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  • 7/29/2019 m10 Qtrees Final


    Qtrees and SecurityStyles

    Module 10

    Data ONTAP 7.3 Fundamentals

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    2008 NetApp. All rights reserved. 2

    Module Objectives

    By the end of this module, you should be able to:

    Describe multiprotocol configuration on a

    storage system, including the/etc/usermap.conf file

    Explain the purpose of a security style

    Configure a security style setting for a qtree

    and a volume

    Explain the difference between security stylesand access types using the CLI and FilerView

    Explain, create, and manage quotas using the

    CLI and FilerView

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    A qtree is a logically defined file system that

    exists as a special subdirectory at the root of a


    When creating a qtree, you can:

    Partition data within a volume Establish special quota requirements

    The maximum number of qtrees is 4,995 per

    volume Qtrees look like a directory to the client

    Qtrees can be removed from the client by

    removing the directory or using FilerView

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    Qtree Advantages

    Set a qtree security style without affecting the

    security style of other qtrees in a volume

    (discussed later)

    Set CIFS oplocks, if appropriate, without

    affecting the settings of projects in other qtrees Use tree quotas to limit the disk space and

    number of files available to each qtree in a

    volume (discussed later)

    Backup and restore qtrees

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    Security Styles

    Every qtree and volume has a security style

    setting that determines whether files in that

    qtree or volume can use Windows NT ACLs or

    UNIX security

    There are three security styles: NTFS



    To change the security style using the CLI:

    qtree security


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    Security Styles

    Security Styles

    Security Style

    Hosts that can

    change Security/


    CIFS Client Access

    Determined by

    NFS Client Access

    Determined by

    unix NFS clients

    UNIX permissions

    Windows user

    names mapped toUNIX account

    UNIX permissions

    mixedNFS and CIFS


    Depends on the last client to set security

    settings (permissions)

    ntfs CIFS clients Windows NT ACLs

    Windows NT ACLs

    UNIX user names

    mapped toWindows account

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    Adding a Qtree

    To add a qtree using the CLI:

    qtree create

    To add a qtree using FilerView:

    FilerView > Volumes > Qtree > Add

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    Qtree Commands

    system> qtree create /vol/vol2/updates

    system> qtree security /vol/vol2/updates mixed

    system> qtree oplocks /vol/vol2/updates disable

    system> qtree create /vol/vol3/show03

    system> qtree security /vol/vol3/show03 ntfs

    Volume Tree Style Oplocks Status

    -------- -------- ----- -------- ------

    vol0 unix enabled normal

    vol0 mktg ntfs enabled normal

    vol1 unix enabled normal

    vol2 unix enabled normal

    vol2 updates mixed disabled normal

    vol3 ntfs enabled normal

    vol3 show02 mixed enabled normalvol3 show03 ntfs enabled normal

    system> qtree status

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    Managing Qtrees

    To manage qtrees using the CLI:

    qtree status

    To manage qtrees using FilerView:

    FilerView > Volumes > Qtree > Manage

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    NetApp storage systems support

    heterogeneous environments:

    CIFS (usually associated with Windows NTFS)

    NFS (usually associated with the UNIX file

    system) Setting the security style of a volume or qtree


    UNIX, does not prevent CIFS users from access

    NTFS, does not prevent NFS users from access

    NOTE:The storage systems multiprotocol feature must be properly


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    NAS File Access: Four Scenarios

    There are four basic scenarios for NAS fileaccess:

    1. A UNIX client accesses a UNIX file (notmultiprotocol)

    2. A PC client accesses a file with an ACL (notmultiprotocol)

    3. A UNIX client accesses a file with an ACL

    4. A PC client accesses a file with UNIX


    Because the first two scenarios are notmultiprotocol scenarios, this modules focuses

    on scenarios 3 and 4.

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    The /etc/usermap.cfg File

    The /etc/usermap.cfg file maps between

    Windows NT and UNIX accounts when:

    The Windows NT account name does not

    match the desired UNIX account name

    A different UNIX account is requiredA different Windows NT account is required

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    The /etc/usermap.cfg File (Cont.)

    Format for File Entries

    IPqualifier: NTdomain\NTuser direction

    IPqualifier: UnixUser

    "Bob Garg" == bobg

    mktg\Roy => nobodyengr\Tom => ""


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    The /etc/usermap.cfg File (Cont.)

