merchandise Broker,Commission Agent,

Custom House Broker and Statistician


General Business Agent

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in the Abbtrnct Business, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand complete manner, and onshort notice.

F. W. Makinnky.In W. O. Smith's Office, 018

Fort Streot. 215-- tf

Consolidated Sofia Water Co., L'i

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sis., Honolulu.



Book and Job PrinterMerckant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian News Company'sHook btoro. my 18.


Dealers in Lumber and Coaland Building Materials of allkinds.

Queon Street, Honolulu,


Telephone 850, : : : : No. '.'10 Klug 8t.

miiiiiiBaHisBakf jwim r !. . j ycri .

MBS torn-j- y I

! IK --4 ! W


7BR TJ&pEr

Aj-- oi1 -g


hiE. -& ?sits:, s--


3.w 2 52.

Perry Davis'Pain Killer.

is tho Universal Panaceafor all kinds of Aches andPains. Do not acceptany but tho Genuine. Ifyour dealer does not haveit, call on or address the

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Islands.

LiV.pitonHuve Just Received per S. S.


jtaw fashion Qoods

Very Pretty Dealgus.

ParisBallDresses .

Dress Goods In Evening Shades!

J&.X1 IXTo--w

Wholesale and Retail.

There is a difference be-

tween a Scrape and a Shave.

The "CTilTERON" 'Bar

ber Shop can prove this.

Fort Street, near Hotel.

DAVID K. BAKER,florist,

Nuuonu Valley, above tho Mausoleum.

All orders given prompt and faithful at-

tention. "No extra charge for deliveringFlowers to any part of the city: Leis,Mountain Oreens and Carnations spe-cialty. 265-t- f


Painter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly done. All work promptly and carefully attended to. Telephone 816. Residence, Kunklnl street. O'ja-i-


Attorney at Law.H Kaahumanu Street.

Telephone No. GS2.



No. 45 Queen 8treet.

Expert AppraiBeraont of IlealEstate and Furniture.

.. -- . m . w.i wj.-- J j PW-- iMMMr".xutafla - --" ; --; y

t' ' .



t hu ,


. .


No Loner AfrgrrMlre."What I object to about tho 'new

woman,' " said tlio apprehensive man,"is that sho pushes ahead too fast."

"Oh, I don't know," replied tho manin bioyolo clothes.

"She wants to do as much work as aman docs."

"You're wrong. You get a tandem,rido up a hill with ono of them, anayou'll find out your mistake. " Wash,lugton Star.

lie Saw.Hotel Clerk (suspiciously) Your bun-dl- o

hat conio apart. May I ask whatthat queer thing is?

Guost That is a now patent fire es-

cape. I always carry it, so in caso offiro I can let myself down from tho ho-

tel window. See?Clerk (thoughtfully) I see. Our

terms for guests with firo escapes, sir,aro invariably cash in advance NewYork Weekly.

What lie Wnnted.The old gentleman looked at the

youth rather sharply ovor tho top of hisglasses.

"I gather from your remarks," hosaid, "that you would like to bo my

"I don't caro a continental aboutthat," retorted the young man withconsiderable asperity. "Your daughterhas enough monoy in bor own right tosatisfy mo. " Chicago Post

Seemed to Remind Him."Speaking of that yellow old hum-

bug, Li Hung Chang""By Gcorgo, I'm glad yon spoko of

him. It ho wero here, ho would proba-bly ask me : 'How about that lettor yourwifo gavo you tho othor day? Havo youmailed it yet?' I'll go aud do it rightnow." Chicago Tribune.

Btulnen.Ho Miss Luella, I lovo yon madly.

Will you bo mino?She This really is so sudden, Mr.

Bltsni. I must havo time to think itover before I answer you.

He Can't givo you lunoli. Last cargoes in 16 minutos. Cincinnati En-


An Awkward Addendum."So both your sisters havo married,"

said tho man who puts his foot in it,"and you aro the only ono left? Excusome," ho hastened to add. "I shouldhave said tho only one remaining."Indianapolis Journal.

A Convenient Flirue."Who aro tho deserving poor?""The poor that thoso who speak of

them uover find. "Detroit News.

A Complete Success.


He Thank heaven, I'vo nover disap-pointed my father's expectations sincetho day I was born.

Sho So ho was expecting a girl, washo? Now York Suuday Journal.

Mary Had a Utile Hike.Mury boui;lit n Mko whin bikes

Were novtl here below,And every v, hero thit Hury went

Upon that biku huoM go.

Sho pedaled it to school ono clay-- Toteach It was hor rule

And when the children unw that bikeIt orozy made the school.

And when from thrncothty hurried oatWith all tholr parent! dear,

Thoy lugged and plouded till to aohA'blko there did appear.

And now the school in clotted, und onThe town's tnaoadnmed pike

With Mary all her rutlnuoDo bike and blko and biko.

Boston Courier.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular Houbo, 154 Fort streot,from S1.00 per week up.

That pictnro in King Bros',window whioli has attraoted somuch attention is not tho portraitof anyono here.

Starling, tho painter, is pre-pared to quote prices on roofpainting. Ho uses a composition of.coal tar ana cement. Uheapostand best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

Mechanics' Homo, oornor Hotoland Nunanu stroets, lodging by--

day, week or month. Terms: 25and 60 cents per night. $1, and$1.25 nor wpok.

City Oarriago Co.. J. S. And.rado, manager. If you want ahack with gooc) horse and oaro-(- ul

driver ring up Telophono 113,oorner of Fort and MerchantUreots- - Ilaok at all hours.

Suboribe for the Evening Bmletin 75 cents por month.


, k .'iMy


2M .;?l t

ouaSNawj-- -

Will Never Look- - Like This

If you et your Clothes from

Moderns & Decker,

Tho Hotel Street Tailors.

A PeirVct Fit Guaranteed.

