m36 presentation

M36 CMC Presentation on Information societies

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Post on 07-Dec-2014




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• Presentation on Information societies

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Introduction• The presentation you are about to see will give a

synopsis about how our traditional societies used to maintain their culture and the historic moments of their daily lives versus the second life that we are studying presently.

• We will be able to discuss about how people used to save their memories through rock paintings, craftsmanship, dances and household settings that were lived in.

• We will also be able to view how in contrary today, technological advancements have led us to get closer to the ones we love or to carry out day to day activities more efficiently through advanced transportation systems, e-mail, banking, shopping and even going to school on line est..

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CULTURE• Culture is the world made meaningful; it is socially constructed and

maintained through communication. It limits as well as liberates us; it differentiates as well as unites us. As it defines our realities and thereby shapes the ways we think, feel, wear, dance and act.

• Culture defines our realities, but who contributes to the construction and maintenance of culture? Because culture is constructed and maintained through communication, it is communication that cultural power resides and because mass media are such a significant part of the modern world, more and more attention is being paid to the interaction between mass communication and culture.

• Culture serves a purpose, it helps us categorise and classify our experience s, it helps defines us, our world and our place in it. As I have said culture is a historical transmitted pattern of meanings embodied in symbolic by means of which (people) communicate, perpetuate and develop their knowledge about and attitudes towards life.

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Culture Changes• With the coming of literacy the ability to effectively and

efficiently comprehend and use written symbols, the social and cultural rules and structures of modern times began to change; people could accumulate a permanent body of knowledge from one generation to another generation.

• Due to the dynamic nature of culture, Traditional African culture has been neglected in pursuit for new commercial and technological ways of survival. Farming, hunting, fishing etc. has been left behind.

• Every major advance in mass communication technology has affected the cultures that used it. Today, many experts argue that television and computers are equal in influence to Gutenberg’s marvel. Whether you agree or not, there is no doubt that the introduction of mass market newspapers and magazines, motion picture, radio, television, and computers has created a world markedly different from that which existed before their arrival.

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• http://www.ianadwendy.com (kalahari Desert in Botswana)

• www.visualdictionaryonline.com • www.geographic.org• www.theodora.com• www.tesolhouse.com• www.herontrips.com• www.featherednestonline.com• http://2.bp.blogsport.com• http://agglutinations.com• http://Ih5.ggph.com

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