    Guidelines for Using Asterisks

    uguest *

    homeuser\* == *

    *\root => administrator


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    UNIX User Accessing an NTFS Qtree

    Authenticate with domain


    If user is mapped to



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    Windows NT User Accessing a UNIX Qtree

    /etc/passwd or

    NIS unixuser ID

    If user is mapped to


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    Multiprotocol Security Administration

    Use these guidelines to keep entries simple and

    easy to understand:

    Make Windows and UNIX user names the

    same whenever possible. If the names are

    identical, you do not need to create mapentries in the /etc/usermap.cfg file.

    Avoid confusing entries that map the same

    user to different user names.

    Use IP qualifiers only to restrict access.

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    Quotas are necessary to:

    Limit the amount of disk space that can be used

    Track disk space usage

    Warn of excessive usage

    Quota targets




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    Managing Quotas in FilerView

    To manage quotas in FilerView:

    FilerView > Volumes > Quotas

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    Adding a Quota Using

    the Quota Rule Wizard

    Step 1: Quota Type

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    Adding a Quota Using

    the Quota Rule Wizard (Cont.)

    Step 2: Limits

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    Adding a Quota Using

    the Quota Rule Wizard (Cont.)

    Step 3: Commit

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    Turning Quotas On or Off

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    Qtree Statistics

    To display the number of NFS/CIFS operations resulting

    from user access to files in a qtree:

    qtree stats

    system> qtree stats

    No qtrees are in use in Volume vol1

    No qtrees are in use in Volume vol0Volume Tree NFS ops CIFS ops

    -------- -------- ------- -----

    flexvol1 datatree1 9 262


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    Quota Errors

    Disk quota exceededResults from requests

    that cause a user or group to exceed an

    applicable quota

    Out of disk space Results from requests

    that cause the number of blocks or files in aqtree to exceed the qtree limit

    Root or Windows administrator account

    Group quotas do not apply

    Tree quotas do apply

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    Editing Quota Rules

    To edit quota rules using FilerView:

    FilerView > Volumes > Quotas > Edit Rules

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    Quota Rules

    New users or groups created after the default quota is

    in effect will have the default value

    Users or groups that do not have a specific quota

    defined will have the default value

    Configurable rules (/etc/quotas fields) are:

    # Target Type Disk Files Thold Sdisk Sfiles

    * user@/vol/vol2 50M 15K 45M - 10K

    /vol/home/usr/x1 user 50M 10K 45M - -

    21 group 750M 75K 700M - 9000

    /vol/eng/proj tree 100M 75K 90M - -

    writers group@/vol/techpub 75M 75K 70M - -acme\cheng user@/vol/vol2 200M - 150M - -

    [email protected] user - - - - -

    rtaylor user@/vol/vol2 200M - 150M - -

    s-1-5-32-544 user@/vol/vol2 200M - 150M - -

    NOTE: Columns are separated by white spaces.

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    Quota Report

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    Resizing Quotas

    Quota information is stored in the/etc/quotas file

    Resizing adjusts the active quotas in a specific

    volume to reflect changes in the

    /etc/quotas file The values in the /etc/quotas file are

    displayed in FilerView when you select:

    FilerView Volumes Quotas Edit Rules

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    Resizing Quotas (Cont.)

    For changes to take effect, you must select Resize.

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    Quota Information

    Beginning with Data ONTAP version 7.3,

    AutoSupport contains the following quota


    A collection of quota statistics, including a set of

    new counters that collect quota statistics The quota configuration file (/etc/quotas)

    The user mapping file (/etc/usermap.cfg)

    Quota information is included in ASUP as


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    Module Summary

    In this module, you should have learned to:

    Qtrees allow administrators to create logical

    file systems within a volume

    Quotas are applied to qtrees

    The /etc/usermap.cfg file allows Windowsusers to be mapped to a UNIX account or

    UNIX users to be mapped to a Windows


    The /etc/quotas file defines qtree, volume,

    and user quotas for specific users as well as

    the default user

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    Module 10: Qtrees and Security


    Estimated Time: 60 minutes

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    Module 10: Qtrees and Security


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    Check Your Understanding

    What is a qtree?

    A logically defined file system or a sub volume

    What are security styles?

    Permissions for the qtree

    Does a security style prevent protocols fromaccessing the volume or qtree?

    No, they only define which rules to apply

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    Check Your Understanding (Cont.)

    What are the functions of a quota?

    Limit amount of disk space that can be used

    Track disk space usage

    Warn of excessive usage

    Name three quota targets. Users, groups, and qtrees