New Ewa

Plantation Co.


In Block to suit pur-chasers. Will deliverafter January 2, 1897.

Inquire of

Tho Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

08 Fort Street Honolulu

J. J.SDXUVAN, J. Buoklxt,Preitdent, Sec'r.

Fasnion Stables CollHonolulu, H. I.


in the City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivers.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

Tolepuonk:Haw'n Hotel Stables, 82.Pantheon Stables, 84,Fashion Stables, 148.


Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merchant and IUcuartlt Sis.


537 Carriages, Surrejs and Hntks at allhours. TELEPHONE 400.

Building v LotFOK SALE.

Situated on the Boutli corner otBeretania and River streets, 100 feeton each ftreot; It will beouuof thobest locations for business within afew years.

WILL B13 SOLD CHEAP.r For further particulars, an

ply to W. O. AOHI&CO.510-- tf

Oflace To Let,At 207 Merchant Street.

Peerless Preserving Paiut Company.502-t- f


Sailors' Homo RestaurantLu Hung Co., Frsprlctors.

Chicken and Ico Cream Sundays.All new, neat and clean. , , ,

Board (per month) $17,00,21 Meal Tiokets 4.00Single Meal ,25

487 33m

C. B. DWIGHTTakes contract for all kinds of STONE

WORK, monument work, cement andBtono sidewalks and curbing, I have onhand tho best Hawaiian stone, Chlnesogranite eto. Fine stone for monumentalwork. Estimates given and lowest pricesassured. Telephone 833.



'4fo msnmt&x ame'JJh22&'- -

jniiiiMJiui uwHWtPillli mi!'l'lHIUIl'iif.lL 'Ui .'WWmf. '



Tiaet Eeceived per ua.u.et:i:a,lia,.Atmorcs' Minco Meat in glass jars,

Old Homestead Minco Meat in 1 lb. pkgs.,Cuttings' Mince Meat in 2 lb. tins,

K. and R. Plum Pudding in 1, 2 and 3 lb. tins,Cranberries, Candied Peel,

California Sweet Potatoes,. New Crop Raisins, Nuts, Dates, Figs,

Apples, Queen Olives, Asparagus,Maplo Syrup, Edam Cheese,

Creamery Butter, Hams, Bacon,Crackers, Cheese, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Chas. Hustace,




Soroi, Cattli, Sbetp, Dogs, Swln and Poultry.

The Marvelous Hair Remedy which prevents


Solo Agent, Honolulu.RT Neat pamphlet free on application. P. O. Box 292, Telephone 28.

Honolulu, April 21, 1890.Mr. C. W. Mactarlanei It affords me pleasure to recommend, to any one whose hair

is falling out, thouBO of Bit. 1'OTTIE'S HAIR OIL. My hair was coming out at such.a rate as led mo to believe that I would soon become bald. After using the oil for five eekithis ceased entirely; none whatever is now falling out. I consider it the best and onlyworthy remedy for this trouble and aleo recommend it as a stimulant to new growth.

505 tf Yourstruly, J. B. DANIELS.

CLUB STABLES,Xoxt Street, - - - - Tel. -- 77

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -:- - AND -:- - LIVERY..


A specialty.

The best left with

J. T.Machinist, JTaiii

G17 619

Ex. Bk. s.

King Street.

Ed. INGHAM,of Description!'

on Glass a



assortment ol

WILLIAMS, (Manager)Undertaker EmBalmei

THE- -


of attention to animals us. Careful drivers, a.attendants, promptness. Hacks, Surries, Brakes, Bugries.l'haetons,

LUND & TOHAM,Brass Signs and Electro-Platin- g

JLUM,Nickel and Silver






Signs EveryGilding



given respeetfWagonettes.


Gitv Furniture Store,received AlbertREED PURNITUilE.



Main Office Telephone No. 53. T. O. Box No. 222 Branch Office Telephone No. 83S .

Oatui Lumber and Building Co., Ld.Lumber Merchants, Contractors & Builders.


Doors, SaBhes, Paints, Oils, Bnildors' Hardware, Wall Papors andMatting, Eto. Manufacture All Kinds of Moulding.

Main Office, Lelco, King street. Branch Office and Planing Mill, corner King andBethel streets. Lumber Yards, Leleo and Lot near B. R. Depot. Private traok connect-ing with O. B. i L. Co. U. B. runs through our yards to B. R. wharf ond any part ofEwa and Waiaimo stations. 483-- tf

Bulletin, 75c, er Month

' .....',', '- . .

.i!&.iif&L. iSLts fifl2BliWHI? I fJffTBBFriiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWBBMiM ,"' , mi minmiTr hrmJu'Ti fcs.ifcftJifwiiMwigwaWMiiiHrg3fAiiJtBriiy7agBWjSiairgtMHTihliir5Ti;iinf-iTrTrrWBrmiai- T nmai iTTswiiriiiii iwlrffTfiin irrirTr Tir " -


Page 7: M y eVGNING BULLGTIN HW - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-01 · M x& y ASSOG r& vovovno(HN46aoA f Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W-- j w?''AVirf 5c Bulkl.n, eVGNING BULLGTIN






Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after the Origina1Recipe from the Purest Ingredients.


mmtl SMITH & 80.'527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.

ED. A. WILLIAMS,(Successor to C.,E. Williams, H. H. Williams & Co.

"and Williams Bros.

Undertaker and Emklmer,EBMOVBD TO

516 Fort Street.Telephone 179.

110P0LM MT CO.


O. J. WALi-ii- . - Manaokb.



Navv Contractors!

Refrigerated Poultry--AND-


Mefoopolitai fljeafi do.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214 Nduanu Street.For Your Clioice

Orders ,

The finestOF

ReMgeMed ,--. Meat?

Always on liana. Orderspromptly and carefully attend'ed to. . i

HERBERT GAKES,Solo Proprietor.- -


For the Equine Table in tboway of all kinds First Class

HAY, GRAIN 0 FEEDAro on salo by tbo


138 Fort St. Tel. 422.


Old Armory, Ucretiuila Street.

L. H. Dee & Co.Hay, Oata, Bran, Middlings. Chop Feed,

Oil Cuke McrI, Rock Salt, Alfalfa Hay.Flour, Rolled llnrley, Rolled Oats, CrackedCorn and Wheat. Oregon Burbank Potatoes

hipped from California and Oregon regularly.

Night Telephone 815.

Fresh GroceriesBy Each Steamer.

Table .'. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,20 Boretania Street, Waring Block.

WST Telephone G80 -

H. flfA.Y $ CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Tolepboner 2'd P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds


State of California.Having been appointed and commissioned

a Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Cal-ifornia. I am prepared

To administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and afflda-Ti- t.

To take and certify tho acknowledgment orproof of powers of attorney, mortgages,transfers, grants, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 356. 310 Klpg Street,

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1896, $106,545.15

uoney Jjoaned. on Approved Security.A Barings Bank for Monthly Deposits,Bouses Built on the Monthly Installment

rian.Thirteenth Series of Stock now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Seorotary.Chamber of Commerce Booms.Office hours, 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373-t- f

J. S. WALKER,General AonT rem Hawaiian Islands.

Boynl Insurance Company.Alllauce Assuranco Company,Alliance Marino and General Assurance

Compauy.Bun Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wilhelma of Madgeburg Insurance Com-

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 13 Spreckels Block, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE OARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands.

Orr'cvsi Merchant street, Honolulu;




What Its lias to fcny About Men, Womennnd Children.

It would 1)0 u good denl moro sensible,if the men had chaperons.

A ninti novor believes that tho girl hoia going to marry could over grow nifat m her mother.

Tho mail who puts off gotting bisteeth fixed boforo ho gets mnrrled is al-

ways too poor afterward, becauso he hasto pay for tho children's musio lessons.

When n woman's first baby ia 4months old, she isn't happy till shetakes It to n photographer nud hni itsploturo taken sitting on a hair rug withall its olothes off.

A girl can't bo in lovo nnd hnvo abad cold in tho howl nt tho same time.

Whou n tunu says that' nobody enroswhether ho lives or dies, ho isn't adver-tising himself vory well.

A woman loves n tnnu better for somo-time- s

hurting hor feelings.When a girl admits that sho hns a

corn, sho says sho must quit wearingsuoh looio shoes.

No mnttor how poor a stick lie. i., nwoman always thinks her hnsband isan undiscovered genius.

A man always shuffles around andlooks uncomfortable when his wifotalks about things that happened ontholr honeymoon.

A mnu Isn't likely to enjoy hcnrlnghis wifo talk with a womuii who

him when ho was n boy.When a woman tells yon somo gosrfp

about nnotbor woman, sho always be-

gins by saying, "Isn't it awful how shehas got herself talked about?"

When a woman gets an idea sho mustbo economical, slio hunts around andfinds an old skirt to rip up.

It isn't that a man doesn't ceo thefaults in the woman ho is in lovo with,but somehow tho faults seem lovable.

After all a mun'a honschold goodshave been carted aronnd tho stroots ona moving von ho feels ns though thoneighbors had taken an unfair advan-tage of him.

A man hurti himself moro in hiswifo's estimation by being brutal toother ppoplo than ho does by boing bru-

tal to hor.Boforo n man is 25 ho spends most of

bis tinio trying to inako tho girls thinkho ia n devil of a fellow. After that hospends most of it trying to make themthink iio isn't.

The woman who fusses and scoldsand slaps tho children for nn hour bo-

foro Sunday school tinio is often thosaino one who sits in the parlor all thoevening with tho blinds np and playshymns on tho mrlodeon. Now YorkPress.

The Warm Tarn.

She (an helreEs) I cannot marryyou. I've bad 20 better men than yonat my feet.

He Gnmpb I Chiropodists? Sketch.m mi

Information for Tourlatn.A passenger by tbo last Colonial

steamer was met on tbe dock bya Mileamu American friend, whoresides in Honolulu. As tho pairwaited to have tho newcomer'sgripsaok scrawled over with chalkmarks by tho Customs Inspectorat the oato the straugor remarkedto his friend "Do you 'ave muchrain 'ere ? " Rainier mo boy,callous of it, just come up to thoAnchor Saloon whero thoy keep'it always, cloar and, cool. "We'lljust be in time for lunch too andthat's tho only place in townwhero thoy sorvo it up in proporstylo with a glass of RainierBeeh to oquilibrializo tho solidsThoy wont I

M. m.,watso. Discii-uian- a

The case of M. M. Watson, who wascharged with stealing; a lecg of beerfrom the Seattle Brewing- and MaltingCompany, wns dismissed by JudgeGlasgow yesterday afternoon. Thojudge held that if the prisoner wasbright enough to discriminate in favorof pure Rainier Beer ho deserved re-

lease. On tap or In bottles at theCriterion.

Portraits onlargod from smallphotos and handsomely framodfor $10 at King Bros.

Kroogor Pianos, sweetest in tone,Jns.AY. Borgstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. "Warerooms atG. "West's, Masonic Teraplo. Of-fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. Biff Tolo-phon- e


Below Cost!On account of my Bcnioval to

New and Larger Quarters 1 amClosing Out my present

pijlE foeior

-:- - JEWELRYBelow Cost


C13 Fort Strfft.

To My Patrons.It gives me uiuoh pleasure

to announce that MR. M. It.COUNTER, one of the mostskilled wntchmnkora evor inthose Islands, is now mnnngingmy repairing departmont. Nowatch is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-fe- ct

satisfaction in correctingtho evils to which watches arehojr. Watohos are delicatethings to haudlo. Wo guaranteethat they will recelvo no injuryt our bands and will leavo

our store in perfect repair.Respectfully,

E. A. JACOBSON,007 Fort Street.

EC- - a. JBIAJRT.40JJ Fort Btroet.

n m

O na Puna MakanaKn Hiwnhiwa oi loa aku 0ku Naui Makamae.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaepu ia na Wati poino a mo kabaki o ke A--

Alanu't Papu, kokoke alnnui Moi.

THE LOUVRECOS Nuuasu Street.

Hairy Kleinme, - - Prop.

Seattle-Bee- rThe Best inthe World - - -

Best of Liquors dj Wines.

E&. Our Saloon is thoroughly renovatedand refurnished and wo trust that ourstock will please overy taste.


Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales nnd




Aro of the finest and come to ndirect from Europe


Imported st might from Louis-ville, Ky,




Tho celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .



225 Quoon fitroot, Honolulu, H. I,


Contractor and Builder.Ofllccs and Stores fitted up and

Estimates gl en on


J3T Ofllco and Shop: No. C10 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop.


Architect and Superintendent

g, Office: 305 Fort street,Spreckels' Block, Room 5.Residence: Hawaiian Hotel.


....DEALERS IK....


Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

LEWERS & COOKE,473 Fort Stroot. - Telephone 20,

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, - President nnd MnnngerClans Spreckels, ... nt

W. M. Giflnrd, - Secretory and TreasurerThoo. O. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AGENTS OP TUB



Queen street, Honolulu, H.I,

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomca SugarCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WaltukuSugar Company, Walhee Sugar Company, MakeeSugar Company, HaleJlcata Ranch Company,

Ranch. Planters' Llt.e San FranciscoPackets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'a Line of Bostonrackets Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list or ofticem:P O Jones, President; George H Robertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Seoretaryj Col. W F Allen, Auditor; O M Cooke,H waterhonse, A W Carter, Directors.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town--Tea and Coffee


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.

Eagle --: HouseNtm mi ti Avenue.

CARL KLEMME, FraprlBtar,

New management. Commodious rooms.Table Board the finest, including manyPalatable German Dishes.

Board ail Room, per week $6.50 to $7.50Table Boart, per week $5.00


T". Cxo-OBe-, ... 3?rop.

Per Day. $ 2.00Per Week 12.00

The Best of Attendance, tho Boat Situa-tion and the Finest Meato in this City


SINGER'S -:- - BAKERYEstablished 1S74.

King St. near Thomos Square

Home-Mad- e BREAD,Cakes : and : Pies

JJtar" Served Froah Every Day.

H. P. SINGER,Tolophouu 872. Solo Crop'r.

Oyster Cocktails

The ElitGvlce Cream Parlors

in. I-IO-

j3 , rf , j nj ZE3 ju IHotel street, near Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOf all kinds.

fjGT The Tinest Imported and Home,made Confectionery,

; BLsi;' rkiBgraiaW$HI tffi '

Real Estateiiskr..


H"ov Sale.1 Sold.2 Sold.a Two Stores on Nuuanu ctrevt. "

4 Lot ou Magazine Hill, il'Uxjl feet,commanding an excellent iIcit of the cityand harbor.

5 Lot on Ilackfcld street, bOxlOO.0 A Choice Hcsldcnce on Lunalllo street,

havlriL' all modern iinlinncmciite.7 dold.ti Four Houses and Lots on l'linclihowl

street, all rented at a monthly rental of 10J.This proerty Is SMfeet on l'linchbonl strec,wltliadqitb of 82tf fiet running to the drillgrounds or armorr, with a frontage on samefor 4 or 3 more cottages. Tho central loca-tion of the property makes It most aallattc.

U House and Lot on Klnau street. Lor70x I IH ft. This property will bo sold at cos.'and is an excellent bargain for a borne seeker,Tbo house Is elegant) finished and of tbobest workmanship and materials There Is acarriage house and barn on the premises andthe yurd Is well laid out with fruit and oruamental trees.

10 Kino Itesldcnec centrally located,containing .5 rooms. Lot IJOxSOU ft. Twosmall lottagcs ou the lot bringing In goodrental.

UTJ Acres or Land lu Kallbralliy, (Wal-kl-

side). A stream oi water Mows alongthis land. A bargain.

12-t- iold

13 8old.H A Coicmodlous Hcsldcnce onHasslngei

street, fitted ultb all modern comcnlcncis. ()will trade tor suburban property,


10 House and Lot on Ilcrctanla strettHouse contains I) rooms, and all modern conTcnlenccs. Lot K.'jxH.I.

17. Fine Itisldence on Bcrctanla street.For further particulars inquire at my office,

18. A Houso and Lot on Young street.Ill House and Lot corner Victoria ap4

Beretanla streets, opposite Thomas (fliuin.house lontalns 0 rooms. Blzeoflot KXixCOU,


lil Houso and Lot on Young street ns.rthe residence ot tbe Rer. Mr. 11) de. LotHOxIlu. House contains eight rooms.

SJ-S- old.

B3 Pearl City Property.21Deslrable Tract of Coffee Land on Ha-

waii.25 A most Desirable Homo on Thurston

avenue. Large grounds and beautiful flow.,er garden; house furnished throughout in.hard wood with all latest Improvement.Excellent view of tho city and ocean, andouo which cannot bo cut off.

20 A Large Lot nud Commodious Dwel-ling on Qrecn Street, commanding an nn.obstructed vlow of the city and harbor. Nochoicer residence is to bo had in the cityOTen by tho most fastidious.

87 A New House ot sctcu rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent VV

C, servant .' quarters and stables. One blockfrom car line at Puuahou.

23-- Only 4 of those Lots left near Kameba-me- ha

school.29 Two Houses and Lots on Llllha street.SO An 18 Acre Tract of Land at Kallul

suitable for dh Idlng up Into building lots.31 A House and Lot on Alakea street.82 A Beautiful Building Lot at Kallbl,

11)0x200, cleared, fenced and water laid on.33 A Gently Sloping Lot on Thurston

avenue, 240x125, hating a frontage on Orrenstreet of 105 feet, and commanding a bird's-ey- e

view of tbo city and harbor.old.

85 Elegant Beach Properly at WalMkl.36-S- old.

eonlj CHOICK LOT leftatMakllciltadjcliistbc resident e of J A Oilman audthe rusldcncc sites of W L Hopper, H Laws,and Dr Wood.


39 Sold.40 8old.41 Lot on Maklk street. Pxllo Cheap42 House and Lot on Peterson Lane, a,

House contains U rom. Lot 75x110.43 Dwelling House of 0 rocms , fitted with

all modern coutcnlcncei Lot 125x110Situated at Palama.

Lot on WalklKl Koad, lOOxllb.45 House and Lot on Nunanu street.

House contains eight furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near tho bueluesscenter of tbe city.

4U Elegant Hcsldcnce at Punahou. Houseof 7 rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot Ioox2oo, nicely planted with fruit andornamental trees.

4712 Suits of Furniture complete andthe renta! of the most dcsirnhle nnd cen-trally located Lodging House iu th city.

48 Pineapplo ltauch 26,000 fruitingplants, 600 lime trees, 50 Avocado peartroes, peach trees and Alfalfa crop. TwoDwellings, barn, etc. An Al investment.

40 -- SO Acres Codec land In fee simple, and150 acres, ou a 80 j ears lease with a prltllegeof fifteen years more, situated at Puna, Ha-waii, near Uoudlcs' coffee plantation. Nfine coffeo land to be bad.

50 A Lodging House on Fort street con-sisting of twenty furnished rooms, al occu-pied by lodgers. A bargalp for the rightperson.

51 A House and Lot on Bcrctanla street be-tween Punchbowl and Hichards streets. Housecontains seven rooms, beside bathroom andkitchen. Lot 75x110. and well laid out withgrass and ornamental trees.

Notice: I can Negotiate Loans on anv oithe above property ior purchasers desiringsame at from 50 to 75 per cent of tbo value.

Ior Rent.1 Warehouse ou Esplanade.2 Kented.8 A Furnished Cottage In a good location

for two or tbrco months.4-- A Beautiful Summer Residence at the

Peninsula, Pearl City, completely furnished;Ave rooms and sen ant's qusrte'rs. Will rentcheap to a desirable tenant, the lot Is overan acru In slru and well laid out, and com-mands a beautiful view of the bBf bor,

5 Store Room, 00x48, (25 per month,driveway Into It. Uerctunla 'street, rear ofCity Feed Store.

0 Piece ground 80 feel front, on Bcrcta-rl- lastreet, next to City Feed Storo. Will

erect good storu on ground and lease 5 yearsat 0 per month.

7 Rented.8 Routed.0 Furnished Cottage for couple at Wal-

Mkl, sen arils' quarters, stables, etc. fpermonth, long lease.10 Rented.

Hawaiian Business Agency,210 King street and 207 Merchant street.

Heal Estate Transactions.Subscribers aro furnished with from five

to six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord of nil deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers of attorney, etc, etc, whichnre placed on record. Also a list of alldistrict court judgments,

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.x

A V. GEAH, ..10 King St, Honolulu




Page 8: M y eVGNING BULLGTIN HW - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-01 · M x& y ASSOG r& vovovno(HN46aoA f Best tldvertising Medium. Tli,' HW X 7W-- j w?''AVirf 5c Bulkl.n, eVGNING BULLGTIN

JRpWW ffryT tpvr.

EVENING BULLETIN, FEBRUARY 15, 1897.MJWIIIWnlV MvlMUIMI'JIHHMIIiaMi '! I . WiMMiaaMJ(Hi.LPI1t HlimlWWI WHIM I.Wlll iwvumawiwmwm wwKHMt-seinirt- 0maernm m jtwUmw iriiiw '

ANOTHER BIG SHIP TODAY TTWroCTwr?5MrCTrrfimiv LEWERS & GQOKE Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line'sl ca i .. 'I CvT T -- IT" I T 1'



MAiti.K xotkn :.viiii:ttt:i thisWIN II V DAY.

I'lnnlrr 'Willi Coal Arrived Nnlur- -'

tla.-Uiil- Nll Slll SninaiillinAtony; tho Walerfrnnl.

Tlio steamers Claudine andMokolii of tho Wilder liuo willleavo tomorrow at 5.

On account of tho calo blowiugtoday, tho steamer Kaala did notgo out this momiug.

Tho Mikahtiln was on tho boardsto sail at 5 p m today for Muka-wel- i,

Wuimoa aud Kekaha.The steainor Nooau is posted to

depart at 3 tomorrow, the "Wai-aleal- o

at 1 and tho W G Hall at 5.Tomorrow, high title largo 2:31

a ui;high tide small 2:30 p m; lowtido largo 7:55 p m; low tido small9:32 am.

This is a breezy day. Au oldsea-do- g was observed standing ona corner today, whistling "Thewind blew through his whiskers."

Jolly Captain Thompson of thoHawaiian bark R P Rithet ex-

pects to set sail for tho GoldonGate on "Wednesday. This willbo his first trip in that vessel.Tho Bulletin wishes him aspeedy voyage.

It is suid tho strong breeze pre-vailing today is caused by tho in-

ability of an old blubbor-hunter'- s

shipmates up north, to swallow ayarn of his, but as soon as a littlesalt is procured they will got itdown. Ho is tolling how ho kill-ed two harpoons with ono whalosingle-hande-

This forenoon, tho Britishfour-maste- d ship Samnntlm, 2211touB, Captain Crowe, arrived oil"

the harbor. She was 15 days outfrom San Francisco, in ballast,and is to load sugar hare for NewYork. The big vessel was an-

chored near tho mouth of the har-bor until the afternoon, when shewas towed in.

Further progress? was made intho shipping trnllic of Hamburgduring the year 1890. Tho num-ber of arrivals was 10,177, thototal measurement being 0,115,000register tons net, against 9113ships and 0,251,000 tons in thoyear 1895. A largo proportion oftho traffic was, as in former years,douo with British ports.

The big four-maste- d schoonerAloha lias cleared for tho Hawai-ian isles with tho moat valuablocargo ever takou out of this portby a vessel of her rig. It con-

sists of all classes of merchandise,aud is valued at $52,710, or a lit-

tle more thau thevaluntion placedupon tho cargo of the last Chinastoamer. Among tho big schoon-er's cargo will be a largo consign-ment of mules, which aro intend-ed for work on the plantations.S F pnper.

Saturday afternoon tho Ameri-can barkeutino Planter, Dow mas-ter, was towed into port by thotug Eleu. Sho was 51 days milfrom NewcaBtlo, Australia, fromwhich port she cleared on Dec 20.Tho Plauter passed the barkeu-tino Wrestler olt New Zealand onJan 1. Bough weather was hadduring tho long trip, aud on Feb11 tho vessel was blown pastOuhu. Captaiu Dow, who hashis wife aud two children withhim, has been a way from Hono-lulu for about a year. ThoPlanter brought 857 tous of coalfor Cnstle fc Cooko. Sho is tiodup at tho Uailroad wharf.


From Kauai,per stmr Keauhou,Feb 13-Ja- mes Blakio, It C LPerkins and 2 on deck.

From Kauai, por Waialeale,Fob 11 Mr Gardener and 0 deck.

From Kauai, por fctnir "W GHall, Fob 11 Mr and Mrs W HEice, Miss May Girvin, Hon H"Watorhouse, Master H Christian.O' W Spitz, Miss Emma TaiFook, Ah Kana, Ah Poo, AhMuk and 10 on dock.

From Maui, por stmr Claudine,Fob 11 D Center, wife and 5Children, Miss Godfrey, Mrs WH Charlock,Count von Schwoinitz,E H Uailey, Miss Koliinoi, MasterJ P Yates, Master F Dunn, P NKahokuoluua, J K losopa, YoungKui aud Sou, N AV Aluli, MasterAluli, Mastor J Pa, M P Waiwai-ol- o,

J W Davidson Jr, MasterAVm Campbell, Mastor Wm Pu-noli- o,

S Deoker, Mrs E P Hosoand child, Mastor J Hoso, S MBallou, A Kidd, AV J Sheldon and

" wife, J S McOandless, and 11deck.


lfHVSiU5ICTW PACKED I M VERVUnoEANB" HrttfriS XJ? ,vtTIMn contain none 1


loneTmlwill pro?e Iheir



Sattkiut, Feb. 13.

Am bUtu Planter, Dow, from Newcastle.

Si'niiat, Feb. 14.

Stmr ClnudliK--, Camcion, from ports onMaui.

8tmr W 0 Hull, Halum, from ports onKauai.

Stmr tVuliiUalc. I'arker, from Kaunl.

Slmr KaaU. Mother, from Oaliu ports.Stmr Mokolll, Nellsou, from Molokal.Maul,

and Lanal.Monday, Feb- - 15.

8tmr Nocau, Peterson, from Hamakua,Hawaii.

Br ship Sainantlin, Crowe, from San Fran-cisco.


8tmr WaUlcalc, Parker, for Kllauea,anil Ilatiakl.

Stmr Knnla, Moshcr, for Kabuku and

Stmr W O Hall, HokIuuJ, for Uanamaulnand Koloa.

Stmr Nocau, Peterson, forLabnina, Ilono-ka- a

and Kukulliaclc.Stmr Claudine, Cameron, for Maul.

Stmr Mokolii, Nellsou, (orMoloknl, Mnul,aud Lanal.


Ex stmr Claudine .1141 sks suear, 139 skspotatoes, 25 sks com, 50 bead cattle, 40 bogs,5 horses, I surrey.IUd pkgs sundjtcs.

Kv stmr Kcauliou -,- liB0 bags sugar, !J casesmacblucry, 2 pk?s sundries.

Kx stmr V O Kail --5?0 unj;a Mitfar, Inbdls bides, oU bngi rice, 45 pkga sundries.

Ex stmr Walalcalc S530 bags sugar, 7C7bags paddy, 50 bags rice.

Ex slmr Kaala--20J- 5 bai;s sui;ar.Ex stmr Nociu 3901 baj; sugar.


N.AM.II 11 M S Icarus, Fleet, I'.sijulmnlt.U t S Alert, llauford, San Francisco.


(Coasters not Included lu tbls list.)Dr ship Samantha, Crowe. S F, Feb 15.Am bktn I'lautcr, Dow, Newcustle, Feb 13.Am sclir Kobcrt Leweis, (loodman, New-

castle.Ilr bk lioutenbeck, Uodgcrs, Liverpool,

Feb 7.Am bk S C Allen, Johnson, S F.Am ship II 11 Hyde, Scilbucr, S F.Am schr Transit, Jorgenson, S K.Am bk Alden Hesse, 1'otter, 8 F.Am bktn Irmgnrd. Schmidt, S F.Am bktn Artier, Calhoun. S F.Ilr bk Northbrook, Law don, Honjtkoii!;.tier ship Marie Hackfehl, Krusc, llrtmcu.Gcr bk J C Glade, Liverpool.Haw sehr Honolulu, Tbonaj;ul, Tocopllla.Haw bk II 1' ltllhct. Tborapion, Nuwcastlc.Am bk Albeit, (lilllllbs. S F, Kibti.Am ship O F Sargent. Morie,Ncwca8tleFcb 1

Am ship May Flint, Xlekelt, S F F.b I'J.


Vessels hero trom Due8 S ClilltOKOiis l'ortliml, Feb 10

Warrlmoo Victoria " 10City ut Peking S F " UD

Mliiwcra Colnnles " iilHel-- Voliuhsmn " "JG

Uk iviulnolc, Nowiicastlu .. ..FebSUkCallao, Nucsstle DueAm bk Amy Tinner,. .New York DueNlc bk Dominion, ....Newcastle DueIlk (i C Perkins Newcastle DueIlklu Wrestler Newcastle Due(Jer bk Paul Imiberj;.. ..Liverpool DueAm scbr Aloha S F Duu


MOjSMAK-- On Suiiday. February 14, 18'j7.to the wlfu of lltcbard Mosiman, adaut;hter.

Nicely furnished rooms nt thePopular House, 151 Fort street,from S1.00 per week up.

That picture in King Bros,window which has attracted somuch attention is not tho portraito anyone here.

Sterling, tho painter, is pre-pared to quota prices on roofpainting. He uses a composition ofcoal tar and cement. Cheapestand beat' roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Ntiunnti streets, lodging byday, woek or month. Tonne: 25and 50 cents por night. $1, andS1.25 ror week.

City (Jurringe O0..J. S, And.rndo, manager. If you want ahnok with good horso and care-ful drivor ring up felophono 118,corner of Fort and Merchanttreo.t" Hack n I n)I hours.

f5ul)"ortl)H for tho TCvenino Box-'.BTI-

76 cents por ramth.


One Hear Too MAiiy.

When tho woman nt whoso cnbin Itook dlnucr on tho crust of tho Cumber-land mountains told mo Unit sho was awidow, I folt it a sort of duty to Inquireif her husband had died by sickucss oraccident.

"Neither one," sho replied. "Hodiedof too much Hotucss. "

"How was that?""Ho'd lioked ono b'ar in a fair tout,

and ho thought ho could lick two. Howas sot to do it, and 0110 day ho runacross tho b'ars and sailed in."

"And thcro wcro too many bears forhim?"

"Thar was. When tho font ended iiohad killed ono b'ar, but t'other critterand mo wus widdcrs nud hov bin so overeence." St, Louis Republic.

Medical Ad r Joe.

Doctor Yon aro far from woll. Asedentary occupation does not agrcowith you.

Patient What must I do?Doctor Well, Mr. Brulsor, yon must

giro up pugilism and go into eomo linoIn which you will have sufllcicnt exor-

cise. New York Sunday World. '

No Dlrerilon to II Im.

"That spiritual medium played Pid-ge- r

a moan trick last night.""What was it?""He asked to linvo somo gifted

materialized, uud theycalled up his mother-in-law.- " ChicagoRecord.

Ills Thirst."It's nwful to see n man with such

an iusutiublo thirst for nowrpnper noto-riety."

"How so?""Why, ho drinks barrels of patent

medicines. "Detroit News.

A Victim of Science."Gombsy's in a dreadful plight.""How's that?""Why, his surgeon put a rabbit's oyo

in in pluco of tho 0110 ho lost, and hisnose twitches liko mad tho wholo time. "

Now York Herald.

Where They Are.Tho summer girl wo sco no more

Nor uvea bear about bur.Tho banimock bung In ugly folds.

Its charm U gono without her.

Tho dainty frocks sho used to wearNo louger grucd tho uocnory,

To udd brltiht bits of coloringTo sunimur'H wuutou greenery.

No paper novels deck the lawnOr long hotel verandas.

Let fall In hato when Charlies camTo suo thulr fair Amandas.

Tho Idlu Hkld is crcwless now,The tennis around deserted.

Tha snmmiT Iioiihu Is tcnuutleuWberu generations dlrtcd.

Tho bathing Ifach Itself U bareOf all that inado It charming.

In fact, tho countryside displaysSome symptoms qulto alarming.

Yot Is thn Bpeclcs not extinct,As you may learn by stunllng

A clancn adowu the boulevard.Whore all tho world Is wheeling.

Detroit Now

A 1'alr UDistlon.

Ho (bitterly) Pshaw 1 AU womenaro alike.

Sho Then why In tho world do youspend so much time trying to find thoone you wont to marry? Boston Globe.

t Mot m Trilby.

!-- i

"Tako yo photograph altogothor?""S-i-rl- " Truth.

LUMBER,IB-ULild-ex- s'

Paints, Oils and Glass

Wail Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc , Etc.

LE.WERS & C00KE,473 F r street, ... - Telepbono 20i

Wm. 8. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED).

Wm. O Irwin, - President ond ManagerOlnus Bpreckelfl, ... nt

W. M. Qiirnrd, Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AQENT8 OF THE



Queen etrcct, llonolula, 11. 1.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Aerlcultiir.il Company, Onomra SuearCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WallukuSugar Company, Wallicc Sugar Company, MaliceSugar Company, Ilaleakala Ranch Company,

Ranch. Homers' Line San FranclicoPackets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BostonPacketsAgents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Hoird nt Underwriters.

mst or oiticers :

P O Jones, President! Gdorge H Kobertson,Mansgerj E F Itishop, Tronwrer nud

Col. V FAlleu, Auditor; OM Cooke,II WnterhouHe, A V Cftrler, Directors.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL HOOnS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS OK IIAKD.

Eagle -:- - HouseN1111111111 Avenue.

CARL KLEMME, FropriBtnr,

New mnungement. Commoilions rooms.Table Hoard tho finest, including manyl'alutnblo German Dishes.

Board and Room, per week $6.50 to $7.50

Table Board, per week


V. ICX013J30. - Fxo&Per Day 8 2.00Per Week 12.00

Cpclal 2Jloiitlily ZZaitaalThe Best of Attendance, the Best Situa-tion and the Finest Meals in this City


Established 1S74.

King St. nonr Thomas Square

Home-Mad- e BREAD,Cakes : and : Pies

BBorvod Frosh Evory Day.

H. P. SINGER,TolopboDO 872. Solo Prop'r.

Oyster Cocktails


The Elito Ice Cream Parlors

in. KCOKisr:q .A-:e-c :e :eb --sr iHotel street, near Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOfallkuvis,

The Finest Imported and Home.made Confectionery.

U' tt v,,l-- V

telA r Wv.iv:5- -l&JHiSirS- - w- -"

Steamers of the nbovo Lino running in conueotiou with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBotweon Vancouver, B. O., nnd Sydney, N. 8. W nnd calling nt Viotorio, B. O..

Honolulu nnd Suvn (Fiji),

jsjzztt jdtjtb urr ico3srbXj"uri-iTJ- 'On or about the dates below stated, viz.!

From Bilnoy ami Sura, for Victoria andVancouver. It. C.t

Stmr "MIOWERA" February 24Stmr "WAIUUMOO" March 24

" At.rH 24Stmr ' 'WARM MOO' May 24

Tliroiifrli Tickets 1hhiic1 from Honolulu to Cunntln,United States ami Europe.


D. MoNicoli, Montreal. Cannda.Roner.T Kr.it it, Winnipeg, Canada.

M. M. Steiin, Bun Finnoisco, Cal. .G. MoL. Buowh, Vancouver, B. O.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:Tho New and Fino Al Steel Steamship

"Zealandia"Of the Ocennio Steamship Company willbo duo at Honolulu from Sydney nndAuckland on or about

March 4, 1897.And will leavo for the nbove port withMails and Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

The New nnd Fine Al Stee .Steamship

"Alameda" I

Of the Ocennio Steamship Company willjbe duo nt Honolulu from San Franciscoon or about

March 11, 1897.Aud will hnve prompt despatch withMails and russengers for the above ports.

Tho nndorsigned nre now preparedto issuo

ThroiiBh Tickets to All Pointsin tho United States.

tarFor further particulars regardingFreight or Pnssngo apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,General Agents.

Oceanic uteanu Go.

Txxxo 'ggt'toloLOCAL LINE

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leav Honolulu

from 8. F. for S. F.March 2. 1897 March 10, 1807Murch 30, 1897 A pril 7, 1897


From San Frnucisco From Sydney forfor Sydney. Snn Francisco.

Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Alameda. Mo 11, 97 I Zealandia, Mo 4, '97Mariposa, April 8, '97 I Moana, April 1, "97



Jugsl lugsl IugslYolvetPilo,


' " Dnghestau,BruBBols. '

Sofa Rugs I Floor Rugs I

Mats! Mats!Tapestry nnd Carpets,

Stair Carpets,Hall Carpets,

Crumb Cloths and Druggets.

XST All Just Received at



Merchant and Richards Streets.

$r 8hnrnens Tools and Cutting Knives,(Irlnclsilurnicnl Inetruments to Order, FlicsSaws, etc., etc. 4H-- tf

From Victoria ami Vanrnuver, Hi O,, toSum ami Sjilneyl

8tmr "WAIUUMOO" '..February 16Stmr "MIOWERA" ; Match 16Stmr "WAIUUMOO" April 16Stmr "MIOWEltA" May 16;

EST For Freight nud J'nssngo nnd nilGeneral Information, apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for tho Hawaiian Inlands.

Wife's Steamship Co's

TIME TABLE.0. h. WIGnT, Tres. S. R. ROSE. See.

Oapt. J. A. KINO, I'ortSupt,

Stmr. KINATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touohingMaalaoa Bay and Makena the

samodays Mahukona. Eawaihaoand Laupahoehoo the following day, arriving atllllo the same evening.


Tuosday Feb. 23 Friday Feb. 10"Friday Mar. 6 Tuesday... ..Mar. 2Tuesday Mnr. 1(1 Friday... ..Mar. 12Friday Mar. 20 Tuesday.. .Mar. 23

Returning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'clockr. m., touchiog at Laupuhoehoe, Mnhukona and Kawalhae mtuo day; Makena,Maalacalloy and Laliaiun "the followingday; arriviue at Honolulu the nftrnonnaof Tuesday and Fridays...,Will..... ...n-l.-l- l.l nvan iu iuuuiki, rniuii

aOSNo Freight will lie received after12 noon on day uf Bailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6r.it.)touching at Kahulul, Huna, IlnmounndEipahulu, Maui. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, on second tripof each month.

No Freight will be received afterp- - "' on any of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomake changes in tho time of departure andarrival of its steauieis without notice andit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterit has been lauded.

Live Stook only at owner's risk.This Company will not bo responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengersunless placed in the care of Pursers.

PasKcngors aro requested to purchasetickets before embarking. Those fulling tortf, CA .1.111... llA fll.llt.,., in nH nJ.tlllnB.l,v m uo DUUJPI.. IU HU UUUIUUUIM' flhorrrn of twcntr.Hvft wf ronf

HAWAHANBusiness Agency

L. C. Allies k Co. A.V. Gear & CD.

OUIce!J07.McrcImntat. Office 210 King St.


general Business AgentsLoaus Negotiated and Collections


Stooks Bought and Sold.Books Audited and .Accounts Adjuxtcd.

BUls Bought and NotBSniscnuntBd, ' ,

Fife and Life InguflancB flgeijtg

Just , ReceivedGold und Silverware;Crockory and Ivorywoio,Erabroidored Fans,Silk Handkerchiefs,Shawls, dorcons,Wliito GraBS Olofli, Mattingd,"Wicker aud Steamer Chairs,Cigars, Etc., Etc.,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nnuanu Street, Honolulu,

W. H. KICKARD,General Business AgentWill attend to Conveyancing in

all its Branchos, Collectingand all Business Matters

of trustAll Business entrusted to him

will receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Oflico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii,
